Pray and Praise
For you tarnish your life with much fretting. You spoil your walk with much worry. Fretting and worry crush the treasures that the Lord has to offer, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, confess your faults and your needs, and His peace that surpasses understanding will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.
The weakness that is in myself, and the many things which I have to deplore in my past, or perhaps even in my present, make me thankful to know that my Father has brought in another Man, and has secured in Him all his own thoughts of blessing manward.
Believe and Act
Sparks is basically saying that all we are and have in Christ is already ours. To appropriate it is simply to believe it to be true and then act on that truth. It is to change from asking for what’s yours already – to thanking Him for it! It is actually accepting what is already yours in Christ, with thanksgiving and praise.
I know this is quite likely to meet with words like, I just don’t understand … but appropriating our birthright and position in Christ is really very simple. It’s a move from a murmuring mentality for what you want – to grateful thanks for all the riches of God’s grace – you already have, in Christ. Murmuring and complaints are always linked with loss of fellowship and unbelief. Thanksgiving and confession is always linked with fellowship and trust in God.
Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving.Colossians 4:2
Acceptable Prayer
Prayer is designed to accomplish God’s ends and God’s way in God’s time. Acceptable prayer can only be prayed in and through the Spirit of the almighty God – and this verse in Colossians mentions three important aspects of prayer: Devote yourselves to prayer – keeping alert in it – with an attitude of thanksgiving.
Commanding Verse
A few simple words outline the high office and honour bestowed on all believers: CONTINUE in prayer – and WATCH in the same – with THANKSGIVING.
And we are to watch with grateful hearts – hearts of thanksgiving and praise to God.
But there is a THIRD instruction – we are to pray with thanksgiving.
3 Aspects of Prayer
1) Continue in Prayer2) Watch in the Same3) With Thanksgiving
Watching in prayer is keeping wakeful ‘in’ the strength of the holy exercise of prayer against sin and for God – but in THANKSGIVING: Letting the spirit and action of gratitude, (as it were)…surround your watching and praying lives.
Under Trial
Too often thanksgiving is forgotten, especially when a believer is under trial.
There is preciousness and power in thanksgiving, so never pray without GRATEFUL THANKS.
Thankful Prayer
The Lord Himself is that first and ultimate expression of watchful prayer with thanks.
It may take a day or a month, I do not know how long, but I do know that when any child of God will believe and begin to express that faith in thanksgiving, day by day thanking Him for the fact which one may not yet have experienced, the Holy Spirit will lead that one into a glorious personal realization of his identification with the Lord Jesus in His death, burial, resurrection and ascension. -L.L.L.
(Study In God - All I Need-20)
Don’t be anxious about anything; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God….
We are thankful that Christ was here, and that He made a pathway through the wilderness, but we have properly to come from Him in glory to learn the path and to find His succor in it.
Since we are in Christ we are to keep on being built up and strengthened in the faith. We are to remain firm in the faith and overflow with thanksgiving and praise to Him. Having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed – and overflowing with gratitude. Colossians 2:7
His prayers were those of thanksgiving for the saints, as well as an earnest desire that they have victory in their earthly walk.
And let us in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thankful hearts make our requests known unto God, as we follow in the patterns of our praying Priest – Who today, is interceding for us in heaven.
We are part of God’s throne ministry of prayer and we are exhorted to:- be diligent; be watchful; be thankful; be faithful; be obedient, and trust the Lord.
Uncompromising Trust
Much of Christ’s life exemplified how the man of God should live and pray. Christ’s life demonstrated an unfailing, trusting obedience to the heavenly Father.. a simple, uncompromising trust in the Father – that did only what the Father did.. a life that remained in continuous and ongoing fellowship with the Father.. a life that is in love with the Father and a heart that prays, Thy will be done – a life that translated into unceasing; persevering; grateful; obedient; trusting prayer. Christ’s life reflected a life of continuous; gracious; thankful; trusting communion.
Trial and Difficulties
Thanksgiving is not always a sentiment accompanying a life of trial and difficulties. Praise and worship is not the first behaviour displayed in times of desperate need. Grateful thanks are hardly an emotion we adopt when we are in deep pain or trouble.
Despite a hopeless and shocking situation looming ahead – Habakkuk praised God and we are called-on to be trusting, obedient, thankful people of prayer and praise.
Thankful Intercession
Jesus Himself is the best example of simple trust, deep love, and unfailing obedience.
No life is a better illustration of man’s of ceaseless, purposeful, thankful intercession.
Use me to carry out Your will in my life – Thy will be done. Such is a prayer that all God’s children can pray – when His will is central, (but it can only be uttered by a continuing, persevering, thankful, obedient heart) I delight to do Thy will, were the words that fell from Christ’s lips… (I desire, I am grateful; I am thankful – I am well-pleased to do Thy will.)
Prayer with Thanksgiving
Power is added to prayer when no matter what – we delight to do His will, and praying with thanksgiving has a deeper meaning that expressed on the surface.
It is being thankful despite our situation.
It is being thankful IN our situation.
God’s Purpose
The power behind loving; obedient; thanksgiving, watchful; thankful; trusting prayer, is a heart that has learned in measure, and is continuing to learn to the full, that no matter what circumstances or trial we face, all things work together for good… and that means God’s good.
Continue in Prayer
We’re exhorted to continue in prayer, to watch in the same, to pray with thanksgiving..
to be diligent, watchful, thankful, faithful, obedient, and trusting the Lord.
Truth of God
Recently as I ‘happened’ across this short video. In it there are 0ne hundred names of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. One Hundred examples of the truth of Who God undeniably is. If we were to take just ONE name each day and prayerfully focus on that truth… if we were to reflect on ONE attribute daily – in gratitude, honour praise and thanksgiving… if we were to meditate on ONE characteristic each day – in deepest humility of heart, I believe any and all of our distortions would be replaced with a deeper knowledge and understanding of Him.
Fullness of God’s Love
As we abide in Christ so He will dwell in our hearts by faith – with thanksgiving.. That we may not only know about God’s love, but to know God’s love in reality.. that we not only know He is life – but to have His life living within our heart – that we might be filled will all the fullness of God’s love – as an actuality.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, shall guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.Philippians 4:6,7
Pray of Thanks
We need to be thankful in prayer – thanking Him for the answer that is to come: we always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, Col.1:3.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.Philippians 4:6-7
Surely the wrath of man shall praise Thee For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God (Ps. 76:10; 2 Cor. 4:15).
Be careful for nothing –Be anxious for nothing –Don’t be concerned about anything –Don’t worry about anything whatsoever, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto GodPhilippians 4:6
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, and be very thankful and content in all things Phil.4:11 - and finally brethren… whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honourable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are commendable, if anything is excellent and worthy of praise – think on these things.
And we who trust in Christ as Saviour should heed the truth of God's Word in our hearts, by faith with thanksgiving, until the day when Christ returns for us in the clouds, to take us to be with Himself forever.
Our faith in God pleases Him while our thanksgiving glorifies Him, and the one that glorifies the Father is the true worshipper who worships Him in spirit and truth.
Genuine thanksgiving to the Lord is a freewill offering, a sacrifice of praise, a living sacrifice, a gift of love which is a sweet-smelling savour to the Lord our God.
Indeed, no act of thanksgiving nor any form of worship that does not spring forth from the inner being that loves the Lord is acceptable to Him.
And so we read: He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honours Me; And to him who orders his way aright, I shall show the salvation of God.
Our faith in God pleases Him, while our genuine thanksgiving glorifies Him.
Instead of coming before His presence with thanksgiving and praise, His chosen people engaged in idolatry, rebellion, fleshly lusts, and shameless unbelief.
How thankful we should be that God demonstrated His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us all - as the Substitute for our sin.
He knew that many blessings and benefits follow those who continue earnestly to pray in faith and for those who are vigilant in their worship, praise, and thanksgiving.Paul knew that it is God's will that His blood-bought sons and daughters rejoice in the Lord always, and so he encouraged each one to rejoice continuously, to pray without ceasing, and in everything to give thanks and praise to our Heavenly Saviour.But Paul also knew that prayer is a God-given privilege that has been awarded to every Christian, and those that walk in spirit and truth and pray into the Father's will, are assured that their prayers will be heard and answered, for His greater praise and glory.Paul therefore coveted the intercessions and prayers of these saints in Colossae.
We should study God's Book of instruction, particularly those passages that relate specifically to the Church, and we should continually feed on His Word in our hearts by faith with thanksgiving.
David had proved that God is a faithful and forgiving God, and whether in prayer, praise, or petition, his song of worship and thanksgiving testifies of his trust in God and his acknowledgement that God is the Lord, and his hope is in Him alone: For there is no God like unto our God, nor are there any works that compare with His wonders.
We are summoned to come into His holy presence with songs of praise and hearts of thanksgiving.
No wonder the psalmist exhorts us to enter into His gates with thanksgiving in our hearts, and come into His courts with songs of praise.
How thankful we should be that we are His people, For the LORD is good.
No wonder we are encouraged to serve our God with gladness of heart and to praise Him with thanksgiving.
We need to consider the rich promises that have been poured out on us so lavishly, and we need to reflect, with thanksgiving, on all that the covenant of grace - into which we have been brought, means - through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Let us enter His gates with thanksgiving and praise His wonderful name.
This is the psalm of thanksgiving and joy that will be sung in the streets of Jerusalem when their Messiah-King returns from heaven to sit on the throne of His father David, for Judah will be saved; Israel will dwell securely, and they will herald the Lord Jesus Christ as, 'The LORD our righteousness.'
David was justified when he was a young shepherd-boy tending his father's sheep, but the more he discovered of the long-suffering faithfulness of God, the more his heart overflowed with thanksgiving and praise.
This was at this critical moment in Christ's ministry when Jesus offered the most beautiful prayer of thanksgiving to His Father, the Lord of heaven and earth.
I am sure that Christ offered this glorious prayer of thanksgiving and praise audibly to start teaching his devoted followers, truths that would have to be more fully revealed later, for He continued, All things have been entrusted to Me by My Father.
How important, therefore, in these last days, to buckle on the whole armour of God, to stand fast in the faith, to persevere in tribulation, to be vigilant in prayer, and steadfast in praise with thanksgiving: For the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons.
Paul explains how we can experience the peace of God: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
May we daily feed on the Bread of Life, by faith with thanksgiving as we journey through life, for He alone is our life-sustainer for in Him are the words of eternal life.
We are to know in our heart, by faith with thanksgiving, that He is the Lord our God Who pardons all our iniquities and heals all our diseases, Who redeems our life from the pit, and Who crowns us with lovingkindness and compassion.
Although the nations rage like the billows of the sea and the people imagine a vain thing against the Lord God Almighty, we are called to be still in the presence of the Lord and to know Him in our heart by faith, with thanksgiving.
Surely, our jubilant shout of triumphant thanksgiving and victory will resound throughout the eternal ages to come: Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Prayers, intercession, supplications, petitions, and thanksgiving are to be made for all men, and we are urged to: Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
Christ rose from the dead for which we should be eternally thankful, for if He had not risen from the dead we could not rise from the dead either - but because He lives, we too can live.
Until that first-fruit sheaf had been waved before the Lord, in thanksgiving and praise, no one was to partake of the new corn.
And rather than thankful praise for the work that God is doing through others, and a dear desire that they mature in the faith, too often a bitter attitude toward fellow brothers and sisters in Christ is nurtured.
It caused him to rejoice in the Lord and to offer thanksgiving and praise for the sure knowledge that His plans and purposes for the salvation of His people is sure.
They were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their hands.Having rejected salvation during the Church dispensation, they are not members of Christ's Body but, like the Church, will participate in the Millennial Kingdom – and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.Unlike the Church who are destined to be kings and priest of God who will rule and reign with Christ on His throne, this multitude of saints will serve the Lord as priests in the Temple of the Lord, day and night.Today, we in the Church teach the gospel of the grace of God, but in the Tribulation, Israel will declare the gospel of the coming kingdom of Christ... and in the Millennial Kingdom, Old Testament saints, Church-age saints, and Tribulation saints will unite their voices in praise and thanksgiving for Christ – the Lamb of God and King of Israel Who takes away the sin of the world.
He was to be a descendant of the great king David, as foretold by prophets of old, and He would bring salvation to His people, Israel.Zechariah quoted many Old Testament verses in his beautiful song of thanksgiving, which pointed to the Lord Jesus Who would bring salvation to Israel, deliverance from their enemies, and freedom from the hands of all who hated them.He rejoiced that God remembered His holy covenant with Israel and gave thanks that the Lord had not forgotten the oath which He swore to his forefather, Abraham, that He Himself would rescue His people from the hand of their enemies and that they would serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness, all the days of their life.Zechariah proclaimed that the One to come would give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.
It begins with an explosion of praise and thanksgiving where David proclaims God's goodness and grace... and calls on each one of us to extol His holy name and trust in His everlasting mercy.
He is the one who has the love of God shed abroad in his heart and confesses Christ crucified, risen, ascended, and glorified; the one who trusts in the atoning Word of Jesus Christ in his heart, by faith with thanksgiving.
May we cultivate an attitude of humble gratitude and joyful thanksgiving, for it is good to sing praises to the God of our salvation: For He hath clothed us with the garments of salvation, He hath covered us with His robe of righteousness.
We glorify and praise the one and only God of heaven and earth - Father - Son - and Holy Spirit - Who alone is worthy of our worship, praise, and thanksgiving.
A victorious life that withstands Satan, not only humbly submits to God but draws closer to the Lord with an attitude of thanksgiving and praise, combined with ceaseless prayer, ongoing fellowship, and a trusting heart that walks in spirit and truth.
The sacrifice that God required of those that are purchased by the blood of Christ is that their lives become a living sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to the Saviour Who bought us with His own precious blood.
In the previous Psalm, the Lord had promised to hear and answer the prayers of His servant, to fight for His people, and bring them to victory over their enemies, and here we read of king's thanksgiving and overflowing joy for their great deliverance and triumph over their foe.
Although we are not told in Scripture, it is likely that the tithe Abraham gave to Melchizedek was a tenth of his own, personal wealth, in thanksgiving and praise for God's protection and providential care during his dangerous rescue mission, for he vigorously refused to accept so much as a shoelace from the wicked king of Sodom for saving the people of Sodom and returning their stolen wealth.
The other tribes worked the land and ate of the fruit of their labour, but were commanded to give a thanksgiving offering of a tenth to the Lord.
He wanted them, and us, to know that all good and perfect gifts come from our Father in heaven, and it honours the Lord when we give Him our offering of praise and thanksgiving freely and cheerfully.
However, this godly love is only possible as we abide in Him so that His abiding love in our hearts is enabled to flow back to our Heavenly Father in thanksgiving and praise... and out to others as a healing stream of living refreshment.When hatred towards another believer is excited in the heart of a fellow Christian, it is a hindrance to spiritual fellowship and an obstacle to godly growth.
Our worship, praise, and thanksgiving, will resound throughout the eternal ages to come because God had graciously called us out of the darkness of sin and death, and a life without Christ, into the glorious light of His holy presence and eternal light and love.
But having redeemed us, He sent His Spirit to abide in our heart and, day by day, seeks to transform us from ugly, bitter, antagonistic sinners into beautiful, thankful, mature children of God, having the same godly nature as the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
Following his initial greeting, Paul plunges into praise and thanksgiving to God for the faithful works and loving deeds of the dear believers in Thessalonica, and for their continual anticipation of Christ's return for His people: We know that God loves you, dear brothers, he continues, and that He chose you to be His own people.
But Paul was always grateful to others and thankful to the Lord, when his brothers and sisters in Christ recognised his personal need and tried to help.
Hannah was blessed by the Lord and was permitted to fulfil the vow that she made to God.Many consider that Hannah's beautiful prayer of praise and thanksgiving influenced the song of Mary whose supernatural conception, centuries later, would bring forth the Messiah of Israel: My heart exults in the Lord.
My horn is exulted in God, was Hannah’s exultant prayer of praise and thanksgiving, My mouth speaks boldly against my enemies, because I rejoice in Your salvation… The bows of the mighty are shattered, but the feeble gird on strength… The LORD will judge the ends of the earth.
May we develop a trusting heart of thanksgiving and praise that believes God's Word and prays in faith - expecting Him to keep His promises and fulfil his Word.
The third type of prayer in Paul's list is intercession, where we employ our God-given position of priests and mediate on behalf of others who, for one reason or another, may not be able to lift up their needs to the Lord in prayer... and finally Paul entreats us to offer up thanksgiving and praise to the Lord at all times and for all things.
Paul tells the Philippians how to keep the peace of God ruling our heart; we are to rejoice in the Lord continually; we are to let our gentle spirit be known to others; we are not to be anxious, but in everything by prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving, we are let our requests be made known to God.
Paul gave the Colossians similar advice: Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body, and be ye thankful.
As we analyse the conditions that keep us in fellowship with the Father and safeguard His peace in our hearts, we find it comes down to trusting God for all things, however difficult, through prayer and supplication, with a heart of thanksgiving and praise, and a life that honours our Father in heaven.
We are instructed to cast all our anxiety upon Him because He cares for us, but we are to do this with a heart of thanksgiving and an attitude of worship.
True prayer comes from a worshipful heart of thanksgiving and praise that is looking to the Lord by faith to supply everything we need, according to His riches in glory.
It is by faith that every anxious thought is banished from our heart, and when faith in our Heavenly Father is translated into prayers and supplication, with thanksgiving, our requests may be made in quietness and in confidence that He will hear and answer.
May we maintain a heart of grateful thanksgiving and praise for all His goodness and grace to us, and may we be anxious about nothing, but in everything through our grateful prayers and entreaties make our requests known to Him, and we will discover His peace that passes understanding, guarding our heart and mind, as we abide in Christ and He is us.
Zachariah's unbelief when told that his old, barren wife, Elisabeth, was to bear a son who would be the forerunner to the Messiah, was replaced with a heart of thanksgiving and praise at the birth of his little baby boy.
The first thing that Paul wrote, after his characteristic greeting of grace be to you and peace, was a grateful word of thanksgiving to God, through Jesus Christ our Lord, for the faith which was being proclaimed throughout the whole world by these dearly beloved saints in Rome.
He promised that He would garrison our heart, our mind, our emotions, and our innermost thoughts, as we focus our prayers and praises on Him with thanksgiving!
And Paul reminds us that the best way to react to anxious thoughts is to cast all our care upon Jesus and to take all our needs, necessities, concerns, and cares to the Lord in prayer, but to do so with thanksgiving and praise.
From that day forward, 14 Adar has been established as an additional feast-day in Israel's calendar, in thanksgiving and praise for God's gracious salvation of His people, Israel.
Paul's life had been turned upside-down and inside-out as a result of his encounter with the Lord of glory, and his immense love and eternal thanksgiving to God for his conversion to Christ and his salvation by grace, caused this man to follow the Lord with selfless abandon.
This was in tribute to God's long-suffering, praise for His goodness and grace, thanksgiving for His everlasting mercy, and demonstrated a united reverence towards His holy name.
No doubt, when Simeon saw Mary with the baby Jesus, his heart was stirred by the Holy Spirit so that he would take the baby into his arms and sing his memorable song of praise and thanksgiving: Now Lord, You are releasing Your bond-servant to depart in peace, according to Your Word; for my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared in the presence of all peoples - a light of revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people, Israel.
Whether we stand to pray or sit, kneel, or lift up a silent plea as we go about our daily business, a humble heart that overflows with reverence, praise, worship, and thanksgiving is the identifying mark of a man or woman whose prayers avail much.
But prayer as always needs to flow from a humble heart that overflows with reverence, praise, worship, and thanksgiving.
Paul teaches the Philippian Christians: IF they are anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication make their requests known to God with a thankful heart, THEN the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
The peace of God can too often be hindered when a heart is devoid of thanksgiving and praise.
May we with one accord let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts day by day and moment by moment, for it is to this that the Body of Christ has been called, and let us in all things be thankful.
Not only does he give them a final reminder of their Christian duty; to devote themselves to prayer, maintain an attitude of thanksgiving, conduct themselves with wisdom and grace, and make the most of their opportunity to speak of Christ, but he also asks them to pray for his own ministry; that the Lord would open doors for him and his team to share the gospel of grace and the mystery of Christ, and for him to receive wisdom to know when to speak and when to remain silent.
Psalm 40 is a wonderful song of thanksgiving and praise for deliverance from the snare of sin and for God's gracious gift of salvation.
But His mercies are new every morning, and His loving-kindness is demonstrated in multiple ways with every passing day, and so it is appropriate that we also sing new songs of praise and thanksgiving that rejoice in God, our Saviour.
Were we to live our lives in full submission to this godly truth, how many difficulties would disappear, and how many obstacles would become glorious opportunities to lift up His name in thankful praise to God the Father?
Were we to do everything in word and in deed in the name of the Lord Jesus and live our lives in total dependence upon Him through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving and praise, how honouring this would be to our Heavenly Father.
May all we do in word or deed be done in His name, giving praise and thanksgiving to God the Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
To walk in the Spirit is to walk by faith and to immerse ourselves in the Word of God, to encourage one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, as we sing with grace and thanksgiving in our hearts to the Lord.
The first and most important thing on the mind of Paul was thanksgiving for the faith these believers had in the Lord Jesus, because testimony of their trust in God had reached to the farthest extremity of the known world.
Paul gave brief instructions to men in the congregation to pray everywhere, lifting up their hands in praise and thanksgiving to the Lord, rather than in anger or argument.
Paul urges that prayer requests, intercessions, and thanksgiving, be made for ALL men and we are given a list of specific people to pray for, for kings and all who are in authority.
May we lift up our voices in praise and thanksgiving that He is the unchanging and unchangeable God Who is faithful and true, long-suffering, of great mercy, and Who changes not.
Rather than proclaiming the gospel with the joy and thanksgiving for their salvation and to honour their glorious Saviour, they were selfish, ambitious individuals who had developed a spiteful, contentious disposition. Their motive in spreading the Word was far from pure, for their ministry had developed out of selfish envy and an ungodly rivalry.
After a period of national fasting, individual repentance, prayer, and the confession of their sin (and those of their Jewish forefathers), the entire Jewish nation stood up as one, to listen to the public reading of the Law of Moses and to give heed to the nation's priestly leaders who rehearsed a national prayer of praise and thanksgiving before the Lord.
It was a time of rejoicing and thanksgiving for God's gracious provision to His people.
However, the sacrifice of prayer and praise and the offering of thanksgiving and worship to the Lord, at the break of day, in the cool of the evening, and at other times, should be a joy for each of us, together with the knowledge that we can boldly approach the Throne of Grace any time of the day or night, for mercy to find grace in time of need.
May we follow in the steps of our Saviour and by the mercies of God, present our bodies and our very lives as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God - for this is our reasonable service of thanksgiving and praise to the One Who gave Himself for us.
Believers relied heavily on the teachings of the apostles and... although it was not commanded by God, many chose to sell their goods and property and adopt a communal style of living out of love for their brethren and as a thanksgiving to God.
When all the preparations had been made, the king blessed the Lord and led the congregation of Israel in a wonderful prayer of blessing, thanksgiving, and jubilant praise, which began, Blessed are You, O Lord God of Israel our Father, forever and ever. For the first time in Scripture, we see the Lord being referred to as 'Father' by the people of God.
David's prayerful song of thanksgiving and praise to the Lord continued in joyous enthusiasm, as he proclaimed with great jubilation, Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendour, for everything in heaven and earth is Yours.
May we lift up our voices in thanksgiving and praise, and join with that magnificent truth: Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed US to God by thy blood - out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation.
We have been given good instructions in Scripture on how to live: In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving we are to make our requests known to God, for His grace is sufficient.
The psalmist desires that his prayers are well-pleasing to the Father - and that his humble petitions and heart-felt praise rise up to into heaven as a sacrifice of praise and a sweet-smelling savour to God, as hands are lifted up in worship, thanksgiving and pleading supplications.
Whatever the reason for the division, every 'book' tells the ongoing story of redemption and each section ends with a beautiful doxology of thanksgiving and praise to God.
Beginning with Psalm 90, the final psalm in this section is Psalm 106, and the last verse is one of thanksgiving and praise to the great God of the universe: Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting.
Nebuchadnezzar, Pharaoh, and Sennacherib, are reminders to Israel of their rebelliousness toward God, and serve as reminders to nurture humility of heart, as the graciousness of God is beautifully revealed through His promise of redemption, causing His people to offer praise and thanksgiving for the mighty miracles He has performed towards them.
David, the Psalmist, is finally is moved to rapturous rejoicing as he brings this fourth section to a close with warnings against ingratitude, murmuring, self-will, idolatry, and gross disobedience, followed by the most glorious doxology of praise and thanksgiving: Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel from everlasting even to everlasting.
God knows the importance of praise, the power of prayer, and the benefits that accompany a thankful heart in the life of a believer, which is why so many writers of Scripture exhort us to rejoice in the Lord, to pray without ceasing, and in everything to give thanks.
And here we discover the Psalmist giving glory to the Lord in an explosion of praise and joyful thanksgiving for His abundant goodness and everlasting grace: For the Lord IS good and His mercy endures forever.
Although He was rejected at His first coming, this magnificent song of praise and thanksgiving that rejoices in his never-failing faithfulness throughout the generations and which glories in His return, will resound throughout the whole earth as Israel gathers to welcome their King.
Those who feed on Christ in their heart by faith with thanksgiving, have eternal life and are freed from condemnation, because He is the Source and Sustainer of life.
And ALL who feed on Him in their hearts by faith, with thanksgiving, will eat of the Tree of Life and find Him to be their Source and Sustainer through time and into eternity.
But although we are called to put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, and long-suffering, where gracious consideration and genuine forgiveness of others are identified as vital qualities of the believer, it is love ruling the heart and peace protecting the soul that is given the main emphasis here: But above ALL, put on love which binds these things together the unity of the Spirit, and let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.
A chorus of singers and a company of dancers will rejoice with songs of praise, while players on flutes and other musical instruments will make a joyful noise to the Lord throughout the city streets of Zion, as they cry out in praise and thanksgiving, All my springs of joy are in You.
Don't Be Afraid, He Is Risen, are words that we should reflect upon in our heart by faith with thanksgiving, until we are flooded with the thrilling joy that must have been the experience of those faithful women... 2000 years ago.
However, we should not forget to offer prayers, supplication, intercession, and thanksgiving in every area of life and not only in connection with health and healing.
And yet, godly living through ceaseless prayer and thankful praise, is the Father's will for all His children - for it demonstrates a trust in the Lord which pleases His heart and glorifies His holy name.
Indeed, Paul exhorts, in everything by prayer and supplication, with praise and thanksgiving, make your requests known to Him.
Indeed, no matter what changing moods and interchanging moments we face in life, we are wise when we lift up cheerful hearts of joyful thanksgiving to the Lord... through continuous prayer and trusting praise.
When we treasure the things of this world, our heart is far from the Lord, but when He becomes the greatest Treasure of our lives, our heart will worship at His feet in grateful thanksgiving and praise.
Since that pivotal point in the history of man, believers today look back to the Cross, in humble thanksgiving, at Christ's sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, for we are no longer living under the Law of Moses but in the dispensation of the grace of God.
Both joy in the Lord and gentleness of heart are attitudes that should permeate the soul and spirit of the righteous, for we are called upon to: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, knowing that when we do so: The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus, in a deepening knowledge of Jesus Christ, our gentle God and gracious Saviour.
In consideration of all that God has given us freely, by faith in His Son, there should be no question that we should live our life in thanksgiving and praise for His goodness and grace, and offer to Him our acceptable service - with reverence and awe.
The fruit of a holy reverence for our Lord develops our deeper understanding of His beautiful attributes and eternal character and will burst forth into praise and thanksgiving, worship, and reverential love from those that fear Him.
Let us in everything, by prayer and supplication, with humble thanksgiving of heart, praise our heavenly Father Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ... in Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, according to the riches of His grace.
But the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving which Noah offered to the Lord on account of their miraculous rescue, was pleasing to God Who purposed in His heart that no more would He curse the earth, no more would He drown the earth with a global flood, and no more would He interrupt the daily and annual cycles of nature.
We are all God's children and as we grow in grace and in an understanding of His Word of truth, our hearts should be unfeignedly thankful for His goodness and grace.
As believers who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, we are encouraged to develop an attitude of grateful praise and ceaseless thanksgiving to our Father in heaven, for a man's spiritual maturity is reflected in a heart of thanksgiving and praise for all that the Lord has done for us.
God knows that thanksgiving and praise are no bedfellows to unforgiveness or fear.
In this verse, he calls the believers in Colossae to become prayer warriors: Devote yourselves to prayer... he writes, keeping alert in prayer, with an attitude of thanksgiving.
We live in fallen bodies with an inherent sin nature and hindering the prayer-life of the saints is a top priority for the enemy of our soul: Keep alert in prayer, we are all charged: Watch and pray, with an attitude of thanksgiving.
Throughout this epistle, we are challenged to pray: With thanksgiving.
In chapter 2 we read the saints were: Firmly rooted and being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude and thanksgiving.
Here in chapter 4, we are instructed: Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving.
The man or woman who turns often to prayer and maintains a worshipful attitude of prayer towards the Lord, is one who comes boldly to the throne of grace to offer up prayer and praise, supplication and intercessions, petitions and thanksgiving.
Paul urges Timothy to make prayers and petitions on behalf of all persons, to encourage others to become praying people of God, and to ensure that when we petition our Father in heaven, we do so with a grateful heart of thanksgiving and praise.
Our God is a God Who hears and answers the prayers of the godly and so Paul encourages Timothy, and us, to keep on praying with an attitude of thanksgiving.
Only when the old self life remains nailed to the Cross and the new life in Christ feeds on Him in our hearts, by faith with thanksgiving and praise, can that love of Christ be manifested towards others: And this is the way that we will know that we love God's children, if we love God and obey His commandments.
This should encourage us to look for and hasten the coming Day of the Lord with godly anticipation and thanksgiving, for this fallen, cursed world and everything that has been contaminated by sin, will one day be burned up.
This lovely psalm explodes into a song of thanksgiving to God, because His mercy and love endures forever.
This is not only a psalm of the past that celebrates Israel's grateful thanks to their faithful God Whose steadfast love endured forever, but it is a hymn of praise for the present, it is a song of thanksgiving that the Church age can chorus with equal gusto and grateful hearts.
Not only does this lovely psalm explode into a song of thanksgiving, but concludes with the pronouncement that all who are wise will see that God's steadfast love toward Israel is the same faithful love, yesterday, today, and forever.
It was Paul who encouraged us to give thanks in everything – so let our hearts and voices explode into a great hymn of praise and thanksgiving to the LORD, for He is good and His steadfast love endures forever, for His faithfulness extends throughout time and into the far reaches of eternity.
Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, is the great, opening command of this exultant anthem of praise and thanksgiving.
This Psalm is a call to all the nations of the world to unite in thankful praise.
We are to speak and shout to one another and join together in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing praise to God and making melody to Him in our hearts, with thanksgiving.
May we harmonise our voices together with thanksgiving and praise for all that God has done for us, for He is good and gracious, He is kind and faithful, and His mercy is everlasting.
With songs of thanksgiving and jubilant praise, they will thank God for His faithfulness to His erring people, for their deliverance from the hands of the Gentiles, and their return to the land of promise.
And in grateful thanksgiving for God's goodness and grace, David wrote: I will bow down toward Your holy temple And give thanks to Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth; For You have magnified Your Word according to all Your name.
Its keynote message calls for every people and tribe, every nation, language, kingdom, and land to unite their voices as one, in worshipful thanksgiving and exultant praise to our Almighty God and great Creator.
Following his initial greeting, he often offers blessings, prayers, and thanksgiving for various good and positive things with the Body of Christ which are worthy of commendation.
Despite his distress and cries for vindication, David finished his lament with a rejoicing song of praise and thanksgiving: Let them shout for joy and rejoice, he cried out in the final verse: Let them say continually, 'The LORD be magnified, because He delights in the prosperity of His servant.
For the believer, the fear of the Lord comes from a humble heart of worship which has a reverential respect, a holy fear, and a thankful heart for all that our Lord Jesus is and all that God has done for each of His children.
It is for all these reasons, that the Gentile nations and Israel are jointly called upon to enter into His gates with thanksgiving in their heart, to come into His courts with praise, and to give thanks to Him and bless His name forever.
In the time of David, when this song of thanksgiving was written, it was worshippers of Israel who would process through the gates of the city of Jerusalem and up to the Temple of the Lord with songs of praise on their lips.
Jew and Gentile, old and young, male and female, bond and free, are all exhorted to: Enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Everyone is summoned to: Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, and to: Bless His holy name forever, for Christ died to pay the price of our sins and is risen to give us life immortal.
Let us enter into His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.
Let us in all things, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving and joy, present our souls and bodies as a living sacrifice to God, knowing that He will use the circumstances of our lives for the greater progress of the gospel, if we will simply let Christ rule in our hearts.
May we learn the lessons of godly living, which are laid out in the Word of God, May we learn from Israel's failure and feed on Him in our hearts by faith, with thanksgiving - as we die to self and life for Him.
In reality, we should embrace them with a thankful heart, confidently expecting our Heavenly Father to use them for our spiritual benefit and for His eternal glory.
We are similarly informed that He will never allow the righteous to be shaken and to be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, we are to let our requests be made known to God, for when we trust in the Lord with all our heart, His incomprehensible peace will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Every time these dear believers in Philippi came into his mind, Paul offered up intercessions and prayers of thanksgiving and praise for their great salvation.
Should we not all seek to keep one another in joyful remembrance and regularly lift up the body of Christ in prayer and supplication - with thanksgiving?
Memories of Christian brothers and sisters should be bathed in love and grace, forgiveness and faith, care and compassion, joy and thanksgiving.
In a depressed world that is increasingly focussed on 'self', how important to rejoice in the Lord always, to remember that our blessings come to us continuously from God, to be increasingly thankful for the brothers and sisters He has placed in our path and to lift up one another in prayer and praise with grateful thanks and gracious hearts.
As believers, we are the corporate Body of Christ, and when two or more members of Christ's Body are united in prayer or praise, thanksgiving or worship, we are in a small way fulfilling Christ's high priestly prayer: That we may be one, even as He is one with the Father.
Like so many of Paul's epistles, this second letter to the Thessalonians opens with a prayer of thanksgiving and praise for the faith, hope, love, and patience of these believers, amid the serious trials and tribulation they were facing.
The life that we live is to be a true reflection of the life of the Lord Jesus Christ Who lived in total dependence upon His Father in heaven, through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, and in willing submission to the leading and guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
But as soon as he refocused his heart on the Lord and remembered the many precious promises of God, which are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ, he was able to pray effectively with thanksgiving, praise, and confidence.
And so David rejoiced with thanksgiving and praise, and prayed: The LORD hath heard my supplication; the LORD will receive my prayer.
And our prayers and supplications should be done with a heart of praise and thanksgiving, a heart that not only trusts Him to keep His Word, but a heart ready to say: Thy will not mine be done.
How wise to praise our good and gracious God with prayers of gratitude and hymns of thanksgiving for all that He has done for us.
May we recognise what Christ has done for us, and with grateful praise and a thankful heart, offer up ourselves in service to God as a living sacrifice - a holy offering that is pleasing to the Lord.
Having been rooted in Christ at salvation, believers should be continuously growing in the faith in order to became increasingly stable in doctrinal knowledge and our understanding of the gospel, which will manifest itself in an ever increasing mental attitude of thanksgiving and grateful praise.
May we take to heart the great comfort discovered by this psalmist whose cry of help to the Lord became an offering of praise and thanksgiving for His goodness and grace.
They observed Him rise early in the morning to take time to fellowship with His God, and discovered Him late into evening offering thanksgiving and praise.
Down through the ages, prayers of petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise have ascended from the people of God to His throne of grace.
The Psalms are replete with morning offerings and evening vespers, and the Lord Jesus Himself delighted to make it His daily habit to come before His Heavenly Father in prayer and thanksgiving.
How thankful that we are not justified by our own good works or legalistic practices carried out in our own strength, since by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified.
When David penned these words, they were in every respect a song of thankful worship to the Father that pointed to the coming Messiah Who would be sent from heaven to become our sacrifice for sin.
May our lives be a sweet-smelling savour of thankful worship and reverential praise so that we may live and move and have our being in the centre of His will.
No doubt in the ages to come we will show forth praise and thanksgiving to our heavenly Father that we heard and responded to the gospel of grace, by which we are saved, and embraced it with our whole hearts and lives.
This is a beautiful song of rejoicing in the Lord where the theme of thanksgiving and praise for the goodness of God and His everlasting mercy, threads its way like a shining thread from beginning to end.
As righteousness has been credited to us on His behalf, let us live by faith so that all that we do is done by faith and not by our flesh. And just as we were credited with righteousness at salvation, let us continue to live by faith, with thanksgiving for all that He has done for us.
And when we are confronted with the problems and difficulties of life, we are to work these out in the power of the Spirit, by looking to Jesus and by facing every life-challenge through prayer and praise with thanksgiving.
Paul is a man who demonstrates the godly principle of ongoing praise, ceaseless prayer, and continuous thanksgiving, knowing that this is the will of God for all His children.
As we go through our days, let us have an attitude of thanksgiving to our wonderful Saviour, deepening our love and understanding of Him, to His praise and glory.
The quickest way to cause fear to evaporate is to focus the eyes of our heart, steadily on the Lord Jesus, and in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, to cast our care on Him and to make our requests known to God - and then the peace of God that passes understanding will fill our minds and flood our hearts and our faith will flourish.
And peace with God, which was gained at the Cross, is enlarged and extended... as the precious peace of God which passes all understanding, guards our hearts, protects our minds, and reigns in our lives, when we cast all our cares upon the Lord - so that in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, we are permitted to make our requests known to Him.
Oh, we are indeed intensely thankful and eternally grateful that He loved us enough to die His ignominious death on the Cross to save our damned souls, but God's Own love must be the foundation upon which our love for Him is firmly secured and His compassionate, perfect love in us, must be the fountain-head, through which our love streams-out into the lives of others.
Paul was thankful that these dear men and women had trusted Christ for their Salvation, and he was thrilled that Epaphras, his fellow-labourer in the gospel and beloved bond-servant of Christ, continued to faithfully preach Christ crucified to these believers - unlike so many false teachers that were infiltrating the early Church of Paul's day.
Paul discovered that by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, God's promises are sure, His Word is true, His grace is sufficient, and all things work together for good to those that love the Lord their God with all their heart and are fitting into His plans and purposes.
and not one transgresseth it.If such a resounding call to praise and worship God as Creator is given to angels and the heavenly host, how much more should our worshipful praise and humble thanksgiving be offered to the Lord, Who not only created us, but has also redeemed us by the blood of Christ Jesus, His dearly beloved Son.
May we discover the wonders of Him anew, and swell the heavenly chorus with overflowing hearts of thanksgiving and praise to our great Creator and rejoice in the God of our Salvation.
Rather, let us feed on Christ in our hearts by faith with thanksgiving and allow the beautiful spiritual fruit of humility to blossom and bud in our inner being - so that the lovely character of the Lord Jesus may start to be seen increasingly in our lives - until we come to a measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ to the praise and honour of our heavenly Father.
Let us comfort one another with these words and sing praises to Him with thanksgiving with every passing day, knowing that we are been saved by grace through faith in God's only begotten Son, Who loved us so much that He gave His life so that we might live.
And in his short outburst of praise, we discover king David rejoicing and singing in his heart by faith with thanksgiving: How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony, for it refreshes the soul and is a sweet fragrance that ascends to the Lord and glorifies His holy name.
They will look on Him Whom they pierced, recognise Jesus as their Messiah-King - and together will cry out in praise and thanksgiving, blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.
It helps to maintain our hope in Christ and encourages us to love the Lord our God with all our heart and mind and strength and soul - with thanksgiving.
These people of God sent a wonderful example as they sang songs of praise and gave thanksgiving to God: The Lord, He is good, they sang together, His faithful love to Israel endures forever.
We have been instructed that in everything, by prayer and supplication, to make our requests known to God, and we are to do it with thanksgiving and praise, so that the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We are being invited to join in a celebration of thanksgiving and praise to God for the breathtaking things God has done for us.
The nations are urged to COME and to SEE, and to join in a unanimous chorus of thanksgiving and praise, for the wonderful works of God, and all that He has done for the children of men.
Surely the goodness and mercy of God shall follow us all the days of our life, and we should not hesitate to delight to sing His eternal praises, and offer Him the thanksgiving and honour that is due to His holy name.
It is through faith in the Lord and submission to the Spirit that we can feed on His Word by faith with thanksgiving, be nourished with the gospel of His great salvation, and rest in His love.
We are to establish God's Word of truth in our heart and to reckon it to be true so that we may live our lives in submission to the Holy Spirit of God, by faith in our Savour, Jesus Christ, with thanksgiving in our hearts.
We are to develop a fervent belief and committed trust in God the Father Who has given us eternal salvation by grace through faith, and we are to walk in spirit and truth so that in Him we will be abundantly furnished with an unshakable and established trust, which will overflow in thanksgiving and praise to our heavenly King.
Probably the most important way to turn a temptation for evil into a trial that God will use for good, is to maintain a close relationship with Him through continuous prayer, ongoing praise and a thankful heart for all His goodness and grace towards us.
It must have been wonderful to see the people singing praises to God and offering thanksgiving for His faithfulness, in bringing them back to the Promised Land.
Paul reminded us that if we only have hope in this world, then we are to be greatly pitied, but we who trust in Jesus as our sin-bearing Saviour can rejoice and lift up our voices in shouts of praise and thanksgiving, as did the apostle Paul and Israel's king David.
Is there a more beautiful expression of worship than to lift up holy hands in humble adoration and love for our Lord while singing songs of praise to glorify His name?Let us join together and sing unto the LORD a new song of praise and thanksgiving, and proclaim to the earth His wonderful salvation.
When difficulties arise in our lives and we are beset on every side with hardships and trials, we need to adopt the attitude of David in His many psalms of praise and thanksgiving – who reflected on God's past goodness, rejoiced in His future promises, and blessed the Lord for all the benefits that He bestows on us day by day: For the Lord is compassion and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in loving-kindness.
Whether the four young men met together in one place to pray, or retired into their own, private prayer-closets to appeal to the Lord is unclear, but we read that their prayers were answered and the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision at night, and immediately he lifted up his voice in praise and grateful thanksgiving to the God of heaven.
Rather, he humbly worshipped the Lord in the beauty of holiness and offered his sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to God for His grace and mercy in revealing the truth and saving their lives in the process.
When confronted with insurmountable barriers or when our very lives are threatened, may we be quick to cast ALL our cares on Him and in everything by prayer and supplication - with thanksgiving and faith, call on the name of the Lord, and when our Father gives us the answer, may we never forget to give Him ALL the praise and worship - for He alone is worthy.
This is also our model of prayer that embraces praise, worship, petition, supplication, intercession, thanksgiving, and fellowship with our Father in heaven.
He resisted temptation, learned obedience by the things He suffered, and lived a perfect life by depending on His Father, listening to the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit, standing on every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God, and praying without ceasing... in thanksgiving and praise.
Let us be thankful for our great salvation, and may we be willing to fulfil our own unique role in Christ's Body - in the place where He has planted us.
Not only does the spirit-filled Christian demonstrate an outward delight in God, but they show forth the inner joy of the Lord when they sing and makes melody in the silent secrecy of their own heart; singing with thanksgiving and praise in the privacy of their own inner being, to the glory of God.
Yes a thankful heart, boldness in testifying to the truth of the gospel, power for spiritual service, open-hearted generosity towards others, and the exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ, are all evidences given in the Word of God of the man or woman who is filled with the Spirit of God.
He knew that their joy would evaporate if they did not fill their hearts and minds with all that is pure and lovely, virtuous and praiseworthy - and Paul knew that only those that imitated his Christ-centred life, and stood firm on the glorious gospel of grace - with thanksgiving, would experience the precious peace of God, which passes human understanding, and be equipped to rejoice in the Lord in every situation.
Our supplications should be sincere, for our prayers should be conducted in spirit and truth while emanating from in a heart of thanksgiving and praise.
May we seek to imitate our precious Saviour, and gather the God-given strength we need for each day from the indwelling Holy Spirit - through prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving.
Peter expanded on his advice to love the life that God has graciously given us, and to make the most of time that we have on earth, by faith with thanksgiving; by commanding us to keep our tongue from speaking evil and our lips from telling lies.
Let us follow the example of Peter and David, and by faith make the most of the life that God has given us by fostering a gracious attitude, a thankful heart, and conversation that is full of grace and seasoned with salt, that edifies and encourages, to the glory of God.
May we, who have gone through the Door of Salvation and been brought into the heavenly realm by faith in Him, enter into the fullness of Christ as we feed on Him in our hearts by faith with thanksgiving, growing in grace and in a knowledge of our God and Saviour - Whom to know is life eternal.
Certainly, our pleadings and petitions, prayers and thankful praise should not be from a heart that is harbouring resentment or unforgiveness, anger or bitterness but from a heart that is holy and clean before the Lord, a heart that is gentle and gracious, a heart that is submissive before the Lord - for God looks on the state of our heart.
Praise God that we can approach the throne on grace boldly, and give over to Him all of our anger, anguish, resentment, and malice, making the way clear for us to life up holy hands and pour out our praises, petitions, and thankful worship to the One Who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.
So often, we see that in times of trials and difficulties, the Psalmists lifted up their voices in hymns of thanksgiving and praise, calling on the righteous to be joyful in the Lord, to rejoice in the God of their salvation and to sing to the Lord with thankful hearts, for praise, worship, and thanksgiving from the man or woman who loves the Lord, is beautiful and beneficial.
Conversely, faith is often tested in those long and painful seasons of life, when patient endurance is called upon as we trustingly wait for the Lord to act, submissively waiting on the Lord's promises to be fulfilled in prayer, and praise, and thanksgiving.
We need to confidently wait for the Lord to act on our behalf, knowing that His promises are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus, and we need to faithfully wait on the Lord with psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, making music to the Lord in our hearts with thanksgiving and praise.
Let us worship before the throne of grace, and offer Him our unending thanksgiving and praise for sending Jesus to be the sacrifice for our sin, and the Firstfruit from the grave.
Paul was thankful for Timothy's spiritual heritage, and although he warned that the Christian life was not always easy, he reminded him of his holy calling and that the suffering and shame God's people have to endure in this life must be understood from God's vantage point (an eternal perspective).
And Paul could hardly conceal his praise and thanksgiving that in God's own time and God's own way, the Son of God was revealed, the message of redemption was proclaimed, and Paul was entrusted to preach the precious gospel of grace, as commanded by Christ.
He was made sin for us and paid the full price of sin... so that by His life, death, and resurrection, He was able to reveal the Father to us and to proclaim His name to all who believe... even calling us His brothers and leading the congregation of the elect in singing hymns of praise and thanksgiving to our great Creator God and heavenly Father.
There is no contradiction in God's Word, so let us praise God that He raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms, and let us live our lives by faith, with thanksgiving, in a manner that is worthy of our exalted positioned in Christ, and glorifies our Father Who is in heaven.
And the peace of God is what our heart can be filled with when a believer walks in spirit and truth and in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, makes their requests known to God.
We are called to be holy even as our Father in heaven is holy, and we are instructed to be sanctified unto God in our hearts by faith, with thanksgiving and praise.
Paul's prayers were filled with thanksgiving for his Christian brothers and sisters at Colossae because of their faith in Christ, their love in spirit and truth for one another, and their heavenly hope in their eternal inheritance; a heritage in Christ's kingdom of light which is kept for us, in heaven.
The spiritual believer feeds on the Word of God by faith with thanksgiving, and submits to the leading of the Holy Spirit, knowing that: In myself I can do nothing, but in Christ I can do all things, for we live by the faith of the Son of God and not by faith in our own abilities.
Let us seek to mature as a believer by faith with thanksgiving, knowing that of ourselves we can do nothing that will please God, but in Christ: We can do all things in His strength, as we abide in Him.
The thanksgiving he expressed for their developing faith was clearly designed to encourage them to maintain their faith in the Lord and press on for the upward call we have in Christ Jesus, and so he began this personalised section by telling them: We give thanks to God always for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers.
Like the Lord Jesus, Paul seems to have developed the desire to live his life in an attitude of prayer, and throughout his writings, we find him encouraging the Body of Christ to pray without ceasing, in every situation to pray with a thankful heart, and having done all, to keep on praying, knowing that our sufficient strength comes from God alone.
We should express our grateful thanksgiving for all that He has done for us.
Let us bless the Lord with our whole heart, knowing that the momentary troubles of this fleeting life will soon be over, and we too will be joining in the never-ending heavenly chorus of thanksgiving and praise.