Son of God
Imagine John’s dismay when He saw the sinless Son of God on Whom the Spirit was to rest coming to him to be baptised in water. “I need to be baptised by You,” he protested. But God always has His reasons and all that Christ did was under the guidance of the Spirit of God and in perfect harmony with the will of the Father – and for God’s glory. Jesus reassuring His humble herald said to the faithful John, “Permit it at this time; for in this way it is fitting for us to fulfil all righteousness,” and so He was baptised.
Spirit Guidance
If a lighted lamp is not trimmed and cleaned daily.. it flickers and is extinguished. If the oil of the Spirit is not replenished day by day..
Created to Rule
God created Adam to rule the earth through the guidance of God in heaven: let us make man in Our image to have dominion over the works of our hands.
Genesis 1:26 God created Adam to govern the earth through the guidance of the most-high God.
Submissive Obedience
Adam was to govern the earthly realm through God’s guidance in the heavenly realm. Later Israel was created to teach the nations the goodness of God. Israel was to demonstrate man living in submission to God – a son obedient to his Father.
In this way the new life in Christ will have a chance to grow and mature, and gradually be conformed into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus. If we ignore the clear guidance in scripture on how to live a spiritual life, that’s pleasing to God, and submit to the old sin nature, we place ourselves back under the bondage of law.
You canbecome mediumistic in your very psychical nature and open all theavenues of your being to supernatural guidance and come under thepower, the sway, dominion, of deceiving spirits operating in amultitude of ways.
We can only be His best by submitting our body, soul, and spirit into His guidance – daily dying to self and moment by moment living in obedience to the Spirit’s training.
Let us listen to His voice in those small decisions that we are so apt to take;decisions we make without seeking His skilful, loving guidance -decisions we are prone to take without listening to His gentle promptings.
He maintained close fellowship with God; His food was to do His Father’s will; He listened to the guidance of the Spirit and laid aside His glory for a season. The Lord Jesus Christ learned obedience through the things that He suffered.
Spiritual Guidance
We can look back into the corridors of past history and see God’s plan unfolding. We can peer into the pages of the future and see His purposes reaching fulfilment. We can live in a Christ-rejecting sinful world and confidently trust our lives to Him..
Remember, in Christ’s economy it is only believers who are called to be disciples and forsake all for Christ’s sake – but it is a free-will choice to live as unto the Lord and to submit to His guidance – but never a requirement of salvation as widely taught today.
Free-will Choice
All sanctification and spiritual growth in our lives is by God’s grace alone, and all we have to do is to submit to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our lives. But not all believers are being sanctified in a practical, progressive manner – for being “set apart unto God,” is a free-will choice – a decision of the will, we all have to make.
Old Testament Examples
The lives of the Old Testament saints exemplify many reactions to His guidance:- some resisted; some grieved; some quenched; some neglected; some missed Him – and some just simply trusted.
We do not trust that others also may be led of the Lord in this thing, and so the corporateness of guidance so necessary to the house of God is destroyed or paralyzed.
Speaking Truth
Many will not face the truth that their view of God could be distorted. Some are even unresponsive when help and guidance is offered in love.
you see He is God!! It is we who are to have our own expectations hammered into the finest powder... until we, by Faith, submit willingly to His entire leading and unimpeded guidance.
Spirit’ Guidance
Life’s circumstances may indeed be a gateway to understanding, Experience also can teach us many things but they are not an end in itself.
Humble Heart
But God wants a heart that is entirely yielded to His leading and His guidance..
Their new discovery, or light, or guidance, as they speak of it, by reason of the let-up of some tension, solution to some problems, promise of release into self-realization, and escape from pressure, when the novelty and glamor have worn off is found to have been deceitful waters, producing Jericho's fruits which fall before they are ripe....
God has given us His sufficient grace so that we may live as Christ lived - in spirit and in truth, but we are to appropriate all that is ours in Him... by abiding in Him, submitting to the Holy Spirit's guidance, and trusting in His Word.
In this verse, we are reminded that: When there is no guidance the people fall - however, in abundance of counsellors there is victory.
The word, 'guidance' in this verse, is a term that is used in nautical navigation or piloting a plane, for without wise advice and informed counsel, there is likely to be a great disaster - for as we read: Where there is no guidance the people fall.
Similarly, there are other instances when victory has been secured, when decisions have been based on wise counsel, or rulings have reflected informed guidance: For in the abundance of counsellors there is victory.
Such guidance is often welcome, but can at times be confusing... especially if it conflicts with our own will or personal desires... but God has given us His written Word which He often uses to guide our steps or confirm the advice of believers, whom the Lord puts in our way to counsel us.
However, we do need to be willing to LISTEN to His voice, whether it is internal or external - and we do need to respond when we receive prompting from His written Word so that we do not fall: For where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counsellors there is victory.
How much more we who have an old sin nature need to keep ourselves ever covered by His protecting power and yielded to the guidance of His Holy Spirit, as we remain in Him and He in us.The little power-packed book of Jude opens by encouraging maturing Christians to contend earnestly for the sanctifying faith that works in and through the lives of born-again believers, and which will bring them to spiritual maturity.
Should not we who are His children, made in His image, and born of the Spirit, humble our hearts before Him and bow our ear to listen to the whisper of His still small voice, as He speaks to us His Words of comfort and guidance?
Every common task to which we place our shoulder and each Christian duty to which we are called, can only be successfully discharged as we rely on the Lord Jesus Christ for guidance and strength.
This is not a one-time strengthening, but a moment by moment reliance upon Him, until we are increasingly able to act upon His guidance, as we learn to listen to His voice saying: This is the way, walk in it.
Righteousness, peace and inner joy is the gracious fruit of the Spirit that is formed in someone who is submitted to His leading and guidance. The kingdom of God is a matter of righteousness, peace, and joy, which proceeds from the one that is walking in spirit and truth.
As we offer our requests to the Lord, may we pray into His will and continue to seek His counsel and guidance in all the decisions and duties of everyday life so that we will finish the challenges in our own life-race to the honour of God's holy name and for our eternal benefit.
This only happens to the one that is walking in spirit and truth and is submitted to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Who by grace is conforming us into His likeness, as we die to self and live for Christ.
Children are a heritage and gift from the Lord, and there is much in Scripture that gives parental guidance on the godly upbringing of their offspring.May those who have been entrusted with the heritage and gift of children, take their parental responsibilities seriously, and bring them up in the way they should go, for God has promised that when they are old, they will not depart from the way of Truth.May we who have been entrusted by the Lord to be parents, recognise the awesome responsibility with which we have been endowed.
How vital to maintain ongoing communion with the Father, by acknowledging our sins, confessing our spiritual poverty, and admitting our need of His guidance and grace.
Whether this is only given to those who are under-shepherds in a Church fellowship, or whether it is a crown that may be awarded to all who have faithfully served the body of Christ, and cared for the people of God in the graciousness of their heart, under the guidance of the Spirit is not clear, but may we all in humility of heart carry out Christ's will faithfully and fervently, by caring for the Church of Christ, as we look for that glorious day when we will be with our Good and Faithful Shepherd, Who died and rose again so that we might live eternally.
But if we are living by faith and trusting His guidance, He will bring us to the place that He knows is best - not only in this world but in the eternal ages to come.
May the elders of our churches in this generation, husbands in their home, and the men of today, recognise the responsibilities they have in giving guidance to the younger generation and influencing a right attitude towards the things of God.
Although fully God, He had to learn how to live as a man under the guidance and direction of God so that He could fulfil the will of His Father.
And so He laid aside His glory and lived His life as God expects all men to live; in total obedience to the guidance of God, not relying on Himself but learning obedience through the things that he experienced in His manhood.
The fruit of the Spirit is an inner grace that is produced in a believer who is submitted to the guidance of the Holy Spirit so that the life lived becomes a lovely reflection of Christ's singular nature and godly character.
They were a New Creation in Christ and were equal members of His Body.The little letter to Titus gives important information on the appointing of godly elders in the congregation, establishing sound teaching, correcting doctrinal error, setting out appropriate Christian behaviour for men and women alike, and encouraging all believers in their faith during our brief sojourn on earth.Although we don't know when the Church in Crete was founded, this comprehensive letter to Titus gives clear instruction on the important issues of governance and guidance within the Body of Christ.By God's grace, we all have the Word of God as our plum-line for truth.
Jesus demonstrated throughout His earthly walk, a life that was well-pleasing to the Father, for He walked in spirit and truth depending on the guidance of the Spirit and entrusting His life into God's keeping, moment by moment.
As we trace the history of Israel through the pages of Scripture and witness His gracious guidance, the strength of His arm, His protective power, and mighty works, we must always remember that this is the same God Who reassures us that His grace is sufficient in every life-situation that we may meet, no matter how difficult and problematic it may appear - for His Word stands fast for all His people: For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you He will not fail you or forsake you.
The pagan deities that the Athenians worshipped, needed human beings to build their temples and bring them things, whereas the great God of the universe needs nothing from men – since He Himself gives life and breath to all people and all things.There is no correct way to introduce the gospel of grace to unbelievers, but there does need to be willingness to tell others about Jesus and bring God's message of salvation to the lost – and many missionaries have found that a good starting point is to give others a correct understanding of the God of creation Who made heaven and earth and everything in it, and of man whom God created in His own image, but who sinned and needs to be redeemed from sin and death and hell.May we, who have been saved by grace through faith, make ourselves available to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit so that lost sinners may be given the opportunity to hear the gospel and believe, through our ministry – for how shall they hear if no one is willing to tell them?
Paul's message and preaching was delivered by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit as he submitted to God's leading and guidance in the words he said, the message he spoke, the acts he carried out, and a heart that rested in Christ.
Others think it gave Christ time to pray to His heavenly Father for wisdom and guidance, for Jesus only said and did those things that He heard from His Father.
Not only was it the Spirit that prompted and inspired holy men of God to script His message to humankind, but He continues to prompt and inspire all who search its pages diligently, with a desire to discover the truth within its pages, and those with an ear that is submitted to the Spirit's leading and guidance.
Indeed, the Bible cannot be correctly interpreted without the Holy Spirit's guidance, although unfortunately there are many that twist and distort it for their own gain, and to the detriment of many in the Body of Christ.
All Scripture has been written for our learning, but the New Testament epistles give specific guidance and instruction on living the Christian life in this Church dispensation.God has given us all we need for life and godliness, and we have been given the holy Scriptures which provide clear teaching on how to walk in spirit and truth and why we should abide in Christ and He in us.We have the indwelling Holy Spirit to lead us in the way we should go, Who has promised to lead and guide in all things... and we have Christ's assurance that His grace is sufficient for every eventuality we may face – for when we are weak in our own abilities, we have His precious promise that His strength will enable us to stand fast in the evil day.The instructions earlier in the epistle of James, cover a wide range of topics that enable the believer to live a life that is honouring to the Lord.
Their earnest plea for guidance may have come from truly sincere people who wanted to do what was right in the eyes of the Lord, as some biblical expositors suggest, or their request may have been rooted in a proud and rebellions mind-set, which was only prepared to say, 'MY will, not Thine be done', which is the viewpoint of other biblical expositors.
Like this remnant in Israel, we are also living in volatile times, but we are instructed to trust the Lord in all things and seek His heavenly guidance in spirit and in truth.
Let us never forget that just as we were justified by faith when we first believed, we are to spend the rest of our lives being sanctified by faith in the power of the Spirit, as we abide in Christ and submit to the leading and guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
May we, with spiritual discernment, read, mark, learn, inwardly digest, and rightly divide the Scriptures through the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit so that we do not fall into any presumptive practices or lean towards any form of legalism.
Paul knew that the most effective cure for a loss of peace and a lack of joy is a mind that is focused on Christ, submissive to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and which humbly seeks to esteem others as more important than themselves.
He not only insists that we are truly free because Christ has set us free, but gives guidance on how to avoid becoming enslaved, once again, under the Law.
Should we not seek, day by day, to willingly submit to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our life, and seek to live godly in Christ Jesus, as we grow in grace? Should we not humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and cry out for Him to search our hearts, test our thoughts, and identify any offensive behaviour in our lives?
We are to study to show ourselves approved unto God and we are to live our life in full submission to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, for He is the One Who has been sent to teach us all things and to guide us into all truth.
While James is not decrying prudent planning or prayerful preparations for our future, he is most certainly warning that making presumptuous plans that ignore God's guidance, deny His gracious providence and stray outside of His will for our lives is very foolish and is most likely to end in calamity.
Peace WITH God is our permanent possession when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, but the peace OF God is conditional upon a believer being in a relationship with the Lord Jesus; as we abide in Christ, trust His Word, depend on His guidance, die to self, and live for Him.
The beauty of the inner abiding in Christ as we surrender to His will, reflect on His Word, and hearken to the inner guidance of His Holy Spirit, is that we will walk in His way and receive the power to live as He lived.
The last we hear of these born-again believers is that some continued to revert back to the influence of the old sinful nature instead of submitting to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit in their heart.
And having laid out the most thorough treatise of our faith, Paul concludes his weighty epistle with a section that gives guidance on practical Christian living.
Paul also gave some clear guidance on the qualities and qualifications that are needed for pastors, elders, deacons, and others in leadership positions within the Church.
In this verse we read: The elders who rule well are to be considered worthy of double honour, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching, and as believers, we are all called to treat our church elders with respect and take notice of their instructions and guidance.
And so empowered, filled, led, and supported by the Holy Spirit, we discover Jesus to be the only Man Who, from the beginning to the end of His life, freely chose to walk in spirit and truth and freely chose to fully submit to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
He equips us to carry out His perfect will in each of our lives if and when we are willing to submit to His guidance, as we walk in spirit and truth, as we abide in Christ, and let Him live His perfect new life-in-Christ in us.
But it is only by the work of the Holy Spirit within the life of a Christian who willingly bows to His guidance through love and deep gratitude, that we are enabled to live a godly life.
Paul is not only urging these believers to pray for their own needs and to maintain holy fellowship with the Lord, but gives them guidance on topics for prayer and asks them to pray for him and his ministry: Pray at the same time for us as yourselves, Paul writes: Pray that God will open up to us a door for the Word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned.
There are also many experiential ministries of which a Christian may be aware, such as the filling and giftings of the Spirit, His comfort and teaching ministries, His guidance and convicting work, His intercessory office where He helps us in our weakness, and His chastening work where we are being conformed into the image and likeness of Christ
He then warned of the dangers of false teachers and also gave him guidance on their characteristics and how to identify these wolves in sheep's clothing.
Although Christ was the eternal Son of God, we discover Him to be the humble servant of God Who walked in spirit and truth, lived in humble submission to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and became servant of all.
We have the indwelling Spirit of God and, under His guidance, should be in a position to examine, investigate, and inquire into difficult questions and discern all things because we are spiritual men and women.
As Church-age believers, we are not under law but under grace, which means that we are called to live by a supernatural standard which is only achieved when we live for Christ, die to self, walk in spirit and truth, and submit to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Godliness is not something that we conjure up ourselves. Godliness is the spiritual fruit of a life that is lived in willing submission to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Let us, therefore, seek to live in humble dependence upon our Heavenly Father, to always seek His guidance, and to ensure that we include Him in our plans.
Let us seek after righteousness, handing over every circumstance of life to Him as we take every thought captive to His guidance so that we too may have lips that praise the Lord and a mouth that sends forth words that rise like sweet incense to our Father in heaven.
What a lesson for us to learn that when we try to work the works of God in our own strength or without the leading and guidance of the indwelling Spirit, we may find that there is barrenness in our soul and we may forgo the comfort and joy that comes from doing His will.
It is as I submit to His gracious leading and gentle guidance, that sin is mortified and grace is quickened.
The more I respond to His gracious leading and gentle guidance, the more I can say, I live, and yet not I, but Christ lives in me, for it is His Spirit that communes with my human spirit.
Despite his humble confession to God and his magnificent prayer at the dedication of the Temple, Solomon set out to discover the meaning of life using his own reasoning power and without the leading and guidance of God.
But when we refuse His leading and guidance, God will correct and chasten us until we are ready to submit to His leading and put Him first in our lives.
Like many wonderful promises throughout Scripture, these beautiful words, which have comforted countless millions of believers, assure us that restoration, guidance, protection, and peace is His promise of love to us all, for HE restores our soul and HE leads all His children in the way of goodness and peace.
As we trust in His Word and seek His face, He guides us into all truth, prompts us in our actions and attitudes, and corrects and trains us as we submit to His leading and guidance.
It was Jewish prophets, Jewish priests, or Jewish kings who, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, became the human authors of the inspired Scriptures: The oracles of God.
When the godly attribute of mercy or any other spiritual characteristic is manifest in a life, it is through the enabling power of the indwelling Holy Spirit in the life of a believer who has died to self and has submitted their life to the Spirit's leading and guidance - so that the beauty of Christ may be seen within.
To be certain that Titus appointed responsible men who were qualified to have oversight of the churches in Crete, Paul not only outlined the necessary qualifications and qualities for a church elder, but he also detailed the main characteristics of false teachers and gave guidance on how to expose and remove them from leading the flock of God astray.
Having laid out the most comprehensive presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Paul finally reaches his joyful conclusion with the most astonishing promise and wonderful truth that is given to all who believe - that nothing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord - nothing visible or invisible, nothing in the physical realm or the spiritual sphere, nothing in the heavens above, the earth beneath, or in the waters under the earth can separate us from God's gracious and everlasting love.
Solomon's advice to his son is to gain wisdom in every area of life, but in this passage he specifically lays out guidance in preserving sexual purity in marriage.
Despite their murmurings against both the Lord and himself, Moses had deep, spiritual concern for God's chosen people which caused him to plead with the Lord for His goodness and grace, His guidance and direction.
But when these gracious qualities of virtue and strength, excellence, dignity and honour are displayed in the life of a Christian, it is simply the fruit of the Spirit being shown forth in the man or woman of God, who is humbly submitted to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
We are to walk in the Spirit and be led by the Holy Spirit of God, for when we submit to His leading and guidance we are delivered from a life of bondage to all sorts of fleshly inclinations and set free from legalistic practices, laid down by law.
While Paul's epistles were written to specific people or church communities to teach doctrine, give reproof, provide correction, deliver encouragement, impart instruction in righteousness, and give guidance in Christian living, the book of Acts could more accurately be described as a historical document.
How important that we should put a guard over our lips and tongue, and set our heart to look to the Lord by pouring out our heart to Him and seeking His guidance in all things so that we walk and talk in spirit and truth.
The qualities that are so close to the heart of God are diametrically opposite from those in which the world delights, for the godly character that God has ordained in each of His blood-bought children is only achieved as we willingly submit to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit also produces the fruit of the Spirit in the life of all who are walking in spirit and truth; abiding in Christ and following His guidance.
The life that we live is to be a true reflection of the life of the Lord Jesus Christ Who lived in total dependence upon His Father in heaven, through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, and in willing submission to the leading and guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
We are also reminded that Jesus is the perfect example of how to live godly lives - as we die to self, live for God, seek His will, surrender our lives to His guidance, and do only those things that we hear from our Father in heaven.
During this time, the Scriptures, which have become our plumb-line for truth, needed to revealed and agreed upon by holy men of God, through the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit.
We are to recognise the impotency of repetitive prayers that are reiterated carelessly and mechanically, in preference to the tender promptings of the Holy Spirit in the heart, and His gentle guidance through the Word of Truth.
The conduct and integrity displayed by church leaders, in word and in action, can speak volumes to those under their guidance, including young men who are sitting under their tutelage.
Scripture must remain the benchmark for the practical outflow of godly living and spiritual maturity, and its purpose is to produce Christlikeness in all God's children, as we present our bodies as a living sacrifice unto the Lord and yield our lives over to His leading and guidance.
And no matter what difficulties and dangers he faced, we always discover David crying out to the Lord in prayer: Lead me, O Lord in Your righteousness because of my foes, was his oft repeated plea: Make Your way straight before my path. And in the difficulties and dangers he faced, David prayed for guidance and justice, he sought God's help and strength, and he asked for the blessing of the Lord for himself and for others.
The consequences of living in a sinful world are pain and sorrow, but from the time that we wake until the moment our head touches the pillow in the night-time hours, we have a choice to seek the Lord in all things and to submit to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Let us choose to walk in spirit and truth all the days of our life, to depend on the Lord from morning 'til night, to submit our lives to the guidance of the Spirit of God, and to pray: Lead me in Your righteousness; make Your way straight before my face.
These are beautiful qualities that are exhibited in a life that is living in spirit and truth, under the guidance of the Spirit, in union with Christ, and in fellowship with the Father.
The identifying mark of a man or woman who is submitted to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit is the one who walks and works and lives and prays in spirit and in truth - until it can be said that it is not I that live - but Christ Who lives within.
Christian love seeks to encourage one another towards godly living and spiritual growth, and Paul gives us biblical guidance on what to do when a brother or sister in Christ is caught up in any trespass or sin.
We are to ensure that we are submitted to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, by faith, and living our life in total dependence upon the Lord, in truth and in grace.
How much we need His guidance in the choices we have to make, a willingness to admit our faults, a readiness to learn the lessons God desires to teach us, and an eagerness to put into practice the truth we have learned.
We all desire to grow in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus and we all long to cultivate an undivided heart, that is unruffled by life, as we submit to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and walk in spirit and in truth.Awareness of our lack in any of these areas of our Christian walk or recognising that life’s problems are swamping our fainting hearts is wisdom indeed – and a prudent step towards solving such problems is to ask the Lord for wisdom.
It is the born-again child of God who is growing in grace, standing firm in the faith, abiding in Christ, and submitted to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, that is considered as the fragrance of Christ to God.
They would search for the truth, but they would not find it, for their ears had become blocked to His voice, their eyes had become blind to His guidance, and their hearts had become frozen against the God of their salvation.
As children of God, we should be aware that when we go against God's will or resist the Spirit's guidance in our lives, we become enemies of the Cross.
How much more should we embrace His chastening rod and recognise the need to be under His justified jurisdiction, as we surrender ourselves to His leading and guidance.
He started a good work in us and planted an eternal seed of grace within each of our hearts which will mature and produce much fruit to His praise and glory, if we humbly submit to His leading and guidance in our lives.
To pray in the Spirit is only possible when we are living in unbroken fellowship with the Father, for a life that is living, walking, and praying in spirit and truth is one is submitted to His leading and guidance, for the one that lives in helpless submission and dependent upon the Holy Spirit, is the one that truly prays in the spirit.
Sound exegesis is where the plain meaning of Scripture is drawn out from a passage in accordance with its correct historical context under the guidance of its Author, the Holy Spirit of God.
It is only as we trust in the Lord with all our heart and refuse to lean on our own understanding, that we truly benefit from God's leading and guidance.
It is only as we willingly choose to be submitted to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit in our lives that we can truly walk worthy of our Lord, in spirit and in truth.
Christ came to earth as the sinless Son of God to live life as God intended man to live; perfect in God's sight, fulfilling every aspect of God's Law, submitting to guidance of God's Spirit, depending entirely upon God the Father, and desiring to do His will.
This was the will of God the Father, through the leading and guidance of God the Holy Spirit so that God the Son could make Himself known to a wretched woman who was shunned by her community, minister to a group of lost sinners who were despised by the rest of humanity, bring salvation to a little town called Sychar, and reconcile lost souls back to their heavenly Father.
As members of Christ's Body, we too have been given the responsibility to continue Christ's ministry of reconciliation to a world of lost sinners, as directed by God the Father through the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, for the praise and glory of His holy name.
Some of the last words of help, encouragement, advice, and guidance that Christ gave His eleven disciples, shortly before He became the sin sacrifice for humanity, were that He did exactly as the Father commanded Him so that the world would know that He loved the Father.
Throughout his short life, Daniel had developed such a close fellowship with the Lord that his ears were open to God's voice and his heart was open to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
For it is as we maintain spirit to Spirit communion - the human spirit with Christ's Spirit - through the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit, that our hearts can whisper in steadfast prayer, joyful praise and intimate communion, Abba, my Father.
He resisted temptation, learned obedience by the things He suffered, and lived a perfect life by depending on His Father, listening to the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit, standing on every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God, and praying without ceasing... in thanksgiving and praise.
The surrendered believer who is walking in spirit and truth, is yielded to the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit Who works through our new life in Christ, and over time we discover an inner discipline at work.
It is that same Jesus Who demands that we honour Him, yield to Him, reverence Him, and submit to His leading and guidance, as we journey through life and face the many trials and tribulations that will stalk our path.
Jesus became the perfect example of how every man had been created to live; in complete dependence upon the Father, willingly submitted to His perfect guidance, and in utter obedience to His perfect will.
When doubt and discouragements rise in our hearts or when we are surrounded by trials, troubles, and temptation, we should shoot out a quiver of prayer arrows to the Lord for His help and guidance.
We are to stand firm in the faith and submit to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, day by day, and we are to live our lives looking to Jesus and learning to say, in all things, THY will, not mine be done.
Walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh, the Scriptures say, for it is by the leading, guidance, and power of the indwelling Spirit that we are enabled to abide in Christ and live for Him - as we put to death the deeds of the flesh.
He had been instructed to be strong and courageous in the execution of his mission, but Joshua was to place his entire faith in the Lord for His leading and guidance.
Through the prophetic pen of Israel's king David, we see Christ, Who is the example of the perfect Man Whose heart is sanctified unto the Lord, and Who lifted up His voice in humble prayer and obedient praise to God for His guidance and counsel.
The sort of man that is qualified and equipped to become an elder, is one that sees his role as humbly overseeing God's people through the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The book of Titus gives brief but thorough guidance on living a consecrated and virtuous Christian life that is holy to the Lord and displays grace and love to others.
Titus was the man who was entrusted to teach, correct, and give guidance to the Christians in Crete, but Paul was the person who was entrusted by the Lord to reveal the truth of the gospel of grace to Titus, and to many in the early Gentile church.
The little book of Titus gives much guidance to pastors and people alike on the godly qualities and characteristics that should be manifest in the lives of all God's people.
It is only a man who walks in spirit and truth and in utter dependence on the leading, guidance, training, and correction of the indwelling Holy Spirit that brings forth this spiritual fruit of godly love.
Guidance for godly living can be found throughout these Proverbs and it is attributed to Solomon, but salvation comes by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved.
Never should we compromise the truth, dilute our faith, or become involved in lawless behaviour, but by prayer and supplication through the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit, we should be prepared to give an answer for the hope we have in Christ, no matter what the cost.