Personal Privilege 

This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Matt. 17:5).

All the Father accomplished on our behalf is that we might have all He has in His beloved Son. "For in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily" (Col. 2:9).

"Of all the marvels of the Father's grace, none is more marvelous than the fact of His bringing men into fellowship with Himself. That He should interest Himself in the concerns of our daily lives, is wonderful indeed; that He should give us glory in heaven above the angels is a wonder deeper still; but that He should call us to like thoughts, feelings, and to common objects with Himself is beyond conception." -H.F.W.

"It is by occupation with, and contemplating the Lord Jesus Christ, that we are brought, by the enablement of the Holy Spirit, into fellowship with our Father; enabled to enter into His own thoughts concerning, and even to share His own affections for that blessed One who now is seated at His own right hand." -E.D.

"There is a marked distinction between the Father's actings in old times and since the day of Pentecost. He had revealed Himself to man in man's circumstances till that day; since then He has been requiring man to come into His circumstances. The whole testimony of the Father now is to what the Lord Jesus is in heaven." -G.V.W.

"We only touch the positive blessings of Christianity as we reach the Lord Jesus Christ in glory. One may have a measure of relief and the assurance of eternal security because we trust the shed Blood and His finished work on the Cross, but when we come to divine favor and the reality of the Christian life, that is all connected with a Person, and inseparable from that Person." -C.A.C.

"When they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, except Jesus only" (Matt. 17:8).

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