And He led them forth by the right way. Psalm 107:7
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Psalm 23:3, 4
And the LORD shall guide thee continually and satisfy thy soul in drought. Isaiah 58:11
He will be our guide even unto death. Psalm 48:14
All the offspring of Adam are travelling without a road or a map. They are all moving towards eternity with no guide – until HE finds us; until HE knows us – until HE leads us. Those whom He finds and knows He leads. Those whom He leads need to keep close to Him day by day – moment by moment.
Life is a trackless desert and a wild wilderness, but the way is known to Him, for He tells us:- I AM the Way, and we are safe with HIM, for He reminds us I am your Shield and the lifter up of your head. And He will lead and guide all who submit to His leading. "Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel and afterward receive me into glory". He guides us by the right ways and He guides us by the best way… not merely to reach our heavenly destination, but to lead us there by the most profitable route for our souls.
Life’s journey is an education. It affords us opportunities to learn many spiritual lessons. It develops in us moral and spiritual qualities. It may not be the easy way; it may not be the happiest route; it may be marred by difficulties' it may be tinged with disappointments, but all things work together for good to those that trust Him – to those that are the called according to His perfect purpose.
But our God is utterly to be trusted to lead us by the right way.. to give or to withdraw what seems so good to us, in order to achieve His best for us – if we trustingly follow His leading; if we quietly listen to His voice.
Let us not only be guided by Him, in the crisis of life, but in the daily duties of life. Let us listen to His voice in those small decisions that we are so apt to take;decisions we make without seeking His skilful, loving guidance -decisions we are prone to take without listening to His gentle promptings.
No one but God can lead his lambs like a Shepherd. And His own hear His voice saying "this is the best way". He walked the way that you are walking, first. He crossed the same wilderness that you are crossing. He forded the same torrents that appear so overwhelming.
We too, are to walk by faith. He leads and we follow. He speaks and we listen. His best is yet to come. "Lead ME, Lord. Lead me in THY righteousness. Make Thy way plain before my face". He leads me, oh blessed thought.
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