If he had been restive, piqued, rebellious, or bitter, there would have been no open heaven, and a spirit of controversy with the Lord would have closed and bolted the door to the fuller Divine unveilings and clarifyings.
There is all the difference between being saved and then going into Christian service with the resultant studying of the Bible, the preparation of sermons, addresses, lessons; collecting material, mastering themes and subjects; etc., etc., and giving this out as required or as opportunity affords there is all the difference between this and an open heaven, an anointing, a revelation by the Holy Spirit.
And when one moves out of that realm into a personal, direct knowledge of the Lord through what we often term an open heaven but not, mark you, through a new or different revelation of Christ that is something apart from the Scriptures into that experience, where we can say, It pleased God to reveal His Son in me, and with me it is so real that sometimes I wonder if anyone has such a knowledge, such an experience; when we move that way, we move into a lonely realm.
He comes to us out of an open heaven which the Son of God has opened for us.... The Lord Jesus said: i>When He, the Spirit... is come, He shall guide you into all the truth.And John confirms this in saying: i>The anointing which ye received... teaches you concerning all things.That is represented by the angels ascending and descending.
Thus Christ risen in heaven means for us an open heaven where everything is possible for us in Christ, that we may glorify Him!
With an open heaven you see, and you see God's meaning concerning His Son.
That open heaven for the Lord Jesus was the anointing.
The open heaven is the anointing of the Spirit from the day of Pentecost onward upon Christ within us.
That open heaven means a continually growing revelation of Christ.
I am brought back to urge this.... The open heaven at once brings God's revelation in Christ to your very door, makes it available to you, so that you are not dependent in the first place upon libraries, books, addresses or anything else.
However much the Lord may see good to use these other things for your help and enrichment, you have your own open heaven, your own clear way through, and no closed dome over your head.