So it shall be, while My glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and I will cover you with My hand while I pass by.
Genesis 33:2
How we all long to see God’s glory, just as Moses saw His magnificence, How we ache to see the glory of God, as did His servant Moses. But His glory is no cup-cake carousal or candy-flossed picnic-party. It is only the dedicated servant that can ‘see’ God’s glory – and live.
God showed His glory to Moses at the start of the long wilderness walk, for the wanderings of the next forty years were to prove hard and difficult. Moses had been chosen by God to be His minister to His chosen people. God trained him in the desert and revealed Himself in a burning bush. Moses experienced the Passover of Egypt and death, in the Red Sea waters.
He was taught God’s plan and shown the very pattern of God’s holy Temple. He was consecrated of God – anointing others with God’s Holy anointing oil. He was given manna to feed the hungry and water to drink from the rock. He drank bitter waters, which God sweetened and he rested at many oases.
Moses was a few days march from the promised land.. and was ready to enter. And then Moses was shown the glory of God. Moses had to be put in the cleft of the rock to see a glimmer of God’s Glory. But Moses had to be beneath the protection of God’s covering hand.. for God’s Presence and God’s Person is too awful to behold and live. Yet Moses was shown the back of God’s glory.
But it brought with it great responsibility, hardship, disappointments, and pain, and Moses had forty years of responsibility, hardship, disappointments, and pain. For forty years Moses had to trudge the desert leading a disobedient mob. For forty years he taught the truth to a saved nation – that rebelled against God,
He was despised and accused by the very people he was sent to help. He gave them spiritual food and heavenly water, yet they murmured against him. He told them God’s commands and showed them His ways, yet they were defiant. Oh Yes – Moses saw the glory of God – as the glory of God passed by.
At the start of his ministry, Moses saw the glory of God pass by.. but that glimpse was the precursor to a life of rejection, pain, and grief. And for the rest of his life he had responsibility, hardship, disappointment, and pain.
And Moses, the faithful servant of God, finished His life in the desert. Moses spent his life in obedience, looking forward to the promised land, but Moses never entered the promised land. He died in the wilderness. But that was not the end of the story, for Moses was once again to see the glory of God..and on the Transfiguration’s Mount, this faithful servant was justly rewarded.
Is not Moses a typical example of this weary life that we all lead.. as we in our Christian walk see the glory of God in so many ways? He saves us from the world and baptises us into the Body of Christ. He gives us living bread and water of life.. times of refreshment and peace – and He shows us His glory-life in the flush of new-life in Christ.. placing us in the cleft of the Rock and showing us His glory and gracious favour.
And then for the rest of our life we have the responsibility – responsibility, hardship, disappointment, and pain. And we look for the promised land whose builder and maker is God, but how we long to see the glory of Christ and to be forever with the Lord – but to do so we must be hidden in the cleft of the rock.
The Rock Whose side was smitten deeply, with a brutal sword-thrust. The Rock Whose hands and feet were pierced, with those cruel nails. The Rock Whose head was lacerated by a crown of twisted thorns.
For we will drink of the cup that He drank.. bitterness and heartache, and we must eat from the bowl from which He ate.. suffering and grief.. and we must lose our life in this world and be hated and despised of all men.. if we would one day partake of His transfiguration – if we would one day see the glory of God.
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