The true service can be tested by these things, and the true servant can be tested by the measure of those virtues of Christ: utterly selfless, self-empty.
The more you understand the nature and scope of the Word, the more will you see the demand it makes on you and how unreserved must be your subjection to it; while as you are subject to it, you learn the blessedness and virtues of it.
In fact, we ought to be prepared for the dark hour; so that, though it be dark, there is something so blessed, so suited, pouring its comfort and sustenance on our souls, that, after all, the dark and dreary hour becomes a more really festive time to the heart, because of the virtues of the truth now made known, than the time of its reception, which was so happy and exhilarating. -J.B.S.
A person whose ancestors for three or four generations have all been Christians, may inherit their virtues; but although affecting his life for good, they do not count before God as righteousness, for they are not the fruit of the directly imparted divine life.
His Excellencies
The Church, which is the body of Christ, has been called and commissioned to display the many virtues and divine perfections of God, to a lost and dying world.
But the world, which is lying in the evil one, is blind and deaf to the virtues of their gracious Creator and His love for His creation.
His Witnesses
The Church is called to show forth the VIRTUES – the PRAISES – the PERFECTIONS of our heavenly Father, but we need to know His character if we to show forth His perfections.
Growing in Grace
If we could but recognise that problem, betrayals and needs are His mountains – strewn in our way to develop in us those prayed for graces and desired virtues – those that Christ Himself displayed in the uphill path that He chose to take.
Former Self
Natural ‘virtues’ and developed 'skills' mask the truth of who we are, but God knows! He knows every last, lingering, little, lustful leaning. He knows every pathetic, polluted, prideful propensity. Yet for that born-again believer, you are perfect in Him. But natural virtues and developed skills must be broken and shattered, as well as every last, lingering, little, lustful leaning.