For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace" (Heb. 13:9).
Thorough and intelligent establishment in the principle of grace concerning one's justification (re-birth) is the necessary footing for reliance upon the same principle for one's sanctification (growth). Unless the former is well settled, the latter will be badly unsettled.
"When the Lord Jesus has once died and risen, He is through with sin forever. He is now living in the eternal light of His Father's face. He is our Adam, our life. We died in Him. We were raised in Him. Through our death with Him at Calvary we have escaped forever from the old Adam life. Our feelings have nothing to do with it. It was all accomplished at the Cross.
"We dare not deny God's Word. He says we died with Christ. We can cry triumphantly, when we know: I died unto sin with the Lord Jesus on the Cross, two thousand years ago! I reckon myself what the Father says I am in His Son - dead unto sin and alive unto God. Sin has no claim on me in the Lord Jesus, and cannot have dominion over me, as I yield myself to my Father in this wonderful new revelation of yielding myself to God, as one who is alive from the dead' (Rom. 6:13). Thus will we begin to find how true and how tremendous is the deliverance that is in the Lord Jesus for us. And thus alone will we really honor the grace of God." -W.R.N.
"There is no way to a full abiding fellowship with our Father, but through the rent veil of the flesh; through a life with the old man crucified in the Lord Jesus. God be praised that the Holy Spirit ever dwells in us to keep the old man in the place of crucifixion and condemnation, and to give us progressive liberty from all the old." -A.M.
"As we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly" (1 Cor. 15:49).
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