Jesus had to be like His brothers in every way, so that He could become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.Hebrews 2:17
God’s Justice
God in His justice purposed that sin must be punished and the wages of sin is death. But God in His grace so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, to die... so that Christ would identify with man and become the propitiation for our sins – so that all Who believed on His name would not perish but have everlasting life.
High Priest
And there is even MORE- Jesus had to be like His brothers in every way, so that He could become a merciful and faithful High Priest in service to God, to make propitiation for the sins of His people. What grace that God should send His only begotten Son to be our kinsman-redeemer. What grace that the eternal Son of God should set aside His deity to be born as man and clothe Himself in human flesh – so that we could be redeemed by His blood.
You cannot find the exact meaning of any of the great doctrines, such as propitiation, reconciliation, justification, identification, redemption, sanctification, except in Paul’s Epistles.
Propitiation Price
It was in the heart of the Father from before the world began to redeem mankind. The propitiation price for sin was agreed – in the eternal council chambers of God. This was according to the eternal purpose that God has realised in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Therefore, He had to be like His brothers in every way, so that He could become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.Hebrews 2:17
You see, He had to be like His brothers in every way, so that He could become our merciful and faithful High Priest in service to God – so that He could make propitiation for the sins of the people – for your sins and for mine.
It cannot be too frequently emphasized that for the believer, the ground or basis of prayer is the death of Jesus Christ - the victory won by the Son of God on Calvary, just as the ground and basis of His intercession at this moment is His propitiation on the Cross.
It is beyond our comprehension that God could love us so dearly, that He gave His only begotten Son into the world to be the propitiation for our sin, such that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but receive eternal life as a free gift of His grace.
Christ is the propitiation for our sin, and this passage helps to explain the necessity for Christ to die on the Cross so that He may rise up to life immortal and bring many sons to glory.
Righteous prayer emanates from an obedience to God's Word and a mental attitude of love for Him, which was initiated by God Himself Who first loved us by giving His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
Evil, pain, disasters, and death are the result of sin, and God in His grace set out to conquer sin, death, and hell by sending His only begotten Son to become the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only but for the sins of the whole world.
For God in His grace chose to conquer sin, death, and hell, by sending His only begotten Son to become the propitiation for our sins.
It was the role of the priest to be the propitiation between God and man so that God's wrath against sin could be appeased and satisfied, in order that the sin barrier between God and man could be removed.
It could not be the propitiation for man's sins.
Only the sinless Son of God could be the propitiation for our sins and become the one and only Mediator between man and God, and between God and man.
In these end times in which we live, God in His grace sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sin so that all who believe in Him might be made new creatures in Christ and become part of a new creation.
It was God the Father Who sanctified His only begotten Son and He sent Him into the world to be the propitiation for our sins, and to save the human race.
It was because of His love for us that God gave His only begotten Son to be the propitiation for our sin, and Paul presents us with a question: IF God did not spare his own Son but gave Him up for us all... THEN will He not also with Him graciously give us all things?
While we were dead in sin and estranged from our Maker, He demonstrated His amazing love towards us by sending Jesus, His dearly beloved Son, to be the propitiation for our sin.
But herein is God's LOVE (as well as His righteousness, holiness, goodness, and grace), not that we loved God (for we were dead in our sins and at enmity with Him), but that He loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son into the world to be the propitiation for our sins so that all who believe on Him, would not perish but have everlasting life.
The Lord Jesus Christ has rightly been called the Prince of Peace, for Christ is the propitiation for our sins, bringing peace with God for all who believe in Him.
God knew that man would sin in the garden and become eternally estranged from his Heavenly Father, but in His grace and justice, God determined that His only begotten Son would become His sacrificial Lamb Who alone could be the propitiation for the sins of the whole world.
It is a divine love that cannot be compared with the inadequate love of fallen man, but is a love so penetrating that He sent the unique and only begotten Son of His love to be the propitiation for our sins.
God is the source of all love, and herein is love: Not that we loved Him but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. And we who have become part of His family by faith, are obligated to love as Christ loved us and to give our lives in sacrificial service for the benefit of others and to the glory of God.
He was to take the punishment that we deserve and become the propitiation for our sins.
In God's divine plan, His eternal Son was to become a full member of the human race in order to make propitiation for the sins of the people who would believe in Him, by faith.
However, before detailing the differences between justification, sanctification, propitiation, and a whole host of theological issues, Paul spends the best part of three chapters drumming home the truth - that man is a sinner, at enmity with God, and that the wages of sin is death - not only physical death, but eternal separation from God in the eternal lake of fire.
But God in His love, pity, mercy, and grace sent Jesus, His beloved Son, to be the propitiation for our sins, and all who believe on His name are saved by grace, through faith.
And so Christ prays for their protection and sanctification so that their future ministry would be effective, for having given them the Word of Truth through His earthly ministry, they were to be the ones that would spread abroad the gospel of God to a world that remained dead in their trespasses and sins: for God loved the world so much that He gave Jesus to be the propitiation for the sin of the whole world.
We are saved because God in His grace gave His Son to be the propitiation for our sins, and all we have to do is to believe this to be declared righteous by God and brought into His family.
And because of the great love with which He loved us, He sent Jesus to be the propitiation for our sin: But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our wrongdoings, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
We are charged to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, and we are counselled to believe on the One Whom God sent into the world to be the propitiation for our sins.
True, biblical repentance is towards God, and means to change one's mind about Jesus Who was sent by the Father to be the propitiation for our sin. 'Repentance to God' is turning away from sin TO Christ. 'Repentance' is ineffective unless one turns, in faith, to the Lord Christ for forgiveness.
For 4000 years, God prepared the way for His only begotten Son to be born into the world as the Propitiation for our sin and it was at the end of the dispensation of the Law (which Scripture refers to as 'the last days') that Jesus was sent from heaven to earth to fulfil His Father's plans and purpose for the race of man whom He had formed out of the dust of the earth in His own image and likeness.
He came as Man born of a woman – God of God yet Man of man, born into our sinful race as one of us so that He could be the propitiation for our sins and demonstrate the love of God towards us.
Our Lord comes alongside to bring us to the place of confessing and forsaking our sins before God so that sweet fellowship with the Father may be maintained, for if we sin we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, and He is the propitiation for our sins.
Jesus is not only our Saviour and Advocate, but He is also the Propitiation for our sins.
God is satisfied that payment for our sins has been fully met, for Christ is the propitiation for our sins, and not for our sins only but also for the sins of the whole world.
Christ's sacrificial death was so all-embracing, so comprehensive, and so efficacious that He is the Propitiation for the sins of the whole world.
HOWEVER, if we sin (by allowing the old sinful nature, to climb down from the place of death and reestablish its influence over our lives), then we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, and He is the propitiation for our sins. Jesus is the Mediator between man and God - and between God and man.
Christ, the eternal Son of God, died on the Cross and rose again the third day to be the propitiation for our sins in order to satisfy the righteous requirement of a holy God Who was eternally separated from the human race by sin but Who, before the foundation of the world, planned and purposed by His perfect will, to give Himself for our sin so that He might rescue us from this present evil age and the power of death.
It was love that caused God to send His only begotten Son into the world to be the propitiation for our sins so that we might be born of the Spirit and empowered to live a life of godly love through Him.
The gospel of grace is so simple that a little child can understand that God sent His dearly beloved Son, to die in our place - to be the propitiation for our sin, and to take upon Himself the punishment that we alone deserve.
The Bible tells us: He is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
His death completely satisfied the wrath of God. 'Propitiation' means 'satisfaction' and when God's wrath was poured out on Christ as the full and final payment for the sin of the whole world, God was fully satisfied.
Christ is the propitiation for all mankind, and God is fully satisfied with His sacrifice on the Cross.
It happened so that God's holy wrath against the sin of the world might be poured out on Christ in our stead - so that He could be the propitiation for our sin and God would be fully satisfied with His redemptive act.
And so, God sent His dearly loved Son into the world to be the propitiation for our sins so that all who believe on Him would be forgiven of their sin, justified in the sight of God, and declared righteous before Him, by faith.
God the Father was rejected by the people in the Old Testament and yet God in His grace sent the eternal Son to be the propitiation for the sin of the world.
His precious blood not only covered the scarlet sins and shocking shame that separated us for ever from a holy and righteous God, but His very life became the propitiation for our sins so that in Christ our sins are forgiven forever, and have been removed as far as the east is from the west.
He warns that there is only one way by which man may be saved, and that is by faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ Who is the propitiation for our sins, and through Whom the redemption price for the sin of mankind was paid in full and accepted unconditionally by the Father.
God alone can declare the guilty sinner righteous - but God will only proclaim a man righteous when they trust in Christ as the propitiation for their sins and saviour of their soul.
It covers areas such as regeneration, justification, sanctification, glorification, propitiation, adoption, predestination, and many other doctrinal truths that had been hidden from past generations.
He gives meticulous insight into justification, sanctification, propitiation, and many other important doctrinal issues, and uses Abraham as his object lesson that the righteous man shall live by faith in the written Word of God, and the object of that faith is Jesus Christ, the righteous.
But He was also the propitiation for our sin, for by being born into the human race He became our Kinsman-Redeemer Whose sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection paid the price of our sin with His own death, a penalty all guilty sinners justly deserve.
Yes, Jesus Christ was the propitiation for our sins, turning the wrath of God, which we all justly deserve, away from us and upon Himself so that by faith in Him we might be made the righteousness of God.
But from the foundation of the world, God had set in motion His perfect plans and precious purposes for the redemption of mankind, by sending His dearly beloved Son to be the propitiation for the sin of the whole world.
He presented Christ as the PROPITIATION for our sins by pouring out the wrath that was our portion onto His perfect Son Whose sacrifice on the Cross satisfied God's righteous anger on behalf of all who would believe in Him.
How amazing to discover that because of God's love and justice for the human race, which He made in His own image and likeness, God Himself preordained in His grace to present His only begotten Son as the unique and prefect atoning sacrifice Who alone would be the propitiation for our sins.
What an amazing demonstration of the love and justice of God meeting in the Person of Christ Jesus, Whom God presented as our propitiation.
Through believing on Christ's finished work of redemption, we have peace with God, for Christ is the propitiation for our sins Who made peace with God on our behalf.
The Word of God gives us clear teachings on salvation, justification, sanctification, propitiation and many other important Christian doctrines, and the Bible also give us clear and godly principles on how to live the Christian life in a manner that is pleasing to God and in a way that honours His name
His faith was sorely tested throughout this ordeal, but God loved the word so much that He gave His Son to be the propitiation for our sin, and Christ loved the Church so much that He gave Himself up for her.
The representative lamb was examined for four days, for it was to be without spot or blemish or any such thing, because the true Lamb that was to be offered up to God as the propitiation for the sins of mankind, would be pure and unblemished and when He was examined for four days, the verdict would be: I find no fault in Him, at all.
The pivotal point in history that had been ordained before the world began had finally intersected with time - so that He could be the propitiation for our sins - so that fallen man could be placed back in fellowship with the Holy God Who created us.
Salvation is often an umbrella term and covers justification, forgiveness, sanctification, glorification, redemption, reconciliation, and propitiation.
Repentance means to turn away from one's sins, and the act of turning from sin can only result in turning towards Christ Jesus the propitiation for our sins, our only Saviour, and the one Mediator between man and God.