To abide in ourselves is simply to try to do this living, and this working for the Lord, of ourselves; asking the Lord to help us to do it, instead of recognizing that a Life wholly pleasing to God has been lived and that faith appropriates that accomplishment in Christ.
Life Troubles
In Psalm 46 we are told that God is a very present help in time of trouble, but He permits trouble to pursue us, as though He were indifferent to us.. as though He were disinterested in its overwhelming pressure, that we may be brought to an end of ourselves. That we may be led to discover the treasure of darkness – the unmeasurable gains of tribulation.
True Maturity
God never leaves us floundering, but He does wait until we come to an end of ‘self’. He waits until we realise there is nothing we can do to help to make us spiritually mature. It is only a heart that is prepared by the Spirit of God that will move into true maturity.
but when He ascended into heaven, to sit on the throne of the Father, He sent us the Holy Spirit to be another Comforter – to be our ever-present Help in time of trouble.
One that comes alongside – to help.
Christ’s Replacement
Today we have our indwelling Paraclete / Paracletos – to come alongside to help. No wonder Jesus said, It is expedient for you that I go away: because if I do not go away, then the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I do depart, I will send Him unto you.
We actually have Deity living inside us to lead and to guide – to help and to comfort. The Creator of the universe has chosen to make you and me His personal residence.
Why Delay
Jesus loved Mary and Martha dearly – so why would He delay their cry for help? Daniel was beloved of the Lord – so why did he have to wait for an answer? God was the friend of Abraham – so why the unendurable delayed promise?
Rare Friendship
Do you have a friend that sticks closer than a brother? Do you have someone that loves you no matter what? Do you have a dear one that would even hurt you in order to help you?
True Friend
A true friend will help to hone and improve your life. A friend that sticks closer than a brother will help to put an edge on your life. Such a friend will make you sharper as a person and help to prevent a fall.
Together we help the other parts grow, and edify the saints of God ,that are His – so that the whole body is healthy, maturing in grace and growing in His love.
the Devil And there is MORE- His death also freed those who were held in slavery all their lives, by the fear of death, for it’s clear that He doesn’t reach out to help angels, but to help Abraham’s offspring.
We must face the fact and we must seek help from God always to bear in mind that we are going to have a path of suffering if we are in fellowship with the Lord Jesus.... There has to come a point when we sit down and do some calculating and come to a definite conclusion on this matter that, although very often we may not be able to see that our suffering is because of our relationship to Him (the sufferings are so manifold and diverse, and very often they look as though they have no relationship at all with our Christian life) at the same time, whether we can discern it or not; the fact remains that the pathway of the child of God, of the fellow of Jesus Christ, is the pathway of suffering.
The long, black tunnel of despair seems to stretch to eternity, as the world we once knew, transmutes out of all recognition – and God fails to hear the cries of His children and seems to ignore their pleas for help.
The principle, the law, of the manna, is that God keeps revelation of Himself in Christ bound up with practical situations of necessity, and we are not going to have revelation as mere teaching, doctrine, interpretation, theory, or anything as a thing, which means that God is going to put you and me into situations where only the revelation of Christ can help us and save us....
We are to comfort each other and help to underpin each other in life: Exhort yourselves together – Heb.10:25 Comfort one another – 1Thess.4:18 Love one another earnestly. 1Peter.1:22
When we come to real life, and we are really up against things and the issues are of the greatest consequence, we do not want just information, we want experience, and we go where experience can help us.
All activity, work, and what is called service for the Lord, without that behind it, is lacking in the true power of fruitful service, but if that is there, we cannot help being the Lord servants.
Broken Heart
Forgiveness is one of the main requirements of a broken heart, for forgiveness helps address the other elements needed for a broken heart. Forgiveness can help to identify self, pride, anger, lust, jealousy – regret.
Study - GOD, All I Need
Seeing then that we have a great High Priest, Who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession… for we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathise with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us, therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:14
All I Need
Yes, the Lord is indeed our Helper and the Lord in one very special way is my own personal Helper. A Samaritan woman came and worshiped Him, saying, Lord, HELP me!
The pleading father of a mute son cried, Lord have compassion on us and HELP us.
The daddy of the demonised son wept, Lord, I believe; HELP my unbelief!
The panicking disciples screamed in a sinking boat, Lord HELP us.
Oh yes, the Lord responded with great compassion to all who sought Him out for help – and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Our Helplessness
It is often in the midst of our deepest need and in agony of spirit that we call on the Lord for help. It is in the anguish of our heart that we plead ‘Help me Lord’ – for self and for others, help me – help them – help him – help her – help us O Lord, is our cry.
It is through that very heart-plea that gasps, Help me Father, Help me Lord, Help me now – that we recognise our own helplessness and God stoops down to answer our heartfelt cry.
We must be ready to respond to the call for help or the less trivial needs of others – but not at the expense of our time in His Presence, or He may withdraw..
Presence of God
Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God. We also read that Cain went out from the presence of the Lord. To Moses He said My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. The psalmist tells us, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. The Father shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever. Oh yes, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.
Life’s situation can be so dire that we can't always recognise the truth, but God is able to accomplish the impossible in your life – without your help.
Man’s Simple Plea
Ahh but man takes each call, each prayer, each request as an individual plea, Father help me in this straight away”, and “Lord I need your comfort in that, now.” Man separates each prayer and petition as one single application.
Most growing believers rightly maintain that all must come from the risen Lord; but instead of taking their actual position of being dwellers in heaven, and coming from there to earth, they only look up to heaven for help as to their walk on earth; and their faith and labors are always influenced and dictated by the condition and order of things on earth; and instead of seeking the mind of the Lord as learned in heaven, they are occupied with the blessing of man on earth. -J.B.S.
Old Self Life
Do you often ask for God’s help? “Help ME do this God” and “help ME do that Lord” or “Help ME change myself…” “Help ME stop being like this Father,” and “help ME start being like that?” Think!
Christ’s Life
When God saved you, He did not plan to help you live YOUR life.
Conant wisely wrote the following:- “Christian living is not our living with Christ’s help, it is Christ living His life in us.
God will not help your old man, your old ‘self’ to live!!!
God did not help the sinner to be born again... He gave him a new life in Christ.
And God won’t help the old you.
Old and New Man
You are not trusting or honouring God when you ask Him to help YOU.
Don’t ask him to help you control your temper or your greed..
Your soul can allow the sinful flesh to raise its ugly head and rule your life. Never ask God to help your soul yield to His Life working in your new life.
His Will
We’re not to approach God’s throne asking Him to help us and bless our plans. We are to seek Him to do His work in us – His will, His plans. We are to seek His will in our life, to live and do to His good pleasure. We are to trust His will, in all the decisions we make and the problems we face.
When we ask God to help us, we are not trusting Him but rather ourselves!
Don’t ask God to help you in this or to help you sort that out, for He won’t – but when you come to Him in humility and helplessness, He’ll move heaven for you.
We plead with Him to help us exercise more self-control.
Greater Helplessness
It is not that we should be asking the Lord to help US, we should be seeking a greater capacity to helplessness. We should be relying on Him and on His strength, and Him alone. “When I am Weak,” wrote that great soldier of the Lord’s army, the apostle Paul... “When I am Weak, then I am Strong.” 2Cor.12:10 Don’t beg the Lord for help.
Surrendered Heart
Help and healing comes from total surrender of your entire being to the Lord..surrender of all and everything in your life – past present and future..surrender of all past, present and future hurt, guilt, pain, fear, doubt, and worry..
If you are not coming to help their thing or things with your ministry or presentation, of course they won have it, and it resolves itself into this: they won have Him; that is not the kind of Lord they want.
Throne of Grace
Christ’s death on the cross as the Sacrifice for sin tore down the unscalable wall of division that separated a holy God from a sinful race of men, and opened up, to all who would believe in His name, God’s eternal throne-room of grace: let us, therefore, approach God’s throne of grace with confidence and grateful hearts, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Hebrews 4:16 And Jesus reminded us that men ought always to keep on praying and not to lose heart in the process – for God is willing and able to answer all our cries for help and our impossible pleas.
The Throne Ministry
Much of scripture is devoted to intercession and prayer – the throne ministry of God. Simple, dynamic power-packed instructions – to help us withstand in the evil day. This is so that God’s plans will be fulfilled in His way, in His time and for His glory – and God’s perfect plan always results in the best outcome for all of His children.
It is knowing God is using your life to help achieve His eternal purpose.
It is no use coming to Him and saying: ow Lord, You know that I am engaged in this work, and therefore I want You to help me in this.That is no reason why He should help us.
I cannot help you as long as your relationship to Me is not right, as long as you are not in that which your sonship means and demands.You see our position and vocation is in relation to sonship.
We may be made the means of conversion, but we will never help people on to a higher standard of spiritual life, and when we pass away a great deal of our work will pass away too. -A.M.
Paul could say, I am glad to spend and to be spent for your sakes, notwithstanding the more earnestly I love you the less I be loved'; not, I will help you as long as you love me.
The believer then understands the meaning of Asa's words: Lord, it is nothing with Thee to help, whether with many, or with them that have no power....O Lord, Thou art our God; let not man prevail against Thee... (2 Chron. 14:11).
It is necessary for our Father to utilize very firm means in order to separate us from the ingrained idea that sanctification is produced by our work, plus His help.
Trusting God’s Word
Abraham believed God when he was called to leave Ur – to travel to a distant land. Abraham trusted God when he was told that he would be the father of many nations. Abraham had faith in the truth of God’s word and trusted Him to fulfil His promises. Oh, Abraham did some stupid things like trying to help God – but the bottom line is.. God knew his heart and KNEW Abraham depended on God to keep His promises. And the trust that Abraham had in God was credited to him as righteousness.
Since He is both my God and my Father, and since all of the hardships He takes me through are specifically designed to conform me to the image of the Lord Jesus, how can I help but trust Him and rejoice in His faithfulness?
The Body of Christ
The body of Christ is being fitted together perfectly and being built up by Him. Each part has its own special work to do, so that the whole body is fit and healthy. Each one is to help the other grow and mature and be built up together full of love. Each is Christ’s representative who needs to be spiritually renewed to express His love – a spiritual renewal of our thought, our heart our attitudes, and our mind, for we are told be renewed in the spirit of your mind in Ephesians 4:23
Not knowing one another after the flesh does not mean that all that realm will cease to exist for us, but it does mean that we shall look beyond that realm and we shall steadily seek grace and the help of the Holy Spirit to cultivate and develop a determination to look through what we are by nature to what there is of the Lord Jesus and of the Holy Spirit in one another, and keep our eyes upon that.
God is seeking to broaden our spiritual horizon, and the enemy is out against that, and he is not going to have it if he can help it.
We may not understand it, but very, very often, more often than not, it is just that, namely, that the Lord is after something, and Satan says, They shall not see that if I can help it!
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.Hebrews.4:16
Throne of Grace
Unlike Israel, whose high priest alone could enter the holy of holies once each year, we have unlimited, continuous, and abiding access to the throne of grace, let us, therefore, come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
Speaking Truth
Many will not face the truth that their view of God could be distorted. Some are even unresponsive when help and guidance is offered in love.
To the one who never says, am right!but to the one who says, may be as wrong as ever a man or woman was wrong, there is nothing of which I am not capable; my only ground is Christ; so help me God, Christ is my ground!To stand on Christ is to stand always in the consciousness and recognition that this other ground, ourselves at any point, is dangerous ground.
As this great principle opens up to us, it will help us to understand how in our life, and in our fellowship with the Lord Jesus, it is impossible for us to share the fulness of His life until we have first in very deed surrendered ourselves every day as having died to sin and the world.
For the most part their work is of some regular, daily kind, and very often they feel utterly unable for it, and they are tempted to think that if they had some spiritual ministry to fulfill, if they had to go and take a meeting, or speak to some souls about spiritual matters, they could make a claim upon the Lord for help and He would carry them through.
There are plenty of people whom you could get interested in a cause; whom you could get to take up a piece of work requiring help, but it is another thing to have that spiritual fellowship with God which results in God putting His travail into your own soul.
Baptism of Suffering
We cannot do good to another, save at a cost to ourselves. The afflictions we bear are the price we pay to bear each other's burdens. He who would be the helper must first be the sufferer. He who would seek to help and save, must first bear the pain and the cross. We must drink of the cup that Jesus drank from.. and be baptised into the baptism that He was baptised in.
The Time to Trust
When is the time to trust?Is it when all is calm,When saves the victor's palm,And life is one glad psalmOf joy and praise?Yes but more time to trustIs when the waves beat high,When storm clouds fill the sky,And prayer is one long cry Oh help and save!
If others are really under the government of the Spirit they will help, but we must be careful that consultation with flesh is not made in the presence of a heavenly vision.
May the fluctuating fancies of the flesh help us to rest in the immutable God – the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the Same yesterday, today, and for the eternal ages to come.
It may not be too comforting from one standpoint, but it is true; and it ought to help us to realize this: that the Lord, in the way in which He is dealing with us, in the sufferings which He allows to come upon us, is really seeking our education, that we may have a knowledge of Himself which can only come that way, and which is a peculiar kind of knowledge of tremendous value to us and through us to others.
Christ’s Image
As we abide in Him and He in us, we love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19 As a child should be free to run to his father for help in trouble..
Here we have each one responsibility, for something hangs upon them, and we have to help one another in our responsibility before God, for each one is called to carry a responsibility, to carry a weight from God.
He may facilitate; He may help; He may send resources; He may rule and overrule in temporal matters; but we would agree that it would be very dangerous for the Lord to make that His realm of complete operations.
The Spirit’s Ministry
In the book of Acts, we discover the Lord Jesus ascending into heaven but the promised Holy Spirit was sent to be an ever-present help and comfort in this church age.
And God will allow His Church and its members oft-times to get into such situations as are altogether beyond human help, in order that He may give the display, which is His own display, in which no man has any place to glory.
However much the Lord may see good to use these other things for your help and enrichment, you have your own open heaven, your own clear way through, and no closed dome over your head.
The fact is this, that we may advance a long way in spiritual knowledge (I mean in information, the knowledge of the truth) beyond our own real measure, and then have the shock, under terrible conditions, of discovering that all that we have accumulated through the years does not help us.
It was then and only then – after what seems like a lifetime of unendurable hurt, that Job was enabled to 'see' God in the only way that God will accept… where self-worth, self-satisfaction, and self-help are of no effect to God – where self-righteousness gives way to Christ-righteousness.
His Will
Like Paul you may be forbidden of the Lord to teach where you choose. You may have to receive the call to, come over into Macedonia, and help us.
We know quite well if any have been able really to help others, it is because they have gone through deep experience, they have pioneered this way, they have paid a great price for this freedom.
“Most growing believers rightly maintain that all must come from the Lord; but instead of taking their actual position of being dwellers in heaven, and coming from there to earth, they 177 only look up to heaven for help as to their walk on earth; and their thoughts and labors are always influenced and dictated by the state and order of things on earth, and instead of seeking the mind of the Lord as learned in heaven, they are occupied with the blessings of man on earth.” -J.B.S.
Therefore let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us at the proper time.Hebrews 4:16
Power to Heal
What a glorious truth that “the power of the Lord is present to heal.” But there was a place where His power to heal was not a present help in trouble. There was a place where He could not help them – because of their unbelief.
He may come bearing gifts of wholeness and health; wisdom, love, and help, and yet He may be prevented by unbelief – as He was that time so long ago, “He came unto His own and His own received Him not…” John 1:11
Hearts of Unbelief
It is often because of unbelief, that God’s power is prevented from working within. He is able, and He is willing and He is ever-present to help in time of need, but He will never force us to accept His gifts.
Although the disciples must have been bewildered by the suddenness of this disclosure, Jesus assured them He would be with them in spirit and in truth, and He also promised to send another Helper to guard and guide his children, a Teacher to guide them into all truth, a Counsellor to be with them in times of difficulty and danger, a Comforter to comfort them in their sorrows, a Helper to help in times of trouble.
Although Habakkuk did not understand why God allowed certain things to happen, he did what we all need to do when we do not understand why our cries to God for help, sometimes seem to go unheeded.
But quite suddenly, part-way though his grievous lament, David's attitude switched from his pitiful pleadings for help, deliverance, justice, and vengeance, to words of rejoicing and songs of praise.
We should remember that when faced with tremendous difficulties and dangers, we are helpless to help ourselves.
We do not have to grovel for meager scraps at the bench of an unbelieving judge, for we have free and open access into the throne of grace and the riches of His love in Christ Jesus so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
The historical record of Abraham is used to teach a fundamental truth which, if understood, would help to remove much of the legalistic confusion that surrounds Israel and the dispensation of Law which was pre-Cross, and the Church and the dispensation of grace which is connected with post-Cross teaching.
The story of Abraham's two sons, Ishmael and Isaac, and the struggle that took place between the two women (Hagar, the bond-woman who represents slavery to the Law, and Sarah, the free-woman who represents our freedom in Christ) resulted from the fleshly schemings of Abraham who decided to help God to fulfil His promise to give him a son.
As Solomon reflected on the choices in his search for the meaning in life, his conclusions help us to focus on what is beneficial, to prioritise wisely and not to crave the passing pleasures this world has to offer.
He calls us to sympathize with each other, to have compassion one for another, and to empathise in the trials and difficulties that our brothers and sisters in Christ are going through, to be there to help and to comfort, to support and encourage.
This was a task that would help him grow in grace and mature in his walk with God.After three days, they saw the place of sacrifice and Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on the shoulders of Isaac, his precious son.
This was the state of affairs in Israel when, in anguish of heart, the prophet Habakkuk wrote his heart-rending book as he tried to understand why God did not appear to answer his pleading cries for help.
How long, O LORD, will I call for help, was the agonising appeal that this prophet of God made to the Lord, and how long will You not hear? he pleaded.
His prayers often contain a request for God's help in the face of his enemies, which demonstrates a quiet confidence that God is faithful to His Word and will not let him down.
This gave Paul immense freedom to share the good news of the gospel of Christ to any person or group, in whatsoever way would help them understand and believe.
Today, Israel is in the land in unbelief, but the invasion of Gog will help to wake up God's people to the truth.
And let us have mercy on lost sinners, and those who doubt the truth - let us help to save some by snatching them from the coming fires of judgement, so that they too may know that God is the Lord.
It was his game-plan to help execute the first murder in the Bible and to crucify the Lord of glory – and he uses it today in the fields of politics, religion, family, class, race, age, entertainment, schools, social media, and a host of other mediums.This nefarious strategy is designed to fracture a worldview, a power, a mind-set, a government, and even a family into smaller, more manageable segments so that they engage in internal fights.
Unlike many of his other writings which open by lamenting the tremendous trials and tribulations the psalmist is facing, and crying out to God for help and relief before finally recalling the faithfulness of the Lord towards His people, Psalm 27 opens with an outburst of praise and confidence in the Lord, The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?
Help us to faithfully train our children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord – and nurture them on the living Word of Truth, for God's greater praise and glory.
We read the following words from a well-loved hymn: The dearest idol I have known, whate’er that idol be, help me to tear it from Thy throne, and worship only Thee, which captures the essence of what comprises an idol in any age, for anything and everything, anyone and everyone that lays equal or greater claim to our affection for Jesus, is our own, personal idol.
In a few short verses, we are given some important instructions to help protect ourselves from the assaults of the enemy who, like a roaring lion, prowls around seeking who he can devour.
May we be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and empowered to help and encourage others whom God has placed in our lives – and may we all grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus, for His greater glory and eternal praise.
Angels, help us to adore him;you behold him face to face.Sun and moon, bow down before him,dwellers all in time and space.Alleluia, alleluia!Praise with us the God of grace!
When a woman's own children recognise their mother's outstanding virtue and tell her so, or when a husband praises his wife and rejoices that she is his God-given help-meet, there is much joy that ensues.When a man or woman of God dies to self, lives for Christ, and conducts their public and private life with a gentle and caring spirit, they not only command the love and respect of their children and spouse and the admiration of their friends and neighbours, but also bring glory to their Father in heaven.May we seek to engage in the godly virtues that are laid out for our learning in Scripture, for the benefit of all and for the glory of God.
Let us pray for our leaders, support the weak, help the afflicted, love and serve all men, and let us read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the Word of God, knowing that we are living in perilous times - and our only confidence and help lies in Jesus Christ, our Blessed Hope.
When we share in the afflictions of our brothers and sisters in Christ, in a small way we also help to fill up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions.
If we can consider the obstacles of life to be opportunities that mature our faith and produce in us patient endurance, we will come to understand that God is using the trials of life to benefit our Christian character, and to help us grow more like the Lord Jesus.
Instead of maintaining unbroken fellowship with the Lord and looking to our Heavenly Father for help and sustenance, too often we leave our first love and turn to our bank-balance or earthly relationships to supply our need.
To often we look to the government for help or rely on our skills, our education, our inner-self, or personality!
But as time passed and complacency took root, Israel's life of ease began to be threatened and King Asa sought the help of man rather than maintaining his trust in the Lord.
The Lord is full of loving-kindness and tender mercies to all who will call out to Him for help - and like the children of Israel who so often cried out to the Lord when they strayed from the paths of righteousness, we too can cry to the Lord our God to show us His loving-kindness and to grant us His salvation.
Whether wilfully or through a small series of downward steps, we too can find ourselves straying from the paths of truth and righteousness, but God is ever ready to demonstrate His never-failing gracious love and tender mercies to any of His children who turn from their sin and call on His name for help.
Hebrews was written in the early days of Christianity to help these believing Jews understand the changes that had to occur because the Messiah, promised in Old Testament Scriptures, had come as the sacrificial Lamb of God.
Indeed, it is recorded that there were over 60 million slaves in Paul's day, and much attention was given, in Scripture, to the instruction and conduct of slaves, as well as their slave-masters.People often offered themselves as slaves when they fell on hard times, and Paul gave important instructions on how to carry out their duties as unto the Lord, even when their masters were unfair.Although he gave instructions on godly living as a slave, Paul also encouraged those in slavery to secure their freedom whenever possible: If you are able also to become free, rather do that, was His wise advice.Of particular importance, it is to be noted that nowhere in Scripture are members of Christ's Body instructed to engage in the abolishment of slavery or the correction of any other social injustices, in preference to our given ministry to the lost.Jesus said, The poor you will have with you always, and Paul could easily have said, slaves will continue to be with you (however distasteful this is) until Christ's return when He comes to set up His earthly kingdom of peace, prosperity, righteousness, and justice.Although we must certainly stand against the evils of our day, protect those that are weak, help those that are afflicted by social injustices, and show patience towards all men, the preeminent function of the Christian Church is to honour the Lord and tell sinners about Jesus – that He died to pay the price for our sin and rose again so that all who believe on Him will not perish, but have eternal life.We are told to go into all the world and preach the word of truth to a lost and dying humanity.
God knows that without Christ's leading and guiding, we will eventually fail for He said, without Me ye can do nothing. But all too often we try every conceivable avenue before we eventually have to admit our inability and seek His help.
We hear He was betrayed and deserted by His closest friends, yet we are comforted to know He is our Kinsman-Redeemer Who knows the way we take and is our ever present help in times of trouble.
And so, we are called upon to live as unto the Lord in the power of the Holy Spirit; to be at peace among ourselves, to warn those who are being irresponsible, to comfort the discouraged, to help the weak, and to be patient with everyone.
But the prayer of this little remnant does not reflect despair, dejection, and demoralisation... but rather a spark of hope that God will certainly hear and answer their cries for help.
And Moses reassured them that the Lord would be with them always, to lead and to comfort, to support and help them, no matter where they went or what they did.
This same God has equipped us with His indwelling Holy Spirit Who is there to lead and to guide, to support and to help.
He asked that an overflowing abundance of mercy, peace, and love be showered on all who trust in Jesus. He knew that wolves were prowling around seeking to scatter the little flock of God, and so he asked the Father for mercy to help in time of need and for an abundance of peace and love, in the midst of difficult times.
In an attempt to help God fulfil His promise of a son, Abram produced a child of the flesh through Hagar the Egyptian, but the Lord had much to teach His servant.
We can't imagine how God could deal with this problem or how we are going to overcome that difficulty - and the mountainous waves of disbelief cause us to sink into a sea of despondency or become entrapped in a web of despair, and we try to help God out just as did Abram (resulting in the birth of Ishmael) which damages the Father/son relationship between ourselves and God.
It is a song that contains lessons from days of old which are designed to help us to learn from the past, to encourage us to make the right choices in the present, and to live as God has ordained that we should live.
We are charged in many places to seek after wisdom and to ask the Lord for wisdom; to rejoice in wisdom and to get wisdom, for wisdom brings with it strength and shelter, help and hope.
David did not keep on and on questioning the Lord, but remembered God's promises of old and so he began to petition the Lord for deliverance: 'Consider me Lord and hear my cry for help.
It has been given to help us comprehend more fully God's plans and purposes for the redemption of the world and to inspire us to live godly lives knowing that the time is drawing ever closer.
The Lord is long-suffering and of great goodness and He knows that doubts and discouragement can be triggered by so many things that mar our lives, and so He often expands His words of comfort with a beautiful postscript, underlining and emphasising His great goodness and loving-kindness: Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
Secondly, the Lord continues that, as well as having His strength for all we need, He will be an ever-present help in trouble: God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Thirdly, His reassurance stretches out His arms of love still wider, with the pledge to uphold us with His righteous right hand and to prevent our steps from slipping by enfolding us up in His arms of righteousness: I am the Lord your God, who upholds your right hand, Who says to you, 'Do not fear, I will help you.'
Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God and I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
YES – Christ is our righteousness, Christ is our ever-present help in time of trouble, and it is Christ Whose grace is always sufficient for all our needs for Christ is our covering.
Psalms are often considered to be a collection of religious writings which give comfort in times of loss, help in times of need, or encouragement in times of difficulty.
When exercising faith through petition or intercession and by standing on the promises of God as undeniable certainties, we have that inner assurance that God hears and answers our prayer, for His ears are ever open to our cries for help and He responds to the faintest sigh of His elect people.
We have legitimate access to the throne of grace through Christ so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Our God is a relational God, and He has made us to be part of a family and members of society, and we see in this verse a contrast between those whose lives are motivated by the futility of envy or isolated by selfish greed and inappropriate incentives, as opposed to the comfort, help, encouragement, and reward, which is gained in trusted friendships or a reliable partner in times of need.
It is not because of our merit that we are granted this incredible privilege into the throne room of the Almighty and given the right to come boldly to the throne of grace, for mercy to find help in time of need.
It lays out the best approach when praying to our Heavenly Father and gives us a beautiful pattern to follow when we come before the throne of grace for mercy to find help in time of need.
But Paul was always grateful to others and thankful to the Lord, when his brothers and sisters in Christ recognised his personal need and tried to help.
He did not beg for any financial assistance during his ministry, nor did he make a request for help when he was behind prison bars.
Prayer is the privilege of people who are saved by grace thorough faith in Christ, for by His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, He tore down the dividing wall between God and man and gave us access to His throne of grace, for mercy to find help in time of need.
It was the fallen children of Adam that God purposed to redeem For assuredly, we read the Lord does not give help to angels, but He gives help to the descendant of Abraham.
What amazing grace that God should send His only begotten Son into the world to save sinners: For assuredly, He does not give help to angels, but He gives help to the descendant of Abraham.
He does not give help to angels, but He gives help to men who live by faith - and their faith is credited to them as righteousness.
Now it so happened that Jesus had gone up to Jerusalem for a feast of the Jews and He saw a man sitting by the Pool of Bethesda who had suffered an infirmity for 38 years but he had no one to help him.
He begins his psalm with a plea for God to vindicate him, help him, defend his cause, and deliver him from his enemy: Deliver me from the deceitful and unrighteous man.
We can be confident in the knowledge that we will always find help in times of need, and when we feel alone, oppressed, discouraged, or in despair, we have His Word that He is with us and will never leave us.
God knows when a heart is trusting Him, but He also knows when an apparently sincere cry for help comes from an insincere and divided heart.
This apparently sincere cry for help may have come from a truly repentant group of people, or it may have been no more than hollow lip-service to the Lord from a group who had already determined in their heart what they intended to do.
Christ is our heavenly Mediator and we can fearlessly, frequently, confidently, and boldly, draw near to the throne of grace and receive mercy for our failures and grace to help in times of need, as well as making intercession for those who trust us to pray on their account.
Such as oath is often sealed with the words, 'so help me God!' However, there is no greater power or sovereign authority than the almighty God Who made the heaven and earth by the word of His power: And so the Lord swore by Himself, since He could swear by no one greater.
The Lord could have prevented the storm and kept the disciples safe in peaceful waters, but He could not have called out His reassuring word to have courage so as to demonstrate that He is an ever-present help in need.He could have left them to rely on their own skill or encourage a self-generated, self-reliance that is independent of God, but He wanted to reinforce their faith in Him.
It is only by God's grace we have received mercy for help in time of need, so we should not lose heart, knowing that those who wait for the Lord will renew their strength and mount up with wings like eagles: They will run and not grow weary.
David learned many things about the Lord in his life-time, and one important lesson was that no matter how dark the night of doubt and sorrow, how mountainous the problems he had to face, or how fierce the enemy that stalks our path, God is our help and strength, and He is our shield and buckler.
They will support and encourage us, help and counsel us, comfort and warn us, and they will love us no matter what happens.
He is the One who will always support and encourage us, help and counsel us, comfort and warn us - and He is the One Whose unconditional love will be poured out upon us without measure, through time and into eternity.
Haggai was a post-exile returnee to the land of Israel whose main ministry was to encourage the people to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem and to let them know that God was with them and would help them.
They both had a firm understanding of post-Cross doctrine and were used by Paul, as apostolic agents to help establish leadership in the local assemblies of various towns.
While the opening verses are a cry for help and the concluding ones confirm his future deliverance, this middle stanza is David's statement of faith: Behold, God is my Helper.
It is only those that have been saved by grace through faith in the sacrificial work of the Lord Jesus Christ that have the right to approach the throne of grace for help in time of need.
But if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us, was the father's heartbroken request.
But by God's grace, he was able to cry out, LORD I believe, help my unbelief, and he was rewarded with a son who was healed and a faith that was increased.
In Christ, we have been invited to enter confidently into the throne-room of heaven and boldly approach God's Throne, that we may obtain mercy, and find the grace we need to help in time of need.
We can draw near with confidence to God's throne of grace, and are promised mercy to find grace to help in times of need, but we can also enjoy the closest intimacy with our Heavenly Father, as we commune with Him in the first flush of the morning sun, be blessed by meeting with Him in the heat of the midday sun, or engage in quiet intimacy with Him in cool of the evening.
But just as He was vilified and treated with contempt, by priest and people alike, so we in like manner should not be upset or surprised when we encounter the same, insensitive treatment as He did or are maligned by those we seek to help.
Too many today place their trust in earthly kings and presidents, armies and elected governments, finances, physicians, and the fabric of material wealth, when the One to Whom we should always turn to for help is our Heavenly Father Who knitted us together in our mother's womb and scheduled every day of our lives, for He has promised to give us His sufficient grace in every eventuality of life, no matter what difficulties and dangers we may face.
As we bathe the thoughts of our heart in the Word of God and meditate on the truth of His wisdom, we will not only guard our mouth to keep us from evil but will pour out His words of healing and help to others – until it is not I that speak – but Christ that speaks through me.
The ongoing barrage of attacks from this wicked enemy were so severe and so numerous that David finally turns to his sovereign Lord for help and deliverance.
Not only was he in physical danger, but the onslaught of scornful mockery was more than he could bear, and so having poured out his heart to the Lord and pleaded for vengeance, David confessed his own inability to confront these evil men and cried out to God: Help me, O LORD my God; Save me according to Your lovingkindness.
Finally, in the midst of their trouble, they cried out in desperation to the Lord for help - and although their pitiful cries did not appear to come from repentant hearts - this time, the Lord in His mercy sent an unnamed prophet to remind the sons of Israel that HE and He ALONE was their one and only Saviour.
Israel may have cried out to the Lord for help but they had to be reminded, by one of God's prophets, about their continuing idolatry, disobedience, sinfulness, and lack of real repentance.
However, on receiving this heart-wrenching message from Bethany, Jesus did not immediately cancel His plans and rush to their side to offer help and encouragement.
Before sending them out He taught them the meaning of discipleship to help them understand that genuine and sincere discipleship would not be an easy road... rather it would result in many conflicts, hardships, rejections, persecutions, and possibly death.
Let us live in peace with each other, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone - and may we never repay evil with evil but let us always seek after that which is good.
Timothy was also entrusted to minster to the believers in the city of Ephesus... and here in Philippi, it was this son-in-the-faith, who was chosen by Paul to help establish the believers there.
Nevertheless, it remains a vital tool to help us recognise that we are sinners in need of salvation and is an effective schoolmaster that points us to Christ.
All children are born with a propensity towards evil, and training infants and young people in godly conduct, wise choices, and appropriate accountability for their actions and attitudes is a God-given, tool to help set a child in the right direction for their life.
They recalled the nation's afflictions in Egypt and were reminded that it was God Who heard their cry when they were enslaved in Egypt, and God Who answered their pleas for help.
It is through the unconditional terms of the New and better Covenant that we can draw near to God with confidence... as we boldly approach the throne of grace for mercy to find help in time of need.
As a child calls out to his attentive father for help, or as a mother strains to hear and respond to the cries of her nursing child, so the ear of the Lord is ever open to the feeble cries of His children.
It was David that penned the words of this Psalm, who was calling on the Lord to protect him, and to help him speedily.
There are times when God's help is a long time coming, but David had an urgent need that required immediate attention and his words reflected the urgency, as he cried out, O Lord, I call upon You; hasten to me!
How can we help to restore those that are overtaken by sin, if we are told to pay heed to our own trials, temptations, sorrows, and sin?
Although we are exhorted to share in one another's suffering and sorrows and help to restore those that have fallen, we are also to pay attention to our own responsibilities, recognising that one day we will stand alone before the judgement seat of Christ to give an account of the life we lived on earth.
As we journey through its hallowed verses, we start to become aware that He is our ever-living help and that no matter where we are or where we roam, the Spirit of His presence is there to lead and guide, and His righteous right hand is sufficient to uphold and support us, protect and defend us, comfort and equip us, heal and help us.
Were we to travel at the speed of thought or fly to the farthest reaches of the universe, His hand would be there to succour and sustain, for He is our ever-present help in times of trouble.
So David began his prayer, in Psalm 56, by crying out for divine help, and godly intervention.
May we come boldly before the throne of grace, and declare God's Word as fact, in the face of the enemy, so that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need- just as David did, when man tramples us, fights against us, and oppresses us all day long.
He wanted all his readers to realise that genuine prayer demonstrates a deep dependence on God, and it is an activity that can help to bring us to a mature faith in Him so that we may be complete in Christ, lacking nothing.
David's plaintive pleading was a cry of help to the Lord.
At times we will feel alone, afraid, and in great anguish, but like David, we always have access to the throne of grace, for mercy to find help in times of need.
Never forget that we have the indwelling Comforter living within our hearts and He is our ever-present help and comfort when all the difficulties and pressures of life try to swamp us.
Indeed, in this 'Sermon on the Plateau', Jesus is not only speaking to His disciples, but also to the disinterested multitudes and hypocritical Pharisees that only followed Him for physical healing, self-help, or destructive criticism.
James also wanted to explain that our personal trials are a test of our faith and the daily difficulties we face in life help to develop our Christian character and mature our spiritual walk.
He was chosen by God to succeed his father, king David, as Israel's anointed king, and when faced with the great responsibility of leading the nation, he humbly confessed that he was unable to do so without help from the Lord.
The Philippian Christians had obviously supported Paul financially in the past, but it appears that some time had elapsed with no supplemental help from them.
However, in this psalm we hear of David rejoicing in the Lord and extolling His goodness and grace as he sings a song of grateful thanks and praise for restoring him to health and strength: O LORD my God, he sings joyfully, I cried to You for help, and You healed me!
But whether human or angelic ministers of Christ, these stars help to lighten the darkness in this fallen world, and it is a great comfort and blessing to see that the stars are held securely in Christ's right hand.
We were made one with Christ, united with Him, positioned in Him, brought back into fellowship with God our Maker, and given the right to enter the throne room of the Almighty to find grace to help in time of need.
In every circumstance of life it should be a duty and delight to fly to the Lord in prayer - especially in times of trouble, for He is a God Whose ears are open to the cries of His children, and Who is our ever present help in times of need.
Approaching God's throne of grace, for mercy for help in time of need, should not be a last hope when all else has failed - but should be our first delight and dear desire.
His arm is ever-ready to provide the help we need, and His ear is always open to our cry, but He wants us to approach Him through earnest prayer and cheerful praise so that our faith in Him and our trust in His Word may germinate, grow, blossom, and bud - and bring forth much fruit to His praise and glory, as we journey through life to our promised heavenly home.
He urges certain elders in the congregation to help these women and others in the Christian community to live in peace and harmony with each other.
He encourages all believers to live in peace with one another and to give encouragement and help to all who are members of the Body of Christ, because he himself knows that the joy of the Lord is our strength, Paul calls on his brothers and sisters in Christ to rejoice in the Lord and to keep on rejoicing together in harmony of heart.
What a wonderful truth to discover, that no matter what difficult circumstance we may be facing, God is our strength and stay, a very present help in time of trouble, and He has promised to be with us no matter what trials and temptations may confront us.
It was written to help them come to terms with the New and better Covenant, which was promised by the mouth of Jeremiah, cut through the precious blood of Jesus Christ our Saviour, and will be fully and finally ratified when Jesus returns to set up His Millennial Kingdom on earth.
Hannah's prolonged barrenness did not diminish over time and on one occasion she was so distraught and in such deep pain that she cried out in desperation to the Lord for help.
This was a cry of desperation from the heart of a despairing woman who had no one to help her but the Lord Who made her.
David, Jonah, Jeremiah, and Paul, who having reached a point of desperation in their life, simply turned to the Lord for help and comfort.
Each one discovered that His grace is sufficient in the lives of those who live by faith and reach out to Him for help, in time of trouble.
Paul knew the importance of prayer in the life of all born-again Christians, and urged this godly man to go boldly and ceaselessly to the throne of grace, for help and mercy in time of need.
He knew that having an understanding of future events would help motivate believers to separate themselves from sin and worldly desires, and live godly lives.
Only Caleb and Joshua, the two faithful spies who believed God's Word and told Israel that they could certainly take the Land with God's help, were permitted to enter the Land 40 years later, along with a new generation of Israelites.
He did this so that we might be liberated from the unbearable burden of knowing that we are sinners while being incapable of doing anything about it, knowing that our sin separates us from God, but not being able to do anything to help ourselves.
But it is a psalm which, verse by verse, continues to build up to a crescendo of grateful thanks as it lists the many things that God has done for His people, Israel, and the many ways that He has responded to their cry for help.
He is the Mighty Sovereign Ruler of the universe and great Creator of all Who is enthroned above the Cherubim, and yet He is our good and gracious Shepherd Who leads us beside still waters, restores our soul, guides us into the way of righteousness, and is our ever-present help as we travel through the valley of the shadow of death.
The consolation and 'salvation' in this verse is in connection with the Christian's sanctification process... in which we are given spiritual strength and godly help to press forward to the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Paul understood that the comfort he shared with others would help to advance their spiritual growth and develop in them, patient endurance and other godly characteristics, to the glory of God.
Artaxerxes did not dismiss his servant's grief as irrelevant, but was moved, by God, to find out if there was any way that he could help him in his distress, and so we read: Then the king said to me, 'What would you request?' Despite being very much afraid, Nehemiah, was a man of prayer who sent a quick, but silent prayer-arrow to God, for both wisdom to speak the right words before the king, and for grace in his master's eyes.
Nehemiah was in fellowship with the Father, for his sins were forgiven and confessed up to date, and so he was well able to come to the throne of grace for mercy to find help at this time of need.
He has brought about our adoption into son-ship, and through Him we are enabled to cry: Abba, Father, as we boldly approach the throne of grace, for mercy to find help in time of need.
Simeon's prophetic declaration and the wise words of Anna, help us to understand that the baby they saw was unique and special in so many ways, for He was identified as: The salvation of God, and A Light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of Thy people, Israel. Their testimonies also help us to understand the privilege and peculiar responsibility that God entrusted to His parents.
The second aspect of his calling was to help us understand, the administration of the mystery. Paul was anointed of God to open up the gospel to the Gentiles... and to explain the mystery of God which had been hidden from past generations, but which had now been revealed to the world through Paul and the other apostles.
The rebellious and complaining nation needed to be reminded of WHO God is and that their God was the all-powerful Creator, the generous Provider, their strong Tower, their Shepherd, their Peace, and their Defender - their ever-present help in time of trouble.
Paul gave us many faithful sayings and offered some wise instructions in his epistles, and as this short but masterful letter to Titus is drawing to its close, Paul exhorts him to make sure that those that have put their faith in God, devote themselves to good actions, and are eager to do good and help other people.
He even provided a comprehensive list of the ungodly characteristics that would expose these deceivers, to help Timothy identify evil-doers, and avoid those who are corrupt, worthless, resisting the truth, and disregarding the faith.
Many of David's psalms begin with great lamenting and cries to the Lord for help or vindication, but inevitably they conclude with optimism, words of encouragement, a heart that hopes in the Lord, or a declaration of trust in the God of his salvation.
May we who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, study to show ourselves approved unto God, so that we be able to discern what is false and identify those that are distorting the Word of God... so that we may be in a position to help to warn others who may have been deceived by their flattering words and ungodly ways - and point the way to Christ.
He teaches us all things, equips us in the spiritual realm, provides help, and gives us comfort, and He anoints us with His divine power and bestows on us spiritual gifts and graces.
He also corrects and chastens us when we go astray, and the wonderful Spirit of God has become our ever-present help in time of need.
Following the flood of bitter woes that tumbles from his pleading heart, and having cried out to the Lord for mercy and help, this man finally turns his thoughts to the living God to whom he is praying – the Creator of the world – the Maker of heaven and earth – the omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, all-wise, loving, righteous God of the whole universe.
Once we stop looking at our overwhelming circumstances in fear, our faith begins to blossom in God Who alone can help us in our distresses - for the heaven is His throne and the earth is His footstool.
There are many places in Scripture that remind us that the cares and concerns of this world can become a burdensome load in our lives. 'Independence' proudly proclaims that it has built up a range of coping strategies and self-help skills to deal with all the stresses and strains of life, while 'Pride' arrogantly announces that it is well-able to go it alone.
All that is required of us is to admit, in humility of heart, our lack, and accept His gracious offer to cast all our cares on Him, knowing that He cares for us and is well able to give us help in time of need.
But David had not yet come to a full understanding that God is an ever present help in time of trouble, that the mercies of God are new every morning, and that He is faithful to hear and respond to the cries of all His children.
And let us never forget that in Him we have access to the heavenly throne of grace for mercy to find help in time of need.
Any misgivings we have in God's power to help or any doubts that arise, concerning His ability to save and defend us, stem from a pride in our own abilities and a lack of understanding of His generous character, faithful love, and gracious goodness.
Hebrews may have been written to help Jews in the early Church come to terms with Christ's superiority over the old order, but the lessons we can learn from this amazing epistle, provide a wealth of knowledge and understanding of our great God and Saviour Who was born into His own creation so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
The one who places their faith in the Lord does not seek help from those that are proud and deceitful, because the faithful love of the Lord surrounds them, protects them, and underpins their lives.
With the Scriptures in hand, we know the supernatural happenings of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was sent to help, to encourage, to teach, and to guide them into all truth.
Although His ministry was to the Jew first, He always showed great compassion to the Gentiles who came to Him for help.
When the centurion heard about Jesus, he sent some Jewish elders to ask Him to come and save the life of his slave. They came quickly to find the Lord, and earnestly implored Him to help this well-respected member of their community.
When David sought to depend on his own ingenuity and might, he discovered the inadequacy of his own abilities and energy, for David knew in his heart that salvation belongs to the Lord alone and that God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble.
The urgent cry of help from this deeply distressed man at the beginning of this psalm, is a prayer from one who is overwhelmed by life's circumstances and the ongoing reproach of his enemies.
May we take to heart the great comfort discovered by this psalmist whose cry of help to the Lord became an offering of praise and thanksgiving for His goodness and grace.
It also appears there was a man named Onesiphorus who also remained loyal to Paul, for he closed this first chapter with a beautiful prayer for this loyal friend: May the Lord grant to him, Onesiphorus, to find mercy from the Lord, on that day. 'Onesiphorus' means 'bringer of help' and it is believed that he and his family ministered to the apostle at a time of great need.
We do not know what encouragement this man gave Paul or what service he rendered in Ephesus, but we do know that he was a faithful brother in Christ, who had provided Paul with help and encouragement in the past.
May we give encouragement to the saints and be a faithful servant of our heavenly Lord in our own sphere of life, and may we honour Him in the lives we live as did the testimony of these three men in their various ministries; Paul the apostle, Timothy the pastor, and Onesiphorus, the 'Bringer of Help'.
It is the very core of our being, the entire person, the innermost self that aches for God with a deep, deep thirst that cries out to the Lord for help.
Like the sons of Korah, we too are to recall that the Lord is our strength and stay, that He is our present help in times of trouble, that He is the Rock of our salvation, and the only shelter that can protect us from our enemy and that He is the only refreshment that can sustain our fainting soul.
Christians are also to circumcise their hearts by clinging fast in faith to their Father in heaven and being separated from worldly desires, the lusts of the flesh, and pride in our own self-help skills.
But in this second letter, we discover that these believers had repented of their worldly ways which enabled Paul to give some important spiritual teaching that would help their spiritual understanding and influence their spiritual growth, the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, Paul explained.
We can boast that the Lord our God is our never-failing help in time of trouble and that His abiding faithfulness has become our shield and protection.
God has promised in His Word to be an ever-present help in times of trouble and to work all circumstances of life together for the good of those that love Him with all their heart, fit in with His plan, and do not lean on their own understanding.
We have His promised assurance that His help will come at the right time.
He does not provide His help too soon, for this would not allow the necessary time to build up our faith in Him or deepen our trust in His never-failing Word.
However, we are also assured that His help will never be too slow, so that we start to lose heart or become discouraged.
In God's eyes, we were a rotting corpse, the putrefying remains of a fallen creation with no beauty that God should desire us; with no hope, help, comfort, or peace in the world.
Mishael proclaimed the rhetorical question, 'Who is like God?' which demanded the response: 'No-one is like unto our God.' Azariah was 'God is help' which brings to mind the well-loved psalm: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Despite many years of waiting and in spite of Abraham's foolish attempts to help God carry out His promise, by producing Ishmael, the child of the flesh through Sarah's servant, Hagar - Isaac, the true and only child of promise, was eventually born when Abraham was very old and Sarah was beyond child-bearing age.
We are instructed to pray in confident faith, by maintaining an unshakable trust in the Word of God, and by standing on His precious promises, which provide all we need according to His riches in mercy, when we choose to walk in spirit and truth, and maintain unhindered access to the throne of God, Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, we are exhorted, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
It is God's desire that all come to repentance and trust in Him for the forgiveness of sin, and if we honour His will by reacting to acts of evil with deeds of kindness, maybe it will help to bring a sinner to repentance and give glory to God.
For it is only and ultimately through Jesus, the Son of God Who is God the Son, that we can find grace to help in time of need, for His grace is sufficient, His office is efficacious, and His loving-mercy is everlasting.
Because of the spiritual poverty throughout the land of Israel, God sent a famine to admonish His people so they would turn to God and call for help.
She had no land and was devoid of family support or help.
But Naomi had reached a point of desperation and discovered that the only one to Whom she could turn for help was her faithful God Who had never stopped seeking this little lost lamb.
May we always call out to the Lord for help during times of trials and life's many problems.
Hebrews is a book that not only opens God's progressive plan of redemption for Christians today, but was originally written to help Jewish Christians in the early Church to understand that a change in dispensations took place with the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
It is designed to help prevent post-Cross Christians from falling into the same disobedience and unbelief.
In the previous verse, the spiritual believer is instructed to help to restore a brother or sister who has fallen into sin - but to do it with gentleness and Christ-like consideration.
Every one of us has areas of life in which we are weighed down, discouraged, and deeply burdened, and the instruction to 'come alongside and help one another' is identified as fulfilling the law of Christ.
Hebrews contains a wealth of spiritual truths to help us in our spiritual growth, but we must never forget that it was originally written to early Jewish Christians who had to come to terms with the fact that 'in Christ' we are no longer under law but under grace.
He deserves honour and praise for the help He provides, day by day, both the protection we are given from our enemies and the deliverance we receive from our adversaries who seek our downfall and destruction.
David could not understand why the Lord was delaying the help he desperately needed, and so his heart was grieving and his soul cried out in bitterness and distress: How long O Lord?
But David is a man after God's own heart, and although that does not preclude him from having to go through the inevitable trials and tribulations of life, his confidence stands firm in the goodness of the Lord and his bitter pleas for help come from a man who trusts in God's loving-kindness and rejoices in the joy of his salvation.
And while God knows the exact concerns we may have in our own lives, He wants us to come boldly to His throne of grace for mercy to find help in time of OUR need.
And no matter what difficulties and dangers he faced, we always discover David crying out to the Lord in prayer: Lead me, O Lord in Your righteousness because of my foes, was his oft repeated plea: Make Your way straight before my path. And in the difficulties and dangers he faced, David prayed for guidance and justice, he sought God's help and strength, and he asked for the blessing of the Lord for himself and for others.
So often when we are suffering, we cry out to God for help and strength which is a natural thing to do, but too often we forget that the Lord has given us all we need for life and godliness, and we tend to forget that God uses these times of suffering to develop our faith.
Speaking of God's never-failing faithfulness to His people, Israel, the Psalmist wrote, God is our refuge and strength - a very present help in times of trouble.
His prayer-points showed that Paul believed God was willing to answer prayer, and he himself was prepared to seek the help of others in pursuing the desire of his heart.
Delayed answers often help to strengthen our faith and encourage believers to unite together in persistent, purposeful praying.
David opened up his heart to the Lord, and his urgent prayer for help and deliverance poured forth unabated.
His cries for help turned into a song of rejoicing as he recalled God's faithfulness.
Yes, I shall joyfully sing of Your lovingkindness in the morning, for You have been my stronghold and a refuge in the day of my distress.Remembering His past mercies is indeed a wonderful way to remove all the enemies of doubt and fear that trouble our minds and linger in our hearts, and recalling His many precious promises, help to strengthen our faith in God.
But history records that Israel acted like a petulant child and tried to defeat the Assyrian army by seeking help from Egypt, rather than placing their undivided trust in the Lord their God.
Through the blood of Christ, Christians in this dispensation of Grace, have been given access into the throne-room of God, and as His children, we have been given the right to draw near to Him with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace for help in times of need.
David put His trust in the Lord and prayed for God's continuing protection and support in all the difficulties and dangers that He faced – for David knew that God is our Rock of defence, and He alone is our very present help in time of trouble.
To help us actively put off the old man and put on the new, Paul exhorts us to live in a certain way and adopt certain godly attitudes and behaviours, while abstaining from things that are carnal and fleshly.
In order to help him understand about God's own gracious character and the petulant nature of man, God spoke to a downcast Elijah in a cave on Mount Horeb.
It is with this strong trust in the veracity and righteousness of the Lord that so many of David's cries for help are anchored.
Nevertheless, he calls to the Lord for help and strength because principled and godly men have all but vanished from the land and faithfulness and trustworthy people seem to have disappeared from off the face of the earth.
The Lord wanted His people to recognise that they were sinners in need of salvation and the Mosaic Law was God's tool to help His people to recognise this.
To help God's people remember His never-failing faithfulness, he taught them the 'Song of Moses' to both encourage them in the days ahead and as a constant reminder that God's work is perfect, His way is righteous, His laws are just, and His faithfulness lasts from generation to generation.
This was a God-given, aide-mémoire to help Israel obey and honour Him and not rely on their own understanding, or place their hope in human strength.
The 'Song of Moses' may have been given to Israel to cause them to remember the lessons of their past and to help them avoid the same mistakes in the future, but it contains many principles that apply to the Church in this present age and there are many wise lessons we can learn from the song that Moses rehearsed in the ears of the people Israel, so many years ago.
Likewise, we often find him using similes, metaphors, comparisons, and contrasts, which help to deepen our understanding of Solomon's precepts and principles.
As Habakkuk surveyed the raging international scene and the wickedness, misery, and injustice that was infiltrating the kingdom of Judah, he was deeply concerned about the spiritual decline of God's people and pleaded to God for help.
The Lord Jesus raised a handful of people from physical death during His time on earth to authenticate His God-ordained, Messianic claims, but when Peter preached his first sermon, 3000 souls were saved: 3000 spiritual resurrections were secured, 3000 people gained access to the Father's throne of grace, for mercy to find help in time of need.
And so, James reminds us that the trials we face are designed to test our dependence upon God, strengthen our faith in Him, and drive us to our knees in prayer and supplication so that we may receive His grace and mercy to help in time of need.
James does not necessarily encourage these believers to cry out for God's help or His strength in their desperate time of need, nor does he advise them to request an escape from the fiery trial they are facing.
The dejected countenance of his servant was noticed by the king, who asked Nehemiah about his sadness of heart and offered to help in the rebuilding of Jerusalem.
God moved the heart of the king to help his servant, and the king agreed to send Nehemiah back to Jerusalem to undertake a grand rebuilding programme.
Nehemiah was a prayerful man of God who was willing to cry out to the Lord for help, but he was also prepared to be used by God to carry out the task.
But joy in the Lord is a great spiritual weapon that can help to dispel Satan's devious lies and cause his wicked accusations to evaporate like the morning mist.
He suffered just like we suffer and was faced with the same tough choices that all of us are faced with every day - but He did not sin. In so doing, He was equipped to come to our aid and to help us, comfort us, support us, and encourage us in our times of need.
Since Jesus Himself suffered when He was tempted, He is also able to come to our aid, and help those who suffer when they are tempted.
Paul wrote his epistle to the Galatians in order to help the Judaisers and the legalists of his day understand the difference between the freedom we have in Christ... and the restrictive bondage to sin, which comes from the Law.
No wonder when the doubting disciples were unable to cast out the evil spirit from this poor demon-possessed child, that his father cried: Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief.
Israel's problematic history should help us to understand the importance of obeying God's Word and seeking His will for our lives - for HE alone knows the end from the beginning.
From the moment he woke from his sleep, his thoughts turned immediately to the Lord, for David knew that God would hear his voice and hearken to his cries for help.
And so, the story of sinful man and his fallen race began when Adam had sexual relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived by her husband and gave birth to a man-child, a little baby boy: I have gotten a man-child with the help of the Lord, was her joyful response.
Martha's faith was expanded as she learned that she was to look to Jesus every moment of her life, from that day forward, as her ever present help in time of trouble, and not simply to trust God with a future programmed that will one day be accomplished.
He is our salvation and by faith in Him, we have the indwelling Spirit of God giving us access to the throne of grace - through prayer, for mercy to find help in time of need.
Some of the last words of help, encouragement, advice, and guidance that Christ gave His eleven disciples, shortly before He became the sin sacrifice for humanity, were that He did exactly as the Father commanded Him so that the world would know that He loved the Father.
Nehemiah prayed in faith and with expectation, that the Lord would respond to His pleas.. and his prayer is a wonderful example of how we should approach God's throne of grace - for mercy to find help in time of need.
Down through centuries of time, the truth that is encapsulated in Psalm 34, has been a comfort and help to many of God's hurting people, for the eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry.
The face of the Lord is against those who do evil, but when the righteous cry to Him for help, the Lord hears and rescues them from all their distress and troubles.
Well, Paul gave us some help in his final instructions and encouragement in second Timothy: We are called to be faithful in knowing and learning ALL the sacred writings of God, which are able to give us wisdom and which lead us to salvation, which can only be found by faith in Jesus Christ alone.
God knows our needs and has promised to supply all we need, according to His riches in glory, but so often we do not trust Him, and instead try to help Him out as worry descends upon our soul.
God in His grace, often uses those times of darkness and distress to teach us important lessons of His grace, so that as we call out to Him for help and strength, we discover Him to be our great Support, our merciful Provider, the Rock on which we stand, and our holy, heavenly Comforter.
Though God at times may wait for us to call out to Him, He is neither slow to hear the cries of the disconsolate soul - nor is He slack in responding to the pleading cries of the breaking heart - for the very day that Jeremiah called out to the Lord for help, was the very time the Lord responded with those great words of comfort...from the God of all comfort, Fear Not - I will be with you, to help you, and deliver you.
My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
It was the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth, and not the hills to whom they looked for help.
They knew their strength and their help.
This same God is the One from Whom our help comes.
Praise God that our strength and help, provision and protection comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth, and He will never leave us nor forsake us but will be our ever-present help.
The believers there were undergoing certain hardships, and the Corinthian Christians purposed in their hearts to make a collection to help their predicament.
Rather, we are encouraged to be generous with our resources, and Paul reminds these dear people that God loves a cheerful giver, encouraging them, and us, to do exactly what we purpose to do in our own heart to help others.
The human spirit is born dead in trespasses and sins, but once the Life and Light of Christ has flooded into our hearts by grace through faith in Him, we become His hands to help, His feet to go, His heart to love, and His Light to shine forth His Life in our human frame.
Paul never ever asked for financial help from any of the churches he planted, nor did he expect them to provide for the necessities of his life.
May we learn to trust Him in all things, to depend on His provision entirely, and not feel the need to look to others for financial help or the other necessities of life.
Today we are pressed about by many difficulties and dangers, both at home and abroad, but the Word of God and the truth of Christ gives all Who are His children, the greatest hope and unfailing help in the midst of the most difficult and dangerous of circumstances of life.
Although sin caused us to be weak and powerless to help ourselves, we discover that Christ died on behalf of the ungodly, justifying and acquitting all who believe in Him for salvation and bringing us into a right relationship with the Father, through time into eternity.
When doubt and discouragements rise in our hearts or when we are surrounded by trials, troubles, and temptation, we should shoot out a quiver of prayer arrows to the Lord for His help and guidance.
Like the Psalmist, we should call out to God for deliverance from our enemies, rely on His restoration when attacked, and depend on His sufficient grace to help in time of need.
Many of the Psalms cry to God for help and strength in the midst of difficulties, but so many of these Psalms also proclaim a trust in God by recalling God's righteousness and justice, by remembering the mercy and strength He displayed in former times and by rejoicing in the truth of God's Word and the glories of His great majesty.
When we meditate on these things, we cannot help but break out in songs of praise and worship to our Lord.
It is by trusting in the death, burial, and Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, that we have access by one Spirit to the Father and can boldly draw near to the throne of God, confident that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
He referred to them as 'ferocious wolves' and explained that the fruit of professing prophets, priests, pastors, or teachers, would help to confirm them as legitimate ministers of Christ or identify them as a counterfeit.
It is also God's will that we admonish unruly brethren, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone, and refuse to repay evil with evil.
We cannot imitate Christ's righteousness, nor can we be perfect by striving to reach righteousness by resolutions, by means of self-help skills, or strictly training ourselves to be morally principled.
Indeed, there is no way that we can become perfect by ourselves, even with the combined help of all the people in the world.
He is with us moment by moment, to lead and guide, to instruct and warn, to help and comfort, and to deliver us from those that despise us or would do us harm.
The gifts of the Spirit are given to help equip other believers in their spiritual service, to edify the Body of Christ, and to help to perfect each member of the Church for the particular ministry to which God has called them.
But while he waited for the Lord to help him, he trusted the God of his salvation to lead and to guide Him, for he confessed that God is his Light of lights and He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
He is the help of my countenance and my God.
As members of Christ's Body, we have the indwelling Spirit of peace and joy and can enter boldly into the throne-room of grace, for mercy to find help in times of need.
And at that very time, the veil of the Temple was torn in two, from the top to the bottom, opening the way for all who believe on His name to have access to the throne of grace, for mercy to find help in time of need.
We have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, for mercy to find help in time of need.
As believers, we are not only given the new resurrected life of Christ at rebirth, which must learn to abide in Christ, depend on Him, grow in grace, and mature in the faith, but we also have been given the permanently indwelling Holy Spirit of God to help us in our weaknesses.
Every gift of the Spirit is of equal importance and all Christians can exercise their spiritual gifts and graces to bless their brothers and sisters in Christ, and in so doing are helping to equip the saints for their own work of service and to help build up the body of Christ.
Rather let us stir up the spiritual gift with which we have been blessed and exercise it wisely, so that we too may help to equip, encourage, comfort, and support the saints in their spiritual service, and pray that God would use us to help build up the body of Christ, for His name's sake.
Parents are a child's introduction to all types of authority and they help to form their attitude towards the rule of law.
The Lord has charged parents to train up a child in the way that they should go, and help to shape appropriate behaviours and attitudes towards other people and their understanding of God, and His plan of salvation.
They cover a wide range of subject matter which can help to prevent foolish behaviour and ungodly decisions in areas like relationships, friendships, finances, and a fruitful life.
Following these practical instructions will help every believer to live for Christ, to be like Christ, to rejoice in Christ, to continue in Christ, and to remember all that Christ has done for us.
2000 years later, we also require a little help to understand the phrase 'He ascended' and so we turn to the literal, grammatical, and dispensational exegesis of Scripture, and make sure we consider it in its historical context!