Verse of the day — John 17:6

"I have manifested Your name to the men whom You gave Me out of the world; they were Yours and You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your word.

John 17:6(NASB)
Open Windows by T. Austin-Sparks

Revelation of Jesus Christ

In Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. (Colossians 2:9,10 NIV)

If you and I, dear friends, are going to make anything like the progress that Paul made as a young convert and as a growing Christian, and if we are going to have anything of the weight that he has had in spiritual impress and impact, and if we are going to count in any degree as he counted in the work of the Lord; one thing is absolutely essential and do get hold of this. The youngest Christian get hold of this and everybody else; that if we take our salvation, our conversion or anything that has to do with it as something in itself, there's going to be limitation.

We have got to see everything in the light of the Person, Jesus Christ! That is, we have not to take this as a gift salvation as a gift or anything else of the Christian life as a gift in itself; we have got to look at that and say: "What does that signify as to the Giver? What does that signify as to Christ? What does that mean as to the Source of my salvation?" You may not grasp the point but it is of infinite importance because all progress in the Christian life and all power in Christian service comes from not the grasping, the apprehending, and the enjoyment of salvation as such, but seeing Jesus! Because, you see, Jesus is the sum total of ALL Divine fullness.

Bible verses: Colossians 2:9Colossians 2:10
Topics: Jesus
Morning Daily Light by Samuel Bagster

Your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is His name.

This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.You shall no longer be termed Forsaken … but you shall be called Hephzibah [My Delight Is in Her] … for the Lord delights in you … As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you. § He has sent Me … to comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.  I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation … as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation … as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?

Isa. 54:5;  Eph. 5:32;  Isa. 62:4,5;  Ps. 61:1,2;   Ps.61:3,10; Hos. 2:19; Rom. 8:35
Bible verses: Isaiah 54:5
Evening Daily Light by Samuel Bagster

My times are in Your hand.

His saints are in Your hand. § The word of the Lord came to [Elijah], saying, “Get away from here and turn eastward, and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan. And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.” … Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying, “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.”

Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on … Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. § Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

Ps. 31:15;  Deut. 33:3;  1 Kings 17:2,4;  1 Kings 17:8,9;  Matt. 6:25,32;  Prov. 3:5,6;  1 Peter 5:7
Bible verses: Psalm 31:15
None but the Hungry Heart by Miles Stanford

Imitating Is Imitation

For to me to live is Christ" (Phil. 1:21).

Once we learn the truth of our union with the Lord Jesus, and of the Holy Spirit's indwelling, any attempt to imitate Christ will be seen for what it is: unscriptural, and futile.

"Our Father is going to teach us, mainly through personal failure, that the life we live is the life of our Lord Jesus alone. The Christian life is not our living a life like Christ, or our trying to be Christ-like, nor is it Christ giving us the power to live a life like His; but it is Christ Himself living His own life through us; no longer I, but Christ.'"

"The end of Christ's incarnation, death and resurrection was to prepare and form an holy nature and frame for us in Himself, to be communicated to us by union and fellowship with Him; and not to be able to produce in ourselves the first originals of such an holy nature by our own endeavors."

"The believer's true education is in the growth of Christ within. The Church's real ministry is not multitudinous public services, so-called, but the forming of the Lord Jesus Christ in the lives of His people; the reproduction of Christ; epistles made alive by the Holy Spirit, to be seen and read of all men." -C.A.F.

"There is no answer to infidelity like the life of the Lord Jesus displayed through the Christian. Nothing puts the madness of the infidel, and the folly of the superstitious more to shame and silence than the humble, quiet, devoted walk of a thorough-going, heavenly-minded, and divinely-taught believer."

"But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you" (2 Thess. 3:3).

Devotional Studies by Elizabeth Haworth

God, My Father (Study In God - All I Need-22)

Study - GOD, All I Need

Fellowship with the Father

Truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. "Father" – what an incredibly rich, awe-inspiring, and meaningful relationship. "Father" – what a precious bond with Him Who was and is and is to come. Like as a Father pities his own children, even so, the Lord pities them that fear Him. And He pitied us so passionately that He sent His one and only Son to die – for me. His compassion is so vast, that he promises that it is new each and every morning. Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Bow down before Him. The Lord.. Abba. My Father and your Father – the Lord is His name.

Fellowship Through Christ

You are my Father, my God. You are the Rock of my salvation; protected in the cleft of the Rock... covered, cleansed, purified in Christ. Hidden under the shadow of His wings – guarded as the apple of His eye. Oh Lord, You are my Father. I am the clay.. the work of your hand. Oh, that I would fully submit to the hands of the Master Potter – to shape and to hone as Christ Himself, Who took on Himself the form of a servant, revealed when He said I can of Myself do nothing..Nothing… NOTHING …? Nothing! The Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do – for whatsoever things The Father doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. John 5:19

Meekness and Majesty

Why can God of God and Light of Light.. God incarnate do nothing….? WHY …. because I do not seek My own will, but the will of the Father who sent Me. John 5:40 Oh what meekness and majesty, Manhood and Deity, in perfect harmony – the Man who is God.. the One Who is the Son of the Father. This was His life’s work – to do the will of Him Who sent Me.

Manhood and Deity

And mysteries of all mysteries is

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Knowing Jesus Devotional by Elizabeth Haworth

Promise of God – TO YOU WITH LOVE

God’s promise of salvation can be found throughout His Word. Every name has a meaning in Scripture… and in Genesis chapter 5 God proclaims His gift of SALVATION to YOU with LOVE





  Is Appointed







regaining our balance_t_nt



  The Blessed God



  Shall Come Down






  His Death Shall Bring

cross in red painting



  the Sorrowing



  Comfort and Joy

Green JOY

Topics: LovePromises