The law, then, was our guardian described such a slave. This slave was not a teacher. until Christ, so that we could be justified by faith.
Galatians 3:24(HCSB)
That you... may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:18,19)
The mark of a life governed by the Holy Spirit is that such a life is continually and ever more and more occupied with Christ, that Christ is becoming greater and greater as time goes on. The effect of the Holy Spirit's work in us is to bring us to the shore of a mighty ocean which reaches far, far beyond our range, and concerning which we feel Oh, the depths, the fullness, of Christ! If we live as long as ever man lived, we shall still be only on the fringe of this vast fullness that Christ is.
Now, that at once becomes a challenge to us before we go any further. These are not just words. This is not just rhetoric; this is truth. Let us ask our hearts at once, Is this true in our case? Is this the kind of life that we know? Are we coming to despair on this matter? That is to say, that we are glimpsing so much as signified by Christ that we know we are beaten, that we are out of our depth, and will never range all this. It is beyond us, far beyond us, and yet we are drawn on and ever on. Is that true in your experience? That is the mark of a life governed by the Holy Spirit. Christ becomes greater and greater as we go on. If that is true, well, that is the way of Life. If ever you and I should come to a place where we think we know, we have it all, we have attained, and from that point things become static, we may take it that the Holy Spirit has ceased operations and that life has become stultified.
Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping His commandments, His judgments, and His statutes which I command you today, lest—when you have eaten and are full, and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them … when your heart is lifted up, and you forget the Lord your God. For it is He who gives you power to get wealth.
Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows; for so He gives His beloved sleep. § They did not gain possession of the land by their own sword, nor did their own arm save them; but it was Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your countenance, because You favored them. § There are many who say, “Who will show us any good?” Lord, lift up the light of Your countenance upon us.
A new and living way which He consecrated for us. § Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior. § For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.
Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but to Your name give glory. § To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. § You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation. § I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number … crying out with a loud voice, saying, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”
God . . . hath quickened us together with Christ and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus' (Eph. 2:6).
What is our attitude concerning our needs in the Christian life and warfare? Are we outside the armory, struggling and pleading for supplies? Or are we inside the arsenal, ready to be fully supplied and armed as our daily needs require? "Be strong in the Lord - be empowered through your union with Him; draw your strength from Him" (Eph. 6:10, Amp.).
"It has come these days with new light and power that the first thing we have to see to as we draw near to God day by day is that our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ. If we listen in the stillness till our hearts begin to respond to what He is thinking and feeling about the matter in question, whether it concerns ourselves or others, we can, from that moment, begin praying downwards from the Throne, instead of praying upwards from ourselves." -L.T.
"We must not think the revelation as to the will of God is an end in itself; it is but the first phase of a prayer ministry. When Daniel had prayed through to an understanding of the ways of the Lord, he then set himself three times a day to persevere in prayer for the fulfillment. His prayer ministry took him into the lion's den, but it also brought him out again, and he was able to see the things through to the glorious end." -H.F.
"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need" (Heb. 4:16).
Arise, shine for thy LIGHT has come.
Isaiah 60:1I am the LIGHT of the world: he that follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the LIGHT of life. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
John.8:12 John. 9:5Ye are the LIGHT of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.
Matthew 5:14
Have you ever taken a prism or a quartz and held it up to the sparkling sunlight? What a glorious display it shines out.. each component fractured into the visible spectrum. The intrinsic glories of light are displayed. They manifested in sweeping beauties of the rainbow – and Jesus said, I am the Light of the world.. and in Him is no darkness at all. From the Genesis of Scripture to its final Revelation, light radiates forth.
In Genesis 1:3 God said: Let there be light, and in Revelation 22:5 we read: and there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God gives them light. In Revelation 21:24 we read that: the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the LIGHT of it, while the sweet Psalmist lifted up his voice in glorious praise as he proclaimed forth in Psalm 119:105 - Thy Word is a light unto my feet… and in Psalm 27:1 the Lord is my light and my salvation…. and he reminds us that: the Lord clothes Himself with light as with a garment Psalm 104:2 and implores: O Lord, lift up the light of Thy countenance upon us. Psalm 4:6
The beloved disciple also affirmed that Jesus was indeed that wonderful light – the true light which lighteth every man that comes into the world John 1:9 – and he further commands us to: walk in the light, as He is in the light 1 John 1:7 while the Lord Jesus
read moreAnd Jesus said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness, and then he suffered Him.
Matthew 3:15I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.
Psalm 40:8For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.
Romans 10:4
Jesus is the substance of the Father. Jesus was begotten before the world was made. Jesus, the substance of the mother. Jesus, born into the world. Jesus, perfect God and perfect man. Jesus, Son of God and son of Mary. Jesus, the name above all other names. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus... sweetest name I know; fills my every longing – comforts my every heartache. Here is a life unlike every other that walked this earth. Here is a man Whose life was unique and Who lived a unique life.
His life was in sharp contrast with those around Him. His life is so pure, so different, so superior. No self-seeking, no self-pleasing. No strong desire to follow His own path or to ford His own stream: I delight to do Thy will, O my God: yea, Thy law is within my heart. Psalm 40:8. His - a life submitted to His Father; His - a walk.. obedient to the will of God! His - an example for us to follow: Thy will not Mine be done. Mark 14:36
Day by day He walked His Father’s will, as He laboured at the work-bench in the little carpenter’s shop; as He tramped the dusty way through city and villages, in Galilee and Judea. He magnified the 'broken' Law of the Most High. He fulfilled its righteous requirements. He demonstrated a life lived perfectly according to God’s statutes– and according to God’s precepts. He fulfilled all righteousness, as described by the former prophets. The LORD is well pleased for His righteousness’ sake; He magnifies the law, and makes it honourable. Isaiah 42:21
This life thus lived
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