Types of Christ
Adam:- the first man was a wonderful type of Christ, Who was the second Man and last Adam - Who was made sin for the bride, that God chose for Him. Eve:- who was taken from the side of Adam – what an astonishing type of the Church - Eve who was bone of His bone, and who became one with her Bridegroom.
What is needed isnot that they should die again, but that they should come toaccept their once-for-all death in Christ in relation to whateverthat may be that has come up, and let it go and be set free fromthat law of sin and death.
Jesus paid the price for sin and He broke the power of sin when He died on the cross.
John the Baptist was calling Israelites to repent of their sins because their Messiah-King was moving in and out among them, for the kingdom of God was very near.
They had been disobedient children, but now they must turn from their sin to Christ. John gave this testimony: “I saw the Holy Spirit descending like a dove from heaven and resting upon Him.
He was willing to stand in the place of you and me – for although He was God’s sinless Son, He was able to sympathise with each of us, in all our struggle with sin – in every single way.
a man made in His image and likeness. God wants a man to communicate His thoughts and character to a dying world in sin: and God made man in His own image to have dominion and to rule His earth Genesis 1:26.
But a man that entirely reflects God’s moral nature – to God’s own satisfaction. A corporate man after God’s own heart – walking in loving obedience… A body, communicating His perfect character to a dying world in sin. And the goal of that corporate body is, “Christ in you - the hope of glory.”
Living by faith which comes from hearing and not by sight or signs or dreams – putting off the old man in Adam and putting on the new man in Christ – recognising our heavenly home is a greater reality that this sin-sick, cursed world. Many such writings have been on waiting – waiting God’s time and waiting God’s way.
Confession of Sins
Paul is not saying: examine yourself to see if you are saved….
We are to confess our sins – for if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:
Consequences of Sin
We are fallen beings and we live in a fallen world, and so day by day and moment by moment, we need to examine ourselves..
We need to confess our sins and He is faithful and just to forgive them.
When sins are introduced there is a fear that God has changed.
‘For this is my blood of the new testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins’.
An Unchanging Love
'But if your sins are not met there, where can they be met?
‘Now where remission of sin is, there is no more offering for sin’ (Hebrews 10:18).
All the punishment and pain for all sin and all the power of sin is finished: completed.
and to Him. If remission of sins were only for those who had not sinned or if His forgiveness were only for the righteous, where would be the need of a Saviour?
New mercies, each returning day,Hover around us while we pray;New perils past, new sins forgiven,New thoughts of God, new hopes of heaven.
Looking to Jesus
Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
How similar to the wicked workings of today’s satanically driven world, yet the accumulating wickedness of our sin-sick world, greatly exceeds Habakkuk’s day.
Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.Hebrews 9:22
Blood of Jesus
We read that it was “neither by the blood of goats or calves, but by His own blood that Jesus entered in once into the holy place – having obtained eternal redemption for us. The blood of Jesus did not cover for our sins.
Final Sacrifice
In past times the blood of bulls and goats atoned for man’s sin – it covered man’s sins.
The innocent blood of animals was to cover sin until the final sacrifice was offered. Christ’s blood did not simply cover our sins – it removed them right away! But HOW and WHY did we need a perfect, innocent human sacrifice for our sins?
Inherited Sin
Well, when Adam sinned against God his very being was infused with sin – a sin nature.
Adam’s sin - his sin nature was passed on to all people, so sin is inherent in all men.
This inherent inclination to sin is passed down the generations, and no one is exempt. We all have inherited sin.
We all have a sin nature – “the old man” as Paul often calls it.
Imputed Sin
We are also sinners because of the sins that we commit.
These sins are imputed to us. The sins we commit are credited to our account, so to speak – because we have sinned! But both inherited sin from Adam and the sins imputed to us – are all worthy of death. Death is the outcome for our inherited sin nature and the many sins that we all commit.
Meaning of Death
The wages of sin is death and the meaning of death in scripture is SEPARATION.
Sin’s reward for spiritual death is separation from God - separation from all that’s good.
The sinner’s greatest need is for forgiveness of sins – and God alone can forgive sins.
But God had planned a unique way that all sinners could be forgiven of their sins., but it meant that the eternal Son of God would become a perfect human being so that He could be made a sacrifice for sin – a substitute for man – a kinsman-redeemer.
Life is in the blood and without the shedding of blood, there is NO forgiveness of sins.
The Perfect Man
Only God’s eternal Son was good enough to pay the incredible price for humanities sin, but God is Spirit and without the shedding of human blood – is no forgiveness of sins. He had to lay aside His glory, leave His heavenly abode and become the Son of Man. And so at God’s appointed time Jesus was born – as the innocent and perfect Man. Only the blood of an innocent and perfect Man was sufficient to pay the price for sin.
Son of Man
The wages of sin is death – i.e.
separation from God forever and only the shed blood of the Son of Man could have paid for our sin – and only the resurrection of the Son of Man would give us newness of life – a new life in Christ – a new creation in Christ.
It was ONLY the humanity of Christ that qualified Him to die – for only as Son of Man did He have the blood pulsing through His veins that was to be shed for humanities sin.
Adam chose to become sin for his bride, but God already had a plan.
Adam passed on to his progeny the old sin nature that rages in every man, and Adam learned that blood must be spilled for redemption to be achieved, and God had a plan.
Still with the old Adamic sin nature, God continued His purpose through Israel.
Jesus would only return to set up His kingdom when Israel repented of their sins, acknowledged their offense, and called on His name: for I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.’ Matthew 23:39
He came preaching in the wilderness of Judea: repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Matthew 3:1-2
The times of refreshing had arrived – all Israel needed to do to repent of their sins – to repent of the nations' apostasy – to turn back to God – to accept her King.
He was the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world – the Passover Lamb – and with many signs and wonders, He confirmed His credentials as Israel’s Messiah.
Whether big or small sins, many or few – the verdict remains the same – we are all sinners and so it is impossible to reach the mark of perfection God requires.
Without His saving grace, we would remain dead in trespasses and sin – but thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory over sin and death – in Christ.
Redeemed by Faith
We started out dead in trespasses and sins, but Christ redeemed us by faith, in Him.
Condemned by God
If God were to deal with us as sinners He would convict us of sin.
God convicts all men of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment.
John 16:8 1) of sin..
for we all deserve judgement - for the wages of sin is death.
Convicted of Sin
Were God dealing with us as sinners, the Spirit would use the law as a schoolmaster, for the Law is a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, and we all fall short of God’s law. The law exposes our sins and contrasts it with the sinlessness of the Lord Jesus:- personal sins, faults and transgressions, filth and foulness would be our fallen focus. He would convict us of sin, of righteousness and judgment.
The judgement we deserve was poured out over Christ, Who bore our sins, and we have been declared righteous by God, and because He is righteous, we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
Past present and future sins are forgiven, forgotten, and flung into the fathomless sea..
and 1 John 1:9 reminds believers to confess any sins we commit in our lives: for if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.
Forgiveness and Fellowship
Although all our past, present, and future sins were forever forgiven at the cross God can never look on any sin – even a believer’s post-salvation sins.
Sins we commit after salvation are forever forgiven but break our fellowship with Him.
When we confess those sins, we return immediately into communion with the Father.
He would use the law to convict us of sin, of righteousness, and of judgement.
Growing In Grace - STUDY
But thank God that, although you used to be slaves of sin, you obeyed from the heart that pattern of teaching you were taught, and having been liberated from sin, you became enslaved to righteousness.Romans 6:17-18
Man is born with an old sin-nature, which means he is physically alive but spiritually dead.
In Ephesians 2 Paul tells us that everyone is born dead in their sins, which means they are physically alive but spiritually dead.
It means that the essence of their being is rooted in an old sin-nature.
the unbeliever, who is dead in his sin, and he reminds the Roman believers that they were like this before they were saved.
He looks back to their pre-salvation life and reminds them: at one time you also were servants and slaves of sin.
Before salvation they were enslaved by the old sin-nature – they were in bondage to sin and slaves of sin, but after salvation, they were given a new nature and became servants of Christ – with a new life and a born-again spirit.
Sins or Sin-Nature
Sin in this verse does not refer to the actual acts of sinning, which are specific sins we actually commit, whether in the body or mind.
Sin is anything we do that is performed in our own strength and apart from God.
The word 'sin' in Romans 6 refers to the inner being of man – the old sin-nature within man, that everyone inherits from Adam.
An unbeliever has only one way to function – through the old sin-nature, which makes every human being a servant to sin and incapable of pleasing God.
Slaves of Righteousness
But Paul reminds the Christians in Rome that although they used to be slaves of sin and serve the sin-nature they were born with, they believed the gospel of grace, trusted Christ and obeyed from the heart.
They paid attention to the new spirit of Christ they received at rebirth, which set them free from slavery to sin and made them slaves to righteousness.
We have been set from sin and from serving the fleshly old sin-nature because we are born from above.
Now we are servants of the new nature in Christ rather than the old sin-nature, and these verses contrast an unbeliever’s former relationship as slaves of sin with a believer’s new relationship to their new life-in-Christ, which we all receive at salvation and which has made us all servants of righteousness.
Death or Life
A slave of sin functions through the old sin-nature, while a slave of righteousness functions through the new life in Christ.
A servant of sin relates to the old sin-nature, while a servant of righteousness relates to the new life in Christ.
The old sin-nature is in servitude to sin and functions under the law of sin and death, while the new life in Christ is in servitude to righteousness and functions under the law of Christ – the Spirit of life.
Law of Sin and Death
The unbeliever can only function as a slave of sin, which is automatically and uniquely under the law of sin and death from physical birth.
Whether an unbeliever does good works or evil actions – whether he shows kindnesses or behaves wickedly, all he does emanates from the old sin-nature.
The unbeliever is dead in sins (i.e.
he has no relationship to God) but he is alive to sin (i.e.
he functions under the law of sin).
The believer is dead TO sins (i.e.
Law or Grace
The believer has only two ways to function – either as a slave to sin or as a servant of Christ.
A believer has two choices – he can either submit to the evil enticements of the sin-nature, or he lives his life through the new life in Christ.
And the believer is empowered to live his life this way, by virtue of what Christ did on the cross – because we are now free from sin.
at salvation, connection with the sin-nature was severed, but sin’s influence remains throughout our life.
Although severed, the sin-nature doesn’t disappear when an unbeliever is saved, although as believers we are empowered to function apart from it.
The sin-nature does not cease its demands on a believer when he receives his new nature.
The connection with the sin-nature is severed but the influence of the sin-nature remains throughout our life.
However, the more we starve sin by submitting to the new life in Christ, the more our new nature will grow.
The spirit makes demands because we are now servants of righteousness, but the severed sin-nature also makes demands, by enticing us back into slavery to sin.
A believer should respond to the spirit but may respond to the sin-nature – often causing inner conflict and confusion.
Opposing Forces
The lust of the flesh does not refer to any physical activity of sin, (which is the fruit of sin). It refers to the inner nature and origin of sin, (which is the root of sin).
Jesus had to be like His brothers in every way, so that He could become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.Hebrews 2:17
He had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that He might become a merciful and faithful High Priest in service to God, and that He might make atonement for the sins of the people.
The Cross has separated us from the power of sin (Rom. 6:11), the old man (Rom. 6:6), the world (Gal. 6:14), the law (Rom. 7:4), and the devil (Heb. 2:14).
The lack I find in souls is, that while they know that their sins are forgiven, they do not know their new place.
The growth and consolidation of one's spiritual life is predicated upon clear knowledge of the dual facts of Romans 6:11 - dead unto sin; alive unto God.
Unchangable Acceptance
God’s love never changes, His truth never alters, His acceptance never ceases. His love for you does not depend on your attributes and your achievements. His acceptance of me is not influenced by my foibles and lack – my silly traits. His truth is the same forever. His truth is the same for everyone of His own. He is not influenced by our efforts or our qualities. He doesn’t”t change towards us due to our inadequacies or outbursts. Many presume that their lack, inadequacies and the remembrances of old sins requires repeatedly renewal of acceptance with God.. lest He withdraws His acceptance of them and withholds His love from them. But God never alters.
You are accepted in the Beloved. “Pity me – I have failed, I have not loved; I have not trusted as I should.. I have allowed sin to influence me and the flesh to rule my thoughts today!” God never changes.
Sin, Fellowship, and Acceptance
Sin may certainly affect close fellowship with the Lord. Evil doing and ungodly attitudes – may stem your intimate communion with Him, but God never changes.
From God to Man
The Holy Spirit always reasons down from what God is, and this produces a total change in my soul. It is not that I abhor my sins; indeed I may have been walking very well… but it is ‘I abhor myself. Until the soul comes to that point He does not give it peace – He cannot for it would be healing the wound slightly. The soul has to go on until it finds there is nothing to rest on – but the abstract goodness of God; and then, ‘If God be for us, who can be against us?'”
It is futile for us to attempt to curb our sins while we ignore their source, the indwelling principle of sin.
In trimming the branches (sins), we strengthen the root (self).
You parted with your sins, but you kept yourself.
What next, Lord?’ ‘Now you pass to another sphere where you become aware that you are joined to Me as your life.’” “Our identification with Christ in His death was a death unto Sin-the principle of Sin as a master and a tyrant-Sin, not sins.
The Holy Spirit is ready to apply that finished work of death to the depth of our self-life, until Sin loses its mastery at point after point.
As our substitute, Jesus paid the price for our sins alone.
As our substitute, Jesus suffered the penalty for our sins alone.
As our substitute, we are forgiven from the penalty of sin through Him – alone.
It is grateful for the forgiveness of sins with the penalty of sins paid in full.
Our Representative
As our representative we went to the cross with Him – together. As our representative our old-man was crucified together with Jesus. As our representative our old, Adamic self and sin-nature died together with Him. As our representative He took us to the cross and we are in Him Who is the last Adam.
As our representative, Christ has delivered us from the power or sin.
Death no longer has dominion over Christ, for the death that Christ died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God – likewise, you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Sin and Dead Works
Sin causes a break in the fellowship with God as does living the law-works-merit way, but it has nothing to do with our eternal security.
Petitions which identifies itself with the SINS of God’s people - Prayers which also identify with the PLANS outlined in God’s Word – Supplications that reach right into the HEART of God’s will and purpose.
The saving of men from sin,death, and hell, and getting them to heaven, was as nothingcompared with what Paul saw as to the significance of a believernow.
And thus it makes the one in whom it operates free from the law of sin and death.' It gives the consciousness that divine goodness is an unfailing resource for our hearts, and that all the treasures of that goodness are stored up in Christ Jesus, that we may learn them there, and find the life of our spirits in the growing knowledge of Him. -C.A.C.
The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus' made me free from the law of sin and death' - not the life,' but the Spirit of life,' - not our effort, but divine strength; not self-occupation, but occupation with Him in whom we are before the Father, and in whom the divine favor rests upon us full and constant, because on Him it rests. -F.W.G.
The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death' (Rom. 8:2).
It shows what He has done, (by paying the price for sin and breaking the power of sin and death) And so, I want to I want share one more example of this Amazing Grace..
Living in sin?Feeling the effects of our sin?No hope?No future?No promise of eternal life?In condemnation?
for us, for our sins so that we may be forgiven and reconciled to Him, with the promise of eternal life.
Yet Father God’s grace was sufficient for me, it covered all my past, my sins, my hurts – and assured me of a sure, and certain hope for my future.
Father God removed the scales from my eyes, He caused me to see:- I saw the pit of sin I was in..
My Testimony
When I gave my life to Jesus during the Billy Graham crusade event in Chesterfield in 1984, I remember being blown away by the fact that not only had my sins been forgiven and I had the assurance of eternal life but I had a direct line to Father God.
What a friend we have in Jesus ALL our sins and griefs’ to bear What a privilege to carry EVERYTHING to God in prayer
The clearest evidence I see of Father God’s Grace abounding in Jesus’ life is in the run-up to His death on the cross, in particular when He said ‘Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do’! Not only was He willing to die that horrible death on the cross for their sins and ours, but by His Father’s Grace, He was also able to forgive them, then and there – as He was crucified.
In dying on that cross our Lord Jesus Christ, as He had promised, reconciled us to Father God in the forgiveness of our sins and the assurance of eternal life with Him and His Father – and the promise that He was leaving His Holy Spirit with us to live in us and amongst us until we die or until He returns.
Loving Words
As she stood in anguish and pain, gazing at her dying son, a sword indeed pierced through her own aching soul, leaving her heart bloodied and bruised, and probably bereft of hope. Despite the sins of all humanity that weighed so heavily upon the shoulders of our blessed Lord; despite the bitter pain, affliction and anguish He bore, for your transgressions and for mine, He saw His own dear mother, in her deep and gaping grief, and His own breaking heart of compassion reached out, in love, to her.
An Eternal Love
At His tender age of thirty-three, He bore the accumulated pain and grief of all humanity. His was not the anguish of a typical, three-score years and ten lifespan. His was the excruciating heartache and bitter torment, meted out and endured by ALL through history. He did not suffer affliction at the hand of God for a few brief hours on the Cross as some seem to imply. His pain spanned the culmination of every single filthy, foul, disgusting sin. His pain spans 7000 years of sin that the world has ever amassed.
And this is only a secret for the believer, for the natural man is dead in sins.
First, God leaves the choice of believing in Him to the unsaved individual: believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved from your sins..
Do not neglect so great salvation. Do not fall short of the promised rest. Be careful not to be slothful, or stand still who fall away. Do not sin wilfully or draw back to perdition and don’t ignore the important sanctification process.
We are to give up our self-efforts after likeness to Him; we are to distrust our own strength as much as we distrust our own weakness and our own sin; and instead of striving to live like the Lord Jesus, let Him live through us, as He greatly desires to do.
The Lord Jesus on the Cross removed the barriers which separated me from God - my guilt, my sin, the law; and He dealt with my enemies - the world, the flesh, the devil.
When Israel confessed their sins, they returned and renewed fellowship with Him.
Fixed Factual Truth
Murmurings and complaints develop a lack of trust in the truth of God’s word. Feelings or circumstances paint a false picture of our relationship with God, but fellowship with God rests on confessing our sins and believing His Word – fellowship counts on God’s word as a fixed factual truth.
Lasting peace will come when we rest in Calvary's conquest of sin and self, and allow that victory to be applied by the faithful Spirit of God.The Holy Spirit does not reason from what man is for God, but from what God is to man.
It is not that I abhor my sins; indeed I may have been walking very well; but it is I abhor myself.' The Holy Spirit shows us what we are, and that is one reason why He often seems to be very hard and does not give peace to the soul, as we are not relieved until we frankly, from our hearts, acknowledge what we are.
Man’s 2 Natures
As children of God we were given a new life in Christ – a baby life that needs to grow. Our life should be a fruitful, victorious life that matures into a spiritual believer – a life submitted to the Spirit, so it may be conformed into the image and likeness of Jesus. But we still have a sin nature that seeks to gain supremacy over our new Christ-life. We were freed from its power over us, at the cross, but it remains our deadly enemy.
Old Nature and New Life
The old sin nature we received from Adam is at enmity with God and kept us in bondage and condemnation, but it was crucified with Christ, and its power was severed at the cross – freeing us forever from the bondage of sin and death.This new life in Christ is His sinless life – which was imparted into our very beings. The old sin nature is our terrible Adamic heritage – which keeps us in bondage to sin. Unsaved men can only function under the power of the old sin nature, and whatever they do, whether good or ill, is worthy of nothing more than God’s utter condemnation.
New Life in Christ
The new life in Christ should be nurtured, while the old sin nature must be subdued, and though all Christians are positionally sanctified, (set apart unto God), we must also grow in our Christian life to be practically sanctified – and it’s all by grace. Whether we are talking about our sanctified position or the sanctifying process that continues throughout life – our spiritual growth, our growing in grace, our maturing in the faith and the good works that God has prepared for us to do, are ALL by grace.
To put off the old sin nature, we have to make a choice, not to allow sin to rule and reign in our lives – rather we must seek to walk in spirit and truth, as we submit to the leading of the Spirit.
In this way the new life in Christ will have a chance to grow and mature, and gradually be conformed into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus. If we ignore the clear guidance in scripture on how to live a spiritual life, that’s pleasing to God, and submit to the old sin nature, we place ourselves back under the bondage of law.
Put on the New
Let us put to death the deeds of the body, so our new life in Christ can grow: for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death. Let us not copy the behaviours and customs of this world, but rather let us submit to the Spirit, so that God can transform us into a new person..
1) BEHOLD, the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the worldJohn 1:29
First: Behold the Lamb of God Who taketh away the sin of the world.
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain for our sins. Then simply: Behold the Lamb of God!
Future Judge
Today we wait in this sin-sick, dying world, where evil is being filled up to its fullness.
We are to act as watchmen warning a sin-sick world that the Lamb will soon return.
We are to be His voice crying in the wilderness: BEHOLD : The Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world, Prepare ye the way of the Lord. BEHOLD the Lamb of God.
Little did Pilate understand the deep pathos of his eternally shattering words: Behold, The Man – Behold the Son of God, Who taketh away the sin of the world.
Died for All
Christ died for the sin of the whole world which means that every man and woman who has ever lived has had their sins forgive!
No-one is condemned because of their sin, because Christ died for the sins of ALL. Those who don’t trust in Christ’s work on the cross have chosen to exclude themselves from the free gift of grace, that has been offered to them by their Creator God.
Although Christ died for the sin of the whole world, not every member of the human race partakes of the amazing grace of God... simply because they do not believe in Him.
Grace and Truth
Grace and truth came to the world, for Christ died for the sin of the whole world, so that every man has been forgiven of their sins.
Gospel Teaching
Some consider that unless a sinner believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, and in addition, goes through the process of repenting of all their sins – they are not properly saved. Many believers are told by certain teachers and preachers that unless they repent of every sin they have ever committed – then they cannot be properly forgiven by God. But this goes against the teachings of both John – the beloved disciple of the Lord and the apostle Paul, who was called as God’s special witness to the gentile nations.
Should we not repent of our sins? Indeed, we should ‘repent’ of our sins, but repentance has to be understood as being an integral part of believing on the Lord Jesus Christ – and not an addition to faith.
Finished Work
When anything other than believing on the Lord Jesus Christ is added to the finished work of the cross, it means that Christ’s sacrifice at Calvary was insufficient – and the only way to resolve this issue is to apply the correct meaning to the word – repent. Remember – the correct meaning ‘repent’ – is to ‘change…’ We must not use the incorrect meaning of the word’ repent’, which is often taught as going through a process of listing all our sins – as an addition to believing on Christ.
True Repentance
In the process of turning to Christ – obviously we TURN FROM our sins. In the process of turning to Christ – unquestionably we REPENT of sins. An integral part of believing on the Lord Jesus must include scriptural repentance… a change of mind..
Work of Christ
If we don’t repent or change our mind – we remain dead in our trespasses and sins. When we do repent or change our mind about God’s free gift of grace, that is offered to all sinners who are dead in trespasses and sins we are born again.. and the Holy Spirit places us in Christ as part of God’s family – FOREVER. Let us never add to the amazing work of Christ on the cross when by His blood alone He paid the price for your sins and mine. But rather let us simply accept God’s free gift of grace – by faith alone.
It is perhaps the most alarming symptom of decay to be seen amongst evangelical believers today, that so many have accepted (at any rate mentally) the fact that they cannot be justified before God except by the sacrifice for sin once made for all upon Calvary, proceed to build a new legal code by which to live, and seek to be sanctified by their own efforts and endeavors.
In me, He takes notice of every fault that is not righteousness; but the testimony to us is, Their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more' (Heb. 8:12).
In this sin-sick world sincerity, love and truth are becoming very sparse. It has infiltrated Christendom with a seeker-friendly gospel. It has spread between brothers in the faith as they try to appease each other. It has penetrated truth in relationships when one won't risk upsetting another.
Humility is born from the Supreme Good – LOVE. Humility is the Garment of Grace. Humility is the Adornment of the Heart. Humility requires us to submit to the Spirit to search out our Secret Sins.
His faith is not so strong and unwavering as he imagined; the ardor of his love soon vanishes; the power of sin, which at first he fancied was utterly broken, makes itself felt again, prayer becomes languid, and joy seems to have taken flight.
The world has no power to still the troubled conscience of the scarlet sinner, but the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world bore our sins: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
He alone forgives our sins – He forgave ALL our sins at Calvary’s Cross, and day by day he continues to forgive and forgive and forgive… If as a blood-bought believer we confess our sin.. in thought, word, deed and motive..
in what we have done and what we have left undone – He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1John 1:9
He builds up anew with holiness and beauty the loveliness that sin destroyed.
Only innocent blood can be placed between sin’s consequences and a holy God.
Each divinely convicted sinner knows death and judgment are sin’s inevitable reward. Nothing but the spilt blood of Another can alter that destiny and can accomplish life.
But now that you have been set free from the tyranny of Sin, and have become the bondservants of God, you have your reward in being made holy (Rom. 6:22, Wey.).
When the believer truly sees Calvary he says, There, through the work of the Cross, I died with the Lord Jesus unto sin.
Here are the two mighty pillars of our freedom from the power and domination of sin.
He is freed from condemnation because of the Blood shed, and he is set free from the law of sin and death by the indwelling Spirit that he received when he came to the Lord Jesus.
The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death' (Rom. 8:2). ...hath made me free....' Let me walk in it; let me enjoy it, and I am free.
Difficulties and trials are inevitable as we travel through life, but how important for Christians to understand the cause of sin, the effects of sin, the consequences of sin and how to live godly in Christ Jesus.
Victory of Defeat
We all delight in the wonderful news that all our sins have been forgiven, past present and future, and rightly so – but new believers should also be trained up in the Christian life and understand about post-salvation sins, and all to often they can affect our relationship to God and our fellowship with Him.
A Sin Check
Suffering and pain is indeed a reality but sin is also a reality in a believer’s life.
And although the power sin has been severed in our life, and we have been given a new live in Christ, believers still commit sins and although forgiven through the blood of the Lamb, often have consequences to face.
How important to know that sin in the life of a believer has consequences and how to address them
A Consequences Check
Are my sins not properly forgiven as a believer?
Yes, every last one of them, but every sin brings with it consequences.
A believers’ sin of fornication is forgiven, but the result may be aids or a baby.
A believers’ sin of ‘murder’ is forgiven, but a consequence may be prison.
A believers’ sin of stealing is forgiven, but may result in the loss of a friend’s trust, but most serious of all is that any sin in our life puts us out of fellowship with the Father – eternally saved but devoid of communion with God.
Humble in Confession
We all need to face the truth that sin and suffering is a part of this fallen world and Christians are not exempt.
When suffering is a consequence of our own sin – we should go immediately, boldly and yet humbly to the throne of grace and confess our faults, knowing that God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, to cleanse us of our unrighteousness and to return us into fellowship with Himself.
God in His wisdom knew that man would sin and that man would need a saviour – and in His eternal council chambers God purposed that Christ would be all in all.
God’s Justice
God in His justice purposed that sin must be punished and the wages of sin is death. But God in His grace so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, to die... so that Christ would identify with man and become the propitiation for our sins – so that all Who believed on His name would not perish but have everlasting life.
He made us pure and holy, and He freed us from sin. 1Corinthians 1:30 God in His grace chose us to be in union with Christ and in fellowship with Himself – not because of our own merit but by His amazing and eternal grace, and God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him – in love.
Adam one sin brings condemnation for everyone, but Christ one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone. (Romans 5:18 NLT)
without which redemption would be impossible. Unless the Creator of the Universe had deigned to make Himself as nothing, by taking on Himself the form of a servant and being born in the likeness of men – we’d remain dead in our sins.
Humanity of Christ
It was only the humanity of Christ that qualified Him to be the redeemer of mankind. The angels could not redeem man for angels are a different species – a different kind. God could not die for humanities sin for God is immortal and eternal – He cannot die.
Wages of Sin
Only a perfect member of the human race was equipped to become man’s Redeemer. The requirement for humanities “kinsman redeemer” was a perfect Man : a sinless life. Adam was made in the image and likeness of God – the created son of the Father, but Adam sinned and lost his inheritance – He forfeited his ruler-ship of the earth. The wages of Adam’s sin were death – death for humanity and separation from God, so death passed to all men, for that all have sinned – and all mankind was condemned.
High Priest
And there is even MORE- Jesus had to be like His brothers in every way, so that He could become a merciful and faithful High Priest in service to God, to make propitiation for the sins of His people. What grace that God should send His only begotten Son to be our kinsman-redeemer. What grace that the eternal Son of God should set aside His deity to be born as man and clothe Himself in human flesh – so that we could be redeemed by His blood.
Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are whom ye obey, whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? (Rom. 6:16).
Satan usually uses the flesh, the old sin-nature, self..
James Ussher
Usher put it this way: The believer can never overcome the old man even by the power of the new, apart from the death of Christ, and therefore the death of Christ unto sin is indispensable.
Can you lay sin to God's charge, to God's account?
It was God in Christ, the absolutely and altogether holy One in whom there was no sin, who came in incarnation; and in virtue of that Divine nature in its perfection Satan in his authority is defeated - on that ground.
In regard to the external Cross, the obvious fact is that Christ died for our sins.
The death of the Lord Jesus was not only an atonement for sins, but a triumph over sin.
By faith we see our sins not only on His head for our pardon, but sin under His feet for our deliverance.
Multitudes who glory in the outward Cross know nothing of that inward crucifixion which it has also made possible, whereby they are delivered from the power of self and sin, the world, the flesh, and the devil.
That they do not know: That their old man was crucified with him, that the body of sin might be done away, so that they should no longer be in bondage to sin' (Rom. 6:6). -G.M.
We are not only to take by faith the fact that the Lord Jesus died for us to pay the price and penalty of our sins, but we are to appropriate by faith the fact that He also took us to the Cross with Him.
In Christ, God put to death our old man that we might be delivered from the power and dominion of sin in our lives.
You were set free from the tyranny of sin (Rom. 6:18, Wey.).
this Spirit-led introspection, is the secret of the holy life of many of His saints. No excuses for sins are permitted in the pure presence of the Lord. And while He graciously understands all extenuating circumstances..
This will not only result in avoiding outward sin which can mar our testimony, but will prevent us from entertaining the inward sins, which so easily ensnares us:- lack of faith as well as jealousy, pride, bitterness, lust, un-forgiveness, fear.
Inner Cleansing
Let us permit this scriptural self-examination in our lives. Let us submit to His examination of the inward parts. Let us consent to Him exposing each secret sin. Let us seek an inner cleansing and sanctification. Let us draw near to Him with a true heart.
“Let us walk in the light as He is in the light, so that we may have fellowship one with another, knowing that the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin.” 1John 1:7 – and so that He may be glorified in our bodies.
And that means that God sees us as perfect – just as Christ Jesus is perfect, for He looks at us through Christ, Who has removed all sins, wherein He hath made us accepted in the Beloved.
Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered, Blessed is the man against whom the LORD counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.Psalm 32:1-2
If we confess our sins God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.1 John 1:9
First, we must recognise that sin has consequences.
One of the most serious consequences of sin, is loss of fellowship with the Lord.
Psalm 32 describes the consequences of being out of fellowship with God, due to sin.
This passage clearly indicates David’s application of 1John.1:9 – confession of sins.
We read: blessed is he whose transgression (sin) is forgiven; blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit.
Walk in the Light
This is very descriptive of a Christian that maintains fellowship with the Lord: if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship… 1 John 1:7 and, if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.1 John 1:9.
At first, David chose not to maintain fellowship with God, refusing to confess his sins.
David may be a man after God’s own heart, by faith – but like us, he needed to confess his sins.
Then David at last – after many days, months and maybe years – met God on God’s terms: I acknowledged my sin to You, we read, and my iniquity I have not hidden.
David’s Confession
David simply acknowledged his sin before God and named his transgressions – he confessed.
And then we read: You forgave the iniquity of my sin.
once a Christian recognises that sin, in action and attitude is a barrier to God..
Examine Ourselves
Sin separates and one consequence of sin is that fellowship with the Lord is broken.
Let us follow the example of David and search our hearts to identify anything that has grieved our Lord, or quenched His Spirit in our lives, knowing that, if we confess our sins God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness – and He will return us into sweet fellowship with Himself, once again.
Her sin was required a Saviour, no less than yours, nor less than mine: for all have sinned and fall short of His glory..
as it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: Remember, that without shedding of Christ’s blood there is no remission of sins Hebrews. 9:22 – and that means no forgiveness for anyone – not for me, for you… not for Mary.
Watching in prayer is keeping wakeful ‘in’ the strength of the holy exercise of prayer against sin and for God – but in THANKSGIVING: Letting the spirit and action of gratitude, (as it were)…surround your watching and praying lives.
Crucifixion was a lingering death, and while we stand once for all upon the fact of God, which is eternal and unchangeable, when our Lord Jesus Christ went to the Cross He took more than our sins with Him; He took our old man and dealt with the source of all our sin, and dealt with it satisfactorily.
For instance… when confronted by the prophet Nathan with his sin, David accepted his correction.
He recognised that his sin was against God and unlike Saul, David repented.
David was a correctable man who was prepared to turn from his sin.
Man of God
David was prepared to accept responsibilities for his life – not to blame others. David was prepared to often confess his sins and faults to the Lord..
He made some horrible choices, and he committed some heinous sins - however, David never consciously rejected the word of the Lord.
We are invincible, more than conquerors through Him who loved us, only as we are brought into ever deeper conformity to the Lord Jesus' death unto sin.
Christ’s Triumph
The Lord’s trials were needful to demonstrate the qualities of the second Adam: for being made perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey Him. Christ’s testings were designed so that He, as our High Priest could empathise and succour – for we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathise with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
The Shed Blood
Christ went to the cross not only to die for our sins – but to die unto SIN. His blood not only to paid the price FOR sin but it also broke the power OF sin in us. Many do not appreciate that Christ’s cross dealt with more than forgiven sins. The shed blood of Christ also gave us victory over the power of sin in our life,
Old Sin Nature
Because we are the progeny of fallen Adam, we are imputed with his sin nature, we were 'in Adam' when he sinned, and so his sin nature is credited to all humanity. Adam passed on the old sin nature to every subsequent member of the human race.
Imputed Righteousness
As born-again believers, the death of Christ broke the power of sin in our lives.
We were 'in Christ' when He died and so His righteousness is imputed to us. Christ not only paid the price for our sins but He also broke sin’s power within our life.
Biblical Truths
Christ died FOR us – He died as our substitute – He paid the full price for all our sins. We died WITH Christ – we are identified with Him – He broke the power of sin in us. Substitutionary truths are linked with our birth from above – we are saved by grace. Identification truths are linked with growth in the Christian life – we grow by grace.
Because our identification is with Christ – sin shall no more have dominion over us. I have been crucified with Christ.
The deep remorse over personal sins and the searing pain of cruel misunderstandings - the lashing stab of the unchecked word or the unguarded remark.
The heat of the flame and the weight of the hammer's iron is merciful and tender... Controlled by the hand of the Son of Man, Who was in all points tested as we are, yet without sin.
Faithful Shepherds
It seems these men, like David the shepherd king, were men after God’s own heart, as night after night and maybe year after year – these ones were unseen but faithful – unseen by multitudes, who daily flocked to the temple to seek YHWH’s forgiveness. Seen by the One who daily covered those sins – until the fullness of time came in.
Faithful Endurance
But do not lose heart, and do not be disobedient to the heavenly vision” of former days…”but be thou faithful even to the point of death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” Rev.2:10. Be faithful… not only to the point of physical death... but to the death of Self – death of the old sin-nature itself.
Old Self
The old self cannot be taught to deal with pride, anger, lust – to deal with sin. The old self may learn tricks to hide the sin nature, but it can never change it.
New Birth
The new birth is born through a deep conviction of sin and repentance. The new Christian often continues with a deep devotion to the Saviour. The early christian walk is frequently surrounded by great works and witness.
Until we recognise the deadly sin-life for what it is, our walk will fail. It is not “self” – that can be improved through introspection and trying. It is not “I” that can live a holy life by trying to improve the old self….
Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! May it never be! How shall we who died TO sin still live in sin?Romans 6:1-2
Liberty of the Cross
Paul wants the believer to discover the liberation that he found in the cross of Christ. He longs that Christians truly understand the glory and wonder of God’s grace. Paul was thrilled to explain that all aspects of sin and death are dealt with by the cross. The cross of Christ dealt with both the sins we commit and the sin nature inherited from Adam.
Gates of Grace
The first 7 verses of Romans chapter 6 spell out the significance of being crucified unto sin. This short passage gives a bird's-eye view of a believer’s identification with Christ.
Glories of Justification
Chapter after chapter and verse-by-verse, Paul reveals the glories of justification – the fall into sin by one man:- Adam..
which plunged the human race into death, so that the transgression of one man resulted in the condemnation of the human race. The gift of salvation that was freely bestowed on us through one Man:- Christ Jesus, so that by the obedience and righteousness of one Man, many were made righteous – for by His death and resurrection the consequences of sin were done away with.
Grace Abounds
Paul builds up his case by showing that the Law’s perfection caused sins to increase. Men’s inability to keep the Law demonstrated the amazing grace of our justification, showing that where sin increased, the grace of God abounded all the more.
Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound all the more?
Gift of Salvation
Having demonstrated God’s amazing gift of salvation by grace through trusting Christ, Paul paraphrases a question he knows must be lingering in the minds of his listeners, “Shall we keep on sinning so that God’s grace may abound more and more?” Imagine that! Shall we revel in sin so that the grace of God can increase even more!
Broke Sin’s Power
Certainly not, is his cry!
How shall we who died TO sin live any longer in it? For when Christ died and rose again He broke the power of sin WITHIN us. He not only paid the price for our sins but broke the power of sin IN us.
Inherent Sin
The sin nature within man is imputed to ALL people.
The sin nature is inherent sin in us ALL, but when it says :- Christ died TO sin, it means that He broke sins’ power in US. We were slaves to the sin nature, but He broke the power of the sin nature within us.
So how shall we who died TO sin live any longer in it?
Newness of Life
When Christ died on the cross, our old sin nature was identified with Christ’s death.
The power of the old sin nature was broken by the death of Christ. When He rose from the dead, our new nature in Christ identified with His resurrection.
Baptism INTO Life
For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection - knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin; for he who has died is freed from sin. S0…..
shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? May it never be! How shall we who died TO sin still live in sin?
There is something here much more than typology interpreted and the interpretation accepted as to salvation from sin and judgment; it is the essential and indispensable heavenly relatedness and life of the Lord's people as inwardly detached from the natural life even in a religious sense.
Our having been crucified with the Lord Jesus was to make the body of sin of none effect while we live by faith, but the old man can become active and dominant in the walk of the believer when faith becomes dormant and inactive.
It is not the Father's will that sin should have dominion over any child of His; all died with the Lord Jesus, all were united with Him in crucifixion, but few enter into the joy of the freedom of the sons of God, because they do not believe His Word.
Covenant Theology, at the utmost, is forgiveness of sins and divine favor enjoyed; and all that concerns their position in the Lord Jesus is ignored, or alas!
Men are placed under the New Covenant which does not go beyond remission of sins and the law written in the heart.
to the wickedness of these clamorous end times, where the accumulated filth of man’s sin, which bears down so heavily of all who live godly, has all but reached its fullness.
We must remember that our death to sin was once for all accomplished at the Cross.
There the believer shared the death of the Lord Jesus; for when he became a believer, the life he received was life in Christ, that is, life out of death, resurrection life, newness of life'; and the relation to sin and the law which Christ had, became those of the believer!
God now commands each of us to reckon ourselves as having died with Christ to sin - and therefore as now dead unto sin; and as having risen with Christ, and therefore now alive to God (Rom. 6:11).
When our testimony concerning His gift of freedom from the power of sin is as valid as our testimony to His gift of freedom from the penalty of sin, we will have matured.
He offers to set us free from the penalty of our sin.
And He offers to set us free from the power of our sin.
They mistakenly think that they must have some part in overcoming the power of their sin; that their efforts, their will, their determination, strengthened and helped by the Holy Spirit, is the way of victory. -C.T.
Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through [in] Jesus Christ our Lord (Rom. 6.11).
They do not believe the facts of the Word, and sin therefore reigns in their lives; they live in bondage to sin, praying for deliverance, praying that they may die to sin, but refusing to believe what God says He has already done. -L.L.L.
For we know that our old self was crucified with Him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sinRomans 6:6
The old sin nature of the old life in Adam must die, so that Christ’s new life can live. I assure you: unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains by itself – but if it dies, it produces a large crop.
Catalyst for Life
The death that He died was the catalyst for the life that we live – in Him: for we know that our old self was crucified with Him.. so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with – that we should no longer be slaves to sin.
Fellowship with God may be blocked through sin, and scripture may be misinterpreted due to incorrect teaching or a misunderstanding of dispensations, but a believer’s union with Christ is eternally unbreakable.
Just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, in this way death spread to all men, because all sinned.Romans 5:13
His deity equipped the Son of God to be good enough to pay the ransom price for the sin of world – but only His humanity qualified the Son of Man to become our kinsman-Redeemer, so that He could pour out His life-blood at Calvary, as the one and only perfect human Sacrifice for sin – the Sin Offering. Not only was He the perfect sacrifice that went to the cross as an obedient Son in submission to His Father – but He willingly walked the way of the cross for the depth of love He had for His Father.
Adam’s Sin
It was the humanity of Christ that equipped Him to become our Saviour.
The first man, Adam, who had been made in the image and likeness of God was the physical head of the human race – the progenitor of humanity – the original ancestor of all mankind, through whom have sprung all the nations upon earth. The sin in the garden of Eden was Adam’s responsibility for he was the man, created in the image and likeness of God, to be His son and to become the governor of the whole earth.
It was through his disobedience to the Father that the entire race of man fell – and inherent sin was the shocking outcome that was to separate his sinful race forever, from a holy God.
The first man was a natural man – an unsaved man – a man condemned to be separated from God forever, for the wages of sin is death; spiritual death – spiritual separation from the Father.
Just as the whole human race was imputed with the sin of the first man Adam – so also those that have trusted Jesus as Saviour have the new-life of Christ breathed into them by the Spirit of God – and they are imputed with His righteousness.
Old Creation
The sin of the first man, Adam, rendered the entire race of mankind : CONDEMNED sinners.
He chose rebellion and the moment he disobeyed and sinned against the Lord, the spirit of Adam died – and from that time forward the children of men were eternally separated from their Creator God – they were dead in their trespasses and sins from birth.
Just as God prepared a body for the first Adam so He also prepared a body for the last Adam – a living, breathing human body, that was free from the inherent sin nature of fallen man – but a body of flesh and blood, in which would dwell the incarnate Son of God – the Word made flesh.
Second Man
Just as sin entered the world through the disobedience of one man, and death came through sin, causing condemnation and separation from God to be the inherited status of all people – so also redemption came to the world through the obedience of one Man, resulting in the forgiveness of sins for all humanity – and light and life and hope and peace and renewed fellowship with the Father – to ALL who would believe on His name. It was divine grace that provided a second Adam to redeem the fallen race of man.
It was the eternal Son of God Who laid aside His glory to become the second Man Who would redeem the family of man from their sins, by becoming their substitute Sacrifice.
It is only as I know what the Lord Jesus is to the Father in glory that I can in any degree truly estimate my own acceptance in Him: Had He my sins laid on Him?
2 Aspects of Salvation
The death of Christ is the most wonderful thing that deserves our thanks, for through the death of the innocent Victim our sins were forever forgiven.
Sin’s Penalty / Power
But what does it mean: this aspect of the cross of Christ, in which we should glory alone?
How many prefer to simply focus on the initial surrender – forgiveness of sins..
The Galatians were forgiven, born-again people, who were not relapsing into sin, but they were foolishly falling into the trap of ego, self-righteousness, and pride.
Comfort and Care
Exhortation and encouragement is a beautiful aspect of our Christian life. Peter is the apostle that encourages us to care for one another, in Christ. Peter tells us: above all, keep loving one another earnestly, for love covers a multitude of sins. 1Peter 4:8. We should be concerned for the well-being of fellow believers in many ways.
And any correction must be carried out in love – for love covers many sins.
A person may easily know his sins forgiven, but it is a further truth to know that he himself has died to sin.' He finds this conflicts with his experience.
He tells us our sins are forgiven, and it is a question whether we believe Him.
But when He tells us we have died to sin, we look inside and say, Ah, sin is still at work; how is that?' A person must be taught of God to know really the truth that he has died to sin. -J.N.D.
It is when you see you are dead unto sin that you die to it (daily); it is when you see you are risen that you arise; it is when you see you are a new creation' in Him that you (progressively) grow.
You were set free from the tyranny of Sin (Rom. 6:18, Wey.).
In Romans Six we find that through the death of Christ, sin shall not have dominion over you - the idea is of bondage, ruling, governing, dominating.
Whilst we really believe God's Word that we have died with Christ unto sin, and count upon Him as the Living One to manifest His life through us, others will see that self is inoperative, whilst we are occupied with Christ.
For the death He died He died to sin, once for all, but the life He lives He lives to God.
So you also … sin will not rule over you, because you are not under law but under graceRomans 6:8-11
Because of this one man’s sin all humanity is born into the world separated from God.
The natural man is very much physically alive, but born dead in trespasses and sins.
This verse tells us that the unbeliever’s relationship to sin is slavery.
This passage tells us that all men are born dead in trespasses and sins – separated from God and a slave to sin.
Fruit & Root of Sin
In verse 20 Paul reminds these Roman believers that before they believed in Jesus, they were also slaves to sin.
The physical or mental act of sinning is the fruit of sin, but the inner sin nature, that was passed on to us from Adam is the root of sin.
But the good news is that this slave relationship to sin is broken the moment we trust in Jesus: so that we would no longer be enslaved to the sin-nature.
Separated From Sin
Our enslavement to sin ceased forever when we first believed – our union to sin was severed.
But although our connection to the sin nature has been severed, its influence is still alive and remains throughout our lifetime.
Paul asks the question:- How shall we, who died to sin live any longer therein..
or how shall we who were separated to sin live any longer therein?” This verb is: 1) the aorist tense 2) the passive voice and 3) the indicative mood which means: 1) it is an action and not a process. 2) it was done to you and nothing you did and 3) it is a literal state of reality – now.
Separated To Christ
The wonderful truth is that there is nothing we have to do to separate ourselves from the sin nature.
We were separated from our sin nature the moment we trusted Christ.
Amazingly our sin nature died (from eternity past) when Christ died on Calvary’s cross.
Gift of Saving Grace
Paul tells us that sin came from one man and is passed on to all men: for all men sinned.
Paul then answers his own question – if grace comes as a result of sin..
God forbid, is his emphatic reply, how shall we, that died to sin, live any longer in it.
Death To Sin
Paul tells us that we who are believers in Christ, “died to sin.” He tells us that sin is not a present state but a past event.
Death to sin is a fact of our Christian life and took place at Calvary’s cross.
We died to the sin nature when Christ died on the cross.
Christ’s death broke the power of sin in our lives and severed our relationship to sin – we “died to sin”.
This is not to say that the sin nature is dead but that we are separated from its power over us.
It says WE—- DIED—– TO—— SIN.
Power Over Sin
When Christ died on the cross, He broke the power of sin in our lives and severed our relationship to our sin-nature.
Oh, the influence of the sin nature remains but our connection to the sin nature is severed.
Before we believed we were servants to the sin-nature, which means we were separated from God.
But after we were saved we became servants to God – which means we were separated from the power of sin in our lives.
We may permit sin to influence us – but in Christ, we have received the power to overcome sin.
The sin-nature (the flesh) is severed from a believer, but that flesh, (the severed sin nature) remains alongside our new spirit and engages in an ongoing battle for supremacy within.
Place of Death
The flesh is in conflict against the spirit and must be kept: in the place of death, and Paul then explains how to keep the sin-nature (the flesh) in the place of death.
Paul tells us that all believers should know about our sin-nature and learn how to relate to our sin-nature.
We should understand how a believer functions and gain an understanding of how to keep that sin-nature in the place of death.
Make a positive response to the inner voice of the Holy Spirit, and make a negative response to the inner voice of the fleshly sin nature.
If forgiveness is dependent on confession, I need to trust 1 John 1:9 for if we (who are saved) confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Whole Truth
The one taken in adultery was given the whole truth and told to go and sin no more.
The one that was healed was also told the whole truth and told to go and sin no more: “Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.” John 5:14
ot knowing He bore their sins on His shoulders, so that they could be forgiven.
for in Isaiah we read: He bore the sin of many and interceded for the transgressors.
Gracious Intercession
His intercession reached back to include all sin, beginning in the garden of Paradise – a pardon extending forward to pay for every mortal sin, including yours and mine.
yet had they known the fuller consequences, Jesus would never have been crucified, for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.1 Corinthians 2:8 But the Lord Jesus had to die if we guilty sinners were to live. Had the Lord of glory not died our sins could not have been forgiven.
God’s propitiatory sacrifice for sin was the product of history’s most heinous crime.
The crucifixion of God’s Son, opened the floodgates of His gracious forgiveness – and His death paid for the full price of humanities every sin – all the sin of all men, so that all that believe in His name will be saved.
Precious Fruit
Since His substitutionary death, sin is not the real barrier between man and God: but what think ye of Christ – for whoever believes in Him is not condemned.
Heaven is open to all who believe that Christ paid the full price for their sins.
What Think Ye
Christ’s substitutionary death at Calvary paid the price for the sin of the world. His precious pardon was prayed over every guilty person, Jew and Gentile alike. Forgiveness is Father-heart of God’s great love towards every guilty sinner – believing on the Lord Jesus Christ is the only requirement – What think ye of Christ?
but by man and man’s sin came death. Man was not made mortal. Man was made a living soul, in-breathed with God’s life, but the wages of sin are death..
The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law – but thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
And sin, and the eternal ruin of our race, can cause man and woman to despair of life.
His plans and purposes are for man to escape from a life of sin and slavery – a plan made from before the foundation of the world.
And eye has not seen nor ear heard what He has in store for those that love Him. 1 Corinthians 2:9 And yet, I hear you say:- I am living now… in this sin-sick, forsaken world – and life is rushing me by..
If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.1 John 1:7
Plan of Redemption
Every member of the human race is a sinner – so all are under God’s condemnation, but God’s plan of redemption was so designed that sin could be eternally forgiven – the Lord Jesus willingly took the punishment to forgive the sin of the whole world.
Free Gift of Grace
God’s wrath and condemnation for the sin of the world was poured out on Christ. All that man has to do to receive this free gift of grace is to believe on Jesus Christ – simply believing puts us in union with Christ and places us into the family of God.
Neither sinner nor saint are condemned for their sin, for all sin has been forgiven.
Neither saint nor sinner will be judged for their sin for God's judgement fell on Christ.
God’s Judgement
Jesus bore the sins of the world for sinner and saint alike.
The price for all sin was paid at the cross.
God’s judgement for all sin fell on Christ, but believer and unbeliever alike will be ‘judged’ on what they thought of Christ.
Blood of Christ
So if our sin is already forgiven – what does it mean when John tells us that: the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin?
Permanent Union
The union we have with Christ when we first believed is eternal and can’t be broken. When we trusted Jesus as Saviour all our sins – past, present and future were forgiven – and we were placed in everlasting, permanent and unbreakable union with Christ.
But access to the Father and fellowship with Him is always broken when we sin.
When we sin in thought or word or deed we erect a barrier between God, and us.
the cross dealt with forgiveness of sin – but confession restores communion. When we discover we are out of fellowship with God we need to confess our sins. When we realise we’ve sinned we need to go straight to the throne of grace and confess – and when we do we are restored into loving fellowship with our heavenly Father.
Fruitless Intercession
Intercession is fruitless without a heart that has been cleansed of all sin.
if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1John 1:7;8
Forgiven and Cleansed
Sins are finally and forever forgiven at the cross – all sin.
A penitent believer who sins is cleansed by simply telling the Father – Father I sinned.
The grace, faithfulness and justice of God forgave all your sin at the cross.
the acceptance of man BY God… the wages of sin and death paid in full – telelestai!! Telelestai!! TELELESTAI.
The power of sin, death, and the devil broken – telelestai!! Telelestai!! TELELESTAI!!!!
He had uttered some of the most astonishing words from the cross; His Precious Pardon, Forgive to His malicious persecutors; His Promise of Paradise – Today, to His penitent co-convict; His Amazing Love – Provision, to the woman who bore Him; His Anguished Outcry – MY GOD, as He was made sin for humanity; His Final Offer of Grace - I Thirst..
“The trouble of the believer who knows Christ as his justification, is not sin..
as to its guilt, but sin as to its ruling power.
In other words, it is not from sin as a load, or an offence, that he seeks to be freed..
for he sees that God has completely acquitted him from the charge and penalty of sin – but it is from sin as a master. To know God’s way of deliverance from sin as a master, he must apprehend the truth contained in the sixth chapter of Romans.
There we see what God has done, not with our sins - that question the Apostle dealt with in the preceding chapters, but with ourselves..
with self - the agents and slaves of sin.
He has put our old man where He put our sins, namely, on the cross with Christ: knowing this, that our old man was crucified with him’ (Romans 6:6).
Andrew Murray:
“Like Christ, the believer too has died to sin; he is one with Christ, in the likeness of His death (Romans 6:5).
And just as the knowledge that Christ died for sin (died as our atonement) is indispensable to our justification; so the knowledge that Christ and we, with Him, in the likeness of His death, are dead to sin – is indispensable to our sanctification” (Like Christ, p.176).
“To those who refuse, or neglect, to reckon themselves dead to sin as God commands, we press the question, How are you able to believe that Christ really bare the guilt of your sins and that you will not meet them at the judgment day?
It is only God’s Word that tells you that Christ bare your sins in His own body on the tree.
And it is the same Word that tells you that you as connected with Adam, died with Christ, that your old man was crucified, that since you are in Christ you shared His death unto sin, and are thus to reckon your present relationship to sin in Christ – as one who is dead to it, and alive unto God” (Romans, Verse by Verse, p.227).
Lewis Sperry Chafer:
“The theme under consideration is concerned with the death of Christ as that death is related to the divine judgments of the sin nature in the child of God.
Watchman Nee:
“Our sins were dealt with by the blood, we ourselves are dealt with by the cross. The blood procures our pardon….. the cross procures deliverance from what we are in Adam.
The blood can wash away my sins, but it cannot wash away my ‘old man’, I need the cross to crucify me – the sinner. (The Normal Christian Life).
In this union with Christ, the flesh, ‘the body of sin’ — the entire fallen, sin-ruined being with its intelligence, will, and desires — is judged and crucified.
By faith, the believer reckons (counts) himself ‘dead unto sin’ (Romans 6:3-14)” (N.
‘Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.
Reginald Wallis:
“God says in effect, ‘My child, as you reckoned on the substitutionary work of the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation, now go a step farther and reckon on His representative work for your victory day by day.’ You believe that the Lord Jesus died for your sins because God said so.
“Because He died ‘death hath no more dominion over Him,’ and because of our union with Him ‘sin shall not have dominion over you,’ even though it is present in you. Our ‘reckoning’ ourselves dead to sin in Jesus Christ does not make it a fact – it is already a fact through our union with Him.
Consequences of Sin
Are we in all honesty prepared to look at sin as God sees sin, and take Him seriously?
Do we truly recognise that sin is a cancerous poison – as outlined in God’s Word?
Until we can accept how terrible sin is and its shocking and deadly consequences we can’t begin to appreciate or comprehend God’s amazing redemptive grace.
Grace of God
When we see sin as it truly is we begin to understand what God’s grace is., for now, in union with the Christ Jesus, we who once were far away have been brought near, by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Reality of Sin
Our head-knowledge of the cross must spill into our beings and pierce our heart.
We need to be broken at the cross and recognise the pernicious reality of sin – and then we will start to truly understand what it cost our God to save our soul.
The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day; And there have I, though vile as he, Washed all my sins away.
Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood Shall never lose its power ’Till all the ransomed church of God Be saved, to sin no more.
Jesus gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father.Galatians 1:4
Every unbeliever is controlled by their sin-nature and is at enmity with God.
and that is a fact of sin and death – and it’s non-negotiable in time and affects our eternity.
Every believer is delivered from their sin-nature and placed eternal union with Christ.
However hard we try to meet His righteous requirements we fail and end in despair, for we are not sinners because we sin – we sin because we ARE sinners.
We fall short of His perfect standard and the wages of sin is death.
Sin Sacrifice
But God created a plan that was entirely compatible with His holy character.
He sent His perfect Son Who fulfilled the whole law on our behalf, and then He willingly gave Himself as the perfect sacrifice for sin, on our behalf – so that we could become the righteousness of Christ, in Him.
Imputed Unrighteousness
We are delivered from the controlling power of our old sin-nature, but what’s that?
The fall of Adam resulted in humanity being imputed with Adam’s unrighteousness. The sin of our first father places all humanity under the control of our sin-nature.
Newness of Life
In Adam, we receive an old sin-nature, which has a controlling influence on our lives.
But in Christ, our sin nature died at the Cross and we were raised into newness of life.
Body of Death
Paul tried to deal with his own sin nature in his own strength and cried out, oh wretched man that I am..
who shall deliver me from this body of death? Then he finally understood that victory over his sin nature was found in Christ: but thanks be to God Who has given me the victory IN Christ Jesus my Lord.
Old Sin Nature
The old sin-nature was crucified with Christ and we became a new creation in Christ.
The old sin-nature lost its power, which was removed at the cross by Christ.
our old sin-nature tries to regain supremacy over us..
but when we died with Christ, the power of that sin-nature was forever severed.
The creation was good, but it was cursed, for Adam’s sin affected the natural world.
In Him we are delivered from the sin-nature and placed in eternal union with Jesus. This is the fact of life – the fact of abundant life – the fact of eternal life.
Jesus gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father – and the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto His heavenly kingdom: to Whom be glory forever and ever.
The believer can never overcome the old man' even by the power of the new' apart from the work of the Cross, and therefore the death of Christ is indispensable, and unless the Cross is made the basis upon which he overcomes the old nature,' he only drops into another form of morality; in other words, he is seeking by self-effort to overcome sin and self, and the struggle is a hopeless one. -C.U.
The heart is constantly looking to God to give a testimony about itself; but the Father is giving a testimony concerning His Son, and not about what we are; if He were to give a testimony about us, it must be about our sin and unbelief of heart.
When the Lord Jesus has once died and risen, He is through with sin forever.
We can cry triumphantly, when we know: I died unto sin with the Lord Jesus on the Cross, two thousand years ago!
I reckon myself what the Father says I am in His Son - dead unto sin and alive unto God.
Sin has no claim on me in the Lord Jesus, and cannot have dominion over me, as I yield myself to my Father in this wonderful new revelation of yielding myself to God, as one who is alive from the dead' (Rom. 6:13).
As sinners, the law revealed our need of deliverance from the penalty of sin; as believers, the law reveals our need of deliverance from the power of sin.
Remembered No More
Too often we revisit forgiven sins and beat ourselves mercilessly for our misdemeanours, but once forgiven, that sin is remembered no more.
Once forgiven, your sins are as far away as the east is from the west.
No Fishing
The great D.L Moody once noted that if God promises to cast all our confessed sin into the depth of the sea, we must not get out a fishing line and keep pulling them back in. If God has forgiven you, then accept His forgiveness and forgive yourself as well.
Daily Cleansing
Day by day we need to confess the sins we commit – moment by moment, for if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from every wrong. 1John 1:9 But remember – once forgiven, that sin is remembered no more. Once forgiven – your sins are as far away as the east is from the west.
Renouncing Anger
To forgive others you need to renounce anger and resentment against the other, but have you been willing to accept God’s forgiveness of all of your sins? Are you prepared to bestow on another the gift you received from God? Can you honestly withhold forgiveness towards another, when the Lord gave His beloved Son’s life in order to forgive you?
I spent time identifying and praying forgiveness over everything: Forgiveness over every person; cleansing over every situation, for I had not been faithful in applying 1 John 1:9 – For if we believers confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from every wrong.
Prayer of Forgiveness
How true is the scripture that tells us that love covers a multitude of sins.
Spiritual Strongholds
Without the innate sin nature, every new believer would certainly choose life.
Laws of Life
Time is short and each of us needs to prepare for the any-day return of the Lord, and God has set out the ‘laws’ of the sanctified life, in the middle of scripture… The first step towards sanctification is right thinking, and right thinking is recognising your own strongholds, doubts, and fears, so that you can turn away from the sin of erroneous thinking about God, for right thinking always starts with your own thoughts.
The life of Jesus became thus acceptable as the sin offering. The life of Jesus became the burnt offering – a sweet savor to the Lord - casting out upon the sea of humanity gifts: “Oh that men would praise the name of the Lord: for His name alone is exalted: His glory is above the earth and heaven”.
free from the old sin nature passed from father to son. Without the virgin birth there could be no Saviour for a man born from the union of a man with a woman, is imputed with an inherent sin nature – right from conception.
Plan of Salvation
Had Christ been begotten of a human father He could not be the second Person of the Trinity, and the plan of Salvation would have been the biggest farce in history. Had He been begotten of a human father Christ would have been imputed with SIN.
Price for Sin
So when the fullness of time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, to redeem us all, so that we might receive adoption as sons. To deny the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ renders Calvary as a sham and charade, for there is none good..
o not one, who could pay the price for sin – except God, God alone could pay the price for sin.
Supply of Grace
His primary provision is His grace in providing against the coming judgment, for the wages of sin is death – but God provided us with the gift of life – life to all who believe in Him.
He not only forgave our sins at the cross, but He rose to provide us eternal life.
And ugly, cancerous sin infected creations beauty..
one so besotted with sin.. one floundering in the polluted sea of humanity. Yet Mary recognised this astonishing fact, and the Holy Spirit made sure it was recorded in the Word of God. And this truth is as true for you and for me..
Attributes of Christ
The Lord..forgiveth all thine iniquities – and Jesus also forgives sins. The Lord our God is One – yet Jesus and the Father are One. God is glorified – but now all men should glorify and honour the Son.
We have been born in a season of sin and sorrow, for we were born 'in Adam'.
Some of life’s problems and pain result from our own self-imposed sins – from our own sins, shortcomings, foolishness, or neglect.
Confess Faults
To be comforted in my own self-imposed sins and stupidity, I must confess my fault.
Confess all sins and shortcomings, and turn away from them, and look to Him.
Once confessed – even the gravest of sins, in thought, word or deed, have been cleansed – and as far as east is from west – thus far has He removed our sins – forever.
Sufficient Forgiveness
Do you sometimes revisit those sins committed in the flush of youth? Do you bow your head in shame thinking that your sins were too grave to be forgiven?
Your sins, like grains of sand, are washed in the vast ocean of His loving absolution.
Enemies of the Soul
Though few believers may succumb to the vicious vices that tempt and tease, there are many simple delights that lure us into the net of worldly lusts - minor indulgences in fleshly pleasures, can catapult a salty saint into stupid sin.
What a Friend we have in Jesus
What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.
Study - GOD, All I Need
Seeing then that we have a great High Priest, Who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession… for we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathise with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us, therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:14
Study - GOD, All I Need
Born Dead in Sin
The great desire of the so many saintly people is for purity of heart – for in Matthew we read, blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8 Born, dead in trespasses and sins, there is a gulf betwixt man and God – a gulf so huge that none but God’s perfect Sacrifice alone, could bridge that gap.
Sin in all its ugly shades of black darkness, hangs shroud-like over humanity’s head – but thanks be to God, that in His grace, He has given the way to bring us back to Himself – through the blood of Christ – (incarnate God and perfect Man)
Washed Clean in Blood
The blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin. 1John 1:7 Washed in the blood of the Lamb ..
Step to Holiness
Man of himself remains dead in trespasses and sins… unless and until he is washed, cleansed, and forgiven in the blood of the Lamb.
Isaiah tells us, though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow Isaiah 1:18 – but that is not the final product of holiness – but it is the first step towards purity.
Salvation is a once for all, full cleansing – but we are required, from that day on to be cleansed… cleansed from the influences of life... cleansed, day by day, from all that infects and debilitates our witness for Him… cleansed from any daily sins.
Dressed in His Purity
If I truly am to have a pure heart, a clean heart and a right spirit within then I must put off the things of this world – of self – of the old man – of the sin nature.
Indeed, I must be an overcomer, in sin, the world, the flesh, and the devil.
He continues to tell us in the same verse, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. Isaiah 1:18
Sacrifice for Sin
God so loved the world that when man sinned, He put into effect the plan of salvation, that He had purposed before the world was created.
Plan of Salvation
It was man – sin-ridden, rebellious human-kind that God loved so much.
It was mutinous man who desired to be as God; fallen man who was riddled through with rebellion, and sin-sick to the core, that God loved so deeply, that He sent His Son to die for our sins.
God loved man, and that love was so deep and compassionate – so all-embracing that He sent His Son to die as the sacrifice for sin, so that man might live.
believe on Jesus; believe that He died and was buried and rose the third day to pay the price for our sin.
Salvation of Man
There is only one place in Scripture where the question is actually asked, What must I do to be saved..? and the answer is given clearly and simply, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. The spirit of man which was born dead in trespasses and sins is saved simply by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ as our sacrifice for sin. But our initial salvation (our salvation of the spirit) is of course the first step on a life journey for the salvation of the soul of man, for once we have been eternally saved we are told by Paul, in Philippians 2:12, that we must work out our own salvation. This aspect of salvation is called sanctification and is ongoing throughout the whole of our whole Christian life.
The essential condition for salvation is simply to believe that Jesus died for my sins and that by His death and resurrection He paid the full price for my sins – and all I have to do is to believe on Him. I cannot win my salvation or buy salvation for myself.
Distortions of Truth
Often, in a heart damaged by life’s traumas, the truth becomes distorted – even the truth of God becomes twisted and perverted through the influence of sin.
Quest for Truth
There is not one man, woman, or child that has not been damaged by this world of sin.
“O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come”, were his caustic words of contempt. But one day, this greatest of all prophets, who had baptised many (who in poverty of spirit had repented of their sins), was suddenly overwhelmed by the grossness of his own wickedness when the Lord Jesus walked into the water – to be baptised by John. It was in abject humility of heart and wretched bitterness of spirit that John must have whispered, “It is I who need to be baptised by You – how can You come to me?”
Baptism of Repentance
John indeed did need to be washed by the Lord – not only a baptism of repentance but a washing in the fountain of precious blood that flowed from Emmanuel’s severed veins – which alone can cleanse a filthy sinner from his sins and his old sin nature. But this prophet of God was of the house and linage of Levi and it was God’s purpose that His Beloved Son should be anointed High Priest, after the order of Melchizedek.
– the baptism of the sinless Christ in the Jordan was not for His own sins, for He had none of which to repent – but He was to be the Saviour of the sinner, the Redeemer of the lost, and in this act of anointing, our Saviour deliberately identified Himself with your sin and mine.
How similar to the wicked workings of today’s satanically driven world, and yet the accumulating wickedness of our sin-sick world greatly exceeds Habakkuk’s day.
Ignorance and Unbelief
But amidst the filth and hatred of this suffering sin-soaked sordid world.. the joy of His mercy is of-times shrouded behind unbelief or ignorance. Perceptions of a distant God, playing sport with His hurting children ferment.. and God is blamed for the ills that befall us all in this fallen world.
Some even erroneously bemoan that God has withdrawn His presence from them... often seeking out some personal sin or deficiency that caused God’s withdrawal – refusing to believe His Word, unless God proves Himself to their satisfaction.
Yet the fall of man dictated creation’s descent into an abyss of travail, and the tears of groaning man have fallen ever since within this sin-sick world.
Gift of Love
God loved the world so dearly that He gave the Son of His love to bear the punishment for our sin and to die an ignominious death as the substitute for our sin, on a cruel Roman cross – and He gave His Son as a Gift forever – to a race of fallen sinners. Today there is a man seated on the throne of God, Who was born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. He was laid in a manger and grew up in a simple home.
Pivotal Point
From the first fatal fall of man in Eden, the sin of man had been covered by the blood of bulls and goats, but His birth was a pivotal point in history – when the Son could say to the Father:- Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, but a (human) Body You have prepared for Me.
In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin You had no pleasure. Christ identified Himself with the fallen race man so completely and so intimately, that His birth into a world of men was an irreversible seal on the pages history.
Though you were slaves of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed.Romans 6:17
Simple Instructions
These simple instructions conflict with the function of man’s old sin nature – and these simple instructions are diametrically opposed from man’s human wisdom.
For the Sin Nature (the Flesh) – is in conflict against the Spirit,And Man’s Wisdom (man’s Reason) – is foolishness to God.
The Son
The Son was sent by the Father as the representative Man and Sacrifice for sin, to carry out the work of salvation by paying the price of humanities sin, and redeeming all who would trust on His name.
His death paid the price for our sins and His resurrection broke the power of sin in our lives and He has reconciled us to the Father enabling full fellowship with the triune God.
Work of Christ
God’s grace is founded on the work of Christ, the Son of God Who is God the Son, for His plan has provided redemption and purchased us from the penalty of sin.
Grace Upon Grace
Our sins are forgiven and we’re made alive – quickened into new and abundant life, and the supernatural grace of sanctifying grace cascades into God’s glorifying grace.
In union with Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our sin, according to the riches of God’s grace.Ephesians 1:7
Curse of Sin
To date it is 100% certain that if you have been born you will die – physically. Though man longs to live eternally, we are under the curse of sin and death..
for by one man’s sin came death – spiritual death and finally physical death, for all.
Everyone is born spiritually dead in trespasses and sins… eternally separated from God.
Cost of Redemption
Sometimes we overlook the enormous significance of salvation and its cost to God. But redemption and the forgiveness of sins are according to the riches of His grace.
We were enslaved in sin and slaves of Satan, with the curse of death on our head.
We were spiritually dead; at enmity with God - Satan’s captive in the slave-market of sin.
There was no other good enough to pay the full ransom price for your sins and mine.
Forgiveness of Sin
Forgiveness of sins is just one from a shower of blessings He richly bestows upon us.
The shedding of His blood secures pardon and God remembers our sin no more. But without forgiveness of sin, we are ineligible for all other graces of salvation.
All the riches of redemptive grace are uniquely united with the forgiveness of sins – for a holy God can’t look at sin... but as forgiven sinners, we are united with His Son.
Greater Plan
Every believer in Christ rejoices in their salvation, knowing that their sins have been forgiven and that they have received eternal life – knowing that they have a glorious inheritance, which is laid up for them in heaven.
Iron Curtain
The eyes of this great teacher of Israel had been veiled by the iron curtain of sin and the traditions of men – and so God had sent His only begotten Son to fulfil the perfect requirements of the Law, so that He could be the one, perfect human Sacrifice – so that He could pay the price for the accumulated sin of the race of humanity.
God’s People
In the whole of the sin-soaked, sour-saturated world-system, God has His people – simple – little – quiet – unassuming- ill-treated – misunderstood people.
Amid the cut-throat realms of a satanically-seduced, sin-sick world – “God is ‘dead’” or God has lost the plot.. or God’s doesn’t care – and God’s character is misaligned.
Root of Discord
Sin introduced strife and conflict, friction and hostility into the deepest part of man.
Disunity and division was the consequence of sin; disunity and divorce, between man and his fellow man; disunity and disconnection between man and His Creator God.
The sin that once estranged and antagonised, is beauteously removed through faith, The God-Man became the Days-Man that Job so yearned for: his living Redeemer.
Eternal Plan
At first, we were called out of darkness into His glorious light. We were called out from the bondage of sin and death into the freedom of God’s Son, and throughout this life, we are witnesses to the amazing grace of God – and throughout this life we are being trained to carry out our part in God’s eternal plan.
The Saviour
Jesus Christ has many wonderful names, many beautiful titles, many eternal qualities but perhaps the most excellent and precious of all is that of Saviour – Redeemer. The sin of one man separated the race of humanity from the holiness of God for we are told in the Word of God that sin had separated fallen man from a righteous God, and without a Saviour to save us from our sins – that separation is eternal.
God’s gift
The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life.
The payment for our sins is eternal separation from God, but He gave His unique Son through Whom comes life. Eternal life is God’s gift – Salvation is God’s gift – Jesus Christ is God’s special gift. The gift of salvation was no afterthought on the part of God.
It was God’s purpose to save the race He knew would sin – but it took 4000 years to prepare a lost world.
Unique Saviour
He is not only the root and stem of David, but He is the good Shepherd that was born in humble circumstances so that He could save us from our sins and seat us together with Himself in heavenly places for He is our unique Saviour and God’s very Special Gift – so that all Who believe on His name will not perish but have everlasting life.
National Repentance
Peter is seen calling men of Israel around the world to repent of their sins, and a policy of excluding Gentiles persisted in these first few chapters of Acts. Israel were God’s people who had strayed far from their God – so they were to repent. Down through the centuries prophet after prophet called Israel to turn from their sins.
they were to repent of their sins and believe on Jesus – the Messiah sent by God.
Action or attitude in a believer, stemming from the old sin nature needs correction – like Job’s self-righteousness; his wife’s defeat; his friends critical religiosity.
Right Standing
All characters were saved, but not one was in complete, right-standing with God. And God corrects all such wrong attitudes and actions, that are influenced by the old sin nature. Job is instructed by the Spirit of God, in chapter 5 verse 17, of a truth of God, behold, happy is the man whom God corrects, therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty.
When God gave the Law through Moses, He knew man’s fallen sin-nature would develop a spirit of confidence in self – rather than humble dependence upon God.
A Vital Lesson
The apostle Paul realised that it was the Law that showed him his sin.
But as the sin of pride increased so also the grace that flowed from God multiplied.
Pursue Holiness
To try to sanctify ourselves ends up as ‘works of the flesh’ produced by our sin nature. It is by grace that we are sanctified, as we submit to the work of the Spirit within.
Riches of His Grace
When we begin to understand that grace is bigger than the total sum of our sins, the love of God will constrain us towards the diligent pursuit of sanctification.
God’s Grace
Just as sin ruled over all people and brought them death – so the marvellous grace of God now rules instead, giving us right-standing with God and resulting in eternal life – through Jesus Christ our Lord. The Law requires works, which could never reach the perfection required of God.
Continuing Grace
Too often we limit the grace of God to salvation from the penalty of sin – alone. We often forget that salvation was the start of our eternal journey and not the end, for grace is poured out throughout life and grace continues into the ages to come.
Freedom of Grace
We are saved from the penalty of sin, which is death – eternal separation from God. But we are also saved from the destructive and enslaving power of sin in our lives: for sin shall no longer be master over you and have dominion over you..
Provision of Grace
God’s provision of grace is given in love and breaks the power of cancelled sin. Grace sets us free to live and move and have our being – living and working in Him.
God's Word declares that we are dead indeed unto sin,' but nowhere does it say that we are dead in ourselves.
We have died to sin; not in ourselves, but in Christ,' and our death with Him is as sure as His death, and since we died with Him it is impossible for His death to be certain and ours uncertain.
The purpose of Paul, in Romans Six, is to show how completely the believer is identified with the Lord Jesus when He died unto sin.' To enter fully into the meaning of that death is to see that He has emancipated us from any further dealings with our old master, sin.
The believer is privileged thus to take his position in the risen Lord Jesus, who is now alive unto God.' From that ground he is henceforth to regard sin. -E.H.
Trust in God
The final snare is to permit the trials of this life to overwhelm us with worry, lest at any time your hearts be overwhelmed with the cares of this life. And the caution against the physical sin translates into a spiritual warning.
But there were elements in Job’s pure, virtuous life, needing the Spirit’s refining touch. Elements the moral, upright, proud, self-governed heart of Job, needed to learn, and God used the circumstances in Job’s life to bring him into a closer walk with God – just as God uses happenings in our lives, to draw us closer to Himself. Chambers once wrote, One of the most cunning travesties, is to represent Satan – as the instigator of external sins.
Wiles of Satan
The devil certainly was instrumental in the birth of fleshly sins and the carnal nature – but Satan seeks much more from the man of God, than to tempt his with such trifles.
Underlying Lesson
The underlying lesson of the life of Job has nothing to do with sins. It has nothing to do with any sin righteous Job did or did not commit.
It has nothing to do sins that Job’s friends accused him of committing.
Past, present, and future sins of the believing man are forgiven and forgotten. The same holds true for the man of God today – all sins are forgiven and forgotten – past, present and future – all forgiven and forgotten. So don’t pride yourself that your forgiven sins are influencing the troubles in your life.
seeking to influence the religious nature of your ‘old man against God… that 'old sin nature' which prefers your-Self rather than God’s 'Christ-Self'? Have you considered Job’s three friends, who walk in the flesh and not in the Spirit – where God accused them saying for you have not spoken of ME what is right? Job 42:7
Deliverance from the reign of sin, and liberty in the life of Christ, are set forth as a doctrinal unit in Romans Six, Seven and Eight.
When we begin to comprehend Romans Six, we know that our death in Christ unto sin was completed at Calvary.
In Romans Six we see the foundation of our deliverance - the fact that we died with Christ; and also the conditions of our deliverance - that we reckon ourselves dead unto sin and yield to God as those that are alive from the dead.
Romans Eight tells us the means and the method of our deliverance - that it is through the blessed Holy Spirit alone that we are actually delivered in everyday life, from sin's reign; the moment we cease from all our own efforts and let Him do all the work, He will begin delivering us from the power of sin.
He went to the cross willingly, for the perfect sacrifice had to be a willing body. Christ rose from the dead in a perfect body of flesh and bone – a glorified body. His death secured our pardon from sin and His resurrection secured our eternal life.
Eternal Destiny
Christ was covered with our sins so that we could be arrayed with His righteousness. Christ was identified with our sinfulness so that we could identify with all that is His. Christ shared in our humanity so that our eternal destiny with Him could be secured – so all the blessings that are rightfully His would be shared with all who believe.
Hope in Christ
It was God’s purpose to redeem us through the blood of Jesus and to forgive our sins, and He purposed this heavenly blessing in accordance with the riches of His grace.
Incomparable Love
God in His incomparable love has blessed us in the heavenlies in a myriad of ways. God who is rich in mercy made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in sins.
Different Bodies
He came to earth to be born into a body of flesh, just like yours and mine, but through His perfection, He broke the sting of death and took on His glorified body – so that we also could escape this restrictive body of sin – to be just like Him.
The Spirit of God lives in the spirit of man, the new man in Christ, which cannot sin, as John told us.
“Whoever has been born of God (the new man in Christ) does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God”.
Remember the many times you have fallen into sin?
But if we confess our sins, to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1John 1:9
Carnal or Spiritual
Your Soul that has the capacity to sin, and will continue to until we are with Him.
God’s means of delivering us from sin isn’t by making us stronger and stronger but by making us weaker and weaker.
God sets us free from the dominion of sin, not by strengthening our old man but by crucifying him; not by helping him to do anything but by removing him….by removing him from the scene of action.”
If Christ were not fully deity, He could not have paid the price for our sins. If Christ were not fully God He could not have broken the power of sin in our life.
The inward exercise of Romans Seven and the testing of the wilderness serve the purpose of teaching us what sin in the flesh is, and what is in our hearts; while such special discipline of the Father as Paul's thorn in the flesh is rather to protect us from the unalterable tendencies of the flesh.
We are conversant with man in death and sin and distance from the Father, for that is our state by nature; but to know the Man in glory, One in acceptance with the Father according to all His moral greatness, is new to us and magnificent.
God knows that our old sin nature makes it impossible to live as He wants us to live.
So the only way that we can live LIKE Christ is to have HIS LIFE IN US. But in order for His life to become OUR life, He first had to pay the penalty for our sin. And only He could pay that penalty, for only He was perfect and lived perfectly.
His death paid the price for the sin of the world – including your sin and mine.
His resurrection broke the power of sin in our life, for all that believe on His name. And because the power of death was broken in US, we have HIS LIFE IN US.
I write unto you, my little children, because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake.
1 John 2:12
Wrath of God
John knew these children were sinners, both in practice and by nature. He knew the blessings of forgiveness and grace of God were freely open to all, but he also knew the only sacrifice for sin rested on the spilt blood of the Lord Jesus. John knew He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities – for the wrath of God was poured out on Christ to pay that price for all sin.
His blood alone could pay the price for sin; all sin; every sin; secret sins; open sins.
His sacrifice alone could atone for sins committed and man’s inherent sin nature.
He alone could pay the price for sin : past sin; present sin; future sin.
He alone could atone for sin : sins of the body and sins of the mind – big sins; little sins; original sin, actual sin; every sin; all sin.
His Names Sake
Christ’s blood was shed for the remission of sin.
His death alone could satisfy the wrath of a holy God for the sin of the world – and your sins are forgiven you, for His name’s sake.
John drank deeply of the love and forgiveness of His Jesus, and so we read: I write unto you, my little children, because your sins are forgiven you – for HIS name’s sake.
Man’s Righteousness
Our righteousness is as filthy rags, says the Lord. My dress is ugly and stained, torn and dirty. Truth is hard to swallow. Truth is never flattering to human pride. Truth exposes the dirt and grim and sin of the true nature.
And we shrink from this description of our own, old sin nature.
I will exchange your death for My life – and I will exchange your sin, for My glorious righteousness'.
Christ Made Sin
For God hath made Christ Jesus to be sin for us.
The Lord of glory, Who knew no sin, was clothed in my filthy rags and He did this so that I, who have no robe of righteousness; no glorious dress and no fine attire… He did this so that I might bemade the righteousness of God in Him;so that I might wear the glorious garment of praise; so that I might be covered in the finest robes of glory.
Jesus: His given name: you shall call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins (Saviour) and Christ the anointed Messiah of God: His occupational name and title that announces His vocation (Messiah).
A name so inspiringly magnificent: for He shall save His people from their sins. A name so spectacularly awesome that it communicates His blessed calling; a name so stunningly majestic that at His name every knee will humbly bow – a name so astonishingly breathtaking and yet He chose me to be His bride.
Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,Hebrews 12:1
There is no sin in such everyday tasks and necessary activities, but they can be weights, distractions, and stumbling blocks in our spiritual life.
Satan is relentless in his efforts to distract us from the Word, by all and every means, and apart from the sin of pride, there is no greater tool in his armoury than discouragement.
Important Focus
We are told to lay aside every weight and every distraction and fix our eyes on Jesus. We are reminded to set aside the sin of disbelief that so easily torments and frustrates us. We’re encouraged to run with patience the race set before us and keep Him in focus. We are clearly told to look away from the urgencies of life to the important One.
The practices of much of Christendom today, would have been regarded as disgraceful – and viewed with stunned shame in years gone by. The growth of sin in the corporate life of nations and the domestic life of individuals, causes one to tremble as one kneels at the feet of a Holy God.
Growing In Grace - STUDY
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.1 John1:9
Maintaining Fellowship
How vital that believers know how to achieve and maintain sweet fellowship with God, and understand how this communion can be blocked by sin.
Sin is the Barrier
Walking in the light ensures fellowship with God.
Sin is the barrier that blocks our fellowship, while confession is the means to restore communion.
Remember: the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin 1 John 1:7 – past, present, and future, but confessing our sin restores us into fellowship with the Father.
Cleansing Blood
But how does the blood of Jesus cleanse all sin?
Well at rebirth, all our past, present and future sins were forgiven forever, and that’s grace.
But during our Christian life, we still fall into sin, and sin always separates us from a holy God.
God’s Standard
God’s standard for man is perfection, but only Christ is perfect, for all have sinned and fall short of His glory, Romans 5:12. Our murmurings and bitter thoughts are ‘sin‘ by God’s standard.
Our ungrateful hearts, fleshly irritations, lack of forgiveness and criticism of others fall far short of God’s standard, which grieves the Spirit and blocks our fellowship with the Father – and that requires us to confess our sin to Him.
Confession is simply telling our Father our sins.
The Bible says ‘confess’ your sins – which means ‘name’ your sins.
Consequences of Sin
His faithfulness guarantees forgiveness as well as a return to fellowship.
His righteousness means that there may be consequences that follow our sin.
Christ’s Forerunner
John had been called, before his conception, to be the forerunner of God’s Messiah. John was called as a voice in the wilderness – to proclaim forth the kingdom of God. John was anointed to call the people of Israel to repent – to return to their Lord God. John was to proclaim: Behold the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world. John 1:29.
A total identification with the oblation was pictured here – a full transferral of trespasses, as sins passed from the sinner to the sacrifice. The innocent animal was to die. The guiltless creature was offered in the stead of the sinner. The life of the sinless beast was thus to be fully accepted – fully accepted as the life of the sinful man.
Innocent for Guilty
And day after day the bloody ritual would signify covered sins for another day – a life for a life, which meant innocent death in order for the guilty to live.
But now Christ has died on Calvary having offered one sacrifice for sins forever.
All we needed to do was to identify ourselves with Him. All that was required was to trust Him as our Sin-Bearer.
Innocent Victim
By His sacrifice of death, we too are saved from death. By His spilled blood poured over our sins, we are redeemed by His blood, and by so doing He identified Himself with us – the sin-soaked, guilty malefactor; by so doing we were identified with Him - the pure innocent Victim.
My faith would lay her hand,On that meek head of Thine,While I a penitent I stand,And here confess my sin.
2-Way Identification
God’s grace united us with His death.. making His death full payment for our sins. Our faith identifies us with Him now.. making His sacrifice efficacious on our behalf. This is full identification with Him. This is a two-way identification… I in Him – and He in me. He identifies with me – a sinner worthy of eternal death.
identification means more. His death not only made possible the wonderful pardon by the transfer of sins.
Two Results
A man’s heart and soul may be perfected through suffering – or suffering may make that same man’s soul bitter and rebellious. For through suffering we come to an end of self – to the extremity of me – or, through that same suffering selfishness may increase as “I” takes control – and God, not the old sin nature is blamed for the problems and pain that engulf us.
Ideal and Actual
Such a model etches a rude distinction between the ideal and the actual. A life of noise and clamour; a life of darkness and disease; a life of pain and despair; a life of where the Lord seems distant; a life lacking love, joy and peace; a life of sorrows and sin; of sickness and sadness; deterioration and death.
Permanent Relationship
When we first believed in Jesus we were placed in a permanent relationship with Him. The old former life in Adam was forever replaced with our new, eternal life in Christ. We who were dead in trespasses and sins were made fully alive and given His life.
God made Him, Who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21
God’s Spirit
In past days God’s Spirit was sent to certain individuals... to anoint and to empower, but He also withdrew when His work was completed – or due to sin. Bezaleel was divinely empowered to do artistic work in the tabernacle of God.
So do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments for righteousness.Romans 6:13
God sent His only Son to die on the cross to save us from the punishment of sin.
We can't save ourselves from the penalty of sin nor from the power of sin over our lives.
If we are a willing vessel God may choose to use our work or words or evangelising, but it is the Spirit alone Who convicts the world of sin, of righteousness, and judgement.
Trust in God
Indeed, we personally had a death sentence within ourselves, so that we would not trust in ourselves but in God. 2 Corinthians 1:9 So do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments for righteousness.
The Holy Spirit indwells us and thereby accomplishes our sanctification - an adjustment of our personal lives to His own person and character, to the dropping away of sin's power over us and the implanting of His Christ-imparting attributes in us.
Israel’s King, Who would welcome everyone who turned round from their sin – into His kingdom.
Many flocked to identify with John, as increasing throngs joyously turned their lives around and plunged into the water as a sign that they too had repented of their sins.
Fully God
His Deity is demanded, for there is no other good enough to pay the price of sin. His Manhood in mandatory, for no other Days-man could redeem His brethren. This is the God-man, Who clothed Himself in flesh – the perfect sacrifice for sin. As fully God – He is the everlasting Son of the Most High God –He is uncreated and without beginning – of one Being with the Father Almighty.
Spirit of Comfort
From our introduction to this man of faith, he is saved – one whose sin is covered, and his triumphant call is … For I know that my Redeemer liveth… Job.19:25.
This one small act of trust brings us out of sin and into salvation; out of darkness into His perfect light; out of Satan into Christ in God; out of death into life; out of despair into hope – out of ashes into beauty.
First Love
In the beginning, the joy of sins forgiven was a mountain-top experience.
K – Know your old man is crucified with Him –R – Reckon yourself dead unto sin –R – Reckon yourself alive unto God – through Jesus Christ our LordY – Yield yourself to God.Romans 6:3-14
For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection: KNOW this, that our old man is crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.
For he that is dead is freed from sin.
For in that He died, He died unto sin once: but in that He liveth, He liveth unto God. So RECKON ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, and also RECKON yourselves alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in the lusts thereof. Neither yield ye your members [as] instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but YIELD yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.
For sin shall not have dominion over you: for you are not under the law, but under grace.
Rom.8:3. He came from His heavenly home, into complete union with man. He renounced His magnificent heritage, to come and share our lot. His task was to redeem sinful man from their sin. And in the power of the Holy Spirit it was so..
Born as Man
Without the likeness, there could be no rescue and no remission of sins, and yet the likeness was to be a sinless likeness, for the innocent must die for the guilty.
He came to be made sin like us, so that we one day could be like Him. He came to be with us – and He came to be like us..
But, however much God loved the world He must also judge the world, for the wages of sin is death – death – death to sin and death to the sinner.
God Made Man
Why – why do we have to believe on Jesus? Why believe on Him? Why not just believe on God the Father? Surely that’s enough? Is not the Father’s love great enough and sufficient to save us from our sins? No!
Fullness of Time
This was a non-negotiable Law that God Himself imposed upon man and sin, and In Genesis 3 we read that: the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them until that time…. (the fullness of time) for God is never late…
John 8:31. But these inflexible, religious Jews were slaves to sin and captive to their traditions. To these men, absolute Truth was shocking, appalling, scandalous – odious.
The needs generated by the realization of the sin of self produce the necessary motivation and hunger which cause us to focus upon the Lord Jesus and become conformed to His image.
Many a new believer has obtained relief in his conscience from his sins, because of faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ; that is, he does not see further than Romans 3.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death” (Rom 8:2).
To deal directly with sin brings certain defeat to the Christian.
Satan, sin, self, the world, and the law-all have been fully dealt with by the Lord Jesus on the Cross.
“It is not by renunciation, or effort, that we are morally apart from sin and self and the world, but by our death on the Cross with the Lord Jesus Christ.” “Believers today seek the blessing and power of Pentecost apart from a personal crucifixion with Christ, and the result is a counterfeit experience.
Trinity of Demands
“Therefore,” ….we are exhorted: therefore let us lay aside every weight, and let us lay aside the sin (of unbelief as demonstrated in earlier chapters) let us lay aside this sin which so easily ensnares us – lack of trust in God and let us run with patient endurance the race that is set before us…” But this trinity of demands has its focus on a person – the Lord Jesus, the Son of Man Let us look to JESUS….
Hebrews is not about salvation from sin, but the sanctification of the saved soul.
to pray for our enemies and those that are lost in their sins.
Throne of Grace
Christ’s death on the cross as the Sacrifice for sin tore down the unscalable wall of division that separated a holy God from a sinful race of men, and opened up, to all who would believe in His name, God’s eternal throne-room of grace: let us, therefore, approach God’s throne of grace with confidence and grateful hearts, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
And both in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross we discover prayer to be the beautiful channel through which our Lord maintained unbroken fellowship with the Father (until that point when He became sin for us.)
On the death side, we are to receive deliverance from sin's power through the Spirit from the Cross; on the life side, we are to receive growth through the Spirit from the Lord Jesus.
The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death' (Rom. 8:2). -G.G.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death (Rom. 8:2).
Our flesh was so powerless to do good and so ready to do evil, that the application to us of God's holy law only gave sin an occasion to involve our enslaved members in open rebellion against the law.
So that even if a man loves God's law, as Paul did, he has no power to keep it; but sin only makes the law a constant means of working death to him, and the more a man tries to keep the law the more he comes under the power of sin.
The law is for the man who departed from God - that man has been removed from God's sight in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, and I rejoice that now by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus' I am free from the law of sin and death' (Rom. 8:2).
Even where in the new convert there is great singleness of heart and faith, with true love and devotion to the Saviour, time is needed for a deeper knowledge of the old man and sin, for a spiritual insight into what the Father's will and grace are. -A.M.
When we truly hate ourselves, we are prepared to rejoice in the blessed fact that we have been crucified with the Lord Jesus - that sin in the flesh was condemned (not forgiven) when He died unto sin, that our whole history as in the flesh closed before the Father in His Son's death - and that this is our title to be free.
I have now a righteous title to have done with myself because I have died unto sin in the Lord Jesus' death.
Your spirit:- that innermost part of your being; that deepest dimension of your nature; that was once alienated from fellowship with the Lord; that was once dead in trespasses and sins – that was once enslaved by Satan’s accusations..
With its ever-present outward link to this sin-sick world, that tramps the tempting dust and the seductive grime of earth’s pathways – with its deepest lusts through eye, or flesh, or pride of life – blameless.
He has in the first place rejoiced greatly in the forgiveness of his sins, and his acceptance by God; but sooner or later he begins to realise that all is not well, and that he has failed and fallen from the high standard from which he set himself to reach in the first flush of his conversion.”
Evan continues,
Is it, reckon yourself to be weak in reference to sin?
‘ Reckon yourself to be dead — (Romans 6:11) — dead indeed unto sin.’ Some believe they are very weak.
We must act on the fact that we are dead in reference to sin.
Old and New Life
At the same time, the old self endeavours to get down from the cross and resume control – and a battle ensues between the old sin nature and the new life in Christ.
Often a tug-of-war ensues between the old sin nature and the new life in Christ, but the old life and the new nature can never live in harmony with each other.
SECOND:- We are to renounce the besetting sin of unbelief, which has caused so many to stumble.. for what God requires of us all is that we have faith Him and trust His Word – for without faith in Him we are unable to grow in our spiritual life.
We need to renounce the sin of unbelief that was the downfall of the Israelites.
Fallen man comes to Jesus for salvation: for He shall save His people from their sins, Matt.1:21. As we abide in Him and He in us we are sanctified by His Spirit, for we are being conformed into His likeness.
The kingly line of Christ passed from Abraham to David, to Solomon to Joseph, the husband of Mary, who was commanded to call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins.
John the Baptist thundered: behold, the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin on the world. John 1:29. Herod announced: behold the Man, John 19:5. and Jude reminds us that Enoch proclaimed, behold He comes with ten thousands of His saints.
to save us from our sins.
JESUS → your salvation, Who came to save you from your sins.
Would it not be more according to the Spirit of the Master, who said, Let him that is without sin cast the first stone, and He that is not against us is for us, if, as our instant reaction to every report, rumor, criticism, judgment, insinuation, innuendo, or whisper, we instantly asked the question, Is it true?
He may have to correct His saints for their sins, and where there has been no failure He may chasten (child train) them for their profit, that they may become partakers of His holiness; but all this is in love, not in wrath.
Identified With Christ
Everyone who hears the gospel and believes in Jesus is placed in Him immediately. Anyone who trusts God, to take care of all our sin, is immediately placed in Christ – dead to self and alive to Christ – identified with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.
By grace, the Spirit placed us in a position of union with Christ that will never be broken. By grace, we are identified with His righteousness because He identified with our sin.
the serpent stood for sin and death, and the bronze metal was illustrative of God’s judgement. Though he could not have understood the poignant significance of what was to happen on Calvary’s cross, in the days to come – Nicodemus must have recalled this conversation, when the sinless, Son of Man was cruelly lifted up on the cross, as the Law required – so that all who were bitten by the curse of sin could look – and live.
Guilty Sinner
He could not have understood there and then, that the full weight of all humanity’s sin was to be poured out over Jesus.
God’s Hatred of Sin
Although intimate fellowship with God is the right of all believers, it is hindered by sin.
God is also holy and has a hatred of sin, and a holy God will never fellowship when sin is present.
Broken Fellowship
Although we are forgiven sinners, and in unbreakable and eternal union with Christ, there are times when we fall into sin and every sin places a barrier between God and us.
And though the power of sin has been broken in our life at the cross, there are times when we fall into sin, causing our fellowship to be broken, and so here we discover ourselves to be in a ‘Catch 22′ situation.
Fellowship Formula
Every time we sin, fellowship is broken and needs to be restored and John outlines the fellowship formula for God’s disobedient children to be restored back into full fellowship and sweet communion with their Father.
Verse 8
Verse 8 reads:- If we say that we have no sin (and this is referring to the old nature), we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
I have fellowship because I have no sin ‘thing…’ This is saying I have no sin nature, or I have got rid of my sin nature.
This is saying my sin-nature no longer exists and I no longer sin.
It is wrong because while we are on earth, the sin nature is very much alive, and John is telling us that this attitude is self-delusion.
This is saying that we have managed to overcome forever the sin nature in our lives.
Verse 7
But John continues that we as believers can walk in the light, and in verse 7 we are given three steps:- First, if we walk in the light, as He is in the light. Second, we have fellowship one with another, and Third, the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son cleanses us from all sin.
Verse 9
Well in verse 9 we are given the one condition to cleansing:- Confess your sins: for if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
Darkness to Light
Though we may step into the shadow of darkness and sin, confession of our sins to our heavenly Father will cleanse us from all unrighteousness and draw us back into the shining light of His glorious presence.
Well, in and by the Cross we are delivered from ourselves; not only from our sins, but from ourselves; and being delivered from ourselves we are delivered into Christ, and Christ becomes far more than we.
Its terrible power, its secret and universal rule, and the blinding it exerts in keeping us from the knowledge of what it is, are the cause of all our sin and evil.
has set us free from the power of sin and death (Rom. 8:2, Wms.).
There is no strength or power in ourselves against the law of sin which is in our members.
The Father has left us as much dependent upon the Lord Jesus' work for our deliverance from the power of sin as for our forgiveness!
It is wholly because we died with Him on the Cross, both to sin and to the whole legal principle, that sin's power for those in the Lord Jesus, is broken. -W.R.N.
Have not some given up hope that words like I have been crucified with Christ,' the world is crucified to me,' baptized into His death,' dead unto sin and alive unto God in Christ Jesus' should have become truly intelligible and helpful?
Christ’s Life Within
The old sin nature of the old Adamic life must be crucified and remain on the cross.
Christlike Nature
It is not to be the old ‘ME’ but the new ‘ME’ that has supremacy in the life I live, so that it is not I that lives, but Christ Who in me Galatians 2:20… so that it is not the old sin nature but the new Christlike nature that develops – for ye are in Christ and ye are complete in Him. Colossians 2:10
The result is that where there is a shallow work in the soul they get lifted up with pride and conceit, and perhaps deceive themselves so far as to think there is no sin in them.
Suffering is due to other people’s sin or it may be self-inflicted but all suffering needs to be addressed.
Wisdom in God’s Word
While ever we live in this fallen world of sin and suffering we will face mounting pressures, but we have the written word of God and the indwelling Holy Spirit of God to guide our path and to guard our ways and Christ has promised that His grace is sufficient.
Depth of God Grace
The depth of God’s grace delivers whosoever will from the depravity and evil of sin.
For you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked, according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.
Clothed in Righteousness
I am His by my own free choice – for when I was lost He could redeem me no other way, for I was dead in trespasses and sins.
All my sin and all my foolishness..
My Beloved
Let us, like them, lay aside every weight, and the sin of unbelief which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us: looking unto Jesus..
Let suffering come from any cause in the universe, if we give it over entirely into the hand of our Father, and sink ourselves into His blessed will, with the desire for Him to work His purpose in us, He will make every pain, every tear, every particle of our suffering work in us a death to sin and to the old man, and to all things on earth which will be for our highest development and for His glory. -G.W.
Separation – Death
This seems to be the point where He was made sin for us..
This seems to be the point that as the second Man, the last Adam, He was covered with our guilt, God hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Cor.5:21
often building a perception of God based upon his culture and upbringing. But the heart of man has been deeply flawed by our sin-heritage, for the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked Jer.17:9 We all unconsciously conceive God in our own imagery and thought. This is not only true of the natural man, who is dead in trespasses and sins – this is also true of each of us who are blood-bought sons of God. This is equally true of the spiritual believer as it is of the carnal Christian.
Grace upon Grace
As the mystery of lawlessness increases, so the mystery of godliness multiplies - grace; more grace; much grace – grace built upon more grace. 'For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace.' John 1:16 'For where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, Romans 5:20 -pressed down; shaken together and running over.' Luke 6:38 We are to be lights in this darkest of age.
Spiritual Maturity
Suffering is not a question of sin, for Christ was made perfect through suffering. Christ, the innocent, sinless man was made perfect through suffering.
The law, instead of being a rule of life, is necessarily a rule of death to one who has a sin nature.
Far from being a delivering power, it can only condemn such; far from being a means of holiness, it is, in fact, and according to Paul, the strength of sin' (1 Cor. 15:56). -W.K.
We know God cannot look on sin and that our trespasses must be confessed to Him.
The burden for his People
As we look deep into Nehemiah’s being, we see a man with a heart-burden for his people. He not only knew the wrongdoings of his people but he grieved deeply at their sin.
Our dwelling place is in the light, not by reason of our subjective condition, but because the Lord Jesus has made the position ours by the putting away of our sins, and by bringing us to the Father. -H.F.W.
The heart must enter into something more than the look behind into those waters of judgment, out of which the Lord Jesus rose, having left our sins, and death, and judgment forever!
Oh wretched man that I am Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thanks be to God, Who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord.Romans 7:25
Insufficient Law
The Law may be perfect and man may desire to obey the perfect Law of God, but it is insufficient to save a guilty sinner – and we discover it to be a ministration of death – for it tells us God’s standard for man, but then shows us that we can only fail. The Law may be good and spiritual and the born-again life in Christ may desire to keep God’s commandments – but the old sin nature is carnal and in bondage to sin. This is why Paul failed when he tried to keep the Law in the strength of his old fallen nature, which caused him to cry out:- Oh wretched man that I am!
Who will deliver me from this body of sin – and free me from this life that is dominated by death.
Natural Man
However hard man tries, it is impossible for him to keep the requirements of the Law. One only has to be born as a son of Adam to be condemned to death – eternal death. Natural man / unsaved man is dead in his sins and born under condemnation. No wonder the disciples asked Jesus in astonishment – Who then can be saved? No wonder Paul warned the Galatians of the Law’s restrictive nature, when he said: before faith in Christ was available to us, we were placed under guard by the law. We were kept in protective custody, so to speak, until the way of faith was revealed. Galatians 3:23
And the Law was described by Paul as a schoolmaster that was to point us to Him. That schoolmaster could instruct the natural/unsaved man how to live but could not change the sinful nature of its students – it could only impose a penalty for failure, and the wages of sin – the penalty for failure to keep the Law – was death.
Restrictive Measure
The Law though perfect, had no way to remove the death sentence – so death reigned from Adam’s fall to Moses and continued to rule from the time of Moses to Christ. The Law was God’s perfect tool to direct us to Christ so that we might be justified. But the Law can be equally problematic to the one that has been justified, for if one starts to live a Christian life under the restrictive measure of the Law of Moses or any self-imposed legalistic system, it can only be done by the old sin nature being guided by the lust of the flesh and not the new nature in Christ, that is led by the Spirit of God.
Old Sin Nature
Paul discovered, after his Damascus Road conversion, that trying to live the Christian life in the power of the old sin nature was doomed to failure, causing him to cry out… O wretched man that I am!
Way of the Cross
Paul had discovered the answer was Christ – the way of the Cross – the only Way. His elated cry was: thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord. And this is how it works!!! Christ lived a perfect life and by fulfilling all the requirements of the Law, He was able to go to the cross and become the one and only Sacrifice for the sin of the whole world. This broke the power of death in His life and hence Christ rose from the dead.
Open Secret
It was living his life, through the new-life in Christ, that was given to Paul – when he was born again, that was Paul’s open secret of how to live the victorious Christian life. It was living this new-life in Christ that broke the power of sin in Paul’s life. It was living this new-life in Christ that delivered Paul from the body of death. And it is living our Christian life, by means of the new born-again life of Christ in us, that will give you and me the victory over the power of sin in our lives too.
Cursed Creation
Everything that God made for man to richly enjoy was good – oh, so very, very good, but Adam’s sin caused the creation to be cursed and man lost His regal position.
Adam’s sin caused God to set in motion His eternal plan and purpose for humanity.
God intended to redeem man of his sins and restore him to his rulership position, but God intended to do much more for man – to provide him with so very much more.
God’s Purpose
God purposed His own Son would shed His innocent blood to pay the tremendous price for the sin of the entire human race – as God’s perfect Law required. God’s plan was not simply to restore man to his original position – where sins could be forgiven and a right standing between God and man could be restored.
Our old sin nature was dethroned and replaced with our new nature at rebirth.
Two Natures
For the rest of our lives, the old sin nature will seek to gain supremacy over the new.
Trying to 'be good' through the power of the old sin nature will never succeed.
God does not want us to dress up the old sin nature to look good – by self-effort.
Godly Nature
Our new life has been created in Christ’s righteousness and holiness of the truth. And the old sin nature does not want to be superseded by the new godly nature.
So many rest content with the thought that their sins are pardoned, and that they are in the path of life, but know nothing of a personal attachment to the risen Lord Jesus Christ as their life, or of faith that lives in the invisible and walks with the Father.
For the death which He died He became, once for all, dead in relation to sin; but by the life which He now lives He is alive in relation to God (Rom. 6:10, Wey.).
Romans Six is one of the most blessed portions of the New Testament, teaching us that our old man,' our old nature that is in us, was actually crucified with Him, so that now we need no longer be in bondage to sin.
But remember it is only as the Holy Spirit makes Christ's death a reality within us, that we shall know, not by force of argument or conviction, but in the reality of the power of an endless life, that we are in very deed dead to sin. -A.M.
In the same way you also must regard yourselves as dead in relation to sin, but as alive in relation to God, because you are in Christ Jesus (Rom. 6:11, Wey.).
That word, blameless,' may be translated unimpeachable' or unaccusable.' In other words, when we stand at last at the judgment seat of Christ, God Himself is going to see to it that no charge can stand against any believer, because the Lord Jesus Christ has atoned for all our sins with His own precious Blood.
Instead of my sins being between myself and Him, as before, it is Himself who is now between me and my sins; and the One who has thus interposed has given me to know that in the doing it He has brought me to Himself, and tuned my heart to His own praise.
He has borne the judgment due to my sins, and condemned sin in the flesh; in the Person of my Substitute I am clear from, and carried beyond, the judgment forever; the power of death is annulled, that of Satan finally broken.
Romans Six reveals our position as having died unto the principle of sin; Romans Seven teaches us our position as having died unto the principle of law.
You were set free from the tyranny of Sin, and became the bondservants of Righteousness (Rom. 6:18 Wey.).
Do not forget that you must stand firmly upon the specific truths: dead indeed unto sin - alive unto God in Christ Jesus' (Rom. 6:11).
So many of us are content merely that the Cross should be the power to save us from the penalty of sin, but death was not the end of the manifestation of Christ.
The Holy Spirit uses this revelation, along with what He exposes in his own heart, to teach him to abide in the Lord Jesus; safe from the sin of others, as well as his own.
Propitiation Price
It was in the heart of the Father from before the world began to redeem mankind. The propitiation price for sin was agreed – in the eternal council chambers of God. This was according to the eternal purpose that God has realised in Christ Jesus our Lord.
God’s Grace
Grace was in the heart of the Creator when God set the ransom price for man’s sin. Grace was in mind of God when God laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Blessed be the God and Father – Who made Christ sin for our sake.
God’s Glory
His Glory was in the mind of the Father when sin’s eternal sacrifice was selected. His Son was the one and only means to secure God’s satisfaction for sin’s payment. Blessed be the God and Father ..Who predestined us for adoption to sonship, through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will.
Therefore, He had to be like His brothers in every way, so that He could become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.Hebrews 2:17
For we do not have a high priest Who is unable to sympathise with our weaknesses, but One who has been tested in every way as we are – yet without sin.Hebrews 4:15
The hypostatic union, combining the undiminished attributes of the Godhead with the perfect human nature of the Son of Man – became Jesus… Son of God and Son of Man, so that as our kinsman-Redeemer He would save His people from their sins.
Perfect Person
Christ had to be fully human in the same way that we are human – yet without sin, in order to become our kinsman-Redeemer.
Before His cross His incomparable, innocent life prepared the Lord Jesus to be our perfect Sacrifice – our kinsman-Redeemer – so that we could be saved from our sins.
His miraculous conception, His humble birth in Bethlehem – His simple life in the little town of Nazareth where He laboured as the Carpenter, all prepared our Lord Jesus for His work on the Cross and equipped Him to become God’s sacrifice for our sin.
Representative Man
He was tried and tested in all things in the same way that we are – yet without sin, so that He could represent each of His brothers and sisters to our Father in heaven, for He is our representative Man.
Our Sinless Brother
He connects with us at our point of need and listens to our helpless cries for we do not have a High Priest Who is unable to sympathise with our weaknesses, but One who has been tested in every way as we are, yet without sin.
You see, He had to be like His brothers in every way, so that He could become our merciful and faithful High Priest in service to God – so that He could make propitiation for the sins of the people – for your sins and for mine.
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
In the same manner, sin has its own particular price and the wages of sin is death.
The just and fair deserts of sin is death – and death is the loathsome reward for sin.
Fair Reward
The just deserts of the sinner are not a negotiated salary but are ordained of God. No sinner will be unfairly treated, but all will receive the only fair reward for sin.. and the wages of sin for every sinner is death..
Faces of Sin
There are many faces of sin and different kinds of sin but every sin deserves death. There are open sins committed in the body and veiled sins that mature in the mind. There are hidden sins and visible ones, for man’s very nature is streaked with evil – and the just decree of a holy God is death – for death is the reward for sin.
Terrible Master
The terrible master of man is sin and man is the slave and servant of sin. This profound reality is a devastating truth that touches every strand of humanity – and every man deserves his due reward and each must be paid their just desert.
Pleasure of Sin
The pleasure of sin maybe sweet for a moment but its bitter taste is never-ending. The seeds of evil are vanity and the buds of iniquity bear the bitter fruit of sin, for the wages of sin is death….
Payment for Sin
The price for all sin was paid for in full by the blood of the sinless Lamb of God. The sins of the world were paid for by the blood that flowed from Christ’s veins – mystery of mystery that God’s own Son should die for me – and die for you.
And Christ received the wages for my sins and yours so we could be forever forgiven.
Total Righteousness
And His gift to all who trust on His name is a justifying righteousness:- regeneration; sanctification; glorification; a new creation in Christ, and the grace of God and peace with God, and faith and hope and love and joy, and the indwelling Spirit and a heavenly inheritance – and eternal life: for He washed us from our sins in His own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father, to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever.
Redeeming Blood
The wages of sin is our due, but salvation is God’s gift to all who believe – and it comes singularly through the redeeming blood of Christ. Mystery of mystery that God’s own Son should die for me – and for you.
Penalty of Sin
But praise be to God that the penalty of sin was paid for in full – through the sacrificial death of Christ Jesus..
For the wages of sin is death, but Christ died for the sin of ALL.
He paid the price for the sin of ALL people, so that whosoever believes on His name should not be condemned – but have everlasting life.
Power of Sin
And glory to God for the power of sin was also broken in our lives and we have been set free from the dominion and mastery that Satan holds over the race of human-kind, for we no longer live under the requirements of the law – but have gained the freedom of God’s grace.
Through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the second Man, we’ve been set free from slavery to Satan and to sin – and have become servants of our God.
Presence of Sin
And the wonderful hope that is set before us is that the presence of sin in our lives will be forever removed in the ages to come, when the Lord Jesus Christ – the last Adam, comes to take us to be with Himself into our eternal home – and we shall see Him as He is and we shall be clothed in glorified bodies – like unto His glorious body.
Fully Alive
When we first believed in Jesus we were placed in a permanent relationship with Him. The old former life in Adam was forever replaced with our new, eternal life in Christ. We who were dead in trespasses and sins were made fully alive and given His life.
You were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the Spirit of our God. 1 Corinthians 6:11 Who made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21
Price for Sin
When the Lord Jesus died on the cross His death paid the price for all sin, so that all who believe on Him would receive forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
Power of Death
His death is sufficient for it satisfied God’s judgement of sin, in your life and mine. His resurrection is sufficient for it broke the power of death in all who believe. Christ’s glorious sufficiency meets every need in this life and the one to come, and we are fully accepted by God for time and eternity, because of His sufficiency.
Revelation of Christ
Christ identified with us, so that we could be identified with Him. Christ became sin for us, so that we could be made the righteousness of God, in Him.
Lamb and Lion
He came to rescue us as our Good Shepherd, for we are sheep without a shepherd. He came as the perfect Lamb of God to pay the shocking price for sin – and He is coming as the Lion of the tribe of Judah – the victorious King of kings.
For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him (2 Cor. 5:21).
Romans Eight describes the experience of the believer who knows what it is to be in Christ, and who is being made free experientially from the law of sin and death by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh' (Rom. 8:3).
Where sin brought us, love brought the Lord Jesus - even to death; and His death is the end before God of all that we were as children of Adam - men in the flesh.
Let us.. lay aside that besetting sin of unbelief, that defeated the children of Israel.
If we want to be like that great cloud of faithful witnesses who trusted God, let us lay aside every weight – let us lay aside that sin of unbelief which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with patient endurance the race that is set before us… Looking to Jesus.
Obedience is a necessary step towards being conformed into the image of Christ. Obedience frees us from the bondage of sin to the liberty of life in Christ Jesus.
Bondage or Freedom
Through disobedience, Adam fell, and we became slaves of sin and death.
Through obedience, Christ died for our sins and delighted to do the Father’s will.
In one, we were in bondage to sin. In the Other, we are made children of God.
We read in Romans chapter 6: Do you not know that if you present yourselves as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or obedience resulting in righteousness?
a fellowship so blessed that we can commune with our Lord – and be one with Him – a communion so special that the blood of Jesus continues to cleanse us from all sin.
What was born in Job, blossoms throughout the God-breathed Word, as one by one, we see the same purifying process being perfected, in each saint… not as a punishment for sins forgiven, but a deeper understanding of God’s way.
The believer can thus, and only thus, have freedom from the tyranny of sin as he reckons himself to have died unto sin, and to be alive unto God as one alive from the dead.' He presents his body a living sacrifice unto God, and proves what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
The difference between stultifying carnality and growing spirituality is the believer's realization that he the sinner, as well as his sin, were taken down into death.
They do not realize the glorious truth that in that death they were delivered from this present evil world, from the dominion of sin and the law, and from the power of the enemy.
All believers see that the Blood of the Lord Jesus screens them from the judgment of God; but most do not as yet see that they are dead unto sin' in the Lord Jesus; that their old man was crucified with Christ'; that not only have their sins been put upon Him at the Cross, but they themselves, as sinful children of Adam, have been personally identified with Him in His death unto sin; that God pronounces them dead and risen with Him.
Pure Fellowship
We are to keep ourselves in fellowship with the Father and be effective in His army. We are to keep a short leash on our transgressions and sins as laid out in 1 John 1:9: If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
How vital to confess all areas where we fail in thought word deed and motive. How wise to confess our sins to our faithful and just God.
This is why it is crucial to trust God that we truly are accepted in Him. This is why it is paramount to maintain unbroken fellowship with the Father. In so doing we recognise our conscience and confess our sins.
Israel-Adopted Sons
They were the ones who were entrusted with the amazing Word and Words of God. They were adopted sons who were promised a wonderful earthly inheritance.. but they failed to do as God commanded which was to tell the nations about God – and Israel as a nation was to repent of her sin collectively, and turn to her Messiah. But Israel crucified her king and for a time God chose to work through the Gentiles.
He lived a life where the cruelty and brokenness of sin could never permeate.
He came to address the ruinous nature of sin in the lives of His children.
Our Sin
There is no sin so gross that He cannot forgive. There is no life so ruined that He cannot make whole. There is no heart so broken and fragmented that He cannot restore. There is no deep desire of your heart that He can’t fulfil. There is no lack of anything which He cannot supply in full.
To be perfect is to allow Him to address the ruinous nature of sin in the lives of His children – to let Him heal and bind up, so that we truly can be perfect as He is perfect.
We may be separated and yet not Christ-like; we may be orthodox and yet not spiritual; we may be dead unto sin' and yet not alive unto God.' We may have cut ourselves loose from every form of worldliness but in so doing we have become critical and self-righteous.
After years of reckoning with little or no deliverance from the dominion of sin, when you are just about to sink under the futility of it all, the Holy Spirit will turn your attention to the One who is your Deliverer.
God had determined in the eternal council chambers that He would create Man... and God in His infinite knowledge and understanding knew that man would sin.
Glorious Plan
God was not taken by surprise, nor was He fazed by sin’s entrance into the world.
The all-knowing God had already purposed the flow of history despite man’s sin.
New Creation
God could have obliterated humanity when sin was introduced into the world. He could have halted the human race before His creative work began, but He didn’t, for God looked down the corridors of time and chose each of us who’d become His Body.
He did not try to improve us or to change us by making our fallen, sin-nature better.
God still gave His new creation a free-will, but man also had an old sin nature.
The old sin nature meant that man could NEVER, EVER do what pleased God, but alongside the old sin nature was the new nature in Christ – the new life of Christ.
Imputed Sin Nature
NOW, think this through... Adam was created innocent and sinless – but had the capacity to choose NOT to sin. Adam could have chosen not to sin – He was ABLE not to sin but he chose to sin.
Adam chose to sin, and the sin nature from him passed on to all his offspring.
So now, every member of the human race has an imputed sin nature – from Adam.
Imputed and Inherent Sin
So things are very different for us. We are created new creatures in Christ – not innocent, but saved by grace through faith.
We commit sins.
We have imputed sin and we have inherent sin.
As sinners we do not have the ability not to sin because sin is a part of who we are.
Innocent and Sinless
The old life we still retain – the old, fallen sin nature is totally incapable.
It falls far short of the glory of God, and the wages of sin is death.
However, Christ was born innocent and sinless but also had the capacity not to sin.
Christ AS God – was NOT ABLE to sin.
God is perfect and sinless, and unable to sin.
Christ AS MAN was ABLE NOT to sin – but he COULD have sinned as a MAN.
Christ could have chosen to sin like Adam chose to sin – but Christ chose obedience..
What a privileged position! Those baptised into this position by the Spirit at rebirth are seen as perfect as Christ! Believers in Christ are forgiven their sins, and clothed in the righteousness of Christ.
In Acts 26:18 we read: by faith in Christ they may receive forgiveness of sins and a share among those who are sanctified, while in Romans 6:19 we read: just as you offered the parts of yourselves as slaves to moral impurity, and to greater and greater lawlessness, so now offer them as slaves to righteousness, which results in sanctification.
Unto Him that loveth us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and hath made us a kingdom of priests unto God and His Father, to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever (Rev. 1:5, 6).
Every member of the human race was born in Adam – and that’s every single person. Everyone with a human mother and human father came to be – through natural birth. Every person was born with a sin nature and all have sinned – so all are condemned. And the consequences of this condemnation is death – eternal separation from God.
Romans 5:12-14
In Romans 5:12-21 Paul spells out our positional identification in Adam or in Christ:- When Adam sinned, sin entered the world.
Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned.
But it was not counted as sin because there was not yet any law to break. Still, everyone died—from the time of Adam to the time of Moses—even those who did not disobey an explicit commandment of God, as Adam did.
But there is a great difference between Adam’s sin and God’s gracious gift.
For the sin of this one man, Adam, brought death to many.
Romans 5:16-18
The result of God’s gracious gift is very different from the result of that one man’s sin.
For Adam’s sin led to condemnation, but God’s free gift leads to our being made right with God, even though we are guilty of many sins.
For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many.
But even greater is God’s wonderful gift of grace and His gift of righteousness - for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one Man, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:19
Yes, Adam’s one sin brings condemnation for everyone, but Christ’s one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone.
So as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death – now God’s wonderful grace rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 5:12-21
it is the lifelong uniform of a believer in this world of suffering and sin.
One reason for powerless prayer is not applying 1 John 1 9 – by first confessing sins.
The veil of the Temple was rent from top to bottom giving access to the Father. What an amazing privilege we have as believers to petition the throne of heaven – but God wants all His children to stay in fellowship by admitting their sins to Him.
Prayer an Intercessions
When others harm me or cause pain me or falsely accuse me I pray, “Father forgive,” When I have sinned or discredited my Lord – I confess my sin at His heavenly throne.
As I sweep out the house, I pray that my heart be cleansed from all its impurities; I pray that the Spirit will search me and know my heart and identify my faults – I pray for unbelievers who are dead in sins that the Spirit convict the of their need.
God’s Plan
What God predestines are unchangeable plans made in His eternal council chambers. Christ was predestined to be God’s perfect sacrifice for the sin of the whole world. Paul was predestined before the ages, to speak God’s wisdom in a hidden mystery.
We think we shall not go far wrong if we say this has been the experience of almost every believer that has ever lived. Ironically, the condition of the old sin nature dictates that this will be the case. So much of a believers’ searching for the peace of God sinks into the pit of despair!
We are born with an old sin nature, which is an enmity With God.
Once that man becomes a believer he has two natures: 1) a gross, mature, arrogant sin nature and 2) a new little 'baby nature in Christ.
God not never no-how will change that old nature to become the new nature. God only will change, develop and conform our new, little baby nature, in Christ. That old sin nature (that old Adamic nature) the 'old man' must die, daily.
Being born again does not remove the old sin nature, but being born again does give the believer power over it.
Dying Daily
The old sin nature has to be crucified and remain in the place of crucifixion..
Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh is at rest from sin (Phil. 2:5, Wey; 1 Pet. 4:1m).
If we seek to deal with sin by reckoning at the moment it becomes an issue.
Our stand and attitude from the beginning of each day is to be a settled matter as we rest in our risen Lord Jesus: the death of the Cross separates me from the enslavement of sin and self, and I continually abide in my new life, Christ Jesus.
Sin is the gratification of self, but he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from the domination of sin.'
You are now in conflict with sin - not going along with it; you suffer in the flesh, and have ceased from the practice of sin. -C.A.C.
Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! (John 1:29 NIV).
What is the sin of the world?
You may not think so; you may not see it: but I would ask you to consider again and see if all that is called sin cannot be traced to this, if it is not this in some form of expression.
The Spirit convicts us of sins that we may be convinced of God’s cleansing.
How can I do so, some may be saying, as my sorrow is the fruit of my sin?
If it was suffering for righteousness' sake, then I would, but I am suffering for my sin; and can I, in the integrity of my heart towards God, take my sorrows to Him, knowing I deserve them?
There has been perfect atonement for all my sins; Christ has been judged for them.
If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin (1 John 1:7).
It may come in the way of difficulties in the path of faith; or in the shape of such trials and sorrows as are common to all men - loss of property, loss of health, or bereavement; or it may be as the governmental consequences of sin; but in one way or other all have it.
Even when we were dead in sins, God has quickened us together with Christ, (by grace you are saved)Ephesians 2:5
Carnal Creatures
We were rotten through and through – at enmity with our Creator God and Saviour. We were carnal creatures with degrading desires – with fleshly propensity to filth. We were sin-soaked in trespasses and on the way to an eternal separation from God.
Deserving of Wrath
We were sinners by our actions and attitudes – imputed with sin and inherently sinful.
We were dead in our sins, disobedient to God and deserving of wrath and judgement.
Reality of Sin
Isaiah’s description of backsliding Israel is equally illustrative of what we used to be: From the sole of your foot to the top of your head, there’s no soundness evident — only bruises, sores, and festering wounds, that haven’t been cleaned out, or bandaged, or treated with oil.” Isaiah 1:6 No!
He has not dealt with us as our sins deserve, or repaid us according to our offences, for as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His faithful love toward those who fear Him. Psalm 103
We were physically alive but dead in our sins – spiritually separated from God.
Saved by Grace
Even when we were dead in trespasses and sins God quickened us; He made us alive; He gave us spiritual life together with Christ, and raised us up to heavenly places and gave us every spiritual blessing.
Just as a sinner is taught to rest in the Lord Jesus' shed Blood for his forgiveness, so must the saint rest in the Lord Jesus for his deliverance from the power of sin and the grip of the law - yes, and from himself, also.
Therefore we should not be in bondage to sin, for he that hath died (and that is everyone who is in the Lord Jesus) is justified (or released) from (the power of) sin' (Rom. 6:7); and we are now under grace, which does not demand righteousness of us, for the Lord Jesus was made unto us righteousness and sanctification and redemption (1 Cor. 1:30).
But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members (Rom. 7:23).
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death (Rom. 8:2).
Any time there is effort involved in the matter of resisting sin, we can be sure that we are depending to some extent upon the flesh, instead of resting in the finished work of the Cross.
The question is How are we to meet sin?' Reckon yourselves dead unto sin.' The moment that you begin to fight with it - no matter how resolutely you may struggle against it - that moment you begin to experience sin as your master.
For it is then that we forsake our true position, which is one of freedom from sin as a master.
Let us be fully abiding in the One who is Life, and sin when it acts, will find us dead to it. -E.H.
We shall never know the fact of the Lord Jesus' victory in our lives until we are prepared to count upon His work on the Cross as the source of our personal freedom from the dominion of sin and the old man within.
Voice of Warning
We are to be God’s voice of warning to a lost world that is dead in their sins. We are to be ambassadors of the Lord, entrusted with a ministry of reconciliation.
Eternal Significance
God made peace with us by grace, through faith in the one perfect sacrifice for sin, and we are entrusted with a holy office – entreating the world to receive salvation.
The former, to recognise they are a sinner and need a Saviour; the latter to confess their sins and return back into fellowship with God.
The former to turn from their sins and to have peace with God; the latter to return from their transgressions back into fellowship with Him.
Christ, Who knew no sin, was made SIN so that sin in its entirety was dealt with. He did not become a sinner – He became SIN, so that we could be clothed in His righteousness. He was made a Sin-offering; a sacrifice for the sins the world committed – so that sinners who believe in Him would not perish but be reconciled to God.
Work of God’s Spirit
He convicted us of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.
Moment by moment we understand that His grace is all-embracing. God does not deal with man according to his sins, He does not reward us according to our iniquities. Psalm 103:10
We have no longer conscience of sins before God, because He Himself has taken them away before His eyes; we know that being united to the Lord Jesus Christ, who has fully glorified God in that which concerns our sins, we have been made the righteousness of God in Him.
It is as knowing the Lord Jesus to be precious to our souls, with our eyes and hearts being occupied with Him, that we will be effectually kept from being taken up with the vanity and sin around.
And this too will be our strength against the sin and corruption within.
Whatever I see in myself that is not in Him, is sin.
It is not in thinking upon my own sins that will humble me, but thinking of the Lord Jesus and dwelling upon the excellencies in Him.
We are entitled to forget ourselves - we are entitled to confess and forget our sins - we are entitled to forget all but the Lord Jesus.
You were set free from the tyranny of sin (Rom. 6:18, Wey.).
Believers may be in bondage because of deception or ignorance of the full scope of their inheritance in the Lord Jesus, or because they have not, according to Romans 6:11, reckoned themselves dead to sin and alive unto God in Jesus Christ our Lord. -F.J.H.
He grasps the rescue rope flung to him by the right hand of Omnipotence, and with humble thankfulness sets out to learn how he can reckon himself dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God in Jesus Christ our Lord.
The believer will not be ready to enter into his spiritual rest until he is utterly worn out by his unsuccessful efforts to conquer sin and the old man.
For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, it is much more [certain], now that we are reconciled, that we shall be saved [daily delivered from sin's dominion] through His [resurrection] life (Rom. 5:10, Amp.).
When death has exceeded every other evil power sin, suffering, sorrow, and destruction, then God's unique and exclusive answer is the only hope, and the one answer.
Changeless Character
God gives us simple instructions and yet they are diametrically opposed to man’s logic and the sin nature, for our fleshly sin nature is in conflict against God’s Spirit and the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God, but if we don’t know His character and His plan for humanity, how can we trust Him?
John 16:33 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution in this world. 2 Timothy 3:12 Satan has blinded the hearts of those that are perishing and lost in their sins, but the venom of Satan’s spiritual realm is specifically targeting two creations – Israel – the old creation in Jacob; and the Church – the New Creation in Christ.
And through Christ we have receive the law of the Spirit of life, which has freed us from the power of sin that leads to death.
Chapter 5: the glories of trusting Christ, contrasting the old life under law with the new life under grace, and Chapter 6: as slaves of Christ we are no longer slaves to sin and death.
The reason most Christians have to go through the Romans chapter 7 experience, is by living under the wrong law – living under the destructive law of sin and death rather than the liberating law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
A Beautiful Understanding
It is only when a believer comes to the point of true wretchedness of soul and inner brokenness and despair, that in desperation he is able to cry: who can deliver me from this body of sin? Only then can he come to an understanding that of himself he can do nothing, but that in Christ I can do all things..
Fully Man
Were Christ not fully man He could not have redeemed humanity; broken the curse of sin and death; imputed believers with His own righteousness; given us eternal life and reunited us forever with God the Father our Creator.
But Christ is both the Root and the Offspring of David breaking forever the curse of sin and death – and imputing on all who believe His own perfect righteousness – giving us eternal life and reuniting us forever with God – our Father and Creator.
He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.2Corinthians 5:21
Dead in Sin
We are not sinners because we sin.
We sin because we are sinners.
My pride wants to say I am a good person, but God sees me as I am – a sinner; born dead in trespasses and sins; born with an inherent sin nature; born in enmity with the Father; born in desperate need of a Saviour.
But as the authorised leader under God’s authority, it was Adam’s responsibility – and Adam choose to join her in sin, and fellowship with his Lord was severed.
Sin Nature
Adam chose to disregard God’s word of truth, which is rebellion against God, but the day of his disobedience was the day man’s sin nature became a reality – for the seed of the man became tainted with sin and his progeny are tainted with sin. We are not sinners because we sin – we sin because we are sinners. We sin because we are born of Adam’s sinful seed, dead in sins – estranged from God.
Eternal Separation
The federal head chose to sin, unaware of the eternal consequence of his choice, for the wages of sin is separation and so all his seed were condemned to damnation. Adam was created for fellowship with the Lord but sin separated his spirit from God.
Rescue Strategy
We are not sinners because we sin – we sin because we are a race of sinners.
Sinless Sacrifice
God alone is good, so God alone could save – but God is Spirit and man is flesh, and only a perfect Man could reach God on behalf of sinful, sin-infected man.
Only a sinless sacrifice, willing to die for His people, could pay the price for sin.
He made Him, who knew no sin, to be sin on our behalf – so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2Cor5:21
God, Who alone is righteous became the only righteous man that ever lived, for the rest of humanity are sinful, sin-infected people.
He alone was the only One Who could pay the price for sinful, sin-infected man and the many sins that each sinful man committed.
And so the One who knew no sin – the One Who did not sin, HE BECAME SIN on our behalf, and the wrath of God was poured out on Him in full measure – upon that sinless God-Man, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2Cor.5:21
When we do not abide in Him, our own fleshly acts are not acceptable to God, for the flesh works in us, both to will and to do for our own evil satisfaction – such are the unrighteous acts of our old sin nature.
Righteous acts don’t have their source in my old sin nature but in the new life in Christ: for in myself I can do no good thing, for all my righteousness is from the Lord… not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ – the righteousness which is from God by faith.” Philippians 3:9
Christ’s Followers
Christ also had a great following of disciples – those who were learning from Him. We read of 12 disciples and many women – secret disciples, like Joseph of Aramathea. Some who were called disciples were believers and others did not believe in Him. Some believed He was the Son of God like Peter, and were saved – some didn’t believe, like Judas, and died in their sins.
John even wrote his gospel to show that Jesus, the Word made flesh and Son of God, is the Messiah, Who died for our sins so that we might live, by simply believing on Him.
Just remember this: any victory over the power of any sin whatsoever that you have to get by working for it is counterfeit.
Our hope for freedom from the power of sin is not Christ plus my efforts,' but Christ plus my receiving.' To receive victory from Him is to believe His Word that solely by grace He is, this moment, freeing us from the dominion of sin.
It is wholly because we died with Him on the Cross, but unto sin and unto the whole legal principle, that sin's power for those in Him is broken.
And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath He made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses (Col. 2:13).
And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.”1Peter 4:8
Sin Separates
What is in a name?
But what of sin?
Some would argue that a SIN out of sight is a sin out of mind.
Others place overwhelming import on one sin..
Most of us are conditioned to point our index finger, at the overt sin we see in society, without seeing the three curling fingers pointing inwards to ourselves – to the covert sin hidden deep within our heart.
Sin is Toxic
The central letter of that little word S-I-N is “I” = “ME” = “MYSELF”. That hidden, secret sin is laid buried deep within the very being of man.
That furtive sin, which seeps like a toxic poison into the very soul of man; that private sin concealed from all others bites at the very heart of man..
The clandestine sin that feeds one's ego so satisfyingly, separates us from God..
Sin of Pride
The first sin committed by the exulted heart of the anointed cherub was one of pride. The arrogant, “I wills” of a falling angel who sought to elevate him to the status of God.
The “Eye” of Sin
And yet this sin we so despise in this precocious angelic being, can ofttimes be the downfall of the most gracious saint. It can stain the garments of the most kindly heart, for a proud look or haughty eyes is identified as one of the six things that God most hates in us.
This hateful crime of pride is ofttimes couched within the ‘eye‘ of SIN.
as I seek to discover the awful truth about my own faults and failings, I need to turn to the Spirit of grace and truth and cry out as did King David:- Search me and know me, cried the man after God’s own heart, cleanse me from my secret faults – my sin, know my heart: Try me, and know my thoughts.” Psalm 19:12
At this critical time in our spiritual walk, when the Lord is at the very door. We would do well examine ourselves as never before. We need to see if secret sins have crept deep into our hearts. SEARCH ME OH GOD.
for only a true descendant of the physical seed of Abraham could go to the cross as the perfect Man, Who would shed His sinless blood – to save His people from their sins.
Cloak of Pretence
Is your ‘old man’ crucified on the cross? Is your ‘old sin nature’ nailed to the tree? Are you allowing the ‘new man in Christ‘ to be daily conformed into His image?
How often our old sin nature climbs down from that crucified position.
This old sin nature is the tool that Satan uses most frequently against a believer.
One may have stolen from a loved one to furnish a hidden sin or craving..
Not Guilt
Sins are forever forgiven at the point of salvation.
Work of God
Jesus said: this is the work of God, that ye believe on Him whom He hath sent.” John 6:29 Believe in Him for the forgiveness of your sins – believe Him that through life’s trials you are being changed into his likeness..
Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for His seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.1 John 3:9
The power of sin and death in the lives of all believers was broken forever at the cross, and so we are enabled to live a life of holiness – a life that is “set apart unto God”.
Born-again Life
When we were reborn, we received a brand new baby life – our new life in Christ, but the old sin nature will remain in our dying bodies until we are glorified – until Christ comes to take us home to heaven.
But the old nature seeks to regain supremacy over our new life in Christ. Only the new, born-again life that is positioned in Christ is positionally sanctified – and Only that new born-again life in Christ can be progressively or practically sanctified. The old sin nature is incapable of godly living.
The old sin nature is incapable of being sanctified.
Sinless Perfection
It was John who said that whoever abides in Christ does not sin – nor can sin. This has nothing to do with the erroneous teaching of “sinless perfection..” This verse simply refers to the new life in Christ – the new life does not sin. The sinless life of Christ that is imputed to all believers, does not sin..
Old Sin Nature
However, the believer who does not abide in Christ, and has not set their life apart unto God will live from the source of the old sin nature, which can do nothing but sin!! The believer’s old sinful life can never be sanctified, for it is riddled with sin. There is nothing in the old sin nature that is acceptable to God and any attempts to set apart our old sin nature unto God will utterly fail. Until we go to be with the Lord, both the old sin nature and the new life in Christ are in bitter conflict – for the spirit lusts against the flesh and the flesh against the spirit.
Crowd of Witnesses
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses, who lived by faith – such as Joshua and the Israelites who obediently did all that God commanded them to do... let us like them obey what God has asked us to do, which is to strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up – the sin of unbelief….
We are those who accept Christ as their only hope for deliverance from sin and death.
God’s seal is an expression of our certain deliverance from sin and death.
Seal of Certainty
God’s seal is an expression of the certainty of our protection from evil. God’s seal is an expression of the certainty of our promised inheritance. God’s seal is an expression of the certainty of His ownership of our lives, for we are His purchased possession – bought with the blood of Jesus Christ – Who bought us with His own blood... Who bore our sins in His own body and Who redeemed us from the curse of the law and became our purchase price.
Christ died for our SINS according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.1 Corinthians 15:3
Knowing this, that our old man has been crucified with Him in order that the body of SIN might be annulled, that we may no longer serve sin as slaves.Romans 6:6
Two Fundamentals
There is too little emphasis and understanding on the difference between SINS and SIN. Both are fundamental problems in the life of a believer, but there is a solution to both.
It is vital that we come to an understanding of the difference between SINS and SIN.
SINS are individual transgressions carried out against God, in thought, word or deed.
SIN or the SIN NATURE is an inherited power within that causes us to sin against God.
We require forgiveness FOR our sins.
We require deliverance FROM our sin, but both forgiveness and deliverance are found in the cross of Christ.
In 1 Corinthians we read that Christ died for our SINS – He paid the price for our sins.
Every transgression in action or attitude are sins for which Christ died on the cross.
Every sin we ever commit falls into the category of SINS – sins that we have committed.
Transgression in thought, word, or deed are sins against God, and need forgiveness.
Confessed SinsSins are wrong actions we carry out.
Sins are ungodly attitudes that mar our witness. When believers sin we should immediately confess that particular sin to the Father – and God is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from unrighteousness. In 1 John 1:7 we read that the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin. Every sin we carry out is a violation against God – and it needs to be confessed.
Forgiveness of sins
But God in His love and justice has provided a solution for the sins we commit.
The remedy God has provided for the SINS we commit – is forgiveness of sins – but they can only be forgiven when an innocent sacrifice dies in our stead.
Christ’s innocent blood was God’s required purchase price for the forgiveness of sins, and the only way to access God’s forgiveness of sins – is to believe on Christ.
Sin Nature
Then there’s the issue of SIN – the problem of sin; the principle of sin; the power of sin.
Sin in the singular, has to do with the controlling power that sin has over our lives.
Sin in the singular relates to the sin nature – that was passed to all men via Adam.
Imputed Sin
An inherited sin nature is imputed sin; 'the old man'.
which is passed to all humanity, but God in His love and grace has provided a solution for the old sin nature, in Adam – and the solution is to be taken out of Adam and placed into Christ – by faith: for as by the one man’s disobedience (Adam) the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s obedience (Christ) the many will be made righteous. Romans 5:19,
Deliverance FROM Sin
The remedy that God has provided for SIN is deliverance through crucifixion. The old sin nature is cut off at the place of death – as we remain 'in Christ'.
The problem, principle, and power of sin is also dealt with at the cross: knowing this, that our old man has been crucified with Christ in order that the body of SIN might be annulled, that we may no longer serve sin as slaves Romans 6:6
Placed in Christ
When we were born again, we were placed in Christ – baptised into His body. When we were born again we were moved from being 'in Adam' to being 'in Christ.' When we were 'in Adam' we were imputed with Adam’s old sin nature, but when we were reborn 'into Christ' we were imputed with His righteousness. Sin shall not have dominion over you, for ye are not under the law, but under grace. Romans 6:14
New Creatures
When Christ died on the cross, we were 'in Him' – and our old self was also crucified. Our sinful self was crucified with Christ, so sin lost its controlling power in our lives.
Christ gained power over sin and death in our lives, when He died and rose again, because we are new creatures in Christ we are no longer in slavery to sin.
Cross of Christ
The problem, principle, and power of sin in our lives, was dealt with at the cross. Because we were crucified with Christ, we are set free from sin’s vice-like power. We require forgiveness for our SINS – and it is PAID IN FULL. We require deliverance from our SIN – and it is PAID IN FULL. Both forgiveness and deliverance is found in the cross of Christ.
By Grace Through Faith
It is by grace that we have received forgiveness of our sins. It is by grace that we have been delivered from the power of sin . Remember:There are 2 fundamental SIN problems, but BOTH are dealt with at the cross of Christ. It is by grace through faith in Christ that we appropriate forgiveness – of SINS. It is by grace through faith in Christ that we appropriate deliverance – from SIN.
Under the pressure of life and burden of sin, the troubled soul seeks holy solitude.
Make no excuse for your failings and sin, but confess: for if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9
He struggles to curb his sins and tries to live righteously.
Our sins are dealt with by the Blood, but we ourselves are dealt with by the Cross.
There is much prayer for revival,' and much effort for the deepening of the spiritual life.' The only answer to this is a new knowing of the Cross, not only as to sins and a life of victory over them, but as to Christ as supplanting the natural man. -T.
A Study:- Man’s Nature and Destiny
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, but we can resist Him. The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth, but we can grieve Him. The Holy Spirit achieves His purpose through us, but we can quench Him. The Holy Spirit feeds us with His healing words of life, but we can neglect it – but in all our life and in all our pain, He is never far from us.
Silent in Love
The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, but we can resist Him.
When the Corinthians were brought into the Church they left behind their obvious sins, but they carried over into their new realm the old, natural ways of thinking and reasoning which belonged to the world and not to the Spirit of God.
Some think the sins of their youth have been translated into their present pain.
Satan has sabotaged God’s beautiful creation and made it into a sin-sick world – and malicious, malevolent Satan means it for evil against you – and all God loves.
Nehemiah and Daniel
Nehemiah wept in prayer over Jerusalem, repenting of the sins of his nation, and Nehemiah reminded God of His promises to His people.
Daniel interceded for the city of Jerusalem, identifying with the sins of his people Israel – and Daniel pleaded with God that past prophecies should come to fulfilment.
That His death procured the payment of sin's debt, so that the debt being paid, the believer might be in a position to keep the law, and that, accordingly, the law, and not the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus,' might be the believer's rule of life. -H.F.W.
The Word of God is the only standard of how a Christian is to mature. 1 Peter 2:1 tells us that laying aside all malice, all deceit, all hypocrisy, all envy, and all evil speaking, you will grow and in very simple language, this means, that putting all sin away or choosing not to sin will cause us to grow.
But when we do fall into sin John comes to the rescue: for if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9.
Desire the Milk
The apostle Peter tells us that a little baby has a great appetite for nourishment and believers likewise should desire the pure milk of God’s Word, which will result in growth: Therefore, laying aside all sin, as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the Word, that you may grow thereby. 1 Peter 2:2. Every believer starts their Christian life on the way to maturity, but Hebrews warns us that many fall by the wayside due to life’s circumstances; feelings; wrong doctrine; lack of teaching or biased perceptions.
Fellowship God
However all the apostles of Christ beseech us to lay aside sin; to confess our sins; to grow in grace and to walk in the light, so that we can prevent our growth from becoming stunted and enjoy sweet fellowship with Father.
Walk in the Light
For if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.
As our Substitute He went to the Cross alone, without us, to pay the penalty of our sins; as our Representative He took us with Him to the Cross, and there, in the sight of God, we all died together with the Lord Jesus.
The Holy Spirit so unites us to Christ that Christian experience becomes a reproduction in us of the essential facts of Christ's fourfold revelation He died unto sin: with Him we died (Col. 2:20).
Paul’s Discovery
There was a time in Paul’s life when he did not know or appropriate this truth – for in Romans chapter 7, Paul himself cried out Oh wretched man that I am… who shall deliver me from this body of sin – and Paul discovered the answer – I thank God!
Prophesied Redeemer
Had the Lord Jesus been anything but fully human, many of the prophecies of Scripture would have remained unfulfilled for only as man’s Kinsman-Redeemer, Who was like unto His brothers in every way – (and yet was without sin), could the Lord Jesus Christ have become our Saviour, and obediently carry out the demands of a holy God, in submission to His Father – and in so doing give His life as a ransom for many.
and that His adoptive father was to call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins.
But it required Him to become the willing sacrifice for sin – for the sake of all sinners.
Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey.. either slaves of sin, which leads to death – or slaves of obedience, which leads to righteousness?
We are to put off all sin, which hinders maturity, and we are to confess our sin to maintain fellowship God.
Under Grace
Paul reminds us that in this church dispensation: you are not under the law, but under grace, Romans 6:14 and warns us:- do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God..
In very simple language we are, to lay aside all sin..
to put all sin away, which is achieved by living, walking and growing in grace – by becoming more like Jesus.
We are to put off all sin, which hinders spiritual growth, and remain in fellowship with the Lord, by keeping a short reign on our sins – i.e.
by quickly confessing any sin we commit, to our Father in heaven.
I praise Thee, Lord,For cleansing me from sin;Fulfil Thy Word,And make me pure within.Fill me with fireWhere once I burned with shame;Grant my desireTo magnify Thy Name.
therefore … let us strip off the sin which so easily ensnares us”Hebrews 12: 1
Run the Race
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.
Hebrews 12 gives instructions on how to become a witness that lives by faith as well - lay aside every weight -lay aside the sin which so easily ensnares us, and run with endurance the race that is set before us.
One Sin
We must strip off all encumbrances that weigh us down and shackle us to this world.
We are to put away all that diverts us away from faith in God and trust in Christ – and we are then directed to strip off the one sin, which so easily ensnares us.
Besetting Sin
But what is this one sin that so easily ensnares us all?
Many erroneously assume that it is some sin in their life with which they struggle.
Many search their hearts to discover a particular sin they think is their specific sin.
Men have lived a lifetime – trying to identify and lay aside their own ‘besetting’ sin.
The book of Hebrews clearly identifies the sin that does so easily beset us.
The sin that so easily ensnares us all is a lack of trust in God.
The sin that hinders our Christian life and our walk with the Lord is a lack of faith.
Trust in Christ
The sin that trips us up and clings so closely is unbelief – as exemplified in Israel, for without faith it is impossible to please God.
Hebrews 12:1 The besetting sin of so many maturing believers is a lack of faith in God’s Word, because the focus of so many believers is trust in self and not trust in Christ.
the One of Whom ALL scripture speaks and points to. Christ is the Great High Priest – the One and Only Perfect Sacrifice for sin. Christ, it the Majestic King, the Eternal King, the Righteous King, the Anointed King.
We know that our old sinful selves were CRUCIFIED with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives.
We are no longer slaves to sin.Romans 6:6
Romans 5 and 6
In Romans chapter 5 we are told that sin is dealt with by the BLOOD of Christ. In Romans chapter 6 we see that sin is dealt with by the CROSS of Christ. In Romans chapter 5 the BLOOD of Christ removes us from the penalty of our sins – we are forgiven by the shedding of Christ’s blood. In Romans chapter 6 the CROSS of Christ removes us from the power of sin – we are delivered of sin’s power because we are in Christ – identified with His cross.
Unsaved Sinner
The unsaved sinner is the one that is justified by the blood of the Lord Jesus. We are justified and made righteous by the remission of our sins through Christ’s blood.
It is the shedding of Christ’s blood alone that has the power to forgive our sins, for the blood of Christ is the required payment for the sins of the sinner.
We are no longer under the curse of sin for the wages of sin have been paid in blood.
Saved Believer
The saved believer is the one that is delivered from sin’s power by the cross of Christ.
Our union and identification with Him, breaks the power of sin at the cross. It is the cross of Christ that breaks sin's power in us, through identification with Him.
It is this identification of the believer with Christ that severs the power of sin in our life.
Our identification with the cross of Christ breaks the inherent power of sin in a believer. We are no longer under slavery to sin for it was broken by the power of the cross.
Both the forgiveness of sins and deliverance from sin are gifts of grace to all believers – and we appropriate both forgiveness and deliverance by faith in Christ's sacrifice.
Sin & SinsThe cross of Christ is the remedy for sin – our sin nature. The blood of Christ is the remedy for sins – sins we commit.
Producer & ProductThe cross of Christ deals with the producer of sin.
The blood of Christ deals with the product of sins.
Cause & EffectThe cross of Christ sorts out the cause of sin in our lives – the sin nature. The blood of Christ sorts out the effect of the sin nature – the sins we commit.
Root & FruitThe cross of Christ severs us from the root of sin – the essence of sin. The blood of Christ disposes of the fruit of sin – the acts of sin.
Tendency & ExhibitsThe cross of Christ deals with our tendency and disposition towards sin. The blood of Christ deals with the exhibits of sin through our acts and attitudes.
Nature & ManifestationThe cross of Christ deals with our inherited sin nature – The blood of Christ deals with the manifestation of our inherited sin – our sins.
Justified and Delivered
Now that we have been justified by his BLOOD, how much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God. We know that our old sinful selves were CRUCIFIED with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives.
Forgiveness of Sin
No-one who isn’t covered, cleansed, redeemed, forgiven, born again can overcome.
For without the blood of Jesus, there is no forgiveness of sin, and without the blood of Christ, there is no communion with God.
Overcoming the Enemy
Without the blood of Jesus, no one can defeat Satan, sin, and death.
The blood of Jesus is often only seen in the context of forgiveness of sins, but there is more that this cleansing flood has achieved in a believer’s life.
Horn of Salvation
The prophets foretold of the coming Messiah King, Who would destroy the enemies of Israel, sit on the throne of His father David – and deliver His people from their sins.
Kingdom of God
Jesus had been with the disciples for three wonderful years, but He was leaving. He was to return to heaven after He had paid the full price for the sin of the world. The disciples knew He was their Messiah.
For the growing believer it means daily crucifixion, and at the same time freedom from the penalty and the power of sin and self.
As this great principle opens up to us, it will help us to understand how in our life, and in our fellowship with the Lord Jesus, it is impossible for us to share the fulness of His life until we have first in very deed surrendered ourselves every day as having died to sin and the world.
Crucified with Christ
The old sin nature, which can demonstrate wicked ways, was crucified with Christ.
The old sin nature, which can also display religious piety, was crucified with Christ, and the new nature in Christ now lives in us – old ways are done away with.
I pray before You now, day and night, for the children of Israel Your servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel which we have sinned against You. (Nehemiah 1:6)
Fathomless Love
The love of God stoops down to the sin-encrusted earth from His hallowed heaven. The love of God scrapes up from humankind the sick, suffering, sin-stained sinner. The love of God rakes from the pit of hell, fallen sons and daughters of Adam.
Offering For Sin
And yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief.
When You make His soul an offering for sin, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in His hand.
That extra feature where we cannot just be occupied with faults and be people of a criticizing attitude, the extra feature with a love which covers a multitude of sins.
But there is also a wider world that is in equal need of redemption from sin and everlasting life from above. There was the intriguing story of Moses the prophet, who was raised up by God to lead His people out of Egyptian bondage, and to guide them safely them through their wilderness walk, who declared:- the Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from among your own people.
Great High Priest
We read of Melchizedek, who was priest and king of Salem and Aaron the high priest of Israel, whose individual lives and unique characters were types of our great and eternal High Priest – Who down through the centuries has been interceding for His church – for we do not have a High Priest Who is unable to sympathise with our weaknesses, but in every respect has been tempted as we are – yet without sin.
Rejected Saviour
The first time the king of glory visited the earth to redeem His people from their sins He came as a helpless baby, born in a humble stable and lived a simple life as a poor carpenter, until He was finally rejected and cruelly crucified by those He came to save.
Humble Repentance
He also sees the secret thoughts of the heart and the hidden sins that mar our lives. This should not disturb us but rather, it should lead us to mourn for our foolish wrongdoing. It should cause us to run to Him for forgiveness with a humble and repentant heart. It will bring us back into fellowship with the Lord and keep our heart pure before Him. The ever-watchful eye of our Father should rejoice our heart and influence our walk.
To be weighed down by evil in a Christ-rejecting sin-sick world. To be able to stay and to stand in such a school of discipline - to be able with His grace, to say.. The cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it - is this not faith at its highest success? Is this not faith at its crowning pinnacle?
Cross to Carry
Great faith is not so much seen in the ability to do. Great faith is exhibited in the willingness to suffer with patient endurance. To have a God of compassion and empathy we need to have a suffering Saviour, Who in all points was tested like as we are, Yet without sin, for Who but the heart of Him could understand the suffering we choose to bear.
Sin of Unforgiveness
Many people complain that they can’t forgive or they will not forgive, Yet the sin of unforgiveness so often entraps our souls with dark bitterness.
Forgiveness unfastens the shackles of selfishness.” Paul reminds us that: “God forgave us ALL our sins” Col.2:13 – only one of which is sufficient to secure the eternal wages of death and hell.
Heavenly Quality
Forgiveness is a beautiful heavenly quality that touches the heart of God, When you fully recognise how the Father has forgiven you of your sins – it becomes not only easier to forgive – but a vital necessity.
God’s Forgiveness
Yes, we are certainly supposed to love and forgive those that sin against us, yet forgiveness does not come easily to any one of us. It is the Holy Spirit Who is the One, Who can fill our hearts with God’s love and forgiveness.
Everything of sin results in misery, depression, hurt, pain and disappointment, while all that comes from God is good, pure, holy, just, gracious, and loving. This truth permeates the warp and weft of scripture… from beginning to end. “If our faith were but more simple, we would take Him at His Word..”
Born to Die
He was born to die – that men might live. He was born to be made vile sin – that sinners might be made pure and perfect. He was born to be broken – that sin-shattered man might be made whole. He was born to be wounded – that damaged, traumatised man might be made new. He was born to bring the despairing, comfort, hope and joy that was lost in Eden’s realm. He came to bind up and to heal the broken, bloodied, wounded heart.
deliverance from Sin.. deliverance from all Sin.. deliverance from all the effects of Sin.. deliverance from all the power of Sin.. deliverance from all the effects and all the power of all sin – deliverance from sin, which is the great cause of shame, guilt, misery, suffering, damnation and death.
Fear was the first sin-soaked emotion felt by the first fallen, sin-soaked man.
Prideful man, who needs but to acknowledge his sin.
Disintegrating Disease
The same sick sin, that reared its ugly satanic, serpentine skull in the garden, is the same disintegrating disease that destroys mankind today.
That sin starts with pride, 'I will be as God' – 'I will be my own god and do it my way'.
Sin exposes the nakedness of our sin, but God provides the covering of righteousness: for unto you is born a Saviour, Who is Christ the Lord.
This should never be, for we have a great God Who not only died to save us from our sin but Who promised to supply all our needs, according to His gracious riches.
It was grace in its fullness that caused the Godhead to look down the corridors of time and purpose an eternal plan that would redeem a sinful race of humanity from sin.
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.
The good news is for those that believe and the bad news is for those that do not. The biblical gospel teaches man in totally is depraved and due to sin we all have missed the mark, and as a result are alienated from God and separated from Him. The bad news of the biblical gospel is that all have sinned and are deserving of death.
All are without hope and without God in a world of sin.
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and the wages of sin, for all is death.
He also knew that spiritual death which is caused by sin, means separation from God: They are excluded from the life of God because of ignorance and hardness of heart. Men are separated from God and life, because of pride and the blindness of their heart. He who has the Son has life.
Redemption Plan
Re-union with God requires the death of Another – and until Christ’s blood streamed from His veins at Calvary, the blood of an innocent lamb was to cover sin-stained man.
The Bad News
The bad news of the biblical gospel is that all have sinned and are deserving of death. All have missed the mark – all are separated from God – all are sinners to the core. All are spiritually dead – all are without hope and without God in a world of sin. But only when the bad news of the gospel is seen in its proper context – where sin separates man from God forever – does the good news of the gospel come into view. So what is the good news of the gospel of salvation that is open to every man? What is the good news for those that believe in Jesus Christ – the Son of God?
Christ died for our sins and the proof of His death was that He was buried for 3 days. He also rose again and the proof of His resurrection was that He was seen for 40 days.
He identified with man and died for mans’ sins and took the punishment man deserved.
He became sin for us – He became our substitute sacrifice, to satisfy the justice of God.
Full Salvation
We are to rely on His work on the cross to save us from sin and death and hell.
Death and Resurrection
Without His death on the cross, our sins would not have been atoned for and we would remain unforgiven sinners – dead in our sins and separated forever from a holy God.
Specified Peace
The race of man to whom the angels had been sent were ‘children of wrath’, who were at enmity with the Creator – dead in their sins and without any hope in the world. The peace of which the angels sang was not a universal peace, with goodwill to all men, but a specified peace for men of goodwill – peace with God – through His Son. The peace that was proclaimed by the angelic host was the perfect peace of God, which is the right of those that trust in Christ – the only begotten Son of the Father.
Faithful Remnant
But as a nation, Israel rebelled against their God and did evil in the sight of the Lord. Prophet after prophet was sent to Israel to call the nation to repent of their sins, but they would not repent of their evil deeds and were taken captive into Babylon.
400 Silent years
The nation of Israel was required to repent of her collective sins against her God, and generation after generation that Seed travelled down the corridors of time.
Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.
Herald of the Seed
The Baptist was to herald the Seed Who came to save His people from their sins. The Baptist was God’s forerunner to Israel’s Messiah – promised so long ago.
The Baptist announced, I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One..” He pointed the people to the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
Paul also reminds us that John’s ministry to Israel was a baptism of repentance, for John called the people to repent of their sins, turn to God and to believe in the One Who was to come after him – that is, Jesus, for the Kingdom of Heaven was near.
stretching back before the worlds began, for He gave His only begotten Son.. (John 3:16) the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (Rev.13:8). For as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our sins from us. (Psalm 103:12)
The natural man by lineage is dead in trespasses and sins.
Dead in Sins
And for 6000 years every Gentile have their roots in the old creation in Adam, (and for 4000 years every Jew has had their roots in the old creation in Jacob) but all possess the old sin nature and all require a Saviour.
We were all one in sin – all dead in trespasses and sins.
He was God’s Passover Lamb – the atoning Sacrifice for the sin of the world.
Gift of Love
He has set aside the glory He had with the Father before the world was created and lived His entire life in humble obedience to the Father, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Every Passover Lamb since their escape from Egypt was a death that pointed to Christ. Every sin offering prefigured Calvary’s cross and every morning and evening sacrifice pictured His entire life as a freewill gift of love – a sweet savour – offered daily to God.
New Creation
Through Him, the world was spoken into being, and by Him, the universe is sustained. Through His death sin was conquered and by His resurrection death was vanquished.
Christ’s Humanity
But Christ was also fully Man – and as such he had a human nature – yet without sin. He was a man with a mind and emotions and He had a human body, a soul and spirit. As Man He grew weary and could legitimately say, I thirst – give me to drink… and as Man He could rightfully say to the High Priest at His trial – you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.
Substitute Saviour
Both the deity and the manhood of Christ is challenged today in differing quarters but unless fully God and fully Man, united in one Person – He could never have become the perfect Sin-Sacrifice for humanity.
Christ’s Duel Nature
Unless fully human He could never have been our kinsman-Redeemer - our sin-substitute... for only a representative from the fallen race of humanity could pay the price for sin. Unless fully God, He could not have saved Himself nor could He have saved us – for only God Himself is good enough to pay His own required price for the sin. Indeed, denial of the true humanity is so serious in the eyes of the apostle John, that it he considers it to be the mark of an antichrist – and should be defended at all costs.
Exemplary Life
He lived a sinless life and so there was no requirement for Him to confess His sins. His words were always seasoned with salt and His actions were full of gracious truth.
Humble Servant
And though fully God and fully human in His singular body – He laid aside His glory, and took upon Himself the form of a servant and humbled Himself – to die on a cross. No one but Jesus could have taken the sin of the world upon His manly shoulders.
It’s suitable for all occasions no matter what the time – and for all persons whether bond or free. God’s unutterable gift of His Son multiplies into a plethora of additional gifts, which explode into an astonishing display of God’s amazing grace and unconditional love. Spiritual death is removed and the new life of Christ is breathed into our dead spirit – we were dead in our sins, but made alive in Christ.
God’s Unspeakable Gift
God’s unspeakable gift transferred us from spiritual darkness to spiritual light – for the imputed sin of Adam and the many sins we commit are removed far away. As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our sins from us – for as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him.
We are free from bondage and the curse of the law – set free from the slave market of sin.
We are part of a new creation – new creatures in Christ, for our old sin nature was severed at the cross and we are imbued with a new nature – the new life in Christ. Our status of sinner is changed into saint.
We are forgiven forever – cleansed; made whole and ministers of a new covenant. The death and resurrection of Christ Jesus our Lord has paid the price for our sin..
broken the power of sin in our life and will one day remove sin’s presence – forever. The curtain of separation has been torn from top to bottom granting access to the throne-room of grace and we’re covered from head to toe with the armour of God, for we are clothed with Christ and one with Him – His body, His church – His bride.
It is just wonderful.... You are not meant just to be saved and get to heaven, to know your sins are forgiven and to have a certain number of blessings which come with salvation.
Death’s Dept
But sin has consequences and sinners have a debt to pay – and death is its due. Nothing but the shed blood of an Innocent can pay the required price for sin, and no-one is good enough, save the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Perfect Man
It was against our Creator that we sinned and it was from God that we wandered, and He it was that outlined the only payment for sin that would utterly satisfy – a sinless days-man; a pure redeemer; a perfect man who was willing to die.
But there was no one good enough to pay the price of sin, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God – for there is none good, not even one- for God alone is good.
Sacrificial Lamb
And so God sent His Son into the world to reconcile man back to Himself. God Himself took on human flesh to become humanities perfect kinsman-redeemer: and The LORD laid on Him the iniquity of us all. God placed the accumulated sin of the whole world on His beloved Son – Jesus became that sacrificial lamb.
Sin and Sins
It was the sin of the world that was laid on Christ. He paid the price for our individual SINS – but also the price for SIN.
He died so our sins would be forgiven, but also to break the power of SIN.
for God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21
Price for Sin
We are not sinners because we sin but we sin because we are sinners.
And God, in His grace, came to pay the price for sin in the person of Christ – the perfect Son of God became the perfect Son of Man.
Made Sin
And He was wounded for our transgressions.
He did not become a sinner, but rather He became SIN for us.
It cannot understand that our Lord Jesus was willing to accept exactly the same basis of life with its limitation in which we live, although without sin.
Just as the sin of one man, (Adam) resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act of the one Man, (Christ Jesus) resulted in justification and life for all people.Romans 5:18
God’s Condemnation
The whole world came under the condemnation of God because of one man’s sin. Adam’s disobedience resulted in the human race being born under condemnation. It was sin that was the cause of man’s condemnation and the wages of sin is death. It was necessary for God to cover man’s sin with the blood-soaked fleece of a lamb, for in His heart God purposed to send a Saviour – Who could pay the price of sin. What grace was being shown to man when God purposed to save His fallen race.
Christ’s Blood
His perfect life would be a payment – for the sinful lives of the entire human race. All sin that was covered by the fleece of a lamb would be atoned for by His blood. Until the blood of the perfect Sacrifice was offered, man’s sin would remain covered – covered but never forgiven UNTIL the final Sacrifice for all sin was offered.
God’s Grace
But grace was in God’s heart when He purposed to give His Son as a ransom for many, Christ was to come bringing with Him grace and truth for all condemned by the Law. His perfect life and sacrificial death was to break the power of sin, resting on man, His death on the cross was so that man could be released from ALL condemnation.
so that sin might increase – so that the condemnation on the heads of all men would be multiplied!
His ways are perfect and this was simply another demonstration of His grace. The greater mans’ sin became the more valuable and precious was the sacrifice for sin. The more sin abounded, the more grace would be poured over the head of humanity.
God’s grace dictated that He would give His only Son to pay the price for all sin.. and the ONLY requirement of man was to believe that Christ died for their sin – and the ONLY way to be free from condemnation was to believe on Jesus Christ.
Sin’s Penalty
The ONLY requirement of man is to believe that Christ died for his sins.
What grace God showed to man, that Christ Jesus has paid the penalty for humanities sin.
God’s Standard
God had not shifted the goalposts, for all sin is abhorrent and forever condemned, but He purposed to pour out His wrath against sin upon His Son – in our place.
Instead of the LAW being the criteria for perfection that man must attain, the life of Christ Jesus was to be God’s standard – and He was to do it all for us, – and the ONLY requirement of us is to believe that Christ died for our sins, and rose again the third day.
Condemnation Lifted
This new perfect life of Christ cannot sin.
the old sin nature can still sin!
And when we sin as a believer we lose precious fellowship with our Saviour – and when we sin we live our life in our own strength and not in Christ’s strength.
Nevertheless, all SIN was forgiven at Calvary – so all condemnation is lifted.
What of those that have refused to accept that Jesus paid the penalty for their sins?
Man is not condemned because he sinned, but because he did not believe… because he did not believe on the name of the only begotten Son of God. Jesus Christ warned the hypocritical Scribes and Pharisees that they would all die in their sins, for though outwardly righteous, their hearts were riddled with unbelief. The Lord Jesus wept over Jerusalem for in rejecting Him they rejected His grace, and in rejecting His grace they placed themselves under condemnation.
Sin of Unbelief
Today the work of the Spirit is to convict unsaved people of their sin.
But the sin of this age is not the breaking of the Law of Moses... but the sin of unbelief in Jesus Christ.
and this is love for God: to obey His commands, and His commands are not burdensome. 1John 5:3. Never forget that: the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.
This Man that is the very image and likeness of the invisible, indivisible God – this Lord Jesus Christ, Who chose to share His glory with the likes of me… was mocked and jeered at, spat upon and despised – all to meet my terrible sin – all for Love of me and all for Love of you too.
Condescending Love
Herein lies the infinitude of God’s condescending love towards me. Herein lies the inexplicability of God’s gracious love towards you too – in that while we were yet sinners… while we were dead in trespasses and sins, Christ died for you… (and me to) so that we could be one with Him.Romans 5:8. Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus. Let this mind of Christ be in me as well.
Of course, that goes without saying; yet there are multitudes who are miserable after trusting the Lord, miserable over the sin question in their lives; and the number, I am afraid, is increasing.
Blinded Eyes
Their eyes were blinded to His loveliness, for there was no beauty in Him that they could discern – yet He was the altogether lovely One, Who would die for their sins. Their ears were stopped to His wisdom and their hearts were cold towards God’s only begotten Son, Who had set aside His glory and clothed Himself in mortal flesh.
He was clothed in mortal flesh so that He could be identified as one with our race. God became man so that man could return back into fellowship with a holy God. Christ became sin so that sinners could be covered in His perfect righteousness.
Justified in the Spirit
The 2nd principle of this mystery of our faith is that Christ was justified in the spirit. Christ, Who knew no sin, was made sin so we might be made righteousness, in Him. He was made sin, and He bore the world’s sin – but Christ was the innocent sacrifice..
for the wages of sin is death but Christ being raised from the dead, dies no more.
How gracious is God – for the people that walked in darkness were given the light, and those born dead in their sins can become sons of God, by grace through faith. Great is the mystery of godliness for the earth shall be filled with His glory as the waters cover the sea.
The innocence of babyhood and the dreams of childhood are tainted with sin.
For by one man sin entered the world, and by one man came death upon all.
The natural man has rejected Christ and remains dead in trespasses and sins.
The one dead in trespasses and sins has no capacity to know the things of God: for the wisdom of God is from God and can only come from spiritual discernment, and yet …out of the mouths of babes and sucklings, God has ordained praise.
Spiritual Discernment
Sin in its raw state has robbed the natural man of a vital sphere of knowledge – a sphere of knowledge that is the most important of all: the spiritual sphere.
Christ became a man, so that humanity had a Kinsman Redeemer to atone for their sin.
Two Natures
Jesus has two separate natures in one body - His nature as God and His human nature. This personal union of two natures is where undiminished deity is uniquely united with true humanity, remaining together in one person forever and without confusion. This “hypostatic union” took place so that you and I might be saved from our sin.
Radiance of God’s Glory
Because Christ was conceived and born of a human mother, He is able to empathise with our human weaknesses, having been tempted in every way, like us – yet without sin.
He also upholds the universe by the Word of His power and after making purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
The Holy Spirit
God the Spirit loves us so much that He convicts us of sin, righteousness and judgment – but the Holy Spirit could not have redeemed us.
The Lord Jesus Christ
Only a perfect Man Who was made in the image and likeness of human flesh could atone for the collective sin of mankind – and God alone is perfect.
Only the sinless Son of God, Who was to be born of a woman, could become the sinless sacrifice to take away the sin of the world and break the power of sin and death.
Only Jesus Christ was good enough to pay the price of sin and to die for you and me – and God has given all power and authority into the hand of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin BUT reckon yourselves to be alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.Romans 6:11
Biblical Reckoning
In Romans 6:11 we read: Reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, while in Galatians 2:19-20: for I through the law died to the law that I might live to God.
Yes, in Romans 6:11 we read: Reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin BUT reckon yourselves to be alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
ALIVE unto God – we who were once dead in trespasses and sin.
The One Who died unto sin that we may be made alive unto God.
Reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, dead to the law ..
We discover the love and mercy of a holy God Who took steps to save a fallen race that was lost in trespasses and sins – we see the scarlet thread of redemption streaming down through the pages of holy writ to condemned humanity.
God and Man
If Christ was not God, there could be no salvation, for God alone is good enough to pay the price of sin.
But unless Christ is also Man – unless Jesus is our kinsman-redeemer, there would be no salvation – for the price of sin must be made by a perfect MAN. The teachings of His incarnation and atonement for sin is impregnated in Scripture.
Forgiveness – God First Act
These were the first words spoken by the Lord Jesus on the Cross. Forgiveness was the first thought on the mind of the crucified Saviour. Forgiveness was the first response of God to sins committed in the Eden. Forgiveness is an unfathomable grace that is deep in the heart of God.
This eternal substitute was made sin for us – for you and for me. And He went to the cross alone.
The Eternal Gift
This God-Man paid the price for our every sin and He suffered.
He took the punishment we should receive – for the wages of our sin is death.
streaming like great drops of blood and water. His prayer washed our bloodied, bruised, battered, ugly, sin-stained hearts.
Eternal Separation
We all are born dead in our sins..
The cost of redemption was high, for the soul of man was submerged in sin.
The high cost of redemption was commensurate to the costly payment required – for the price for sin was death; eternal death – everlasting separation from God.
Price for Sin
Eye has not seen, nor could man imagine the shocking reality of such a sentence.
The penalty of the law-of-sin is devastating, because the wages of sin is death.
The wealth of the world or a lifetime of goodly works could not pay the price for sin.
Horrors of Death
God is love but He is also just and righteous and He can never wink at sin. The cost of sin is very high and the only acceptable payment is the blood of Christ. Only the blood of Jesus can atone for sin while maintaining God’s truth and honour.
When man sinned he became a slave of sin, and servant of Satan, with no escape.
Had we not been purchased by Christ, servitude to sin would be established forever: but we are bought with a price, ransomed; redeemed; recovered; restored; reunited.
Our obligation to be punished for our sin, was removed by Christ, and we have a new obligation to loving obedience and lifelong service: “for He who is called by the Lord as a slave, is the Lord’s free man.
Purchased, in Love
What awesome grace to be purchased, in love, by God and so become His child. What an honor to be brought into His kingdom from a life of slavery to sin and Satan.
For sin shall not have dominion over you; for ye are not under the law, but under grace (Rom. 6:14).
How blessed it is to know, and at the same time how solemn to realize, that the sin of the child of God is against his Father, and that it is the love of relationship that is called into exercise about it - love which acts towards us for our profit, that we might be partakers of His holiness' (Heb. 12:10).
Grace abides towards us; and because grace abides, sin cannot be permitted to have sway over the objects of it. -W.K.
that His Church might become the wife of the Lamb. He relinquished all His heavenly glory, so that she may sit with Him on His throne. He ate the bitter fruit of sin and death for her – for you and me!
bringing Salvation to all people. The keynote of Isaiah’s forty years ministry was – Salvation is of the Lord, and his message called for Israel to repent of their sins… to return to the Lord and be saved., and this truth is confirmed multiple times in Scripture – that Jesus Christ is God.
so He could become the Sacrifice for sin for the whole world..
yet He is also our Wonderful Counsellor, for He understands each one of us personally and sympathises with our weaknesses – yet has been tested in every way as we are, but without sin. He understands all our struggles and cares for us deeply, desiring that we cast all our care on Him, for He cares with the depth of love that emanates from the heart of God.
Mighty God
Jesus is indeed the Mighty God for He rescued us from the cesspit of sin – reuniting us with our Creator God, by the shedding of His blood – for we were dead in our trespasses and sins – but Jesus came from heaven to seek and save that which was lost.
Gift of Salvation
The keynote of Isaiah’s forty years ministry was – Salvation is of the Lord and so the Son of the Most High was supernaturally begotten in the womb of a virgin – so that He could save His people from their sins and become our Wonderful Counsellor; our Mighty God; our Everlasting Father – our Prince of Peace.
But this Man… offered one sacrifice for sins forever.Heb.10:12
The scarlet rope that redeemed the harlot Rahab has its omega is the sin offering.
It is one thing to know that Christ died for your sins..
Perfect Sacrifice
The blood applied to us is superior to the little lamb that Abel offered, for it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.
Because Christ fully identified with the sinner’s sins, and Christ fully identified and the judgment of sin itself.
Christ’s full identification made the judgment of sin possible – possible in my life and possibly in yours.
We Identify with Christ
He fully identified we me and He fully identified with you – with my sin and with your sin, with my sin nature and with your sin nature.
There was a full identification of Christ with the sinner – His identification with me and His identification with you..and that made the judgment of sin possible when Christ died.
The dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his day;And there have I, though vile as he, washed all my sins away.
Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood shall never lose its powerTill all the ransomed church of God be saved, to sin no more.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.1 John 1:9
Barrier To Sin
Christ was made sin for the world, taking the punishment we deserve in His body on the cross, and the veil of the temple was rent in two, from top to bottom, removing forever the barrier that separated sinful man from a holy God.
Fellowship Formula
Although union with the Lord can never be broken, lost or removed for all who are in Christ Jesus, fellowship with God and sweet communion with Him can be broken, when sin rears its ugly head in our lives.
Each time we sin, fellowship must be restored and John outlines his “fellowship formula” at the start of his first epistle.
Verse 9 outlines the condition for regaining our lost fellowship: If we confess our sins… If we honestly confess our sins to the Father, He will forgive us and restore our fellowship.
If we honestly confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If we confess our sins, God us faithful to re-establish fellowship with His children.
Confession of Sins
But what does it actually mean “to confess” our sin?
All we have to do is name our sins, and by His grace, He will forgive our sins and restore us back into fellowship with Himself.
What do we mean by sin.
What is sin, and how can it be measured in a world of slide-rule relativity?
Man’s Standard
One denomination sees sin as non-compliance with their self-imposed regulations.
License says you do as you please for the more we sin the more grace is displayed.
God’s Standard
But there is only one standard for sin and that is God’s standard, which is His Word – and Jesus is the perfect example of His standard.
When we do sin we need to confess our sins by God’s standard and then leave them behind.
When we sin we need to confess our sins and then trust His word and accept His grace – for if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness – and to restore us back into fellowship.
Sin Barrier Broken
Man’s standard for sin will keep believers bound by sin, indifferent to sin or ignorant of sin, while God’s standard for sin is out of our reach.
But God sent His Son to pay the price for our sin, so that all who believe on Him would have their sins forgiven forever.
The sin barrier that separated us from God is removed forever, to those who are in Christ Jesus.
Let us keep a short reign on the sins we do commit, by confessing them to our Father, so that we may maintain sweet fellowship with Him, every passing moment.
Trinity in Man
Man’s spirit is dead in trespasses and sins until made a new creation and born again.
Man’s soul is born in the image and likeness of sinful Adam’s old-sin nature, and for the believer, there is a choice – either a spiritual walk or carnal concerns.
Consider His Humility
Consider His generosity, for we read in 2 Corinthians 3:5 that: “He gave Himself a ransom for all, or He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him”.
Consider Jesus – for love will cover a multitude of sins.
Not necessarily to sin or to the world, but to something which, while it brings them a great deal of gratification for a time, eventually proves to be a diversion resulting in arrested spiritual growth, and they are found in a backwater, a cul-de-sac, occupied with an alternative to the whole counsel of God.
Justification – PAST
There are many passages that distinguish between these three tenses of salvation, In 2 Timothy 1:9 we discover God saved us – a past event, that took place at a point in time, when we were saved from the penalty of sin i.e.
Initial Salvation
Although we were not made righteous in a practical way – for we still have an old sin nature, this was the point we were positioned “in Christ” – and imputed with His righteousness – and from then on we had a right standing with God – JUSTIFIED. This is the point in time when we were born again – by believing in the work of Christ.
Ongoing Salvation
Timothy, who was already saved in the past from the penalty of sin, is now being instructed on how to be saved in the present - from the POWER of sin, for he, like all believers, is in the process of being saved in his Christian life – SANCTIFICATION.
Willing Sanctification
God longs that all his children chose to be sanctified – set apart unto Him by offering themselves as a willing sacrifice and submitting to the Spirit’s leading – for when we are being sanctified we are blessed with continuous deliverance from the power of sin.
Threefold Life
In his epistle to the Romans, He guides us with clarity on the essential guidelines. Man, spiritually dead is separated from God in sin, and it is then that the threefold life begins.
The free gift of life… of salvation is offered to all sinners: for the wages of sin is death, but God’s gift of life is to those who believe.
What salvation has done is not merely forgiving me my sins; forgiveness, cleansing, justifying, applies to my responsibility and guilty condition in the first Adam; but salvation applies to my standing in the Last Adam.
Rom.8:2. This path promises freedom from the law of sin and death and by living our life God’s way we are not placing ourselves under any man-made regulations or laws – we are not placing ourselves back not under condemnation.
Paul calls it: the law of sin and death, Rom.8:2. and it and places the believer back under condemnation: for whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point is guilty of all – for he has become a debtor to keep the whole Law.
We are told to: walk in the spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. Gal.5:16. Some erroneously think that the lust of the flesh only means overt sinning, but every type of sin, overt and covert, emanates from man’s heart (from the inner man – the old sin nature).
Law is called a ministry of death and its source is the old sin nature, (the flesh), while grace is described as a ministry of life, and its source is the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
A believer that chooses self-merit is a debtor to keep the whole law, while a believer that chooses God’s grace is free from the law of sin and death.
Whenever we choose the wrong way through rebellion, wrong teaching or ignorance of God’s way of sanctification, every born-again believer has access back to the throne of God, through confession of sins: Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight – and God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1John 1:9.
Morning Mercies
Never forget... no sin is so great that cannot it cannot be forgiven and no place is so remote that we cannot be restored to the Father.
Pre and Post Cross
The Law of sin and death had been fulfilled in Christ on our account, and pre-cross doctrine had be superseded with post-resurrection teaching.
When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.Hebrews 1:3
Deep Darkness
His eternal existence was rudely interrupted with His birth into a race of fallen men. The glory He shared with God was set aside, for a time – as He tabernacled on earth. The glorious relationship with His Father was temporarily terminated for 3 dreadful hours of deep darkness, as He paid for your sin and mine so He could cry – IT IS FINISHED.
A Deep Yearning
Yes, God in His wisdom has placed a deep yearning for Himself in our inner beings. He knows our deepest need is clear, clean, beautiful fellowship with Himself. But God also knows that man’s heart is intrinsically wicked and riddled with sin, and in His wisdom has withheld much that prideful man desires to know of God.
Born in Adam, (the 1st man), the human race inherits sin, disobedience, and death.
All humanity starts their life on earth, dead in trespasses and sins.
Cain and Able were equally of the flesh, both inherited sin, and death from Adam, but one was rejected while the other was accepted.
The cardinal truth is, that: without the shedding of blood is no remission of sins.
He presumed God could accept sin-stained fruit-sacrifices from a God-cursed earth.
Had Christ lived 2000 years His combined good works could not recompense for sin, for salvation is through the shedding of blood.
Can it set aside the death penalty, which was due sin and demanded by God?
Christ’s Atonement
The fleshly, carnal, egotistical Self – thinks man can draw close to God, but self-denial through the bloody sacrifice of Christ’s death is the only way, Praise and worship, and grateful thanks is all that man can offer to the Lord, but this can only be offered in full and clear intelligence that our sins are put away – and this can only be known by faith, in virtue of Christ’s accomplished atonement.
A Demonstrated Reality
Every step that He made, every action, reaction and decision that He took, every word He spoke and each thought of His heart, was carried out as a man and was carried out for man, for He had laid aside His deity for a season, in order to demonstrate all that God had intended for us, but which man had lost through sin.
I have hidden your word deep within my heart, that I might not sin against you.Psalm 119:11
Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee, Psalm 119 verse 11.… And so we waited for the next command – the next charge – the next verse.
Cleansing Word
When we walk in in the light as He is in the light, we commune with Him. When we walk in in the light as He is in the light, we fellowship with Him and with one another. When we walk in in the light as He is in the light and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:5-7.
Sanctifying Word
If we are obedient to its instructions, we shall be cleansed from all sin..
I have hidden your word deep within my heart, that I might not sin against you.
And then you notice how frequently He links with that a hall The hallsof the am'sin John Gospel are tremendously impressive not always using the exact word, but in the context you will find the same conclusion.
There are vast numbers who profess to believe in the atoning virtue of the death of the Lord Jesus, but who do not see aught therein beyond the forgiveness of their sins.
Christ’s future empire is not rooted in the sin-sodden soil of today’s current satanic system.
This world system kingdom is to be taken back from the ‘prince of the power of the air’ – the ‘god’ who currently rules this sin-sodden, sickening world-system.
Wonderful Prophecy
That wonderful prophecy from Joel appeared to begin on that day of Pentecost – when Peter called the nation of Israel to repent of their sins and turn back to God as did John the Baptist, Jesus and the apostles during Christ earthly life. That wonderful prophecy from Joel will have its full and final fulfilment on that amazing future day, when the Jews shall look on Him Whom they have pierced – when Israel as a nation cries, Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.
He has in the first place rejoiced greatly in the forgiveness of his sins, and his acceptance by God; but sooner or later he begins to realise that all is not well, and that he has failed and fallen from the high standard which he set himself to reach, in the first flush of his conversion.
Liberating Gospel
It seems that most believers stop their pursuit of salvation when they are saved. Truly salvation is the liberation from sin and the loosing from bondage. Salvation is the free gift for all that believe in Jesus Christm Who died and rose again..
and the new-born believer rejoices in his liberty – sins forgiven and sins forgotten – sins forever buried in the vast ocean of God's gracious forgetfulness.
Memorable Day
Today is my mother’s birthday. Her diaries catalogue showers of blessings amidst a mountain of difficulties. Today is my daughter’s wedding anniversary – her life also is peppered with deep hurts and trial and a cascade of Gods graces. My times also have had its deep pains and great joys and I am sure yours has too. Indeed, I know of no-one who has not been deeply affected by this world of sin.
Word of Wisdom
Caesar is gone – Queen Victoria is passed away – Columbus is no more – as are so many others. Stripped of human glory; destitute of fame and fortune; bereft of state and symbol – awaiting the final day, to stand or fall in the presence of God their Judge. How we need to apply the prophet's words of instruction: You have set our iniquities before You, our secret sins in the light of your presence Psalm 90:8 How we need to pray with the Psalmist – The years of our life are few.
Trials, Tests, Temptations
We know that Jesus Himself walked this same way that we are treading, and was in every respect was tried, tested and tempted as we are – yet without sin.
And yet despite this, we can be burdened with sin and the fear of judgment..
All God’s Work
How sad that so many believers strive in their own strength to live a godly life, when all that is needed is to yield to the power of God working within them. But the truth is that salvation from the penalty and power of sin is ALL God’s work.
Heavenly Home
And yet our feet are dusty – polluted with the sin and filth of this world, for we are ever yet journeying towards our heavenly home. The Father is there and seated on His throne of grace. At His right hand is seated the Son of His love – the Man; the perfect Man; the Man Christ Jesus - seated on the throne with the Father.
No more tears; no more sorrows; no more pain; no more loss; no more sin; no more death.
1 the old sin nature from Adam and2 the new born again life of Christ
This almost never happens in the early flush of faith – but after decades of training... for the old sin nature must be recognised for what it is – a life of self.
Carnality and legalism are often connected with worldly sins, pride, and unbelief, but are also produced by a believer trying hard to please God, but in the wrong way.
Within the inner ‘being’ of man are two continuously conflicting camps:- the old sin nature (the flesh or self-ego) is gained from the old birth in Adam, while the new life in Christ (the spirit of life in Christ Jesus) comes from our new birth.
Spirit or Flesh
Often the inner old sin nature (the flesh) shows itself through the physical body, but can also be manifested through religious works.
The sin nature often displays itself the ‘works-merit-law way’, by Christians trying to live a good life the wrong way.
The old sin nature opposes the new life in Christ, but the inner ‘flesh’ often manifests itself through good deeds, which are carried out in our physical body, by trying to do God’s will the wrong way.
You were set free from the tyranny of Sin (Rom 6:18, Wey.).
The tyranny of sin over the lost necessitated the death of the Lord Jesus on the Cross.
The tyranny of sin over the saved necessitated the death of the believer in the Lord Jesus on that same Cross.
The dual truths of Calvary: His death for our sin, as payment; our death with Him unto sin, for deliverance.
The believer sees that Christ by dying for him has completely delivered him from the penalty of sin.
So it is his privilege to see that because he is identified with the Lord Jesus in that death, he is also delivered from sin as a ruling principle.
He is in that sense free from sin' (Rom. 6:18, 22). -E.H.
Through my life-union with Christ in His death and resurrection, I have died to sin.' His death to sin is my death to sin.
In my very humanity, Christ so took me up with Himself in death that, when He died unto sin, I too was executed and there died to sin's reign and power.
Has Christ so dealt with sin that He has exhausted its every claim and dominion?
And do I share with Him His death unto sin?
In Christ crucified I have been discharged from sin's domination. -L.E.M.
But now, being freed from the bondage of sin . . .
He has in the first place rejoiced greatly in the forgiveness of his sins, and his acceptance by God; but sooner or later he begins to realize that all is not well, and that he has failed and fallen from the high standard which he set himself to reach in the first flush of his conversion.
Fellowship is broken when a Christian prevents the work of the Holy Spirit in their life, for we can both grieve Him and quench His work in our lives through sin, but how few really understand what sin is.
The Sin Question
Sin comes in many guises and disguises, and how we love to hide or ignore it.
We can sin overtly or we can try to cover up our sin.
We can sin with our mental attitude, where sin is carried out in the mind and we can sin motivationally – where a good deed is done for the wrong reason.
It is very simple to sin, and very easy to pretend that we are not sinning, but God looks on the heart, even if we try to deceive others.
Blocking Communion
So sin grieves and quenches the work of the Spirit within the believer, and sin blocks communion and fellowship with God, and with the Lord Jesus Christ.
But many of us do not have a right understanding of what sin is.
Sin is what God hates, for God is holy and commands His children to be holy, and yes..
Some are overt and some are covert sins, and some are motivational sins, but all are connected with a mental attitude.
How we need to examine ourselves to see if we are in fellowship, and if not we need to confess our sins, and God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and restore us to fellowship.
Communion is a temporal relationship and may be lost due to sin, but we should seek to reestablish our broken fellowship with the Lord as soon as possible.
It is to be the new life in Christ that works through me not MY old sin-nature and His life in us is lived out in our life as the Spirit Himself lives in us. Christ’s nature is reflected in our new nature, as we yield to the indwelling Spirit.
A Prayer Ministry
Intercession often starts with praying for the souls of men – those dead in trespasses and sins. Intercession frequently progresses with prayer for the problems of all the saints of God.
Daily Cleansing
This daily wash is accomplished by confession of sins – be holy for I am holy. This daily wash is confession of sins to the Father and walking in spirit and truth.
and the apostle John explains how believers can remain in communion with God: If we make it our habit to confess our sins to the Father, He is faithful and just to forgives us for those sins and cleanses us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
Past Present and Future
Justification was the element of salvation that freed us from the PENALTY of sin.
Glorification is the element of salvation that frees us from the PRESENCE of sin.
And Sanctification is the element of salvation that frees us from the POWER of sin.
Grace through Faith
Well, every part of salvation is a gift of God’s grace that is accessed by faith. God does it all and we contribute nothing – all we had to do was to freely believe. Once we believed that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God Who died to pay the price for our sins…..
A New-Life in Christ
As His children we were given a new LIFE in Christ – a baby life that needs to grow into a mature spiritual believer -– a life that will be fruitful – a victorious life – a life that will be conformed into the image of Jesus during the time we live on earth. But we also have a sin nature that seeks to gain supremacy over the new Christ-life. Oh!
we have been freed from sin’s power over us – but while on earth it still lurks. And this is the thing… just as we chose to believe in the Lord Jesus to be justified – So too we have a choice when it comes to sanctification during our time on earth.
He came baptising in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of their sins.
It was a final call for pre-cross Israel to repent of their sins and turn back to God.
Church Age Baptism
As church-age believers, we are baptised by the Spirit into Christ the moment we believe that Jesus is our Saviour and that He died for our sin and rose the third day. We are to grow in grace and become true followers – true disciples of the Lord and water baptism is a beautiful outward demonstration of a beautiful internal change.
Son of God
God in His justice cannot look upon sin, for the wages of sin is death.
God in His love discovered a way to have those sins forgiven, forever.
Son of Man
God – the invisible God, cannot look upon sin and hid His pure face from sinful man.
that I am forgiven; Faith in the Servant King – Who broke the power of sin and death in me – that I have access to the throne room of the Father, and I am permitted to call Him Abba, Father.
Who am I and who are you to that we should not walk the same path as He trod? This earth is not our home – we are passing through until our second coming. We were born into this world, dead in trespasses and sins – cast out from God.
Stark Contrast
Our first sojourn is in a world of sin – outcasts from society - scorned and despised.
Long my imprisoned spirit lay,Fast bound in sin and nature’s night;Thine eye diffused a quickening ray—I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;My chains fell off, my heart was free,I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.
Still the small inward voice I hear,That whispers all my sins forgiven;Still, the atoning blood is near,That quenched the wrath of hostile heaven.I know the life His wounds impart;I know the Saviour in my heart.
His Light
But if our eyes are on Him, our vision is unimpaired and we walk in His Light: and if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. 1John 1:7
Only Way
It all centres around believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and His work on the cross, for apart from Calvary there is no forgiveness of sin – no salvation – no heaven. Man’s assumption is inevitably that I must win my way to heaven by my good deeds. God’s criteria is believe on the finished work of Christ crucified – and nothing else. The one point men seem to forget is that we are all sinners and estranged from God. Sin is the one thing that separates man from God.
Sin = Death = Separation from God.
Spiritually Dead
When we entered this life we were born into sin – we were sinners at birth, because we are sinners we are dead in trespasses and sins – separated from God. We are physically alive but our spirit is dead = separated from God; separated forever. Man throughout the centuries has devised many ways to get to God – to please Him, and they are based on good deeds, religious works, keeping the ten commandments.
BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ – and your sins are forgiven. BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ – and you are not condemned. BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ – and you are given eternal life. BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ – and you are put in union with the Lord Jesus. BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ – and you are forever in-dwelt by the Holy Spirit. BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ – and you are no longer separated from the Father.
Christ’s Cross
However, man in his arrogance and pride does not think that God’s way is best, and man in his conceit and vanity has tried to circumnavigate the Word of God. Man in his foolish ignorance – has superimposed his own criteria over God’s Word. But we are all guilty sinners – and we all stand condemned before a righteous God. We have nothing God can accept in payment for our sins – except Christ’s cross.
Command of Christ
Christians are called to keep the commands of Christ, and the instructions given to the Church: have set us free from law of sin and death, [which is the code given to Israel] – in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.
Sin Offering
As a believer’s trust in God's truth grows, more is opened up to his understanding.
The first, vital thing for any believer is to know Christ as the wonderful sin offering.
My Substitute
We rejoice that Christ has died for our sins..
We rejoice to know that 'in Christ' our sins are buried in God’s sea of forgetfulness.
Cleansing Flood
The knowledge that ALL my sins were forgiven forever was a most glorious truth – a cleansing that flooded my soul like a sweet refreshing fountain of crystal water.
Forgiveness of sins is a fairly simple and acceptable concept – substitution.
But sin, as a ruling power in our lives, requires identification.
Substitution Truth
SUBSTITUTION – is where Christ took our sins upon Himself – He died for us.
Christ died for our sins; He took the punishment we deserve; He was our substitute.
Sin as an offence was forgiven at the cross.
The death penalty for sin was paid. Sin in the life of every believer is totally acquitted, for Christ died for our sins.
BUT sin as a master, ruling our forgiven lives requires identification with Him.
The early chapters of Romans describe in startling clarity God’s hatred of sin.
Two Laws
But then comes the wonderful TRUTH of Romans chapter 6 – identification. Because we are in Christ, we are not subject to the law of sin and death. Because we are in Christ, we are subject to the law of life and liberty in Christ. One saint of God describes it in these terms… He has put our old man – our original self – where He put our sins… namely, on the cross with Christ.
Adamic Life
Just as the sins we committed were placed on Christ 2000 years ago… when He died, so our sinful nature (our old self-life), was nailed to that cross, when He died – our Adamic propensity; the old man; our sin nature was nailed to the cross.
Faith and Forgiveness
But what of forgiveness of the sins that I commit during my Christian life?
John tells us that post-salvation sins need to be confessed before God.
Pardon is offered on the condition of confession – confessing our sins to Him – and I need faith to accept His forgiveness.
In 1John 1:9 we read that: if we (we who are saved) confess our sins (our post-salvation sins), He is faithful and just to forgive us our (post-salvation) sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (all known and unknown unrighteousness).
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness. 1John 1:9
“The believer is never told to ‘overcome sin,’ but to reckon, on the ground of his death with Christ, that he has died to it.
On the basis of death, he is told not to ‘let’ sin reign in his life.
It is to be dealt with by an attitude of death, not by ‘overcoming.’ The believer therefore is not to be spending his whole life in getting victory over sin, but understanding his position as having died unto sin.”
Christ’s Witness
John, whose name means: God is gracious, bore witness of Jesus: God is salvation. John was to point to the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world. John was a witness to the grace of God – that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. John was sent as a moon to reflect the Son – the only true Light of the world.
Sacrifice for Sin
Though acknowledged by the Lord Jesus as the greatest of all men born of women. John was the one who testified that he must decrease – but Christ must increase. John was not the Light, but he witnessed about the true and only Light of God. John did not bring Grace, but he was to testify of the One Who was full of Grace. John could not forgive sins, but pointed to the Messiah, the only Sacrifice for sin.
Witness to Jews
The Baptist’s message in Matthew was one of judgement that called for penitence. He is calling for all Israel to repent of their sins – to turn to God and His Messiah. The lost sheep of Israel were to bring forth the fruit – which called for repentance.
This message to all men was to testify of the Lamb of God – the Sacrifice for all sin.
His witness was to both Jew and gentile – a double message of repentance and grace. The LAW of Moses was given to REVEAL sin... but GRACE through faith in Christ REMOVES sin.
No one who believes in Christ is condemned, for their sins have been eternally forgiven.
Right Choices
Remember, there are two paths a born-again believer can follow in their Christian walk: either the grace-promise-faith way or the works-merit-law way; either by grace or works of the law; either by promise or the works of the flesh; either by faith or by merit; either by living a spiritual life or living a carnal life; either by walking in the spirit or walking in the flesh; either by walking in newness of life in Christ or by walking by means of the old sin nature in Adam.
Dead in Sin
When Adam sinned in disobedience to God he immediately died, spiritually.
Ever since that first spiritual death, all humanity have been born dead in their sin.
Spiritually Separated
Man is born spiritually dead and can only function through the old sin nature. Man remains spiritually separated from God until they are made alive in Christ: for that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 3:6
The unbeliever remains dead in their sins and estranged from their Creator God. Only a believer has a human spirit that is alive and can commune with the Holy Spirit.
God’s High Priest
Before the cross, man had to approach the Lord through a mediator – God’s high priest. Sin offerings, burnt offerings – ANY offerings were made to God through the high priest.
But man did not have access to God, for sin separated fallen man from a holy God.
Our new nature must be conformed to be like Christ. The old sin nature must remain crucified and our flesh must remain on the cross, for our fleshly sin nature can never fellowship with the indwelling Holy Spirit.
New Nature
Our old sin-nature walks in the lusts of the flesh and not in spirit and truth.
Now that He is to enter more publicly upon His mediatorship, the tempter pierces His tender soul with many sorrows by solicitation to sin”.
The Lord’s testings were needful to demonstrate the qualities of the second Man: for we do not have a High Priest Who cannot sympathise with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin, Heb.4:5
Like Job, you may not question the goodly character of God directly and like Job and you may not sin with your lips – but do you question your own worthiness in the sight of God?
He knew that our new life in Christ is the one and only thing for which we should constantly strive, in this sin-sick, fallen world - which, for the time being, is lying in the arms of Satan.
He knew that there is much in this fallen world that can tempt us to sin or allow our devotion to wane.
There is nothing that can compare with our justification, the forgiveness of sin, eternal life, and our home in heaven.
God is faithful, and not only has he already delivered us from the consequences of sin and eternal separation from Himself by grace through faith in the finished work of Christ on Calvary's Cross, but He has also promised to deliver us from the evils of this world as we travel through this earthly life: Our hope is in Him, knowing that He Who has already delivered us, will deliver us again.
Though we were dead in our sins, at enmity with God and eternally separated from Him, in His grace and love He stooped down in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ and rescued us from slavery to sin and the eternal death sentence under which we were all placed.
We have passed from death to life, from being a child of Satan to being a child of the King of kings, from being of the old creation in Adam to being a new creation in Christ, and it is a transaction that was signed in blood on a wooden cross two thousand years ago, when Christ redeemed us from our sins.Peter urges and implores us to remember that we are simply sojourners, life-pilgrims, ambassadors of the King, on the journey of life as we pass through this world which has been cursed with sin and is being deceived and manipulated by Satan.
Eliphaz reasoned that all suffering is a result of sin and because his friend was afflicted, he questioned Job's integrity and concluded that his friend had sinned against the Lord, which Job strongly refuted.
Every evil in this world is a result of sin, and although suffering may result from our own sinfulness, we can also be afflicted through the sins of others or by an assault from the enemy of our soul.
He purified our soul at the point of salvation and continues to purify it day by day, as we confess our sin, keep ourselves in fellowship with Him and obey the truth of His Word.
They expected a warrior who would come with a battle-plan to save Israel from Roman oppression... not a suffering Servant Who would give His life to redeem the world from sin and Satan, death, and hell.
For Stephen kneeled down and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge.
There are many that like to accuse God and blame Him for the wrongs that this world conceives, but man caused the earth to be cursed because of his sin.
We are not to constantly revisit the sins that have already been forgiven and keep on repenting of those same sins.
We are to grow from being a baby Christian, whose main focus is the importance of repenting of our pre-salvation sins and bathing in the joy of being saved, into becoming a mature believer, where we develop an abiding fellowship with the Father, by walking in the light of His glorious truth and being continuously cleansed through His sufficient grace - as we rest in our Saviour's love.
Even though God's plan for the redemption of humanity started in eternity past, and was gradually unfolded to us through Old Testament Scriptures, the rulers of this age did not know the full implications of the Cross and the devastating effect it would have on the realm of darkness. It was His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection by which Jesus defeated sin, Satan, death, and hell forever, and put to flight the rulers of this age.
He was to identify with our sin, be crucified in our place, and pay the price for our trespasses.
He would receive the death penalty on our behalf, but the sacrifice of His sinless life would satisfy God's wrath against our gross sinfulness and the multiplied sins of the whole world.
Having paid the full price for the sin of the world through death; death could no longer hold Him in its vice-like grip.
Having been made sin for us on the Cross, the eternal Son rose again from the dead as our ever-living Saviour.
When Jesus rose from the dead, He broke the power of sin and death in the life of all who would one day place their trust in Him.
And Romans is a book that systematically and logically takes us into a fuller understanding of God's plans and purposes for salvation, redemption, sanctification, glorification, and all that accompanies the riches of God's grace towards us who were once dead in trespasses and sins, but have now been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
The plain truth of God – of Who He is - the sacrificial Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world, has been spelled out in Scripture in easy-to-understand words.
The fields were white with harvest and as long as he had life in his body, Paul knew he could proclaim the good news of the gospel of grace to those who were dead in sin and preach the Word of truth to babes in Christ and mature men of God, and so we read his thoughts: I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better.
Like the prophets before him, John was calling Israel to repent of their sin - both personally and nationally.
Those who truly repented of their sins - those who participated in John's baptism of repentance and believed on the One Who was to come, would one day be baptised with the Holy Spirit.
From that unique day, every new believer receives the Baptism of the Holy Spirit the moment they believe on Christ, for the forgiveness of sin.
The Mighty One about Whom John spoke, began to baptise those who turned from their sin and believed on the Lord Jesus, on that unique, Day of Pentecost.
Sin was judged at the CROSS for believers, and by faith in Christ, all who believe are declared righteous.
However, the sin of unbelievers will be judged through a Baptism of Fire.
May all who have been baptised into Christ be used by Him to tell forth the glorious gospel of God, to those who remain dead in their trespasses and sin.
He was to go... only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, for He was the promised Messiah Who came to save His people from their sins.
He came at God's appointed time to put an end to transgression and sins through the sacrificial offering of Himself on the Cross.
He could read what was in their sin-stained hearts.
There were many such traditions that these pious people valued above God's Law, but their teachings were leading the people astray and Jesus summoned the crowd to Himself to explain that nothing that goes into a person from outside can defile him, just as religious ritual and Jewish traditions can never cleanse the sin-stained heart of fallen man.
Jesus went on to explain that a man's heart is defiled by what comes out through his thoughts, motives, words, and imaginations, Sin is conceived in the human heart, it takes root in the human mind, and is finally put into practice through human action: For from within the human heart come evil thoughts, which are translated into sexual immoralities; thefts; murders; adulteries; greed; evil actions; deceit; promiscuity; stinginess; blasphemy; pride, and foolishness.
We are to maintain close fellowship with our Heavenly Father as we confess our sin and walk humbly before Him.
He identified Jesus as the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, and he warned that the kingdom of heaven is near and that Israel must repent of their sin and return to the God of their fathers.
It was the eternal Son, Whom they were mocking and ridiculing, Who came to earth as the Word made flesh so that He could reveal God to man and pay the price for the sin of the whole world.
By taking the punishment for the sin of the world upon His own head, the perfect, innocent, and unique Man Christ Jesus the Lord, stood before this Roman governor, clothed in a mocking robe of purple with a cruel crown of thorns lacerating His holy head.
Israel was looking for a conquering King Who would sit on the throne of David, save them from Roman domination, and set up the promised kingdom; not a suffering Servant Who had to die for their sins first.
The truth of the gospel that Peter taught on that day, caused over 3000 men of Israel to repent of their sins and to be born again into the newly formed Body of Christ. But Peter was to astonish these fledgling believers, and those that were listening to his teaching even more, by announcing that this same Jesus was not only resurrected from the dead as David foretold, but He had ascended into heaven in power and great glory and been exalted by God to sit at His right hand where He is now seated on God's heavenly throne.
We are all born dead in trespasses and sins, but when we recognise our sinfulness and our need of a Saviour, and when we trust in the death, burial, and Resurrection of our Kinsman-Redeemer, the Holy Spirit breathes into our beings the very life of our living and resurrected Saviour and we become a new creation in Christ.
Every member of the human race is connected to Adam by birth. All are imputed with a sin nature, and the wages of sin is death.
Our sins have been forgiven by faith, and our eternal citizenship is secured for us in heaven.
By faith we are forgiven of our sins and identified with His perfect righteousness. By faith we transferred our allegiance to Satan, our citizenship of this fallen world system, and the punishment that follows, into the kingdom of God and the glorious future we have in Him.
Participation in man-made rules and regulations and adherence to legalistic practices combine with men's imputed sin nature, causing many believers to be pulled back into worldly ways and revert to the basic rudiments of this world's religious systems.
Such a securely sealed and secret document could only be opened by the rightfully appointed recipient, and as John continued to watch the scene unfold, he discovered that it contained the full-force of God's outrage and wrath against sin.
The shocking realisation that humanity was doomed because of sin, overwhelmed the apostle, and he began to weep.
Maybe John realised the weight of his own sin could not be fully blotted out without the opening of the seals, for sin must be punished if victory over death and hell is to be accomplished.
So shocking is sin in the eyes of God, that the full force of His anger and wrath must be poured out in fullest measure, on the God-hating, Christ-rejecting, fallen race of man living on the cursed earth - to pay for the accumulated sin of the world.
It was on Calvary's Cross, that the full force God's wrath was poured out on the Lord Jesus Christ, the perfect Lamb of God and sinless Son of Man Whose lifeblood was shed to pay for the price of my sin, your sin, and the sin of the world.
But ungodly men who refuse to accept Christ's payment for their sin as a free gift of God's grace, will be punished and judged according to their works, which can never be good enough for a holy God: For there is none good, not even one.
Never forget that our crucified Lord and resurrected Saviour is the divine Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.
He is the anointed Messiah of Israel, Who came into the world to save His people from their sins.
And when He had made purification for our sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, for He also said, I AM - the Good Shepherd, and I lay down My life for the sheep.
There were many animal sacrifices given to Israel and every time an animal was sacrificed, it was a blood-splattered reminder that we are all sinners who fall short of God's glory; we are fallen creatures who need to be forgiven; we are all sinners in need of a Saviour - and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin.
God chose to use the sacrificial system He gave to Israel as a daily reminder that we are all fallen creatures who need to acknowledge our sin and confess Jesus as our Saviour.
In the New Testament, Christ was sent to earth as the last sacrifice - the one and only perfect offering for sin.
Every animal sacrifice was another reminder that we are sinful creatures and every drop of blood that was shed, was a picture of the Lord Jesus Himself, Who would come to earth, at God's appointed time, to be the full and final sacrifice for the sin of the world - so that ALL who believe on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
The sacrificial offering of Christ was so different by comparison with those earlier animal sacrifices, but they acted as a shadow - a shadow that was cast on the pages of history that became a heavenly reality when Jesus Christ offered Himself as the sacrifice for sin.
We cannot begin to imagine the rivers of blood that flowed from the bulls and calves, the lambs and the doves that were slaughtered in anticipation of the Saviour Who was to come as the full and final sacrificial offering for the sin of mankind.
Their blood was shed as a result of sin but could never deal with the consequences of sin.
Their lifeblood could never take away men's sins.
The blood of bulls and rams could only cover sin until the perfect Kinsman-Redeemer would come to offer Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sin of the world - but it does expose the inherent weakness of the first sacrificial system given to Israel, for the process of atonement was never-ending.
Sin may have been covered, but the sinner had to wait until it could be fully and finally dealt with at the Cross.
No surprise that the writer to the Hebrews emphasises the value of Christ's sacrifice and the glory of the Lord Jesus: WHO... having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, sat down at the right hand of God.
The Aaronic priests would stand in the Temple, day after day, fulfilling their role as mediator between man and God, and the high priest would enter the Holy of Holies once a year and standing before the altar, would make atonement for the sins of the people... as the blood of bulls and calves flowed continuously as a temporary covering for the sins of the people.
But as soon as Christ Jesus had offered Himself as the full and final sacrifice for sins, He sat down on God's right hand.
As we recognise the truth that Christ's sacrifice was made once for all and forever... and that by faith in Him our sins are not simply covered but fully forgiven, we can rejoice with exceeding great joy that the Mosaic Law, the Feasts of the Lord, the various priestly ceremonies and bloody sacrificial offerings of the Old Covenant, were true shadows of the glorious reality that was manifest in Christ Jesus Who has saved us from our sin and seated us together with Him in heavenly places.
Jesus used the illustration of light in much of His earthly teaching, and the apostle John and other New Testament authors frequently referred to Christ as 'the Light Who came into the world' and we rejoice to know that darkness can never overcome Him.A thick darkness has enveloped this fallen world system due to man's sin, and the eyes of every soul born into this sinful race, is shrouded in a deep blackness that can only be removed by the true Light of God Who came into the world in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Light of the world.
His Word is a lamp to our feet and a guiding light along our pathway, for by grace through faith we have been made His children and are called to walk in the light of His love, by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.May the light of His love so shine through each one of us, that men may see our godly deeds, hear the Word of truth, trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sin, and glorify our Father Who is in heaven.
And then this good news of great joy was repeated to the Gentile nations in the epistle to the Romans, where we, who were dead in our sins, discover the beautiful truth that: Whoever will call on the name of the Lord, will be saved.
No matter how amazing the gospel of Christ may be, unless lost souls are told the truth about sin and salvation... and unless the good news of the gospel of grace is proclaimed universally, men and women, boys and girls, rich and poor, Jews and Gentiles alike, will remain dead in their trespasses and sins.
Not all of us may be called into the office of evangelist or preacher, but every one of God's children has a commission to be light in this darkened realm, salt in a putrefying world, God's witnesses to those that are lost in their sins, a testimony of God's grace to those who are dead in their trespasses, and a messenger of hope to those that are without hope in the world.
How shocking to realise that unless the gospel is preached to a world of unsaved people, they will neither hear the truth, nor be able to call out to the only One Who can save them from their sins and a lost eternity - but how will they hear without a preacher?
They were given the holy Scriptures and the promises of God Who pledged to send a Messiah Who would save His people from their sins.
The Seed promised to Abraham, was to be man's Kinsman-Redeemer and pay the price for the sin of the whole world.
Jesus was the Word made flesh Who came to pay the price for the sin of the whole world, and He authenticated His mission and ministry through His many prophesied signs and wonders so that all would know that He was the Christ of God and Saviour of the whole world.
Paul then goes on to explain that in Christ we are dead to sin and released from the bondage of the Law, alive in Christ, and set free by the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus so that we may live our lives to His praise and glory.
Paul traces the great plan of redemption from the first man-Adam to the last Adam-Jesus; from the old creation in the flesh to the new creation in the spirit; from the old sin nature to the new life in Christ; from the curse of the Law to the freedom of grace, and points out that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ alone and not by personal merit or through works of the flesh.
He explains that they were chosen to be God's mouthpiece on earth and to bring forth the promised Seed Who would save His people from their sins and redeem the lost race of fallen man.
Paul made it very clear that Israel plainly understood that the Lord required godly righteousness by grace through faith, and not man's fleshly righteousness by works of the Law, but they refused to receive their heavenly Kinsman Who was God's chosen sacrifice for the sin of Israel as well as the Redeemer of the whole world.
But Paul also goes on to rejoice that in His goodness and grace, God's offer of salvation continues to be extended to Israel and that His punishment for their sin will not remain forever.
The Law of God demanded that only the shed blood of a perfect, sacrificial 'Lamb' could be accepted as a trespass-offering - a sin offering to pay for the price for humanity's sin.
The Lord Jesus Christ achieved this on Calvary's cross when He became our sin-substitute.
God was fully satisfied when His only Begotten Son took on human flesh, lived a sinless life and drank the cup of suffering on our account and walked to the cross, to die in our place - to pay the price for OUR sin.
Jesus, the sinless Son of Man was the one and only offering, acceptable to God, in payment for the sin of the world - the Innocent for the guilty.
He alone could become our Substitute for sin and Kinsman-Redeemer.
He exchanged His perfect righteousness and innate purity for our gross sin and shocking shame - so that we could, one day, be clothed in His perfect righteousness forever and ever - amen.
The sacrifice of a sinless life was the price that God had demanded as the full and final payment for the sin of the world, and God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son, to be made sin for us.
We all recognise the sin-offering as the focal point of the Cross.
We all understand that Christ's sacrificial death was the legal requirement and the price that was demanded by God's perfect Law, and we all believe that Christ's death on the cross was the only acceptable price that would satisfy God's perfect wrath against the accumulated sin of fallen humanity.
Indeed, the Bible tells us that Christ's blood is the only acceptable payment for our sin..
and how we glorify God that Christ died for our sins, and for the sins of the whole world, so that all who believe on Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Not only did He offer Himself as the compulsory sin-offering, as required by the Law, but also as a voluntary burnt-offering, as laid down in Leviticus.
He died as the compulsory SIN offering for our justification, but He died as the free-will BURNT offering for our sanctification.
Christ's death fulfilled ALL the legal requirement of the Sin-Offering, demanded by the Law, when He was crucified 'outside the gate' - outside the walls of Jerusalem.
When Christ went to the cross He died as the Sin-Offering on the Day of Atonement and the Burnt-Offering made freely as a love gift to the Father.
Let us reflect on that pivotal point in history, where the love of our wonderful God and the grace of our beautiful Saviour was so perfectly demonstrated in the intertwining of this duel sacrifice for us - FIRST) a compulsory sacrifice for sin and SECOND) a voluntary burnt-offering out of love.
God has not finished with Israel, which is a truth that has its roots in Genesis where despite Adam's sin, God set in motion His glorious plan of redemption for mankind; and Israel plays an important role in God's redemptive plan for mankind.
And so it was that in the fullness of time, Christ was born to save His people from their sins, and through Him, all the families of the earth would be blessed.
We who were dead in trespasses and sin and without God in the world, have been brought near to God because of Israel's transgressions, and by grace through faith in Him, we have been made children of God, forgiven of our sins, made part of the Body of Christ, been in-dwelt by the Holy Spirit and received eternal life as a free gift of God's grace.
Whether the brothers and sisters to whom he was writing were new into the faith or well-weathered, seasoned saints, they were often referred to as 'little children', for all had been sinners saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, all had their sins forgiven through His shed blood, and all had been given eternal life as God's free gift of grace.
All John's 'little children' were saved by grace for simply believing on the only begotten Son of God for the redemption of sin and life everlasting.
All had their sins forgiven: For His name's sake.
The forgiveness of sins and redemption of our lives rests firmly and exclusively on: His name's sake.
What a wonderful truth to wake to everyday, knowing that forgiveness of sins is our present possession, morning by morning: Great is His faithfulness.
What glorious grace it is to know that the forgiveness of our sins does not have to rest on our own merit or good works, but is secured on Christ's finished work on the Cross: For His name's sake.
Praise God that when the aged apostle John said, I am writing to you, little children, because your sins have been forgiven you for His name's sake, that this truth is as pertinent today as it was when John penned this first epistle to all God's 'little children'.
After the coming judgement for their sin, a day will dawn when Israel will be redeemed and restored, and they will walk in the paths of righteousness and be covered with God's blanket of peace, for when the eyes of the heart are focused on the Lord, His perfect peace stills the soul and floods the heart.
The enemy will accuse you of sin and try to dislodge your trust in God's holy Word, but GOD is the one that has forgiven your sins forever – past, present, and future, and flung them all into the sea of His forgetfulness, simply because you trusted in the Lord Jesus.
But this is often asked by sinners, who do not understand that evil and suffering is a consequence of man's sin, or believers who are trying to live by fleshly works and earn God's favour.
God is the Father of mercies and Giver of all good gifts and the evil and suffering of today is an indicator of the shocking effect of sin, in individual lives and the world at large.
This question is often argued by those who fail to grasp why sin came into the world and how sin can be forgiven.
Who will deliver you from this body of sin?
From that moment, sin began to reign in the lives of Adam, his wife, and all their offspring.
The hastily sewn fig-leaf aprons with which they had tried to camouflage their sin, were no covering for these two sinners.
The animal God used to clothe Adam and Eve was to atone for their sin - to cover their sin until the price was paid at Calvary.
No doubt Adam and Eve watched in shame and horror as they saw one of the animals they had nurtured and named - butchered before their eyes, so that their sin could be covered.
Its blood was shed to pay the price for their sin.
The life-blood of a little animal, that did nothing wrong, became to Adam and his wife, their 'salvation', for God covered their guilt with its blood-stained body, for without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness of sin.
The animal that was slain became a bloody picture of the cruel death that Christ would face as the one and only and final payment for sin.
The same picture, foreshadowing Christ's sacrificial death as our sin-substitute, was given to Israel, centuries later.
The sacrifices God instituted through Moses, were given as a teaching-aid to point them to Christ - the innocent Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.
He is the ONLY One Who perfectly atones for the sin of all who believe.
The covering God gave to Adam and Eve pictures Christ's sinless innocence, covering our guilty sin and clothing us in His perfect righteousness.
May we never forget the price Christ paid for our sin, for we were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold but with precious blood, as of a LAMB, unblemished and spotless - the blood of Christ, the Lamb of God.
How thankful we should be that God demonstrated His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us all - as the Substitute for our sin.
The Lord Jesus submitted Himself to His Father and willingly walked to the Cross for us - for without the shedding of His blood there would be no remission of sins for this fallen world.
He came from heaven to be a willing sacrifice for the sin of the world, but He exposed the cowardice and hypocrisy of his enemies and spoke the plain truth - that He was in the Temple every day and they did not lay hands on Him.
He came into the world to save His people from their sin.
He came to rescue His own people, but they rejected Him and His hour had finally come, when He would be the sacrifice for sin.
But the very hour that Christ would triumph over Satan, sin, death, and hell, was the same hour that He exposed the evil that was being perpetrated by the chief priests, the soldiers, the captains of the temple court, the scribes, the elders, and all the participants in this illegitimate arrest.
Step by step, Paul guided these confused Christians through the gospel message of grace - that Christ died for our sins according to the Scripture, and that he was buried, and was raised from the dead, according to the Scripture.
Our old sin nature was put to death with Christ on the Cross, and we received a new nature... the life of Christ.
Scripture teaches that we will one day receive a body like unto His glorious body... uncorrupted by sin - an immortal body of flesh and bone that will never die - for His life-blood was shed at Calvary so that we might receive His resurrected life in an incorruptible body, through the power of the Spirit.
If Christ has not been raised, then your faith is worthless, Paul wrote, and you are still in your sins!
Paul explained that when man sinned against God, all humanity was imputed with a sin nature.
But man did not recognise the wickedness of sin in his own life until the Law was given to Israel.
Indeed, the righteous requirement of the Law identified the gross sinfulness of man in order to show people that they needed someone to save them from their sins, for they could never be justified in the eyes of God by their own merit.
The purpose of the Law is to lead us to Christ by showing how deeply we are embroiled in sin and how desperately we need a Saviour.
Indeed, Paul further likens the Law to a jailer because its impossible standard has shut all men unto sin, and the wages of sin is death.
Jesus was made sin in our place and Jesus died in our stead, for the wages of sin is death.
Jesus died as our sin-substitute.
He not only died FOR our sin but He died UNTO sin.
He not only paid the PENALTY for our sin but He also broke the POWER that sin, death, Satan, the flesh, and the Law have in our lives.
Just as He identified with our sin and death, so we are identified with His righteousness and life, by faith.
The Lord Jesus not only died to pay the price FOR our sins, but He also died AS us and in the place of us.
They were OUR sins, but He bore the punishment for us so that we would never need to be punished for them.
As the sinless Son of Man, He paid the full burden-weight of the accumulated sins of the whole world, past, present, and future, and He also identified with all who would believe on Him so that we might reckon ourselves dead TO those sins as we live our Christian life.
While the Lord Jesus walked this earth, we were reckoned to be IN Christ so that when He died, we died IN Him: So that we might die to those sins and live righteously.
The Lord Jesus not only died FOR the sin of the whole world, but also on behalf of all believers, by His death on the Cross and separation from the Father on our behalf.
The Lord Jesus condescended to not only die for our sins but take the cruel punishment in His body.
He suffered scourging, and lashings, and beatings, and humiliation for us, for He was pierced for our rebellion and crushed for our sins.
He was whipped so we could be healed from the curse of sin and death and eternal separation from the Father.
May we never become so familiar with the story of the Cross, that we minimise in our minds just what the Lord Jesus did for us: Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness; by whose stripes you were healed.
The Bible, from beginning to end, points to Jesus, and this power-packed little book which details the terrible apostasy that is going to overtake the Church in the last days, similarly points to the Lord Jesus as the one and only person who can keep any of us from stumbling so that we may be presented to Him as a pure, chase virgin at His return.There are so many dangers today of which we need to be aware – not only of yielding to temptation and falling into sin, but being able to identify and avoid the influences of false teachers and apostates that are infiltrating the Church today, where an increasing number of false doctrines and teachers are flooding Christendom with another gospel.
How much more we who have an old sin nature need to keep ourselves ever covered by His protecting power and yielded to the guidance of His Holy Spirit, as we remain in Him and He in us.The little power-packed book of Jude opens by encouraging maturing Christians to contend earnestly for the sanctifying faith that works in and through the lives of born-again believers, and which will bring them to spiritual maturity.
It was because of Israel's failure to trust in God, keep His covenant, and obey His commands, that the Lord has allowed fallen man to assume authority over the whole earth... until Israel is ready to repent of her sin and accept God's anointed Son as their Messiah.
God purposed in His plan that Christ must first come to save His people from their sin, through His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension, BEFORE He could smash in pieces the kingdoms of this world system.
Sin had to be dealt with BEFORE He could grind the proud empires of the world to dust and regain dominion over the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air, the cattle of the land, and every creeping thing that creeps on the face of earth, which was forfeited by the first Adam, so many years before.
Before the world began, God knew that man would sin and that rebellion would become part of man's sin-nature.
He no doubt touched on His life, His ministry, His mission, and His work on the Cross for the forgiveness of sin, the redemption of mankind, and life everlasting, as outlined in so many prophetic books.
From start to finish, the book of Galatians outlines the deep concern that the apostle Paul showed for the Christians in Galatia who, having been saved by grace through faith in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, and having been born from above, chose to give up the glorious liberty they had in Christ (salvation, through the hearing of faith) for the meritorious work and legalistic bondage from which they had been set free.
Having been delivered from pagan superstition and slavery to sin, they were willingly prepared to forsake the true and living way, choosing rather to return to the suffocating slavery from which Christ had set them free.
They chose to turn from the law of grace back to the law of sin and death and to work for their salvation.
Having been delivered from slavery to sin by faith and having been released from the curse of the Law, they returned to a works based salvation!
It seems incredible that they willingly returned to the shackles of sin and the bondage of the Law, from which they had been fully pardoned by grace.
If there was any way to be declared righteous before God and receive forgiveness of our sin, other than through the finished work of Christ, then His sacrifice was not sufficient!
And yet, these believers had returned to pre-Cross bondage and slavery to sin, Satan, and the Law from which Christ had set them free.
We are declared righteous by faith in the only begotten Son of God for the forgiveness of our sin, and we are to continue to live by grace through faith and not by works of the law.
In the first ten chapters of his book, we find Zechariah the prophet, exhorting the nation of Israel to repent of their sin and to learn a lesson from the mistakes of their forefathers.
He explains how the faithful remnant will mourn deeply over rejecting their Messiah when they realise their sin.
He also tells us that, in His grace, the Lord has made provision for their sin to be forgiven, the nation to be restored, and their land to be cleansed.
They did not understand that the Law of God, the Prophets of Israel, the Psalms, and the Feasts-days were all pointing to Christ, and that 'the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus' had set them free from 'the law of sin and death'.Today, as in those early days of Christianity, there is still much confusion about the 'gospel of God' and there are many attempts to add law to grace, and works to faith.
But Adam made a foolish choice and instead of eating of the Tree of Life, he ate from the Tree of Knowledge, catapulting the human race headlong into sin and rebellion against their Creator-God.
What a shocking testimony of what sin can do and what a sombre truth of the destructive nature of sin in the life of men.
The Lord cannot look upon sin and sin must be punished, but God is also full of mercy and great goodness and we discover later that as the Lord grieved over His fallen creation and the utter depravity of man's heart, the eyes of the Lord search to and fro, looking for someone with a heart that was in right standing towards God.
Like all of Adam's descendants Noah had a sin nature.
Noah was a sinner who deserved the same condemnation of all humanity, for all have sinned and all come short of the glory of God, and the wages of sin is death.
Jesus claimed deity, eternality, omniscience, and equality with the Father on many occasions, and the Jews of His day knew exactly what Christ meant when He called God His Father and referred to Himself as the Son of Man, when He forgave sins, or identified Himself with the holy name of God (I AM).
But Christ alone has the legal right and righteous authority to claim equality with the Father, for He was sanctified by the Father, sent into the world to save His people from their sins, and given by the LORD to become the sin sacrifice for the sins of the whole world so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
Israel were to repent of their sin and welcome their King.
Although four hundred years would have to pass before John the Baptist became that lone voice, crying out in the desert and preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins, he was to be God's final witness to Israel before: The Lord, Whom the nation sought, would suddenly come to His Temple.
Daniel had given a very specific timeline: Seventy 'weeks' have been decreed for your people and your holy city to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place.
John pointed to Jesus Who was the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
Despite being in the midst of death because of sin, we have an assurance of great glory to follow, for we have been saved by grace through faith in Him.
Jesus may have been the Son of God through Whom heaven and earth were created, but He also came into this world as the Son of Man, the suffering Servant of Jehovah Who would give His life as the ransom price for the sin of the whole world.He had come to set up God's kingdom on earth, but His own people rejected Him and He finally set His face as a flint towards Jerusalem and the Cross.
Jesus was not advocating for His followers to start amputating their arms and legs or gouging out their eyes or tongues, but emphasising the terrible effect of sin on an individual life.Temptation to sin is not suppressed by self-mutilation, nor is it arrested by physical dismemberment, for the seat of sin is the heart and mind, not in the hand, foot, or body-member that perform a sinful act.
The wrath of God's judgement has already been poured out on Christ in our stead when He gave His life as the ransom price for our sin.
Saved, yet as though by fire.May we take to heart the serious consequences of sin and remove every element of it in our life which may cause us to fall into sinfulness, and may we also be ready and willing to share the good news of the gospel of grace with those who remain dead in their sins, and warn them of the terrible consequences of hell and God's unquenchable fire which awaits all who have not trusted in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
It is because the Bible does not white-wash sin, but identifies it as a ruinous evil which impacts the lives of every human being, that it is held in such contempt by so many people.
He also reminds us that we have a living hope in Christ, for when we finally see Him we shall be like Him... and this glorious hope keeps us pure, even as we are pure through faith in Christ - for by faith in Christ we are forgiven of our sins and covered in His own righteousness.
They are identified throughout the Word of God as rebellious, disruptive, mutinous, and seditious, and John makes it very clear in this verse: Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness - for sin IS lawlessness.
Lawlessness (or sin) is antithetical to godliness and purity and the lawless sinner is always at variance with the forgiven child of God.
The unsaved man does not simply transgress the law of God but is in direct opposition to Him, which is why we read that sin is lawlessness.
Praise God that there is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus - their sins are remembered no more and they are accepted in the Beloved and covered in His perfect righteousness - by faith.
And yet, it is also important to be aware that although sin can be forgiven, there are always consequences for our wrongdoings and our responsibilities must always be addressed.
He was the One Who came from heaven as the Sacrifice for the sin of others so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.
It could only reveal the weaknesses and uselessness of the Law to save man from sin.
Although the Law was perfect, it magnified man's sin and exposed the deficiencies of the earthly priesthood - for the Aaronic priesthood comprised of sinners, descendants of Levi, who were also in need of a Saviour.
They are the dry, lifeless bones of Ezekiel 37, which will only live again by the power of the Holy Spirit of God when they acknowledge their sin and receive Jesus as their Messiah-King.In this verse early in Exodus, we discover: All the persons who came from the loins of Jacob were seventy in number, but Joseph was already in Egypt The twelve tribes that make up the whole nation of Israel, are all descended from those twelve sons of Jacob.Reuben and Simeon were the two eldest children who shamed their father by their ungodly actions.
Although the northern nation of Israel had already fallen to Assyrian rule, Jeremiah's call for the southern kingdom of Judah to repent of their sins and return to the Lord, was treated with scornful disdain.
God is righteous and must punish sin, but He is also faithful to fulfil His promises to those that love Him and to reward those that place their trust in Him - for without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
He was sent by the Father to pay the price for the sin of the whole world through His sacrificial death, but He came willingly from His heavenly home in order to become the federal Head of a new race of mankind, through His resurrected life.
Others reject the perfection, purity, plausibility, and person-hood of His humanity, but unless fully God, He would not have been good enough to pay the price of sin, for God alone is good.
It was the Father who loved the world so much that He gave His precious Son to become our substitute for sin.
And by His death, He paid the price for man's sin and destroyed the power of sin and death in the lives of all who trust in Him, thus becoming the Federal Head of a new creation of humanity.
God continues to save us from the power of sin throughout our Christian life, and God is going to save us from the presence of sin when we stand before Him in glorified bodies, and it is all by grace.
Sin was the cause of the deluge of waters that drowned the earth in a world-wide flood so that no life remained except those that were saved in the ark.
It was sin and rebellion that caused the judgement of water, but it was mercy and grace that caused the Lord to set His bow in the clouds as a covenant between God and the earth that He would never again destroy the world with water.
Our own sin nature rebels against the Spirit Who dwells within, and the Spirit lusts against our fallen fleshly desires, but Paul warns us not to be conformed to this world, but rather to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
The sin nature is programmed to be conformed to the world, but the transforming work of the indwelling Holy Spirit requires the continuous and ongoing renewing of our mind, so that our thoughts are influenced by the mind of Christ, as the desire of His heart becomes our own desire and delight, and His perfect will is translated into our will.
All are under God's condemnation and the wages of sin is death.
While salvation comes THROUGH the Jewish nation, it is only through faith in the Jewish Messiah that an individual soul can be redeemed from the slave market of sin.
If was for this reason that Paul spent so much time writing his epistles and correcting the many false doctrines and corrupt teachings that were already starting to infiltrate the Body of Christ - including Jewish legalism, Gnosticism or hidden knowledge, asceticism (which attempted to train the sin nature through self-abasement), and antinomianism (which promoted a licence to sin) - to name but a few.
This shocking accusation was identified by Christ Himself as a terrible sin against the Holy Spirit (for the Spirit is the One Who convicts men's hearts of sin, righteousness and judgement).
This was the point in His life that Jesus began to speak in parables, for He knew what was in men's hearts, and He knew that He had been rejected by the religious authorities and would soon become the sacrificial Lamb Who would take away the sin of the world.
But their search was not to discover the truth of His Messianic claims, repent of their sins, and to acknowledge Him as God of gods and King of kings for, as we read elsewhere, His siblings mocked Him and did not believe in Him.
As the eternal Son of God, He would give His life as the perfect Son of Man for the sin of the world.
And the gift of God that the Lord Jesus spoke of to this woman-at-the-well is His free gift of salvation, which is openly available to all who will accept God's gracious offer of redemption and be cleansed of their sin, by faith in Christ.
The sacrifice of animals whose innocent blood had been shed for many centuries, was only a temporary means to cover man's sin until God's one and only sacrificial Lamb was nailed to a Cross so that the wrath of God could be poured out in full measure on His sinless head so that the price for our sin could be paid in full by Him and the power of sin, death, hell, and the Law could be broken in our lives.
Old Testament saints had an incomplete understanding of death and resurrection, for only until Christ had fully and finally broken the power of death at Calvary and triumphed over sin and Satan, was the power of death broken and the sting of death removed.
Let us seek to share the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ with those that are dead in their sins and without hope in the world, knowing that every day that passes is a day of grace when lost souls may come to a saving faith in Christ Jesus our Saviour.
The high priest was the one that stood between God and man, to offer sacrifices to Him in order to atone for man's many sins.
For He was tempted like as we are, yet He did not sin.
Indeed, He identified so closely with us all that He was made sin for us and paid the terrible price that we so rightly deserve.
We truly can say that we DO have a Great High Priest Who understands ALL our weaknesses, for He faced the same testings that we do, but He did not sin.
The sinless Son of Man did not need to die, for sin is the reason for death, yet He chose to die and willingly gave up His perfect life so that our punishment was paid and also that we might receive His life in us, the new life in Christ, and that we might have it more abundantly.
He warned that unless they repented of their sin, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride would be silenced and the land would become desolate.
The prophet John had identified Him as the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, but legalism and false perceptions of their coming Saviour blinded the religious leaders to the truth of the gospel of God, and in chapter 17, Jesus starts to address their questions on the kingdom in order to correct their false perceptions.
They would only discover the kingdom of God by coming to a knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord - Who was sent to save the world from sin and Satan, death and hell - and Who stood in their very midst.
Christ's kingdom of peace and prosperity can only take place when Israel repents of their sin nationally.
The Millennial Kingdom of God, about which these Jews were asking, can only happen when the nation of Israel repents of their sin, returns to the God of their fathers, and believes on the Lord Jesus Christ as their Kinsman-Redeemer - and Jesus addressed this issue in this dialogue.
MY peace I give unto you.The amazing love of God, binds us together in worship and praise to our Heavenly Father Whose loves for us is so profound, that He gave His only begotten Son to become our substitute for sin, while the supernatural love of Jesus is such that while we were yet sinners, Christ died on our account so that we might be forgiven of our sin, receive a new life in Him, become united with Christ and abide with Him forever.Faith, enables us to worship in spirit and truth.
And Paul also mentions the astonishing and immediate judicial changes that take place in the life of every man and woman, who trusts in the death, burial, and Resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
We are counselled against spiritual immaturity, emotional instability, and foolish gullibility while being warned against lying, anger, deceitfulness, unconfessed sin, covetousness, filthiness, foolish talking, and coarse jesting.
The Lord Jesus was soon to demonstrate how deep that love was for all who receive Him as their redeeming sin sacrifice, for greater love has no one than this, that the Man Christ Jesus, God incarnate, would lay down His life for His friends.
It is by His grace through faith in Christ that we have peace with God, for we have been forgiven of our sins and received eternal life - through faith in Him.
Lawlessness is a mystery that is secretly but constantly working within this world and will continue to spread like a cancer until it produces the prophesied man-of-sin - the Antichrist.
It is THEN that the man-of-sin will be revealed.
In this passage, Paul reminds them of many things the man-of-sin will do, while the prophet Daniel tells us that this satanically inspired man will come onto the world scene for seven years, during which time God's wrath will be poured out on a God-hating, Christ-rejecting, sinful world.
He told them that His body was broken for them and that His shed blood inaugurated the New Covenant, for the forgiveness of sin.
Could they not watch and pray with Him for one, short, critical hour, as the Son of Man prepared Himself to carry the weight of the world's sin on His sinless shoulders?
He was appointed to save His people from their sin, to set up His kingdom of heaven on earth, and to sit on David's throne.
The nation of Israel rejected their anointed King, which caused God's whole redemptive programme for Israel to be postponed until His Second Coming, when they will finally repent of their sin, recognise their Saviour, and crown Him as their rightful King on Zion's holy hill.
Our faithful God is the one who fed the hungry multitude, provides comfort for the broken-hearted, gives succour to the weak, strength to the weary, hope to the afflicted, and salvation to all who trust in Christ Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins - for while we were yet sinners, God in His grace provided a Kinsman-Redeemer to save His people from their sins.
Those connected with Ishmael, Hagar, the Old Covenant of Law, and the earthly Jerusalem, represent the unsaved who are in bondage to sin, slavery, and Satan.
They include all unbelievers who are dead in their sins, enslaved by Satan, at enmity with God, as well as many religious legalists and pious Judaisers who insist that we are still under the Law of Moses and not under the Law of the Spirit of life which is in Christ Jesus.
They live by faith and have been removed from the curse of the Law, for the wages of their sin was paid in full by Christ's sacrifice at Calvary.
By faith, we are no longer under God's condemnation because we trusted in the Lord Jesus for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
We are now ministers of the New Covenant of grace and all who have trusted Christ for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting are children of the free-woman; children of promise.
There is great comfort for the people of Israel (and for all the children of God) in the book of Isaiah, for despite Israel's rebellion against the Lord and the crucifixion of their promised Messiah, God has declared that He will not forsake His people, their iniquity would be forgiven, and their sin would be remembered no more.
It was at the Cross where sin, Satan, hell, and death were defeated and a New Covenant with Israel was made through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus.
But God has permitted the destructive effects of sin to reverberate down through the centuries, as we look towards that time when Christ will return (with the Church), to reign on earth as King of kings and Lord of lords.
And their Messiah Jesus will come in the name of the Lord a second time, to save His people from their sins.
In that day, Israel's righteous Messiah Whose sacrificial blood paid the price for their sins, will be identified as the One Whose garments are stained with the blood of their enemies, for He is mighty to save.
We may be grieved by the atrocities that are taking place today, but God has appointed a day to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to set His King upon His holy Hill in Jerusalem.
But the day is coming when wicked and evil man will be called to account their sins.
The perfection of God and His perfect Law cannot be carried out by imperfect man in the power of his fallen flesh, for the old sin nature dictates that we are sinners and sinners cannot achieve perfection.
The bitter truth is that the soul that sins shall die – and all have sinned and so all have fallen short of God's perfection and are deserving of death, for the wages of sin is death.
He was made a sin offering on behalf of the human race.
Christ willingly offered up His perfect life as the perfect sacrifice, to pay the perfect price that God required for the accumulated fullness of imperfect humanity's sin, and in so doing Christ condemned sin in the flesh.
The Law cannot pardon, but the Law points out sin.The Law cannot sanctify, but the Law justly condemns.
Jesus purchased a pardon for every member of the human race, conquering sin and death, and then elevated all that would believe on His name to be children of God and joint heirs with Christ.
Jesus is the one to Whom every Passover lamb points - for just as these Passover lambs were slain their firstborn sons, so Jesus came to die in the place of sinful man. He was sent to redeem His people from their slavery to sin so that by faith in Him, they would LIVE.
It was to remind them that He alone could redeem them from the slave market of sin.
He alone could rescue His people from Satan, sin, death, and hell.
It was to be a picture of the perfect Passover Lamb Who would come to earth as man's Kinsman-Redeemer to take away the sin of the world and become the sacrifice for our sin.
When we die to self and all that the sin-soaked nature of our old life in Adam represents, we are enabled, by the Spirit of God, to live in newness of life, through Christ Jesus our Lord.
Let us reckon ourselves dead to sin and all that the old sin nature represents and let us reckon ourselves alive to God in Jesus Christ our Lord - so that by His power we may love the Lord our God with all our heart - and in His name, add to that godliness, brotherly kindness, and progress from brotherly kindness to the divine love - that is ours in Christ Jesus.
The theme of the first 39 chapters seems to thread its way from the formless earth and fallen man; dead in sins, estranged from God, and steeped in apostasy, as recorded in the Old Testament.
The first section has it focus on judgement, which condemns sin and places the guilty sinner under God's condemnation.
Isaiah announced that the prophesied King of the Jews was to be sent to save His people from their sin.
Man cannot begin to imagine the physical torture that Christ had to undergo on behalf of the sin of the whole world, but the emotional and spiritual anguish that He must have endured when His Heavenly Father turned away from Him and poured out the full force of His godly wrath upon Him in payment for the accumulated sin of the world, which He carried on our behalf, is beyond our finite imagination and staggers our limited understanding.
The deeds undertaken by 'the old man' (the old sin nature - our human ability), which we received from the first 'terrestrial' creation, when we were born of Adam, can produce nothing of value, just wood, hay, and stubble.
Faith in Christ removes the filth of the flesh by the forgiveness of sin.
When a man or woman turns from their sins to Christ and is cleansed by the washing of the water of the Word of God, the result is a good conscience before the Lord.
Although the Law identified sin, the animal sacrifices that were offered year after year could not wash away sin.
They could not fully atone for the sin of the people.
The sacrificial offerings were nothing more than a covering-over of sin until the true Sacrifice for sin was sent.
Only the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who became a Man and paid the ultimate price for the sin of the world through His sacrificial death, was sufficient to pay the price of sin.
His death was not simply a covering of sin but a total washing-away of sin forever, by faith in Him.
The Law could not forgive sinners, and it was never intended to forgive sin.
The Law could only identify sin, and the continuous sacrifices of the temporary sacrificial system after the order of Aaron was an interim one.
Through His finished sacrificial work on the Cross, He became both the sin offering for the forgiveness of sin as well as the heavenly High Priest Who made the atoning offering to God.
The inadequacy of the Old Covenant with its repeated sacrifices, offers a stark contrast with the adequacy of the New, where, by God's grace, Christ's single offering of Himself is sufficient payment for your sin and for mine.
Salvation is a condition of the heart - a heart that has trusted Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
There are many legalists who would seek to entice those who have been set free from the law of sin and death, back under bondage to the Law, by imposing dietary demands, sabbath laws, and other religious restrictions onto them.
May we be men and women who triumph over the old sin nature, with its judgemental tendencies and its propensity to discriminate against others that do not fit with our fallen sin nature.
Not only was the penalty for our sin paid in full, by grace through faith in the death, burial, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, but also its suffocating power has been broken.
The curse of the Law has been lifted, the sting of death has been removed, and we have been born into the family of God and become part of a totally new creation in Christ, with our sins forgiven and our eternal life secure.As born again citizens of heaven, we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
First, He died to set us free from slavery to sin, and the only thing we had to do to receive forgiveness of sin and life everlasting, was to believe on the Person and Work of the only begotten Son of God.And then, as soon as we were saved, God started a new work.
The One Who is the very essence of God and Who is complete in Himself, considered your needs and mine before His own, when He emptied Himself and took upon Himself the form of a slave, for He knew that the sacrifice of Himself was the only way that we could be saved from our scarlet sins, our gross sinfulness, our selfish smugness, and our self-absorbed pride.
All have been freed from the slave-market of sin, for we all have been redeemed by the precious blood of Christ, forgiven of our sins, justified in the eyes of God, regenerated, sealed, adopted, and born again.
But in His amazing grace, He sent His Son to become sin for us so that by believing in Him, we might be forgiven and made the righteousness of God in Him.
The precious promises of God are poured into our hearts by the Spirit, and Paul cements his argument with the assurance that while we were weak and ungodly, without strength and without hope – Christ, the good and gracious God, died for us ungodly sinners who were dead in trespasses and sins.
Rather than recognising Jesus as the Passover Lamb Who would take away the sin of the world and save His people from their sin, they ignored the testimony of John the Baptist, the signs and wonders that authenticated His messianic claims, and the audible witness of His Heavenly Father Who said, This is my beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.
We do not have to undertake the annual cleansing rituals as laid out in the Law of Moses, but we do have to purify our hearts before the Lord - and we do this by trusting in the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin, and by living each day in a way that honours His name.
Apart from a small remnant who have become fellow-members of Christ's Body, together with Gentile believers, the vast majority of Jews continue to reject their Messiah and remain dead in trespasses and sin.
For over 70 years, they have remained lifeless, spiritually dead in their sin, and estranged from their God.
Although a form of physical restoration has occurred, there will be no spiritual renewal until they finally acknowledge their sin, recognise their Messiah, and they cry out to Him: Hosanna!!
Only the incarnate God can authoritatively proclaim, I am the Light of the world. Only He is able to lift the one that is dead in trespasses and sins out of deep darkness that has permeated man's soul.
Only He can transfer the one that is dead in sin and engulfed in darkness into the brilliance of His marvellous light.
He alone has the right to be called the Light of the world, for He came into the world, to lighten the darkness of a world immersed in sin.
Though Solomon trusted God, he had not 'proved' the Lord in the same difficult life-challenging circumstances that his father, David, had faced when enemies encompassed him on every side or when his sin consumed his peace of mind.
The Son of God was born into the human race that He Himself created, in order to carry out the will of the Father: that whosoever believes on His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection for the forgiveness of sins, might have eternal life and become ministers of reconciliation to a lost and dying world.
Christ was the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
Christ Jesus the Lord presented this hostile group with the life-changing truth which could free each one from the bondage of the Law, slavery to sin and death, and eternal separation from God.
Pride was the sin that was found in Satan, and pride was the sin that was resident in the hearts of these religious leaders: For whoever denies the Son does not have the Father, but the one who confesses the Son has the Father also.
The truth is that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures.
May we, like the children in this Epistle, walk in the truth of God's Word and keep his commandment knowing that God, Who is rich in mercy and of great goodness, demonstrated the great love with which He loved us... in that although we were dead in our transgression and sin, He made us alive, together with Christ, and saved us by His grace.
Paul reassured these worried saints that the 'Day-of-the-Lord' which will usher in the prophesied time of judgement - and which precedes the Millennial reign of Christ, will not come until the man of sin is revealed.
He explained that God's wrath was not being poured out on them, even though there were going through much persecution - because the man of sin had yet to arrive on the scene.
The rebellious man of sin and Satan's evil plans were being held back by the prayers of the saints in Paul's day... and the man of sin and Satan's evil plans are continuing to be restrained today.
Sadly however, some interpretations of 2nd Thessalonians are only based on the initial summary statement and ignore the later verses which show that the Holy Spirit is restraining evil and suppressing the rise of the man of sin... and He is doing His restraining work through the prayers of Christians who are members of Christ's Body and His earthly ambassadors and representatives.
Once that restraining Body is removed THEN, and only then, will the man of sin be revealed.
Only after the Restrainer is removed, will the man of sin be identified and enabled by Satan to carry out his nefarious deeds and perform many lying signs and ungodly wonders - until he is overthrown by the breath of Christ, at His Second Coming.
They show how a believer can have victory over slavery to sin; how they can grow in mature in the faith and progress in their Christian walk.
Chapter 7 shows the believer's relationship to the Law which places them in subjugation to the law and slavery to sin.
WHO will deliver me from this body of sin?
HOW can I be separated from the fallen sin nature, that causes me to do the things I don't want to do, but stops me from doing the things that I DO want to do?
For this reason, chapter 7, which describes a Christian groaning under the heavy yoke of sin, should never be divorced from chapters 6 and 8, which give the answer.
Like us, Paul was bound by his fallen, fleshly sin nature, and described it this way: On the one hand I myself with my mind am serving the law of God, but on the other hand, with my flesh I am serving the law of sin. He wanted to serve God in his heart and mind and knew what he ought to do, but he could not do it in his own strength.
Let us never forget that we are neither justified (saved from our sins) in our own strength nor are we sanctified (living the Christian life) in our own strength.
When we, as believers, finally realise this, we are able to say: 'Thanks be to God Who gives me the victory in Jesus Christ my Lord.' And as we read Romans chapters 6, 7, and 8 with eyes of understanding and a heart of grateful praise, we are enabled to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord, and to break free from bondage to the law of sin and its terrible consequences.
It is God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Who is to be highly praised, for He gave His only begotten Son to be born into the human race and to die for the sin of the world, so that we might be accepted in the Beloved by faith in His saving work at Calvary, and be seated together with Him in heavenly places.
It is beyond our comprehension that God could love us so dearly, that He gave His only begotten Son into the world to be the propitiation for our sin, such that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but receive eternal life as a free gift of His grace.
The devil may come as a tempting angel of light to lure us into sin or we may encounter him as a roaring lion, but whichever guise he chooses to wear, let us never forget that as we submit to God, we can resist the evil one, and he will flee far from us.
He was the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, and He was the prophesied King of the Jews.
His teaching in those early days was only addressed to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, especially those who had repented of the nation's past sin of apostasy, through John's 'baptism of repentance'.Knowing that the message of salvation is: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, indicates that this 'Sermon on the Mount' is not addressed to unbelievers, but a message to those who are already believers in God. Christ's 'Sermon on the Mount' points out that sinful actions are conceived in the heart, and that a false 'righteousness' is hidden within man's fallen nature.
It seems to be setting the stage to show that righteous living can only be achieved from a changed heart that has trusted in God for the forgiveness of sin – for only those who believe in Him are credited with righteousness.It is pointing out that all men are sinners, for only God is perfect.
The Law cannot forgive the sins of a sinner, but is a school-master that points lost sinners to Christ, in Whom is life and light, hope and salvation.It demonstrates that godly living emanates from an inner attitude of a changed heart that trusts in God for salvation.
He came to pay the price for man's sin and to be crowned as Israel's King of kings.Whoever may be the main target audience, the Sermon on the Mount is not for unbelievers, but sets out a pattern of holy living for Jew and Gentile believers alike, that can only come through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit when the inner heart of a believer has died to self, and lives for Christ alone.
They also renounced Jewish legalism, which places people back under the 'law of sin and death', and they exposed the pagan cults that denied the deity of Christ or denounced His perfect humanity.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and of death.
And so Paul found freedom from the power of sin, life from the icy fingers of death, deliverance from the curse of law, emancipation from the lust of the flesh, and liberty to live in newness of Christ's resurrected life as guided by the Holy Spirit.
We were sentenced to death because of our sins and our imputed sin nature, but Christ was judged in our place, paying the full price for our sin, by faith.
The penalty for our sin was paid in full by Christ on our account, and there is no 'double jeopardy' which forbids a defendant from being tried again on the same charge.
We are delivered from the power of sin by HIS life.
There are two life principles by which a believer can live - death or life, law or grace, the flesh or the spirit, bondage or freedom, carnality or spirituality, the old sin nature or the new life in Christ.
He can submit to the old sin nature OR he can submit to the new life in Christ.
The old sin nature in the unregenerate man or the Christian who is living carnally, is defenceless against the power of the law of sin and death which is at work within every member of the human race.
Let us live our life in the power of the Holy Spirit and submit to Him in all things, knowing that there is: NO Condemnation, for those of us who are positioned in Christ: For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and of death.
Salvation is a free gift of God's grace, which comes through trusting in the incarnate Word of God Whose shed blood at Calvary paid the full and final penalty for sin: For without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.
Humanity had spiralled downward into sordid sin, ungodly practices, and rejection of the Lord: For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities, His eternal power, and His divine nature have been clearly seen and understood from what has been made so that people are without excuse.
However, forgiveness of sins and eternal life is the result of Christ's obedience on the Cross; and this is the glorious conclusion for all who will trust on His name.
As the federal head of the old creation in Adam, the entire human race has been tainted with sin.
We were born with an old sin nature and we sin because we are sinners.
Sin entered into the world affecting every member of the human race, and death came into the world and spread to all humanity, as a result of the sin of that one man, Adam.
But praise God that there is a great difference between Adam's sin and God's gracious gift in Christ.
For the sin of this one disobedient man, Adam, brought death to many.
But God's wonderful grace and His gift of forgiveness is so much better, for whosoever will may be forgiven of their sins, through one perfect Man, the Lord Jesus Christ.
This glorious truth needs to be shared with as many as possible, and Peter tells us of the Lord's desire: Not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance. Let us tell as many as we meet, that although: Through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all mankind, because all sinned, all mankind has been redeemed through the precious blood of one Man.
How much more should who have been forgiven of our sins, clothed in His own righteousness, made joint-heirs with our Saviour and seated together with Him in heavenly places, unite our voices in great rejoicing and sing songs of praise about the majesty of his reputation, and give Him the honour He deserves.
They heard His voice, they trusted His Word, and their faith expanded to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting: You are the Messiah the Son of the Living God, was their confession, and they believed that God had sent Him into the world to save His people from their sin: I give eternal life to them, was Christ's promise to those who believe, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.
All sin has to be punished by God because He is holy and just.
The prophet had warned about the great and terrible day of the Lord, and the entire nation would face judgement for her sin of apostasy.
Sin is in the world and sin has to be punished - both the sin of pagan nations and the sin of God's people, Israel.
They will look on Christ whom they pierced and mourn over their sin.
The glorious time of Israel's restoration is couched in this declaration from God, for He has promised to save His people from their sin, and His promises to Israel will never fail, just as His promises to the Church are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord - and our present sojourn in this fallen world, is likewise hastening to its grand finale.
The story of Samson is a very sad tale that clearly shows the long-suffering grace and mercy of God towards his servants, as well as a warning that there may come a time when God's hand of blessing and protection is lifted for a season when sin crouches at the door.
He too was to have His heart pierced with a sharp blade.The poignant picture of Abraham and Isaac, points to the stark reality that God was ready and willing to sacrifice the innocent and sinless life of His only begotten Son – but after three days, Christ rose from the dead, having conquered Satan, sin, death, and hell.
The precious picture of Abraham and Isaac is a foreshadowing of the glorious truth that God the Father gave God the Son as the innocent offering Who walked willingly to the Cross as our sacrifice for sin.Christ was not only the sin offering to take away the sin of the world, and Israel's perfect and final Passover Lamb, but He was also a burnt offering – a freewill offering – a willing offering.
Jesus knew from the beginning that many in this crowd were neither circumcised in their heart nor grieving for their sin and the sins of their forefathers, but He had compassion of them for He knew that they were dead in their trespasses.
We are born with a corrupted sin nature, which is impregnated with wickedness and is at enmity with God, and we are born in a physical body that starts the lifelong process towards death from the moment we draw our first breath.
So deep was the stain of sin on the body and soul of man, that it was impossible to recondition or retrain the old fallen nature.
The old sin nature cannot be retrained or mortified; it cannot be cleansed or improved.
The old sin nature has to remain in the place of death, nailed to the Cross, replaced with a new life, the resurrected life of Christ - a new nature that we receive at salvation.
And so crimson are humanities sins and so polluted mans' sin-stained life, that every characteristic of man needs to be started afresh - for all are born in the fallen image of sinful man who was made from the dust of the earth, but only those that bear the image of the heavenly Man will see the kingdom of God.
But sin MUST be punished.
The wrath of God against the sins we commit and our inherent sin nature must be satisfied, and this could only be accomplished if a sinless substitute willingly exchanged His perfect life for our sin-stained being.
The old, soulish, fleshly life, so impregnated with sin cannot be renewed, but a new God-breathed life is given at salvation; the new life in Christ.
Let us reckon ourselves dead to sin by keeping the old sin nature nailed to the Cross by faith, and let us reckon ourselves alive to Christ as we allow His Holy Spirit to direct and govern our lives, to His praise and glory.
God is Spirit and God is eternal, but God in His grace and love clothed Himself in human flesh so that He could become the incarnate Son of God and live a perfect life clothed in mortal flesh (yet without sin) in order to qualify Himself to become humanity's Kinsman-Redeemer.
By willingly giving up His precious life on a cruel Roman cross, he enabled all who believe on His name not to perish, but have forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
Jesus brought peace to Jew and Gentile alike through the blood of the eternal covenant, for our GREAT Shepherd of the sheep came to save all His people from their sins.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. Hallelujah!
God cannot condemn you for you are in Christ and Christ will not condemn you, for He died for your sins so that all that believe on Him would not be condemned but have eternal life.
Suffering with Christ is simply a portal which translates His blood-bought believers into His eternal joy, and as sinners saved by grace, we have peace with God for the forgiveness of sin and the peace of God in our heart.
Instead of getting up and setting off towards Nineveh to carry out the Word of the Lord, we see that his actions caused Jonah to dig himself deeper and deeper into sin, selfishness, and defiance against God's clear call.
Jeremiah knew that Judah needed to repent of their sins and gross apostasy, and he prophesised of a terrible judgement which would descend upon them if they were to disobey his pleading pronouncements.
But Judah had become insensitive to sin and they were indifferent to the increasingly intense prophetic warnings that came from the lips of the grieving Jeremiah.
Sinners are saved from the penalty of sin by God's grace, once and for all, through trusting in the death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ for salvation, but believers must mature in the faith and continue the process of ongoing salvation.
This ongoing salvation process, or sanctification, happens moment by moment, as the life on Christ within, saves us from the power of sin in our lives.
Since we have been justified by Christ's blood, accepted in the Beloved, and been made children of God, how much more shall we be saved from the power of sin by means of Christ's own resurrected life within?
Our Kinsman-Redeemer, Who has rescued us from our sins and seated us together with Himself in heavenly places as sons of God and joint-heirs with Christ, is currently seated on the right hand of the Majesty on high, interceding for you, praying for me, defending His children from the accusations of the enemy, and protecting the Church, which is His Body, with His never-ending intercessions to the Father.Christ ever lives and Christ ever intercedes – for He has power to save through the merit of His atoning work on the cruel Cross of Calvary and His glorious Resurrection.
For Christ has promised to save us from the power of sin, the guilt of sin, the nature of sin, and the punishment of sin, but also to sanctify to the uttermost, body, soul, and spirit as day by day His Holy Spirit is conforming us into the image and likeness of Christ Jesus our Lord.His saving grace is not only for the eternal ages to come but will be carried through to its ultimate completion, for He will never abandon any that have trusted in His name as Saviour and who have come to Him for pardon and peace.
He did not understand the spirit of the Law and the need for fallen man to have a spiritual birth; the need for sinful man to be cleansed of his sin by the washing of the water with the Word of God.
Our flesh is associated with our human nature, our human character, and our human senses, and our human nature is a fallen nature, a sin nature.
Jesus became a physical being like us, yet He was without sin so that He could pay the price for humanities sin through the shedding of His sinless, human blood.
The disciples still thought of Jesus as their conquering King rather than God's suffering Servant Who takes away the sin of the world, and so... dismissing Christ's warning of His fast approaching passion, each developed his own specific expectation of their own, elevated position in the new administration.
He explained that before salvation we were dead IN sin but after salvation we are dead TO sin.
Before we were saved we were separated from Christ by sin, but after having been saved by grace through faith, we were forgiven of our sin, joined to Christ, and positioned in Him
In the previous chapter, Paul explained that as believers we died with Christ and were risen with Him; we died to self and the old sin nature so that by faith we are born-again into God's family and our life is hidden with Christ in God.
In Christ, we are dead to sin and dead to the Law.
The Law exposes sin in our lives and places us under the curse of the Law, which is death; separation from God.
But Christ became sin for us.
Jesus Christ paid the price for every sin we committed, and He took the punishment for every broken Law through His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection.
The redemption price for every sin we ever committed and each righteous Law we have broken has been paid for, once for ALL, by Christ.
He died to pay the penalty for our sin, but He also died to break the power of sin, bondage to Satan, and the curse of the Law.
He died on the Cross in our stead, and as members of His Body we not only died to sin, but we died to the Law, which means that we were freed from its condemnation.
By faith in Him we died to sin, we died to the Law, and we were united together with Him.
Imputed sin and inherited sin is the birthright of all mankind, for sin has affected the warp and woof of the genetic make-up of every man and woman born into this human race.
We are not sinners because we sin - we sin because we are sinners by birth, guilty before God: For as it is written, there is none righteous, no, not even one.
God will never tempt a man to sin, for God hates sin and cannot look upon sin, but God will often use temptation in a man's life to test his faith, patience, and perseverance, and the one that endures the test will glorify God.
Temptation to sin must never be seen as a sin.
Temptation comes from the evil desires that lurk deep within the heart of all men, for we all have an old sin nature and we can allow these temptations to lure us away from what is good and entice us into sin.
But once such an evil desire is conceived in our heart, it gives birth to sin.
When sin is fully grown, it gives birth to death.
Although we are eternally saved and in positional union with Christ forever, sin separates us from God, for sin interrupts our fellowship with God, causing us to be separated from all that makes for life and health and peace in our hearts.
But God, in His grace made a way for us to return to fellowship with him: If we confess our sin, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
What confidence should flood our soul and what joy should illuminate our hearts, for the long-suffering, faithful God of Israel Who redeemed them out of the Egyptian bondage and restored them from their Babylonian captivity, is the same Saviour Who is faithful and true, Who clothed Himself in flesh, and came to earth in the likeness of human flesh and bled and died that you and I might also be redeemed from the captivity of Satan, and rescued from the bondage of sin.
Christ is the propitiation for our sin, and this passage helps to explain the necessity for Christ to die on the Cross so that He may rise up to life immortal and bring many sons to glory.
Indeed, it is also used to illustrate the fruitfulness of a single Christian life who is prepared to die to self and the old sin-nature and live for Christ, to His honour and glory.
He died in our place by shedding His life blood on the Cross and took the sin of the world upon His shoulders.
In the wake of Israel's sin of unbelief and murmurings against Him, the Lord graciously chastened His people for a season, before responding to their cries and restoring them into sweet fellowship with Himself.
Like them, we too have been redeemed from the slavery of sin.
The self-same Jesus Who came to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself on the Cross, and to break the power of death by means of His glorious Resurrection, will appear a second time without sin.
While Paul's main audience were Gentiles, Peter's focus were Jewish believers, and to emphasise the destructive nature of sin and the need to live holy lives while reassuring his readers of God promised protection, Peter often took examples from Israel's chequered history to warn his Jewish audience of the consequences of sin and the inevitable judgement that must follow when man rebels against his Creator.
Sin must be punished if God's holy and righteous character is to remain unblemished, but the warning against profanity and vulgarity that Peter cited, has gone unheeded down through many centuries of history.
The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was prideful rebellion and unhindered homosexuality, both of which are an abomination to the Lord and yet which are celebrated with unbridled arrogance.
But sin must be punished.
Whether it is fallen angels, the pre-flood generation, the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah, or the godless nations of today, the Lord is righteous and sin must be punished; and the wages of sin is death.
It should remain as an example to ALL, that sin will not go unpunished.
They would not accept He was the Son of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.
This man was being called upon to prepare the way of the Lord, in the Gentile cities of the region, for a day was coming when Christ would lovingly stretch out His arms, as the sacrifice for the sin of the whole world, and welcome ALL who would believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul's priority was to teach the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ so that men and women everywhere would be saved by grace through faith in Christ for the remission of their sins - to explain it in such a way that whoever he was teaching would hear and believe.
May we be ready and willing to forgo some of our developed biases and adopt Paul's attitude of becoming all things to all men so that the gospel of grace and Christ's sacrificial offering of Himself on the Cross for the sin of the world, may be shared to as many people as possible - so that by all means, some may be saved for the glory of God.
And Peter was one of Christ's inner circle who witnessed the honour and glory of the Lord Jesus, the Messiah of Israel and Son of the most high God, on that glorious Mount of Transfiguration.Early in his second letter, which was addressed to other believers in the faith, he called to mind that wonderful day when Jesus was transfigured before his eyes – a short while before the Lord Jesus died on the Cross, and rose again as the sacrifice for man's sin.Jesus received great honour and glory from God the Father, Peter recalls, with appropriate humility and awestruck wonder.
He is the eternal Son of God, Who became the perfect Son of Man so that He could give His life as the ransom price for the sin of the whole world - so that WHOSOEVER believes on Him will not perish but have eternal life.
He had been chosen to be the missionary to the Gentiles who were formerly alienated from God, hopelessly dead in sins, and engaged in evil deeds, but by God's grace, many were reconciled to Him through faith in Christ for their salvation.
Let us rightly divide the Word of God, study to show ourselves approved, and seek to live as we have been taught, not only being identified with His death for the forgiveness of sins, but with His new born-again life within.
Let us hold fast to that which you have, knowing that the Lord Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that in Him we have forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, to His praise and glory.
The scornful scoffers and deriding mockers that belie the fast approaching Day of the Lord, are unaware that every passing moment is not slackness or disinterest on God's part, nor is God's acceptance or indifference towards man's sin, but just another expression of His long-suffering grace and His unwillingness that any should perish, but that all should turn from their sin to Jesus as the substitute offering for their sins and their glorious Saviour.
We are part of the New Creation in Christ over which the Law of sin and death has no power.
My old, former sin-nature was bound to the Law of sin and death and there is nothing good to be found in that old sinful, fleshly part of me.
There is no good in the old sin nature.
As a member of the fallen human race, the Law is able to identify my sin but it can never give me the power to do good things.
My fleshly sin nature is incapable of being holy.
My fallen sin nature is powerless to carry out good things that please God.
No part of the old creation in me is good because every member of the human race is born dead in their sin.
Similarly, we have knowledge of what is good and an inner desire to do good things, but the old sin nature has no capacity to do anything that pleases God, even when we really want to!
It is sad when spiritual development is halted, reversed, or twisted through legalistic practices as demonstrated by these Galatian Christians, or by using God's free gift of grace as a license to sin as exhibited by the Corinthian Christians. May we take our own spiritual growth and that of our brothers and sisters in Christ seriously so that Christ may be formed in us, to His praise and glory.
The administration of the perfect Law which was given to Moses, pronounced sin and death on all, for the Law exposes the sinfulness of man without the means to save him.
But the Law is a vital signpost pointing sinners to Christ Who became the once-for-all sacrifice for sin, and Who alone can remove man from under the curse of the Law, by faith.
The root of sin is pride, and the biggest lie is to question the truthfulness and dependability of God's unfailing Word.
From that devastating fall of man in the idyllic garden of Eden to the final chapters of holy Scripture, we discover details of the wide-ranging repercussions of man's damning sin, and the tremendous grace that our offended God has extended towards the human race who was made in God's own image and likeness.
They determined to discover Job's sin, chastise him of his crime, and correct him with their counsel.
He wanted to plead his case before the Lord and find out why he was suffering, but his friends accused him of terrible sins and refused to hear his defence.
Some suffering may result from sin, but bad things often happen to God's children for no reason and without explanation.
David was a man who 'thrilled' to speak of the blessing on those to whom God credits with righteousness, apart from works: How blessed is the man, is David's rejoicing cry, how amazingly favoured is the one whom the Lord does not charge with sin, and in whom is no spirit of deceit.
Religious Jews challenged this truth, but Paul used these two patriarchs to show from the Law (Genesis to Deuteronomy), from the Psalms, and from the Prophets, that justification in the sight of the Lord is through faith alone: How blessed are those whose lawless deeds have been forgiven, and whose sins have been covered, we read.
How favoured are those whose lawless acts are pardoned and whose sins are covered over.
How blessed are those whose wrong-doings have been forgiven and over whose sins a veil has been drawn. Oh, how happy are they whose transgressions have been forgiven, and whose sins have been covered up!
Every member of the human race, Jew and Gentile alike, is born a sinner who is imputed with sin and faces eternal condemnation.
There is nothing in heaven or earth or under the earth that can reverse the status of fallen man, with one exception, faith in Christ (a heart that trusts God's Word). Everyone who has believed God's living Word is justified in His sight and their sin is forgiven.
Old Testament saints believed God's promises and,throughout their lives, looked forward in faith to the coming Messiah Who would save His people from their sin and bring in an everlasting kingdom of righteousness. Old Testament saints were justified before the Cross, and gained His approval through their faith.
They also believe God's Word and look back in faith to the Cross, when the Saviour of the world bore the sin of the world and washed the stains of sin away from all who believe in Him.
Our old sin nature was replaced by a new Christ-like nature, and Paul tells us in many places to reckon ourselves dead to the old sin nature and alive to the new life in Christ.
As Christians, we can submit to our old sin nature or we can live as unto the Lord.
Let us choose to live godly in Christ Jesus and put away the old sin nature, which is idolatry.
I am sure that Solomon, who probably authored these wise words, had heard the contrite prayer of his father David, who confessed that the sacrifice that God so desires is a broken and contrite spirit, for the king had learned that God will not reject a truly penitent and repentant heart, a heart that in turning from sin changes direction to look to the Lord.
He announced the birth of Samson to Manoah and his wife, and He appeared to David by the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite, when the king sinned against the Lord and terrible judgement was poured out on the people because of his sin.
This was the time the religious leaders committed the unforgiveable sin against the Holy Spirit by denouncing Christ's miracles as works of Beelzebub.
He urges all who are burdened with sin to take up His yoke and to learn of Him: For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. What a striking contrast with the proud Pharisees who bound heavy burdens on the people!
But God used it as an illustration of His own beloved Son, Whom He would send to be a sweet-smelling burnt offering before the Lord, and the one-and-only sacrificial offering to pay the price for the sin of the whole world.
And Jesus was nailed to that cross as the sacrificial offering for the sin of the world.
There are many such parallels that can be identified between the offering of Isaac by his father Abraham and the sacrificial offering of the Lord Jesus Christ by His Heavenly Father, Who loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son to be man's Kinsman Redeemer and the sacrifice for sin.
David knew that he was a sinner in need of God's forgiveness, but he also knew that it was not his sins that caused his enemies to despise and abhor him, for he had done them no wrong.
It is not what we know intellectually that returns us into fellowship with the Father, but simply trusting in His Son for the forgiveness of sins and abundant, everlasting life.
He is Jesus; the Word made flesh and God incarnate Who came to earth as the Sacrifice for sin and to give His life so that by faith in Him, we too might live.
The trial that comes our way is not a stick of punishment from an angry God for our misdemeanours, but the corrective, chastening rod of our loving Heavenly Father Who loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to pay the price for our sin so that by believing in Him, we might receive forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
He reminds us of the eternal glories that are kept in heaven for all who are in Christ Jesus, and admonishes us against living our lives in the lust of the flesh, like the unsaved Gentiles who are slaves to sin and without God in the world.
How vital to maintain ongoing communion with the Father, by acknowledging our sins, confessing our spiritual poverty, and admitting our need of His guidance and grace.
However, when Adam sinned, he not only lost his position of authority over the earth but was imputed with a sin nature, and the wages of sin is death.
Although we read that Adam was made in the image of God, his likeness to the Lord was marred by sin, his character was blemished, and a sin nature was imputed to him.
Because of Adam's sin, the image and likeness of God is marred in every member of the human race.
Love is the fulfilment of the law, for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us all free from the law of sin and death.
However, it goes deeper than this, for knowingly causing a brother to stumble through an action that may be lawful, becomes a sin in the eyes of God if it causes that brother to stumble: Take care that this liberty of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to a weaker brother, we are warned, for if someone sees you, who have knowledge of the truth, dining in an idol's temple and sinning like this, will it not wound his weak conscience? It may even cause him to eat something, against his conscience!
Paul is saying that although you may know the liberty you have in Christ and have every right to partake in a particular activity, if a weaker brother sees you doing something which he considers to be sinful because his inner conscience forbids it, then to keep on doing it becomes a sin - because your freedom weakens his faith, rather than building it up.
Paul is arguing that if our greater awareness of our freedom in Christ causes a weaker Christian to stumble in their faith or wounds their fragile conscience, it is not only a sin against that brother but also is sinful in the eyes of God, and dishonours the Lord Who bought us.
There is no question, as one follows this man's unfolding train of thought, that he had his priorities right, and the private place of his heart contained the personal treasure that is found in Scripture, as he cries out to the Father, Your Word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You. This is the grateful cry of a sinner, saved by grace, whose dear desire is to love the Lord and honour Him with all his heart, and soul, and mind, and strength.
It is necessary for correction and training in righteousness, and the heart is the best place to store this heavenly treasure so that we might not sin against the Lord, Who bought us with His own precious blood.
To do so will enable us to resist the accusations and taunts of the enemy, deter us from going astray, protect us from the ravages of sin, guide us into all truth and instruct us in righteous living.
Hiding the Word in our hearts is the most powerful antidote against sin, the world, the flesh, and the devil, and is the greatest influence to live a holy and perfect life.
The Law was given to the redeemed nation of Israel, to expose sin and teach them how to be a holy people - sanctified unto the Lord.
The pre-Cross Law of Moses given to Israel and the post Cross 'law of life', given to the Church, tells believers how to remain in fellowship with the Lord and lays bare overt and covert sin, in the lives of redeemed people.
Man was made in the image and likeness of God and the wilful taking of a man's life, or as Christ pointed out, an attitude of hatred in one's own heart for another person is a sin and considered by God as murder.
The Word of God teaches us to have deep respect for human life and behind this important command is God's programme for the preservation of society - for every member of the human race is imputed with a sin nature.
Satan was a murderer from the beginning, and in Genesis we read how murder was one of the first sins to be committed by Cain.
The apostle John explains how pride and envy is the root cause for this terrible sin.
God purposed that Jews and Gentiles were to become one Body in Christ Who is the Head; one people under God; one nation with a citizenship in heaven, who were once dead in their sins and estranged from God, but now have become the people of God.
Righteous prayer emanates from an obedience to God's Word and a mental attitude of love for Him, which was initiated by God Himself Who first loved us by giving His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
The earth and everything on it will be found to be deserving of judgment, for the old creation has been tainted with sin and God will make all things new.
It was God's grace that sent Christ into the world to be the acceptable sacrifice for your sin and mine.
Righteousness outlines our relationship with God, for having been forgiven of our sins, we have been placed into right relationship with Him and it behoves us to live righteously before Him all the days of our life.
Every year since their escape from Egypt, Jews and Jewish proselytes celebrated the Passover, which looked back to their salvation from Egyptian slavery and forward to the promised Messiah Whom John the Baptist identified as Jesus, the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
Passover took place the day before the celebrated Feast of Unleavened Bread, when yeast and any leavened food was removed from Jewish homes, representing the purging of sin from their individual lives.
In the same way after supper, He also took the cup and said, This is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many, for forgiveness of sins.
This is to represent My blood, which is shed for many for the forgiveness of sins.
Jesus was the eternal Son of God Who has become the perfect Son of Man, for this is the blood of the covenant; Christ's blood which is poured out for the forgiveness of sins.
They missed their most glorious opportunity and caused the kingdom of heaven to be postponed, until a time yet future when Israel as a nation will repent of her sin and cry out to her Messiah for salvation.
They were anticipating a golden reign of peace and prosperity but ignored the need to repent of their sins and believe in Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
He had come to save them from their sin and to bring in a heavenly kingdom, rather than the earthly one for which they yearned so deeply.
He was born to die as the sacrifice for sin so that by faith in HIM they could be saved from the penalty of sin and receive life eternal.
They wanted salvation without the Saviour... but the price of sin had to be paid in full and so the time came for judgment to come upon this fallen world so that the ruler of this world could be cast out.
The Lord Jesus knew that before He would wear the glorious crown as Israel's Messiah and before He was honoured as Saviour of the world, the price of sin had to be paid, and so judgment was decreed upon this wicked world when the ruler of this world would be stripped of his authority.
Jesus had to face death on the Cross alone for you and for me, because He is the only sacrifice for the sin of the world and the judgement of God was to fall on HIM instead of us.
It strives to maintain an uncompromised gospel and to expose the various heresies that were infiltrating the early Church and Jude strongly denounces those that use God's grace as a license to sin.
Rebellion is the sin of witchcraft and is exemplified in the lives of those who display contempt for authority and flaunt their ungodly attitude through disrespect, disorder, rioting, and violence, which eventually gives way to insurrection and anarchy.
All of us are sinners, and children also have a sin nature and are in equal need of redemption, but little children are a wonderful example of a heart that is ready to hear the good news of salvation and a mind that is ready and willing to receive the good news of the gospel of grace.
Abraham looked forward prophetically, but we rejoice to keep in remembrance that historic occasion when Christ died for our sins, was buried, and raised from the dead.
Christ died in our place to pay the price for our sins so that we could be made righteous, imputed with His righteousness, and become the righteousness of God in Him.
As members of a fallen race, we were unfit for the glories of heaven, for sin had disqualified us and rendered us dead in our trespasses and separated forever from our Creator.
There is no merit in any one of us, and all our attempts to please God through religious strivings, self-abasement, fleshly works, or prescribed penances are of no effect, for the price of sin could only be paid for by the shed blood of the sinless Son of Man.
God in His grace gave His only begotten Son to die a cruel death as the purchase price for the sin of the world, and that alone is the criteria for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
It was GRACE that caused God to send His only begotten Son to be the sin-sacrifice for you and for me, but it is the BLOOD of CHRIST that cleanses us from all sin, through faith in Him.
It was GRACE that caused the eternal Son of God to set aside His glory and be made in the likeness of sinful man (yet without sin).
He did this so that sinners such as you and I could be redeemed from the pit of sin and death and saved from eternal separation from our Creator, through faith in Him.
The wonders of salvation and mercy of God that forgives us our sins and imputes us with Christ's righteousness is joy indeed, as is the glorious hope of our eternal home that God has prepared for all those that love Him.
He wanted to rejoice in the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting, by faith in Christ.But the Body of Christ had been slowly and stealthily infiltrated by certain vulgar individuals who were denying the efficacy of the blood of Christ, and adversely influencing the faith of others.And so Jude wanted to remind his fellow believers of the fate of those people who deny the truth of the gospel and blaspheme the name of the Lord, with their satanically inspired lies.He reminded them of the terrible fate of corrupt cities in the time of Abraham.
The men of the city even lusted after the two angels who entered the city to save Lot and his family from the judgement which was about to fall.When a person, nation, or faction of society becomes so degenerate, God not only gives them over to their evil pursuits, but finally destroys them by the breath of His righteous judgement.Jude used Sodom, Gomorrah, and the cities around them as a warning to all who choose to turn the grace of our God into lewdness, by denying the shed blood of Christ for the forgiveness of their sin.
Christ is the eternal God Who chose to come to earth and be clothed in human flesh, living His life just like we live, and yet He was not born with a sin nature as we are, for He was conceived of the Holy Ghost and He lived a perfect life during His 33 years sojourn on earth.
He had to be born into the fallen race of humanity who had rebelled against their Creator and were under the curse of sin and death.
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to pay the full and final price for the sin of the world, and those who choose to believe in the Him are not condemned, but become one with Christ: For there is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus.
But Christ's sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection was the one and only price that a holy and just God could accept in full payment for sin.
Christ tasted death for EVERYONE so that by God's grace, all who believe on Him are saved and are removed from the curse of sin, death, and hell forever.
Jesus came to die for the sin of everyman, because all have sinned.
Jesus came to call all men to repentance, to turn from their sins and to turn back to God, for there are none righteous, not even one.
All men need forgiveness of sins in order to be brought back into a right relationship with God if they are to enter the kingdom of heaven, for Christ came to call sinners to repentance.
Jesus came to call ALL sinners to repentance and to pay the price for the sins of all who would believe in Him, but those that were righteous in their own eyes, due to their sanctimonious religious sacrifices and strict adherence to the letter of the Law and Jewish traditions, were impervious to Christ's entreaties.
Those who reject His message of salvation and remain proud, unrepentant, and self-righteous, forgo the eternal benefits of the glorious gospel of grace, and remain dead in their trespasses and sins.
Time and again, He rehearsed the need for sinners to acknowledge their fallen state, to recognise their need for salvation, and to turn from their sin and look to Him Who alone has the words of eternal life.
Sinners who believe in the death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ as their sin-substitute have the resurrected life of Christ within, and nothing can alter their eternal destiny.
Their salvation is by grace through faith in Christ's finished work on the Cross, and forgiveness of sins and eternal life are two of many heavenly benefits that every sinner receives by grace through faith in the only begotten Son of God.
Throughout it all we read: Job did not sin with his lips.
Although Job did not understand why this evil had befallen him, he did not sin with his lips and refused to blame God for his misfortune, unlike his undiscerning wife.
Now that you are well, Christ warned the man, do not sin anymore, in case something worse happens to you. In this case it was his sin that had caused this man's paralysis, and Jesus connected sin to his sickness.
Christ's Sabbath-day healing was linked to his sins being forgiven, which caused the religious leaders to become angry and fearful.
Jesus had every right to heal on the Sabbath Day and to forgive sin.
However, in His compassion, the Lord took this opportunity to tell them the truth, even though most would remain blind to the truth and dead in their sins.
Jesus not only healed on the Sabbath, forgave sin, and called God His Father, but He also had the confidence, or audacity, to tell them that He had the words of eternal life within Himself!
At salvation, the soul that is dead in trespasses and sin, receives Christ's new, resurrected, eternal life, and the born-again child of God becomes part of His New-Creation-In Christ!
The NEW Life that Jesus promised to the narrow-minded religionists of His day, through faith in His name, is the eternal life that the Father gave to the Son, when He raised Him from the dead, to enable Him to give newness of Life to whomsoever He chooses - to those who believe on His name for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
The Lord Jesus was sent to earth to redeem a fallen race of sinners who were dead in trespasses and sin, and enslaved by Satan, sin, death, and hell.
Sin had alienated the entire human race from God and placed every one of us under His eternal condemnation.
We should have pity for those that hate us because earlier in the passage, we are reminded that those that continue to be entrapped by Satan in this fallen world system do not have the spiritual capacity to know God and the love of God Who sent His Son to die to pay the price for their sin.
So let us not be surprised if the world hates us, but let us pray for those who are lost in their sin and at enmity with God and pray that they open their hearts to Jesus and acknowledge Him as their Saviour and Lord.
But following His pronouncement of wrath against these sin-ridden nations, the Lord proclaims His justified punishment on Judah and Israel - for His own people had broken His covenant, and His chosen inheritance had spurned God's goodness and grace.
And yet, it is through Israel that all the families of the earth are blessed because Jesus, God's only begotten Son, is the promised Jewish Messiah Who was sent to save His people from their sin and Whose death, burial, and Resurrection paid the price for the sin of the world; for whosoever would believe on His name.
We who were born in trespasses and sins, were groping about in deep darkness before we trusted in Christ for salvation and became children of light in the Lord Jesus.
Too often throughout their history, the people of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and in His justice, God was required to carry out the serious consequences of their sin.
But despite His legitimate case against His chosen people, in His righteous wrath God, as always, remembers mercy, and so we read: I, even I, am the One who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake, and I will remember your sins no more.
So in His grace and mercy we rejoice to read: I, even I, am the One who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake, and I will not remember your sins... anymore.
He knew the terrible consequences of their sin would reach completion with the destruction of Jerusalem and their captivity in Babylon.
Having condemned their wilful infidelity to God, their insensitivity to sin, and their hypocritical religious practices, Jeremiah records a succession of strange, personal experiences, where he was instructed to act out God's prophetic warnings to the people.
So severe was the judgement of which Jeremiah forewarned, that he wrote that the sin of Judah was written with a diamond-tipped iron stylus which was engraved on the tablet of their hearts.
He provided manna in the wilderness and water from the Rock for His people Israel, and He prepared the Seed of the woman - the promised Son of Abraham, Who would shed His blood as the purchase price for the sin of the whole world.
Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.There is only one way to be saved, and God Himself proclaimed this to the nations: I have sworn by Myself, was His sovereign challenge, the Word has gone forth from My mouth in righteousness and will not turn back – that to Me every knee will bow, and every tongue will swear allegiance.God in His grace, extended His hand of salvation to the Gentiles, if they would turn away from their idols of wood and stone, and trust in the Lord for the forgiveness of sin and eternal salvation.That same gracious hand of reconciliation continues to be extended today, to whosoever will hear, answer, and believe in the One Who paid the price for the sin of the world – the shed blood of a perfect sacrifice – Jesus Christ the righteous.In the light of New Testament revelation, we know: At the name of Jesus every knee will bow, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.The message of salvation is one of hope and blessing to those that believe, and one of condemnation and eternal separation from God for those that refuse to confess His name.May we be ready and willing to go into the world, whether at home or abroad, and tell the good news of salvation to the lost – to Jew and Gentile alike: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
When we start to trust in anything other than the Lord Jesus, we are looking to the wrong source of supply and allowing the old sin nature to govern our lives, rather than the new life in Christ which we received at salvation.
Sinner and saved alike should never self-righteously point the finger of accusation against the sin of others, for all sin in God's eyes is equally detestable to Him and is equally deserving of eternal damnation.
We who are saved by grace through faith in the shed blood of Christ Jesus, have no right to consider ourselves superior to unsaved humanity, for our heinous sin put Christ on the Cross, and the inestimable price of our sin was paid for at Calvary.
He washed away our sins by faith in Christ's righteousness and not due to any merit on our behalf, and the more we accusingly decry the sinful acts of others, the more we condemn ourselves.
Let us seek to share the good news of the gospel of grace with many who remain dead in their sins and under God's righteous condemnation.
Whether wilfully or through a small series of downward steps, we too can find ourselves straying from the paths of truth and righteousness, but God is ever ready to demonstrate His never-failing gracious love and tender mercies to any of His children who turn from their sin and call on His name for help.
I wonder if the yearning in his heart for the salvation of his fellow-Jews was heightened, when he recalled the stoning of Stephen and heard his Christ-like prayer, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. (Lord, lay not this sin on Saul of Tarsus).
The dear pleasure of Paul's heart and his deep spiritual burden was for Israel's salvation. His personal longing and pleading prayer was that God's chosen nation would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and place their collective trust in His sacrificial work for the forgiveness of their sins.
However, Jesus was the final sacrifice for their sins.
He was the ultimate sacrifice for sin; the definite Passover Lamb, the final Sin Offering, the perfect Burnt Offering, and the One to Whom the Law and the prophets pointed.
While a genuine believer will not lose his salvation under these circumstances, he will most certainly be judged for this gross offense. Hebrews points out that a Christian who sins in this way will be severely chastened by God and concludes with these sombre words: It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
May we read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the instructive and informative teachings in Hebrews and take special heed of those passages that war us against insulting our God and Saviour Who died for our sin and rose again so that through faith in Him we might be born from above, declared righteous, and receive the riches of His goodness and grace freely and without cost.
He came as God incarnate – fully God, yet fully Man so that His shed blood would pay the full price of mankind's bottomless swamp of sin.His claims were authenticated in word and deed, by the fulfilment of every prophecy pertaining to His first coming.
He would rise from the dead and, in so doing, break the power of sin and Satan, death and hell, for all who would trust in Him.And early in His ministry, He stood up in His hometown synagogue to declare, The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent Me to proclaim freedom to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed.Jesus pronounced the fulfilment of this ancient prophecy from Isaiah, and the people there wondered at the gracious words that fell from His lips, yet they sought to slay Him for they could not accept the truth – but He passed through their midst, for His time had not yet arrived.Although Jesus was rejected in His hometown of Nazareth and an attempt was made to kill Him, He fulfilled this and many more astounding ancient prophecies, over the course of His life.The Spirit of God was indeed upon Him, for He submitted to the leading of the Spirit throughout His life, spoke only those things He heard from the Father, carried out His Father's will, and fulfilled every prophecy relating to His first advent.He did preach the good news of salvation to the poor, proclaiming freedom from sin, Satan, death, and hell – by faith in Him.
He raised the dead, turned water into wine, fed multitudes of men and freed those who were oppressed through the good news that He came to bring – and He gave His life as the ransom price for the sin of the world on a wooden cross, two thousand years ago.
The only reason God is able to deal with sinners in this way is because the Lord Jesus paid the penalty price for our sin.
In this Church age, we are called to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
We are all one in Him and have been commissioned to be ministers of reconciliation who share the good news that Christ died for our sin, was buried, and rose again the third day, and all who believe on Him will not perish but have everlasting life.
It details the glorious plan of salvation and the enormous sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, whereby fallen man is not only released from slavery to sin, delivered from eternal condemnation, and reconciled back to God, but also saved by grace through faith in Him, made a new creation in Christ, made a citizen of heaven and a joint-heir with the Son of God, bestowed with the riches of God's grace, in-dwelt by the Holy Spirit, eternally secure in His gracious love, and so much more.
When Christ shouted: It Is Finished, He had paid the full price for our sins, and there is now no condemnation to all who believe on His name.
Christ was fully identified with sinful man when He was made sin for us, on Calvary's Cross.
He was sent by God to be the one and only offering for sin and as His blood-bought children, we are identified with His finished work.
Christ’s triumphant victory over sin, death, Satan, and hell, becomes our triumphant victory too, and the filthy rags of our old life in Adam are replaced with the glorious garment of righteousness which are imputed to us because of our new life in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.
Christ's gained a triumphant victory over sin and death on the Cross, which climaxed with His glorious resurrection from the dead, and this verse gives insight into what His glorious resurrection means for all who are in Christ.
Those who are in Christ will claim His full and final victory over sin and death, the grave and hell at the Rapture of the Church, when the dead in Christ are raised in incorruptible bodies.
Sin entered into the world by one man, and because of sin, death passed onto all men for all are sinners and all are in need of salvation.
It was sent to the Church in Rome and teaches salvation is by grace alone through faith in Christ, which has set us free from slavery to sin through the fleshly works of the Law.
It causes them to fall from grace and places them back under the law of sin and death, rather than living in the freedom of 'the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus'.
It is not a licence to sin but liberty to live for God.
God maintains His supreme authority over the world, but because sin has infected the whole of creation, He permits bad things to happen to believers and to unbelievers alike.
It is sin that has caused the angelic conflict to rage in heavenly places throughout history.
God does bless His people, however it is wrong to suggest that the reason a Christian that is going through a difficult time is due to their sin.
God does bless His children, and although we need to confess any sin to the Lord, we should never assume that difficult circumstances are always a result of our wrongdoing, as it shows a lack of faith in His Word and distrust of His promises.
Salvation must rest on a genuine, bona fide heart-faith in God and His Son, Jesus Christ Who was sent by the Father be the sacrifice for the sin of the whole world.
But this is NOT biblical, and again, a systematic study of salvation (soteriology), clearly shows that believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins is sufficient for salvation.
God alone knows if we truly believe in our heart that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose on the third day, according to the Scripture.
And when a person believes on the Lord Jesus Christ in their heart for the forgiveness of their sins - God knows and He saves.
Only God can forgive sins.
And when a sinner confesses with their mouth to God that he believes in the Person and Work of Christ and that 'Jesus is Lord', God is faithful and just to hear our confession and forgive us our sins - for God hears and He saves.
Verse 12 explains that the ten horns are the ten kings who give their authority and power into the hands of the Beast: that satanically inspired ruler who will emerge as the man of sin, the Antichrist.
Although we know the identity of the Lamb: our Saviour, Jesus Christ, the identity of the 'man of sin' will remain unidentified until the Church is removed from the earth, at the end of this dispensation of grace.
Christ not only removed the sin-barrier between God and man through the sacrifice of His body on the Cross, but He also tore down the dividing walls of partition that separated Jew from Gentile, uniting them together in brotherly love, and making them 'one new man' in Christ.
How glorious to understand that we who are 'born again' are dead to sin, that the power of sin has been broken in our lives, and that the day is coming when our bodies will be made perfect, for we shall be with Christ Jesus our Lord and see Him as He is.
God knows that those that trust Him and believe His Word are truly rich – for the outcome of believing on the Lord Jesus Christ is forgiveness of sins, peace with God, a new life in Christ, the indwelling Comforter, joint-heirship in Christ's coming kingdom, and a glorious and eternal heavenly home, among a multitude of wonderful blessings that are showered on all who are rich in faith by trusting His Word.
The Word of God is an inextinguishable lamp to guide us along the right path, and it is a radiant light that banishes the shadows of uncertainty, by illuminating the next step in this sin-soaked world.
They are not told the way of salvation but are presented with the lie that they can ignore God's Word, disobey His commands, and wilfully participate in sin, with no repercussions.
It is faith in the finished work of Christ on the Cross for the forgiveness of sin, and His glorious Resurrection from the dead that saves mankind from their sin.
It called for God's rebellious nation to repent of their sin and warned of imminent judgement for both Gentile nations and God's unrepentant people.
First: When He came as the suffering Servant and Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, when He was initially despised and rejected by His own people.
They were to testify of the goodness and grace of the Lord to those who were dead in their sin.
Isaiah, and other prophetic voices, had warned for centuries that the apostate kingdoms of Israel and Judah would be punished for their sin, forcibly removed from their homeland, and sent into exile if they did not repent.
He brought back some of His faithful people from the Babylonian dispersion and at the appointed time, God sent His Son into the world to save His people from their sin.
To fulfil prophecy, Jesus came to redeem His people, Israel, preaching repentance of sin and the gospel of the Kingdom.
As the sinless Son of God, He was qualified to pay the price for sin - for He was made in the likeness of sinful man YET there was no sin in Him.
As the perfect Man without sin, He was qualified to die on the Cross as the sacrificial offering for the sin of the world.
Being the radiance of God's eternal glory and the exact representation of His Father's perfect essence, the Lord Jesus was the visible representation of the invisible God, and not only did He come to die for our sin but He also came to show us the perfect nature and pure attributes of His Father in heaven.
His sacrificial death paid the penalty for our sin, but the icy grip of death could never hold Him in the grave, because eternal deity possesses immortality and perfect, sinless manhood is not subject to the sentence of death nor the curse of the Law (and we who believe Him, who are in positioned in Christ, are similarly not subject to the sentence of death or the curse of the Law, for by faith in Him we are accepted by God in the Beloved).
Not only were the apostles among the many eye-witnesses of the resurrected Christ during those 40 days between His Resurrection and Ascension, but the crowds in Jerusalem who were listening to the blistering truth from Peter's discourse that day, had themselves been spectators to all that had transpired on that momentous Feast of Passover, only fifty days before when the sky turned black for three hours and the veil of the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom, giving all who will believe on Him forgiveness of sin, life everlasting, and access to the heavenly throne of grace.
Let us similarly tell all in our sphere of life: This same Jesus Who died on the Cross to pay the price for our sins, was raised up again by God, to which we too are witnesses, for we who were once dead in our sins have been made alive in Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Word of God exposes our innermost thoughts and desires, and the one who trusts in Christ as their Saviour has had their scarlet sins forgiven forever and has been covered in Christ's robe of righteousness.
May we be endowed with the mind of Christ, for although He was the Son of God, He learned obedience by the things that He suffered and humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross, to pay the price for the sin of humanity and to ransom all those who trust in His name.
Every man and woman that has ever drawn breath is born dead in trespasses and sins, and is at enmity with God.
Fallen humanity is separated from our holy God by an unbridgeable sin barrier.
But even when we were spiritually dead in sin, totally alienated from God, and without the slightest hope in the world, God provided access to Himself.
Because of His sacrifice on the Cross, those who have trusted Christ by faith have been quickened by God and made alive in Him, despite being spiritually dead in our sins.
Although we were spiritually dead in our trespasses and sin, we have been made spiritually alive by faith in Christ’s work on the Cross.
From the terrible curse of the Law and the irreversible state of sin and death, which is the fixed and final state of all mankind, the divine nature of our merciful God has reached down to man, in a providential display of His abundant supply, through His unconditional covenant of grace.
By His redemptive work, we have been made a new creation in Christ, fully pardoned from sin, endowed with eternal salvation, permanently in-dwelt with His Holy Spirit, and forever accepted in the Beloved, by our Father in heaven.
Even when we were dead in sins, God made us alive together with Christ and is fully satisfied with the price that was paid on the Cross for our sins.
May we never become so familiar with the truth that when we were dead in our sins, God quickened us together with Christ, and saved us by God's grace.
Long my imprisoned spirit layFast bound in sin and nature’s night;Thine eye diffused a quickening ray,I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;My chains fell off, my heart was free,I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.My chains fell off, my heart was free,I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.
He describes the calamitous impact of their deceptive teachings on those who are deceived by their lies and enticed back into worldly pursuits and all sorts of sin.
Such people remain spiritually dead in their sin with an unchanged fallen nature which is at enmity with God.
Although there may be times in their lives when they fall into sin, God has promised that if we confess our sin He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
During Christ's absence from the earth, those who believe on His name have been entrusted with a life-work that proclaims the gospel of grace to a lost world, so that men, who are dead in their sin and estranged from God, may know the truth, be saved by grace through faith in Christ and find peace with God.
He is blessed to be reconciled to God and to have peace with Him through the forgiveness of sin.
Jesus, the God-Man, became the Mediator of a New and better Covenant because He gave His life as the ransom price for the sin of the world and was raised to life – based on the power of an inextinguishable life.Jesus was fully God and fully Man.
As MAN, He offered Himself as humanity's sacrifice for sin.
He shed His own lifeblood and died on the Cross to pay the price for the sin of the World.
Christ was not born with a sin nature like the rest of humanity, and although fully God and having all the divine attributes of the Godhead, He had to learn obedience by the things that He suffered.
He had to acquire a full understanding of manhood and the human condition if He were to identify with men and become humanities substitute for sin.
We live in a fallen world that was a result of man's sin.
Evil, pain, disasters, and death are the result of sin, and God in His grace set out to conquer sin, death, and hell by sending His only begotten Son to become the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only but for the sins of the whole world.
But all good and perfect gifts are from our faithful Father in heaven, and all the evil that has engulfed this fallen world has its root in sin.
Praise God that sin shall not have dominion over us, and our Saviour has already broken the power of sin and death in our life.
For God in His grace chose to conquer sin, death, and hell, by sending His only begotten Son to become the propitiation for our sins.
In Him is security and salvation for all who believe, for by Him sin and death has been conquered through the sacrificial offering of Himself for each of us, and through Him, we have access to our Father in heaven for He is the one way, the only truth, and the only revealed Word of God.
As His children we are already at peace with God because He forgave us our sins by grace through faith.
Because we are His children, by faith, we have been permanently positioned in-Christ, which has given us peace with God, the forgiveness of sins, and life everlasting.
When we choose to walk in fleshly disobedience and carnal disbelief, when we take hold the privileges of the New Covenant in contempt, or when we fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, the consequences of sin will result in irrevocable loss, 'saved, yet as though by fire'.
He sacrificed His life willingly to pay the price for the sin of the world and Jesus became the first Person to rise from the grave. Perishable put on His imperishable and mortal was clothed with His immortality.
Only Jesus the perfect Son of Man had blood in His veins that would one day be shed to pay the price for the sin of the world.
Only one Person of the Trinity was born into the human race as a Man so that He could live a perfect life and die a sacrificial death, and in so doing, pay the price for the sin of the world.
When liberal thinkers and Christian cults refuse to acknowledge the deity of the Lord Jesus Who, as the second Person of the Trinity, is fully GOD, yet fully MAN, they destroy the one truth that can save their soul, a truth that cannot be compromised: Only a holy GOD is pure enough to pay the price for sin and break its deathly power.
But God is Spirit, and only a perfect MAN of flesh and blood is both able and worthy to become our Kinsman-Redeemer and pay the incredible price for the sin of the world by shedding His sinless blood for us, the Man Christ Jesus.
Christ's death on the Cross, secured forgiveness of sin for our soul.
And when we believe in the death, burial, and Resurrection of Christ, for the forgiveness of sin, we are saved in body and soul, and at the same time we are born from above, receiving the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
Without Christ's Resurrection we would be forgiven of our sin, for which we praise His holy name, but we would remain separated from our body forever, for perishable must put on the imperishable and mortal must be clothed with immortality, through faith in Him.
The heavenly fruit in Galatians 5 is only produced in a person who is continuously being cleansed from all sin and walking in fellowship with the Father.
It is only as we grow in grace, become mature in the faith, and keep a short rein of sin in our lives, that we will produce the spiritual fruit that exemplifies the spirit-filled believer.
Indeed, it is recorded that there were over 60 million slaves in Paul's day, and much attention was given, in Scripture, to the instruction and conduct of slaves, as well as their slave-masters.People often offered themselves as slaves when they fell on hard times, and Paul gave important instructions on how to carry out their duties as unto the Lord, even when their masters were unfair.Although he gave instructions on godly living as a slave, Paul also encouraged those in slavery to secure their freedom whenever possible: If you are able also to become free, rather do that, was His wise advice.Of particular importance, it is to be noted that nowhere in Scripture are members of Christ's Body instructed to engage in the abolishment of slavery or the correction of any other social injustices, in preference to our given ministry to the lost.Jesus said, The poor you will have with you always, and Paul could easily have said, slaves will continue to be with you (however distasteful this is) until Christ's return when He comes to set up His earthly kingdom of peace, prosperity, righteousness, and justice.Although we must certainly stand against the evils of our day, protect those that are weak, help those that are afflicted by social injustices, and show patience towards all men, the preeminent function of the Christian Church is to honour the Lord and tell sinners about Jesus – that He died to pay the price for our sin and rose again so that all who believe on Him will not perish, but have eternal life.We are told to go into all the world and preach the word of truth to a lost and dying humanity.
We are to act as ministers of reconciliation to a world that is drowning in sin.
Sadly, due to disobedience and sin, the God-ordained authority that man had been given over the earth was transferred to Satan, who is the 'god of this age'... for a season... but the Lord in His omniscience knew that man would sin and in His goodness and grace formulated His amazing redemption plan that would span 7000 years of human history.
Because of sin, there is an immovable barrier between God and man - and priests from the house of Aaron were ordained by God to mediate between the two.
Their role was to remove the sin-barrier between man and God.
The role of the priest was to deal with three things: sin; the sinner who was estranged from God due to their sin; and an offended God Who demanded satisfaction for the sin that man had committed, and the wages of sin is death.
It was the role of the priest to be the propitiation between God and man so that God's wrath against sin could be appeased and satisfied, in order that the sin barrier between God and man could be removed.
It could not be the propitiation for man's sins.
The Aaronic priesthood could not deal with the sin, the sinner, nor God's wrath against sin, for they too were guilty sinners who were also in need of redemption.
Like the Mosaic Law, the Levitical priesthood was a tool to point us to Christ, Who is the only One Who can deal with sin; the sinner estranged from God due to sin; an offended God Who demands satisfaction for the sin.
Only He could pay redemption price for our sins.
Only the sinless Son of God could be the propitiation for our sins and become the one and only Mediator between man and God, and between God and man.
Paul reminded the Corinthians of his former teachings on salvation, lest they forget: For I passed on to you as most important what I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve.
May we be faithful in our calling and tell forth the good news that Christ died for our sin according to the Scriptures, was buried, and rose again according to the Scriptures.
The destruction of sin and Satan, death and hell was to happen at the Cross, but first Jesus must reveal Himself as the authoritative Word of truth, the incarnate God, the Holy One of Israel Who came to save sinners from their sin.
However, His time had not yet come - for Jesus had an appointment with the Cross of Calvary where He would lay down His life for the sin of the whole world.
Let us redeem the time and make the most of our opportunities to share the good news of the gospel of Christ, Who died for our sin and rose again to give us His life so that we might become children of God.
It was David that was caused to pen these prophetic words which were uttered by our Saviour on the Cross, when He bore the sin of the world in His body on the Tree.
For the three of the blackest hours in human history, the eternal Son of God was separated from His Father in heaven as He was made sin on our account: My God my God why hast Thou forsaken me?
God is just, and He is holy, and sin must be punished.
Every sin and all sin had to be punished.
And the sinless Lord Jesus, Who is God in the flesh, took upon Himself every sin we committed and every violation of God's perfect Law, together with the inherent sin we received from our forefathers and the inherited sin nature we received as part of Adam's fallen race.
Christ voluntarily took upon Himself the responsibility of paying the price for all our sin (committed sins, inherent sin and the inherited sin nature), and God laid on Him the iniquity of the world.
The debt we owe our Saviour should be a never-ending stream of grateful love that floods through our heart and soul, knowing that He was made sin on our account so that we could be made the righteousness of God in Him.
His shed blood paid the price for our sins (saving us from the penalty of sin), and His resurrected life which is imparted to us by His Spirit, made us a new creation in Christ (so that we are saved from the power of sin in our lives).
Paul, the servant of Christ Jesus, who was called and set apart to proclaim the gospel of God to Jew and Gentile alike, was not ashamed to take the good news of the lowly carpenter Who died for the sin of the world and rose again the third day, to the sophisticated capital of the Roman empire.
We are not to fear, for though we were dead in our sins and eternally separated from the Lord, He has redeemed us with the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
We see Him tempted and tried just as we are, yet without sin.
The righteous man has recognised that he is a sinner in need of salvation, and believes that God sent His dearly beloved Son to die on the Cross for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
Earlier in Israel's history, Isaiah spoke of the suffering Servant Who would be: Wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, and He shed his blood as the ransom price for the sin of the world.
He was the prophet who pointed to Jesus as: The Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world. He was the one who witnessed the heavens open and the Holy Spirit descend, like a dove, on Christ as the Father declared, This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.
Today, the enemy is like a roaring lion who is prowling around, accusing the saints, and seeking to destroy the faith of all those who have trusted Christ for the forgiveness of sins.
The earth that was groaning under the weight of sin will be glad on that day.
The Jewish Sanhedrin became desperate to halt the spread of the gospel of grace - that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again, according to their Jewish Scriptures - to save His people from their sins, by faith in Him.
In the beginning, God created man in His own image, but man rebelled and all his progeny were imputed with sin.
In these end times in which we live, God in His grace sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sin so that all who believe in Him might be made new creatures in Christ and become part of a new creation.
In the beginning, God spoke the first creation into being and God saw that it was very good, until sin entered therein.
God cannot look upon sin and so God sent His Son to pay the price for our sin.
And to placate the people and to fulfil the determinate will and counsel of God, Who loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die for the sin of the whole world, we see Jesus... crucified on a Roman cross between two thieves.
Yes, the blood of Christ was indeed 'on them and on their children', and His blood is on us and on our children as well, for without the shedding of His blood there can be no remission of sins.
Hated and despised, rejected and falsely accused, the Son of God Who had come to save man from their sins, was handed over to the Roman guard to be crucified on a wooden cross.
He could have called down ten legions of angels to His aid, but He endured the cross of shame and wore the crown of thorns so that we might be forgiven of our sins and receive on our heads a crown of righteousness.
But some ignore it or delay it, others misunderstand it, and still more do not consider that they need to be saved from their sin.
They would prefer Romans 6:23 to read: While the wages of sin is death, the wages of good deeds is eternal life in heaven.
God determined that there would only be one way to be forgiven of sin; one way to be redeemed; one way to be declared righteous; one way to gain eternal life.
From God's perspective, no one is good and so not one person could merit forgiveness of sin through their good own works.
Not one man has ever lived who is deserving of forgiveness of sin and the salvation of their soul, for humanity is a fallen race.
No one but GOD Himself is good enough to pay the price for sin.
We are a sinful people that have an inherent sin nature: For ALL have sinned and ALL fall short of the glory of God, and that being the case: The wages of sin is death.
How important to read to the end of the sentence: BUT the GIFT of God is eternal life THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. God loved His creation so dearly that in His grace, He gave His only begotten Son to be born into the human race so that He could become man's Saviour, through paying the price for humanities sin through the shedding of His lifeblood - through the sacrifice of His perfect, sinless life.
The forgiveness of sin (salvation of the soul and eternal life, which is part of the package of forgiveness) is a gift - a free gift - a free gift from God - an unconditional gift from God which demonstrates His amazing grace and unconditional love, and it is available to every-man, every sinner.
Forgiveness of sins and eternal life is God's free gift which comes to all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved, Paul told the Philippian jailer, while John tells us in his gospel: For God so love the world that He GAVE His only begotten Son so that all that BELIEVE ON HIM should not perish but have eternal life.
The payment for sin is death, but Jesus received the payment on behalf of every man when He died on Calvary's cruel Cross: For the wages of sin is death; BUT the free gift of God is eternal life, THROUGH BELIEVING ON JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD.
God has a unique and unfathomable love for all mankind which was demonstrated toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, dead in our sin and at enmity with God, Christ died for us.
Jesus paid the price for our sin so that His unconditional love and unswerving justice could be demonstrated through Him.
At His first coming, it was a Roman sword that pierced His side, from which poured redemption's blood-red stream over the sinful race of fallen man - as a dying, sin-cursed earth, groaned beneath the weight of sin, waiting in hope for this special day of redemption.
May we read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest all we can from this little epistle to Titus so that we may also be equally equipped to share the knowledge of the truth, which is according to godliness, with those that are lost in their sins... and give Christian encouragement to our fellow-bondservants in Christ.
He did this in order to die on the Cross for the sin of the whole world so that whosever believes on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
It was God the Father Who sanctified His only begotten Son and He sent Him into the world to be the propitiation for our sins, and to save the human race.
The Holy Spirit is our Saviour, for He convicts us of our sin, baptises the new believer into the Body of Christ, and conforms us day by day in to the image and likeness of Christ.
Some incorrectly consider that we can reach sinless perfection in this life, but this is unbiblical, for our old sin nature which resides within this mortal body, lusts against our new life in Christ.
We who were once dead in our sins and eternally separated from God, were drawn near to Him and placed in His family because we trusted in His Son as our Saviour.
Not only are we forgiven of our sins and redeemed by His blood, but we have been given the glory that Christ Himself was given by the Father.
The glories of His deity, His divine nature, His omniscient character, and His almighty attributes, remain Christ's alone, but the glories of His perfect humanity have been given to all who trust in His name, for He died and rose again so that we too could die to sin and rise into the newness of His glorious life.
God was to use Paul to bring the good news of the gospel of grace to lost sinners, whose minds are blinded by the god of this world and whose eyes are closed to the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ: To turn them from the dominion of Satan to God and tell them that through faith in the Lord Jesus they would receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Christ.
Truth is darkened by sin and our fallen nature has infected our soul, rendering all men dead in sin and at enmity with God.
It remits sin, returns us into fellowship with our heavenly Father, and restores our lost inheritance.
From the moment we are born from above, we receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance with all who have been positionally sanctified.
It is only by His grace, that we have received forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Him.
And they were given the opportunity to place their faith in Christ, that they too may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Christ.
May we live as sons of Light and let our light so shine before men in this dark world of sin, that the eyes of the blind may be opened to the truth of the gospel of grace.
The Lord, the Holy One of Israel, Who rescued His people from enslavement in Egypt, is the same Almighty God Who graciously redeemed us from the slave-market of sin, when we first believed.
The One Who convicts of sin is the same Holy Spirit Who saves and sanctifies our souls, guiding us along the path of duty, pointing out the road of righteousness, instructing us on the highway of holiness and bearing us up on eagle's wings through times of exhaustion.
Yes, this verse was speaking about Jesus, God’s chosen Prophet Who would save His people from their sins – and He was God’s Sacrificial Lamb Who was slain from the foundation of the world.
He had to do this in a fallen world with a race of men whose nature was corrupted by sin, who were at enmity with God, and had the kiss of death on their soul.
For the life of Christ to be shown in our lives when beset by difficulties, the old sin nature must remain inoperative as we submit to the inner workings of the Holy Spirit and trust God to deal righteously in our lives, no matter who or what we are facing.
Before we were born again, we had a spirit that was dead in trespasses and sins, but when we accepted Christ as our Saviour we were given a new life in Christ, a new, free, human spirit which is able to commune with His Holy Spirit.
One principle we must understand and accept is detailed in verse 16 of Roman chapter 6: Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness?
We can choose to be a slave of sin OR we can make the choice to be a slave of obedience - there are no other options - there is no middle ground.
We cannot straddle the fence between sin and righteousness, nor can we construct an alternative course of action that is outside of God's established laws.
We are either the slave of Satan and sin OR we are the servant of Christ and righteousness.
Before being born from above and baptised into Christ by the Holy Spirit, we were automatically dead in their trespasses, slaves to sin, and in servitude to Satan.
We were born with a sin nature. We were conceived in sin; we came into the world enslaved by sin; we were estranged from God and we were without hope in the world.
We have moved from the kingdom of darkness and automatic enslavement to sin, into the glorious kingdom of light.
We have exchanged our slavery to sin to becoming servants of righteousness.
Our union with Christ and our position in Him has freed us from the enslaving power that sin had over us, before we were saved.
The unsaved man is excluded from the kingdom of God's Son and can only yield to sin and death, but the believer has a choice.
He can choose to become entangled again in the law of sin and death, through carnality, legalism, rebellion, and sin, OR he can submit himself to the leading of the Spirit and become a servant of obedience, which leads to righteousness.
How wonderful to realise that we have been taken out of the old creation and placed into the new; we have been removed from being in Adam to being in Christ; we have exchanged servitude to Satan, sin, and death to yielding to the Spirit as a servant of righteousness and life, which produces a liberty of mind and freedom of soul that stands in stark contrast to sin's state of slavery.
Let us glorify God with our bodies and submit our lives to the leading of the Spirit, for we have been delivered from the dominion of evil as willing slaves to sin have been reunited with our precious Saviour, by grace through faith.
We passed from darkness to light, when we were rescued from the slave-market of sin.
Like Israel, we have been supernaturally delivered from sin, Satan, death, and hell.
We eat of Christ, our Bread of Life and drink from the Living Water of life, for unless we eat of His Body and drink His Blood, through faith in Him, we will remain dead in our sins.
May we take to heart the wise warning of James - the bond-servant of Christ Jesus and put into practice the wisdom from the book of Proverbs which reminds us: In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise; the tongue of the righteous is choice silver but the heart of the wicked is worth little and the lips of the righteous feed many, but fools die for lack of wisdom.
Instead of the Church proclaiming the gospel of the grace of God to a lost world, 144 thousand Jewish evangelists will start to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom – and then Christ will return as their anointed King.Although this is a time of Great Tribulation, it is not God's will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance through faith in Christ for the forgiveness of sin.
And it is during this 'Time of Jacobs Trouble' (the 70th week of Daniel) that we discover a great multitude without number who will be saved by God’s grace, through faith in the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.We read in Revelation 7, that after the sealing of the 144 thousand Jews who come from every tribe of Israel, a great multitude which no one could number, will come to faith in Christ.
They have washed their robes and made them white, in the blood of the Lamb.This great multitude are those that have been forgiven of their sin, by faith in Christ.
They will be privileged to reign on earth with Christ for 1000 years – after He has returned, in power and great glory, to sit on the throne of David and begin His earthly rule from Jerusalem.The great crowd that John saw in his vision were Jews and Gentiles who had rejected God's offer of salvation during the Church age, but who trusted Him for the forgiveness of sin during this terrible time of Tribulation.
They were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their hands.Having rejected salvation during the Church dispensation, they are not members of Christ's Body but, like the Church, will participate in the Millennial Kingdom – and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.Unlike the Church who are destined to be kings and priest of God who will rule and reign with Christ on His throne, this multitude of saints will serve the Lord as priests in the Temple of the Lord, day and night.Today, we in the Church teach the gospel of the grace of God, but in the Tribulation, Israel will declare the gospel of the coming kingdom of Christ... and in the Millennial Kingdom, Old Testament saints, Church-age saints, and Tribulation saints will unite their voices in praise and thanksgiving for Christ – the Lamb of God and King of Israel Who takes away the sin of the world.
Israel were God's chosen people, but the nation had become increasingly petulant and disobedient, and a holy God is bound to punish sin and to discipline His people for their transgressions.
Being reconciled to God does not depend on what we do but rests entirely on what Christ has already done, and by simply trusting that His finished work on the Cross has paid the full price for our sin, we are reconciled back to God; we have peace with Him and are regarded as blameless in His sight.
This precious promise is no less true for God's people today who have been rescued from slavery to sin and subjection to Satan, than it was for His people who were in servitude to Pharaoh and slaves in the land of Egypt, and it all comes down to a matter of faith in God's promises - of trusting His Word - of believing the truth of His Scripture.
He will never leave us and He will not forsake us, even when our faith wears thin or when we fall into sin or turn away from His loving truth.
We have not only received forgiveness of sin and life everlasting through faith in Him, but have been called to be partakers of God's heavenly kingdom and received a share in His own glory, as heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ!
We who were once living in the kingdom of darkness, enslaved to sin, and steeped in shame, have been forever transported into His kingdom of light and received life, grace, glory, forgiveness, and hope.
The love of God is not only demonstrated through Christ's supreme sacrifice of Himself on the cross, but is also revealed in the Father, Who sent the Son of His love to be the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
The greatest manifestation of God's love towards a cursed world and a condemned race was shown at the appointed time, when God the Father sent His only begotten Son into the world to be the substitute for our sin.
His death paid the price for our sin, so that all who believe on Him would never perish but live eternally, through Him.
It was to declare a fallen sinner righteous in the sight of a holy God, that the Word became flesh and was born into His fallen creation - so that He could become sin for us.
It is because of the great love of God that we were redeemed from the slave-market of sin, declared righteous in His eyes, rescued from the terrible judgement of God, we so justly deserve, and were made His children and joint-heirs with Christ.
Those who bring their sons and daughters up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, will discover themselves to be praised by their children.The parent-child relationship is vital for the whole of humanity if the generations that follow are to survive in a world that is saturated in sin and lies in the power of the evil one.
They will want to have their ears tickled, with a watered-down and compromised gospel, he continues, and they will accumulate for themselves teachers, who say the things they want to hear, by preaching a feel-good credo instead of teaching the plain truth of the gospel of grace, about sin and salvation and about Jesus Christ as the one and only way to be justified by God.
He explains that suffering is our mission in life, because Christ Who committed no sin and lived a perfect life, suffered on the Cross for our sake.
He laid aside His glory to suffer and die so that we might believe and be saved, and it is Christ's character and conduct that we are to emulate, for He committed no sin nor was any deceit found in His mouth.
As believers, we have been forgiven of our sins and have received a new life in Christ.
Christ's death on the Cross not only paid the price for our sins but also broke the power of sin in our lives.
Our position in Christ is not a license to sin, but a motivation to live godly in Christ Jesus, for in Him, and by Him, and through Him, we have all that is needful for life and godliness.
Let us seek to emulate our Lord Jesus in all things, by keeping our old sin nature nailed to the Cross and appropriating all that we have in our new life in Christ, for we have been called for this purpose: to suffer for Christ's sake Who left us an example that we should follow in His steps.
Like all those who are born in trespasses and sin, our imputed sin nature with its fleshly lusts and our prideful attitudes battle against the born-again spirit of Christ within.
Since sin entered the world, the whole creation had been placed under the curse of God, and mankind was enslaved by the evil power of the prince of darkness.Because of Adam's sin in the garden, the whole of humanity was condemned by God and has been trapped in a deep state of darkness and ensnared under the terrible shadow of death ever since.
The word 'flesh' has many meanings and can refer to different things depending on the context... but in this verse the word 'flesh' is referring to the old sin nature - the fallen, fleshly, egocentric nature we inherited from Adam.
When Adam sinned, man died spiritually, leaving every member of humanity dead in trespasses and sin.
Man's body also started to die immediately and man's soul was corrupted and tainted with sin... such that man knew what was good yet was unable to do it... and man knew what was evil but was unable to avoid it.
Good deeds that are carried out by the old sin nature, however commendable they appear to be, are utterly rejected by God.
Once we have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, any good works that we undertake are to be done through the new, Christ-given nature which we receive at salvation, and not the old, sin nature which was imputed to us due to our membership of the first creation in Adam.
When we were born into that old sin-ridden creation, we received an old sinful nature.
Any good actions or kindly deeds that are carried out in our original, fleshly sin nature which we received from the first Adam, will never, ever be acknowledged or accepted by the Lord.
As believers, we still retain our freewill, but in Christ we have received power over that old, fallen, sin nature as we die to self and live for Christ alone.
If we permit the old sin nature to mount the throne of our life, we dishonour the Lord and will reap the bitter fruit of sinfulness, but if we keep the old man nailed to the Cross and live for Christ alone, we will reap the everlasting fruit of righteousness: For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life.
When Adam sinned, it was an innocent animal that God slew to cover their nakedness, but the blood of bulls and sheep can only cover sin.
It can never take away the sin that stains man's soul and separates fallen humanity from a holy God.
From the beginning, God decreed that only the shed blood of a sinless human being who would willingly give up his own sinless life as the ransom price for humanities transgressions, would be sufficient to appease an angry God and to satisfy His great hatred of evil and judgement against sin, for the wages of sin is death and Christ's death on the Cross paid that tremendous price.
There was no-one who was good enough to pay that tremendous price, for sin for God alone is sinless.
Though sinless, Christ took our sin upon Himself and was punished in our place so that although we are sinners, we are clothed in His righteousness by faith, and freed from the consequences of sin and the curse of the Law which condemns all humanity to eternal separation from God.
The blood of innocent animals could only cover humanities sin until the perfect Lamb of God in the Person of the Lord Jesus came to earth to become that singular sacrifice Who alone was sufficient to cleanse us from all sin and clothe us in the righteousness of God, and we access His forgiveness of our sins by faith in Him.
But rather than being hailed as the sinless Son of God Who became Immanuel, God-in-the-flesh, to die on the Cross to save us from our sins, the Lord Jesus was oppressed and afflicted by those He came to save.
Like a little innocent Lamb, He did not open His mouth to protest or complain, for He was dying in our place and we deserved the punishment of death for our sin.
He could not proclaim His own personal, justified innocence, for to do so would render your sin and mine as remaining unpaid and unforgiven, through time and into eternity.
Legalism and license can become a 'ping-pong' type argument that often rages in Christian quarters, between: 1) The dangers of legalism which replaces the freedom we have in Christ with a string of man-made rules, and the reintroduction of Jewish practices which were set aside at the Cross. 2) The perils of license which abuses the freedoms we have in Christ as an excuse to sin.
We are never to use our freedom in Christ as an excuse to sin.
Here, in Peter's first epistle, we find another important teaching on love, which is condensed into one tiny verse by the big, Galilean 'fisher-of-men.' Above all things, Peter writes, have fervent love among yourselves: for love shall cover a multitude of sins.
Peter also knew the amazing grace and perfect peace that comes when sins are covered.
He knew the liberating joy that floods the soul when sins are covered by Christ, the lover of our soul.
He had first-hand experience of receiving Christ's divine love, through the covering of his own sins.
Is He not worthy to receive the same depth of love that He showed towards us when we were dead in sin and at enmity with God, a sacrificial love, a dedicated love, a complete, unselfish, and holy love?
Such love does not wink at sin, nor does it translate imperfections into destructive criticism, but is gracious toward the faults of others and patient with their defects.
No surprise that Peter exhorts us, above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins.
When the love of God through Christ, abounds in our hearts, then the offenses of others, together with our own sins, are covered in Christlike forgiveness.
Surely we should cover the sins of those who sin against us and be grateful that our own, innumerable sins are also covered in Christ's forgiveness?
There is nothing that can separate us from His love, for past, present, and future sins have been washed in the sea of His amazing forgiveness, and His vast ocean of forgetfulness, and we are cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb.
Should not we who have had the sordid sins of our blackened souls washed, covered, cleansed, and eternally forgiven by our gracious God, reflect His tender-hearted forgiveness, His warm gentleness, His deep compassion and fervent love in our dealings on our brothers and sisters in Christ?
Should not we above all things have fervent love one for another, knowing that the love of Christ covers a multitude of sins?
Both Peter and Paul were apostles of Christ who had been called and chosen by the Lord, but like every one of us, they were also able to slip back into carnality and sin – and like each of us, there were times when they also had to be corrected by another brother in Christ and re-examine their faith to see if they were adhering to the truth of the gospel or being led astray, into legalism.After Paul had been so gloriously saved on the road to Damascus, Peter and the other apostles continued to share the gospel of God around Jerusalem and the local Judean area – predominantly to Jews.
He was born into His own creation as a perfect Man so that He could be made sin in our place and be punished for our iniquity.
We need to believe that the wrath of God was poured out in full measure upon Christ Himself on our behalf so that we might be forgiven of our sins, clothed in His perfect righteousness, and receive eternal life as a free gift of God's grace, by faith.
And the LORD Jesus Christ was born to die as the sacrifice for humanity's sin so that all who believe on Him might be reborn from above and live with Him forever.
Our very life has been redeemed from the pit of the dead, for not only are we forgiven of our sins and the beneficiaries of eternal life, by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, but part of that free gift of grace was to redeem us from that pit of destruction that was prepared for the devil and his angels, and eternal separation from our heavenly King.
Before salvation, we were children of the night and a product of the darkness of sin.
The unsaved soul is trapped in the dungeon of sin, but by faith we can cast off the works of darkness and be clothed in His armour of light.
It was prideful rebellion against the Lord that enslaved us to sin and entrapped us in the darkness of this world system, but we have been bought with a price; the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
He not only made us, but has bought us back from the slave-market of sin.
When a redeemed person has fallen from grace into legalism or carnality and is challenged about their sinfulness and unrighteous behaviour, when a believer is brought to deep sorrow for their wrongdoings and grieved about their sinful behaviour, when a Christian is broken before the Lord because of their sin, or when a justified man feels the chastening rod of God on their back and turns from their wicked way, they are brought to godly repentance with NO regrets.
When a Christian is brought to the place of godly repentance, they will not have the type of regret the unsaved experience, for if we confess our sin, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sin, cleanse us, return us into fellowship with Himself, and set us back on the sanctification pathway.
God's way challenges sin, brings about repentance without regret, cleanses, forgives, and returns us into His life-giving sanctification highway, while the unsaved are buried in guilt, shame, regret, and remorse, with no forgiveness and a road that leads them to the dungeons of death.
It gives voice to pain that Jerusalem endured, due to Israel's sin.
Her suffering resulted from the sin of her unrepentant people.
Although the book of Lamentations may not contain any Messianic prophecies or future predictions, there are many lessons to learn about the devastating effect of sin and the justified judgement God on sin.
And although the suffering city of Jerusalem is not identified as a 'type' of Christ, there is a clear parallel with the untold pain and suffering He underwent when He gave His sinless life as the ransom price for the sin of the whole world.
May we be those that are prepared to correct a Christian brother or sister in LOVE, when we see someone going astray or destroying their testimony through carnality and sin.
And each was rewarded for their obedience, when the Father sent the Spirit to permanently indwell all who would trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins, the salvation of their soul, and life everlasting.
Jesus Christ made the Law of no effect by giving His sinless life to pay the full price of all sin, which was the only payment that a holy God could accept.
Only the shed blood of Jesus Christ (the perfect Son of God and sinless Son of Man), could satisfy the righteous demands of God Who had decreed that the wages of sin is death.
And Christ's shed blood paid the full and final price for all sin so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish but have everlasting life, and be redeemed from the curse of the Law.
Jesus paid the price of sin for all people, but Jesus made the Law of no effect for all who would believe on His name.
Although the sins of the unsaved have been paid for by the blood of Christ, they remain under the condemnation of the Law because they have not believed on the only begotten Son of God.
The wall of partition that had been erected between God's chosen people Israel and the pagan Gentile nations, who were dead in their sins and without God in the world, was removed so that Christ might create in Himself one new man from these two groups of people.
Every good and perfect gift comes from God above, but there is no more precious and lasting gift than that of the forgiveness of our sins.
God's forgiveness of sinners is exclusively and singularly tied to the Cross of Calvary and the blood of Christ that was shed for many for the remission of sin and the redemption of mankind.
Only the death and Resurrection of Jesus is sufficient to pay the full and costly price for the sin of the whole world.
Christ did indeed die to pay the price for humanity's sin, but only those that trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, experience His full and free forgiveness, forever.
He is not only our Saviour: Who forgives all our sins, but He is also our Healer: Who healeth all our diseases, for there is no sickness or illness that can withstand the power and glory of our Creator God and heavenly King, if He so chooses.
In bygone days, the first line of a Psalm was often the title of that whole song, and the opening words of this poignantly prophetic Psalm is no exception, for these were the very words that the Lord Jesus Christ cried out from the Cross when He was made sin for your sins and for mine: My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?
Matthew's exposition of that unique day was that at three in the afternoon, Jesus cried out in a loud voice the very Psalm that was penned by David: My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me? and very likely the Lord Jesus recited every wonderful word and every agonizing verse of that astonishing Psalm, which details the shocking truth of what Christ had to bear on the Cross, to pay the required price for the sin of the world.
He had already promised one dying thief that he would be with Him in paradise when he acknowledged Jesus as Lord, and He had also made gracious provision for His grieving mother who would be adopted into the family of His servant, John, before His Father turned away from the Son of His love, as the sin of the world was laid on His shoulders.
Both God the Father and God the Spirit turned their back on God the Son, as he bore the sin of the world upon His sinless shoulders, and the unity that the Three had enjoyed for an eternity was shattered for the first time, as the Father and the Spirit together poured out the fullness of their wrath upon the Son.
He was the eternal Son of God Who had become the perfect Son of Man Who had lived a perfect life and died a sacrificial death for the sin of mankind, for which He alone was qualified.
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son - the Son of His love, to be man's sin offering.
How appropriate, therefore, that despite the indescribable grief of our suffering Saviour Who willingly became sin so that all that trust in His name might be saved, the very next words of this beautiful Psalm that demands our eternal praise and worship proclaims, But You are holy - O You that inhabit the praises of Israel.
He never has, for He willingly suffered all the wrath of God and punishment for sin that you and I deserve, when the Father placed your sin and mine upon the Lord Jesus.
At His First Coming, He came to bring the hope of salvation to His people and proclaim liberty to those enslaved by sin.
The people of Israel should have rejoiced in the Lord Who came to save His people from their sin and clothe them in the robe of righteousness, but they rejected Him and had Him crucified as a criminal.
And in that day, Israel will greatly rejoice in the Lord, proclaiming: He has cleansed us of our sin, covered us in a robe of righteousness for His name's sake, and turned our desert into a garden, where every man will sit under His fig tree and the earth will be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.
Although this scarlet thread in the book of Joshua is not identified as a true, Old Testament 'type' with its New Testament 'antitype', it has often been used in Christian circles to represent the cleansing life-giving blood of Christ, which atones for a man's sin.
Jesus was born to save His people from their sins and Joseph, the carpenter from Nazareth, was given the divine office and responsibility of becoming the earthly, adoptive father to God's only begotten, heavenly Son.
He would be a little boy, Whose name was to be Jesus, and He was to save His people Israel, from their sins.
And you, Joseph, YOU shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins. For centuries Jewish people had been looking for their promised Messiah.
He came to bring salvation from sin as promised in Old Testament Scriptures.
He came to save us from the PENALTY of sin (at salvation) the POWER of sin (through the process of sanctification), and the PRESENCE of sin (when we are with Him in glory).
It was through the Child, that Joseph would care for, that our Salvation was accomplished, through the death of Jesus, Who redeemed us from our sins and transferred us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His glorious light.
And 2000 years ago, a young man called Joseph the carpenter, was entrusted with the earthly parentage of Jesus, sent by God to save His people from their sins.
God in His goodness and grace gave His only begotten Son to be born into the human race so that by living a sinless life, He could die as the substitute for the sin of the whole world.
He came 2000 years ago as our Kinsman-Redeemer to save us from our sins, and despite being rejected and condemned by His own people and crucified by the Gentiles, He is soon returning to complete all that has been foretold of Him, by His holy apostles and prophets.
As sinners saved by grace, we understand that the lavish liberality of the grace of God has been poured out on all those that trust in His name, for though we were dead in our trespasses and sins with no hope in the world, God sent His Son to die for us on the Cross and gave us a gift at enormous cost to Himself; a free gift of grace to all who believe, a gift which has eternal consequences.
First: The Lord Jesus; the first-fruit from the dead: Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.
Victorious living is also connected with having clean hands and a pure heart, which is the product of a 'Christocentric' life and is cultivated when we put on the whole armour of God and remain in fellowship with our Heavenly Father, through regular confession of sin and by walking in the light of His love.
Drawing near to God and maintaining fellowship with Him involves shunning all that is evil, abhorring the things that dishonour God, and hating the calamitous effect of wrongdoing; mourning over sin.
We are not to rationalise sin but lament over its destructive nature in our own lives and the lives of others.
Jesus Himself told us that those who mourned and wept over their sin and the evil it causes, would be blessed.
Lamenting over sin must not be confused with wallowing in the wretchedness of our sin in order to 'justify' ourselves in the eyes of God.
Admitting to sin and grieving over our sin and the devastation it brings is the responsibility of all sinners.
Weeping over sin is an important step in bringing a lost sinner into fellowship with Christ and the forgiveness of sin, through faith in Him.
May we draw near to the Lord and enjoy sweet fellowship with our Heavenly Father, by confessing our sin and walking in spirit and truth.
May we cleanse our hands, purify our hearts, and mourn over sin and the devastation it causes in our life, and may we praise and thank our glorious Saviour, Jesus Christ, Who died on the Cross to pay the enormous price for our sin, so that by faith in Him we might be eternally forgiven and receive the promise of life everlasting.
Only a perfect Man could pay the price for the sin of fallen humanity.
Only God was good enough to redeem us from the slave-market of sin.
Without a perfect sacrifice for sin and the shedding of human blood, mankind could never be forgiven.
Without the forgiveness of sin, fallen man could never be reconciled to a holy God, and the first step Christ took towards the forgiveness of our sin, was to come into the world as a tiny babe, in order to die for our sin.
Who would have imagined that this tiny baby was and King, born to die for the sins of the whole world?
The very purpose of the incarnation was salvation for a rebellious race that was dead in trespasses and sin, at enmity with God, and condemned to eternal separation from their Creator.
When we consider the price Christ Jesus paid to come into this world and save us from our sin, when we reflect on the stain that sin has left on our heart and realise the forgiveness we have received by God's grace, through faith, surely we can do nothing other than conclude with Paul that of all sinners, I am the worse sinner of all. He saved us, not because of the righteous things we have done, but because of His great and wonderful mercy.
The Lord Jesus offered up His sinless life to His Heavenly Father as the full, final, and sufficient sacrifice for the sin of the whole world.
He became the full and sufficient payment for the sin of the whole world, and all who believe on Him receive forgiveness of sins because He died in our place.
Christ was a blameless Man, and it is only the soul that sins on which the sentence of death is placed.
The sacrificial death of our sinless Saviour was sufficient to pay the price for the sin of the whole world, but death had no claim on Christ Himself.
But all humanity is tainted by Adam's sin and incapable of living in spirit and truth in our own strength.
And although the old sin nature still resides in our fallen bodies of flesh and blood (until our physical death), we have the power of Christ's sinless life within to enable us to live in newness of life in Christ, and to offer up our own lives as a living sacrifice to the Lord.
At an appointed time, He was clothed in flesh, becoming the perfect Son of Man so that sinful humanity might not perish but be redeemed from sin's eternal destiny and be restored into a right relation with their Creator.
As children of God, we are meant to shine the light gospel of grace into a world that is steeped in the darkness of sin and condemnation.
We are not expected to hide our light under a bushel nor to turn a deaf ear to their pitiful state of the unsaved, for all are in need of salvation, and all need Christ for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
We are in the world, but we are not of it, and so our attitude and actions must show compassion toward those that are dying in their sins, while not being influenced by the prevailing gloom of this dark world-system.
Another lesson in practical living is in verse 26 where Paul contrasts sinful rage or bad temper with genuine, righteous anger: Be angry, and sin not, is Paul's simple guideline: Do not let the sun go down on your anger.
There is a vast difference between legitimate, godly anger over sin and evil where a believer controls his anger rather than being controlled by it, and the explosive anger of indignant rage or smouldering anger due to some personal altercation, a bitter heart, or the desire to 'get even'.
Righteous anger grieves over sin and evil, while fleshly anger allows the devil to take a foothold in our life and causes us to sink deeper in the sinful lusts of the flesh.
Anger is not always a sin and not all anger is wrong, and there are times when Christians should express righteous anger in a way that honours the Lord.
But when any sort of anger is not addressed biblically, the enemy can turn righteous anger into a sin or escalate fleshly anger into a greater offence, which is why Paul continues with the directive: Do not let the sun go down on your anger.
May we learn to recognise the difference between true righteous anger and ungodly fleshly anger that causes us to sin.
He will never teach and train the old sin nature that we received as a member of the old creation in Adam, for we are now part of a new creation in Christ.
Our 'Old Man' as the Bible calls it, which is part of our old Adamic nature, is riddled with sin.
Our old sin nature is dead in trespasses and sins and is to remain nailed to the Cross of Christ.
We have put on the new self, and it is this new life and not the old sin nature that is being renewed, day by day, by the Spirit.
All that is connected with the old creation in Adam is eternally doomed, which is why God is not going to transform the old sin nature but the new life in Christ, which we received when we were born again.
The heavens and earth, which was created, fashioned, formed and filled by God, was cursed because of man's sin, and the icy fingers of death continue to strangle and suffocate all the good things that God has made.
Christ paid the incredible price for sin: In His body on the tree, so that all who believe on Him might not perish but be united with Him through time and into eternity.
The Bible is a record of God's wonderful plan of man's redemption, and the amazing grace that caused God to send His only begotten Son to die on the Cross to pay the price for our sin will be brought to its final conclusion when God makes a new heaven and a new earth: For the first heaven and the first earth will pass away.
Fear not... When the God of the universe, Who sent His Son to be our Kinsman-Redeemer and pay the price for our sins on the Cross tells us not to worry... should we not simply take Him at His Word and not fear?
The glory that is contained in this astonishing reality should never become so familiar to us that a Christian is not left profoundly humbled and deeply amazed when reflecting upon the reality that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day so that all who believe on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.
It was because of His love for us that God gave His only begotten Son to be the propitiation for our sin, and Paul presents us with a question: IF God did not spare his own Son but gave Him up for us all... THEN will He not also with Him graciously give us all things?
His precious blood was shed on the Cross to atone for the sins of many, and we who believe on His name are held fast in the hand of the Father, given eternal life, and kept eternally secure in Him, forever.
By the merit of His death, Jesus paid our debt for sin, and the wages of sin is death.
But God did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for love of us so that His death would pay the full price of our sin, and through His glorious Resurrection we would become a new creation in Christ; removed from the old creation in Adam, placed into the new creation in Christ, receiving newness of life in spirit, soul, and body.
If the Father did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, and if the Lord Jesus was willing to be made sin for us and to atone for our sins through His sacrificial death on the Cross, should we not trust His Word implicitly?
If the eternal Son of God was prepared to be born into His own creation, become our sin-Substitute through His death on the Cross, and break the power of sin and death in our lives, should we not die daily to self and live passionately for Him?
He upholds all things by the word of His power, and when Jesus made purification of sins, through His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, until that day when He returns to bring all things to their final consummation.
And this mingling of the angelic with the human, was Satan's attempt to corrupt the DNA of humanity and eliminate the Seed of the woman Who was prophesied to destroy the works of the evil one.Although the vile influence of these fallen angels certainly aggravated the degenerate, pre-flood conditions, it was the unrelenting wickedness in the human heart and man's obsessive preoccupation with evil which was identified in this verse and demanded the destruction of mankind, through the flood of Noah.The sin nature that so corrupted the human race at the time of the flood, is the same evil disposition that is inherited from our fathers and imputed into the heart of every man who has descended from Adam – for the natural man is a sinner who is born under sin and is at enmity with God.The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually... and yet God, in His grace, purposed to redeem mankind and to destroy the works of the evil one.Although God's judgement rained down on the antediluvian world, and will do so once again during the Great Tribulation, it was at Calvary where complete victory was gained against mankind's unrelenting enemy.It was at the Cross, when Christ's blood was shed to pay the price for sin, that our Saviour triumphed over the evil enemy of our soul, and Satan's defeat will be fully realised when he is finally thrown into the fiery lake of God's everlasting judgement, after which, God will make a new heaven and a new earth.
They told him that the Lamb of God Who has taken away the sin of the world, is seated on the right hand of the Father.
Jesus was identified as the perfect Man Who overcame sin and death - and He alone was worthy to open the book and its seven seals.
Whichever viewpoint is correct, the wonderful truth is that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again, according to the Scriptures, and He has redeemed us by His precious blood.
The wrath of God must be poured out on ALL sin, and the wages of sin is death.
He was made sin for us.
The wrath of God was poured out in fullest measure on Christ so that your sin and mine could be forgiven by grace through faith in Him.
God's wrath was poured out on Christ in our stead and we are forgiven of all our sin.
Every sin that we commit during our life; past, present, and future, was laid on Christ and the enormous price for sin was paid-for by Him 2000 years ago.
He took our place and paid the penalty for our stead, on that terrible, yet glorious day when Christ became the sin-sacrifice for mankind.
We are forgiven of all our sin because Christ took the punishment in place of us.
God's accumulated anger and wrath against your sin and mine was placed on Christ Jesus on Calvary's Cross.
We are not destined to have God's wrath poured out on us, because we trusted in the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ as the payment for our sin.
Every man and woman has a free-will choice to trust in Christ for salvation because the wrath of God against their sin and ours was paid at Calvary.
The choice is to believe and be forgiven of all sin, which means that we escape the wrath to come, having obtained salvation in Christ.
Yet by grace through faith in Him our sins have been washed as white as snow and we have been forever forgiven of our sin, adopted into God's family, placed into the Body of Christ, and reconciled to the Father.
From the point that sin entered the world, every person that comes into the world is born dead in their trespasses and sins which means eternal separation from God.
Although God created man in His own image and likeness and bestowed upon him everything that relates to life and wholeness, Adam's sin meant our privileges were forfeited and handed over to Satan (who holds every man that comes into the world under the evil power of sin and death and hell).
The nation continues to be estranged from God and admits in this verse, that they are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, in deep despair, and dead in their sin.
There may have a semblance of being God's people, but they are dead in their sin and utterly hopeless.
Israel may have been physically 'reborn' in 1948 when the modern state of Israel came into being, but they will remain spiritually dead; dead in trespasses and sins, until that day when the entire nation repents of their sin and calls out for their Messiah to save them.
What was the purpose of setting standards that could never be reached?The Law was given to Israel not as a means to salvation, but to identify their sin and to establish their need for salvation, by faith.
If the Law proves one thing, it demonstrates that keeping God's Law is not God's way of salvation.Keeping God's Law does not result in blessings or justification – it identifies sin.
And Israel, who were given the Law, were to tell the Gentile nations this information so that they may recognise their own sinfulness and be saved, by faith.The Law EXPOSES sin but does not JUSTIFY the sinner.
The Law IDENTIFIES sin but it cannot bring salvation.
As the day of Christ's return draws ever closer, there are still multiplied millions of souls who face a lost eternity... unless they hear and believe the gospel of grace - that Christ died for their sins, according to the Scriptures, that He was buried and rose again, according to the Scriptures - such that whosoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
God in the Person of Jesus Christ came to earth and was born into His own creation so that all who believe in His finished work on Calvary's Cross for the forgiveness of sin, might be forgiven and have eternal life.
Salvation means coming to Christ's Cross for forgiveness of sin and life everlasting, which is open to all.
Redemption requires us to believe on the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins and by grace through faith in Him we are born from above, but that is only the starting point.
Christ was made sin for us, and our salvation depended on Christ identifying with our sin.
He is the Word made flesh Who tabernacled among His people for a brief season, to carry out the will of God through His sacrificial death and resurrected life, in order to break the power of sin and death in the lives of all who believe in Him.
He is the One who has broken down the sin-barrier that separated man from God, and He is the One Who has made His Heavenly Father known to the human race.
He is a God like no other god for He was born into His own creation and became a man, yet without sin.
The indescribable greatness of our Heavenly Father finds stark contrast with the insignificant and inconsequential role of sinful man who is dead in his sin, at enmity with God, and without hope in the world.
But man sinned and disqualified himself from his privileged position as God's chosen representative on earth, and the effects of sin continue to reverberate around the universe to this day.
For a time, He made Himself a little lower than the angels so that He could take upon Himself the form of a man and die to pay the price for our sin, and in so doing became our precious, Kinsman-Redeemer.
We read that GOD so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son to be the sacrifice for sin.
Christ was made sin for the accumulated sin of the whole world in loving obedience to the Father, for He cried: Not My will but Thine be done, and through His shed blood, the sin of the world was forgiven.
It was His sacrificial death that paid the price for the sin of the whole world, and it was His glorious Resurrection that enabled all those that believe on His name to be sanctified and made holy in Him.
Jesus met with Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration, not long before He was to face Calvary's Cross and bear the full weight of man's sin on His shoulders.
He was to be the full and final sacrifice for sin, and only three of Christ's disciples witnessed the awesome presence of God as a cloud enveloped Him, and a voice from heaven was heard to say, This is My beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased.
His Resurrection would be a unique Resurrection, by Whom the power of sin, Satan, death, and hell would be broken in the lives of all who believe.
The pagan deities that the Athenians worshipped, needed human beings to build their temples and bring them things, whereas the great God of the universe needs nothing from men – since He Himself gives life and breath to all people and all things.There is no correct way to introduce the gospel of grace to unbelievers, but there does need to be willingness to tell others about Jesus and bring God's message of salvation to the lost – and many missionaries have found that a good starting point is to give others a correct understanding of the God of creation Who made heaven and earth and everything in it, and of man whom God created in His own image, but who sinned and needs to be redeemed from sin and death and hell.May we, who have been saved by grace through faith, make ourselves available to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit so that lost sinners may be given the opportunity to hear the gospel and believe, through our ministry – for how shall they hear if no one is willing to tell them?
Nahum shows that the Lord is gracious and full of compassion and gives plenty of time for those that commit evil, to repent of their sins.
Repenting of one's sins is not displaying some emotional reaction to one's own wrongdoing - but is changing from doing wrong to believing what is right and trusting God.
However, when the wicked refuse to repent of their evil, the wrath of God is eventually poured out upon them and when the time for the punishment of the wicked arrives - none can withstand Him, for the Lord is a jealous and avenging God Who is angry over sin.
The Lord takes vengeance on His adversaries who sin against Him.
For by faith in His death and Resurrection, the power of sin in their lives had been severed, its deathly consequences had been destroyed, and they had all been set free from the curse of the Law.
Ironically, these false teachers did not understand that although the perfect Law of Moses could certainly identify sin, it could never correct it, nor could it forgive sin.
The Law is able to accuse and point the finger of accusation at the sinner but is incapable of dealing with the principle of sin.
The Law is the tool that God used to show fallen man that they are lost sinners in need of salvation, but the Law can never correct sin which only comes by grace through faith in Christ.
But thanks be to God, that the Lord Jesus came to free us from bondage to sin and the curse of the Law.
Christ was made a curse for us. Christ was made sin for us so that the power of sin and the curse of the Law are no longer able to wrap their icy fingers around our throats and accuse us.
When we are born again, we are not under the Law of sin and death, we are under the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
It is a wonderful truth that confounds our understanding and belies the credibility of man, that God in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ should come to earth and die on the Cross to pay the price for our sins.
For our benefit, He was born in the likeness of man and lived a sinless life so that He could be made sin for us and take the full force of God's wrath upon Himself, in our place.
It is precious to discover that He was led like a lamb to the slaughter for us, and willingly and quietly took the punishment that you and I deserve so that our sins could be completely forgiven through His sacrificial death, and by faith in Him, the power of sin has been broken in our lives and we have been placed in union with Christ and identified with His life.
Like other watchmen on the wall, Micah looked down the corridors of time to proclaim a Saviour Who is Christ the Lord, and His name was to be called Jesus for He shall save His people, Israel, from their sins.
In that day, God will forgive them their sins because the blood of their Saviour will cleanse all who cry: Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.
At a time when much of the Body of Christ seems to have lost its way and has succumbed to many false doctrines that are infiltrating many churches, let us rejoice with Israel and sing: Who is a God like You, Who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever, but delight to show mercy.
And through Him all families of the earth will be blessed if they simply trust in Him; the only begotten Son of God, the Word made flesh Who paid the price for the sins of the whole world.
While we were dead in sin and estranged from our Maker, He demonstrated His amazing love towards us by sending Jesus, His dearly beloved Son, to be the propitiation for our sin.
There is no greater love that He could have shown than by giving His Son to die on the Cross for our sin.
There are those who blame God for their problems without realising that we are born to live in a fallen world, where self-imposed sin or the wrongdoings of others, causes mischief and distress in our lives and in the lives of those we love.
Those who believe, both Jew and Gentile alike, know Him to be Jesus Christ the Righteous, Who died for the sin of the world and rose again the third day.
He will be acknowledged as that great King of Righteousness, Who came to save His people from their sin.
The one who hates his brother does not know where he is going because the darkness, caused by his hatred, has blinded his eyes.This is, indeed, a strong condemnation of the 'one' who hates his brother, especially as this serious state of affairs does not refer to the condition of an unbeliever prior to their salvation, but to a Christian after having been born of the Spirit.Earlier in the epistle, John explained that the believer who sins, must confess his sin to God the Father… and the Lord Jesus will act as our Heavenly Advocate so that our sins may be forgiven and fellowship with the Father may be restored.Hatred is a sin and every sin we commit causes the believer's fellowship with the Father to be broken – until our sin is confessed to Him.
John explained earlier that IF we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness – which will return us back into fellowship with Him.John also reiterates the command that Christ gave His followers, just before His death: Love as I have loved.
As born-again believers, our sin was judged at the Cross and we are no longer under God's condemnation, but as born-again children of God, we are to live as God instructs us and to love as Christ loved us - in purity of heart, humble obedience, and for His greater glory.
Salvation is indeed from the Lord, for God planned and purposed that His only begotten Son would be born as a Man, that His name would be called Jesus, and that He would save His people from their sins: For there is no other name given under heaven whereby we must be saved.
But the sin nature in man that was imputed to the human race when Adam disobeyed God, caused man to walk in enmity towards God in disobedience, and to place self on the throne of his life, instead of the Lord.
If a born-again believer chooses to live their life from the source of the old sin nature, he will never do that which is pleasing in the sight of God, for only as a believer lives his life from the source of the new life in Christ is he able, through the power or His Spirit, to the glory of God the Father.
His father announced that John would be a prophet of the Most High and give God's people a knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sin, and throughout his ministry, John gave testimony of the Person and work of Christ.
He pointed to Christ's first advent as: The Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, and also of His Second Coming, when he simply shouted: Behold the Lamb of God, for Jesus is also the Lamb that sits upon the throne and Who has authority to open the seven seals of Revelation.
He must increase, but I must decrease, is a consequential statement that John made after Nicodemus had been given the gospel: God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son to be the sacrifice for sin, and whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life, but he who does not believe is judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
It mingles with the blood-red stream that flows from the veins of God's only begotten Son Who alone could pay the enormous price for the sin of the world by shedding His lifeblood on our account.But first, the eternal Son of God must be born into the human race as the perfect Son of Man.
God the Son, must first set aside His glory and be born into the race that He created – yet He was to be born without Adam's imputed sin and man's inherited, fallen nature.Only the shed blood of a sinless Man would satisfy God's fierce wrath against the evils of humanity's sin, and Israel was chosen to be the one nation through whom this Saviour – the Son of God, would come.
THEY were His chosen people who were to tell the wonderful message of salvation to a cursed, Gentile world which was drowning in sin.
BUT although Israel broke covenant with God, the silken thread of His goodness, grace, and comfort continued to be woven into the history of Israel – which would finally produce an amazing tapestry of salvation for every human life who would trust His Word.God in His grace, sent His only begotten Son to pay the enormous price for their sin and the sin of the whole world, and in Isaiah chapter 40, this great prophet of Israel begins to write his beautiful, prophetic words of comfort to God's people which would eventually be manifested in the birth, life, and sacrifice of the incarnate Word of God.
Through this heavenly Person, the glory of the LORD was revealed when Jesus, Son of God and Son of Man, was born into the human race to save His people from their sin.The glory of the Lord was revealed at Christ's First Coming, which resulted in His death, burial, and Resurrection from the dead, through which He made purification for our sins.
Indeed, we discover that the supernatural love of God is far beyond our understanding, as was demonstrated when God sent His only begotten Son into the world to become the sacrifice for our sins, even dying for us when we were His bitterest foes.
His sacrificial death paid the price for our sins, while His eternal life breaks forever the power of sin and death in the life of those who believe, by faith.
He died a death that we deserve, as the burden of our sin was laid upon the sinless Son of Man, our Kinsman-Redeemer.
Not a healing of the body, but an everlasting healing of the spirit and the forgiveness of sins.
By His death and Resurrection, the Lord Jesus paid the enormous price for our sins and broke the power of sin and death in our life forever, returning us into fellowship with the Father.
But herein is God's LOVE (as well as His righteousness, holiness, goodness, and grace), not that we loved God (for we were dead in our sins and at enmity with Him), but that He loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son into the world to be the propitiation for our sins so that all who believe on Him, would not perish but have everlasting life.
Jesus was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and John the Baptist called upon Israel to repent nationally, turn from sin, follow their Messiah, and fulfil their original calling to tell the world of God.
Once again, the nation of Israel was being called on to repent nationally, turn from sin, follow their Messiah, and fulfil their original calling to tell the world of God's love, and grace, and His plan of salvation.
He paid the price for sin on our account, freely and without cost, and He broke the power of sin in our life so that He could live in us, carry out His righteous work through us, and produce in us the fruit of righteousness as a living testimony of His goodness and grace.
She questioned the Word of God, altered it to fit her own desires, and influenced her husband, which caused sin to enter the world and man's fallen nature to impact every subsequent generation.
She gave in to temptation and fell into sin. She was not only deceived when Satan contradicted God's established Word, but she also disobeyed God's command and ate of the fruit.
She chose to discount God's Word and ignore the consequences of her sin: She took the fruit and ate, and she gave to her husband with her... and he ate.
It was only after she had eaten of the tree of knowledge that she found herself spiritually separated from God and dead in trespasses and sin.
Temptation is not sinful, but yielding to temptation is a sin.
Looking at the tree and even touching it was not a sin, but disobeying God's command not to eat was the sin.
Her first, foolish step on the slippery slope to sin was lingering near the forbidden fruit where she could easily be tempted.
Her final mistake was allowing the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and pride to influence her to sin.
He did not seem to warn her or try to prevent her from sinning, but was equally guilty of sin.
God, in His wisdom, knew man would sin and graciously set His plan of redemption in motion, whereby a second and final Adam was sent to redeem His fallen race: For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Praise His holy name.
Despite breaking their covenant with the Lord, staying in apostasy, and indulging in spiritual adultery, the Lord is ready and willing to save His people from their sins.
Servants like Moses and Joshua, and prophets like David and Isaiah, called the nation to repent of their sin and live godly lives, with many promises of restoration and blessing on the one hand, and warnings of discipline if they refused, on the other.
They were to repent of sin, so He may have compassion on them, and freely forgive them.
Jesus paid the price for the sin of the whole world – such that whosoever believes on Him is redeemed by His precious blood and transferred into the Kingdom.
Although Christ’s Millennial reign on earth will be a time of righteous rule, when the wolf will lie down with the lamb, the Lord Jesus will be required to reign with a rod of iron for the inhabitants of His earthly kingdom will continue to be born with a sin nature – until ALL thing are made new.
There will be no war, no death, no sin, no rebellion, no sickness, and no pain in the new heaven and the new earth – for the former things will have passed away.
Sadly, they do not yet know that Purim is a dim shadow of their great salvation which comes through faith in Jesus Christ - for the eternal Son of God came to earth as the perfect Son of Man to pay the price for their sins and to redeem His people, Israel, as foretold by the ancient prophets.
The division of light from darkness as God's first act of creation is almost a picture of the illuminated soul that has been made alive in Christ Jesus through spiritual rebirth and placed into the kingdom of light, while the ones that are dead in their sins remain a prisoner in the kingdom of darkness.
And this passage is one that seeks to give a tiny glimpse into the magnitude of what it means that God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son to die in our place and take the punishment for sin that we justly deserve.
He not only died as our substitute by receiving the punishment we justly deserve, but He also died TO sin on behalf of us; to set us free from sin's sovereignty over us.
He not only paid the price for our sins, but he broke the power of sin in the life of all who trust in Him for salvation.
Sin caused fallen man to be separated from his holy Creator, and yet God in His grace, wisdom, justice, and mercy, chose to reveal Himself and His glorious plan of salvation through His Word.
The Lord is no less our Shield and Hiding Place in this sin-sick world in which we live.
Man was made in the image and likeness of God, but that image became distorted and marred when sin reared its ugly head and man chose the path of disobedience over the pathway to peace, the highway to holiness, the road of righteousness.
Instead of choosing to live in innocent dependence upon their Creator, man freely chose to rebel against the true and living God, which resulted in an imputed sin nature and an inherited tendency towards sin.
We can only attain to the standard that God requires of all his children if we die to self and live to Christ; if we keep the old sin nature nailed to the Cross and live, and move, and have our being in the new born-again nature of the Christ-life that we receive at salvation.
Jesus is the good Shepherd of the sheep Who laid down His life for us, and just as the blood of the Passover lamb was smeared on the lintels of their house to cover Israel's sins and redeem them from Egyptian slavery, so the blood of Christ cleanses us from all wrongdoing and redeems us from the slavery of sin.
May the joy we have in our Lord Jesus Christ be made complete as we speak of the lovely Lord Jesus, through Whom we have received forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
He was the Lamb of God Who would take away the sin of the world.
But God’s salvation painted a very different picture from Israel’s perceived imagination of deliverance, at that first advent of the Lord Jesus Christ.He shall save His people from their oppressors but FIRST He must save them from their sin.
The kingdom was indeed to be set up but FIRST they must be redeemed by a Kinsman-Redeemer. They would be able to enter the kingdom of heaven but FIRST they must repent of their national sins for the Kingdom of heaven was near.
FIRST must come national repentance for centuries of sin before national victory and entrance into the eternal Kingdom.
They were being called to remove everything in their lives that hindered their walk with the Lord, and accept the King Whom God had anointed to rule over them – they were to repent of their sins.
The love of God for the world was so great that He sent His beloved Son to be the sin-sacrifice for the whole of mankind, but Christ's prayer was not for the world, but for the men who would represent Him to the world.
Like Israel, we too have been saved by grace through faith in God's Word and cleansed by the blood of the perfect Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, and Who triumphed over death for all who trust in Him.
When Christ was rejected by the leaders of Israel and condemned to die at the hands of their cruel Roman overlords, it was through this tiny company of godly Jews that the glorious gospel of the grace of God was first delivered to a world that was dead in trespasses and sins.
It was Peter whose inspired words caused three thousand souls from the lost sheep of the house of Israel, to repent of their sins and to turn to Christ.
And we who have trusted in Christ as Saviour and seek to live Spirit-filled godly lives, rejoice with exceeding great joy for the faithful testimony of this little remnant of believing Jews, who were the first to testify of the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
As we journey through this life of pain and sorrow, we are to proclaim to the world, in thought, word, action, attitude, and motive, the excellent glories of our Heavenly Father Who redeemed us from the darkness of sin and death into the glories of His life and light, in Christ.
We were also chosen to be a royal priesthood for our God so that we may sing out the praises of His name to those who are lost in their trespasses and sins.
Our worship, praise, and thanksgiving, will resound throughout the eternal ages to come because God had graciously called us out of the darkness of sin and death, and a life without Christ, into the glorious light of His holy presence and eternal light and love.
But we who have trusted in His holy name have been forgiven of sin, made holy and blameless in His sight, and been given all we need for life and godliness, according to His riches in mercy and everlasting love.
How we praise His holy Name, for we who were once dead in our sins and shrouded in the thick blackness of sin, have been called out of darkness into His wonderful light.
And now we can proclaim, to all with whom we come in contact, the excellences of our Heavenly Father and the grace of Kinsman Redeemer Who loved us so much that He was prepared to go to the Cross for our sake, so that our sins could be forgiven and we could exhibit the glories of His grace, not only in this world but also in the ages to come.
The covenant made by God with Israel, had been set aside and it's significance forgotten, even though the Ark, the Tabernacle, the Feasts, the Sacrifices, the Temple, and every Temple article, pointed to the Person and Work of Christ Whose shed blood would save His people from their sins.
When we are eternally saved by grace through faith in Christ, forgiven of our sin, declared righteous before God, positioned in Christ, indwelt by the Spirit, and made one with Him, nothing and no-one should be placed alongside Him; for there is nothing to compare with Christ's sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary for you and for me.
Paul chose king David as his second illustration and used a quote from Psalms to continue his line of reasoning: How blessed are those whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered.
It removes the freedom we have in Christ and places people in bondage to sin.
It was because his sins were forgiven BY FAITH, that David wrote in Psalm 32: How blessed are those whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered.
No doubt the Holy Spirit had been convicting David of his sin for many months until he finally confessed: Against You and You only have I sinned and done this great evil.
On that day David discovered that when a child of God confesses their sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
He did not have to carry out some penance or legalistic action to atone for his sin, for all his sins, past, present, and future were forgiven because of his faith in God's sacrifice for sin; Jesus Christ the righteous.
And so, when any post-salvation sin was confessed, David was restored into fellowship with the Lord.
The person who is most critical of the faults, failings, and sins of others is often guilty of the self-same faults, failings, and sins. 'When you point a finger of accusation at another, remember you have three fingers of accusation pointing right back at yourself,' as the old saying goes.
He simply stooped down, and with His finger wrote on the ground. But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, 'He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.' Once more Jesus stooped down, and wrote on the ground.
Some speculate that it listed the sins of the men accusing this woman.
But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, 'He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.'
Jesus did not excuse this woman's adultery by finding fault with God's law, for later He challenged her to face her wrong-doing and to go and sin no more. And by His atoning death, she too was forgiven by grace through faith.
There is no sin so great that it cannot be forgiven, except the sin of unbelief.
For the one who believes in the Son has forgiveness of sin and life everlasting, but the one who refuses to believe in the Son does not have forgiveness, and will not see life.
The punishment for adultery was stoning, but the wages of all sin and every trespass, whether sins of the body or sins of the heart, whether physical sins executed in our body or senses, or spiritual sins undertaken in the secret smugness of our own prideful hearts, the wages of all sin is death, and death means separation from God.
He took the punishment for our sin - the punishment that we so justly deserve.
And how we praise and thank Him that by grace He took our punishment upon Himself, and through faith in Christ, we are forgiven of all our sins through His atoning death.
Praise God that by faith the PENALTY of sin has been dealt with.
But in addition, the POWER of sin (the old sin nature's control), can be broken in our lives.
It is through the indwelling Holy Spirit, that the life of Christ within is able to overcome our innate sin, our old, inherited, imputed sin nature, (the old-man as Paul calls it) that lurks within.
And a day is fast approaching when we will be with Christ in heaven and the PRESENCE of sin will be gone forever.
He alone had the lawful right to condemn her for her sin.
Go, and sin no more.'
May we never forget that we are not to become judge or jury for the sin of our fellow man, for we are all sinners, and only by God's grace have we been forgiven of our sin.
The northern kingdom of Israel had already been sent into Assyrian captivity due to their apostasy, and Jeremiah pleaded with the southern kingdom of Judah to repent of their wicked ways, to turn from their sin, to renounce their idol worship, and to come back to the God of their fathers, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David.
The Lord Jesus Christ has rightly been called the Prince of Peace, for Christ is the propitiation for our sins, bringing peace with God for all who believe in Him.
God knew that man would sin in the garden and become eternally estranged from his Heavenly Father, but in His grace and justice, God determined that His only begotten Son would become His sacrificial Lamb Who alone could be the propitiation for the sins of the whole world.
It is a divine love that cannot be compared with the inadequate love of fallen man, but is a love so penetrating that He sent the unique and only begotten Son of His love to be the propitiation for our sins.
We are only able to offer up spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God because we are identified with JESUS. Jesus identified with our sin through His sacrifice so that we could be identified with His righteousness, by faith.
And during the dispensation of Law, only the High Priest was permitted to enter into the presence of the Lord God, to make atonement for sin, once every year.
No unsaved man can approach God, for sin separates God from man.
Only the saved can fellowship with the Father and enter God's presence, for not only have our sins been forgiven, but we have been placed IN Christ and must approach the Father THROUGH the Lord Jesus.
The Bible teaches that a man must pray in faith, and without any doubt, unforgiveness, or sin in his heart.
We are to pray for our daily food and to ask forgiveness for any sin, and we are also to be prepared to forgive others, knowing how much our Saviour has forgiven us.
While most of God's people refused to turn from their sin and return to God, there was always a tiny remnant who waited eagerly for their Messiah to come.
Jesus came as a sacrificial offering to put an end to sin, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to bring in everlasting righteousness.
Their proud hearts were not broken by sin and their long, repetitive invocations were insincere.
Forgiveness in this verse has nothing to do with God's judicial forgiveness of our sins.
We are justified by God and forgiven of our sin by grace through faith in the atoning work of Jesus Christ on the Cross.
Although all our sins, past, present, and future are judicially forgiven at the Cross, there are times when we allow the old sin nature to influence us to sin which removes us, for a time, from fellowship with the Father until we confess our faults before Him.
There are also times when other people sin against us - directly or indirectly - wittingly or unwittingly.
However, Jesus was not teaching here that we earn the right to God's judicial forgiveness by forgiving other people as this would be contrary to the Bible's teaching that the forgiveness of sin is an expression of God's grace and mercy because of our faith in Christ.
Rather, it is showing that in consideration of the immense forgiveness that we have received from our Heavenly Father through the forgiveness of our sins - how much more should we forgive those that harm us?
May we, who have been forgiven of our sin by faith in Christ, be quick to forgive others their trespasses, shortcomings, and debts - in the same way that we have been so graciously forgiven by our Father in heaven so that we may maintain sweet fellowship with Him and show forth His goodness and grace in our lives.
The unbeliever has a fallen, carnal nature, and the natural, unsaved man is dead in his sins and at enmity with God.
The fallen nature of fallen man is a rebel against God and cannot ever please Him, for the fallen, carnal nature is not subject to the law of God but is a slave to Satan, a slave to sin and death.
However, Paul makes a big distinction between those that saved by grace and the unsaved natural man - those that are born again and those that are dead in their sins.
The new nature is to grow in grace while the old sin nature is to remain nailed to the Cross, in the place of death.
The old sin nature seeks remain in control in the life of a believer, but must remain nailed to the Cross for it can do nothing to please God.
But if or when we sin, we give the old, sinful nature supremacy over our new born-again nature, which can stifle the inner workings of the Holy Spirit in our life, quenching or grieving Him and stunting our spiritual growth.
But Adam disrupted God's divine plan, causing his environment to become cursed and inflicting upon himself and the entire race of humanity, the tragic wages of sin which is DEATH.
The first man failed to fulfil Deity's plans and purpose for humanity, but the triune Godhead decreed that a second Man would redeem Adam's fallen race from their sins.
He was the last Adam and His name would be called Jesus, the only begotten Son of the most high God: For He shall save His people from their sins.
God is Spirit, but He purposed and planned to be born into the human race, clothed in human flesh and made in the likeness of fallen man, yet without sin.
God purposed to become part of that future generation from Adam so that He could save His people from their sins and redeem a race of sinners from eternal death.
We were born in Adam's fallen race and God saw us as dead in trespasses and sins.
No matter what sins you have committed or will commit in the future, you are accepted in the Beloved.
We may be chastened by our Heavenly Father due to sin or rebelliousness.
Some say that you can remove yourself out of His hands, while others worry that they have committed an unforgivable sin, but on both counts this would be a slur on the character of God, for it implies that Christ's sacrifice on the Cross was not sufficient to save us and keep us.
And while his brother, Cain, gave the Lord an unacceptable offering through the works of his own hands, Abel's sacrifice of an innocent lamb was acceptable to the Lord, for without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.
God commended Abel's faith by accepting his gift, and although he died by the hand of his jealous brother, the faith of this young man has become a great witness throughout generations and a life that points to the true sacrificial Lamb of God, Whose shed blood takes away the sin of the world.
The parable of the fruitless fig tree was a vivid picture of apostate Israel, who refused to repent of their sin.
They could not comprehend that they were sinners in need of salvation, nor could they recognise the barrenness of their soul or the importance of repenting of their sin, both individually and nationally.
Israel wanted their Messiah to be a conquering hero who would save them from their Roman overlords, not a Saviour who demanded them to repent of their sin.
Was the parable no more than another call for Israel to repent of their sin, rather than an indication that the fig tree would be cut down in twelve month's time and the day of God's judgement be poured out on His sinful nation?
Paul had taught them the truth of the gospel of grace and by faith in Jesus, they had been born again, forgiven of their sin, transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's dear Son, and received the gift of eternal life.
He entreats His people to repent of their sins and wash themselves in His cleansing flood: 'Come now, and let us reason together,' says the LORD, 'Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow.
Trusting God's Word, acknowledging their sin, admitting their guilt, renouncing their idolatry, repenting of their evil ways, and turning from their ungodliness had to precede God's purifying and cleansing for Israel.
Likewise, as Christians we have to admit our guilt, renounce our idolatry, repent, and recognise that we are sinners who need a Saviour so that by faith in His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection we may be cleansed of our wicked ways, forgiven of our sin, washed in His precious blood, declared righteous in the eyes of our heavenly Father, and live a life that is holy unto the Lord.
As believers, we all have been given a new life in Christ which is placed alongside our old sin nature, and the thoughts of our hearts and the meditation of our minds can be influenced by either.
Whatever flows from our new life in Christ is pleasing to the Lord, but if we choose to allow our actions, attitudes, and the words that come from our lips to be influenced by our old sin nature, we may fool other people, but we can never deceive the Lord for He alone knows the intent of our heart.
But God in His grace had planned a new creation, a second MAN - the last ADAM so that through Christ, humanity could be redeemed from his sin, renewed in righteousness after the image of God, and restored into his rightful, sovereign position.
Zephaniah's serious warning should also admonish all who know the truth of the gospel of grace, not to be indecisive but to turn from their sin, seek the Lord while He may be found, and not delay their decision.
Wickedness in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, had reached such depths of depravity that sin had to be punished.
God, in His omniscience, knew their sin had reached its fullness, but He wanted Abraham to understand that He is a righteous God and His judgement does not fall indiscriminately.
It was when the Lord revealed His plan to destroy the wicked cities and their inhabitants that Abraham not only considered the fate of Lot and others in that city who had trusted God for salvation, but also had pity for the many souls who were dead in their sin.
And although man fell at the beginning, causing sin to enter the world, the Lord set eternity deep within the heart of man: He has also set eternity in their heart.
The result of this one sin of Adam brought calamity of the entire human race and placed everyone under God's condemnation and death.
We are sinners, not only because we sin but also because we are imputed with a sin nature because of Adam's transgression.
In addition to our imputed sin nature from Adam, we inherit a fallen nature from our parents.
We were born dead in trespasses and sins, at enmity with God and without hope in the world; and the soul that sins shall die, for the wages of sin is death.
Many like to bemoan the fact that we are made sinners because of Adam's sin.
Many feel it is unfair that we have to inherit the sin nature from our forefathers, because of their sin, but this is failure to recognise God's incredible grace in His simple plan for man's redemption.
For as by ONE sin we were all made sinners, so by ONE act of obedience we can all be declared righteous and receive justification of life.
Like the whole of humanity, this woman's sin caused eternal separation from her Creator, but on one special visit to Jacob's well she found herself face to face with God incarnate.
She needed to drink of the living water of life that only comes by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, Who alone paid the price for her sin, and ours.
When God convicts a man or woman of their sin, their reaction will lead to a confession of sinfulness or a hardening of the heart.
Though some see the woman's question on the place and purpose of worship as evading the sin-issue at hand, others see her response as a genuine, heart-enquiry of how she might be forgiven of her sins and brought back into sweet fellowship with the God of Israel.
A moment was arriving when the old covenant would be set aide and a new covenant would be cut, by means of the precious blood of the perfect Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
He redeemed us from slavery to sin and forgave us all our sins, and He also revealed to us who have been made His children, by grace through faith, the glorious mystery of His will.
For the unbeliever, faith in God is trusting in the death and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus for redemption, trusting Him for the forgiveness of sins.
Once we trust God for salvation (where God paid the price our sins), we should then trust God for our sanctification (where God breaks the power of sin in our life).
Its members believe in the historical Cross of Christ, and have placed their faith in the sacrifice that He made on that Cross, which saves people from their sins.
Only a perfect Man without sin, could redeem fallen humanity.
God the Son was good enough to pay the price of sin, but God is Spirit, and spirit is spirit and flesh is flesh and blood!
So God the Son had to come in human form if He were to fulfil the Father's plan of redemption and become the human sacrifice that would pay the price for the sin of the world.
The first man sinned and lost his dominion over the earth, and all his offspring were born with a fallen sin nature, dead in trespasses and sin.
As the eternal Son of God, Jesus was good enough to pay the price of sin, and so He came into the world as the sinless Son of Man.
He became the God-Man, Who walked in spirit and truth and Who alone was good enough to be the sin-sacrifice.
He lived a sinless life and died a sacrificial death as payment for man's sin.
God had determined that a man must die for mankind's sin.
A man's blood must be shed to pay the price for the sin of humanity.
For not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given ALL judgment to the Son. By giving all judgement to Jesus, Who is the second Adam, as well as the sin-sacrifice, with life within Himself, God is returning Man into his original position on earth, with dominion over all creation, as determined before man fell.
Sinners saved by grace through faith in Him know that the judgement we deserve, as payment for our sin, was paid IN FULL at the cross.
It warns of the futility of doubting God's Word and reminds us of the beautiful fruit that comes from a spirit of patience and grace.He warns against conceiving sin in our heart and the devastation that can be caused by an unguarded tongue.
And James also teaches about the effects of true and false wisdom – the cause of covetousness and its righteous cure.And here in this verse, the apostle simply explains to his readers the consequences of knowing what is godly and honourable in the sight of the Lord, and yet refusing to carry it out... therefore, he warns, to the one who knows the right thing to do yet does not do it, to him it is sin.The man or woman who has become a child of God by faith, may not be under the law of Moses, but we are most certainly under the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, and James teaches that to know what is good but to do what is evil – whether in thought, word, or deed, dishonours the Lord Who bought us with His precious blood and blemishes our testimony for Christ.As children of God, our motive and attitude should be to live for Christ every moment of the day – to present our lives as a living sacrifice to Him, to trust His Word and walk in utter dependence on Him, moment by moment, and for His greater glory.Living the Christian life as God intended and instructed, should be the main aim of the Christian, and failure to do so is identified by James as a sin which should be confessed to the Lord and addressed in our life if we are to remain in holy fellowship with the Father and grow in grace, to His honour and glory.
It was during the first Sabbath day of creation that God rested from His work, but death entered the world as a result of man's sin, and from that day forward, both the Father and the Son have been working ceaselessly to redeem men and women from a lost eternity and to return them back into fellowship with God.
Whether we are faced with fleshly temptations that rise up from our old sin nature or testing trials that come from above, we know that God takes all things and weaves them beautifully together for good, to those that love God and are called by grace through faith in Christ, according to His good purpose.
And though they were rebuked by the prophet Samuel for this grave, rebellious sin against the Lord, God in His mercy was still prepared to bless His covenant nation which He had called into existence through Abraham, Isaac, and the twelve sons of Jacob.
What a wonderful promise was given to that prideful and rebellious nation: that the Lord would not abandon His people, despite their repeated grievous sins against Himself.
The barbaric suffering and humiliation that accompanied Christ’s cruel death at Calvary was designed to bring to completion God’s foreordained redemption plan which He purposed would bring many condemned sinners back into a right relationship with God, by faith, and adopt them into His family as His children.The death of His only begotten Son was acceptable to the Father, because He alone was worthy to pay the price for the sin of the world.
God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are so much higher than our thoughts, but it demonstrates His divine wisdom - for Christ's suffering fulfilled the righteous requirements of God’s justice and exemplifies the superabundance of His goodness, His grace, His love, and His merciful-kindness.Only the shed blood of a perfect Man was sufficient to satisfy God's wrath against sin.
Only He could become the substitute for the sin of mankind.
To break the power of sin and death, he had to offer Himself as the sacrifice for the sin of the world.
In order to bring many sons to glory, He must first become sin for us.
He not only died to pay the penalty for the sin of the world – He died so that the power of sin and death might be broken in the lives of all believe in His name - so that fallen sinners like you and me can be identified with His perfect righteousness.Only the eternal Creator-God Who was born as the perfect Sinless Man, had the credentials and authority to save humanity and bring many sons into glory.
The heavy yoke of bondage to sin is a weighty burden we all have to carry on the treadmill of life, which causes physical weariness, spiritual fatigue, and emotional exhaustion.
He came to the lost sheep of the house of Israel in fulfilment of Scripture, calling the entire nation to repent of their sin, return to the Lord, and trust Him as Saviour.
He alone can lift the heavy yoke of bondage to sin which weighs down the burdened heart.
He alone can heal the broken-hearted, rescue those that are perishing, and set the captive free from the weighty burden of sin.
He opened his song of praise and petition by thanking God for turning His burning anger away from His disobedient people, pardoning their sins, bringing the exiles home from their Babylonian captivity, and restoring the fortunes of Jacob.
When a nation or individual is out of fellowship with the Lord or has backslidden into carnality or sin, that nation or individual finds they are estranged from God, and their joy in Him quickly evaporates.
Rejoicing in God our Saviour can never co-exist with unconfessed sin, and the psalmist clearly understood this.
He was quick to acknowledge the superabundant goodness and grace of God toward himself and his people, and was ready and willing to acknowledge that many perils lurk in the dark shadows of sin.
He was also a man who recognised the importance of prayer, praise, and thankfulness, and confessed that a righteous God must punish sin.
Lusting after money and the intense desire to gain more money and increase worldly wealth, is what is being spoken about here.Similarly, the love of money is not the single source of evil, as is so often implied in the secular song, mentioned above – but that the love of money is one of many ungodly ways that entices us into various sins and wickedness.Indeed, the context of this verse must also be considered, for Paul is contrasting the tranquil attitude of godly contentment and gratitude with a greedy craving for wealth, an insatiable hankering after riches, or the materialist mind-set which is embodied in a fallen world.One of the qualities that Paul lists in a church elder or overseer, earlier in the book, is that he is gentle, peaceable, and free from the love of money, for when godliness springs from a contented heart it is a great asset in a child of God.We should never forget that we came into this world with nothing... and when we die, we will take nothing from it.
But despite their shocking idolatry, the Lord graciously entreats them to repent of their sin, turn back to the Lord, and rend their hearts inwardly and not simply give a pretence of religiosity.
He is the second member of the triune Godhead, but this verse gives a beautiful glimpse into the incredible sacrifice that Christ made in order to save His people from their sins.
This verse gives a glimpse behind the scene of what the immortal, invisible, eternal, omniscient, omnipotent Son of God did in order to be born into the human race, to live as the perfect, Son of Man, and to die as the innocent Sacrifice for the sin of the whole world.
Christ gained complete victory over sin, death, and Satan through His death, burial, and Resurrection.
We are engaged in a spiritual battle with a wicked fallen angel and many evil principalities and powers who are the authors of evil, deception, lies, fear, sin, evil, unrest, and war.
He loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son as the sacrifice for sin so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.
The punishment that we deserve was meted out to Christ on the Cross for our sake, and we are to glory in the scars that beautify the hands and feet of our Lord Jesus, for by His stripes we are healed, and by His blood our sins are forgiven.
It tells that Christ died a sacrificial death on the Cross to pay the price for our sin and break its power in our lives.
He explained that when Moses lifted up a brass serpent on a pole in the wilderness to heal all who believed, it was a type of Himself, the Son of Man Who would also be lifted up as the sacrifice for sin, and that ALL who believe on Him would be healed, declared righteous, and live eternally.
God hates sin, and God hates this evil, corrupted, Satanic world-system, which is blinding the perishing to the glorious gospel of grace and leading many more into a lost eternity.
But sin must be punished because God is righteous, and the wages of sin is death.
It was God Who purposed that the only way man's death sentence could be reversed was if a perfect, sinless Man was willing to pay the price for sin.
And so out of love for us, God gave His only begotten Son as the sacrifice for sin and to take the punishment that WE deserve: So that all who believe in Him will not perish but have eternal life.
The full force of God’s wrath had to be poured out on a sinless member of the human race if the price of sin was to be paid, and God determined before the foundation of the world, that the eternal Son of God would become the sinless Son of Man.
He would be born into His own creation and willingly pay the price for the sin of the world through His substitutionary death.
God loves sinners with a passion, but cannot look in sin, and so He Who knows the end from the beginning, predetermined in eternity past to redeem His fallen race by providing a substitute for sin; a perfect Man Who would pay the price of sin and receive the punishment that WE deserve so that WHOSOEVER believes on Him would not perish but have eternal life.
The forgiveness of sin, life everlasting, and the gates of heaven itself are flung open wide to whosoever will believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.
The eternal Son of God set aside His glory and was born into the fallen race of man, to die on Calvary for your sin and mine.
In the beginning, the first Adam lost dominion over the earth through sin, but Jesus paid the price for sin through His own blood which He freely shed at Calvary, and became the second and last Adam.
It was the Father of peace Who sent the Prince of peace into the world to save sinners from their sin.
The peace we have with God through the forgiveness of sin is an unconditional gift for all who believe, and it remains our present possession through time and into eternity.
The peace of God is conditional and can be lost, destroyed, or broken, when we fall into sin, engage in fleshly activities, or regress into spiritual infancy.
And because fellowship with the Father is broken when through sin, carnality, indifference, or unbelief, it is evident that Paul is urging these believers to live a life that is well-pleasing to the Lord in thought, word, deed, and motive.
These prophecies speak of the time when national Israel will repent of their past sin - and the Gentile nations will know that God is the Lord.
Having gone through terrible times of trouble and great tribulation, and despite seeing their Holy City captured, it's wealth taken, it's people enslaved, and the rebuilt temple of God desecrated by the man-of-sin, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship - Zechariah gives God's people a wonderful message of hope.
On that day, Israel will call on the name of the Lord, recognise their Messiah, and repent of their sin.
Suffering for righteousness' sake must never be confused with the suffering we experience as a consequence of our sin or wrong choices.
We live in a fallen world where sin, sorrow, pain, and death is the portion of all men.
We live in a world where the vast majority of people are dead in their trespasses and sins, at enmity with God, and have willingly rejected His gracious offer of salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
The truth of the gospel of grace is a mystery to those that are lost in their sin, and so the hatred and contempt they have for the Lord is transferred into hatred and contempt for His children.
Oh not Christ's suffering on the Cross, only HE could pay the price for sin, but we can be identified with the One who endured the Cross for us.
And through this special nation was to be born the Messiah Who would save His people from their sin and bring in everlasting righteousness for all people.
The Lord earnestly implores the Gentiles, who were dead in their sin, to turn from their false idols and look to Him.
There is an increasing urgency to spread abroad the gospel of salvation to ALL who are dead in their sins so that they may turn to the Lord and be saved - for the Lord has spoken: Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth, for I am God, and there is no other.
ot the substitutionary suffering for the sin of mankind which Christ alone could achieve but Paul was content to suffer for Christ's sake in order that he might attain to the resurrection of the dead.
Death came into the world because of man's sin, and as the consequence of sin, the earth was cursed, sorrow and pain entered the world, and God started once again to work.
God's Sabbath rest was rudely interrupted by sin, but God in His grace knew before the foundation of the world that man would disobey Him and His work of redemption would have to begin at a point in time.
God foreknew that man would sin against Him and that only the shed blood of a perfect Kinsman-Redeemer could pay the price for the sin of the whole world.
And so He purposed to send His only begotten Son to be born into the human race to pay the price for sin.
Indeed, the day was fast approaching when Christ's redeeming work on the Cross would result in the defeat of sin and victory over death for all who would believe on His name.
Jesus, as Son of God and Saviour of the world, released this man from thirty-eight years of slavery to sin and Satan by simply commanding him to take up his bed and walk.
The repetitive call for Israel as a nation to repent of their sins and to turn back to God, had resounded down through the centuries, but the numerous warnings of many prophetic voices continued to go unheeded.
Most of that generation missed their Messiah and are placed under condemnation as prophesied, but the little remnant of Israel who accepted Christ's message of salvation at His First Coming, received the promised restoration; the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
Christ took the punishment for the sins of all who believe on the name of the Son of God for salvation; God's wrath was poured out on Him in our stead, and for His sake, there is no longer condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus.
To myriads of men and women, the Lord has proved Himself to be the Righteousness of God, in Christ: For God made Him Who had no sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God - in Christ.
When fallen man can look beyond his rebellious, prideful myopia, and recognise that by God's eternal power the worlds were made, he can start to glimpse into the very character and heart of God Who loved the world so much that He sent His only begotten Son to pay the enormous price for your sins and mine.
What godly lives we would live if it were not for the foibles of others!But this life is fraught with disappointments and disturbances and we are warned that murmuring is the consequence of unbelief, while disputing is the product of a discontented heart which brings in its wake grievances, disease, envy, and sin, as exemplified in Israel’s forty-year long wilderness wanderings when the people murmured against God's wisdom and complained about His gracious provision.God, in His wisdom, knows that patient-endurance, humility of heart, and a soul that trusts in the Lord, does not spring forth from a stress-free life but is the out-working of a man or woman who has received God’s sufficient grace to face any temptation or trial which may happen along the way.Paul knew that a Christ-like character is not birthed from a bed of ease and that blameless integrity and spiritual maturity takes many long years, if not a lifetime, to fully develop as one is tried like silver or honed in a millstone of suffering. God uses the storms, sadness, disappointments, and dangers of everyday life, as well as the difficult people that cross our path, to conform us into the likeness of Christ.Let us, therefore, resist the temptation to enter into murmurings and disputes with one another and let us trust the Lord in all things so that our lives will be a living sacrifice that becomes, to Him, a sweet fragrance and we will become blameless and pure children of God, without fault in this warped and crooked generation.
Worry is self-centred and selfish and is rooted in the sin of unbelief, but prayer is God-centred and pleasing to Him, for prayer is built on a heart that trusts His Word and depends upon Him for all our needs.
But when humanity fell due to sin, Christ had to come to earth as a human being so that He might taste death for every man.
The wages of sin is death, but the Son of God set aside His heavenly glory in order to clothe Himself with human flesh and take upon Himself the punishment that we deserve so that by faith in Him we might be forgiven of our sin and returned into the same privileged fellowship with the Father that man enjoyed before the fall - but to do so God had to become man.
His Seed (the Lord Jesus Christ) was to come to earth as mankind's Kinsman-Redeemer and He was to save His people from their sins.
We are all doomed sinners... fallen creatures deserving of death and yet God sent Christ to atone for our sins.
By Him, and through Him, and for Him were all things made, and without Him was not anything made that was made. His name is Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins.
The desire of his heart is that those who have come to faith through his ministry might not sin but would strive to live lives that are holy and acceptable to God: My little children, he says, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin...
However, John is not suggesting that sinless perfection is achievable in our fallen state, but is letting us know that we have a freewill choice to sin or to resist the temptation to sin.
John knows that we are fallen men and fallen women with a sinful nature who have been saved by grace, redeemed by the blood of Christ, identified with His righteousness, and forgiven of our sin through faith in Him.
The apostle knows that we have an old sin nature, which is very prone to sin, and he also knows that when a believer sins, it removes us from sweet fellowship with the Father.
God will never have fellowship with a sinner for sin separates fallen man from a holy God.
The Lord is holy; He is without sin and will not compromise His holiness.
And so John warns us, My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin, but if anyone does sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
'Though our union with God will never end, our communion with Him is broken when we sin.
Sin is the instrument that erects a barrier between ourselves and God, and close communion can only be restored if we confess our sin to Him... through Jesus Christ our Lord Who alone is able to bring us back into fellowship with the Father - for Jesus Christ is our Advocate.
Sin is the thing that blocks our fellowship and checks the sweet communion we can enjoy with our Heavenly Lord.
We have a sinless Man Who is ready to plead our case before God - Jesus Christ the righteous, for He is the propitiation for our sins.
Jesus is the one and only Mediator Who can restore man into fellowship with God.Our Lord Jesus is our representative Man Who identified with our sin.
He is the righteous One Who broke the power of sin in our lives.
Jesus is the only Person Who can plead our case before God when we confess our faults - when we acknowledge our sins before Him.
Indeed, He ever lives to make intercession for us at the throne of grace by pleading our case so that sin can be forgiven and fellowship restored.
Sometimes pride is the sin that comes between God and His child, and sometimes unforgiveness may bar the way to the throne of grace.
But whatever way we choose to transgress against the Lord, we must never forget that if we sin, we have an Advocate to Whom we should fly and cry out, Father, I have sinned.
And because of our faith in Christ Jesus, God will graciously open His arms of love wide and show us the nail prints in His hands which paid the price for your sin and mine.You see, little children, our sins are all forgiven, forever, to those that believe.
But the sin of a believer places us outside the gate of mutual fellowship with God.
But if we confess our sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous One Who will plead His blood over us and return us back into the arms of our Father, to Whom be praise and glory forever and ever, amen.
In that day, the nation of Israel will repent of their sin, recognise their folly, return to the Lord God of their fathers, and call out to their Messiah for salvation.
Part of the message Isaiah proclaimed to Israel was one of sin and judgement, which was fulfilled at Christ's first coming, but another part was a message of hope and restoration which will be played out on the world stage at His second advent.
Although unbelieving Israel has had to go through centuries of chastening because of their sin and will also have to endure the coming Time of Jacob's Trouble, a day is coming when the redeemed of Israel will finally realise their fault, repent of their sin, recognise their Messiah, and be ushered into the presence of the Lord their God.
The time is fast approaching when they will recognise Jesus as the One Who was wounded for their transgressions and pierced for their iniquities, and they will mourn for their sin.
One reason for the coming Tribulation period, is because God is holy and He is righteous and sin must be punished.
It was for love of Israel that Christ was sent by His Father as the Passover Lamb, the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
It was for love of the world that God sent His beloved Son to earth to be the sacrifice for our sin, so that whoever believes in Him might not perish but have everlasting life.
He came to fulfil His ministry of reconciliation and to offer His life, as the ransom price for sin.
However, figuratively, literally or both, Elijah will come, like a voice, crying in the wilderness during the Great Tribulation, Repent of your sin and turn back to the true and living God, and choose life rather than death.
Elijah will come to testify to the truth of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
There is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus, for they have received forgiveness of sin, by faith, and been declared righteous by God.
There is no further sacrifice for the forgiveness of their sin, for God's wrath was poured out on Christ Jesus, in our stead.
Indeed, it is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God Who gave His only begotten Son to pay the price for the sin of the world.
May we be ready and willing to share the good news of the gospel of grace with all who are dead in trespasses and sins and under God's eternal condemnation.
May we fulfil our calling and become ministers of reconciliation between God and man so that some will turn from their wicked ways and trust in the Lord for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
We see His plans and purposes unfurl as we come to a deeper understanding of Who He is through the life and death of His only begotten Son Who died for the sin of the world.
To a certain degree, Haggai's prophecy was partially fulfilled at Christ's first coming, at that pivotal point in earth's history when the Son of God gained the victory over sin, Satan, death, and hell.
The sun was darkened, the earth quaked, and a silent heaven looked on in wonder as man's Kinsman-Redeemer offered His sinless life in full payment for the sin of the whole world.
Nicodemus knew the familiar story where a deadly bite from the fangs of fiery serpents was Israel's fatal punishment for their foolish rebellion and their grave sin against their long-suffering God.
And Nicodemus knew that in His grace and justice, God answered Moses' intercession on behalf of his people, Israel, and instructed Moses to lift up a brass serpent on a pole in the wilderness as a substitute for their sin.
And it is not by self-effort, extensive training, mortification, or ignoring the presence of sin in our life that we can be forgiven of our sins and have our lives redeemed from death.
It is only by looking at God's perfect Sacrifice for sin, Jesus Christ, our sin-Substitute Who was lifted up on the Cross so that all who would look on Him by grace through faith would live.
For it was at the Cross where Your sins and mine were judged.
It was when Christ was lifted up like the serpent in the wilderness that judgement for all sin was fully and finally made.
Let us exult His name together, and let us lift up the beautiful name of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world that has been bitten by sin so that they too may look and live, by grace through faith in Him.
Sadly, the thoughts of the minds of these carnal Christians were continuously evil, for they had reverted to living the way of the world where they were dominated by the old sin nature rather than walking in spirit, truth, and love, being subject to their new life in Christ and yielded to the indwelling Spirit of God.
He also upbraided them for moral neglect and sexual sin, all of which presented a poor Christian testimony to the outside world and dishonoured the Lord Who bought them.
They were covered by the blood of the passover lambs temporarily, until the saving blood of Jesus Christ, God's true Passover Lamb, would take away their sin and the sin of the whole world forever through His own blood, shed at Calvary.
However, it will be fully and finally completed at the end of Christ's Millennial rule on earth, when everything that can be shaken will once again be shaken as heaven and earth are destroyed by a fervent heat, before God makes a new heaven and a new earth, when the first sin-infested creation will be done away.
But because of Adam's sin, every man is born into this physical world spiritually dead in trespasses and sins, at enmity with God, facing eternal separation from his Creator, and without hope in the world.
He was the perfect Son of Man Who would willingly give His own life as the only acceptable ransom-price for the sin of the whole world.
The Lord Jesus was not simply referring to the physical resurrection of people like Lazarus, Jairus' daughter, or the dead son of the widow of Nain, but to all who would hear and receive His message of salvation, and trust in His own redeeming blood for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
God alone can forgive sins and He alone can give life, but God is Spirit and only the shed blood of a perfect Man could atone for the sins of the whole world.
Step by step, the Lord Jesus explained the necessity for a new, spiritual birth to Nicodemus, a renowned teacher of the Law who, despite his great learning and honoured religiosity, was dead in his sins, confused about the kingdom of God, and ignorant of his great need of a spiritual birth.
Spiritual truths cannot be absorbed by the carnal mind of sinful man and no amount of effort, education, religion, training, discipline, or experience can change the old sin nature, which is dead in trespasses and sins and eternally estranged from God.
Only the incarnate Son of God (the Word made flesh) Who came down from His heavenly residence to tabernacle with man on earth, and Who alone paid the purchase price for the sins of mankind, is equipped to speak of heavenly things: For No one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven: the Son of Man.
God alone was good enough to pay the price for humanities sin, but God is spirit and only a perfect, sinless Man could become the Saviour of humanity and redeem imperfect, sinful men.
How amazing that God should take the initiative to die for our sins so that we could be reconciled back to Himself, and be presented faultless and blameless before Him - IN CHRIST.
He came as the Son of Man to display the goodness of God and to die on the Cross for the sin of the world so that He could rise as the firstborn from the dead and become the one Mediator between God and men.
He made purification of sins through the sacrifice of Himself so that he could be God's representative to man.
Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again so that whosoever believes on HIM will not perish but have everlasting life.No one comes to the Father but by Me, were the words of Christ to a lost race of sinners, for He is the Word of God Who was made flesh and was chosen to be the one intermediary, the singular intercessor, the sole adjudicator, the only Mediator between God and man.
When Christ died, we died in Him, and we are to reckon ourselves dead to sin.
All who are positioned in Christ, died to sin when Jesus died on the Cross.
When we are united with Him, the power of the sin nature is severed so that we are enabled to live in newness of life in which grace reigns; the new life of Christ within.
The law of sin and death has been replaced by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
Because the predominant audience for the book of Hebrews was initially Jewish believers in Christ, there are many references to Old Testament rules and regulations which have been superseded because of the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ Who gave His life as the full and final sacrifice for sin.
Having been saved by grace through faith in Christ, obtaining eternal redemption through the one and only means of salvation (by trusting in the Cross of Christ, for the forgiveness of sins) we are warned not to become legalistic, by reverting back to the Levitical system.
Every attack on Christianity has its roots in Satan's demonic agenda which is designed to blaspheme the God of heaven and earth, to discredit His holy Word, to belittle the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus on the Cross, to blind the eyes of the unsaved who are perishing, and to shipwreck the lives of those that have been saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
They were taken back into slavery to sin, trapped in a legalistic mindset, and once again found themselves under the curse of the Law.
When anxious thoughts start to flood our mind or when we are tempted to sin, our immediate reaction should be to look to Jesus and to remember who we are in Christ.
It is not a nice reminder of our pre-salvation status, but this is the raw truth of what the sin of pride and disobedience towards our Creator God has done to humanity in general, and you and me in particular.
The cost to the Father was the death of His only begotten Son, Who became sin so that we might be forgiven and be made the righteousness of God in Him.
He came to set up His kingdom and, like the prophets of old, He called on the people and the priests to repent of your sin.
The people had fallen into apostasy and sin, and the entire nation had to repent, collectively.
Despite the truth Christ taught and the warnings He gave, the Scribes and Pharisees finally went too far by committing the unforgivable sin - they blasphemed the Holy Spirit, by calling Christ the son of the Devil.
Some people today worry that they have committed the unforgivable sin.
They worry that they have said or done something that God will not forgive... and generally it is a sin that is personal to themselves.
But no-one who believes that Jesus died for their sin, was buried, and rose again the third day can ever commit this unpardonable sin against the Holy Spirit.
The former creation is dead in trespasses and sin.
The first creation lies in the evil one, is at enmity with God, and is enslaved by the law of sin and death... while the second creation is positioned in Christ.
The 'old man' refers to the unregenerate, sin nature, while the 'new man in Christ' refers to our new, born-again position as children of God in this Church dispensation.
Every member of humanity is born into the old creation, but only those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, are part of the new creation and become a member of the 'one new man in Christ'.
Today in this Church age, there is no Levitical system - no rituals to follow, no religious practices to perform, no compulsory feast day or other legal requirements in which to engage... all who believe God's Word and trust in His only begotten Son for the forgiveness of sins, are not only saved by God's grace and declared righteous before Him, but ALSO have become part of a new creation, where the OLD nature was crucified with Christ and we have received a NEW nature - Christ's own perfect nature - His own resurrected life.
Not only have we been declared righteous by faith but also we have been given the indwelling Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, which has set us free from enslavement to the old sin nature and freed us from the power of sin in our daily lives.
When the first creation failed due to Adam's sin, the Lord set in motion His pre-ordained plan for a new creation where the eternal Son of God would become the last Adam - through Whom all the families of the earth would be blessed.
He was the promised SEED of Abraham Who was preordained be born through Abraham, Isaac, and Israel - and through Him all the families of the earth have been blessed - and all who believe in His death, burial, and Resurrection for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, will be saved.
Paul is stressing the serious consequences that will befall all those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, for the lives of all who are not positioned in Christ are rooted and grounded in sin, Satan, lies, and deceit.
All who have trusted Christ for salvation have already had their sins judged at the Cross.
They do not follow the Way and obey the Truth but rather they go their own way, they disobey the truth, and in so doing they reject God's free offer of salvation; the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
They follow after unrighteousness instead of trusting in Christ; and sin is crouching at their door.
He blesses those who believe in Him with peace - peace with God through the forgiveness of sin and the peace of God that passes all human understanding - a peace that gives rests to our soul and stills our heart.
God, in His grace, not only removes the sin-barrier that estranges man from his Creator God, but He desires His people to rest in His love and to know His own precious peace deep within our hearts so that we may enjoy sweet fellowship with Him.The Lord has blessed us with every spiritual blessing, and all His promises to us are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Before our salvation, we were dead in our sin and at enmity with God.
Unrighteous deeds must be punished, and although the sins of every believer, past, present, and future, are forgiven at the Cross, there are serious consequences for Christians to face when we bring suffering upon ourselves, due to our own, foolish wrong-doings.
While David would no doubt be reflecting on the greatness of the God of Israel, who brought His people out of Egypt, carried them on eagles wings, through the desert, and brought them into a large and well-watered land, the sentiments that he is expressing are equally true for all who have trusted in Christ for the forgiveness of sin. Your lovingkindness, O LORD, extends to the heavens, is something we can equally proclaim.
Despite being defeated at the Cross, this wicked accuser of the saints has continued his unrelenting attack on the people of God - not only the Church but in particular, Israel and Judah, for it will only be when that chosen nation of God collectively repents of their sin and cries out, Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord, that Christ can return to earth and finally destroy the works of the evil one.
Like the unchangeable law of the Medes and Persians, the perfect Law of God can never be broken - and the wages of sin is death.
But God, in His grace, had established a secondary Law that supersedes the Law of sin and death - the Law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
It is the love of the Father-heart of God that sent His only begotten Son into the world to be the sacrifice for the sin of humanity - so that whosoever believes on HIM would not perish, but have everlasting life.
It was the love that streamed from the Father-heart of God for a fallen race of sinners, that caused Him to give His only begotten Son of His love to be wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, and to die for our sin so that we might live and be clothed in His righteousness.
And it is by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ that we have been saved... for He set aside His glorious majesty to become one of us and to take upon His sinless body the punishment that we deserve for the sin we have committed.
It is by the marvellous grace of our great and loving Kinsman-Redeemer that our sins are forever forgiven.
Paul had learned that the intent of the fallen sin nature of man is unreliable and selfish, and he determined to neither recognise nor regard any person from an outward, human viewpoint.
God knows the end from the beginning and in His omniscience, He knows all who will one day exercise their God-given free-will and choose to believe on the only begotten Son of God for the salvation of their soul, the forgiveness of sins, and life everlasting.
The Father gives to the Son all who choose to place their trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
Although no-one would come to salvation except the Spirit draws them, ALL who choose to believe in Christ, when convicted by the Holy Spirit of sin, righteousness, and judgement, become part of that Body of believers that are given by the Father to the Son.
How shocking it appears that the Redeemer of the world forbade His disciples to tell the good news of the kingdom of heaven to Gentiles that were lost in their sin and outside the sheepfold of Israel!
Well, Israel had to repent of THEIR sin first.
God's chosen people were to turn from their sins and believe that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of the living God FIRST.
God's chosen people, who had become so apostate over the centuries, were to repent of their sin, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, crown Him as King, and then be a light to the Gentiles and Samaritans, by proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world.
Today, the Church is proclaiming the 'gospel of the grace of God' to unsaved Jew and Gentile alike, until the WHOLE nation of Israel repents of their sin and believes on the Lord Jesus Christ, and THEN the 'gospel of the kingdom' will be preached throughout the world, and Christ will return to set up His kingdom, as King of kings and Lord of lords.
In past centuries, God had cared for His people, forgave their sin, and showed them compassion and tender-mercy, despite their gross and ungodly behaviour.
The eternal, uncreated Son of God, Creator of heaven and earth, and second Person of the Triune Godhead Who upholds all things by the omnipotent power of His mighty hand, was to come to earth and to be born as a little tiny, vulnerable baby boy, in a prepared human body that was free from sin.
It was considered, by the Jewish leaders, to be a punishment because of a person's sin.
The significance of this passage is enhanced when we realise that 'leprosy' was frequently considered as an archetype of sin.
How similar the diseased body of this leper is to the hopeless state of the fallen sinner who is dead in their sins and estranged from their God and Creator.
And what an awesome exchange is made when a lost sinner believes on the Lord Jesus Christ and is redeemed from the slave-market of sin and transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's everlasting light.
It is only the soul who, through the Spirit's convicting work, is bereft of its own self-importance and which is smitten in genuine repentance of sin, that can offer the sacrifice of a broken and contrite spirit, which is so acceptable and pleasing to the heart of God.
David knew his own broken fellowship with the Lord was the result of his own sin.
It is only through Him that God's mercy, forgiveness, kindness and grace will wash away every scarlet-stain that clings to our sin-encrusted soul, when offered in brokenness of heart and true contriteness of spirit.
This verse not only refers to our initial justification, where the manifold sins of an unsaved man or woman are forgiven.
It also refers to the crushing weight of a believer's post-salvation sins.
Our union with our God can never be broken, but our fellowship with Him and our daily communion can be severed when the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life causes us to stray from the path of righteousness into the destructive dead-end of sin.
Unlike David, Church-age believers need never be concerned that the Holy Spirit will be taken from us, for He took up permanent residence in our heart the moment we trusted Christ for salvation and He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us, even when we sin.
When David recognised his own lustful sin, he offered his own sacrifice of a broken spirit and a contrite heart, and like David, we know that God will not despise such an acceptable sacrifice.
Matthew lets us know that John the Baptist was reluctant to baptise the Lord Jesus - because John's baptism was a baptism unto repentance, while Christ was without sin.
He was the perfect, sinless, Lamb of God Who would take away the sin of the world. Matthew explains that Christ's baptism was in fulfilment of a Levitical requirement.
John's ministry was well known, for people throughout Judea were flocking to the river Jordan to come back, in faith, to the God of their fathers, confessing their sins, and undergoing his baptism of repentance.
Whatever Christ's baptism signified - whether it was His identification with sinners for whom He was to be the substitute, an act of obedience to His Father in order to fulfil the righteous requirements of the Law, a presentation of Himself as the Messiah of Israel and Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, an act of dedication to His God and Father, or simply a picture of His forthcoming death and Resurrection - we know that in the days of John the Baptist's ministry - Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee, and was baptised by John in the Jordan.
The Bible reminds us that God is manifested through a concrete act - the gift of Christ as our sin-substitute: God so loved the world that He gave His unique and incomparable Son, so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
God is the source of all love, and herein is love: Not that we loved Him but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. And we who have become part of His family by faith, are obligated to love as Christ loved us and to give our lives in sacrificial service for the benefit of others and to the glory of God.
Paul never forgot his Damascus Road experience and how he had been rescued from slavery to sin and the domain of Satan.
What a wake-up call to Paul, who in his religious fervour, discovered that it was Jesus Who gave His life sacrificially so that by faith in Him, he might find forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
When Paul realised the depth of his sin and the grace of God that was offered to him, he desired to live his life as a living sacrifice unto the Lord.
Christ was uniquely qualified to apply this glorious prophecy to Himself, for He had indeed been anointed of God to bring good news to the afflicted, to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to those that were captive to sin, and freedom to those that were enslaved by Satan.
It was JESUS; Who having by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.
But the wrath of God for your sins and mine has already been poured out on Jesus; our sin-substitute Who died in our place, is risen, and is alive for evermore.
Eliphaz concluded that Job must have sinned and was being punished for his sin.
While couching his accusation in flowery language, Eliphaz was basically telling Job that the reason for his downfall was due to unconfessed sin in his life.
While the unconfessed sin of a believer will always break fellowship with the Lord and all sin has consequences, it should never be assumed that a man's sin is the cause for the trials he is facing.
Trials are not necessarily linked with personal sin, which is why the Lord Jesus warned us not to judge others.
Eliphaz argued that Job would not make such a detailed defence of himself if he were innocent of sin.
Whether directly or indirectly, Eliphaz accused Job of being guilty of sin, and he believed that God was punishing his sinfulness.
But accusing Job of being punished for sin was an indirect accusation against GOD's goodness!
He reasoned that Job would not complain in this way unless he was in some way guilty of some sin, that his guilty conscience was the root of his suffering.
Job did not sin against God.
Eliphaz and his friend lacked understanding and linking Job's misfortune to his sin was a slur against the Lord, Who sends the warming sunshine and the refreshing rain on both the wicked and the saved - while Satan alone is the instigator of all that is evil that befalls all men.
This is a true story, but it is also a beautiful picture of developing faith; a simple childlike trust in the Lord Jesus which gave birth to the salvation of the soul for the forgiveness of sins, life everlasting, and spiritual growth.
He had the power to heal their every hurt and forgive their every sin.
Instead, they remained dead in their trespasses and sins, at enmity with God, and under eternal condemnation because they did not believe in the only begotten Son of God.
He mentioned judgement, but he did not talk about sin nor the need for salvation.
He talked of man's relationship with God as His children, which was something that these idolators related to, but he did not mention that we were dead in our trespasses and sin which has estranged us from the living God until by faith we are born again into His family.
Paul described the Man Whom God had appointed to judge the world, but he did not mention the name of Jesus Who died to pay the penalty for sin and Who would save them by grace through faith in His finished work at Calvary.
He talked of the resurrection from the dead but omitted to tell them of Christ sacrificial work on the Cross as part of God's redemption plan for mankind, the forgiveness of sin.
There is an urgency in the message that Paul delivered to the Athenians, for the day is coming when Christ will judge the world in righteousness, but the world needs to know the truth of the gospel of grace: that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and was raised from the dead so that all who believe on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
Judgement is coming but those who have trusted in Christ as Saviour have already had their sins judged at the Cross, but those who have rejected His free offer of salvation will have to stand before Him as condemned sinners.
How important that we also tell unbelievers, who are spiritually dead, that sin has separated them from God and that the wages of sin is death.
How critical to let them know that there is forgiveness of sins and life everlasting for all who trust in the name of Jesus Who died and rose again from the dead, on our behalf.
How important to preach the word of truth and tell all who are dead in their trespasses and sins that God did not send His Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world through Him might be saved, for: He who believes in Him is not judged, but he who does not believe has been judged already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
The multitudes had just been miraculously fed with multiplied bread and fishes, but they were blinded to the reality of His ministry as: The Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
And as the day of His crucifixion drew ever closer (when He would offer Himself up as Israel's Passover Lamb and the Sin-Sacrifice for the whole world), Jesus began to prepare His little band of faithful disciples for the reality of His God-ordained mission.
He came to save His people, Israel, from their sin.
The time had arrived when the eternal Son of the Father would be sacrificed for the sin of the world and would be cursed by God.
The sinless Son of Man would be made sin for us by taking upon Himself the accumulated filth of the world so that ALL who looked to HIM might be saved.
They need to be men and women who hunger and thirst after righteousness, mourn over sin, show mercy to others, and are gentle and kind.
He took the punishment for our sin on the Cross so that all who believe on Him would not be condemned by the Law, but be declared righteous in the sight of God.
Christ identified with our sin and took the punishment that we deserve so that we might identify with His righteousness by faith, and not only be forgiven of our sin but also receive in our body His very life.
For as by one man (Adam) sin entered the world and death gained access because of sin, so also by one Man (Jesus) the price of sin was paid.
Christ, the sacrificial Lamb of God, paid the price for sin so that His eternal resurrected life could become the present and eternal possession of all who trust in Him by faith.
Jesus took on human flesh, was born into the human race, and lived amongst us, being tempted just as we are, yet without sin.
The wages of sin is death, but the perfect Son of Man lived a sinless life and so death had no claim on Him.
To glorify His Father, He took our sin upon Himself and became the prey of death.
His death became our death and the price for our sin was paid in full.
Just as He identified with our sin and died on our account, so we by grace through faith are identified with His life.
The price of sin has been paid and death no longer has power in our life, for we are one with Christ forever and ever, amen.
Simeon was a righteous man who had been promised by God that he would not die before he had seen with his own eyes the promised Hope of Israel, the appointed Messiah Who would save His people from their sin.
Although we should not compromise the glorious gospel of salvation: That Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, was buried and rose again, according to the Scriptures, there are certain minor issues that can cause disunity and disagreement between believers.
He is the infinite God in the flesh, the Creator of the universe, born into the human race - fully God but also fully man, yet without sin.
He visited the world that He Himself created, clothing Himself in human flesh, yet without sin.
But through His obedience to suffer and die for the sins of the world, God has highly exulted Him and given Him a name that is above every name: That at that name of Jesus every knee should bow.
And so the Son of God as Son of Man became higher in rank than the angels He created, just as the name He inherited is superior to theirs for He was given the name Jesus: The Lord is my salvation - for He shall save His people from their sins.
Our sins were judged at the Cross (past) and our works will one day be tried by fire at the Bema Seat of Christ (future), but during our present time on earth, we are being 'judged' by an unbelieving generation, and the sufferings we undergo are for Christ's dear name's sake.
The leaves of a fig tree were not sufficient to make atonement for his sin.
Only the blood of an innocent animal could cover sin until the Seed of the woman would redeem mankind from sin, Satan, death, and hell, through the shedding of His own blood.
They were told what to sacrifice, where to kill it, how it was to be done, and who was to spill the blood that would cover their sin for a limited period, until the true Sin-Sacrifice would come as the full and final offering for the sin of the world.
Atonement is God's gift to man and atonement for sin is in the blood alone.
Atonement for sin is found in nothing but the spilt blood of the correct sacrifice, as commanded by God Who is the Giver of ALL life.
Atonement does not come by the shedding of the blood PLUS something else, for without the shedding of blood there is NO remission of sin.
Atonement for sin and the gift of life that accompanies it, comes through God's acceptance of the shed blood of the correct sacrifice, as written in God's Word.
Instructions for the post-Cross Church are also written in the New Testament, by the Word of the Lord: FAITH in the shed blood of Christ, for there is salvation in none other than Christ, the crucified Lamb of God Who shed His own blood for the sin of the whole world.
He made peace with God on our account by the offering of Himself on the Cross, and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin.
They wanted a warrior-king who would destroy their Roman oppressors in preference to One Who could read the thoughts of their hearts, exposed their sin, and called them to repent of their apostasy and faithlessness.
We are also exhorted to rejoice with exceeding great joy, for the position, privileges, and promises that are ours in Christ, but Paul is equally keen that we never forget the depths of depravity and sin from which we have been rescued.
We have been washed of our filthiness, forgiven of our sin, and will one day walk in white.
We have an inheritance reserved for us in heaven and have been sealed by the Spirit of God Who permanently indwells our mortal bodies - and the law of the Spirit of life has set us free from the law of sin and death.
There are those that delude themselves into thinking that God does not know the carnal desires of their hearts or the ungodly imaginations that are carried out in the shadows of their mind - but Paul makes it very clear that God is not mocked by our ungodly ways and secret sins.
Through His shed lifeblood, our pardon for sin was secured and sealed, and life-everlasting was the gracious gift that we received and all we had to do was to believe on His name.
He was prepared to stand falsely accused and unjustly condemned to death, knowing that the sacrifice of His perfect sinless life was the only way that sinners who were justly condemned and deserved God's wrath could be pardoned, forgiven, and receive the remission of sins.
His sacrifice was the propitiation for all sin, and God was satisfied with Christ's sacrifice on our account.
We were guilty, lost, and dead in our sins and at enmity with God, and He was blameless and innocent and had enjoyed the glories of heaven from eternity past, and yet He was willing to be stripped of His glory.
He received cruel stripes, humiliation, and death so that we might be forgiven of our sin by faith in Him and be redeemed from eternal separation from our Creator.
His sacrifice freed us from having to pay the required death-penalty for our sin, and it also released us from enslavement to Satan, sin, and death.
When Christ was lifted up on the Cross, He was made sin for us, by receiving the full weight of God's wrath against sin on our behalf so that by faith in His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, we might be made the righteousness of God in Him, through time and into eternity.
He bore our sorrow and on our account, He had the full fury of God's wrath against sin poured out upon Him as He hung on that Cross, 2000 years ago.
He went to celebrate the Passover as was the custom of the Jews, but little did His fellow countryman know that He Himself was the true Passover Lamb Who would take away the sin of the world, by the sacrifice of His own atoning blood.
The Jews had been waiting for many centuries for this Man Who would save His people from their sin.
He would accomplish man's salvation by returning to the same holy City of God, only three years later, to walk the Calvary Road and be punished for the accumulated sin of the whole world.
The whole nation had made a covenant with God at Sinai and so the whole nation must repent of its sins.
The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through faith in the death, burial, and Resurrection of His only begotten Son.
Although it was partially fulfilled on the day of Pentecost when many men of Israel repented of their sins and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, the full and final fulfilment of Joel's prophecy, which begins with a day of thick darkness and progresses into the glories of the Millennial Kingdom of Christ, will take place at the end of Daniel's 70th week i.e.
The continued grace and mercy of God can be seen in His divine appeal to the people of Judah to repent of their sins and return to the Lord - for we read: Even now, declares the LORD, return to Me with all your heart, and with fasting, weeping and mourning.
Both for the nation of Israel and for unsaved Gentiles alike, the precious truth of this passage is that it is never too late for sinners or backsliders to turn away from their sins, to return to the Lord with all their heart, and to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness and salvation.
It is a beautiful demonstration that the goodness, grace, and mercy of our long-suffering God, remains open to ALL who will simply trust in His Word, remember His goodness, genuinely return to Him with heart and soul - and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
The good Shepherd of the sheep is the One Who searched us out first and convicted our heart of sin, of righteousness, and of judgement.
When we were hopelessly lost to His love and dead in our trespasses and sins, it was God, Himself Who searched us out and found us... for we formerly walked according to the course of this world and lived according to the prince of the power of the air - who is the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.
Those of us who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, are able to testify with David that we also sought the Lord for the forgiveness of sin and He graciously delivered us out of the hands of the enemy - triumphing over sin and death and redeeming our life from the pit.
In God's divine plan, His eternal Son was to become a full member of the human race, for only a perfect and sinless man could act as intermediary between an offended God Who is angered by sin and sinful humanity, which results in man being eternally separated from a holy God, and it is all a result of sin.
No member of humanity's fallen race could ever approach a righteous God, for all are born in sin.
The shedding of His own sinless blood was the price that God demanded as payment for man's sin.
His sinless life alone would satisfy as payment for the full weight of the sin of the world.
And then He had to live a sinless life and die a sacrificial death, in order to fulfil all the righteous requirements of God's holy law and satisfy God's anger against sin.
He was tempted in all things just like we are, yet without sin.
Jesus was not made like an angel, for the angels that sinned cannot be redeemed from their sins by faith.
He had to be made like us so that He might become a merciful and faithful High Priest in things pertaining to God, which was to die for our sin and take the punishment that we deserve.
He was to be made sin for us so that we who believe in Him might be saved and forgiven.
He was to take the punishment that we deserve and become the propitiation for our sins.
He was to break the power of sin and death in the lives of all who trust in Him for salvation by rising from the dead and becoming the federal head of a new creation of man, even for those who believe on His name.
In God's divine plan, His eternal Son was to become a full member of the human race in order to make propitiation for the sins of the people who would believe in Him, by faith.
But the Lord Jesus also was given to the world to die for the sin of the whole world so that all who believe on His name might be sanctified and set apart unto God.
He was crucified on a cruel cross to make purification for the sins of the whole world so that whosoever will may come to Him for everlasting life, everlasting light, everlasting hope, everlasting peace, everlasting joy, everlasting salvation.
Jesus did all this so that You and I might receive forgiveness of sins by believing on the Name of the only begotten Son of God – the Son Who is the radiance of God's glory and the exact expression of His nature Who is sustaining all things by His powerful WORD and Who has made purification for your sins and mine.
And so, we are urged by Peter to live in peace with one another, to walk in spirit and in truth, and to share the good news of the gospel of grace with those that are dead in their sins.
They believed as the angel of death passed over their homes whose lintels were smeared with blood, and they praised God, because the blood of the lamb atoned for their sin.
Just as Israel were saved from Egypt, so we are saved from the slave-market of sin, but are warned to take care and not follow in the footsteps of those who, after being freed from Egyptian bondage, started to murmur against God and fell from grace, living the rest of their lives in failure. Redeemed but defeated.
We have not only been saved from the penalty of sin (Egypt) but also from the power of sin in our lives.
We are exhorted to have clean hands and a pure heart, and we are to be people who hate evil and grieve over sin so that we can receive His gracious comfort and be a channel of God's solace to others.
Pilate was right to be curious about Christ's claims to be King of the Jews, for He was the Messiah, promised by God, Who would save His people from their sins.
He was the Blessed Hope, Who came to redeem mankind from the tyranny of sin.
Jesus did not only come as the Passover Lamb for the Jews and the compulsory Sin Offering for the whole world, to fulfil the will of His Heavenly Father.
He is the King of Peace Who is coming to smash and crush forever, the corrupt kingdoms of this world system, and restore righteousness and hope to a world that is drowning in sin.
Jesus was born to be the sacrifice for the sin of the whole world, and every step He took in life brought Him closer to the Cross.
He came to set up the kingdom of heaven on earth, but He knew that He would be rejected and pay the price for the sin of the world on a cruel, Roman cross, and His chosen people, Israel, would have to be set aside for a season.
Jesus had to deal with the sin of His people before setting up His kingdom on earth.
Christ's ministry was popular with the people because they were fascinated by His wisdom, His words, His miracles, and His healings, but they were deaf and disinterested in the truth that sinful man needs a Saviour and that only faith in His death and Resurrection as payment for our sin, is acceptable to God the Father.
Such people are blinded by Satan, the god of this world, and remain dead in their trespasses and sins.
The Lord Jesus came, as promised, to be the sacrifice for man's sin.
And although He appeared at God's appointed time as the sacrifice for the sin of the whole world, only those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ are identified with Him, through the forgiveness of their sins; only they receive eternal life; only they are equipped by the Holy Spirit to live godly in this evil age.
It is only as we dress ourselves in Christ and cover ourselves spiritually in the Lord, day by day and moment by moment, that we will we be enabled to make no provision for the evil cravings of our physical nature, for only as we are clothed in Christ can the power of sin and death be defeated in the life of a Christian.
The Law was a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, for only in Him is there forgiveness of sins, and only in Him can the free gift of eternal life be realised.
His death became our death - death to the power of sin in our lives and death to the curse of the Law over our life.
Similarly, the Law teaches, the Law protects, the Law disciplines, and the Law regulates, but the Law cannot make a sinner righteous, it can only identify our sins and point us to the Source of our salvation.
But the Law has now achieved its purpose which is to convict a sinner of his sin.
At His First Coming, He came as the sacrificial Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world by His death on the Cross and His Resurrection from the grave.
But Paul tells us, all Israel will be saved, when they repent of their sin, return to the God of their fathers, and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ - which they will do as a nation at the end of the Tribulation period (the time of Jacob’s Trouble - that future time of great distress).But truly blessed, without measure, is the man, the woman, the people – the nation whose God is the LORD.
Even though the nation had been led into apostasy by false gods and were being punished by the God of heaven and earth for their sins, this remnant of Judah confessed that He alone is the only true and living God, and when His plans and purposes are completed, He will be glorified for ever and ever.
Nehemiah had wept over this sad state of affairs of Jerusalem, repented of Israel's past sins, and beseeched God to intervene for His holy name's sake.
They scorned the many prophetic warnings of approaching judgement and refused to repent of their sin and return to the Lord.
He felt constrained to teach and preach the good news that Christ died for our sin, was buried, and rose again on the third day so that by faith in Him, we could be forgiven of our sin and receive eternal life as a free gift of God's amazing grace.
The gospel he preached had everything to do with Christ's sacrificial offering of Himself as payment for man's sin, and the supernatural power to live a victorious life, in Christ which came through the indwelling Holy Spirit.
He was instructed to teach that by faith we may receive forgiveness of sins and receive a share among those who are sanctified by faith in Him.
Because of his one offense, all his offspring are born in sin, and that single transgression separated every one of Adam's descendants from fellowship with God and sentenced each one of us to death.
While humanity's collective condemnation resulted from one man's sinful disobedience, God in His grace designed a glorious plan of salvation whereby one single act of obedience, carried out by the one sinless Man, would not only bring justification to those who believe in Him and the forgiveness of their sin, but so much more!
Some people feel aggrieved that we should have to be identified with Adam's sin and be labelled 'a sinner' because of his transgressions.
But when you consider the plan of salvation that God has designed, we can only wonder at His goodness and grace in sending Jesus, His only begotten Son, to pay the price for the sin of the world so that whoever will trust in His name is identified with HIM and declared righteous through faith in Him.
Adam's sin caused death to reign over the human race, and there is nothing that we can do to get back into fellowship with God.
We are born in sin, by nature we sin, and we all fall short of God's glory.
And because of the sin of one man, every one of us is under God's condemnation with no escape from the consequences of our sin.
Sin and death may have come upon the whole human race through ONE act of sin which placed the whole of mankind under God's condemnation, but God in His grace provided salvation for the human race through ONE act of righteousness; Christ's death, burial, and Resurrection from the dead (so that whosoever believes on His name would not be condemned and perish, but would be forgiven and receive eternal life).
Just as we were imputed with Adam's sin-nature when we were born into the old creation, so we are imputed with Christ's righteousness through rebirth into the New Creation.
Faith in Him not only provides those who believe with the forgiveness of sin, but He gives us so much more.
The Lord Jesus triumphed over sin, Satan, death, and hell, in order to demonstrate God's manifold wisdom, might, majesty, dominion, glory, and grace to the angelic hosts.
They discovered that in addition to our position in Christ and the forgiveness of sins, we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
But in this verse, we hear an echo of John's prophetic words: This is the sacrificial lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world. In this passage, we catch a glimpse of the approaching Cross, where the good Shepherd will lay down His life for the sheep, and not only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel but also for His other sheep which are outside the fold.
Ever since the exodus from Egypt, innocent lambs were sacrificed to make atonement for the sins of man.
Man's sins however, were only covered until the promised Messiah would arrive on the scene, and prophets, priests, and kings foretold of the coming Good Shepherd of Israel Who would also become the sacrificial offering for the sin of the whole world.
In the past, it was an innocent little lamb who died as a temporary covering for man's guilty sin, but here we read that it is the innocent Shepherd (God incarnate) Who lay down His sinless life for all lost and guilty sinners who will trust in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Sin has its inevitable consequences, and the result of Adam's sin was death, separation from God, and a curse of hard labour for both the man and the woman during their life-struggle on earth.
But before the Lord pronounced his judgement on Adam and Eve and explained the long-term consequences of their wretched sin and disobedience, God spoke to the serpent who is called the devil and Satan, and who deceives the whole world.
In the middle of God righteous sentence on sin, was nestled a gracious provision for mankind, which would secure salvation for Adam's fallen race through a sin-substitute.
One result of their sin would be a perpetual struggle between the satanic forces and mankind until its final completion, and Christ becomes all in all.
Satan and sin was defeated at the Cross by the death of Christ and His shed blood.
Two thousand years ago the promised Seed of the woman crushed the head of the serpent and defeated man's bitter enemy at the Cross, where His heel was bruised on account of our iniquity and sin.
But His blood cleanses sin for all who believe in Christ as Saviour.
Nor can he achieve His purpose in our life if we are proud or seeking our own glory, for anxiety, disobedience, fear, pride, and vainglory all emanate from our old sin nature.
The pointless reasoning and silly speculations of these ungodly men and profane women, allow their foolish hearts to become corrupted by Satan and darkened by sin.
During Christ's present, High Priestly ministry in heaven, the Church have been entrusted to be lights in this dark world of sin: Ye are the light of the world, Jesus told us, and as His representatives on earth we are to shine for Him.
From the fall of the first man, Adam, who rebelled against God and whose sin caused destruction to reign upon the earth (as the icy fingers of death began to be wrapped around the throat of every man), to the coming of the prophesied Messiah; the perfect Man Who came to save His people from their sin and graciously gives the water of life freely to whosoever will come and drink.
Hundreds more are waiting to be brought to completion with the Rapture of the Church, the Great Tribulation, the return of Christ Jesus to set up His Millennial Kingdom on earth reigning as King of kings and Lord of lords, and the making of a new heaven and a new earth where sin and death are gone forever.
Knowing the value of Scripture, the Psalmist has wisely hidden God's Word deep within in his heart, meditating upon it day and night - that he might not sin against the Lord.
And Scripture unfolds God's amazing, redemptive plan to save His people from their sin.
Indeed, it is the Bible that reveals to us that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and that by believing on Him we may have life - for He is the Word made flesh, in Whom has the Words of eternal life - and He willingly became the sacrifice for our sin.
It is about the terrible outcome of sin, the shocking consequences of rebellion, and the great grace our God and Father demonstrates to all who will call upon His name.
It is about the need to recognise sin and repent of our faults, and it is about being ready and willing to be used by God, no matter what the consequences.
The story of Deborah, the judge of Israel, is about looking to God and Jesus Christ, Whom He has sent to be the propitiation for our sins.
Indeed, everyone who has been saved by grace through faith in the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and life everlasting, is part of that elect group.
God sent His Son to pay the price for our sin.
Christ Jesus was born into the human race to be our sin-substitute, but He also gave each man and women a freewill to choose to accept or to reject His offer of salvation; to either believe in the death, burial, and Resurrection of Christ, or to refuse to believe in this free gift of grace.
Instead, they would remain dead in their sins and under eternal condemnation.
He knew from before the beginning of the world who would be saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus as their sin-substitute and, and He called us His 'elect'.
The Bible tells us that the most high God does not dwell in houses made by human hand, for heaven is His throne and the earth is His footstool, and yet the most wonderful news is that God makes His home in the heart of all who come to Christ for salvation: the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
Paul particularly draws attention to sexual sins: Flee from sexual immorality, is his forceful warning, for every sin that a man does is outside the body but he that commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.
Let us flee from all sorts of sins that desecrate our bodies and live our lives as unto the Lord for we are a chosen, royal, and holy people for God's own possession, that we may proclaim the excellence of Him Who called us out of darkness into His marvellous light.
The grace of God appeared on earth in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, for He is the power of God and the wisdom of God, and through Him alone was salvation brought to all men (for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and the wages of sin is death but the gift of God's grace is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord Who appeared in Person, bringing salvation to all men).
Grace is not only God's unmerited kindness and favour that is poured out in liberal abundance on those who do not deserve it, it is also God's unfathomable mercy that does not punish fallen man what we truly deserve, for Christ was made sin in our place.
God is no respecter of persons and the joy and peace in believing in Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting is for Jew and Gentile alike.
Neither the ravages of the old sin nature nor the temptations of the enemy who seeks our destruction, can separate us from the love of God or remove the hope that is ours, in Christ Jesus our Lord.Paul’s dear desire for the Body of Christ is translated into the most beautiful, intercessory prayer: Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Did Enoch sin during those 300 years when he walked with God?
But like us, if he confessed his sin, God was faithful and just to forgive him his sin and cleanse him from all unrighteousness - for God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Christ died to pay the price for our sin, but His Resurrection from the dead is equally staggering.
It was by His Resurrection that He broke the inescapable power of death and hell, guaranteeing eternal life to all who would believe on His name - on all who would believe that His death was the sacrifice for their sin and His resurrected life became our eternally resurrected life.
How can a fallen, physical being who is under the curse of sin, be reconciled to a holy, spiritual God Who cannot permit sin into His presence?
Although God's creative world was beautiful, it was cursed because of sin.
We are identified with Adam's fall, imputed with his sin-nature, and must face sin's terrible consequences.
Despite the sin of the first man, God determined in His heart to redeem the human race, by sending a Second Man and imputing His righteousness on all who would believe on His name for the forgiveness of their sin.
God, in His grace and mercy, sent His only begotten Son from heaven as the perfect sacrifice for the sin of the whole world.
A fallen, fleshly, perishable, mortal frame that is imputed with sin, cannot inherit a righteous, spiritual, imperishable, eternal body.
But God's wonderful plan for man's redemption was such that the price for sin is made by faith in Christ's shed blood.
By grace, He identified with our sin so that we could be identified with His death.
By faith in Christ, we all face physical death... but have a sure knowledge that we will rise to life immortal in a resurrected body of flesh and bone like unto Christ's body... for flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable, but thanks be to God Who gives us the victory over Satan, sin, death, and hell through our risen Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Although the book of Revelation had yet to be written, numerous descriptions of the Day of the Lord are given in Old Testament Scriptures which tell of that terrible time when God's wrath will be poured out on a God-hating, Christ-rejecting sinful world: Let no one in any way deceive you, were Paul's heartening and encouraging words, for the Day of the Lord will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed. Paul goes on to say, He Who restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.
2: the revealing of the man of sin.
And in a world where almost every semblance of righteousness has been removed, the man of sin will be revealed - that man of lawlessness who is the son of destruction, also known as the Antichrist.
Let us continue to deepen our knowledge and understanding of the Word of truth... and let us earnestly share a knowledge of that truth with those that are lost in their sins so that others may be snatched from the teeth of the enemy, before that great and terrible Day of the Lord - when seven years of God's wrath will be poured out on a Christ-rejecting world - and then the Day of the Lord will continue for a further 1000 years, during Christ's millennial reign on earth as He rules as King of kings and Lord of lords.
It was LOVE that caused the almighty God to send His only begotten Son into the world to become the sin-sacrifice for the entire race of humanity and it was LOVE that caused the Lord Jesus Christ to lay down His life for us.
Mankind is crumpling under the weight of sin and collapsing under the satanic influence of evil which is suffocating a world in distress, but the true character of the spiritual Christian is based on a godly love and stands in stark contrast with the evil hatred that reigns supreme over this fallen world system.
We cannot begin to imagine what it cost God the Father to turn His back on His only begotten Son and pour out the full force of His holy hatred of sin upon HIM.
It was for love of us that God the Father poured out the full force of His holy wrath for the accumulated sin of the whole world, upon His innocent and dearly beloved Son Whom He had loved from before the conception of the universe.
We cannot presume to comprehend what it cost the innocent Lord Jesus Who, as God incarnate, had to lay aside His eternal majesty and supreme glory, be clothed in human flesh, and then be made sin for you and for me.
The eternal Creator God demonstrated His love towards us in that while we were yet sinners, He laid down His life for us and became a curse and a hissing as the weight of the accumulated sin of the world was laid on His shoulders.
But for a time, He chose to lay aside the heavenly position that he had enjoyed with the Father for all eternity, and enter into His own creation as a member of the human race so that as Man, He could redeem the human race from their sin, and restore them into a right relationship with God, by faith.
It was on our account that Christ willingly set aside His heavenly position and His eternal glory so that by faith, we could be redeemed from slavery to sin and the penalty of death.
Christ is equal with God in Person, but He was willing to give up His heavenly position for a time because a race of fallen men needed to be redeemed, and there was no one else able to pay the price of sin for the lost and dying race of humanity.
He set aside His positional glory for your sake and for mine, to be born to die for our sins so that we might be reborn to live with Him in the glory that He enjoys with the Father, from all eternity.
He was the fore-runner of the Lord who urged God's chosen nation to repent of their sins for the kingdom of heaven was at hand.
But following Christ's sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary (where as Messiah He was Israel's Passover Lamb, and as Saviour He was the sin-sacrifice for the whole world), the Lord Jesus rose from the dead and commissioned His disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
Then, their sins would be wiped out and the seasons of refreshing (that were promised to the nation of Israel by so many prophets of old), would finally come from the presence of the Lord.
How we praise our Heavenly Father for Calvary: that our sins are forgiven, that there is no more condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus, that we have been placed in union with Christ, and accepted forever in the Beloved.
That call to righteousness and truth, godliness and grace, should be the earnest desire of all who have been saved from slavery to sin and Satan, and by grace have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's dear Son.
How vital that we do not carry out our kind actions and considerate deeds from the source of our old sin nature, for when we do good works that are produced by ME, rather than by God working through me, they are works of the law - works of the flesh - works of the old sin nature - works that God will not accept, for God will not share His glory with ME.
The more the book of Romans unfolds, the greater our understanding of the amazing grace that God has demonstrated towards us: In that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. For He Who knew no sin, was made to be sin on our behalf so that in Him, we might become the righteousness of God, sons of God, and joint heirs with Christ.
Love seems to be both the guiding principle and pinnacle of the Christian life – for God is love. Indeed, it was love for the world that caused the Father to give His only begotten Son to die as our sin-substitute on the Cross, and it was love for the Church that held Jesus to the Cross, for He loved the Church so dearly that He gave Himself for her.
Paul not only took pains to explain that the Law could not save us, but identified it as a simple tool used by God to identify our need of a Saviour and thus bring fallen man to faith in Christ, our 'sin-substitute'.
They went against God's will for His people by living in a pagan land, and even allowed their sons to marry Canaanite women, but how like some of God's people today, who flirt with the world and allow themselves to live in carnality and sin, and instead of trusting in His sufficient strength, they live a defeated, Christian life.
He came down to this world from above, and He came to redeem a race of lost sinners and to rescue a fallen creation from the destructive ravages of sin and Satan, darkness, disease, and death.
Before the Coronation Crown could be placed on His head, He had to shed His blood on Calvary's Cross, to pay the price for the sin of the world, and redeem the fallen race of man.
He came as a suffering Servant and our kinsman-Redeemer to defeat Satan and sin and death and hell, so that all who believe on HIM would not remain chained in Satan's snare and perish, but would be redeemed - bought and paid for with His blood.
He came to reclaim the earthly kingdom and reestablish Man's rule over the earth once more - but first, He had to pay the price for the sin of mankind.
First He had to defeat the world's corrupted kingdom of sin and Satan, darkness, disease, and death - through His own death at Calvary.
All humanity had been infected with sin, but God's redemptive plan was designed to circumnavigate the wiles of the devil, through a people of faith.
The Son of the most high God was to be given as the sacrifice for the sin of humanity.
Because of Adam's sin which caused all humanity to be infected with sin, He was to be the last Adam, the perfect Man, the federal head of God's new creation, and His name was to be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
A Messiah was to be born Who would save His people, Israel, from their sin.
Israel had been commanded to go into all the world and preach the gospel of peace to every creature, but the nation failed to obey the Lord and did not recognise Jesus as the prophesied Son of David Who would save His people from their sins, when He finally arrived.
They were warned that they would be thrown into a bed of great tribulation if they did not repent of their sins... they were warned that they should harken to this admonition.
Even to this day, certain denominations deny that the full and final payment for sin was made on Calvary's Cross.
The Jezebel spirit that permeated the infrastructure of this church, and continues to infect all who reject the truth of God for this lie of Satan, is the sin of rebellion.
Christ did indeed die for our sin, but Christ is alive and He is risen from the grave... and is seated on the right hand of the one and only Holy Father, on His glorious throne, in heavenly places.
Jesus had come to the lost sheep of the house of Israel to save His people from their sins, and for many centuries God's chosen people had been warned by prophets like Isaiah that sin had separated them from their God, and their rebellion was likened to wounds, bruises, and putrefying sores, with no soundness in them at all.
Indeed, man is so riddled with sin that there is no one who seeks after God.
We are all so filled with sin that unless God draws us, not one of us has the will or the strength to seek after the Lord.
But in His grace, He sent the Holy Spirit into the world to convict fallen man of sin, righteousness, and judgement and to draw sinful man into the saving arms of Jesus.
Mankind is so entrapped in slavery to sin that unless God draws us, no-one would be saved, but Christ Himself promised that when He was lifted up on the Cross, He would draw all men to Himself.
Christ is the Word of God, but those that heard Him proclaim five times that He had come down from heaven to feed their spiritual soul, which was riddled with sin, would not hear the truth and would not believe the truth, and so they missed the most glorious offer of salvation.
Today, the Holy Spirit continues to convict every man of sin and the written Word of God teaches the many spiritual truths that feed our hungry soul.
Christ fulfilled the righteousness of the Law, which qualified Him to pay the price for our sins on the Cross.
His death, burial, and Resurrection conquered sin and Satan.
His death, burial, and Resurrection broke the power of sin and death forever in the lives of all who would believe on His name.
He proved His authority on earth to forgive sins by saying to the paralyzed man: Arise, and take up thy bed and walk, and He proclaimed His authority in the Temple of God when He accused the rulers of Israel, with the blistering words: My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations, but you have made it a den of thieves.
The price for all the sins of the whole world collectively, which includes all the accumulated sin of every individual man and woman, was forgiven at Calvary.
You see, without His death on the Cross, our sins would not have been atoned for and we would remain unforgiven sinners, dead in our trespasses, and separated forever from a holy God.
OH, our sins would have been forgiven at Calvary, but without a RESURRECTED Saviour, without a LIVING Saviour, death and hell would not have been conquered and we could never have been given the new resurrected LIFE of Christ.
It was sin that placed the whole of God's creation under a terrible and eternal curse.
God in His omniscience KNEW that man would sin, and He planned a new creative work which would redeem the human race and bring forth a new CREATION-in-CHRIST.
The sacrificial death of the Lord Jesus on the Cross to pay the price for our sins, is a tiding of great joy.
When the Lord Jesus rose from the grave in His glorified, human body of flesh and bone, He triumphed over sin and Satan.
Down through the centuries, many have heard the glad tidings of great joy that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, that He died as our sin-substitute, was buried, and rose again according to the Scriptures, breaking the power of sin and death in the lives of all who believe in His name and becoming the First-Fruit of all who sleep.
The Cross of Christ most certainly paid the price for the sin of the whole world so that whosoever will may come.
None are excluded from the forgiveness that flowed from the veins of the Messiah, which paid the price for all sin.
The punishment for sin has been paid forever by the blood of Christ.
The penalty of sin was paid in full for every man that has ever breathed the air of God, and condemnation is removed forever from all who believe that Christ died for their sins and rose the third day.
God's required price for sin was paid in full for every man, and all who believe are not condemned.
But the blood of Christ has a secondary function for all who would believe in Him, for as well as the forgiveness of sins for every man, the power of sin was simultaneously broken in the lives of all who would one day trust in the only begotten Son of God, as Saviour.
It was at the time of Christ's crucifixion that the power of sin in the life of all who would one day believe in Him was broken.
BUT at the point in time that we trusted in Christ as Saviour and became born-again as a new creation in Christ, the power of sin in our life was severed as a practical reality.
we are not sinless for we still have an old sin nature, and if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us, but sin and death have no power over our new life in Christ - our new born-again life.
Paul goes on to write: But when this perishable puts on the imperishable, and this mortal puts on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written: 'Death has been swallowed up in victory.'It was because the deathless Son of God, Who has eternal life within Himself, became the perfect Son of Man and gave Himself as a willing sacrifice for the sin of the whole world, that He broke the power of sin and death in the life of ALL who trust in His name.
His death paid the price for sin, but His Resurrection broke the power of sin and death forever in all who believe, and together we will live with Him in glory.
Jews were to repent of their sin and believe on their Messiah, if they were to enter God's promised kingdom.
It is an acknowledgment that man's sin is the primary cause for the tragic condition of this fallen world, and sin is the disease that has infected every human heart.
It is those that weep for the wretched condition fallen man and of God's beautiful earth, which was cursed because of man's sin, who will receive the heavenly comfort offered by the Lord. It is the penitent sinner whose contrite heart laments over his own sins, and the sins of an entire world at enmity with God and under His eternal curse, who will be granted solace from the Lord, for He has promised to wipe away every tear from their eye and to comfort each one of them in their pain.
God chose him to preach the gospel to Jew and Gentile alike, but he was particularly commissioned to minister the light of the glorious gospel of Christ to lost Gentiles who were dead in sin and at enmity with God.
Paul was also called by God to function as a priest of the gospel of God, bringing the gospel to those that were dead in their sins and at enmity with God enabling access into the throne-room of the Father which is by grace through faith in Christ alone.
However, before detailing the differences between justification, sanctification, propitiation, and a whole host of theological issues, Paul spends the best part of three chapters drumming home the truth - that man is a sinner, at enmity with God, and that the wages of sin is death - not only physical death, but eternal separation from God in the eternal lake of fire.
In order to reinforce the shocking consequences of sin, Paul used a sequence of quotations from the book of Psalms to strengthen his argument: No one is righteous... Paul proclaims, ...not even one.
The fear and reverence of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom, and yet the fool denounces the Almighty God and treats the sacrifice of His beloved Son, to pay the price for man's sin, with contempt.
The fool has said in his heart, there is no God, and unbelief is the single sin which God can never forgive.
The wages of sin is death, but the gracious gift of our Heavenly Father is eternal life for all who will believe in His name: For as many as received Him, to them He gave the power to become sons of God - even to them that believe on His name.
Although he delivered a message of judgement to the people of Israel because of their ongoing rebellious idolatry, Micah also foretold of Israel's final restoration and the many blessings they would enjoy, once they repented of their national sin and returned to the God of their forefathers.
They were the nation whose God is the Lord, and through them was to be born the promised Messiah Who would save His people from their sins.
Despite the punishment for their sin, Micah records that Israel is also given a promise of blessing.
And although Micah was a prophet that wept and mourned for the sin of the nation and the coming destruction upon his people, he also was caused to rejoice that God would once again be the good Shepherd of Israel - Who would wipe away every tear from their eye.
But he tells of a future judgement of both Israel and the nations, when the wrath of God will be poured out on a God-hating, Christ-rejecting, sinful world, followed by great restoration for those that trust in the Lord, repent of their sins, and turn to Christ for the salvation of their soul.
Time is short and those who do not know the Lord would do well to seek Him with all their heart - while those who know the Lord should become increasingly active in sharing the gospel of salvation with all who are lost in their sins and without hope in the world.
He had to come to see that we are all sinners, and that there is a price that has to be paid - not only for the sins we commit but also because we are born sinners with a sin nature that is inherently sinful.
For not only was sin imputed to the human race from the fall of Adam, but we have all sinned, Jew and Gentile alike.
Nicodemus, like us, had to come to accept that we are all sinners and that every sin we commit must be punished.
And unless the price for sin is paid in full on our account, we have no access to the kingdom of heaven.
This pious, religious rabbi also had to be brought to the understanding that the sacrifice for sin could only be paid by God Himself, for He alone is holy and He alone is good enough to pay the price for sin.
He had to be made sin on our account in order to become our kinsman-Redeemer and to pay the price for our sin.
And so, Jesus used a beautiful Old Testament illustration to demonstrate to this highly educated Jewish rabbi that salvation is a free gift of grace which can be accepted or rejected by faith: For as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, on the Cross, to pay the price for the sin of the world.
The people of Israel had sinned, and plagues were ravaging the nation, but God instructed Moses to raise up a brass serpent on a pole to represent their sin.
It represented your sin, my sin, and the sin of the whole world.
Jesus came to receive the punishment for the sin of the world so that whosoever believes in Him would be redeemed: spirit, soul, and body.
Some use this verse to teach that sickness is always the result of a specific sin, an attack of Satan, or a judgement from God, and that a prolonged illness identifies a serious lack of faith.
For God does not always answer our prayer for healing in the way we would expect, and illness is not always the direct result of personal sin.
Step by step, the book of Romans takes us from the depths of man's sin to the heights of man's salvation.
It is not so much the specific sins to which Paul is referring but the irrecoverable, fallen nature of our sinful humanity.
This sin of self-righteous superiority of the believer is equally if not more offensive to our Heavenly Father, for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory and perfection of God.
Those who are lost in their sin and blinded to the glorious gospel of grace, should ignite in our hearts a deep compassion, and not a supercilious, critical judgement on their sins.
Just as Christ was the One through Whom all things were made by His mighty power in the original creation, which was ruined through sin, so also that same Christ Jesus is the One through Whom the new creation is formed and made.
Life, we are told, is in the blood and it was His lifeblood that was shed for many for the remission of sins.
He became the sin-substitute for your sin, and my sin, and the sin of the whole world.
Should we still live in sin? No!
Rather, we should die to sin and live from this day forward not to ourselves, but unto Him.
Heaven was hushed, and time stood still as the only begotten Son of God, as the perfect Son of Man, paid the price for the sin of the world.Gracious forgiveness had been extended to whosoever would trust in His saving sacrifice, and a precious promise of paradise had been given to a lost sinner.
Loving provision had been extended to the woman who bore Him, and He carried the weight of the world on His heart as He became sin for mankind so that lost sinners could become the righteousness of God in Him.Every facet of the law had been fulfilled, every prophecy accomplished.
The price for sin had been paid, and communion with the Father restored.
This is a verse that rejoices our hearts, for this Throne of Grace is the eternal seat of the sovereign Lord of heaven and earth, Whose mercy-seat has covered our sins forever.
He is the God Whose plan of redemption dictated that ALL sin must be punished.
And by His grace, Jesus took upon Himself the sin of the world, so that we could be saved by grace.
Only through faith in Christ have we been justified, forgiven of sin, and covered in Christ's perfect righteousness.
We are not directed to enter in the throne-room of heaven in apprehensive timidity, but to approach His universal seat of divine power and majestic glory with great boldness and confident assurance of a child approaching his beloved father, knowing that the sacrificed Lamb of God, offered by the High Priest of God for our sin, is sufficient.
The daily sacrificial offerings, together with annual sacrifices of innocent lambs at Passover, and the annual Atonement sacrifices, where the blood was permitted to cover sin for one more year, were a dim and distant shadow of the one, perfect, sacrificial Lamb of God.
He was slain, once and for all, on the Cross of Calvary... to take away forever, the sin of the whole world.
The life-giving serpent that Moses lifted up on a pole in the wilderness... was simply a shadowy precursor of Christ being lifted up on the Cross for the forgiveness of sin... and His eternal, life-giving Resurrection.
Similarly, the Sabbath day ritual, which was guarded so jealously by the religious leaders of Israel, was simply a pale shadow of the Lord Jesus Christ Who Himself, has become the Sabbath rest for the people of God, and for all who trust in Him for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
It was an unattainable requirement written on stone, which identified and accused everyone of sin - and stamped all humanity with the eternal condemnation of God - GUILTY SINNER!
He nailed our sin to the Cross: Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that kept us enslaved to the Law.
By faith in Christ, we are no longer enslaved to sin.
We are identified with His death so that His death became our death, and our sin is forgiven.
Our salvation is by grace through faith in Him, but not every Christian abides in Christ, which results in a carnal walk, a fleshly lifestyle, and a wasted life that is influenced by the old sin nature rather than being enlivened by the new life in Christ.
was Christ's cry of profound significance and ultimate joy, which must have resounded throughout the entire universe as the Lord Jesus pronounced His triumphant victory over sin, Satan, and death.
He came to be the propitiation for our sins.'Tetelestai' was a single Greek word which means paid in full.
This sixth word from the Cross was not Jesus announcing that He Himself was finished, but that the penalty for sin had been paid in full.
He came to pay the price for sin and to seek and to save all who would believe on His name, for He alone was God's acceptable ransom price for sin, and He alone could bear witness to God's truth.He came to do the will of His Father and to demonstrate God's incredible love to humanity, by being a light to the darkened world so that all who believe on His name would not abide in darkness but receive the glorious light of His abundant life.
The Lord Jesus not only saved us by His blood, but has delivered us from all condemnation; past, present, and future, because all our sin was imputed to Him.
He paid the price for all our sin on the Cross.
He died for our personal sin.
He exchanged our fallen sin nature with our new life in Christ.
He washed away the stain of sin with His own blood and imputed us with His own perfect righteousness.
He has not only forgiven us of all our sin, by taking the punishment we deserve upon Himself, but has imputed us with HIS own perfect righteousness.
After listing the superabundant privileges that are the right of all who are saved by grace through faith in Christ, Paul takes us back to the root of sin.
He reminds us that sin came into the world by Adam and explains that death entered the world because of sin.
And the wages of sin is death; both spiritual death and physical death, for death was passed on to every man when Adam sinned.
Because of sin, every member of the human race is born spiritually dead and embarks on a journey towards physical death. Death means separation from God (both spiritual and physical separation), and because of Adam's sin, every one of his progeny is imputed with a sin nature.
We do not become a sinner when we sin.
We sin because we are already a sinner.
We are all 'born in sin'.
We were born to parents who were also sinners, and we inherited the same sin nature.
Every member of the human race is born a sinner and although death claims the life of every descendent of Adam because of our imputed sin nature, it was not until the time of Moses that God gave man His perfect standard for living.
God gave Israel the Mosaic Law so that fallen sinners could identify personal acts of sin.
The Law God gave through Moses is the benchmark for sin, and the tool He uses to identify personal sin in our lives.
God gave the Law so that sinners could recognise we have broken God's perfect Law, confess our sin, and understand our need of a Saviour.
Before the Law of Moses, sin was in the world and the icy fingers of death claimed the life of every sinner.
However, before the Law, man's personal sin was not imputed to individual sinners: For until the Law, sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no Law.
God gave His chosen people the Law so that sin could be identified as sin, and God graciously provided sacrificial offerings so that atonement could be made for sin, through the shed blood of an innocent animal.
Atonement means 'covering', and animal sacrifices for sin meant sin could be covered until God sent His anointed Messiah Who would come to save His people from their sin and forgive them their iniquity; both the sin nature imputed from Adam, and personal sins.
They were entrusted to be a light to the Gentiles so that pagans could also be justified by faith, also be brought into the camp of Israel, and have their sins covered.
Before the Cross, men were sinners and death was the consequences of their sin nature, but God 'overlooked' their personal sin.
Before the Cross, those who believed His Word were justified by faith as they looked forward to their promised Saviour Who would redeem them from the slave-market of sin.
Before the Cross, Israel were equally sinners who needed to be justified by their faith in God's Word, and their sins were covered with the blood of innocent animal sacrifices, until their promised Messiah came to earth to save His people, by dying for them on the Cross.
They believed in God, but were also to believe in His only begotten Son, their Messiah Who was the sacrificial Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
In Romans, Paul systematically lays out the shocking truth that everyman has to face; he is a sinner and: The wages of sin is death.
As Church age believers, we were not born before the Law when personal sin was not yet imputed to sinners, nor are we under the Law (like Israel).
Unlike Israel, the Church does not have to offer sacrifices in the Temple or keep certain feast days so that our sin can be covered, because Christ IS our perfect sin offering.
His death on the Cross has dealt with ALL our sin; both our imputed sin nature, and our personal sins.
During this Church Age, we are also justified by God's grace and forgiven of all our sin, by faith.
We are living in the age of grace and believe that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures.
He washed away the stain of sin with His own blood and imputed us His own perfect righteousness.
For instance, an understanding of the sacrifices in the pagan temples enabled Paul to teach them about the one true God, Whose perfect sacrifice on the Cross redeemed them from sin.
Paul did not want those who are saved by grace through faith in Jesus to be rescued from the slave-market of sin, only to live a defeated life in this world, and fail in the work that God has prepared for us to do.
They realised He was the Lamb of God Who would take away the sin of the world, and the Lion of the kingly tribe of Judah.
They would be sifted by the enemy because they had been rescued from the clutches of Satan - for the wages of their sin had been paid in full, by Christ and the curse that lay heavy on their heads, had been removed through His sacrificial work at Calvary.
All of us who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ will be despised, rejected, persecuted, and killed because of Christ Who came to pay the price for the sin of the world and gave His life as the ransom price for whoever would believe on His name - but how few have ears that really listen.
Although we might argue that our body is alive, we must never forget that as sinners, we are born spiritually dead in our sin with a fallen sin nature that is estranged from God.
We must not forget that we inhabit a body that is subject to sin, disease, disintegration, and death.
Although our spirit has been made alive and we have a new Christ-like nature by faith in Him, our body remains subject to death due to sin and our imputed sin nature.
But praise God that: Though the body is dying because of sin, the spirit is eternally alive because of righteousness.
Christ knew that sinful man in his fallen state cannot be accepted into the spiritual realm of a holy God unless he becomes as perfect as God and as holy as the Father in heaven is holy, which is only possible if he is forgiven of his sins, accepted in Christ, and covered with the garment of Christ's perfect righteousness.
But the depth of meaning behind His words: I thirst, must never be overlooked.Christ was the Lamb of God Who had paid the full price for the sin of mankind so that the full measure of God's wrath submerged Him in all but one part of the Law which had not yet been fulfilled.
If even one part of the Law was left unfulfilled, Christ's perfect life and substitutional death could have become the topic of philosophical debate.All the legal requirements that were listed in the Mosaic Law with regard to the Passover Lamb, the sin offering, His high priestly office, and His genealogical heritage had been fulfilled to the letter, and many hundreds of additional prophecies in connection with His Person and Mission had already been fulfilled in minute detail.
For three long dark hours, the wrath of God had been poured out in full measure on the eternal son of God so that by faith in His death, burial, and Resurrection, we might be forgiven of our sin and made one with Him.
The Seed of the woman Who would crush the serpent's head and triumph over sin and death, passed silently through Seth and Enoch to Noah and his son Shem.
OH, He paid the complete price for sin but had to delay bringing in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
He came to bring deliverance from their enemies by conquering sin and death.
Israel was set aside for a season, God began to work through the Church, which is the Body of Christ, and the Kingdom of Heaven was postponed for 2000 years - UNTIL Israel repents of their sin, recognises their Messiah, and, calls on the name of the Lord. Then He will come in the clouds with His holy ones and we will rule and reign with Him.
They both delivered a fiery message of repentance and both zealously called sinners to repent of their sin and believe on the Messiah.
John was keen that 'The Chosen Lady' and her children, as well as the Christians in general, must hold fast to Scriptural truth; that Jesus was God the Son Who came to earth as a real Man at His first coming, that He came as a sacrificial offering for the sin of the world, and that He came to earth as Man Who knew no sin so that He could shed His human blood to pay that price for the sin of the world and to reconcile fallen man back to God.
We know about the carnal cravings, which are sought after by those that are dead in their sins and at enmity with the Lord - for we were once immersed in sin and estranged from our God and Saviour.
There are many injustices that Christians unjustly receive from those that are slaves of Satan and enslaved by sin, but we are not to take the law into our own hands when we are maligned and mistreated: Vengeance is mine, says the Lord, I will repay, so we must leave it in His hands.
When this dear man of God reflected on the depths to which his nation had sunk, due to their rebellious apostasy against the Lord and the spiritual bankruptcy that had ensued, he confessed his sin and the transgressions of the nation and pleaded with the Lord to forgive their sins and fulfil the promises He made to their forefather Abraham and his seed, forever.
We have the choice to lose hope, compromise the truth, and 'throw in the towel' OR we can grieve about our sin and the sin within the Church and repent of the apostasy into which we have fallen.
The biblical worldview is that man was created by God, but since Adam's fall when sin entered into the world and twisted man's thinking, it was man who started to create gods in their own image and to fashion idols of silver and gold, wood, and stone, in accordance with their corrupted, pagan thinking.
And despite many preachers of righteousness (like Noah), men of faith (like Abraham), and God's covenant people (Israel), all of whom knew the truth of their origin and their need for salvation, man in general was ignorant of their roots and estranged from the God Who created them and Who came to earth to redeem them from their sins.
Now and again, we find that certain components of pagan thinking echo certain elements of biblical truth, but the simple gospel that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again according to the Word of God, cannot be compromised for there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved.
Because of Christ's sacrificial death on the Cross for the sins of mankind and His glorious Resurrection from the dead, mans' sin could no longer be winked at or overlooked, and so God in His grace gave humanity a fresh start.
May we seek to tell others the good news of salvation who, like these men of Athens, remain dead in their trespasses and sins and eternally estranged from the God Who created them; the same God Who died for their sins on Calvary's Cross so that by faith in Him, they might live with Him forever.
It is not the old sin nature that is being changed.
The old 'me' died in Christ at the Cross of Calvary, when His blood paid the full price and penalty for my sins.
Behaviour modification of the old sin nature may produce a superficial change that meets the standards of the world, but only the Holy Spirit alone can transform the old life in Adam into the new life in Christ that we received at salvation.
It is a godly love that will reach into the eternal ages to come, a deathless love that will never end, for God is love.And yet, that continuously existing communion between Father and Son was broken at Calvary's Cross, as the Lord Jesus Christ was made sin for you and for me.
The sun hid its light as three hours of oppressive darkness shrouded the blackened sky, until Christ screamed in horror as He met the deepest point of suffering possible - separation from the Father.The price of sin had to be paid by the One and Only Sacrifice for sin, and it demanded that God the Father and God the Holy Spirit pour out the wrath of God upon the holy Son of God, by turning their face away from the One Whom They had loved for an eternity.No wonder that the Son cried out in anguish: My God!
to the other Members of the triune Godhead as the accumulated sin of the entire world was thrust on His sinless shoulders, and the full force of the wrath of the most high God was poured out in fullest measure on the unique Son of the Highest.Mortal mind cannot conceive of the intense bitter anguish and pain that must have descended on the innocent Sacrifice, for in bearing the sins of humanity that holy Man was made sin for us as the floodgates of God's wrath were poured out upon Him in all its holy fullness.
It was for this reason that He was born into His own creation and for this reason that He died for the sin of the world.
We are to eschew all forms of impure behaviours, for God has called us to live godly in Christ Jesus, Who died to pay the price for our sin, and has called us to live a life that is consecrated to Him.
Paul wanted to impress on all of us that sexual promiscuity is not only a sin against one's own body and cheats another person of their own conjugal rights, but it is a gross violation against the indwelling Holy Spirit, Who has taken up residence within the body of all believers.
We are called to trust the Lord our God Who has won the victory over sin, death, and Satan - and we have been promised that nothing can pluck us out of Christ's hand and nothing can snatch us out of our Father's hand, either.
But friend or foe alike, every one needed to be washed in His redeeming blood or pay the consequences of sin's deadly hold.Devoted obedience to the Father, gracious redemption of humanity, a glorious Bride for Himself, and the victorious reclamation of the kingdom was the goal of His divine calling, yet the loving-kindness He showed towards His mother, demonstrates the humanity of our Lord and the empathetic nature of God for His children, for when Jesus saw his mother and the disciple He loved standing nearby, He said to his mother, Dear woman, here is your son, and to the disciple he loved, Here is your mother.
Paul's warning is to avoid people such as these, who manipulate the minds of men and captivate weak, impressionable women when they are weighed down with sins and able to be controlled by various impulses.
From the moment that sin entered the world, Adam died spiritually, and every one of his descendants has been born with a sinful nature, dead in trespasses and sins, and in bitter conflict with God and all that is holy.
But God in His love, pity, mercy, and grace sent Jesus, His beloved Son, to be the propitiation for our sins, and all who believe on His name are saved by grace, through faith.
All who believe on Christ are rescued from the bondage of sin, set free from enslavement to Satan, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, and are adopted into God's family; heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.
Jesus identified with our sinfulness by dying on the Cross so that sin could be removed from our account and we could identify with Christ's righteousness, and not the unrighteousness of our former nature.
May we look to Jesus the incarnate Word made flesh, Who died and rose again so that we who believe on Him would never die, but gain forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
In the light of this truth, the message of the Cross should be, to you and me, the most important, exciting, and precious truth which should both thrill our soul, encourage our heart, and motivate us to share the staggering message: that Christ died for our sin according to the Scriptures, that He was buried and rose again......... so that whosoever believes in HIM would not perish, but have everlasting life.
We all came into this world physically alive but spiritually dead; dead in trespasses and dead in sins.
From the moment we were born into this world, it was our sinful, fleshly desires that empowered us, and our old sin nature which kept us enslaved to sin and estranged from God.
Our sin nature (our 'old man' as the Bible calls it) was not only imputed to us from fallen Adam but also inherited from our sinful parents.
We are not sinners because we sin; we sin because we are sinners who were born dead in our sins.
We were born out of fellowship with God, in fellowship with sin, and enslaved by Satan.
We came into this world disunited from God but united together with sin, as children of the evil one.
We were born into this world as a slave to sin, and until we were saved by grace through faith in Christ, our life was governed by our fallen nature; a sin nature which was at enmity with God and without hope in the world.
We either chose to allow the old sin nature to dictate what we do in our Christian walk, or we will allow the Spirit of God to lead and guide, to command and to control.
We were formally dead in our sins, at enmity with God, and without hope in the world, but since we are now alive by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit to His praise and glory.
The good news of peace with God and an eternal relationship with Him has come by faith in Christ's shed blood for the redemption of the body and the forgiveness of sins.
Christ's one offering of Himself on the Cross stands in stark contrast to the ongoing, perpetual, daily sacrifices that the Old Testament priests were required to carry out day by day in order to cover the sins of Israel.
For by the one offering of Himself has the Lord Jesus Christ perfected for all time, all those who have trusted in the blood of the Lamb for the forgiveness of sins and the redemption of their soul.
When our Saviour cried out, It is finished, the sacrifice for sin was completed.
The payment for all sin had been paid in full, forever.
The Old Testament sacrifices produced a remembrance of sins, but Christ's once-for-all sacrifice on the Cross has provided remission of sins.
Let us rejoice and be glad in the one finished sacrifice for sin and praise our Lord and Saviour for His grace and favour.
It is faith in the Person, the Work, and the Word of the Saviour that secures for us the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.It was by the sin of the first Adam that paradise was lost, the way to the Tree of Life barred and guarded by mighty angels with flashing swords, and it was by the sacrifice of the second Adam that paradise was regained, and the way to the Tree of Life was once again flung wide open, to whosoever will believe.The door to paradise was unbarred and the gates of heaven were thrown wide open to this repentant sinner who hung next to our Lord, for he gained the right to eat from the Tree of Life, which is in the paradise of God, simply because he trusted on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin.
Men and women were reckoned as righteous by believing what God promised, and they looked forward to God's promised Messiah Who would save them from their sins.
The wages of sin is death, and Adam's one transgression brought condemnation upon the entire human race.
Adam was the federal head created in the image of God, but because of his one act of disobedience, the whole of humanity was placed under God's righteous judgment; and the wages of sin is death.
The shocking truth about Adam's sin is that every person in the human race is born spiritually dead in trespasses and sin; physically alive but spiritually dead.
Adam's sin was judicially attributed to all his physical offspring.
We all are credited with sin because of Adam's sin.
Every baby born into the world from the beginning, is imputed with the sin of Adam, our first father.
Everyone is an inheritor of a fallen sin nature which is passed down the generations and from father to child.
The righteousness of God and His eternal justice dictates that every member of the human race has sin imputed to them.
God in His grace, formed a plan of redemption whereby He offered to pardon every man's many transgressions and declared all who believe in His Word (Christ, the Word made flesh), to be justified in His sight, clothed in His own righteousness, forgiven of sin, and returned into fellowship with God (a privilege which was forfeited through sin).
God's gift of salvation offered to each of us is not like that which came through sinful Adam, where the sin of one man was imputed to all and his sin nature passed to every member of the human race.
The effect of Adam's sin was to place all his offspring under God's judgement and His righteous condemnation.
Astonishingly, the judgement that arose from ONE sinful act of ONE man, which placed everyman under condemnation and imputed all his offspring with a sin nature, has resulted in the justification of everyone who becomes the spiritual offspring of the ONE righteous act of ONE Man!
Not only is our faith in Christ reckoned as righteousness but we also have access into God's grace, even though we were born in sin and were under God's wrath.
The fact that we who were dead in sin have been delivered from future condemnation and are presently and eternally reconciled with God, should cause us to rejoice through time and into the eternal ages to come.
And Hosea was calling the errant nation of Israel to repent of their sins, return to their first love, and seek the Lord with all their heart, if they were to avert the rapidly approaching judgement that had been prophesied by so many holy men of God.
The exact attribute of the eternal Father of Old Testament Scripture is ascribed to the Lord Jesus Whom John describes as Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. God the Father made it clear to Moses, Isaiah, and other holy men of God that He alone is the first and He is the last, the beginning and the end, and that no other God is equal with Him: Before Me, there was no God formed, is Isaiah's great pronouncement from Yahweh, and there will be none after Me! And yet Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, was able to pronounce in this verse, I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, Who is and Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty.Jesus, the virgin-born Seed of the woman and second Person of the Trinity, rightfully claims equality with the Father, for He is the visible image of the invisible, triune God, sent by the Father to shed His perfect, human blood as the single, sacrificial offering for the sin of the world so that whosoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
Time and again, the rebellious sins of Israel caused the Lord to punish them, by bringing them into grievous servitude under the surrounding nations - until they finally cried out in desperation to the Lord their God and repented of their sins.
God, in His grace, heard their cries and raised up a series of judges who would rescue them from the oppressive rule, until the next cycle of sin, servitude, supplication, and salvation occurred - through the appointments of a new judge.
Shamgar and Deborah were the two judges who saved them from the Philistines and the Canaanites, but after forty years of comparative quietude they were, once again, brutally suppressed by the Midianites for seven long years - due to their sin.
Sadly, the cycle of sin, servitude, supplication, and salvation would continue... until they disappeared from the good land which the Lord their God had given them.
But Jesus was the perfect, innocent, sinless Lamb of God Who had been sent to take away the sin of the world.
Jesus knew that He had been born to die for the sin of the whole world, for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to be the sacrifice for man's sin.
He knew He was the sacrifice for sin and that He had to die on the Cross and to rise up again to break the power of sin and death and hell.
And so, when the hour had come for Him to depart out of this world and to return to the Father, Jesus took His disciples aside to the upper room to share the Passover meal with them before being sacrificed for us as our own Passover Lamb and the sacrifice for sin.
Christ's death on the Cross paid the price for our sins but the old sin nature, which is the birthright of all who are born into the human race, was also crucified with Christ.
At one time, we were dead in our sins and at enmity with God.
And because we have a new nature in Christ, we do not need to respond to the persuasive pull of the old sin nature, but we are called to exercise our new life in Christ by faith so that we may grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Lord.
We were identified with His sacrificial death by faith, and we can be identified with His perfect life by faith when we walk in spirit and truth and keep the old sin nature nailed to the Cross, moment by moment, and day by day.
This does not mean that the sin nature is eradicated or rendered inactive, but it does mean that we have the potential to live godly in Christ Jesus and to develop the fruit of righteousness, by grace through faith.
All our sin was judged at the Cross (the penalty for sin was paid) and our sin nature was crucified with Christ (the power of sin was broken).
Throughout our Christian life, we are to keep that old sin nature nailed to the Cross and live our life through the new nature that we received from our resurrected Lord at salvation.
But if and when we do transgress, we are to quickly acknowledge our sin and make sure that our old sin nature is firmly nailed back on the Cross, for victory has been provided for all who are in Christ Jesus.
When our Saviour died on the Cross, He did so much more than dying FOR our sins (so that we could be forgiven of the many sins we commit throughout our lives); He died TO sin.
Jesus died UNTO sin and this means that He died to break the power of sin in our lives.
He died to sever us from the old sin nature that we inherited from our parents because of Adam's sin.
He died to deliver us from the very influences of sin in our lives: Jesus died UNTO sin ONCE and for ALL, but the life that He lives, He lives to God.
He died UNTO sin so that we might also be released from the conditions that causes us to sin.
He died to set us free from the influence and power of sin.
He died TO sin so that we could be set free from the old sin nature that has been imputed into the lives of all humanity.
The death that He died, He died to sin once and for all (as well as dying for our sin and paying the enormous price of sin), but the life that He lives, He lives to the glory of God.
Jesus not only died to pay the price for our sins but to release us from the Adamic-nature that we inherited from our forefathers so that He could replace it with His own Christ-like nature; His own resurrection life; the new-life-in-Christ.
Jesus died so that we may become a new creation in Him as well as being forgiven of our sins, and it is all by grace though faith in HIm.
The sinless Lord Jesus Christ not only paid the death-penalty for our sins, but He was MADE sin for us, He IDENTIFIED with our sinfulness.
We are not sinners simply because we commit sins, it is far worse than that, we sin BECAUSE we are SINNERS.
We sin because we have an old Adamic sin nature that causes us to sin.
Through His death, Jesus BECAME sin for us (as well as paying the price for sin) so that in return we might be made the righteousness of God in Him: For He died unto sin once and for all, but the life that He now lives, He lives to God.
When Christ died unto sin, He identified with our sin nature and released us from being part of Adam's race.
May we never cease to praise our heavenly King Who not only died FOR our sins but died UNTO sin, and the life He now lives He lives unto God so that He can live His life through us, to His praise and glory.
Some erroneously think that this verse means that believers have sinless perfection when they are born of the Spirit, but this is a false teaching: For if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and we do not understand the truth.
For although our old sin nature was severed forever at the Cross when we were born into the family of God and given the new-life in Christ, our sinful nature remains with us, lusting against the new-life in Christ that is born from above.
Some, who certainly know that we DO still have an old sin nature that is at enmity with our new life in Christ, incorrectly mistranslate this verse by saying that whoever is born of God does not keep on sinning or does not make a practice of sinning, but this is not being true to the grammatical structure of this verse which simply says, Whosoever is born of God does not sin.
Our new life in Christ does not commit sin.
Our new life in Christ will not sin.
Our new life in Christ cannot sin.
BUT the old sin nature, our sinful fleshly self can do nothing but sin against God.
We are made a new creation in Christ and are given a new life - the life of Christ - a life that needs to grow in grace and be conformed into the image of Jesus, a life that cannot sin.
It is impossible for the sinless life of Christ within a believer to sin and so we read: Whoever is born of God does not sin; for His seed (the sinless seed of the sinless Christ), remains in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
When we understand this verse in its correct context, all that Paul writes in Romans 7 begins to make sense, for when he says, It is no longer I myself who commits evil, but it is sin (the old sin nature) living in me, we understand why, in Galatians, he is also able to say, It is no longer I who live, but Christ (my new, sinless life in Christ) that lives in me.
Let us live our life as unto the Lord, for WHOEVER is born of God does not sin, in their new, born-again Christ-life.
In the midst of the most shocking miscarriage of justice, when hatred against God and His Christ reach the pinnacle of humanities evil, we have a glimpse into the Father-heart of God and the infinite passion and love of the Son with these eternal words: Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.Despised, rejected, and dying on the Cross with outstretched arms of love to redeem mankind from their sins, the first thought on the mind of our Saviour was not hatred, revenge, or self-pity, but eternal forgiveness.
The holy Lamb of God was slain from the foundation of the world so that all rebellious human-kind could be offered the free gift of redemption for the forgiveness of sins, an escape from death's cruel sting, a release from the curse of the Law, and eternal salvation with life more abundant.
Hosea warned of the Assyrian invasion, the fall of Samaria, and Israel's horrifying dispersion into Assyrian slavery, if Israel did not repent of their sin.
His other two children would be called 'not loved' and 'not My people' and punishment for the sin of the nation was the serious warning about which Hosea prophesied, during his unhappy marriage.
He reminded us that God is rich in mercy, and has made us alive with Christ, even though we were dead in trespasses and sin.
He reminded us we are forgiven of our trespasses and sin, which is all according to the riches of His marvellous grace - a heavenly favour which has been lavished on us, with all wisdom and understanding.
They were dead in their sin and in need of salvation, and Paul was now in prison for the sake of the gospel.
He had come to bring good tidings to the meek, hope to the poor, salvation to the afflicted, liberty for those that were bound by chains of sin, and freedom to those that were enslaved by Satan. Jesus had come to bind up the brokenhearted, comfort those that were afflicted, proclaim physical and spiritual liberty to the captives, and to free those who were imprisoned by Satan.
The good tidings of great joy that ignite faith in the man or woman who is dead in their sins and at enmity with their Creator, is peace with God and reconciliation with our Heavenly Father.
Our reconciliation comes through the blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses us from all sin, but faith comes by hearing, and hearing through the message of Christ, the incarnate Word of God.
May our feet be shod with the good news of peace with God, knowing that all who hear this proclamation and respond in faith to its call will be forgiven of their sins, made one with Christ, be clothed in His righteousness, and receive everlasting life by faith which comes by hearing, and hearing through the truth that comes through Christ, the living Word of God.
Let us be those who love each other deeply, fellowshiping with brotherly affection for the Body of Christ, and shining the lovely, life giving light of Christ into this sin soaked, darkened world.
But to reach this level of understanding there had to come about a deep humbling of himself, a self-loathing of who he was before God, and a true repentance - not a repentance from sin but a repentance of who he is, a recognition that in him dwells no good thing.
Being born of the Spirit through faith in Christ and cleansed of our sin through His shed blood, demonstrates the incredible love and generous grace that the Father has lavished upon us - His children.
Is this not the most wonderful blessing that exhausts our reasoning and passes our finite understanding - that we, who were proud purveyors of sin and hostile haters of God in the lust of our flesh, should be so treated?
He was so viciously beaten as to be unrecognisable and then He was cruelly nailed to the tree with your sins and mine laid upon Him.
He is the only Way to the Father, the only Truth about God, in Whom is Life eternal for all who trust in Him.And we, who by rights should have death as our payment for sin, have been redeemed by His blood, given the free gift of salvation in Christ, clothed in His perfect righteousness, promised eternal life in heaven, become part of a new creation in Christ, and adopted into God’s own family.
Just as Jesus was identified with our sin and sinfulness, so we are identified with His righteousness and purity.
The tears of the Lord Jesus were tears of compassion for the wretchedness of these poor, mourning souls, whom He loved so dearly, yet who were under the condemnation of sin; for the wages of sin is death, and death is sin's ultimate victory over every fallen man.
He used this sad occasion to bring many who were lost in their sin and condemned to death into the joy of the Lord as their Messiah Who breaks the power of sin and death in the lives of all who trust in Him.
Jesus used the death and resurrection of Lazarus as a type of His own, forthcoming death on Calvary for the sin of the world and His glorious Resurrection which would break the power of sin and death in the lives of all who believe on Him; for after two days in the grave He rose to life immortal, on the third day.
The more we reflect on the amazing truth that sin and death has been swallowed up forever, through Christ's victorious Resurrection from the dead, the more we marvel at the length and breadth and depth and height of God's love for each one of us, and the more we should express our own love for Him, in all we are and say and do.
They broke their covenant with God and had to suffer the consequences of their sin.
The little remnant of faithful men and women were well aware that the nation of Israel would have to suffer captivity and be dispersed from their homeland, because of the sin of their fathers and the people's continued apostasy.
When He came to earth so many years ago, the Lord Jesus came to finish the transgression to make an end of sin, and to make atonement for iniquity through His sacrificial death so that He could bring in everlasting righteousness, seal up vision and prophecy, and anoint the most holy place.
Although Christ is Prince of Peace and will one day reign on earth as King of kings and Lord of lords, He knew that His message of salvation would cause tremendous division, even splitting asunder precious family relationships, because the message of the Cross is diametrically opposed to the old sin nature of man: Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword, was His astonishing admission.
One lie that continues to be perpetrated today, is that knowing about the Lord Jesus... is the same as trusting Him as the only sacrifice for sin.
Unless head knowledge of His life and teaching is transferred into a heart belief in His sacrifice for sin, and His death defeating Resurrection - that knowledge is ineffective for salvation, the forgiveness of sin, and life eternal.
God the Father sent God the Son to be the propitiation for humanity's sin.
God alone is good, and He alone was good enough to pay the price for the sin of the whole world.
God is sinless and man is a sinner... and in order for God to forgive the sin of mankind, a perfect Man had to be willing to be the sacrifice for the sin of humanity.
A Kinsman-Redeemer Who was a descendant from the first man, Adam, had to die as the payment for humanity's sin.
He alone is the incarnate Son of God - and we are saved by trusting in His redeeming blood for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
Jesus died to pay the price for humanity's sin - and not the sin of fallen angels or demons - and only faith in HIM brings salvation.
They did not realise that the Law had been given to point them to Christ, and Stephen rightly accused them of being stiff-necked people who were uncircumcised in heart and who resisted the Holy Spirit; for they had killed the Lord of glory and refused to be convicted of sin, righteousness, and judgement.
If the story had ended at this point, it would have been a sad state of affairs, but following in the footsteps of the Master we hear Stephen's gracious prayer of forgiveness being offered up to His God and Saviour: Falling on his knees, he cried out with a loud voice, 'Lord, do not hold this sin against them!' and having said this, Stephen fell asleep.
And so Christ prays for their protection and sanctification so that their future ministry would be effective, for having given them the Word of Truth through His earthly ministry, they were to be the ones that would spread abroad the gospel of God to a world that remained dead in their trespasses and sins: for God loved the world so much that He gave Jesus to be the propitiation for the sin of the whole world.
Christ died for our sins as our substitute (substitution), but He also died unto sin by breaking the power of sin over us (identification).
Not only are our sins forgiven through His blood because of substitution, but the power of sin and death over us has been severed forever by means of His Resurrection into which we are identified with Christ. Does this not stagger the mind?
The old sin nature that executed its exclusive rulership over our lives, died in Christ at the Cross.
He identified with our sin so that we could be identified with His righteousness.
Because Christ is our sin substitute and we are identified with Him, we are not our own.
Christ is not only the substitute for our sin, but He identified with our sin so that we might become the righteousness of God through faith in Him, and when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.
Should we not seek to walk in holiness and righteousness all our days, knowing that our sins are forgiven and we are one with Christ?
They refused to believe that Jesus was the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
Never let us forget Who it was that gave up His sovereign, universal throne to come to earth, to die on the Cross as the perfect sacrifice for sin so that ALL that believe on the name of the only begotten Son of God, might not perish but have everlasting life.
By grace, the born-again believer is not only forgiven of their sin but they are dead to sin because sin’s power and dominion in the life of every Christian was forever broken at the Cross.
Though sin’s influence remains throughout this earthly life, it is increasingly subdued as we keep the old self nailed to the Cross and daily learn to live unto Christ.
At salvation, we were not only forgiven of our sin but declared to be righteous by God, because we were removed from the old creation in Adam and placed into the new creation in Christ – how important to reckon ourselves dead to sin and alive to Christ – to reckon on our heavenly position in Christ as fact.Paul reminds us that the moment that we trusted Christ to save us, the Spirit of God positioned us in Christ and we were placed into His Body.
When the Holy Spirit placed us into the Body of believers at re-birth, we were baptised into Christ – we were placed into the Body of believers, which is the Church.When Christ died, we were buried with Him which permanently severed us from sin – although we must never forget that the influence of the old sin nature still remains and needs to be subdued daily.
They desire to flaunt their rebellious hearts in the face of God and prolong this illusion for lost souls, who are dead in their sin.
Peter warns of proud fools who are unaware that by the spoken Word of God, the heavens and earth came into existence, but due to sin there was an explosion in wickedness by which man was judged.
Israel was judged through the Assyrian and Babylonian dispersions and sin was judged at the Cross of Calvary, when the wrath of God fell on the Lord Jesus Christ, our substitute for sin.
Like Job, we live in a fallen world where we have trials and tribulation which may be a messenger of Satan which will require us to stand fast in the faith and trust in the Lord with all our heart OR it may be the consequences of sin which the Lord will use to teach and train us if we have a teachable spirit that is honouring to the Lord.
The Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world, was crucified 2000 years ago.
He is the Lamb Who paid the price of sin for all who believe on His name and He alone took the punishment that we deserve when He died on the cross in our place, so that we would not be appointed to God's wrath.
The judgement of our sin was laid on Him, and by faith, we have been declared righteous in the eyes of the Father.
In Him we already have redemption through His blood and forgiveness of sins... and by God's grace we have already received revelation from the invisible God which was kept hidden for ages and remained concealed from previous generations.
We see the Lord Jesus at the start of His ministry returning to Galilee in the power of the Holy Spirit, and news about Him spread through all the surrounding district, as He set out on His long, three year trek to the Cross where, as the sin-substitute for the whole world, He would pay the price for your sin and mine so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.
He proves that we all fall short of God’s glory and that the consequence of our sin is death.
Paul makes it very clear that the wages of sin for every sinner, Jew and Gentile alike, is death - everlasting death - eternal separation from God.
He shows that everyone is a sinner, and every sinner is alive to sin but is dead to God.
Everyone is born a sinner, is dominated by sin, and is estranged from the Lord.
The unregenerate man is born in sin, he is a slave to sin, and remains separated from his Creator throughout his life – until and unless he is saved by grace through faith in Christ.However, the man that is born from above is no longer a slave to sin.
The regenerate man is no longer in bondage to the principle of sin that entraps all who are born into the fallen race of Adam. The man or woman who has been saved by grace through faith in Christ has been set free from slavery to sin and is returned into fellowship with God from the moment of salvation.
Prior to salvation, a man is dead IN their sin... but after salvation, he is dead TO sin.
Before being saved, a man is a slave to the power of sin, but after redemption, he is no longer a slave to sin because the power of sin has been broken in his life.
As Christians, we are dead to sin and alive to Christ, and Paul encourages all believers to take this important truth to heart and reckon it to be so: Reckon yourselves to be dead to sin and reckon yourselves to be alive to God in Christ Jesus.This instruction from Paul is based on the faithful, unchanging, and unalterable Word of God.
It is by faith in Christ that we have been saved, and it is also by faith in Christ that we have been liberated from the power of sin. Therefore, Paul urges us to keep sin in the place of death and not to allow sin to reign in our mortal bodies, since we have been freed from its power.
Because we are saved by grace through faith and positioned in Christ, we are instructed: Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts.
We are not to permit sin to have any influence over our lives.
We are not to give sin a foothold in our life.
How do we reckon ourselves to be dead indeed unto sin?
Well, we are not to place ourselves back under subjection to the power of sin, because in Christ we are dead to sin having been released from its power and dominion over us.
But how is this done?How do we prevent sin from reigning in our mortal bodies so that we do not obey its lusts?
How do we stop the old sin nature from climbing back onto the throne of our life?
We are to focus on the truth of God’s Word and reckon that we are dead to sin.
We are to know that the power of sin has been broken in our life – because we believe, by faith, in His sacrificial work.
Not letting sin reign in our mortal body is not something that we DO but something that is already DONE.
We are born with an old sin nature, but because we are in Christ and identified with His death on the Cross, we are made a new creation in Him.
When we are saved by grace through faith, we are given a new nature - a new, Christlike nature and because of this, we are exhorted not to allow sin to have sway in our mortal body.
Because we are in Christ and identified with His nature we have been set free from the power of sin and can be instructed not to let sin have sway in our body and not to obey the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.
In Him, we are truly set free from sin and have the power to resist the old sin nature and live the life of the new man - which honours the Lord.
We are not instructed to crucify our old sin nature.
Rather, we are to reckon that sin in our life it already dead.
Christ took the punishment for our sin when He died on the Cross in our place which means that the price of sin has already been paid, and we must reckon this to be true by not permitting sin to have any sway in our life.It is a fact that the icy fingers of eternal death and eternal separation from God, which are the righteous wages for sin, have been cancelled forever for all who believe.
That being the case, we should not allow ourselves to slip back into fraternising with the sinful lusts of the flesh but, moment by moment, we should reckon ourselves dead to sin and released from its power over us – for we have been imputed with the righteousness of Christ and are made alive unto God through Him.
Our old sin nature has been crucified in Christ which has set us free from the penalty of sin and its power over us, Let us, from this day forward, reckon on the truth that we have been legally set free from sin because Christ paid the full price for our sin and we are no longer under its condemnation.
It describes God's denunciation of Israel for her sin and His judgement of the surrounding, godless nations.
It speaks of deliverance, pardon, comfort, and restoration, and tells of the rejection of their Messiah; the suffering Servant of God, and the amazing sacrifice of Himself for sin.
Isaiah contrasts the wrath that will one day be poured out on those who disobey Him, with the glorious future He has planned for all who trust His Word, obey His voice, and repent of their sins.
God is not mocked, and He has clearly told us that the just shall live by faith, while those that deny His name and reject His Christ will suffer the eternal consequences of rejecting the one and only sacrifice for sin.
None of us can begin to understand the agony Christ faced as He made His way to Jerusalem, before being sacrificed for the sin of the world.
As they accompanied Him to that pivotal point in history, where the price for sin would be paid once and for all, Jesus told them for the last time, that He was to be handed over to the chief priests and scribes, who would condemn Him to death, deliver Him to the Gentiles, mock Him, spit on Him, flog Him, and finally kill Him - but He also reassured them that He would rise from the dead after three days.
Jesus warned them that persecution would stalk their earthly path as well, yet these short-sighted men preferred to squabble over their own position in Christ's coming Kingdom, rather than recognise the significance of this epic walk to Jerusalem, or that they were participants in the greatest event in the history of human-kind, as they accompanied the Lamb of God to Calvary - where He was to pay the price for the sin of the world.
Shedding HIS sinless blood to pay the price for OUR sin.
God in His grace sent Jesus to be our Saviour, and HIS death was the single payment God required to pay the price for the sin of the whole world, such that whosoever believes on HIM would not perish but have everlasting life.
We are saved because God in His grace gave His Son to be the propitiation for our sins, and all we have to do is to believe this to be declared righteous by God and brought into His family.
Throughout the centuries, Israel had been called to repent of their sins and turn back to the Lord their God, but sadly the nation continued in its ungodly, apostate way.
John had been sent ahead of the Lord Jesus to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, teaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins - but there were many pretenders among the crowd who came out to hear him.
No doubt many had come out into the wilderness, out of curiosity, having heard of the spectacle of this highly controversial figure proclaiming a baptism of repentance unto the forgiveness of sins.
Before they could accept Jesus as their Messiah, the entire nation was to first have to turn away from their rebellious ways and idolatrous practices, repent of their sins, and return to the Lord their God.
There were many souls who heard the message of John the Baptist, repented of their sins, and returned to the Lord their God, but there were those who heard his message with a cold and rebellious heart whom John identified as a brood of vipers.
And God has promised that if His people who are called by His name will humble themselves and pray, and seek His face and turn from their wicked ways, He will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
God is offended with man because of sin, and the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all that we have said, all we have done, and all that we are.
God's assessment of all men, whether Jew or Gentile, bond or free, male of female, moral or immoral, black or white, old or young, the pagan and the saved are: All under sin.
We are not sinners because we sin, but we sin because we are sinners and we suppress the truth that we have received from God Himself.
We may not have committed the same sins as others, but we all fail God's standard.
We are all inherently sinful and so all men are condemned under the same godly standard for: All are under sin.
From Adam forwards, we discover that all men are under sin and all are under the condemnation of God, because all have been given light from God but so many reject the light of the glorious gospel of grace.
For two whole chapters, Paul lays out God's universal standard for man which declares all men guilty of sin, for all are under sin.
Praise God that the rest of the book of Romans gives us clear guidelines on how to be saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, the one and only Saviour Whose sacrificial death paid the full price for our sin, and Whose glorious Resurrection imparted to us His resurrected life, making us part of an entirely new creation, children of God, and joint-heirs with Christ, by faith in Him.
The eternal Son of God in the person of the sinless Son of Man was full of God's grace and goodness, which alone qualified Him to become our perfect Saviour and sacrifice for sin.
He came to give eternal life to those who were dead in their sins.
Jesus came to die for the sin of the whole world so that whosoever would believe on His name would not perish, but have the life of all living things.
The unbeliever needs to know Him as Saviour, by trusting in His sacrificial death as the one and only substitute for their sin, but the saved man or woman needs to know Jesus personally and intimately.
The more we make use of the gifts, talents, abilities, and works which GOD has prepared for us to do (works carried out in our new man-in-Christ and not by our old sin nature), the more they will increase and enlarge, and the more they will overflow in abundance.
Christians that are out of fellowship with the Lord are walking in darkness, and sin is the cause of all broken fellowship.
Allowing unconfessed sin to lurk within or pretending to be in fellowship while walking in the darkness is simply a lie.
Fellowship with the Father is incompatible with sin - but if we confess our sin, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.
Any one of us who says that we are in fellowship with the Father while walking in darkness and sin is a liar who is not walking in spirit and truth: BUT if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.
We can never achieve sinless perfection as some like to teach, but can choose to live in the light by keeping a short rein on sin, dying to self, living for Christ, submitting to God, resisting the devil, and flying to our Heavenly Father to receive His forgiveness through Jesus Christ our Mediator.
There are many enticements to sin and we can choose to disobey God's will for our life and foolishly step back into the darkness from which we have been rescued - but the consequences for carnality in a Christian is a loss of reward - eternally saved but a wasted life, loss of reward, and broken fellowship with our Father.
But the world wants to squeeze us back into its mould and the enemy of our soul wants to entice us away from the glorious light of the gospel of truth into the destructive cul-de-sac of darkness and sin.
But God is light and in Him is no darkness at all and those who choose to walk in darkness have, of their own volition, removed themselves from sweet fellowship with the One Who purchased them with His own blood, having rescued them from the jaws of Satan, sin, and death.
Yes, it is through the shed blood of Jesus, our Saviour, that we were cleansed at our salvation and brought into the light, and it is as sinners saved by grace, that we need to be continually cleansed of any post-salvation sin as we travel through this life.
While all our sins, past, present, and future, were forgiven the moment we trusted Christ for salvation, we need to confess any post-salvation sin to our Heavenly Father in order to be returned into fellowship with Him - for sin is the cause of broken fellowship.God is love and peace and hope and joy – and God is purest light.
Jesus was the anointed Messiah-King of Israel Whose coming had been prophesied throughout Old Testament Scripture, but He had not come to set up His Messianic Kingdom at that time. First, He had to subdue all principalities and powers in the heavenly realm, and to offer Himself up as the ransom price for the sin of the whole world, before He could usher in the kingdom of heaven on earth.
First, He must break the power of sin and Satan, death and hell by means of His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection.
Christ's messianic mission dictated that first there must be the sacrificial Cross to pay that price for man's sin.
Love is sharply contrasted with the dark and deadly evils of sin and rebellion, deception and destruction which are the bitter product of the enemy of our soul and the identifying mark of those that practice lawlessness.
He reminds his congregation that sexual purity is not only God's will for all of us, but sexual infidelity is a serious sin against another brother or sister.
People may balk at the thought of murdering someone or robbing a bank, but adultery in thought or in deed is a sin against God and a total violation of His Word and His will.
He sees sexual sins that are carried out behind closed doors, and He sees lust in the secret place of a man's inner heart, and Paul makes it very clear that those who transgress and defraud their brother in this matter will reap a bitter reward for his sin: Because the Lord is the Avenger in all these things.
We are instructed to eschew evil, flee sexual sin, and be set apart unto God.
The Lord does not hold sexual sin lightly for He is the Avenger of all such things.
He was Kinsman-Redeemer of humankind, and He came to earth to pay the price for the sin of the world.
He is the One Who made purification for the sin of the world, after which He rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
It is born-again, Christian brethren, who believe in their hearts that Christ died for their sin and confess Him as Lord and Saviour, who are to consider this Man.
Jesus Christ is God the Son, Who set aside His heavenly glory to come to earth as a Man - yet without sin.
Let us consider the God-Man, the second Adam, the Sacrifice for sin, the Prince of Peace - the incarnate God.
THEY will not be expecting it and will be calling for 'Peace and Safety' or enjoying a bogus type of security - but destruction will suddenly come upon them and they will not escape, for it has been prophesied that God's wrath will finally be poured out on this Christ-rejecting, sin-infected world.
He exhorted them to honour the Lord their God and put the hope and trust in His unfailing resources, while outlining the serious consequences of continuing in sin and rebelling against their God and King.
The work of the Spirit is to convict the unconverted of sin of righteousness and judgement, and when that man or woman believes in their heart that they are a sinner and that Christ died for their sins and rose again the third day, the Holy Spirit, Who reads the very motives of the heart, places them into the Body of Christ as they transfer from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His dear Son.
Only Christ's death on the Cross could save us, for His blood paid the price for our sins.
But whether their focus was on pleasure or discipline, all had their roots in pagan thought, and all were dead in their sins.
For though we are all made in the image and likeness of God through Adam, it is only by the shed blood of Christ Jesus our Saviour, that our sins are washed away.
And all we need to do to have our sins washed away is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
God is light and in Him is no darkness at all – but no true fellowship with the Father is possible when we allow the shadowy darkness of sin to cross the threshold of our heart.Union with the Lord Jesus can never be broken but fellowship with the Father can be broken when we allow sin to snatch control of our lives or when we choose to live in carnality – which reflects the values of the world and not the truth of God.
Close communion with God is severed and sweet fellowship with our Father is fractured when sin infects our heart – and we are not walking in spirit and in truth.
But God, Who dwells in sinless light can never commune with a soul who walks in the darkness of unconfessed sin.
Similarly, when a Christian claims to have fellowship with our sinless God when walking in the darkness of unconfessed sin is equally a lie - it is not practising the truth.
Such claims from believers deny the absolute perfection of our sinless God Who can have no fellowship with sin.
Sin and self separates us from fellowship with our heavenly Father, when we choose to step out of the light and lurk in the shadows of sin and self.
A vital aspect of the Christian life is recognising that we are all sinners and acknowledging that we fall short of the glory of God - that we all need forgiveness of our sin for the salvation of our soul and union with Christ, but we also need to ask for forgiveness when we fall short in our Christian life - for if we confess our sin He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
When fellowship is broken through sin or self, it needs to be restored as soon as possible, and if we confess our sin He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness – thus restoring us back into sweet communion with the Father.
He recalled Israel's escape from Egypt, their entry into the land flowing with milk and honey, their victory over many foes, and God's grace and mercy towards them, despite their apostate ways, abominable sin, and outrageous idolatry.
Right in the middle of his prayer, the Lord told his servant that following the destruction of Jerusalem and dispersion of His people, due to their sin, there was HOPE because He purposed in His heart to gather his scattered nation and bless them mightily.
As Church age believers, we rejoice that Jesus is our Saviour Who redeemed us from the irreversible penalty of sin and its enslaving power over us, by His amazing grace.
The penalty for our sin was paid in full, because we trusted Christ's sacrificial work on the Cross as the propitiation for our sins.
How we rejoice that the wages of sin have been paid in full by Christ on our behalf, and we have been declared righteous in His sight.
The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life to all who believe that Christ died for our sin according to the Scripture and was raised from the dead according to God's written Word.
Only a perfect Man could redeem fallen humanity from the deadly consequences of our sin but only God Himself was good enough to pay the price for sin.
And so God sent Jesus, His only begotten Son, into the world, clothed in human flesh to live a perfect life and die the sacrificial death that would satisfy God's wrath against the sin of fallen humanity and guarantee eternal life to all who would believe.
We were dead in our sins and at enmity with God, and the sacrificial offerings of the old covenant covered the sins of fallen men for a time, but could not remove them.
The glorious truth that Hebrews reveals to Jew and Gentile alike, is that forgiveness of our sin and God's amazing gift of salvation to all who believe in Him, does not depend on what WE do but on what CHRIST did on our behalf.
Let us never take our salvation for granted, and let us never treat as insignificant our eternal position in Christ, our future inheritance, the forgiveness of sins, and everlasting life - for what God has said He will fulfil - not because of who we are but for the honour of His holy name and to the glory of Jesus Christ - our God and Saviour.
Forgiveness of sin and life everlasting are two of the multiple blessings that are ours - in Christ.
He was born into the old, sinful Creation through his human forefathers, Abraham and David - and yet He did not inherit Adam's sin-nature... for He was the eternal Son of God and God the eternal Son.
He was born without a sin-nature and He lived a sinless life, in order to be qualified as our sinless Redeemer... for only a sinless Man was qualified to pay the price for the sin of the whole world.
Jesus was not born dead in trespasses and sin like we are, for He did not have a sin nature.
We were born dead in trespasses and sins because we inherited a sin nature at birth, and the wages of our sin is death.
But Jesus did not fear death, nor was He condemned to die like us, for no sin was found in Him.
Jesus was not a slave to sin, nor was He enslaved by Satan - like we are.
And yet He chose to become part of the human race, in order to take the shocking punishment for all the accumulated sins of fallen humanity so that we would not have to go through being punished for our sin - but would receive forgiveness of sin, eternal life, and become part of a new and perfect Creation - by faith in Him.
We were born in sin.
We were slaves of sin and we were enslaved by Satan because of our sin - and yet Christ willingly sacrificed His own sinless life, so that He might free ALL, who through fear of death, were subjected to slavery. How sad that so many refuse to be saved by rejecting God's offer of salvation, as a free gift which is ours by God's grace - through faith.
He was delivered to death to pay the price for our sin, but His Resurrection from the grave secured our justification.
And His victory over sin, death, and hell is an inescapable part of the whole story of our great salvation.
As the innocent, guiltless sacrificial offering for our sin and the sin of the world, death received its full and final payment.
Death had no hold on the eternal Prince of Life after He paid the price for sin, for in Him is life eternal.
Christ's Resurrection from the dead broke the power of sin and death in the life of all who trust in His name for the forgiveness of sins.
Praise God that Christ died to pay the price for our sin but praise God also that His Resurrection from the grave secured our justification and breathed into us the breath of eternal life.
Let us never forget that the message of the Cross does not end with His death but integrates His glorious Resurrection and His victory over sin, death, and hell as an inescapable part of the good news of our great salvation.
Daniel set about the task of pleading with the Lord to forgive the sins of His people, and to bring them back from captivity to their homeland.
He confessed the gross sins of his people before the Lord and pleaded with Him to hear, to listen, and to take action on their behalf.
He included his own sins in his entreaties and intercessions, for Daniel knew that as a nation Israel had sinned against the Lord and as a nation Israel must repent.
He confessed the sins they had committed and recognised they were not worthy of God's grace and deliverance, but his prayer was founded on the holy name and the unchanging faithfulness of God towards His people and he wept, Do not delay, because YOUR city and YOUR people are called by YOUR HOLY NAME.
After a period of national fasting, individual repentance, prayer, and the confession of their sin (and those of their Jewish forefathers), the entire Jewish nation stood up as one, to listen to the public reading of the Law of Moses and to give heed to the nation's priestly leaders who rehearsed a national prayer of praise and thanksgiving before the Lord.
We justly deserve to be punished for our sin with the consuming fires of God's holy wrath, but Jesus took the punishment that we deserve and God's righteous judgement was poured out upon His head in full measure, instead of ours.
He is not only superior to men and angels, but He is the Passover Lamb, the Sin Offering, the First-fruit from the dead, and the great and dreadful Judge.
We are told that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and in the same way, pride is a germ that disseminates into all kinds of sin and strife.
And so begins the most wonderful passage that outlines to whosoever will, how to be saved - how to be born again - how to be born of the Spirit - how to become a Christian - how to see the kingdom of heaven - how to have their sins forgiven - how to gain eternal life:
There are, however, serious consequences of perverting the truth of the gospel of Christ (Who died for our sins, was buried for three days, and rose from the dead) with a false, legalistic gospel, and in this verse, Paul is fiercely criticising and condemning those who do not teach the truth.
He even looked through God's prophetic telescope to further proclaim the promised Messiah of God Who was to be born in Bethlehem to save His people from their sins.
All those that are blood-bought children of God and who are walking in fellowship with the Lord Jesus can be said to be walking in the truth of His Word – for those that are born again and living in fellowship with the Lord are those that are living their life in through their new, born-again spirit (their new life in Christ), and not living as carnal believers who continue to live their Christian lives under the influence of the old sin nature.
Nothing is more thrilling for a Christian parent, or a believer who has been influential in pointing one younger in the faith to the truth of the gospel, than to see them living according to the truth, walking in fellowship with the Lord Jesus, living in submission to the Holy Spirit's guiding hand, living under the influence of the new man in Christ (and not the old sin nature), and reflecting the grace, truth, love, and humility that flows to them from their Saviour.
There are many precious promises that become ours, the moment we trust in Christ as the sacrifice for our sin.
However, sin is a barrier that can fracture our relationship with the Lord.
If a child of God sins, then fellowship with our Heavenly Father is broken - BUT if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Just as sin separates an unbeliever from being united with our Lord and positioned in Him… so sin causes the fellowship between a believer and God to be severed.
God is faithful and just to forgive His children their sins and to cleanse us once more, when we admit our faults.
Although Christians are positioned in Christ and eternally united with Him, any post-salvation sins we commit will always break the precious communion we enjoy with the Lord.
Sin separates us from our Father until the sin issue is put right.
This can only be done through humble confession of our wrong-doing, and although sin never removes us from our secure position in Christ, it most certainly breaks our fellowship with God, for sin is always a barrier that separates a sinner from a holy God.It was the apostle John who told us that if we confess our sin to our Father, our fellowship with Him will be re-established.
Similarly, James reminds us that if we are separated from God as a result of sin, we are to draw close to Him and He will draw near to us: Draw nigh to God, we are instructed, and he will draw nigh to you. James is simply telling us to confess all our faults to God so that we may be cleansed, purified, restored, and reestablished into fellowship with our Father.
Indeed, James is very straightforward in his reproof, for like John he knows that sin causes an unbridgeable barrier between a Christian and the Lord - a spiritual separation that calls for humble confession and a purified heart... and so he thunders, Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double-minded.
Sin in the life of a believer, must be quickly addressed if close communion with Christ is to be re-established. If fellowship with God is broken, it is a flaw in us and not in the Lord - it is because of our sin and not because God has withdrawn from us.
Humility should replace any double-minded hypocrisy or attempts to justify our sin.
But this can only happen when our hearts are purified before Him, our lives consecrated to Him, and we have separated ourselves from the world - with our conscience washed, our sins confessed, and our mind looking to Jesus, the Author, and Finisher of our faith.
By association with Him, our filthy sin nature has been covered by His perfect righteousness.
By becoming a curse for us, identifying with our sin, and taking our transgressions with Him to the Cross, we are granted the privilege of being declared righteous by the Father and taking on His holy nature.
Our sins were nailed to the Cross when Christ hung there and took our punishment upon Himself.
Through faith in His indescribable act of love, our sins are forgiven, our certificate of debt is cancelled, and He has disarmed the rulers and authorities that enslaved our soul.
We have died with Christ and have been raised up together with Him into newness of life... and a lying tongue or a mouth that practices deceit, is rooted in the old sin nature.
Isaiah had prophesied of him and identified John as being, a voice, crying in the wilderness, 'prepare ye the way of the Lord.' And John came preaching a baptism of repentance to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, for the remission of sins.
Adam's sin in the garden placed all men under the curse of death, and God gave the Law to a tiny segment of humanity to demonstrate to a fallen world the sinful nature within the heart of every man.
And the wages of sin is death; eternal separation from our Heavenly Father and spiritual death for the soul of every man.
God is holy, God is righteous, and God demands that full payment for our sinfulness is made, and the wages of sin is death.
The eternal Son of God became the incarnate Son of Man, to become the single substitute for sin for a race of condemned sinners.
He became the only Man who met its perfect demands, qualifying Him to become our sin substitute, our Kinsman-Redeemer.
Jesus willingly chose to pay the enormous price of sin for you and for me so that all who believe in Him are no longer under the curse of the Law, but under God's gift of grace.
Christ's great concern was truth and love, but His truth exposed their hypocrisy and His compassion unmasked a cold indifference to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and a disdain for the Gentiles who were dead in their sins and without God in the world.
The fanatical condemnation by the scribes and Pharisees of Christ and His followers, was rooted in a rigid, unbiblical legalism that stood in stark contrast with the gracious words that fell from the lips of our Lord and the deep compassion He had for all who were drowning in their sin.
The religious leaders were more concerned with ceremonial washing of hands than the inner cleansing of their heart from sin.
This verse is written to the one that has already been justified, made righteous through believing on that the Lord Jesus Christ Who died on the Cross as their own sin substitute, for His death paid the price for all sin.
We can yield to the Holy Spirit doing a work in our new, born again life that we received at rebirth OR we can resist the work that the Holy Spirit desires to do in our new life and continue to live a carnal type of life under the power of the old sin nature (the old life that still fights for supremacy).
Jesus loves us so much that He died for our sin and gave us a new life that He longs will be conformed into His image and likeness.
After His Resurrection, many of these same Jewish hearers would realise the serious mistake of rejecting their Messiah and repent of their sin and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.
No doubt, the Holy Spirit had been convicting the heart of this rough fisherman of sin, righteousness, and judgement, but Peter exercised His freewill to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved, for when he delivered his earth-shattering reply, Jesus said to him, Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father Who is in heaven.
But the blessing we all receive when we confess this truth and place our faith in Him, is the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
Salvation was contained within that scroll, but only a sinless MAN had the authority and power to unseal its terrible pages and redeem a world lost in sin.
John saw: The Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, in the middle of the throne.
He had read the words of Isaiah, who proclaimed their Messiah would be led as a lamb to the slaughter, and he watched as Jesus became the sacrificial Lamb of God, on the Cross of Calvary as the redemption price for the sin of the world.
From the moment that Adam fell, the individual sins we all commit and the inherited sin nature we receive from our forefathers, inevitably renders us all as guilty sinners before the Lord.
On that truth alone, everyman who has been fathered by man is lost in their trespasses and sins and found guilty before God.
But God in His mercy, grace, justice, and love sent His Son to pay the penalty of every sin committed by everyman.
The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, for as we read: If the Lord should mark our iniquities, who could stand?
Do this in remembrance of Me. Year after year, ever since the miraculous exodus from Egypt, the people of Israel had taken a little innocent, spotless lamb and slain it on the altar of sacrifice before the God of Israel, as a picture of the promised Messiah Who was to come and save His people from their sins and offer His life as a ransom for the whole world.
And now, so many years later, the body and blood of the Saviour was about to be spilt for the sins of humanity.
And as He broke the unleavened bread which represented His sinless body, and offered the cup which spoke of His lifeblood being poured out for every member of sinful humanity, it pictured His own precious body being broken on the Cross and His very lifeblood being poured out before God the Father as the only offering for sin, to pay the price for your sin and for mine.
He is the One Who was to come to save His people from their sin, and bring in a glorious kingdom of everlasting righteousness.
The blessings these faithful folk in Hebrews 11 are to enjoy, are still future, for their blessings are to flow to them through the Person of JESUS, His Office and His Ministry, His death on the Cross, His resurrected life, and His victory over Satan, sin, death, and hell.
Before Jesus could be crowned as Israel's Messiah or be admired by the Gentiles for His great wisdom, He had to pay the price for the sin of the world.
Had Christ been crowned as the Jewish Messiah and hailed as their conquering hero before dying on the Cross, OR had He been elevated to the heights of a world-renowned philosophical thinker in Gentile regions, He would have remained alone and we would continue to be dead in our sin and without hope in the world.
And He did this so that the purchase price for sin could be paid in full, with His broken body and shed blood, for you and for me.
In this passage, Jesus already knew that He would be rejected by Israel as prophesied in Scripture, and He was starting to hint at the coming Cross of Calvary, where He would offer His life as the ransom price for the sin of the world.
His sacrificial death on the Cross paid the price for our sins.
Within a couple of chapters of Genesis, we see Eve desiring what was forbidden and then tempting her husband into wilful sin, and the result was not what God had planned for the man and his wife who were created in God's own image and likeness.
God is holy, and sin... whether premeditated or unintentional, must be punished.
And whether we sin consciously and wilfully - or unconsciously and accidentally - all sin is punishable by death.
This was not how God originally planned their relationship, but sin corrupted God's perfect creation and only the perfect sacrifice for sin, in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, would be sufficient to wash away its stain.
Instead of the mutual love, a united interdependence, and the corresponding respect that husbands and wives should have for one another, this relationship has become distorted by sin.
Instead of living in the beautiful, married harmony which God intended for the human race, the Lord told Eve that the consequences of her sin would be that men and women would live in ongoing conflict and un-abandoned competition with one another.
They testified to the truth that Paul's imprisonment and all the problems that this had caused to him and others, was a wonderful tribute to the Lord Jesus and evidence of God's faithfulness towards his servant, for many in the palace guard and elsewhere had come to faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
We were born dead in our sins, but have been made alive in Christ and become children of God and joint heirs with Him.
Christ's death was in payment for the sin of the whole world: For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, so that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life, and this is God's free gift of grace.
Christ's Resurrection broke the power of sin and death in the lives of all who would place their trust in Him, and Christ's commission remains the same today: Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation.
And in this verse, we are invited to come close to Him - to draw near to our Heavenly Father in full assurance that the price Christ paid for our sin at Calvary is paid in full and is entirely sufficient – amen!
The man or woman that has been cleansed from sin, by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus, is encouraged to draw ever closer to the Lord with fervent faith because they are a new creation in Christ whose heart has been made free from the sense of sin and whose body is washed with clean water.
No external washing could purify the conscience of a fallen man or cleanse the blackened thoughts of a heart that is smeared with sin.
For our guilty consciences have been set free from the guilt of sin, through Christ’s precious, redeeming blood.
This caused Paul to quickly write his second epistle, correcting this doctrinal error and reminding them of his earlier teachings about the coming 'Day of the Lord', our being gathered together to Christ, 'the mystery of lawlessness', and the revealing of 'the man of sin'.
There are also reminders for Israel to turn from their idolatry, repent of their past sins, and trust in God and Jesus Christ, the true Shepherd of Israel Whom He has sent.
The two mandatory offerings were the Sin Offering and the Trespass Offering.
The compulsory Sin Offering pictures the Lord Jesus as the obedient and dutiful Son Who was given by the Father to be judged for our sin, to take the punishment for our sin, and Who was 'made sin' for us.
It exemplifies Him as the Son who was GIVEN as the sacrifice for sin.
And as the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, He had to endure the full force of God's wrath, poured out on Him in our stead, for the forgiveness of OUR sin.
Similarly, the mandatory Trespass Offering pictured Christ enduring the Cross so that we, who are dead in sin and without hope in the world, can be fully restored, by faith in Him.
And during this current dispensation the Holy Spirit, Who indwells all Church-age saints, is restraining evil, through the prayers, praises, and presence of believers, who are called to be salt and light in a dark and putrefying world of sin and lawlessness.
Oh, the Holy Spirit, Who is omnipresent, will still be on earth to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement, for He is omnipresent... but His specific work of restraining evil, through the prayers and praises of Church age saints will come to an end at the Rapture.
And once the Restrainer is taken out of the way, the man of sin will be revealed.
May God give each one of us the opportunity to tell others that Jesus died for our sin, was buried and rose again from the dead, and that all who believe on His name, will be rescued from the wrath to come, as lawlessness engulfs the earth in the coming time of Great Tribulation.
Church-age believers are not appointed to go through this time of divine judgement, because God's wrath was poured out on Christ when He died on Calvary's Cross to pay the price for our sins.
God's plan of redemption began when sin entered the world.
Peter's protest, which attempted to save Jesus from being handed over to the Gentile nations and crucified to pay the price for the sin of the world, may have been born out of deep love for his Master, but ignorant of God's perfect plan of redemption.
The second Member of the Trinity is the eternal Son of God Who was born into the human race as Jesus; the perfect Man Who alone had the authority and the credentials to become the only acceptable sacrifice for the sin of the whole world.
Jesus is the God-Man, Who by God's grace, tasted death for every member of the human race so that by faith in His sacrificial death for the forgiveness of sin and His glorious Resurrection for life everlasting, we might be redeemed and adopted into the family of God and become part of the Body of Christ.
This has nothing to do with our own abilities or merit, but comes only from the Holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus Who lives in each one, because He was prepared to be made sin for us.
The death, burial, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, is the mainspring upon which our salvation rests, and the Holy Spirit Himself inspired holy men of God to record in advance the saving message of grace, upon which our salvation rests: That Christ died for our sins, that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day - according to the Scriptures.
There are some who water down the saving message to make it more palatable for the 'sin-shy, seeker-friendly' unbeliever, who finds the Cross unpalatable.
Let us hold fast to the uncomplicated truth: That God the Son, in the Person of Jesus Christ, died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scripture, to Whom be all praise and glory for ever and ever.
Through Him God promised: To finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place.
It was through the Cross that Christ finished the transgression of His people, Israel, and made an end to sin, not only for the remnant of His people who will one day look upon Him Whom they pierced, but for all who receive the Lord Jesus Christ as they sin-substitute and trust in Him as their resurrected Saviour.
The Law was a schoolmaster to point them to Christ... so they would acknowledge their sinfulness, recognise their need of a Saviour, and look for their coming Messiah Who would save His people from their sin.
He would then pay the price for our sin through His sacrificial death.
He was identified with our sin so that we might be identified with His righteousness.The Old Covenant dictated a death sentence for imperfect humanity, for no one could ever be good enough to fulfil its unattainable demands and reach absolute perfection.
The spilt blood of bulls and goats that were slaughtered on the altar of sacrifice during the pre-Cross dispensation of Law, could only cover the sin of the people.
Sin could only be covered until the perfect, human sacrifice... in the Person and work of Jesus Christ came to pay the full and finished price for sin, when He cut the New Covenant in His blood - a covenant that will be ratified when Israel finally acknowledges Jesus as Lord.
The bloody sacrifice that Abel offered to the Lord to cover his own sins when he killed the firstling of his flock, was acceptable to God, for Able was a man of faith who trusted God’s promise of a coming Saviour... by sacrificing a lamb on an altar as a covering for his sin.But the sacrifice of Christ is infinitely superior to that of Abel, for Jesus offered His own blood which paid the price for the sin of the whole world, including your sins and mine.
He was the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
The shedding of innocent blood covered Abel's sin, but the basket of fruit, the work of Cain's hand, could never cover sin - and so Abel obtained the testimony that he was righteous – for the righteous live by faith.
It tells of the practical benefits we gain, the way to live godly in Christ Jesus, the place of the Law in our lives, and how the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the Law of sin and death.
The simple truth is that we who were once dead in our sins and at enmity with God, have been made alive by faith in Christ Jesus, brought near to the Father, adopted as His children, and indwelled by His Spirit: And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us, that same Holy Spirit will also give life to our mortal bodies, through the Spirit who dwells within each of us.
Christ has already been judged for our sin at Calvary's Cross. And on that first Day of Pentecost, those early disciples were not only baptised into the Body of Christ by the Spirit as promised, but were also: Filled with the Spirit, and endowed with spiritual gifts; for they all spoke in different languages, proclaiming the wonderful works of God as the Spirit gave them utterance.
The Lord Jesus not only offered Himself as the compulsory Sin-Offering to take away the sin of the world, but He gave Himself as the voluntary Burnt Offering.
He knew that his people, Israel, were in captivity in Babylon because of their gross sin, idolatrous apostasy, and ongoing unbelief.
It was his faith in God and his understanding of the Scriptures that caused Daniel to fast, pray, and confess his sin and the sin of the whole nation.
He covered himself in sackcloth and ashes as was the custom of the day, to demonstrate the heartfelt grief he felt about Israel's gross sin against the Lord as he offered up his pleading supplication to the Lord.
He also knew from other Scripture: If God's people, who were called by His name would humble themselves and pray and seek His face and turn from their wicked ways, that He would hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land.
And so Daniel humbled himself, fasted, confessed his sin and the sin of his nation, and Daniel prayed into the promises of God.
And it was while Daniel was praying; while Daniel was confessing his sin and the sin of his people and presenting his supplication to the Lord, that God answered his prayer.
Not only did Daniel's prayer include confession of sin and rest securely on the promises, precepts, and prophecies of God, but it also was founded on a profound understanding and total acceptance of the perfect character and holy attributes of God.
Daniel was an old man when he prayed and confessed before the Lord, but his beautiful prayer and the prophetic answer that he received from God would impact millions of men and women down through centuries of time who have been brought to an understanding of the 70-weeks of Daniel, which were determined for Israel and Jerusalem: To finish transgression, to make an end of sin, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most High.
But the Bible tells us in simple terms: Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.
The gospel message was given to Paul by divine revelation: That Christ died for our sins, that He was buried, and rose again, and Paul reminds us that we received our salvation as a free gift of grace, through faith in the death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Christ died FOR our sin according to the Old Testament Scriptures, and the New Testament Scriptures expand on this truth that He also died TO sin, on our account.
Christ died to pay the penalty for our sins but He also died to break the power of sin in our lives.
Indeed, Christ died for the sin of the whole world.
He was the sin-sacrifice for the whole world so that whoever believes on Him would not perish but have life - His resurrected life - His eternal life - His abundant life - the new life in Christ.
And He died TO sin so that the power of sin in the life of a believer could be broken in our lives.
The gospel message of saving grace is the most important information that we will ever hear and it is most vital message that we need to share with a lost and dying world, for Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners and then to live His life through them - by grace through believing that: Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures.
To those who are lost and perishing, to those who have not trusted in the shed blood of Christ for the forgiveness of sins and God's free gift of eternal life, the message of the Cross is insane madness, stupid silliness, and illogical idiocy.
The shed blood of Christ as the redemptive price for the forgiveness of sin and His glorious Resurrection from the dead with its promise of eternal life and our blessed hope in Christ's soon return, is our glorious hope and our sufficient strength, for it is the power of GOD and the wisdom of GOD.
To the unsaved Gentiles who are dead in their trespasses and sins, the message of the Cross is utter foolishness.
The world fell under the power of Satan when sin entered the world, and so the Lord took Israel from the sea of humanity to be His chosen nation.
At the time of the Lord Jesus, when Israel once again failed to repent of their sin and rejected their Messiah, God used the Church (which is Christ's Body) to go into all the world and tell forth the good news of the gospel of grace to the unsaved.
The only way a sinner can be forgiven is if the price of his sin is paid by a righteous Man.
God's plan of redemption did not deny God's righteous character which dictates that sin is punishable by death.
The old fallen sin nature has to be exchanged for a NEW Christlike nature.
The new birth is the glorious fact of regeneration and spiritual renewal by the Holy Spirit when a lost sinner believes on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
For many centuries, Israel broke their covenant with the Lord, Who graciously raised up numerous prophetic voices to warn them of impending judgement if they did not turn from their sin and honour the covenant they made with Him.
HE is able open the book and its seven seals. HE is the One Who is able to redeem the world from the corruption brought about by man's sin.
He is our Saviour too and the Redeemer of both Jews and Gentiles, in a world that has been corrupted by sin.
It was for ALL our sakes that Christ Jesus came into the world as the LAMB of GOD Who has taken away the sin of the world and He is seated in heavenly places, waiting to break the seal on that supernatural scroll which He holds in His glorified, nail-pierced hands, for your sake and for mine.
JESUS was the sacrificial LAMB of God, slain from the foundation of the world Who was willingly sacrificed, on our behalf, to take away the sin of the world.
It was for US that He paid the price for sin and for US He rose again so that OUR sin could be forgiven and OUR BODIES be resurrected, to be like unto His glorious, eternal Body.
And so it was, at this point in God's plan of salvation, that Christ... the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, could step forward and carry out the final act which would irrevocably set in motion the full and final redemption of the world.
The Lord Jesus was sent by God to be the suffering Servant for the sin of mankind, and throughout His earthly life He became the perfect example of dignity, greatness, humility, and gracious service.
He was about to be slain on a cross as Israel's Passover Lamb and the sin-substitute for the world, in fulfilment of holy Scripture.
Jesus was also the lowly child Who was born to save His people from their sins.
Jesus did all this and more so that He could die on the Cross as the ransom price for the sin of the world.
There is nothing that needs to be added to Christ's finished work on the Cross, and there is nothing we can do to make our salvation more secure than it already is - for in Christ we are saved as a free gift of grace, by believing: Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day.
Without believing in both the crucifixion AND the Resurrection there is no salvation in Christ, and Paul realised that there were some in the Corinthian church who were professing to be believers, but who did not believe in the entirety of the gospel which he himself had outlined: That Christ died for our sins, was buried, and was RAISED the third day.
To believe in vain is not to believe in all aspects of the gospel of grace which Paul taught), that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures.
Paul was called to preach the glorious gospel of the blessed God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ: that He died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried and raised again on the third day, according to the Scriptures.
Paul was chosen to teach the Word of truth to sinners who were dead in their trespasses and sins; men and women who were without hope in the world.
Perhaps it was the extreme severity of this seventh plague that caused Pharoah to temporarily repent of his sin against the Lord, but it was soon replaced by a heart that was hardened against Him.
However sin must always be punished, and when God's plan of redemption is traced from Genesis to Revelation, it is the long-suffering and merciful nature of God that is clearly identified in all His wonderful works, and His goodness and grace towards the rebellious heart of man is clearly seen.
It is not God's will that any should perish, and over and again God gave Pharaoh the opportunity to repent of His sin.
The Spirit of God comes to permanently dwell in the body of someone who believes that Jesus died for their sin, was buried, and rose again, according to the Scripture.
He loved us while we were dead in trespasses, and convicted us of sin, righteousness, and judgement.
And for centuries that followed, the nation of Israel would look back to the first Passover lambs which was a type of the One, True, Unique Passover Lamb - the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, the Sacrificial Lamb Who is worthy of all honour, glory, might, majesty, dominion, and power, both now and throughout the eternal ages to come.
We were sons of disobedience, subjected to the spirit of the age, and we entered this world in a ruinous state - stained by sin and at enmity with God.
We were born in sin which means that we came into this world with a sin nature; condemned to spiritual death and eternally separated from our God and Creator.
Before our conversion, we were all slaves of Satan and prey to our sin nature.
Before salvation, we were dead in our trespasses and corrupted by sins.
And because of the great love with which He loved us, He sent Jesus to be the propitiation for our sin: But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our wrongdoings, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
If God had so designed His plan of redemption that Adam paid the price for his own sin alone and we paid the debt for all our sin - NO-ONE could ever be saved.
BUT, because sin entered the world by one man's sin, God could offer His gracious plan of redemption to ALL through the perfect life of ONE MAN - our Saviour Jesus Christ.
It is trusting in the death, burial, and Resurrection of Christ Jesus our Saviour for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, that overcomes the world.
We are identified with His death and we are identified with His victory over sin, death, and the world.
By faith in Christ, we have overcome the ungodly world system that is saturated in sin and seeks to entrap us all in its many and varied temptations and enticements.
It was not a method of salvation, for its demands were far beyond man's moral capabilities due to our sin nature, but it was the means God used to show man his sinfulness and need of a Saviour.
The broken Law demanded the penalty of death; for the curse of the Law is death and Christ's death on the Cross paid the penalty for sin so that all who believed on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
We who are saved by grace through faith, praise God because Christ fulfilled the Law on our behalf, removing us from its curse and guilt and forgiving us our sin.
But there were other aspects of the Law that had to be fulfilled which related to the Passover Lamb, the Burnt Offering, the Sin Offering, the High Priestly requirements, and laws relating to the Tabernacle and the Priesthood, which Christ alone could fulfil.
Christ alone could carry out all the righteous requirements of the Law in connection with the Passover Lamb, where an innocent Lamb without blemish would be selected on the 10th day of the 1st month, and slain on the 14th day of the same month for the sin of the nation; and the Law requires that not one bone of the Lamb was to be broken.
Only He could carry out the many legal requirements in connection with the Passover Lamb, the Sin Offering, the Burnt Offering, the Grain offering, the Wave offering, the Priesthood etc - all of which were specific aspects of the Mosaic Law which all HAD to be fulfilled.
When Jesus died on the Cross, He most certainly was made sin for us and took the curse of the Law that we deserve upon Himself.
As believers, we have been removed from the Law of sin and death by faith in Christ, and are now under the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
The core of the saving gospel of Christ is that the perfect Son of God came to earth, died for our sins, and rose again from the dead.
Worldly pagans who were dead in their trespasses and sin and without God in the world, had been transformed into the people of God.
People who were wallowing in the sordid sins of fallen man were changed into saints of God who were made rich in every way; enriched in speech and knowledge of every kind, and not lacking in any spiritual gift.
It is the glorious gospel of grace by which we are saved: That Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.
He was tempted and tried like we are, yet without sin, and Jesus was also required to suffer deep pain in the fires of earthly affliction and false accusations.
It is also Jesus to Whom the indwelling Spirit of God directs our gaze, and it is Jesus Who demands our worship and praise, our adoration and grateful thanks – for just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so that all who looked upon that bronze serpent would live, so Jesus Christ, our blessed Saviour, was lifted up on the Cross of Calvary so that all who look to Him would be saved by grace through faith and have forgiveness of sins and everlasting life.In this passage, we are exhorted to look away from all things that hinder or halt our spiritual growth and to turn our gaze trustingly, intently, and purposefully toward the lovely Lord Jesus.
There should be a regular examination of one's biblical principles to ensure that we are not straying from the path of righteousness, becoming embroiled in legalist practices, or claiming that our liberty in Christ is a licence to sin.
We are reminded in many places in Scripture, that we are no longer under the curse of the Mosaic Law which is the tool our Creator established to expose our sin and bring us to the Cross for forgiveness.
Once we are born again, we are no longer under the Law of sin and death, but under the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus.
Starting with a lament on the brevity of life inspires the need for the sinner to safeguard their soul by turning from sin and seeking God's divine presence in every circumstance of life.
The people in this section are reminded that in this world there will be times of great trouble and tribulation, for sin must be punished by a God of holiness. Nevertheless, the consoling thought is that God loves those he chastens and scourges every son whom He accepts.
For those of us who look back to the Cross, we clearly see the picture Jesus painted here, as the One and only sacrifice for the sin of the world.
Finally, John the Baptist strode onto the biblical scene as a prophetic voice calling for God's people to repent of their sin and preparing the way of the Lord.
He identified Him as the Chosen of God Who would save His people from their sin.
This man, who came in the spirit and power of Elijah, was calling God's nation to turn from its wicked ways, repent of their sin, return to the Lord, and produce fruit that comes from a repentant heart.
JESUS took upon Himself our sins at the Cross so that by faith in Him we can 'die to sin' or 'give up' the sinful life and have it replaced with a righteous life; a life that identifies with Christ.
It is the one in which believers engage as an outward sign of the inward change, because they trusted Christ's sacrifice for sin, and were born again of the Spirit Who baptised them into the Body of Christ.
Being baptised with the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ is perhaps one of the most misunderstood concepts in the Bible, but perhaps 1 Corinthians 12:13 offers the clearest description of this once-for-all, supernatural event that takes place in the life of every Christian, the moment they place their faith in Christ for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting: For in the power of one Spirit, we have all been baptised into one Body; we have been placed INTO Christ's Body; we have become a Member of Christ's Body, which is the Church, whether Jews or Greeks, whether bondmen or free, and have all been given to drink of one Spirit.
He has promised to forgive their sins and to usher in a time of peace, prosperity, justice, and righteousness - when the wolf will lie down with the lamb and a little child shall lead them.
All who are called by His name, forgiven of their sins, and have been granted eternal life, will carry out their service of righteousness, in quietness and in confidence, forever.
Yes, God in His mercy chose to redeem MAN. Let us remember that Christ Himself was sent from heaven to take on the form of a man, and be born into the human race so that His shed human blood would pay the price of humanity's sin.
Every act and action, every temptation and trial, every pain, and every prayer, was preparing Him for this ultimate hour, without which the sins of the world could never have been forgiven and salvation could never have been procured.
They are called a great cloud of witnesses, and indeed their lives demonstrate a trust in God that stands as a wonderful testimony to the faithfulness of God in their lives, and a great encouragement for us to run the race that lies before us, and press on for the high call of God as we look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith Who endured the Cross for our sake: Therefore, we are exhorted, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.
They finished the race that was set before them having set aside the sin which plagues so many Christians – the sin of unbelief.
And as we look at their example, we are challenged in our own race through life, to forget the things which are behind, to discard anything and everything that might impede our progress or hinders our witness, as we reach forward to complete God's plans and purposes for our lives.It is the sin of unbelief that can so easily ensnare and entangle us, for unbelief can become an unbearable weight on our hearts which fosters fear and chokes our faith.
Knowing that we too are following in the footsteps of such a great a cloud of witnesses, let us endeavour to lay aside every weight that hinders our personal Christian life so that we do not fall into the sin of unbelief which can so easily beset us in the race of life – and let us run with patient endurance the race that is set before us, looking to JESUS, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Soon after the creation of the perfect world and the genesis of man, Adam sinned; and the wages of sin is death.
As a result of sin, death came into the world and reigns in the life of every man, for all have sinned and all fall short of God's glory.
As part of Adam's race, we are all born spiritually dead in sin and at enmity with God.
We are not sinners because we sin; we sin because we are a race of sinners, and as such are the prey of death.
God's purpose for man may have been set aside for a season due to sin, but He had already determined, before the foundation of the world, to save his fallen race.
Just as sin entered the world by one man who sinned, God purposed to abolish death through a perfect Man Who lived a sinless life, a Man Who would be tempted to sin like we are tempted and could sympathise with all our human weaknesses, yet was without sin.
If the eternal God Himself, became part of His own creation, lived a sinless life, and was willing to offer that life as the sacrificial payment for the sin of the whole world, death would be defeated forever, for death has no claim on a sinless Man.
If the sin of one man brought death on every one of his physical descendants, so the sacrificial death of a sinless Man would be sufficient to pay the price for sin, abolish the icy grip of death, reverse the curse of the law, and give life to every one of His spiritual descendants.
He lived a perfect, sinless life and willingly offered His life as the ransom price for the entire, disgusting, swamp of humanity's sin.
He conquered sin and death on behalf of ALL those who believe on Him.
Good works cannot redeem a sinner from the slave market of sin.
Rahab discovered that: Though her sins were like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.
We should be so grateful for our great salvation, which has set us free from the bondage of sin and promised us eternal life, together with the many benefits that are ours in Christ.
He is that gracious Light, that streams eternal love into the broken lives of Adam's fallen race, and He is the pure Light - the redeeming Light, Who speaks new-life into the one who is dead in trespasses and sins.
Jesus was able to expose the hypocritical sin that was lurking within every man, elder, Scribe, and Pharisee that stood before Him that day.
Jesus was offering these hard-hearted men the light that comes from God's presence - the light that produces eternal life - but they resisted His invitation, and remained dead in their sins.
Today, the world is in deep darkness, and submerged in sickness, sin, evil, and ignorance... yet in His goodness and grace, Christ stripped Himself of His glory and clothed Himself in human flesh.
While the Law most certainly is the tool God has used to identify sin in our lives, the Law is powerless to save us from our sin.
Knowledge of God's Law helps us to identify our sin, but it cannot pardon us.
In Romans 8, we are given a clue as to how the death of Another (the death of the Lord Jesus), is able to break the binding relationship we all have with sin, the Law, and its dominion over us.
But by grace through faith, our old man, our old sin nature is nailed to the Cross with Jesus, and our relationship with sin is rendered null and void.
Death no longer is master over Him, so sin and death is no longer master over us.
Because of what Christ has done to save us from the PENALTY of sin (the wages of sin is death) and the POWER the Law used to have over us, we are also to consider ourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus.
We are no longer slaves to sin but gain our freedom in Christ.
Because Jesus did not sin at all, He did not have to die for His sin, but He CHOSE to die to pay the price for your sin, for my sin, and for the sin of the whole world.
And His sinless death paid the price that God required to cover the sin of the whole world: For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved from the penalty and power of sin, death, the Law, and Satan.
He was the Saviour Whom prophets foretold would save His people from their sins, and long after Jesus explained to Nicodemus that a man must be born again to receive eternal life, we discover a lawyer who was an expert in the Law of Moses, who also came to the Lord Jesus to a seek an alternative way of salvation by asking the question, Teacher, what must I DO to INHERIT eternal life?
Godly righteousness comes through faith in Christ, for He alone has saved us from our sin.
God's Sabbath rest happened before man fell and sin entered the world, and so Israel's Sabbath was also to be a sign that pointed forward to a future rest - a promised rest for the people of God.
Paul made it clear to Timothy that a terrible time was fast approaching when ungodly men and women would hold to a form of godliness yet would deny its power: Have nothing to do with such people, he warned, and explained that these people were deceivers who would try to worm their way into different households and captivate weak-willed women and sway them with all kinds of desires, because they were weighed down with sin.
He knew that the One Who was to come, would bring comfort and peace to the weary, war-torn nation of Israel who, for so many centuries, had been dominated by a succession of Gentile governments and who, for so long, had fallen into careless apostasy, a false religiosity, and unrepentant sin.
This account presents us with actual historical details, which pinpoint the time when God the Son came to earth as the Son of Man, to pay the price for the sin of the world.
It seems, from Paul's dynamic dialogue, that they were accusing him that his preaching of freedom from the law was giving Christians a license to sin.
New Testament teachings to the Church on how to live are very clear and never give believers a licence to sin.
A curse on those who teach a false Christianity, was Paul's denunciation - a curse on those that teach a licence to sin as well as those that endorse legalism.
If Paul, in these early days of the Church, was so viciously attacked by these legalistic, Pharisaic teachers who deliberately tied up heavy legalistic burdens on men's shoulders in order to entrap them, manipulate them, enslave them, and place them back under the curse of the Law... how much more do we, in these closing days of Christendom, need to be equally vigilant in our defence of the glorious gospel of God - for Christ died for our sins and rose again the third day so that by faith in His sacrificial work on the Cross and glorious Resurrection, we have been freed from the curse of the Law - which is death - and have been born anew where we walk in spirit and truth under the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
Jesus died once and for all as the sacrifice for man's sin, and rose as living proof of His claims to be Israel's Messiah and Saviour of the world.
For over two thousand years, the nation of Israel were called to be God's witnesses to a God-hating sinful world who were dead in their sins and without God in the world.
We did not choose Him, for we were dead in our trespasses, slaves to sin, and eternally estranged from His Father.
Is it not to carry out His plans and His purposes in a Christ-rejecting sinful world, and is it not that we might know the mysteries of God so that they might be made known to others that are lost in their sins?
But by the grace of God through faith in the Lord Jesus, every single sin, past, present, and future, has already been removed as far as the east is from the west.
It is by the grace and mercy of God, that the burden of sin that we all carry and which condemns us to eternal death and hell has been lifted, and the barrier of sin which excludes us forever from the presence of our God, has been removed.
Christ paid the price for our sins and broke the power of sin in our lives, and God in His grace and mercy has taken every one of those foul thoughts, words, and deeds, and flung them forever into the outer limits of extremity.
If God has done this marvellous deed and separated us forever from our sin, should we not accept as fact that there is now NO condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus and not keep trying to win His favour?
What a poignant portrait of the sinless Lamb of God Who was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities so that He could die an ignominious death as the sacrifice for our sin.
He was led as a lamb to the slaughter and was smitten of God for our sakes – so that by grace through faith in His selfless, sacrificial work on Calvary’s Cross, we might be forgiven of our sin, brought back into fellowship with God, clothed in Christ's perfect righteousness, receive access to the throne of grace, and be endowed with the riches of God’s abundant blessings towards us – in Christ Jesus our Lord.
But we must never forget that Israel is the nation to whom Isaiah is speaking specifically, and although there is much that we can apply to our own lives and Christian walk, it was Israel who was given the command to sing forth the greatness of God to the surrounding nations. Israel was given the command to tell all people groups, who were dead in trespasses and sins, of God’s gracious character and His redeeming love.It was Israel that was called to proclaim to all people that their promised Messiah of Israel was the coming King of kings and Prince of Peace – and to Israel was given the responsibility of being a light to lighten the Gentile nations.
When his own sins were confessed and forgiven by God, Isaiah was ready and willing to be sent on a life-time mission to minister to his own, sinful nation who were blinded to their own faults.
The rebellious hearts of those to whom Isaiah would dedicate his life and ministry, would not recognise their evil ways nor repent of their sin.
Isaiah was called to alert his people, and us, to our sin and our need of salvation.
Because of the destructive nature of sin, the Lord regretted He had made man on the earth.
It was Shem, Ham, and Japheth, who began to repopulate an earth that had been purged of sin.
It was these three men who followed in the footpath of their forefather Adam to be fruitful and multiply, after he had been judged for his sin and excluded from Eden, the garden of delight.
And Paul used Israel's escape from Egypt, the crossing of the Red Sea, and their 40-year long wilderness wanderings to teach the Church this important lesson, for they all were baptised into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, when they were rescued from Egypt, by faith - just as the Church are all baptised into Christ, when we are rescued from the slave-market of sin, by faith.
Their sins were covered by the lamb's blood until JESUS, the true Messiah would come.
And because Israel were covered by the blood of those little Passover lambs, they were declared righteous, like their forefather Abraham - and together with all Old Testament saints, the Israelites, who were saved from Egypt, had to wait for the Real Passover Lamb to come - the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the WHOLE world.
FIRST: identification with Moses, who brought them out of Egypt and SECOND: identification with Christ Who would pay the price for their sin.
Jesus, the Seed of Abraham, was the sinless Son of God Who came to earth as the perfect Son of Man and Who willingly gave His life to pay the price for the sin of the world so that whosoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
Magnification of the Lord and the jubilant exaltation of His holy name, should be a dear desire in the heart of all who have been forgiven of their sins by faith in Christ and have received eternal life by the goodness and grace of Almighty God.
Israel were God's chosen people and had a unique relationship with Him, which made their sin against Him all the more serious.
the call for Israel to repent of their sin and turn from their idolatry, or suffer the consequences of their ongoing rebellion.
God's people had experienced numerous warnings from God, not only through the words of the prophets but in the form of famine, earthquakes, drought, blight, plagues, wars, and other devastating catastrophes in an attempt to call them as a nation to repent of their sin and turn back to the Lord.
The doorway of this day of grace has been standing open for 2000 years for whosoever will repent of their sins, turn to the Lord, and be saved by grace through faith in the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
But the open door into full forgiveness of sin and life everlasting is soon to be closed, and the floodgates of God's wrath are soon to be poured out on a God-hating, Christ-rejecting, sinful world in a coming time of terrible judgement as foretold by the prophets of old.
Let us continue to sound the alarm of God's approaching judgement to those that are lost in their sin and blinded to the truth, and pray that in His wrath God will graciously remember mercy, knowing that the day is coming when those that have rejected His offer of salvation and free gift of eternal life, will have to stand before His Great White Throne of terrible judgement and have to face an eternity without God and without hope.
The personal name 'Jesus' was given to Him at the time of His birth, for He shall save His people from their sins and redeem a lost world by means of His sinless life and substitutionary death.
Before we were saved by grace through faith in Christ, we were dead in our sins, at enmity with God, slaves of Satan, and governed by the old, fallen sin-nature.
The catalogue of activity Peter cited, were a list of sins that characterised the unruly behaviour and worldly pursuits associated with unsaved, 'uncircumcised' Gentiles.
Knowing that the hour of His passion was fast approaching, when the Son of Man would be lifted up on the Cross for the sin of the world, Jesus crossed the Jorden as He prepared to set his face as a flint to go to Jerusalem.
Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem for the Feast of Passover, where He would be sacrificed as the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, and this account of the healing of blind Bartimaeus is the last recorded healing miracle in Mark.
We are charged to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, and we are counselled to believe on the One Whom God sent into the world to be the propitiation for our sins.
It is by God's grace that the Father gave His only begotten Son to pay the ransom price for our sin, and it is by faith in His finished work on Calvary's Cross, that salvation (the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting) becomes our eternal possession.
John also makes it very clear that He wrote his Gospel as a witness to the world that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in His name, the lost will be saved, sin will be forgiven, and eternal life will become the everlasting possession through time and into eternity, of all who believe on the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Christ was made an offering for sin, the sin of the whole world, but He willingly went to the Cross as a freewill offering of love for his friends who are His Body, the Church.
It was as this final Passover approached, that we find Jesus washing His disciples' feet in the upper room, breaking bread, which represented His body, and sharing the cup of redemption, which symbolised His blood shed for the sin of the whole world.
The promises of the New Covenant; victory over sin and death, the indwelling Holy Spirit, and all the privileges that come with our great salvation, were cut at Calvary - the promises were secured at the Cross.
Let us rejoice that the life-giving power of the Spirit through union with Christ Jesus, has set us free from the power of sin and death.
Adam had the opportunity to eat of this life-preserving Tree or to disobey God's one, simple command: Do not eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. The moment he sinned against the Lord, Adam died spiritually and began the slow process of physical death, which has been passed to all his offspring, for all are imputed with sin and all must face death because of his one sin.
Without Christ there is no hope for the sinner, who is dead in sin.
Only He can forgive sins and only He has the words of eternal life.
repent of your sin. The people had fallen into apostasy and sin, and the entire nation had to repent collectively.
Despite the truth Christ taught and the warnings He gave, the Scribes and Pharisees finally went too far, by committing the unforgivable sin - they blasphemed the Holy Spirit, by calling Christ the son of the Devil.
Some people today worry that they have committed the unforgivable sin.
They worry that they have said something that God will not forgive... and generally it is a sin that is personal to themselves.
But no-one who believes that Jesus died for their sin, was buried, and rose again the third day could ever commit this unpardonable sin against the Holy Spirit.
They were to shed abroad the wonders of His name and proclaim throughout the world the glorious news of salvation by grace through faith to those who were dead in sin.
Only humanity is the recipient of God's redemptive grace, whereby Christ become one of us and took upon Himself the role of man's Kinsman-Redeemer when He died for our sin, on Calvary's tree.
This question from the high priest was irrelevant for Jesus had openly demonstrated His Messianic qualification by means of His many signs and wonders and His claims to deity were equally blatant - for Who but God can forgive sins?
But the God of Israel is infinitely wise and gloriously faithful to His people, and although in His great omniscience He knew they would fail to keep their part of the covenant with Him, He had foreordained that He would one day send His only begotten Son to pay the price for their rebellious failure and multitude of sins.
Within the Shema was a precious reference to the ONE Who would set aside His eternal glory and be born in the likeness of sinful man so that He would save His people from their sins.
Moses was a man of God who spent much of his ministry to Israel calling for them to trust in the Lord, and to turn from their sin of unbelief and rebellion.
Wash, and be clean, was the simple task that Naaman was given: Wash, and be clean, is the call to all prideful sinners who are stained by sin.
So much of this beautiful story reminds us of the rottenness of sin, our need to be cleansed and restored, and our inability to help ourselves.
But how often is this scenario repeated in this day and age, when sin-sick sinners hear the simple truth of the gospel but are too proud to humble themselves before the mighty hand of God, and cry out to Him for forgiveness and cleansing?
The gospel is simple enough for a child to understand; that Christ died for our sins and paid a debt we could not pay.
We are redeemed from the slave-market of sin and have become God's purchased possession.
We are forgiven of our sin, declared righteous before God, and are given an eternal inheritance that is kept for us in heaven.
We have been forgiven of all our sins, past, present, and future (Eph. 1:7; Col. 1:14), which will be remembered no more (Heb. 8:12; 10:17) and we are being made fit for heaven (Col. 1:12).
Paul's fierce attack on these legalisers should be carefully noted, and we should similarly be careful that this false teaching does not infiltrate our own thinking and doctrine, for in so doing it negates the need for Christ's sacrificial death on the Cross and makes His once for all offering for our sin, irrelevant.
While it is true that through the Law comes the knowledge of sin, it is faith in Christ's finished work alone that justifies the sinner.
Faith in Christ's work on the Cross and His shed blood alone is the price that the Father demands for payment for our sin, and whoever believes in Him is saved by grace.
Christ is the propitiation for our sins and God was satisfied with His Son's sacrifice on our behalf.
Praise to our thrice holy God should be the ongoing song of rejoicing of all the elect, for we have not only been forgiven of our sin and saved from the shocking consequences of sin, but we have been accepted by the Father in the Beloved and seated with Him in heavenly places.
In other passages in the Bible we know that Christ died FOR our sins, but in this passage in Romans we know that Christ also died UNTO sin. In the first instance, Christ died to pay the price of our sin, and the price that Jesus paid for our sin was His death.
In the second case, Christ died to break the power of sin in our life, which means that for the rest of the time that we live in this sinful world, sin does not have to have power over us.
When Christ died for our sins it was a once and for all payment, and there is nothing more to do but to simply believe the gospel message that Christ died for our sins and was raised the third day.
Past, present, and future sins are paid for by the Cross of Christ.
When we are IN Christ, it means that we have His life living in us and it is His life that delivers us from the power of sin - His life is our life - our entirely new life in Christ - our new life and not the old sinful pre-Cross life (which is often referred to as the old sin nature, the old man or the Adamic nature).
Christ died UNTO sin: So sin shall not have dominion OVER you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. Christ died to break the power of sin in our everyday life which means that sin does not have the power to dominate our lives as it does with non-believers.
When Christ died UNTO sin, in His omniscience, He knew that one day you and I would trust in His name, and because we would one day believe in Him we are IN Christ.
That is why Paul was able to say: I have BEEN crucified with Christ, I WAS crucified with Christ, I died with Him, and my old sin nature died at the point that Christ died on the Cross.
Praise God that Christ not only died FOR our sins, but He died UNTO sin so that the power of sin has been broken in our lives.
We still have freewill and can allow sin to dominate if and when we choose.
Let us not choose to allow sin to dominate our lives.
He was called by God to expose the nation's sin and to warn them of God's impending punishment for their gross apostasy, their captivity into Babylon, and their inevitable dispersion.
However, past decades of depravity, idolatry, and sin had penetrated so deeply into the foundational core of the nation, that Josiah's attempts at reformation were quickly swept away, after his untimely death.
Being baptised into the Body of Christ, sealed by the Spirit of God, and having Him take up permanent residence in our mortal body, are some of the wonderful ministries that take place the moment a sinner believes in Christ and trusts the Lord Jesus for the forgiveness of sins and eternal salvation.
It means living godly in Christ Jesus as we obey His Word and maintain fellowship with the Father through the regular confession of our sin: For if we confess our sin God is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Sins we commit in life break the precious communion we enjoy with the Father, and broken fellowship must be restored through the confession of sin.
To be filled with the Spirit, we need to walk by the Spirit, so we will not gratify the desires of the flesh: If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with Him, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin.
As we look back to Christ's Resurrection, we rejoice that He was willing to die as the substitute for our sin and rise again on the third day.
The people that were present during the life, ministry, death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus belong to a unique generation because their life spanned the closing years of the pre-Cross dispensation of the Law (when Christ offered the kingdom to Israel, who rejected it), and the post-Resurrection dispensation of grace (where salvation is a free gift of God's grace, to all who will believe in Christ's death, burial and Resurrection for the forgiveness of our sin).
It teaches the stark truth that all sinners, whether Jew or Gentile, are under the wrath of God and that we need a Saviour to save us from our sin.
But God is not into comparing the transgression of one sinner with the sin of another person - for there are none who do good, not even one.
Paul anticipates all the counter-arguments of his fellow Jews and starts to address, and answer, every one of the rhetorical challenges that Jewish people are likely to make such as... 'Is there not any advantage in being a Jew?' - 'Is there any profit in the covenant of circumcision?' - 'Does unbelief make God's promises ineffective?' and 'If our unrighteousness magnifies the righteousness of God, should we not try to sin more, to make God appear more righteous?'
Paul structured the first few chapters of the book of Romans to bring every member of the human race, whether Jew or Gentile, to the stark realisation that we are ALL under sin and we ALL need salvation by grace through faith - and he used a string of Old Testament verses to verify the truth and to seal his argument:
In laying out man's desperate need of salvation, Paul is able to start the next section which gives hope to all... for though the wages of sin is death, nevertheless, the gift of God is eternal life THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD.
What an amazing privilege it is to be a new creation in Christ; forgiven of our sin, loved by the Lord, accepted in the Beloved, heirs of God, and joint-heirs with the Lord Jesus.
Let us be diligent to listen to all He says and to apply it to our lives, and let us comfort one another with the truth of the glorious gospel of grace, knowing that Christ died for our sin and rose again so that whosoever believes on Him will not perish but have everlasting life.
What a great distinction between the time when we were dead in our trespasses and sins and without God in the world, and the wonderful day when we began to believe in the only begotten Son of the Father, for our full and free salvation.
We who were perishing and enslaved to sin are now rescued.
At the appointed time, He sent the Lord Jesus to His people, as He promised, Who for three years called them to repent of their sins and turn to Him for salvation.
John the Baptist had identified Jesus as the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, and the mighty signs and wonders He did, authenticated His Messianic claims, and should have produced fruit worthy of repentance.
But the proud Jewish nation refused to acknowledge their sin.
Despite the promises and privileges they enjoyed as the chosen people, both individually and nationally, they refused to recognise their offence and repent of their sin.
For three years, Jesus had been calling His people to turn from their sinful ways and bring forth the fruit of righteousness which was consistent with a repentant heart that mourned over sin.
Because of their failure, the kingdom that Christ had been sent to establish would have to be postponed for a season, until His erring nation repented of their sin and started to produce the fruit of righteousness.
The barren fig tree represented the generation of Jews who rejected their Messiah and refused to produce the fruit of righteousness, which is grown from a repentant heart that mourns over their sin.
The nation of Israel will one day recognise their sin and mourn over it, when they see Jesus, Whom they pierced, coming in the clouds of glory.
Jeremiah's clarion call to Judah was to repent of their sin and return to the Lord.
Much of Jeremiah's ministry was calling the nation to repent of their sin, warning of Judah's inevitable defeat at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar, and reporting on the devastating destruction of the holy city and sanctuary, while providing assurance that God would not forsake His errant people.
God purposed that through the intervention of the Son, all things should be completely reconciled back to Himself, and so He sent Jesus to bring about peace with men, who were dead in their trespasses and sins.
And in the fullness of time, God sent the Prince of Peace to be born of a virgin in the little town of Bethlehem, as the sacrifice for the sin of mankind.
The young man may have kept the letter of the Law but he certainly could not keep the spirit of the Law for all men are sinners, all people have a sin nature, and all fall short of the glory, the perfection, the goodness, and the holiness of God.
We are not sinners simply because we sin.
We are all sinners because we are all born sinners with a fallen nature - a sin nature that can never, ever please God.
Being declared righteous in God's eyes is indeed an impossibility, for all men are sinners and the wages of sin is death.
But what is impossible with man is possible with God, for He sent His only begotten Son to be the sacrificial offering for our sin.
Indeed, the Bible teaches that ALL who believe on Christ are those that overcome... for Christ's victory over sin and death is our victory over sin and death, too.
May we be those that not only trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, but continue to trust him throughout our Christian life and love Him with a holy love... prepared and willing to take up our cross and follow Him in spirit and in truth - no matter what difficulties and dangers we may face.
He failed the Lord on many occasions, and sinned against God in some terrible ways, but he was quick to recognise his wrongdoings and genuinely repented of his sin.
And although sin can never be condoned or ignored by the Lord, nevertheless a man after God's own heart is one who is quick to identify and confess his own sinfulness and who desires to have God search out his faults and failures, so that they may be quickly corrected and wonderfully purified by God cleansing flood.
May we be willing servants who are quick to confess our sins; faithful to obey His commands; obedient to trust His word, walk in spirit and truth, and day by day continue to look to Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Believers that are living in the flesh, are submitting to the old sin-nature which cannot please God.
The old sin nature (the old man in Adam) and the works that emanate from the flesh, cannot delight in the law of the Lord nor can they rejoice in the truth of His Word, for the flesh lusts against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh.
The old sin-nature is at enmity with the new, born-again spirit of God, and the new life in Christ is at enmity with the old self-life.
The former flesh-life is a slave to sin and displeases God, but the new inner self (the new life in Christ), is a slave to righteousness.
John tells us that this new life in Christ cannot sin; this new life always delights in the light and life of God's law, and rejoices in the truth of His Word of grace.
Then the inner man delights in the law of the Spirit of life Who has set us free from the law of sin and death.
God does not seek to change our old sin nature, but purposes to transform our new life in Christ into His likeness, as we grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Word of God is one unified whole which unveils the unchanging nature and character of God and the devastating effects of sin, which is a concept that threads throughout the Word.
Our holy God is a God of love, but He is also a God of righteousness and justice, and all sin must be punished.
He also details the terrors pronounced over Jerusalem because of their unbelief, their refusal to turn from sin, their rebellious attitude towards God, and the sacrilegious practices of their prophets, priests, people, and leaders.
He used the phrase: Day of the Lord, seven times in his writings and paints a dark and gloomy picture of a time when God's wrath will be poured out on a God-hating sinful world that has rejected His anointed Messiah, refused His offer of salvation, and defiantly celebrates sin.
His punishment of sin is just and righteous altogether, and there is a wonderful purpose in His retribution; the restoration of His nation Israel, the resurrection of myriad of His saints, and the 1000-year reign of His appointed Messiah when: Righteousness and peace will kiss one another, and the earth will be filled with the glory of God.
We are to be 'ministers of reconciliation', in a world that is lost in trespasses and sins.
We have nothing in common with unbelievers for they are dead in their sin and we are alive in Christ, and the holy sanctuary of God can have no association with idols or any form of pagan worship.
And the holy Mount of the Lord that Abraham was willing to offer up his dearly beloved son, Isaac (who himself was willing to lay down his life as a sacrificial offering to the Lord his God), was the same Mount of the Lord where God provided the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
Jerusalem was the location where the Lord Jesus Christ died on the Cross for the sin of the whole world, and Jerusalem was the place where the veil of the Temple was torn in two, opening up the way for sinful man to be declared righteous before God, through faith.
This great city of Jerusalem is precious to our Father in heaven, for this is where the beloved Son of God honoured His Father's will and broke the power of sin, death, and Satan - winning the greatest victory the world will ever know - through His sacrificial offering of Himself.
His instruction came hours before He was, betrayed, denied, and deserted by His followers who all forsook Him and fled when He was arrested in Gethsemane, led as a lamb to the slaughter, and crucified for the accumulated sin of the whole world.
John's entreaty was for fellow believers to keep a short rein on sin and to remain in fellowship with the Father - for a reason: So that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him, in shame at His coming.
Likewise, those that hunger after the Lord, weep for their sin, and suffer for righteousness’ sake, will be blessed.
Though God is a God of justice and must punish all sin, nevertheless He is a God of love and mercy, kindness and compassion, long-suffering and of great goodness, and as His children, we are instructed to display the same godly qualities and merciful attitude that He has shown to each one of us who has been saved by grace through faith in Him.
But there is a serious side to worrying about the needs and necessities of our everyday life, for in God's economy worry is a sin – the sin of unbelief.
Although there are many prophetic passages that pronounce the punishment and terrible tribulation which Israel must one day experience because of their unbelief, there are also many sections in Scripture which speak of the blessings which God has promised His chosen nation, and the cleansing through which they must pass - but first they must turn from their sin and return to the God of their fathers.
The Corinthians had in many ways abused the freedom they had in Christ, and in certain cases were using their liberty as a license to sin.
Israel's relationship with God did not exempt them from sin and its consequences, and the same is true of the Church in this dispensation of grace.
Israel was used to demonstrate that our actions and attitudes play an important role in our spiritual walk, but like Israel's relationship with God, our position in Christ in no way permits Church-age believers to sin with impunity.
The gracious liberty we have in Him must never be used as a license to sin.
Using our liberty in Christ as an excuse to sin, and claiming exemption from its consequences must be firmly rejected.
In this passage, Paul is warning against becoming complacent in our Christian walk of being over-confident that we are exempt from falling into sin, or of not recognising the spiritual dangers and consequences of sinning, simply because we have been saved.
We should not become smugly complacent in our privileged position in Christ and the freedom that we enjoy in our Christian walk, for on those occasions when we think we are standing firm in the faith we can all too easily fall into sin.
Although there is no sin that cannot be cleansed by the efficacious blood of Jesus and despite being positioned in Christ, accepted in the Beloved, enclosed in the everlasting arms of our God and Saviour, and standing on a Foundation that can never fail, we must nevertheless heed the warning in this verse, lest like Israel we fall into complacent unbelief.
Although there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord, and although there is no sin that cannot be forgiven, we must be acutely aware that any one of us may be tempted to fall into sin - and should we become over-confident in our spiritual walk, the danger of falling into sin is significantly increased.
We must never forget that all sin dishonours the God Who bought us, grieves the Holy Spirit, and is a terrible reproach on the gospel of Christ.
Their legalist practice sought to get God's approval, without understanding that only the blood of their Messiah could pay the price for their sins.
Christ had died for their sin and was raised from the dead as reported by many witnesses, yet how difficult it was for the Jews to believe in His resurrection.
It is He alone Who knows when a man or woman believes in their heart that Christ died for their sins and rose again.
God sent His only begotten Son into the world that through Him we might believe and be saved from our sin, but they exchanged this precious truth and God's tripartite witness for a satanic lie, and worshipped and served the creation instead of their glorious Creator.
But God in His long-suffering, loving-kindness, and great mercy, has extended the period of His gracious forgiveness to include you, and to include me, and to include all who will turn from their sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, Who alone deserves our eternal praise and worship.
For instance; the Son directs our prayers and worship to the Father, and the Father honours the Son, while the Spirit points us to Jesus Who is the only Person in the Godhead Who became flesh and blood and suffered for the sin of mankind.
Jesus came to earth to comfort the sorrowing and console those that mourn for their sin.
Nothing but faith in the Person and Work of Jesus is sufficient to reconcile us back to God and save us from our sin.
The key truths of the gospel are believing that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, and was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures.
Jesus was born into the race that He, Himself, created, in order to pay the price for our sin - a price we could never pay.
My old sin nature, which my Bible calls my 'old man' was crucified with Jesus.
Just as I am a physical seed of Adam's physical race and was effectively IN Adam when he sinned in the garden of Eden, imputing me with sin and thus making me a sinner.
My death in Christ means that the old ME, the old SELF, the old SIN NATURE - the OLD MAN, died in Christ at Calvary when Jesus died on the Cross.
The old 'ME' died at the Cross and severed all the connections I had with my old, Adamic sin nature.
By faith, I am part of a new creation in Christ which means that death no longer has power over me - nor does sin, Satan, or the Law, for I am dead to sin, dead to the Law, dead to self, and dead to Satan.
OH while I live in this fallen body, my sinful nature lusts against my new life in Christ BUT I am no longer a slave to sin and under the curse of the Law because Christ has set me free!
The moment I trusted the Son of God as Saviour, my new life in Christ was born and the old sin nature in Adam (a link and heritage from my earthly parentage) was nailed to the Cross.
That old sin nature will remain in bitter rivalry with my new life in Christ which must grow in grace and mature in the knowledge of Jesus.
The root of the old sin nature sucks its strength from worldly desires and fleshly ego.
It is as I submit to His gracious leading and gentle guidance, that sin is mortified and grace is quickened.
When the 7th angel sounds his trumpet, this prophesied Time of Jacob's Trouble will begin, when Israel (as a nation) will have to be punished for their past sin, but it is also the prophesied time when Israel (as a nation) will call on the name of the Lord to save them from their enemies.
He disavowed legalism, which enslaves believers to religious rules and legalistic regulations, by placing us back under the curse of the Law and enslaving believers to the law of sin and death.
Paul's desire was to get across that we are no longer a member of the first, fallen creation, which was placed under a curse by sin and resulted in death and condemnation.
Under the old creation, we were dead in sin and under the curse of the Law, but as part of the new creation in Christ, we have been freed from its restrictions, rules, regulations, and rituals.
God was satisfied with Christ's sacrifice for sin, and because we are in HIM, God is satisfied with us as well!
Christ dismantled the principalities and powers that held us captive - and because we are identified with Him by faith, we are also identified with His victory over sin and death.
The marriage of Hosea to his adulterous wife Gomer, not only paints a precious portrait of God's never-failing loving-kindness towards His people, but also portrays the unalterable justice of a holy and righteous God Who cannot look upon sin, but Whose character demands righteous judgement of the sin of the whole world.
The marriage agreement between this woman and her husband is likened by Paul to the relationship between us and the Law; between our 'old man' (our old sin nature with its inclination to sin) and the righteous requirement of the Law.
Just as the woman is inseparably bound together with her husband until death parts them, so too the old sin nature (which has an insatiable propensity towards sinfulness) is contractually bound by the principle and requirement of the Law.
Our sinful nature and the many sins we commit legally places us under the sentence of sin and death, which is the judgement of God's righteous Law, resulting in separation from our Heavenly Father.
And the wages of sin is death.
We are not sinners because we sin, we sin because we are sinners and our old sin nature is wedded to our unrighteous behaviour and is incapable of carrying out the righteousness of the Law that God demands of His children.
But Christ died for our sin.
He not only took the punishment for the many sins we commit, but he died unto sin which releases us from the power of sin that keeps us prisoners to sin, and prevents us from being loosed from the devastating, legal sentence of the Law.
For although the Law identified our sinfulness, it can never release us from the power of sin.
Only Christ can set us free from the law of sin and death.
The only way that the sinful propensity of our old sin nature can be set free and separated from the legal requirement of God's perfect Law in this earthly life is the death of our 'old man' - severance from our old sin nature.
But the only way to sever our sinful nature from the law of sin and death is EITHER: to have our sin forgiven by the death of another OR: to die physically. Forgiveness of sin by means of a mediator or physical death are the only two ways that sinful man can be released from the power of sin and death over their life. The former can never be achieved by our own merit, and the outcome of the latter would still result in our eternal separation from our Heavenly Father.
But thanks be to God that we have a Saviour Whose own perfect life and sacrificial death broke the power that the Law had over our old sin nature, by grace through faith. Faith in the finished work of Christ on Calvary alone can break that binding contract between the sinner and the Law.
His death annulled our relationship with the Law of sin and death, and His resurrection guaranteed all who believe on Him the new life in Christ, freed from the power of the Law and no longer bound by its righteous requirements.
Let us praise God with every breath of our being that in Him our sinfulness has died to the Law of sin and death, releasing us forever from its terrible power.
The eternal Son of God became the perfect Son of Man and was born into the fallen human race, fully Man yet retaining His eternal Deity so that He could save His people from their sins.
Paul reminds us that even if we were to keep every letter of the law like the Jewish leaders that Jesus mentioned, we would still never achieve righteousness, for we are all born with an inherent sin nature, and there is none good, no not even one.
We were imputed with a sin nature through Adam, and the only One that is righteous is the Lord Jesus.
It is a 'salvation' label given to a child of God who is covered in Christ's righteousness, forgiven of sin, a recipient of eternal life, and many other incredible privileges.
We who are saved by grace through faith, find our everlasting refuge in Christ Who took the punishment for our sin and became our strong Fortress, our everlasting Refuge, and the Rock of our salvation.
But the psalmist was inspired to write words that would look forward to the God-Man Who was wounded for our transgressions and bore the sin of the world on His shoulders.
By the Word of His power He upholds all things - and at the appointed time He came to earth as the Word of God made flesh - to save His people from their sins and to set up the promised kingdom of God.
One of the ministries of the Holy Spirit for the unbeliever is to convict a guilty world of three important issues; 1) of sin and its terrible consequences, 2) of the righteousness of Christ which is available to all by faith, and 3) of judgement - the judgement of sin, the condemnation of Satan, and the eternal consequences for the unrepentant sinner.
But for the one that has trusted Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and who has been covered in His own righteousness, the promises are overwhelmingly wonderful - for He will glorify the Lord Jesus in a way that the world cannot understand and He will take the things that the Father has entrusted to Christ - and disclose them to us!
Envy and strife, together with boasting and deceit, are some of the hallmarks of worldly wisdom, which is too often robustly rooted in egotistical self, sordid sin, and devilish desires.
How we praise God that the Holy Spirit searched us out when we were dead in our trespasses and sins and convicted us of sin, of righteousness and of judgement.
How we thank God that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us and sent His Holy Spirit into the world to convict us of our guilt before a righteous God and of the need to turn from our sins and accept His gracious offer of salvation.
God has an amazing resurrection programme for all who trust in Christ as Saviour, and this is linked with the permanent and total destruction of our last enemy: the final and full elimination of sin and death.
Christ Jesus was the first fruit from the dead, and His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection broke forever the power of sin, death, hell, and the law, in the lives of all who would trust in the only begotten Son of God.
The perfect law of God was a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, for it demonstrated that there is none good, we are all sinners and as such we all deserve to be punished: For the wages of sin is death.
The strength of sin is discovered in the perfect law of God, for it establishes an unattainable standard that no man can reach.
And so the fatal accuser of man's sin is the flawless law of God, and the result of man's sin is death: For the sting of death is sin.
The sting of death comes from sin, for it was man's sin that brought death and destruction into God's beautiful creation, and it was man's sin that separated humanity from a holy God.
Nothing can satisfy God's just judgement and His righteous wrath against sin, except the one and only perfect Sacrifice: the sinless Son of God.
YES, it was Christ's blood that paid for the price of sin, and it was Christ's Resurrection that broke the power of sin and death in the lives of all who would trust in His name.
The sting of death is indeed sin and the strength of sin is God's perfect law, but thanks be to God that Christ fulfilled the righteous requirement of the law on Your behalf and mine.
He alone paid the full price of sin and thus broke the power of death in our lives and clothed us forever in His perfect righteousness: The wages of sin is death, BUT THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE IN CHRIST JESUS.
Before the Cross of Calvary, the people of Israel were called by John to turn from their sins because the promised Messiah of God had come.
John's was a baptism of repentance specifically targeted at Israel, because Jesus their King was in their midst and they were to turn from their sins.
First, they were to repent of their sins because the kingdom was near, for the King was present.
The baptism of fire - a baptism of judgement - was reserved for those that would not turn from their sins and accept Christ, but those that accepted the Lord Jesus as their Messiah were to be baptised with the Holy Spirit one day in the future.
Without taking part in the feasts, festivals, sacrifices, and Sabbaths, instituted by God, the people could not fulfil the Mosaic Law, which meant that the atonement God demanded from His people for their sin, could not be made.
Like all Scripture, it is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for instruction, for reproof, for the conviction of sin, the correction of error, and as a discipline in obedience.
We were born dead in trespasses and sins and estranged from God.
It is when men and women are convicted of their sin that they realise their need of a Saviour.
We are all sinners and the wages of sin is death - but God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son to be the substitute for man's sin so that by faith in Him, we may be born again into newness of life and transferred from the fallen race of sinful Adam into a new creation of the eternal Christ.
Were it not for the Cross, we could never have been forgiven of our sins and delivered from our offenses against God, but were it not for the Resurrection, we would have no proof of Christ's claims to be our Saviour.
By His Resurrection, he broke the power of sin and death in the lives of all who believe in Him.
Let us never forget that the Resurrection is as much a part of the glorious gospel of Christ as is His substitutionary death (where He paid the price for our sin), His Deity (whereby He alone was good enough to pay the price for sin and redeem the race of fallen sinners), and His Humanity (without which He could never have become our Kinsman-Redeemer, by becoming the only perfect, human substitute for the accumulated sin of all humanity).
Christ was made the sacrifice for our sins, which rendered His ministry as the sin-sacrifice final and complete.
Christ appeared the first time to put away sins forever, and although today He is sitting at the right hand of the Father and one day will appear for a second time when He comes to set up His kingdom, His sacrifice for sin was made once and for all - completed forever at Calvary.
Just as it is appointed for every man to die once for his sins (for the wages of sin is death for every sinner), so Christ died on the Cross once to pay the price for every single sin.
He died once to pay the price for the multitude of sins that mankind has committed so that all who believe on His name would not perish but have everlasting life.
Christ was anointed of God put sin away forever, and He alone was qualified to do so.
As the eternal Son of God and as the perfect Son of man, He bore the sins of the world alone, and disposed of them all forever.
What a beautiful yet shattering picture of God's only Begotten Son Who, like Isaac, was also to be led up that same hill on Mount Moriah, at a place called Calvary, and bound and nailed to a cross as the only perfect yet willing sacrifice, acceptable to a holy and righteous God as the full and finished payment for the sin of the whole world.
If He loved you so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die to save you from your sins, will He not much more provide for the daily necessities of life, knowing that we have need of these things, also?
When Christ died on the Cross, He paid the price for our sin, and when He rose from the grave, He broke the power of sin and death in the lives of all who believe.
In Exodus, we see a shadow of things to come, a similar pattern where the blood of the Passover lamb prefigures Christ, the Lamb of God Whose shed blood paid the price for our sin redeeming those in bondage, while crossing the Red Sea speaks of the power of evil being broken in the lives of God's people.
They came to understand that the Messiah had to suffer and die and rise from the dead on the third day, if the plan of salvation, which God ordained in eternity past, was to accomplish its great work of man's reconciliation to God, the redemption of human-kind, the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, for all who would believe on His name.
Salvation of the soul through the forgiveness of sin had to precede Christ's kingdom rule of peace and prosperity.
He starts to catalogue the tender mercies of our God and the amazing gospel truths that have impacted the lives of so many who have trusted in the death, burial, and Resurrection of Christ for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
How thankful we are for the Cross of Christ, for as David reminds us, the Lord forgives our sin - ALL our sin.
The curse of sin has ravaged our world and continues to do so... but its devastating consequences are but for a season for those who have trusted in the everlasting God Who heals all our diseases.
He was punished for our sin, in place of us.
May His loving-kindness and eternal mercies engender in our hearts awe and wonder for this timeless truth: That Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that ALL who believe on Him, will not perish but have everlasting life.
When Peter quoted these words from the Psalmist, however, he excluded that final, sombre sentence from his epistle... for today we live in the dispensation of the grace of God, when guilty sinners can be cleansed from all sin - by grace through faith in Christ's redemptive work on Calvary's Cross.
But there is coming a day of vengeance, when all evil-doers who have not sought Christ for the forgiveness of sins, through the cleansing power of His blood, will have to stand before the judgement seat of God... to give an account of their wickedness.
He warned that we are all under God's righteous condemnation and that we all need to be redeemed by the blood of God's only begotten Son Whose shed blood alone is the only acceptable price for sin, and is gained through faith in Him.
He lays emphasis on the truth that there is none that do good, not even one, and that despite being God's chosen people who enjoy a unique covenanted relationship with Him, Israel are not exempt from the consequences of sin and are equally in need of salvation as the Gentile nations.
And for eight verses, Paul anticipates and answers all the objections that his Jewish audience might have in response to his warning that all people, both Jew and Gentile alike, are unrighteous sinners who fall short of the glory of God, that none are good or deserve preferential treatment in the eyes of God, that all need a Saviour to pay the price for their sins, and that all need to be redeemed by the blood of God's only begotten Son.
The Law exposed sin, but it could never forgive sinners.
Christ came into the world in order to do away with sin, once and for all, by the sacrifice of Himself.
If the perfect Law taught that the wages of sin is death, how important to pay close attention to the gospel of the grace, where the gift of God is eternal lift through Jesus Christ our Lord.
In a passage that explains the realities of the New and better Covenant that God made with His people, through the shed blood of Jesus Christ (when sin was once and forever put away by His own sacrificial death), we read that it is appointed for all men to die once, and after that comes the judgement.
But for the Church, which is Christ's Body, God's judgement on our sin is past, having been poured out on Jesus on the Cross, and our future heavenly judgement is where every Christian will be rewarded for the work which we did in our bodies, whether good or bad.
What an indescribable blessing that Christ died for our sins and we will just be receiving rewards.
The sting of death is sin, but for the believer in Christ, death has lost its sting for we have been forgiven and clothed in Christ's righteousness.
Death has lost its sting because Christ paid the price for sin on our account and was judged in our place.
We are to be of good cheer, knowing that His strength is sufficient to see us through every difficulty of life because He has already overcome sin and death – and we are united with Him and His victory.
Both Testaments also identify 'the Day of the Lord' as a time when disobedient Israel will turn back to the God of their fathers and repent of their sins.
It is by faith in His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection that we are redeemed from the slave-market of sin.
May we never forget that our salvation has nothing to do with ourselves It is not our works, our kind acts, or generous giving that has saved us, forgiven us, and redeemed us from sin, Satan, death, and hell.
We are forgiven of our sin and clothed in His own perfect righteousness.
No longer would they be under the Law, but under grace, for Christ's forthcoming death and Resurrection would set aside the Jewish, sacrificial system given to Israel through Moses, because Jesus, the Lamb of God, had come to be the full and final sacrificial offering for the sin of the whole world.
Rather, they turned on the One Who came to save them from their sin.
No wonder he warned Timothy - and us, against fraternising with such men who will always try to enter into households and captivate weak women, who are weighed down with sins, and led on by various impulses.
Paul explains that these people are often weighed down by the guilt of their sin so that they buy into the first false doctrine or cultish teaching they hear, instead of searching the Scriptures daily to see if what is being taught is biblical.
Daniel explains that He came, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place. But instead, He was nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men, and put to death.
This final chapter of Zechariah, gives a detailed picture of a future day when the Lord Jesus will rescue His people Israel. Behold, the 'Day of the Lord' is coming, Zechariah writes, when your goods will be forcibly taken from you and divided in front of you... for I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem... Israel must first suffer punishment for their sin, before their night of weeping will turn into a glorious morning of joy.
But read to the end of the chapter, and you will find that the unbelieving Nation of Israel will repent of their sin.
Well, there is a world of lost people out there... Jews and Gentiles alike, who will have to face the great and terrible Day of the Lord, if they do not turn from their sin and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of sin - through His sacrificial death.
We read: His face shone like the unclouded sun shining in its strength. John had captured a tiny glimpse of the majesty of Christ when the Lord was transfigured on the holy Mount, but as he lay prostrate on the floor before Jesus, His might, majesty, dominion, and power displayed the brilliance of His Person and, no doubt, gave the apostle an increased understanding of what it cost the Father to give His Son as the sacrifice for the sin of the whole world: God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Chapter one reminds us that Jesus, Who died for our sin, is the great resurrected Lord, the firstborn from the dead Who is now glorified.
As the perfect Lamb of God, He conquered sin, death, and hell at the Cross for all who believe.
We are given a blessed new life-in-Christ in exchange for our filthy, old, sinful, unsaved heart of stone, when we trust Him as the sacrifice for our sin.
We will see God... because our sinful heart has been cleansed, by faith, through the shed blood of Christ, for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
And so Christ's call to God's chosen people, in His Sermon on the Mount, was to repent of their sins - both individually and nationally.
How blessed are we, who are inwardly cleansed of sin by the Spirit of God..
God has given every man and woman volition to choose their eternal destiny, either faith in Christ as Saviour OR rejection of the One Who died for their sins and rose to give life to all who would believe in His name.
He willingly and obediently bore the accumulated sin of the Christ-rejecting, God-hating, sinful world of man, as the accumulated punishment of all humanity, which we justly deserve, was compressed into those three most bitter hours in time and through eternity.
God cannot look on sin.
Indeed, sin has its deadly consequences and sin must be punished, for the wages of sin is death.
And for three of the deepest and darkest hours of history, Jesus the beloved and anointed Son of God, hung on the Cross as our Kinsman-Redeemer, paying the price in full, for our sins.
God looked away from the Son of His love when He became our sin-substitute, taking the sin and guilt upon Himself in our stead.
Oh yes, Jesus endured the Cross, was made a curse for us, and felt the full flood of God's righteous wrath upon Him, for your sin and for mine too.
He paid the price for the sin of the world through His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, and broke the power of sin, Satan, death, and hell forever, in the lives of ALL who would trust in Him.
Christ was sent, as foretold in Scripture, as their Kinsman-Redeemer and the final sacrifice for sin, because their faith had been reckoned to them as righteousness.
Due to His death and glorious Resurrection, Jesus was the victor over sin, Satan, death, and hell.
No doubt all the angelic hosts rejoiced at His jubilant entrance into heaven, after having made atonement for our sins and the sin of the whole world.
He defeated sin by living a sinless life and offered His lifeblood as the full and final payment price for all our sin.
The power of His sinless life, sacrificial death, and glorious Resurrection secured authority over sin and Satan, death and decay, the grave and hell.
In the early days of the Church, many Jewish Christians who had trusted Christ as their Saviour, were being drawn back into Temple worship, Mosaic observances, and practicing, customs and traditions of the elders, even though they had been replaced when Jesus became the sacrificial Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.
The Mosaic Law could identify sin but it could not forgive sin because Christ's shed blood alone is the only sacrifice acceptable to God for the forgiveness of sin.
Hebrews explains that to reject the sacrifice of Christ and Scripture's revealed truth, and to return to the old ways (like the temple sacrifices and the sin offering) is rebellion and it is wilful sin.
And so in Hebrews 10:26 we read: For if we go on sinning wilfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins.
Before the Cross, Israelites could bring a sacrifice to the Temple and have their sins covered.
But this continual covering could only last until God's anointed Messiah, the true Lamb of God, would become the final sacrifice for the sin of the world.
After the Cross the old way became redundant, so adopting the old form of Temple worship was futile as it could not save nor could it cover sin as had been the case in the past.
Irrespective of the sin we commit on a daily basis, we break this particular command continuously... for it is not humanly possible to love God with all our heart.
Christ was seeking to show the immensity of our sin against the goodness of God so that He could provide the message of salvation - by grace through faith.
who are members of His Body, have been cleansed from our sin, made children of God, and clothed in the righteousness of Christ, Himself.
Only the perfect Man - the Lord Christ Jesus, was good enough to pay the enormous price of sin.
Only in Christ can we be forgiven of sin and only in Christ can we be imputed with His nature and love as He loved us.
They were the ones that God would use to spread the good news of the glorious gospel of redemption to a lost and dying world; a world that was drowning in trespasses, dead in their sin, and eternally separated from the almighty God.
But this truth must not be divorced from the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, the anointed Messiah and promised Saviour Whose sacrificial death paid the price for our sins and Whose glorious Resurrection transferred us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's dear Son.
We were born dead in trespasses and sins, separated from God and eternally damned, but by faith in Christ Jesus our Saviour, our sins were forgiven, all our past, present, and future sins, and we were cleansed from all unrighteousness.
But although the power of sin was severed at the Cross, it seeks to retain authority in our lives.
Although we were justified by grace through faith in Christ, we are too often willing to be influenced to sin by our old sin nature; our old Adamic nature.
Nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus, and nothing can break our union with our living Lord, but sin breaks fellowship with the Father.
Sin severs our communion with God.
Sin is the barrier that the Christian can erect which breaks our sweet fellowship with Himself and cuts us off from communion with the Father.
But if a Christian confesses their sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Although our post-salvation sins were forgiven forever at the Cross of Christ, fellowship with the Father is broken when we allow the old sin nature to direct our lives, which means that the communion we once enjoyed with Him is broken.
But if we take every thought captive to Christ, walk in the light as He is in the light, and if we confess any sinful acts and attitudes (whether they be wrong things that we have done or godly things that we have not done) God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, and to remember our sin no more.
We rejoice that Satan, sin, death, hell, and all that is evil is thrown into the Lake of Fire, and we stand in awe of the coming of the King of kings with His armies of heaven, the unimaginable beauty of the New Jerusalem, the sparkling River of the water of Life as clear as crystal, and the return to earth of the Tree of Life with its 12 luscious fruit (which has been guarded by cherubim since sin entered the world, lest fallen man should eat of its fruit and live eternally in a fallen body).
Peter had not yet understood that the self-sufficiency of the old sin nature is incapable of doing good.
When Adam sinned, man received a twisted and contorted sin nature that gave him knowledge of what was good without the capacity to do good, and also knowledge of what was evil without the capacity to avoid it.
Sin in the sight of God is shocking, because the price that was paid for sin is the precious blood of the Lord Jesus, which was shed on Calvary's cross.
Zephaniah was a prophet from the royal line of David, who warned the increasingly apostate nation of Israel of terrible times to come, if they did not repent of their sin, and turn back to the Lord their God.
As Church-age believers, the coming Day-of-the-Lord will not begin to happen until the Restrainer of evil.. (the Spirit of God indwelling the Christian Church) has been removed from the earth, and the identity of the man of sin is revealed.
The wages of my sin and yours is death, but Christ died in our place.
However, there are countless men and women, who have not yet believed on Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
There are many who have not believed in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, who will have to face the great and terrible day of the Lord if they do not turn from sin and believe on Him, Who died so that they might live.
The sad thing is that Christ's died for THEIR sin too, but they have to BELIEVE to be justified in the sight of God - for we are justified by faith.
It was through deception and deceit, that Balaam tempted Israel to fall into sin, to worship of Baal, to commit sexual sin with the pagan women, and to dishonour the name of the God of Israel.
May we take to heart the serious warnings that are issued by Peter, Jude, and the Lord Jesus Himself in His own warning in the letter to Pergamum: There are some among you who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin so that they ate food sacrificed to idols and committed sexual immorality.
The enemy of our soul continuously tries to shipwreck our witness and to entice God's people into idolatry and sin, through a range of satanic and deceptive tactics.
During the Middle Ages it became connected with feelings of regret and sorrow over sin and feeling contrition for past wrongs.
It is not regret, but a turning from sin to Christ.
Non-believers can also regret their sinfulness without believing Christ died to pay the price for their sin.
True, biblical repentance is towards God, and means to change one's mind about Jesus Who was sent by the Father to be the propitiation for our sin. 'Repentance to God' is turning away from sin TO Christ. 'Repentance' is ineffective unless one turns, in faith, to the Lord Christ for forgiveness.
In this verse, 'faith in the Lord Jesus Christ' pre-supposes 'repentance of sin towards God', but sadly many churches continue to insist there are two steps to salvation: 1) repent and 2) believing, when there are multiple passages that demonstrate that salvation is by GOD's grace, through faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Psalm 51 is a penitential prayer to God, where David confesses his grievous faults before the Lord and seeks the remission of his sin.
It is used by those that grieve over their sin and find the weight of their own guilt has impacted their relationship with God and frustrated their inner peace and joy.
David did not try to justify his sin by placing the blame onto others or minimising the severity of his wrongdoings.
Rather, we see a man grieving deeply over his transgressions, confessing his sin to God and seeking to restore his relationship with the Lord: Blessed are those that mourn over their sin, we read in Matthew, for they shall be comforted.
And John reminds us: If we confess our sins, God is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And David did just that.
For some time, David had tried to ignore his faults, but discovered that unconfessed sin becomes a grievous barrier that destroys our inner peace and blocks our communion with the Lord.
But finally, he arrived at the place where he was ready and willing to face his sin, and confess his faults, and so he appealed for cleansing because of God's goodness and grace.
Over the months, David had discovered his closeness to the Lord had been eroded, because of unconfessed sin.
David had strayed far from the Lord because of his sin, and knew that only God's forgiveness could cleanse his blackened heart: Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and from my sin make me clean, he pleaded.
He was aware of his sin, for his conscience was troubling him: My sin is ever before me.
David recognised his sinfulness in verse 5: Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.
We are not sinners because we sin; we sin because we are sinners from conception, and sinners need cleansing.
Sinners need forgiveness of sin, which can only come from God.
His sinful acts were a result of the sin-nature, imputed to all humanity through Adam.
Sin cannot be explained away because of environmental issues or due to some trauma.
We are all sinners with a sin nature.
We all fall short of God's perfect righteousness and we all need forgiveness of sin.
How we praise God that although we were born dead in trespasses and sins, Christ's sacrificial death paid the price for our sin and His glorious Resurrection broke the power of sin and Satan, death and hell, in the life of all who believe.
First He had to come as the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world before He could come as the Lamb on the throne - Who opens the seven-sealed scroll and restores all that Adam's fallen race had forfeited, in the beginning.
Mary may have had a problematic past, but she also had a great love for the Lord and her past sins did not disqualify her from being the first person, recorded in Scripture, to see the risen Lord Jesus Christ, in Person.
But even this woman preferred to be influenced by the circumstances that surrounded her, rather than believing all that the Scriptures said about Jesus and all that He had told them about His sacrificial death for the sins of the world and His glorious resurrection - on the third day.
He was the Lamb of God, Who was to be both the Passover Lamb and the Sin Offering for payment for a fallen creation.
Maybe they were simply speaking of their physical need, but maybe they understood that before them stood the promised Messiah of Israel, the Shepherd of the sheep Who would give to His people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins.
There is no question that God knows the heart, and the Father must have sent His Son to meet the need of the two blind, Jewish men who had come to believe that Jesus of Nazareth was indeed the Son of David, the King of Israel Who would save His people from their sin.
Zephaniah not only heard how the terrors of God's wrath were to destroy the idolatrous Philistines, Moabites, Ammonites, Ethiopians, Assyrians, and other pagan people, including the city of Nineveh who had repented of their sins in the time of Jonah, but he warned that God's righteous judgement would also fall upon Judah and Jerusalem who had followed after the idolatrous ways of their heathen neighbours.
For centuries, holy men of God had beseeched the errant nation of Israel to turn from their wicked ways and to repent of their sins.
This remnant of Church-age Jewish believers who have trusted in Christ's death, burial, and Resurrection for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, is small.
But this could not be further from the truth... for God loved the world so much, that He gave His only begotten Son to die in our place and take the punishment for our sin.
John was among those who heard the Baptist proclaim: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand, and who declared: Behold the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
For centuries, the nation of Israel had been called to turn back to the Lord, and many prophets of God had trumpeted the warning to repent of their sins, to return to the Lord, and to turn from their wicked ways.
Unlike Israel, we are not under a conditional covenant that results in blessings for obedience and cursings for disobedience, for Christ took all the punishment for our rebellion and sin upon Himself when He became sin for us.
Christ was judged for our sins so that we might live as unto the Lord and walk through our Christian life with Him.
The second person of the uncreated Godhead Who is equal in every respect with God, is the Lord Jesus Christ; the Son of God, given as Redeemer of the world, born of a virgin into the human race as fully Man, uniting the nature and characteristics of God with His human nature, yet without sin.
Through His atoning work on the Cross, He paid the price for the sin of every person in the world so that all - yes, ALL who believe - ALL who trust in Jesus as Redeemer have eternal life.
However, due to man's sin, God had to begin another work – the work of redemption, which is the work that will one day be fully and finally completed when Christ is all in all.
Before the Cross, people were living under the Law and looking forward expectantly to the coming of their Messiah; the hope of all nations Who would save His people from their sin.
But at His crucifixion and Resurrection, Christ, the Passover Lamb and final Sacrifice for sin, was offered for us, such that all who believe in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.
They did not understand at the time, that they must first repent of their sin, and be declared righteous by faith.
Indeed, thousands of his countrymen admitted their terrible mistake on that great Day of Pentecost, repented of their sin, and were baptised.
He entreated his countrymen to repent of their sin and return to God, so their transgressions might be wiped out.
But when He came, Israel's eyes were blinded by pride, their heart was bloodied with sin, and they would not give heed to what He said.
They were to teach that Christ died for the sin of the world, was buried, and rose again, according to the Scriptures, and that whosoever believed on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
God knows that when we start to come to terms with the unfathomable mercy that He has shown to us - in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us so that by faith in Him we might be forgiven of our sins and receive eternal life - that His perfect life will be formed within and we will be enabled to diffuse mercy to others because of the mercy that our Heavenly Father has so graciously bestowed on each one of us.
We read in verse 24, Seventy weeks are determined upon the people of Israel and the holy city of Jerusalem, to finish transgression, to end sin, to be reconciled with God and to bring in everlasting righteousness.
And, for a time, the Lord instituted the Church to go into all the world and spread-abroad the gospel of grace - that Christ died and is risen as the sacrifice for sin.
This man-of-sin will be identified when he, confirms a covenant of peace. People will hail him as the Messiah, and he will deceive many.
Sadly, while a remnant of converted Jews and two special witnesses will tell forth the truth that Jesus is the promised Messiah and eternal Son of the Father - others will believe the lie from the satanically inspired man-of-sin.
God is righteous and must judge sin, but He must also judge the world in righteousness.
Our sin was judged at the Cross.
However, an unbelieving world must suffer the consequences of rejecting the God Who created them and Who paid the price for their sin with His own blood.
Many will be slaughtered for their faith... as complete destruction is poured out on the man-of-sin who desecrated the Temple of God.
Today is the day of salvation for all who will believe on Christ for the redemption of their sins.
Let us redouble our efforts to tell all those we meet today, that Christ died for their sins and rose again to give them life everlasting - so that they too may escape this coming day of wrath.
But Adam sinned, placing himself and the whole human race in bondage to sin and enslaved by Satan. Before God's plan for the earth could be completed, fallen man had to be redeemed through the sacrificial death and life-giving Resurrection of His only begotten Son.
Let us run to win so that we may lay up for ourselves good treasure in our heavenly home, for although our sin is forgiven and eternal life is our present possession, we will be judged for what we did in our lives, whether for good or ill.
Jesus came to earth at God's appointed time to save His people, Israel, from their sins and set up God's kingdom on earth - but Israel rejected their Messiah, and the kingdom He came to set up had to be postponed until the nation of Israel repents of the communal sin of rejecting their Messiah.
The punishment for our sin has already been paid in full.
The price of sin paid in full. 'It is finished' and He did it on our account. Because we are already saved, we are to be removed in the Rapture before this terrible time, and we will be with the Lord, forever.
The Cross of Christ overcame sin, death, Satan, and the world system which has been engaged in fierce warfare against all that is of God.
Jesus has overcome sin, death, Satan, and the world system on our behalf, because we cannot overcome ourselves.
Jesus gained the victory on behalf of all who trust in the name of the only begotten Son of God for salvation, because we cannot overcome the world, the flesh, our sin nature, or the strategies of the evil one in our own strength.
Let us therefore reckon ourselves dead to sin and the things of this world, and let us reckon ourselves alive unto Christ.
We who were once dead in our trespasses and sins and estranged from God by sin, have been forgiven of our sins and brought near to His throne of grace, through faith in Christ Jesus our Saviour.
We are saved from our sins because we trusted Jesus as Saviour Who died on the Cross.
It is not only knowing that Christ has identified with our sins (sonship), but that we are to identify with Christ (discipleship). We are to identify with His surrender, His sacrifice, and His suffering.
Self, the self-life, and all that is connected with the old sin nature must remain securely nailed to the Cross.
It is the consummate tool that identifies and exposes sin.
It is as we come face to face with the perfect Law of God, that the horror of sin is exposed and our desperate need of God's gift of salvation becomes clear.
Paul points out that it is not the content of the Law that is the problem but the sin it lays bare, and asks the rhetorical question, What shall we say then?
Is the Law sin?
Paul quickly supplies the only answer: May it never be! he exclaims emphatically. On the contrary, I would not have come to know about sin except through the Law.
The particular sin that haunted him was his own evil, covetous heart: I would not have come to know sin except through the Law, he admits, for I would not have known about coveting if the Law had not said, 'YOU SHALL NOT COVET.'
This simple command has far-reaching implications in the life of every man, for knowledge of sin comes through the Law and knowledge of the Law exposes SIN.
Israel's sin had to be punished, and the time of Jacob's Trouble had to take place, if prophetic Scriptures and God's promises were to be fulfilled.
The kingdom of heaven on earth could NEVER come to pass if sin were not dealt with.
And if sin was not punished, then God's promised Messianic kingdom of peace and prosperity could never begin.
Who is worthy to open the scroll?' The fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden dictated that every man is born in sin.
And no doubt, the old apostle understood that if the kingdom promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, were postponed indefinitely, we would all be sentenced to live forever in our fallen state; dead in sin, at enmity with God, and with no prospect of being resurrected in a new body.
John and all of us who have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ have a promised hope that can never fail, for Jesus (The Man Who is God and the God Who is Man) broke the power of Satan, sin, death, and hell, at the Cross, and although its final fulfilment is yet future, we can rejoice greatly knowing that the Lion from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome, and HE IS able to open the book.
When the nation transgressed or an individual sinned, they had to make atonement for their sin - they had to cover their sin until their Kinsman-Redeemer paid the price for sin - at Calvary.
Only a perfect Man could pay the sacrifice for the sin of the world.
He paid the sacrifice for sin so that all who trust in Him would become part of that new creation in Christ and once again, enjoy the cherished closeness with our heavenly Father, for which we were originally created.
The beautiful intimacy and eternal union that is enjoyed by the Father and the Son has graciously been extended to all who trust in His sacrificial work - for the forgiveness of sin.
He was the eternal Son even before the world was created, and yet He was not fully revealed as our Kinsman-Redeemer until that appointed time when He was born into the human race as the sacrifice for our sin.
He was chosen and foreordained to be the sacrifice for sin before the foundation of the world, but He was brought out into the public view and made manifest to the world in these last days.
Yes, Jesus is the Word made flesh Who came to tabernacle amongst His own creation so that He could save His people from their sin, by faith in Him.
Christ was no afterthought as a result of man's sin.
For 4000 years, God prepared the way for His only begotten Son to be born into the world as the Propitiation for our sin and it was at the end of the dispensation of the Law (which Scripture refers to as 'the last days') that Jesus was sent from heaven to earth to fulfil His Father's plans and purpose for the race of man whom He had formed out of the dust of the earth in His own image and likeness.
And in Christ, we have an absolute assurance in God's plan of redemption for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting, for He is our Life and in Him is life everlasting.
For God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son, the promised Seed of Abraham, to die for the sin of the whole world so that whosoever believes in Him would not perish but be blessed with the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
Jesus Christ is the Seed to Whom this particular, staggering Abrahamic promise of world-wide blessing was made, for only the eternal Son of God and perfect Son of Man (Who is the single Seed of Abraham) is able to save His people Israel from their sins, to die for the sin of the whole Gentile world, and to unlock that precious promise that God made to His forefather: That all the families of the earth will be blessed.
We may not have experienced the type of vision Paul had on the road to Emmaus, and we may not be a pastor-teacher like Timothy, but we all have received the same great salvation; the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting, and we all have work to do in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Having outlined the frailty of man's flesh and the mysterious glory of Christ's cross, Paul reaches his climactic conclusion, that anyone, who is in union with Christ, by believing His finished work on Calvary paid the price for their sins, has been made a new creation.
This new nature is not a patching-up of the old sin nature, nor a re-training of the old sinful self.
Our promised positions in Christ's coming Kingdom and the many precious pledges that God has made to all who believe in His only begotten Son for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, are equally certain, totally true, and unquestionably unbreakable - for God cannot lie.
We are not to be deceived about the source of sin and its consequences, and we are to be particularly careful of being led astray from the truth of God's Word into justifying our own, self-authenticated, ungodly acts and lustful pride.
This is a grievous slur on the character and goodness of God and is diametrically opposite of the truth that is laid out in Scripture: that God alone is good, that every good and perfect gift comes to us exclusively from Him, and that God Himself cannot be tempted nor does He ever tempt anyone to sin.
It may not be flattering to realise that when we are tempted to sin we are being carried away by the enemy's deceptive tricks, allured by worldly treats and enticed by our own lustful pride, but how important to recognise the warning from James.
Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, Jesus is the Saviour of the whole world, and Jesus is the one and only sacrifice for sin, for there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved.
The godly attributes of this virtuous lady are unattainable in our own strength, for the works of the flesh, whether good or bad, are rooted in the fruit of the old sin nature and are unacceptable to the Lord.
It is in this chapter, that the Lord Jesus demonstrated His power to heal the sick and forgive sin, and in so doing, authenticated His deity.
The healing of their friend's twisted, disabled body was what they expected, and their expectation was rewarded, for we read that when Jesus saw their faith he said to the paralytic: Take courage, son; your sins are forgiven.
The sick man may have hoped to have his body healed, but he would never have expected to hear Christ's staggering pardon: Your sins are forgiven!
They witnessed the incarnate Son of God exercise His power and authority to forgive sins, and no doubt came to a much deeper spiritual understanding of the significance of WHO the Lord Jesus was.
Those with a tender heart towards Him grew in their understanding and faith, while those who followed Him out of selfish ambition missed their greatest opportunity to be healed of their sickness and sin.
Christ's sacrificial death at Calvary is the greatest demonstration of the love of God for mankind, for God demonstrated His deep love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. The Son of God was made sin for us and the great design of the gospel of grace is full and free reconciliation; unconditional peace with God.
The Gospel of reconciliation and all it means to us is a great and profound mystery, which should engender in all of us, both wonder and praise: That God the Father made God the Son Who knew no sin to be made sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
The blood He shed on Calvary's tree would pay the price for our sin.
God in His mercy stooped down to humanity so that the sacrificial death of the sinless Lord Jesus would pay the penalty for our sin through faith in Him.
He did this so that sinful man might be declared righteous, forgiven of our sin forever, and eternally clothed in the glorious righteousness of Christ.
God the Father treated the Lord Jesus like a condemned criminal, pouring the full force of His anger and wrath on the Son of His love, as He bore the accumulated sin of the whole world on His sinless shoulders.
Jesus was cursed on our account and paid the price for our sins.
Acting as our Kinsman-Redeemer, Jesus was made sin by becoming the full and final sacrificial sin-offering.
The One Who knew no sin, was made to be sin and was condemned on our account.
He was identified with man's fallen race and imputed with the sin of all humanity, causing Paul to write: God Made Him to be sin for us.
God made Him Who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf.
Surely, it is the wonder of all wonders: God Made Him Sin so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
Christ identified with sinful man and was imputed with the grossness of our sin, and by faith, we are identified with Christ and imputed with His perfect righteousness!
Our sinless Saviour was made sin on our account.
The eternal Son of God bore the accumulated sins of the whole world upon Himself, including your sin and my sin.
As members of the fallen, human race, we are all sinners, and the Bible teaches that ALL sin must be punished, and that the wages of sin is death.
But God in His grace provided a way for every member of the fallen human race to be forgiven of their sin.
He gave His only begotten Son to come to earth as the substitute for our sin.
He sent Jesus to be our Kinsman-Redeemer, to take the punishment we deserve, and to pay the penalty for our sin.
The sinless Son of God was punished for our sin.
Paul tells us that as Church age believers who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, we are not appointed to wrath, for Christ took the punishment for our sin and we have been declared righteous in God's sight and covered in His robe of righteousness.
Time is short, and as those who will escape the wrath to come, we should take every opportunity to urgently warn a world that is sinking deeper and deeper into sin, to pay attention to Scripture, to heed biblical warnings, and to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, for there is NO other name given among men whereby we must be saved.
It is only through faith in Him as the substitute for our sin and His finished work on Calvary that they will be saved.
They were so critical of this local lad with the shocking scandal that surrounded His conception and birth and the dis-interesting normality of His simple, family life with his younger siblings, who themselves were disparaging about His claims, that the people of Nazareth dismissed the possibility that this Man in their midst was the eternal Son of the Most High God Who had come to save His people from their sins.
We are not simply directed to love our neighbour as we love ourselves, as were saints in Old Testament time, but we are to love one another with the same love that Christ loved us, when He willingly came to earth to be born into the human race so that He could give His life to pay the price for our sin.
The power of God to forgive sins is embedded in Christ's death on the Cross, the only substitute for sin.
And it is only by faith in Him we can be forgiven of our sin and receive His gift of eternal life.
Our sins would be forgiven, but without the Resurrection of Christ to life eternal, death would have gained its prey.
Christ is therefore the 'Firstfruits from the Dead' and we who have trusted Him for the forgiveness of sins have received His free gift of eternal life-in Christ, and the promise of our resurrection to life.
The inexpressible depth of God's love towards condemned mankind was demonstrated when He sent the Lord Jesus to be our Saviour, Who took the punishment for our sin on Calvary's cross.
The eternal Son of God was the only possible sacrifice for the sin of mankind and He became the chosen Lamb - slain from the foundation of the world, to be mans' substitute for sin.
Christ's redeeming blood is sufficient to deal with the penalty and power of sin and death - a satanic power that has enslaved humanity since Adam's fall - but all who trust in Him for salvation will be saved.
Having laid out everyman's depravity, everyman's rebellion against God, and the total inability of every man to save himself from the eternal consequences of sin, and having condemned the wicked man, the religious man, and the man that is moral, we discover that all are equally under God's wrath.
All are under His condemnation, and all are separated from God by sin.
However, Paul then contrasts the sin of man, with the goodness of God... the sinfulness of Adam with the righteousness of Christ.
Paul lays out the most comprehensive and thorough presentation of the gospel over the next few chapters of this glorious epistle, unfolding the pivotal doctrines of justification, and sanctification for all, who by grace through faith will trust in Christ as their sin-substitute.
It was under the leadership of Ezra that the nation, which had strayed so far from God and fallen into gross apostasy and ungodly idolatry, was reminded of its covenant with the Lord, and Ezra was instrumental in returning the nation from sin to salvation.
We are not of this world but have become a citizen of heaven - and we are sealed by the Spirit of life, Who has set us free from the law of sin and death.
We have been given peace with God by our Lord Jesus Christ and are no longer estranged from Him through sin... for we have been redeemed with a price... the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
The name of the Lord encompasses all the wonderful, eternal, glorious, infinite, and amazing aspects of our Creator God Who loved us so much that He gave His only begotten Son to be the substitute for the sin of the whole world, and to die in our place.
He did this so that we could be forgiven of our sins and be showered with all the wonderful and eternal gifts that God in His grace has bestowed on all who believe on the name of Jesus.
God, in the Person of the eternal Son, became a man sharing in our mortal, human make-up of flesh and blood, without which the redemption of mankind would have been utterly impossible, and without which all humanity would have remained dead in their sins and powerless to overcome death.
The wages of sin is death: spiritual death, physical death, and the agonizing fear of death that stalks the heart of humankind.
The enormous ramifications of man's sin in the garden of Eden cannot be imagined by the temporal mind of mortal man, nor should its eternal implications be ignored.
There was not one man good enough to stand in the gap and pay the price of sin.
The eternal Son of God took on mortal flesh and shared in our earthly, physical frame so that the God-rejecting, sin-soaked race of fallen humanity could be redeemed from the shocking, inescapable, and eternal consequences of sin (spiritual death, physical death, the fear of death, eternal separation from the Father, and the righteous condemnation of a holy God).
The evils of sexual sin and the terrible consequences that accompany them can be traced throughout Scripture.
Paul tells us to flee from sexual sin and to not allow sexual promiscuity or impurity of any kind be mentioned among God's people, reminding us that the man who commits a sexual sin is sinning against his own body.
He also points out that Satan seeks to tempt us through a lack of restraint of sexual desire, listing sexual sin along with impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, all of which he labels as idolatry.
Knowing that our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit and that the Spirit of God dwells within, each one of us should be more than enough to cause us to flee from every vestige of sexual sin, to shun sexual advances from the world outside, and outlaw any infiltration of idolatry from within.
We are to remember that good will overcome evil, Satan and sin have been defeated, Christ has won the victory, and one day every wrong in this world will be put right.
It was God Who saved His people Israel, after 400-years of bondage in Egypt, when they applied the shed blood of the Passover lambs onto the lintels of their doors - a striking picture of the true Passover Lamb, Whose shed blood at Calvary would provide the means of healing the nation that was saving His people from slavery to sin and its terrible consequences.
He would come in holiness and righteousness to bind up their wounds and heal His people from the sin and the suffering that has plagued this world since the fall of Adam.
He would come as the Sacrifice for their sin.
It was to Moses, in the nation's infancy, that God revealed Himself to His people as Yahweh-Rapha - I am the Lord that heals you, and David expanded this glorious truth in so many of his psalms, for we read: He forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.
He redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion. - How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven - whose sin is covered.
We are born 'in sin' with a sin nature, dead in trespasses and sin, which makes us sinners and which means that we are estranged from God.
Our sins, past, present, and future are forgiven and will never be remembered again.
When we are born again by trusting in Jesus as the sin sacrifice for our sin, there are hundreds more blessings that become ours in Christ Jesus, and they are all YES and AMEN in Him.
Jesus came, first and foremost, to do the will of His Father Who loved us so much that He gave Jesus to pay the price for the sin of the world: So that whosoever believes on HIM would not perish but have everlasting life.
Although we were born dead in trespasses and sins and at enmity with God, we must never forget that by grace through faith in Christ, we have been saved.
Let us in everything, by prayer and supplication, with humble thanksgiving of heart, praise our heavenly Father Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ... in Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, according to the riches of His grace.
He came to save them from their sins and to restore them into fellowship with Himself, and although many rejected Him at His first coming, Jesus led many out of one sheepfold into another; Jew and Gentile together, becoming one new man in Christ during this special dispensation of the grace of God.
Having rejected: 1) The prophetic warning of John the Baptist to turn from their sins and produce righteous fruit. 2) The heavenly witness of the Father and the Spirit at His baptism. 3) The undeniable testimony of His messianic signs as proof of His heavenly calling, the leadership of Israel were further berated by Christ.
The parable described the sad history of the chosen nation of Israel who repeatedly and persistently broke His holy covenant, rebelled against the God of their fathers, rejected His repeated entreaties to repent of their sins, and declared that the ill-treatment of many of God's messengers stood as witness against them (for they wounded some and treated others shamefully, beating some and killing others).
The psalmist is not referring to the specifics of the Mosaic Law in this verse, but to the undivided law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus which has made us free from the law of sin and death.
That the Lord Jesus was sent into the world to deliver Adam's fallen race from sin and death, and to offer ALL who would believe on Christ, God's free gift of salvation. Jesus came instructing us to deny ungodliness and to abstain from worldly desires.
He had been led as a lamb to the slaughter, so that the price of sin could be paid for through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.
John stood before the eternal God, Who had become the glorified Man... through Whose blood we have redemption, the forgiveness of sin, and life everlasting... according to the riches of His grace, that He lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.
Jesus came to earth as the suffering Servant of God, so that He could save His people from their sins, by means of His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection.
Jesus had encountered the condemnatory accusations of pious people who were quick to accuse an adulteress of her sin while wallowing comfortably in their own sinfulness.
And so it was not his question on inheritance that immediately grabbed Christ's attention... for forgiveness of sins, eternal life and a heavenly inheritance is God's free gift to all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as their perfect Kinsman-Redeemer and substitute for sin.
He is the Good Teacher, for Jesus is the incarnate God, made in the likeness of sinful flesh - yet without sin.
Sin is so terrible in the sight of God, that Paul determined to explain the shockingly high price that God in His grace chose to pay to redeem mankind so that no-one could ever boast that they were saved because of their good works.
There are none that are good, and not one can brag that their kindly deeds, financial contribution, pious prayers, saintly religiosity, or ecclesiastical duties contributed towards their forgiveness of sin and everlasting life.
Man was the pinnacle of God's creation, but sin erected an immovable barrier between man and God: For the wages of sin is death, which means eternal separation from the God Who created us.
The eternal consequences of our sin are shocking, but by contrast the goodness and grace of God are exhibited in the sacrificial death of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and accessed by faith.
Although God has set eternity in the heart of man, sinful rebellion placed humanity under a terrible curse, leaving us in permanent bondage to sin, forever estranged from God, and eternally enslaved by Satan.
Man's sin infected our very nature causing us to know what was evil without the capacity to avoid it, and knowing what was good without the ability to do it.
God not only purposed to pay the price for the sin of mankind so that our sin could be forgiven, but He chose to reestablish our fellowship with Himself and adopt us as His own children.
God determined that the one and only payment for sin would be the death of His only begotten Son; nothing more, and nothing less.
And so we read that God pronounced a blessing upon Noah and his sons, and that blessing was made manifest when God sent His only begotten Son to be the sin-sacrifice for a wicked and evil race of men, who only do evil continuously.
He came as Man born of a woman – God of God yet Man of man, born into our sinful race as one of us so that He could be the propitiation for our sins and demonstrate the love of God towards us.
His promises will never fail, for His Word cannot be broken, and Zechariah prophesied of the glorious salvation of a remnant of Israel and the future peace and prosperity they will enjoy in the City of God, when Jesus is King of Israel and Governor over the whole earth. Nevertheless, because of their sin, the Lord was angry with those that disobeyed Him.
He called on them to repent of their ongoing sins, to turn from their wicked ways, and to be obedient to Word of the Lord their God.
The LORD was very angry with your fathers, is the important message with which Zechariah opens His prophetic book: God has been very displeased with your fathers, he cries. Return to Me, declares the LORD of hosts, repent of your sin and turn from your evil ways that I may return to you. This was the gracious warning that this man of God delivered Israel, but they continued to disobey.
The serious peril of legalism is the principle message of Galatians, because legalism devalues and discredits Christ's incredible offering of Himself as our sacrifice for sin.
Justification is the initial work that takes place when a lost sinner places their trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
We live in fallen bodies with an inherent sin nature and hindering the prayer-life of the saints is a top priority for the enemy of our soul: Keep alert in prayer, we are all charged: Watch and pray, with an attitude of thanksgiving.
John also records: It is finished, that great cry of victory when Satan, sin, death, and hell had been forever defeated, after Jesus had endured 3 hours of the most intense physical suffering, followed by three more hours of the most terrifying time, when He underwent spiritual separation from His Father and the Holy Spirit (i.e.
And so, in the midst of His suffering, as He faced the full force of God's wrath by becoming the substitute for OUR wrongdoing and paying the penalty for OUR sin, Jesus knew there was one more special duty to perform, before He breathed His last.
We were dead in our sin and under eternal condemnation.
Before we were born again, we were enslaved in sin and under the curse of the Law, en route to the lake of fire and eternal separation from our Creator God.
How important therefore to seek to live godly in Christ Jesus and to keep a short rein on any sins we may commit.
How vital to identify sins of omission or sins or commission and to confess these faults to our Heavenly Father, knowing that if we confess our sin He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to keep on cleansing us from all unrighteousness.
Jesus lived a sinless life so that all who believe in Him might be forgiven of their sins and clothed in His righteousness, but it is only as we die to self, live to Christ, and walk in spirit and truth in the power of the Holy Ghost, that our life can be holy unto the Lord.
It is only my new, born-again life-in-Christ that can walk in spirit and truth and not the old Adamic life that is saturated with sin, and remains at enmity with God.
But Christ not only identified with our sins so that in-Him we could walk in the light of His love by faith and be imputed with His own righteousness, but He is also our heavenly Advocate Who continuously pleads our case before the Father.
Our Lord comes alongside to bring us to the place of confessing and forsaking our sins before God so that sweet fellowship with the Father may be maintained, for if we sin we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, and He is the propitiation for our sins.
Jesus is not only our Saviour and Advocate, but He is also the Propitiation for our sins.
Jesus is the One Whose death freed us from the guilt of our sin.
He is the One Whose death and Resurrection redeemed us from slavery to sin and it is only through Christ's atoning work on the Cross on our behalf, that God is satisfied.
God is satisfied that justice has been carried out on behalf of our sins by Christ.
God is satisfied that payment for our sins has been fully met, for Christ is the propitiation for our sins, and not for our sins only but also for the sins of the whole world.
Christ's sacrificial death was so all-embracing, so comprehensive, and so efficacious that He is the Propitiation for the sins of the whole world.
Christ's death was so inclusive that it is sufficient to pay for the price for the sins of every man who ever lived so that whosoever believes on Him might not perish, but have everlasting life.
He longs for both the unsaved to repent and turn away from their sin by looking to Jesus and trusting in Him, and desires those who are already justified, to grow in grace, live godly lives, and turn away from anything that might stunt their spiritual growth: God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Tragically, there are those who do not believe in the only begotten Son of God Who died and rose again to save mankind from their sin, and they remain under His eternal condemnation.
May we follow in Paul and Timothy's footsteps and pray for all men, the unsaved sinner, the godly saint, the carnal Christian, and for all in authority, for this is the will of God Who desires that all men are saved and come to that point of repentance, where they turn from sin and turn TO Christ.
They were the nation through whom God chose to bring forth the promised Seed of the woman; the Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the world Who would come to save His people from their sin.
The Law could only identify the sin in fallen man.
We see God preparing the world for the arrival of His Son, Who would be the sacrifice for the sin of the whole world.
We see the fall of Adam and the need for a blood sacrifice to cover man's sin.
We see Isaac, the only son of promise, as a type of the Lord Jesus, the beloved Son Who was given as the sacrificial offering for the sin of the world and was willing to become a burnt offering; a sweet-smelling savour to the Lord.
The Law made nothing perfect, but it was the tool God used to identify sin and point the condemned sinner to Christ for salvation.
The Law could not forgive sin but it exposed the shocking truth that all have sinned and all fall short of God's perfect standard, which is only found in the Person and Work of Christ Jesus our Saviour, through Whom ALONE we can draw near to God.
False prophets continued to rebuke him, as he faithfully warned of the fast-approaching judgement and destruction of God's people and their land if they refused to repent of their sin.
The last part is concerned with the distant future - beyond Christ's Millennial Kingdom, when there will be a new heaven and a new earth - and sin will be no more.
Come is the call to those that are dead in their sins.
What the Spirit and the Bride are offering is the opportunity to come to JESUS - to drink of the Living Water - to receive forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
One is an entreaty to those that are dead in their sins and facing a lost eternity to come and drink of the water of life, while the other is the call of the Church for Christ to return and set up His earthly kingdom, in power and great glory.
But now she was to receive a special honour, for she was to participate in the fulfilment of Bible prophecy by becoming the mother of the Messiah; the promised Seed the woman; the Seed of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David, Who would save His people from their sins.
Gabriel explained that she was to conceive in her womb and bear a Son, and she was instructed to call His name Jesus, for He was to save His people from their sin.
One that He mentions, is of the man or woman dead in their trespasses and sins who comes to Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and by grace through faith in Him are raised into newness of life and receive the free gift of life everlasting.
Though their sins may have been scarlet and their fleshly works as filthy rags, they are accepted in the Beloved through faith in Him, clothed in His righteousness, and freed from all condemnation.
This reassuring chapter reminds us that we are free of God's judgement and condemnation because we are in Christ and we are released from the curse of the law, slavery to sin, and Satan's accusations.
But for a little while, we live in a fallen world and are affected by the ravages of sin.
But we also have His unfailing assurance that the blood of Christ has overcome sin, the world, and the devil, and that every single circumstance of our individual life, as well as the global, satanic plans of the enemy are all working together for God's glory and for the eternal good of all who are called according to the purposes of God; which is to be conformed to the image of His Son.
We are urged to recognise that the love of money is a root of many kinds of evil, which can encourage envy, engender covertness, and tempt us toward sin.
Paul touches on many aspects of our fallen, sin nature, and this verse instructs us in plain, straight-forward language: Let the thief no longer steal!
He had come to give to His people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins.
How terrible that because of their bigotry and preconceived notions, these men of Nazareth were unable to embrace the truth, repent of their sins, and trust in Christ, the Son of the living God.
Jesus was despised and rejected when He came to earth as the sacrifice for sin.
But He also faced the agony of the cross on our account, to gain the victory over sin and Satan, death and hell.
A day is already set, in the council chambers of heaven, when God will wipe away all tears. And that is a day that we will all witness. But never forget that in this world of sickness and sin, hardship and pain we have a Saviour, Who understands the gaping grief behind each welling tear-drop that blurs our vision today and cuts deep into the heart of our soul.
Whether we like it or not, it is good to recall that there was a time in our life when we were dead in our sin and at enmity with God.
We should never forget that before we were saved by grace through faith in Christ, we were part of a condemned group of unbelievers who, because of the hardness of our sin-sick hearts had become callous and given over to sensuality - while practicing every kind of impurity and greediness.
Though we were at one time immersed in the sea of fallen humanity and soaked in sin, we have been rescued by God's grace and have been clothed in Christ's robe of righteousness.
Having been rescued from the slave-market of sin and adopted into God's family, we are called to be children of the light who live in spirit and truth and in accordance with godly principles and practices which are laid out, for our learning, within the pages of Scripture.
We have passed from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His dear Son, for we have received the forgiveness of sins and newness of eternal life in Christ Jesus, our God and our Saviour - and nothing can pluck us out of His hand, and no one can pluck us out of His Father's hands, for ever and ever, AMEN.
And as ministers of the better covenant, we have been ordained to proclaim the gospel of grace to those that are dead in their sins, Jew and Gentile alike, and are heading for a lost eternity.
May we not grow weary of well-doing, but tell forth good news of the gospel of grace - that Christ died for our sin, that He was buried, and rose again - so that whosoever believe on HIM would not perish but have everlasting life.
In every way, the Lord Jesus is presented in Hebrews as being superior to prophets, angels, Moses, David, and all created beings, for He alone is the uncreated God Who was made in the likeness of mortal man, yet without sin.
In Hebrews 5, the writer's focus is on the Aaronic priesthood and the qualities of the high priest who was required to present gifts and offerings to the Lord for the atonement of man's sin.
It was at His Resurrection, when Christ had fulfilled His role as the sin-sacrifice for the whole world, that God was finally able to say: This day have I begotten Thee. It was when the Lord Jesus had finished the work that God had sent Him to do that He was lifted up to the position of God's eternal High Priest, and today Jesus is seated in heavenly places interceding for His people for He is the only Mediator between God and man.
In contrast to the temporary priesthood of Aaron and his descendants, who were fallen creatures in need of the forgiveness of sins through the constant cleansing from the old sin nature by means of many blood sacrifices, Jesus offered Himself once, for all, and has established an eternal priesthood into which all members of the Body of Christ have been given a permanent position.
He is not only able to offer a better sacrifice on our account, but has Himself become the innocent, blood-sacrifice that was slain for our sin from the foundation of the world, to atone for our sins.
But there was no other way to pay the enormous price of sin except by means of the precious blood of the holy Lamb of God, poured out for your sin and for mine.
Christ's bitter anguish in the Garden can only be grasped in the light of what was about to take place as He hung on the Cross, for He was about to bear the full weight of the sin of the whole world.
He was to become the sin-substitute and be made sin for us.
He was to become the sacrifice for sin, and was about to bear the full force of the curse of the Law of our account, as the inexhaustible wrath of God was poured out upon Him, in fullest measure.
There was no other good enough to pay the price of sin, but He was made sin for us so that we who believe in Him, might be made the righteousness of God IN HIM.
We will not be judged for our sins, for our sin was judged at the Cross.
Christ took the punishment for our sins so that by grace through faith in Him, we might be forgiven of our sins.
Jesus paid the full price for our sin and for the sin of the whole world so that whosoever believes on Him might not perish, but have everlasting life.
The full force of God's wrath against sin was poured out on Jesus, instead of being poured on us.
Christ was identified with us and with our sin so that we might be identified with Him and with His righteousness.
For that reason, Jesus was born into the human race so that He could become our Kinsman-Redeemer and pay the price for our sin.
Nevertheless, we will be judged, but not for our sin but on how we lived our lives.
However, bad deeds; works of unrighteousness that were undertaken by the old sin nature, will suffer a loss of reward.
Having appeared as the suffering Servant Who was sent by the Father to expiate sin, once and for all, through the sacrificial offering of Himself on the Cross, He is revealed in the book of Revelation as the risen, ascended, glorified Son of the most High God.
The bronze serpent raised up by Moses in the wilderness typifies the Lord Jesus Who was made sin for us and took the terrible punishment for our sin on the Cross.
We will never be judged for our sin, because Christ took the punishment on our behalf.
The book of Isaiah is predominantly written to the people of Israel and takes them on the journey of God's redemptive plan, where the increasingly apostate nation is called to repent of their sins and return to the Lord their God. They are reminded that a Messiah is coming, but unless they repent of their sin, their continuing apostasy would seal their exile from the land that was given to their forefather, Abraham.
And as the book of Isaiah draws to a close, God also comforts His people with renewed promises of deliverance from their enemies, restoration to their land, and the arrival of God's chosen Servant, Who will be sent to save His people from their sins.
Like Israel, we have been delivered from the curse of the law, the bondage of sin, and its terrible wages.
Similarly, this verse which states, no one who is born of God sins, has often been used to teach 'sinless perfection', when this is clearly not what the whole counsel of God teaches about sin, salvation, and the doctrine of soteriology.
Some incorrectly interpret this verse to say that no one who has been saved, continues to sin... or keeps on and on sinning.
But these people are performing eisegesis and mis-interpreting the Scripture - for we all know that there are times that everyone sins - and John himself correctly points out that, if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us!
The simple, biblical truth is that we were born dead in sin - i.e.
we were born with a sin nature, which the Bible calls 'the old man'.
Paul himself identified this dilemma, when he cried out, oh wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this body of sin? (this old sin nature).
Praise God that Jesus is the answer to sin.
When Paul discovered his own inner conflict was the clashing of his two natures in violent conflict with one another, he was able to write, I have been crucified with Christ, (my old sin nature has been nailed to the Cross, with Christ).
When we discover that it is the new, born-again, sinless nature of Christ, which we received at salvation that cannot sin... and not the old, fallen, sinful nature, which must be kept in the place of death and 'nailed to the Cross', we can understand the beautiful truth that, no one, who is born of God, sins, and we can further rejoice that, the Son of God protects us from the evil one who has no power to harm us.
Let us rejoice that because we received the sinless nature of Christ, by grace through faith, we cannot sin!
HOWEVER, if we sin (by allowing the old sinful nature, to climb down from the place of death and reestablish its influence over our lives), then we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, and He is the propitiation for our sins. Jesus is the Mediator between man and God - and between God and man.
Every descendent of Adam was born into this world dead in their trespasses and imputed with a sin nature.
As members of the human race, we have all been born into the human family with a fallen nature, saturated with sin, at enmity with God, and eternally doomed.
But for God's eternal Son to become the perfect Son of Man, He had to be born as a child of a fallen human woman but without an inherited sin nature.
God's eternal Son had to be born of a woman and a descendent of man, with an intellect, a will, and emotions, but without inheriting the sin nature.
As Son of God and the Seed of the woman through His forefathers Abraham and David, the Lord Jesus was born without sin, and lived a sinless life in order to pay the penalty for the sin of the whole world.
He did this by becoming the sinless sacrifice so that all who believe on His name might be forgiven of their sins.
But forgiveness of sin was only one aspect of this eternal plan of salvation.
Not only would all who believe in Christ be identified with the death of Christ for the forgiveness of sins, but they would also be identified with His resurrected life and become part of a new creation, with Christ as the federal Head of this new spiritual creation.
All who believe on His sacrificial work for the forgiveness of sins would be made a new creature with a new Christlike nature and have a new beginning and a glorious inheritance in Christ.
Just as we were born into the old creation through natural means: conception and a physical birth into the old creation in Adam (where we all inherit an old sin nature and are estranged from God), so too by faith we are born again into a NEW creation by SPIRITUAL means and returned into fellowship with God.
By God's grace through faith in the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Son of God, we are born again for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
The liberty that we have in the Church dispensation causes some believers to worry that Christians who do not have a series of do's and don'ts to comply with in the Christian life, are likely to think that our liberty is a licence to sin.
But there is no one good enough to pay the price for sin, and it was necessary for God to punish His disobedient nation by sending a terrible plague.
Only the shed blood of an innocent Man, a Kinsman-Redeemer, could become the sacrifice for sin.
Just like Noah before him, Moses also found grace in the eyes of the Lord - and that same grace is extended to ALL who will believe in His Word and trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting: LO, I am with you even to the end of the age.
He knew that having an understanding of future events would help motivate believers to separate themselves from sin and worldly desires, and live godly lives.
Jesus won the victory over sin, Satan, death, and hell, on the Cross, but only during the Day of the Lord will the final sentence be executed.
This should encourage us to look for and hasten the coming Day of the Lord with godly anticipation and thanksgiving, for this fallen, cursed world and everything that has been contaminated by sin, will one day be burned up.
God is a consuming fire and all the corruption, sin, and evil that has been perpetuated down through millennia of history will be destroyed by fire, and the very elements that make up this cursed universe will melt with the intensity of the heat.
The wages of sin is death, and the only way for man to be saved is EITHER - to live a perfect, sinless life, OR - to accept God's offer of salvation, for the forgiveness of sin, through Jesus Christ.
ALL need a Saviour, and the price of everyman's sin, from Adam onwards, was paid at Calvary's Cross, such that whosoever believes on HIM, will not perish, but have everlasting life.
God's offer of salvation, for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting, is open to ALL.
However, on earth, it will be triggered when the man of sin confirms a covenant with Israel, for one week of years - for 7 years - the 70th week of Daniel.
Jews that were steeped in the Mosaic Law were prepared to add elements of Christianity to their Judaism by believing in Jesus for the forgiveness of sin, but they were not prepared to live by faith alone - preferring to revert back to the Law as they lived out their daily lives through works of the flesh.
Paul and the other apostles, recognised that the law was a schoolmaster to point the apostate nation of Israel to their coming Messiah Who would save them from their sins, once they repented.
From the beginning, the wages of sin for both Jew and Gentile alike has been death, and the shed blood of an innocent animal covered man's sin until the arrival of the true sacrifice for sin - Jesus Christ.
It was when the Saviour of the world came to live on earth as the Word made flesh, that He identified with man's sin and took the punishment for man's transgressions upon His own shoulders.
Though the wages of sin is most certainly death, the gift of God is eternal life to all who believe in the sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection of Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son.
The gospel of Paul was focused on Christ: Who gave Himself for our sins so that He might rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father.
It was the Lord Jesus Who took it upon Himself to fulfil the Law on our behalf, and then He identified with our sinfulness so that He, Himself, could pay the price for your sin and mine.
Christ gave Himself for our sins because there was no other way to rescue us from this present evil age and the power of death over us.
The Law may be able to identify our sins and condemn us as guilty sinners, but the Law can never save us from our sins but leaves every one guilty as charged.
Jesus gave His life for our sins in order to save us from this evil world in which we live.
He did this so that we might be liberated from the unbearable burden of knowing that we are sinners while being incapable of doing anything about it, knowing that our sin separates us from God, but not being able to do anything to help ourselves.
Christ, the eternal Son of God, died on the Cross and rose again the third day to be the propitiation for our sins in order to satisfy the righteous requirement of a holy God Who was eternally separated from the human race by sin but Who, before the foundation of the world, planned and purposed by His perfect will, to give Himself for our sin so that He might rescue us from this present evil age and the power of death.
Yes, Paul was commissioned to call men and women from every tribe and nation to faith, and to deliver to them the good news of the glorious gospel of grace so that by repentance and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, they might be saved by grace through faith in Him, and receive life everlasting.
By faith in Him, we who were once dead in trespasses and sins and estranged from God through sin, have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
The gospel is so simple and yet so few are prepared to humble themselves under the mighty hand of God and believe on the only begotten Son of His love for the forgiveness of sin.
However, before this takes place, as Scripture declares, the nation was to repent of their sin, be restored to God, trust in His anointed Son, and be redeemed as God's chosen people.
These words were spoken by the One Who was facing the most acute trouble, for He was facing rejection, betrayal, false accusation, an unjust trial, and the weight of the sin of the world on His shoulders, for the Cross lay before the Lord Jesus.
He knew that in His own darkest hour, the very face of His beloved Father would be turned away, as He was made sin for us.
They expected to be given places of responsibility as His courtiers, but instead, they were catapulted headlong into the pivotal point in the history of the world, when the Son of God became the ransom price for the sin of the whole world.
He recognises that this will be a time when the Davidic Covenant he received from the Lord in 2nd Samuel 7 will reach its fulfilment, and Israel will repent of their sin in rejecting their Messiah and declare, both nationally and individually, their love and loyalty to Jesus Christ, their God and King.
He heard them and He helped them, by sending Jesus to save them from their sin. This was carried out through the shed blood of Christ Jesus, their Messiah and King, despite their cruel rejection of Him.
God helped His people when He sent Jesus to save His people from their sin - to die on the Cross pay the price for their sin and rise again on the third day.
We were born dead in our sins and are estranged from the God Who created us.
There is nothing in our own character, accomplishments, achievements, or ancestry, about which we can glory, for the record of our life is blotted with crimson-coated sin and is indelibly stained with innumerable ungodly acts.
Our hearts are polluted with un-sanctified imaginations and our life is under the curse of sin.
Christ had set apart this little group of men to be His witness to the world that Christ died for our sins, that He was buried, and on the third day rose from the dead so that all who believe on Him might not perish but be given His life and be conformed into His likeness through the process of sanctification.
Mankind needs salvation, because every man is a sinner and the wrath of God is poured out on all sin.
He ordained His plan of salvation before the foundation of the world so that His righteous wrath against sin could be poured out upon His only begotten Son, as sin's substitute for you and me.
But God started to unfold His wonderful plan of redemption, and man was covered with the blood of an animal until the appointed Seed of the woman would finally crush the head of the serpent - on Calvary's Cross - to pay the price for your sins and mine.
How sad that so many reject the one Who loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die on a cruel cross to pay the price for our sin.
We are to grow in grace so that in His power, we will be conformed into the likeness of Christ, but the Spirit will ONLY sanctify our new life in Christ and not our old original sin nature.
On those occasions that we submit to our old sin nature and pander to the lust of the flesh, the enticements of the world, and the accusations of the devil, the Holy Spirit can do no sanctifying work in our new nature in Christ.
When we are living under the influence of the old sin nature, we can NEVER EVER be holy – even the good things that are done in the flesh are unholy in God's eyes.
It means that we keep the old sin nature nailed to the Cross.
But it is also a demonstration of God's goodness and grace to the whole unsaved world, both Jew and Gentile alike, for it is not God's will that any should perish but that all should come to repentance, by turning from sin and trusting in Christ for their redemption.
From that time forward, Paul's singular mission was to tell out the good news to those that were lost in their sin, and the region of Galatia became a fruitful missionary field.
And in His goodness and grace, God has also revealed Himself fully and finally in the written Word of God and through the life and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son Who died to pay the price for the sin of the whole world.
Indeed, God loved us so much that He gave His only begotten Son to come to earth to suffer and die in order to pay the enormous price for our sin, so that we might be forgiven of our sin and receive eternal life.
There is no one who does good, not even one. But in the light of this incriminating assessment from our holy Creator God, what a relief to know that this is not the final chapter of mankind's fall into sin.
God in His grace has offered a way of escape to all who will trust in the efficacious effects of Christ's saving blood which was shed to pay the price for the sin of the whole world, so that whosoever will believe in His sacrificial work on Calvary's Cross, will be saved.
They were to be His witness to a lost and dying world that salvation is available to all who would believe on Christ for the forgiveness of sins.
They would tell the world that by faith, they would be free from the condemnation of death, which is upon all men due to sin, and by faith they would receive the free gift of everlasting life.
He came into the world as LIFE; to breathe 'new life' into the lifeless spirit of man that lay dead in trespasses and sins, and with no hope in the world.
It was through sin that darkness entered the heart of man, and it is through the Light of God's Son, that sin, death, and darkness was overcome. He came as the Light that will never be extinguished in the heart, soul, and mind, of those who place their trust in the atoning work of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is impossible for the darkness of Satan, sin, death, and hell, to overcome the glorious light of the gospel of God.
Only in Him is Hope, and Joy, and Life everlasting, for God the Father decreed that God the Son should come to shine the Light of God's Life and Love into the world so that all who believe on Him could be enlightened by the truth, reflect the light of His love, and be enlivened with His life, but He was rejected as a result of man's sin.
And we genuinely thank God that our sins are forgiven, and praise Him, that in His goodness and grace He has clothed us in Christ's righteousness and remembers our sins no more.
The Bible, however, does not sweep sin under the carpet, and there are many indiscretions and much carelessness, foolishness, ungodliness, and rebellious actions that are given centre stage, as we read through the pages of Scripture.
It was given as a warning - NOT to repeat the sins of their fathers.
Didn’t He make you, and sustain you? Moses exhorted the people to remember the olden days; to recall the Nations' history and consider how far Israel had fallen into sin.
Participating in Holy Communion is a sombre, yet joyful celebration of Christ's gracious sacrifice on the Cross where the New Covenant, which God promised to the nation of Israel, was cut - a covenant that was cut through the precious blood of God's only begotten Son such that all who believe on His name are made children of God, forgiven of our sins, and positioned in Christ.
Indeed, as God's blood-bought children, we should examine our own hearts and consciences to see if we are in fellowship with the Lord or if some unconfessed sin has separated us from enjoying close communion with our Heavenly Father, which is the privilege, if not the practice, of all believers.
And we should be sure that no unconfessed sin is hindering our daily fellowship with our Heavenly Lord.
We should always call to mind that our sin was set aside forever because of Christ's amazing sacrifice, and that any post-salvation sin dishonours the Lord and should be confessed to Him before we partake in any meal of remembrance.
This is why we Christians are instructed to judge our own lives - to see if any sin has separated us from sweet fellowship with our Father in heaven and to confess any sin to Him before we partake in the breaking of bread.
If we fail to judge ourselves and to honestly confess our sin to God, then He will often discipline us: For when we are being judged, we are being disciplined by the Lord - so that we will not be condemned along with the world.
When God sees unconfessed sin in a Christian's life, He takes steps to correct it through a programme of godly child training.
But as His children, God has every right to judge our lives and discipline us when we do not walk in spirit and truth - or when we allow the old, fleshly, sin-nature to repress our new nature in Christ or manipulate our behaviour.
Although sin can never remove us from our eternally secure position in Christ, it can affect our day-to-day relationship with the Lord.
Well, the Bible never contradicts itself and this passage gives greater illumination to the truth that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone, and that forgiveness of sin and everlasting life is not dependent upon our good deeds but on His good work on the Cross.
Once a sinner has been forgiven of their sins, we are to live our lives as unto the Lord.
And the blood of the Son of God that was shed at Calvary (once and for all) was a more excellent sacrifice than the rivers of blood that streamed from the multiple calves and bulls which had made atonement for man's sin for centuries (in anticipation of God's full and final sacrifice for sin).
The Old Covenant could only instruct a sinner in righteousness, convict him of sin, point out his need for forgiveness, and label him guilty.
It contains superior promises of grace, an inner change of the heart, unlimited blessings, sins forgiven, and an eternal hope laid up in heaven for all who would trust in the Lord Jesus Christ: our Prophet, Priest, and King.
Carnal man is sold under sin, which renders God's perfect Law weak through the flesh.
This body of believers is made up of a remnant of Jewish believers in Jesus Christ together with a multitude of Gentiles who were lost in their trespasses, dead in their sins, without God as their Father, and without hope in a fallen world.
But because each member of the Body of Christ trusted Jesus as Saviour, we are no longer foreigners and strangers who were eternally condemned in their sins and headed for eternal separation from their Creator, but are now fellow-citizens of heaven along with all the past Old Testament saints.
He confessed his sin before the Lord and the sins of the entire nation.
He acknowledged they had acted corruptly toward God, and not kept the commands, statutes, and ordinances He gave through His servant Moses: I confess the sins we have committed against You, he cried, both I and my father’s house have sinned.
Nehemiah was in fellowship with the Father, for his sins were forgiven and confessed up to date, and so he was well able to come to the throne of grace for mercy to find help at this time of need.
His quick prayer arrow that sped its way to the Lord was founded on months of prayer, fasting, confession of sin, and pleading his case to God.
The people of Israel were a small, test-sample of the entire, human race... but their collective failure to keep God commands placed them under the curse of the Law and demonstrated that not just they, but ALL humanity stands guilty before God as ALL are equally condemned before God... and the wages of sin is death.
He would keep the righteous requirement of the Law on behalf of all mankind by living a sinless life... and He would pay the price for humanities sin through His own, substitutionary death.
Sin would be dealt with through the death and Resurrection of this perfect, Kinsman-Redeemer - the incarnate God, and faith in HIM would be the means to have sins forgiven, be proclaimed righteous, and receive God's great salvation.
All the nation of Israel had to do to bring in the kingdom, was to repent of their sin (as a NATION), turn back to God (as a PEOPLE), and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as MESSIAH.
They found it hard to break free from the nation's historic roots in Judaism, which were bound by the old, broken covenant, the sacrifice of animals for the temporary atonement of sin, and continuous condemnation from the Mosaic Law-of-death into the recently birthed freedom of Christianity.
This promise was fulfilled some 2000 years later, when the promised Seed, the Lord Jesus Christ, was born into the human race to become the sacrifice for sin. He was sent by the Father to be the Jewish Messiah and the Saviour of mankind.
Paul was called and chosen to be used by God so that countless millions might receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified and positionally set apart for God, by grace through faith in the redeeming work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The unsaved man should fear the Lord because of sin, righteousness, and judgement, but instead: The fool has said in His heart, 'there is no God.' The fool despises godly wisdom and has a contempt for instruction in righteousness.
When Peter writes: Christ also suffered for sins once, he points to the Lord Jesus as the perfect example of One Who through His suffering, fulfilled the will of His Father in heaven.
The Lord Jesus was truly the righteous One Who died for the unrighteous; the eternal Son of God Who was sent from heaven to lay down His life for the sin of the whole world; the perfect Son of Man Who was born of a woman, in order to lay down His life for lost sinners: That He might bring us to God.
Jesus came as the incarnate Word of God, that He might redeem us from slavery of sin and cancel the debt of death and hell, which is our just desserts.
Both Jew and Gentile alike are summoned to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, Who has paid the price for our sin and has, in Himself, the Word of eternal life.
Jew and Gentile, old and young, male and female, bond and free, are all exhorted to: Enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Everyone is summoned to: Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, and to: Bless His holy name forever, for Christ died to pay the price of our sins and is risen to give us life immortal.
In the beginning, it was Satan who caused man to sin and the God who brings peace, pronounced that the Seed of the woman would crush the head of that old serpent - who is called the devil and Satan.
Christ defeated sin, Satan, death, and hell at the Cross, but following the birth of the Church, Paul explained that very soon, He will crush Satan under their feet.
The widespread wickedness, sin, and intermarriage between the rebellious, angelic beings and their human counterparts... together with the shocking corruption and degeneracy that engulfed the whole antediluvian world, caused all humanity to be only evil continuously.
As a descendent of Adam, Noah was a sinner who was born with an old sin nature that was at enmity with God.
What a great privilege for us to know that the Tree of Life, from which man was barred due to sin, is once again freely accessible to those that have trusted in Christ Jesus for salvation.
And the sad consequence of a fleshly Christian life means that we forfeit the beautiful freedom we have in Christ and place ourselves back under slavery to sin and legalistic practices, which rely on self and not on God.
Although a fleshly Christian life and a legalistic leaning does not necessarily mean gross indulgence in sexual immorality and other unseemly practices, it does mean that our actions are in opposition to the will of God for our life - for the appetites of the flesh are not necessarily sinful, but they do refer to any works of the flesh that emanate from the old sin nature (our fleshly heritage before we were born-again) rather than the new-life-in-Christ which we received as a result of our faith in His finished work on the Cross.
And if we walk by the Spirit and live in the light of His truth, we will not gratify the desires of our fleshly lusts or the works of the law, for the old sin nature, with its fleshly inclinations and legalistic practices, stands in stark opposition to all that the new life in Christ represents.
Similarly, the new spiritual life we received at rebirth lusts against the ungodly, legalistic propensities of the old sin nature, for fleshly pursuits and legalistic practices are incompatible with a spiritual walk where one is led by the Spirit of God.
But this requires us to be able to say NO to the continuous pull of the flesh and to resist the old sin nature, that constantly and consistently is at enmity with our new life in Christ, our new born-again spirit which was made alive by faith in Christ.
In order to do so and to have victory over our fleshly lusts, we have to say NO to all that is from the old sin nature.
It is by in His power (and not our own) that we conquer the ongoing internal lusts of the sin nature.
The later chapters of Isaiah give a comprehensive outline and overview of the rejected Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
Isaiah promised that those who were poor in spirit, gentle in heart, hungered for righteousness, mourned for their sin, and trusted God's Word would be comforted and blessed by the Lord.
It was through the hearing of the Word of God, by faith, that we were saved from the penalty of sin, but it is also the Word of truth that delivers us from the power of sin.
May we who have been saved from both the penalty of sin and its power in our lives by faith in Christ, be ready and willing to live our lives as unto the Lord.
For we have previously charged that both Jews and Gentiles are all under sin.
Paul needed to get this clear message across that whether one is born a Jew or Gentile, which encompasses the entire human race, we are ALL under the control of sin and subject to its power.
As Paul reminds them: We have already charged that both Jews and Greeks are all under sin.
For two whole chapters, Paul systematically lays out the shocking reality that every man and every woman who comes into this world is born dead in sin.
Paul is showing that all have sinned, Jew and Gentile alike, but that God loved the world so much, that He gave His only begotten Son into the world to pay the price for the accumulated sin of the entire race so that whosoever believes on Him, whether Jew or Gentile, would NOT perish but be reconciled to God through the shed blood of His dearly beloved Son... and that through faith in Him, they may be forgiven of their sin and receive life everlasting.
When like Paul we discover our old sin nature waging war against our new life in Christ, attempting to once again make us captives to the law of sin and death (that emanates from our fleshly nature), may we never forget that it is Christ alone Who will rescues us from this body of death.
It was love that caused God to send His only begotten Son into the world to be the propitiation for our sins so that we might be born of the Spirit and empowered to live a life of godly love through Him.
Jeremiah's public ministry of calling the nation of Israel to repent of their sin and turn from their hypocritical religiosity, was treated with indifference and contempt by his fellow-countrymen, causing this man of God deep distress.
The unresponsive attitude of the people and their indifference to sin gave rise to his great lamentation, recorded in Jeremiah, chapter 9.
Jeremiah faithfully issued many general prophecies of judgement concerning Judah and some very specific consequences of their continued rebellion, but his call to turn from sin and return to the Lord went unheeded and was treated with scoffing contempt by the majority of his countrymen.
Since his call as a young man, he had faithfully catalogued the sins of the people and warned of their inevitable judgement, if they did not turn from their wicked ways.
The gospel of grace is so simple that a little child can understand that God sent His dearly beloved Son, to die in our place - to be the propitiation for our sin, and to take upon Himself the punishment that we alone deserve.
Yet the gospel of grace is so unfathomable that it staggers the minds of men and angels - that God should send His only begotten Son to die for the sin of a world, at enmity with Himself - so that all who believe in His finished work at Calvary's Cross would be saved, and become be His adoptive sons, and heirs of His kingdom.
In the council chamber of heaven, God in His great wisdom and eternal omniscience, foreordained from the foundation of the world, that His dearly beloved Son would be the perfect Sacrifice for the sins of humanity.
The human race fell into sin, when that old serpent, called the devil and Satan, tempted man to transgress.
However, the price for sin could only be paid for by the shed blood of the innocent Lamb of God.
He was the only acceptable sacrifice for humanity's sin and all who trust in Him for salvation, have their names permanently recorded in the Lamb's book of life.
He will lure many away from their only hope of salvation, which is through faith in the shed blood of Christ Jesus - the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.
God in His omniscience knew in advance of man's terrible fall into sin, and determined from the foundation of the world, to save mankind, by grace through faith in the sacrificial death of His dearly beloved Son - Jesus Christ the righteous.
Jesus was not literally crucified at the foundation of the world, but God's plans and purposes dictated from that point, Christ's death, burial, and resurrection, as laid out in Scripture, would be the only acceptable sacrifice for sin.
And let us seek to tell a lost world that forgiveness of sin and the salvation of their soul is available to ALL who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is by God's grace that we have been saved, and it is because God is both merciful and righteous that Christ had to die to pay the price for our sin.
We were lost in sin and separated from God, but Jesus took the full punishment for our sin.
Indeed, the amazing offer of salvation is available to anyone who will simply believe in Christ's sacrifice of Himself for their sin, whether they be Jew or Gentile.
Sins were only covered by the blood of a sacrificed animal on a temporary basis, until God's perfect sacrifice was sent to pay the price of our sin in full.
Jews and Jewish proselyte were temporarily covered by the blood of a slaughtered animal, but full remission of sins necessitated the shed blood of the unique Kinsman-Redeemer: the eternal Son of God Who, as the perfect Son of Man, was the only acceptable sacrifice for sin.
He died to pay the price for the sin for all humanity.
Sins are forgiven, we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, fellowship with the Father is reinstated, we become children of God, citizens of heaven, and placed in unity with Christ Jesus our Lord.
This spiritual baptism means that the new believer has passed from death to life, has been brought into a totally new, yet severed relationship with sin, and placed into a totally new and eternal union with Christ.
For by the power of the Spirit and to the glory of God the Father, we are made dead to sin and alive to Christ Jesus our Lord.
Though we have been eternally saved by grace through faith in Christ, and though we have been eternally freed from slavery to sin and severed from the old sin nature, attacks from without and failures from within can cause every one of us to stumble and fall.
Afflictions, faults, failings, and grievous sins can cause us to stumble and sin, and king David is one such example.
But the believer who, like David, is a man after God's own heart, a man who trusts the Word of the Lord, will not be overwhelmed even when he does fall into sin because the Lord has promised to hold his hand.
And though there are times when we will fall into sin, our heavenly Redeemer has promised that we will not be overwhelmed (by the sin we commit, nor the grief that may follow), for He has promised to hold us steady and to order our steps.
Oh, at first, they started to rejoice and cried out AMEN, AMEN, but as Ezra continued to read the Scriptures, they started to realise how deeply they had fallen into sin and how far they had wandered away from the truth of God's Word, and both men and women began to mourn and grieve deeply.
The people wept as they heard the Scriptures being read, for they acknowledged their sin, but Nehemiah the governor stood up and reminded the people that this first day of the new year was a special feast day of the Lord.
We can leave our first love and fall into foolish sin.
We can buy into various false teachings, live our lives in selfish pride, and even keep the Lord Jesus standing outside the door of our hearts, but like Israel, today is a day that is a feast day for us, for Christ our Saviour has redeemed us by His blood and we have been released from the bondage of slavery to sin into the freedom of Christ's saving grace.
Like Israel, we should confess our sin and recognise how far we may have wandered from the Lord.
Let us recognise our faults and failings and readily confess our sins to our Father in heaven.
Paul was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for he knew that it was the power of God unto salvation for all, both Jew and Gentile alike who would trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sin.
Believe in Christ's shed blood as the full payment for your sins.
And multitudes down through the corridors of time have simply believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and been saved from the punishment of sin and its diabolical wages, which is death.
They even suggest that if your good works outweigh your sins, you may get to heaven.
But there is only ONE way to be saved, there is only one way to gain forgiveness of sin, there is only one way to receive life everlasting, and that is by faith in Christ's finished work on the Cross.
Those that are steeped in legalistic practices also find the profound simplicity of the uncomplicated gospel to be insufficient to deal with the guilt of sin and its awful consequences and so they insist that certain works of the flesh or some other form of human merit or sacrifice must be added to the simple, child-like trust. BUT there is no other way to be saved except by faith in the Person and Work of Christ on the Cross: That Christ died for our sin according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, and that He rose again, according to the Scriptures.
He is our great God and Saviour, for Jesus became the sin-substitute for all who will believe.
With man the forgiveness of sins is impossible but with God, all things are possible when you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
He is the Man Who willingly shed His own innocent blood as the full and final payment for the sin of the world - for without the shedding of blood there is NO redemption!
The wages of SIN is death, but He was the SINLESS Man.
He sent the Word, made flesh, into the world, to redeem a fallen race of people, Whom He had made in His own image and likeness - a race that had fallen into rebellion and sin.
Every man is born spiritually dead in trespasses and sins and is incapable of saving himself or of communicating with a holy God.
Those that spit out hatred for God and display animosity towards Christ and His people, do at least give the Holy Spirit an opportunity to stop them in their tracks and bring them, in repentance, to the foot of the Cross by convicting them of sin, righteousness, and judgement - as happened with Saul of Tarsus who was wonderfully converted to become Paul, God's chosen apostle to the Gentiles.
The only way for sinful humanity to be reconciled to a holy God is through the shed blood of the eternal Son of God, Who died to pay the price for our sins so that we might be covered with His righteousness and reconciled back to the Father.
The old sin nature is placed on the Cross: We have been crucified with Christ.
Our old sin nature has been nailed on the Cross and self has been put in the place of death in order to allow our new nature in Christ to grow and mature in the faith.
Sin can break this sweet communion, for when we sin we are not abiding in Christ (or to put it another way, we have ceased to abide in Christ).
When we sin, we have chosen a carnal route and stepped away from the spiritual walk in fellowship with God.
When we sin, it is carried out by our old sin nature.
Indeed, every sin that we ever commit, both pre and post salvation, is carried out by that old sin nature - the old man - the carnal self.
No sin we engage in after we have been born from above is carried out in the new nature in Christ, for no one who abides in Him sins.
This position is eternal, and in Christ there is NO sin.
We are commanded to abide in Him from the moment that we have been placed in Christ, and we can choose to abide and remain in Him and to walk in the new life of Christ OR we can choose not to abide in Him and walk in the old fleshly sin nature.
When we abide in Christ, remain in Him, and walk in newness of life, we cannot sin, for in Christ there is no sin and so when we abide in Christ we cannot sin.
Sin comes from the old sin nature, and when we sin we are out of fellowship with Christ.
When we sin, our communion with Christ has been broken.
When we sin, we carry out that sin in the old self - the old man, for no one who ABIDES in HIM sins.
The work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer is to make our new nature exactly like Christ, and in Him there is no sin.
If we do not abide in Christ, we are submitted to the old sin nature.
Sins ALWAYS emanate from the old man.
Sins can only take place when we are out of fellowship with the Lord.
BUT if we abide in Christ we cannot sin, our new life in Christ cannot sin, for no one who abides in Him sins.
And here in this passage it is Paul's Jewish 'brethren' that are hearing: Through Christ, the forgiveness of sins is being proclaimed to them.
Starting from their slavery in Egypt, he progressed through Jewish history until he reached the ministry of John the Baptist who preached a baptism of repentance to Israel and identified Jesus as: The Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.
Finally, Paul dropped the climatic bombshell: Let it be known to you, brethren, that through Jesus, the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Paul was explaining to his unsaved Jewish 'brethren' that Jesus was great David's greater Son, after the flesh.
He was the one about Whom David prophesied, for He died, and rose again for the forgiveness of their sins, and for ALL who would believe on His name.
Christ offered these Jewish 'brethren' something that the Law could never provide – the remission of sins and life everlasting.
The indestructible life of Christ Jesus, was greater than king David, for He was raised from the dead by the almighty power of God and was the perfect Sacrifice for their sin – and by faith in Him, redemption would be theirs.
This is the gospel that must be preached to unsaved Jew and Gentile alike, that through faith in the Man, Christ Jesus is received the forgiveness of sin.
They will repent of their sin and in desperation, will call on their Messiah to save them: Hosannah!
Their eyes will be opened and their hearts will be grieved over their national sin, and many prophetic Scriptures will become crystal clear as they welcome back their True Shepherd of the sheep, the Good Shepherd of Israel Who laid down His life for His people.
All who have trusted in Christ are already forgiven of our sin and have received the gift of eternal life, and by His grace, the Church will accompany our God and Saviour on that incredible day when Israel recognises Jesus as their Messiah.
150 years earlier, Nineveh had repented of her sins and been spared God's bitter wrath when the prophet Jonah brought a message of hope from the Lord, calling them to turn from their wicked ways and trust in Him.
Clearly, the wages of sin is death, and assuredly, we are all sinners deserving of God's terrible punishment.
But when we trusted Christ as Saviour, His sacrificial death redeemed us from the many consequences of sin, death, hell, and eternal separation from the Father.
The Bible tells us that the soul that sins shall die, but thanks be to God for we have been redeemed by the precious blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and have been united with Him forever.
Jesus died for us to pay the price for sin - BUT, He also rose again, so that whether we wake or sleep - whether we continue to live in this mortal realm or cast off this physical 'tent' when we die, we know that we will live together with Christ until the consummation of this Church age when we will be raised in an eternal and incorruptible body - for the rest of time (the Millennial kingdom) and for the eternal ages to come.
However, because of sin this privilege was forfeited, the earth was cursed, and the whole world started to be ruled by Satan - the fallen cherub who tempted Adam to sin against the Lord.
However, God in His grace purposed to redeem the lost race of man, forgive his sins, and return him into his former position of power and glory.
But first, the high price for sin had to be paid, and only the sacrificial death of a perfect Man Who would willingly die to pay the price for the sin of the world, could meet the cost of sin.
Only God is good enough to pay that enormous price for sin.
He came to offer His own sinless life as the ransom price for the accumulated sin of the whole world - so that whosoever believes on Him, would be identified with Christ and reckoned as righteous.
There are those that are saved, by grace through faith in Christ, and there are those that remain dead in their sins and are facing a lost eternity... unless they trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
The 'life' of Christ dwells within the new life we received at salvation - indeed John tells us that the new 'nature' we received when we were saved cannot sin.
we still have an old sin nature which tries to dominate our new life in Christ..
for the flesh lusts against the spirit and the spirit lusts against the old fleshly life... and as believers we are instructed to confess any sin that we carry out in our old, fallen, sinful nature.
However, we are no longer slaves to sin, nor are we under the power of the evil one, like those that are unsaved and remain dead in their sins - for we are 'of God'.
As believers, we know that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one, but we also know that we are of God, and that in Christ we have the power to overcome sin and Satan, through Christ's imputed power and His sufficient grace - as we die to our old sin nature and live our new life for Christ, through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
We are to have fervent love for one another, knowing that love covers a multitude of sins; and we are to extend gracious hospitality to all those with whom we come in contact, and to do it without complaining.
Like so much of the Church today, these Christians in Corinth were trying to grow in grace and mature in the faith through worldly ways, not having understood that the foolishness of the simple gospel of Christ (Who died for our sins and rose again the third day, to pay the price of sin and break its power in our lives), is the only power and wisdom that is acceptable to God the Father.
Having willingly paid the price for our sin by giving His life as the ransom for all who would believe on His name, the indestructible Son of God was raised from the dead.
As the perfect Person, death had no hold on the sinless Son of Man, for death is the penalty for sin and there was found no sin in Him.
He abolished death, through the sacrifice of Himself, and brought life and immortality to light through the good news that Christ died for our sin, was buried, and was raised the third day.
The gospel Paul preached to Timothy is the same gospel that we adore, for sin and death have been abolished in our lives, and by faith in Him we have been given life and immortality.
Many came to Jesus to accuse, ridicule and scorn Him, but the name of Jesus in the ear of the believer is the most beautiful of all names, for it is through our union with the Lord Jesus that we have been brought back into sweet communion with the living God, for there is no other name in heaven or on earth that has the power to seek and to save that which was lost.Trusting in the name of Jesus is accepting Him as the incarnate Son of God, Who came to earth to be our substitute for sin.
It is trusting that His atoning sacrifice paid the price for our sin, and that by faith we are born again into the family of God.
It is believing that the consequence of sin is death, but that Jesus paid the penalty of sin by dying on the Cross for us.
It is believing that Jesus took the punishment that we deserve, and that through faith in Him our sin has been blotted out forever, we have been declared righteous by God and covered in Christ's own, perfect righteousness. Believing on His name is the start of an amazing, everlasting journey that has given us the authority and privilege of being adopted into the family of God and being awarded the right to be called children of God.
It does not mean to believe the fact of Scripture, as an intellectual exercise. 'To believe in His name', means to accept everything that the Bible teaches about the Lord Jesus Christ - that He was sent by God to pay the price for our sin - that He is the Word of God made flesh, Who dwelt among us and died as the sacrificial substitute for the sin of mankind.
to pay the price for MY sin. 'To believe in His name', is to rely on Him for the salvation of our soul, rather than relying on our own good works for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
They refuse to believe in His sacrificial offering on the Cross of Calvary, as payment for their sin, and they are not permitted to become His children.
But to all who have received Him as their sin-substitute, down through centuries of time, by believing on His name, He has given the right and the authority to become children of God.
For centuries, the united message of these faithful men was to call the nation of Israel to repent of their sins, to turn away from their apostate ways, to return to the Lord their God, and to prepare the way for the glorious arrival of their promised Messiah.
For centuries, they were challenged to turn from their evil deeds and to give God their complete loyalty and obedience. The whole nation was called to repent of their sin and behold the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world... and they were to trust His Word and keep His commands.
John, the son of Zechariah the priest, was that lone voice crying in the wilderness, urging his countrymen to repent of their sin and to, prepare ye the way of the Lord. John the Baptist was the person ordained by God to make His paths straight and declare the arrival of the King of Israel to a nation that needed to repent from centuries of idolatry and sin.
Men of Israel at the time of Christ who believed the voice of John the Baptist and trusted in Jesus as their Lord, have already received the many benefits of trusting in their prophesied Messiah, for their sins are forgiven, eternal life is their portion, and each one is being conformed, day by day, in the beautiful image and likeness of the Saviour, in Whom they placed their trust.
We too have been commissioned to bring good news of great joy to the unsaved masses - to Jews and Gentiles alike, by declaring the gospel of grace to those who are dead in their sins... for there is only one name under heaven, whereby we must be saved... the lovely name of Jesus.
Other methods of salvation may be sold to the uninformed - but there is only ONE gospel of salvation, (that the Son of the living God was sent to be our Kinsman-Redeemer, Whose death alone would pay the price for the sin of the whole world and Whose Resurrection alone would give life to all who believe on His name).
He alone suffered, died, and rose again, so that we might be forgiven of our sin and receive life eternal - by faith.
What could be more glorious than to know that we are forgiven of our sin, redeemed from slavery to sin, and saved from eternal condemnation by God's amazing grace through faith in the redemptive work of Christ.
And yet, some would argue that this superabundant grace not only permits the believer to keep on sinning, but encourages a life of sin: God forbid, is Paul's emphatic response, how shall we, that are dead to sin, still live in sin?
We became a new creation in Christ, having been forgiven of our sin, imputed with His righteousness, and received the indwelling life of Christ within our hearts.
Because of Christ's substitutionary death, our old life is dead to sin and our new life is alive to Him.
Having died to sin, we are called to grow in grace and in a knowledge of Him, for we are no longer dead in our sin but alive to Christ: For we have died to sin. We are no longer estranged from God but reunited with Him, in love: For we have died to sin.
When Jesus died on the Cross, He became our sin-substitute.
Christ died to pay the price for our sin.
He paid the penalty of sin so that the punishment that we justly deserve was poured out on Him in our stead.
For only the perfect, sinless, Son of Man could qualify to die for our sins.
He died in our place and identified with you and me so intimately that His death became our death; when He died, we died also: So how can we who died to sin continue to live a sinful life?
Nothing is more glorious than to know that we are forgiven of our sin, redeemed from slavery to sin, and saved from eternal condemnation by God's amazing and super-abounding grace through faith in the redemptive work of Christ: God forbid that we who are dead to sin, should continue to live thereby.
The faith of this little congregation was anchored upon the message of truth; the good news of Christ, the gospel of the grace of God that Christ died for our sins and rose again to secure for who believe in Him, an eternal home reserved for us in heaven.
He is both Apostle and High Priest of our professed faith in Him, for He died for our sin, was buried, and rose again to break the power of sin and death in the life of all who would believe in Him.
And so we discover Paul warning Timothy, his son in the faith, to separate himself from wicked men and to shun the many lusts of the flesh, the temptations of the eye, and passions of the heart, that are designed to separate us from fellowship with our heavenly Father and the many negative consequences that sin brings into the life of a Christian man or woman.
Not only is he to resist the outward fleshly desires (the external seductions of the flesh), and the inner lusts of the heart (the inner bewitching desire for self-will, pride, power, fame, and fortune), but also the secret sin of unbelief, which so easily besets us and which translates into a lack of trust in our heavenly Father.
Having been convicted by the Holy Spirit of sin, righteousness, judgement, and recognising our need of salvation in Christ, we are placed into His Body.
We are removed from our original position in the first creation, where we are 'in-sin' by being identified with the first Adam - and placed into our new position in the Body of Christ as part of the new creation 'in-Christ'.
Christ died for our sin, and at the point of our salvation we became identified with Him We became fully identified with Christ - we died in Christ.
Although we still live in a body of sin, we are nonetheless identified with Christ's death, burial, and Resurrection, and all that it stands for.
The work of the Holy Spirit within the life of a believer has far greater consequences that simply the forgiveness of sin through Christ's sacrificial death.
What use would the forgiveness of sin be if there were no physical resurrection unto eternal life!
We are not only co-crucified and co-buried with Christ for the forgiveness of sins - but we are ALSO co-resurrected with Christ unto eternal life - through faith in the working of GOD.
Humanity's depravity is systematically laid out in the first three chapters of Romans, and Paul makes it crystal clear that there is no-one who is righteous, all are under sin, and no one is exempt from the condemnation and wrath of God.
But His righteousness is only given by grace through faith in the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
We have been declared righteous in Him, not by works of the Law, for by works of the Law shall no man living be justified, but by the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ the eternal Son of God Who became the perfect Son of Man and the only sacrifice for the sin of the world.
They were to see the twin-peaks of Calvary, where Christ was to suffer and die for our sins and Olivet, where He will one day place His feet on that glorious day, when He returns to set up His coming Millennial Kingdom.
But the fullness of the message of grace could not be more fully unveiled until the Lord Jesus came to present Himself in Person, as the sin-sacrifice for the whole world.
He knew it was an undertaking that would both glorify God and pay the tremendous price for the sin of the world.
But He also knew that a cruel cross and ungodly sentence awaited Him, when He would bear the sins of the whole world and be made sin for those He came to save.
King David also recognised the evil that comes through unkind and evil speech and said, I will watch what I do and say - I will set a guard over my tongue and muzzle my mouth so that I do not sin, and Solomon in this verse advises us that: Whoever watches his mouth and tongue keeps himself from trouble.
We also read that Melchizedek, king of Salem, came out to greet Abram and brought him bread and wine, the very symbols of our great Christian faith, which we take and eat and drink in remembrance of Christ Who died for our sin, is risen from the dead, and is coming again to take us to be with Himself.
The Law was written by the hand of God on tablets of stone, and that handwriting condemned every member of the human race, for the Law is perfect, but the Law accuses every man of sin.
It can only condemn every imperfect sinner to death, for the wages of our sin is death.
He became the complete sacrifice for both the sins we committed during our lifetime, and the sin nature we inherited in our very being.
It was through the grace of God that He gave His only begotten Son, to take the full and final punishment for our sins.
The death of Christ put an end to our sin.
Our sin was judged forever at the Cross and will never be judged again.
Christ took the punishment for our sin, covered us in His righteousness, and declared us righteous.
To prevent the Corinthians Christians from regressing into their former ways, Paul used Israel's escape from Egypt, their wilderness wanderings, and their eventual entrance into the promised land, to teach believers how to live godly lives in Christ Jesus and keep themselves from falling into sin, idolatry, apathy, or rebellion.
Every part of the Mosaic Law and all prophetic writings pointed to Jesus, Who was to come and save them from their sin.
The sin of every Old Testament saint was temporarily covered by the shedding of innocent blood, as appointed by God, in the Mosaic feasts and sacrifices, UNTIL their true Lamb of God would come, and take away their sin - through the shedding of His own innocent blood.
How sad that these redeemed people fell into sin, idolatry, apathy, carnality, and rebellion and how important that Christians learn from Israel's failure, and do not end up as the redeemed of God, who remain in spiritual infancy, and live life, in utter defeat.
But Christ continued to emphasise... in His actions and attitude, that He was Lord of the Sabbath with divine power to both heal the body and forgive sins.
And so, when challenged by the authorities for breaking the Sabbath day rule, he did not withstand their rebukes by glorifying God for his miraculous release from sin and supernatural healing - he simply answered that he had no clue who Jesus was... and informed the Jewish leaders that he was not the one who should be held responsible for breaking the Sabbath Law - it was the responsibility of the Man who said to him, Pick up your pallet and walk!!
We travel through this ungodly world as Christ's ambassadors and representatives of heaven, and God's will for each of our lives is that we become increasingly fruitful in the knowledge of Him Who called us out of darkness into His marvellous light, and that we share the good news of the gospel of grace with men and women who are dead in their sins and without God in the world.
It is by God's divine power that we were saved from the penalty of sin and it is also by His divine power that we are saved from the power of sin in our lives.
In Him, we have an everlasting reality with a better sacrifice, for Christ Jesus presented His shed blood on the sacrificial Alter in the true Sanctuary above so that by faith in Him we are forgiven of our sins, and made one with Christ.
He was to tell others the wonderful truth that Christ died for our sin, was buried, rose from the dead, and is coming again, and he was to give instruction in spiritual growth and Christian living.
It is unlikely that Paul is here referring to the spiritual gift of 'evangelist' mentioned in Acts 6, but was reminding him that like ALL believers, he needed to faithfully fulfil whatever work God had prepared for him to do and to use every opportunity to share the good news of the gospel of Christ with those who are dead in their sin and on the path to eternal damnation.
It seems to be at the point where the Pharisees committed the unpardonable sin of unbelief - by accusing Christ of performing His mighty miracles in the name of Beelzebub, rather than through the power of the Holy Spirit.
It seems that when men call evil... good, and regard good as evil, they have hardened their hearts to the truth of the gospel, that Christ died for our sin, was buried, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scripture.
From this point forward, Jesus spoke to His followers in parables, so that those who believe in Him will have understanding, while the truth will be withheld from those whose hearts are hardened... so that their sin of unbelief will not be compounded.
Unbelief is the one sin that God cannot forgive - for those who do not believe are condemned already, because they refuse to listen to the Holy Spirit's convicting work.
However, veiling knowledge of the truth to unbelievers, through parabolic teachings, demonstrates the incredible grace of God - so that mans' sin will not be exacerbated, through their spiritual understanding.
While JESUS is the ever-faithful and gracious God who forgives sinners and clothes those who believe in Him in His robe of righteousness, He is the God Who cannot abide sin, and has determined that the soul that sins - through unbelief, will die.
Adam, who was made in the image and likeness of God, disobeyed the Lord, and from that point forward, he and his progeny were endowed with a fallen sin nature. Because Adam disobeyed the Lord, every member of his race is born in sin - is born a sinner - which means that every one of us is estranged from God and in need of salvation.
When Adam sinned, he died spiritually and was imputed with a sin nature.
We are all sinners and we all fall short of God's righteousness and glory, for we are imputed with sin, and inheritors of a sin nature that is hostile towards the God Who made us.
The Psalmist understood how destructive the sin nature had become in the heart of man.
It is only as one considers the shocking depths of depravity to which man has sunk, through sin, that the inestimable unfathomable grace of God begins to be recognised.
For while we were yet hopeless sinners, dead in trespasses, wallowing in sins, and bitter enemies of God - Christ died for us.
God loved us so dearly that He purposed to send His only begotten Son - the eternal Son of the most high God, to come to earth, be born into the human race, and live a sinless life, so that He would be qualified to give His life as the ransom price for the sin of the world - to offer up His sinless soul and shed His sinless blood as the full and final payment for the sin of the whole world - so that WHOSOEVER believes in Him would not perish but have ALL their sin forgiven and receive the gift of eternal life.
When God sent His only begotten Son into the world to save His people from their sin and to set up the kingdom of God on earth, many did not understand that Jesus was the promised Messiah of God.
However, many did not understand... and although they repented of their sins and demonstrated this through John's 'baptism-of-repentance', they were still unaware that they ALSO had to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ Whom God had sent, for the salvation of their soul.
Throughout the book of Acts, we see men and women who believed in God (Who brought their forefathers out of the land of Egypt), repenting of their sins, renouncing their apostasy, returning to the Lord, and coming to an understanding of Who Jesus was.
Having repented of their sins and returned to God of their fathers, they also had to come to an understanding that Jesus was indeed the promised Messiah and the Son of God!
What a thrill it must have been as Philip opened the prophetic Scriptures to this God-fearing man, and revealed to him that Jesus is the Christ, the promised Son of God - in Whom is the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
Praise God for our great salvation, for ... all the prophets bear testimony, that whoever believes on Him shall receive remission of sins, through His name.
It is only through the blood of the Lamb that we can be forgiven of our numberless sins and be clothed in Christ's righteousness, and live godly in Him.
It is the one who is poor in spirit, who walks humbly before God, and admits their need of salvation while mourning their many sins and turning from their focus on self, that can become merciful and compassionate towards others.
It is only the man or woman who humbly and reverently recognises the manifold mercies of God's towards them, and His amazing grace in sending His only begotten Son to become the substitute for their sin, who is permitted to bear this fruit of the Spirit.
In His mercy, God withheld the punishment that we justly deserve, and in His grace He gave His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
God commended His love towards us in that while we were still sinners and estranged from Himself, Christ died for us, forgave us of our sins, removed us from condemnation, came to take up residence within our hearts, and abide within us.
Either we are slaves of sin, impurity, and lawlessness, or we are slaves of righteousness, life, and truth, which is the path that leads us into sanctification (the lifelong process of being conformed into the likeness of Christ Jesus our Lord).
Before we were transferred into the kingdom of light with all the wonderful benefits that accompany this glorious gift of grace (which includes life eternal to all who believe in Christ), we were in the kingdom of darkness, children of Satan, slaves of lawlessness, saturated in sin, with no God and no hope in the world.
Every unbeliever, whether they know it or not, yields themselves to their old sin nature.
Even the good things that they do as well as the evil things are under the influence of the old sin nature.
They are SLAVES to SIN, which means that everything they do, whether good or bad, is not acceptable to God.
As believers, we have been freed from this slavery to sin, which results in death, for at the moment we are saved, we become a servant of righteousness.
We are no longer a slave of sin but a servant of the Lord.
This is not promoting isolation from the world, for we are to be lights in a dark place and are called to witness to a generation of lost souls about sin, righteousness, and judgement.
These three little chapters present an oasis of refreshment for the people of God, in a dry and dusty desert wilderness where Jeremiah thunders his warnings to turn the people from their sin and return to the Lord.
The restraints that hindered would one day be loosed, and instead of remaining estranged from God and slaves to sin, they would eventually be set free to serve their Messiah; their God and their King.
for the Lord has told us that He remembers our sins no more, and has buried them the sea of His gracious forgetfulness.
He remembered that the almighty God had pledged to be his Provider and that the Lord would provide Himself - as the Lamb of God, Who would take away the sin of the world.
Although this was a command that was given to the chosen nation of Israel and related to the specific covenant that God made with them, it embraces an important principle for all God's children in this Church dispensation; There are important lessons to learn by all who have been rescued from slavery to sin and have been brought into the family of God, by grace through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.
For it has been granted to us on behalf of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, not only to believe in Him for salvation but also to suffer for Him as we journey through life in a Christ-rejecting sinful world that is lost in their trespasses and sins and is at enmity with our Heavenly Father.
We will most likely have to face increasing hardship in this sin-soaked world, and sometimes it is those very difficulties that God is using to conform us, day by day, into the likeness of His Son Who had nowhere to lay His head, but spent His entire earthly life having utter trust in His Father.
We all live in the same fallen world and are surrounded by imperfect people and unscrupulous individuals with a sin nature, and we sometimes make mistakes.
Paul makes God's attitude towards immoral practices, fornication, and other sins, crystal clear in this passage, leaving no wiggle-room for carnal-mindedness or fleshly inclinations.
The wrath of God is on ALL humanity because of sin, which Paul points out includes, immorality, impurity, greed, filthiness, silly talk, and coarse jesting. God's condemnation is on all unsaved people who are dead in their sins, at enmity with God, and are the sons of disobedience, who are blinded by Satan, the god of this world.
As lost sinners who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ and forgiven of our sin, we are now saints of God and children of the light.
ALL sin separates us from God but this particular passage specifically identifies, immorality, impurity, greed, filthiness, silly talk, and coarse jesting.
Christians should not be intimidated by the standard of fallen humanity nor desensitised to sin by the world in which we live - for any sin will cause fellowship with our heavenly Father to be broken.
But being moved by the Spirit of God, he determined to share nothing... other than Jesus Christ and Him crucified for their sin - and raised unto life eternal, for all who believe.
Paul had confidence in the fixed hope we have in the living God; that Christ died for the sin of the whole world so that whosoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
It is not God's will that any should perish but that all men should come to repentance, turn from their sin, and be saved.
Indeed, the Lord Jesus Christ came to die for the sin of the whole world, and not only for those who would one day trust Him as Saviour.
The Lord Jesus is the Saviour of the whole world and He bore the sum total of all the accumulated sin of the entire human race upon His shoulders on Calvary's Cross.
The Bible tells us: He is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
Christ's death on the Cross was sufficient to atone for the sin of the whole of humanity.
His death completely satisfied the wrath of God. 'Propitiation' means 'satisfaction' and when God's wrath was poured out on Christ as the full and final payment for the sin of the whole world, God was fully satisfied.
Christ's death on the Cross paid the redemption price for the sin of the whole of humanity: So that whosoever believes on Him will not perish but have everlasting life.
Although the debt for mankind's sin has been paid in full, not everyone will receive God's amazing free gift of grace for the forgiveness of sins.
It is not because of sin that some will experience this final separation from their heavenly Creator, for the payment of all sin has already been made.
People are eternally separated from the Father, not because of their sins, but because they rejected the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour: For He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
The eternal Son of the Father was made a little lower than the angels for a season, but having been born into such humble surroundings, lived a life of loving and obedient submission to the Father, and having purged our sins at Calvary's cruel Cross, the Lord Jesus became the firstborn from the dead at His Resurrection.
Suffering is part of our passage through life, but when we willingly suffer for Christ (Who Himself suffered so that we might be forgiven of our sins and freed from the pain of eternal death to the joys of eternal life), it can become an opportunity for rejoicing, an opportunity to glorify His name.
While John's Gospel was written so that lost sinners might believe in the saving blood of Christ, be forgiven of their trespasses, be redeemed from the slave-market of sin, and have life in His name, the purpose of his first epistle is to enable born-again saints to enter into the fullness of the eternal life we received at salvation.
Only those who are saved by grace through faith in Christ, are forgiven of all their sin and declared righteous in the sight of God.
How we praise our Heavenly Father that at the moment of our salvation, past, present, and future sins are forgiven forever, and will be remembered no more.
However, the forgiveness of our sin at salvation does not make us sinless beings, nor do we stop sinning.
Despite the assurance that we will receive a new, glorified body at the Rapture (the resurrection of Church-age saints), the old sin nature will continue to lust against our new-life-in-Christ during our sojourn on earth, and for the rest of our life it must be kept nailed to the Cross, if we are to maintain close communion with the Lord.
Our sins were forgiven because of HIS shed blood at Calvary.
The false teaching of 'sinless perfection' that is so popular with those that consider salvation is a license to sin, is firmly refuted in this verse: If we say that we have not sinned, we make God out to be a liar and His word is not in us.
They teach that if a Christian sins, then they were never saved in the first place OR that they have lost their salvation!
This teaching is about born-again Christians maintaining FELLOWSHIP with the Father, by walking in spirit and truth and confessing our post-salvation sins.
A work of grace started in our life the moment we were saved. That work of grace is rooted in the divine goodness of the Father Who purposed to send His Son into the world to be the sacrifice for our sin. The work of grace in each of us will be completed when we see Him as He is - at the Rapture of the saints - i.e.
It is by grace alone through faith, that we were redeemed from the slave-market of sin, and He alone can work the works of God in our earthy life in the ongoing process of sanctification.
It is as we submit to His leading, only doing the things that we hear from Him, and remaining in fellowship with the Father through confessing our sin to HIM, that we will grow in grace, as He desires.
He hearkened readily to his inner conscience and maintained a trust in God's timing, even when he was encouraged to circumnavigate the plans and purposes of God, or tempted to sin.
David also showed exemplary restraint when tempted to sin and demonstrated deep devotion to God and a desire to do His will.
Without the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ, we are dead in our sin and condemned to an eternity without God.
We are indwelled by the Holy Spirit of truth Who has promised to guide us into all truth - and The Truth shall indeed set us free - free from slavery to sin and Satan, free from the assaults of death and destruction, free from the power of the enemy of our souls, free to live as God intended man to live - in total dependence upon Him for the praise of His holy name.
His mission was to point out their gross apostasy and encourage them to change their ways while warning them of the consequences that would follow, if they failed to repent of their sins and return to the Lord their God.
He wrote his Gospel so that we may know and believe that Jesus, the Son of Mary, and Carpenter of Nazareth, is the eternal Son of the Almighty, and that by believing in HIM for the forgiveness of sin, we have life through His name.
No surprise that John the Apostle was careful to record every beautiful detail of the incarnate Word of God, for by His grace we have been saved from the slave-market of sin, by grace through faith we are clothed in Christ's righteousness, and by amazing God grace through faith, we are given the Holy Spirit without measure.
He grieved when they were slow of heart to learn, reprimanded them when they fell into sin, corrected them when they were lured into error, rejoiced with them as they grew in grace, and instructed them so they would become increasingly mature in the faith.Paul’s great desire for the saints at Philippi was that they become rooted and grounded in the Word of truth, so that their love for God and their love for one another would continue to grow and multiply.
Their disobedience would result in their eventual downfall and dispersion from the land of Canaan (which God had pledged as an eternal inheritance to Abraham, and his Promised Seed, the Lord Jesus Christ) - until the entire nation repented of their sins.
Christ's finished work on the Cross paid the full price for our sins and has already been fully accepted on our behalf by our Heavenly Father: For there is now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.
We have been forever redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, reconciled to God, and returned into fellowship with the Father Who has removed our sin as far as the east is from the west and has given us His unchanging assurance that He will remember our sins no more.
But Paul reminds us at the start of chapter 2, of what we once were before we were redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, forgiven of our sins, born from above, baptised into the Body of Christ, and made children of God through our position in Christ, as a result of His finished work at Calvary.
We were dead in trespasses and sins, estranged from God, and under His righteous condemnation.
We wallowed in the pit of sin and were subjugated by the 'prince of the power of the air' who is that evil spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.
God is omnipotent and knows the end from the beginning, and it was according to God's foreknown and predetermined plan that Christ was nailed to a cross and crucified - for the innocent had to be slain for the guilty if the fallen race of man was to be redeemed from its sins.
As Christians, we have been forgiven of all our sins for the sake of Christ.
Because of our faith in His sacrifice on the Cross, when He took the punishment for our sin, God looks at us through our covering of Christ, and because of Him we are declared righteous.
The worldly values, goals, ideologies, philosophies, and cravings, are conceived in sin and exclude the heavenly objectives, principles, practices, attitudes, and an outlook that proceeds from the Lord.
Each of the three strands of these worldly desires is brilliantly illustrated in Eve's sin, when she engaged in the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.
The 'lust of the eyes' incorporates all the things we see with our eyes which entice us to sin and often feeds out fallen imagination.
For it was as Eve looked and saw that the tree was good for food that sin was conceived in her heart and her flesh began to lust after the forbidden fruit and she disobeyed the Lord's command, and reached out, took, and ATE.
He examines spiritual growth, sound doctrine, the practice of righteousness, love, and obedience, and the importance of hiding God's Word in our heart, but he also warns us against the many influences of the world and our own fallen sin nature: For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.
Both are a picture of our great redemption in Christ through the forgiveness of sin and our life everlasting, and we are further reminded that we are covered in Christ's own righteousness and have found rest from our labour in Him.
The 49 Sabbatical years, which have their consummation in the Year of Jubilee, are a beautiful type of the 6000 years of man, where sin and Satan have caused havoc within God's beautiful creation.
Praise God that they receive witness to the truth of His Word during the Great Tribulation and choose to believe in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and life everlasting.
The wise man is the one that pursues peace and speaks the truth in love, while the tragedy is that those who wallow in interpersonal war and chase after conflict have their roots in sin and self.
And the fleshly drive for prestige and a carnal desire for pleasure, is an ongoing battle between the flesh and the spirit - between the old-sin-nature and the new-life-in-Christ - between our former 'Old Man,' and our new position as a member of the Body of Christ.
Jesus Christ is the one who can separate us from this body of sin and death and its suffocating power over us.
He not only paid-the-penalty for our sin but broke-the-power of sin in our lives - and has promised that His grace is sufficient for all the battles that we may have to face in this body of flesh.
It is only as Man could Jesus be identified with the human race and offer His perfect life for the sins of the world, but only as God was He good enough to pay the price for sin.
And just in case we still have not understood the importance of Christ's Resurrection, Paul continues: And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.
Anxious thoughts and futile strivings, in their various guises and disguises, is a sin that reflects unbelief in God's gracious promises of provision.
How much more important that we should praise and thank God that we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and forgiven of the sins we commit.
Redemption is not only the forgiveness of sins committed in our bodies.
Redemption is becoming so fully identified with Christ Jesus our Lord, that we can say with Paul that the life that I now live in this mortal body is not me (my old former self, my old-man, my Adamic sin-nature), it is not me that lives and influences my life choices and thoughts, but the indwelling Spirit of Christ, Who has sway and influence on my newly 'born-again' human spirit.
Adam's sin in the garden caused all his offspring to be born dead in trespasses, stained with sin, having an old sinful nature that is at enmity with God, and a disposition that nurtures evil and sinfulness.
But the sin nature of man is such that it cannot be changed by training or teaching.
Wherever man went, sin travelled with him!
The Lord knew that the only way for sinful man to be declared righteous and have their sins forgiven was if a 'Kinsman-Redeemer' was willing to spill his own, innocent blood to pay the price for man's sin.
God knew that the only One good enough was the Seed of Abraham, Who would one day be born into the world as the sacrificial substitute for the sin of the world - Jesus Christ - the Seed of the woman - the Seed of Abraham - the Messiah of Israel - the Son of God.
The Lord had purposed in His heart to judge these evil cities on the plain because the outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah was very great, and their sin was exceedingly grave.
God knew the outcome of man's slide into debauchery and sin.
His question was to challenge His servant towards a godly hatred of sin and a godly compassion for His creation.
May we hate sin with a godly hatred but love the sinner in need of redemption, and may our hearts be filled with compassion and love for those that are lost as we plead with God for their salvation.
It happened so that God's holy wrath against the sin of the world might be poured out on Christ in our stead - so that He could be the propitiation for our sin and God would be fully satisfied with His redemptive act.
His name was to be Jesus, for He was to save His people from their sin.
God has kept the oath which He swore to Abraham our father - that we, being rescued from the hand of our enemies, might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness all our days.... The Messiah has come to give to His people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God - and to guide our feet into the way of peace!
His life was spent doing good as he demonstrated the way all men were created to live... so that by His death and Resurrection, He would break the power of sin and remove the curse of the Law - in the lives of ALL who would trust in His name for the forgiveness of sin and the salvation of their souls.
He identified with our sin so that we could identify with His righteousness.
He became sin for us so that in God's eyes, we would be considered to be as righteous as Christ, Himself.
However, He became sin on our behalf and was condemned to death on our account.
Christ's death was not as payment for His own sin for He was the sinless Son of Man, but His death paid the penalty for my sin and for yours as well.
Christ's righteousness rendered the strength of sin and the condemnation of the Law as powerless over Him, and as believers, we are positioned in Christ and identified with Him.
Indeed, so close is our identification with our Saviour that His death to sin and His death to the Law became our death to sin and our death to the Law, for there is NO condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus.
His victory has become our victory: victory over sin, death, and the Law.
Having died to the Law through my identification with Christ means that sin can no longer be counted against me and the Law can no longer be used to condemn me.
He died for our sins and rose again the third day so that whosoever would believe on His name would not perish but receive God's free gift of everlasting life, by grace through faith in Him.
Jesus became flesh and dwelt amongst us, living a perfect life so that He could offer Himself as the only sacrifice to God for the sin of the whole world, and by His death and Resurrection, redeem sinful mankind from eternal separation from a holy God.
It is only as God that He was good enough to pay the price of sin, and only as a Man could he qualify to die for His fellow-men.
And so, as Peter drew his final letter to a close, he entreated Christians everywhere to recall the teachings of Paul and to consider any apparent delay in the Lord's return as a demonstration of God's grace, whereby sinners are being given time and opportunity to turn from their sin and trust in Christ for forgiveness.
Those who believe are not condemned, but those who do not believe are condemned already, because they have not believed on the only begotten Son of God Who died for the sin of the WHOLE world.
We have been told by the Lord that we cannot manage our daily problems on our own, and this is a severe blow to our self-ego and fleshly-pride, which is rooted in the old sin nature.
It is our Christian duty to proclaim the gospel of grace to a world that is dead in sin and without hope of salvation.
That role is reserved for the Holy Spirit, Who is in the world to convict the unsaved sinner of sin, of righteousness, and of judgement.
It is the Spirit of God Who causes sinners to recognise their sin, understand their need of salvation, and convict them of their unrighteousness and guilt.
Despite the testimony of the prophet John, who condemned them as a 'brood of religious vipers', who refused to heed God's call and repent of their sin, the generation who heard Christ's teaching, were spiritually ignorant.
May we remember that the same Son of God, who warmed the hearts of His disciples and drew them into His loving arms for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting, is the same Son of God Whose purifying presence hardens rebellious hearts in an oven of pride, jealousy, and unbelief.
Right up to the moment when Jesus was offered as the sacrifice for their sins, Israel remained under the Law, and failure to carry out the commands of the Lord resulted in Israel's scarcity.
Nevertheless, death reigned in the bodies of every fallen man... and the wages of sin is death - which means experiencing eternal condemnation being separated from God.
It was the original sin of one man - Adam, that caused the entire human race to be placed under the condemnation of God - and death was the awful penalty for humanities sin.
All Adam's progeny were condemned to death as a result of his one sin.
All Adam's offspring were born in sin - with a sin nature, and all had the shadow of death upon them.
Although man's God-given conscience recognised the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, the Law was given to Israel so that the sinfulness of man could be identified as sin.
The more men recognised their sin, the more they realised their desperate need of forgiveness - of salvation - of reconciliation with their Creator God.
The more man recognised his sinfulness, the more sin increased and the more man knew he was guilty.
But the more that sin increased and the more that man became aware of his sinfulness - so God's grace was able to abound towards man.
God's Law came to increase and expand men's awareness of their trespasses and sin, because the Law defined sin and unmasked man's transgressions.
But because sin increased and men recognised their sinfulness, the more God's remarkable gift of grace expanded to cleanse the penitent sinner.
As the father of the human race, Adam's sin-nature and the deathly consequence which resulted from his sin in the garden, has been imputed to his entire race.
As Adam's progeny, we all have an imputed sin nature - man sins because we are all sinners.
Some consider that God was unjust to condemn the whole human race because of one man's sin - but in reality this is the most gracious and loving action imaginable, for as through the one man's disobedience (ADAM's sin) the manywere made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One Man (JESUS CHRST and His sacrifice for sin) many will be made righteous.
Condemnation for all resulted from Adam's ONE sin, but righteousness is awarded to all by faith - because of Christ's ONE act of righteousness.
We were identified with Adam's sin by birth, and as a result we became sinners by association with Adam.
Though we all became sinners through the single sin of one man, we all have the opportunity to be made righteous because of the single sacrifice of One Man - Jesus Christ the righteous, and whoever believes in Him will have eternal life.
The Law was given so that fallen man could recognise his sin.
The Law was God's standard of righteousness to which we could not attain, but once it was given, it increasingly identified the depth of our own, terrible sin.
As an example, Paul himself would not have realised that covetousness was a sin, without it being listed in the Law.
The more we identify our faults and failings, the more the Law is carrying out its predetermined task - which is to cause each one of us to recognise that we are sinners so that we may cry out to Christ for Salvation, knowing that He paid the price for our sin - which is DEATH.
BUT, where sin increased (through the giving of the Law), grace abounded all the more (through faith in the sacrifice of Christ).
Once we start to recognise that we are sinners, we start to understand the amazing love of God, the forgiveness of sins, and His over-abounding grace which is ours by faith in the sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Once sin is exposed in our life - the more precious the grace of God and the forgiveness we receive by faith becomes.
God's grace and His unmerited favour is increasingly revealed to us when we recognise the depth of our sin.
Grace upon more grace is poured out upon all who by faith in Christ's sacrificial work on Calvary - as we are not only forgiven of our sins - but declared righteous before a holy God.
He leads us through the doctrines of predestination, election, justification, sanctification, the old sin nature and the new creation in Christ, the flesh and the spirit, law and grace.
He was not only our representative sin-offering, but His life stands as a witness to what a godly life should look like: a life that is lived in accordance with God's plan for humanity.
And having completed His work on earth, in spirit and truth, the Lord Jesus set His face as a flint towards His ultimate victory over sin, death, and the satanic forces of evil in heavenly places: the Cross of Calvary.
Christ became the visible image of the invisible God, through time and into eternity, so that by believing on Him, fallen man might be redeemed from slavery to sin, the curse of the Law, and eternal separation from their holy Creator-God.
Man had separated himself from God because of sin, but God reached down from the heaven of heavens in loving-kindness and gracious mercy to sinful, fallen man with the good news of Jesus Christ, for He is the centre and the circumference of God's good news.
He suddenly came to understand that the precious promises of God towards His people are everlasting, but the wicked will be swept away by terrors... for the wages of sin is eternal condemnation and separation from God.
As the fleshpots of the world become increasing attractive so ungodliness escalates... because sin conflicts with godliness.
Paul begins by proclaiming the gospel of grace, by which we are saved: Christ died for our sins... was buried, and rose again, according to the Scriptures.
We not only identify with His death (sins forgiven) but also His Resurrection (life eternal).
While living in this mortal body, we will continue to have a sin nature that will lust against our new nature.
The former will do nothing but sin while the latter cannot sin as John the apostle taught us: Because he is born of God, born of the Spirit and declared righteous before the Father.
But after we are resurrected from the dead, we will not only be saved from the PENALTY of sin and its POWER over us, we will also be set free from the PRESENCE of sin, when our old, sin nature will be fully discarded for the new, sinless nature of Christ, 'the new life' we received at salvation.
We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed... Despite it being appointed for men to die once because we are sinners who are born in sin, Paul delivers a wonderful truth that was hidden from earlier generations.
Paul also talks about putting off the old Adamic life, which is dead in sins and at enmity with God, and putting on the new life in Christ where we are covered in His own righteousness.
He forgave our sin - past, present, and future, for Christ's sake.
God has promised that He will remember our sins no more.
God has promised that as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our sin from us... and we, in turn, should reflect His grace by bearing with one another, forgiving each other, and demonstrating mercy towards anyone who has a complaint against us - just as the Lord forgave us, so we also should forgive.
'In the midst of life we are in death,' is a well-known saying that is very true of every member of the human race, for we are born dead in our sins and we are spiritually separated from God.
What a wonderful truth: that sin, and death, and pain, and sorrow will be done away with.
What a glorious future hope, that we will be forever with the Lord in the company of all the saints of old who by grace through faith have trusted Christ for the remission of sin and the redemption of their spirit, soul, and body.
The Law can never impart righteousness to fallen man, for the wages of sin is death and the consequences of a broken Law is condemnation.
It was the perfect life of Christ that qualified Him to be our Saviour and only His sacrificial death is sufficient to pay the legally required penalty for sin.
God no longer deals with His people on behalf of the unachievable righteous requirements of the Mosaic Law, but through the Cross of Christ Who became sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God - in Him.
When we first heard the good news that Jesus died and rose again to pay the price for our sins and that salvation is God's gift of grace to all sinners who believe in His only begotten Son, our hearts rejoiced with great joy.
Oh, when dear friend or a precious loved one whom we cherish dies, it is right and natural to miss them and even weep over our loss, but our sadness should never be excessive and should never be akin to the hopeless grief that is so often the reaction of the unsaved for a loved one who has died in their sins – our loss should never eclipse the glorious future hope in Christ, for all who believe.As Christians, we have firm hope and a wonderful assurance that is very different from the world, for we believe that the Lord Jesus died and rose again.
In so doing, He broke the power of sin and death in the lives of all who believe.
Let us never forget that He is the immortal, invisible God Who has set eternity in the hearts of all His people and that by faith in His only begotten Son we have the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
There are many mysteries of our new life in Christ that are hard to understand, which remain a reality in the life of all who believe, and Paul's illustration of a believer's 'death to sin' through their 'baptism into Christ' is a difficult concept to grasp, while remaining a glorious truth in which to rejoice.
Because of our lineage with Adam, the federal head of humanity, we are identified with his sin in Eden.
As his physical descendants, Adam's sin in the garden became our sin, for we are all imputed with Adam's sin at birth.
The answer is that the wages of sin is death, which means separation from God.
We were imputed with sin from the beginning.
We were born in sin, and have committed sin.
But Christ, the only sinless Man, chose to pay the price of OUR sin through HIS death... so that ALL His spiritual offspring - all who believe in Him - all who are baptised into Him, would not have to die for our sin, but be identified with His perfect righteousness.
He willingly died on the Cross to pay the price for OUR sin, so that HIS death becomes our death and His burial becomes our burial, and as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might be raised and walk in newness of life.
WHY should the eternal Son of God, become a Man and live a sinless life, only to be despised, rejected, falsely accused, and nailed to a cross to pay the price for MY sin and YOURS too?
These religious bigots tried to explain away Christ's supernatural signs and miraculous deeds - but their hatred reached its zenith when Jesus healed the sick on a Sabbath day and claimed authority to forgive sins.
They were so blind to the truth of Scripture that they wondered what He meant when He told them that they would die in their sins.
These religious rulers were so biased against the Lord Jesus that they condemned themselves to die in their sins, because they refused to recognise the truth... that they were from below, but Christ was from above and had the words of eternal life.
We are all born dead in trespasses and sins, but by faith we are given new life IN CHRIST and made a new creation in HIM.
However, it is a terrible thing to DIE in our sins.
Those that DIE in their sins are those that have never trusted Christ for salvation.
Those that DIE in their sins remain part of the old, cursed, condemned creation in Adam.
Those that die in their sins never recognise that we are from below and that Jesus Christ is from above.
Those that die in the sin are those who refused to recognise the truth.
Jesus was born into the human race without the curse of Adam's sin, for He was the eternal Son of God... and when He was born into the human race and became the sacrifice for sin, He became the federal head of a new spiritual creation.
It is not what WE do or how much WE know that saves us from our sin, but knowing CHRIST as Saviour, and trusting what He did on Calvary's Cross that saves us.
Those who believe are NOT condemned... and will not die in their sins.
However, those that do not believe are condemned already and WILL die in their sins - because they have not believed in the only begotten Son of God.
Sadly, there are those that reject God's free offer of salvation, which is accomplished by faith in Christ's sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection for the forgiveness of sins.
It is a sin to be lost because it contradicts the will of God for all men.
As a consequence, they sin against God's will and purpose for their life, and remain eternally lost and dead in their sins.
To be lost is to trample underfoot every attempt of God to save mankind from sin, condemnation, judgement, and death.
For the Light of God in the Person of Jesus Christ the eternal Son of God came into the world to save fallen men from their sins, but men loved the darkness rather than the Light, because their deeds are evil.
Never forget that it was the blood of Christ that saved us from the penalty of sin and it was the Cross of Christ that saved us from the power of sin.
But also, as believers, we are identified with Christ's Resurrection and because He lives, we too shall live eternally, for He has broken the power of sin and death.
He is our gracious, Kinsman Redeemer, for only the shed blood of a perfect human being would redeem the fallen race of mankind and satisfy God's wrath against sin.
God accepted His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection as the one and only payment for my sin, your sin, and the sin of the whole world.
we never share in His suffering on the Cross, when He paid for the sin of the world through the shedding of His own blood for our sake!
He alone paid the full and eternal price for our sin, and it was paid once and for all.
Abraham knew that God's promised Seed, Who was to crush the serpent's head and release humanity from slavery to sin, was to come through Isaac, his own precious child of promise.
He came to help the down-trodden, heal those that were captives of the greedy sin nature, and free those imprisoned by Satan, death, and hell.
Jesus came to save those that were lost in sin.
All are in need of forgiveness of their sin - Jew and Gentile, rich and poor, black and white, old and young, tax-collector and philanthropist.
All are sick with the disease of sin and all need to be healed... but those who refuse to recognise their sinfulness and need of salvation, are the only ones He cannot save... for he who believes is not condemned, but he who has not believed in Christ is condemned already.
God knew before the world was created that man would sin, and the wages of sin is death - spiritual death, physical death and eternal separation from their Creator.
God ordained that the one and only way that a race of sinful creatures who were made in the image and likeness of God could be forgiven of their sin, would be through the shed blood of a perfect Kinsman-Redeemer - but none were good enough - not even one.
However, in eternity past, before the foundation of the world, God purposed that the only payment for the sin of the world could be the shed blood of His only begotten Son.
He would be the incarnate God... born into the human race, but without Adam's inherited sin nature which was imputed to all humanity.
He would freely give His lifeblood as the ransom price for the sin of the whole world - so that whosoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
And Abraham was one of many men and women who believed God would keep His Word - and their faith was credited to them as righteousness. When we trust the Word made flesh - that He died for our sins according to the Scriptures and was buried and rose again the third day - we will be saved by God's grace - through faith.
We were dead in our trespasses and sins, at enmity with God, and without hope in the world.
He also draws these uncomfortable comparisons so that we do not develop a scornful disrespect of others who are still dead in their sins, but view them with godly compassion and a desire that they too may come to know Christ as Saviour.
We do this so that the burden of sin that lays so heavily upon our consciences, is laid, with an unshakable hope, upon the shoulders of our heavenly sin-Substitute, the Lord Jesus Christ Whose blood was shed in our place.
Jesus was in the line of Judah and thus qualified to become Israel's king, but He was also destined to be God's holy, High Priest after the order of Melchizedek, and John the Baptist was called to commission Christ's coming priestly ministry, as well as to introduce Israel to their true Messiah: Behold, he cried, the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
The Lord Jesus was not only the eternal Son of God but also the sinless Son of Man, and His very act of baptism by this voice, crying in the wilderness, commended, authenticated, and approved John's God-given office before this generation of vipers; a nation that was once again being called to repent of their sins and turn back to their God.
The Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us so that He could be identified with your sin and mine and to take upon Himself all the punishment that you and I justly deserve.
He became our sin-sacrifice, our scapegoat, our crucified Saviour so that we could be forgiven of all our sins and raised up together with Him into newness of life.
And so, God sent His dearly loved Son into the world to be the propitiation for our sins so that all who believe on Him would be forgiven of their sin, justified in the sight of God, and declared righteous before Him, by faith.
He gained a glorious victory over Satan, sin, death, hell, and the demonic forces of evil, through His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection.
His victory caused God to place all authority and rule in heaven and earth under His feet, but because His own people was not ready to repent of their sins and receive their promised Messiah, the Lord Jesus returned to heavenly places for a season.
It was also a starting point for a prophecy given to Daniel: Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place.
The right hand of God was the place of honour that Christ received after He died on the Cross for our sins, rose the third day, and ascended into heaven.
Christ broke Satan's power over sin and death by the sacrifice of Himself, and sat down at the right hand of God the Father.
They all witnessed His Resurrection and were all men who travelled with Jesus when He started to go in and out among them, during John the Baptist's ministry (when he challenged the lost sheep of the house of Israel to repent of their sins, for the kingdom of heaven was at hand and their King was in their midst).
Just as He brought Israel up from the land of Egypt, so He has redeemed us from the slave-market of sin, lifted us out of the miry clay, and pardoned all our iniquities.
From the 'fall' of Adam in the paradise of God, every man born of woman and every woman procreated by man, is birthed into this fallen world, dead in trespasses and sins, depraved in heart and mind, and at enmity with their Creator.
Paul's opening statement in Ephesians 2 says bluntly: And you were dead in your trespasses and sins.
The wonderful truth is that we are forgiven of our sins, according to the riches of His grace which has been lavished on us in all wisdom and understanding. He told us that we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to God's eternal purpose and will.
Without the new-life of Christ being breathed into the one that is dead in their sins, the entire life of that man is lived out with no capacity for spiritual things.
Sin was the cause of man's downfall, and spiritual death the result.
Sin was the root of our spiritual ruin, and separation from God is the bitter fruit of a man's disobedience.
Sin was the cause, and the result is a race of men born spiritually dead in trespasses and sins, without hope and without God.
BUT God made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
All of us were operating as children of disobedience BUT every converted sinner becomes a heavenly saint and a child of God: For you who were dead in trespasses and sins, have been made alive in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Every believer is delivered from the wrath to come by faith, and everyone who believes in Christ receives the remission of sins.
This gospel proclaims that Christ died for the sin of the whole world; that He rose again, and is seated at the right hand of the Father so that whosoever believes on Him will not perish but have everlasting life.
And from its birth at Pentecost, the Church, which is His spiritual Body, has carried the witness of Christ crucified, buried, and Resurrected, to a sin-sick, dying world.
Perhaps the Man Who sank into the deepest pit of destruction and Whose patient endurance eclipses all others is our Saviour, Jesus Christ Whose trust in His Father never failed, despite the cesspool of sin into which He willingly sank when crucified on a Roman cross so that we might be raised up from our pit of destruction into life immortal, by faith in Him.
He waited patiently for God as He hung on Calvary's Tree, bearing the weight of the sin of the world on His sinless shoulders.
And although the Father was caused to turn away from the Son of His love as He became sin for you and for me, the Lord inclined His ear, heard His cry, and brought Him up from the terrible pit of destruction and the miry clay so that He could become the Rock of our salvation upon Whom we can stand firm, through time and into eternity.
Peter was not only forgiven of all his sins, but re-commissioned by the risen Lord Jesus Christ to be His chief apostle who would feed His sheep, shepherd His lambs, and unlock the kingdom of heaven to Jew and Gentile alike, as he shared the wonderful gospel of grace.
Because Jesus suffered in the flesh on our account, we are to arm ourselves with the same resolve and purpose as Him, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin.
But what does it mean that, he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin? When we are born again, we do not automatically become sinless, even though we have been covered in Christ's righteousness.
We retain a sin nature until we go to be with the Lord. It cannot be said that we have, ceased from sin, for the Bible clearly says, if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
We can take the easy route in life and compromise the truth of the glorious gospel and indulge in worldly ways and ungodly alliances or we can take the path of purity and righteousness by eschewing all that is evil and bearing the reproach of Christ in our suffering and shame - for how can we continue to be slaves of sin when the Lord Jesus, Who died for us and rose again, has set us free from slavery to sin and broken its suffocating hold on our lives?
If we believe that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, then we have heard His Word, believed the Father Who sent Him, and are given eternal life, and will not come under judgment but have passed from death to life.
The writer of this psalm regarded his problems and pain to be discipline from the Lord, as he reflected on his own misdeeds and the gross sins of his nation, Israel, as he pleaded that God would not forsake them.
Before salvation, we are all ungodly sinners under condemnation, unregenerate people who are dead in sin.
We are children of darkness, enslaved to sin, and living in the realm of Satan.
We are not sinners because we sin.
The reason we sin is that we are born sinners; we are born in sin and were conceived by sinners.
We were conceived by parents who were themselves sinners and the most beautiful baby will eventually pay the wages of sin; for the end result of every life, is death.
We are truly wretched creatures, and without God's gift of salvation, would simply die in our sin and remain eternally damned.
He purposed to redeem fallen man, but only the death of an innocent substitute, a perfect Redeemer, could satisfy God's unimaginable hatred of sin.
Sin has to be punished, and no man is good enough to pay that price, so God gave His only begotten Son to be born into His own fallen creation so that He could live a perfect life and die a sacrificial death, as payment for the sin of the entire world.
No surprise that Paul quoted this saint of old in his Roman epistle: Blessed is a man to whom the Lord does, not impute sin.
The man who is not imputed with sin and speaks no deceitful word, is simply the one who has believed in God's Word, his faith is credited as righteousness, and his lips are commended as pure.
David and Paul do not cry out, 'Blessed is a man who is made righteous by keeping God's Law!' or 'Blessed is the man whose sin is not held to account because of his righteous deeds!' The man who is blessed of God is the one who trusts in HIM.
Both men knew the truth that the man whose sin is not taken into account is the one who has been imputed with Christ's perfect righteousness.
Those who are born OF Adam (born of the flesh), are imputed with Adam's sin nature, while those who are born OF Christ (born of the Spirit), are imputed with Christ's sinless nature.
We do not earn righteousness by works, but are imputed with His righteousness by faith, which takes us OUT OF Adam and the domain of sin and death, and places us INTO Christ and the realm of righteousness and life.
But water baptism, church attendance, penance and piety, eating certain foods, avoiding certain actions, or participation in holy ordinances, can never atone for one's sin.
Others have bought into the lie that because we are imputed with Christ's righteousness, we have God's permission to indulge in sin!
Sin cost the Father His Son and sin cost Christ His life.
They are blessed because the Lord will not hold them accountable for their sin.
It is because we are so blessed, and our sin is no longer accountable, that we are called to eschew all forms of evil, to mature in the faith, and to live in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and to be increasingly conformed into the likeness of the lovely Lord Jesus as we die to self and live for Him.
Sin must be punished, and those who refuse to seek forgiveness of their sin NOW... in the Age of Grace, will have to face the wrath of God during the Great Tribulation.
Christ took the punishment for our sin.
Because we are identified with Him, our sin has already been judged and the penalty has already been paid.
The short answer is SIN, and the culprit is SATAN.
Only good and perfect things come from our Father above, but during this time of Tribulation, His hand of protection will be withheld and the restraining power of praying Christians will have ceased - for only after the Rapture of the Church will the man of sin be revealed, and the four horsemen released to spread their carnage over the world, as the seals of judgment begin to be broken.
God the Father was rejected by the people in the Old Testament and yet God in His grace sent the eternal Son to be the propitiation for the sin of the world.
And although His propitiatory work on the Cross stands fast for whoever believes on His name... the Lord Jesus returned to heaven for a season and God the Father sent God the Holy Spirit as the Heavenly Comforter to convict the world of sin and to warn of coming judgement for those who will not believe.
By God's sufficient grace, Stephen pleaded for the forgiveness of his murderers, Lord, do not hold this sin against them. It appears likely that Stephen's murder completed mankind's rejection of the Triune Godhead - rejection of the Father, rejection of the Son, and now... rejection of the Holy Spirit in Stephen's testimony... and yet in His grace, the Holy Spirit of God continues to convict fallen man of sin, righteousness, and judgement - such that whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Before salvation, we were covered in sin, immersed in sin, and identified with sin.
We were conceived in sin by sinful parents, born into a sinful world, and had an imputed sinful nature.
As sinners, we had a relationship with sin, we were immersed in sin, we were 'baptised' into sin.
Before we were saved, we were estranged from God, but when we were saved by grace through faith in Christ, our sin was forgiven and we came into a living union with Him; a spiritual union which joins all believers to Christ our Saviour Who is the Head of the Body.
We were taken out of our old relationship with sin and united together in a new relationship with Christ.
Oh, we may lose fellowship with the Lord when we sin, and we will remain out of fellowship with Him until we confess our wrongdoing, but our position in Christ is unchangeable and unchanging.
We who were born dead in trespasses and sins, held Him in low esteem and were indifferent to the tremendous sacrifice He made on our behalf.
And yet while we were still sinners, God gave His only begotten Son to die on the Cross for your sin, for mine, and for the sin of the whole world.
The Father purposed to send the beloved Son of His love to be slaughtered as the sin-sacrifice for all who would believe on His name.
Jesus not only paid the purchase price for our sin by His substitutionary death, but He identified with every aspect of humanity's sin and the curse of God's holy Law.
He identified with our imputed sin nature, which is the morally ruinous character that is inherent in the whole human race.
He identified with our inherited sin nature and the heavy burden of the multitude of sins we commit in body, soul, and mind.
The devastating nature of every aspect of mankind's sin-soaked state and its serious and eternal consequences cannot be over-emphasised, and the shocking punishment that Christ received on our behalf cannot be overstated.
Sin is transgression against our Creator.
Sin is rebellion against a holy God, and sin must be punished in full.
Christ was afflicted on our behalf, and Christ took the full force of God's anger, wrath, punishment, and judgement against my sin and yours.
He was pierced through for our transgressions, and He was crushed under the enormous weight of the accumulated sin of the whole world.
And by grace through faith in Him we are healed, forgiven, saved, redeemed, and freed from bondage to Satan, the curse of the Law, and the enormous and eternal consequences of our sin.
But God loved mankind so much that He sent His only begotten Son into the world to save us, by becoming our sin-substitute and taking upon Himself the punishment that we justly deserve.
He identified with our sin and became sin for us so that we might be forgiven, redeemed, born again, and returned into fellowship with the Father.
God gave His Son to die for us as the payment for our sins and to break the power of the old sin nature within our hearts.
He died for us before we were saved, while we were still dead in trespasses and sins, while we were still enemies of God.
We were sinners, and God loathes sin.
God hates every kind of evil and we were all guilty before Him and condemned, because the wages of all sin is death.
When we look at the Cross, we often only think of the forgiveness of sins that is provided – and had forgiveness of sins been the only gift of grace that we received, it would certainly cause eternal rejoicing.
The power of sin and death in our lives was broken forever and because we were positioned in Christ and identified with Him, we were positioned in heavenly places in Christ.
The present time in which we live is like a dark night of sin in a broken world of problems and pain, but as His children we are to live our life in moral purity and godly kindness, and be alert to the soon return of Christ for His people.
Despite his careful teaching, his systematic delivery of the gospel, and his earnest desire to clarify the truth of God's Word through precept and practice, Paul recognised that the gospel remained hidden to those that were perishing - for the god of this world has cast a veil over the Word of God, which has shrouded the truth from those that are lost, and dead in their sin.
God used holy men of old to pen the Scriptures and open up the truth of God's plan of redemption to a world that lay in sin.
And in His grace, He finally sent His only begotten Son into the world as the sacrifice for sin, so that ALL who believe on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.
It is not the fault of the apostle, nor the responsibility of preachers who present the truth of the gospel to those who are dead in their sin.
They too had to understand that Jewish rites, rituals, merit, position, and promises were not automatic exemptions from God's condemnation of sin, and the need to for guilty sinners to be punished.
As sins are confessed and as we seek only to follow in the steps of our prayerful Saviour with joyful praise, grateful thanks, continuous fellowship, and powerful intercessions, we will learn how to pray in spirit and truth and so develop a prayer life that is both effective and honouring to our Father.
We are not appointed unto wrath, for God's fury against sin in our lives was poured out on Christ, our substitute and Saviour, but one day God will say 'enough' and everything in heaven and earth will be shaken and destroyed – everything that is not of Christ – everything that is connected with this fallen, ungodly world system.
After sin entered the world, the human race lived under the authority of a fallen angel for many hundreds of years, until God chose one race from the sea of nations to be His chosen people.
From Exodus 19, when God made a covenant with His people, to the time of the Christ's crucifixion, when the Son of God was offered as the sacrifice for sin, God's chosen people lived under the Mosaic system which consisted of the Moral Law (the 10 commandments), the Ceremonial Law (their sacrificial system), and the Civil Law (the daily rules that governed their lives).
The perfect Law of God was not designed to save His people from their sin, but to reveal the sinfulness in the heart of everyman.
But the day is coming when Israel will repent of their past sin.
Once enlightened by the Holy Spirit as born-again children of God, we have a true sight and sense of sin.
Having first been convicted by the Holy Spirit of sin, righteousness, and judgment, we are brought face to face with our own depravity and utter sinfulness.
It is as we are enlightened to the truth of the gospel, that we begin to understand the tremendous price that Christ paid on the Cross for us, for it is only by faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son, that we are forgiven of our trespasses and sin.
It is only by His spilt blood that we are cleansed from all sin.
It is only by grace through faith, that we have been called out of the darkness of sin and death into the marvellous light of His righteousness and life.
The blood of Jesus saved us, and it continues to cleanse us from all sin, and if we abide in Him and walk in the light of His love, we have fellowship with our Heavenly Father.
When we were brought into God's light at salvation, it was not just the forgiveness of our former sins that were dealt with at the Cross.
Every one of our known and unknown sins, were removed and thrown into the sea of God's gracious forgetfulness, through time and into eternity.
Only the divine offering of the holy Son of God, Who freely took upon Himself mortal flesh to become identified with His doomed brethren, is sufficient payment for the accumulated sin of the whole world.
It is the blood of Christ alone, that can cancel the power of sin, Satan, pain, disease, destruction, death, and hell itself.
It is only by the powerful blood of the holy Lamb of God that the chains of sin can be broken, and the captive be set free.
And may each of our lives be honouring to the Lord, Who died to pay the price for our sins, so that we may become a living testimony of God's saving grace and sufficient strength to all with whom we come in contact.
The incarnation of Christ is a profound mystery: that God should become a Man to take the punishment that men justly deserves, in order to save the human race from sin and death.
Having become part of His own creation in order to deal with sin, death, and Satan, Jesus had to discover what it was to live in a frail human body in a sin-sick, fallen world.
John was to bear witness that Jesus Christ came from heaven as the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
He redeemed us from the curse of the Law, and secured redemption and the forgiveness of sin, for all who would trust in His finished work at Calvary for the salvation of their soul.
For this is the work of God as well as the command of God to all who are dead in their trespasses and sins: Believe in Him Whom He has sent, believe in Christ's finished work for the forgiveness sins and life everlasting.
All humanity has sinned, and every man needs the gospel of salvation for all are dead in trespasses and sins and all are without hope in the world.
But in His grace, God formulated a plan that would redeem fallen man from the kingdom of darkness and transfer him into the kingdom of His dear Son; a plan that would not compromise His perfect justice: For the wages of sin is death, but Christ shed His blood on the Cross to pay that price in full, for all who would believe.
Every human being is in need of forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with the God Who made them.
Yet, as these very words were being spat out of the mouths of those who ridiculed Him at the foot of the Cross, our Saviour was bleeding, dying, and bearing the weight of the sins of the world so that even those who were taunting him might be redeemed by His blood.
And praise God that He chose not choose to save Himself, for by dying on the Cross He paid the price for the sins the world and redeemed mankind.
Just as the work of the Cross provides salvation when we believe it to be true, the work of the Cross also provides victory over the old sin nature when it is believed.
We need to understand that the sin nature remains with us until our life on earth is ended - but the blood of Christ has given us victory over the functioning power of the sin nature within our life.
Before rebirth, we are connected to our sin nature much in the same way that a plug on a lamp is connected to an electric socket.
The unsaved sinner is permanently 'plugged into' the old sin nature, which is the only power behind the functioning of the life of every unbeliever.
At rebirth, Christ's work on the Cross permanently severed the power that flowed from the old sin nature into the life of the new believer.
The electricity (which represents the old-sin nature), is still there, and the lamp (which represents the believer), is still there, but the connection between the old sin nature and the believer has been severed - forever.
However, the old sin nature is still there, and the believer has the free-will to plug himself back under the power of the old sin nature which causes our thoughts and actions to be influenced by the world, the flesh, and the devil, instead of the new life in Christ.
The power working in a believer either comes from the old sin nature or the new life in Christ.
But when Christ died, He not only died FOR sin, paying the price of sin (the death penalty), but He died UNTO sin, providing victory over the dominating sin nature and permanently severing us from the power it has over us.
When Christ died unto sin, we died with Him.
We died unto sin.
No wonder Paul said, How can we who died as far as sin is concerned go on living in it... How shall we who died to sin still live in it?
When the heart of a sinner is ignited in the gospel of Christ, God works His wonderful regenerative work in that life, and a blacked, sin-sick soul, is illuminated with knowledge of the Light that shines out of darkness.
The Lord Jesus Christ, is our dazzling and eternal Day-Star and He is the Light of life, in Whom we have received forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
Men love darkness rather than the Light of lights, because man is a fallen being who is dead in trespasses and sin, and at enmity with God Himself.
This is the 'Time of Jacob's Trouble', when Israel and the unbelieving nations are punished, for the sin of unbelief in rejecting their Messiah, but Israel and all who recognise their sin, and call on the name of the Lord, will be saved.
God must punish sin, but He has also promised restoration to all who believe.
Indeed, Paul began to realise that the Law not only exposes the sinfulness of man's fallen nature and makes us aware that we need a saviour... but it indirectly points us to Christ, the one and only God-Man Who fulfilled the Law perfectly and sacrificed His life for the sin of the world - to the glory of God and for our eternal redemption.
Romans chapter 7 is the preeminent chapter that explains the Christian's relationship to sin... and the place of the Law in the life of a believer.
The perfect Law of God exposes inherent sin in the heart of fallen man.
Paul came to understand the futility of trying to be perfect when the soul of man is impregnated with sin... and so he cried out in deep frustration, Oh, wretched man that I am!
Paul began to recognise that there was a sin principle that works deeply in the heart of all humanity that prevented him from obeying God in his own strength - a sin nature that is at enmity with God and all that is good.
I find that there is a fundamental principle of evil that is present in me, he wrote, waging war against the law of my mind, and making me a prisoner to the law of sin, which is in my members.
However, although Paul was distressed to discover the wretchedness of his sinful nature and that he was incapable of harnessing the good he wanted to do... he praised God to discover the one and only way to overcome this principle of sin and death.
Paul discovered that the only way to victory over the principle of sin, was by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ - as he allowed His Holy Spirit to rule and reign within until he could say, it is not I that live, but Christ that lives in me.
God has given humanity an amazing gift, and that gift is salvation - the salvation of the spirit, the salvation of the soul, and the salvation of the body, which was procured through the shedding of Christ’s blood in payment for the sins of the whole world - For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.
The sacrificial death of the eternal Son could alone pay the price for the sins of the world and redeem a lost creation.
But God is Spirit, and for the Son of God to shed His blood as the full and final payment for sin, He had to become the Son of Man and be born into the very race that is dead in trespasses and sin and at enmity with God.
Our salvation depends entirely on Christ’s worthiness, and the work that He carried out on Calvary’s Cross, when He offered up His sinless life to pay the price for our sin, freeing us from the guilt of sin and the penalty of sin – and breaking the suffocating power of sin in our lives.And all that humanity has to do to receive this eternal gift of salvation is to believe in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the Father.
Salvation is the amazing gift of God’s grace, and does not have anything to do with us. All that is required of you and me is to believe – believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.Those of us who believe this by faith are justified, saved, redeemed, declared righteous, positioned in Christ, clothed in His righteousness, in-dwelt by the Holy Spirit, and have been given a whole host of other supernatural and eternal benefits, simply by believing on the finished work of Christ at Calvary, for He died for our sin according to the Scriptures, was buried and rose again according to the Scriptures.
However, the people of God, have received the salvation of the Lord because they have been counted worthy and declared righteous, by faith in Christ's sacrifice for their sin - and although in this world, they are ridiculed, threatened, persecuted, and abused, they will inherit the kingdom of heaven.
He knew that the reason for this painful period in Israel's problematic history, was due to the gross sin and spiritual adultery of God's chosen people.
They knew He was the eternal Son of God Who died for their sins as the perfect Son of Man.
And like us, they believed that He rose again from the dead, to give them life-everlasting and the forgiveness of sins.
He paid the price for our sins, and He was punished in our place.
Jesus took the full force of God's righteous anger against their sin, our sin, and the sin of the whole world.
Christ was made sin for us so that we might be made righteous in God's eyes and accepted by the Father, in Christ.
Like us, the Christians at Thessalonica believed by faith that God poured out the full fury of His anger against sin upon the Lord Jesus Christ, Who was God's sacrificial Lamb and our sin-substitute.
Christ's perfect sacrifice on the Cross forgave us of our sins (past, present, and future), saving us from the penalty of sin and returning us back into irreversible fellowship with the Father, by grace through faith.
This new-life in Christ saves us from the power of sin.
God does not need you nor me, and yet in His grace and love, He chose to pay the penalty for our sin, break the power of sin in our lives, and permanently unite us with His only Begotten Son.
When David penned these words, they were in every respect a song of thankful worship to the Father that pointed to the coming Messiah Who would be sent from heaven to become our sacrifice for sin.
Christ is the heavenly Man that came down from above to shed His blood on the Cross as payment for the sin of the world and rose the third day, breaking the power of sin and death in the lives of all that believe on Christ as Saviour.
The foundational bedrock upon which all victory rests is the shed blood of Christ - the Lamb that was slain - the perfect Sacrifice, Who with one glorious cry of: IT IS FINISHED, pronounced sin, death, and hell, 'forever conquered'.
While we know that ALL sins, including adultery and fornication, are forgiven through Christ - how vital that we take this warning to heart and seek to live holy lives in thought, word, and deed, for His name's sake.
He must also turn the blinded hearts of the nation of Israel back to Himself during this terrible time of Jacob's Trouble - when as a nation they will repent of their sins, weep together over their crucified Messiah, and cry out to the Lord to deliver them.
The same choice between life and death (the blessing and the curse), is extended to all people, and although the specific terms of the Law of Moses applied to Israel alone, we are all born dead in trespasses and sins, and we are all placed under the curse of the Law.
Because of His willing obedience to live in total dependence on the Father and become our sin substitute at Calvary, the Lord Jesus has been given a name that is above every name and He has been given a position that is far above all principalities and power, not only in this age but also throughout the eternal ages to come.
The sacrificial death of Christ paid the penalty for our sin, but His glorious Resurrection broke the power of sin and death in our lives, for we were made a new creation in Christ and given a new life in Him.
He died to pay the price for our sins but He rose again to give us His life - eternal life and life more abundantly.
God demonstrated His immeasurable authority and unlimited power when He raised Christ (our sin-substitute) from the dead, and seated Him at His own right hand in glory, far above all principalities and powers, not only in time but throughout eternity.
He lived a sinless life and died willingly on the Cross to pay the price of the sins of humanity so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
Christ knew that He was shortly to die on the Cross to pay the price for their sins and that He was the one and only Mediator between God and mankind, for no one comes to the Father except through Him.
Together with the rest of humanity, Israel were guilty of sin and stood condemned before a holy God.
It is not simply the 'wicked' that are guilty of sin.
All have been imputed with a sin nature.
The cutting away of flesh in circumcision was a daily reminder that sin was to be cut out of their life.
The Law exposes a man's sin but cannot forgive it, and Paul realised that he would not have known he was a sinner, apart from the Law.
He realised that true circumcision was the circumcision made without hands: The circumcision of the heart, the putting off the body of the fleshly sins, through the circumcision of Christ.
But they expected to be saved from their physical, earthly rulers, who dominated them from Rome, and not to be offered salvation from their spiritual enslavement to sin and Satan, death, and hell.
But, as prophesied, it is a time when Israel, as a nation, will REPENT of their sin, and call on the name of the Lord, by crying, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest!
He identified with our sin so that we could be identified with His righteousness.
It means to put off the old sin nature (the old man - the old Adamic self) and cease from any fleshly strivings I undertake to 'please' God.
There must be death to self, death to sin, death to legalistic tendencies, death to all that is not of Christ, so that we may live as God intended us to live: in complete dependence upon Him, by grace through faith.
For nine hours, Christ hung on the Cross as the unique sacrifice for the sin of the whole world.
Christ had no option but to drain the cup of suffering to its very dregs, for only the shed blood of the sinless Son of God - our perfect Kinsman-Redeemer - could pay the enormous price for the sin of the whole world.
It was during those three bitter hours on the Cross that God's only begotten Son took the brutal punishment for the sin of the whole world upon His own shoulders.
The Father turned His face away from Him and the indwelling Holy Spirit departed as He was made sin - for US.
The Lord Jesus waited patiently on the Cross for His Father to hear and answer His prayer once the ransom price for sin had been paid in full.
And when the price for sin had been fully paid He cried, it is finished, and, gave up the ghost. For three days and three nights, Christ's body lay cold in the grave while His soul remained in the bowels of the earth.
And as believers we have a choice of two masters: sin or obedience.
Either sin which results in death or obedience which results in righteousness.
The death we experience as a result of committing a sin as a believer is not physical or spiritual death for death in the Bible means separation.
Here we see that sin separates our fellowship with our heavenly Father.
We can choose to be a servant of sin or to be a servant of righteousness.
We can choose to allow sin to be our master or we can decide to have righteousness as our overlord.
We are either a slave to sin and under the authority and rule of sin, in which case we obey sin in our everyday life, or we are a slave of righteousness and under the authority and rule of righteousness, in which case we remain its obedient servant.
Whoever we choose to obey in our everyday life is our master and we have two options; sin or obedience.
And moment by moment we are faced with the same choices; to be a slave of sin or a servant of righteousness.
Whether in mental attitude, spoken work, or physical action, we are faced with the same choices every day of our lives; to sin or to obey.
Having set out this important life-principle, Paul finally explains the reason for his forceful emphasis: having been freed from sin, by grace through faith in Christ, we became salves of righteousness.
Having been rescued from the powerful enemy that had placed us under bondage to sin, Satan, and death, we have been redeemed by the blood of Christ and bought with the precious blood of God's only Son.
And having been freed from sin, we became slaves of righteousness and our duty to our heavenly Redeemer was to be obedient servants under God's perfect rule of righteousness.
But during the rest of our life on earth, a moment by moment choice remains: we can choose to be a slave of sin or to be a servant of righteousness.
When Adam, the progenitor of the human race, sinned against the living God, fellowship with his Creator was broken forever, and fallen man was eternally separated from God by sin.
But in His omniscience, God already knew of man's ruinous choice, and so before the foundation of the world He planned to give His dearly beloved Son to be the only acceptable ransom for the sin of the world.
The unbroken fellowship and eternal bond of love that exists between the Father and the Son was to be broken for the first time at that pivotal point in history when, as perfect Son of Man, Jesus was to pay the purchase price for the sin of the whole world.
And today, when the sacrificial offering of Christ on the Cross is believed by faith, His resurrected life is imparted to the one who trust in Him as their substitute for sin: As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, will also live because of Me.
The first Adam sinned, and we discover that death came into the world by sin.
Every man born of woman and every woman born of man's seed, is dead in trespasses and sins, for the entire human race is positioned IN Adam, rendering all mankind as sinners in need of a Saviour.
All that are born IN Adam are dead in their trespasses and sin, estranged from God, and without hope in the world.
Adam was the federal head of the human race and through him sin was imputed to all mankind, but God in His grace sent a second Man, the last Adam (the Son of the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ) into the world.
He came to identify with His fallen creation so that by His substitutionary death and glorious Resurrection, He was able to overcome the shocking damage caused by Adam's sin and conquer man's greatest enemy: death.
Only a man without spot and blemish would be qualified to reverse the ravages of sin and its deathly consequences.
Adam's action has inputed a sin nature on all who were born IN Adam (including you and me), whereas the righteousness of God is imputed to all who are born again IN Christ.
The wages of sin may be death, but the gift of God is eternal life to all who trust in His substitutionary death and glorious Resurrection: For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
We have been bought with a price and received the life of Christ, but too often we allow the old sin nature to surface in our lives, and Paul warns that allowing sin to take control in our hearts rather than the new life in Christ, causes the indwelling Spirit (Who has sealed us unto the day of redemption), to be grieved and distressed.
Isaac was to be a picture of the only begotten Son of God Who would die as a sacrifice for the sin of the world and be raised to life on the third day.
In His final message to the disciples, the Lord Jesus explained that knowledge of the truth was man's greatest freedom, in a world that is enslaved by sin, oppressed by Satan, condemned to death, and bound for hell.
And here in this verse we find that Paul is expressing the same truth, in a way that appears to be somewhat incongruous on the surface, for we read, when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness.
Being free from goodness or being 'free in regard to righteousness', may appear on the surface to be a strange way of describing the sorry state of fallen man... who is ensnared by Satan and enslaved to sin.
But the man who is a slave to every type of sin, can also be described as the man who is free from everything that is good.
Because of his enslavement to sin, a sinner is estranged from God.
A slave to sin has no connection with all that is good and righteous.
Because unsaved man is enslaved to sin and Satan, death and hell... he is freed from any association with goodness and grace, life and hope.
Paul has been explaining to his readers, that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God, and that ungodly men are slaves of sin, and ensnared by their fallen, sin nature.
and here in Romans we read that before salvation, these believers were also slaves to sin, and dominated by Satan, which excluded them from all that is righteous and true - for they were also freed from righteousness!
Paul points out that people who are bound by sin and enslaved by Satan, only know one sort of freedom - they are freed from all that is good!!
It is terrible to be a bond-servant of sin, for such a condition is hopeless, and renders the man or woman to be given-over to iniquity... and freed from any form of righteousness.
Freedom from righteousness is futile and fruitless, but it is the eternal state in which the unsaved sinner will find himself, through time and into eternity, unless he turns from his sin to Christ, and trusts in His redeeming work on the Cross - for the forgiveness of his sins and life everlasting.
It is the truth of God and the way to God and is unambiguously linked to faith in Christ's death, burial and Resurrection as the only acceptable sacrifice for the forgiveness for sins and life everlasting.
Fallen man is born in sin and is at enmity with God.
No doubt through the eternity of eternities, we will thank God that although we were once slaves of sin, estranged from God, and without hope in the world, His Holy Spirit convicted us of our own gross sinfulness, our need of a Saviour, of Christ's perfect righteousness, and of God's righteous judgement on all that is evil.
Before they were converted, sin was their master; for whatever one yields to in life become ones overlord.
But faith in the finished work of Christ on the Cross, broke them free from sin's shackles, brought them into the liberty of fellowship with God, and made them servants of Christ.
Let us never stop praising and thanking God that although we were once slaves of sin, we too have been set free by grace through faith in Christ.
Jesus is the divine Bread from heaven Who came to earth in the likeness of sinful man in order to give His sinless life as the ransom price for the sin of the world.
His precious blood not only covered the scarlet sins and shocking shame that separated us for ever from a holy and righteous God, but His very life became the propitiation for our sins so that in Christ our sins are forgiven forever, and have been removed as far as the east is from the west.
Nor could they disconnect the idea that a drink, which cleanses and refreshes the human body could spiritually be seen as the blood of Christ which cleanses us from all sin and which becomes a spring of living water, welling up into eternal life for all who will believe on His Name.
Every Church-age believer has been cleansed of their sins, clothed in the righteousness of Christ, and consecrated to God, because Jesus became our substitutionary sacrifice for sin and breathed into us His own perfect, abundant, and eternal life.
If God's justice were to be satisfied without Christ, we would have no choice but to remain dead in our trespasses and sins and be forever separated from our Father in heaven.
We could never have been set apart by God and forgiven of our sins through our own vain efforts to keep the perfect requirements of the Law.
His sacrifice paid the price for all sin and for every person who will trust in His atoning sacrifice.
How wonderful to realise that in returning to heaven He would take up His twofold ministry as our great High Priest interceding to the Father on our behalf and also our heavenly Advocate and Mediator between God and man; a heavenly Saviour Who forgives all our sins.
At His First Coming He was despised and rejected of men and became our precious sin-Sacrifice but at His Second Coming He will rule and reign in justice and peace.
Even though we were in the pitiable state of death because of our sins, He gave us life in Christ.
These actions and works cannot be performed by the old putrefying person we were before salvation (the old man which was governed by the old sin nature).
The Jews incorrectly considered that personal sin was the only reason for accidents and tragedies.
However, Jesus rejected their supposition and used the parable of the fig tree to explain that although sin is the root of all tragedies, it is not necessarily because of a man's PERSONAL sin that bad things happen, for ALL men are guilty of sin, not only those who have difficulties.
The parable also demonstrates the goodness and grace of God in giving sinners sufficient time to turn from their sin and to come to a point of true repentance.
Although ALL men, Jew and Gentile alike, have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all need salvation through faith in Christ, the parable of the fig tree in the vineyard indicates that Christ's teaching was targeting Israel, His covenant nation who, for centuries, had refused to obey God's Word, turn from their sin, and return to the Lord their God.
Jesus was the incarnate Word of God about Whom the Scriptures spoke and to Whom the Jewish Law pointed, and although they were a worthless nation, Jesus graciously asked the Father to give His people more time to repent of their sin and produce the fruit of righteousness: He answered and said to Him, 'Let it alone, sir, for this year too, until I dig around it and put in fertiliser,' as He continued to share the good news of the gospel of God and the coming kingdom.
The Father had sent many prophets to Israel to turn them from their apostate ways back to Himself and finally sent His only begotten Son to save His people from their sin.
They should have harkened to John the Baptist who came as a voice in the wilderness, preparing the way of the Lord and calling to the nation: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near, and: Behold the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.
Israel should have responded to the many calls to repent of their sin and produced the fruit of righteousness, by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness.
Throughout the Church age they have had even more opportunity to repent of their sin, return to the Lord, and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin.
The day is coming when all Israel will repent of their apostasy and weep for their sin, at the end of the Great Tribulation, when they see Him coming on the clouds of glory and together will cry out: Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.
And yet God has taken those apparently useless, insignificant human forms and poured into them a revelation of the glorious gospel of His only begotten Son.God has poured into our hearts the divine light of His love and glory, the glorious truth of His salvation and grace, the rich treasure of the good news of Christ, Who alone can save a sinner from the penalty and power of sin, death, and hell.
It is through faith in Christ Jesus that we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the incomparable greatness of the power within, will come from God and not from ourselves.The new, eternal life of the resurrected Lord Jesus was breathed into our bodies, which were dead in trespasses and sins.
And the Holy Spirit of God took up permanent residence within our weak, mortal frames, from the moment we trusted Christ Jesus, for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
The almighty Creator, Who caused light to shine out of darkness, is the One Who has shone in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ – so that His life may dwell in us and His love may shine into our hearts, so that we may be made ministers of His grace and show forth the excellency of His power to those that remain dead in their trespasses and sins.There is no merit in us that we should be so honoured, as the contrast between our frail, feeble, perishing bodies and His divine strength and eternal light demonstrates – but by His goodness and grace, this heavenly treasure has been placed in earthen vessels - our human body, which is Christ in us the hope of glory, so that the excellency of that power may be shown forth in our lives.We are the earthen vessels into which the glorious truth of the gospel of God has been poured, causing our mortal bodies to become the temple of the Holy Spirit, Who uses this gospel light to guide us into all truth and as we proclaim the glorious gospel of grace to others.
He was to be the promised Saviour, Who would bring transgression to a conclusion, make an end of sin, make atonement for iniquity, and bring in everlasting righteousness.
The Seed of Abraham was to be both fully God and fully Man, for only God is good enough to pay the price for sin, but only a Kinsman-Redeemer could shed His blood for the sin of mankind.
There seems to be an increasing number of Christians in this Church dispensation who find part of the gospel of Christ unpalatable... refusing to use words like 'sin' and 'hell', 'repentance' and 'sacrifice' - for fear of offending anyone.
Others like to hide the shed blood of the slain Lord Jesus for the forgiveness of sins under the proverbial carpet, because they think that it is rather offensive.
The full council of God, the deity of Christ, sound doctrine, the non-negotiable truth, the coming judgement, Christ as the one and only way to God, and repentance of sin, have been replaced with extra-biblical revelation, religious talk-shows, dreams and visions, ungodly worship, transcendental meditation, a desire for some self-induced emotional experiences, and a happy, prosperous life now.
Jesus had come to set up His earthly kingdom, but first He was to suffer and die for the sin of the whole world, for before the establishment of His earthly reign in Jerusalem, Jesus must also become: The Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
His Resurrection proves His power to forgive sins: For if Christ has not been raised from the dead, then our faith is worthless and we would still be in our sins.
Whether Jew or Gentile, bond or free, rich or poor, male or female, everyone is lost in their sins, wallowing in prideful rebellion against their Creator, born dead in trespasses and sins, eternally estranged from God, and in desperate need of a Redeemer.
We are justified by God's grace and pardoned of our sin as a free and unconditional gift, through redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Man is justified by faith - without the deeds of the law.
Having become the perfect sacrifice for our sins, He has now become our empathetic High Priest, and is continuously representing us before the Father, and He always will.
Before the Cross, Israel was required to offer sacrifices to God in a copy of the heavenly sanctuary, but following His victory on the Cross, the veil of the temple was rent in two, removing the sin barrier between God and us forever.
He put away our sin forever, entered into heaven on our behalf, and remains there, ministering in the heavenly sanctuary as our great high Priest and our righteous Advocate, as He prevails in prayer as our heavenly Intercessor.
We are to renounce all forms of evil and rid ourselves of every kind of sin, including angry and passionate outbreaks, ill-will, evil speaking, and foul-mouthed abuse.
Many of the sins listed in this verse are connected with sins of speech. Anger often is expressed in spiteful words or a hostile attitude.
And although there is a godly anger which grieves over wrongs, lawlessness, and sin, we should not become involved with the unrighteous anger expressed in this verse.
The final part in Paul's list of verbal sins to avoid is 'abusive speech' which implies participation in disgusting, unclean, and obscene language.
Indeed, the verse that follows includes the sin of 'lying' in this catalogue of worldly activities and fleshly passions, which should be set aside.
In an era when runaway slaves and fugitives were frequently caught and executed, Paul's pleading request must have touched the heart and conscience of all who read it, including Philemon, for it was a beautiful illustration of the exchanged status of a condemned sinner, who was once dead in trespasses and sins, but is now a redeemed man, who is born-again, declared righteous in the sight of God, and given heavenly honours beyond imagination.
Just as Onesimus was a fugitive under Philemon's justified condemnation, there was a time when we were slaves to sin and under God's righteous condemnation, but by God's grace through faith, we were forgiven of our wrongdoing and our sin is remembered no more.
We are to remain in fellowship with our heavenly Father, by confessing our sin before His heavenly throne, and we are to abide in Christ in humility of heart and in willing obedience to His Word... for without maintaining a day-by-day trust in the Lord, and a solid faith in His unchanging Word, it is impossible for the saved saint to please our heavenly Father.
But Adam sinned, causing the entire human race to be placed under condemnation of death - for the wages of sin is death.
God gave His Son into the world to pay the price for humanities sins.
They will cry out to God in the time of Jacob's Trouble, and Jesus will return to save His people from their sin and set up His promised millennial kingdom on earth.
Israel, (God's first-born adopted son), will be saved from their sin by Jesus Christ, (God's Only Begotten First-Born Son).
Paul wrote extensively about our fallen state, but also established in minute detail, our freedom in Christ which delivered us from our slavery to sin.
The Law set out the perfect standard by which man could attain righteousness in the eyes of God, and the Law continues to be the standard by which men are convicted of their sin.
The sin of Adam was passed to all his physical descendants.
Because we were born into the first creation through the first Adam, we inherited a fallen nature for we were born in sin.
The old identity we had with the first Adam rendered us slaves to sin, but the new identity we have in Christ, the last Adam, renders us servants of righteousness.
The Law could expose sin but could never forgive sin.
If the Law could have been fulfilled by man's righteousness, there would have been no need for a Saviour to pay the price for man's sin through His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection.
Salvation and the forgiveness of sin could never be attained by keeping the unattainable Law.
Salvation and the forgiveness of sin is simply by faith: Believe in God and Jesus Christ Whom He has sent, for Christ is the end of the Law to all who believe.
The earthly inheritance that was promised to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Israel was finally to be realised, and John was called to bear witness to: The Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
But John protested Christ's request for water baptism, for although Jesus was a Jew (of the line of Judah and the house of David), there was no sin in Him.
Because of our sin we deserve death, and the wages of sin is death: spiritual death.
The result of sin is eternal separation from our mighty Creator God.
We have been purchased back from the slave-market of sin and death by our gracious Saviour God.
He is the sacrifice for our sin.
He is the propitiation for our sins.
The Lord Jesus is that unblemished and spotless Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world and gives us spiritual life in return for spiritual death.
He willingly identified Himself with our sin and voluntarily offered up His own sinless life in our place.
Christ identified Himself with our sin so that we might be identified with His righteousness.
He purchased us back from the slave-market of sin and death with His own precious blood as of a lamb, unblemished and spotless.
He was the true Passover Lamb, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
We are sinners who were born in sin, and as sinners we have an old sin nature.
Sin in the Bible is often referred to as leaven.
Sin has spread to every part of our being.
As believers, we are perfect in Christ, but we still reside in our fleshly bodies and we still retain our old sin nature, which will fight against our new, perfect-life in Christ for the rest of our life on earth.
And so we are exhorted to purge out the old leaven – to get rid of the sin that is lurking within our hearts and live a life that is unleavened.
this is not possible in our own strength, but Christ our Passover Lamb was slain for us so that we are released from the slavery of sin and the power of sin in our lives.
Christ died as the SIN OFFERING to pay the price for our sins, that we might be set free from the PUNISHMENT of sin and He died as our PASSOVER LAMB so that like the Israelites in Egypt, we may be released from the POWER of sin in our lives.
Behold the Lamb of God, our Sin Offering, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed in our place.
He acknowledged that the Lord was the God of his salvation, and that the sins of his youth would be remembered no more.
While sin has placed an irreversible and irreconcilable barrier between God and mankind, nevertheless, in His grace, He has made His secret thoughts known to those that trust Him, and revealed to us, things that are hidden from the ungodly.
The secrets of the Lord are beyond our human comprehension, for they relate to the New and Better Covenant, where forgiveness of sin and life everlasting are two of the many hidden secrets the Lord has already made known to ALL who fear Him.
There is nothing more remarkable to a sinner, entangled in sin, than a godly man or woman graciously repaying good for evil and offering kindness in response to all manner of evil.
It is God's desire that all come to repentance and trust in Him for the forgiveness of sin, and if we honour His will by reacting to acts of evil with deeds of kindness, maybe it will help to bring a sinner to repentance and give glory to God.
Not only are we condemned for sins of the flesh, like murder and adultery..
Adam was the federal head of the entire human race, but when Adam sinned in the beautiful garden of Eden, all humanity was catapulted into condemnation and sin, with an old sin nature that was predisposed to sin.
When Adam ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil he plunged his entire race into the cesspit of sin.
It is not only because of our sins that we are condemned sinners - we are born dead in trespasses and sin and are at enmity with God - from the beginning.
We commit sin because we are sinners, through and through.
The inner witness of man’s conscience was activated through sin.
Sin was imputed to mankind through Adam and sin is inherited from our earthly parents and we all commit sins – because we are all sinners by birth.
How true, that we are not sinners because we sin – we sin because we are sinners - born in sin.
And the wages of sin for sinful man is death.The Jews in the time of Christ thought that their earthly lineage protected them from the guilt and penalty of sin in the same way that many Gentiles today consider that their particular level of morality, is sufficient to exempt them from any divine punishment. But the written witness of God’s perfect Law and the inner witness of man’s God-given conscience, not only condemns the fallen sinner to death, but separates sinful man from their heavenly Creator – through time and into eternity.
We can be forgiven of our sin by faith in the shed blood of the sinless Son of God, Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour - Who takes away the sin of the world.
Every person - Jew and Gentile alike, was born dead in their sin and at enmity with God.
The human heart, which had become so infected with sin, was to be changed and cleansed, so that it could become a holy habitation for the Holy Spirit of God.
He told them that one day they would recognise their faults, repent of their sins, and deeply regret their foolish ways.
This wonderful promise to the nation of Israel was cut at Calvary, and the wonderful promise to give His people a new heart and put a new spirit within is fulfilled in the life of ALL who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Saviour of their soul and the Mediator for their sins - Jew and Gentile alike.
Paul continues to explain that the justice of God demands that full payment be made for the sin of every man, and the wages of sin is death.
He warns that there is only one way by which man may be saved, and that is by faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ Who is the propitiation for our sins, and through Whom the redemption price for the sin of mankind was paid in full and accepted unconditionally by the Father.
The perfect righteousness of God was fully satisfied when the shed blood of the innocent Lord Jesus was willingly offered as that full and final payment for the sin of the whole world.
Yes, the wages of sin is death, BUT the gift of God is eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Our sin nature and the sins we commit have to be punished, and Jesus took the full and final punishment that we deserve; but it is only and exclusively and unalterably by faith in the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus that we can be fully and forever forgiven of our sins and placed in eternal union with Christ, by which we are brought back into a right relationship with our heavenly Father.
For nearly four chapters, Paul hammers home the unchangeable truth that there is nothing that man can do to make amends for his sin.
There is nothing man can do to add to Christ's finished work, for He paid the price of all our sins in full.
The message of the Cross is considered to be foolish lunacy to unsaved men who are dead in their sins, blinded by Satan, and heading for hellish destruction.
All who believe the good news that Christ died for their sins and rose the third day to pay the price for their sins, have been clothed in the righteousness of Christ, by faith.
He was the anointed Son of the Father and was sent to save His people from their sin, but was despised, rejected, mocked, and delivered up to be crucified.
However, following His sacrificial death on the Cross for the sin of the world, the Father would not allow His beloved Son further abuse from godless men, but arranged for His burial in the newly hewn rock-tomb of a wealthy man: When it was evening, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had also become a disciple of Jesus.
He was to DIE to pay the price for the sin of the world and He was to RISE from the dead to break the power of Satan, sin, death, and hell.
However, these two emboldened believers had already been born again of the Spirit and received forgiveness of their sin from the true Passover Lamb - the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
He is our perfect Priest, Who by virtue of His own spotless sacrificial life-blood which streamed over the heavenly mercy-seat, has once-and-for-all atoned for all our sins.
And we who have trusted in His death, burial, and Resurrection for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting, have been called to hold fast to our confession.
We are commanded to stand firm on the witness of the Cross: Jesus is the Son of God; Jesus is our great High Priest; Jesus has put away our sin forever by His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection; Jesus ascended into heaven by passing through the heavens on our account; In Jesus are the words of eternal life.
The depth of God's love is expressed in Christ's death on the Cross... for God loved the world so dearly, that He gave His only begotten Son to be the sacrifice for the sin of the whole world, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.
When we are tempted to sin, we must not forget that temptation never comes from the Lord but has its root in sin.
If we give into temptation we sin, but when we resist sin's evil bait, God turns that temptation into a meaningful trial which He uses for our greater good and His own glory.
This means when we are tempted to sin we have a choice: to sin OR not to sin.
We can allow ourselves to be enticed into sin OR to resist sin.
We can allow ourselves to be a slave to sin OR a servant of righteousness; to yield to the temptation and dishonour God by sinning OR to resist the temptation and give glory to God by resisting the temptation.
Both God and Satan are equally blamed when we fall into sin: 'Satan made me do it' or 'It's all God's fault, He made me like this'.
Even a faulty and unscriptural interpretation of the Bible can be used as an excuse to sin.
The truth is that each one of us is tempted to sin when we get carried away and enticed into sin by our own leud, lustful leanings: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life.
Anyone who gives in to any type of temptation stands silent before God, for it is his own inner passion that carry him away and which serve as sin's bait.
The source of temptation comes from within our fallen heart but it is only translated into sin when by thought, word, or deed we yield to its tempting bait.
However, when that same source of temptation from within is resisted, the coin is flipped over and the temptation to sin becomes a test of faith that God will use for our eternal good and for His greater glory,
But the wonderful thing is that once we have been convicted of sin and trusted God's offer of salvation by grace through faith in Christ, the Law has achieved its purpose in us, for the Law was a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.
The question is often asked: If Christ won the victory over Satan, sin, death, and hell, then why is he still at large and why do Christians still die if they have been saved from death and hell?
Even at this last stage of Israel's advancing apostacy, the people received a divine call through Joel, to confess their sin, repent of their evil ways, and return to the Lord.
It is never too late for a sinner to turn from sin.
But it must be a turning-away from sin that is birthed in a mind that mourns over sin with genuine grief.
It must flow from a heart that is determined to return to trusting God in thought, word, and deed: For blessed are they that mourn over their sin, for they shall be comforted.
This group were urged to call on the name of the Lord, to cry out to Him in faith confessing their sin while turning back to Him (for if a believer confesses his sin, God is faithful and just to forgive his many sins and cleanse him from all unrighteousness).
Unlike Israel, believers today are not bound by the restrictions of the Law, but we are required to recognise our sin and confess it to the Lord.
Once Satan had tempted man to sin and seized dominion over the world from Adam, he immediately began to infect the human race with every flavour and colour of evil, which finally resulted in the worldwide judgement of Noah's flood.
Christ's finished work on the Cross gave every member of the human race the opportunity to be bought back, from the slave-market of sin and Satan, and to become free to live the rest of our life as Christ's bond-servant - through faith.
He not only releases us from the penalty of sin and Satan that enslaved us before our salvation - when He paid the price for our sin on the Cross, but He ALSO offers us freedom from the ongoing power of sin and its unholy influence upon us as we journey through life.
Both the southern kingdom of Judah and the northern state of Israel, received multiple warnings to repent of their sins, turn back to God, and fulfil their covenant promise.
Prophets were raised up to warn the people to repent of their sin and return to the Lord, or suffer the consequences of their disobedience... and in this second chapter of Jeremiah is a condensed synopsis of Israel's incredible unfaithfulness, which is enumerated throughout the entire Old Testament history.
We are positioned in Christ, and as members of Christ's Body we are not only identified with His death when we died to sin at salvation, but we are also identified with His resurrected body and eternal life.
The coming Judgement Seat of Christ is not to be feared for Jesus paid the punishment for our sin on Calvary's Cross, and the only thing given at this Judgement Seat will be rewards.
Peter reminds us of the many precious promises that are ours in Christ, which free us from slavery to sin as we remain in Him and He in us.
Those that are lacking in godly character are described as being spiritually blind and short-sighted, having forgotten all the glories that are ours in Christ Jesus, despite the fact that we have already been purified from our former sins.
May we daily remember that we are positioned in Him, and that we have been purified of our former sins.
He is the uncreated God Who willingly took upon Himself human flesh so that through His shed blood we might receive redemption of our bodies and the forgiveness of sins.
As humanities representative, Adam's sin was imputed to the whole of the human race.
If Christ had not risen from the dead, there would be no imputed righteousness, no new creation, no Head of the Church, and no resurrection of the Body: For if Christ has not been raised, our faith would be worthless and we would still be in our sins.
Had Naomi remained with her husband and family in the land of Israel, repented of her sin, and returned to God in faith, she may never have experienced the severe problems and pain she was now enduring.
Israel had been redeemed from the slave-market of sin, but failed to enter God's promised rest.
For those with eyes to see (those saved by grace through faith), this truth is a sober warning to live righteously in the sight of God, and not to fall into the same sin of unbelief.
As members of the Church, the admonition in this verse is not to fall into the same sin; not to be deliberately disobedient and wander into apostasy and unbelief.
Instead of enjoying God's promised rest, they died defeated men and women; saved, yet excluded from His rest; redeemed from the slave-market of sin, yet failing to fulfil God's will for their life.
Who can say, 'I have cleansed my heart, I am pure from my sin?' is a question asked in Proverbs, but the tenor and temperature of this question is such that the answer must be, NO ONE!
Nobody can say I have cleansed my heart and am pure from sin.
However, the writer of Ecclesiastes reminds us that there is not a righteous man on earth who continually does good and who never sins, and 1 John 1:8 clearly states, if we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. There are those who boast of their integrity and overstate their own worthiness, because of the good works they carry out in the flesh.
No one can declare that they are pure from their sin.
No one can claim to have a heart that is not stained with sin, for all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory.
Indeed, it is not only the heart that is stained with sin but the mind, the conscience, the emotions, the will, and the inner being of all human-kind. Anyone with the audacity to claim that they have cleansed their heart and made themselves pure from sin, is greatly deceived.
He is the all-knowing God Who can interpret the imaginations of our mind and read the secret motives behind our choices, before they germinate into thoughts, or develop into actions or a habit.God is not expecting a reply from the lips of sinful man when asking... Who can say, 'I have cleansed my heart, I am pure from my sin?'... for every mouth is silenced before our holy and righteous God.
God in His grace has made a way to cleanse man's heart and forgive man's sin.
Cleansing the heart and purity from our sin only comes through faith in the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, Who paid the penalty for our sin.
He alone can purify us from sin - by covering us in Christ's righteousness, which only comes through faith in Him.
We have the autonomy to humbly admit we are sinners in need of salvation or refuse to accept that we are dead in our sins and at enmity with God.
It is to make each one of us realise our heart is not clean before God, and that no one is pure from their sin or innocent before Him.
No amount of self-effort or self-cleaning can wash away the guilty sin that enchains each one of us.
God alone can declare the guilty sinner righteous - but God will only proclaim a man righteous when they trust in Christ as the propitiation for their sins and saviour of their soul.
But too often, the proud-heart of rebellious man, will not admit his sin, or acknowledge his need of salvation preferring to trust in his own self-righteous acts to cleanse his conscience and wash away his sin!
God could never forgive sinful man his trespasses and sins in a way that would compromise His own perfect character, and the wages of sin is eternal death to all who fall short of His unsurpassed righteousness.
God's righteous judgement on sin was secured at the Cross of Christ's, purchasing forgiveness of sin to all who believe.
The glorious gospel of Christ reveals the uncompromised righteousness of God, which is based on faith: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for our sins according to the Scriptures.
If my old, fleshly nature reverts back to the Mosaic Law or some other legalistic rules and regulations, how good the old sin nature considers itself to be, when I compare my excellence with the miserable attempts of other Christians!
He is the Lion from the tribe of Judah Who has broken the chains of sin and Satan, death and hell By faith in HIM, we are credited with righteousness, just like Abraham, the father of faith.
But man sinned and the god of this age, that old serpent called the devil and Satan, took dominion of the earth from Adam, set up his own anti-God kingdom, and enslaved humanity in sin and death.Following this terrible sin of Adam who was the federal head of the human race, we discover that sin and death was passed onto all his progeny.
We are all born in sin and the consequences of sin reign within our mortal frame. But God chose to expose the wickedness of Satan, and in His mercy, love, and justice, purposed to save mankind from the terrible consequences of sin by taking the punishment that we justly deserve upon Himself – through the sacrifice of His dearly beloved Son.God communicated His Own eternal plans and loving purposes to all humanity throughout the pages of Holy Scripture, at the centre of which is His amazing plan of salvation whereby the sinless sacrificial Lamb of God would pay the full redemption price for all who would believe on His name.
What an astonishing privilege we find within the pages of Scripture – for the Spirit of God determined our fallen and eternally condemned status in the world, but in His goodness and grace, outlined all we need to receive His promised blessing of salvation, the forgiveness of sin, and life everlasting.Scripture is a supernatural document that has been delivered to us all through the pens of the apostles, the prophets, and the life of the Lord Jesus, which explains that we are all prisoners of sin and under the authority of Satan... with death, hell, and eternal separation from our God, as the bitter fruit of our fallen nature.
It was to show fallen humanity their need of a Saviour - the One God promised to send following Adam's terrible sin.
They thought that keeping the Law would save them, but the Law was designed to expose their sin so that they would admit their need of a Saviour and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of their soul.
Paul explained that rather than saving them, the Law has imprisoned everyone under sin.
Every man is imprisoned by sin, with no means of escape.
Paul needed to teach this terrible truth that we are all under sin and that the Scriptures themselves, have declared us to be sinners - so that he could link it with a tremendous truth - the Scriptures have shut up everyone under sin so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe!
By faith in the promised Seed of Abraham, those imprisoned by sin (which is everyone born into the human race) can be freed from the curse of the Law.
Should we not read, mark, learn, inwardly digest, and apply all the treasures that are given to us through this open secret, which is His precious Word, for Scripture has shown that all are the prisoners of sin – in order that God’s promised blessing, which depends on faith in Jesus Christ, may be given to all who believe in Him.
In the previous verse, the spiritual believer is instructed to help to restore a brother or sister who has fallen into sin - but to do it with gentleness and Christ-like consideration.
Paul instructs those that are spiritual to restore those who are not walking by means of the Spirit - or who have been overtaken by worldly sin, the wiles of Satan, or fleshly carnality.
When we sin in our Christian walk, we are unspiritual and lose fellowship with our Heavenly Father - we are not fulfilling the 'law of Christ'.
However, as soon as sin is confessed, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and return us into fellowship with Himself, and spirituality is once again restored - and we thereby fulfil the law of Christ.
We are cautioned of the peril of not pressing on to maturity and warned against developing an attitude of indifference - while in this passage we are counselled of the danger of wilful sin and warned about throwing away our trust in God - our faith in His Word.
In this way, we will not be conformed to the former lusts of our fleshly sin nature which was ours in our former ignorant state, but will be transformed into the image and likeness of Christ.
This is achieved when we are obedient to His Word and choose to keep the old sin nature, with all it sinful lusts, nailed to the Cross.
They were highly religious people who were in the process of surrendering the liberty they had freely received at salvation, by faith in Christ's once-for-all-offering of Himself, to a self-inflicted bondage to sin and enslavement to the Law.
It is given freely by faith in the finished work of Christ Who bore our sin alone, carries our burden freely, and keeps calling us: Come unto Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.
The death He died was accepted by the Father as FULL payment for our sins: payment for every sin so that whoever believes on Him will not perish but have everlasting life.
You see, just as Christ identified with our sin and took all our sin upon Himself in our place, so we are identified with Christ and as a result have been clothed in His righteousness, by God's amazing grace.
He prayed that we would increase in understanding and knowledge, and be granted greater illumination and spiritual revelation of our Father in heaven and His anointed Son, Jesus Christ, Who died for our sins and rose again the third day to give us His abundant life, according to the riches of His grace.
We are God's children and have His assurance that we are secure in His hand, for we have received the forgiveness of sin and His promise of life eternal.
IF a fallen human parent, who has a sin nature is capable of showing love, care, and consideration to their child who asks them for something, how much more will our holy, Heavenly Father Who loves us with an everlasting love, bestow His gifts and graces on His blood-bought children?
Initially, we read that He loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son to become the sacrifice for our sin.
Though abortion is a sin, and the loss of life through terminating a pregnancy is a travesty, Jesus died to pay the price for the sin of every man and woman, including this one.
The Lord offers cleansing and forgiveness for the unsaved sinner, who in recognising their need of salvation, trusts that Christ is the acceptable sacrifice for their sin - including the sin of abortion.
There is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus, for He even gives forgiveness and healing to those who commit this sin, both in their pre-salvation and post-salvation life - for if we, who have been justified by faith, confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness - including this one.
He is willing to forgive their sin and they are to be ready to receive their coming King.
The same God Who created the world and brought His people out of Egyptian slavery, is the One Who is returning to save His people from their sin.
These words of Isaiah were indeed good tidings of great joy to the little, faithful remnant of Israel, but they are words of great comfort and succour to all who are weary and heavy-laden, both Jew and Gentile alike, for He sent Jesus to be the good Shepherd of the sheep, the Door of the sheepfold, the Way, the Truth, the Life, and the Light to all who would trust in His name for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
This was an underhand plot to either accuse Jesus of disregarding sin by demonstrating His contempt for the God-given Law of Moses, or reveal that He was not living up to His claims of being a friend of sinners and their merciful Saviour.
Were He to ignore her sin and recommend her release, Jesus would have proven Himself to be a lawbreaker, with contempt for the Torah and a disregard for the Law of God.
We don't know what Christ wrote in the sand that day, but the consciences of every proud Pharisee and each scheming Scribe was cut to the quick when Jesus spoke with commanding authority: Let him who is without sin among you, throw the first stone.
All sin is an affront against God, and all sin must be punished.
And as the woman stood before Him, Jesus knew that He was soon to pay the price for the sin of this adulterous woman, just as surely as He died to pay the price for my sin and for yours.
As she stood alone waiting for His verdict on her heinous sin, she heard Him say: Neither do I condemn you, and He charged her: Go and sin no more. As she heard His gracious pronouncement of forgiveness upon her that day, little did she realise that soon He would be despised, rejected of men, and led as a lamb to the slaughter in order to die on the Cross to pay the price for her sin, for the sins of her accusers, and for the sin of the whole world: For whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.
The Spirit's work in the world today is to convict the unsaved of sin, righteousness, and judgement so that they might acknowledge and repent of their sin, and trust in Christ as Saviour.
Both in the Old and New Testaments, we discover ungodly lies and satanic trickery, and here, in the first three verses of 2nd Peter, we are given a description of these sins.
All sin must be judged, and a full payment for sin must be made - which God has determined is the sacrificial death of an innocent victim.
The only substitutional sacrifice that was acceptable to God for a man's sin was the death of a close kinsman of the sinner, who must be willing to give his own life to save another.
Jesus is the only acceptable sacrifice for the sin of the world.
The sacrificial offering for the sin of mankind was made by Christ - the Innocent for the guilty.
Our sin was judged at the Cross, and payment was made through the shed blood of a perfect man - the Man, Christ-Jesus.
Those who believe are born of the Spirit of God, and have had their sins already judged and paid for - in Him.
The price of sin was paid for at the Cross.
Propitiation for our sins was made through Christ, such that all who believe on Him are forgiven of their sin and declared righteous by God.
However, Scripture is very clear that Christ died for the sin of fallen human-kind and not for the sin of fallen angelic beings.
to save MAN from sin, which is why He was called the Son of Man.
He was identified with the sin of sinful man and not with the sin of fallen angels, who must suffer the consequences for their own sin - and the almighty God has already purposed an irrevocable judgement upon those angels that left their first estate.
However, they were not furnished with the opportunity to be redeemed of their sin.
but they were not tempted to sin.
Unlike man, angels were not tempted to sin by another species of God's creation - they were tempted by Satan - one of their own angelic kind.
God purposed in His heart to redeem fallen man, who was tempted to sin by Satan - a fallen angelic being.
to ascend above the starry heights of the clouds and to make himself like the Most High, drew with himself, a third of God's holy angels who joined him in his ungodly rebellion, and have been judged for their sin, for God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and has committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment.
Adam's sin was imputed to all men, but God in His grace determined that by the sacrificial death of one MAN - the man Christ Jesus, ALL mankind, not angel-kind, would be given the opportunity to be saved by grace through faith in God's own anointed Messiah, Jesus Christ, Whom He would send.
The first, in the person of Antiochus Epiphanes, and the second, in a yet unidentified man of sin - the Antichrist.
God has NOT forsaken His people, Israel, as so many like to teach... but before Christ's Second Coming to set up His earthly kingdom, as great David's greater King, His covenant nation must repent of their sins and call out to the Lord with the prophetic words, blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.
They will mourn together for their past sin and look upon Him Whom they have pierced.
Jesus warned Israel, unless you believe that I AM - you will die in your sins, and the apostle John wrote the following words about the Gospel he was inspired to write, these things are written, that ye may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God; and that believing in Him..
Dark blackness covered the earth as our Saviour was cursed of God and became sin for us - and the brimming bowl of the wrath of God was poured out over Christ for your sake and for mine.
That torn curtain in the holy of holies was the dramatic end of the earthly order of priests, for as both High Priest and Sacrifice, Jesus offered Himself as the perfect, innocent Sin-Offering to the most High God: Behold, the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, and by His death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain of His flesh into the Most Holy Place for those who believe.
His blood be on us and on our children, was the cruel cry from the crowds - but how prophetic that cry has become, for the Messiah of Israel shed His blood for the sin of the whole world, including Caiaphas, the leaders of Israel, and the multitudes who cried out hysterically - Crucify Him!
Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord. Yes, when they repent of their sin and call out to God for salvation they will see JESUS, coming with the clouds of glory, and every eye will see Him... including Caiaphas and those who condemned Him to death on the Cross.
They will call on His name for His cleansing blood to heal them of their sin - their individual sins and their national sin. They will look on Him whom the chief priests, elders, scribes, and people of an earlier generation crucified, and like us, they will also realise that He was wounded for THEIR transgressions and bruised for THEIR iniquity - and that by the stripes He received 2000 years ago - they too, are healed.
WE... who were born dead in trespasses and sins and at enmity with God, are instructed to REMEMBER, that at one time we were separated from the God of Israel, but now have been united with Christ and brought into fellowship with God the Father.
But by God's grace, Peter was to tell the men of Israel the next chapter in God's eternal plan of salvation and many repented of their sins and found life in Christ Jesus their Saviour.
For the soul that sins shall die, but the soul that turns from their sins by trusting in Christ Jesus for the remission of sin shall live.
I will put My laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.'
God is not only faithful to keep the wonderful promise that He made to unfaithful Israel through the prophet Jeremiah, but he adds in the letter to the Hebrews: I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more, for where there is the remission of sins, there is no longer any offering to be made for those sins: IT IS FINISHED!
Because Christ paid the full price for all sin on Calvary's Cross and the Father accepted Christ's offering for sin, IT IS FINISHED for all who have trusted in His redeeming work on the Cross.
And where there is remission of sins there is no longer any condemnation, nor is there any further need for the ongoing, never-ending sacrifices of the Mosaic Law which were fulfilled and completed on behalf of Israel through the Cross, and which were also fulfilled and completed at Calvary for our sake too.
His offering for sin at His crucifixion was for the sin of the whole world, and His death paid the price for your sin and for mine.
Praise God that we have been released from the law of sin and death, since we have died to what held us so that we may serve in the new way and better way.
Praise God that we are not called to serve in the old letter of the Law, but in spirit and in truth. Praise God that the Spirit's law of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and of death. Praise God that in Christ our trespasses have been forgiven and that He will remember our sins no more.
But the truth is, the Creator of the world Who deluged the earth with a global flood, sent His only begotten Son to die on a Cross 2000 years ago for the sin of the whole world.
They believed in God, but were also to believe on Jesus Who came to save His people from their sin.
God has done mighty works in the life of all believers, for all who have been saved by grace through faith in Him have been forgiven of sin and received everlasting life as a free gift of God's amazing grace.
In their eagerness to condemn the Lord Jesus as a criminal and have Him executed, the high priest and members of the Jewish Sanhedrin conducted an unholy trial, and broke the Mosaic Law countless times, in order to secure their guilty verdict and pass the death sentence on this innocent Man - the very Man Who had come to save them from their sin, through His own sacrificial death.
The Temple was the place where men met with God, to atone for their sins, and Christ's broken body and shed blood was to be the Temple, through Whom fallen men could be reconciled back to a Holy God.
As the eternal, deathless Son of God, He would raise Himself up from the dead, having won the victory over sin, Satan, death, and hell - for ALL who believe on His name.
He asked for forgiveness on behalf of the nation and requested that God would water the earth, following the inevitable droughts which would result from sin.
and Solomon prayed that God's people would honour the name of the Lord - by acknowledging their own, personal sin, as they prayed, stretching out their hands toward the Temple of God.
Solomon's father had been, a man after God's own heart, who trusted the Word of the Lord, and the young king Solomon also humbly acknowledged that God is able to read the thoughts and intentions of man's heart - and so he prayed that if, individually or collectively, the people of Israel would turn to the Lord with their heartfelt and genuine prayer, that God would hear from His heavenly dwelling place, and forgive their sin and heal their land.
It teaches us that God is ready to listen to the man or woman who acknowledges their sin and reminds us that God is willing to re-establish sweet fellowship with His children, if they confess their faults to Him.
Christ died FOR our sins, to pay the price for our sins, but He also died TO sin; His death broke our relationship to sin which enables us to walk in newness of life.
The moment Christ died unto sin on our behalf, we also died to sin once and for all, and now we are to live for Christ day by day.
Once we are placed in union with Christ by faith, the power of sin was broken because from that moment forward we became identified with His death which broke the power of sin in the lives of all who would believe.
Because of the death of Christ and our identification with His death, sin no longer remains our master.
Before salvation, we were slaves to sin, but once we were saved, sins power over us lost its iron grip.
The power of sin was broken in the life of all who are identified with Christ by faith, because Jesus gained the victory over sin, death, and hell through the sacrifice of Himself.
Our new, born-again life in Christ is no longer a slave to sin but a servant of righteousness.
It was our old sin nature that was identified with Christ's death, and it needs to be kept nailed to the Cross, but praise God that in Christ we have all we need for life and godliness for the power of sin is broken in our lives.
And praise God that identification with Christ means we can look forward to eternal life in a glorified body which is freed from the power of sin and death and hell, and we will live with Him through time and into the eternal, never-ending ages that are to come.
Christ died for the sins of the whole world so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
Our spirit, soul, and body belongs to the Lord, and we are no longer slaves to sin for He paid a high price to buy us back from the slave-market of sin.
This truth is as sure and secure today as it was 2000 years ago, for all who have believed that Christ died for their sins, was buried, and rose the third day to redeem us from the world, the flesh, and the devil, are securely sealed in the palm of His hands.
The day is coming when together with Mary we will all stand around the throne of grace and worship the Lamb that was slain for our sins, but in the meantime, we too can join in her psalm of exultation and sing, My soul exalts the Lord, my spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour, for He has had regard for the humble state of His bond-slave.
The unfathomable depths of Satan's habitual sin, lies in contradistinction to the immeasurable heights of Christ's eternal righteousness.
From the genesis of God's revelation of Himself to mankind, the devil is identified as the slimy source of sin and subtle instigator of all that is evil.
We are warned that the man or woman who commits sin is of the devil.
He is the father of sin.
He is the instigator of sin.
He is the poisonous root from which all sin is sprung, for Satan rebelled against God and sinned from the beginning of time.
Instead of reflecting the goodness of God the Father, the one who sins is imitating the behaviour of Satan.
The sin nature, imputed to man at the beginning, is inextricably linked to the devil's wicked ways.
While the principle and practice of sin originates from Satan, divine righteousness comes from the Lord Jesus.
While man's old sin nature is of the devil, our new, born-again nature is of God. The new nature we received from the Spirit of God at salvation, is Christ's own sinless nature, which is imputed to us and cannot sin.
The 'old creation in Adam', is part of the kingdom of darkness and can do nothing but sin, while the 'new Creation in Christ', has been made a child of the light and has become a member of God's family, and that new nature, that comes from Christ, cannot sin.
However, the original sin nature we all inherited from our fallen parents can do nothing but sin.
Our old sin nature is the heritage of all humanity and is incapable of producing good deeds and righteous acts.
Every person is indwelt by the very principle of sin from conception.
Throughout our life on earth, a believer's old sin nature lusts against our new life in Christ and needs to be kept in the place of death.
BUT Christ came into the world to pay the ransom price for the sin of the whole world. How we praise God that Christ was born into His own creation, that He might put an end to the works of the Evil One.
The continuous characteristic of the devil is evil, and he who sins is of the devil.
Satan was the one who spawned sin and has continued to sin from the very beginning.
The nature of man is sinful, for man is a sinner who was born dead in trespasses and sins, but Christ came into the world to save sinners and to rescue them from the clutches of the Evil One, and by His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, He has destroyed the works of the devil and put an end to his wicked ways.
Let us not serve sin or indulge in lawlessness by our actions, attitudes, words, and imaginations, but rather let us show grateful thanks for His unspeakable mercy and amazing grace.
God's purpose for us is encapsulated in this precious verse, for the Son of God came in the likeness of sinful flesh and suffered the most shocking ignominy, insults, and death so that sin and sickness, want and weariness, destruction and death, and all that is encompassed in the works of lawlessness and evil, might be forever destroyed in my life and in yours, in order that Christ is all in all.
He alone would fulfil the Law through living a perfect life so that the sacrificial offering of Himself on the cross, would be sufficient to satisfy God as the full, and final payment for the sin of the world, which would also redeem the fallen race of man.
However, unbelievers who remain dead in their sins or false teachers who distort the gospel for personal gain are defiled, and to them nothing is pure.
David discovered the loneliness of a man when sin is allowed to fester and grow in the heart, but he also discovered the freedom and joy of sins confessed and sins forgiven.
He knew victory over sin, Satan, death, and hell, would be gained following His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, but first He had to face the terrors of the Cross when He would bear the sin of the world on His shoulders.
He was meek and lowly and came to save His people from their sin.
Jesus came to give them rest from their labour, spiritual nourishment for their soul, forgiveness of sin, and life everlasting.
He had been sent from the Father to set up His kingdom of righteousness, not a worldly kingdom but the kingdom of heaven, but first His people had to repent of their sin and believe on the Lord Jesus for the forgiveness of sin.
and the wages of sin is death, which speaks of man's spiritual separation from God, for all eternity.
The only possible way for the Lord to forgive man's sin, is if a perfect, sinless man was prepared to give his own life, in exchange for the life of the sinner - as a payment for sin.
For when the first man sinned, his fallen sin-nature was passed-on to ALL his progeny, which determined that ALL men are sinners.
Because of sin, there is no man who is perfect and sinless - so all mankind is eternally condemned.
Only He was good enough to pay the price for man's sin.
God was not made of mortal flesh. The Creator exists outside His physical realm, and only the shed blood of a perfect, innocent, sinless man, would satisfy God's wrath against humanities sin.
Only the shed blood of a perfect, sinless Kinsman-Redeemer, could pay the enormous price for man's sin.
However, God in His omniscience knew before time that man would sin, and He purposed to save mankind from sin's inevitable consequences.
He would willingly die to save mankind from eternal separation and condemnation of God, and He determined that His own death would be sufficient to pay the price for all sin.
Jesus, the incarnate God, came to earth in the Person of Jesus of Nazareth, to become the Propitiation for our sins.
And Jesus will return for Israel, as the Son of Righteousness with healing in His wings, when God's chosen nation acknowledges Jesus, as their own Messiah, Who died and rose again, to save His people from their sins - and they will once again cry out, during that terrible time of Jacob's Trouble, blessed is He, Who comes in the name of the Lord.
John the Baptist was calling for individual repentance as well as a collective, national mourning - for the nation's past sin, their spiritual adultery, and gross apostasy.
The apostate nation that had turned against the God of their forefathers, was being called to repent of their sin.
John also announces that Christ is the Son of God, the Lamb of God: Who takes away the sin of the world He is the King of Israel, Son of Man, Saviour of the World, the Resurrection, and the Life.
In this fallen world, we are not only surrounded by an exterior, cultural darkness that proceeds from sin and Satan, but we discover an inner, destructive darkness that lurks within the very soul of man.
A shroud of darkness covered this world as a result of sin, and light can have no fellowship with darkness for the two are mutually exclusive and incompatible.
John was a prophet with a magnetic personality who challenged the nation of Israel to repent of their sins: For the kingdom of heaven was near.
He drew many crowds and caused many backslidden Jews to repent of their sins and to return to the God of the fathers because the King of Israel (the Jewish Messiah) and Light of the World, was about to be revealed.
As descendents of Adam, we were born in the 'flesh' with an old sin nature which is at enmity with God, but as Christians, we are born again in Christ.
Let us not yield to the flesh, (the old Adamic sin nature) but rather let us yield to the Spirit of Christ so that we may not do the things desired by the flesh, but be increasingly transformed into the person that God wants us to be.
The first time he added the phrase, Who takes away the sin of the world.
Were they following Him out of idle curiosity or did they understand that He was the anointed Lamb of God, Who had come from His Father in heaven, to take away the sin of the world.
They did not want to lose sight of the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.
The good news this angelic choir delivered was for ALL humanity, for God loved the whole world so much that His gave His only begotten Son into the world, to be the sacrifice for the sin of the world - so that everyone in the world who would believe on Him would not remain at enmity with God, but would be forgiven of their sin, regain fellowship with the Father and receive life everlasting.
Although the gospel message that these angels shared continues to be available to ALL men, only those that enjoy goodwill before the Lord, by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, and trusting in the name of the only begotten Son of God for the forgiveness of sins, will enjoy the peace on earth that this heavenly choir proclaimed.
Let us join with that angelic chorus, and tell souls that are dead in their sins the truth.
Let us tell all who are at enmity with God, the good news of the gospel of grace - that Christ died for their sins, and rose again..
It is man to whom dominion of the world was given, but it was man who forfeited his God-given reins of power to a fallen angel through disobedience and sin, placing man under the rule of sin and the dominion of Satan.
But Christ's sacrifice demanded that He set aside His glory for a time to fulfil all that God had purposed in His redemptive plan, and so He left His heavenly home: And was made a little lower than the angels, made in the likeness of sinful man, yet without sin.
When the Lord Jesus cried, It is finished, on the Cross, the price for the sin of the world had been paid by the eternal Son.
His death paid the price for our sins but death had no hold on the eternal Son of God, and for three days Christ lay in the tomb to fulfil all righteousness.
A perfect Man Who alone can save us from our sins and bestow upon us eternal life.
And because we have trusted Him as Saviour, we have been forgiven of our sins, sealed by the Holy Spirit, imputed with His righteousness, in-dwelt by the Spirit of Christ, showered with the riches of His grace, seated with Him in heavenly places, adopted as sons of God, and made joint-heirs of Christ's rich inheritance: And you belong to Christ and Christ belongs to God.
Immediately they were imputed with a sin-nature so that the good they wanted to do was impossible and the evil they did not want to do was what they did.
The serpent may have deceived Eve, but Adam willingly joined her in her rebellious act and that one terrible sin continues to affect every member of the human race - for we are all born in sin and we are all at enmity with God.
The Spirit of God will minister to their repentant hearts, cover them with His saving grace, and lead the entire nation to make earnest supplication to the Father - as they acknowledge their sins and proclaim Jesus as Lord.
At Christ's first coming the nation was called to, repent, for the kingdom of God was at hand. Their King was in their midst and He was ready to save His people from their sin.
The Dayspring from on high - Israel's kinsman-Redeemer, had come to earth to bring His people a knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins.
But they refused to repent and would not recognise Him as the only begotten Son of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.
individual Jews were saved but Israel as a nation needed to repent collectively for their sin.
Christ not only died for our sins; to pay the price for our sin, but He died to sin; so that the power of sin might be broken in the lives of all who believe in Christ.
Just as all who are physical descendants of Adam are imputed with Adam's fallen sin nature, so all who are Christ's spiritual children are imputed with Christ's perfect righteousness: For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. As in Adam all are condemned, so in Christ there is no condemnation.
As in Adam we are under the curse of the law and the wages of sin, so in Christ we are not under the curse of the law but under grace.
The wages of sin have been paid in full and we have received the free gift of eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The penalty of sin that was our because we were part of the first creation has been lifted and paid for, and we are now part of a new creation.
The power of sin that enslaved us, condemned us and separated us from God has been broken, because we have received a new life; the new life of Christ, which we were given when we first believed.
Our identification with Christ's death, burial, and Resurrection not only paid the penalty for our sin, but has also severed us from our relationship with Adam It has transferred us from Adam's fallen, sinful race, where we were imputed with sin, into Christ's new, perfected race, where we are imputed with Christ's righteousness.
And because we are now in Christ, we are to reckon ourselves dead to everything that we used to be: dead to sin, dead to the law, dead to the things that were ours in the first Adam, dead to the power of Satan in our lives, and dead to the entrapments of the original creation.
However, the old sin nature will do its best to overpower the new nature in Christ, for the flesh lusts against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh.
The old sin nature lusts against our new life in Christ and vice versa, but in Christ we have all we need to keep the old self in the place of death; for His grace is sufficient, His power is made perfect in us as we abide in Him.
How important to take to heart the truth of God's Word, and reckon ourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Jesus Christ our Lord.
And so, before the foundation of the world, in His grace and mercy, God purposed in His heart to send His only begotten Son to become the perfect Sacrifice for the sin of mankind.
Forgiveness of sin is what fallen man yearns for and yet is incapable of receiving, unless he comes to the foot of the Cross and is washed clean by the blood of the Lamb, for there is no forgiveness of sins except through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We were dead in our sins and without hope in the world.
Before salvation, we were excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, to whom were entrusted the oracles of God and through whom the Saviour of the world was to be born, You, who were dead in your trespasses and sins have been made alive by God, Paul reminds us. 'Remember that formerly you were Gentiles..
They thought they were automatically saved from the slave-market of sin, because of their unique, covenant relationship with God - their circumcision.
Without HIM we would all remain dead in our sin.
WE ALL need to remember that formerly we were dead in our sin and estranged from the Father... but by God's grace, through faith in Christ, have been made children of God and imputed with Christ's righteousness... through time and into eternity.
His whole life was as a fragrant aroma to His Father in heaven.The Lord Jesus Christ was indeed the personification of the bloody ‘sin offering’ that was demanded by God to pay the price for the sin of the world.
He was made sin for us, causing God to turn away from Him, when He took upon Himself the sin of the world – for God cannot look upon sin.
Like Christ, we need to present our own bodies as a living sacrifice, so that we may become a sweet-smelling savour to the Lord.The sin offering was the compulsory requirement to satisfy the price that had to be paid for the sin of the world.
There is much confusion about the consequences of Adam's sin as it relates to the Law of Moses - until one accepts that the root of all sin is traced back to Adam's one, original sin which brought death into the world.
People generally believe that man is basically good, while the doctrine of original sin teaches that man is inherently bad - because of our identity with sinful Adam.
To believe that humanity is fundamentally flawed based on Adam's sin in the garden, is not accepted by the philosophy of the world and yet the Bible teaches that we are not sinners because we sin.
We sin because we are sinners.
Adam brought sin into the human race and where there is sin there is death.
Death reigned from Adam to Moses because of Adam's single transgression - and not only because of man's sinfulness, for all are BORN in sin.
All are born 'dead in trespasses and sin'.
As members of the human race, we are imputed with sin from our association with Adam and that sin nature is passed on from one generation to the next.
We are imputed with sin, we inherit a sin nature, and it was the one offence of Adam which brought death into the entire human race.
And yet ALL suffered the consequences of sin, which is DEATH.
ALL were born dead in sin and at enmity with God because 'in Adam ALL die' because sin and death was passed from Adam to all his descendants.
The Law came in under Moses to teach fallen man about sin.
The Law was a tool that God used to show us what sin is.
The Law was not the means to forgive sin but to identify sin in our lives.
God implemented the Law to instruct us about sin and to show that we are all sinners who need a Saviour - and later Paul tells us that the Law is a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.
And the more man realised he was a sinner and estranged from God, the more sin was recognised, and the more sin increased.
And so with the increase of sin, it was necessary for God's grace to increase.
The more sin abounded, the more grace also abounded and overflowed.
Only when our lives are lined-up against God's perfect Law, can man understand the depth of our depravity and the immensity of God's grace towards us - in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, so that the power of sin and death could be broken in the lives of all who believe.
As we reflect on the fact that one man (Adam) caused all men to be born in sin because of his one sin, we realise the depth of the riches of the goodness and grace of God which enables anyone who believes in the one Man (Christ) to be declared righteous.
How we praise and thank our Heavenly Father that through the Law, we are able to recognise our sinfulness and turn to Christ as Saviour, for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
But Paul also gives a description of the natural man; the unsaved man; the unregenerate man; the sinner who has not turned from their sin and trusted Christ for salvation.
Paul calls the unbelieving man or woman who is dead in their trespasses and sins and has not accepted the free gift of grace, by faith in Christ's finished work at Calvary: The natural man.
The Spirit is seeking to convict the sinner of sin, and righteousness, and judgement, so that he will turn from his unbelief to faith in Christ and be born anew, but until that happens, the one who is dead in their trespasses and sins is incapable of receiving spiritual truth, spiritual knowledge, spiritual wisdom, and spiritual understanding.
And until a sinner is convicted of their sin and guilt before a holy God and turns from the lie to the truth by faith, they will remain blind and deaf to spiritual things: For the natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.
The prophets rejoiced that their coming Messiah would sit on David's throne and save His people from their sins, but they diligently inquired into what time and what circumstances the indwelling Holy Spirit of Christ was indicating, when He testified to them in advance of the terrible messianic sufferings that their Messiah would have to endure, and the thrilling, heavenly glories that would follow.
The only way to grow in grace and mature in the Christian faith is to put away all the influences and characteristics of the old sin nature that are exhibited in a wide range of outward actions, inward attitudes, and secret motives that are acceptable to God.
It is not easy to live in a body that is dying, but because we are fallen creatures, the wages of sin is death.
We groan because of sin and death, suffering and pain, disease and disappointments.
It is a tangible assurance that after death, when this exterior tent we call our physical body is discarded, we will receive a new, perfect, everlasting body that has not been tainted by sin and over which death is powerless.
Oh... not His anguish on the Cross, for He alone could suffer and die for the sin of the world.
And yet we are encouraged to rejoice in our sufferings, with exceeding great, and overflowing joy, knowing that it is for His sake that we are ill-treated all day long – for He is the living Head of His Mystical Body – the Body of Christ, which is the Church.We, of course, had no part in His atoning work at Calvary, for He alone was the sacrifice for the sin of the whole world.
Christ alone was qualified to be the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world, for He alone is fully God and fully Man - the hypostatic union - God and Man united in ONE perfect member of the human race.
He alone was qualified to become our Kinsman-Redeemer and bear the sin of the whole world in His body on the tree.But as members of His Spiritual Body, we can share in His earthly sufferings and be partners of His bitter rejection.
As members of Christ’s Mystical Body, should we not joyfully identify with Christ’s earthly suffering – knowing that He lived and died so that we might be identified with His heavenly glory and live eternally?Yes, we should rejoice - exceedingly, that we as members of His Body and partakers of His sufferings – for it is by faith in His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection that we have not only been forgiven of our sin and clothed in His righteousness, but we are His blood-bought children, who have a blessed hope, a glorious future, and life everlasting - amen.
They used a woman, caught in adultery, in an attempt to accuse Jesus of contradicting the Mosaic Law, but they were caught in their own trap, and were convicted of their own sinful dishonesty, when Jesus challenged them, by saying, let him who is without sin, cast the first stone.
Instead of recognising the voice of John the Baptist, crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, they chose not to repent and refused to recognise the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.
Soon the Lord of glory would be returning to His place, at the right hand of the Father, and these unbelieving men, would miss the opportunity to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of their sins.
Instead, they had to be told repeatedly, I go away, and you will seek Me - but will die in your sin, for where I am going, you cannot come.
The one unforgivable sin that these foolish men committed, was unbelief.
The singular sin of rejecting their Messiah and King, was not believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, for the salvation of their soul... for whosoever believes on the Lord Jesus Christ is not condemned, but whosoever does not believe on the only begotten Son of God, is condemned already - for there is only one way to the Father, and that is through Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son.
If not, they will have died in their sins and be separated forever from their Creator and God.
May we be diligent to share the good news of the gospel of grace, with those that are equally closed to the truth, in our own generation - for lest they trust in the only begotten Son of God, they too will die in their sin, and be refused entry into His heavenly presence.
We have been declared righteous by the Lord and showered with every spiritual blessing, simply because we have trusted in the shed blood of Christ for the remission of sins and life everlasting.
Others were grossly perverting that same freedom we ourselves have received by grace through faith in Christ, by turning it into an ungodly license to sin.
We are changed from being dead in sin to being made and alive in Christ.
We were released from the bondage to sin and death, which was fed by gross deceitfulness and lustful living, and changed into a new-life of true righteousness and godly holiness.
When we become a Christian, our minds are no longer darkened by sin, our lives are no longer alienated from God, and our hearts are no longer hardened and polluted.
Practically we know that sin works within our members every day of our life, but the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer is to bring us to practical sanctification.
Paul is absolutely clear in all his teachings that the essentials of the gospel of grace and the good news of salvation in Christ must never be compromised: Where the incarnate Word of God died for our sins and rose again the third day.
Because we are in Christ, we have been set free from the law of sin and death: If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
However, only the perfect God is good enough to pay the price for sin and only a sinless Man could die on the Cross and shed His life-blood as payment for humanities sin.
It is only in the hypostatic union of Christ's humanity with His divinity, that qualified Him to be our Substitute for sin.
It is ONLY faith in the incarnate Son of God, the eternal God made in human flesh, that is sufficient to pay for the price of sin and save us from death and hell.
Without the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, there is no forgiveness of sin and without trusting in His death, burial, and resurrection to save, we remain dead in our sin and without hope in the world.
It was only by the eternal God becoming a Man, that He could die as a Man as payment for the sin of mankind.
It was only because the eternally existing Son of God set aside His glory for a time and took upon Himself humanity, that sin and death could be defeated.
Life is in the blood and only the shed blood of a perfect Man was sufficient to pay the price of sin.
He detailed the Christ-like conduct, that by grace through faith in Him, we should be willing to demonstrate to a world enslaved by sin, Satan, and death.
Like Paul, the apostle Peter also knew that those that endured suffering according to the will of God, bore ongoing witness to the unsaved, who are dead in their sins.
The future life of all believers will be free from sin and Satan, death and hell, but for this brief span on earth, we are called to share in the suffering of Christ - for righteousness sake.
to go into all the world and tell forth the good news of the gospel of grace - that God loved the world so much, that He gave His only begotten Son... to become the sin-substitute, for fallen man.
The inevitable consequences of the responsibility we bear, as sons of God, is animosity from those that are dead in their sins.
To those of us who believe that Christ died on the Cross, was buried, and rose again the third day for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, Paul's message is like a sweet, aromatic perfume.
To those that are dead in their sins, it is an aroma from death to death.
They are not only spiritually dead in their trespasses and sins but they also have the condemnation of death on their soul - because they do not believe on the only begotten Son of God.
May God use each of us to minister to the saved and unsaved alike - so that many who are lost in sin and heading for eternal damnation may hear the good news of the glorious gospel of grace and come to faith in our one and only God and Saviour - Jesus Christ our Lord.
Christian love, when correctly carried out, bears one another's burdens and can cover a multitude of sins.
Christian love seeks to encourage one another towards godly living and spiritual growth, and Paul gives us biblical guidance on what to do when a brother or sister in Christ is caught up in any trespass or sin.
We are exhorted to be spiritual believers so that if anyone is caught in any trespass or sin, we will be equipped to restore such a one, in a spirit of gentleness and love.
But with the exhortation to gently and lovingly restore a brother in Christ, we are also warned to be careful not to fall into the same temptation ourselves: Watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted, for however mature a believer may be, we are all cautioned to keep watch on ourselves lest we too are tempted to sin.
Too often they make every attempt to discover a fault or a sin in them so that they may discredit them with petty arguments.
The only reason Christ could become the sin-substitute for mankind, was because He fulfilled every aspect of the Law perfectly.
He died on our behalf to pay the price for our sins and then rose again on our behalf so that He could give us His perfect life in the Person of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Instead of rejoicing in Christ's finished work on their behalf, these born-again believers forget they have a new Christlike-life within and work at achieving an unattainable righteousness through their old sin nature.
God purposed that fallen man could be forgiven of all his sins, redeemed from his eternal punishment, and even be adopted into His own family as His sons - if the price of man's accumulated sin was paid for by an innocent, sinless, perfect man.
For 39 chapters Isaiah had been warning the people of Israel of forthcoming judgement and the need to repent of their sins, to turn back to God, and to hearken to His Word of truth.
But Israel would not harken to the Word of the Lord, and the prophet Isaiah used withering grasses and the fading flowers of the field to illustrate the transient nature of mans’ life, in an attempt to encourage Israel to repent of their sin, leave their apostate ways and turn back to the Lord.
The Corinthian Christians had become sceptical of this teaching, causing Paul to detail the whole counsel of God in this area, together with the good news of the gospel of grace, which promises eternal life to all who believe on the Person and Work of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
The apostle explained that from the beginning, the holy Scriptures were pointing forward to the promised Messiah of God, Who was appointed to die, for the sin of the whole world, according to the Scriptures, and that He would rise again, according to those same Scriptures, so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.
He wanted these Corinthians Christians to understand that because Christ sacrificial death and glorious resurrection broke the power of sin and death, ALL who believe in Him have the same victory over sin and death and will also be raised to life in a new, incorruptible, resurrected body.
All are under condemnation, all are charged as guilty sinners, all are in need of salvation, for the written Law of God identifies the sin and exposes the guilty sinner.
And the wages of sin is death; condemnation and eternal separation from God.
But the bottom line for every Gentile is that all have sinned: All are under condemnation; all are charged as guilty sinners; all are in need of salvation, for the conscience identifies the sin and exposes the guilty sinner.
The wages of sin for Jew and Gentile alike is death; condemnation and eternal separation from God, and both the witness of the Law and the witness of conscience attest to the depravity of man so that all stand guilty before a holy God.
Once Paul has hammered home this shocking truth about our sin and the hellish consequences that apply to Jew and Gentile alike, he then starts to give the good news of salvation, which is by grace through faith in Christ's finished work, and this good news is equally efficacious for Jew and Gentile alike: The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
He fulfilled all the righteous requirements of the Law, which qualified Him to become the sin-sacrifice for the whole world so that who believe on Him might be saved.
God GAVE His Son so that all men and women of faith, past, present, and future, could be forgiven of their sins and receive eternal life.
God SENT his Son into the world at the appointed time: In the fullness of time, so that He could save us from our sins.
Yes, God sent forth His Son at the right time and He was born of a woman and born under the Law so that we might receive forgiveness of sins, come into full son-ship with the Father, and receive His promised inheritance and the riches of His grace.
The wrath of God was poured out upon the Lord Jesus Christ at Calvary in payment for your sin, and for mine, and for the sin of the whole world so that those that believe would not be placed under condemnation.
In his defence, Paul was relating his life-changing event on the Damascus road which caused Him to renounce his Jewish faith and place his trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
In His grace, He did not cut them off forever and was always ready to give those who would repent of their sins an opportunity to return to Him and receive His blessings.
Praise God that we are saved by grace through faith in the finished work of Christ at Calvary and receive forgiveness of sins and life everlasting as a free, unmerited gift of God's goodness and grace.
The old sin nature in Peter had to die, and he had to take up his own cross and to follow Christ.
May we come to a fuller understanding that forgiveness of sins is dealt with by the blood of Christ, but that our old sinful self is dealt with by the Cross, as we die to self daily and life for Him.
For although the shed blood of Christ procures our pardon from sin, it is the Cross that procures our deliverance from the power of sin in our lives.
All who believe on Him are reconciled to God through the blood of Christ, having our sins washed clean away and being clothed in His righteousness, through time and into eternity.
As the Word made flesh, Jesus dwelt with His creation who despised and rejected Him, and yet in love He went to the Cross to pay the full price for our sins (for only the shedding of His righteous blood would satisfy the righteous requirement of a holy God).
For centuries, they lived in a downward, cyclical spiral where they would rebel against God and receive His punishment; then repent of their sins and be restored by God's grace - only to rebel once more against their God and King.
Every time they repented of their sin, God in His grace restored them by raising up a leader to judge and govern them.
He sent His only begotten Son into the world to be the sin-sacrifice for mankind, and the Father accepts every sinner saved by grace through faith in the Beloved Son of His love.
The eternal Son of God was the Word made flesh, born as a perfect man, carrying out the work of salvation for the sin of the world by His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection.
Because of our sin and rebellion against God, man has become an arrogant enemy of the most holy Creator, but through the death of Christ alone Whose sinless blood was poured out to pay the full price for our sins, we can be reconciled to God and returned into full fellowship with Him, simply by trusting Christ as Saviour and Lord.
The righteousness of a holy God is incompatible with the unrighteousness of sinful man, for there is no merit in man that could cause him to be returned into union with God except the death of a sin-sacrifice - a Kinsman-Redeemer - a perfect Man Who would willingly die to pay the enormous price for sin.
In His gracious-kindness, loving-mercy, and long-suffering: God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting our trespasses and sins against us but entrusting all who believe in Him the wonderful message of reconciliation.
And although Isaiah prophesied that a righteous Ruler would arise as the nation's sin-bearer and sacrifice Who would be their Redeemer and Restorer, Israel had to understand that their punishment was due to their apostasy, and the reason for the coming blessings and future glory for a faithful remnant was because of God's mercy and grace: But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.
Israel had to understand that sin separates sinful man from a holy God.
Sin is an abomination to the Lord, and every sin must be punished.
So great was their sin that the Lord hid His face from His people, and did not hear.
Man tries to belittle sin, but sin is an abomination to the Lord.
Sin was the cause of Christ's death on the Cross as the sacrifice for sin.
God will not tolerate sin and ALL sin must be punished.
While individuals who believed God in Isaiah's day were credited with righteousness, the entire apostate nation had to be judged for their collective sin.
Sadly, the nation did not mourn over their sin and apostasy, so God hid His face from His chosen people, and would not hear.
They did not cease to be His people, through Whom God would fulfil many of His promises, but they had to be punished for their sin and chastened for their trespasses.
He was punished for our sin.
As saved saints, while sin does not disconnect us from our justified status as a child of God, it prevents us from enjoying close fellowship with the Lord.
But when we confess our post-salvation sins, we are returned into fellowship with the Father.
In quoting this verse, Jesus was clearly showing a difference between 1) the corrupt judges of Israel in the old dispensation of Law, who judged unjustly and showed partiality to the wicked - who will themselves be judged by God, and 2) the Lord Jesus, Who came from heaven to lay the groundwork for the new dispensation of Grace, and die on the Cross for the sin of the world.
Jesus is truly the Son of God and God the Son, Who chose to die for the sin of the world, as the Son of Man - so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
The Lord desires that all men repent and are saved, and His delay is designed to give a greater opportunity for the wicked to renounce their evil ways, repent of their sins and turn to the Lord and be saved.
The opportunity to turn from sin and to turn to Christ is still available, to all who will believe on the Lord Jesus Christ by faith.
But God is not deaf to the cries of His children and one day soon He will judge sinful man for their evil deeds, for a good and righteous God must punish sin. His Word of truth outlines all the wrath and punishment that will one day be poured out on a Christ-rejecting sinful world..
And although they knew a promised Deliverer was being sent to save them, they only had temporal rescue from an earthly overlord in view, rather than the more expansive, all-inclusive, and eternal release from captivity to sin, Satan, death, the Law, and self.
Peter was one who witnessed the power of the Holy Spirit falling on a group of despised, inferior, Gentile 'dogs', simply because they believed in their heart that Jesus Christ died on a cross for their sins, rose again the third day, and that through His name everyone who believes in Him would receive forgiveness of sins, life everlasting, and the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Christ gave Himself to redeem us from all lawlessness and to cleanse us for Himself from all sin, and His shed blood at Calvary was the full and final price that was demanded as payment for our sin, by a righteous and holy God.
We have not simply been forgiven of our sins but have been redeemed from all our lawlessness for a purpose: That we might become His own possession.
He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit, and generously poured out His Spirit upon us, through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Paul knew that in his own strength he could not overcome the sin nature that governed his life.
It was not an offering that was part of any legal ritual or one that had been designed by God to cover sin or satisfy His justice - like the sin-offering or the Passover sacrifice.
How like the times in which we are living where unbridled evil seems to trample all semblance of goodness and graciousness under its filthy feet, and honesty and integrity seem to be qualities that have little influence in this God-hating, Christ-rejecting, sin-sick world.
Whatever translation of the Bible you choose to read, the practice of homosexuality in the eyes of God is a sin.
The rewriting of the Scriptures to remove the disgraceful stigma of this gross sexual sin, which is so detestable to the Lord, has been attempted by certain people who remain proudly impervious to God's Law.
This prideful glorification of sexual sin serves only to intensify the abomination of sodomy.
Under the new covenant, something greater than purification took place - forgiveness of sins for humanity: For without the shedding of blood (the blood of the sinless Son of God) there is no forgiveness of sins.
All we have to do is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, and by His grace we have become ministers of the new and better covenant.
Instead of repenting of their sin, listening to His teaching, obeying His Word, accepting Him as their Messiah, and proclaiming Him their rightful King, He was rejected by His people who cried instead, We will not have this man rule over us.
At salvation, we were justified by faith in Christ for the forgiveness of our sins and life everlasting.
Because we are identified with his death, we are saved from the penalty of sin - our justification.
Because we are identified with his life, we are being saved from the power of sin throughout our Christian life - through the ongoing process of sanctification.
We are not denied eternal life which is a free gift of God's grace to all who believe that Christ died to pay the penalty for their sin.
The death and Resurrection of Christ was a complete and final victory over sin, for Christ not only died FOR our sins so that we might be reconciled to God and saved from the consequences of sin (which is eternal separation from God), but He also died UNTO sin so that His life would become our life, and the strangle-hold that sin held over us would be broken forever.
Jesus died for our sins: to take the punishment that we deserve.
He also died unto sin: so that sin would no longer have power over us, for all our transgressions (past, present, and future), were nailed to the Cross of Christ forever, and we are forgiven of ALL our sins, once and for all.
Before that wonderful day when we were born of the Spirit and forever removed from the kingdom of darkness into the glorious kingdom of His dear Son, we were dead in our transgressions and sins.
Our spirit is that part of man that was created to be in fellowship with God, but sin caused our eternal separation from Him.
But Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost; Jesus came to pay the price for all the sins of humanity so that all who were dead in their sins and at enmity with God could be restored back to fellowship with God.
Not only were we dead in our sins but uncircumcised in heart.
After salvation, Paul reminds us of Christ's complete and final victory over sin when God makes us alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions.
Praise God that the death and Resurrection of Christ was a complete and final victory over sin.
Let us testify of the joy that could be theirs in Christ and warn of the wrath to come and the eternal sorrow that awaits those who refuse to believe in the name of the only begotten Son of God for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
Israel's physical redemption from Pharaoh's slavery in Egypt, mirrors the Christians' spiritual redemption from slavery to sin in the kingdom of Satan. Israel was saved from Egypt because they believed God and carried out His instructions - so that by faith, the angel of death Passed-Over the believing Hebrews.
We are likewise saved through faith. We are redeemed from servitude to sin when we believe that Christ died for our sin, was buried, and rose again the third day, to pay the price for our sins.
From the foundation of the world, the shed blood of the Lamb of God was God's demanded purchase price for the salvation of all mankind, and although the waters of baptism are a most beautiful picture of the inner cleansing that results when a person is saved by grace through faith in Christ, if it is a requirement for salvation in addition to Christ finished work at Calvary, it proclaims that His finished work was insufficient to pay the full price for the sin of the whole world.
There are many that believe in the historical Jesus and His moral teachings without believing in His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection for the forgiveness of their sins and life everlasting.
The very moment that a guilty sinner who has recognised his need of salvation, places their faith in Christ as their own sin-substitute, that man or woman is saved.
It was sin that separated man from God, but even before the foundation of the world, God in His omniscience knew that mankind was going to rebel against Him.
Christ's shed blood on the Cross was the full and final payment for the sin of everyman, but the criteria for salvation is: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.
Every member of the human race is born into this world 'in Adam', and because of man's rebellion, we are all tainted with a sin nature and alienated from God.
As fallen man, we are identified with Adam's sin, the consequences of which are death, darkness, and eternal separation from God.
It was out of love and not cruelty that God sent His only begotten Son into the world to die for the sin of the world, and once a sinner believes this simple truth, he is immediately saved and is NOT condemned.
God has, by grace, promised those that trust in the Lord Jesus as Saviour, the most astonishing riches of His grace and inheritance in His glory; but without the death of our Lord Jesus Christ as payment for our sins we would never have experienced these joys, and without the Resurrection of our Lord, the power of death and hell would not have been broken.
And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.
Our perishable bodies will be replaced with imperishable bodies, our mortality will put on immortality: The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.
How much more, therefore, should we love and respect God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, Who saved us from our sin on Calvary's Cross.
As children of the light, who have been saved from the slave-market of sin and adopted into the family of God, how unwise we are when we resent His correction - for the Lord disciplines those He loves, just as an earthly father admonishes the son in whom he delights.
The hearts of religious men stand equally condemned before God and yet they try to justify themselves by means of trying to keep the unattainable standards of the Mosaic Law, denominational requirements, or self-imposed rules and regulations, all of which Paul warns, convicts the sinner of sin and shuts up the mouths of all humanity in the presence of a holy God.
Sinful man is blinded to his sin unless convicted of the Holy Spirit, and God's righteous judgement is according to His Own perfect standard and not founded on man's sinful specifications.
Let us take to heart the shocking context of this verse and recognise what Paul is teaching us here that there is none good, not even one, and that trying to keep rules and laws is not what justifies us in the eyes of God, but believing on the Lord Jesus Christ as our sin-substitute.
Being doers of the law is rooted in faith in God and Jesus Christ Whom He sent to pay the price for our sins.
Jesus was indeed the Messiah of Israel Who had been sent to: Save His people from their sins.
Jesus was indeed the incarnate Son of God, appointed before the foundation of the world to become God's sacrificial Saviour and Israel's Passover Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world for the sins of all.
We who have been saved by grace through faith rejoice greatly for the forgiveness of sin and the redemption of our spirit, soul, and body.
He paid the price of sins committed and also broke the power of cancelled sin – that old sin nature imputed from Adam to every member of the human race – save One.
It opens with David considering how blessed are those whose transgression are forgiven and whose sin is covered: How blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, he writes, and in whose spirit there is no deceit!
He rejoices that his human spirit has been enlivened by the Holy Spirit and instead of being enslaved to sin, at enmity with God, under eternal condemnation, and without hope in the world, he becomes part of God's new creation in Christ, and is promised joy in the eternal ages to come.
Sadly, not all believers reach and maintain spiritual maturity, because sin causes fellowship with the Father to be broken.
Sin causes maturing saints to regress into spiritual infancy, for sin separates us from God.
Only when sin is confessed by a believer, is fellowship restored.
David had committed some serious sins in his adulterous relationship with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah, her husband.
Sin not only separates the unsaved from God.
Sin also causes a barrier to be erected between God and a saved man, when he sins.
Sin separates the carnal believer who decides to go his own way, instead of God's way.
Sin separated David from the Lord, because sin puts an immovable barrier between us and God... until and unless sin is confessed.
The Spirit was grieved, a barrier was erected and for many a long month, the king was silent about his sin and estranged from God, which affected his health and caused his body to waste away.
David discovered that unconfessed sin haunts the conscience of a believer and contributes to health problems and heavy-heartedness.
It was only when David stopped hiding his sin and said: I will confess my transgressions to the LORD, that God forgave the guilt of his sin.
May we learn this important lesson, keep a short rein on sin, and be ready and willing to learn the lessons God has to teach us.
The Baptist had testified to priest and people alike, that Jesus was the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.
John knew that Jesus was the beloved Son of God Who had come to save His people from their sins.
But Jesus is still Israel's horn of salvation, Who will save His people from their sin at the end of the Great Tribulation, when HE returns in power and great glory to set up His millennial kingdom and be crowned King of Israel and Saviour of the world.
The sin of pride is placed at the head of a list of matters that God hates, for pride is spawned by an unhealthy presumption of superiority that is far removed from reality.
We are to break free from all that comes from the old life that was dead in trespasses, sins, and in bondage to Satan, and walk in newness of Christ's indwelling life in spirit and in truth, as we depend totally upon God and are fully equipped by His Holy Spirit.
They were looking for a King who would save them from the tyranny of their Roman overlords, rather than One Who would deliver them from their sin, free them from the curse of the Law, and save them from the sentence of spiritual death, which their sinfulness demanded.
Though a few trusted in Christ as the Son of God Who takes away the sin of the world, most followed Him to gain physical healing or to get a free lunch of fish and bread, instead of true spiritual food from the heavenly Man.
Some had heeded the call of John the Baptist to repent of their sin and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ - the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.
The Lord Jesus Christ came to His own people to save them from their sin, but they did not recognise the day of their visitation.
The day when Israel as a nation will truly repent of their sin and acknowledge Jesus as their Messiah and King, is yet future.
On that day, the entire nation of Israel will repent of her national sin against the Lord, as they call on the name of the Lord for salvation and accept Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God and King of the Jews.
Christ prayed to the Father, and pleaded forgiveness for those who crucified Him, for they know not what they do, while it is to Jesus, his Lord, Saviour, and intermediary, to Whom Stephen interceded when he fell on his knees and prayed with a loud voice, Lord, do not charge them with this sin, before he 'fell asleep'.
Stephen believed in God and also in Jesus Christ, Whom the Father had sent to be the propitiation for his sins.
Christ's glorious Second Coming to earth to set up His Millennial Kingdom, which God promised to Abraham and his seed forever, is the focal point towards which God's wonderful plan of salvation has been continuously and consistently moving since the creation of the world (and when the human race was corrupted, through sin).
There he discovered that God was not indifferent to the suffering of His people, but came to understand that the Lord had appointed a glorious time when He would save His people from their sins, rescue them from their enemies, and wipe away every tear from their eyes.
We forever became slaves to sin and destined to an everlasting death (eternal separation from God).
Only the shed blood of a Perfect Man could pay for the awful purchase price of sin.
Only the blood sacrifice of God Himself would be sufficient to redeem us back from the terrible consequences of man's fall in the garden of Eden, for there was none other good enough to pay the terrible price for sin and death.
Only the sacrifice of the eternal Son of God would appease the wrath of God against humanities sin.
Only the spilt blood of the Lord Jesus Christ was sufficient to satisfy God's righteousness judgement on sin, death, and hell, and permit forgiveness to flow from His pure heart of love to all who would believe on His name.
He paid the purchase price for our sin by sending His only begotten Son to the Cross so that IN HIM we have redemption through His blood.
The price He paid for our forgiveness was His own precious blood so that we could be forgiven forever of all our sins and receive eternal life as a free gift of HIs grace.
He had established the Tabernacle and Levitical priesthood, and carefully instructed them on all the sacrificial practices they needed to undertake to cover their sin until the Messiah came.
The shed blood of every sacrificial animal slaughtered during Israel's journey through history, covered their sin for a season and pointed to Christ, the promised Messiah Whose offering of Himself was to be the full and final sacrifice for the sin of the whole world.
These pagan people were dead in their sin, at enmity with God, and enslaved by Satan.
There are many equally detestable customs and abominable exploits that take place in our modern culture which God hates, and having been saved by grace through faith, we are no longer enslaved by Satan's power but have been redeemed from the penalty of sin and set free from its power over our lives.
Peter wanted the men of Israel to understand that Jesus was the Messiah, Who came into the world to die as the sacrifice for man's sin.
He did not play down the severity of what had taken place and the need to repent of sin.
Peter taught that only a perfect member of the human race Who lived a sinless life, could qualify to shed His human blood as the acceptable purchase price for humanity's sin.
The wages of sin is death.
The consequence of sin is death, and death is eternal separation from God.
All have sinned and fallen short of God's glory and no-one is good enough to pay the price of sin.
It was necessary for Peter to tell the people that the omniscient God KNEW man would sin.
All Scripture directs our attention to the unique Man Who would come to offer His life as the ransom price for mankind's sin.
Jesus was sinless, and death is the consequence of sin.
And because His death has paid the price for man's sin, ALL who believe on His name for the forgiveness of sin, will also be raised from the dead.
Faith in His sacrificial death pays the price for our sin, but if Christ did not physically rise from the dead, we would be forgiven of our sin but we could not rise physically, from the grave.
He willingly died for our sin.
But as the eternal God, Who cannot die, He rose from the dead, breaking the power of sin and Satan, death, and hell.
His work on the Cross means that ALL who believe that Christ died for their sin, was buried, and rose again according to the Scriptures, will not perish but have everlasting life.
But never forget what it cost God to give His dearly beloved Son, to hang on the Cross as the sacrifice for sin, and never forget what it cost the Lord Jesus to go to the Cross on behalf of you and me.
The gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes, for it is by faith we are saved... but how many refuse to place their trust in the very God Who created them, and Who sent His only begotten Son to be the sacrifice for the sin of mankind.
but instead, they became futile in their stupid speculations and wild imaginations, and their foolish hearts became shrouded in the satanically-inspired darkness of sin and death.
Let us continue to share the good news of the gospel of grace with those that are dead in their sins and living under God's condemnation - for who knows if some may be convicted of their need of redemption and turn from their sinful ways and trust in Christ for the salvation of their soul?
We were born dead in sin which means that that it is impossible for us to keep God's perfect Law.
Because of man's sin, God's entire creation was placed under a curse during our brief time on earth.
But God in His grace purposed to redeem the world by sending His only begotten Son to be the sacrifice for man's sin.
He came as our Redeemer to die on the Cross for our sin.
Jesus was the incarnate God Who came to Israel as the prophesied Messiah to save His people from their sins.
Although He is our eternal Creator, Jesus came to live among His creation as a Man Who was tempted and tried as we are - yet He had no sin.
He was sent to fulfil the Law and the prophets by living a sinless life so that He would be qualified to die on the Cross and to pay the price for the sins of fallen humanity.
For eight long and intense chapters, Paul takes us step by step from the utter depravity of all mankind and the eternal consequences of sin, which is alienation from God, to the good news of the amazing gospel of grace and the final glorious outcome for all who trust in Christ for the remission of sins.
He addresses issues in his inspired epistle to the Romans that are connected with the world: man's fleshly old sin nature, the principle of law, and other issues that are so often be used to corrupt the written, God-breathed Word of God.
The sacrifices of bulls and goats could never appease a holy God, for the wages of sin is death, and only a perfect Man Who was willing to take the punishment upon Himself, could die in the place of sinners.
And so, for a time, the blood of bulls and goats covered the sins of His people until the appointed time when Christ, the perfect Sacrifice, would be sent into the world to become the One and only Sacrifice for sin.
For thirty-three years, the eternal Son of God lived a perfect life as Jesus of Nazareth, dwelling in a perfect, sinless body that had been kept untainted from the inherent sin nature that is passed from father to son; the fallen sin nature that is the portion of all who are born in the image and likeness of Adam.
God desires no sacrifices or offerings from man, only a heart that believes in His Son, the one and only Sacrifice for the sin of the whole world.
He purposed that through this one man would come the Seed of the woman, Who would crush the head of the serpent, who is identified as the devil and Satan - following man's catastrophic fall into sin, in the beautiful garden of Eden.
The spiritual work we are called to carry out will be accomplished in the lives of lost sinners who are dead in their trespasses and sins, estranged from God and facing eternal separation from Him so that they might hear the good news of the gospel of grace, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, become a new creation in Him, and receive forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
The critical thing is to believe that Jesus, the God-Man, was anointed of God the Father to be the Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the world, and that His death satisfied God's righteous justice, broke the power of sin, and paid the full price for the accumulated sin of mankind, while His Resurrection demonstrated that the power of death and hell was forever broken.
Christ died for the sin of the whole world so that whosoever believes on Him might not perish but have everlasting life, and Paul systematically dismantled every claim made by these Judaisers.
He participated in each religious festival, kept the Sabbath Day holy with pharisaical precision, and carried out any sacrifices for sin as laid out by the written Law of Moses.
May we never forget that Christ alone paid the penalty for our sin by His sacrificial death, and He alone broke its power in our life through His glorious Resurrection.
However, the man or woman that lives by faith as well as being saved by faith, accepts the truth that God uses all the storms and problems of life, as well as times of great joy and rejoicing, to remove all the pride and selfishness of our old sin nature, as He gently conforms us into the beautiful image of the lovely Lord Jesus.
Over three years before he stood up on the day of Pentecost and cried out to the men of Israel: Repent, each one of you and be baptised, Peter had witnessed John the Baptist delivering the same message of repentance to the same lost sheep of the same house of Israel: Proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
For centuries, many prophets had been calling the erring nation of Israel to turn away from their sin, their apostasy, and their rebellion, and to turn back to the God of their fathers.
Israel was being challenged by John the Baptist to repent of their sin: For the kingdom of God is near.
But this time, through the witness of one of Christ's New Testament apostles, Israel was also being called upon to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ Who only fifty days earlier had died on the Cross to pay the full and final price for their sins: You believe in God, was Christ's earnest plea to his unbelieving disciples, believe also in ME.
Then believe also on the Lord Jesus Christ, and turn from Your sin and be baptised in the waters of baptism for the forgiveness of sin.
It was not the baptismal waters that washed away the sin on these Jews who believed on God, but the shed blood of Christ on the Cross 50 days earlier: for without His shed blood they would remain in their sins.
Both John and Peter knew that after God's full and final sacrifice for sin had been accepted through the blood of their Messiah, then simply believing on the God of their fathers and the Holy Spirit was not enough for the forgiveness of Israel's sins.
The men of Israel were also to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ if their sins were to be forgiven and if they were to receive the indwelling Holy Spirit of God, which was the promise of the new and better covenant.
What a travesty that in certain quarters there is a teaching that insists that the forgiveness of sins can only be attained through the waters of baptism, when the only full and final price for the sin of the world was poured out in blood on Calvary's Cross.
The kingdom of Christ is not of this world to be fought for with sword and spear, but could only be won though the shedding of the sinless blood of the Son of God: For without blood there is no remission of sins.
His perfect life would qualify Him to be the one and only Sin-Sacrifice for mankind, and to demonstrate how God intended all humanity to live - in utter dependence upon Him.
He lived the sort of life that should be lived by every man or woman of God, who has placed their trust in Christ, for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
They were to become Christ's witnesses to those that were spiritually lost and dead in their sin.
By grace through faith, we are covered by His righteousness and forgiven of all our sin.
Forgiveness of sin and life everlasting is ours because of our faith in His sacrifice on the Cross.
They were originally washed clean of their sins when they initially trusted Christ for their justification and confessed, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God, which was first declared through Peter.
Some anonymous believer in Christ must have been responsible for teaching the people in Rome about the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of sins for all who believe on His name.
Only believers have a living regenerated spirit that can have fellowship with the Father and abide in Christ, for unsaved man remains spiritually dead in trespasses and sins, without God and without hope in the world.
Generations of yet unborn men and women who would trust in Christ for the redemption of their sins, are those for whom the Lord Jesus prayed.
As Christians, we are God's ambassadors on earth who we have the privilege and responsibility to be His hands and His feet, His eyes and His ears, His heart and His voice, as we share His gospel of hope to those that are lost in trespasses and dead in their sins.
He knew that many other Christians held him in high esteem and considered him as a spiritual giant to which they could not aspire, but Paul also had to come to terms with his own works of flesh and the old sin nature, which caused him to cry out: Oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of death?
They were singularly blessed and called to declare to the world the good news of the coming Messiah Who would save His people from their sins and offer redemption to all those who were dead in their trespasses and sins.
They were to say to the prisoners: Come out from Satan's tyrannous rule and be free from the shackles of sin.
It was brought about by Christ, when he died on the Cross to pay the price for our sin and rose again to break the power of sin and death in our lives.
When we were released from the slavery of Satan's dark kingdom of sin, death, and fear, we were transferred into God's kingdom of life and light, hope and freedom.
Paul gives an in-depth description of the coming 'man-of-sin' in this chapter.
Verse 9 also gives us information about the character of the coming 'man-of-sin'.
This little passage was written to believers in Thessalonica to correct their fear that the 'man-of-sin' had been revealed and was already in power.
Paul concludes by reminding them that the 'man-of-sin' will be only revealed when the Restrainer of lawlessness is removed: Then that lawless one will be revealed. The Restrainer is the Holy Spirit, and His restraining ministry is being carried out today through the Church.
Until that pivotal point in history, when the restraining influence of the Church, through the indwelling power of the Spirit will be removed, the identity of the 'man-of-sin' will remain unknown.
And we who have put our trust in Christ are blessed to know His name and to enjoy intimacy with the One Who died for our sins.
The Lord our God is holy, and He will deal justly in every segment of our life, where sin is hiding, for He is a fair judge and a righteous God, Who will not abide iniquity.
The love we have for one another should mirror the love that the Lord Jesus demonstrated towards us - in that while we were yet sinners, at enmity with God and without hope in the world, Christ set aside His heavenly glory to be clothed in mortal flesh - and died, to save us from sin, Satan, slavery, death, and hell.
The 'old commandment' to which John refers is the 'new commandment' that Christ gave to His disciples, as He prepared to face the cruel nails and crown of thorns... and the full force of God's righteous wrath, poured upon Him, as He was made sin for us and took on His sinless shoulders the sin of the world.
The depth of God’s love and grace delivers whosoever will believe, from the depravity of evil and the most sordid sin.
It is only those that walk in spirit and truth, daily abide in Him, hold fast that which is good, and remain in fellowship with the Father, through humility and obedience to the Word of truth, that are enabled, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to demonstrate the same supernatural love of Christ, in a world of sin and shame.
And because the love of God has been poured into our heart by His Holy Spirit, we rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory when we read: Christ died for ours sins, according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised again on the third day, according to the Scriptures.
And this surpassing greatness of His power is directed towards one group of blessed people, a peculiar people who were once dead in trespasses and sins, a little flock who have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
We have been brought out of the darkness of sin and Satan into the Light of the glorious gospel of grace.
In Ecclesiastes we are warned: Do not let your speech cause you to sin, while Paul encourages us in Colossians: Let your speech be always with grace, and seasoned with salt.
We who once were dead in trespasses and sins have been justified and are being transformed into the very image and likeness of our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Those who are dead in their sins do not have access to God's spiritual graces, for joy is both a gift of God to the justified and a fruit of the Spirit in the sanctified man.
Therefore, they should NOT act like the natural man who is dead in his sin and beset by unbelief... nor should they exhibit the fleshly attitude of a carnal man, which is so displeasing to the Lord.
The Christian Church is composed of all individuals who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
It was by grace that God's boiling anger and righteous judgement against man's wickedness and sin was poured out in full measure on an appointed sin-Substitute, our perfect Kinsman-Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ.
That sacrificial offering upon Whom God's wrath was poured, was the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son Who received the punishment for sin that we justly deserve.
It is by grace that the Holy Spirit is in the world today, convicting the sinner of sin, righteousness, and judgement so that by grace through faith in Christ, that sinner may become a saint.
The man who is dead in trespasses and sins and at enmity with God, may be become His child, receive forgiveness of sin, and gain peace with God: For the grace of God hath appeared, bringing salvation to all men.
But it is the Spirit of Christ that convicts man of sin, it is Christ Himself Who builds His Church, and it is His Word that causes men to look to Him and believe – for His Word is life and health and wholeness and peace.
The 'Seed-of- the-woman' had silently travelled through time and secretly passed from one generation to the next, until the appointed time when God sent His Son, born of a Jewish virgin, to save His people from their sins.
Only a sinless Man could offer Himself as the sacrifice for the sin of the world, and only God was good enough to pay the unfathomable price of sin.
Two sons were to be born through two daughters of Israel: The first would be a voice in the wilderness, announcing the arrival of the Holy One of God, the Kinsman-Redeemer, the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
The other would be the Incarnate Word of the living God Whose sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection would pay the price of sin for every sinner born of woman and every woman conceived through man.
She knew she was also a sinner in need of salvation: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God... there is none good, not even one. How she rejoiced in God's amazing plan to give His only begotten Son as the perfect sin-sacrifice for all humanity, and use her to give birth to the eternal Son of God, her Saviour and the Saviour of all.
Her own precious baby was to be the One who would die for her sin.
He not only warns against 'speaking evil' but explains that 'evil speech' is a sin.
It is quite sobering to realise that the spirit behind evil, incorrect speech, is not only a sin... because it violates God's written Word, but contravenes every biblical instruction on godly living, for we are not to judge one another.
The Lord's Supper encourages all who have been born again by grace through faith in Christ, to look back and reflect with grateful wonder and praise on Christ's immense sacrificial offering of Himself on Calvary's Cross for the sin of the whole world.
How few see the need to turn from their sins and believe on the Word of the Lord and the gospel of grace?
Paul knew that many voices had warned them to repent of their sins, return to the Lord, and believe His message.
For centuries, Israel was given the same warning until the prophesied Messiah was finally sent to save His people from their sins.
We are to preach the truth, that God purposed to save mankind from their sins, by faith in Christ's finished work on the Cross, which is the one and only means of reconciliation with a God Who is offended by our sin.
The Holy Spirit is in the world quietly and unceasingly convicting every unbeliever of sin, of righteousness, and of judgement, but when trust in Christ's sacrificial work on the Cross is realised and unbelief is replaced with faith, the invisible, indiscernible, unfathomable work of the Holy Spirit results in the invisible, indiscernible, unfathomable mystery of the new birth.
But God is so gracious and His mercy is without limits, which is why He planned in advance to save us all from all our sin by implementing the only possible way to forgive every sin we ever commit – past, present, and future sins; overt and covert sins; action and attitude sins.
ALL the sins of the entire human race, along with our twisted and corrupt inherited sin-nature – ALL forgiven.
God is so gracious that He devised a plan that would demonstrate His own deep love for ALL mankind, without compromising His own pure, righteous justice so that instead of the wrath of God being justly poured out over the heads of all sinners, He would give His only begotten Son as the only possible perfect Sin Offering to pay the price of the sins of the whole world: And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
NOT for their sin – for the price of their sin was paid for at Calvary: For the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of them ALL.
He confronted the returning community with their sin and unbelief, both individually and nationally.
Even though the Son of God suddenly came to His Temple, cleansed His Father's House, and overturned the tables of the money changers, they failed to repent of their sins, cleanse their ways, and recognise their Lord.
In former years, it was the shed blood of animals that was offered by the Aaronic priesthood to atone for the sin of Israel, but for most of their history, they did not pursue righteousness by faith in God's unchanging Word.
A time is coming when they will recognise their Messiah and trust in the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ Jesus their Saviour and our Saviour, for He is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
Rather, we are under the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus which... by faith in Him, has set us free from the law of sin and of death.
The perfect Law pointed its accusing finger at our fallen, sin nature, which caused us to recognise our sin and our great need of salvation.
The Law identified our sin, but was insufficient to save us.
But Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth as a man and died to pay the enormous price for our sin - for God, in His grace, sent His own dear Son in the likeness of sinful flesh as the only acceptable offering for our sin.
He became the full and final sacrifice for the sin of the whole world, and Christ's offering of Himself freed us from slavery to sin and translated us into His kingdom.
They felt the need to DO something to make amends for their sin, instead of believing that JESUS paid the price for their sin in full.
Christ's death condemned sin in the flesh and paid the full price for all sin.
It freed us from the annual obligations to have our sins covered for another year by the insufficient blood of bulls and goats.
Having been saved through our faith in Christ, ALL our sins, past, present, and future, are forgiven, and we are to put off our old former ways.
Some seek to turn the wonderful freedom we have in the Lord Jesus, into an opportunity to indulge in sin.
Once we have been saved and set free from slavery to sin, by faith, we become a new creation in Christ.
And although our sin nature is still resident within our mortal flesh, we have received power from on high to mortify our egocentric self and to keep our sin nature nailed to the Cross - and we can do this through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit Who lives in us and guides us towards the good and away from the evil.
Firstly, God is Spirit, and He is eternal... and only a Man with a human nature and a physical body that is subject to death, could become the Kinsman-Redeemer for doomed humanity... and die for their sins.
The wages of sin is death and only as the perfect, sinless Son of Man, could Christ willingly offer up His sinless human life as the ransom price for the sin of mankind.
He also took upon Himself a human body so that by paying the price for the sin of the world, His own innocent death would render death defeated and Satan powerless - freeing all who believe in Him from the power of death, both spiritually and physically.
He suffered just like we suffer and was faced with the same tough choices that all of us are faced with every day - but He did not sin. In so doing, He was equipped to come to our aid and to help us, comfort us, support us, and encourage us in our times of need.
Jesus came to pay the penalty for our sin and break the power of sin in our lives so that we could live with Him in the eternal ages to come... and he is there for us, no matter what temptations we may be called upon to face, and no matter how difficult life's circumstances may become.
He was made like one of us in order to redeem us from our sin... but He had to experience all the things that every member of the human race must go through, in order to be qualified to become our Kinsman-Redeemer... and so the eternal Son of God was born into the human race as the perfect Son of Man.
He was a Man who looked to the needs of others and One Who had to go through much pain and suffering, rejection and betrayal, hatred and bitter grief so that by His death, burial, and resurrection, He could save us from our sin and bring many sons to glory - by grace through faith in Him.
He identifies the sins of the people, the oppression of the poor by the greedy, and the gross apostasy into which the nation had fallen, as the reasons for the approaching doom and terrifying gloom.
We who have trusted in the finished work of Christ on Calvary's Cross have already received reconciliation; redemption; the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
The former made alive in Christ, citizens of heaven and at peace with God, and the latter remaining dead in their sins, prisoners of Satan and at enmity with their Creator.
And Paul explains Who this great God of Abraham is: He is the God Who brings the dead back to life; He is the Lord Who creates things out of nothing; He is the God Who raised Christ from the dead; He is the Lord Who gives those who are dead in trespasses and sins a new life in Christ; He gives eternal life in Him and life more abundantly, by grace through faith.
And just a few short hours before the Son of Man was lifted up on Calvary's Cross as the sacrifice for the sin of the whole world, He prayed to the Father for His disciples and for all who would come to trust in Him as Saviour, through their faithful witness: Father, I want ALL You have given me to be with Me where I am.
The answer to Christ's glorious supplication on our behalf, stands fast on the unbreakable Word of God, and all who trust in His saving work on the Cross as our sin-substitute, are covered by His blood and clothed in His righteousness, and all will shortly see the glory Christ has been given by the Father: For You loved Me before the foundation of the world.
This psalm, where David cries out to God for forgiveness of his sins, has demonstrated the importance and wisdom of confessing our sins - particularly our post-salvation sins - for in so doing we are immediately returned into a right relationship with the Father: For IF we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Every sin removes the believer from fellowship with God, but telling Him our transgressions through our only Mediator, the Lord Jesus Christ (which is the right and privilege of all believers in Christ Jesus), returns us immediately into sweet fellowship with the Father.
But as believers in this Church age, although our sin removes us from fellowship with God, we still have the Holy Spirit indwelling us.
Paul wrote his epistle to the Galatians in order to help the Judaisers and the legalists of his day understand the difference between the freedom we have in Christ... and the restrictive bondage to sin, which comes from the Law.
Paul aimed to differentiate between believers who are set free from bondage to the Law by faith in Christ, and believers who are legalistic and remain enslaved to sin and bound by works of the flesh to the Mosaic Law.
Paul took the historic figures of Isaac and Ishmael, the two sons of the great patriarch Abraham, and used these two characters to symbolically illustrate the great difference between the Christian’s supernatural freedom in Christ and legalistic bondage to sin and the Law.
Those that are children of the flesh and enslaved by the Law, are not children of promise. The bondwoman and her son were cast out, which foreshadowed the replacement of the Old Covenant with the New Covenant - where the law of sin and death is replaced with the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
God in His omniscience knew that man would sin, and had determined in eternity past to redeem us with His own blood.
He had to be born into His own creation as a perfect Man and live a sinless life so that the innocent blood that pulsed round His human body could be spilt as the purchase price for the accumulated sin of the whole world.
And the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting is found by grace through faith in Him alone.
But Christ is also essential humanity and is able to empathise with our weaknesses, for He was tempted in every way, just as we are, yet without sin.
And for love of you and me, Christ Jesus became sin so that all who believe on Him would not perish but be clothed in His righteousness and made joint-heirs with Himself so that in the ages to come we might show forth the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
Paul uses the great historical figures of Abraham and David to demonstrate that it is not through righteous living or good works that we are declared righteous, but by faith in the Son of God Who died for the sin of the whole world.
As a prisoner in Rome, he sought to tell of the good news that Christ died for our sins and was raised on the third day, for he was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.
Because sin must be punished, Judah had to be disciplined.
Because they broke their covenant and had become violent, deceitful, and idolatrous, Israel had to face the consequences of their sin, and Zephaniah prophesied that the Lord would use the pagan nations, dwelling round about, as His rod of discipline.
While Judah is given a call to repent of her sin and return to the Lord at the beginning of chapter 2, it is the doom of the hostile Gentile nations that dominate the middle section of the book, and Zephaniah identifies the many nations the Lord would use as His rod of discipline, to chasten His errant people.
Not only is He a God of justice, Who will always punish sin, but the Lord is also protective towards His people and jealous for His holy name.
God will always judge sin, whether the evil is perpetrated by unbelieving sinners, who defy the name of the Lord, OR those who have been called and chosen to be His people, but are walking out of fellowship with their Saviour.
and He cannot allow sin to go unpunished.
Although God will never allow sin to go unpunished in the lives of sinner and saint alike, let us rejoice that a day is coming when God will right all wrongs.
He will avenge His people who have been abused and persecuted by evil-doers, and He will punish the wicked for their sin.
While-ever there was breath in his body, the aged apostle Peter would sing forth the praises of Him, Who had brought him, (and all who trust in Christ) out of the deep darkness of sin, death, and hell, into His glorious light and resurrected life.
Paul took pains to point out that all men are under sin and all need a Saviour.
He stressed that no one is excused the consequences of sin through personal merit or a privileged position, and that Jew and Gentile alike are equally under sin and God's righteous condemnation.
Not one of us deserves the grace and mercy that God has extended to each of us, through the gift of His Son Who died on Calvary's Cross as the sacrifice for sin.
Not one of us deserves to be forgiven of our sin, positioned in Christ, and made a new creation in Him.
Although they have access to the throne-room of God and the mind of Christ, they erect a sin-barrier between themselves and the Lord when they regress in their spiritual walk.
The thing that saves the sinner and forgives his sin, is believing that Jesus, the incarnate Word of God, died for our sin, was buried, and rose again, according to the Scriptures. He went to the Cross in obedience to the Father, for His heart-cry was always: THY will be done He went to the Cross to redeem all who would believe, Jews and Gentiles alike.
To have the mind of Christ gives us a taste of heaven, a glimpse into His glory, an understanding of His heart of love, and the amazing truth that God the Father desires to save mankind from their sin, and bestow on us privileges that are beyond our understanding.
Christ died FOR our sin, to pay the penalty for sin which positioned us in Christ and baptised us into His Body.
He also died UNTO sin, so that the power of sin could be broken in the lives of all who believe in Him for salvation.
Not only did the PRICE of sin have to be paid-for, in order to secure our salvation but also the POWER of sin in the lives of believers had to be severed in order to deliver us from the tyranny of sin and it's enslaving domination throughout our earthly life.
Jesus identified with our sin so that we might be identified with His righteousness; He died to pay the penalty for our sin.
It was His birth into the human race and His sinless life which qualified Jesus to become the perfect sacrifice for humanity's sin.
Jesus died as the perfect representative of the old fallen creation in Adam paying the price for our sin, but He rose again as the first Person of a new creation of mankind.
But as fallen members of the old creation in Adam, the power of sin in us also had to be broken.
In order for the ruling principle of sin, which enslaves every member of the human race to lose its power in our lives, we died in Him when Jesus died unto sin on the Cross.
Jesus died FOR sin as payment and He died UNTO sin to break its power.
By faith in Him our sins have been paid but in Him we also died unto sin and our death with Him delivers us from the sin's hold on our lives and frees us from its tyranny and power, so that we are enabled to live godly lives with Christ's own resurrected life working through us.
Christ identified with our sin and died for us so that we could recieve forgiveness of sin, but we are also identified with Christ's death, for when He died we died with Him, which freed us from the power of sin and its oppressive enslavement over our lives.
His death unto sin became our death unto sin and His resurrected life became our new resurrected life in Christ so that with Paul we can say: It is not I that lives but Christ that lives in me, so that having been freed from sin and enslaved to God, you derive your benefit, resulting in sanctification, and eternal life.
The amazing truth of the glorious gospel of grace is that repentant sinners who have fled for refuge to the Cross of Calvary for the forgiveness of sins: Do not come into judgment, but have passed out of death and into life.
Believers in Christ will never have to face the great day of God's wrath, nor stand before the Great White Judgement Throne of God, because Christ took the punishment for our sin in our stead, by grace through faith.
Praise God that we who have trusted Christ are no longer under His condemnation and will never face that Great White Judgement Throne of God, but there are many who are pridefully unrepentant of their sin and whose hearts remain rebellious towards the Lord's offer of redemption.
He knew that they had become so infected with sin, satanic practices, and demonic wickedness, that cohabitation would mean that Israel herself would be irreversibly infected with their idolatry.
However, God knew that if they fraternised with these sin-soaked satanists, His people would become mortally infected with their wickedness and sin.
And He had to be willing to sacrifice His human life and shed His own, human blood so that His propitiatory death and glorious Resurrection would satisfy God's anger against sin and be sufficient to pay the full price for the sin of the whole world.
Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath Who has the power to forgive sins.
Jesus Christ: refers to the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ; the incarnate Son of God Who was given by the Father to be the substitute for the sin of the whole world.
Part of that work was the expiation of our sins, where sin and guilt was removed from our account forever because Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God, sent by the Father to take away the sin of the world.
But He was also the propitiation for our sin, for by being born into the human race He became our Kinsman-Redeemer Whose sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection paid the price of our sin with His own death, a penalty all guilty sinners justly deserve.
Yes, Jesus Christ was the propitiation for our sins, turning the wrath of God, which we all justly deserve, away from us and upon Himself so that by faith in Him we might be made the righteousness of God.
Not only is our sin and guilt removed and God's wrath against sin fully satisfied through Christ's work on the Cross, but He reconciled us back to God, removing forever our alienation from God.
And He identified with our sin so that we might be identified with His righteousness.
Our many sins together with our sin nature had made us slaves of sin, but Christ Jesus redeemed us in some amazing ways: 1.
He redeemed us from the guilt of our sin. 3.
He redeemed us from the power of sin. 4) The day is coming when our mortal bodies will also be redeemed, and we shall put on immortality.
Our corrupt bodies will put on incorruption and we will finally be redeemed from the presence of sin as well as it penalty and power, forever and ever.
We are not only sinners because we sin, we sin because we are sinners.
We are inherently sinners because we are part of Adam's race and we entered this world with a sin nature, inherited from our human father.
We change from being dead in our sins and at enmity with God to being saved by grace through faith in Christ, and we are given a new nature as part of our new identity in Him.
But before this glorious exchange, we were born with an old sin nature, 'the Old Man' as the Bible calls it.
Sin is an intrinsic part of every man and woman which cannot be denied, and bars us from fellowship with our Creator God.
Nothing holy or good can ever emanate from our 'Old Man', for that old sin nature is infected forever with sin.
God hates sin, and God cannot look on sin.
God cannot have fellowship with sinners, nor can God ever endorse anything that emanates from our old sin nature, good or bad.
Anything that is produced through our 'Old Man' is tainted with sin and is produced from our former, fallen, fleshly nature and has 'Me, Myself, and I' at its core of its nature.
When we are reborn into the family of God, all our sins are forgiven, past, present, and future, and we have peace with God and life everlasting.
But some believers erroneously think that salvation means sinless perfection where we can never sin again!
Though all our sins are indeed forgiven and removed far from us, and though God remembers our sin no more, while we live in a fallen body of flesh and blood, we have not become sinless.
Indeed: If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.
The price for our sins was paid at the Cross, removing forever the PENALTY of sin, which is death.
Christ paid that death penalty so that our past, present, and future sins would be forever forgiven and remembered no more.
But the POWER of sin was also broken at the Cross for we were given a new nature that was free from sin, a godly nature, the 'New-Life' of Christ, and we became a 'New Creation' in Him.
And in Christ we have the power to say no to sin (but it is a free-will choice), and we have the power to resist the devil (but it is a free-will choice).
In Christ we receive the power to turn from our former worldly ways, our fleshly actions, and our ungodly pursuits that came from our old sin nature (but it is a free-will choice).
Never: For if we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.
Adam was the federal head of the whole human race, and death prevailed because of his one sin.
Adam's sin caused the fall of humanity, and sin and death was imputed to mankind.
And yet from the time of Adam to the Law of Moses, the icy fingers of death reigned in the lives of humanity because Adam's sin was imputed to all, and death reigned from that point on as a result of that one man's sin.
Many consider that the imputed sin nature, condemnation, and death that was inflicted upon all humanity from the time of Adam to the time of Moses was undeserved because it meant that death reigned in the lives of everyone, even those who did not disobey an explicit commandment of God.
It is the love of God that causes the Father to give His only begotten Son to die as the one and only perfect sacrifice for our sin.
And it is the love of God that has bestowed on all that believe on Christ Jesus as our sin-bearing Redeemer - to be called God's children.
But Jesus came unto His own people as their King and He came to pay the ransom-price for the sin of the whole world, but neither Israel nor the Gentile nations recognised Him, for the world has been blinded to truth by the evil prince of this world system - and so they cried, we will not have this man rule over us.
Because we are in Christ and members of His Body, we who were dead in trespasses and sins and without hope in the world are now called God's children.
He knew the Law was designed to identify one's sin.
It was to encourage sinners to turn from their sin and turn to God for the forgiveness of sin - which only comes through faith in Christ - God's perfect sacrifice for sin.
and God will be pleased with my efforts and award me a place in heaven! - is the honey-coated lie, around the sharp sting of sin.
for Salvation comes through faith in Christ Jesus... the one and ONLY sacrifice for sin... the one and ONLY Mediator between God and man.
The Lord Jesus told His disciples some important truths concerning the trials and difficulties that are inevitable in a fallen world, where men are lovers of themselves and sin has taken root in the heart of humanity.
Paul was writing to set out clearly, the chronological events that would lead up to the revealing of the 'man-of-sin', and to remind them of the necessity for the Christian Church to be removed into the presence of the Lord, before this 'son-of-perdition' is identified on the world scene.
It is not surprising that this little set of saints had become confused about the Rapture of the Church, the unveiling of the man-of-sin, the time of Jacob's trouble, and great Day of the Lord, when beset with such intense persecution on the one hand, and such gross false teaching on the other.
We were born in sin and the wages of sin is death.
We are born with a sin nature because we are of the ancestry of Adam.
Adam sinned, and where there is sin there is death.
In this passage, Paul wants to make it crystal clear that it was Adam's one transgression through which sin entered the world.
It was that one single sin by which the whole of the human race was condemned to death.
We are all imputed with sin because of his one sin.
We are all born with a sin nature.
All are all born, dead in trespasses and sin, because of his one act of disobedience in the garden of Eden... such that all his offspring, including you and me, are condemned to death simply by being born!!
Why can't I be accountable for my own sin and pay my own debt?
The Law of God makes it painfully obvious that sinless perfection in a fallen world is utterly impossible... and the inevitable result would be sin, death, and hell, for each of Adam's progeny.
He came to fulfil God's perfect Law and live a perfect life on our behalf - taking upon Himself the punishment for sin that we justly deserve.
He came to pay the full price for all sin!
He came to be made sin for us!
By paying for our sin, we can be declared righteous by faith.
He came so that by His ONE act of righteousness ALL who believe in Him would be identified with HIS righteousness - and be released from the consequences of our sin and sinfulness.
He came so that by grace through faith, ALL who believe on His name might be set free from the actions, consequences, and outcomes of our sin-filled lives!!
We have changed from being dead in sin to being alive in Him.
All that is needed is faith in Christ Jesus for the forgiveness of our sin - to Whom be all praise and glory, not only in this life but in the ages to come.
How quickly and easily God is blamed when we suffer some calamity or fall into sin.
I couldn't help it, is often the excuse we make, when we fall into temptation and sin.
But all the misery of the world, and the evil with which we are surrounded is rooted in sin, and whether it is self-inflicted or comes from the hands of another, never let it be said that it is God's fault that we sinned or that we were tempted by God.
God is eternally and unchangingly good and He cannot be tempted by evil nor can God ever tempt anyone to sin.
Not only is He the Creator of the brilliant sun and the Maker of the starry heights but He is the Well-spring of all spiritual light and the Fountain-head of all wisdom and goodness and grace, while Satan is the father of darkness who kindles all sorts of evil against us and instigates every kind of deception, temptation, wickedness, and sin.
Christians should never say that it was God Who tempted them, for all temptation arises from sin and Satan, which is designed to entice us away from the godly path of righteousness.
Whether it is the lust of the flesh within or the lure of the world without, all temptation is rooted and grounded in sin.
If we succumb to the temptation we sin.
If we resist the temptation we do not sin and God will often turn that temptation to sin into a meaningful trial for good, which He graciously works together for our eternal benefit and for His eternal glory.
Jeremiah had fulfilled all that was desired of him as God's warning megaphone to His people Israel, calling them to turn from their sins and return to the Lord, but they would not heed to his warning and so Jeremiah pleaded to the Lord: Don't become a terror to me.
These Christians were obviously not physically dead, and lying in their graves, and as members of the Church, which is the Body of Christ, they were not spiritually dead in their trespasses and sins.
The world did not consider the message they shared to be dynamic and powerful, for they had compromised the word of truth! The true message of the Cross, is sharper than a two-edged sword and an offence to a sin-sick world, and should have been the watchword of these believers - but it was silenced, for they had compromised their faith.
Our sins were judged at the Cross and by faith in Him, we have already received forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
God gave His only begotten Son to redeem us from penalty and power of sin and death and to free us from the curse of the Law.
He would pay the price for sin, break the power of sin and death in the lives of all who would believe in Him for salvation, and remove all who by faith are identified with Him from the curse of the Law.
He rose again on the third day breaking the power of sin and death and bringing those who would trust in His sacrificial death into a knowledge of the Holy, for He Himself was God's full and final revelation of Himself to mankind.
That eternal third Person of the Trinity was the unique member of the Godhead Who was chosen in eternity past to come to earth as a human being, and in every way to live, and move, and have His being like as we are, yet without sin, so that He would become the unique and only sacrifice for sin.
God is love and perfect love casts out fear, which is why this angel began His good news with the lovely words, Fear Not. God knew that man would sin and bring upon himself, and his progeny, the wages of sin - which is death.
But from the foundation of the world, God had set in motion His perfect plans and precious purposes for the redemption of mankind, by sending His dearly beloved Son to be the propitiation for the sin of the whole world.
For by the first man - Adam, came sin, death, and eternal separation from God, but by the second Man, the Last Adam - Jesus Christ the righteous, came life and light, forgiveness, eternal peace on earth, and goodwill with God for men who believed - for as in Adam all DIE, so also ALL those that are positioned IN Christ, by faith, will be made alive.
And although Genesis chapter 4 begins with the man and woman starting to carry out God's initial command to fill the earth with their seed, they had already fallen into sin.
Both had become the possessors of a fallen nature, a sin nature: The old man, as the Bible calls it.
And from the birth of their first child onwards, every member of the human race would be born with a sin nature and a predisposition to evil, for we read that Adam begot sons and daughters.
Every member of the human race from the birth of Cain onwards would be born dead in their trespasses and sins; having a knowledge of good but without the power to carry it out, and having a knowledge of evil but without the power to avoid it.
And thus was born the first child with a sin nature, for Cain was born in the image and likeness of his fallen father and his sinful mother.
Cain could have remarked on his birth with the words from Psalm 51: Behold, I was born in wickedness, and in sin hath my mother conceived me.
She had come to believe that Jesus was the promised Messiah Who would save His people from their sins, but she had not yet recognised that she was addressing the incarnate Son of God Who created all things, and Who is before all things.
The only begotten Son of God took on the role of sin substitute (on behalf of fallen humanity) so that we who believe on His name might be reconciled to God - through Him.
And because of man's rebellion against God and man's imputed sin nature (due to His disobedience), Christ came to live as God intended man to live so that the life of God could be lived through a man; the Man Christ Jesus.
It was man who brought sin into the world and the wages of sin is death.
But sin in all its guises and disguises must be judged, for a holy God cannot look on sin.
Sin must be punished, and the ultimate consequence of sin is eternal separation from God.
Sin inflicts a never-ending divorce from all that is good, and clean, and lovely, and pure, and honourable, and righteous, and holy.
The judgements of the Lord are founded on His righteous character and gracious love... and for that reason, we discover the Lord withholding His inevitable judgement on both the children of Israel and the Gentile nations - giving each one an opportunity to repent of their sin and turn to Him.
The wrath of God, which must eventually be poured out on all sin, if His justice is to be fully satisfied, was delayed... to give men the time to repent of their sin.
Every day God's wrath is delayed, is one more day of grace, when Jew and Gentile alike are being convicted of sin, brought to repentance, and receiving salvation through faith in Christ.
The tolerance and patience of God towards His saved people, leads us to confess our faults, turn from sin, and be returned into fellowship with our heavenly Father.
May we always remember that God's delay is often a demonstration of the riches of His kindness, tolerance, and patience, toward carnal Christians, as well as lost sinners - which is leading many to repentance and salvation... for the forgiveness of sin, and security in Christ.
Although God is our great Provider Who supplies all our bodily needs and the daily necessities of life according to His great goodness, His greater provision is the gracious offer of the salvation of our soul, the redemption of our body, the forgiveness of our sin, and life everlasting.
Unlike Israel's forefathers who ate manna from heaven but all died in the wilderness, Jesus wanted these people, who were dead in their sins and at enmity with God, to recognise HIM as the True and Living Bread that came down from heaven to satisfy the inner hunger of man's soul.
Jesus knew that no fallen sinner would come to Him unless the Father drew that man, for sin had erected an immovable barrier between God and man, and man's sin nature is irreversibly hostile to the Lord.
We are credited with righteousness, our sins are forgiven, and we are given eternal life, when we believe in Jesus as our heaven-sent Kinsman-Redeemer.
It is God's will and God's desire that we believe that God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son so that whosoever believes on HIM - whosoever believes on the Person and work of JESUS, would not perish but have everlasting life - and this was the message that Jesus delivered to the spiritually hungry souls who were dead in their sins and estranged from the Father: Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes has eternal life.
It rehearses, with powerful candour, God's hatred of sin, His righteous demand for vengeance on His enemies, and His judgement on the gentile nations, who oppress His people.
Well, we are not appointed to face the wrath of God, for Christ took the punishment for our sin, when HE was made sin for us, and the wrath of God, which we deserve, was poured out on Him in our stead when He died on Calvary's Cross, for the sin of the world.
Just like a caring Shepherd is happy to find his lost sheep, so the Lord Jesus always rejoices when the straying sinner turns away from sin and back to Himself.
Without God there is no life, and His life is that eternal life of Christ that is breathed into the one that is dead in trespasses and sins, the moment we trust Him as Saviour.
Paul reminded us that if we only have hope in this world, then we are to be greatly pitied, but we who trust in Jesus as our sin-bearing Saviour can rejoice and lift up our voices in shouts of praise and thanksgiving, as did the apostle Paul and Israel's king David.
In living a perfect life and dying a voluntary death on the Cross, the incarnate Son of God paid the full price for our sins.
As bond-servants of Christ, we are given a valuable list of how we should live, having put off our old selves and put on the new self created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. We are exhorted to put off falsehood and speak truthfully; steal no longer but instead work and share; speak helpful and wholesome words; get rid of bitterness, anger, and slander and in their place put forgiveness, kindness and compassion.Paul rejoiced to be a prisoner of the Lord, not for any wrong that he had done, for all sin and every sin was forgiven at the Cross, but for the sake of the Lord Jesus Who loves us and gave Himself for us.
He fastens the confidence we have in Christ to His finished work at Calvary, which secured our forgiveness of sin, our eternal future, our confident access into the throne-room of grace, and restored fellowship with the Father.
Rather, we are to die to sin and self and live for Christ alone.
It is not our old sin nature that is given understanding in everything, but our new life in Christ - the new nature we receive when we are born from above.
He rose from the dead and broke the power of sin and death in the lives of all who place their trust in Him.
We rejoice that our names are written in the Book of Life, but before we were saved by faith in Christ, we were all sons of disobedience and slaves of sin, who remained under the wrath of God and were headed for a lost eternity.
But now, by grace through faith, we are sons of God who have been freed from the penalty and power of sin and death.
This means that our fallen sin nature was nailed to the Cross with Jesus, as He hung on that wooden tree, 2000 years ago, and paid the enormous price for our sin.
It means that His resurrected Life became our new eternal, resurrected life, and we became part of a new and perfect creation IN Him - simply by God's grace, through faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of His only begotten Son, for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
Our sins were washed away by His precious blood.
All who have trusted in Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting are one with Him, identified with Him, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, for we are part of His Body - not only in this world but also in the ages to come.
No surprise that he reminds us that we were crucified with Christ, so that this fallen body of sin might be destroyed - and that we should not be enslaved to the practice of sin any longer.
By faith, we died to sin with the Lord Jesus, when He offered Himself up as the ransom-price for our sin.
Although our old, sin nature will continue to lust against our new life in Christ during our sojourn on earth... nevertheless, we must reckon our OLD self dead to the desires of this world and our NEW life alive to God.
Before we were saved, we were slaves of sin and sons of disobedience.
He would be the final Sacrificial Lamb Who would save His people from their sin, by grace through faith, and His death would be the ransom price for the sin of the whole world, by grace through faith.
He would defeat the power of sin and Satan, death and hell.
We are exhorted to walk worthy of our calling, to contend earnestly for the faith, to abstain from earthy lusts which war against the soul, and to encourage one another while it is still called 'today' lest any of us are hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
Let us take note of the many scriptural warnings and exhortation to walk worthy of our calling, to contend earnestly for the faith, to abstain from earthy lusts which war against the soul, and to encourage one another while it is still called 'today' lest any of us are hardened through the deceitfulness of sin, or simply drift away from the Lover of our soul.
The Jews may have falsely accused Him and screamed out for His death, Pilate may have condemned Him and handed Him over to be crucified, the Roman soldiers may have driven the nails into His hands and feet, and your sins and mine may have been placed upon Him in those three hours of deep darkness, but He laid His own life down of His own accord.
It would also mean eternal separation from the Holy Spirit, and from the Father Who loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son to become humanities sin-offering.
In His humanity, Christ had the authority to lay down His life for the sin of the world, and in His deity He had the authority to take it up again so that all who believe on Him might be given life and life more abundantly.
Yet again, this amazing 'BUT' subdivides into a further token of His love towards us, for He vows to keep His children from the evil of sin and the ploys of the evil one, who seeks to sift us as wheat and to pollute our witness.
Sin and death and Satan's snares have no power over us, for the enemy was defeated at Calvary and God will not allow us to be tested above that which we are able to bear - but will provide us with an escape route, from all the worldly principles and fleshly practices that are dangled before us as bait, to draw us back into the evil, world system.
This was not only twisting the truth of the gospel of grace but was the most outrageous argument against the character of God and provided a sinner with a license to sin!
Twisting the truth of the gospel of God into becoming a license for man to sin in order that God would be glorified by their sinful behaviour, is one of the most shocking perversions of the truth of God's Word.
May we be careful not to stray into a path that promotes a license to sin, nor to become trapped into taking part in any legalistic practices or religiosity.
Rather, let us rejoice that God loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son into the world to pay the price for our sin so that by faith in Him alone we can be forgiven and declared righteous - for the glory of God and our eternal good.
Jesus justifiably laid claims to being God - asserting that He has the authority and power to forgive sins, raise the dead, and give life to whomsoever He wills.
God the Father gave the Son of Man authority to execute judgment, because He was God the Son, Who was born into the human race to became man's kinsman Redeemer - the sacrifice for man's sin.
Well, God is Spirit and God is eternal, but in order to become the sacrifice for the sin of humanity God had to become like one of us.
He had to become a man and live as a man (but without sinning) so that He could voluntarily offer His perfect, sinless life as the ransom price for the sin of the world.
The shocking price for sin and the only price that God would accept was the shed blood of the sinless Son of Man.
His plan was the redemption of mankind, and He would achieve it by paying the price for the sin of the whole world Himself by means of His own death: For the wages of sin is death.
What an incredible scheme and what a demonstration of God's goodness, grace, and love that He should conceive and carry-out such an awe-inspiring plan so that whoever believes on Him would be redeemed, forgiven of their sins, made part of His new creation, receive His resurrected, eternal life, become an heir of salvation, and be given power from on high to live a life that is honouring to God.
Some of the last words of help, encouragement, advice, and guidance that Christ gave His eleven disciples, shortly before He became the sin sacrifice for humanity, were that He did exactly as the Father commanded Him so that the world would know that He loved the Father.
Christ laid down His life as the one and only compulsory sin-offering that was required to appease the wrath of a holy and righteous God, but Christ also laid down his life as a free-will offering - a burnt-offering - a voluntary sacrifice - a sweet savour to the Lord, and this is why the Father loves Him.
His death was required to pay the price for the sin of the world, but death has no claim on a perfect life and so death had no hold on the perfect Lamb of Christ.
When the Lord Jesus cried: It is finished, He had paid the price for the sin of the world and so He voluntarily breathed His last breath and gave up the ghost.
Every aspect of this holy day highlighted some peculiar feature of Christ's Person and work and was to be a day for Israel to mourn for past sins.
Participation in the annual Day of Atonement was not a choice, but a direct command from the Lord: This is to be a permanent statute for you, to make atonement for the Israelites once a year because of all their sins, was God's direct order to Moses.
There we discover this particular ceremony required Israel to mourn over their sin, and pointed directly to Christ's offering of Himself on the Cross as the sacrificial Lamb, the sole sacrifice for the sin of the world.
Atonement means 'to cover' and the animals that were offered annually on the Day of Atonement covered the sin of the people for one more year, but their blood could not remove the eternal stain of sin from the soul.
The blood of innocent animals was a covering for a time, but the price for sin could never be fully paid by the blood of bulls or goats.
His atonement is not a limited covering but is an eternal safeguard, for through the eternal Spirit, the penalty and power of sin is not simply covered, but removed forever.
His sacrifice cleansed our consciences forever from all sin and the consequences of sin.
He was acutely aware of the sins of Judah and the unfaithfulness of the people of Israel.
It was as He lamented the unbelief of the people, and became distressed by the destructive consequences of their sin, that he was led to reignite his own faith by confessing the truth, Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD.
confessing the sins of the sons of Israel, which we have sinned against You; I and my father's house have sinned... Remember Thy word... O Lord, I beseech You.
He wept and mourned over his own sins and those of His people.
He wept for God's people, repented of his sins and those of his nation.
Christ was the sin sacrifice Who would lay down His life to satisfy the wrath of God for the sins of the whole world so that all who believed on His name would be saved.
His death paid the price for the sin for all, but His Resurrection broke the power of death for those who would believe.
We are governed by a higher law - a heavenly law - a limitless law: The Spirit’s law of life in Christ Jesus which set us all free from the limited law of sin and of death, that condemns every sinner.
His blood paid the price for sin so that we who believe, could be elevated into a position of son-ship and be awarded joint heir-ship with Him, by grace through faith.
Like Abraham, and all Old Testament saints who were looking for their coming Messiah, the soul of Lazarus was taken to a holding place called 'Paradise' or 'Abraham's Bosom' UNTIL Jesus died on the Cross as payment for their sins and rose from the grave to set these captive souls free.
Like the rich man, and all who do not believe on Jesus for the redemption of their soul, the same place of torment and Great White Throne judgement awaited these proud, religious Pharisees - if they refused to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sin.
JESUS HIMSELF would soon walk to the Cross as the ransom price for the sin of the world HE HIMSELF would die and He would rise from the dead, as prophesied by Moses and the Old Testament prophets... but Jesus knew that if these proud Pharisees would not listen to the truth spoken by Moses, the Prophets, and His own Messianic ministry - they would not even be persuaded when HE HIMSELF rose from the dead.
He is not only our perfect example, but His suffering was expiatory, for His sacrifice on the Cross paid for the price of our sins.
Jesus is not only the One Who saved us, by God's grace - when we trusted Him for salvation, but He is also the One Who loved us and gave Himself for us, while we were still fallen sinners, who were spiritually dead in our trespasses and sins, and at enmity with God.
Christ committed no sin, and was pure in word and deed.
He bore our sins in His body on the tree, and provided healing for our soul.
But no matter the reason for a man's enslavement... when a slave was called by the Lord and trusted in Christ's sacrificial death and glorious resurrection for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, that man or woman became the Lord's freedman.
That man was gloriously loosed from slavery to sin.
Christ died on the Cross at Calvary to cleanse us from all our sin so that our hearts may be strong and free from all sin before our God and Father, so that we could be His special people for His praise and glory.
He wanted them, and us, to remember that we have been set free from all the distresses that we experienced as the result of sin - freedom from death, freedom from the bondage, freedom from fear, freedom from the snares of the devil.
But he also wanted to detail the incredible debt we owe to the One Who hung on the Cross for the sin of the world... so that by faith in His sacrificial death and glorious resurrection, we might have life - and have it more abundantly.
He used the images of freedmen and slaves to demonstrate that the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death.
May we, who have been freed from the slave-market of sin and Satan, be careful to honour the Lord who bought us with His own blood... and may we follow the calling to which we have been called and carry out the work that God has assigned to us.
Both need to be redeemed, and both need propitiation from their sins.
Both need propitiation for their sins.
And now both Jew and Gentile have access to the Father, by means of the Holy Spirit, because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross, for our sins: Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God's people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.
His blood paid the price for our sins and we are declared righteous, simply by believing on His name.
The Law of God is the perfect standard He requires from humanity, but it cannot make man righteous nor pardon his sin.
So God devised the plan of salvation that would satisfy His justice and impute man with His own righteousness through the full payment of the required price for sin – the willing, sacrificial death of the only perfect sacrifice – the Lord Jesus Christ.
He came 2000 years ago to fulfil the righteous requirement of the Law and was offered as the one and only oblation to break the power of sin, to bear the sins of many, and to destroy the works of the devil so that all who believe on His name would be saved from the penalty of sin and death, covered in His own cloak of righteousness, and be made pure and holy, to the satisfaction of a holy GOD.But He was rejected and returned to His home in glory and today, there is a Man seated at the right hand of the Father, awaiting the appointed time when He will appear the second time.
This time, He will not deal with sin, for that was fully accomplished at the Cross when His saving blood covered the mercy seat for all humanity so that the sin of the many, who would believe on His name would be saved.
A day is coming when that nation will repent of their sin, turn from unbelief to faith in God's Anointed, and cry out, Hosanna to their Messiah: Hosanna to the Son of David.
The kingdom that was taken from the generation that rejected their Messiah, will be given to the generation of Jews that repent of their sin, call on their Messiah to save them, and welcome Him back to their land when He comes in clouds of glory.
Jesus had come to His own people to save them from their sin.
It seems that with the arrival of these Greeks, Jesus knew that His hour had arrived when He would be made the Sacrifice for the sin of the whole world.
We will never comprehend what it cost the God of the Son to be born as Son of Man and become the Sacrifice for sin.
Shall I say 'Father, save Me from this hour?' Nevertheless, Jesus reasoned with Himself... knowing that it was for this purpose... the salvation of mankind, that He had come to this hour - the hour when He would take upon Himself the sin of the world.
It was the Father's will that Jesus came to earth to give His life as the ransom price for the sin of the world.
It was to glorify the Father's name that Jesus came to earth as the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world.
All men need the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, for all have sinned and all fall short of the perfection of God's perfect Law.
Instead of being under the condemnation of the Law because of our sin, we are free from the curse of the Law and God's condemnation because we have trusted in Christ.
He explains that the purpose of the Law was to point us to Christ and is fulfilled when a sinner believes in Christ for the forgiveness of sin.
When the Law has turned a sinner to repentance, so that they turn from their sin to faith to Jesus Christ - it has achieved the purpose for which it was given.
Death for the sinner means eternal separation from GOD... for the wages of sin is death BUT... the gift of God is eternal life, through faith in Jesus Christ.
By His grace, the redemption price was paid in full by Jesus, so that when a sinner recognises their sin and seeks salvation by faith in Christ, the Law has fulfilled its work in the life of that sinner.
The Law exposes sin but it cannot forgive sin.
Far from negating the Law, the gospel of Christ upholds the Law, for the death penalty is paid for every man's sin by Christ and those who place their trust in His finished work for salvation instead of trusting their own works of righteousness are saved from death - BY FAITH.
God sent His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to redeem mankind: to bring men out from slavery to sin and death into the light of the glorious gospel of peace-with-God.
He presented Christ as the PROPITIATION for our sins by pouring out the wrath that was our portion onto His perfect Son Whose sacrifice on the Cross satisfied God's righteous anger on behalf of all who would believe in Him.
His punishment was in payment for our sins.
His Resurrection broke the power of sin and death to all who believe on Him.
He took our sins upon Himself, so we could be clothed in His perfect righteousness.
Let us pray for the salvation of the people of Israel who continue to remain dead in their sins, and let us praise God that the time is coming when the blindness of their eyes, the resistant deafness of their ears, and the hardness of their hearts will be softened.
Having been justified by grace through faith in Christ, forgiven of their sin, and given eternal life, they tried to keep themselves in God's good books by works of the flesh.
His sinless life was a deathless life, for only the soul that sins shall die... and Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life.
Jesus was not deserving of death, but chose to give His life willingly, as the ransom price for the sin of the world.
The only payment God could accept in exchange for mankind's sin, was the sacrifice of a perfect, human life.
But just as His death secured the full and final payment for the SIN of the whole world, so His resurrection secured LIFE for all who believe... Eternal life.
Luke reminds us in Acts, that, He Who came from heaven and became a man is the One whom God exalted to His right hand as a Prince and a Saviour, to grant repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins to all who believe.
He is the King of Righteousness and His name shall be called, Jesus - SAVIOUR, for He shall save His people from their sins.
He is the unique Man, the incarnate Word of God, Who has secured for us the forgiveness of sin, life everlasting, an eternal inheritance..
Finally, the climatic point in time and eternity was reached... when the Lamb of God, Who was slain from the foundation of the world, would take upon Himself the sin of the world.
Although Jesus was true deity and the second Person of the Trinity, He was a true man, who was tempted to sin just as we are tempted - yet He did not sin.
Jesus knew that sin had corrupted the nature of man and that the only way to live a victorious life, in a fallen world, was to watch and pray continuously - in utter dependence on the Father through the power of the indwelling Spirit.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak - but those that utterly depend on God, abide in Christ and pray in unity with the Holy Spirit are given the strength to overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil - for Christ not only paid the price for our sin but broke the POWER of sin in the lives of all who believe, in this Christian dispensation.
Yet despite being dead in our sins and at enmity with Him, He was willing to call us His children - because of our faith in the sacrificial offering of His only begotten Son on our behalf.
Although our old sin nature may cause us to fall into sin during our time on earth... nevertheless we praise our heavenly Father that we have a new nature - a new born-again life in Christ which is pure and holy.
For God in His grace took upon Himself the form of a servant and was born into the human race so that at the appointed time He could walk to the Cross in our place, and take upon Himself the accumulated weight of man's sin.
Our fallen sin nature has no righteousness of it own, but Christ became our righteousness (for God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God).
As they ascended the hilly slopes of Jerusalem, their faces were steadfastly set towards the place that represented the Presence of the Lord; the Ark of the Covenant in the most holy place in the Temple of God, and the Mercy Seat whereby their sins could be covered until the promised Messiah of Israel came as the perfect Sacrifice.
He would not only pay the price for the sins of Israel, but for the sin of the whole world.
Sin came into the world through one man, and death resulted from sin, causing both physical death and spiritual death to spread to all men.
Although born dead in sin, at salvation we are made spiritually alive, but without the resurrection of the body our salvation would be incomplete.
Christ, as a sinless Man, experienced physical death when He shed His lifeblood as the ransom price for the sin of the world.
Having paid the penalty for man's sin, He commended His spirit into the hand of the Father and breathed His last breath.
His sin brought physical death upon all men, and all Adam's descendents die physically.
He shed His lifeblood to pay for our sin and He rose physically from the grave in a body of flesh and bone so that His spiritual seed (all who believe on Him) would also be raised from the dead in a body of flesh and bone.
Christ's sacrificial death was the greatest victory over sin, Satan, death, and hell, for it paid the full price for the sin of the world.
Although Christ defeated sin and death at the Cross, it is not until the end of His millennial rule on earth, when Christ fights His final battle against Satan's evil forces, that death will be defeated.
They believed that God would send a Kinsman-Redeemer Who would redeem His people and save them from their sin.
However, before the Redeemer arrived to pay the price of sin, their trespasses would have to be covered by the shed blood of innocent animals - but only covered, for it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to completely take away sins.
But like Abraham and other men of faith... those that trusted God's Word and believed His promises were credited with righteousness - as they looked forward to the coming Messiah Who would redeem them from Satan, sin, death, and hell.
Daily sacrifices and the Lord's annual feast-days were a constant reminder that all have sinned and all need a Saviour - for all sin has a price to be paid.
It was a school-master to bring us to Christ, the sinless Lamb of God Who, by His own death, would take away the sin of the world.
And 4000 years after Adam sinned, God sent His only begotten Son to pay the price for the sin of the whole world... so that whoever trusted in the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, would be saved.
The Cross of Christ was the pivotal point in history when the curse of the Law was broken and the price of sin was paid for in full.
However, the only way for Gentiles to approach God in Old Testament times, was to become a Jewish proselyte and maintain strict adherence to Israel's laws and customs which included circumcision, adherence to the ongoing cycle of feast-days, following the food-laws, and through the year-by-year Day of Atonement - whereby the blood of sheep and goats temporarily covered the sin of the people - until the promised Messiah would come to offer Himself as the full and final ransom payment for the sin of the world.
They insist that salvation depends on keeping the Law in addition to believing on the death, burial, and Resurrection of Christ, for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
John was the greatest priest to ever live, for he had been anointed of God to bear witness that Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
This is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
John was called by God to testify that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and we who are members of His Body have been given a similar responsibility and privilege to testify to a lost and dying world that Jesus Christ is the Son of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
The Word of truth is equally for Jew and Gentile, male and female, young and old, rich and poor, and reaches out into every nation and race, every people and language, and every continent and clime, for God is no respecter of persons and whosoever will may come to the Cross of Calvary and be washed by the blood of the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
Instead, He presented Jesus as our sacrifice for sin.
God hates sin and nothing less that the blood of Christ can satisfy an offended God.
For four thousand years, the world waited as the Seed of the woman travelled down history to be born of a virgin, crushing Satan, sin, and death.
And for two thousand years, God passed over the sins of all who trusted in the promised Messiah, the prophesied Saviour, the perfect Man.
The blood of Christ is sufficient to pay for the past, present, and future sins of all who trust in His name, but the blood of Christ was also sufficient to pay for the sins of all the Old Testament believers who by faith trusted God to send His promised Saviour.
God has never winked at sin, but has withheld His judgement on sin to be poured out at the appointed time over Christ Jesus our Saviour.
He graciously restrained judgement by passing over the sins previously committed so that ALL who believe on His Son, would be saved.
No one is exempt from the death-sentence of sin, for ALL have sinned.
Trying to mend the old creation in Adam, is man's futile pursuit, but God will have no dealings with the sordid deeds of sinful man, nor the scarlet sin-nature that permeates every cell of our fallen souls.
We were conceived by sinful parents and were born dead in trespasses and sins.
The legacy of everyone is that we were born in sin, and at enmity with God.
But Adam's whole nature became twisted and perverted due to sin and death, which entered into the equation of the entire gene-pool of humanity.
Although created in God's image, the progeny of Adam are all begotten in his fallen state, which is riddled with sin and which ends in death.
As part of the human race, we are imputed with Adam's sin.
Having been born into the human race, we have inherited a fallen sin nature from our fathers.
It was the heart-cry of David to have his heart washed clean of sin, for he recognised the stained condition of his fallen soul. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me, he cried out.
Because of his sin, David's delightful fellowship with God had been severed.
He became increasingly conscious of his rebellious actions... for the sins he committed were ever before his eyes.
Although the bitter fruit of his sin-nature was murder and adultery, David realised that his ungodly acts were sins against the Lord, which had deeply grieved the Spirit of God.
David's soul had been blackened with sin and although he refused to immediately acknowledge his wrongdoing before God, his conscience refused to allow him to forget, until he cried out to God - admitting his sin and praying for a purified heart and a right spirit within.
But like David, if we confess our sin, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sin, purify our heart, renew a steadfast spirit within, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Cleanse me from my sin.
May we choose the good and eschew the evil so that our new, born-again-life in Christ (our new-nature in Him) may be increasingly conformed into the image and likeness of the lovely Lord Jesus - until it is no longer I that live (my old sin-nature in Adam) but Christ (the new-life I have in Him) that lives in me - ever prompting me towards Christ-likeness.
Breaking the Law was a sin, which did not nullify his redeemed status, but placed him out of fellowship with God.
Once a year the whole company of Israel would have a day of Atonement, when the high priest offered certain God-ordained sacrifices to pay for the sin of the whole nation.
And for one more year Israel's collective sin would be covered - until the promised Messiah came, to save His people from their sins.
There were certain punishments given to individual sinners for their particular sin.
But collectively, the SIN of the nation had to be covered, once a year, until Jesus came as the one and only perfect sacrifice for SIN.
Daily sacrifices would be used for individual sins, but national sin was an annual event.
The Law of Moses was given to the pre-Cross, redeemed nation of Israel, to point them to their coming Messiah, but breaking one part of the Mosaic Law meant a man had broken the whole of the Mosaic Law, which removed them from fellowship with God, until their sins were covered, by offering the appropriate blood-sacrifice.
But following God's full, complete and final sacrifice for sin - i.e.
the offering of Christ on the Cross, (once and for ALL) Church age believers, in the dispensation of the grace of God, are under the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, and Paul tells us that, the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
The full and final sacrifice for ALL sin was paid at the Cross, and although past, present, and future sins of Christians are forgiven forever - one single sin removes us from fellowship with the Father.
If we are guilty of one post-salvation sin, we forfeit our communion with Christ until we confess it to Him.
Though positionally secure, and still a child of God, sin removes every born-again child of God from enjoying fellowship with our Father, until we confess our unrighteousness.
The pre-Cross Law, was given to redeemed Israel to point them to Christ, (the coming, complete sacrifice for sin).
The Law of Moses was in place until the Cross, when it was superseded by the post-Cross Royal Law of Christ, which is given to the redeemed Church of God, for Christ paid the sacrifice for our inherent sin, and also for the many sins we commit individually.
However, this is not a licence to sin - NEVER!
Adherence to the requirements of the indivisible Mosaic Law, with its 613 commands and annual sacrifices to atone for sin, until the arrival of the Messiah, is not what the New Testament teaches Church age believers.
However, he is saying that there is an equally severe penalty for Christians, who sin by breaking one part of God's Royal Law (the Law of the Spirit of Life), just as there were penalties for Israel who broke any part of the Mosaic Law.
Just as one sin removed an Israelite from fellowship with God - so one sin removes a Christian from fellowship with our heavenly Father.
Christ DIED to pay the price for our sin, (and our sins) - our inherent SIN and our committed SINS... and those who are in Christ are no longer under God's condemnation, nor are we required to atone for our sin through a sacrificial system, like Israel.
We are delivered from the PENALTY of sin, because Jesus took the punishment that we deserve.
But also, believers are delivered from the POWER of sin.
If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
Legalists and law-mongers decry the gospel of grace and accuse those that rejoice in the liberty that we have in Christ's finished work at Calvary, of promoting a dangerous doctrine that leads to a carnal lifestyle and a license to sin. But this is a serious misunderstanding of the gospel of grace and a gross misinterpretation of the apostolic teachings of Paul, who was Christ's chosen apostle to the Gentiles and through whom were given the marvellous mysteries of the Church which is His Body.
God's perfect Law demanded an unattainable standard of moral perfection and an outward display of disciplined living, but we fall short of that perfect standard that God requires and we all have need of a Saviour Who is willing to pay the price for our sin. And so, Christ came to fulfil the Law on our behalf.
He then chose to pay the price for our sins so that by faith we might be made the righteousness of God, in Him.
In order to pay the price for our sin, He died in our place.
Legalism seeks to change the old sin nature from the outside and forces it to obey God's perfect, unachievable Law in our own strength, but it fails every time.
God is deeply offended by sin, and sinful man must be punished.
Indeed, the wrath of God must be poured out on all sin, which is why mankind seeks to appease God's wrath by offering gifts and sacrifices, by trying to do good works and kind deeds.
How amazing to discover that because of God's love and justice for the human race, which He made in His own image and likeness, God Himself preordained in His grace to present His only begotten Son as the unique and prefect atoning sacrifice Who alone would be the propitiation for our sins.
What a glorious demonstration of the righteousness of God, that He paid the price of your sin and mine by giving His only begotten Son to die in our place.
He is the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, and we who have had our sins forgiven have been reconciled to God through Christ. We have been reunited with God by grace - through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Sin had to be punished and the wrath of God was poured out on His beloved Son as payment for our sin so that we might be reconciled back to Himself.
Justice had been done. The price of sin had been paid.
The price of sin had to be paid, but only the shedding of the innocent blood of a Kinsman-Redeemer could be sufficient.
The Messiah of Israel was called Jesus - Salvation and He came to fulfil the word of the prophets and save His people from their sins.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved! Believe on the Lamb of God - the Jewish Messiah, Who takes away the sin of the world.
Many repented of their sin during Christ's pre-Cross ministry.
But despite repenting of their sin, many had yet to believe on Christ for the forgiveness of those sins, and life everlasting.
If salvation is to be gained, a man must simultaneously turn TO Christ at the same time he turns FROM sin and repents unto salvation.
To turn from sin to good works, or to repent of sin and embrace some alternative religion is NOT repentance unto salvation.
Similarly, to regret one's sin or to become guilt-ridden because of one's wrongdoing will not save the sinner who does not concurrently turn TO the Lord Jesus Christ.
Repentance of sin is vital BUT believing on the Lord Jesus is the ONLY way to be saved.
Repenting of sin and believing on Christ for the forgiveness of sin are two sides of the same coin, that are conjoined and cannot be separated.
The Lord Jesus was the One foretold by prophets of old, Who would redeem His people FROM THEIR SIN.
The repentant sinner who responded to John's baptism of repentance, HAD to believe that Christ's work on the CROSS paid for THEIR sin to be saved.
but like that little faithful band of Jews who had received John's baptism of repentance - we are to believe on Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting - remembering that repenting of our sin and believing on Christ for the forgiveness of sin are two sides of the same coin - that are conjoined and cannot be separated.
He knew that in Christ we have won the victory over sin, Satan, death, and hell.
God's love is so great that He sent His only begotten Son to pay the ransom price for our sin, and Paul understood that the enemy of our soul had many nefarious strategies to prevent a sinner from being saved and many shrewd schemes to shipwreck the faith of a believer.
He knew the terrible consequences of man's sin, for we are all born in sin and under God's condemnation.
Through believing on Christ's finished work of redemption, we have peace with God, for Christ is the propitiation for our sins Who made peace with God on our behalf.
God brought a flood on the world of this ungodly generation, for sin must be punished.
And when man rebels and sins against God, judgement will inevitably fall.
God even sent His Son to die on a Cross to pay the price of sin.
May we be willing to tell those who are lost in their sin, that today is the day of salvation for any who place their trust in Christ's finished work on the Cross.
It is during the 70th week of Daniel - often called the Great Tribulation or the Time of Jacob's Trouble, that Israel turns back to God from their sin, and fulfils the purpose for which they were called.
It is a reminder that Christ conquered Satan, sin, death, and hell at the Cross - and He defeated them once and forever.
May we do what we can to proclaim the Gospel of Christ to a multitude of men and women, who will have to face the shocking consequences of their sin, in the coming Tribulation period, if they do not hear and believe the gospel of grace.
May we be ready and willing to be used by God to tell out the glories of the gospel and the privileges that are open to ALL who believe that Christ died to pay the price for their sin, that He rose again according to the Scriptures, and gives life eternal to ALL who believe.
which included the sins of the people and the wickedness of the priests.
In the final verses of the book, we discover the depth of God's love for Israel, who are urged to repent of their sins and finally to benefit from God's gracious blessings and everlasting faithfulness - just as Gomer finally repented of her adultery and unfaithfulness.
Although Israel rejected their Messiah and crucified their King, it was love that caused the Father to send His only begotten Son into the world, to redeem mankind from their sin..
and it was love that caused the Lord Jesus to set aside His heavenly glory, and be born into the fallen, human race, so that He could shed His own life-blood on Calvary's Cross for the sin of the world - which alone has the power to forgive the sin of ALL who believe on His name for salvation.
Praise God that by faith in JESUS we are also sons and daughters of God Most High, and He has called us, chosen us, and brought us out of bondage to sin and slavery to Satan, and adopted us into His family.
He could only judge himself to be the very least of all the saints of God, for he considered his sins against God and the Body of Christ to be the most heinous of all crimes.
He gave us an understanding of the difference between union and communion - between our permanent union with Christ, which can never be broken, and our fellowship with Him, which can be broken by sin and renewed through the confession of our faults.
And Paul also gave us a greater understanding of slavery to sin and the freedom we have in Christ.
The human spirit is born dead in trespasses and sins, but once the Life and Light of Christ has flooded into our hearts by grace through faith in Him, we become His hands to help, His feet to go, His heart to love, and His Light to shine forth His Life in our human frame.
The human spirit is God's lamp in a dark world of sin and suffering.
God demonstrated His righteousness in the garden when He judged sin, and the flood of Noah gave witness to the righteous requirements of our Creator God.
From our viewpoint in history, we see how the Law and the prophets pointed us towards Jesus Whose righteousness would pay for the sin of the world, and we can look back in time to the pivotal moment on the Cross, when the righteous blood of Jesus was shed for you and for me.
They should bind up the heart of those that are broken by sin, for all humanity is a bruised and breaking reed, all mankind is a smouldering wick that is in need of a Saviour.
This was the ministry for which God the Father sent His Son into the world – a ministry of reconciliation and hope for a world lost in sin – providing salvation for all that would trust in His finished work on Calvary.
The dominion of sin and death breaks and binds, and it enslaves and snuffs out peace and hope, joy and love.
But sin and Satan have no more dominion over those that choose to place their trust in His finished work, for the Cross triumphed, and His work is finished.
But there are those that choose to reject His offer of salvation and His gift of gracious forgiveness of their sins.
But while it is still day, God in His grace is convicting the world of sin, of righteousness, and judgement so that all that look, will live.
John was the forerunner who came to herald Christ and His coming kingdom, and this verse is part of a section that clearly identified Jesus as: The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
He must increase and I must decrease, were words that were not only spoken by this 'voice' in the wilderness, but were carried out in his life as John testified that Jesus is the Son of God, the Lamb Who was revealed to the world at the proper time Who came to live a perfect life, die a sacrificial death, provide forgiveness of sin, and give assurance of the eternal life to ALL who believe in Him.
Paul was prompted to share the simple truth of the glorious gospel of the Cross clearly and plainly, and so he simply taught the truth - that the eternal God came to earth as the incarnate Son to be the sacrificial offering for the sin of the world - so that by His death He could take the punishment for our sin upon His sinless shoulders - so that by His resurrection the sting of death was removed for all who would believe.
Along with many holy men of God, Isaiah prophesied of Christ; the Servant of God, Jesus Christ the righteous Who was sent to save His people Israel from their sins.
They were challenged to repent of their sin, to renounce their wickedness, to turn from their apostasy, to have a change of mind, and to turn away from their past offence against God.
Repentance for sin and faith in the gospel of God, are two sides of the same coin.
Turning from sin and turning to Christ was the message that was being proclaimed to the nation of Israel.
Godly sorrow for their sin combined with a wholehearted commitment to the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ as the object of faith was the single message.
The only possible way to turn away from sin is to turn to Christ.
And the only way to turn to Christ is to turn from sin.
Repentance from sin and faith in the gospel by necessity have to happen as a simultaneous act of will.
To believe on Christ by necessity requires a turning from sin: Repent and Believe.
Before He could set up His promised millennial rule, Jesus must first be offered as the one and only sacrificial Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world.
Before Israel could inherit the kingdom of God, Christ must die for their national sin and their personal sin and the sin of the world so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
But the Resurrection also gave each believer a future hope and great confidence, for in Christ the power of sin and death is forever defeated in the lives of all who trust in Him: And abundant grace was upon them all.
In Hebrew His name is Joshua, which means 'the Lord is salvation', and His life and death was poured out to pay the price for humanity's sin: sins past, sins present, and sins yet to be committed.
But here we read that His name shall be called Jesus, because He was the One to save His people from their sins.
This was so that Jesus could fulfil His promise and prophecies to unite the divided kingdoms of Judah and Israel into one glorious kingdom and to save that little nation from their sins.
But His name shall be called Jesus, for He shall save His people Israel from their sins.
Knowing that grace is given to the humble, we should earnestly seek after the precious fruit of the Spirit which will only develop and grow in the one that recognises that every manifestation of sin is rooted in a proud and arrogant heart: But He gives greater grace.
Jesus wanted to show... that just as He was able to heal all their sicknesses and provide for their physical needs, He is also the One Who could heal the broken soul, release them from the slave-market of sin, bind up their emotional distresses, and bring inner peace and joy to their heart.
Jesus came down to earth from heaven to breathe new life into those who were dead in their sin and estranged from God.
But all too often, the old sin nature causes the lust of the flesh and the pride of life to rear its ugly head so that we desire foolish things and think and ask unwisely.
The old sin nature will continue to expose itself throughout our earthly activities and attitudes, which is why we are reminded that we must keep 'self' nailed to the Cross so that we will not fulfil the lusts of the flesh.It is a craving for pleasure and an insatiable desire to gratify one's own bodily appetites, that causes covetousness to become such a serious issue in our lives and which caused James to spend considerable effort and time in identifying its deadly cause and addressing its much-needed cure.
Indeed, James points out that the sin of covetousness is so powerful that he allies its fruit with murder, which is rooted in anger, envy, bitterness, malice, cruelty, savagery, inhumanity, and greed.When the covetous self is determined to have its own way, it often translates into hidden manipulations and blatantly evil actions which can even pour forth in the form of pious praying.
for a season, covered the sins of the nation, or which removed them temporarily from defilement - until that day when the perfect Lamb of God would come to earth, and take away the sin of the world.
In former times, an annual atonement was made for the sin of the nation, where the blood of animals covered the sin of the people for a single year. And yet through the sacrifice of His life, Christ Jesus obtained eternal redemption, the forgiveness of sins, and life everlasting for all who would believe in Him.
He willingly offered His life as the full ransom price for the sin of the world, through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit of God.
Our sins are not merely covered for a season nor are we only cleansed outwardly through His blood.
By faith, we are freed from slavery to sin, and delivered from a nagging need to carry out 'dead works' of the flesh, in an attempt to justify ourselves, cover our own confusion, cleanse ourselves from our own unrighteousness, and appease our sin-offended God.
Like Moses, He fed the people in the wilderness and promised to save them from their sins... and so great multitudes followed Him... wondering if He could be the promised Son of David.
But God in His grace formulated a perfect plan of redemption for all mankind by sending His only begotten Son to become a Man, so that His perfect life and sacrificial death would satisfy God's righteous anger against all sin, including my sin and including yours.
Only those who believe on His death, burial, and Resurrection for the remission of sins are exempt from God's wrath.
For Christ received the full force of God's anger against sin on our behalf at Calvary; He was punished in our place, and in Him our redemption price was paid in full at Calvary.
How terrible to fall into the hands of a just and righteous God without having received salvation by grace through faith in His Son, Whose sacrificial death paid the price for our sins.
Our old sin nature was severed at the Cross, and our new life in Him is hidden with Christ in God, to His praise and glory.
What beautiful truths are shared about our new life in Christ, where we discover that we are all members of His Body, united together in Him, free from bondage to sin and the curse of the law, each one with his own distinctive gifts and ministries, but each looking to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
It is because of God's grace and mercy that sinful man is able to be redeemed by the blood of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and our sins washed away forever.
When we believed in Christ as Saviour, our sins were forgiven and we were declared righteous before God.
He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the power of the Holy Spirit, and then generously poured out the riches of the Holy Spirit upon us through Jesus Christ, simply because we trusted Him as our Saviour.
And in the new creation in Christ, it is the same miraculous move of the Spirit that dispels the deep, dark blackness of sin and death, and floods the soul that has lain dead in trespasses and sins, with His wonderful Word of Light.
The grace of God has been extended to everyone in that Christ became the sin-sacrifice for the whole world, and the grace of God becomes our permanent possession the moment we trust in Christ for our salvation.
When we are recipients of God's grace, by faith, we have access to God's peace: Peace WITH God because our sins are forgiven, and the peace OF God which guards our hearts as we rest and remain: In God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
God's plan of redemption was triggered when sin entered the world through Adam's sin - and the wages of sin is death.
Sin is rebellion against the Lord and cannot go unpunished.
But God so loved the world that He gave His Son to pay the price for the sin of mankind, through shedding His own lifeblood.
HE was to be punished for OUR sin.
He was to come at an appointed time to die for the sin of the world.
But until that appointed time, mans sin had to be covered, temporarily, through the shed blood of innocent goats and calves.
This covering had to be temporary, for mankind's sin could never be forgiven by the blood of goats and calves.
For multiple centuries, God continued to unveil his perfect plan of redemption, as feasts and festivals, together with the shed blood of goats and calves, pointed men to their coming Redeemer Who would save His people from their sin.
Like the Mosaic Law and Aaronic priesthood, the shed blood of innocent animals was a schoolmaster to point us to Christ's death on the Cross - the full, final, complete, and sufficient sacrifice for the sin of the world.
Man could only be redeemed and reconciled to God through the shed blood of a Kinsman Redeemer, and the Son of God became Son of Man to pay that price for our sin.
The Lord Jesus Christ was fully human - yet He was born without sin.
He came into this world with no sin nature for He was both the Son of God and God the Son.
Indeed, if He had not been a member of the human race - mankind's Kinsman, He could not have become our Kinsman-Redeemer, nor could He have shed His blood on the Cross to pay the price for our sin.
If Jesus was not fully God, He would not have been qualified to pay the price for sin - for God alone is holy, and righteous, good, and gracious.
God alone is free from sin.
God alone was good enough to pay the price for sin and obtain redemption for all who would believe.
However, God is Spirit and man is flesh, and the only acceptable price for the sin of mankind was the shed blood of a perfect Man.
Only a sinless Man could pay that price for the sin of the world, and God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son to be born into the human race and give His lifeblood as the ransom price for man's sin - so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
And Jesus was tried and tested as we are - yet, throughout the course of His earthly life, HE did not sin in thought, word, or deed.
Jesus was perfected, during His life, to equip Him for His role as the Author and Finisher of our faith - He was the source of eternal life for all who would believe in Him and He was sent by the Father to give His life as the ransom price for the sin of the world and obtain redemption for all who would believe on His name.
God was in Christ making peace between us and Himself and through HIM, all who believe on His name have obtained the forgiveness of sin and eternal redemption.
He complained that they were behaving like unsaved men, because their actions and attitudes were riddled with carnality and sin.
Paul seemed to labour the seriousness of all forms of sexual sins and the unholy abandonment of the godly relationship between a man and his wife, which is a sacred union instituted by God Himself, at the beginning of creation.
But it appears that this group of believers were abusing the grace of God and using it as a license to sin.
He experienced the full range of human emotions and was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without sin.
God demonstrates His own love toward each one of us in the same way that Christ showed love for this simple Samaritan woman, in that while we were yet sinners and dead in our trespasses and sin, with no hope in the world, Christ died for us.
How wonderful is the truth that we are saved, that all our sins were washed away, and we were born from above, the moment we trusted Christ Jesus as Saviour.
Indeed, one of the most difficult things for sinful man to accept is that salvation is a free gift of grace from God to those who simply believe on Christ as Saviour, those who believe that He died on the Cross to pay the price for our sins, and through believing on Him are given life everlasting.
We were not saved from our sins and brought into the family of God because of our good works, righteous deeds, important heritage, or exemplary behaviour.
But because He is rich in mercy and not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance and turn from their sins, He washed away our sins and gave us new life in Christ, by the power of His Holy Spirit, and the one and only 'condition' is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.
In His grace, He has forgiven our sins, adopted us into His family, covered us in the righteousness of Christ, and raised us up to sit with Him in heavenly places.
The gospel of the grace of God, where Christ was sent from heaven to become our Kinsman-Redeemer and the sin-substitute for mankind, is the adhesive that binds believers together in the perfect bond of unity, and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Never diminish the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ, for it is ONLY by faith in Him that we are redeemed from the slave-market of sin.
Only by faith in the sacrificial death of the Son of God, can our sins be forgiven and eternal life received.
We were saved with the precious blood of the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world - through His death on the Cross.
It is the unblemished and spotless blood of Christ that cleanses us from all sin.
Christ shed His blood for our sin... but His resurrection from the dead, in a body of flesh and bone, is our assurance that we too will rise into life immortal.
Without Christ's resurrection, we would be forgiven of our sin but remain in the grave.
Although death was brought into this world through a man who sinned, it was also through the MAN Who did not sin that resurrection from the dead was secured for all who would believe.
They carried his bed onto the roof and let this paralysed man down into the courtyard below, so that the Son of God could heal his body and forgive his sins.
From the Seed of the woman with its promise of salvation... to God's own little 'book of remembrance,' and His pledge to judge the world in righteousness, the focus of our attention throughout the Old Testament Scripture is always centred on Christ, the hope of Israel Who will save His people from their sins - by faith.
God cannot look upon sin, for He is holy.
Sin must, therefore, be punished... and so we see in Isaiah's prophetic writings, numerous examples of tribes and nations, cities and all peoples, being warned of coming devastation and catastrophic ruin, before being promised a time of justice and righteousness which will spring forth when Christ is heralded as the coming Shepherd of Israel - and acknowledged as the eternal King of righteousness.
God's judgement on the sin of individual believers in this dispensation of grace, was poured out on Christ on our behalf, at Calvary.
He broke the power of sin and death in the life of all who would be saved by grace through faith in Him.
Those that seek to water down the Word of God in order to flatter the lust of the flesh and the prideful desires of fallen man, side-step the issue of the blood-stained Cross of Christ, Whose precious blood was shed for the sin of the world so that whosoever believes in Him might be saved.
It is imperative that we maintain an ever-open channel of communication between ourselves and our Heavenly Father, and when that channel of communication is closed, it is not the fault of our Father but our own, for sin in its many guises and disguises is the single cause that keeps sinful man from a holy God and keeps a forgiven sinner from his Heavenly Father.
It is by His grace that we were forgiven of our sins and brought into loving fellowship with Him, and it is by His grace that we are being perfected to be conformed into the likeness of His dear Son.
No doubt he also heard the precious pardon awarded to the dying thief, the words of grace offered to His mother, His anguished cry when He took the full weight of the world's sin upon His sinless shoulders, and surely this same centurion heard Christ's triumphant proclamation of His forever finished work - IT IS FINISHED - Tetelestai.
This man had no doubt been present at the cruel beating of Christ and witnessed the point when the sun was darkened for three hours and a great and mighty earthquake announced heaven's verdict on the sinful actions of sinful man - as the wrath of God was poured out on the sinless Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.
Surely the life of that centurion, who was witness to Christ's redemptive payment for his sin, and the sin of every member of the fallen human race - including your sin and mine, was never the same after he watched Jesus on the Cross, and witnessed the earthquake, the darkness, and the many things that were done to our Lord.
The curse of the Law is death and there is nothing that we can do to lift that curse or to pay the redemption price for our sin.
The penalty for our sin is death, and this is a death-penalty that we justly deserve.
All have sinned and fallen short of the glory and perfection of God, and the wages of sin is death.
Trusting in the death, burial, and Resurrection of the only begotten and sinless Son of God, is the one and only price that is acceptable by a righteous God as payment for our sins.
There is nothing, absolutely NOTHING that we can do to redeem ourselves from the penalty of sin and be set free from the curse of the Law.
God's wrath was poured out upon Jesus to pay the price for your sins and for mine instead of God's wrath being poured out on you and on me.
Despite the exalted magnificence and almighty splendour of the thrice-holy God, His desire is to renew a right spirit within the heart of lost souls who are dead in sin and at enmity with Him.
It is only those who are contrite of heart and lowly of spirit who will be revived by the Lord and redeemed from the slave-market of sin.
Only those placing faith in His grace and mercy, through trusting in God's sin-substitute for salvation will be revived, redeemed, and restored.
He will renew the spirit of every man or woman who walks humbly before Him and He will give courage to those that are crushed by the burden of sin - for He alone is the High and Lofty One Who lives forever and ever - and holy is His name.
He was the only begotten Son of the Father Who would come to earth, at the appointed time, to save His people from their sin.
As we consider this heavenly Commander Who stood before Joshua with His sword raised in His hand, we recognise Him to be the same Saviour Who redeemed us from the slave market of sin.
And the very question that Joshua asked, should be asked of each one of us What has my Lord to say to His servant? It was Jesus, our Lord and our God Who redeemed us from the slave-market of sin.
It was Jesus Who came to earth as our Kinsman-Redeemer, shed His blood on the Cross for our redemption, and broke the power of sin and death in our lives through His glorious Resurrection.
Although they confessed the God of Israel with their mouth, they refused to repent of their own sins and the accumulated sins of the nation.
The Son of God alone was the suffering Servant Who would save His people from their sin.
Jesus alone was the One Who was able to pay the price for the sin of the world, so that all who would believe on Him would be saved.
Christ is God incarnate Who came to earth to pay the price for the sin of the whole world - so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
Only Jesus Christ was good enough to become the sinless sacrifice for the sin of the world for He alone is the image and glory of the invisible God.
Christ alone upholds all things by the word of His power - and when He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels.
As believers, we can allow sin to rule and reign in our mortal body and give in to the sinful desires of our fleshly nature OR we can consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We can allow sin and Satan to have authority over our bodies OR, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we can nail our old sin nature to the Cross and present our members to God as instruments for righteousness, holy and acceptable unto God.
Whenever we allow sin to govern our choices and impact behaviour for evil, we place ourselves back under the influence of Satan.
In order to overcome the temptations of the enemy, we are simply instructed to resist; resist the devil, resist the temptation, resist the sin, resist the evil.
He reminds us that Christ is our Saviour Who died to redeem us from the punishment of sin and rose again to live in us, saving us from the power of sin in our lives.
Centuries of rebellion and idolatry dictated that God's chosen nation of Israel had to be punished because of sin and they would be taken into captivity until the time of the end.
Isaiah's prolonged ministry gave details of how the Lord was to bring in a period of time; 'The Times of the Gentiles' during which Gentile nations would become supreme on earth, subjugate Israel, and govern the world, until God's people, as a nation, repent of their sin.
Peace is incompatible in a world of sin, where turmoil within and confusion without, is the awful legacy of man's sinful rebellion against his Creator.
No peace can rule in the bloodied heart of a man who is dead in his sins, but Christ's words of comfort to His little flock must have brought them great consolation on that last Passover night.
Man was created innocent, faultless, and without a sin-nature to prompt him towards evil, and the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.
The Lord Jesus would be tested as we are, but He would not sin.
whereas Adam disobeyed Him and fell into sin.
Just as all who are born into this world are Adam's sinful progeny, and identified with Adam's sin..
For multiple centuries, the prophets of old had foretold of a coming Messiah Who would save His people from their sins.
Praise God that the glory of the Cross includes Christ's resurrection from the dead, as well as his death on the Cross... for God raised Him from the dead so that all who trust in Him for the forgiveness of sins would not perish, but receive His everlasting life.
God turned the greatest tragedy into the greatest triumph, for through Christ's death, the penalty of sin was paid and by means of His resurrection, the power of death in the lives of all who believe was broken forever - for although Christ was delivered and disowned in the presence of Pilate, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, glorified His servant Jesus Whom today is seated on the right hand of the Almighty in power and great glory - and He deserves our everlasting glory, thanks, honour, and praise.
God is not only in the midst of us, but He is the Almighty God and as such, He is mighty to save His people, not only from their enemies without and their fears within, but also from the curse of sin and death.
Christ is the provision for our need, the remedy for our fear, the cure for our problems, and the antidote to sin.
But in chapter 3, we are immediately confronted with man's fall in the Garden of Eden, when sin entered the world.
It is from chapter 3 that we discover that the shocking consequences of sin affect the life of every member of the human race.
It was from this one action that a sin nature has been imputed to all men, from conception.
We discover how sin caused God's beautiful world to be cursed.
We understand that sin, which was spawned in Eden, is the reason that the whole of creation groans.
Satan, a fallen cherub, enticed the couple to sin by appealing to their pride, their physical desires, and their fleshly appetites.
with no ability to correct their conduct or compensate for their sin.
The actions of Adam and Eve demonstrate that sin is rooted in self... self-determination; self-will; self-governance; self-satisfaction; self-righteousness.
It shows that sin is accompanied by a desire to be independent of the Lord.
It is sin that urges us to become master of our own destiny.
The actions of this couple demonstrate the serious and irreversible fruit that is produced when sin has overtaken the heart of man, for it breaks man's fellowship with the Lord Who made him.
There is no covering for sin, except the shedding of innocent blood.
There is no recompense that can be paid to forgive our secret sins.
There is no forgiveness for trespasses that can be manufactured through man's own cunning, and there is no payment man can make that is sufficient to cover the cost of sin.
From the time that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, the wages of sin for every man and woman is death, and their siritual death occurred the moment they ate of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
We are born dead in trespasses and sins.
The choices Adam and Eve made when sin crept in and crouched at their door, had eternal consequences for the entire human race for by that one man’s trespass, death reigned in the lives of all.
God's overflowing grace began to be poured out into the world and His precious gift of salvation came to reign in life, through the one Man, Jesus Christ - Who became the atonement for the sin of the whole world.
May we look to Jesus, abide in Him, and walk in the light as He is in the light... and when we fall into sin, may we quickly confess our sin to God, knowing that He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.
The Lord Jesus came to earth as the sin substitute for mankind, and fulfilled all that the Father ordained so that we could be set free from the curse of sin, by faith in Him.
Paul had to come to the shocking truth that within his very being was an inherited sin nature that was far removed from the holiness that God required of everyman, and only the precious blood of the perfect God-Man, the Lord Jesus Christ, could cleanse his heart and wash away the blackness of his sins.
Paul discovered that Christ paid the full price for all his sin and by believing on Him.
God clothed Paul in the righteousness of Christ so that he would never again be enslaved by sin.
But sadly, they fail to see that as a member of a fallen race, they are inheritors of sin and death and fall short of the glory of God.
It is only through the grace of God that He sent His only begotten Son to pay the full price of our sins so that simply by believing in Him we would be clothed in righteousness of God, based on faith in Christ.
Christ is the omniscient, omnipotent, eternal Creator who took on human flesh and died a cruel death to pay the price for our sins.
Oh, the Cross gave forgiveness of sins, but the Resurrection broke the power of sin and death that reigns in the mortal body of fallen man so that we too may rise to newness of life, in Christ: That I may know this mighty power of Christ's Resurrection.
For 70 years, the people of Judah had been in exile, because they had broken their covenant with God and ignored many prophetic warnings to repent of their sin and return to trusting in the Lord their God.
Many disobeyed the Lord, Who had made it clear through Jeremiah the prophet that Judah's punishment would only last 70 years, after which He would restore His people, if they acknowledged their sin while living away from the land He promised to their forefathers, as an everlasting inheritance.
Every Christian is a member of the Body of Christ, but too often the works of the flesh and the old sin nature allow ungodly thoughts, words, and deeds to expose a carnal attitude that is trying to disguise itself inside a spiritual coating.
The only way for sin to be forgiven and the sentence of death to be removed, was through the sacrificial death of a perfect Kinsman-Redeemer.
Only a sinless Man was qualified to offer His life to pay the price for sin, but there was no man who was good - no not even one.
Man's inherent sin nature, which was due to sin, dictated that no man could ever be good enough to become the perfect sacrifice that God demanded for payment of sin..
and so in His grace, God Himself chose to be born into the human race so that His death would be sufficient to pay the price for the sin of the world.
It was the incarnate God, in nature and character, Who would be sent as the sacrifice for humanities sin, but He would also be a perfect Man in human flesh - yet without sin.
Due to man's rebellion and sin, the whole world was lying in the grasp of the evil one.
All humanity was fatally influenced and infected by the satanic forces that caused Adam to sin.
The Gentiles were to be told of the glorious gospel of the coming King of Israel Who would save them from their sin by faith.
The first Adam had failed miserably to fulfil the will of God for his life, rendering the entire human race dead in their sins, at enmity with God, under the curse of the Law, and in bondage to sin, self, Satan, death and hell.
Jesus was appointed to be the sin-sacrifice for the race of mankind.
He was to become the last Adam and federal head of a new creation of humanity and was about to be tested in every way as we are, yet without sin.
The first Adam was God's first representative man and because he failed, we failed in him which rendered us dead in our sins, at enmity with God, under the curse of the Law, and in bondage to sin, self, Satan, death and hell.
The last Adam triumphed victoriously, and as God's final representative Man, all who believe on Him for salvation have also triumphed in Him, which renders us alive in Christ, reconciled to God, set free from bondage to sin, self, Satan, death and hell.
Instead of being identified with the first Adam and his sin and death, we are now identified with Christ and His righteousness and life.
Before he fell, Lucifer was God's anointed guardian cherub, but when prideful sin entered his heart and he challenged God's supremacy, he became: That old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world.
Having laid the indestructible foundation that sinful man is irrefutably lost and at enmity with God through rebellion and sin, and having proved that all humanity have fallen far short of the glorious perfection that God expects from His creation, Paul jubilantly proclaims the triumphant victory of Christ's finished work on the Cross, over Adam's sin and our inherent sin nature.
Although sin caused us to be weak and powerless to help ourselves, we discover that Christ died on behalf of the ungodly, justifying and acquitting all who believe in Him for salvation and bringing us into a right relationship with the Father, through time into eternity.
It was not because of our goodness that we were delivered from our just punishment for sin, for it was while we were still enemies of God and dead in our trespasses and sins that Christ died for us.
Having been made righteous through the blood of Jesus Christ, while we were still enemies of God and wallowing in sinful rebellion, and having received the free gift of eternal life by grace through faith in Him, how much more certain is it that, during this life, we shall be delivered daily from the dominion of sin in our lives through Christ's resurrection life?
It is good to fly to him in prayer to confess any foolish sin or when we find our emotions and feeling are causing fear to rise in our hearts and doubts to fill our minds.
Jesus came to earth to save His people from their sin, in fulfilment of God's promise to the fathers.
He was sent to redeem mankind from their sin and to impute those who believed in Him with His own divine nature and perfect righteousness so that by His grace, we could be His mouthpiece and tell forth the honour of His name.
But the Lord was more interested in this man's eternal soul and did not want him to miss the opportunity of salvation through faith in his Messiah, and so the Lord Jesus searched for him and we read: Afterward He found him in the temple and said to him, 'Behold, you have become well; do not sin anymore, so that nothing worse happens to you.'
But Christ loved this man... and desired him to be saved, which caused the Saviour to search this man out and warn him not to sin again in case something worse happened to him.
Although certain illness and ailments may result from sinfulness, the eternal consequences of sin are far more terrible than a lifetime of sickness... for the wages of sin is death, which means eternal separation from God and all that is good - however, the gift of God is eternal life for all who trust in Him - through Jesus Christ our Lord.
We are all born - physically alive but spiritually dead in our sins, but every one of us has the opportunity to have ALL our sin forgiven, by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
But how terrible for the unsaved sinner who rejects God's offer of salvation and dies in their sin - for they will be judged for the good works THEY did and not the good work that JESUS did on their behalf - but the good deeds they did will inevitably fall short of the glory of God.
The incomparable offering of Christ as the sin sacrifice for the world, is similarly of infinitely superior worth than the Old Testament sacrifices of bulls and goats, for in Christ, the God-Man, we have a better sanctuary, a better covenant, and an eternal hope.
God knew in His omniscience that man would sin and in the eternal council chambers of the triune Godhead had already determined to rescue fallen humanity from the curse of sin and death, that He knew would result from man's disobedience and rebellion.
The work of the creation may have been completed on the sixth day for we read that God rested on the seventh day, but a far, FAR greater work of the triune Godhead immediately began the moment man sinned in that good and perfect place; and that redemptive work continues today as sinners who are convicted of sin and righteousness and judgement are saved by grace through faith in Christ's finished work on Calvary.
The whole creation was tainted with sin that day when man sinned in the idyllic garden of Eden, and creation continues to groan in travail as it eagerly awaits the glorious liberty of the children of God, and the wonderful day when Christ returns to rule and reign and have dominion over the earth as God initially intended when man was created in His own image, on the sixth day.
The content of the Psalm brings to mind the tale of righteous Job who was accused of sinning against the Lord by the uncomfortable accusations of his judgemental 'friends', even though he did not sin with his lips nor charge the Lord with wrongdoing.
Unaware that Satan was permitted by God to bring every sort of punishment upon his head, Job did not sin against the Lord nor blame God for anything.
We are not told in this Psalm that David's punishing circumstances were a result of sin, even though the king considered this must be the reason for his chastening and sought forgiveness from the Lord.
Although God will often discipline His children because of sin, not all our problems are a result of sin.
It was the sinful condition of the nation that aroused God's flaming anger, for a holy God cannot look upon sin.
It was because of Israel's rebellious sin and unbelief that the people stood guilty before the Lord - and it is because of sin that the fallen, Adamic race is spiritually dead in trespasses and sins and at enmity with God.
Israel had been given every opportunity to follow the Lord and trust His Word - and yet they did not understand the dire consequences of innate sin and their many sins.
BUT GOD in His grace looked down on guilty, apostate, defiant Israel, and purposed to send His own, unblemished Son to be the Lamb of God Who would take away the sin of the world.
Jesus was sent to be the perfect Lamb, slain before the foundation of the earth - through Whose sacrificial blood their scarlet sins could be wiped away, by faith, and become as white as snow: Though your sins are red like crimson, they will be like wool, is God's promise to His people Israel - and His promises are 'YES' and 'AMEN' in Christ Jesus our Lord.
While we were yet sinners, God gave His only begotten Son to be the sacrifice for our sin - so that by grace through faith in Him, we might be redeemed, receive eternal life, and be returned into sweet fellowship with our Heavenly Father.
How important to learn this lesson from Israel's failure... that God is not mocked nor will He tolerate the sin of His people.
Jesus was the promised Messiah Who was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel to save His chosen people from their sins.
The new was to replace the old, but throughout Christ's earthly life the religious leaders of Israel sought to hold on to the old familiar religion of Judaism by denying and eventually crucifying the very Person Whom God sent to save them from their sin.
But He also knew that sinners first had to turn from their sin, and believe on Him as Saviour, before being imputed with Christ own righteousness.
The new life of Christ which is given to all who believe, was to replace the old sin nature which was imputed to us from Adam.
They can choose whether or not believe in God and Jesus Christ Whom He sent to save them from their sins, and if they choose to believe, they will be forgiven of their sins and clothed in the righteousness of Christ.
But once saved, the believer also has two choices: Either revert back to the religiosity of the old sin nature and seek to produce a self-righteousness of their own, by producing good works through self-effort which are rejected by God, or they live their new-life in Christ and produce works of Christ-righteousness as He lives in and through them.
Such sacrificial love demands our complete and undivided love, not as a legalistic requirement but as our own, pure love-offering to the One Who was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, and Who willingly bore the punishment on the Cross for our sins.
He was to be used to bring people from the dominion of Satan into the family God so that sinners may be sanctified by faith in Christ, receive forgiveness of sins, and a heavenly inheritance.
All of us are born dead in sin, at enmity with God, and without a hope of saving ourselves by our good works.
Surely, if a man like Saul with such aggressive hatred against Christ and the Church could become the most devoted follower of the Lord Jesus, others can have the assurance that their sin can also be forgiven, by grace through faith in Him.
Surely, if Paul's mercilessly slaughtering Christians and incarcerating men, women, and children in prison can be forgiven by God, there is no sin too great that cannot be forgiven, except for the sin of UNBELIEF.
What a comfort to know that Christ won the victory over sin, Satan, death, and hell, and that HE is the STONE, cut without hands, that is going to destroy the kingdoms of this world and set up the kingdom of God on earth.
As he penned his final epistle from a dungeon in Rome, Paul wanted to encourage this young pastor to stand fast in the faith and endure the inevitable challenges he would face, if he were to be faithful in ministry, remain true to the glorious gospel of grace, and preach the Word of God to a world that was dead in sins and at enmity with God.
Every believer is placed in union with Christ, (positionally sanctified) the moment they place their trust in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins.
The moment we are saved, the penalty for our sin is paid in full.
But for the rest of our life, we are being delivered from the power of the old sin nature... as the old flesh lusts against our new spiritual life and the spirit lusts against the flesh (our new life in Christ is at enmity with our old sin nature).
The way to become more Christ-like is to stop presenting the members of our body to sin... as instruments of unrighteousness.
How can I achieve victory over the old sin nature?
How can I conquer this body of sin so that I can please the Lord and live a holy life?
How can I live godly in Christ Jesus when it seems that every good thing I want to do is tainted by my old sin nature?
We are to know that before salvation we were slaves to sin, but after salvation we are set free from bondage to sin and the curse of the law.
The Bible tells us that when we are saved by grace through faith in Christ, we are dead to sin and alive to Christ.
He identified with our death so that by faith we identify with His eternal life - and we are therefore to reckon ourselves dead to sin and to reckon ourselves alive to Christ - we simply believe what the Bible tells us is true.
We are not to continue presenting the members of our body to sin... as instruments of unrighteousness.
Just as Christ identified with us and became sin for us so we might be made the righteousness of God in Him, we too are to identify with Christ in His rejection, suffering, shame, loss, and death, so that in Him we too may rise to newness of life - a life of faith - a life lived in the power of the Spirit - a life lived in submission to the will of God - a life that says: Thy will not mine be done.
Christ was raised with a body of flesh and bone, because His blood was shed at Calvary to pay the price for our sin, and in like manner we will also be raised with bodies of flesh and bone – for when we see Him we shall be like Him.
By His sacrificial work and glorious resurrection, He has broken the power of sin and Satan, death and hell, in the lives of all who believe on Him.
God's Firstborn from the dead, smashed forever the chains that were enslaving humanity to sin and death and hell.
He broke, forever, sins enslavement and set the captives free once and for all, and Jesus Christ is coming in the clouds as the rightful Judge of the earth - and at the name of JESUS every knee will one day bow.
When Saul set out to persecute believers in Damascus he was a proud, religiously minded man who was dead in trespasses and sin and at enmity with God, but after his encounter with Christ, he listened, he responded, his spiritual eyes were opened to the truth of the gospel, and Saul was wonderfully saved by grace through faith in Jesus - the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world - the sacrifice for sin including your sin, my sin, and the sin of ALL who turn to Him in faith.
Justification takes place the instant a condemned sinner hears and believes the gospel - that Christ died as the sacrifice for their sin and is risen from the dead.
It could only expose sin and reveal the need for salvation and a Saviour.
Paul knew that the wages of sin had determined that man was eternally estranged from God, but God in His grace had planned one way of salvation.
But in His grace, God determined that the sinner's death sentence could be exchanged for the life of Another Who would willingly give His sinless life as the one and only ransom price sin for the sin of mankind, and God in His wisdom knew that His only begotten Son was the one and only hope by which man could be saved.
God is all-wise, all-knowing, all-powerful and eternal, and He knew that the one and only way to redeem fallen mankind from their eternal death-sentence and slavery to sin was to die in man's place, for there is no one that is good enough to pay the price for sin, not even one.
And He died for the sin of the world which would redeem all who would believe on His name.
Man initiated sin through false reasoning and man continues to seek salvation through his own flawed human wisdom, but no matter how wise or accomplished men become they cannot discover God through their own human reasoning and pour scorn on the one and only way by which man can be saved, making the wisdom of man to be foolishness and themselves to be fools: Salvation is only found at the foot of the Cross.
He become the sacrifice for all sin and the Saviour of all who would trust in His name: For by Him, and through Him, and for Him, all things were created.
We who have been saved from the PENALTY of sin by grace through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ, have the continuing promise that we shall go on being saved from the POWER of sin in our lives.
Jesus explained that a true disciple not only believes in Him for salvation and the forgiveness of sins, but also trusts Him to break the power of sin in their lives by denying themselves, taking up their cross, and following after Him.
That hope began the moment we were born again, when we were taken from the kingdom of darkness into the arms of our beloved Saviour, but it was planned in the heart of God in eternity past and it was cemented in heaven the moment Christ burst from the tomb and broke the power of sin, and death, and hell.
But our hope is not for this world, nor must it ever be but rather, we have an eternal hope that was planned in the heart of God, is firmly set in His immutable Word, and was cemented in heaven the moment Christ burst from the tomb and broke the power of sin and death and hell in the lives of all who believe on the name of the Lord Jesus.
Various forms of legalism have been entertained over the years by different religious groups, but the particular brand of legalism that he opposed so vehemently, was the one that rendered Christ's death on the Cross as insufficient, and the sacrificial offering of Himself for our sin as irrelevant.
The Law given to Moses was perfect but was designed to identify sin in the life of a sinner, causing them to recognise their sinfulness and need of a Saviour.
Many contend that Paul is saying that when a truly born-again believer falls into sin by trying to keep the Law, they are immediately cut off from Christ and have irredeemably fallen from grace, indicating that they have lost their eternal salvation. This erroneous teaching suggests that if believers do not live a completely righteous life, they are eternally lost and can never be saved again.
Others interpret this to suggest that a believer who sins immediately loses their salvation and will have to be saved again and again and again, according to preferred doctrinal views.
We have moved from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. Our filthy covering of sin has been replaced with a robe of righteousness.
But there is more, for we have all been given the gift of the permanently indwelling Holy Spirit of Christ, Who Himself triumphed over every proud principality and power, crushing the head of sin and darkness at the greatest Cross-Road of history.
We have been wonderfully set free from the curse of sin and have overcome every satanic stronghold, because of our faith in Christ.
From the time of our rebirth into the family of God to the return of Christ for His Church, we are pilgrims, passing through a world of sin, en-route to our eternal home.
He offered His life as the sacrifice for sin and died to pay the price for the sin of the whole world.
In various passages, the Son of God is trumpeted as the first-born from the dead, and because He lives, we... who have trusted His name for the forgiveness of sins, will also rise to life immortal.
Christ offered His life as the sacrifice for the sin of the whole world and died to pay the price for your transgressions and for mine.
Israel's sin did not seem to be so great by comparison.
But all sin must be punished and Habakkuk was given a great assurance, by God, that the barbaric nation that He would use to punish His own people would themselves be punished.
Christ not only died for sin - for our justification, but He died unto sin - for our sanctification.
He not only died for sin, by paying the penalty of sin, but He died unto sin, breaking the power of sin in our life.
When He died for sin, we were born from above to free us from the bondage of our old inherited sin-nature, and He gave us new spiritual life.
At salvation, we were actually imputed with Christ's resurrected life so that we could function without being under bondage to sin.
The seed of the first man was riddled with sin.
When Christ died we died in Him, which freed us from the law of sin and death.
This is a Biblical truth which we are to know as fact, we are to reckon on it as fact, and apply in our life as fact: We must know and reckon that our old self was crucified with Christ, in order that our old sin nature might be done away with, rendering us no longer slaves to sin, but freeing us from its power and releasing us from the curse of the Law.
And the reason: He who died has been freed from sin.
The one who died with Christ has been set free from the power of sin and declared to be righteous in the eyes of God.
Reckoning ourselves dead to sin as instructed by the Word of God does not make this a fact; it already is a fact in the life of all Christians.
Because we are in union with Him we are identified with His death, and reckoning ourselves dead to sin as instructed by the Word of God helps us to apply this truth in our own lives.
Believers are to rest in the glorious Biblical fact of our identification with Christ Who is God's representative Man, Who set us free from the power of sin over our lives.
Just as the sinner is to rest in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus for the forgiveness of sins, so the saint is to rest in Christ Jesus for their deliverance from sin.
Just as the wages of sin were paid by the death of Christ for the salvation of sinners, so the power of sin was broken in the life of believers when Christ died.
For we died with Him and: He who died is freed from sin.
We must reckon on the fact that: He who has died is freed from sin.
Our identification with Christ's death freed us from sin; death; the curse of the Law; the power of Satan and the influence of the world.
We are now under grace; forgiven by God; accepted in the Beloved; covered in Christ's righteousness and freed from the power of sin and the curse of the Law because we died and our life is hid with Christ in God.
What blessed folk we are to be freed from the power of sin, and how foolish if we do not appropriate what is ours in Christ.
because Jesus took our sins upon Himself, giving His body to be nailed on the tree so that we, being dead to sin in Christ, might be raised to newness of life in Him.
We became one with Christ, in the likeness of His death and sin no longer has dominion over those that are in union with Him.
Let us reckon on this truth and start to live a truly victorious life: He who has died is freed from the power of sin.
And despite calling the nation of Israel to repent of their sins and return to the Lord, he wept over Jerusalem when he witnessed the fulfilment of his own prophecies from God; the ruination of Jerusalem, the destruction of the Temple, and slavery for God's people in the land of Babylon.
The virgin daughter of Jerusalem had been disgraced due to their persistent sin and blatant spiritual adultery.
Even when we walk in carnality or drift away from our first love through disinterest or sin, He remains true to His Word.
For it pleased the LORD to crush Christ Jesus and to put Him to grief so that He would be the guilt offering - the sin offering - the blood-sacrifice - the innocent Lamb of God through Whom man individually and humanity collectively could have forgiveness of sins, by faith: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whosoever believes on His name would not perish but have everlasting life.
We are no longer affected by the curse of sin and death, but are imputed with Christ's righteousness and are given His eternal life as a free gift of God's grace. Being positioned in Christ means that we are identified with Him in every way. All that was achieved by Him at Calvary we have secured in Him and through Him.
When Christ was crucified on the Cross FOR our sin, we were 'crucified TO sin' at that very moment so that all the benefits of His sacrificial death and glorious resurrected life became our personal benefits, which God imputed to us by grace.
Today, we are hindered by our fallen sin nature which tries to govern our heart, impede our spiritual progress, destroy our testimony, and prevent us from maturing in the Christian faith.
Paul reminds us that death is the greatest enemy of a man's soul and the sting and severity of sin is death, while the terrible power of sin is the perfect law of God which is His greatest tool to identify men's sinfulness and point us to Christ.
False witnesses were found who made up charges against Him, but the allegations of His accusers conflicted with one another, their testimony was discredited, and no fault was found in the holy Lamb of God Who came to take away the sin of the world.
Was Simon's heart stirred to step forward unhesitatingly and do what little he could to comfort this beloved Man, Who was to be nailed to the cross and bear the sin of the world on His shoulders?
Did Simon later discover that the sins Christ bore on that day included his sins as well?
Did Simon become a changed man because he believed that the shed blood of Christ, which no doubt stained his own clothing, was the price that had been paid for his sin?
But out of this terrible destruction, we read elsewhere that the eternal ages to come will follow this Day-of-the-Lord - when God will make a new heaven and a new earth which will be untainted with sin.
God knew that man would sin and ruin His perfect creation, but He also purposed to redeem mankind and to remove the curse from His beautiful world: For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
In Christ we have been made an entirely new race of people, which has removed us from the power of sin and death in our lives, and released us from the eternal condemnation of God's holy law.
Jesus hung on the Cross alone and paid the price of our sins alone.
There is nothing that sinful man could ever do, past, present, or future, through time and into eternity, that is sufficient to pay the incalculable price for our sin.
As our substitute, His sacrificial death paid the price for our sin, releasing us from the penalty of sin.
As our representative, His finished work on the Cross fulfilled all the righteous requirements of the law on our account, releasing us from the power of sin.
As our substitute, He died for our sins and we are forgiven and declared righteous.
As our representative, He died unto sin, rendering us no longer under the wrath of God and lifting us from the hand of His righteous condemnation.
Jesus took our many sins to the Cross together with our old, fallen sinful nature, and there He paid the price of our sin by His death and in so doing, in the sight of God, we died together with Him.
The death of Christ rendered us dead in the sight of the law, freed from the power of sin over us, released us from the eternal punishment that we justly deserve, and pronounced us righteous in the sight of God.
He (though sinless and innocent) identified with our sin so that we (although sinful and guilty) could be identified with HIS righteousness.
As the believer's substitute, He paid the price for our sins and rendered us forgiven.
But as the Christian's representative, He broke the power of sin and death within; setting us free from the authority of the law and delivering us from the consequences of our imputed sin nature, which is a slave to the world, the flesh, and the devil.
We are forgiven of sin because He died for us, but we are delivered from sin because we died in Him.
God knew that there was no way that we could pay the price for our sins and so He died in our place.
God also knew that there was no way that once we are saved by grace through faith, we could obey the law, resist worldly lusts, curb our fleshly desires, resist the devil, and be freed from the power of sin in our own human strength.
God knew that the old sin nature that was imputed to us via Adam was incurable; incapable of being reformed or improved, unable to be mortified in our own strength, and incapable of being trained to become righteous.
It is impossible for the old sin nature to be reformed or cleansed.
One could contemplate the wealth of truth packed into this single verse for a lifetime and only scratch the surface of God's amazing grace towards us, but praise God that in Christ as our representative Man, we are no longer slaves to sin and Satan, and we are no longer slaves to the law, for we died to sin and we died to the Law and our life is hid with Christ in God.
Let us worship before the throne of grace, and offer Him our unending thanksgiving and praise for sending Jesus to be the sacrifice for our sin, and the Firstfruit from the grave.
Attaining the unity of the saints and a knowledge of the Son of God will never be fully realised while we are still living on this earth in our sinful state... for our old, sin-nature lusts against the new Christ-like nature we received at rebirth.
At salvation, we receive the same eternal life of Jesus Christ Who rose from the dead in power and great glory, and triumphed over Satan, sin, and death.
At salvation, we were imputed with Christ's righteousness so that IN Him and THROUGH Him and BY Him and FOR Him we have power over sin, Satan, our old, fleshly Adamic nature, and are set free from the law, sin, and death.
God foreknew whether you and I would place our trust in the death, burial, and Resurrection of His only begotten Son, and in ages past He preordained that our old sin nature would die to self, and our new life in Christ would be changed into the very likeness of Jesus in His humanity.
In like manner, we who were once dead in trespasses and sins have been predestined to become just like Christ, in every essential characteristic.
The Lord Jesus Christ was fully human - yet He was born without sin.
He came into this world without a sin nature for He was Son of the most high God.
Indeed, if He had not been a member of the human race, He could not have become our Kinsman-Redeemer, nor could He have died on the Cross to pay the price for our sin.
If Jesus was not fully God, He would not have been qualified to pay the price for sin - for God alone is holy and righteous, good and gracious.
God alone is free from sin.
God alone was good enough to pay the price for sin.
However, God is Spirit and man is flesh and bone, and the only acceptable price for the sin of mankind was the shed blood of a perfect Man.
Only a sinless Man could pay the price for the sin of the world, and God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son to be born into the human race and give His life as the ransom price for mans' sin - so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish but have everlasting life.
And Jesus was tried and tested just as we are - yet, throughout the course of His earthly life, HE did not sin in thought, word, or deed.
Jesus was perfected during His life, to equip Him for His role as the Author and Finisher of our faith - He was the source of eternal life for all who would believe in Him and He was sent by the Father to give His life as the ransom price for our sin.
Sin had to be punished and the wrath of God was poured out on His beloved Son - as payment for our sin so that we might be reconciled back to Himself.
Justice had been done. The price of sin had been paid.
In His omniscience, God knew that the man He was to create in His own image and likeness on the sixth day, would sin.
Not only did God provide us with the terrestrial signs and seasons we so enjoy, but also celestial signs and prophetic seasons so that we would know God's plan and purposes, and trust in Jesus Christ, Who came to save the world from their sin.
He is breaking up the fallow ground within our own hearts and He is sowing His seeds of love and grace, humility, kindness, and patience, as He weeds out the thorns and thistles of Self-interest, Self-importance, and Self-dependence - which is the ugly fruit of the old sin nature.
Christ died to pay the price for sins committed in our lives so that we might be forgiven, and Christ rose again the third day to break the power of sin in our lives so that we may live the rest of our Christian life free from the powerful strangle-hold of sin within our hearts.
Paul paints in spectacular technicolour what it means to be children of God, accepted in the Beloved, dead to the power of sin in our lives, and alive unto God through the life of Christ, now resident within and able to work in us and through us, to the glory of God.
Prior to believing in the Lord Jesus, sin and death had power over us 24/7.
Once we believed in Him, the power of sin and death was broken giving us the choice to walk in our new godly life in Christ rather that to walk in the old sinful, fleshly life in Adam.
Paul in this verse was reminding the Roman believers of a truth that he had taught them some time before: Since we have all died to sin, how can we continue to keep on sinning?
Although we live in a sin-sick world that is at enmity with God and at war with His anointed Son... and although we see the most shocking corruption saturating the highest offices of government, God is faithful to fulfil His many precious promises to those that are His.
Instead of facing God's justified wrath and eternal indignation, grace and peace has been multiplied to us, by faith in Christ Jesus our Saviour, and in Him we have been forgiven of our many sins and reckoned by our Heavenly Father as righteous.
Jesus is the sacrificial Lamb of God: Who takes away the sin of the world, and it was finished at Calvary.
Jeremiah the prophet, who was witness to the dispersion of the Jews into Babylon and who wept over the destruction of the holy city, was given a great and precious promise for the nation of Israel: the promise of a new and better covenant, an unconditional covenant where God declared, I will be merciful to their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.
But we too, who once were dead in our trespasses and sin and far away from God, have been brought near by the precious blood of Christ.
One day Israel will also rejoice as God's chosen, covenant people when they cry, Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord, for God has promised His chosen people, Israel, I will be merciful to their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.
The Son of the Father came to earth as the sacrifice for sin, because of God's great loving-kindness, His sweet tender-compassion, and His eternal goodness, grace, and mercy, toward the children of men.
The love of God for mankind, appeared in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who laid down His life for the sin of the whole world - so that ALL who believe in Him might not perish, but have life eternal as a free gift of God's indefinable grace.
But he also knew that we have a sin nature and cannot control our fleshly passions in our own strength... for the power needed to overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil is gained from above... and is freely given.
This is not a call to expose our secret sins to the whole wide world, we are to confess our sins to God and He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
When we have wronged another person we are called to go to them quickly and admit our sin and seek their forgiveness, for this is the will of God for us.
We are called to be holy for God is holy, but it is only as we confess our sins to one another and to our Father in heaven, that fellowship is renewed and our prayers become effective.
He forgives all my sins.He heals all my diseases.He redeems me from death.He crowns me with love and tender mercies.He fills my life with good things.He renews my youth like the eagle's.
Her name indicated that God would not longer show compassion towards His people because they refused to repent of their sin, and nothing would save them from destruction.
Like Gomer, who was finally rescued and restored for the shocking consequences of her sin and was eventually brought back by Hosea from a foreign slave market and restored into favour by her husband, so too will Israel repent of their unbelief and their relationship with God will be restored.
The razor-sharpness of God's Word can crush, to the uttermost, all that is of our old fallen flesh, and bring the believer's old sin-nature to the end of itself.
One who is 'born again' believes in Jesus for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
Jesus explained that as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so HE would one day have to be lifted up on a Cross and be made sin for our sakes so that, like Nicodemus' disease-ridden ancestors in the wilderness who had to look and live, so ALL who would look to JESUS in faith would not perish but have LIFE.
Whatever is born of the flesh is flesh, Jew and Gentile alike, and everyman faces the consequences of of their sin - eternal condemnation, but whatever is born of the Spirit i.e.
They expected a military leader who would save His people from slavery and Rome's cruel subjugation, without understanding that their Messiah must save His people from their sins before His prophesied kingdom rule.
A crucified Messiah was a scandal to the Jew and an offensive stumbling block, but Paul preached Christ crucified, for it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes, to God's chosen people first but also to the Gentiles, for the message of the Cross alone is able to save His people from slavery to sin and release them from the curse of the Law.
His death paid the price for our sins and the gift of His resurrected life is the power of God for our justification, as well as the ongoing process of lifelong sanctification for all who trust in His name.
Only by believing on the only begotten Son of God Who died on the Cross to pay the price for our sin, can a guilty sinner be declared righteous and justified in the eyes of God.
Christ had become sin so that they could become the righteousness of God in Him.
Christ willingly became our sin substitute as well so that the wrath of God was poured out on Him instead of being poured out on us.
Christ carried our sin and was made a curse for us, but by grace through faith in Him we have been redeemed from the curse of the Law.
He is the eternal God yet also, He is the perfect Man Who died for our sins and rose again from the dead.
He is our faithful and compassionate High Priest, He was tempted like we are and yet did not sin, and He became the ultimate sacrifice for our sin.
He is the Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world Who takes away the sin of the world.
It was God the Father Who gave His only begotten Son to be the Child, born into the world as the sacrifice for sin.
And it was the Lord Jesus Himself Who gave His life as a free-will offering and oblation, out of love for the Father, to pay the price for the sin of the world.
Jesus knew that the pure, unbroken communion He had enjoyed with the Father from eternity past was soon to be severed, while the floodgate of sin was to be poured over Him and His Father would have to turn away from the Son of His love.
His faith was sorely tested throughout this ordeal, but God loved the word so much that He gave His Son to be the propitiation for our sin, and Christ loved the Church so much that He gave Himself up for her.
Only GOD was good enough to pay the price for sin, but only a perfect MAN, a sinless Kinsman-Redeemer could act as a substitute for fallen sinners.
And because of his reverend submission to the Father and unfailing trust in Him, Christ's prayer was heard and Jesus became the first-fruit from the grave - the first MAN to rise from the dead - thus breaking the power of sin, Satan, death, and hell for ALL who place their faith in HIM.
Israel had been carried into captivity as a consequence of their sin and apostasy, and the people are encouraged by Jeremiah to prepare for a prolonged sojourn in Babylon.
The parable of the prodigal son is connected to a section that contrasts the rejoicing in heaven over one sinner that cries out to God for the forgiveness of sin, with the self-righteous scribes and Pharisees of Christ's day who trusted in their own righteousness and were blinded to the reality of their sins.
But like the prodigal son, we need to confess our faults to the Lord - knowing that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
There is rejoicing in heaven when an unsaved sinner believes on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin - but there is also rejoicing when a child of God, who has been dazzled by the things of this world, comes to their senses and confesses their sin to the Lord.
The prodigal was right - he was no longer worthy to be called the son of his Father and neither are we, when we sin.
And so when we break our fellowship with our Heavenly Father through sin, this parable of the prodigal son gives us clear instructions on how to return into sweet communion with Him - we are to leave the old life behind, turn right away from our sin, return in penitence and obedience to the Lord our God, and confess our faults to our Heavenly Father.
It tells the wonderful message of the superior status of Christ-Jesus, the God-Man Who came from heaven to earth to save us from our sin.
The only way the eternal Son of God could achieve this tremendous victory over sin, Satan, death, and hell, on behalf of the fallen race of man, was to become a Man Himself.
Only God could pay the price for the sin of the world.
But God is Spirit and man is mortal and so God had to lay aside His glory and become a Man so that He could pay the price for the sin of the world.
And so, God sent His Son into the world to be the Sacrificial Offering for the sin of mankind.
The Son of God, Who is exalted above all, had to be made a little lower than the angels in order to be the sacrifice for the sin of the world and bring believers into the family of God - so that all who believe on Him would have the right to become children of God and joint-heirs with Christ.
Jesus had to shed His life-blood for the sin of the world so that we who believe on Him would be sanctified, identified with Him, and clothed in His perfect righteousness.
The shed blood of Christ sanctifies all who believe that His shed, human blood, is the payment for their sin - so that with Christ we have one Father.
The Lord Jesus is the incarnate God, sent by the Father to save us from our sins... and throughout the book of Hebrews, there are passages that present Christ's indisputable credentials as God's appointed King, clearly and thoroughly.
He was made sin for us and paid the full price of sin... so that by His life, death, and resurrection, He was able to reveal the Father to us and to proclaim His name to all who believe... even calling us His brothers and leading the congregation of the elect in singing hymns of praise and thanksgiving to our great Creator God and heavenly Father.
As believers, we are united with Christ, and because the Lord Jesus broke the power of sin and death and hell when He rose from the dead, the strength of sin in our lives has also been broken and we have been raised up into newness of life, in Him.
For we were called and chosen from the pit of sin, cleansed and clothed in His robe of righteousness, saved and redeemed, sanctified and glorified, in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
Because He had carried out the redemptive will of His Father, to be born into the human race, to become a Man, to live a sinless life, and to die a sacrificial death for the sin of the whole world, He was able to proclaim, All things have been handed over to Me by My Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father, except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.
From the moment that man sinned in the garden, humanity has been enslaved under the authority of a fallen angel, during which time man has demonstrated his fallen nature, his sinful propensity, his lost status, his estrangement from God, and his desperate need of a Saviour - all of which resulted from Adam's sin in the garden of Eden.
God is not only a God of mercy and goodness, grace and love, but He is also a God of righteousness and justice where sin must be punished and His wrath must be poured out on a world that deliberately disobeys His voice, rejects His offer of redemption, and refuses His free-gift of salvation through the sacrifice of His only begotten Son.
Throughout the ministry of John the Baptist, and for the three and a half years of Christ's earthly ministry to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, ISRAEL was being called to repent of their sins once again.
Throughout their rebellions history and during their Babylonian captivity, the continuous call to Israel was to repent of their sin and return to the Lord, Who promised to send a Messiah to save them.
But although a faithful few believed that Jesus was the Christ, the anointed Son of God, many failed to repent of their sin and refused to turn back to the God of their forefathers.
Because the Nation, as a whole, did not repent of their sin, as warned by past prophets and Christ Himself, Israel was to be set aside for a season and God would continue to spread the good news of salvation through another set of servants - the Church.
Sadly, the very Nation who had been chosen by God tell the world the gospel of the coming Kingdom of God, had to be replaced - for a season - by those who believed in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the salvation of their souls and the forgiveness of sin.
Peter reiterated the same warning that past generations of God's chosen people had received for generations - REPENT of your sins.
Israel were to turn back to the GOD of Israel through John's Baptism of Repentance and Israel as a nation, were to believe on Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting - and by so doing they too would be baptised by the Holy Spirit into Church, which is the Body of Christ, and they would receive the indwelling Spirit of God, as promised of old, at God's appointed time - (Pentecost).
And so, on that Day of Pentecost, we read that these men of Israel repented of their sins and were baptised.
Because they repented of their sins and turned to Christ, they were also baptised by the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ.
We also read that they went through the waters of baptism for the repentance of sin - just as the prophets of old, John the Baptist, and Christ Himself had taught.
What a joyful day that must have been, when three thousand men of Israel repented of their sins, turned back to the God of their forefathers, and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.
They were born-again into the family of God and baptised into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit - and these men of Israel demonstrated their trust in the Lord Jesus for the forgiveness of sins and life-everlasting by going through the waters of baptism.
Jews who sin under God's Law will be judged by that Law but, just like Gentile sinners, will be found to fall short of the righteousness of God.
We are saved by faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness for sins and life everlasting: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved, Paul tells us.
We are saved by trusting in His death, burial, and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
Those under the Law will be judged by the Law which will condemn them, and those that are not under the Law will be judged by whatever revelation they have received, which will also condemn them, for all are sinners and imputed with sin; all fall short of God's righteousness, all are under condemnation.
The only criteria to be justified in the eyes of God, is to believe on the name of the only begotten Son of God Who became the perfect Son of Man, and Who died on the Cross to pay the price for the sin of the world.
Once we are justified in God's sight, He does not hold our sin against us: As far as the east is from the west so far has He removed our sin from us.
Once we are saved by grace through faith in Him, we are clothed in Christ's righteousness and God will never again hold our sin against us, in time and into eternity.
Christians certainly do sin, and sin separates us from fellowship with our Heavenly Father, but although we may be out of fellowship with Him for a season due to our post-salvation sin, He will never hold those sins against us, for we are justified by grace through faith in Christ, once and for all.
But nonetheless, the love of God is rich in mercy towards us who were born dead in trespasses and sins.
Paul starts this discourse in Ephesians by reminding us of our previous lives, dead in our trespasses and sins, having no hope in the world, under the reign of the prince of the power of the air who delights in tormenting us, discouraging us, and keeping us in our state of unbelief, bringing us with him on the wide path to hell.
BUT GOD is so rich in mercy, and He loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, He gave us life when He raised Christ from the dead.
The mind-set of the unsaved can only emanate from the inherent, old sin nature, which is at enmity with God and which builds into a pagan, anti-God, mental attitude.
The mind-set of a believer is able to be influenced by the old sin nature, which develops into a carnal Christian OR the new-life in Christ, which blossoms into a spiritual believer.
For an unbeliever who is spiritually dead in their sin and has wilfully rejected God's offer of salvation through faith in Christ, the result will be the destruction of both body and soul, while angels who rebelled with Satan are given no offer of salvation and are also utterly destroyed.
The people had to be taught that God is worthy of all praise and that sin cannot go unpunished.
These sacrifices taught that sin and defilement causes a barrier to be raised between a holy God and sinful man, which can only be removed, (or atoned for), with the shed blood of a sacrifice, stipulated by God.
The outward action of each man was meant to reflect an inner change of a heart, that glorifies God but grieves over their sin.
It was the outward participation in a ceremony that praised God for His greatness, or petitioned Him for the forgiveness of trespasses and sin.
Personal offerings to God and national sacrifices for sin kept the need to be holy to the Lord, at the forefront of Israel's collective mind.
We do not have to offer a burnt offering in order to praise God or provide a sin offering to cover our trespasses.
However, we have principles and practices that are laid out in the New Testament for the remission of our sin, that will restore us into fellowship, when we sin or disobey His Word.
Not only did the shed blood of Christ bring forgiveness of sin and life everlasting, but returns us into fellowship with the Father, when we confess our wrongdoing - for He is our Mediator and great High Priest, Who intercedes between man and God.
They were angry when He disregarded their religious traditions, enraged when He forgave sins of a believer, and indignant when He ate with common folk and tax collectors.
How important, therefore, to lay aside the old Adamic life where we were dead in sins and enslaved to the evil one.
And although obedience to parents is not a ticket to salvation, (for children must trust in Christ Jesus for the forgiveness of sins) - it is the Lord Who ordained that parental obedience in a godly home is the best forum to teach our offspring the important things of life... which will provide them with a long and productive life and a lifelong reverence for the Lord our God.
They did not know Him as the Word of Truth or trust that His shed blood would pay the price for their sin.
They even knew that He claimed to be the eternal Son of God from heaven Who could forgive sin.
and the simple answer was, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. He was to believe on the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, the salvation of the soul, and life everlasting.
Believing the truth would set this jailer free from slavery to sin and bondage to Satan.
He was to be lifted up on the Cross and His lifeblood was to be shed for the sin of the world.
It is not simply knowing about the historical facts of Christ's crucifixion that sets people free... but believing on the redeeming truth that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scripture, that He was buried, and rose again, according to the Scripture.
It is knowing the truth that frees a man from bondage to sin - and when one is set free from the curse of the Law and enslavement to sin, by grace through faith in Christ, one is truly liberated.
Every man is born dead in sin.
Everyone lives in bondage to sin.
Everyone is a slave of sin and is entrapped by sin.
Every man is estranged from God and shackled by the heavy weight of sin.
But there is one way, and only one way to be set free from slavery to sin, Satan, death, and the curse of the law - and that is to KNOW Christ personally - not simply to know historical facts about Him, but to know Him as one's own personal Saviour... Who willingly died in our place to pay the price for our sin.
And when we are set free from slavery to sin, Satan, death, and the curse of the law... by the redeeming blood of God's only begotten Son... we know the Son as Saviour and the SON, WHo loves us and gave Himself for us, sets us free forever.
Paul also knew that this band of believers were saved out of the most ungodly and perverted city of Corinth, and he did not hesitate to rebuke them for their ongoing, ungodly behaviour which manifested itself in all kinds of evil including stealing, drunkenness, greed, swindling, extortion, and insolence, as well as internal divisions, spiritual immaturity, and gross sexual sins.
Indeed, Paul reminds this group of believers in the Corinthian church that some of them had also been personally involved in the self-same, sordid sins, and gross wickedness as the unsaved before they had been redeemed through the blood of Christ, by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Who paid the price for all their sins, and ours too.
All who believe that Christ was the substitute for their sins, are justified in the sight of God and declared righteous in His eyes from the moment of salvation.
All of us were dead in our trespasses and sins, but by grace through faith in Christ we are washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit.
Elsewhere, we are told that the alter had four horns and year by year, on the Day of Atonement, the high priest would apply blood from an unblemished, sacrificed animal, onto the four horns to cover the sin of the people for one more year.
This pointed forward to the blood of Christ which was shed as the purchase price for the sin of the world, and remains the full and final sacrifice for sin and the only sin-offering acceptable to the Father.
But when He arrived, Jesus did not fit in with their predetermined expectation, and there was a certain point in Christ's ministry when the leaders of the Jews committed the unforgivable sin - they attributed the Spirit's work through Christ, to Beelzebub.
In the days of Isaiah and other holy men of God, the proud people of Israel were being called to repent of their apostate ways and turn back to God or they would be punished for their sin.
Jesus was warning the people that if they did not receive Him, they would die in their sin.
But they refused to repent of their sin.
They would not turn back to God, nor would they believe on Jesus Christ, Whom He sent to be the propitiation for their sin.
They confessed that He was the promised Messiah of Israel, the holy One of God, the Son of the living God Who was sent to save His people from their sin.
Jesus is the earthly representative of the immortal, invisible, triune Godhead Who died to pay the price for the sin of humanity - and rose again, breaking the power of sin and death in the life of all who believe.
The Lord Jesus was the living Bread that had come down from heaven to feed His people Israel and to save them from their sins.
But because the first man sinned and fell from his exalted position, all humanity was imputed with sin and became estranged from our heavenly Father.
Through wrong choices, we became slaves to Satan and were born in bondage to sin.
However, by choosing to trust in God's Word and to live by faith in Christ, we are brought into the family of God, forgiven of our sins, and declared to be righteous in His sight.
And it is all by faith in Christ's perfect sacrifice on the Cross that sins are forgiven and sinners are clothed in Christ's righteousness.
He made purification of sins and sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high - in heavenly splendour.
Jesus answered sadly, You know neither Me nor My Father, for if you knew Me, you would know My Father also. All things had been delivered up to the Lord Jesus by the Father and He graciously came to earth to reveal the Father to a race that had become estranged from God through sin - a race that was without hope in the world.
But Christ also explained the important work the Holy Spirit would carry out in the lives of unbelievers: He will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.
One vital work of the Holy Spirit in this Church age is to convict unbelievers of their many sins and their own deeply rooted sin nature.
His convicting work is to bring a sinner to a realisation that sin separates them from God, and that only through Christ can they receive forgiveness of sins and life-everlasting, for only by faith in Christ can an unrighteous sinner be declared righteous in the eyes of God.
The Spirit came to convict unbelievers that there is no merit in and of themselves, for it is only by grace through faith in Christ that man can be forgiven of their sins and covered in His cloak of righteousness.
The Spirit is to convict the unbeliever that continued rebellion against God, based on the lies and deceit of Satan, is futile, for Satan has already been judged at the Cross, as have their own sins, but only those that believe that the sacrificial work of Christ paid the penalty for their sins will escape the wrath of God and His final judgement.
Praise God that we have come to a saving knowledge of our Saviour Jesus Christ, and we pray that many who have not known Christ as Saviour and received the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting are convicted of sin, of righteousness, and of judgement in the days that lie ahead before it is too late.
We who were dead in trespasses and sins and without hope in the world, have been covered with His love, forgiven of our sins, saved by grace through faith in His only begotten Son, in-dwelt by the Holy Spirit, accepted in the Beloved, given an eternal inheritance, and are today seated together with Christ in heavenly places.
And we know and have full assurance from God that the sinless Son of Man came to earth in order to take away our sins, to suffer and die on our behalf so that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.
Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin.
The Lord Jesus came to earth to set fallen man free from his shocking enslavement to sin and to deliver us from the ruinous nature of sin which is imputed to every member of the human race.
Jesus came to bring freedom to all who are enslaved by sin - but many refuse to acknowledge that as sinners we need salvation.
As slaves to sin, we all need to be set free.
Jesus came to free them from the tyranny of sin and told them that if they continued to follow Him and trust in His Word, they would know the truth and the truth would set them free.
Jesus was talking of the terrible human tragedy of slavery to sin.
Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin.
Jesus came to set His people free from the curse of the Law and the chains of sin and death, but they could not accept that they were sinners in need of salvation.
They did not understand that we are not sinners because we sin... we sin because we are sinners.
Every human being is imputed with sin, for when Adam sinned in the beginning, sin was passed on to all his progeny.
We are born into sin.
We are all slaves to sin.
We are imputed with sin.
We inherit a sin nature.
We are all enslaved by the fleshly sin nature - for everyone who commits sins is a slave to sin - until and unless we are made free by grace through faith in Christ.
Instead of saying to the Jews, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin, Jesus could have said, because you are a member of the human race, who all have a sin nature, you are a slave of sin.
We ALL commit sin and so we are ALL slaves of sin and in need of a Saviour.
I am sure when the Lord Jesus made this statement, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin, He said it with great sadness and deep compassion in His heart.
Jesus came to save us from our sin and not to condemn us for our sin.
He came to free us from the bondage of sin and not to castigate us because of our sin.
They would not acknowledge that they were sinners who were enslaved by sin.
They refused to accept that they a slave of sin in need of a Saviour.
Jesus came as the Light of the world to enlighten their darkened souls, but they loved the darkness more than the light and refused His gracious offer of freedom from sin.
Jesus had come to offer the Jews of His time freedom from bondage to sin and liberty from enslavement to the sin nature.
Christ is incarnate truth, while sin is the personification of a wicked and cruel slave-master, from whom there is no escape, except by grace through faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
It is only those that are saved by grace through faith in Him that are enabled, by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, to be freed from sin's slavery.
It is only those who are born-again and positioned in Christ who are enabled to live each day by grace through faith in Him - for Jesus not only paid the penalty for our sin but broke the power of sin in the life of all who believe.
As slaves to sin we are all wretched men that need to be freed from the stranglehold of sin and yet we find that we are a fallen race of sinners who are enslaved by its power - for the sin that we do not want to do is the very thing that we do - and the good things that we want to do are the very things that we do not do!
And we who are members of the Body of Christ have the very same opportunity as did Paul to be set free from slavery to sin - by faith in HIM.
We are reminded in the previous verses that the old covenant required Israel's high priest to enter the holy place, year by year on the day of Atonement, to make their oft-repeated sacrifice to the Lord for the sins of God's people.
And so their sins were covered for one more year.
He offered the blood of animals that would simply cover his own sin and the sin of the people for a little longer.
This annual sacrifice continued until the full, final, perfect sacrifice in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ was offered as the atoning sacrifice for the sin of the whole world - that day at Calvary - on that pivotal point in the history of humanity.
The atoning sacrifice of the old covenant, where the blood of bulls and goats was offered, was repeated year after year, covering sin for the people of Israel for just one more year.
However, the glorious sacrifice of the new covenant was made through the sinless blood of the eternal Son of God (the perfect Son of Man) Who made one, single offering of Himself through the shedding of His own blood on the Cross, putting away forever the sin of all sinners: Otherwise, as we read in Hebrews, He would have needed to suffer often since the foundation of the world.
Christ suffered once for all on the Cross, and Christ's 'once-for-all' sacrifice was sufficient to pay the full and final price for the sin of the whole world so that whosoever believes on Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Christ was manifested in the flesh at God's appointed time, at the closing of the old covenant of Law, which had demonstrated the imperfections of humanity and man's inability to reach God's perfect standard, and which He used as a schoolmaster to point us to Christ as the one and only eternal sacrifice for sin.
And we who live in the dispensation of grace, look back with grateful thanks to that day on Calvary's hill, when God in the person of Jesus Christ was manifest in the flesh to put away sin forever, by the sacrifice of Himself.
The first man sinned and fell, losing his position and his kingdom, resulting in sin and death reigning over the earth and enslaving the hearts of all mankind: For as in Adam all die.........
Jesus Christ became the second man - the heavenly man - the last Adam, and He was sent from above by God to exercise dominion over all that the first man had lost, due to his sin.
The second and last Adam was God incarnate, and the life of God was within Him for He Himself was God: The first man was of the dust of the earth; the second man is of heaven. The second man paid the price for humanity's sin and broke the power of death in all mankind: ..........so in Christ all will be made alive.
Made in the image of God, with a spirit that can commune with the Spirit of God, but who, since the fall, was destined to die in their sins, with an earthly body that is perishing from the day we are born.
The second man and last Adam was the eternal Son of God Who became the perfect sacrificial Man Who, in willingly laying down His life for humanity, would break the ruling power of sin and death and become a life-giving Spirit for mankind.
Jesus Himself was life and light, and He came to conquer sin and death and to terminate its reign over the lives of whosoever would believe on His name.
Praise the Lord that the last Adam chose to come to earth, to die on the Cross for the sins of all humanity, and to become a life-giving Spirit for all who believe in Him.
The representative lamb was examined for four days, for it was to be without spot or blemish or any such thing, because the true Lamb that was to be offered up to God as the propitiation for the sins of mankind, would be pure and unblemished and when He was examined for four days, the verdict would be: I find no fault in Him, at all.
And so the next day, when John saw the Lord Jesus coming towards him, he cried out like a voice in the wilderness, BEHOLD, the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.
Every aspect of the Paschal lamb from its selection, examination, and the shedding of its blood, to the roasting and eating of its flesh, was fulfilled in every detail by the true Lamb of God when He came to earth to pay the price for the sin of mankind, for He was to die on the Cross at the very time that the Jews were slaughtering their own little lambs on the altar of the temple.
They did not recognise that Jesus was the true and only Lamb of God, the sacrificial offering Who takes away the sin of the world.
Let us learn from Israel's mistakes and not become blinded to the glorious truth of our salvation, that the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world, has taken our sin onto His sinless shoulders, redeeming us with His most precious blood.
Grace, mercy, and peace is our present possession from God our Father Who sent His only begotten Son to be the sacrifice for our sin, but we also are given grace, mercy, and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ Who loved the Church so dearly that He gave Himself for her.
The Lamb on the throne was the only One Who was worthy to open the seven-sealed scroll and set in motion the full force of God's judgement and wrath, on a world, that not only rejected the Father, and the Holy Spirit, convicted the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement, but they also rejected the Lord Jesus Christ - the second Member of the Godhead, Who came to earth as a Man, to pay the ultimate price for the sin of the world.
We must never forget that our God is a God of LOVE, Who became a MAN to redeem this cursed world and save the fallen race of humanity from their sin, through the sacrificial death of His only begotten Son.
However, because He is a God of justice, all sin MUST be punished.
May we never forget that the Great Tribulation is the period of time when a multitude without number will turn from sin to faith in Christ.
While we shudder at the horrors that must be poured out on this sin-sick, fallen world may we rejoice that through it ALL, God will be glorified and countless multitudes will be brought to repentant faith in Him.
He knew that His Father so loved the world that He was given to be the Passover Lamb Who would save His people from their sin.
The time had finally arrived when He would become the full and final sacrificial offering for sin Who would give His life for the sin of the world.
For three years, he had demonstrated His power over sin and Satan, the world and the flesh.
As God - He alone was good enough to pay the price of sin.
But God is Spirit and only a good MAN - a perfect Man could die for the sin of the world.
Oh, the physical, mental, and emotional pain of being betrayed by His friends, denied by His disciples, rejected by His own people, accused falsely by the Jewish leaders, mocked and spat upon by the Gentiles, and nailed to a Roman Cross would be terrible - but it was the spiritual pain that Christ knew must happen when He became sin for you and for me that caused Him so much bitterness of soul.
MY GOD, MY GOD, why have You forsaken Me, would be the pain He had to face when He died for the sin of the world.
The pivotal point in history that had been ordained before the world began had finally intersected with time - so that He could be the propitiation for our sins - so that fallen man could be placed back in fellowship with the Holy God Who created us.
However, Peter also knew that the heart of every man is at enmity with God and all humanity is born dead in their trespasses and sins.
From Genesis to the Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are presented with God's gracious, redemptive programme for fallen man, as recorded in the Bible - that Christ died for our sins according to the Scripture, that He was buried, and rose again according to the Word of Truth so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish and pass away - as the grass in the field, but would receive the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
But let us never forget that there are many who are dead in their sins who need to hear the truth of the glorious gospel of God.
Jesus had been introduced by John the Baptist as the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
They even brought a woman, caught in adultery, and used her to trap Jesus to either 1) condemn a sinner who needs a Saviour by upholding the Law of Moses and stoning her with His own hand or 2) condoning her sin by forgiving her of her sin, which would have broken the Mosaic Law - which demanded stoning to death for the sin of adultery.
The lengths to which the Jewish establishment went, in order to condemn Christ's testimony that He came from heaven from God, were unprecedented - but Christ's inspired answer silenced their foolish opposition, let the one who is without sin cast the first stone.
Tracing the history of God's people from their world-wide dispersion due to their unfaithfulness to God, we arrive at a beautiful passage that begins to peep behind the scene onto the perfect plan of the Father, as He unveils their Messiah - the Lord Jesus Christ - the sin-bearing sacrifice for Israel and humble Saviour of the whole world.
Christ's wilderness experience prepared the Lord Jesus to be our sympathetic High Priest, for He was tempted in every way as we are, yet without sin.
The Lord Jesus has broken the power of Satan, sin, and death in our lives, and because we belong to Jesus, the power of His life-giving Spirit has freed us from the power of Satan.
Reading through this magnificent treatise, one is increasingly aware of the sinfulness of man, the terrible consequences of sin, the need for forgiveness, and our lack of righteousness.
There is a stark realisation that all are guilty, Jew and Gentile alike, and judgement and punishment is God's only recourse to sin.
The Man who would crush the head of Satan and break the power of sin, death, and hell, through the sacrificial offering of His sinless life.
It also touches on God's long-suffering mercy towards His people Israel and the great grace and merciful kindness He has towards the Gentiles who were dead in sin, at enmity with God, and without hope in the world.
The Bible begins with the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, but due to sin, Adam was denied further access to its luscious, life-giving properties and he and his wife were banished from the glorious garden.
Today, we are being used by the Spirit of God to restrain the march of evil until the Restrainer is taken out of the way and the man of sin - the antichrist and son of perdition, begins his seven-long-year reign of terror.
God loved the world so much that in His goodness and grace He purposed to save ALL Who would trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins.
The resurrection of the dead is a doctrine that threads its way throughout both Old and New Testaments and is the foundational pillar of the Christian faith - for if Christ had not been raised from the dead, then our faith would be in vain and we would remain in our sin.
Yes, Paul goes into detail about the first Adam, who is clothed in a natural, earthly, mortal body and has a fallen nature that is subject to physical death - for Scripture teaches that the wages of man's sin is death.
We have been redeemed from the slave-market of sin and the purchase price for our freedom was the precious blood of God's only begotten Son, the eternal Creator of the universe.
We are no longer part of the old Adamic order that is dead in trespasses and sins.
And we have been declared righteous and have been removed from God's eternal condemnation of death, which is the judicial sentence on all who are under sin.
The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life massage the old sin nature into ungodly acts and unholy thoughts.
We are soldiers in a spiritual battle for the souls of those that are dead in their sins, and we are to be salt and light in a decaying and darkened world that has rejected the truth of God for a lie.
He taught us to depend on Him implicitly for all our physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs, and to seek His forgiveness of our sins as we reflect His forgiving nature in all our interactions with others.
Jesus was the perfect Son of God and He came in the likeness of sinful flesh, yet without sin.
Repentance means to turn away from one's sins, and the act of turning from sin can only result in turning towards Christ Jesus the propitiation for our sins, our only Saviour, and the one Mediator between man and God.
However bad we think we are in comparison to other people, Christ paid the price for all sin and for every sinner.
It is as we progress through the book, that we discover the travesty that happened to God's perfect workmanship, due to sin.
One sin was sufficient to render the deceived woman and her complicit husband corrupt sinners who found they were dead in their sin, expelled from the garden, and estranged from the Lord.
Both were admonished for their sin, and all three transgressors, including the serpent, were informed of their respective punishments.
Both the man and woman were equally guilty, and both stood in need of redemption, but as the federal head of humanity, it was Adam who shouldered the ultimate responsibility: For by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin - for the wages of sin is death - and so death passed upon all his descendants: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Although death was the fruit of Adam's sin, it was by God's grace that His curse did not fall upon Adam.
It was the ground that was cursed due to Adam's sin so that he had to toil by the sweat of his brow throughout this earthly life to provide what was originally bestowed in plentiful supply.
God cannot look on sin, and spiritual death immediately fractured their communion with the Lord, which meant separation from God.
Adam's one sin resulted in immediate spiritual death, a physical body that marched towards physical death, and a twisted and distorted sin nature, a human soul that had no possibility of reversing the condition within himself.
God, in His omniscient wisdom, knew in advance Adam would sin and that death would pass onto all men: For as in Adam all die.
Broken fellowship with God could be restored if a perfect Man were to die a sacrificial death to pay the price for sin.
No man is without sin and so God gave His Son to become part of His own creation, a Kinsman-Redeemer and the sacrifice for the sin of the world.
Death is imputed to all Adam's descendants because of sin, but eternal life is imputed to all who believe on God's perfect Kinsman-Redeemer, His only begotten Son Who came to earth to live a sinless life and die a sacrificial death.
It was by grace that God sent His beloved Son to pay the ransom price for Adam's sin, your sin, my sin, and the sin of the whole world.
and may even have been held in high esteem by those who grieved for their sins - but that is all the reward that these self-righteous hypocrites will receive.
The High Priest was to enter into the holy of holies to offer atonement for his own sin and for the sin of the nation.
This annual ritual was a stark reminder to the people of Israel of the terrible consequences of sin, as the shed blood of an innocent animal was poured out onto the sacrificial alter.
Once a year, the shed blood on an innocent animal covered over the sins of the nation once again.
But we discover that it is not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin, and so in the book of Hebrews we are told that the Law and all the rites and rituals that surrounded the people and the priests, were simply a shadow of better things to come.
The Law was a schoolmaster given by God to point us to Christ Who, as God's promised Messiah, was to be the full and final Sacrifice for sin.
The Lord Jesus was the Sin Offering Who was given by God to take away the sin of the whole world.
And as He hung on the Cross as the full and final payment for sin, the full fury of the wrath of the Father was poured out upon Jesus, His dearly beloved Son, so that by faith in Him we might be forgiven of our sins and clothed in His own perfect righteousness.
When the full force of God's wrath against sin had been poured out on Christ, He cried in triumph: IT IS FINISHED.
But Christ Jesus not only died as the one and only perfect sacrifice for sin Whose blood paid the full and final price for our sin and Whose flesh was the veil that was torn for us.
We are warned not to return to the old legalistic practices of the former priesthood where daily, monthly, and annual rituals were carried out so that sins might be covered-up for one more year.
Paul knew the horror of the domain of darkness from which we all have been redeemed, and like these dear believers in Colossae, we too have been saved from the wrath to come and brought into the kingdom of God's dear Son: In Whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Like them, we too have been redeemed from the slave-market of sin.
We too have been forgiven of our sins by grace through faith in Christ's sufficient sacrifice on Calvary's Cross.
The Father's love for mankind was so great that He sent His only begotten Son to be our substitute for sin.
He has not only redeemed us from a lost eternity but has also forgiven us of our trespasses, past, present, and future, and cancelled the incredible debt that our sin incurred.
Praise God that Christ's saving work on the Cross is finished, and that our sins have been removed from us, as far as the east is from the west.
Praise God for Jesus Christ, our Kinsman-Redeemer: In Whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
In Hebrew, His name is Joshua, which means 'the Lord is Salvation', and His life and death was poured out to pay the price for humanity's sin, for sins past, sins present, and sins to come.
But here in Luke's Gospel, we read that His name shall be called Jesus, because He was the one to save His people, Israel, from their sins.
Although the reach of redemption was to encompass the whole earth (for the grace of God is without measure and beyond our understanding), it was the little nation of Israel through whom the Seed was to be secretly transported so that He could fulfil God's promises and prophecies to unite the divided kingdom of Judah and Israel into one glorious kingdom, and to save that nation from their sins.
His office may be that of 'Christ' for He is the anointed of God, and His title may be 'Lord' for He is high and lifted up and His train fills the temple; but His name shall be called Jesus, for He shall save His people, Israel, from their sins.
The kingdom of Israel had been divided due to their sin, and yet God in His grace continued to bless His people while warning them to turn from their sin, lest judgement befall them.
Amos appealed for the people to repent of their sins and return to the Lord, but also warned that because of their sin, His righteous wrath would be the forerunner of His promised kingdom. The little remnant was reminded that the Lord is Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
He reminds us that we who were dead in trespasses and sins have been made alive in Christ, raised up together with Him, and seated with Him in heavenly places.
It is certainly a question that many of us have asked over the years as we see an increasing hatred of God, a multiplication of sin and evil, and an ever greater distain towards those that believe in the death, burial, and Resurrection of Christ for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
But man sinned, which resulted in the earth being cursed so as to bring forth thorns and thistles, for man must now labour to till the earth through painful toil and with the sweat of his brow - and since that time, nature has groaned under its curse, which was a terrible product of man's original sin.
But the Church is not the only recipient of God's gift of redemption, nor are we the only part of God's creation that was affected by sin, for the whole of God's creation has been groaning together with labour pains under the weight of sin's curse.
The whole of nature is red in tooth and claw, as thorns and thistles, earthquakes and floods, blistering heat, raging famines, roaring seas, and pestilences in diverse places exemplify the pain and groaning of the creation cursed through sin and waiting in anticipation for its redemption.
This chapter also contrasts a trustworthy witness with a false one, bitterness with joy, a foolish and a wise attitude towards sin, and the inevitable destruction of wicked men with the upright man, who will flourish.
Paul was keen to preach nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified, and as he starts to conclude his first epistle to the Corinthian Church we once again find him reiterating the same, simple, saving gospel truth: Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.
He is able to empathise with our pain and our grief, our disappointments and loss, for Jesus was made in the likeness of human flesh and was tempted in all things just as we are, and yet He was without sin.
But let us remember to take time to be alone with Him and to trust Him in every situation that we may be called upon to face, for we do not have a High Priest who is unable to sympathise with our weaknesses, but One Who has been tested in every way as we are, yet without sin.
The more we grow in our Christian life, the more we develop in our freedom from the sin nature that keeps us in bondage, and that freedom in Christ sets us free to live our life in spirit and truth.
And if this were all that life offered to humanity, we would indeed be the most miserable of species, for we would remain dead in trespasses and sins, without God and without any hope in the world.
As Church-age believers, we are not present during this terrible 'Time of Jacob's Trouble', for we read that Christians will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air before the man of sin is revealed and the wrath of God is unleashed upon the whole earth.
While we are still living in the days before the Tribulation period, let us be vigilant to tell the good news of the gospel of grace to those who are dead in their sin and pluck many from the fiery days that are to come upon the whole earth.
It was necessary for Paul to send a strong and rather formal letter of correction to the Christians at Corinth because they had fallen into sin, which was causing a serious division within the congregation.
Paul knew that if sin is not addressed, it will crouch at the door and soon devour its prey.
Man has explored ways to seek Him out, to know Him, to communicate with Him, to understand Him - but sin has erected an eternal, unbridgeable gulf between man and his Maker.
God in His grace and mercy, sent His Son into the world, that through faith in Him the world may be saved - redeemed from the slave-market of sin and saved from Satan's clutches.
God resolved that He would be born as the perfect, sinless, Son of Man, and become the one and only acceptable sacrificial offering for our sin.
He came in the Person of Jesus, the babe of Bethlehem, to tear down the immovable barrier between a holy God - Who cannot look on sin - and fallen man who is dead in trespasses and sin.
He came to destroy the immovable sin-barrier and unbridgeable gulf that was erected by SIN - such that whosoever believes on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.
He Who upholds the universe by His all-powerful Word, secured man's purification from sin, and took His seat at the right hand of the Majesty on high.
When writing to the born-again believers in Rome, Paul reminded them We died with Christ, and goes on to tell them that because of this FACT, we are to reckon ourselves to be dead to the principle of sin, and alive unto God, in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Everyone who has been born of the Spirit, by faith in Christ, has been forgiven of their sins because Jesus took the punishment for our sake.
Christ Jesus is the incarnate Son of God Who came to earth to reveal the love of the Father towards fallen man so that by grace through faith in His death, burial, and Resurrection we might be forgiven of our sins, be brought back into fellowship with our Heavenly Father, and be given God's life, light, love, and compassion in our heart as we abide in Him and He in us.
When we are born again, we become a new creation in Christ, we are removed from bondage to sin and death, and brought into the glorious freedom of Christ's perfect righteousness.
The Lord Jesus had the words of eternal life, for He was the Light of the world, the Messiah of the Jews, and the Saviour of mankind Who had come into the world to save sinners from their sins.
He came to put an end to sin, as Daniel prophesied, and to bring in everlasting righteousness.
It had been foretold by Isaiah that He would be despised and rejected of men - a Man of sorrows and united with grief - for He was to be the true Passover Lamb, the Lamb of God Who would take away the sin of the world.
Jesus told them all these things as they walked along the way towards Jerusalem, but they were more interested in who would be seated at His right hand in His kingdom and missed the meaning of so many of His parables and teachings that were designed to prepare their hearts for the amazing gospel of grace - that God so loved the world that He gave His only son to die, that whosoever believed on Him would be saved - that He came as the sacrificial Lamb of God to redeem the world from Satan's iron grip and sins stifling stranglehold.
Jesus had to die for our sin for there was no other Man Who was good enough to pay the price of sin.
The future hope and eternal redemption of every pre-Cross saint and all post Cross believers rested on the one, pivotal point in the history of the world about which Jesus was speaking, when the eternal Son of God would die for our sin and become our Kinsman-Redeemer, as He shed His blood on Calvary's Cross.
Daniel was instructed to seal up all his prophetic dreams and visions until the time of the end, but we have been permitted to recognise that the Holy One, Whom Daniel says, Was like unto a Son of Man, was the Lord Jesus. The One Whom Daniel saw was no-less than the incarnate God, Himself, Whose name is Jesus, Who is to save His people from their sins.
He came to earth in human flesh - to die for the sin of the whole world, and to rise again the third day so that by faith in His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, we might be delivered from the evils that Daniel witnessed in his terrible and terrifying night vision.
From beginning to end, John points to Christ as the only way to God, the only truth from God, and the only life of God, in Whom alone is abundant life, eternal life, and the forgiveness of sins.
Indeed, God is angry at sin and Paul tells us it is possible to be angry and not sin: Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity. Proverbs gives us more insights on the sin of being led by our anger, leading to fits of rage, uncontrolled lashing out physically or verbally, and can lead to bitterness and depression: A quick-tempered man acts foolishly, And a man of evil devices is hated.
We are no longer enslaved to sin and Satan, nor are we dead in our trespasses and without hope in the world, for we have been released from the slave-market of sin by the blood of the Lamb and are to live in a way that honours Him.
It is because of our position in Christ, our heavenly citizenship, and the liberty we enjoy in Him, that Peter exhorts us to conduct ourselves in an honourable fashion among unbelievers so that they may observe our good behaviour and godly attitude and glorify God when He convicts them of their sin and need of salvation.
Following Christ's sacrifice on the Cross, where Jesus voluntarily took upon Himself the sin of the world, God changed the way He met with humanity.
Many in that crowd believed and were saved by grace through faith in Christ - but some would not believe and remained dead in their sin and eternally condemned.
Instead, He rose from the dead in a physical body of flesh and bone, for His blood had been shed at Calvary, in full and final payment for the sin of the whole world.
May we be ready to witness to those souls that are lost and remain dead in trespasses and sins, so that they TOO may hear the good news of the Gospel of Grace and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and become part of that redeemed multitude that has been saved by grace through faith in Christ.