The little Lord Jesus was born with the “Divine Nature from Above” – the “DNA” of the Holy Trinity: for in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead in bodily form.
The Holy Spirit
There is a lot of misunderstanding about the beautiful person of the Holy Spirit. Many cults and false teachings consider Him to be an influence – an ‘IT’ and not a person. They talk of Him as an invisible active force – a kind of energy or a super ‘substance’. But the Holy Spirit is Deity. He is the third Person of the Trinity.
Plan of Salvation
Had Christ been begotten of a human father He could not be the second Person of the Trinity, and the plan of Salvation would have been the biggest farce in history. Had He been begotten of a human father Christ would have been imputed with SIN.
Prayer is such a wonderful thing for in every acceptable prayer the Father, the Son, and the Spirit together are glorified – for the whole Trinity is concerned.
Moral Qualities
However, there is no tension in the contrasting attributes of the Godhead. There are no contradicting aspects in God’s own moral qualities, for each attribute is perfect, and each quality is eternal. Contradictory demands are united together in the extremity of His understanding. The three-fold cord of the Holy Trinity is as unbreakable as it is eternal.
Historical Reality
The incarnation of the second Person of the Trinity, that was purposed in the eternal council chambers of God became a reality so that Christ could declare: Behold, I have come to do your will, O God — in the volume of the book it is written of Me. The heart of God is indeed a heart of love, and the irreversible gift of His only begotten Son to a sinful world, was predetermined so He could die as our kinsman-Redeemer.
Eternal Benefit
The assurance of our salvation and promise of eternal life is an established fact in scripture, and each person of the Trinity is involved in our salvation and security.
for hidden within Christ is a great treasure trove of all-wisdom and all-knowledge. Christ – the third person of the trinity was made man and became God incarnate. Christ was Son of Man Who was born – yet He was the Son of God Who was given. The fullness of deity dwells in Christ – and in Him is all wisdom and knowledge. Colossians 2:9 All that God is and all that God knows is present in the person of Christ Jesus.
Slipping Standards
How quickly the awe and wonder of the three Persons of the Trinity, Who demand the deep reverence of bowed worship and hushed prayer - where sinners and saints alike tremble in His glorious presence... how quickly the awe and wonder has been replaced with chattering clamour and musical merriment!!
Fully Man
As fully Man – He was born as Jesus of Nazareth - the carpenter’s ‘Son. He started life as a Seed in the virgin’s womb – begotten of the Father and born. As the God-Man, He is the unique Person of the Trinity – the Christ of God.He is appointed Heir of all things – Judge of all men – Pre-eminent among people.
“Unitarians” do not embrace the biblical Trinity, while “Christian Science” exponents state that Jesus was not Deity and equal with God, but a lesser created being – a son of God.
Trinity of Demands
“Therefore,” ….we are exhorted: therefore let us lay aside every weight, and let us lay aside the sin (of unbelief as demonstrated in earlier chapters) let us lay aside this sin which so easily ensnares us – lack of trust in God and let us run with patient endurance the race that is set before us…” But this trinity of demands has its focus on a person – the Lord Jesus, the Son of Man Let us look to JESUS….
It was here, in the mind of the Father – it was here, in the heart of the Son – it was here, in the breath of the was here, through the interaction and interpersonal expression of divine love… it was here, in goodness, kindness, and person-ness between the persons of the Trinity..
Perfect Trinity
It is because He is holy and perfect. It is because He is perfect God and became perfect Man. It is because He has saved us by the blood of His perfect Son. It is because He dwells in us by His perfect Spirit. It is because He can do the perfect in our imperfect life. It is because He can do the impossible…. and so He demands the impossible of all His children – for things which are impossible with men are possible with God. Luke 18:27
God made the Lord Jesus Christ, Who was the second person of the eternal Trinity, to come in the likeness of human flesh, through the pure Seed of the fallen woman.
A Study:- Man’s Nature and Destiny
Threefold Life
The Christian life is a three-fold experience – three phases, planned by the Trinity. 1) Salvation : 2) Sanctification : 3) Service. FIRST: we come to Christ for salvation.
Son of God
Those who believe in Christ’s equal deity with the Father declare as truth, that the virgin-born babe of Bethlehem, Who lived as the biblical Jesus of Nazareth and died on a cross – was pre-existent in uncreated eternity and became fully human as the infinite God of the universe and Creator of all things – the Son of God and 2nd person of the Holy Trinity.
Eternally Divine Nature
The reason that the eternally divine nature of the second person of the Trinity joined with the fully human nature of the person of Jesus Christ, is so that by His identification with us – we could come into harmony and communion, with the Father.
created in God’s image is a trinity of spirit, soul and body. But since Adam’s fall his progeny are fallen creatures, born into a fallen world, and the only hope for mankind is to be reborn, as a new a creation in Christ.
Trinity in Man
Man’s spirit is dead in trespasses and sins until made a new creation and born again.
It was the Son of God Himself, the very Word of the Almighty, Who spoke the plan and purpose of God the Father into being, as the Spirit of God Himself moved over the face of the waters to form and fashion and fill the empty void which the Trinity in Unity called into being.
The Trinity is integral in this passage, where we stand united by one faith - through believing in the one, unchangeable body of truth which is recorded in the inerrant and eternal Word of God.
He is the second Person of the Holy Trinity, clothed in a human body of flesh and blood, and living in close, intimate communion with each of His beloved band of followers.
The authority of Christ's prayer to the Father, rests on the authority of His position as Incarnate Deity, and the other Helper Whom the Father would send would be the Spirit of Truth - the third Person of the Holy Trinity - Who would be with them forever and eventually would permanently indwell each one.
This is an allusion to the eternal Son of God; The Second Person of the Holy Trinity; The Pre-incarnate Christ Who encamps around those that fear Him and delivers them all.
Although He was eternal Deity and the second member of the Trinity, we see Jesus living His life as God intended man to live: in humble submission and complete obedience to His Father in heaven.
Only one Person of the Trinity was born into the human race as a Man so that He could live a perfect life and die a sacrificial death, and in so doing, pay the price for the sin of the world.
When liberal thinkers and Christian cults refuse to acknowledge the deity of the Lord Jesus Who, as the second Person of the Trinity, is fully GOD, yet fully MAN, they destroy the one truth that can save their soul, a truth that cannot be compromised: Only a holy GOD is pure enough to pay the price for sin and break its deathly power.
The trio of patience, kindness, and goodness, are predominantly attributes that are displayed in gracious conduct towards other people, while the trinity of faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, are hidden facets, deep within, that God alone can truly discern.
Christ is eternally equal with the Father, for He is the second Person of the Holy Trinity, and the monologue that followed this controversial healing, proved beyond question Christ's deity and equality with the Father in many significant ways.
The monotheistic doctrine that the Lord God was One Lord was exclusive to Israel... however, the doctrine of the Trinity which teaches that there is One God in three Persons is not contradictory - but rather complementary to this important, monotheistic teaching - for when the whole council of God is examined, the doctrine of the Trinity is beautifully embraced in both Old and New Testaments.
He is unique and there is no other God beside Him, but the unmistakable doctrine of the Trinity has its stamp of authority throughout the entire Word of God and the 'Shema' which the Lord Jesus referenced to the young Jewish ruler, only serves to endorse the monotheistic doctrine of the Triune Godhead - for the Lord our God is ONE Lord - unique from all the false gods of the pagan nations for He is the One Creator and the only wise Saviour Who is One in unity, One in purpose, One in thought, and word and deed.
Jesus Christ is the third member of the eternal Trinity, the Word made flesh Who alone came down from heaven and Who, by His own intrinsic power and authority, ascended into heaven.
It is through the unity of the Trinity that we are presented with the many precious promises of our salvation, our sanctification, our glorification, and an eternal heritage that is kept for us in heaven. It is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, together as One Who illuminates our hearts and leads us in the way of righteousness and peace.
The mystery of God is bound up in truth of the Trinity so that the Words of the Father can be spoken by the Son Who is the incarnate Word of God.
The mystery of God is indeed bound up in the truth of the Trinity, for God Almighty broke into time, space, and the history of mankind, and He visited His own creation for thirty-three years in the unique person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
They were equally aware of His claims to be God incarnate - the Word made flesh - the Son of the Father - the second Person of the eternal Trinity, but like the people of today, they preferred to speculate on the false assumptions that flooded their depraved imaginations.
As the perfect character of the all-powerful and omniscient Lord is unveiled to humanity, we discover that the Good Shepherd of the sheep is the holy Son of God - the second Person of the Trinity Who took on mortal flesh so that He could become our Kinsman-Redeemer and sacrifice His sinless life to save the sheep of His pasture.
There must be a depth of love between the members of the Trinity at which we can only wonder, for Each loves the Other with a divine love that always has been and will continue to exist forever.
The exact attribute of the eternal Father of Old Testament Scripture is ascribed to the Lord Jesus Whom John describes as Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. God the Father made it clear to Moses, Isaiah, and other holy men of God that He alone is the first and He is the last, the beginning and the end, and that no other God is equal with Him: Before Me, there was no God formed, is Isaiah's great pronouncement from Yahweh, and there will be none after Me! And yet Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, was able to pronounce in this verse, I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, Who is and Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty.Jesus, the virgin-born Seed of the woman and second Person of the Trinity, rightfully claims equality with the Father, for He is the visible image of the invisible, triune God, sent by the Father to shed His perfect, human blood as the single, sacrificial offering for the sin of the world so that whosoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
Many people find it very difficult to accept that the Lord Jesus is equal in all aspect of deity with the Father, while remaining the unique Son of God and second Person of the Trinity.
Many refuse to look to the Lord Jesus as the second member of the eternal Trinity Who is co-equal and co-eternal with both the Father and the Holy Ghost, because they like to say that nowhere in the Bible does Jesus claim to be equal with God.
The second Member of the Trinity is the eternal Son of God Who was born into the human race as Jesus; the perfect Man Who alone had the authority and the credentials to become the only acceptable sacrifice for the sin of the whole world.
The baptism of the Lord Jesus is a beautiful picture of the Trinity working in harmony, and this verse is a glorious illustration of the Godhead meeting in unity.
And as the time of His preparation for His most significant yet solemn ministry was ending, we see the Trinity working in harmony, the Godhead meeting in unity.
By confessing the Lord is ONE with the plural word 'ELOHIM', the nation of Israel has for many centuries unwittingly delivered a shaded confession to the unity of the Trinity - the oneness of the Godhead - the uniqueness of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - the tri-unity of the YHWH, Creator of heaven and earth Who alone is to be worshipped and glorified for ever and ever, amen.
Just as God the Father and God the Son work together in unbroken harmony and perfect love, to fulfil their unique functions within the Tri-unity of the Godhead, so also God the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity, works the work of God in flawless synergy with Father and Son, as each fulfil their respective roles and co-authored responsibilities.
This wonderful Person about Whom Christ was speaking is none other than the third Person of the Trinity Who is in all things equal with the Father and the Son, and together with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified forever.
Where the first Adam failed, God appointed the second Person of the Trinity to be the last Adam who would complete the task of governing the world, where Adam failed.
The mutual love within the Trinity is incomprehensible to mere human beings, and yet for three very significant hours of deep darkness, Christ was separated from the Father He loved so dearly, and the Spirit Who had been the ever-present Lover of His soul throughout His earthly life.
As the second Person of the Trinity, Christ is sometimes referred to as the 'eternally begotten' Son of the Father Who was, and is, and is to come, the Almighty.
Manoah and his wife were unaware that the Angel of the Lord Who had come from heaven to bring them a message from God, was none other than the divine Person of the Son of God, the second Person of the Trinity.
And so He perfected His plan of redemption before the foundation of the world, through the redeeming blood of His only begotten Son - the Lord Jesus Christ - the third member of the eternal Trinity.
His love stretches from eternity past, where the interactive, mutual love of each member of the Trinity united to formulate God's amazing plan of redemption - and it stretches on into the eternal ages to come, for God's love is everlasting and remains forever.
All the three members of the eternal, holy Trinity bear record in heaven that: God has given us (mankind) eternal life, and this life is in His Son.
Each Person of the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, bear record in heaven of the truth of God's Word, which is the will and testimony concerning the incarnate Son of God.
Only one member of the Trinity died on the Cross that day, and only one Person of the Godhead rose from the dead.
BUT every member of the Trinity was involved in Christ's glorious resurrection - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, were jointly responsible for this wonderful miracle.
They were united in a blessed trinity of endless communion and sweetest fellowship.
That eternal third Person of the Trinity was the unique member of the Godhead Who was chosen in eternity past to come to earth as a human being, and in every way to live, and move, and have His being like as we are, yet without sin, so that He would become the unique and only sacrifice for sin.
The irreducible deity and eternality of Christ is often a stumbling block to the limited minds of men, but by faith we understand Christ is the second Person of the eternal Trinity.
Although Jesus was true deity and the second Person of the Trinity, He was a true man, who was tempted to sin just as we are tempted - yet He did not sin.
Jesus is the Second Person of the Trinity, Who was fully and finally revealed to the world through the birth, life, death, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
He is the only Member of the Trinity Who was clothed in human flesh, so that sinful men and women might be saved by grace - through faith in His sacrificial work at Calvary.
Christ is omnipotent God, the Creator of the universe, the second Person of the Trinity, the eternal Son of the living God Who was born into the human race to become the perfect Son of Man and our Kinsman-Redeemer.
Being the second member of the Trinity, the Son of God has been with the Father from all eternity, and His incarnation at Bethlehem was that historic point when the Son of God was dressed in mortal flesh and became the Son of Man - the Word made flesh - the incarnate God.
The second Person of the Trinity became the man Christ Jesus, and set a perfect example of how every-man should live - in complete dependence upon the Father.
The second person of the Trinity came to correct that failure, and did everything the Father willed... and as a result, ALL THINGS were handed over to Him, by the Father.
However, God purposed that His only begotten Son, the eternal Son of God and second Member of the Trinity, would be the one and only Man Who would restore what man lost.