But God had planned a unique way that all sinners could be forgiven of their sins., but it meant that the eternal Son of God would become a perfect human being so that He could be made a sacrifice for sin – a substitute for man – a kinsman-redeemer.
Our Substitute
As our substitute, Jesus went to the cross alone.
As our substitute, Jesus paid the price for our sins alone.
As our substitute, Jesus suffered the penalty for our sins alone.
As our substitute, we are accepted by God in the Beloved - alone.
As our substitute, we are forgiven because He alone died in our stead.
As our substitute, we are forgiven from the penalty of sin through Him – alone.
As our substitute, we are reconciled to God and justified by Him – alone.
The ‘love motive’ sees Christ as our wonderful Redeemer – as our substitute.
We have to ask Him to examine our rebellious and carnal nature – to know the difference between 1) Christ as substitute and Christ as representative. 2) between sanctification truths and identification truths. 3) between the new-life in Christ and the old-life in Adam. 4) between the spiritual believer and a carnal Christian.
Thus it is with every poor, helpless, self-condemned, conscience-smitten sinner. Christ alone is his substitute, his ransom, his most excellent sacrifice – his all in all.
These things only came in when the fullness of the Spirit had gone out, and, being an artificial substitute, they can never but be limiting things in the realm of Divine purpose.
Biblical Truths
Christ died FOR us – He died as our substitute – He paid the full price for all our sins. We died WITH Christ – we are identified with Him – He broke the power of sin in us. Substitutionary truths are linked with our birth from above – we are saved by grace. Identification truths are linked with growth in the Christian life – we grow by grace.
Gift of God
When Christ died as our substitute – it was by grace.
It was the eternal Son of God Who laid aside His glory to become the second Man Who would redeem the family of man from their sins, by becoming their substitute Sacrifice.
The Holy Spirit, with all that the gift of the Spirit means of enduement and endowment and instruction and strengthening, is not a substitute for experience.
Gift of Love
God loved the world so dearly that He gave the Son of His love to bear the punishment for our sin and to die an ignominious death as the substitute for our sin, on a cruel Roman cross – and He gave His Son as a Gift forever – to a race of fallen sinners. Today there is a man seated on the throne of God, Who was born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. He was laid in a manger and grew up in a simple home.
What it signified to Christ Himself, the perfect Man, our eternal substitute? Can we dare to muse – what this astonishing, predestined event meant to the Father? To do so demands we cover our face with a mantle, in fear and trembling. It requires that we reverently remove our shoes from off our feet, for to do so means that we are standing on the holiest of holy ground.
He has borne the judgment due to my sins, and condemned sin in the flesh; in the Person of my Substitute I am clear from, and carried beyond, the judgment forever; the power of death is annulled, that of Satan finally broken.
As our Substitute He went to the Cross alone, without us, to pay the penalty of our sins; as our Representative He took us with Him to the Cross, and there, in the sight of God, we all died together with the Lord Jesus.
He had to be both fully God and fully man – in order to be our substitute and save us. Unless He was fully God and fully Man there could be reconciliation with the Father.
He became sin for us – He became our substitute sacrifice, to satisfy the justice of God.
Substitute Saviour
Both the deity and the manhood of Christ is challenged today in differing quarters but unless fully God and fully Man, united in one Person – He could never have become the perfect Sin-Sacrifice for humanity.
He could never have become our Substitute Saviour. Jesus Christ, though fully God throughout His sojourn on earth was indeed fully man. His ancestry through both His adoptive father and human mother is listed in the Bible.
Christ’s Duel Nature
Unless fully human He could never have been our kinsman-Redeemer - our sin-substitute... for only a representative from the fallen race of humanity could pay the price for sin. Unless fully God, He could not have saved Himself nor could He have saved us – for only God Himself is good enough to pay His own required price for the sin. Indeed, denial of the true humanity is so serious in the eyes of the apostle John, that it he considers it to be the mark of an antichrist – and should be defended at all costs.
Substitute Standards
Scriptural truth are so staggering, and God standard so scandalous that we often substitute our own preferred thoughts in preference to His word.
The vivid picture of a substitute victim was given to Adam and Eve, and to all who would follow.
The same picture, foreshadowing Christ's sacrificial death as our sin-substitute, was given to Israel, centuries later.
How thankful we should be that God demonstrated His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us all - as the Substitute for our sin.
MY peace I give unto you.The amazing love of God, binds us together in worship and praise to our Heavenly Father Whose loves for us is so profound, that He gave His only begotten Son to become our substitute for sin, while the supernatural love of Jesus is such that while we were yet sinners, Christ died on our account so that we might be forgiven of our sin, receive a new life in Him, become united with Christ and abide with Him forever.Faith, enables us to worship in spirit and truth.
Christ was given by the Father as a sacrifice of pure love, and Jesus gave Him life willingly, for love of the Father.God in His grace provided a ram as a substitute for Isaac so that he might live.
The wrath of God against the sins we commit and our inherent sin nature must be satisfied, and this could only be accomplished if a sinless substitute willingly exchanged His perfect life for our sin-stained being.
The scornful scoffers and deriding mockers that belie the fast approaching Day of the Lord, are unaware that every passing moment is not slackness or disinterest on God's part, nor is God's acceptance or indifference towards man's sin, but just another expression of His long-suffering grace and His unwillingness that any should perish, but that all should turn from their sin to Jesus as the substitute offering for their sins and their glorious Saviour.
Sinners who believe in the death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ as their sin-substitute have the resurrected life of Christ within, and nothing can alter their eternal destiny.
The greatest manifestation of God's love towards a cursed world and a condemned race was shown at the appointed time, when God the Father sent His only begotten Son into the world to be the substitute for our sin.
God in His goodness and grace gave His only begotten Son to be born into the human race so that by living a sinless life, He could die as the substitute for the sin of the whole world.
If the eternal Son of God was prepared to be born into His own creation, become our sin-Substitute through His death on the Cross, and break the power of sin and death in our lives, should we not die daily to self and live passionately for Him?
And woe to those who say that evil is good, and good is evil, who substitute darkness for light, and light for darkness, and who say bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.
He not only died as our substitute by receiving the punishment we justly deserve, but He also died TO sin on behalf of us; to set us free from sin's sovereignty over us.
God loves sinners with a passion, but cannot look in sin, and so He Who knows the end from the beginning, predetermined in eternity past to redeem His fallen race by providing a substitute for sin; a perfect Man Who would pay the price of sin and receive the punishment that WE deserve so that WHOSOEVER believes on Him would not perish but have eternal life.
And Nicodemus knew that in His grace and justice, God answered Moses' intercession on behalf of his people, Israel, and instructed Moses to lift up a brass serpent on a pole in the wilderness as a substitute for their sin.
It was not the killing of the fiery serpents that would save the souls of the stricken Israelites in the wilderness nor pretending that the snake-bite did not exist, but looking by grace through faith at the substitute that God had placed in the midst of their camp.
It is only by looking at God's perfect Sacrifice for sin, Jesus Christ, our sin-Substitute Who was lifted up on the Cross so that all who would look on Him by grace through faith would live.
Whatever Christ's baptism signified - whether it was His identification with sinners for whom He was to be the substitute, an act of obedience to His Father in order to fulfil the righteous requirements of the Law, a presentation of Himself as the Messiah of Israel and Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, an act of dedication to His God and Father, or simply a picture of His forthcoming death and Resurrection - we know that in the days of John the Baptist's ministry - Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee, and was baptised by John in the Jordan.
The Bible reminds us that God is manifested through a concrete act - the gift of Christ as our sin-substitute: God so loved the world that He gave His unique and incomparable Son, so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
But the wrath of God for your sins and mine has already been poured out on Jesus; our sin-substitute Who died in our place, is risen, and is alive for evermore.
In the middle of God righteous sentence on sin, was nestled a gracious provision for mankind, which would secure salvation for Adam's fallen race through a sin-substitute.
Christ Jesus was born into the human race to be our sin-substitute, but He also gave each man and women a freewill to choose to accept or to reject His offer of salvation; to either believe in the death, burial, and Resurrection of Christ, or to refuse to believe in this free gift of grace.
He knew from before the beginning of the world who would be saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus as their sin-substitute and, and He called us His 'elect'.
Love seems to be both the guiding principle and pinnacle of the Christian life – for God is love. Indeed, it was love for the world that caused the Father to give His only begotten Son to die as our sin-substitute on the Cross, and it was love for the Church that held Jesus to the Cross, for He loved the Church so dearly that He gave Himself for her.
Paul not only took pains to explain that the Law could not save us, but identified it as a simple tool used by God to identify our need of a Saviour and thus bring fallen man to faith in Christ, our 'sin-substitute'.
Down through the centuries, many have heard the glad tidings of great joy that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, that He died as our sin-substitute, was buried, and rose again according to the Scriptures, breaking the power of sin and death in the lives of all who believe in His name and becoming the First-Fruit of all who sleep.
There are those that place Christians under a legalistic burden, while others are seduced into acting like the world, stealing from the flock, twisting the Word of God for their own gratification, or substitute the gospel of Christ for a social gospel.
How important, therefore, to take heed of Paul's serious warning to avoid such people who attempt to subvert God's Word and substitute the truth with whatsoever philosophy they choose to adopt.
Christ died for our sins as our substitute (substitution), but He also died unto sin by breaking the power of sin over us (identification).
Because Christ is our sin substitute and we are identified with Him, we are not our own.
Christ is not only the substitute for our sin, but He identified with our sin so that we might become the righteousness of God through faith in Him, and when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.
Israel was judged through the Assyrian and Babylonian dispersions and sin was judged at the Cross of Calvary, when the wrath of God fell on the Lord Jesus Christ, our substitute for sin.
We see the Lord Jesus at the start of His ministry returning to Galilee in the power of the Holy Spirit, and news about Him spread through all the surrounding district, as He set out on His long, three year trek to the Cross where, as the sin-substitute for the whole world, He would pay the price for your sin and mine so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.
The unbeliever needs to know Him as Saviour, by trusting in His sacrificial death as the one and only substitute for their sin, but the saved man or woman needs to know Jesus personally and intimately.
This verse is written to the one that has already been justified, made righteous through believing on that the Lord Jesus Christ Who died on the Cross as their own sin substitute, for His death paid the price for all sin.
It was through the Cross that Christ finished the transgression of His people, Israel, and made an end to sin, not only for the remnant of His people who will one day look upon Him Whom they pierced, but for all who receive the Lord Jesus Christ as they sin-substitute and trust in Him as their resurrected Saviour.
Let us trust in His love, rest in His promises, and believe the truth of God's Word which tells us that He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds, and He is able because He went to the Cross on our account, and shed His blood to become our substitute.
We are all sinners and the wages of sin is death - but God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son to be the substitute for man's sin so that by faith in Him, we may be born again into newness of life and transferred from the fallen race of sinful Adam into a new creation of the eternal Christ.
Let us never forget that the Resurrection is as much a part of the glorious gospel of Christ as is His substitutionary death (where He paid the price for our sin), His Deity (whereby He alone was good enough to pay the price for sin and redeem the race of fallen sinners), and His Humanity (without which He could never have become our Kinsman-Redeemer, by becoming the only perfect, human substitute for the accumulated sin of all humanity).
Paul points out that when these or other false doctrines are added to Christianity or used as a substitute for the truth, they cause us to become inexcusably carnal, fleshly minded, and self-inflated without cause, because we are not holding fast to JESUS, the Head.
The eternal Son of God was the only possible sacrifice for the sin of mankind and He became the chosen Lamb - slain from the foundation of the world, to be mans' substitute for sin.
Paul lays out the most comprehensive and thorough presentation of the gospel over the next few chapters of this glorious epistle, unfolding the pivotal doctrines of justification, and sanctification for all, who by grace through faith will trust in Christ as their sin-substitute.
The name of the Lord encompasses all the wonderful, eternal, glorious, infinite, and amazing aspects of our Creator God Who loved us so much that He gave His only begotten Son to be the substitute for the sin of the whole world, and to die in our place.
And so it was not his question on inheritance that immediately grabbed Christ's attention... for forgiveness of sins, eternal life and a heavenly inheritance is God's free gift to all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as their perfect Kinsman-Redeemer and substitute for sin.
And so, in the midst of His suffering, as He faced the full force of God's wrath by becoming the substitute for OUR wrongdoing and paying the penalty for OUR sin, Jesus knew there was one more special duty to perform, before He breathed His last.
He ordained His plan of salvation before the foundation of the world so that His righteous wrath against sin could be poured out upon His only begotten Son, as sin's substitute for you and me.
He was the substitute Man Who died once for all on the Cross of Calvary: In order to bring you to God. He was the righteous God-Man who laid down His precious life for a race of sinful, rebellious, prideful men, with the supreme purpose that He might bring us to God.
Many came to Jesus to accuse, ridicule and scorn Him, but the name of Jesus in the ear of the believer is the most beautiful of all names, for it is through our union with the Lord Jesus that we have been brought back into sweet communion with the living God, for there is no other name in heaven or on earth that has the power to seek and to save that which was lost.Trusting in the name of Jesus is accepting Him as the incarnate Son of God, Who came to earth to be our substitute for sin.
It does not mean to believe the fact of Scripture, as an intellectual exercise. 'To believe in His name', means to accept everything that the Bible teaches about the Lord Jesus Christ - that He was sent by God to pay the price for our sin - that He is the Word of God made flesh, Who dwelt among us and died as the sacrificial substitute for the sin of mankind.
But to all who have received Him as their sin-substitute, down through centuries of time, by believing on His name, He has given the right and the authority to become children of God.
There are those that like to suggest that the Bible is outdated and that new revelation is being received which gives rise to a different gospel, an alternative Christ, and a substitute truth - which, by definition, is an out and out lie.
It is only the man or woman who humbly and reverently recognises the manifold mercies of God's towards them, and His amazing grace in sending His only begotten Son to become the substitute for their sin, who is permitted to bear this fruit of the Spirit.
God knew that the only One good enough was the Seed of Abraham, Who would one day be born into the world as the sacrificial substitute for the sin of the world - Jesus Christ - the Seed of the woman - the Seed of Abraham - the Messiah of Israel - the Son of God.
We do this so that the burden of sin that lays so heavily upon our consciences, is laid, with an unshakable hope, upon the shoulders of our heavenly sin-Substitute, the Lord Jesus Christ Whose blood was shed in our place.
But God loved mankind so much that He sent His only begotten Son into the world to save us, by becoming our sin-substitute and taking upon Himself the punishment that we justly deserve.
We are not appointed unto wrath, for God's fury against sin in our lives was poured out on Christ, our substitute and Saviour, but one day God will say 'enough' and everything in heaven and earth will be shaken and destroyed – everything that is not of Christ – everything that is connected with this fallen, ungodly world system.
Our labour should not be in perfecting the things of this world which will one day all be destroyed, but perfecting our relationship with our substitute and Saviour – to know Him more clearly, to love Him more dearly, and to follow His more nearly, day by day.
We are not to be taken in by their ungodly departure from the whole counsel of God, nor are we to pay heed to their substitute 'feel-good, man-centred, counterfeit, legalistic, social gospel' with its materialistic focus and devastating departure from the truth.
Like us, the Christians at Thessalonica believed by faith that God poured out the full fury of His anger against sin upon the Lord Jesus Christ, Who was God's sacrificial Lamb and our sin-substitute.
Because of His willing obedience to live in total dependence on the Father and become our sin substitute at Calvary, the Lord Jesus has been given a name that is above every name and He has been given a position that is far above all principalities and power, not only in this age but also throughout the eternal ages to come.
God demonstrated His immeasurable authority and unlimited power when He raised Christ (our sin-substitute) from the dead, and seated Him at His own right hand in glory, far above all principalities and powers, not only in time but throughout eternity.
And today, when the sacrificial offering of Christ on the Cross is believed by faith, His resurrected life is imparted to the one who trust in Him as their substitute for sin: As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, will also live because of Me.
Other translations substitute the word 'gossip' or 'slanderer' which can suggest false accusations, idle talk, the spreading of malicious rumours, or the engaging in a smear campaign.
to go into all the world and tell forth the good news of the gospel of grace - that God loved the world so much, that He gave His only begotten Son... to become the sin-substitute, for fallen man.
Individuals from other tribes who preferred to worship at the Temple in Jerusalem, also aligned themselves with Judah, rather than using substitute places of worship that were erected in Samaria.
The very moment that a guilty sinner who has recognised his need of salvation, places their faith in Christ as their own sin-substitute, that man or woman is saved.
Let us take to heart the shocking context of this verse and recognise what Paul is teaching us here that there is none good, not even one, and that trying to keep rules and laws is not what justifies us in the eyes of God, but believing on the Lord Jesus Christ as our sin-substitute.
It was by grace that God's boiling anger and righteous judgement against man's wickedness and sin was poured out in full measure on an appointed sin-Substitute, our perfect Kinsman-Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ.
The answer to Christ's glorious supplication on our behalf, stands fast on the unbreakable Word of God, and all who trust in His saving work on the Cross as our sin-substitute, are covered by His blood and clothed in His righteousness, and all will shortly see the glory Christ has been given by the Father: For You loved Me before the foundation of the world.
Jesus Christ: refers to the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ; the incarnate Son of God Who was given by the Father to be the substitute for the sin of the whole world.
The only begotten Son of God took on the role of sin substitute (on behalf of fallen humanity) so that we who believe on His name might be reconciled to God - through Him.
The gospel of the grace of God, where Christ was sent from heaven to become our Kinsman-Redeemer and the sin-substitute for mankind, is the adhesive that binds believers together in the perfect bond of unity, and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Lord Jesus came to earth as the sin substitute for mankind, and fulfilled all that the Father ordained so that we could be set free from the curse of sin, by faith in Him.
But when we substitute the works of the Law (carried out through man's merit) for works of the spirit (carried out by the indwelling Spirit of God by grace through faith) we unwittingly place ourselves back under the curse of the Law.
We are to rest in this wonderful Biblical truth where we are identified with Christ's death in the same way that sinners are to rest in the equally wonderful Biblical truth that Christ died as the substitute for sinners.
Unless a professing prophet is doing the will of the Father and producing spiritual fruit, he is probably a savage wolf who will proclaim a false gospel, promote a counterfeit Jesus, and offer a substitute salvation.
The answer is that they substitute their own will for God's will and expect to enter the kingdom of heaven without faith in Jesus Christ.
All who believe that Christ was the substitute for their sins, are justified in the sight of God and declared righteous in His eyes from the moment of salvation.