Gracious God
Once He set His heart on redemption, it exploded into myriads of additional graces: Love; Joy; Peace; Long-suffering; Kindness; Goodness; Faithfulness; Gentleness; Self-Control.
Blood of Jesus
We read that it was “neither by the blood of goats or calves, but by His own blood that Jesus entered in once into the holy place – having obtained eternal redemption for us. The blood of Jesus did not cover for our sins.
Work of Christ
It must not be me that does the work but Christ working through me – are you willing to say ”not I but Christ worketh in me…?” Galatians 2:20 Praise the Lord that Christ’s work of redemption is complete – Hallelujah!
Adam passed on to his progeny the old sin nature that rages in every man, and Adam learned that blood must be spilled for redemption to be achieved, and God had a plan.
It is not just life; acceptance; redemption and righteousness that are in Him, but the creation; our hope; spiritual blessings; consolation… and consummation – and Peace and Effectual Prayer and Strength and Riches are all “In Christ”.
The Spirit’s Guarantee
In Ephesians 1 and 4 believers are sealed unto the day of redemption with the indwelling Holy Spirit of promise, Who was given by the Father and sent by the Son.
Trusting the Word of God about our redemption is what we should be doing.
It is Jesus Himself Who promised that both He and the Father would keep us safe. And Paul tells us that we are sealed by the Holy Spirit for the day of redemption..
God made His gospel simple and clear – believe on the Lord Jesus OR remain condemned. The redemption message is clear – salvation is of grace… through Christ Jesus..
What think ye of Christ? for He is the power of God and the wisdom of God, and in Him is salvation- redemption.; sanctification; glorification.
God’s Christ
It is by God’s doing we are in Christ Jesus and eternally united with Him, and to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ - the power of God and Christ -the wisdom of God, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption 1Corinthians 1:24
Christ our Righteousness
Because we trust in Christ, He is our righteousness, our holiness and redemption. We have nothing at all to boast about, except in the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord. Far be it from any of us who are His children to boast except in the cross of Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me – and I to the world. Galatians 6:14.
without which redemption would be impossible. Unless the Creator of the Universe had deigned to make Himself as nothing, by taking on Himself the form of a servant and being born in the likeness of men – we’d remain dead in our sins.
The very first thing to remember when we take this cup is that while we are taking it as the cup of salvation, while we are remembering the atonement which is in the Blood, and all the wonderful redemption which is ours because of that Blood, the cup does also speak to us of fellowship with His suffering....
Wonders of Redemption
The wonders of the redemption and the glories of heir-ship with Christ plumb the depths of our grasp and scale the heights of our imaginations. Oh..
Second Man
Just as sin entered the world through the disobedience of one man, and death came through sin, causing condemnation and separation from God to be the inherited status of all people – so also redemption came to the world through the obedience of one Man, resulting in the forgiveness of sins for all humanity – and light and life and hope and peace and renewed fellowship with the Father – to ALL who would believe on His name. It was divine grace that provided a second Adam to redeem the fallen race of man.
You cannot find the exact meaning of any of the great doctrines, such as propitiation, reconciliation, justification, identification, redemption, sanctification, except in Paul’s Epistles.
Plan of Redemption
Every member of the human race is a sinner – so all are under God’s condemnation, but God’s plan of redemption was so designed that sin could be eternally forgiven – the Lord Jesus willingly took the punishment to forgive the sin of the whole world.
Brought Near
Every barrier to God is lifted and every blockade to redemption has been removed, for in Christ Jesus, we who were far off have been brought near, by the blood of Christ. Simply believing in Christ has lifted every shackle with which we were bound.
We should almost be led to believe by certain emphases that redemption is the greatest thing in the universe, and that all God interest is in redemption, and that we should be occupied solely with redemption.
Redemption is a great thing.
We can never, never exaggerate, and I doubt whether we shall ever know what a great thing redemption is; and yet, great as redemption is in its scope, in its depth, in its cost, redemption is only incidental to the eternal purpose.
While the direction is toward ourselves redemption, sanctification, glorification, and so on or toward anything less than the Son Himself, we have not got God dynamic for accomplishing His work, and therefore it becomes necessary, as the sufficient, the adequate basis of the Holy Spirit operation, that there should be a revelation of Jesus Christ in the heart, for it is in relation to Him and what God has purposed concerning Him that all the energies of God are released and made active.
Wonder of Redemption
The wonders of redemption and the glories of heir-ship with Christ, plumb the depths of our grasp and scale the heights of our imaginations. O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
Work of Christ
God’s grace is founded on the work of Christ, the Son of God Who is God the Son, for His plan has provided redemption and purchased us from the penalty of sin.
In union with Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our sin, according to the riches of God’s grace.Ephesians 1:7
But we can have redemption thru His blood according to the riches of God’s grace.
Cost of Redemption
Sometimes we overlook the enormous significance of salvation and its cost to God. But redemption and the forgiveness of sins are according to the riches of His grace.
Full Salvation
But because of the riches of God’s grace, we have redemption in all its many facets.
God has given us an assurance of salvation that can never be taken from us – and forever we are in union with Christ and have redemption through His blood.
In Him, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our offences.
It was according to the riches of God’s grace – for we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our offences, according to the riches of God’s grace.
Planned Redemption
He knew man would choose to violate the sacred position to which he was called – and yet in His grace, God still chose to make man in His own image and likeness.
Seal of God
We were marked with the seal of God as a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until our redemption comes into its fullness for we are His chosen possession.
Man’s Redemption
The beautiful chorus that rang through the night sky – that was being sung by the heavenly choirs of rejoicing angels, must have been a strange sight – for angelic beings are not the favoured recipients of God’s amazing grace.
Redemption, we read, was the gift of grace, that was offered to the human race – so that whoever will believe on the only begotten Son of God will never perish, but have everlasting life.
I am His, by creation, and I am His by redemption. I am His by right and I am His by purchased when I was lost. I am His body, soul, and spirit. I am His by the ransom of His precious blood. I am His by the conquest of the Spirit.
We are to eliminate everything in our lives, and living, that grieves the Holy Spirit, recalling the riches of God’s grace – for we are sealed until the day of redemption.
Christ is made unto us wisdom to enable us to walk aright in a perplexing world, righteousness to replace our sinfulness, sanctification to impart the growth we so greatly need, and redemption of the body to consummate the whole.
Through it all He has been perfected i>made perfect.i>Though He was a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered; and having been made perfect (having been made complete) He became... the author of eternal salvation(Heb. 5:8,9), i>eternal redemption(Heb. 9:12).
The Father rests in that; as Man having accomplished redemption, He has passed into the heavens, now to appear in the presence of God for us.' It is the glorified Lord Jesus who gives abiding rest to our souls, and not what our thoughts about ourselves may be.
Therefore we should not be in bondage to sin, for he that hath died (and that is everyone who is in the Lord Jesus) is justified (or released) from (the power of) sin' (Rom. 6:7); and we are now under grace, which does not demand righteousness of us, for the Lord Jesus was made unto us righteousness and sanctification and redemption (1 Cor. 1:30).
The contrast is painful in the extreme between the uniform language of the New Testament about Christians as thus called to worship in liberty and joy and nearness to the Father, and that of liturgies ancient and modern; and this because the results of redemption soon became merged and hidden in Jewish forms, and the law was recalled to the place of the Holy Spirit, and man in the flesh intruded wholesale into realms which belong only to those solemnly accredited as God's Church, the Body of Christ. -W.K.
Work of Redemption
Here Christ’s is the last utterance fell from the lips of the Lord Jesus.
His gruelling work on the cross for our redemption was finished and so He said, Father, into Thy hands, I commend My spirit.
The price for our redemption was paid; fully paid; paid in full.
But remember... when Jesus died on the cross, the work of the cross was finished, yet when He died on the cross, the plan of redemption was not yet fully complete.
in the depths of Satan’s realm – accomplishing the full and final plan of redemption, on our behalf.
Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by Whom you were SEALED for the day of redemption.Ephesians 4:30
Three-Fold Seal
God The Son promised that we would be sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise. God The Father sealed us and gave us the Holy Spirit as an assured down-payment. God, the Holy Spirit, sealed us until the glorious day of full and final redemption.
Day of Redemption
The Spirit was active in the work He did in you and you were completely passive. Every aspect of His work was done at a moment in time by the Spirit – you did nothing.
And nothing can break His seal or interfere with His sealing work in you.. 'by Whom you were sealed for the day of redemption'.
Ephesians 4:30 Oh, that seal is fixed up to the rapture of the Church – our day of full and final redemption.
He is our guarantee that God will finish the work in us – to that day of redemption.
God, Himself, has made each and every blood-bought child complete in Him. For of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, Who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. 1 Corinthians 1:30
Willing Sacrifice
Were it not for the humanity of our Saviour and the blood that poured over the Mercy Seat of God, from His human heart of love… there could never have been redemption for the race of man – for only a perfect Man (a kinsman Redeemer), Who was born into the human race, could redeem fallen man from eternal separation from a holy God.
But there is also a wider world that is in equal need of redemption from sin and everlasting life from above. There was the intriguing story of Moses the prophet, who was raised up by God to lead His people out of Egyptian bondage, and to guide them safely them through their wilderness walk, who declared:- the Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from among your own people.
The Son of God
The eternal Son of the Father is identified as the perfect Son of Mary – and the deity of Christ is married with the humanity of our Kinsman-Redeemer – as the never-ending love-story of redemption continues to be unfolded, to all with ears to hear. The Messiah of Israel and His sovereignty over the household of the Jewish nation was a vital role that Christ was to play on His first visit to earth.
Redemption Plan
Re-union with God requires the death of Another – and until Christ’s blood streamed from His veins at Calvary, the blood of an innocent lamb was to cover sin-stained man.
Oswald Chambers
Oswald Chambers put it this way: When the supreme Love of God in the giving of Himself has truly got hold of me, I love myself in the power of His love: that means a son of God being presented to God as a result of His effectual Redemption, in bringing many sons to glory.
That is a gratification to God, because it is the returning back to Himself – the Love in expressed reality. When the redemption is effected in me, I am a delight to God, not to myself, I am not meant for myself, I am meant for God.
We discover the love and mercy of a holy God Who took steps to save a fallen race that was lost in trespasses and sins – we see the scarlet thread of redemption streaming down through the pages of holy writ to condemned humanity.
The cost of redemption was high, for the soul of man was submerged in sin.
The high cost of redemption was commensurate to the costly payment required – for the price for sin was death; eternal death – everlasting separation from God.
Cost of Redemption
No other remedy could be applied.
The redemption price was the blood of Christ – Who loved us enough to die for us.
Israel and the Church
Christians are children now but the adoption of sons takes place later, for we know that: the whole creation groans, with birth pangs together until now, and not only that, but we also who have the first-fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan in ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption – the redemption of our body.
Interim Atonement
A sprinkling that was applied as an interim atonement – an interim covering; an interim shielding; an interim protection; an interim redemption – until His blood was shed on Calvary.
And God desires that we are transformed into the image of the Son of His love, but we can hinder His good transforming work in our lives, and grieve His Spirit – and so we are warned not to grieve the Holy Spirit: do not GRIEVE the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption… Eph.4:30.
The context of grieving the Holy Spirit in Ephesians 4 which tells us: do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption (Eph.4:30) – let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, along with all malice (Eph.4:31) – and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. (Eph.4:32) – The life-long sanctifying process is carried out in the power of the Holy Spirit, but the sanctifying process cannot be accomplished by the work of the flesh.
Spirit and Prayer
Believers may be divided by thousands of miles – separated by land and sea… but we can gather together in love and encouragement – in spirit and in prayer, reminding each other that the time is short and we are to look up. Christ is returning soon and our redemption draws closer with each passing day.
Pivotal Point
The cross was the one pivotal point and central spot in the history of the universe. The cross was the precise point where planned redemption became fulfilled reality. It is the one unique point in history where redemptions work was finished. The cross was a gateway connecting the old testament with the new testament.
Peace and Redemption
To Gideon, the frightened, He became SHALOM, and declared I AM your PEACE.
Righteousness and Redemption
To Jeremiah, He became: “I AM your RIGHTEOUSNESS: In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, The Lord Our Righteousness. (YHWH TZIDKENU)” Jer.23:6.
“But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, Who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: 1Cor.1:30
All-Embracing Word
The word ‘salvation’ is one all-embracing word that unites a variety of concepts; redemption; rebirth; justification; security; sanctification; growth; maturity; foreknowledge; election; predestination; righteousness; glorification; grace; reconciliation; new-life-in-Christ; new creation; adoption; saved by grace; born-from-above; baptised into Christ; accepted-in Him; citizens of heaven - and more.
All facets of Salvation are by the power of God and because of the grace of God. All God does in redemption, rebirth, justification; and sanctification is by grace.
while Paul reminds us Christ is the power of God, and the WISDOM of God – Christ Jesus, Who of God became to us WISDOM and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. 1Corinthians 1:24,30
Even though God's plan for the redemption of humanity started in eternity past, and was gradually unfolded to us through Old Testament Scriptures, the rulers of this age did not know the full implications of the Cross and the devastating effect it would have on the realm of darkness. It was His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection by which Jesus defeated sin, Satan, death, and hell forever, and put to flight the rulers of this age.
But in the meantime, the Church was to be the organism through which God would now continue to carry out His sovereign plans and purposes for the redemption of the world.
The plan of redemption dictated that death had no power over His sinless life for, as the eternal Creator-God, He is a life-giving spirit.
And Romans is a book that systematically and logically takes us into a fuller understanding of God's plans and purposes for salvation, redemption, sanctification, glorification, and all that accompanies the riches of God's grace towards us who were once dead in trespasses and sins, but have now been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
This planned genocide was discovered and reversed through faithful servants of God whom the Lord used to save His people from destruction, and to carry forward His eternal plan of redemption.
The book of Ezra along with all Scripture, demonstrates that God's plans and purposes for the redemption of the world, through our Lord Jesus Christ, can never be thwarted and that He will use whosoever He chooses to fulfil all He wills.
Paul traces the great plan of redemption from the first man-Adam to the last Adam-Jesus; from the old creation in the flesh to the new creation in the spirit; from the old sin nature to the new life in Christ; from the curse of the Law to the freedom of grace, and points out that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ alone and not by personal merit or through works of the flesh.
Moses is lifted up in the book of Hebrews as a prime example of faithfulness, for we read: Now Moses was faithful in all his house as a servant, and the Lord used Moses as a testimony of those things which were to be spoken of later.Just as the Law is a schoolmaster which steadfastly points us to Christ and His New and better Covenant, so Moses was a faithful servant whom God used as a trusted sign-post to point us to the coming Messiah, for he testified of those things which were to be spoken about later - the revelation that was to come through Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Son of Man.Moses bore witness of the good news of man's redemption which would come through a greater Prophet than he, a greater Priest than Aaron, and a greater king than David.
God has not finished with Israel, which is a truth that has its roots in Genesis where despite Adam's sin, God set in motion His glorious plan of redemption for mankind; and Israel plays an important role in God's redemptive plan for mankind.
The Law was given to Moses through God's angelic agents, 430 years after the Lord had made His covenant with Abraham, promising blessing and redemption through his Seed.
Throughout history, the Lord has used Gentile nations and pagan kings in forwarding His unfolding plan of redemption.
He will declare of Jerusalem, 'She will be built,' and of the temple, 'Your foundation will be laid.'It was in the first year of his reign that the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus, king of Persia, so that he sent a written proclamation throughout all his kingdom which said: Thus says Cyrus king of Persia, 'The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and He has appointed me to build Him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah.'Praise God that His Word will not return to Him void and that through the act of this pagan Gentile, God's plan of redemption was forwarded and king Cyrus declared that Jerusalem would be rebuilt and decreed that the Holy Temple of God must be restored.God in His grace also put it in the heart of king Cyrus to return the holy articles that had been plundered from the Temple of the Lord, for we read: Also king Cyrus brought out the articles of the house of the Lord.
But how gracious Jesus was to these two troubled souls, for He then opened up the Scriptures to them and gave them an exclusive Bible study on His mission and ministry, His Person and Work, His death and His Resurrection, and God's entire plan of salvation for the redemption of mankind.
No doubt, Jesus graciously gave a full review of the fall of man and God's plan of redemption through His promised Seed.
He no doubt touched on His life, His ministry, His mission, and His work on the Cross for the forgiveness of sin, the redemption of mankind, and life everlasting, as outlined in so many prophetic books.
Not only was he Abraham's grandson and knew that God had promised to bless him and his offspring, Jacob knew it was through him and his children that God's promise of redemption would be fulfilled.
God in His eternal and infinite wisdom has chosen to share with the fallen race of finite humanity certain truths of His Person, His character, His purpose, and His plans for the redemption of mankind.
The most amazing revelation of Jesus Christ was given to the apostle John, when he was banished to the inhospitable Isle of Patmos.The final chapter in God's plan of redemption is played out in graphic detail, until the Lord Jesus, the supreme Ruler of heaven and earth, bursts through the clouds accompanied by the armies of heaven, with King of kings and Lord of lords, written on His robe and on His thigh.Once the evil Beast and blasphemous False Prophet have been cast alive into the fire burning with brimstone, and Satan is bound and thrown into the bottomless pit, John turns his attention to the people he sees, enthroned in heaven.
Let us be part of Paul's 'others' as we share the good news of the Christ crucified, risen, and ascended for the redemption of mankind - so that whosoever believes on Him for salvation, will not perish but have everlasting life.
And the gift of God that the Lord Jesus spoke of to this woman-at-the-well is His free gift of salvation, which is openly available to all who will accept God's gracious offer of redemption and be cleansed of their sin, by faith in Christ.
And although the written Scriptures, the Messiah, and God's plan of redemption was to come through the Jewish nation, God in His grace knew that for a time Israel would have to be set aside for a time, due to unbelief.
He tells of our redemption by grace through faith in Him, of reconciliation with our Heavenly Father, and of our glorious transfer from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His dear Son.
The 27 chapters that follow, deal with redemption and comfort, forgiveness and grace, and joyfully terminate with a new heaven and a new earth, echoing the New Testament.
The unfolding story of redemption only comes to full fruition with the sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection of Christ, but New Testament truth is firmly rooted in the Old Testament Scriptures.
His Word stands fast forever and His truth never changes, but as we journey through the 66 books of the Bible, we see a beautiful unfolding of God's gracious character and plan of salvation as we trace the scarlet story of redemption through its precious pages.
Those Roman soldiers could never have imagined the part they would play in the glorious story of the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ, as they crucified 'Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews' on a wooden cross outside the city gates of Jerusalem, and divided up His garments amongst themselves, by casting lots.
Though the heavens declare the glory of God, it is through His Word that the Lord has unveiled Himself to His people, through His names and His character, His plan of redemption, and His purposes for those that trust on His name.
They proudly celebrated this truth for centuries, but rejected God's offer of the kingdom of heaven on earth at Christ's first advent, causing the Lord to postpone His kingdom programme with His chosen people until the whole nation was ready and willing to acknowledge that 'Jesus Is Lord'.In the meantime, God in His grace is taking from among the Gentiles, a people for His name through whom He is forwarding His plan of redemption.
However, it will not be until He is accepted and crowned by Israel as their King, that He will return to earth to set up His heavenly kingdom in the earthly Jerusalem.You see, EVERY prophecy concerning Christ MUST be fulfilled if He is to return to earth and complete God's programme of redemption and the salvation of the world.
They called this out at His First Coming BUT then crucified Him, causing his kingdom to be delayed - for a season.When God's programme through the Church has been completed, then the Lord will remove the witness of His Church from the earth and graciously re-establish His work of redemption through Israel, during the coming time of Jacob's Trouble.
In consideration of the amazing grace that God has bestowed on each one of us by the redemption of our lives through the shed blood of Jesus Christ - should we not seek to honour God no matter what our status, skills, parentage, or gender?
The mystery of our call to glory is that we can rejoice greatly despite our trials and losses, because we have an unfailing hope in our eternal inheritance and the glorious redemption of our bodies, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
However, Christ had no intention of remaining alone... for He is the eternal Son of God and He became the perfect Son of Man in Whom we have redemption, by faith.
Paul did not change the message of redemption, nor did he compromise the central doctrine of salvation, but he was prepared to alter his behaviour, adapt a certain convention, or adopt a cultural practice so that some might be saved.
But God in His grace had formulated a plan of redemption before Adam's destructive decision to disobey his God, which not only returned man into fellowship with his Creator by faith, but also would one day pour its healing balm over the rest of God's groaning creation.
Praise God that in eternity past God laid out His plan of redemption for fallen man, which even included the renewal of the cursed earth, such that the earth will be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.
Israel had fallen into deep apostasy and even the holy priesthood had become profane, but the eyes of the LORD had been moving to and fro looking for a man whom He could use to forward His perfect plan for the restoration of his people and the redemption of the world.
He has taken control of corrupt minds and used men like Gog, as his puppets to counteract the Lord's glorious plan of redemption, which was planned before the foundation of the world.
Nimrod, Pharoah, Herod, and Jezabel, the wife of wicked King Ahab, were biblical characters that the enemy has used in his attempt to thwart God's plan of redemption.
Satan's questioning of God's Word was the catalyst that incited the fall of man and yet, God in His grace used this catastrophic fall of mankind to be the very trigger whereby His amazing plan for the redemption of humanity in particular, and the redemption of creation in general, was called into action.
And as the appointed time for the work of redemption drew ever closer, the Lord Jesus is found on His face beseeching the Father: If you are willing, remove this cup from Me... nevertheless, He submissively continues, not My will, but Yours, be done.
The Father always hears the prayers of His only begotten Son, and had there been an alternative way to secure the redemption of mankind, God would surely have interjected, but on this occasion the heavens remained silent, for there was no other way.
It is an objective faith that is secured to the knowledge that our redemption rests on Who Christ is, and what He has already done on the Cross on our account.
All of us are sinners, and children also have a sin nature and are in equal need of redemption, but little children are a wonderful example of a heart that is ready to hear the good news of salvation and a mind that is ready and willing to receive the good news of the gospel of grace.
It should be a joy for every Christian to rejoice together in the simple message of salvation, by grace through faith in the death, burial, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.It was the uncomplicated message of redemption that Jude planned to share with fellow believers in Christ, when he started to pen his epistle.
It was the eternal Father Who formulated the plan of redemption.
It was the eternal Son Who carried out the plan of redemption by means of His birth into the human race, His perfect life, His sacrificial death, and His glorious Resurrection from the dead.
In order to become the Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the world as laid out in God's plan of redemption, the eternal Son of God had to humble Himself and for a time was made a little lower than the angelic hosts that He Himself created.
But if we are unwilling to take up the gauntlet, God will carry out His initiative through another willing servant or use an alternative course, in order to complete His plan of redemption.
Esther would have lost an opportunity to be used by God in His unfolding plan of redemption.
For who knows whether or not you have been placed in this particular position to play a little part in the history of man's redemption!
He used the wicked plans of godless men in the court of king Ahasuerus to move forward His redemption plan into the next phase of fulfilment, and Esther and Mordecai were tools God used to thwart this evil.
He broke into the timeline of the earth's history as the perfect Man, in order to secure redemption for all who would believe on His name.He was the anointed One Who would redeem His people, as foretold by the prophets of old.
It was God Who planned the redemption of mankind before the foundation of the world, and by the grace of God, through faith in Christ, we have become the children of God and joint heirs with the beloved Son of His love.
At redemption we were positionally sanctified and set apart for Him, but throughout our life on earth we are in a process of being sanctified, for He who started a good work in us has promised to complete it in the day of Christ Jesus.
Sadly, due to disobedience and sin, the God-ordained authority that man had been given over the earth was transferred to Satan, who is the 'god of this age'... for a season... but the Lord in His omniscience knew that man would sin and in His goodness and grace formulated His amazing redemption plan that would span 7000 years of human history.
The Aaronic priesthood could not deal with the sin, the sinner, nor God's wrath against sin, for they too were guilty sinners who were also in need of redemption.
They knew that Christ's claims were authentic but their greed and pride caused them to reject the Redeemer of Israel and Saviour of the world, and so they rejected His message, refused His offer of redemption, and knowingly crucified the Lord of glory.
How few believe what is written in the Bible?Elements of the infinite knowledge and eternal wisdom of Almighty God are laid out in a few chapters in the book of Job, and a cursory reading of God's creative power and almighty wisdom, confronts each one of us with our own insignificance and limited understanding, as it did with Job.None of us have a right to know God's plans and purposes or to question His sovereign ways, and yet he has laid out His entire redemption plan in the Bible.
We have been bought with a price, and the required redemption price for our souls was the life of Christ, poured out for us at Calvary by our Kinsman-Redeemer, and the price has been paid in FULL.
Jacob is one of many biblical characters whom God used to bring to fruition His perfect plan of redemption and who was used to teach us an important lesson - that there is nothing we can do to gain God's blessing or become His child - that it is not by wit or wisdom, schemes or cleverness, power or might that we are saved and brought in to an everlasting relationship with our Heavenly Father, but by His grace alone - through faith alone in Christ alone.
Both Abraham and Stephen demonstrated an unshakable faith in our Almighty God, for they knew that nothing in the heavens above, the earth beneath, or the waters under the earth, is able to thwart God's perfect plan of redemption for both the people Israel that the Christian Church.
THIS is the day of Israel's redemption when His people cry out to the Lord Jesus, Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord - SAVE us.
What rejoicing will flood the earth for this is the great day towards which the Lord's plan of redemption has been steadily moving for millennia.
At His first coming, it was a Roman sword that pierced His side, from which poured redemption's blood-red stream over the sinful race of fallen man - as a dying, sin-cursed earth, groaned beneath the weight of sin, waiting in hope for this special day of redemption.
Paradise, with the tree of life and its healing river, was lost when Adam sinned, but God's amazing plan of redemption was gradually unfolded throughout Scripture, and the tree of life reappears in the book of Revelation.
He is Jesus Who has been made to us: The power of God and the wisdom of God, and righteousness, and holiness, and redemption, and salvation, belong to Him.
Zechariah's song of praise is often called 'the Benedictus' and its primary focus is about the coming Saviour Who would accomplish redemption for Israel.
Today, Israel looks back on their redemption from Egypt and rejoice.
But all who trust in God's only begotten Son rejoice that we have been redeemed from the pit of death and destruction, and the only acceptable redemption price was the precious blood of our Saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord.
God's forgiveness of sinners is exclusively and singularly tied to the Cross of Calvary and the blood of Christ that was shed for many for the remission of sin and the redemption of mankind.
John had to understand that the period of God's grace during the Church dispensation must at some point arrive at a point in God's plan of redemption, where judgement must fall on those who rejected His offer of salvation.
Unlike the rest of Christ's apostles who walked with Jesus throughout His earthly ministry, Paul was called to be God's apostle to the Gentiles following the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Ascension into heaven.Because of Paul's unusual calling and unique ministry, there were many who criticised his teaching and challenged his authority, which is why he so vigorously defended his calling and frequently made reference to the direct revelation he received from the Lord.Here in first Corinthians, Paul found it necessary to severely admonish the believers in Corinth for their disgraceful conduct which discredited the Lord, tarnished their witness, and rendered them carnal Christians and spiritual infants.The unruly disunity, riotous behaviour, greedy indulgence, and disregard for the needs of their brothers and sisters in Christ, was even displayed during the celebration of the Lord's Supper – which Paul had already taught was a time to reflect on the reality of Christ's sacrificial death, until His coming again.And so in this passage, Paul is preparing to criticise and correct the shocking behaviour of these carnally minded believers, by reminding them of his own unique calling and the direct revelation he received from the Lord, which had already been taught to them on an earlier occasion.He reminded them that he had been called personally by God, and delivered a specific message regarding the importance and seriousness of the Lord's Supper, which they were currently disregarding:For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you, Paul reminded them, that the Lord Jesus in the night in which He was betrayed took bread; and gave thanks, and broke it and said, 'This is My body, which is given for you – do this in remembrance of Me.'May we never forget the enormous price that was paid for our redemption, at the Cross.
It has been given to help us comprehend more fully God's plans and purposes for the redemption of the world and to inspire us to live godly lives knowing that the time is drawing ever closer.
The Bible is God's wonderful plan of man's redemption from start to finish.
But as God brings His plan for man's redemption to its glorious and climatic conclusion, there will be no need for the sun to shine by day nor moonlight to guide our steps at night, for the Lord Himself will be our Light.
The Bible is a record of God's wonderful plan of man's redemption, and the amazing grace that caused God to send His only begotten Son to die on the Cross to pay the price for our sin will be brought to its final conclusion when God makes a new heaven and a new earth: For the first heaven and the first earth will pass away.
Most people would put gold and silver pretty high up on the list, for 'money speaks' in this world, and silver and gold are commodities that are highly valued by the rich and poor alike, but they are perishable and valueless when it come to the redemption of a lost humanity.
God in His love bought us back by paying an enormous price for our redemption.
Redemption requires us to believe on the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins and by grace through faith in Him we are born from above, but that is only the starting point.
Through poetry, prose, prophecy, and promises, the Word of God was gradually unveiled to the fallen sons of Adam, revealing God’s plan of redemption through the gradual unfolding of His Word of truth.
On the contrary, he has a glorious plan of redemption for His nation, Israel, which will culminate when Christ returns in His Second Coming and they will recognise Him as the True Vine, Messiah, and Redeemer, and with one voice, shout to their conquering King: Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
God, in His wisdom, knew man would sin and graciously set His plan of redemption in motion, whereby a second and final Adam was sent to redeem His fallen race: For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Praise His holy name.
The sovereign God, Who is Creator of all and in Whom all things have their being, is the logical starting place for man's journey of redemption, as outlined in Scripture.
Throughout Scripture, we discover verse after verse that reminds us that the love of God caused Him to send His only begotten Son to die on the Cross for our redemption, and it was by the grace of God that His free gift of eternal life is given to whosoever will believe on Jesus Christ as Saviour.
Israel could have immediately entered God's Promised Land following their miraculous redemption from Egypt, but unbelief, disobedience, murmurings, and rebellion, prevented them from entering.
It is probable these objects diverted the people's attention away from the incredible significance of the gospel of redemption, and became a focus of worship causing Israel to fall into idolatry!
Like it or not... the greatest freedom in marriage, as well as in other relationships, is in carrying out God's will and purpose for our lives, in His way, and for His glory.God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son for the redemption of all mankind, and Christian women who are married to unbelieving men, are supplied with the greatest opportunity to draw them to faith in Christ.
And so God in His wisdom and grace, meticulously started to spell out Christ's earthly descendancy from the first Adam (the first man who was made in the image and likeness of God), and then through his son Seth (who was a man made in the image and likeness of the first, fallen Adam; sinful in nature and in need of redemption).
We have redemption through the blood of Christ and the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace which He lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.
Many feel it is unfair that we have to inherit the sin nature from our forefathers, because of their sin, but this is failure to recognise God's incredible grace in His simple plan for man's redemption.
So God the Son had to come in human form if He were to fulfil the Father's plan of redemption and become the human sacrifice that would pay the price for the sin of the world.
The barbaric suffering and humiliation that accompanied Christ’s cruel death at Calvary was designed to bring to completion God’s foreordained redemption plan which He purposed would bring many condemned sinners back into a right relationship with God, by faith, and adopt them into His family as His children.The death of His only begotten Son was acceptable to the Father, because He alone was worthy to pay the price for the sin of the world.
From beginning to end, the Bible reveals God's plan of redemption.
It is Jesus who will bring God's plan of redemption to its conclusion and usher in the eternal state, for He is the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
It was the gift of peace that Christ gave to His disciples, only hours before He trudged along the road of redemption to Calvary's Cross: Peace I leave with you, were His words of comfort to His confused disciples, My peace I give to you.
But God in His grace never forgot His plan of redemption which was to be fulfilled through Abraham, David, and the nation of Israel.
And in this passage, the Lord Himself urges the Gentile nations to come to Him for salvation, to believe on Him for redemption, and to confess His holy name.
God set in motion His new work of redemption, and His glorious plan of salvation started to unfold.
God's Sabbath rest was rudely interrupted by sin, but God in His grace knew before the foundation of the world that man would disobey Him and His work of redemption would have to begin at a point in time.
And so began God's ongoing work of redemption.
The Holy Trinity started to work for the redemption of the human race in perfect union from the moment that man sinned.
No doubt, as David reflected on life and living, in the knowledge that the Messiah was coming one day to sit on his throne and establish an everlasting kingdom, that David cried out, blessed be my Rock and exalted be the GOD of my salvation. David knew his Saviour was coming one day, and together with all Old Testament saints, he looked forward to that day of redemption and rejoiced in the God of their salvation, Who was to come.
It was shortly after their miraculous redemption from Egypt, that the children of Israel heard the audible Voice of God Almighty as it thundered on the top of Mount Sinai.
Blessed the God of Israel, Who has come and provided redemption for His people.
God's plan of redemption was foreordained in the heavenly council chambers before the foundation of the world.
And John, the son of Zacharias the priest, was to be forerunner to the prophesied Messiah Who was to visit and accomplish redemption for His people, Israel.
His inspired words continue to glorify our Father in heaven as he spoke of Christ's advent and finished work of redemption which was accomplished at Calvary, and will be completed in the future.
Zachariah's prophesy was written in such a way that the future redemption of His people had already been accomplished.
Having been saved by grace through faith in Christ, obtaining eternal redemption through the one and only means of salvation (by trusting in the Cross of Christ, for the forgiveness of sins) we are warned not to become legalistic, by reverting back to the Levitical system.
God's plan of redemption was formed before the foundation of the world and He chose, from the fallen race of Adam, one man through whom the last Adam would be born.
The destruction of the nation of Israel would secure Satan's authority over the earth, forever, and prevent God's plans and purposes for the redemption of man from being fulfilled.
He talked of the resurrection from the dead but omitted to tell them of Christ sacrificial work on the Cross as part of God's redemption plan for mankind, the forgiveness of sin.
But despite man's rebellious rejection of His plan of redemption, God the Father graciously spoke once more to humankind, through His dearly beloved Son Who Himself is God and the heir of all things, Who Himself is God-eternal, God-all-holy, God-almighty, God from eternity, and Creator of the world.
Every aspect of God's amazing plan of redemption that is received by faith in Christ's sacrificial death and His glorious Resurrection, was in accordance with the eternal purpose and plan of God, which was hidden for ages and generations... but which God finally carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord.
God is omniscient and knew that man would be tempted of Satan and fail to obey His instructions... and so God in His grace, forged the plan of redemption before the creation of the world.
God's plan of redemption was kept hidden, for they would not have crucified Christ if they had understood the far-reaching effects of His redemptive plan.
In Ephesians, Paul opens the floodgates of God's blessing on His people, with the words, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him - in love.He has blessed us with pardon and peace, redemption and adoption, and illumination and truth from His Holy Spirit.
The story of redemption in the Bible stretches from the creation of the world to the making of a new heaven and a new earth.
The scarlet thread of redemption streams through the 66 books of God's holy Word and traverses the march of time, as the Lord's plans and purposes are gradually revealed and graciously opened up to men's understanding.
From the disappearance of the Tree of Life in Eden when Adam fell, to its glorious restoration in the book of Revelation, we trace the intertwining events and intriguing happenings in God's story of redemption and the restoration of mankind into fellowship with His Creator and Saviour.
The glorious hope we have in Him is for bond and free, male and female, old and young, rich and poor.There is no one excluded from this glorious promise which already is 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ, according to His riches in mercy... and it encompasses plenteous redemption and abundance of life in the eternal ages to come.
In bitter distress, she decided to return to her roots, and Ruth, one of her daughters-in-law, chose to return with her. Unbeknown to both women, God had planned to use their desperate situation to demonstrate His grace towards them and to forward His perfect plan of redemption, and as the story unfolds, we are increasingly aware of God's providential work in their lives.
His will be a kingdom standing on the sacrificial offering of Christ on the Cross, for the redemption of the world.
First the redemption of mankind and then the setting up of Godly appointed authority on earth, when God's lost kingdom is regained - through Jesus Christ - God of gods, Light of lights, King of kings, and Lord of heaven and earth.
Before the foundation of the world, God's plans and purposes for the redemption of the fallen human race were established.
But God uses each servant for a time to forward His perfect plan of redemption, before ordaining and equipping those who are to follow.
God's plans and purpose for the redemption of mankind are unchangeable, for He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, but God chooses the work that He gives to each of His servants individually.
The free, unmerited gift of eternal life to all who believe in His name is the most wonderful addition to our redemption, but His glorious Resurrection from the dead is beyond our comprehension.
And it was out of love that God sent His only begotten Son so that all who trust in Him for their redemption are saved by grace through faith: transferred from being a member of the kingdom of Satan through physical birth into Adam's fallen race, into becoming a member of Christ's Body through spiritual birth, a child of God, and a citizen of heaven through spiritual birth into Christ:
This dispensation of the grace of God, as Paul called it, was to be a season during which the Lord would carry out His plans and purposes for the redemption of mankind, through a different group of people.
But it is God's will that after salvation we put away such worldly pursuits and leave that old life behind us, together with those former desires, as we press towards the goal of our calling - just as the Lord Jesus set His own face as a flint towards Jerusalem, the Cross, and the redemption of mankind.
But friend or foe alike, every one needed to be washed in His redeeming blood or pay the consequences of sin's deadly hold.Devoted obedience to the Father, gracious redemption of humanity, a glorious Bride for Himself, and the victorious reclamation of the kingdom was the goal of His divine calling, yet the loving-kindness He showed towards His mother, demonstrates the humanity of our Lord and the empathetic nature of God for His children, for when Jesus saw his mother and the disciple He loved standing nearby, He said to his mother, Dear woman, here is your son, and to the disciple he loved, Here is your mother.
In his first epistle, he reminds his brothers and sisters in Christ that being hated by unsaved men and women should not ever surprise us, because the message of redemption is an offense to prideful men: If you belonged to the world, the world would love you as one of its own.
The good news of peace with God and an eternal relationship with Him has come by faith in Christ's shed blood for the redemption of the body and the forgiveness of sins.
For by the one offering of Himself has the Lord Jesus Christ perfected for all time, all those who have trusted in the blood of the Lamb for the forgiveness of sins and the redemption of their soul.
God in His grace, formed a plan of redemption whereby He offered to pardon every man's many transgressions and declared all who believe in His Word (Christ, the Word made flesh), to be justified in His sight, clothed in His own righteousness, forgiven of sin, and returned into fellowship with God (a privilege which was forfeited through sin).
Psalm 2 explains that God's plan of redemption was to return man's dominion over the world through Christ, to make the nations His inheritance, and to give Him the ends of the earth as His eternal possession.
The holy Lamb of God was slain from the foundation of the world so that all rebellious human-kind could be offered the free gift of redemption for the forgiveness of sins, an escape from death's cruel sting, a release from the curse of the Law, and eternal salvation with life more abundant.
There are many stories in the Bible that God uses to paint a striking word-picture of His love for His people Israel, and the lives of various characters in Scripture are used in different ways to illustrate God's message of redemption, and teaches us some important lessons.
He wrote of our wonderful redemption, our heavenly inheritance, the indwelling Holy Spirit, and the peace of God we have received through His sacrificial blood.
He prayed that God would bestow on them a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ Jesus, and He began to explain the mystery of God's will - the redemption of man through the Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom He will usher in the fullness of the times and bring everything together in Him.
Only a couple of chapters in the Bible were devoted to God's creation and the role that Man was to play in the plans and purposes of God, and yet the rest of Scripture opens up God's amazing plan of redemption which He purposed before the world was made: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that all who believe on HIM would not perish but have everlasting life.
As we contemplate the beauty of God’s creation, the role he purposed for mankind, humanity's terrible rebellion against the One Who made us, and His amazing plan of redemption, let us praise our Heavenly Father for His goodness and grace, and strive to serve Him in all that we do.
But He must finish what He started, which requires Him to open the scroll, which will set in motion the final scene in God's amazing plan of redemption.
He laid before them God's amazing plan of redemption, both for Israel and for the rest of the world, through Jesus Christ their Messiah and King.
He spoke of other patriarchs like Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and David, and described historical events like Israel's redemption from Egypt, their wilderness wanderings, and their conquests in the Promised Land.
Step by step, Stephen laid out God's plan of redemption for mankind through Israel.
Stephen was slowly unfolding God's redemption plan in order to bring them to repentance for the terrible travesty that had recently been carried out: the execution of their Messiah King, the Lord Jesus Christ.
He prayed that they would be set apart from the world as He sent them into the uttermost parts of the earth to proclaim redemption to all; a salvation which they themselves had received through Jesus.
This is not a subject that should be swept under the Church carpet, as so often happens in Christendom today, but is a serious subject that should be faced, and unbelievers should be challenged so that they may hear the glorious gospel of grace and believe the message of redemption by grace through faith in Christ, and be SAVED.
In Him we already have redemption through His blood and forgiveness of sins... and by God's grace we have already received revelation from the invisible God which was kept hidden for ages and remained concealed from previous generations.
Before being saved, a man is a slave to the power of sin, but after redemption, he is no longer a slave to sin because the power of sin has been broken in his life.
National restoration, universal redemption, and the spiritual healing of both the northern and southern kingdoms are the key elements, while echoes of God's judgement on the wicked precede and follow this message of hope for Israel.
Hebrews was written to bring believers into a deeper understanding of God's unfolding plan of redemption and into a realisation that Jesus was God's prophet (like Moses), God's King (like David), and God's High Priest after the heavenly order of Melchizedek (and not after the earthly order of Levi and Aaron).
The Lord Jesus was to be the ultimate and final King of kings Who would sit on David's throne, but this would only happen in God's timing and would be carried out to fulfil God's perfect plan and purpose for the redemption of the whole world.
At salvation, we receive the indwelling Holy Spirit as a guarantee of our eternal life and heavenly inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession - until we are raptured into His presence.
Paul was writing his letter from a prison cell and was not too proud to ask these believers to lift him up in prayer, to pray that God would open a door of opportunity to preach the good news of Christ to lost souls in need of redemption.
He had read the words of Isaiah, who proclaimed their Messiah would be led as a lamb to the slaughter, and he watched as Jesus became the sacrificial Lamb of God, on the Cross of Calvary as the redemption price for the sin of the world.
But at His second advent the same, slaughtered Lamb will return as the conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah, but it will be the scars He bore and the death He died (for the punishment of the wicked and the redemption of ALL who would believe on His name), that qualifies Him to open the seven-sealed scroll.
Jesus is the eternal God and perfect Man, and He is the only Member of the Godhead and only Member of the Human race Who has the strength and wisdom, power and knowledge, authority and intelligence, and the sinless perfection to open the redemption Scroll.
But although Adam rebelled against his Maker, God in His grace purposed to redeem fallen mankind and the world He had made, and His plan of redemption began.
The hour those Gentiles came to see Jesus seemed to be the climatic watershed that caused our Lord to know that the hour had come when He would led as a lamb to the slaughter and given into the hands of wicked men to fulfil God's perfect plan of redemption.
Peter's protest, which attempted to save Jesus from being handed over to the Gentile nations and crucified to pay the price for the sin of the world, may have been born out of deep love for his Master, but ignorant of God's perfect plan of redemption.
Romans carefully and systematically spells out every aspect of our great salvation; the universal sinfulness of man, our individual need of a Saviour, the terms and conditions of redemption, and what it means to be justified, sanctified, resurrected, and glorified.
Other 'non-experiential' work includes the baptism of the Spirit when we are placed once and forever into the Body of Christ and His sealing work where we are confirmed as God's children and indwelt by the Spirit, which is a down-payment of God's promise of redemption.
The removal of the Church at the end of this dispensation, will identify another marker in God's unfolding plan of redemption, For when the priesthood is changed, of necessity there takes place a change of law also, and this is the point in history when God will once more start working through Israel as His earthly witnesses - and we will be in Christ's presence forever.
Suffering for the sake of Christ is the inevitable consequence of trusting the Lord Jesus for our redemption, but Peter reminds us that if we stand firm in our faith, relying on the Lord and proclaiming His name, we can resist the devil.
Israel were to be God's mouthpiece to tell the nations of God's goodness and grace, His long-suffering and mercy, His plan of redemption and offer of salvation to all who would trust in His name.
When Israel failed in their mission the first time and were exiled to Babylon, God purposed to use Cyrus, a Persian emperor, to move His eternal plan of redemption forward and to set the Jewish exiles free from their 70-year long captivity in Babylon so that they could obey His command to tell the world that God is the Lord.
And so it was, at this point in God's plan of salvation, that Christ... the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, could step forward and carry out the final act which would irrevocably set in motion the full and final redemption of the world.
The theme of Exodus is redemption and the founding of Israel.
However sin must always be punished, and when God's plan of redemption is traced from Genesis to Revelation, it is the long-suffering and merciful nature of God that is clearly identified in all His wonderful works, and His goodness and grace towards the rebellious heart of man is clearly seen.
He has chosen to use each of us as Ministers of Reconciliation in His perfect plan of redemption, and His indwelling Spirit provides the power we need to fulfil the mission and ministry He has for each of His children.
'Hallel' is a short form of the Hebrew word 'Hallelujah' and is a call to all the people to praise and worship the Lord our God for His goodness, grace, mercy, and His plan of redemption.
Some ascribe this psalm to Moses because it focuses on Israel's deliverance from Egyptian slavery, but others believe the writer was David as he reflected on Israel's redemption and remembered how God rescued His chosen nation from centuries of bondage.
No matter who wrote this song, the psalmist clearly wanted to encourage his countrymen to remember their redemption and rejoice in the God of their salvation.
But have you considered that it was only by God's amazing grace that he permitted one fallen man to dictate the destiny of all humanity so that ONE PERFECT MAN - the Man Christ Jesus - could determine the redemption of ALL - for as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
If God had so designed His plan of redemption that Adam paid the price for his own sin alone and we paid the debt for all our sin - NO-ONE could ever be saved.
BUT, because sin entered the world by one man's sin, God could offer His gracious plan of redemption to ALL through the perfect life of ONE MAN - our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Whatever the reason for the division, every 'book' tells the ongoing story of redemption and each section ends with a beautiful doxology of thanksgiving and praise to God.
Nebuchadnezzar, Pharaoh, and Sennacherib, are reminders to Israel of their rebelliousness toward God, and serve as reminders to nurture humility of heart, as the graciousness of God is beautifully revealed through His promise of redemption, causing His people to offer praise and thanksgiving for the mighty miracles He has performed towards them.
Yet restoration was promised to the nation when they turned from their wicked ways, while gracious redemption is pictured through the life-story of Hosea's adulterous wife when she was brought back into fellowship with her long-suffering husband - which will happen for Israel at the close of the 7-year Tribulation Period.
May we, the Body of Christ, rest in His peace in this hostile, violent world, and look up and lift up our heads as our redemption draws nigh when Jesus comes in the clouds to Rapture His Bride and take us into heaven to be with Him.
God ordained that the man, created in His own image and likeness, was to be His representative on earth, and the Lord gave dominion of the whole earth into his hands - but man sinned and God began to work once more - a work of redemption began - a plan that He had purposed before the world was created.But many years later, God used the example of His seventh day of rest as a distinctive sign between Himself and the nation of Israel.
This attention to detail also provides us with the political climate of the day, the subjugation under which the Son of God, came into the world, the subjects who would play a part in the unfolding story of redemption, the regions under their control, and their interactions with the Redeemer and His unfolding plan of redemption.
When unbelievable decisions are made by leaders and governments that impact the lives of God's people, the Lord takes the schemes of men and blends them together with the lives of His people, and uses them for their eternal benefit and to forward His plan of redemption, which He purposed before the world began.
As the world charges forward into an increasingly uncertain future, let us recall the wonderful way God moved the heart of famous men and insignificant people to fulfil His perfect plans and purposes for the redemption of the world, and let us confidently trust Him today, and thank Him for His never-failing goodness and grace.
God's wonderful plan of redemption and His amazing mercy and grace, beautifully unfolds within the pages of Scripture and streams through God's Word like a golden thread of hope; a scarlet stream of life-giving blood.
It was as this final Passover approached, that we find Jesus washing His disciples' feet in the upper room, breaking bread, which represented His body, and sharing the cup of redemption, which symbolised His blood shed for the sin of the whole world.
Hebrews is a wonderful instrument, used by God, to open men's understanding to God's perfect plan of redemption, which He purposed in His heart before the foundation of the world.
By His goodness and grace, God purposed to use the Church as the instrument to secure better promises for Israel (heavenly, as well as earthly promises) just as He used Israel as His instrument to bring the glorious gospel of redemption through their Jewish Messiah to the Gentiles.
This distressing historical event to which Jeremiah refers, is nestling within a section of his writings that speak of the glorious restoration, regathering, redemption, and revival of Israel.
The damning truth of man's sinful nature is the foundation upon which the rest of Romans is laid - and from this point on, Paul lays out the most comprehensive treatise of God's amazing plan of redemption - through Jesus Christ our Lord.
He had been set apart to teach the message of redemption to the Gentiles and to bear the Lord's name before nations, kings, and the children of Israel.
And despite his prophecies of doom and destruction, Zephaniah concludes his inspired writings with a promise of the restoration of Gentile nations, the reinstatement of Israel as His chosen inheritance, the redemption of His people, Israel, and the return of their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as God of gods, King of kings, and Lord of the eternal ruler of heaven and earth.
But God in His goodness and grace, gave us ways and means to discover much about Who He is: His character; His Tri-unity; His Person; His ultimate plans; and His wonderful purposes for the redemption of mankind.
However, the work in which the Lord is engaged today is the work of redemption.
And we praise God that His work of redemption was finished at Calvary, when Jesus cried out with a loud voice, Tetelestai!
Christ finished His work of redemption at Calvary and a day is coming when everything that man lost at the fall will be fully redeemed and finally handed back to God, when God's enemies have been subdued and Christ is all in all.
God moves in mysterious ways to perform His mighty deeds and fulfil His plans and purposes for the redemption of mankind, and this is clearly seen in the life of Jesus.
Every stumbling-block that seemed to hinder the out-working of God's perfect plan became a spring-board which He used to establish His will for the redemption of mankind and the glory of His holy name.
Every unfortunate happening was used by God to fulfil His greater plan and purpose for the redemption of mankind and to fulfil the prophetic Scriptures.
As we read through the familiar Nativity story that is celebrated year after year, and as we sing the lovely carols and choruses that tell of His birth, may we never cease to be filled with awe and wonder at God's amazing precision and perfect timing, as He worked in the geopolitical climate, the socio-economic landscape, and the lives of countless individuals and groups, to forward His plan of redemption for the greater glory of His name.
By skilfully laying down the origin of Israel and their role in God's plan of redemption, Paul is emphasising the importance of God's sovereign choice by selecting Isaac as the child of promise rather than Ishmael, and His choice of Jacob over his brother Esau.
Later, God made a covenant with Israel who were to be a light to the Gentiles and tell the pagan nations of God's wonderful plan of redemption and His promised Messiah.
He seals each one with the protective seal of God, unto the day of redemption - when faith will blossom into sight and we will be with the Lord forever.
They came to understand that the Messiah had to suffer and die and rise from the dead on the third day, if the plan of salvation, which God ordained in eternity past, was to accomplish its great work of man's reconciliation to God, the redemption of human-kind, the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, for all who would believe on His name.
The beautiful result of the man or women who has received God's perfect forgiveness is redemption, healing, comfort, provision, satisfaction and goodness.
We are sealed by the Spirit, preserved, and protected, and we are kept safe and secure by the power of God until the day of redemption, and nothing can pluck us out of His hands.
For this reason, the kingdom was postponed and the nation of Israel was set aside, while God continued to carry out His perfect plan of redemption through the Body of Christ.
The 'hour had come' for the Son of Man to be glorified, and His sacrifice on the Cross would honour the Father and bring His amazing plan of redemption to that climatic and pivotal point in history, when death would be swallowed up in victory: Little children, I am with you a little while longer, was our Lord's grave message: You will seek Me, and as I said to the Jews, now I also say to you, 'Where I am going, you cannot come.'
They were the ones that God would use to spread the good news of the glorious gospel of redemption to a lost and dying world; a world that was drowning in trespasses, dead in their sin, and eternally separated from the almighty God.
How we praise God for His amazing plan of redemption, which David enjoyed so long ago, and which is still available today, for all who will trust in Christ.
However, due to man's sin, God had to begin another work – the work of redemption, which is the work that will one day be fully and finally completed when Christ is all in all.
But the rest of God's people who have not trusted Christ for their redemption, must face the great and dreadful Day of the Lord, when the full force of God's wrath will be poured out on this Christ-rejecting, sinful world.
For most of Christ's earthly ministry, He and His disciples taught the gospel of the kingdom, but because Israel rejected God's anointed King, Christ returned to heaven for a season, while God continued His plan of redemption through the Church.
John was deeply distressed and his heart was ready to break for he KNEW that the scroll had to be opened if God's plans and purposes for the restoration of the earth and redemption of man was to be realised.
The scroll contained the answers to universal questions and prophetic utterances that were given centuries earlier, but unless the seals were broken, the prophecies could never be fulfilled, the curse could never be lifted from the earth, God's plan of redemption for humanity would remain stillborn, and the promised Kingdom of God could never be realised.
Let us rejoice that one day soon, He will begin to unseal those seven seals on the scroll, and in so doing will set the stage for the final scene in God's amazing plan of redemption.
God's plan of redemption for mankind was securely in place long before God breathed into Adam's body of clay the breath of life, when man became a living being.
And in Christ, we have an absolute assurance in God's plan of redemption for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting, for He is our Life and in Him is life everlasting.
God's plan of redemption is laid out meticulously from the creation of the world to the endless ages to come, and the book of Revelation outlines the timing of the events that will take place during the seven-year Tribulation.
But just as there was an order in the creation of the world and order in God's plan of redemption, so also there is a clearly defined order in the resurrection of the dead and order in the inevitable day of judgement, when the secrets of all hearts will be exposed.
This prophetic book is often described as a 'mini Bible' because the outline of its 66 chapters seems to mirror the same progression of God's unfolding plan of redemption through the entire 66 books of Scripture.
God, in the Person of the eternal Son, became a man sharing in our mortal, human make-up of flesh and blood, without which the redemption of mankind would have been utterly impossible, and without which all humanity would have remained dead in their sins and powerless to overcome death.
And so He perfected His plan of redemption before the foundation of the world, through the redeeming blood of His only begotten Son - the Lord Jesus Christ - the third member of the eternal Trinity.
God's gradual unveiling of His perfect character throughout the pages of Scripture, progressively reveals His eternal plan of redemption, which is perfected and completed in the Lord Jesus.
Let us in everything, by prayer and supplication, with humble thanksgiving of heart, praise our heavenly Father Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ... in Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, according to the riches of His grace.
John stood before the eternal God, Who had become the glorified Man... through Whose blood we have redemption, the forgiveness of sin, and life everlasting... according to the riches of His grace, that He lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.
The entire sequence of events painted by Daniel, presents God's ongoing purpose and plan for the redemption of man, for those with eyes to see and a heart that trusts in the Lord.
Before the Cross, Israel were looking forward to their full and final redemption which would happen through the shed blood of Christ, the Lamb of God - when He would instigate the New Covenant in His blood. The Old Covenant was cut using the blood of bulls and goats. The New Covenant was cut through the blood of Jesus Christ.
The giving of the Law to the nation of Israel was one of the most important events in the history of mankind's redemption, and an important step in the chronicles of the covenant nation of Israel through Whom God's anointed Saviour was to be born.
The giving of the Law to the nation of Israel was one of the most important events in the history of man's redemption, and an important step in the chronicles of the covenant nation of Israel, through Whom God's anointed Son was born.
But God started to unfold His wonderful plan of redemption, and man was covered with the blood of an animal until the appointed Seed of the woman would finally crush the head of the serpent - on Calvary's Cross - to pay the price for your sins and mine.
But it is also a demonstration of God's goodness and grace to the whole unsaved world, both Jew and Gentile alike, for it is not God's will that any should perish but that all should come to repentance, by turning from sin and trusting in Christ for their redemption.
Before the death of Christ, God was working through the Jewish nation to forward His redemption plan, but following His Resurrection and Ascension, God set Israel aside for a season and began a new work through the Church; the Body of Christ.
The history of redemption is rooted in Genesis and is further developed in every additional Old Testament book.
It also speaks of the promised regathering, restoration, and ultimate redemption of a remnant of righteous Israel, and despite the shocking proclamation that their King would one day be led as a lamb to the slaughter, Isaiah also trumpeted a message of hope for the righteous remnant who trusted God's Word and lived their life by faith.
He is the Man Who willingly shed His own innocent blood as the full and final payment for the sin of the world - for without the shedding of blood there is NO redemption!
The indestructible life of Christ Jesus, was greater than king David, for He was raised from the dead by the almighty power of God and was the perfect Sacrifice for their sin – and by faith in Him, redemption would be theirs.
As we journey through the Word of God, may our hearts and minds be open to all the Lord has to teach us so that we are guided into all truth about the Lord Jesus, knowing that God's plan of redemption is a most precious scarlet thread that weaves its way through each book and every character.
The truth Paul preached with a passion was that God's plan of redemption was made fully known to mankind, through the advent of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
He reminded him that God's redemption plan was formulated in the council chambers of heaven, before the world was founded: But now has been revealed by the appearing of our Saviour Christ Jesus.
Jeremiah prophesied of their future redemption and the coming kingdom of peace and prosperity, which will be placed under the authoritative sceptre of their promised Messiah.
Although there was a partial fulfilment of Israel's release from their captivity in Assyria and Egypt, the full and final fulfilment of this passage, where the kingdoms of Israel and Judah will unite to serve the Lord their God, and David their king, will take place after Israel, as a nation, cries out to the Lord for redemption during the coming 'time of Jacob's Trouble'.
Today, Israel has been set aside and God is working His work of redemption through the Body of Christ, which is the Church.
Had the story ended here, it would have been a disappointing end to three wonderful years, but this is not the finale, but a vital step in the unfolding story of redemption.
The ongoing story of redemption continues today and as we read through the Scriptures we are reminded of our own human frailty, the need to trust in the Lord with all our heart, and of His sufficient grace in time of need.
Christ's death on the Cross paid the redemption price for the sin of the whole of humanity: So that whosoever believes on Him will not perish but have everlasting life.
Nevertheless, it is a book that opens our understanding to God's glorious plan of redemption and His wonderful purpose of the ages.
Shocking though this miscarriage of justice was, when the children of men slaughtered their Creator, they actually performed a major part of God's determined plan of redemption - so that whosoever believed on the Lord Jesus Christ would not perish but have everlasting life.
Both are a picture of our great redemption in Christ through the forgiveness of sin and our life everlasting, and we are further reminded that we are covered in Christ's own righteousness and have found rest from our labour in Him.
Redemption is not only the forgiveness of sins committed in our bodies.
Redemption is becoming fully and increasingly identified with the very nature and mind of the Lord Jesus Himself.
Redemption is becoming so fully identified with Christ Jesus our Lord, that we can say with Paul that the life that I now live in this mortal body is not me (my old former self, my old-man, my Adamic sin-nature), it is not me that lives and influences my life choices and thoughts, but the indwelling Spirit of Christ, Who has sway and influence on my newly 'born-again' human spirit.
God chose one man out of the great sea of humanity to carry forward His plan of redemption.
May we hate sin with a godly hatred but love the sinner in need of redemption, and may our hearts be filled with compassion and love for those that are lost as we plead with God for their salvation.
Little did they know that this atrocity took place to carry out the will of God for the redemption of mankind.
He remained unable to speak during his wife's pregnancy, yet this old man prophesied of the soon arrival of the Messiah, at his son's own miraculous birth, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, Zechariah proclaimed, for God has visited us and has accomplished redemption for His people, Israel. He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the royal house of David His servant. Zechariah rejoiced that Old Testament prophecy was being fulfilled and prophesied of things to come.
When teaching Jews, his message of redemption would begin with the Patriarchs, as he guided them through the Old Testament prophecies and Psalms that pointed to Christ.
When instructing Gentiles of the gospel, he would often begin by pointing to the God of Creation, the sinfulness of man, the need for forgiveness, and God's plan of redemption through the death, burial, and Resurrection of His only begotten Son.
What a glorious future hope, that we will be forever with the Lord in the company of all the saints of old who by grace through faith have trusted Christ for the remission of sin and the redemption of their spirit, soul, and body.
David had come to so firm a faith in the Rock of his redemption, that assaults of the enemy and even death itself did not infect his peace, and he acknowledged he was held securely in the Father's hand.
God made His redemption plan in the eternal council chambers of heaven and set it in motion the moment that Adam sinned.
God's plan of redemption was not fully known until He sent JESUS, His only begotten Son into the world - that we might live through Him and be declared righteous by God's grace - through faith in His redemptive blood.
For 4000 years, God's plan of redemption slowly unfolded until the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us.
The battle of the ages between God and the satanic forces of evil, has been raging since Adam sinned in the garden and God's plan of redemption was set in motion.
Although Christ gained an everlasting victory over His enemies, God's pan of redemption continues to unfold and the next event is the Rapture of the Christian Church.
Trusting in the power of God and His faithfulness towards His people, together with a dedicated prayer life, is often the process God uses in forwarding His own plans and purposes for the redemption of His people.
God is still in the business of using his faithful servants to forward His perfect plan of redemption.
In the same way that Moses was the first and most important prophet, who brought His people out of the land of Egypt... and through whom God spoke during their long history, so the coming Prophet would be fulfilment of God's plan of redemption.
He redeemed us from the curse of the Law, and secured redemption and the forgiveness of sin, for all who would trust in His finished work at Calvary for the salvation of their soul.
And the smoke of the incense of Christ's High Priestly intercessions will be combined with the prayers of multitudes of saints, as the final part of God's plan of redemption begins to unfold.
Both are God's people, both are holy unto the Lord, and although Israel and the Church are distinct from each other, their roles are complementary, in God's perfect plan of redemption.
Zechariah gives a clear description of certain end-time events and like many Old Testament prophets, gives clear insight into God's unfolding plan of redemption.
But it is also a time of purifying and healing - the purifying of sinners who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and the redemption of those who call on His name.
Indeed, Paul began to realise that the Law not only exposes the sinfulness of man's fallen nature and makes us aware that we need a saviour... but it indirectly points us to Christ, the one and only God-Man Who fulfilled the Law perfectly and sacrificed His life for the sin of the world - to the glory of God and for our eternal redemption.
Only then could the nation of Israel fulfil their ministry of being a light to the Gentiles, but they refused and God set Israel aside, for a season, while He continued His work of redemption through the Church.
God knew He would have to continue His work of redemption through the Gentiles from every nation, because of Israel's rejection.
It will be established by the God-Man, Christ Jesus, and the world will finally understand the significance of Israel in God's eternal plan of redemption.
For multiplied centuries, we have discovered the unfolding of God's unchanging character, His gracious plan of redemption, and His faithfulness to His chosen people, Israel.
We have been bought with a price and received the life of Christ, but too often we allow the old sin nature to surface in our lives, and Paul warns that allowing sin to take control in our hearts rather than the new life in Christ, causes the indwelling Spirit (Who has sealed us unto the day of redemption), to be grieved and distressed.
Let us submit in all things to the Spirit knowing that we are sealed by Him, unto the day of redemption.
This is one of many stories or happenings in the Old Testament that God uses to point us to Christ, which gives us greater understanding of His plan of redemption, and encourages us to live by faith and not by sight.
May we remember the beautiful picture of Abraham's offering of his only begotten son and give thanks to God that He was ready and willing to sacrifice His only begotten Son on the Cross for our redemption.
We are justified by God's grace and pardoned of our sin as a free and unconditional gift, through redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Man is justified by faith - without the deeds of the law.
Jesus was attempting to show them that if they had trusted Him for their redemption, how foolish, therefore, to become fretful and anxious over their daily needs.
The redemption of humanity is foremost in His will, but He has laid out clear principles and practices for Christian living in Scripture, practices and principles that we would do well to read, know, learn, and apply thoroughly.
are eagerly waiting for our adoption as sons - the redemption of our body. Indeed, as Paul writes in Romans 8, For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now.
And not only this, but we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons - the redemption of our body.
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God... BUT they are justified freely by His grace, which is through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
The shocking truth is that the guilty man, who is justly condemned, is justified freely by God’s grace, which is based on the redemption price that was paid, in full, at Calvary.
He testifies that there is only one road to redemption.
He warns that there is only one way by which man may be saved, and that is by faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ Who is the propitiation for our sins, and through Whom the redemption price for the sin of mankind was paid in full and accepted unconditionally by the Father.
For if there was the smallest amount of merit on man's behalf that could be added to Christ's sacrificial offering of Himself, we could boast that we contributed towards our own salvation or that we did something to warrant our redemption.
He knows the end from the beginning and the formation of the Body of Christ was in accordance with God's eternal plan and purpose for the redemption of mankind - which was carried out through the Lord Jesus Christ, at Calvary.
His love stretches from eternity past, where the interactive, mutual love of each member of the Trinity united to formulate God's amazing plan of redemption - and it stretches on into the eternal ages to come, for God's love is everlasting and remains forever.
He is the uncreated God Who willingly took upon Himself human flesh so that through His shed blood we might receive redemption of our bodies and the forgiveness of sins.
Hebrews is a book that not only opens God's progressive plan of redemption for Christians today, but was originally written to help Jewish Christians in the early Church to understand that a change in dispensations took place with the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Israel's miraculous redemption was immediately followed by Israel's shocking disobedience, and is recorded in the Scripture for our learning.
We have a blessed hope in Christ, and God in His grace chose to give incredible detail about His message of redemption through His written Word of truth.
We are all born in sin and the consequences of sin reign within our mortal frame. But God chose to expose the wickedness of Satan, and in His mercy, love, and justice, purposed to save mankind from the terrible consequences of sin by taking the punishment that we justly deserve upon Himself – through the sacrifice of His dearly beloved Son.God communicated His Own eternal plans and loving purposes to all humanity throughout the pages of Holy Scripture, at the centre of which is His amazing plan of salvation whereby the sinless sacrificial Lamb of God would pay the full redemption price for all who would believe on His name.
The Scriptures, which communicate God's plan of redemption, also contain His Law exposing man's sinfulness and acts like a prison.
The everlasting story of redemption began to be implemented in the garden with the fall of man.
The wonderful story of redemption is picked up by Peter following the death, burial, Resurrection, and Ascension of the Lord Jesus.
He rehearsed the story of redemption, reminding them of God's promise to send a Saviour.
And having laid out the everlasting story of redemption, which had just culminated in Israel's rejection of the Holy One of Israel, Peter's blistering accusation followed: Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, Whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.
God's everlasting story of redemption is still as exciting, potent, powerful and precious today as it was on that first day of Pentecost.
He is the down-payment of our full inheritance in Christ, which is being kept by God in trust for us unto the day of redemption, that wonderful day when Christ comes in the clouds of glory to take us to be with Himself in heaven.
The whole crux of God's plan of redemption, is that man sinned..
And the whole beautiful but bloody story of man's fall from grace, and his final redemption, unfolds for our learning through the Scriptures.
The final chapter of the story of redemption is written in the book of Revelation, where Jesus Christ the righteous God-Man, is fully and finally revealed.
Book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, God's perfect plan of redemption and His eternal purposes for mankind continued to unfold, until Jesus came in the likeness of human flesh.
Not only does it provide a peep into Israel's past history and the interesting way provision was made for widows, orphans, and other impoverished people, but it provides a beautiful picture of God's plan of redemption, where Naomi is identified as a type of Israel, Ruth is typified as the Gentile Bride of Christ, while Boaz the man she weds is portrayed as a type of Christ, her Kinsman-Redeemer and beloved Bridegroom.
He knew that as the story of Ruth and Boaz unfolded, He would use this very scenario to bless the two women who placed their hope in Him, and to forward His plan of redemption for the whole of humanity... and so Ruth gleaned in the fields belonging to Boaz - Naomi's wealthy relative!
God works all things together for good to those that trust Him, and He had planned to use them to carry forward His perfect plan of Redemption.
As we look down the periscope of life to the birth of the Lord Jesus, we are reminded in Luke's Gospel that the love-story that blossomed between Ruth and Boaz which is recorded in the final chapters of the book, was beautifully orchestrated by the Lord in the progressive unfolding of His wonderful plan of redemption, for we read that the Lord Jesus was: The son of Nathan, the son of David, the son of Jesse, the son of Obed, the son of Boaz....
God's plan of redemption was determined before the foundations of the world were laid, and so we can state with confidence when the spirit of grace and supplication is poured out upon all people, at the end of the tribulation, then Jesus Christ will rule and reign as King of kings and Lord of lords - forever - as it is written.
He tells of our redemption through the blood of the Lord Jesus, our changed relationship to God, the birthright we have in Him, and the permanently indwelling Holy Spirit Who guides us unto all truth.
When you look at the person of Christ, you see the one and only Person that is able to save a lost sinner; you see the one and only Work that was carried out for the redemption of fallen mankind, and you see the one and only gospel of the grace of God: the message of the Cross, which is foolishness to those that are perishing but to us who have been saved it is the power of God and the wisdom of God.
Thank GOD that our salvation and heavenly privileges, as well as Israel's restoration, redemption, reunification, and earthly kingdom, stands fast on the Word of God and not on our actions or attitudes.
He used historical evidence, logical arguments, theological grounds, and practical reasoning to show that the resurrection of the dead was a major part of God's amazing plan of salvation, for the redemption of mankind.
It was Jesus whom Malachi called: The Sun of righteousness Who will come with healing in his wings, and Zechariah rejoiced that the Messiah had come to visit His people, and prophesied of their coming redemption and deliverance from their enemies.
Let us consider those that are lost, who will one day face this horrific future, and do what we can to tell the good news of the gospel of grace to those in need of redemption.
Israel's physical redemption from Pharaoh's slavery in Egypt, mirrors the Christians' spiritual redemption from slavery to sin in the kingdom of Satan. Israel was saved from Egypt because they believed God and carried out His instructions - so that by faith, the angel of death Passed-Over the believing Hebrews.
But sadly they did not continue to live by faith after their redemption.
But He is full of tender-love towards His creation, and in His mercy and grace (and at the enormous cost of the life of His only begotten Son), God set in motion His amazing plan of redemption to save mankind from eternal separation from Himself.
Peter wanted these folk to know that this happened, to carry out God's pre-ordained plan of salvation for His fallen creation and the redemption of humanity.
Let us continue to share the good news of the gospel of grace with those that are dead in their sins and living under God's condemnation - for who knows if some may be convicted of their need of redemption and turn from their sinful ways and trust in Christ for the salvation of their soul?
And in his summation before addressing the past role, present situation, and future position of Israel in God's perfect plan of redemption, Paul closes this section of his epistle to the Roman with the most blessed assurance of our eternal security in Christ.
Roman is the most thorough, scientific statement of the divine plan of redemption and the only place where a complete, systematic teaching of all the fundamentals of the Christian faith can be found.
God's plan of redemption which He purposed before the foundation of the earth was coming to its ultimate climax, when Christ would win back dominion of the earth in righteousness.
The Holy Spirit is given to every believer as a seal: A deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession, to the praise of his glory.
She was ready and willing to commit the desires of her heart to the Lord, and God not only fulfilled the desire of her heart, but used the son she would bear to play an important role in the history of her people and in God's own plan of redemption for all whose hope is in Him.
In the beginning God made man in His own image, but man sinned and fell into rebellion against his Creator and God's plan of redemption was set in motion.
They were singularly blessed and called to declare to the world the good news of the coming Messiah Who would save His people from their sins and offer redemption to all those who were dead in their trespasses and sins.
The finished work of Christ does not only refer to our initial salvation when we first believed, and ongoing sanctification throughout our earthly life, but Christ's work at Calvary incorporates our final glorification the redemption of our bodies, when Christ returns to claim the Church as His Bride – the time when we are officially adopted as sons of God.
This anointing happens the moment we trust Christ for our salvation - for we were bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus Christ, and the cost of our redemption was paid in full - at Calvary.
We, who have access to the whole counsel of God, recognise the significance of Joseph's dreams in God's plan of redemption and as we read through the thrilling fulfilment of his prophetic visions, we marvel at the way that God used this young man to save His people from the famine that ravaged Canaan, and we rejoice as we watch God's plans and purposes unfold and see Joseph's prophetic dreams being fulfilled.
And this well-loved story also provides us with some amazing evidence of God's perfect, step-by-step plan of redemption and His amazing power to bring His perfect will to its completion.
It was as a result of God's dazzling grace and unmerited favour towards the whole of the human race, that His plan of redemption was formulated in the eternal counsel chambers of heaven.
We who have trusted in the finished work of Christ on Calvary's Cross have already received reconciliation; redemption; the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
As a Hebrew of the Hebrews and a highly educated Pharisee who held the most advantageous Jewish pedigree, Paul took pains to emphasise that although the Jewish nation was God's chosen people, they do not hold a monopoly on God's justification and redemption.
Justification and redemption is by grace through faith in Christ to Jew and Gentile alike.
How important when reading any section of Scriptures, that we read it literally, grammatically, dispensationally, and in its correct historical context, if we are to grow in grace, come to a deeper understanding of God's glorious plan of redemption, and discover the role of Israel and the function of the Church.
Praise God that we who have trusted Christ are no longer under His condemnation and will never face that Great White Judgement Throne of God, but there are many who are pridefully unrepentant of their sin and whose hearts remain rebellious towards the Lord's offer of redemption.
If we trusted Christ for our redemption by faith and received the life of Christ as a free gift of grace, should not we also choose to live our life in spirit and truth?
Our salvation was given to us freely by God's grace and yet the high cost of our redemption is incalculable.
Living a holy life should not be a considered a burden or a strain, but should be motivated by a reverential fear and unquenchable awe of God, combined with a heart of unending gratitude for the incredible price that God was prepared to pay for the price of our redemption.
He paid the purchase price for our redemption so that those who believe on His name become God's own purchased possession - for we are in Christ and accepted in the Beloved.
But from the foundation of the world, God had set in motion His perfect plans and precious purposes for the redemption of mankind, by sending His dearly beloved Son to be the propitiation for the sin of the whole world.
But from the beginning, God knew the wrong choices Adam and his race would make, and in His goodness and grace had foreordained a wonderful plan of redemption.
Although God is our great Provider Who supplies all our bodily needs and the daily necessities of life according to His great goodness, His greater provision is the gracious offer of the salvation of our soul, the redemption of our body, the forgiveness of our sin, and life everlasting.
His plan was the redemption of mankind, and He would achieve it by paying the price for the sin of the whole world Himself by means of His own death: For the wages of sin is death.
Timothy had been taught the Scriptures from childhood and so he was ready and willing to be taught the rest of God's story of redemption through the apostle Paul, who had been given many mysteries from God which had been hidden in ages past, but which God has revealed in this present Church age.
It means that the singular message of redemption is similarly being watered down, distorted and discarded for another gospel.
There are many passages that warn of the torment that awaits those who do not believe in the only begotten Son of God for their eternal redemption, and perhaps there is no more chilling passage that attests to this truth, than the story the Lord Jesus related during his earthly ministry which describes the eternal destinies of Lazarus and the rich man, in Luke chapter 16.
Like the rich man, and all who do not believe on Jesus for the redemption of their soul, the same place of torment and Great White Throne judgement awaited these proud, religious Pharisees - if they refused to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sin.
By His grace, the redemption price was paid in full by Jesus, so that when a sinner recognises their sin and seeks salvation by faith in Christ, the Law has fulfilled its work in the life of that sinner.
God's plan of redemption and reconciliation can be traced throughout the Scriptures.
This is indeed a great mystery that staggers our understanding... but His blood WAS sufficient and through faith in Him and Him alone, we have obtained eternal redemption.
May we be ready and willing to witness to a fallen world the wonderful works of God so that lost sinners may obtain eternal redemption through Christ and return into fellowship with our Heavenly Father - through time and into eternity.
Through believing on Christ's finished work of redemption, we have peace with God, for Christ is the propitiation for our sins Who made peace with God on our behalf.
Although the reach of redemption was to encompass the whole earth, for the grace of God is without measure and beyond our understanding, it was the little nation of Israel through whom the Seed was to be secretly transported.
In former times, an annual atonement was made for the sin of the nation, where the blood of animals covered the sin of the people for a single year. And yet through the sacrifice of His life, Christ Jesus obtained eternal redemption, the forgiveness of sins, and life everlasting for all who would believe in Him.
But God in His grace formulated a perfect plan of redemption for all mankind by sending His only begotten Son to become a Man, so that His perfect life and sacrificial death would satisfy God's righteous anger against all sin, including my sin and including yours.
For Christ received the full force of God's anger against sin on our behalf at Calvary; He was punished in our place, and in Him our redemption price was paid in full at Calvary.
God's plan of redemption was triggered when sin entered the world through Adam's sin - and the wages of sin is death.
For multiple centuries, God continued to unveil his perfect plan of redemption, as feasts and festivals, together with the shed blood of goats and calves, pointed men to their coming Redeemer Who would save His people from their sin.
Having died on Calvary's Cross for our sake, He rose again, ascended into heaven, and entered the holy place once for all, having obtained, for us, eternal redemption.
God alone was good enough to pay the price for sin and obtain redemption for all who would believe.
Jesus was perfected, during His life, to equip Him for His role as the Author and Finisher of our faith - He was the source of eternal life for all who would believe in Him and He was sent by the Father to give His life as the ransom price for the sin of the world and obtain redemption for all who would believe on His name.
God was in Christ making peace between us and Himself and through HIM, all who believe on His name have obtained the forgiveness of sin and eternal redemption.
The curse of the Law is death and there is nothing that we can do to lift that curse or to pay the redemption price for our sin.
Christ bore the full weight of the curse of the Law for you and did it for me too, and without the death of the holy Son of God there could be no redemption from the terrible curse of the Law.
It was Jesus Who came to earth as our Kinsman-Redeemer, shed His blood on the Cross for our redemption, and broke the power of sin and death in our lives through His glorious Resurrection.
In His grace, He set in motion His plan of redemption when the man He made in His own image and likeness, sinned.
It also introduces God's amazing plan of redemption, which begins to be unfolded, from the time when Adam and his wife disobeyed the word of the Lord and hid from Him for, they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.
However, the amazing plan of redemption was set in motion the moment they sinned against their Lord... when they put 'self' on the throne of their lives.
Jesus was teaching that redemption from the slave-market of this world, into the freedom of Christ's Millennial Kingdom, depends on what you believe and not what you do.
When man fell, God set in motion the plan of redemption which He had purposed in His eternal council chambers from before the foundation of the world.
His nation was to proclaim the good news of salvation to the whole world... and so God caused holy men of God to record His plan of redemption in the holy Scriptures.
They kept the exciting news of redemption to themselves and refused to be a light to the Gentile nations.
The multiplied false god's of the Gentiles nations were introduced by Satan to deceive them from finding the truth, while the Jews jealously guarded the good news of redemption and disobeyed God's command to tell forth the glory of His name.
And in conjunction with Daniel's other prophecies, it helps us understand God's plan of redemption and His prophetic timeline for Christ's first coming and His second advent.
The full and final purification and restoration of Israel is yet future, but, for the moment, God is working his plan of redemption through His Church.
The amazing story of man's redemption commenced when Adam sinned, was confirmed at the Cross of Calvary, and will finally be completed at the close of the Day-of-the-Lord.
Not only were these light-giving bodies to be a day-by-day calendar and weather forecaster for humankind, but they were also to be prophetic indicators of God's perfect plan of redemption.
They were to declare the glory of God to a lost world and to broadcast abroad the wonders of His name to the fallen race of man in need of redemption.
He knew ahead of time that man would fall and that His plan of redemption, which was formed before the foundation of the earth, would have to be brought into play.
And so, in His wisdom, the Lord placed His two great lights in the starry heaven to be used as signs of the time in which we live, and seasons that would inform us of His unfolding plan of redemption.
The Almighty Creator of the universe, the unchanging, all-powerful, eternal, omniscient God of heaven and earth, Who was, and Who is, and Who is to come, chose to complete His communication concerning His glorious plan of redemption for His people, in this final book of the Bible.
God's plan of redemption for fallen sinners was the promised 'hope' which would come through the sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
And Paul could hardly conceal his praise and thanksgiving that in God's own time and God's own way, the Son of God was revealed, the message of redemption was proclaimed, and Paul was entrusted to preach the precious gospel of grace, as commanded by Christ.
God used Hosea's grievous relationship with his wife and the names of their three children to convey an important message to Israel about their fractured relationship with God, which would initially result in their punishment and judgement, but would one day end with their restoration and redemption.
Though the context of this verse is Israel's Babylonian captivity and their eventual restoration and redemption, this precious verse states an eternal principle and timeless promise - that the Lord is ever near to all who seek Him, and those that search for Him aright, are certain of finding Him.
And yet for a time, He was made a little lower than the angels, in order to obey His Father, carry out the will of God, and complete His perfect plan of redemption, which necessitated His suffering and death as our Kinsman-Redeemer.
Every member of the Body of Christ has a part to play in God's progressive plan of redemption, and He Who started the good work in our lives at salvation is faithful to complete it, until the day of Christ Jesus.
God is not only a God of mercy and goodness, grace and love, but He is also a God of righteousness and justice where sin must be punished and His wrath must be poured out on a world that deliberately disobeys His voice, rejects His offer of redemption, and refuses His free-gift of salvation through the sacrifice of His only begotten Son.
It is the first and most important stone laid, which guides, establishes, and stabilises the erection of an entire building project, and in God's plan of redemption, the Lord Jesus Christ is that Chief Cornerstone on which our faith is founded.
Exodus is the sequel to Genesis and continues God's story of redemption through the Seed of Abraham, by bringing the children of Israel into centre stage.
The prophetic voices of holy men of God had proclaimed His coming throughout Old Testament Scriptures, wise men came from the east to worship Him, and Zechariah rejoiced that the Lord God of Israel had visited His people and provided redemption through Jesus Christ.
And since the birth of the Church, we too have groaned with creation for the redemption of our bodies, for Christ Himself promised, And if I go and prepare a place for you, I am coming again and will take you to Myself, so that where I am, there you also will be.
Israel as a nation was adopted as God's son in its infancy, but Israel lived in unbelief and is awaiting a future redemption when the nation will cry: Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord.
Each is already redeemed, and redemption touches every aspect of our lives; body, soul, and spirit.
And we are redeemed in body, for though this is a future hope to be finalised at the Rapture of the saints, the redemption of our bodies is a secure reality which is founded upon God's sure Word.
Salvation is often an umbrella term and covers justification, forgiveness, sanctification, glorification, redemption, reconciliation, and propitiation.
Forgiveness, redemption, and the impartation of God's righteousness on a guilty sinner, rests on faith alone, and Paul points out the inability of the Mosaic Law or any legalistic practice to restore a guilty sinner into fellowship with the Father.
He recognised that God's plan of redemption had to come through the nation (through whom the Seed promised to Abrham, would come).
The prophecy of Daniel was sealed up until the end of days, but John's vision of the New Jerusalem was not to be sealed because the time was fast approaching when God's perfect plan of redemption would be fully and finally acted out on the world stage.
God's gracious plan of redemption was formulated in eternity past and began to be played on the world scene when Adam sinned.
We are saved by grace through faith in Christ and it is fitting that the final sentence in God's book of redemption should be:
Both the man and woman were equally guilty, and both stood in need of redemption, but as the federal head of humanity, it was Adam who shouldered the ultimate responsibility: For by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin - for the wages of sin is death - and so death passed upon all his descendants: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
However, in His unfathomable grace, He designed a plan of redemption before the foundation of the world: In Christ, all will be made alive.
We rejoice to see the amazing unveiling of His plan of redemption, over centuries of time and we offer grateful thanks when we consider Christ's redemptive work on the Cross.
Paul knew the horror of the domain of darkness from which we all have been redeemed, and like these dear believers in Colossae, we too have been saved from the wrath to come and brought into the kingdom of God's dear Son: In Whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Praise God for Jesus Christ, our Kinsman-Redeemer: In Whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Although the reach of redemption was to encompass the whole earth (for the grace of God is without measure and beyond our understanding), it was the little nation of Israel through whom the Seed was to be secretly transported so that He could fulfil God's promises and prophecies to unite the divided kingdom of Judah and Israel into one glorious kingdom, and to save that nation from their sins.
Before the foundation of the world, God formed His plan of redemption, whereby the first creation in Adam (who fell) would be replaced with a new Creation in Christ (Who is our life).
But the scarlet thread of redemption started to stream throughout earth's history, because fallen man found grace in the heart of God, for the redeeming blood His Son was pre-ordained to be poured out from Emmanuel's veins in bringing many sons to glory.
But the Church is not the only recipient of God's gift of redemption, nor are we the only part of God's creation that was affected by sin, for the whole of God's creation has been groaning together with labour pains under the weight of sin's curse.
The whole of nature is red in tooth and claw, as thorns and thistles, earthquakes and floods, blistering heat, raging famines, roaring seas, and pestilences in diverse places exemplify the pain and groaning of the creation cursed through sin and waiting in anticipation for its redemption.
Every Passover, from Israel's redemption from Egypt, pointed to this very day - but the disciples did not comprehend what He told.
The future hope and eternal redemption of every pre-Cross saint and all post Cross believers rested on the one, pivotal point in the history of the world about which Jesus was speaking, when the eternal Son of God would die for our sin and become our Kinsman-Redeemer, as He shed His blood on Calvary's Cross.
While His plan of redemption never altered, God began dealings with man through the principles and practices given to the Church - through Christ's holy apostles and prophets, rather than the Law given through Moses.
Using the name God gave to Jacob in this context, identified Joseph as a man that would play an important role in God's unfolding plan of redemption for His people.
The preferential treatment Joseph received, caused his brothers to despise and hate him, and eventually incited them to conspire to kill him, but God used all these circumstances in Joseph's life to bring about His purpose and plan for the redemption of his brothers.