Know Me – Reflect ME 


Strangers and Pilgrims

Dearly beloved, writes Peter: I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul, for you are bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are Gods, while Jesus Himself implores us abide in Me. He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  That I may know Him.
1 Peter 2:11  John 15:4 Psalm 91:1 Philippians 3:10

Children of the Father

Little children, I am your Father. I am walking beside you and behind you, for I am the Way. This is the way, walk in it. I am with you when you sit, when you stand, when you lie in your bed. I will never leave you nor will I forsake you, for you are Mine.
1 John 2:14 Isaiah 30:21 John 14:6 Isaiah 30:21 John 13:33 Hebrews 13:5

Bought With a Price

You are bought with a price for I have loved you. I live in you. Your mortal body has become the temple of my Presence.. the abode of the Holy One. Your life is hidden with My beloved Son. Your life is hid with the Son on My love – in Me. You are Mine.
1 Corinthians 6:20  John 15:9  1 Corinthians 3:16   Colossians 3:3  Isaiah 43:1

Breath of Your Soul

Shut out the distraction of the world.. the lust of the flesh and the pride of life, for I am your life. I am the very breath of your soul. I am your way. I am the only route to My eternal rest.

Secret Place

Learn precious child to shut yourself into the secret place of your being, with Me – for that is my secret place too. There My love will come upon you and overshadow you. There My joy will intercourse with you, to strengthen you. There the Angel of my Presence with encamp around you and I will give you rest.

Holy Union

But how few retire into that inner secret place.. to commune in intimate fellowship with Me. I wait for you at the very core of your being, where spirit joins with Spirit in holy union. But how often the distractions of the sense-life.. and the lusts of the self-life, the arrogance of the pride-life, and the lies of the enemy’s enticing – quenches My Spirit and grieves My heart.

Focus on the Lord

Oh, beloved child I tell you the truth for I am the truth. Meditate on all I say; deliberate on all I do; contemplate on all I am – and ponder My word. Not to arrive at Your own conclusions, nor to speculate on your own imaginings – but to dwell on Me, and to absorb that which is mine. For I alone am holy. I alone am the Lord. So be ye holy for I am holy.

Love the Lord

Down through the ages men, with quill and pen, print and pronouncement, have been eager to write about me and conclude about my truth and many have greatly erred. For I do not need man’s defence or man’s explanation or man’s excuses. I need the man to love me – to love me with all his heart and all his soul and mind and strength.

Know The Lord

And so Beloved.. hear Me; talk to Me; ponder Me; meditate on Me; reflect Me; know Me. In our time alone together do not speak or contemplate about Me. Do not imagine vain things about Me. Do not categorise Me or theorise about Me, but speak with Me; contemplate Me – and know Me. That I may KNOW Christ.

Picture of sunset courtesy of Flick Aspheric

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