Old Testament history exemplifies New Testament truths – truths for spiritual living.
Other Types
Hagar:- the bondwoman who so exemplifies Israel and the covenant of LAW – fleshly Hagar and the law – which was set aside for spiritual Israel and grace. Sarah:- the free-woman so exemplifying spiritual Israel and the covenant of GRACE – chosen Sarah; the barren wife who was set aside and buried by her husband.
Job, a man God trusts to be a witness in the spiritual battle of the ages.
His wife, like Job a spiritual believer, who becomes prey to Satan’s wiles.
to spiritual and carnal believers alike – to the one that overcomes and to the one that is overcome.
In-depth Look
As I have explored more and more the spiritual links of the Christian life with Job..
Many a work which has mightily served the Lord and been a great spiritual testimony has lost its former glory, purity, and impact because it has become a Work, a Movement, an Organization, and its ramifications and responsibilities have become such as to completely rule out any such retreat with God, where that work is put back and a real openness to the Lord for anything else, more or other, is enquired after.
That which constitutes this prophetic function is spiritual perception, discernment, and insight.
It is not for the work as such that he is concerned, but for the spiritual state that dishonors and grieves the Lord.
This faculty of spiritual discernment makes the Prophet a very lonely man, and brings upon him all the charges of being singular, extreme, idealistic, unbalanced, spiritually proud, and even schismatic.
Embracer of Burdens
In the unseen realm, the enemy knows time is short and he’s multiplying mayhem, but in the spiritual realm the enemy is being defeated..
With all that the Lord needs and desires to do in the recovery of His first thought, His original idea for His people, not the least is the recovery of the spiritual family.
Any fresh movement of God which relates to His original thought will most certainly reintroduce the spiritual family, and all that that means.
There is a tremendous value connected with the spiritual family life and with the training in the family.
There is an immense value in the training of the spiritual family and that necessitates very close relationships.
Shining Example
Paul is one shining example of that small company, and the walk of Paul illustrates the spiritual battle that rages in the heavenlies - a battle in which a small company is called out to stand firm.
Paul exemplified a faithful life engaged in the spiritual battle of all ages.
Perhaps one of the most significant things to any who are ot ignorant of his (Satan) devicesis that there never has been a specially spiritual movement of God in the earth, calculated to serve Him in a particularly useful way, but what Satan animosity thereto has been manifested along the line of division, schism, discord, separation, and a breaking down of fellowship.
It is the most spiritual things which suffer the greatest shocks in this matter, and again we say this carries its own satanic significance.
A suggestion of suspicion, if it finds lodgment, is enough to completely paralyze the work of God and spiritual progress.
There never was a time when positive spiritual work was more jeopardized by suspicion than now.
It is in the eavenliesthat this is most registered; that is, the higher ranges of spiritual things.
The Lord Jesus met it not in spiritual people, only in religious people.
The measure of spiritual value is determined by the measure inwhich God promotes it, not the measure of human activitiesaccording to human judgments and energies in the name of God.
If we do not arm ourselves daily for the spiritual battle we will be overcome, for it is the one who overcomes that the Lord seeks to sup with Him and honour.
Worldly Wisdom
It is the tragedy of spiritual weakness and decline, through neglect or rebellion.
Spiritual Battle
Heaven forbid!!
God wants a company of believers to overcome in the spiritual battle.
Spiritual or Carnal
Some chose the spiritual way but many chose the carnal route. Some became men of faith but many chose to be faithless. Some were recorded in Hebrews 11 but many lost their opportunity.
As Thou hast sent Me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.” John 17:18,19 The Lord wants us to be signs to the world – signs that His grace is sufficient. He desires His own to go the way of the cross – and to suffer and die. Maybe in the physical, but predominantly and principally in the spiritual..
Spiritual Blessings
God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, has blessed us with all spiritual blessings. God the Father chose you and me in Christ before the foundation of the world. God preordained that we are to be adopted as His sons because of the Lord Jesus. God has blessed us with abundant blessings, in and through His beloved Son.
Spiritual Poverty
Many believers do not appropriate these truths and live in a kind of spiritual poverty.
But the course of spiritual experience, of spiritual life..
Godly Thinking
He had a Single Mind – in spite of all the problems and circumstances of life. He had a Submissive Mind – regardless of the way that people behaved towards him. He had a Spiritual Mind – where he set his heart on the right thinking. He had a Secure Mind – where worry and fear was replaced with trust and love. He had a Surrendered Mind – where each thought was captured and given to God.
Spiritual Birth
You must be born again, were the staggering words Nicodemus heard that night – words that must have echoed around his head and reverberated through his mind as he came to terms with the inner spiritual darkness, in which he himself was groping.
Spiritual Life
Man must be born of the Holy Spirit – if he is to live in the power of the Holy Spirit. The spiritual life of which Christ spoke is something entirely separate from the Law. The spiritual life is rooted in grace and truth, which comes to us from Jesus Christ.
A lot is made of Paul. 'What a great man Paul was naturally, what intellect he had, what training, what tremendous abilities!' That may all be true, but ask Paul what value it was to him when he was right up against a spiritual situation.
It is the only sufficient tool we need as we address all the important issues of life, in a manner well-pleasing to Him: emotional issues; relational issues; family issues; social issues and spiritual issues.
We have the indwelling Holy Spirit and the Word of God to ensure our spiritual victory, if we will but yield to Him, walk by faith and appropriate all that God has provided, so that we can: abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul.
To understand that this inner conflict is a normal part of the spiritual growth of a believer is an important step toward learning to walk in spirit and truth rather than walking in the flesh.
Spiritual Eye
When through the workings out of His purpose in the depth of your inner being, He takes you to an end of yourself, and gives you your own Job experience… then He will draw you with His cords of love to the very extremity of your hope and you will say – in the understanding of your own 'Job' experience….
I heard Him with mine ears but now I see Him with my spiritual eye of understanding – I see Him as I have never, ever seen Him before.
The growth and consolidation of one's spiritual life is predicated upon clear knowledge of the dual facts of Romans 6:11 - dead unto sin; alive unto God.
They began to see that, while He was the glorified, personal, Son of God, He was Himself the embodiment of a great, a vast heavenly and spiritual order and system.
But it is one failure after another; and when I think I have got on a bit, something turns up, and I find myself as bad as ever, and the thought of this damps all my spiritual joy.'
In this stage of spiritual development there are continual discoveries of the old man which makes that old self more and more repulsive, and there is also the presentation of the Lord Jesus again and again in which the soul finds increasing delight.
They have thereby learned the grace and sympathy of the Lord Jesus, and they have been the subjects of so much tender interest and consideration flowing from the spiritual affections of His saints, that they have been conscious of infinite gain and enrichment.
It is a real loss for the attention of believers to be turned from the spiritual dealings of the Lord Jesus with His own, and from all that is the moral result of those dealings, to be concentrated upon the thought of bodily healing and self-centered experiences. -C.A.C.
In some of the Scripture's most intense spiritual struggles we find this word 'smote'.
Testing of Faith
God permitted Satan to 'smite' Job in this unseen realm of spiritual warfare... not because God was having sport with Satan… or Job; not because God was indifferent about Job’s bitter anguish; not because God was angry with Job or unresponsive to his torment.
it is not I that live but Christ that lives in me. Galatians 2:20 Like Esther – both Peter and Job were trusted to overcome in the spiritual battle – and like Queen Esther, both Peter and Job could have been asked the question… art thou come to the kingdom for such a time as this?
Exemplary Faith
God permitted Satan to 'smite' Job in this unseen realm of spiritual warfare, because Job was a man of exemplary faith, within his generation; because Job was a man that was more deeply trusted by the Lord than most.
We all find ourselves in life’s cul-de-sacs, having to retrace our spiritual steps.
This ‘love motive’ is a good motive, but it is not the correct path to spiritual maturity, for this path of devotion can lead the old-self trying to live for God, by being good, and the consequences of this path is often in living the self-life instead of the Christ-life.
However this love motive can often cause believers to remain in spiritual babyhood.
We have to ask Him to examine our rebellious and carnal nature – to know the difference between 1) Christ as substitute and Christ as representative. 2) between sanctification truths and identification truths. 3) between the new-life in Christ and the old-life in Adam. 4) between the spiritual believer and a carnal Christian.
God... who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. (Ephesians 1:3)
Let us remind ourselves of the Word which is at the basis of our meditation: i>The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ.That means that all the resources which are in Christ are available for us.
It is not just life; acceptance; redemption and righteousness that are in Him, but the creation; our hope; spiritual blessings; consolation… and consummation – and Peace and Effectual Prayer and Strength and Riches are all “In Christ”.
Spiritual Truth
IN HIM you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; IN WHOM also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.” Eph.1:13 Through time and through eternity, this heavenly fact is expressed in many forms, Through the cross, this eternal reality is wrought in literal and experimental forms, but always, Always, ALWAYS the same principle emerges:- always, ALWAYS the same abiding, infinite, glorious, spiritual truth is manifested.
Spiritual Blessings
Should not I who am a child of God, chosen before the foundation of the world.. should not I, as one of His chosen ones, lift up the Lord Jesus? Should not I who will demonstrate His grace to heavenly powers in eternity.. should not I thus lift up the name of Jesus? Should not I similarly sing forth His praises through my voice and my pen?
Spiritual Truths
It is all about Christ and everything is to be in Christ.
Living Life
But through the course of spiritual experience, (of spiritual life), the believer is to discover, to appropriate, and to live by all that the life represents and means.
There is the substitution of the power of the Spirit for the power of a right will and human effort, the substitution therefore of occupation with the glorified Lord Jesus Christ for occupation with spiritual growth; for then and thus alone is growth obtained. -F.W.G.
Centre Stage
Some believers are spiritual believers, and the Spirit is at home in their lives.
Spiritual believers are simply those that give Christ centre stage in their lives – the Spirit of Christ dwells in them – He abides in them – and they walk like Him.
Spiritual Behaviour
To watch in every season and pray without ceasing seems an unrealistic request, and yet we find both Christ and Paul giving believers a seemingly impossible task, but the physical action must be transliterated into a spiritual behaviour.
Spiritual watching and spiritual praying are two sides of the same spiritual coin.
They became entangled in their attempts to perform the spiritual in the physical,` They tried to carry out the letter of the command rather than the godly principle.
Spiritually Alert
We too must grasp the spirit of Christ’s earnest entreaties to watch and pray. We too must be unceasingly spiritual alert maintaining an unbroken attitude of heart. We are to clothe ourselves with a temperament of anticipated watchfulness. We are to develop a perspective of ceaseless prayerfulness. We are to watch and pray in spirit and in truth, at all times and without ceasing.
Each have a spiritual revelation, which has come from the Father.
Work of God
A band of timid and fearful men who all forsook their Lord, denied Him and fled, became a most powerful group of fearless spiritual warriors – the most powerful group of fearless spiritual warriors the world has ever seen.
Because God has so spoken and given revelation to some chosen instrument and a truly spiritual work has been done, others have taken it as a model and have sought to imitate it in other places.
These were of a school in which the great lesson of the difference between natural and spiritual was taught experimentally.
You may have been in the fires and have been having a pretty hard and painful time in your spiritual life, but that only means that God has been preparing you for something more.
You have a feeling there something not quite clear here, not transparent here, not safe here... don feel happy about this, I can tell you why but I just don feel quite happy about this... there something in me that says: beware.I am convinced that in a day like this of deceptions and misleadings and all that, the great need is our spiritual discernment; of knowing the Holy Spirit in this way, that He able to warn you.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, is the Bible’s clear instruction, for there can be little or no stability in the Christian life when this truth is doubted – but until this is resolved in a believer’s heart there can be little spiritual growth.
Then, if we are really going to come through to the place of spiritual power as did Peter, that ground of the enemy must continually be forsaken and refused.
Man’s 2 Natures
As children of God we were given a new life in Christ – a baby life that needs to grow. Our life should be a fruitful, victorious life that matures into a spiritual believer – a life submitted to the Spirit, so it may be conformed into the image and likeness of Jesus. But we still have a sin nature that seeks to gain supremacy over our new Christ-life. We were freed from its power over us, at the cross, but it remains our deadly enemy.
New Life in Christ
The new life in Christ should be nurtured, while the old sin nature must be subdued, and though all Christians are positionally sanctified, (set apart unto God), we must also grow in our Christian life to be practically sanctified – and it’s all by grace. Whether we are talking about our sanctified position or the sanctifying process that continues throughout life – our spiritual growth, our growing in grace, our maturing in the faith and the good works that God has prepared for us to do, are ALL by grace.
In this way the new life in Christ will have a chance to grow and mature, and gradually be conformed into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus. If we ignore the clear guidance in scripture on how to live a spiritual life, that’s pleasing to God, and submit to the old sin nature, we place ourselves back under the bondage of law.
A Full Study Of JOB
Spiritual Conflict
Job’s belief was that God only blessed and prospered the upright, man of faith – but calamity after contradictory calamity conflicted with his creed.
But Job had entered into a spiritual conflict between God and Satan – a spiritual battle that would encompass the 6000 years of 'Man’s Day'. And never once did God make it clear to Job the battle that raged in the spiritual realm.
Though he slay me yet shall I TRUST Him. (AV) Job 13:15 Though He slay me yet shall I WAIT for Him. (RV) Job 13:15. It seems that Job was never made aware of his role in the raging, spiritual battleground..
Spiritual Victory
Yet unbeknown to Job and evil’s cruel plan – Christ’s It Is Finished cry, would pierce the far reaches of creation’s extremity. A plan conceived in eternity past.
Job’s revelation of the Lord was incomplete, yet Job held fast to his creed, despite overwhelming odds – triumphant in faith, as God (over time) unfolded more and more of His revelation to Job’s spiritual eyes.
We know some of the spiritual battles raging – through Scripture. We know some of His eternal plan – through His unfolding plan. God’s character has increasingly been revealed through His Word..
but am I really ready and willing to recognise Him with my spiritual eyes? Am I not only prepared to speak of Him in truth, with my lips – or am I really prepared to understand Him deeper within my heart. That I may KNOW Christ.
It should grieve us to realize how many abandoned babes in Christ there are - spiritual orphans.
In these days of spiritual dearth there is an ever-increasing need for the ministry of nurturing new believers, that they may be rooted and built up in Him, and established (Col. 2:7).
This is what constitutes spirituality - this is what makes a life or service spiritual: it is the drawing upon heavenly resources, living the life as out from heaven.
That constitutes a spiritual life and a spiritual walk.
Everything is so utterly from above - and so utterly not from man - that the life or work becomes spiritual as a consequence.
Worldly strivings and fleshly ambitions may briefly sustain an earthly body, while the inner man dies of hunger, for lack of spiritual food that is eternal.
Spiritual bread is no bland wafer or tasteless slice of food.
Man’s Need of Acceptance
Satan has robbed many believers of their full ASSURANCE of eternal salvation, and many crave for reassurance of spiritual life here and eternal life to come. Many seek through good works and spiritual activity to confirm their acceptance..
Hungering and Thirsting
Then be reassured Christian – for this is the sign of a healthy spiritual state. He who hungers and thirsts after righteousness will be filled – and that’s a promise.
We are going to see the outward form of things, which is earthly, man-made, man-constituted, an imitation or a representation of spiritual things, breaking down, shaking at its very foundations.
Spiritual life is only found in the blood of Christ.
Spiritual man, as pictured by Abel, has understood this by faith for 6000 years.
Fruit of Faith
The fruit of faith may indeed produce spiritual feeling and truthful sentiments, but the fruit and result of faith must never be confused with faith itself.
Religious Verses Spiritual
It is the religious man verses the spiritual man.
If our Lord were to give rest from the processing required for spiritual growth, by what means would He accomplish His work in us?
It has been well said that spiritual believers are honored with warfare in the front line areas.
But they are also privileged to witness the enemy's crushing defeat, so abundant is the power of God, and thus highly is the spiritual believer honored. -L.S.C.
As I have seen the physical walk of Old Testament saints translated into spiritual reality, I have been awed by the wisdom of God: how unsearchable are His ways.
as I have seen the physical walk of Old Testament saints translated into spiritual reality – I have seen the finger of God – pointing accusingly at MY bloodied heart.
Jacob the man of flesh, but Israel the Prince with God, the spiritual man.
How often does the scriptural type reflect our own spiritual reality.
Spiritual Walk
A life with Christ as central is a life that abides in Him; rests in Him; trusts Him.
The fruit of a life that looks to Christ in all things is one that walks as He walked. And Christ walked in spirit and truth by obediently listening to the Father’s voice. Christ lived a life in submission to the Holy Spirit – He lived a spiritual life.
and we can live a simple, beautiful, purposeful, spiritual life when Christ is central.
We have been given every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies, for we are in Christ.
Spiritual Believer
When we claim the benefits of our heavenly riches in Christ we abide in Him.
That Christian is Christocentric, because he abides in Him and walks like Christ – he lives a spiritual Christian life that is pleasing to God. He is a spiritual believer.
Abiding in Christ
Both have been endowed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places – in Christ.. but only one is abiding in Christ and living the Christ-life – the spiritual man. Only one has appropriated their heavenly portion, which is theirs in Christ..
Whether we recognize it or not, these difficulties and troubles which come to us are to train us for something and to develop in us the spirit of sonship; that is, to develop spiritual intelligence and spiritual ability in us. -T.
There are many perils lying in the direction of truth, even spiritual truth; and there are not a few of the Lord's people who have fallen into those perils.
Preponderance on any one side will always lead to spiritual injury, and very often to disaster.
In the light of such a spiritual eye-opening a whole lot of things would go: but being a heavenly vision, there would be no tears, no sense of loss, and no fond farewells.
In saying this we are only contemplating the full-tide of spiritual life known before any of these things came into being.
There are very few communities of Christians even the most evangelical, and spiritual who wholly escape the tendency or propensity to persecute or ostracize other bodies of Christians who might be regarded as rivals in their field of activity... God... hath at the end of these days spoken... in His Son.
How we have striven and strained to increase our spiritual measure and our spiritual stature.
What a burden we have taken upon us in relation to the maintenance of our own spiritual life!
We have almost assumed the whole responsibility for our spiritual life, and made it as though it depended upon our labors in prayer, our labors in the Word of God, our labors in the Lord service, our effort, our stress.
No one will think that we have said you must have no care whatever for your spiritual life, but there is such a difference between assuming responsibility for ourselves and recognizing that God has assumed that responsibility.
There can be worldliness within the church and a spiritual immaturity – there can be lack of scriptural knowledge or a tickling of ears with pleasantries.
The spurious, spiritual mysticism of pseudo-religiosity crept in with God’s truth and as a result, some lived by emotions and a false spirituality instead of Scripture.
Deceptive Philosophy
Paul warns us not to be deceived or deluded by the persuasive words of such teaching: see to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world – rather than on Christ.
You may bring the noblest thoughts which ever sprang from a human mind, you may couch them in the most fragrant rhetoric that ever distilled the perfume of literature in the book lover's nostrils and you will not quicken a single pulse of the new and spiritual life.
Spiritual Knowledge
What are the things upon which your thoughts are focused?
How easy it is to rely on denominational type doctrine for our spiritual thoughts, How undemanding to rest your eternal future on your own spiritual knowledge.
How facile to rest your spiritual growth on a reservoir of religious facts.
Spiritual Concentration
But this type of thinking causes a spiritual stupor to descend upon an individual. This type of thinking causes men to drift into a deep, spiritual sleep.
It is not more spiritual activity that is needed - but Christo-Centric Concentration.
How much more does our spiritual life require a reliable Source.
He uses the natural Adamic-life to instruct us in the spiritual Christ-life and His teaching principle is based on an essential truth – the ‘source‘ rule, which is found in Genesis 1:24: everything after its own kind – flesh after flesh, and spiritual after spiritual.
Carnal and Spiritual
The carnal is complete in Adam: for I know in me, that is in my flesh, dwells no good thing.
The spiritual is complete in Christ: like Christ ….
He instructs us about the natural, and uses these commonplace experiences to train us in the spiritual.
He writes: Christ’s resurrection was our resurrection to a life of holiness, just as Adam’s fall was our fall into spiritual death.
And by union with Christ, we partake of that spiritual life that He took possession of for us at His resurrection, and thereby we are enabled to bring forth the fruits of it; as the Scripture showeth us by the similitude of a marriage union.
Though complete in Him through spiritual birth, maturity grows over time.
Spiritual growth, requires a heart-hunger for an intimate relationship, and an intimate relationship only develops as we get to know Him Whom our soul loves.
To put that in the other way, if your appeal for moving on with the Lord seems to people to involve their having to move away from this or that or some other thing, then there is warfare; which shows that Satan in his eternal campaign of idolatry, has got a footing amongst Christians in relation to things which take the place of the Lord Himself, good things though they be in themselves; and you find, if you are spiritually sensitive, that you are not just encountering the established institutions, but you are encountering a terrific spiritual force.
That is spiritual growth: t pleased God... to reveal His Son in me....It is so important that there should be this continual, living unveiling of Christ in the heart if we are to reach God full end.
To understand what is meant by those last three words is to have an explanation of an immense amount of history; spiritual and temporal.... The nature and features of the curse, as the Bible everywhere reveals, are frustration, thwarting, bafflement, discontent, abortion, confusion, travail, breakdown, and an ever-defeated struggle against despair and death.... Why is it that so many things which have greatly served the purpose of God have eventually fallen apart; broken up; and have little more than a great past to live upon?
Spiritual Bliss
How many of us, like these shepherds, have been in the very presence of God? How many of us, recall that wonderful transfiguring time, and long for its return? How many even question the glorious promises, bestowed on us from earlier days? How many start to wonder if the closeness, once discovered, when in His Presence.. was but an illusion; a dream; a forgotten hope; a lost delight – as they also leave that high point in their lives and walk away (leaving their first love).
No doubt the shepherds' preference would have been to remain forever in this zenith. But former spiritual bliss should make us more diligent and devoted in little things: You have been faithful over a little, I’ll set you over much; enter into the joy of your Lord.
And they thirsted not when He led them through the deserts: He caused the waters to flow out of the rock for them. . . . . . .for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ (Isa 48:21; 1 Cor. 10:4).
The whole thought of God, running right through this letter, is spiritual fullness; and any religion even Christianity mixing and confusing soul and spirit, the sentient and the spiritual (as did the Christian-Judaism and as does organized Christianity) is doomed to the destiny of Judaism.
It seeks to explain their nature and history in the light of Christ and true spiritual Christianity.
But solid food is for adults - that is, for those who through constant practice have their spiritual faculties carefully trained to distinguish good from evil.
Pneumatology – unless rightly-divided, the Scriptures can be accused of distortions. Bibliology – God’s work in the church is mixed up with His plan for Israel. Ecclesiology – our position in Christ, and spiritual inheritance is confused.
confusion reigns in the area of eternal security and spiritual warfare is distorted.
Even good people who have been blessed of the Lord, to whom He has shown His favor and whom He has used very greatly, may in the end be involved in spiritual tragedy if for some reason compromise has entered in.
If spiritual fullness is to be reached, we have to be governed by Divine and heavenly principles, and not by human considerations.
In Him we live and move and have our being is the fundamental truth of the spiritual life.
When the Lord Jesus says: Abide in Me it sounds so simple and so ordinary, but it contains all this history, and this great principle and truth: If you get out of your environment you are exposed to all the poisons and all that creates spiritual disease.
Spiritual equilibrium alone will bring forth much fruit both in us and in others.
We were created for more than our own spiritual development; reproduction, not mere development, is the goal to mature being - reproduction in other lives.
The flowers that are bent on perfecting themselves, by becoming double, end in barrenness, and a like barrenness comes to the soul whose interests are all concentrated upon its own spiritual well-being, heedless of the needs around.
He expects them to realize their position of absolute oneness with Christ, for He ‘has blessed them with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ’ (Eph. 1:3).” -F.J.H.
Paul’s Teachings
Paul outlined in great detail these glorious positional truths to encourage our hearts. His desire was that we are united in love and understand the riches of God’s grace. He longed that we have complete assurance of the mystery of God – namely Christ: in Whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Colossians 2:3 Paul’s epistles certainly are overflowing with much to rejoice our heart, but he also gives us some severe warnings, which encourage spiritual alertness.
Pharaoh is an old testament type that can be expressed as a spiritual truth today.
Spiritual Truth
The truth expressed in this example is no different from today’s end times, for if truth is being presented and yet repeatedly rejected, God finally sends a famine – a famine of hearing God’s word – a famine of listening to God’s voice.
Spiritual Maturity
We are exhorted on many occasions to be maturely established in the faith. We are encouraged to press on to the high calling of Christ. We are entreated to gain spiritual perception and godly discernment. We are enjoined to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus.
Spiritual Infancy
Why then is there such lack in the body of Christ?
Why such spiritual infancy? Why is there such a dearth of spiritual perception – a deficiency of discernment? Why are there so many that live out their Christian life in spiritual infancy?
Spiritual lack and stunted growth is most often a failure to grow in spirit and truth.
Spiritual Discernment
We are told that we will know them by their works – but how to differentiate?
There is but one way - spiritual discernment, bestowed by the Spirit of Truth, which is given to those prepared to die to self-interest and self-worth
God’s purpose spans far greater horizons, which is the believer’s sanctification. It is being established in the faith – spiritual maturity – growing in Christ.
This significant issue is crucial to a believer's spiritual walk, for denial of our eternal security is a distortion of scripture, a denial of God’s plan of salvation and it defames God’s character.
Scriptural Harmony
The harmony in Scripture on the issue of eternal security is truly beautiful to behold, but when salvation passages for the unbeliever are confused with those on growing in grace and spiritual maturity, confusion is inevitable.
The first man was a natural man – an unsaved man – a man condemned to be separated from God forever, for the wages of sin is death; spiritual death – spiritual separation from the Father.
Heavenly Man
The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual.
Two things mark spiritual growth; one is a deeper sense of the sinful old nature, the other is a greater longing after the Lord Jesus Christ.
The sinfulness is discovered and felt as the power of the Holy Spirit increases; for many a thought and act passes without pain to the conscience where the Lord Jesus is less before the soul, which will be refused and condemned as the knowledge of the Lord increases in spiritual power within. -J.B.S.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing … in Christ.Ephesians 1:3
God has bestowed on His children all and every single possible spiritual blessing.
God has secured all and every single possible spiritual blessing in the heavenlies.
God has secured all and every single possible spiritual blessing – in CHRIST.
His spiritual benefits encompass all that is past, present, and future.
Spiritual Blessings
Everything that touches our lives on earth – or our home in heaven..
James 1:17 God has blessed all and every saint with every spiritual blessing – in Christ.
for nothing is impossible to the Lord – yet we often live in spiritual bankruptcy.
Heavenly Blessings
In Ephesians, we read blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ: for He has blessed us with EVERY spiritual blessing in the heavenlies.
He has blessed us with ALL spiritual blessings in heavenly places.
He has blessed us with ALL and EVERY spiritual blessing IN CHRIST.
From the moment we trusted Jesus as Saviour, all spiritual blessings became ours.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing - in Christ.
Effort, disappointment, self-reproaches, and self-occupation, make up the weary round of their lives, with now and then, perhaps, a gleam of spiritual happiness.
Legalistic Impediments
Legalistic rituals, rites, and ceremonies can most certainly impede spiritual growth, but what are these things?
The spiritual cure for triviality, is a new note of greatness born of the realisation of what it cost Jesus to produce His salvation in us – a sanctified life.
Spiritual Quality
So in what way are we to reflect this spiritual quality of exhortation? How are we to be best used of Him to come alongside precious brothers and sisters?
The only possibility of spiritual progress lies in our discovering the truth as God sees it; the truth concerning Christ, the truth concerning ourselves in Christ. -W.N.
Trying to do good works in our own strength and living under legalism, (under law) rather than being led by the Spirit, prevents spiritual growth, and sadly this blocks our fellowship with the Father.
Indeed, such hindrances to spiritual growth are rooted in unbelief.
Spiritual growth is not a matter of how much we pray or witness..
Christians likewise are reminded that spiritual maturity comes by faith, and not by what we do.
Sufficient Strength
But Paul like us, had to come to an understanding that our strength in is Christ and not in ourselves and Paul like us, had to learn the many spiritual blessings that flow from suffering.
Only a regenerate man has had the breath of life breathed into him by the Spirit of life. Only a believer in Jesus is able to function on the spiritual plane – by faith. Only a new man in Christ, who has passed from darkness to light can act by faith. Faith is simply believing God. Faith is simply trusting God to do what God has said, and faith comes by hearing which comes through the Word of God.
Man, within his spiritual capacity, is able to avail himself of what God has said, and then man (redeemed man), is to live and to act and to pray accordingly. The ‘just’ shall live by faith… the ‘righteous’, ‘redeemed’, ‘spiritually-alive’, ‘new man in-Christ’ shall live by faith. Why, you ask – why should we live by faith? What, you ask – what is the point of simply trusting God to do what God has said? Let us eat, drink, and be merry, and party in this life, for tomorrow we die!! Why you ask… because God has ordered His amazing creative plans and purposes to include you. Before the foundation of the world, He set these plans in motion, to involve you. He has designed that those with patient endurance will receive the great promise: for you have need of patient endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.” Heb.10:36
the salvation of the soul – spiritual maturity: And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly, and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless, unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1Thes.5:23
Biblical Faith
Now Faith.,. (faith which brings you to saving of the soul – sanctification – spiritual maturity) faith is the substance of things hoped for. Faith is the evidence of things not seen. If God has said it in His God-breathed Word..
Living a fleshly or carnal life, instead of a spiritual one is disobeying the Lord – and prayers and intercessions will only be received from the one that is pure.
And you find that list moves out into the dimensions of the knowledge-surpassing love: ..that you may be filled unto all the fullness of God.Spiritual illumination leads on to being filled unto all the fullness.
Spiritual illumination, therefore, is a basic thing to God end.
We can never come to the fullness of Christ by the mere enquiry and investigation of our own brains into spiritual things.
The Testimony of Jesus has as its essential law: spiritual illumination and revelation through the Word.
The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one. (1 Corinthians 2:15 ESV)
Recognizing that, we see that this further thing is necessary, that we are a truly spiritual people.
It is very often difficult to define what is meant by spirituality, or a spiritual people.
But for the moment it can be put quite simply and quite safely and soundly in this way, that a spiritual people is a people who are governed by the Word and the Holy Spirit to this end: that in everything within and without, Christ is All and in all.
Christ is presented as the Head of His Body – a spiritual body in whom He resides.
There is one need for all humanity – one need for believer and non-believer alike, to SEE the Son of Man – to have his spiritual eyes opened.
Spiritual Understanding
And through the writings of Paul, we are told how to live in Christ..
and in the writings of John, we are told Who will give us this spiritual sight.. THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH: 'He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come'.
John 16:13. And John’s gospel, letters and apocalypse explain spiritual understanding… and we are to live by faith and not by sight.
Spiritual Foolishness
We are not to rely on signs and wonders; feeling and emotions.
True spiritual experience will result from our standing immovable in our position in Christ.
Whatever may have been our experience of holiness, and the measure of spiritual attainment in the past, we can never get beyond the need of abiding in Christ and the continuous reckoning of faith. -R.W.
There follows a dissertation of a carnal Christian compared with the spiritual man..
Two Options
First a carnal Christian life:– born again but walking in the realm of the flesh and second a spiritual Christian life:– born again and walking in the sphere of the spirit.
Indeed, Paul here prescribes the remedy to the carnal life versus the spiritual life.
Another vitally important foundational truth is identification Identification with Christ is essential for the spiritual growth of a believer, and chapter 8 of The Green Letters briefly outlines these foundational truths… through the thoughts and writings of a range of time-honoured saints of God.
These truths are the birthright of every child of God, and no one can dispense with them without dishonouring our Lord” (Spiritual Secret, p.116).
This passage is the foundation as well as the key to the possibility of a ‘walk in the spirit'” (He That Is Spiritual, p.154).
“The first phase of our spiritual experience may be a great and overflowing joy, with a marvellous sense of emancipation.
Let any of our old man, whether of our old temper, our old way of judging, our old disposition, any of it come up at all, if we are children of God, we know quite well that at that point a barrier is set up and we cannot get past, we are held up in our spiritual life and we have to go back and have that thing cleared up.
It is true that we may have a tremendous amount of knowledge and information as this world can give it, and yet the wisest, the wealthiest in knowledge or in any other way, coming into Christ has got to learn the ABC in spiritual things.... It will not be long before we are made to know that we do not know anything.
There is no royal road to spiritual knowledge, we have to start right at the beginning and learn the things of the Lord as we go along.
Now, God’s promises are ours – His Word is ours and Christ Jesus is our own Saviour. Spiritual blindness is replaced with spiritual knowledge, understanding, and light.
The law was applied to the natural man, that he might produce; grace is given to the spiritual man, that He might produce.Almost every believer makes the same mistake as the Galatian Christians.
Now no one will think that I am saying that there are no spiritual people in that system of things.
I am not saying that; but I am saying that if that represents for them their spiritual life if they must have that, if that is the realm in which they live... that they do not see beyond that and are not free from that as a thing in itself then they have missed the meaning of Calvary, and they are bound to miss all the meaning of Christ crucified the wisdom and the power of God.
You see, we are up against a terrific business; we are up against a spiritual opposition which is colossal, and only a spiritual position is adequate to that nothing less.
But this is just the beginning of that deep work of the Cross which is to deal with the carnality of our cherished affections, our spiritual comforts, our dearest friendships, our creeds, and our denominations, our devotion to which prevents the dying of the old man that makes impossible whole-hearted devotion to the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. -J.M.
Natural Man
Natural man is incapable of any spiritual intercourse with the Spirit of God. This is a law that God dictated and God has His one way – His only Way; His only Truth; His only Life. Divine life imparted to a born-again soul is essential for communion with God. Divine life, (the free unmerited gift of grace from God) is the only uniting bridge.
if that unbridgeable gap is to be crossed – if the immeasurable gulf is to be spanned. But this first step to God is often halted a few steps down the path on the new-creation, and the spiritual newborn is halted in his spiritual life and spiritual growth. For just as the first requirement for the free unmerited gift of grace was by faith.. so too the ongoing wilderness walk through the plains and pains of this earthly life.
Spiritual Maturity
Living by faith is not the automatic outcome of the born-again believer. A life of sanctification is not the natural outcome of saved humanity. Spiritual maturity is a decision the believer makes – it’s a day-by-day choice. The ‘laws’ of sanctification (not the Law of Moses) must be applied by the believer..
Spiritual Strongholds
Without the innate sin nature, every new believer would certainly choose life.
But abuse from others and neglect from self, ravages the fragile new-born soul, and spiritual strongholds erected throughout life inhibit this maturation process.
Don’t allow moral, intellectual, or spiritual insanity to drag down these obstacles.
Spiritual Progress
Don’t rebel before your spiritual progress is completed. Don’t kick against the pricks or you may forgo what He desires to teach you. Don’t seek to circumnavigate the slow, steady, majestic, difficult way He’s planned – do not weep.
As Job said: “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my spiritual eye of understanding sees You.
All that was ever intended by God concerning Israel and was lost by them, is carried on in the Lord Jesus, and then transferred by Him to His companions and the companions of the heavenly calling the new Israel, which is spiritual.
And that is the difference between a congregation, so many Christians, or units coming together as units, and a spiritual organism, a local expression of the Body of Christ: and it is the Body which is God's thought, not a congregation, not a bunch of flowers.
It is true they are all of the same species: they are Christians, they are children of God, they are all sharing the same Life, but oh, they are not there as one organism in one place growing with the increase of God, passing through corporate convulsions of death and resurrection and making spiritual increase in that way....
We are then commanded to be His soldiers and to enter into spiritual war. I may be in the early flush of youth or I may be advancing in years; I may be invalided on a couch of sickness or I may be in the heyday of health; I may be imprisoned in a lonely cell or free to roam the wide continents – but He has a plan for each of us, and He plants or transplants us as He sees fit. And He calls each of us to be faithful in the place where He has planted us.
Physical Example
Every Old Testament story presents New Testament truths – spiritual truths.
What was done in the physical realm is to be translated into the spiritual realm.
Spiritual Truth
We don’t fight physical Goliaths, for our foes are spiritual forces – our enemies are armies of principalities and powers in the heavenlies.
Ours is a spiritual battle, engaged in the invisible realm with the unseen forces of evil.
Spiritual Courage
Physical courage may be admired – but it can sometimes be foolish. Spiritual courage when battling the unseen enemy is truly what counts. That inward strength does not come from pumping up your own nerve.
Spiritual bravery is not resultant on displayed heroism or gallant deeds. Spiritual boldness is displayed in men and women, who place their trust in God and look to Him, for deliverance. It is people who will stand amidst the crumbling circumstances of life and cry.. I know in Whom I have believed. 2 Timothy 1:12
Unhesitating Trust
There was one requirement in the physical realm as there is one requirement in the spiritual.
How much more should we pay attention to our heavenly Father’s instructions in our own spiritual battles?
Isaiah 68:14 But deeper and more expressive, spiritual overtones of joy, are also discovered, where Christ demonstrates that: for the joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross… Hebrews 12:2 and He endured the cross so that: no one will take your joy away from you…. John 16:22
Christ establishes here a deep spiritual truth about joy – true joy – inner joy – that even in sorrow, pain, longing, bereavement..
Eternal supply
Intimacy with our Saviour and Lord, is the most precious grace He has given us, for He is the well-spring of our life, both physical and spiritual.
Ours are in the realm of the spiritual as theirs were in the realms of the physical.
Response to Praise
Don’t nurse your wounds when others, through ignorance or stupidity, cause you pain – but remember the Christian’s secret of a successful and profitable spiritual life.
The fit and healthy athlete is a physical picture of our spiritual endeavour.
Spiritual Muscle
The spiritual muscle and might that He desires to be built up in our hearts..is love, joy, patient endurance, gentleness and goodness, meekness and mercy.
Spiritual maturity can frequently go into hibernation, through a believer’s fleshly ways.
Rom.8:28. There may be ramifications for seeking fast-track spiritual development, and there may be consequences for a paucity or lack in a spiritual life, but there will also be reward… if that one earnestly seeks God in his lack, indifference, disinterests or rebellion, for God has a purpose for all that are blood-bought saints in Christ Jesus – but He chooses to do it His way, and will often wait many years for our compliance.
Job.13:15. It is the expression of a self-life… that confesses the truth – a life willing to admit that God alone has the answers. Christian growth can often be stunted at rebirth with poor ‘discipling’. Spiritual maturity can frequently go into hibernation through a believer’s fleshly ways..
He knows everything visible and invisible; natural and spiritual; good and evil – in time and in space and in eternity. He knows the end from the beginning.
The indwelling presence of God within the Christian is no myth or folk-legend. This is no speculative nicety, no theoretical yen – no considered spiritual opinion.
False Understanding
But many choose to confine His presence to the realm of conscious feelings, or seek after a plethora of spiritual experiences to 'prove' God speaks the truth.
Right Thinking
But right thinking about God and the Son of His love is critical to spiritual growth, for every thought we have of God, influences the decisions we make. Think about the following.. No nation in the history of the world has risen above their perception of God. No civilisation has peaked above their consciousness of Who God is. No peoples have exceeded their religious thinking of the nature of God.
It is to bring us into a place of spiritual responsibility.
He seeks to bring us to a state of spiritual maturity, to full growth.
We do not just want to be servants, bits of a machine, but sons who have become one with the Father, and in whose hands He can put spiritual responsibilities.
a plan involving spiritual war that will continue through centuries. A plan that will continue on until all things are consummated in Christ. A plan you and I are part of. A plan to bring forth the eternal fullness of Christ.
Deeper Truth
Many only see Job as God’s upright servant, who got caught up in spiritual warfare.
Performance Orientated
We live in a world system where the culture of the age is performance orientated. Acceptance at home or at school is all too often dependent on what we say and do. The legalism that is inherent in society is often transferred into the spiritual realm. We transfer the way the world thinks and acts into our relationship with the Lord – but this is counter to God’s way of working and opposite of His way of thinking.
At any rate, the world will know something if we are really living in touch with the Lord, and there will be a language which only the spiritual can enjoy and understand.
There will be those spiritual counterparts of the seed of Abraham, a people different from all the rest.
You cannot fit them in with other things, and it is not because they are awkward and difficult and deliberately irritate people, but there is that which by reason of their spiritual constitution marks them off; and if they did but know it, this is the secret of their influence in the world.
The progress and increase of spiritual Life means this, that the gap widens all the time between the children of God and those in the world who are not such.
We are raised in Him (Eph. 2:6); we are complete in Him (Col. 2:10); we are blessed with all spiritual blessings in Him (Eph. 1:3); the entire work regarding us is not done in us but in the Lord Jesus - the Father has done all in His Son.
So often in the battle we go to the Lord, and pray, and plead, and appeal for victory, for ascendancy, for mastery over the forces of evil and death, and our thought is that in some way the Lord is going to come in with a mighty exercise of power and put us into a place of spiritual maturity as in an act.
He takes us through some exercise, through some experience, takes us by some way which means our spiritual expansion, an increase of spirituality so we occupy the larger place spontaneously because of our growth I will not drive them out from before thee in one year; lest the land become desolate, and the beast of the field multiply against thee.
But in relation to our spiritual maturity – God takes His time.
Spiritual Growth
But he grows slowly and looks very insignificant for many decades, as silently within the Word of God nourishes the spirit, soul and body – while without the raging storms and buffeting winds of life, develop a trusting faith.
Spiritual Maturity
God knows what’s best in the life of each believer to bring him to strong, full maturity – and God takes time to bring a man or woman from new-birth to final maturity, God takes time to conform each of His children into the likeness of His beloved Son.
The Spiritual Way
How graciously does the aged apostle Peter, who failed so miserable put it:- but grow….
Spiritual Warnings
The first snare is to do with surfeiting / dissipation / excess / self-indulgence. Surfeiting means to dissipate/ to throw away / to squander / to disintegrate… but this warning against the physical excess can translate into a spiritual warning.
Unceasing Readiness
The next snare is drunkenness / intemperance which is so often a form of escapism, but the warning against the physical act can translate into a spiritual warning.
It can be confirmed in the spiritual with a similar blindness to the realities to come.
And ignoring the warning to ready for His return at all times is the spiritual equivalent.
Put on the New
Each believer has a life that needs honing – yet spiritual realities are not always faced. Each servant has talents to use – yet opportunities to live for Christ can be wasted.
Such a one that doesn’t face the spiritual realities of life – ceases to guard their heart.
Trust in God
The final snare is to permit the trials of this life to overwhelm us with worry, lest at any time your hearts be overwhelmed with the cares of this life. And the caution against the physical sin translates into a spiritual warning.
Spiritual Man
Job presents as a spiritual man, who in this world has deep tribulation and distress - an intercessor at the start, and a prayer-warrior at the end of his spiritual walk.
A man that does not understand, but a man with a teachable spirit; a man who trusts in the Lord, but a man that is prepared to question God; a man whom the Lord trusts in the unseen world of spiritual warfare.
Spiritual and Carnality
Like Job, his wife is a virtuous woman, who holds to her husband's trust in God, but one who allows the long, spiritual battle in Job’s life, to cause her faith to fail.
Job’s friends cannot be 'overcomers', as they are not part of the spiritual warfare.
In her spiritual walk, Job’s wife was overcome, but was protected by Job’s integrity.
Indeed, they were not trusted by the Lord to participate in His spiritual warfare.
Spiritual Walk
The man walking in the spirit is willingly prepared to be taught the deep truths of God – even if they conflict with one's long-held understanding of God… even if it means having to adjust one's deep-seated mindset about God; even if it means having to rethink one's whole perception of God.
High Calling
The new man in Christ will be the one trusted to enter the spiritual battle.
In the life of any believer, spiritual or carnal, God has much refining to do.
In the life of any believer, spiritual or carnal, God has much refining to do, for God’s way is to make the reality of Christ, increasingly real in each one of us.
Many more hit pillows or pavement with a deep emptiness in their belly and bowls. However shocking such statistics – more horrific is the world’s spiritual hunger. However scandalous the malnourished hordes of humanity are.. spiritual need is an even greater lack.
Greed and Disinterest
Acute, bodily needs are almost trifling compared with humanity’s deep spiritual want, and yet the deep-seated spiritual need is less discernible in today’s masked culture.
Man’s intense, spiritual dearth is often hidden, disguised, or camouflaged.
Spiritual Deficiencies
Though very real, the physical need of man is a parable of the grotesque paucity..
an allegory lurking behind closed church doors and spiritual slums of the globe.
Can you argue that God is not good, or gracious to allow such spiritual deficiency?
No, the burden of responsibility for spiritual food firmly remains on each individual.
Such spiritual lack must be firmly laid at the feet of each person with tickled ears.
Every man and every woman has choices to make between famine and fullness – spiritual famine or spiritual fullness .
Provision of God
God spreads His table with great abundance – even in the presence of our enemies, and Mary sang, He fills the hungry with good things – pressed down and spilling over. For whoever hath, (hunger for the Lord) to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, (spiritual hunger) from him shall be taken away even what he hath.
Everywhere and in all things, I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.” Philippians 4:12 Whatever our station in the physical realm, whether 'full or hungry' remember that your spiritual food is of the greatest importance to you.
Spiritual Lessons
Life’s journey is an education. It affords us opportunities to learn many spiritual lessons.
It develops in us moral and spiritual qualities. It may not be the easy way; it may not be the happiest route; it may be marred by difficulties' it may be tinged with disappointments, but all things work together for good to those that trust Him – to those that are the called according to His perfect purpose.
Indeed, He is the only One in the world today that can guide man into all truth, for the Scripture is living and the Scripture is spiritual, and spiritually discerned.
Spiritual hunger and thirst are fulfilled in the Lord Jesus, while at the same time they are enlarged for more of Him.
It is as we take the Lord Jesus by faith into the affections of our hearts that we make spiritual progress.
The head may be filled with general theological information without producing one spark of heart-affection for the Lord Jesus, and the soul remains in a state of spiritual emaciation.
Many have been misled by thinking that by reading the Bible you become like Christ - transformed; but you will find diligent students of the Word, who may never say anything incorrect in doctrine, yet who never seem to grow in grace and walk in spiritual reality.
All blessings of this dispensation of grace are wrapped up in a Person, and, by means of the Word of God, we make spiritual progress as our hearts learn to find everything in Him - the Son of God who loved us and gave Himself for us. -C.A.C.
But the spiritual mind, the subdued heart, the lowly spirit, will say, and that without a single particle of reserve, Let me only enjoy the sweet company of the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ in my trial, and I ask no more.
For the Apostle the settling in to the sovereign ordering of God in his imprisonment issued in increasing illumination leading to spiritual emancipation.
Earthly and Spiritual
The people of Israel marched around the walls of Jericho to gain victory – today we march a seventh time around the city gate of our spiritual Jericho.
The earthly walk of Israel is given to demonstrate what we face in the spiritual – both are used by God to draw us to Him – to teach us to trust in His strong arms of love.
The Lord would have prayer touching things heavenly, things spiritual, related to that which is not of time, but of eternity; not of this world, but in relation to His eternal, heavenly intentions.
No, our prayer must be: Today, Lord, I want that which is of greatest account in relation to spiritual values and if that must be by way of trial and adversity, I do not pray to be delivered from it.
Spiritual Battle
The Old Testament tells why the created world is under the control of a rebellious angel.
The New Testament presents the same heavenly order of the devil’s demonic ploys, and the spiritual battle of the age is raging against Satan’s heavenly realm – an unseen war, where wicked powers rule gentile nations from high places.
One New Man
The work of God’s Spirit throughout this present age has this spiritual focus:- redeemed man..
prepared by the Spirit to bring forth the fruit He requires; saved Jews and Gentiles, participating in a spiritual battle and heavenly war.. a bride for Christ, prepared as co-regent with Him in His heavenly kingdom – the one new man in Christ – the Church.
And the one new man in Christ, is seven times exhorted to overcome in the spiritual war, for overcoming is God’s will for all believers.
God has bestowed on us blessings of position, privilege, power, and responsibility, for this is a spiritual conflict with principalities and powers in heavenly places – and we are in Christ; identified with Him and our sphere of operation is heavenly.
Spiritual Realm
We are part of this spiritual battle – but the war of the ages was won at the cross.
The privileges and blessings bestowed on all in Christ – are in the heavenly realm, and we are to live and function in the spiritual realm, because of our union with Christ.
Our physical position is with our feet planted on the earth - the terrestrial plane, but our eternal, spiritual position is in Christ in heavenly places - the celestial sphere.
We may be poor in the world goods, but we have every spiritual blessing, in Christ.
The point is this, that, inasmuch as that is the side of vision presented, you and I have to seek the Lord for spiritual capacity to see it.
When the Lord's people get a new spiritual Holy Ghost revelation of the Sovereign Headship of Christ, and begin to hold fast the Head, they let go of everything that is local, and personal, and different, and scattered on the earth.
Their spiritual resources of life, power, wisdom, knowledge, and purpose must be heavenly and by mediation of the Holy Spirit alone.
The spiritual relationships and associations must be heavenly.
We can never arrange this, or decide to do this heavenly business to any consequence (except failure) unless each one concerned is in it by revelation of the Holy Spirit, and is born into it through spiritual travail.
Therefore, that portion of our lives that is not His living is not Christian living; and that portion of our service that is not His doing is not service; for all such life and service have but a human and natural source, but Christian life and service have a supernatural and spiritual source.” That supernatural, spiritual source – is the Spirit of Christ in you.
Carnal or Spiritual
Your Soul that has the capacity to sin, and will continue to until we are with Him.
Your new soul-life is the new man in Christ, the spiritual man that works for good.
We are to be careful that we are not enslaved through human philosophy. We are not to be influenced by the empty deceit that saturates human tradition. We are not to adopt the basic principles of the world, instead of those of Christ. Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that comes from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ. Colossians 2:8
Spiritual Life
The personal, physical presence of Christ in the world was first revealed at His birth.
He, Who was from God (proceeded from God or be sent by God) shows the necessity and nature of spiritual birth: that which is born of the flesh is flesh..
The point is that the Lord was making for spiritual increase, but an obstacle encountered was this unpreparedness to leave room for the sovereignty of the Spirit.
If we are not living near the Lord Jesus and are not where we should be, we neither have an appetite for spiritual things, nor can we feed upon Him who is the living Bread.
There are great days, days of decisive battles, days of crisis in spiritual history, days of triumph in Christian service, days of the right hand of the Father upon us.
Yes, for any experience which makes us more aware of our need of the Father must contribute to spiritual progress, unless we deny the Lord who bought us. -W.G.S.
Spiritual Peace
His peace is a spiritual peace – and one that is intended to be enjoyed now. His peace is a peace that is given for us in this age of turmoil and uncertainty.
Spiritual Inheritance
How little we really know of these great spiritual truths and of eternity with Him. How impossible to conceive or understand the inheritance that awaits His own.
His Soon Appearing
Christ is offering rewards to the man or woman that will overcome in this world, and the 1 warning this spiritual church is given is that of their potential loss is to hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.
There is no sin in such everyday tasks and necessary activities, but they can be weights, distractions, and stumbling blocks in our spiritual life.
Discouraging Distractions
We live a life of busyness and chores and things to do and activities to be completed. We live in an anxious and instant society, with it’s ‘must have it now,’ mentality, and sometimes we lose sight of the fact that our spiritual development takes a lifetime – God is in no hurry to pander to our desires for instant answers.
You also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God, through Jesus Christ.1 Peter 2:5
Spiritual House
As a child of God (because we believed), we were made part of His household.
The foundation of God’s new spiritual house are the prophets and apostles, and Christ Himself is the divine Cornerstone Who purposed to build His church.
Christ is the divine Cornerstone – Who is building us into His own, spiritual house.
Day by day, God is constructing His temple of living stones, into a holy habitation: you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God, through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:5
When we act independently of God, our disobedience affects our Christian life, and disobedience affects fellowship with the Father and halts our spiritual growth.
Spiritual Temperature
A man’s character is displayed in his words and in his attitudes.
A man’s spiritual temperature is not displayed in public prayers or preaching, but at the supermarket checkout, the restaurant table, behind a steering wheel!
Christian Living
A man’s profound, solitary spiritual life is between himself and God alone, but life’s superficial activities may replace a Christ-centred life with a self-centred one, Am I willing to permit God to dominate both my profound and shallow activity? Am I prepared to allow Him to influence both spiritual and superficial things?
Spiritual Life
It was once written… No one ever becomes spiritual without being fanatical for a season.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies … IN CHRIST.Ephesians 1:3
Hebrews 5:8-10 We are all living stones, being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:5 We have been made a kingdom of priests to the glory and power of God His Father, forever and ever!
Grace is founded on the sovereignty of God and shows forth His unconditional love. Grace is God’s over-abounding provision, not only in the physical but in the spiritual. Grace not only restores what was lost in Eden but adds to it an unknown expanse.
We have the Spirit of fullness, making all our life spiritual:- don’t get drunk with wine, which leads to reckless actions, but be filled by the Spirit.
The very principle of spiritual growth and maturity demands that He keep the objective and the subjective balanced; that is, that something is done in us as well as for us. -T.
That one thought centers in His Son, Jesus Christ, and therefore the very essence of revelation, and the very heart of spiritual enlightenment is that you see Christ in all those thoughts and ways of God as they are expressed in His Word and in His activities.
If you ask: What is revelation, what is it to have spiritual enlightenment?
So that revelation, spiritual illumination, is to see Christ in all the Word of God; not truths, not doctrines, but Christ.... The question then, that we ever need to ask, is: In what way does this or that lead us to Christ?
Like Noah and Daniel, Job was trusted in a spiritual battle, betwixt God and Satan..
Why does the Spirit of Comfort admonish us and warn us to be like Job..? Why does He counsel us to put no spiritual stumbling block in our friend’s way? So that, like Job, our ministering service will not be blamed.
It is possible to wear yourself right out, and kill yourself in a spiritual quest, and the Lord at last says to our hearts: If you only know Me, things will happen; it will all come to pass without any of your strain, struggle and agony.
Personal, inward, spiritual intelligence is a very rare thing.
Waves of error; the swing of the pendulum to some fresh popular acceptance; a great war with its horrors and many-sided tests of faith; all these have swept away multitudes and left them in spiritual ruin.
Time of Tribulation
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jesus, and Paul never experienced physical childbirth.. but painted a beautiful picture in the spiritual realm from its physical counterpart.
What Stephen saw, and what is stated, intimated, and implicit in the New Testament (a monumental document on the matter is the Letter to the Hebrews), was that Solomon was at most but a figure of a greater Son, and his temple, with all its glory, wealth, and beauty, was only a pointer onward to A house not made with hands; what Peter after a difficult and painful transition called, God's spiritual house.
Stephen concludes with a comprehensive gathering of all this history into the Prophets, and virtually says that the spirit of prophecy was related to this ever-future, onward, and ultimate spiritual goal of God.
On the one side, it is a mighty exposure and denunciation of the incorrigible habit and disposition of God's people to bring what is essentially heavenly down to earth and fasten it there; to make of the spiritual something temporal; to make of the eternal something which will not and cannot abide; to make form, means, orders, and technique all-important.
On the other side, all this is a revelation of how fierce and terrible will be the opposition of such systems to a purely and definitely spiritual testimony.
Spiritual Armour
We have further been commanded to buckle on every piece of our spiritual armour, for the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, diligently searching out anyone he can devour..
faithful and diligent to keep on and on praying for all God’s people and His many ministers, for prayer is a most powerful weapon to demolish spiritual strongholds.
Spiritual Maturity
God also desires that we are faithful and diligent in our prayer-life for He knows that prayer is a beautiful channel of heavenly grace and spiritual maturity that is poured out in abundance upon those that sit at His feet, listen to His voice and trust in His word.
A prayerful man or woman will develop that spiritual boldness to plead for the lost; protect the vulnerable; petition God’s grace on behalf of all his children and to plead, Thy will not mine be done.
Spiritual Example
There is no better example of a spiritual Man of prayer than our Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
Spiritual Choice
We are the children of God and we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus, and one of the most precious gifts that we have received is the privilege of prayer.
When one begins to realize the complexity of simple spiritual growth, he learns to keep his hands off, and his faith on.
Even where in the new convert there is great singleness of heart and faith, with true love and devotion to the Saviour, time is needed for a deeper knowledge of the old man and sin, for a spiritual insight into what the Father's will and grace are. -A.M.
The spiritual man never stops growing, because he is always reaching upward to that still higher height that is just beyond. -R.P.
The entire history of the Lord's people, and of the spiritual life, is one of light and darkness, of truth and falsehood, of purity and adulteration or mixture, of clearness and cloudiness, of openness and secretiveness.... Truth may be in word, in doctrine, but there has to be a corresponding truth in heart, truth in life.
Looking to JESUS, the Author and Finisher of our faith…”
Hebrews 12: 2
Safe Journey
Any mariner knows that a fraction of a degree off-course and he misses his port. He may be 99% correct but that 1° is crucial to his safe arrival at his destination. If he sets his course towards a movable marker his journey will end in disaster. If he anchors his vessel to drifting wood, he will meander across a sea of confusion. If this is physical reality – how much more must this be true in the spiritual realm?
It is a book that councils the Christian to maintain their trust in God and look to Jesus – and it gives four interrelated and progressive steps towards spiritual maturity.
4 Progressive Steps
FIRST:- We are to strip aside every part of life that hinders our growth in our Christian life, for a surfeit of earthly things, whether good or evil, will hinder our spiritual walk.
SECOND:- We are to renounce the besetting sin of unbelief, which has caused so many to stumble.. for what God requires of us all is that we have faith Him and trust His Word – for without faith in Him we are unable to grow in our spiritual life.
Life Journey
The wise mariner takes every precaution to steer a straight course towards his port. He must be 100% correct in his navigation if he is to arrive safely at his destination. He must not plot his course on a movable marker not anchor his ship to shifting sands, and believers in the spiritual realm must be equally vigilant in our own life journey.
Spiritual Growth
We need to willingly strip away everything that hinders our own spiritual growth.
This deep conviction of truth is an astonishment, and yet it lies at the foundation of a strong and spiritual life. Thus my impotence becomes my strength in Him, and my nothingness becomes my highest blessing..
at the expense of securing His promise in their hearts – instead of His anticipated arrival – and our wise spiritual preparation. 'Hope deferred makes the heart sick…..' we read in Proverbs 13:12.
Growing In Grace - STUDY
Spiritual Communion
The Apostle John delights to remind us that as children of God, who have entered into eternal union with Christ Jesus, we also have the right to enjoy intimate fellowship with the Father on a daily basis.
If you come to feel, through ever-recurring misery and defeat, that unless Another shall lead you into the land of fruitful obedience your whole Christian career will be a spiritual and moral chaos, then perhaps you are ready to venture your all upon your union with the Lord Jesus in His death and resurrection.
for ye died and your life is hidden with Christ in God (Col 3:2, 3)
The spiritual recession that occurs after the early joys of the new birth is not necessarily backsliding at all.
Nothing can be more distasteful to a spiritual mind than to hear people professedly giving a Christian testimony which begins and ends with themselves.
Spiritual Fruit
This is the man that brings for the fruit of God’s Holy Spirit; Love in times of Hostility; Joy in times of Pain; Peace in times of Trouble; Long-suffering in times of Frustration; Gentleness in times of Oppression; Goodness in times of Evil; Faith in times of Testing; Meekness in times of Irritations; Temperance in times of Temptation.
You see, it is so possible to swing over your natural ambitions to spiritual aims.
It may not seem here on earth to mean very big things; wide open doors and all that, but somehow you may take it that there is Life there, spiritual influence there, something that is counting there.
often building a perception of God based upon his culture and upbringing. But the heart of man has been deeply flawed by our sin-heritage, for the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked Jer.17:9 We all unconsciously conceive God in our own imagery and thought. This is not only true of the natural man, who is dead in trespasses and sins – this is also true of each of us who are blood-bought sons of God. This is equally true of the spiritual believer as it is of the carnal Christian.
Knowledge of God
I believe, we would like Job, abhor ourselves and repent in dust and ashes, crying: “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee..” (with spiritual understanding) and we’d discover that our hearts had been ‘reprogrammed’ to know Him .. to know Him as He is…. and be able to say….
We grow into sons through spiritual maturity. These are those with whom God will share His plans and purposes.
Spiritual Maturity
Suffering is not a question of sin, for Christ was made perfect through suffering. Christ, the innocent, sinless man was made perfect through suffering.
Spiritual maturity and suffering appear to be opposite sides of the same coin. Spiritual maturity and suffering are often the badge of the intercessor, and the intercessor needs to be one that is spiritually maturing.
as perfect in God’s sight as His only begotten Son. The saved saint similarly has ‘need’, without which spiritual growth will fail. He is accepted in the Beloved fully and perfectly, for time and through eternity..
The Spiritual Sphere
How often we see the physical conflicts of Israel translate into our spiritual battles.
Like Nehemiah, Christians should be building our own spiritual wall of protection.
In the physical realm Nehemiah built-up Jerusalem’s broken walls with stones. In the spiritual sphere, Christians should build a rampart with our intercessions.
Spiritual Weapons
Nehemiah’s literal wall-building mirrors our own fortification of “All-Prayer”.
Israel’s literal weapons of warfare parallel our own spiritual weapons of Ephesians 6.
Nehemiah was distressed by the shocking state of disrepair of God’s beloved city and we should be pained by disunity in the Church in these increasingly dark days. Nehemiah built a material wall to safeguard the city – chosen and beloved of God, and we should build a spiritual wall of protection – around Christ’s beloved bride. The physical weapons of Israel were metal swords and spears and helmets. The spiritual armour for the Church is Christ – all we need is found in Him.
Spiritual Battle
The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, for we are in a spiritual battle.
The spiritual weapons for the Church are against satanic, heavenly principalities.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers - against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
If we are seeking to go on with God to any degree beyond that which is commonly accepted as a true Christian life; if we are called to pioneer the way for any further advance in spiritual life or Divine service; if we are given a vision of God's will and purpose not seen by the general mass of God's people or even the larger number of the servants of God ours will be a lonely way.
Insufficient Law
The Law may be perfect and man may desire to obey the perfect Law of God, but it is insufficient to save a guilty sinner – and we discover it to be a ministration of death – for it tells us God’s standard for man, but then shows us that we can only fail. The Law may be good and spiritual and the born-again life in Christ may desire to keep God’s commandments – but the old sin nature is carnal and in bondage to sin. This is why Paul failed when he tried to keep the Law in the strength of his old fallen nature, which caused him to cry out:- Oh wretched man that I am!
Not by a stringent cutting off' of exterior things, nor by seeking a mental apprehension of death with Christ' in the conscious life, but by a simple reckoning upon His death as yours - shall you experience in the inner depths of your life, servant of God, the divine spiritual reality that Christ in you' is in truth your very life, displacing the old life of nature and continually making to die' its inclinations and habits
We may sometimes feel inclined to be impatient with ourselves because we do not make more rapid progress, but we have to learn to trust the Lord with our spiritual matriculation.
The need of the hour is not only for a higher spiritual level of ministry in general, it is for men with a specific revelation which will meet the situation as it is now.
As we contemplate the state of things in the world today, we are very deeply impressed and oppressed with the prevailing malady of spiritual blindness.
Spiritual Life is not only a miracle in its inception; it is a continuous miracle in this matter right on to the last.... We do not seek for new revelation, and we do not say or suggest or hint that you may have anything extra to the Word of God, but we do claim that there is a vast amount in the Word of God that we have never seen, which we may see.
The very fact that you are jealous for the Lord will bring you into conflict with that trend that there is in this world, in man.... When there is the purest testimony, the fullest expression of what is of God, the heavenly over against the earthly, the spiritual over against the carnal or the natural, the enemy gives a turn to things, a twist to things, and lays the responsibility at the door of a spiritual and a heavenly ministry.
It is a costly thing to be a spiritual man or a spiritual woman in this universe.
It is a costly thing, yes, very costly, to hold to a heavenly and spiritual position.
On the other hand,it shows us that His being there, and our being in spiritualunion with Him, means that for all spiritual purposes andresources, we also are in the heavenlies in Christ.... Let us ask the Lord to give us a real, spiritual, quick, living apprehension of this great truth concerning our Lord Jesus, the great realm of the new creation into which we are brought, and let us apply it, practice it, put it into operation from day today.
You may have to go into a placewhere there is not much spiritual wealth on the outside, not muchupon which to feed.
You may have to go into scenes where there isanything but rest, spiritual rest; where all is fret, care,drive, strain.
with every spiritual blessing – in Christ Jesus Ephesians 1:3
Our Father
Blessed be the God and Father of OUR Lord Jesus Christ Who has blessed US in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing – in Christ Jesus OUR Lord, our Lord.
His intercessions for us are that we maintain intimate communion, sweet fellowship, and perfect harmony with our Father in heaven, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies … IN CHRIST.Ephesians 1:3
Hebrews 5:8-10 For we are all living stones, being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 2:5 We have been made a kingdom of priests to the glory and power of God His Father forever and ever!
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies … IN CHRIST.
STUDY - Character and Attributes of GOD
Blessed be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places – in ChristEphesians 1:3
Spiritual Blessings
We are blessed with all spiritual blessings. We are seated with Him – now, in heavenly places. We are chosen- before the world began, to overthrow the world.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places – in Christ.
Desist from the lie of Satan that seeks to drag you into spiritual defeat.
Spiritual Discernment
And it is through Christ that we have been so endowed. It is by Christ that we have been brought into God’s family. It is in Christ that we stand and in Him that we are accepted by the Father. It is Christ and Christ alone that is the means that has brought about our eternal bliss. All Scripture is given by God to teach, train, and encourage the whole church of God, but the wealth of knowledge within its pages are only for those that trust in Christ. The unsaved man is incapable of trawling the depths of the wealth of Scriptures..
Spiritual Guidance
We can look back into the corridors of past history and see God’s plan unfolding. We can peer into the pages of the future and see His purposes reaching fulfilment. We can live in a Christ-rejecting sinful world and confidently trust our lives to Him..
Spiritual Discernment
And it is through Christ that we have been so endowed. It is by Christ that we have been brought into God’s family. It is in Christ that we stand and in Him that we are accepted by the Father.
Spiritual Guidance
We can look back into the corridors of past history and see God’s plan unfolding.
Spiritual Freedom
Paul prayed that the church would be given spiritual wisdom and godly insight. He wanted all believers to be able to remain confident in the hope of their calling. He did not want them to be tossed hither and thither by every wind of doctrine – but to know the truth of their union with Christ – for that truth will set us free.
Spiritual Insight
How he prayed for an increase in their knowledge and understanding of Jesus – an understanding of the incredible greatness of God’s power to us who believe.
How he prayed for our spiritual insight – godly growth and developing discernment.
Spiritual Understanding
Paul not only prayed for revelation and insight but enlightenment and illumination. Paul not only prayed that we understand our position in Christ but our future hope.
Spiritual Inheritance
Paul also prayed that we would know who are in Christ – know our position in Him.. permanent position that is as secure as the eternal Lord Jesus Who placed us there.. union with Him that guarantees our adoption as sons and our an eternal heritage – a union so intimate that we are part of His body – and He indwells our mortal frame.
Spiritual Communion
A position so precious that we are bonded so closely to Him as a bride with her groom – a position so staggering that we’re afforded the right to enter heavens holy of holies..
Spiritual Revelation
How we love Paul’s prayer for God’s revelation to the church – in Ephesians chapter one. He prays that we understand our favoured position in Christ – and His fullness in us.
Spiritual Application
He desires that we not only know them but also spiritually apply them to our lives.
Spiritual Strength
Sometimes we misunderstand the reason that Paul prays for our spiritual strength. Often we pray for strength so that we may be successful in our work or ministry. Sometimes we pray for special strength in one particular aspect of our physical lives, but Paul prays for strength for us so that we may be rightly related to the Lord Jesus – for when we are rightly related to Him, everything falls into place.
Spiritual Fullness
It is so that Christ may dwell deeply in our hearts through faith. It is that we may be rooted and grounded in the extensive love of Christ. It is so that we may be able to comprehend the vast dimensions of God’s love.
Privileged People
What privileged people we truly are, that we should be called God’s children. He has showered His love over us and bestowed on us every spiritual blessing.
What grace, that we should be picked up from the dirt and seated in heavenly places, and together all believers are being built-up into a spiritual Temple.
Spiritual Temple
What a privileged group of people we are – that we should be called God’s children. What showers of love has been bestowed on us, for we are united forever with Christ. What grace..
that we should be picked up from the dirt and seated in heavenly places – and together we are being built-up into a spiritual Temple – the people of God.
I believe we need a new understanding of the spiritual pilgrimage of the Lord Jesus.
We do not understand this mystery, but He had a spiritual pilgrimage, with far deeper testings and tryings than ever you or I need, have, or will have.
It can very seriously affect his fellowship, his worship, his testimony, his usefulness, his spiritual enjoyment, the glory of the Lord Jesus as involved in his practical career.
One of the true tests of one's spiritual growth is in one's influence: affecting others that they not only begin the Christian life but grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18).
We may be separated and yet not Christ-like; we may be orthodox and yet not spiritual; we may be dead unto sin' and yet not alive unto God.' We may have cut ourselves loose from every form of worldliness but in so doing we have become critical and self-righteous.
We may be made the means of conversion, but we will never help people on to a higher standard of spiritual life, and when we pass away a great deal of our work will pass away too. -A.M.
To share what we have may minister temporarily to the physical; but to minister to the spiritual in an eternal way we must share what we are, and that calls for growth in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Information, by itself, however correct and orthodox, however strongly held in conviction and passed on in passion, will lack an essential and indispensable quality or value for spiritual constitution.
So the Lord has to take much time to make our spiritual history.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. Ephesians 1:3
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Ephesians 1:3
One of the greatest needs in the Church today is for authoritative, spiritual, and sacrificial leadership.
Spiritual, because a leadership which is carnal and explainable in terms of the natural, be it ever so competent, can result in sterility and spiritual bankruptcy.
The standard and measure of spiritual leaders has to be ahead of others, and as human nature generally likes not to be disturbed, but would seek the easy way, the pioneer is often a bit too much for people.
Lifelong Onslaught
The battle in which Christian’s are engaged is a lifelong – 24/7 onslaught. The strategies and wiles of the enemy seek to unnerve and unseat the believer, but our spiritual amour, combined with one final weapon, is a winning combination.
in our continuing and unceasing prayers: we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.
Now think about it… where do we read in scripture of All-Prayer? Well, Paul instructs the church that All-Prayer is a vital weapon in spiritual warfare: for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:4
Paul makes us aware that all aspects of our weaponry are encompassed in one Person. Every piece of spiritual armour is fixed and founded on Christ Jesus our Lord.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ (Eph. 1:3, ASV).
If you can run over in your mind and find one single blessing with which God might bless us today, with which He has not already blessed us, then what He told Paul is not true at all, because He said, God hath....' It is all done, It is finished.' God hath blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies!
and it is all done; He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ in the heavenlies.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Spiritual War
For 6000 years Satan’s battle of the ages against the saints of God has been raging, but far more serious consequences rest on this war – against the God of universes.
This is a conflict that is raging in the spiritual realm – in heavenly places.
Areas of Hostility
There is not one area of life where spiritual fighting does not permeate. Hostilities rage in the home; the street; the workplace; the shop and the church. Conflicts percolate the media; entertainment and the corridors of government.
Word of God
We must adhere to the strategies in God’s “field manual” on spiritual warfare. We need to abide by the instructions from the Captain of the Lord of Hosts.
Raging Battle-plan
Few Christians are aware of this raging battle in which they are engaged. Not many believers know how to repel the enemy’s unrelenting assault – and biblical strategies of spiritual conflict go unheeded or are simply ignored.
But in the spiritual realm, believers often neglect one important area...
Spiritual Strategies
What King David or Israel did in the physical..
we are to do in the spiritual. The military strategies in days of old, give us a clue to God’s battle-plan for today.
Spiritual Stronghold
We are to destroy every stronghold and tear down the enemy’s fortress. We are to apply God’s instructions even if they conflict with human logic. We are to buckle on every piece of armour that is outlined in Ephesians 6. We are to adopt a spiritual, heavenly war-strategy and not a physical, worldly one.
Spiritual Armour
The battle of France and battle of Britain were fought in the physical realm, but the battle of the ages has not only begun but is being heated 7-times hotter, and two great pieces of spiritual armoury are intercession and spiritual warfare – intercession combined with spiritual warfare against the fierce roaring lion.
Spiritual Understanding
How urgent to take note of these things in these days prior to our Lord’s return; that we know Him more intimately and more fully than ever before; that we understand the wiles and strategies of the evil destroyer – that we know ourselves and confess of our failings and disobedience.
Scriptural Principles
That we recognise our position of victory and apply the word of God; that we only adopt scriptural principles of spiritual warfare; that we put on the full armour of God described in Ephesians 6 – for each piece of armoury points to Christ.
She received the same privileges as spiritual giants like Peter, Paul, John and James, for along with every born-again child of God, there is no partiality or favouritism with Him – we are all one in Christ, and yet we all have to mature in the faith.
Believer’s Journey
Rebirth into the family of God is the first step on the journey of a lifetime that requires us to grow in grace and spiritual maturity.
Though there is no partiality in our positional status and union with Christ, we are responsible for our spiritual growth, for we can submit to, or resist the Holy Spirit’s leading, guiding, correcting and chastening work.
Rightly Divided
True scriptural interpretation is not a consensus or opinion, a feeling, or imagining, but unless rightly divided will contribute to stunted growth, spiritual immaturity or regression back to babyhood.
There are no ‘holidays’ in spiritual growth.
maturing or slipping back into spiritual immaturity.
Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Spirit teacheth, comparing spiritual things with spiritual (1 Cor. 2:13).
Anything that makes us unnaturally big is evil, whether it be the individual life, or whether it be what is called the work of God, trying to make it bigger than its real spiritual measure, inflating it beyond its genuine spiritual degree; that is something evil, that is leaven....
Remember, the battles and bruises of Israel were in the terrestrial, (the earthly realm) but the battles and bruises of the Christian are in the spiritual plain, (the heavenly realm).
We are told, bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal and earthly, but mighty through God to the pulling down of spiritual strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:4
The Sword of Scripture will demolish the spiritual accusations of the Evil One.
Spiritual Purity
Purity of heart and meekness of spirit runs counter to human pride.
There are three vital factors that will keep us on the path, and in the power, of spiritual growth: (1) study to know that God's purpose in saving us is to conform us to the image of His Son (Rom. 8:28, 29); (2) learn to reckon upon the finished work of the Cross as His provision for that purpose (Rom. 6:11); (3) yield to the Holy Spirit as He carries out the daily process of that purpose (2 Cor. 4:11).
He provides us with every spiritual blessing and renews our youth like the eagle.
Saved by Grace
Even when we were dead in trespasses and sins God quickened us; He made us alive; He gave us spiritual life together with Christ, and raised us up to heavenly places and gave us every spiritual blessing.
the freedom which the Gospel brings may be used to take things easy, and, more or less, retain or gain in the world; but where this is the case, it is seldom a soul possesses any large measure of spiritual enjoyment, and it is never accompanied by solid peace.
There may be sublime language and glowing ideas, chiefly borrowed from the Old Testament; but in substance they are utterly beneath spiritual or even intelligent Christian use. -W.K.
Yes, this is a spiritual deposit, that is often left unopened and unaccessed..
Spiritual Joy
These promises are for you too, beloved, for God is no respecter of persons/ But remember that spiritual joy accumulates no interest, in the spiritual deposit box..
while spiritual joy multiplies and increases. Spiritual joy multiplies and increases as it is exercised and utilised. Spiritual joy enlarges and expands as spiritual joy is shared with another. For the one that rejoices in the Lord has a joy that sings in the field of battle. The one that delights in God has a joyful rest through the dark hours of the night. Oh yes indeed – troubles will surely come, oft-times thick and fast and furious, but these need not rob the Christian of his joy.
The death of our Lord on the Cross has depths of meaning that can only be plumbed by way of discovered need, but then reveals unsearchable riches.' To the believer who still has hopes of attaining' in the Christian life, a verse such as Romans 6:11 is a rather meaningless jargon used by those who give messages on the deepening of the spiritual life.'
The believer will not be ready to enter into his spiritual rest until he is utterly worn out by his unsuccessful efforts to conquer sin and the old man.
Hard as it is for the believer to finally come to rest concerning his spiritual birth, it seems to be even more difficult for him to simply rest in the Lord Jesus for his life and service.
Death, spiritual death (not cessation of being) of which the physical is only one small aspect is Satan's horizon.
Having said that, let us proceed to note that the next thing revealed in the New Testament is that this supreme truth in Jesus Christ is the birthright of every one born into God's spiritual family; the heritage of every truly born-again child of God.
If you and I, dear friends, are going to make anything like the progress that Paul made as a young convert and as a growing Christian, and if we are going to have anything of the weight that he has had in spiritual impress and impact, and if we are going to count in any degree as he counted in the work of the Lord; one thing is absolutely essential and do get hold of this.
Death may touch things here, but the spiritual Family is no more separated in the spiritual reality and in the eternal oneness of the Father house, than they would be if they were still here.
a submissive mind – wherein lowliness of heart we esteem the other better.. a spiritual mind – where we look away from earthly things to things above..
Spiritual Peace
His is a spiritual peace and a joy that is intended to be received now. His is a peace of mind that can be received even in this world of trial and pain.
Spiritual Mind
We think that we have to sort out our own problems and the problems of others.
a submissive mind – regardless of the way that people behave towards us.. a spiritual mind – where we set our hearts on the right-thinking..
And the law of life and liberty and the new creation becomes an unveiled mystery. Christ’s body becomes bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh – a spiritual body.
Vital Lesson
Adam surrendered his earthy dominion to Satan, a spiritual entity – a rebellious angel. From the fall, Satan..
Satanic Kingdom
Daniel gives insight into the way that this satanic, spiritual kingdom functions. Know the enemy’s strategies and his ways and you have the means to resist him – and Paul’s epistles outline the weapons and battle plan for a believer today: for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
How important to understand the spiritual sphere and physical realm.
Israel - Chosen Nation
The first man, Adam, surrendered his earthy dominion to Satan’s spiritual forces.
John 16:33 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution in this world. 2 Timothy 3:12 Satan has blinded the hearts of those that are perishing and lost in their sins, but the venom of Satan’s spiritual realm is specifically targeting two creations – Israel – the old creation in Jacob; and the Church – the New Creation in Christ.
Spiritual Battle
Oh yes..
We must rightly divide the gospel of truth and rightly divide the creations of God, but we must also rightly understand the spiritual battle currently raging.
How important to rightly divide the spiritual sphere and earthly realms.
To truly minister to others is always to accept new happiness and new distress, both of them forever deepening and entering into closer and more inseparable union with each other, the more profound and spiritual the ministry becomes.
Often this is called growing in grace, maturing in our spiritual life – discipleship. Christian discipleship is misunderstood today but is closely linked to sanctification.
God may use an unbeliever to forward His sovereign plans and purposes, as He did with Pharaoh – but they can never be conformed into the image of the Lord Jesus. They can never gain spiritual understanding and maturity for that is the unique right and privilege of the body of Christ.
Spiritual Maturity
Spiritual understanding is spiritually discerned.
It is a beautiful, free gift of grace, which is extended to all who trust on Christ Jesus. It is only the believer in Christ that can be sanctified and set apart unto the Lord – BUT not all Christians are prepared to progress along the path to spiritual maturity – not all Christians grow in grace, and many simply remain in spiritual infancy all their lives. Only believers can be set apart to God – but not all will identify with the cross of Christ. Only believers can grow in grace – but not all will take up their cross and follow Him. Only believers can become TRUE disciples of Jesus – but not all believers will become disciples.
Often this is called growing in grace – maturing in our spiritual life – discipleship. Let us be those that come after Christ and love not the things of this world. Let us be those who carry our own cross and come after Him. Let us be those that forsake all that we have – to become His disciple..
To make Jesus your Lord is part of spiritual growth but must never be added to the simple gospel of salvation, which is a free gift of God – to all who believe on Jesus.
Some people add works of the flesh, works of the Law – self-imposed rules or Church regulations and a variety of ‘add-ons’ to the basic gospel of salvation by grace – through faith in Christ Jesus, while others insist on actions relating to eating or drinking – places of worship or times and seasons – spiritual fruit or gifts of the Holy Spirit.
His main focus is to rob the spiritual believer of his or her true fighting power, He is not bothered by the strength of Christian ‘talking’ or Christian ‘working’.
Christ’s Cross
And he trembles at the power of the victory of the Christ of Calvary, on His Cross. This is the area of spiritual work most feared by the principalities and power of evil. This is what the world’s dark rulers and wicked spirits in the heavenlies dread most.
Satan’s Goal
His final downfall is prerecorded but his present activity is viciously cruel. The god of this world system has one main objective, one goal, one aim – it is to prevent the Lord Christ Jesus, the anointed of God return as King of kings. His main focus is to rob the spiritual believer of his or her true fighting power.
At this critical time in our spiritual walk, when the Lord is at the very door. We would do well examine ourselves as never before. We need to see if secret sins have crept deep into our hearts. SEARCH ME OH GOD.
They could only consider Christ’s claim from a human perspective and failed to comprehend the wonderful spiritual truth and astonishing fact that the eternal Son of God, in Whom dwelt all the riches of the Godhead bodily, was standing in their very midst.
Spiritual Pride
‘Self’ must remain forever cross-bound if the new nature in Christ is to grow and mature, for spiritual pride is only 'Self,' pretending to be the “new man” in Christ.
Spiritual pride is the illusion that you are competent to run your own life.
Spiritual pride is only 'Self attempting to achieve your own sense of Self-worth.
Spiritual pride finds a purpose big enough to give you meaning in life without God.
Spiritual pride sets God aside and places 'Self' on the throne of your life.
Spiritual pride is an idol in your life and the idol you worship is your own Self.
Spiritual or Carnal
Placing 'Self' on the throne of our lives is not a new concept – it was born in Eden.
It is spiritual, not technical, not organized, and you may be as much a priest of the Lord in going round to some home tomorrow where the enemy is pressing in, and giving a practical hand in helping with the washing, as you may be a priest in standing on the platform....
Free-will Choice
All sanctification and spiritual growth in our lives is by God’s grace alone, and all we have to do is to submit to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our lives. But not all believers are being sanctified in a practical, progressive manner – for being “set apart unto God,” is a free-will choice – a decision of the will, we all have to make.
Some erroneously think that being sealed is an emotional feeling, some physical event or spiritual 'experience', without which they remain second class Christians and which is often 'experienced' through unscriptural, self-induced, auto-suggestion.
But this is a man-made deception, and spiritual abuse, which places believers under bondage.
It is well to remember that the deepest and truest spiritual qualities are not learnt or established in us by our happy or enjoyable times, but in the difficult ones!
There is nothing wrong in times of great joy and spiritual blessing; in fact we long for more of them, and look back perhaps to some days of much blessing in our lives or in the work of the Lord; but in the securing of Christ in greater measure in our lives, we find that it is by the things which we suffer that we learn most.
This goes to the root of the everpresent weakness and poverty of spiritual life.
There is much prayer for revival,' and much effort for the deepening of the spiritual life.' The only answer to this is a new knowing of the Cross, not only as to sins and a life of victory over them, but as to Christ as supplanting the natural man. -T.
Spiritual power is not the miraculous or the spectacular, but rather the consistent manifestation of the characteristics of the Lord Jesus in the believer's life.
If a believer surrenders or lays aside anything without an adequate divine motive, he will either secretly hanker after it, and probably long to return to it, or he will take credit to himself for having given it up, and will thus reveal self-righteousness and spiritual pride.
A certain school of religious teachers make much of surrender' as the way to attain blessing, but it ends in self-sufficiency, because the only motive that is presented for it is the acquisition of a better spiritual state, or power for service, or something of that kind.
A divine motive and attraction is needed if souls are to be drawn into the race and prepared to surrender in a truly spiritual way, and this divine motive and attraction is our risen Lord in Glory. -C.A.C.
The Spiritual Walk
Our Christian walk is similarly not meant to be a life of defeat, but spiritual growth, (though of-times painful and fraught with difficulty) and He gives us spiritual food through the Word of God..
and He provides spiritual air as we commune with Him in the dew of the morning – and as we take spiritual exercise by obediently submitting to His leading.
Communion Through Prayer
This blessed communication through prayer is the vital breath of life. Just as the body must breathe in and out, so the soul of the Christian must pray: men ought always to pray and not to faint, is a key to spiritual well-being, for He is our Source and our Sustainer.
The very principle of spiritual growth and maturity demands that He keeps the objective and the subjective balanced; that is, that something is done in us as well as for us.
Spiritual discernment, perception, understanding and intelligence are all too rare.
Perhaps we have forgotten that the Bible is not only a revelation, but also contains a revelation, and that that deeper spiritual content is only possible of recognition and realization by such as have had their eyes and ears opened; in other words who have been awakened.
All are of the soul.... Spiritual death marks that realm, and while there may be intense emotions which make for resolves, high thoughts and desires, there is no genuine change in the nature of those concerned, and repeated doses of this must be taken to maintain any measure of soul-self-satisfaction which makes them feel good.
It is the confusing of religion with what the Bible means by being spiritual.
Asceticism is no more truly spiritual than aestheticism.
Simplicity may give God a chance, but it is not necessarily spiritual.
There are multitudes of such Christians in the world today, but their spiritual effectiveness is nil.
The members of the new heavenly Israel are people who have been delivered from self-interest into God's interest, who have been put on their spiritual feet by Jesus Christ and are walking in strength in the way of the Lord.
You have been shut up and you came to know the Lord inwardly and you have come to a state of spiritual efficiency which is so much greater that you can now meet the external situation.
The spiritual and the heavenly is pressing for a larger place and becoming absolutely imperative to the very life of the instrumentality and those concerned.
This demands spiritual mindedness, capacity for grasping heavenlythings.
If we really had His vision, that which looks like trimming and reduction is His way of enlargement, but spiritual and heavenly enlargement.... God in sovereignty will run the risk of shattering, or allow the shattering, of so much that He has used of scaffolding or framework in order to realize the fuller purpose.
You are never going to find spiritual enlargement just as an isolated, separate individual, but in relation with other believers.
God setteth the solitary in families (Ps. 68:6), and there is no doubt about it, whether or not you understand or accept the doctrine of it, you can prove very quickly in experience that our spiritual enlargement does come by way of true spiritual and heavenly relatedness with other believers.
There are the rub and friction and all the cross currents that try to divide Christians but which do not try to divide other people, because there is so much bound up with true spiritual oneness amongst the Lord's people so much for the Lord, and so much against Satan.
Satan is going to break up that spiritual oneness if he can.
When these difficulties arise we must say, It is evidently necessary for me to get a new spiritual position, to get on top of this.
If I am not going to give it up and leave, I must come to some spiritual enlargement; I have to know the Lord in a new way, to have more grace, love and patience.
That is spiritual enlargement, and it comes by relatedness. (Of course, that is only one way; there are many others by which spiritual enlargement comes by relatedness.)
If only we can keep together in prayer, there is spiritual enlargement.
A Study:- Man’s Nature and Destiny
Spiritual Maturity
The need for maturity in the body of Christ is the focus of most of Paul’s messages. It is the mature Christian who is an overcomer; a faithful steward – a wise virgin.
Our Spiritual Need
There is a threefold need in the life of a spiritual man.
Our Spiritual Exercise
All believers require food to grow..
And time and circumstances affect their spiritual walk.
and Paul warned and instructed of the need for maturity in the Christian life. Obedience is the most important exercise in the Christian life: obedience to His Word; listening to His Voice – compliance His Commands. And instruction on spiritual maturity in the body of Christ, is the focus of most of Paul’s messages to the Church of God. Paul tells us that: he that is spiritual judges all things..
Christian Obedience
Paul warns us to sift through our attitudes and search our motives – so examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. These instructions are not to the unbelievers, but to Christians. This examination does not mean check out to see if you are born again – this is an instruction to see if you are on the road to spiritual maturity.
Spiritual introspection is one of the most vital tools in applying obedience.
Christian Spirituality
And nearly a hundred years ago, Norman Harrison put it this way:- “It remains for the spiritual man to prove the reality and worth of his spirituality, by laying hold of all his resources in Christ.. by giving them practical expression in day-by-day living. And in a day when the Christian life claims but slight attention.. or even respect, from the world – what a call for spiritual stalwarts, fully-developed, determined by His grace, to demonstrate the beauty, power, and practicality of the Spirit-life – to an unbelieving, even scoffing social order.”
A Study:- Man’s Nature and Destiny
Desire God’s Word
Just as newborn babes require milk from the breast, so too spiritual babes must be fed. Paul instructs us: as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the Word, that you may grow. 1Pet.2:2. A new-born believer will grow by reading and delighting in the Word of God, and faith in that young believer with grow – for faith comes by hearing God’s Word.
Psalm 19:10. Oh, but how Paul laments the arrested, stunted growth of the carnal Corinthian Christians. He couldn’t speak to them as spiritual, but carnal.
ot ‘meat’, for spiritual growth must be desired – we are told to desire the milk so that you will grow.
Obey God’s Word
It was the Lord Jesus Himself Who set this president for desiring spiritual food. He tells us: My meat is to do the will of Him that sent me, and to finish His work.
demonstrating the only way that man can live a spiritual life.
Walk by God’s Word
Spiritual growth comes only by abiding in Him and He in us. This type of life is not easy..
a carnal nonspiritual life or a spiritual life in the Spirit – and throughout the Word of God, we are told exactly how to live: Man shall live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
Failure to feed on the Word of Life means a stunted unnatural spiritual growth for failure to feed on the Word of life means carnality and not spirituality – and the Corinthian Christians exemplified carnality.
A Christian life that does not take on board spiritual growth, lives in the flesh.
It means a dying to self..daily, for there is only one spiritual walk – and that is not by self, but in Christ.
A Study:- Man’s Nature and Destiny
But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.
What is Spiritual
Is there any more important lesson for the Christian to learn than to be spiritual?
Spiritual believers say: Thy will be done not mine..
Well Scripture tells us: but he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.
So what does it mean: he who is spiritual judges all things?
Putting Off and On
The context is putting off the carnal man and putting on the spiritual man, and the result is that the mind of Christ is being developed in you.
In the context of becoming an overcomer..becoming a spiritual man… He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches.
If there were ever a time for the believer to seek to be a spiritual man – it is now.
Character of God
May we be one with the writer to the Hebrews, who writes; but we are not of them (carnal believers) we are not of them who draw back unto perdition, but of them that believe to the saving of the soul, (spiritual believers) Heb.10:39.
Though we are perfect in spirit and loved with an everlasting love forever, we will also be judged for the way we lived – whether carnal or spiritual – works of the flesh or works of the Spirit – but the choice is yours, alone.
But the apostle remonstrated with them: But we have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16), so urging them to allow the Cross to be planted between the natural mind and the spiritual.
This is the way of spiritual progress.
This is most important if we are concerned about spiritual progress.
And spiritual progress is the increase of Christ there is no other.
No pressure, pushing, punishment or rewards can speed “reading readiness” So often principles in the natural world, spill over into the life of the spiritual.
Unless a child of God is “ready to grow” he’ll never reach “spiritual maturity.”
Even one that’s started to make spiritual progress can regress back to babyhood.
the completeness and perfection that belong to spiritual maturity. Let us not again be laying the foundation of repentance and abandonment of dead works (dead formalism) and of the faith [by which you turned] to God, Let us not repeat the teachings about purifying, the laying on of hands, the resurrection from the dead, and eternal judgment and punishment. [These are all matters of which you should have been fully aware long, long ago.] Hebrews 6:1-2
Spiritual Growth
You see this passage (like most of Hebrews) is about spiritual maturity.
or passages on spiritual maturity will get confused with passages on getting saved.
Stunted Growth
Growing in the faith and maturing spiritually has a number of associated terms, Sanctification - Salvation of the soul - spiritual maturity - growing in the faith - growing in grace.
Spiritual and Carnal
A spiritual Christian is the one that is growing in the faith – maturing. A carnal Christian is the one that is not growing in the faith – not maturing. A carnal Christian can also be called a fleshly believer... born again but not growing – born again, but not growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour.
A carnal Christian is one that is exhorted in Hebrews 6 – to grow spiritually, and many principles in the natural world spill over into the life of the spiritual.
Growing in Grace
Unless a child of God is “ready to grow” – he’ll never reach “spiritual maturity.” Growing in grace – maturing in Christ, is sometimes called “consecration”.
Spiritual Immaturity
Many churches of the 20 century gave very limited teaching about Christian growth, and the result is a church that substitutes man’s teachings before the Word of God. The result is that many believers remain spiritually immature and do not grow.
The Body of Christ
The body of Christ is being fitted together perfectly and being built up by Him. Each part has its own special work to do, so that the whole body is fit and healthy. Each one is to help the other grow and mature and be built up together full of love. Each is Christ’s representative who needs to be spiritually renewed to express His love – a spiritual renewal of our thought, our heart our attitudes, and our mind, for we are told be renewed in the spirit of your mind in Ephesians 4:23
There must be a spiritual renewal in our thoughts and our attitudes.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, and teaching, and admonishing one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
Filled with the Spirit
We are to be filled and day by day go on being filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always, for all things.
There is a faculty of spiritual sight, of spiritual hearing, of spiritual smelling or sensing, of spiritual taste and spiritual touch, and these senses are very important to the life of the inward man yes, more important even than the senses of the physical man.
To be without spiritual sight is a tragic loss and a terrible limitation; or without spiritual hearing, that capacity for answering to the Spirit he that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith: if there is no capacity for hearing, that is a desperate situation.
I know how wrongly that has been used, in an everlasting attempt to scent heresy and fault and wrong, but there is a right faculty of spiritual scent which is very important.
This is a very real inward man, and these are the senses which form the basis of spiritual capacity: these are the things to be exercised, to be put through it for increase and development.
Spiritual Eye
But as aged Simeon gazed at the face of that eight-day-old baby boy... as he held the precious, helpless, newborn babe, bundled in simple wraps, his physical eye was eclipsed by his spiritual eye of understanding.
Spiritual Sight
And Simeon “SAW” the Consolation of Israel.
But like Job who heard by the ear, and yet finally saw with spiritual understanding… we also cry, I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eyes see You. Job 42:5 ...now my spiritual eyes understand.
But we too must “SEE” the salvation of God – through the spiritual eye of faith, and we must “KNOW” the promise of His Word, with the understanding of the heart.
All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ. (Ephesians 1:3 NLT)
Inner Purification
Should we not ache for the body’s restoration, spiritual purity, and faithfulness, when we see so many wandering from the Lord Who loves them – when we see ourselves so often out of fellowship or living complacently.
Let us go on and get past the elementary stage in the teachings and doctrine of Christ, advancing steadily toward the completeness and perfection that belong to spiritual maturity. (Hebrews 6:1 AMP)
Well, of course, for us it is a going on in a spiritual way.
We are in a new dispensation, and this is a spiritual dispensation.
It is true of Israel in the wilderness, although it was an earthly thing with them, the same thing is true with us in a spiritual way.
Don’t let anyone capture you or rob you of the truth, with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that comes from human thinking and from spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ. Colossians 2:8
Deceptive Teaching
He also warns of an increase of false teachers and an inflow of demonic doctrines. Paul does not want believers to be deceived by false teachings or spiritual powers – for God has given us the truth in his epistles and desires that we remain firm in the faith.
Undermining Faith
This mindset of the world is rooted in the traditions of man and human viewpoint, and such a perspective robs the believer of all that it means to be IN CHRIST. We must be alert to the many ways that the enemy seeks to undermine our faith.. not allowing ourselves to be swept into the ungodly philosophies of this world – and not permitting false teachings or spiritual powers to rob us of our joy in the Lord.
We must have confidence in the heavenly position to which we have been elevated. We must understand the eternal plan and purpose that God has for each of His own. We must rejoice in our spiritual blessings and glorious identity in Christ Jesus. We must renounce all the lies that the enemy uses to undermine our faith in God.
BUT... don’t let anyone capture you – or rob you of the truth, with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.
Spiritual Progress
The believer is exhorted to lay aside all that makes us anxious or bothered, for Scripture indicates that the faithful servant must lay aside every weight. Cast all your weights – all your burdens upon Me.
We all need to lay aside everything that hinders our spiritual progress.
He subjugated His entire being to the will of the Father… completely – total temporal subjection, utter spiritual and sensual subordination: “I do nothing of myself, but as my Father has taught me I speak these things.” John 8:28.
– or are we entangled in the tentacled web of spiritual insubordination?
Spiritual Struggle
Sometimes we struggle throughout our entire Christian life to utter the words… Thy will – not mine be done…” Luke 22:42 Thy will be done, in every sphere of my sovereign being.
A healthy spiritual birth results in the falling away of many of the more obvious works of the flesh, often causing the new believer to claim 2 Corinthians 5:17 or Galatians 2:20 as his testimony.
God’s Grace
Like each and every gift of grace, His strength is ministered to each of us according to our need. We have no need of a bank deposit of $upply, No spiritual battery from which to draw our spiritual £trength. His supply is a continuous flow, received by faith as need requires. Life is divided into days – and day after day after day, He provides and supplies the strength. Down through the weeks which flow into months and years, He continues to provide ‘Strength for the day and bright hope for the morrow!’
We do not want to always live up on the top flat, so heavenly, so spiritual, so abstract, so high up in truth that the practical things of the kitchen are left unattended to.
You say, here is something wrong here, this does not tally.There is the kitchen aspect of the spiritual life: all those practical, everyday, humdrum things where the beauty of the Lord must be seen, just as much as up there in the heavenlies in Christ.
a little faithful flock. Many are called to be sons of obedience but few choose to answer the call. Many Christians prefer a legalistic life to a life of spiritual faithfulness and grace. Many believers prefer a carnal life to a life of surrendered obedience and faith.
Why must Christians who have the knowledge of the Scriptures in the letter, run about here and there to seek advice from others on matters which vitally affect their own spiritual knowledge?
Spiritual Health
Normal physical growth implies normal physical health, and normal spiritual growth implies normal spiritual health.
The apostle John informs us in that fellowship with God is the healthy Christian life, while Peter reminds us that God’s Word is the food we need for healthy spiritual growth – and God desires that we mature in the faith.
We are to put off all sin, which hinders spiritual growth, and remain in fellowship with the Lord, by keeping a short reign on our sins – i.e.
It displays a frustration with believers who regress in their spiritual growth.
Hebrews 5 warns us against spiritual sluggishness and backsliding in our Christian life.
Listen and Apply
How sad to consider the consequences of regressing from spiritual maturity to spiritual immaturity.
Such false assumptions about God, can only lead to spiritual bigotry and religiosity. If like Job’s friends we believe that God sends evil on the good and bad alike as – we are still on a shaky foundation, for God’s name is charged with evil.
Spiritual or Carnal
The book of Job takes us on a journey – from the New Creation in Christ, through a spirit-dominated or self-dominated life. The book of Job takes us – from rebirth to the day when our eyes are opened, and we shall see Him as He is. The book of Job takes us….
It exemplifies Job’s days, years, and probably decades of a spiritual walk with God and it also exemplifies his friends' days, years, and probably decades of fleshly religiosity.
days, years, and probably decades of a spiritual walk with God – and it exemplifies in his friends' lives years and probably decades of fleshly religiosity.
Job and His friends represent the spiritual man and the carnal man.
All sorts of people all over the place are having the same kind of experience a terrific sense of pressure, upset, annoyance, anything to frustrate it is happening all round, testifying that in the spiritual realm, in the realm of the Spirit, there is a fine, sensitive oneness which matters to the Lord, and therefore matters to the enemy.
The passion of the Cross is the way of our release, and if you consider your own spiritual experience, those of you who have any experience of a walk with God, you know quite well that it has been through times of deep and acute suffering that you have found fresh releases; fresh releases in your spiritual life.
Yes, we pass into a time of excruciating spiritual and soul suffering.
A Study:- Man’s Nature and Destiny
Spiritual Discernment
The natural man has no spiritual discernment, which is given by God’s Spirit.
The spiritual man does have spiritual discernment.
The spiritual man walks in spirit and in truth – he has the mind of Christ.
But what of the carnal believer – born again but not spiritual?
What of the Christian whose spiritual growth is stunted due to carnality?
Carnal Christians
Paul says this to the carnal Corinthian Christians: “and I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people, but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ.
Once the natural man is born from above, he should live as a spiritual man.
A babe in Christ must grow into spiritual maturity.
Fleshly Life
One evidence of carnality is stunted spiritual growth..
Many think that spiritual maturity is a more comprehensive knowledge of Christian doctrine, a larger grasp of scriptural truth, a wider expanse of the knowledge of the things of God; and many such features are recorded as marks of growth, development, and spiritual maturity.
The hallmark of true spiritual development and maturity is this: that we have grown so much less and the Lord Jesus has grown so much more.
Real spiritual growth is just this: I decrease, He increases.
It is the spontaneous outworking of spiritual forces released, in the acceptance by faith of tremendous facts concerning Christ; which facts are proclaimed out of experience in the power of the Holy Ghost.
Be filled, or go on being filled with the Holy Spirit, as we read in Ephesians 5:8. But even this is a choice for the believer. Paul tells the Colossians the great desire of his heart toward all the believers. Paul longs that all believers are filled to overflowing, be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, unto all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness.
Some believers consciously, and deliberately, walk away from the spiritual path.
Carnal Way
Some believers unconsciously and unknowingly do not take the spiritual way. Their dear desire IS to walk in the spirit, in light and truth, and to abide in Christ, but there is a blockage that has barred their way – a resister, blocking their path, and most if not all great men and women of faith have faced this exact difficulty.
Spiritual Way
Yes, we are commanded to abide in Christ..
People seem to think that spiritual work and ordinary work, household work for example, are two different things.
They talk about the spiritual work and the other work.
For the most part their work is of some regular, daily kind, and very often they feel utterly unable for it, and they are tempted to think that if they had some spiritual ministry to fulfill, if they had to go and take a meeting, or speak to some souls about spiritual matters, they could make a claim upon the Lord for help and He would carry them through.
Now, exactly the same resources have to come into the ordinary work as into what we call spiritual work.
It has all to be done on a spiritual basis, and therefore to be a testimony.
Let us be careful how we draw a line, lest we make a distinction between the spiritual and he rest./p>
There are plenty of people whom you could get interested in a cause; whom you could get to take up a piece of work requiring help, but it is another thing to have that spiritual fellowship with God which results in God putting His travail into your own soul.
I am your Father – I will not overwhelm your spiritual strength, I will come to you – walking on the stormy waters of life’s confusion, as you paddle on your helpless raft, 'mid oceans tempestuous turbulence. I am your Saviour – I will uphold you with My righteous right hand, lest you sink beneath the squally waves of life’s uncertainties. Look, One comes to hold you up. One, like as unto the Son of Man. Oh, wait child of God.
The one new man is a corporate, spiritual entity, who are entrusted with Christ’s work. Jesus said of those that make up this one new man, “and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father” John 14:12
Guiding Principle
God often uses the natural life as a guiding principle for the spiritual life, He takes foundational truths from the physical and applies them to the spiritual,. The first creation in Adam contains principles that apply to the new-creation in Christ. The first man became a living being but Christ became a life-giving Spirit. 1Corinthians 15:45
Guiding Principle
The natural life is always a guiding principle for the spiritual life. The physical often forms a foundational truth that relates to the spiritual.
Spiritual Entity
The Church is the worldwide body of believers in Christ and He is the Head.
The one new man is a corporate, spiritual entity who are entrusted with Christ’s work. Jesus said of those that make up this one new man, and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father” John 14:12
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. (Ephesians 1:3 NIV)
Any fresh contemplationof our Lord in this way should ravish our hearts: Christ, thefullness of spiritual blessing now, the Sphere of ourexperience, our exploring, our enjoyment, our satisfaction.
Spiritual geography is understood by those who walkup and down in Him and enjoy His fullness.
He is to provide spiritual food and nourishment to those entrusted into his care:- “Feed my lambs…” John 21:15 He is to feed the little flock, given into His charge with the whole council of God:- “Feed my sheep…” John 21:16.
All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ.
That which has been chosen before the foundation of the world and which has been foreordained unto adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, has been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies.
If really we have come to any kind of spiritual appreciation of the greatness of the thing the Lord has done for us in the Cross brought us into His own fullness and subdued all our enemies we cannot be a mean people, we cannot be small and petty, we must be generous because of the greatness of our position in Christ.
There has to be a very great deal of overlooking, a great deal of generosity, grace has got to triumph by reason of the exalted spiritual place: the elevation of our position in the heavenlies.
Spiritual Eyes
When God conquers us and takes all the flint out of our nature... when we get deep visions into the Spirit of Jesus, then we see, as never before. We see the great rarity of gentleness of spirit in this dark and un-heavenly world. The graces of the Spirit do not settle themselves down upon us by chance.
Death in Scripture
Death in scripture means separation – and spiritual death means separation from God. When we die physically our physical body is separated from our soul and our spirit. When our body ceases to function we are separated from all the people on earth. When our body dies we are separated from all the loved ones that we leave behind.
Spiritual Death
Paul knew that physical death meant separation – for he told the Corinthians: to be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord.
He also knew that spiritual death which is caused by sin, means separation from God: They are excluded from the life of God because of ignorance and hardness of heart. Men are separated from God and life, because of pride and the blindness of their heart. He who has the Son has life.
He was separated from God. His body lived and breathed for many centuries, but spiritual death had occurred. Indeed, if this state of spiritual death continues to the point of physical death.. man is separated from God forever, in the lake of fire – a sombre thought indeed.
But every man, from Adam on, can choose spiritual life rather than spiritual death.
When these cannot stand up to conditions of intense spiritual antagonism, opposition or perplexity, there is that more inward thing, right in the inward man, which is of God the Holy Spirit: i>Strengthened with might by His Spirit into the inward man./p>
What a tremendous thing this breaking in of Light upon us is, how it lifts us out, how it fills us with glory, how it changes the outlook when there breaks in spiritual Light, Light which never was on land or sea, Light from above.
To the natural man, the man of soul, what is essentially and intrinsically spiritual is unreal.
Their reaction is h, let us be practical, let us come down to earth, let us get out of the clouds and get our feet solidly on the terra firma, let us get down to things that are more real.That is the reaction of the natural man to the spiritual.
But to the spiritual man, spiritual things are far more real than the tangible.
What is the spiritual life in the matter of worship?
Now note that when there is a failure to recognize the spiritual meaning of all this and to enter into it... and a maintaining of the old thing... you are still on a soul level, and you are open to deception; the whole thing may be a ghastly deception.
It is their traditional system which is simply barring the way to spiritual revelation, whereas the Cross of the Lord Jesus represents the liberty in the spirit for God to lead into the fullness of His Life and Light.
The price to be paid for what is truly spiritual and heavenly was... and is... great, and they were dangerously in peril of going back to the old thing.
To the ecclesiastically great scribe, He said, “follow Me, but you will have nowhere to lay your head”. (John 8:20). To the financially rich and great ruler, He said: “your riches hinder your spiritual growth – give them away to the poor”. (Luke 12:33). To the socially great pharisee, Simon He said: “you love only a little, because you only seek Me a little”. (Luke 7:47).
A Study:- Man’s Nature and Destiny
The natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, but he who is spiritual judges all things, but I speak to you as carnal. 1 Cor.2:14-3:1
In four short verses Paul outlines the truth of these three men:- 1) the Natural Man ……..unsaved 2) the Spiritual Man…….saved 3) the Carnal Man……….saved.
Spiritual & Carnal
The spiritual man is a believer in the Lord Jesus..(a new creation in Christ) but he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.
But we have the mind of Christ. 1Cor.2:13. But so also the carnal man is a believer in the Lord Jesus: and I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. 1Cor.3:1
New Creation
Both spiritual and carnal have been born from above and are accepted in the Beloved.
Both spiritual and carnal have been transferred into the kingdom of light.
Both spiritual and carnal have been born into the new creation in Christ.
Both spiritual and carnal are baptised by the Spirit of God into Christ.
Both spiritual and carnal are designated children of God.
Both spiritual and carnal are in-dwelt permanently by the Spirit of God.
Both spiritual and carnal are coheirs with Christ Jesus.
No Condemnation
And for both spiritual and carnal there is now no condemnation: for He who believes in Him is not condemned.
but we see two categories of Christians. It is to carnal Christians today that Paul’s correcting monologue is addressed: And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. (read thru the whole of 1 Corinthians 2 and 3 for Paul’s condemnatory comments). I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal. For where there is envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you not carnal and behaving like mere (natural) men?
Spiritual Judging
As we wait in daily anticipation for the Lord’s any moment return, as we see the world spiral out of control towards the coming judgment..
How important to take heed to the scorching words of Paul. That we do not remain in or revert back to babyhood, but launch out into the deep: now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, but he who is spiritual judges all things.
But I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual..
We can only know Christ after the Spirit, so that Christ for us in this dispensation is spiritual in the sense that all that we know of Him or can have to do with Him can only be in the Spirit.
Our resources are spiritual.
The weapons of our warfare are spiritual.
And yet by that very means and for that very reason, the most potent force that this universe knows: the spiritual, hidden, secret people of God in this earth.
To take hold of Christianity and mold it, and shape it, and systematize it, and crystallize it, and make it some mighty movement here; with its roots here, with all its associations such as man can see, appreciate and approve; to register itself upon the ordinary consciousness of this world as being something; all of that is contrary to the Word of God and is contrary to spiritual life and spiritual power.
Spiritual increase is not by knowing all these things, the way of growth is not by faith's power externally manifested, but more by inward endurance.
The measure of our spiritual life is no greater than our heart; the knowledge that is in the head is not the measure of spirituality, the way for your release, emancipation, increase, abundance is the way of the heart.
It’s suitable for all occasions no matter what the time – and for all persons whether bond or free. God’s unutterable gift of His Son multiplies into a plethora of additional gifts, which explode into an astonishing display of God’s amazing grace and unconditional love. Spiritual death is removed and the new life of Christ is breathed into our dead spirit – we were dead in our sins, but made alive in Christ.
Our spiritual blindness has gone and God’s wrath is removed for there is now no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus – for we are accepted in the Beloved. We were once spiritually alienated from God and without hope in the world, but all enmity with God is washed away and we are clothed in the righteousness of Christ. Thanks be to God for His indefinable gift!
God’s Unspeakable Gift
God’s unspeakable gift transferred us from spiritual darkness to spiritual light – for the imputed sin of Adam and the many sins we commit are removed far away. As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our sins from us – for as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him.
We are the temple of God with the permanently indwelling Spirit of God as God’s deposit of grace. We were foreknown of God and chosen by Him – sealed and adopted forever, Amen. We were showered with the riches of eternal life – endowed with God’s spiritual gifts. We were baptised into Christ – made peace with God and given the peace of God. He started a good work in us and prepared good works for us to do in His strength – and then in His grace rewards us for the work He carried out in our lives – what grace. Thanks be to God for His unimaginable gift!
You and I, dear friends, individually, and if we belong to a company of the Lord's people, that company, will only make progress toward that full, ultimate end of God in Christ if we have a spiritual vision of Jesus Christ.
It is something that has happened inside of you, and your inner spiritual eyes have been opened.
I may be going through a very great deal of suffering without you knowing anything about it so far as the natural life is concerned, you are not affected by it, but beloved, there is a realm where if one member spiritually suffers the whole Body is involved in that suffering, which shows this Body is a heavenly thing and its relationships are not natural, they are spiritual, and that the unifying factor of the Holy Spirit operates apart from the natural consciousness.... You see what is involved, you see what a motive we have in our relationships for keeping them on a high level.
If there comes between those in these relationships, these strains, these cross-purposes, these cross-currents, this being offended and upset, this breach of true love, our attitude must be, not just that this is a miserable unhappy thing, and the sooner we make it up the better; our attitude must be, this thing out in the realm of spiritual intelligences is working against the glory of Christ, this is working against Him as the Head because all these relationships are joined so vitally to the Head; this is working against the Holy Spirit as the unifying power of the whole Body, this is doing damage, and therefore, inasmuch as we are so minutely related to all the members by the Holy Spirit, what one does must somehow, all beyond our realization or consciousness, touch Christ, touch the Holy Spirit, and therefore, all other members.
I praise You that I have already full victory in this matter” Remember... His teaching principle is based on an essential truth – the ‘SOURCE’ rule:- everything after its own kind – – flesh after flesh – – spiritual after spiritual.
Spiritual Weapons
The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, they are not of the flesh – they are spiritual weapons designed for a spiritual battle. The weapons of our warfare are not weapons of the flesh – but weapons of the spirit – but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of spiritual strong holds. 2 Corinthians 10:4
Obedience of Christ
The enemy we fight are the spiritual principalities and powers in high places, and we are instructed to “cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.
Our Weapons
And Remember:- The enemy we fight are the spiritual principalities and powers in high places. Satan may be dressed in the garb of a neighbour or a government official.
So many of our spiritual weapons are defensive, when we are clothed with Christ, but we must also grasp the great weapon of attack – the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
Spiritual Swords
David and his mighty warriors slew the enemy with the edge of a metal sword.
David fought in the physical to show us how to fight in the spiritual.
Dear friends, if any truth has the effect of turning you in upon yourself, making you introspective, self-occupied in a spiritual way, that truth has been wrongly apprehended.
You may assume the position of the most spiritual, but you are all wrong in your apprehension.
Some people seem to think that to become more spiritual we must become more intense and tied-up and occupied with this whole matter of the spiritual life, and really they are the most unbearable people, the joy has gone out of them.
There is something wrong if a Christian is miserable on spiritual matters, and it is either failure to apprehend the one great, absolute reality that the victory was God and that He won it in Christ, fully and finally, and we are not called to share at all in that battle; or the truth which has come subsequently has been misapprehended and has become something that is a burden grievous to be borne.
It is a spiritual thing, the impact of Christ; not tradition, not history, not theology, but the spiritual power of His presence in terms of Life through faith and righteousness.
We have to put back all our schemes, and all our plans, and all our arrangements, and all our programs for the Lord, and in the secret place with the Lord get into the value of true, living, spiritual union with Him, that the purpose may not commence with us in our thought, in our desire, in our will but may begin with God and find a registration in us from God.
He would have us see with spiritual perception what He is doing, and do it, and in like manner; for God is as particular about His method as He is about His purpose.
You have to live your life and do your work in a sphere of spiritual death where everything is against spiritual Life, and there is nothing to support you at all, and yet you go on there in the Lord, and are not swallowed up, engulfed and destroyed by that atmosphere and by those conditions.
Yours, then, is a life as is the life of everyone set in the presence of the great stone of death, spiritual death.
Well, I appeal to those of you who have any spiritual life and history at all.
If the Lord has not given that back to you, have you not come into some spiritual wealth, some spiritual good, something more in a spiritual way that makes you say, 'Well, it was worth it!'?
That to which the Lord really does commit Himself wholly is the spiritual side of things, not the temporal side of things, even in relation to His work.
John 17:7 God may indeed conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search it out – not through dreams, visions, and experiences of man – but via God’s Word: through searching the scriptures daily; through comparing scripture with scripture – through the illumination of the Holy Spirit - The Holy Spirit teaches: comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 1Corinthians 2:13
God reveals that faith and spiritual fruit is perfected through sufferings… but He also reveals that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
He is a different species so to speak from the spiritual man.
True, spiritual forces can and do register themselves upon psychical apparatus, but the psychical apparatus does not know them (hence the delusion and deception of spiritism), and this is true to the absolute in the matter of the things of God.
Not only the delusion of spiritism has its ground in the psychical as a registering apparatus, but the entire counterfeit of the truly spiritual or divinely spiritual is in this realm.
Wisdom of Man
We live in a world where God is despised and yet man seeks after spiritual wisdom!
The unsaved man today, whether Jew or Greek lacks spiritual understanding.
The one dead in trespasses and sins has no capacity to know the things of God: for the wisdom of God is from God and can only come from spiritual discernment, and yet …out of the mouths of babes and sucklings, God has ordained praise.
Spiritual Discernment
Sin in its raw state has robbed the natural man of a vital sphere of knowledge – a sphere of knowledge that is the most important of all: the spiritual sphere.
The natural, unsaved man is excluded by birth from spiritual understanding.
You must be saved to be endowed with spiritual understanding and discernment.
It is only the new creation in Christ who is able to apprehend spiritual things, for true wisdom is spiritually discerned, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit – given at rebirth..
Spiritual discernment is only given to those that are born of the Spirit..
Acts 17:11 – and remember the context in which spiritual wisdom is given to the believer.
Spiritual understanding comes in the wrappings of tested faith and many trials!
Spiritual Understand
Do you see that – 1) spiritual understanding is connected with patient endurance of trials, but if any of you lacks wisdom, (spiritual understanding), let him ask of God, Who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him, (but not necessarily immediately). Do you see that?
– 2) spiritual understanding is connected with steadfast faith in the Word of God – but let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.
– 3) spiritual understanding can only be given to believers, but not all believers gain spiritual discernment and Godly wisdom.
The Spiritual Christian?
– well, he is the believer who is spiritual, and he judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one..
Many phases are passed through, all in the permissive will of God, or in His directive will, inasmuch as they are intended to educate and give experience, but the course is never that of the established and settled kind, and so big changes may be called for, each of which comes by a new spiritual crisis.
He shows how He has been at work, and how that in time there will be manifested a work of God, a work that shall have such a large percentage of spiritual value and meaning in it that you are very glad, after all, that you walked with God and not with men in the work of God.
The Lord says that if you really have a heart, that is going to mean spiritual understanding.... There are people whose good hearts are not rebellious to the Lord.
I have much more to say to you about spiritual understanding.
Whatever Satan says, as he does in our deep hours of spiritual experience, about the Lord having given us up, departed from us all that sort of thing; whatever he says, it is not true.
You may be busy, you may be occupied, you may be rushing hither and thither in the Lord name, but you know that deep down there is a lack, an uncertainty, an unsettled state; your spiritual life is limited and paralyzed.
There is a personal, individual, shall I say, private application of the Cross to every one of us, and our spiritual growth depends entirely upon the Cross doing its work in us, and our response to it personally.
Many Christians today apply the things Christ’s taught to their own spiritual lives, yet much of what the gospels teach are teachings directed towards the nation of Israel.
Contented Captive
Living in spirit and truth does not limit, but multiples spiritual effectiveness, and Paul was able to say in all situations: “I am content..” even in incarceration. I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
Spiritual Cul-de-Sac
There are no shortcuts to sanctification, which is a lifetime growth in trusting God.
Seeking a shortcut thru spiritual experience will lead to a spiritual cul-de-sac.
Searching for blessings in the wrong cisterns will lead to spiritual dryness.
Spiritual Lesson
Jacob was ninety-seven years old when he finally recognised this truth..
Spiritual Maturity
What Scripture clearly tells us is that spiritual maturity is not an instant state.
Former mountain-tops or experiences of spiritual blessing may be a joyfully recall – and euphoric works of the past may be recognised as performed in the flesh,
one are sufficient to rest upon in the spiritual journey upon which we’ve all embarked, but all will be used in the eternal plan, for a life who truly cries: Thy Will Be Done.
Fruitful Life
There are no shortcuts to spiritual growth.
Lifelong Journey
One writer puts it this way: The Husbandman’s method for true spiritual growth involves: pain as well as joy; suffering as well as happines; failure as well as success; inactivity as well as service; death as well as life.
There are no shortcuts to spiritual maturity, which takes a lifetime of growth in learning to trust God.
I found a false creed, peppered with comforting platitudes, but antithetical to the Word of truth, and yet this teaching has become a more popular source of “spiritual growth” than the Word it proclaims – and it is in error.
The fact is this, that we may advance a long way in spiritual knowledge (I mean in information, the knowledge of the truth) beyond our own real measure, and then have the shock, under terrible conditions, of discovering that all that we have accumulated through the years does not help us.
Thus, a rich knowledge of the Scriptures, an accurate technical grasp of Christian doctrine, a doing of Christian work by all the resources of men's natural wisdom or ability, a clever manipulation and interesting presentation of Bible content and themes, may get not one whit beyond the natural life of men, and still remain within the realm of spiritual death.
Men cannot be argued, reasoned, fascinated, interested, emotioned, willed, enthused, impassioned, into the kingdom of the heavens; they can only be born; and that is by spiritual quickening.
The days of the Church's greatest spiritual power and impact were days when ecclesiastical forms, architecture and ritual were nil, and the Lord Himself was everything.... To get away from the lesser things we need a mighty visitation of the Spirit of God; this, and this only, will do it.
So, on the other hand, if we seriously faced the things which the Spirit of God has again and again ruled out when He has had His way, would not the way be opened for a morepermanent high level of spiritual life, fullness, and effectiveness?
There are those Levites whose ministry is, shall I say, more essentially spiritual; it may belong to the vessels of the sanctuary.
Mine it may be to mainly minister in the Word of the Lord, what a lot of people would call the spiritual ministry, (I repudiate that suggestion that spiritual ministry is bound up with people who preach that is not spiritual ministry only).
Yes, Many can’t comprehend that sanctifying faith comes by hearing not sight – thinking that spiritual maturity comes through experiences, signs, wonders, miracles or feelings!
And if we knew it, a very large degree of our education, our spiritual education and our discipline in the Christian life under the hand of the HOLY Spirit, has to do with those things in us which are mixed up....
If our lives are powerless it may be due to this lack somewhere, somehow, of this utterness for God, this separation unto God, of some kind of compromise somehow, somewhere, with the prince of this world who robbing us of our spiritual power and vitality on his own ground.
What should be the true spiritual value of those that are called and chosen ones?
Spiritual Reality
But consider real spiritual realities, which require an unmixed, undivided heart.. a heart that has set its face like a flint to serve in His way and in His strength – a heart, not seeking acclaim through hot air, vivid pictures, romantic conceptions.
Spiritual Effectiveness
The cost of accountability in each life is very high. The greater the degree of spiritual effectiveness given to an individual or ministry.. the more spiritually accountable that one becomes. For to him that has been given much, much will be required Luke 12:48
Spiritual Accountability
The Lord Jesus Himself is the guide-stone of effective spiritual ministry. The Lord Jesus Himself shows the way to examine spiritual accountability: “The Son can do nothing of Himself…” John 5:19 “The Father doeth the works…” John 14:10 “The Father speaketh the words…” John 12:49 “My Father worketh until now…” John 5:17 And when Jesus sent his disciples out to preach the gospel, He told them:-.
Man’s soul is born in the image and likeness of sinful Adam’s old-sin nature, and for the believer, there is a choice – either a spiritual walk or carnal concerns.
His teaching principle is based on an essential truth: the ‘source’ rule – that is everything after its own kind; flesh after flesh – spiritual after spiritual.
They are spiritual weapons designed for a spiritual battle.
The weapons are are not of the flesh, but mighty through God to the pulling down of spiritual strongholds. 2Cor.10:4 The enemy we fight are the spiritual principalities and powers in high places, and we are instructed to cast down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.
Weapon of Attack
Remember, the enemy we fight are the spiritual principalities and powers in high places.
He may speak through the voice of a friend or act through a relative, but most of our spiritual weapons are defensive – and we are clothed with Christ.
David fought in the physical to show us how to fight in the spiritual.
Spiritual growth is the Holy Spirit engraving the Lord Jesus on a man's heart, putting Him into his thoughts, his words, and his ways, just as the Law was engraved upon stones.
It is a spiritual state.And only on that can the Lord associate Himself, ally Himself, to Zion....
We are not come to some thing, some religious thing, some tradition, we are not come to historic Christianity if I may put it that way we are come to a spiritual situation which is calculated to startle us.
But I am pointing this out, that this letter is written in the day of Grace; and it is a day which brings into view not some new Christian system, not the formation of a new Christian tradition, but a spiritual condition, without which everything else is as nothing.
You have come, we have come, to the great battle of Zion; and it is a spiritual battle.
Sanctifying faith is the tool the Spirit of life uses to develop spiritual maturity.
Through the eye of faith we see spiritual things – we gain spiritual understanding: for things of the Spirit of God are spiritually discerned. 1Cor.2:14.
simply by believing that: things which are seen (that is seen with the spiritual eye of faith), were not made, (that is: are separate and distinct, and not the same as), of things which do appear. (that is: the disorder in the world, that we see around us).
5 Points of Faith
Through the spiritual eye of faith that we see that His plan for us is perfect and ordered.
By the spiritual eye of faith a believer is to understand that:- 1) God ordered the ages through Christ. 2) The spiritual eye of faith sees the order in God’s wider plans and purposes. 3) The eye of faith sees God’s design as separate and distinct from today’s disorder. 4) The eye of faith looks beyond the chaos of today to the order of God’s future. 5) The eye of faith looks with Abraham to: a city….whose builder and maker is God.
A Study:- Man’s Nature and Destiny
But he who is spiritual judges all things.1Cor.2:15
Sift, Search, Study
Note in the Greek this word is the same as that in Act chapter 17 means to sift / to search/ to study the Word of God: But he who is spiritual sifts, searches out and studies all things – all things pertaining to God for the things of this world are foolishness.
But he who is spiritual sifts, and searches out and studies all things of God, yet he himself is rightly searched out by no one – for, who has known the mind of the LORD that he may instruct Him?
Spiritual Man
The spiritual man is identified as one that has the mind of Christ Paul exhorted us: let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, and by implication this is not a past state but one to which we should strive.
Spiritual Development
The babe in Christ likewise has a new life: the new life in Christ.
The immature Christian likewise has access to a new mind – the new-mind of Christ, but the new life and this new mind must grow and mature into Christlikeness, and there is only one way, laid out in Scripture to spiritual growth and maturity.
The spiritual man likewise needs these same three essential elements, and without these 3 essential ingredients, growth in Christ is blocked.
Bread of Life
This precious combination is the key to unlock the only path to spiritual growth, but many neglect the Hidden Manna, the Living Bread and Water of Life.
A Study:- Man’s Nature and Destiny
He who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.
The Mind of Christ
The spiritual man is the one who has the mind of Christ, and Phil 2:5 exhorts us to: let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.
Another way of putting it is you can live a spiritual life or a carnal life.
EITHER→ permit the Holy Spirit to work in you and train you → a spiritual saint.
Spiritual Mind
Why – when each one failed?
And a believer who has lived the most carnal life can still become spiritual.
A spiritual mind is a matter of choice for a believer – live in spirit and in truth.
The context here sets forth that our relationship with Christ in the new creation is purely a spiritual thing, and therefore our relationships with one another as being in Christ are spiritual relationships.
The whole new creation is a spiritual matter, because it is Christ.
Christ fills this whole realm; Christ dominates this whole realm in a spiritual way; from this realm of the new creation everything which is not Christ is excluded: all things are out from God.
For those who, like the New Testament writers, have a real burden and sense of responsibility for the spiritual life of God's people, one of the most heart-breaking things is the way in which so many who gave promise of going right on with the Lord are caught in some side-track and turn to something other or less than He meant for them.
Not necessarily to sin or to the world, but to something which, while it brings them a great deal of gratification for a time, eventually proves to be a diversion resulting in arrested spiritual growth, and they are found in a backwater, a cul-de-sac, occupied with an alternative to the whole counsel of God.
The most spiritual will be presented with what appears to be most spiritual.
Every day will provide some opportunity for you to learn spiritual ascendancy; some occasion for you to bring in the value of your relationship with the Lord; to put to the test the resources which you have in Christ; to grow in grace; to know victories.
Increasing Urgency
This should also be a time when we examine our own relationship with Jesus. We can scarcely exhort others to be spiritual ready if we are ill-prepared ourselves. We can hardly encourage others towards preparedness if we have become careless. We cannot draw alongside others aright, unless we are in fellowship with the Lord – and the urgency increases as we see the day of His return approaching.
In other words, that which is of supreme importance is not Christian doctrine, mentally appraised and apprehended, but a living and clear spiritual apprehension of Christ.
Are you, through a living, clear, inward, experimental relationship with the Lord Jesus, building a structure which comes out of that inward spiritual knowledge?
The heart of the whole matter is the difference between the philosophy of Christianity, of Christian doctrine and the spiritual knowledge of Christ.
This is a day for travail: whether it be a travail for the unsaved or for the Lord's people; every true spiritual activity is born out of travail, and those who have been most used of God in every time have been men and women who had this travail in their soul, in their secret life with God.
Before we were saved, worldly objects and affairs usurped the place of Christ; but after being saved, spiritual objects and affairs now tend to occupy His place.
Earlier God took from us the things of this world; presently He is taking away our spiritual thing or things.
The Cross, as the instrument of spiritual circumcision, has to be applied to this self-life deeper and ever more deeply, because there seems to be no end to it.
The whole Letter to the Hebrews has to do with this change from the earthly and temporal to the heavenly and spiritual.
With His foreknowledge of the passing of the earthly, temporal and material things; places, systems, fixed locations, and outward forms, the Lord Jesus put the whole matter of survival upon Himself as the constituent of a spiritual structure against which the very powers of hell would not prevail.
The change from the Old Testament to the New is simply and only the change from the indirect to the direct; from the symbolic to that which is symbolized; from the temporal representation to the spiritual reality.
God was no longer wanting the framework and earthly system, which had taken so much room, and energy, and expenditure, before the really spiritual was reached.
The percentage of spiritual value was so small after all, and spiritual interests lay so far along the labyrinthine ways of religious machinery and tradition, that it was not worthwhile.
What remained after the shaking was just that, and that only, which was Christ in a spiritual and heavenly way: Christ in heaven, and here by His Spirit, the gathering point, or occasion of assembling; Christ in heaven the High Priest and Sacrifice; the order of God's house here a purely spiritual and heavenly one not formal, arranged, imposed, imitated, or material.
He knows quite well that all the work for the Lord which is not founded upon triumphant spiritual prayer will count for little or nothing in the long run and will break down.
Immediately you begin to contemplate or purpose a fuller prayer-life, the enemy launches a new scheme for keeping you more busy and occupied, heaping up the work and crowding in demands so that you will have no time or opportunity for prayer.... But we must recognize this: that the enemy will construct his best arguments about responsibility, duty and conscience to stop us praying, and there is a place where, if we see prayer is utterly ruled out, or brought down to such a limited place that it is completely inadequate for a life of spiritual ascendancy and victory, we have to say: Lord, I am going to trust the responsibility with You while I pray, that You will not allow my breaking away for this time to have detrimental results, and that You will protect this prayer-time which I seek for Your glory from the inroads of the enemy.
Watch – Prepare
Live the life of a spiritual man – put off the carnal lust of the flesh. Look at your position in Christ – not the condition of your circumstances. Prepare your heart for the Lord’s return is near – at the very door. Keep your lamps trimmed, and be filled with the Spirit. Understand what scripture says about these end times in which we live.
Mean Routine
How quickly we try to stumble over and endure the mean routine. How quickly we hurry through the mundane to get that ‘spiritual time’ alone that is indeed important..
The mode of acquiring a new, redeemed nature from the 2nd man is a spiritual birth. As Jesus told Nicodemus: marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again.
Spiritual “Waterloo”
Sometimes the sting of pain comes early in the Christian walk.
Whether single or married, parent or child, pastor or layman, young or old – each, through the busyness of service and striving, arrive at their own spiritual ‘Waterloo’.
Spiritual Need
You see it is related to need - deep, deep spiritual need.
a spiritual pauper until you can say: not I but Christ lives in me.
Many flounder and give up the fight and consequently, their spiritual growth is stunted.
Spiritual Growth
This agonising downward process brings us from spiritual infancy to maturity..
The Spirit prepares us through spiritual poverty to rely upon Him and not on self: blessed are the poor in spirit.
When we get to the point when our spiritual life-breath is all but exhausted..
I need never hunger, I am down there in the country, isolated, getting no fellowship, no food; I am away in some place where there is no spiritual bread, and He says, e that eats Me shall never hunger./em> Is that dependent upon where I am, what my situation and circumstances are as to available spiritual meat?
From start to finish, it typifies the spiritual man and the carnal believer.
It contrasts the spiritual walk with a religious life.
There are some in the Body of Christ, in the front lines of intense spiritual conflict - a spiritual conflict that is intensifying in these last days..
a spiritual conflict that is directed against those committed to intercessory prayer.
It is an intense and bloody spiritual warfare, which is exemplified throughout Job; a fierce offensive, that has raged for 2000 years.
These three men were seen battling in the spiritual realms.
Consummation of All
And what is the end and final reason for that intense spiritual warfare…? Well, it is the ongoing battle that will one day consummate all things in Christ.
Ideal Versus Reality
Christ is indeed our Consolation, Strengthener, Support, and Comfort – but in dealing in the spiritual, we must differentiate between the ideal and the actual!
Are such doubts the norm of the believer – and is it necessary to our spiritual walk?
All spiritual gifts, however, have been given with infinite care by the Spirit of God. All talents have been carefully chosen by Him to match each servant’s personal potential. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability.
Spiritual maturity embraces pain and joy, suffering and happiness.
It Takes Faith
There are no shortcuts to spiritual growth.
One dear saint encourages all who desire to live godly, by telling us that: “Spiritual renewal is a gradual process.
It Takes Patience
There are great days, days of decisive battles, days of crises in spiritual history, days of triumph in Christian service, days of the right hand of God upon us.
for any experience which makes us more aware of our need of God must contribute to spiritual progress, unless we deny the Lord Who bought us.
This is not to discourage us in any way but to help us to settle down with our spiritual sights on eternity, by faith..
In our spiritual experience we often find that not least of our trials is the fact that God seems so slow to respond; sometimes it would appear that He is careless or indifferent - and that just when our needs are most acute.
Two of the major elements in the spiritual life and experience of His own are the seemingly slow and hidden ways of God, and the demand for persistent faith in His servants. -T.
As a result, many Christians live a life of spiritual defeat or spiritual depression, and as a result, many Christians settle for less than God’s will for their life – because the believer so often lives a life, relying on the flesh and not on the Spirit.
Biblical Principles
It is a lack of awareness of the vital, biblical principles of spiritual growth..
Maturing in the faith requires that you apply PRINCIPLES of spiritual growth – principles that are clearly and concisely outlined in the Epistles.
Being 'born again' is not the ultimate goal of the gospel, but the first. New birth is a prelude to the lifelong process of sanctification – spiritual growth. Sanctification develops into the intimate relationship God desires with each of us.
Growing in Grace
He desires all His children to grow in grace and to walk in spirit and truth. God wants us to develop a spiritual walk, which grows into a closer walk with Him. But after the first flush of Christian joy, we can leave our first love and fall from grace.
We can't lose our salvation but we stray from a spiritual walk into a carnal walk. We can leave our first love of Christ and be enticed back to the ways of the world – or we can fall from grace, trying to please God through our own good works.
One of the most damaging things in the realm of God's work, a thing which eventually leads to shame and confusion and much sorrow, is Natural Soul Force projected by strong-willed, determined, aggressive Christians who have not come to a spiritual state where they are able to discriminate between stubborn indomitableness, personal determination and resolution, and which is altogether another thing: spiritual grace in endurance, perseverance, and Divine in-strengthening.
While spiritual strength is always marked by love, warmth, life, fellowship, openness, confidence, and trust in the Lord.... At the end, in the Revelation, the dragon, the whole power of Satan is overthrown by the Lamb.
Maybe in the physical, but predominantly and principally in the spiritual… “Ye are My witnesses .” the Lord Jesus tells us. Being His witnesses does not necessarily mean going out and talking. Being a consecrated man or woman – being a sign, may not mean what you think. It may not mean becoming a missionary or starting a ministry… though such may certainly be a part of the sanctified life.
Our Father may cripple our earthly standing in order to strengthen our spiritual state, but He will never detract from our spiritual state in order to enhance our worldly standing.
He begins by showing His desire for your spiritual advancement, and not by advancing you in earthly position.
When the spiritual stands to confront the merely formal, traditional, nominal and natural, then there is going to be trouble.
There is a very great difference between formal, traditional, nominal, natural Christianity, on the one side, and spiritual Christianity, on the other; a great deal of difference.
But seek to bring in a truly spiritual order of things, and trouble arises at once.
And so spiritual men and women, and spiritual ministry, are called trouble makers, because the two things cannot go on together.
The spiritual reality is not found in the formal.
You may have it all but then bring in the truly spiritual meaning of things, and trouble begins in that very realm.
It is the trouble which arises when what is external and traditional comes into conflict with something which is truly spiritual.
The Christian who relies mainly upon experiences for growth will manifest little spiritual discernment, dependability or maturity, whereas the believer who relies upon doctrinal truth will be found to manifest these aspects of a healthy walk.
If we bypass truth, we fall short of spiritual reality.
When a person begins to apprehend what it means to be united to the Son of God and what he has through this union, he will at once realize that his spiritual growth depends upon a clear understanding of truth rather than upon an experience.
The grace-promise-faith way is the ‘spiritual’ route.
Spiritual or Carnal
In reality, carnality and legalism often describe believers who deeply desire to be spiritual, but are trying to please God the ‘works-merit -law’ way.
It is not by any painful reproducing of another's spiritual history that he is to acquire the true comfort of spirit which he longs for.
Outward imitation, though it be of the perfect Example Himself, has little place in the order of spiritual growth - little place because little possibility.
Men may be saved through hearing the Word of God that it contains but, unless they get purer light later, their dependence for life and service will be primarily upon human strength, and not upon the power and demonstration of the Spirit.' Paul (in spite of the Corinthians' demand for it) refused to permit any human wisdom to enter into his ministry for that reason - because he wanted purely spiritual fruit: converts who have seen the power of the Spirit and expect to know it in their lives and service.
A great mystery surrounds the spiritual growth of the hungry-hearted believer.
The forwardness of nature is the failure of our youth - our spiritual youth, as well as our natural youth; eagerness to run in God's path, but not apprehending what the path is, or what it requires to walk in it.
God means suffering to result in increased spiritual capacity, which is the basis of added responsibility, trust, and fruitful sharing.
You may take it that you are in an immature spiritual stage if you have not come to that realization that in the realm into which you have been introduced in your relationship with God, you have no resource.
This is something very searching for us as to our being children of God, being the spiritual children of the travail of Christ.
Right from our new birth, you and I, every one of us, ought to have a faculty of spiritual understanding and perception and knowledge that is possessed by no other person outside this Kingdom!
I would go so far as to say that the largest proportion of all the trouble between Christians is due to either a lack of, or a failure to live on, the basis of spiritual understanding, spiritual discernment, spiritual perception, spiritual knowledge.
But spiritual knowledge is a rare commodity; and yet it is supposed to be a constituent of our new birth from above, a faculty that we ought to have.
It is not some extra thing to which you attain by struggle and effort, or by years of laborious Christian living, or by some specific act, some terrific upheaval in your spiritual life.
You have a new sense, a new faculty, a new omethingin you, that causes you to know in some measure at least what is of the Lord and what is not, what is spiritual and what is not.
Spiritual Readiness
Being unprepared does NOT mean that a believer loses eternal life – that’s finished. The work on the cross was a ‘done deal’ forever, when you were washed in His blood.
No, the problem of unpreparedness in a believer is a lack of spiritual reserves.
Danger of Unpreparedness
Lack of spiritual readiness can hit doctrinally sound saints and godliest of men alike.
Lack of spiritual preparedness can creep up on the most ardent believer.
New Testament Truth
Very often we find that Old Testament stories often typify New Testament truths. Happenings in the physical realm often pictures the spiritual walk of believers today. The ministry of the Aaronic priesthood is one such beautiful example:
Spiritual Enemy
This is as true today as it was in those distant days – when the enemy was physical, except that today, the enemy is invisible and more subtle – and in the spiritual realm: for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, physical weapons, but mighty through God to the pulling down of spiritual strongholds. 2Cor.10:4
Spiritual Armour
So we have been been equipped with every necessity if we would but access it: put on the whole armour of God, we are told, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil Eph.6:11 ..
That which is called Christianity is essentially a spiritual thing, and not an earthly order or system, and every fragment of it has to be entered into in a spiritual way, by way of Life and Revelation.
If we become spiritual in this sense, if the Holy Spirit is the commanding reality in our life, and we are walking by the Spirit, we are bound inevitably to come into all God's thought.
It’s related to Christian growth, our spiritual maturity and the events in our lives that God uses to conform us into the image and likeness of His dear Son.
A New-Life in Christ
As His children we were given a new LIFE in Christ – a baby life that needs to grow into a mature spiritual believer -– a life that will be fruitful – a victorious life – a life that will be conformed into the image of Jesus during the time we live on earth. But we also have a sin nature that seeks to gain supremacy over the new Christ-life. Oh!
Spiritual Life
We may choose to live a spiritual life and abide in Him or walk the carnal route. We may choose to submit to the Spirit’s leading or we may quench Him in our life. But neither the spiritual nor the unspiritual believer is condemned – for God will never go back on His word.
Growing Pains
Growing pains inevitable occur in all believers when our faith in Christ is tried. Sometimes stunted growth is the result of a lack of good teaching. Sometimes spiritual growth is resisted because of carnal desires.
You can keep Him hidden; you can bury him in the safety of your current understanding – or you can gaze at Him through the spiritual eyes of heart, counting all things loss, for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.
Our words are to be wholesome; sensitive; truthful; thoughtful; wise – spiritual... 'let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear'.
Examples of such ‘words’ could be carnal; flesh; spiritual; salvation; repent; confess; world; condemnation.
Right Choices
Remember, there are two paths a born-again believer can follow in their Christian walk: either the grace-promise-faith way or the works-merit-law way; either by grace or works of the law; either by promise or the works of the flesh; either by faith or by merit; either by living a spiritual life or living a carnal life; either by walking in the spirit or walking in the flesh; either by walking in newness of life in Christ or by walking by means of the old sin nature in Adam.
Ever since that first spiritual death, all humanity have been born dead in their sin.
Spiritual Realm
Only our new nature can fellowship with the Lord. Only our new nature is alive. Only the new life can function in the spiritual realm and commune with the Holy Spirit. Only our new life in Christ is spiritually alive and can worship in spirit and truth, for God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.
Perhaps, because of his spiritual maturity, Paul had been able to recognise the deep, spiritual poverty that had hindered his own life journey.
Paul wanted to stress the importance of righteousness and warn of the dangers of regressing into spiritual infancy.
It is only by grace through faith that we are being conformed into the likeness of God's beloved Son... and by His grace, we have been promised an immortal body and innumerable, additional spiritual blessings by simply trusting Him for our salvation - by believing in the sacrificial death, burial, and Resurrection of Christ.
It is hard to understand why a nation that was so blessed would turn aside from the God of their fathers and fall into such gross apostasy, and yet how reflective this is of the Church today, for despite the incredible spiritual benefits and blessings that have been showered on the Body of Christ, so many are following after another gospel, rejecting the inerrant Word of God, and worshipping a Christ made in their own image.
And the Church as members of Christ's Body are His spiritual seed, for He is the eternal Author and Finisher of our faith.
In some of his writings, Paul had to stress his divinely appointed calling and apostleship because there were those that challenged his authority, but the Ephesian Christians were spiritual men and women whom Paul identified as: Faithful in Christ Jesus.
We are chosen in Christ, fellow heirs with Him, blessed with every spiritual blessing, and predestined to be conformed into the image and likeness of Christ.
We are also prompted to look for the reason that we are to advance to spiritual adulthood, instead of remaining in spiritual childhood or adolescence, and we are cautioned against being stunted in our spiritual development, in the preceding verses.
And so we are urged to move on from the initial salvation message, where we are justified by faith, and are urged to grow in a knowledge of our Lord and Saviour - as we press on to spiritual maturity.
The spiritual growth of a believer should be the outcome of our new life in Christ.
The privileges we have in Christ will ensure that we develop from infancy into spiritual maturity.
How essential that we do not remain in spiritual infancy or become deaf to the great biblical truths that are ours in Christ.
Worldly wisdom, demonic wisdom, human wisdom, and wisdom that comes from the fallen rulers of this age (whether it be from the demonic spiritual realm or their human agents through whom they implement their nefarious plans), wisdom that is not from God is foolishness.
The Corinthians Christians, to whom this verse was written, had been quite strongly criticised by Paul for division in the fellowship, their lack of spiritual growth, and their carnal way of living.
Paul pointed out that not one of the many spiritual principalities, powers, or demonic rulers of this age would have empowered and emboldened the religious leaders of the Jews or the civic channels of the Roman government to crucify the Lord of glory, if they had known the great and eternal victory that His death would have over the spiritual and natural realms.
Paul wanted to discourage the Corinthian believers and all who are God's children from foolishly following after the 'wisdom of this age,' for it only produces spiritual bankruptcy.
They would not see Him physically but they would see Him with their spiritual eye of understanding, and He promised to one day return to take all who love and trust in Him, to be with Himself in heaven.
At the moment of salvation, a person immediately undergoes a baptism - a DRY, SPIRITUAL Baptism - the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, which places them into the Body of Christ.
Jesus taught His disciples about this same, spiritual baptism, the night He was betrayed. He told them, The Holy Spirit resides WITH you and He will be IN you.
John baptised with water (a water baptism - of repentance) but you will be baptised with the Holy Spirit, (a spiritual baptism - of the heart) not many days from now.
They were more interested in Jesus feeding their bodies with bread and fish than having their souls nourished with the spiritual food from above.
They were more concerned about their physical and temporal needs than their spiritual health and eternal salvation.
In the same way, the physical washing of one's hands with water can never cleanse the heart spiritually. Purity of heart is only possible through a spiritual cleansing.
For just as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you produce spiritual fruit unless you abide in Me.Day by day, we are to remain in Him and He in us; we are to abide in Him and He in us; we are to rest in Him and He in us.
Timothy was sent to find out how the believers there were getting along, to establish them in the faith, and give them spiritual support and godly encouragement.Paul rejoiced when Timothy returned with the joyful tidings that they were being established in the faith and well-grounded in the Word, despite the many difficulties and distresses they were facing: May the Lord cause you to increase in your faith and abound in your love for one another and for all people, was Paul's heartfelt prayer for them all, just as we also do for you.Paul continued in prayers and loving intercessions for the saints at Thessalonica, beseeching God the Father Himself and Jesus our Lord to direct and govern their ways.May we be like Paul, and remember to lift up our fellow Christian brothers and sisters in continuous and loving prayer and heartfelt intercessions.
Many ministries in Christendom today are encouraging their followers to have their best life now, with little interest in spiritual enrichment or heavenly investments.
His abundance of worldly wisdom is a stark contrast with his lack of Godly wisdom and the spiritual understanding seen in Daniel and his three companions.
We as the Body of Christ, are the spiritual Temple of God, and in many ways, both individually and corporately, we have allowed the world to be assimilated into our hearts and minds which is identified in corrupt carnality, which dishonours our God and Saviour.
Love for his brothers and sisters in Christ was clearly seen in all of Paul's writings and in this letter to the Colossians, his heart's desire was that these beloved believers would gain great spiritual strength.
Despite the Corinthian Christians being saved by grace through faith in Christ, Paul had some serious concerns about their ungodly conduct, their spiritual immaturity, their argumentative behaviour, and their abuse of spiritual gifts.
These misguided Christians bought into the satanic lie that there is no physical resurrection from the dead, and though some may have believed in some type of spiritual afterlife - Paul found it necessary to cover this unbiblical error in great detail in 1st Corinthians 15 - which is often called the Resurrection Chapter.
How much more we who have an old sin nature need to keep ourselves ever covered by His protecting power and yielded to the guidance of His Holy Spirit, as we remain in Him and He in us.The little power-packed book of Jude opens by encouraging maturing Christians to contend earnestly for the sanctifying faith that works in and through the lives of born-again believers, and which will bring them to spiritual maturity.
And it helps to identify the wicked characters in the ongoing angelic conflict - a spiritual war between God and Satan, that has been raging in heavenly places for millennia.
Sometimes we misunderstand what it means, 'to succeed' or 'to prosper' which has given rise to a prosperity teaching which places the emphasis on temporal, worldly prosperity rather than eternal spiritual wealth.
Let us remember that there are no short-cuts to spiritual growth. Strong, secure, spiritual maturity is a gradual process which progresses from day to day, month to month, and year to year.
And although there were a few dissenters who tried to undermine Paul's authority and others who had regressed in their spiritual growth, their enthusiastic response to the gospel of Christ was a great joy and encouragement to Paul, and his fellow-labourers in Christ.
Paul and his companions were obviously pleased with the spiritual development of these believers, and referred to them as 'OUR hope; OUR joy; and OUR crown of rejoicing.' For who is our hope or joy or crown of exultation? was his rhetorical question.
Paul not only taught these new believers about the return of the Lord in the clouds for His Church, at the Rapture, but also mentioned the spiritual rewards that will be given to believers at His coming.
ALL believers, whether circumcised Jew or uncircumcised Gentiles, are one in Christ and lay claim to the same spiritual circumcision, a true circumcision of the heart because we are ALL saved by grace through faith in Christ.
Paul's epistle to Titus outlines the conduct, integrity, and maturity that should be the hallmark of spiritual leadership, both in the body of Christ and in the home environment.
Paul had been called as Christ's apostle to the Gentiles and appointed by the Father to be entrusted with the hidden mysteries of the Church and much Church-age doctrine, which is so vital for our spiritual growth today.
Let us, like David, fill our hearts with the joy of the Lord and sing spiritual songs with our lips and in our lives, to the praise of His wonderful name.
But first, He had to topple all the spiritual forces in high, heavenly places before He could bring in the kingdom of heaven on earth.
Throughout the Word of God, we are warned of false prophets, apostate teachers and hired-hands that are not true shepherds, but manipulative hirelings who lead the people of God astray, place them in spiritual danger and use them for their own personal interests.
We have already received all spiritual blessing in abundance, simply because we are in Christ, and in Him we have all that we need to live godly lives, but nowhere in Scripture are we told that we will have the trouble free life that much of Christendom teaches today, rather we are informed of the opposite.
It is then that the spiritual battery is regenerated and renewed by Christ's limitless power, enabling us to run the straight race, and in His strength, to run in such as way as to win the prize for the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Jacob persevered in his spiritual battle until daybreak.
We may not partake in a physical wrestling match with a heavenly Being, but the spiritual battles we encounter require the same response - a dying to self and a living for Christ.
We are engaged in a spiritual battle against worldly enticements, fleshly lusts, and the spiritual forces of darkness and wickedness in heavenly places.
Both these apostles know that Christians can be drawn away from a spiritual walk, where Christ reigns at the centre of our life, to a fleshly existence where king 'Self' is reinstated on the throne of our heart.
Although our position in Christ can never be lost for those that are born-again, nevertheless our communion with Christ can be interrupted, our fellowship with the Father can be broken, and our spiritual channel of communication can be choked so that His love ceases to flow out from Him, through us, to others - and we grieve the indwelling Holy Spirit of God.
The gospel was spreading rapidly and the material needs of all converts, as well as their spiritual needs, were being furnished quickly and appropriately.
It is our spiritual worship and our reasonable service to yield our-lives, our-selves, and our-bodies to the Lord - to consecrate ourselves to Him each day.
And it is God's will that having trusted in Christ for salvation that we present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to the Lord, which is our spiritual worship.
We should not be ignorant of the spiritual gifts relating to the Church age nor the cunning devices of Satan who seeks to entrap us in worldly pursuits, fleshly activities and cunning lies.
And so, Jeremiah continued to speak of the impending doom of the nation and predicted the fall of the city of Jerusalem whilst warning the people of approaching oppression, violence, and the ravaging of their land, due to their unholy ways and spiritual decline.
He illuminates our minds with truth, inspires our heart with spiritual understanding and gives godly discernment to all who have been saved by trusting in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
However, these Pharisees needed to know that the spiritual part of the kingdom does not come with observable signs but through faith in Christ, in Whom are the words of eternal life.
Believers in this Church dispensation have already entered the spiritual kingdom through faith in Christ.
What about those of us who are already part of the spiritual kingdom?
In the penultimate verse of Ephesians, Paul is offering a familiar and well-loved salutation to his brothers and sisters in Christ: Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.Peace, love, and faith are three spiritual qualities that are sprinkled in unfettered abundance throughout Paul's writings, and yet they retain a freshness each time they are bestowed on God's children of faith.Only once in the New Testament, is this phrase peace be to the brethren, used.
It empowers us to carry out the work that God has prepared for us to do and it emboldens us to engage in the spiritual warfare of this age, effectively: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and satanic powers, who prowl around, seeking to destroy our ministry and taint our testimony.Peace and love with faith, comes directly from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
The divine equality of Father and Son is meted out in clear view in this verse; we are blessed with every spiritual blessing by the Father, through the Son, for both are equivalent in honour, glory, might, majesty, dominion, and power, forever and ever, amen.
Sarah symbolises the New Covenant and the spiritual seed of Abraham.
However, Paul clearly uses Hagar to represent that Old Covenant of Sinai, the earthly seed of Israel, and the earthly Jerusalem below, while Sarah symbolises the New Covenant, the heavenly Jerusalem, and the spiritual seed of God, through Christ Jesus our Lord - for we are all members of His Body, and ministers of a New and better Covenant.
He was sent to bind up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to those that were in both physical and spiritual captivity, and to open the blinded eyes of those who are bound by the god of this world.
False doctrine infects and contaminates the spiritual Body of Christ in the same way that germs and viruses seriously infect or injure our physical bodies, and Paul describes these false teachers as: Idle talkers and deceivers who distort the Word of truth and subvert whole households for dishonest gain.
For the Word of God is living and powerful, and it is the only plumb-line for sound doctrine, Biblical truth, and spiritual growth.
We are given wise advice on how to function spiritually as members of the Body of Christ, and reminded that we all have spiritual gifts which are to be used for the encouragement of the saints and the edification of the Body of Christ.
We are counselled against spiritual immaturity, emotional instability, and foolish gullibility while being warned against lying, anger, deceitfulness, unconfessed sin, covetousness, filthiness, foolish talking, and coarse jesting.
And as Paul tells us in Ephesians: And having done all to stand, as the spiritual battle between our righteous God and Satan's wicked forces continues to rage throughout the godless nations of the world.
He has prepared a table before us, in the presence of those that hate and despise us, and He has covered it with all we need and every spiritual blessing - which He purchased for us through His own blood, on Calvary's Cross.
This historic happening not only helped to fuel an ongoing feud between the descendants of Ishmael and the Jewish nation, but represents a deep spiritual truth regarding those that are under law and those that are under grace.
However, the bias of both groups has blinded them to the real, important, spiritual truth that is in plain view for those with eyes to see.
May we be those that understand the spiritual truth that is being taught in this beautiful analogy.
It is Christians individually and collectively who are living stones that are being built up into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood and the dwelling-place of our God.
Jesus is our spiritual food and we who partake of His body and blood by faith, will LIVE.
Just as the blood on the doorposts of the Israelites in Egypt was a physical sign of their faith in God's Word, so a heart that has been sprinkled with the shed blood of Christ by faith in His sacrificial death on the Cross, is the spiritual sign that we have passed from death to life - from slavery to the freedom that is in Christ Jesus.
And we are to do the same.They were to be responsible for the well-being of their Christian friends, supporting one another in their lack, rejoicing in their increase, and making sure that those endowed with the gift of pastor-teacher, were similarly provided for, through individual, voluntary, but cheerful offerings.As believers, we have all been blessed with every spiritual blessing from above and are instructed by the Word of God and through Church elders and Christian ministers, to share our blessings, both material and spiritual, with others so that they in turn are enabled to rejoice in the Lord for His provision and go further afield themselves, to bless others who cross their path.Sowing and reaping blessings in this way, is a biblical principle that benefits both the giver and the one that receives, as well as honouring the Lord our God from Whom all blessings flow.
May our offerings be carried out in ways that honour the Lord, by ministering to others as God desires so that we may lay up for ourselves spiritual treasure in heaven, knowing that the things of this world will all pass away while the things of value are permanently laid up in heavenly places, for those that love the Lord and walk in spirit and in truth.
Man cannot begin to imagine the physical torture that Christ had to undergo on behalf of the sin of the whole world, but the emotional and spiritual anguish that He must have endured when His Heavenly Father turned away from Him and poured out the full force of His godly wrath upon Him in payment for the accumulated sin of the world, which He carried on our behalf, is beyond our finite imagination and staggers our limited understanding.
It brings us, step by step, into spiritual maturity and holy living.
We are not to judge the spiritual temperature of other believers, nor cause a weaker brother to stumble in their faith because we have found a greater freedom in Christ.
The curse of the Law has been lifted, the sting of death has been removed, and we have been born into the family of God and become part of a totally new creation in Christ, with our sins forgiven and our eternal life secure.As born again citizens of heaven, we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
This glorious verse of comfort sparkles with reassuring radiance, that the future plan God has for all of His people, both for Israel and the Church, are for our eternal good and spiritual welfare, as well as our temporal and physical needs.
Ezekiel was told that the valley of dry bones referred to the restoration of the whole house of Israel; their physical restoration to the land, and their spiritual restoration to their God.
The physical preceded the spiritual.
Spiritual restoration had yet to take place in 'that valley of dry bones'.
Spiritual restoration has yet to take place in Israel today.
Although a form of physical restoration has occurred, there will be no spiritual renewal until they finally acknowledge their sin, recognise their Messiah, and they cry out to Him: Hosanna!!
His light not only shines into our lives to guide our steps through the darkest pit-falls and the heavy gloom of this rebellious world-system, but His resplendent rays of holy light, cascade into our hearts and stream into our minds, like a cleansing flood, for He alone is the Well-spring of godly wisdom and the Fountain-head of all spiritual understanding.
He alone is the perfect Illuminator of spiritual discernment.
And the Light of the glorious gospel of grace shone into the hearts of many of His followers and the eyes of their hearts were illuminated eternally - and what joy must have flooded their souls when they received their spiritual sight.
But light is not only given at the time of rebirth, its cleansing power and refining rays continue to shine into the deep recesses and secret corners of our minds, to expose those things that discredit His name, hinder our spiritual progress and disconnect us from our communion with our Heavenly Father.
Old age and a grey head, together with any other badge of advancing years, is a beautiful crown of glory when it is found in the way of righteousness.When giving instruction to physically strong young men in his first epistle, the apostle John encourages them in their spiritual development.
His desire is that they grow in grace and mature in the faith, explaining that when the Word of God abides within their heart, they will overcome the evil one and mature in their faith as they advance in age.Paul reminds us that although physical fitness is good, we should not only strive after bodily discipline and physical health, but rather engage in our spiritual development by fixing our hope on the living God and trusting in His Word, by faith.May we all recognise the benefits of a grey head or sagging muscles, knowing that it is a crown of glory when found in the way of righteousness.
Our confidence rests upon the sure promises of our all-powerful God Who reminds us throughout His Word, that He is the Almighty, Sovereign Ruler of the universe, and has given us His assurance that no weapon, whether physical or spiritual, will prosper against His blood-bought children.
Both in those fledgling days of the Church and in his later years when he penned his two epistles, Peter frequently quoted from the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms, to endorse the truth of the glorious gospel he taught so passionately. His desire was to teach and encourage the saints in their spiritual growth and to glorify his risen, ascended, wonderful Saviour Whom he called Master, and Who loved him with an everlasting love.
Had he kept God as the third strand of every relationship and allowed Him to direct the decisions he made and guide the activities he undertook, I suspect his memoirs may have reached a very different conclusion and his spiritual understanding of the God, in Whom he trusted, may have been broadened, like that of Job - who heard of God by the hearing of the ear - but finally received a depth of spiritual understanding he had never experienced before.
However, Paul is giving spiritual advice, rather than issuing a firm command.Christians are not to be united with unbelievers in marriage, but are to be married in the Lord.
Wise counsel and spiritual encouragement is the calling-card of the friend that loves at all times, and loyalty, sensitivity, and a genuine interest in the other are the qualities of the brother that travels through adversity with us.
No surprise that Paul had to open his letter to the Ephesians by acknowledging Him to be the Father of all mercies and proclaiming: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.
We are blessed to receive our great salvation, our position in Christ, the indwelling Spirit, and spiritual gifts and graces.
We are blessed; indeed, we are doubly blessed with all spiritual blessings by: My Father and your Father, My God and your God.
While we, who are in Christ, are blessed with every spiritual blessing, God is His grace provides many temporal blessings to all humanity, for God causes His sun to rise on both the evil and on the good, sending rain on the just and on the unjust.
But we are charged to set our hearts on things above, for the spiritual blessings that are already ours, have been given in superlative-abundance and unconditional-grace to all who have trusted Christ for salvation.
We are His spiritual children and the many blessings we have received from the Father, are contained in God the Son; the Lord Christ Jesus.
The spiritual blessings of which Paul talks in this passage are already ours, for we have already been given all that we need for life and godliness.
In Christ, we have been given every spiritual blessing and His spiritual enrichment has already been poured out upon us in superlative-abundance by our Heavenly Father.
All we have to do is to access it: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, in Christ.
The angelic Person in his path with the drawn sword in His hand was probably the pre-incarnate Son of God, but the blind prophet had less discernment of spiritual things than this dumb donkey.
It can lead to spiritual poverty and lure one into ungodly actions and a destroyed life.
A man who could have been greatly used by God to preach truth to a pagan nation, allowed his love of money to destroy his life and tarnish his reputation, and yet the spiritual sensitivity of a little dumb donkey was greater than his master.
Indeed, the little animal was not only used by God to show Balaam the destructive nature of covetousness and greed, but is remembered - to this day - as the one in this passage with the greater spiritual awareness.
In sending His seven letters to the churches early in the book of Revelation, the Lord Jesus gives great insight into the spiritual temperature of the Christian Church... as the day for His return to earth draws ever nearer.
It would be a spiritual purging which would purify the people and priests of Israel.
And yet as we look at our own lives and the sorry state of the Church as a whole, we can only bemoan the spiritual condition in which we find ourselves today, and cry out to the Lord to search the inner recesses of our very being and to purify our hearts in the refining fires of His holy righteousness.
No-one in the earthly realm or spiritual sphere can steal our eternal joy, and nothing in the created universe has the power to remove the child of God from the hand of His Lord and Saviour.
Throughout the Church age, many enemies, both physical and spiritual, have sought to steal, kill, and destroy the sheep in Christ's little flock, but we are not to fear for none can pluck us out of His hands.
But their hope in the earthly kingdom had blinded their understanding that Calvary's Cross must precede Christ's kingdom, and that it was necessary to first establish the heavenly (spiritual) kingdom (currently under the dominion of Satan), before those earthly promises to Israel could finally be fulfilled.
There is nothing we can do to repay God, but surely in the light of its eternal glories and benefits we can offer ourselves to Him in love and gratitude, by presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, for this is our spiritual worship.
This is not a command, for God wants our love and service to be rendered freely and willingly, but in light of the inestimable riches of God's free grace which He has poured out in great measure on fallen sinners simply because we trusted in Christ as our Saviour, surely it should be our joy and delight to present our bodies, day by day, in spiritual worship as a living sacrifice - holy and pleasing to the Lord.
But the apostle Peter also makes it clear that our spiritual growth and our progress in the Christian life must be a continuous maturing in grace and an ever-increasing knowledge and understanding of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Spiritual growth is an ongoing process of becoming more like the lovely Lord Jesus.
Just as we need physical exercise and nourishing food for our bodies to grow and develop, so also we need spiritual exercise to mature in the faith.
He recognised the spiritual need of this religious separatist.
He did not understand the spirit of the Law and the need for fallen man to have a spiritual birth; the need for sinful man to be cleansed of his sin by the washing of the water with the Word of God.
The first is our physical birth into this world and the second is a spiritual birth into the new creation.
One is a physical birth into the family of man, while the second is a spiritual birth into the family of God: That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Until a man's spiritual birth, he will not see heaven nor be able to enter the heavenly portal.
Once we have been saved by grace through faith and born again of the Spirit, we become a spiritual being.
That which is born of the physical flesh is fallen and fleshly and needs to be reborn into the spiritual realm, while that which is born of the Holy Spirit is spirit.
How long it took for this truth to blossom in the heart of Nicodemus we will never know, but as one of the men who laid Christ's dead body in the stone-cold tomb, we know that this dear man did not only SEE heaven with his spiritual eye of faith, but will enter the kingdom of heaven as a forgiven child of God and a member of the Body of Christ.
The life of Gaius appears to be that of a mature man of God, who reflected the character of Christ.The world 'soul' and 'life' are used interchangeably in the Word of God, and we discover that this man's spiritual life was fruitful – his soul was flourishing.
John's prayer was that the physical health of this beloved saint might 'prosper' in the same way that his spiritual health was prospering.The word, 'prosperity' today nearly always refers to material wealth… but in context, we see that it is this dear man's physical health and bodily condition that John is praying will prosper.
John's prayer is that Gaius' physical health will reflect his obvious spiritual strength and Christian maturity.This verse clearly contradicts the distorted teaching of certain 'prosperity teachers' and 'faith-healers' who insist that if sick people do not recover, it is due to a lack of faith, or that if you are materially poor, you are not a spiritual believer because God wants all Christians to be materially wealthy!
Only those that are born from above can produce the spiritual fruit of righteousness, for it is not by works of the Law that a man is justified or reckoned righteous, but only through faith and absolute reliance on Jesus Christ.
Not only is Paul's epistle a personal letter to a spiritual son, encouraging Timothy to be faithful, to stand firm in the faith, to communicate the truth of the gospel, and give advice on the selection of church elders, but he warns against apostasy and false teaching within the congregation.
And Paul's passion was to establish the Church in sound doctrine, and to bring to spiritual maturity those that were saved by grace through faith in Him.
He worked unceasingly to bring to spiritual maturity, as many as would hear and receive the astonishing mysteries that were given to him on our account; the unsearchable riches in Christ and the surpassing treasures of God's grace and kindness toward us, in Jesus our Saviour.
But those who allow their ears to be tickled without ever coming to the knowledge of the truth, by faith, are in serious spiritual danger: And their last state becomes worse that at the beginning.
They are never born again into newness of life which sadly results their spiritual state becoming far worse than at first.
Jesus was that promised Seed of Abraham, and while Israel are his physical seed, all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, both Jew and Gentile, are his spiritual seed.
Paul was surrounded by a host of enemies, both physical and spiritual, and experienced the most acute hardships and persecutions during his God-appointed ministry.
As he brings his first epistle to a close, the aging Peter gives wise instruction both to church elders as well as to those that are younger in age or spiritual infants.
But though he instructs young men to be subject to those that are older in years and spiritual maturity, he calls ALL believers to clothe themselves with humility towards one another, explaining that God resists those that are proud but gives grace to those that are humble in action and attitude.
But now they were trying to achieve spiritual maturity by their own standard of righteousness, through carrying out their own works.
The Galatian Christians who should have been growing spiritually and maturing in the faith, had adopted legalistic practices which prevented them from growing in grace and reaching spiritual maturity.
Paul used the simile of a woman in labour to describe the pain that he was going through in order to bring these Christians into spiritual maturity.
But now he was having to go through more excruciating birth-pains as he sought to bring them into spiritual maturity, becoming transformed into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is sad when spiritual development is halted, reversed, or twisted through legalistic practices as demonstrated by these Galatian Christians, or by using God's free gift of grace as a license to sin as exhibited by the Corinthian Christians. May we take our own spiritual growth and that of our brothers and sisters in Christ seriously so that Christ may be formed in us, to His praise and glory.
The lasting beauty and attractiveness that radiates from a spiritual woman of God, comes from an inner purity of heart which honours the Lord and is submissive to her husband.There were many such holy women mentioned in the Bible, both from the Old and New Testaments, and from each emanated a loveliness from deep within.
Paul found it necessary to chastise these carnal Christians, for they were abusing their God-given spiritual gifts and discrediting the Christian Church.
He exhorted them (and us) to allow God remould our minds from within so that we may demonstrate, by our practice, that we are progressing towards the goal of true, spiritual maturity - in the bond of peace and love.
Too often, ungodly actions are accepted or ignored, while spiritual gifts are abused when certain groups or individuals use their God-given gifts and talents for self-glorification or self-centred motives.
Too frequently we see the character or attitude of many Church leaders and their congregants becoming self-indulgent, while at other times we observe Christians being EITHER 1) overly critical of their fellow believers for insignificant things OR 2) prepared to compromise their Christian faith by refusing to address issues of spiritual importance which should not be ignored!
Paul recognised that the divided loyalties of these believers was negatively impacting their close Christian communion, causing a serious spiritual disconnection between them.
And so Paul warned of the dangers this behaviour had on their spiritual growth.
Paul knew that the inevitable outcome is an increasing disassociation from the Lord, a distancing of oneself from Christian brethren, and even a quenching of the Holy Spirit in their lives; all of which inhibit spiritual development and result in a backslidden life.
Paul was not implying that the Christian must be completely isolated from unbelievers, nor was he condemning casual interactions, involvement in a working relationship, or even social contact, but the general principle that Paul was teaching is that Christians should never initiate, maintain, or desire close, intimate association with unbelievers, as this inevitably prevents or inhibits close communing with the Lord, has a serious impact on spiritual growth, adversely affects relationships with other believers, and grieves the Spirit of God.
But we all need to look at our own lives... and reflect on the friendship choices that we have made or are considering, and to base our choice on wisdom from the Word of God and the godly counsel of spiritual Christians.
Too often today, men and women are seeking to gratify their short-term physical desires at the expense of their eternal, spiritual needs.
Too many believers today are seeking to gratify their carnal lusts and excite their flesh, their feelings, and their emotions with sights and signs, miracles, wonders, and worldly 'hip' and 'hype' at the expense of true, spiritual satisfaction, which alone comes from knowing the Lord Jesus Christ and trusting Him as Saviour and Lord.
Today as in times past, men and women hunger for satisfaction now, rather than thirsting after the pure milk of the Word of God and yearning for the spiritual meat that is packed to overflowing within the pages of holy Scripture.
Christ alone is the life-giving spiritual manna from heaven that lasts through time and into eternity, and it is given as a free gift of His grace by faith to ALL who will trust in Him.
Many had adopted the prevailing behaviours, beliefs, and attitudes of the world, indulging in fleshly actions, becoming carnal believers, and not spiritual men and women that were maturing in the faith.
The head-knowledge of these Jewish leaders was of no value to their spiritual well-being, nor was it significant to them because they did not mix their knowledge with a trusting heart of faith in the Word of God and the prophetic writings of holy men of God.
In like manner, the faith of a Christian needs to be pure, unblemished, and perfect, and the trials of life are designed to purify our hearts, increase our dependence upon the Lord Jesus, deepen our love for our Saviour, enrich our spiritual lives, strengthen our hope in His many precious promises, and increase our faith in the Word of God.
Not only are we called at the beginning of Jude to: Earnestly contend for the faith, but as he brings it to a close, we are further instructed: Build yourselves up in our most holy faith, through spiritual development as we yield to the Lord.
How vital to maintain ongoing communion with the Father, by acknowledging our sins, confessing our spiritual poverty, and admitting our need of His guidance and grace.
Many believers in Corinth had reverted to spiritual infancy, legalism, or a fear of foolish pagan myths, and much of Paul's first letter bore witness to the spiritual poverty of these carnally minded Christians.
Timothy had been faithfully taught the Scriptures from childhood and had been born again through the ministry of the apostle Paul, rendering him Paul's 'spiritual son in the Lord'.
Not only is Timothy exhorted to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, but also to provide spiritual strength for those in His care – for in the following verse we read: And the things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
James reminds us that if we do not ask aright then we will not receive, and even the godly prayer of the righteous man or woman may be used by God to teach some deeper spiritual truth.
Man does not live by bread alone, but by the whole truth of God's Word, and the reach of God's rule stretches far beyond the question of temporal needs such as eating, drinking, and the necessities of this world, for the substance of God's kingdom does not consist of external things which are passing away but of spiritual matters which are eternal.
They were endowed with all-speech, enriched in all-knowledge, and equipped with great spiritual giftings as a testimony that Christ was confirmed among them, and yet we discover they were argumentative, sexually impure, and had retrogressed into unprecedented carnality, immorality, and spiritual infancy.
There was a proliferation of spiritual gifts in those early days of Christianity.
Paul explained in Romans that an important reason for the dramatic numbers of spiritual gifts and grace given to Gentile believers in the early Church, was to provoke Israel to jealousy.
When used correctly, especially in those early, pre-canonic days, the gift of tongues, the interpretation of tongues, prophetic utterances, and teachings, was the main way that the Holy Spirit gave spiritual knowledge and guided early believers into truth.
However, the carnal Corinthians were exploiting their God-given spiritual gifts in an ungodly manner.
Their conduct was more akin to the pagan masses than born-again children of God, and so Paul chastised them for exploiting their spiritual gifts in this ungodly way.
He explained that unless they used their spiritual gifts correctly, they would be sending an indistinct message to both fellow-believers and the unsaved.
Unless their spiritual gifts were used to convey the true message of God, they would convey a fuzzy and indistinct message.
Paul likened the use of spiritual gifts to a trumpet-call in the midst of a battle.
Just as spiritual gifts were exploited by some in those early days of the Church, there are those today who continue to use their spiritual gifts for their own purposes; for self-gratification, self-exaltation, ungodly manipulation, or to control others.
The returnees attempted to return to their spiritual foundation, and although the Temple was eventually rebuilt, the city walls and gates remained burnt and in ruins for nearly a hundred years.
Let us never forget that although we are many parts of one spiritual body, all the parts have a unique function to play.
Unless we are vigilant in our spiritual life, we can find ourselves walking in the counsel of the ungodly, standing in the way of sinners, and drinking from the broken cisterns of the world.
Without due care, we can lapse in our spiritual walk and thus neglect our spiritual growth.
When Christians behave like the unsaved, it mars their testimony, stunts their spiritual growth, and causes the Holy Spirit to be quenched in their lives or grieved by their conduct.
These Corinthians should have been growing in grace, maturing in the faith, receiving the strong meat of God's Word, and equipped to support one another, but their fleshly behaviour and prideful attitudes caused them to regress into spiritual infancy.
By drifting into such prideful carnality, these Christians had become fleshly, regressed in their spiritual walk, and adopted worldly reasoning rather than godly thinking.
May we recognise that the shocking division and petty squabbles of the Corinthian congregation marred their Christian testimony, stunted their spiritual growth, quenched the work of the Spirit in their lives, and exposed their 'wisdom' as foolishness in the sight of the Lord.
We should have pity for those that hate us because earlier in the passage, we are reminded that those that continue to be entrapped by Satan in this fallen world system do not have the spiritual capacity to know God and the love of God Who sent His Son to die to pay the price for their sin.
Instead of interpreting the Word of God literally and in context (exegesis), they would read into the text (eisegesis) what they wanted it to say, to fit in with their worldview or individual biases.Just as a proud person who denies the existence of God is labelled 'a fool' by the Psalmist, so Paul designates a proud person in the Church who distorts the gospel of Christ, as 'knowing nothing' – even though they may consider themselves to be so important and clever!Here in this passage, Paul is showing the vast difference between true 'spiritual' wealth and a false 'worldly' wealth.
Christ could satisfy their spiritual hunger and spiritual thirst because He is the Living Water and the Bread of Life from heaven, and these people missed it.
Paul constantly kept this little community of maturing Christians in his heart, and it was with deep affection that he remembered the three spiritual gifts and graces that were manifested in their lives.
The apostle knew these spiritual qualities can only be exhibited in a life that is persevering in the faith, walking in spirit and truth, and working the works of God through the sufficient grace and supernatural power which He supplies.
The faith demonstrated by these justified believers is the spiritual foundation upon which all spiritual work is anchored.
It is the faith that translates into spiritual works that honour the Lord.
Paul was a pattern of the 'perfection' to which we must strive - for although we will not be totally conformed to Christ until the resurrection/ rapture, nonetheless, spiritual maturity is attainable and those that are spiritually mature should be willing to suffer and die for Christ, as exemplified by Paul.
All Christians do not have this attitude, for everyone's spiritual development towards full maturity depends on their walk and their progress in the sanctification process.
Having been born from above, we are part of a spiritual Body.
But every one of the hundreds of privileges that have become ours by faith in Christ contain a supernatural element, for we have been 'blessed with all spiritual blessings' because we are His workmanship and are one with Christ, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand, that we would walk in them.
The dear pleasure of Paul's heart and his deep spiritual burden was for Israel's salvation. His personal longing and pleading prayer was that God's chosen nation would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and place their collective trust in His sacrificial work for the forgiveness of their sins.
Paul's greatest joy would be the spiritual awakening of his people, and yet he knew blindness in part was happening to Israel and would continue until the fulness of the Gentiles had come in.
The dangers of neglecting our salvation, drifting away from the truth, being warned against unbelief and disobedience, the problems of spiritual infancy rather than spiritual maturity, and indifference to the truth of God's Word, are dangers that are addressed in the other warning passages.
In this Church dispensation, it is those who believe by faith who are reckoned by God as the spiritual descendants of Abraham.
Believing Jews and believing Gentiles alike are the spiritual offspring of Abraham; we are justified by faith.
In this dispensation of the age of grace, those that do not trust in the only begotten Son of God, whether Jew or Gentile, are not considered by God as the spiritual seed of Abraham.
While the carnal Christians of Corinth who reverted to spiritual infancy received words of encouragement, no such praise was awarded the Galatian believers.
He took the spiritual leadership of his family seriously, rising early in the morning to offer burnt offerings to the Lord for himself and his ten children.
However, as the spiritual seed of Christ we died with Him on the Cross at Calvary.
How important to remember that the old 'me' is dead and that I have been 'born from above' into spiritual union with Christ, and my new life is hidden with Christ in God.
In the final three verses of his second letter, Peter is explaining that unbelievers, who for a time are enticed by false teachers into believing a fake gospel with a counterfeit Christ, end up in a worse spiritual state than at the beginning.
The spiritual unity that prevailed between the Lord Jesus and His Father was so magnificent and pure that He could legitimately claim, I and My Father are one, and, He who has seen Me has seen the Father.
Although He was fully God, the Lord Jesus lived His life demonstrating to humanity how God wants every spiritual man to live - indwelt, led, and guided by the Holy Spirit of God while at the same time abiding in unbroken fellowship with our Father in heaven - every moment of the day.
This is a truth that should rejoice our heart every moment of the day. By virtue of our new birth and spiritual resurrection, we have been placed into an eternal, spiritual union with Christ and been made part of His spiritual Body, which is the Church.
As members of that spiritual Body, we are positioned in Him and spiritually seated with Him in heavenly places.
The travesty of such a scenario is that having come to a superficial knowledge of Jesus, they have no foundational truth and become discouraged with a teaching that cannot fulfil any spiritual needs and entangles them back into the world.
As God directs, they follow after peace without any spiritual compromise, while binding up the broken peace of others, which is caused by depression, disease, divorce, and distress.
Paul demonstrated a deep desire for their spiritual growth and maturity, praying for opportunities for them to serve the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
The struggling Psalmist may be shrouded in spiritual darkness or be facing a black night of deep despair or despondency, and yet he does not shrink from rejoicing in the God of his salvation with an explosion of praise, for he is confident that God is his light in Whom there is no darkness at all, and the Lord is his Saviour so he has nothing to fear.
Spiritual fruit can never be produced through man's effort.
Although indivisible, LOVE has been listed as the firstfruit - not from importance but as the foundational requirement from which the other spiritual characteristics flow.
Spiritual JOY is from the Lord, and gives strength and rejoicing, even in the midst of problematic and painful circumstances, while spiritual PEACE is inner tranquillity and godly composure, that is free from anxiety through faith in God's Word.
While some people are adept at perfecting certain of these spiritual characteristics in their own strength, the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, can only be genuinely manifested in a spirit-filled man or woman.
It is only as we grow in grace, become mature in the faith, and keep a short rein of sin in our lives, that we will produce the spiritual fruit that exemplifies the spirit-filled believer.
For although Paul was absent from them in body, his spirit was with them and he was delighted to witness their spiritual discipline and the solid front they presented by their unshakable faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.
With this in mind, after cataloging a fearsome list of the most traumatic circumstances that may impact our lives or afflict us in the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms, and having proclaimed that nothing can separate us from Christ's love (including tribulation and distress, famine and nakedness, peril, persecution, and death), Paul emphatically declares that we are conquerors in every single situation that crosses our path, in time and into eternity.
He knows the way we take, and as we submit to the trials that inflict our soul and the inevitable 'child-training' we will face in life, He has purposed to draw us ever closer to Himself, until we can say with Job: I have heard of You with my ears but now I see You with a deeper spiritual understanding.
But this is the amazing thing; we are not to do this by our self and through our own strength, but God Himself is going to carry out all the work that is needed to bring us into spiritual maturity.
He preached Christ crucified, Christ risen, Christ ascended, and Christ glorified... and his mission was to bring the lost to faith and the saved to spiritual maturity.
Every believer is endowed with one or more spiritual gifts, graciously bestowed by the Holy Spirit according to His desire and as He wills.
How blessed we are to know that the same Spirit Who brought all things into existence according to His mighty power, is the same Holy Spirit Who endows each of God's children with spiritual gifts - apportioning to each of us the gifts and grace of His choosing.
He rejoiced that they were not lacking in any spiritual gift.
However, Paul knew that spiritual gifts can be abused and used incorrectly and did not want the believers there to be ignorant concerning the giving of spiritual gifts and their correct usage.
Although there is a wide variety of spiritual gifts It is one and the same Spirit Who works all these things, distributing (gifts) to each one individually just as He wills. Christians do not choose their preferred gift or gifts. They are distributed to believers as the Spirit chooses. Spiritual gifts are not awarded for good behaviour, earned by a man's meritorious works, achieved through academic excellence, or purchased for a handsome sum of money.
There are no spiritual gifts that elevate one Christian above another in importance.
And although there is a huge diversity of spiritual gifts, there is only one Giver of spiritual gifts - the Holy Spirit of God.
The Spirit, in His sovereign power, gives His favours freely and bestows His various gifts and graces upon each of His children in accordance with His own will, and it is often through these spiritual gifts, spiritual ministries, spiritual activities, and spiritual offices that the Lord carries out His plans and purposes through His people for His praise and glory.
We should not become puffed up because of our spiritual gift or exploit it for our own purposes. Rather, we should rejoice that our names are written in heaven, praising Him that He has regarded us with His loving-kindness and tender mercies.
He is the One who points us to Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith, Who died and rose again so that we might live and be raised into life immortal, and He is the one that bestows on us gifts of the spirit and spiritual graces.
The marks of a maturing Christian is a love for God, obedience to His Word, and a desire to honour Him in all things, and John gives some clear instructions on practical Christian living and some obvious indications of spiritual growth and Christian responsibility.
Unlike the spiritual gifts of prophecy, tongues, and knowledge which will pass away and cease forever, the spiritual fruit of love is eternal - for love never fails.
The argument rages on whether or not certain spiritual gifts ceased in apostolic times, after the Holy Spirit of God had moved His appointed apostles and prophets to complete the God-breathed, New Testament canon of Scripture.
In the New Testament, we are encouraged to give freely, generously, and cheerfully to the Lord, not for material wealth or financial gain as so many teach, but for the spiritual blessing that abound when God is given His rightful place in each our lives.
At the start of Chapter 10, Paul gave some specific examples of Israel's wonderful spiritual benefits.
Every one of them 'ate of spiritual food' when manna fell from heaven and they ALL 'drank spiritual drink' as refreshing water gushed from the side of the Rock, which was identified as Jesus, the Rock of their salvation and Sustainer of their soul.
We have the same spiritual benefits.
But because of Israel's ungodly behaviour, wrong attitudes, rebellious ways, and spiritual apostasy, the nation failed to carry out God's plans and purposes.
While 'overseers' or 'bishops' generally attend to the pastoral and spiritual needs of the saints and provide encouragement and edification to believers in their Christian walk, deacons are those entrusted with other material needs or financial issues that might impact the Christian church.
The simple structure of the early Church is clearly defined in the opening verse of this letter to the Philippians, where saints, spiritual leaders, and temporal stewards of the Church, are all greeted by Paul and Timothy whose humble status as bond-servants of Jesus Christ, is also in view.
The focus of the previous chapter is to be filled with the Spirit of God, and one result of this spiritual 'filling' is the manifestation of a submissive spirit, godly love, and a true respect for one another.Not only are wives to be submissive to their husbands and men are to love their spouses as Christ loved the Church, but these godly characteristics should be displayed in their children's behaviour, and so we read: Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.To obey their parents 'in the Lord' means that children should carry out instructions they receive from their parents, as if it were God Himself Who was directing them.
Many like to focus on social changes in the community while denigrating the gospel of Christ, the salvation of the lost, and spiritual maturity, while others continue to teach an equally concerning works-based religion, rather that a grace-based faith which too often promotes the unbiblical teaching called 'replacement theology' - which incorrectly teaches that the Church has replaced Israel.
Having been saved by grace through faith, he wanted them to grow in grace and reach spiritual maturity so that they may finally reach the fullest knowledge of the open secret, which is Jesus Christ Himself.
The spiritual life to which we are all called is not an easy path to tread, and Christ Himself warned us that in this world we will have tribulation, while Paul reminds us that all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.
He is the light and life of God and when we trusted Him as Saviour, He filled our human spirit with His Own pure light, and God desires that all His children will grow into spiritual maturity.
And John outlines in His epistle the identifying marks of a true Christian, and details the hallmark of the spiritual believer who enjoys close intimacy with the Father and sweet fellowship with the saints.
He wanted to be confident that his joy in seeing them would be reflected in the delight they felt towards him.Paul made up his mind that he would not make another painful visit to these believers without repairing any damage first – and so he wrote his letter to make sure that any ongoing feelings of resentment, offence, or pain towards him, were gone:I wrote as I did, he explained, so that when I came I would not be distressed by those who should have made me rejoice, - because of bickering, ungodly behaviour, or worldly carnality.Paul's earlier letter of correction was to halt their carnality and their fall from grace, and re-establish their spiritual development in the Lord.
He wrote it so that his next visit would not cause him continuing sorrow over their stunted, spiritual growth, but that their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ would be a cause of great rejoicing for Paul and great joy for these saints of God.
And may we also be ready and willing to accept any corrective advice from other believers without allowing it to destroy our fellowship, but use it as a means to re-establish our spiritual growth in grace.
Although all Christians are given one or more spiritual gifts, not all believers receive the gift of tongues, as is too often taught in certain churches today, but on that special day of Pentecost, every single one of the disciples that were present were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
We also greatly rejoice in the Lord our God and how our soul delights in the God of our salvation Who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ, for He chose us in Him before the creation of the world, to be holy and blameless in His sight.
It covers the Spirit's enabling power to overcome the world, the flesh and spiritual wickedness in high places, which are the wiles of the enemy against the Lord most High.
When God declared Abraham justified by faith, He swore by Himself because He could swear by no one greater, and that same oath stands firm for ALL who are the spiritual seed of Abraham.
Living a victorious life that honours God is only accomplished when the world, the flesh, and the devil, are kept nailed to the Cross, and the Lord is given supreme authority over a life. Just as a victorious life is produced when the first five spiritual directives are addressed, so too the final five things James mandates in verse 9: Lament and mourn and weep.
At first glance, the instruction to be miserable and weep appears to be a curious command for a Christian until we realise that we are dealing with victorious living in the spiritual sphere rather than the physical realm.
Unlike the rest of Christ's apostles who walked with Jesus throughout His earthly ministry, Paul was called to be God's apostle to the Gentiles following the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Ascension into heaven.Because of Paul's unusual calling and unique ministry, there were many who criticised his teaching and challenged his authority, which is why he so vigorously defended his calling and frequently made reference to the direct revelation he received from the Lord.Here in first Corinthians, Paul found it necessary to severely admonish the believers in Corinth for their disgraceful conduct which discredited the Lord, tarnished their witness, and rendered them carnal Christians and spiritual infants.The unruly disunity, riotous behaviour, greedy indulgence, and disregard for the needs of their brothers and sisters in Christ, was even displayed during the celebration of the Lord's Supper – which Paul had already taught was a time to reflect on the reality of Christ's sacrificial death, until His coming again.And so in this passage, Paul is preparing to criticise and correct the shocking behaviour of these carnally minded believers, by reminding them of his own unique calling and the direct revelation he received from the Lord, which had already been taught to them on an earlier occasion.He reminded them that he had been called personally by God, and delivered a specific message regarding the importance and seriousness of the Lord's Supper, which they were currently disregarding:For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you, Paul reminded them, that the Lord Jesus in the night in which He was betrayed took bread; and gave thanks, and broke it and said, 'This is My body, which is given for you – do this in remembrance of Me.'May we never forget the enormous price that was paid for our redemption, at the Cross.
Saul made a seemingly valid excuse for his disobedience which even sounded quite spiritual: My troops were abandoning me and the Philistines were advancing, he pleaded, so I forced myself to offer the burnt offering!
Spiritual renewal is to be exercised in practical ways; by putting off the old and putting on the new, and the incredible position, promises, and privileges we have in Christ, should be sufficient motivation to live godly lives.
But as we approach the end of the epistle, he does not want us to forget that despite our heavenly privileges, we are living on earth and engaged in an ongoing spiritual battle.
We are not in a conflict fought with fleshly weapons, sophisticated technology, cleverly devised battle strategies, or procedures of war, but a conflict that is fought in the spiritual realm.
The generations of idol worship and spiritual apostasy that followed, was considered as the time of Israel's spiritual adultery, likening them to an unfaithful wife.
They had fallen into a narcotic sleep and were presenting no spiritual challenge to the enemy.
The congregation at Sardis practiced grand religiosity but did not live a spiritual life.
The shocking truth was that faithfulness, godliness, and brotherly love had almost been eliminated from their lives, and Christ's strong criticism was a warning to these spiritually slumbering Christians, to wake up and to reverse the lamentable spiritual demise into which they had fallen - if the church was to survive. The true gospel of Christ, which was once the foundation upon which this church was built, had been eroded, and John was instructed to urge these believers at Sardis to strengthen whatever remained of the faith that had once been delivered to these saints.
The church was sick unto death, but yet there was still a little life left and, in this urgent appeal, John implores them to stir up their spiritual resolve and reignite their flickering flame of faith.
But praise God that the second Man is a heavenly Man with a spiritual nature, a godly character, and a life-giving Spirit.
Praise God that all who are born of Him become a heavenly people: a spiritual people, a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own special possession, to the praise of His glory.
The Lord Jesus is not only the Source and Sustainer of our physical life - the old, fallen, biological life we inherited from Adam, but He is also the Author and Finisher of our new, spiritual, eternal life, which we received by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
He purposed to illuminate our spiritual understanding through His written Word, so it would be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path, by means of His Holy Spirit Who would guide us into all truth.
But although the enemy of our soul may afflict us with temptations and trials, God is good, and in His grace He will use those trials to test our faith and develop in us spiritual endurance that brings us into a maturing faith in Him.
However, this godly love is only possible as we abide in Him so that His abiding love in our hearts is enabled to flow back to our Heavenly Father in thanksgiving and praise... and out to others as a healing stream of living refreshment.When hatred towards another believer is excited in the heart of a fellow Christian, it is a hindrance to spiritual fellowship and an obstacle to godly growth.
That inner power is not of ourselves but the supernatural workings of the Holy Spirit, for He is continuously working in the inner man (that new life in Christ that we received at salvation), in order to transform us from glory to glory into the person and character that befits a spiritual man, a child of God, a joint-heir with Christ, and a citizen of heaven.
In times of weakness and weariness, he ran for comfort into the loving arms of his faithful Shepherd and in times of spiritual thirst he cried: Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I, for David had proved God’s faithfulness towards His people and that His everlasting mercy is new every morning.
He touches on mysticism, with its emphasis on dreams, visions, feelings, and one's personal experience of the spiritual realm rather than on Christ, and in this verse Paul cautions against asceticism, where holiness is acquired through severe self-discipline, self-denial, the renunciation of pleasures, or austere religiosity, rather than through faith in Christ.
As the story unfolds, it is evident that there are godly principles that were shelved by Esther and her uncle, in the political, cultural, physical and spiritual arenas.
Perhaps we should rejoice that God will use sinners, such as you and me, to bless others and to increase our own spiritual temperature, and perhaps we should recognise that God is in control of this fallen world system and use this story to develop our personal trust in God and maintain a growing faith in His Word.
The message that Paul delivered was a demonstration of the power of God as the Holy Spirit worked through him, causing a spiritual stirring in the hearts and minds of those that heard his healing words of truth which brought them to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.
The beautiful picture of Christ as the true Vine captures the spiritual union of Christ with His people.
He is the Source of our spiritual life, the fountain-head of all spiritual fruitfulness.
But as we abide in Christ and remain in Him (and He in us), He will do His good work through us so that we will produce the spiritual fruit that only flows from Him.
As a natural vine-branch should bear sweet grapes, so we who are spiritual vine-branches should bear forth the spiritual fruit that comes from our true Vine: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
It is only as we abide in Christ and He in us that the process of spiritual growth can take place and the spiritual fruit of righteousness be imparted.
In Galatians 5, Pauls presents us with a comprehensive list of spiritual fruit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
We received the imputed righteousness of Christ at salvation, but the impartation of the spiritual fruit of righteousness, is rooted and grounded in godly acts of faith which can only be produced as we allow the Spirit to lead and guide us in all we do.
It was Solomon who wrote the book of Ecclesiastes, and although he was a king with unmatched wisdom, and wealth which outstripped every other mortal being, he was a man who lost his spiritual direction over time because of the carnal choices he made.
Despite breaking their covenant with the Lord, staying in apostasy, and indulging in spiritual adultery, the Lord is ready and willing to save His people from their sins.
The division of light from darkness as God's first act of creation is almost a picture of the illuminated soul that has been made alive in Christ Jesus through spiritual rebirth and placed into the kingdom of light, while the ones that are dead in their sins remain a prisoner in the kingdom of darkness.
If the spiritual fruit of love is to bud, blossom, and mature in our life, we must keep our eyes looking to Jesus and our hearts submitted to the Spirit, as we humbly kneel before the Father and say: Thy will not mine be done.
But it beautifully illustrates the victorious life and spiritual richness believers can enjoy if they walk by faith and not by sight.
While the literal land of Canaan is a physical inheritance promised to God's earthly people, Jesus is the spiritual inheritance promised to His Body, which is kept for us in heavenly places.
For 40 years, Israel was prevented from entering their rest due to carnality, and in the same way, the redeemed Body of Christ who have been brought into glorious union with Him can remain in a spiritual wilderness of spiritual infancy and live a defeated life throughout our sojourn on earth.
He has pledged to defeat all the spiritual giants we may face.
It is in Him alone that we can live a victorious life and claim a better resurrection in our own spiritual battle, and it is all done by grace through faith in Christ alone.
Although initially written to Jewish Christians in the fledgling years of the Church, Hebrews is written to all believers to warn of the spiritual dangers we face, if we follow Israel's example in their wilderness wanderings.
Like them, we are under His protective care and sovereign authority, but we are in spiritual danger if we ignore His voice, harden our hearts, test His patience, disobey His Word, and do not press on to spiritual maturity.
In like manner, instead of pressing on, growing in grace, maturing in the faith, trusting His Word, acting upon it, and resting in Him, we too can remain in spiritual infancy.
Only 2 did not remain spiritual infants.
Like Israel, we have a choice to live our entire Christian life in spiritual infancy; wandering in a wilderness, frightened of the 'giants in the land', living defeated and disobedient lives OR we can trust His Word, hold fast to His promises, and live a victorious life as we abide in Him, grow in grace, mature in the faith, fellowship with the Father and do not lose faith when challenged by life's circumstances.
Similarly, once justified, Christians do not lose their salvation, but lack of faith can keep us defeated and wandering in a wilderness of spiritual immaturity, rather than claiming the precious promises of God that are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ.
Rather, may we press on to spiritual maturity and worship the Lord our God all the days of our lives, for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture and the sheep of His hand.
The things about which John and his fellow apostle wrote, produced in them a harvest of joy, for a knowledge of the gospel produced spiritual well-being in all to whom they ministered.
John was getting on in years and he knew that his letter would not only rejoice his own heart, but would bring spiritual joy to all who are one in Christ; a mutually beneficial joy; joy unspeakable and full of glory!
He knew that the truth he taught, not only completed his own joy but would fill to overflowing the inner, spiritual joy of his readers.
But there is an even greater joy that can be experienced, when the people we care about and those with whom we share the truth of the gospel, also discover that same, inner thrill that bubbles up into a spiritual knowledge and understanding of who we are in Christ and what He has accomplished on our behalf: These things we write, so that our joy may be made complete, these things we write so that your joy may also be complete
Even the archangel Michael said to Satan: The Lord rebuke you. However, we can certainly resist his evil advances, for we have been given the spiritual tools to do so.
We have been given all we need for life and godliness and we have the spiritual armour of God that is necessary to withstand his evil wiles and stand fast in this evil day.
These are truly heartening words that have helped to bring consolation and comfort to generations of believers young and old, who have clung to this precious promise as a spiritual lifeline.
We are born into the family of God and have become a new creation through spiritual birth, by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Unlike Israel, we are not a chosen race of earthly people, but a spiritual body of believers that has been called out of every nation and language and people and tribe, to be His holy, heavenly people with a celestial citizenship.
The punishment for adultery was stoning, but the wages of all sin and every trespass, whether sins of the body or sins of the heart, whether physical sins executed in our body or senses, or spiritual sins undertaken in the secret smugness of our own prideful hearts, the wages of all sin is death, and death means separation from God.
The truth that Paul is teaching has come through the Spirit of God Who combines spiritual thoughts with spiritual words.
Spiritual truth is not acquired through any approach other than by direct revelation to God's holy apostles and prophets, which is recorded for our learning in the holy Scriptures.
The Bible must remain our singular plumb-line for spiritual truth... for when we deviate from the truth of the Word of God, we are on the downward road to substituting man's flawed wisdom for the perfect wisdom of our Almighty Creator and Heavenly Lord.
In this dispensation, Christians are a spiritual house and all believers are living stones that are being assembled together as a fitting dwelling-place for God, with the Lord Jesus Christ being the chief Cornerstone.
Not only are we living stones that are being fashioned into a spiritual house, but we are all ambassadors of God, representatives of the King, and a holy priesthood: You also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, Peter writes, in order to offer up spiritual sacrifices, that are acceptable to God, through Jesus Christ.
The spiritual sacrifices we offer to God are presented on His authority.
We are living stones that are being fashioned, honed, and built into a spiritual house because of what Jesus did on our account.
We are only able to offer up spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God because we are identified with JESUS. Jesus identified with our sin through His sacrifice so that we could be identified with His righteousness, by faith.
But now Christ is our merciful and faithful High Priest, for His death tore down the barrier between man and God so that all who believe on His name are born from above, adopted into God's family, are living stones, a spiritual house, and holy priesthood.
And because of Christ's sacrifice, we can come fearlessly before the Father to intercede for others and offer up our spiritual sacrifice of prayer and praise.
We have been endued with heavenly gifts and holy graces so we can offer spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God, in our service to Him and in our ministry to others.
There may be times we wished we had lived in the days of the apostles and SEEN the Lord with our own eyes, and felt His gentle touch, but how blessed are we who have not seen Him in the physical realm but have SEEN Him with the spiritual eye of faith and are still able to cry as Thomas did, my Lord, and my God.
It is only after the sovereignty of our Heavenly Father is fully acknowledged, and we are encouraged to ask Him for the spiritual and physical needs of our everyday lives, that we come to the verse that says: And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
But if or when we sin, we give the old, sinful nature supremacy over our new born-again nature, which can stifle the inner workings of the Holy Spirit in our life, quenching or grieving Him and stunting our spiritual growth.
We have been raised up into a new life in Christ because we are Christ's spiritual seed, because we have become a brand new creation, and because we have exchanged our former earthly residency for a glorious new citizenship which is reserved for us in heaven.
We, who are His 'spiritual seed' were 'in Christ' when He was raised from the dead, and so we also were raised with Him on that day.
Since we have been raised to a new life in Christ and since, by God's grace, we have been clothed in Christ's righteousness, given the free gift of eternal life, been showered with every spiritual blessing, received a heavenly inheritance, and been seated with Christ in heavenly places, we are called to set our hearts and minds on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honour at God's right hand.
There is probably no higher pinnacle of praise to the glorious grace of God than the first few chapters of Ephesians, and there is possibly no more staggering truth for believers than to be accepted in the Beloved: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.
It is because we are accepted in His Beloved that when God looks at you He sees you as being placed in Christ and identified with His righteousness.Some Christians suggest that God's freely bestowed grace is reserved for 'good' Christians or 'spiritual' believers, but this distorts the character of God for it implies that you have to do something to stay saved or to remain accepted in the Beloved.
The first topic Paul addressed in his epistle to the Corinthians was their inappropriate, childish behaviour, which not only presented a poor testimony to the unbelievers in their local community, but also caused them to revert to carnal behaviour and regress into spiritual infancy.
They exhibited the fleshly characteristics of a natural man instead of living in spirit and truth and Paul had to reprimand them for their unholy behaviour and remind them that their carnal conduct would result in the loss of spiritual rewards.
We live in a fallen world, and there are many challenges that face the believer who has not only trusted Christ for salvation, but is also ready and willing to deny self, take up his cross, follow Christ’s example, and say without compromise – Thy will, not mine, be done.The newborn baby Christian has to grow in grace and mature in the faith over an unspecified period of time, to reach this level of maturity in his faith, while other who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ may slip in and out of carnality and worldliness for many years, stunting their growth and even regressing in their faith back to spiritual infancy.Many, if not all believers, are called to become mature in the faith by walking in spirit and truth and living godly, Christ-centred lives, but few are willing to exchange the cosy blessings of early Christian infancy, for the difficulties that inevitably follow the mature believer.
In other words, they simply remain in spiritual infancy and keep repeating the first stage of their Christian faith, over and again, without pressing on to spiritual maturity.Many are falsely taught that becoming a Christian will secure a quiet life and provide a ticket to prosperity, with numerous earthly blessings and a free pass from God, to prevent or remove any difficulties or dangers that may arise.
We live in a fallen world with a spiritual enemy who prowls around as a roaring lion – or appears to us as an angel of light – seeking to devour, destroy, or deceive us.Jesus clearly told us that in this world, those who believe in Him would suffer persecution and pain, and Paul expands that truth by adding that all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.
May we recognise the serious spiritual danger we are in and determine to teach the truth diligently to our children, and to our children's children when we sit in our houses, and when we walk by the way, and when we lie down, and when we rise up.
While God saw His entire creation was good, Adam was unique within His creation because the Lord formed man to be like Himself, with the capacity for moral, intellectual, and spiritual choices.
Triune man is endowed with a God-consciousness, spiritual capacities, and a moral nature that distances him from every other created being.
Although they are doing well and maturing in the faith, Paul is encouraging these believers to do even better in their spiritual life.
Having finished telling them some personal details of his recent ministry, Paul's thoughts transfer to the spiritual wellbeing of these believers, and he starts exhorting them to keep putting into practice all the things he's taught them and to excel in their spiritual walk more and more.
Paul begs and admonishes them, by virtue of their mutual union with the Lord Jesus, that they carefully follow his instructions on godly living and apply all they have learned about spiritual matters so that they please and gratify the Lord.
Every child of God is called to mature in the faith and grow in their spiritual life... and throughout the New Testament we are taught that maturity in the faith is tested and established through trials and tribulations.
Peter reminds us that the testing of our faith is more precious than gold and calls on us to rejoice despite being distressed by various difficulties, while Paul encourages us to exult in our trials, knowing that tribulation is a necessary step towards spiritual growth and godly wisdom.
But there are times in our Christian growth that we recognise a lack in our spiritual maturity and desire to be infused with godly wisdom from above.
For although the genuine faith of a spiritual believer will indeed be accompanied by good works as James indicates here, a carnal believer may have a genuine saving faith and yet be walking in the flesh and not showing forth any good works in their lives, similar to the carnal Christians that Paul described in 1 Corinthians 3.
Only the fruit of saving faith can be demonstrated through the good deeds that are carried out to the glory of God by the spiritual Christian who is walking is spirit and truth.
The first chapter of Ephesians is weighed down and running over with countless spiritual blessings in heavenly places, which God our Father has freely given to us by grace through faith in His only begotten Son.
Although there are many more qualities that Paul lists in later verses connected with a man's spiritual maturity, his reputation in the community, his behaviour at home, his relationship with his family, and his ability to act with self-restraint whether alone or in company, this verse deals specifically with the important issues of a man's moral attitude, ethical behaviour, and spiritual maturity.
It is not surprising that Paul lays such emphasis on the character and integrity of church elders when they have such an influence on the spiritual development and eternal destiny of other Christian men and women.
Although the characteristics of an overseer, which are clearly laid out in this verse, and the essential qualities Paul lists in this passage, are of the highest ethical, moral, and spiritual standard possible, they are, in reality, the qualities and characteristics towards which we should all strive.
However, they remain ignorant of the spiritual exchange between God and Satan.
Zophar showed himself to be a traditional legalist who was both opinionated and dogmatic in his monologues, and who considered himself to be super-spiritual.
Perhaps if these comforters been spirit-filled counsellors who listened to Job's pain rather than becoming prosecuting attorneys, their interaction with their friend may have been different and we would not have gained so great an understanding of the spiritual war continuously raging in heavenly places, or the way God deals with man in the heavenly realm.
May we learn the many spiritual lessons presented in the drama of Job, avoid the mistakes of his critical comforters, and in everything fulfil the will of God in our lives.
How often our pleading prayer is for an escape from the fiery trials that we may be facing, without recognising that there are important lessons in all circumstances of life which God desires for us to learn; lessons which teach us spiritual truths that we might otherwise have missed.
The many precious promises, spiritual gifts, and eternal glories that God has prepared in heaven for those that love Him can never be broken, for to do so would discredit His righteous name and contradict His eternal character.
Spiritual things are spiritually discerned, and spiritual understanding is the right of ALL born-again children of God.
Those that do God's will by trusting His Word will understand, through Spirit to spirit communion, whether the teaching is from God, while those believers that choose to walk the way of the flesh, will be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine; eternally saved but without spiritual understanding.
The heavy yoke of bondage to sin is a weighty burden we all have to carry on the treadmill of life, which causes physical weariness, spiritual fatigue, and emotional exhaustion.
However, this offer was made to an unresponsive and unrepentant generation, who were more interested in their temporal needs being met than their spiritual needs.
Maybe they had started to fall into apostasy once again, and the psalmist recognised an ongoing need for spiritual revival and restoration among his people.
The day is coming when Christ will rule and reign on this earth as King of kings and Lord of lords and Satan will be bound in the bottomless pit for a thousand years, but during this Church dispensation we are engaged in an ongoing, spiritual battle with unseen spiritual forces of evil.
We are members of Christ spiritual Body and our spiritual battle is against a spiritual enemy.
We are engaged in a spiritual battle with a wicked fallen angel and many evil principalities and powers who are the authors of evil, deception, lies, fear, sin, evil, unrest, and war.
The spiritual forces of evil will use the unsaved and blinded people to carry out their nefarious plans, and it is the evil spirit of wickedness that works in the sons of disobedience.
And because our battle is against spiritual rulers of darkness that influence the evil that is taking place in this world today, they can never be defeated in our lives through natural weapons and worldly ways. There is only one way to defeat the spiritual enemy that seeks to shipwreck our faith in Christ Jesus, and it is through the Holy Spirit of God Who works in believers.
We are in Christ and He is in us and we are to fight this enemy with the spiritual weapons that He has provided, through the Word of God and all-prayer.
He triumphed over Satan through His death, burial, and Resurrection and only through Him and the spiritual weapons of war that He provides, can we successful wrestle against the evil forces in our world today.
Unless one has a new birth, a spiritual birth, one cannot see God's kingdom.
Nicodemus did not understand that Jesus was talking of a spiritual birth, an immediate and irreversible action that is carried out in the human heart by the Holy Spirit, on everyone who believes in Christ Jesus.
The new birth is a supernatural, spiritual act that is performed by the Holy Spirit within the heart of a man or woman, the moment that they put their trust in Jesus Christ.
The peace of God is conditional and can be lost, destroyed, or broken, when we fall into sin, engage in fleshly activities, or regress into spiritual infancy.
Another way of wording this could be the outworking of Christ's Resurrection in our lives which will result in spiritual rewards.
He knew that the good works that we do to the glory of God and not for the honour of self will result in spiritual rewards as the Bible clearly teaches.
Paul prays for spiritual blessings, godly wisdom, practical obedience, moral excellence, and a Christ-like character.
Paul knows that spiritual knowledge, godly counsel, and an understanding of the Scripture, is able to make us wise for salvation, through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.
But he also knows the dangers of spiritual pride, which promotes 'self' and encourages unloving Christian service that relies on our own human strength and our own carnal capacities.
Paul knows that unless our Christian walk and spiritual witness is rooted and grounded in love, it is as sounding brass and clashing cymbals.
The apostle Paul showed great concern for the spiritual wellbeing of the believers in Philippi.
What godly lives we would live if it were not for the foibles of others!But this life is fraught with disappointments and disturbances and we are warned that murmuring is the consequence of unbelief, while disputing is the product of a discontented heart which brings in its wake grievances, disease, envy, and sin, as exemplified in Israel’s forty-year long wilderness wanderings when the people murmured against God's wisdom and complained about His gracious provision.God, in His wisdom, knows that patient-endurance, humility of heart, and a soul that trusts in the Lord, does not spring forth from a stress-free life but is the out-working of a man or woman who has received God’s sufficient grace to face any temptation or trial which may happen along the way.Paul knew that a Christ-like character is not birthed from a bed of ease and that blameless integrity and spiritual maturity takes many long years, if not a lifetime, to fully develop as one is tried like silver or honed in a millstone of suffering. God uses the storms, sadness, disappointments, and dangers of everyday life, as well as the difficult people that cross our path, to conform us into the likeness of Christ.Let us, therefore, resist the temptation to enter into murmurings and disputes with one another and let us trust the Lord in all things so that our lives will be a living sacrifice that becomes, to Him, a sweet fragrance and we will become blameless and pure children of God, without fault in this warped and crooked generation.
He will save Abraham's physical descendants (the Jews) at the end of the Great Tribulation and He saves Abraham's spiritual descendants (the Church) during this post-Cross dispensation of grace.
In Job, we read of a man whose spiritual character and understanding grew when he was placed under extreme pressure, and Israel's king David discovered the trials he faced only served to develop his understanding and appreciation of God's long-suffering faithfulness towards His people.
Physical death is the separation of the spirit and soul from the body... but the spiritual death of the unsaved person is separation from God and is the essence of everlasting punishment.
There is also one faith with a settled body of doctrine that is clearly laid out in Scriptures, one baptism into the Body of Christ at the moment of salvation, one God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and one Holy Spirit Who gives spiritual gifts to all who are positioned in Christ.
In the early Church, the Scriptures were yet unwritten and foundational doctrine and spiritual truth were given by God through His appointed apostles and prophets.
The wealth of spiritual gifts given to this body of believers, sharply contrasted an absence of spiritual fruit, for godly love was missing both from their church community and from the lives of individual believers.
Let us seek to grow in grace and produce the spiritual fruit of righteousness and love.
It is not commanded that the unmarried should never remarry, nor that being unmarried indicates someone is more or less spiritual than their married brothers and sisters in Christ.
Chapter 6 begins with the third of five warnings, which catalogue the dangers of mature believers falling away from the truth and reverting to spiritual infancy.
Because Abraham is the father of faith and all believers are his 'spiritual seed', God's pledge and guarantee to Abraham encompasses every man, woman, boy, and girl who has believed in Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world.
It is a pledge and a guarantee to all the spiritual seed of Abraham; not only to those who are of the Law, but also to Gentiles of faith; not only to the Israel of God (believing Jews pre and post Cross), but also to believing Gentiles.
Step by step, the Lord Jesus explained the necessity for a new, spiritual birth to Nicodemus, a renowned teacher of the Law who, despite his great learning and honoured religiosity, was dead in his sins, confused about the kingdom of God, and ignorant of his great need of a spiritual birth.
Spiritual truths cannot be absorbed by the carnal mind of sinful man and no amount of effort, education, religion, training, discipline, or experience can change the old sin nature, which is dead in trespasses and sins and eternally estranged from God.
Only spiritual birth from above can remove the blinkers of spiritual ignorance and qualify a man or woman, Jew or Gentile, young or old, black or white, for entry into the kingdom of God.
Only spiritual birth from above can remove the blinkers of spiritual ignorance and qualify a man or woman for entry into the kingdom of God.
We live in a world that has turned its back on the One True Creator God; a world that is embracing any foolish philosophy of man that takes their fancy; a world that has succumbed to the spiritual deception of satanic forces in high places.We have become a race that has twisted every truth in the Word of God and embraced a myriad of false deities, after which fallen men are lusting.
We are encouraged to continue to walk in spirit and truth and to live by faith, not by works of the Law: For we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, (legalists or carnal believers) but are those who have faith to the saving of the soul, (spiritual believers).
Often he prayed that they would grow in grace, receive spiritual gifts, be fruitful in their ministry, and be kept by the power of God.
However, his earnest desire to visit these believers, share their common faith, and give one another spiritual encouragement, was evidenced in the historical record of the book of Acts, and elsewhere.
Paul's heartfelt desire to visit the believers in Rome was to further establish them in the faith which is reflected in this verse of Scripture: always in my prayers I make request, if perhaps now at last, by the will of God, I may succeed in coming to you - For I long to see you so that I may impart some spiritual gift to you, that you may be established..
We are clothed with a new spiritual life by faith and not by works, and begin a process whereby we are being transformed into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ, Himself.
Every believer in Christ has undergone a spiritual renewal in which there is no distinction whatsoever between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, for Christ is all - and His Spirit is within us all.
May we, with spiritual discernment, read, mark, learn, inwardly digest, and rightly divide the Scriptures through the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit so that we do not fall into any presumptive practices or lean towards any form of legalism.
They are already clothed in spiritual honour, glory, immortality, and Christ's righteousness, and will also receive rewards for any good work carried out in spirit and in truth, but they will also suffer loss of reward for fleshly works.
Every other good thing that pertains to spiritual life; eternal life, eternal love, eternal hope, eternal joy, eternal peace, eternal prosperity, and eternal grace, is also given.
Simply rejecting this unspeakably precious gift from God (which happens when people refusing to accept and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God), results in everlasting condemnation and spiritual death, which means eternal separation from God which Revelation tells us happens in the Lake of Fire.
God, in His grace, not only removes the sin-barrier that estranges man from his Creator God, but He desires His people to rest in His love and to know His own precious peace deep within our hearts so that we may enjoy sweet fellowship with Him.The Lord has blessed us with every spiritual blessing, and all His promises to us are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Jesus Christ our Lord.
He enables us to carry out the good works that God has prepared for us to do, and He graciously bestows on us spiritual gifts which are used for God's glory.
Physical hunger requires food for the body, but spiritual hunger requires spiritual food for the soul and Christ had just announced that He is the Bread of Life, the spiritual food that came down from heaven.
We do not have a righteousness of our own. Our spiritual nakedness is covered by Christ's righteousness which comes to us through faith in Him.
The single-minded fervour we see in the lives of Paul, James, David, and even the Lord Jesus points to the fact that a man with a single aim is a man God can use and that single aim is to carry out the will of the Father, in all His ways.The complacent Christian does not have an urgency to be about his Father’s business and the proud believer has an alternative agenda, while those that are lukewarm in their faith seem indifferent to their spiritual growth.
But the child of God who seeks to lift up the Lord Jesus and to glorify His name, is jealous of the task ahead and resolutely sets his eye on the finishing line of this earthly race.Such a one does not rest on his laurels but strains his spiritual muscle.
God used His life as a living illustration of Israel's spiritual adultery and gross apostasy, as contrasted with the long-suffering mercy, boundless love, and inexhaustible grace of God.
At the start of his book, we discover that Hosea and his adulteress wife produced three children, which together painted a picture of Israel's progressive decline into spiritual adultery, culminating in God's ultimate rejection of His chosen people.
Each of the three names given to Hosea's children, represented Israel's progressive moral decline and their degeneration into spiritual adultery.
But because of their continued refusal to repent of their spiritual adultery, the time eventually arrived when they would not only be scattered but would find no pity from God Who brought them out of Egypt.
The book of Hebrews cautions believers who have a tendency to live under the Old Testament Law or who are being led into legalism, to beware of drifting away from the truth of the gospel of grace, thus remaining in spiritual infancy.
Rather, we are exhorted to be steadfast in our faith and press on towards spiritual maturity.
He prayed that their love for one another would abound more and more, and that they would be filled with the spiritual fruit of righteousness - for the glory and praise of God.
Jesus had been teaching His disciples the principles and practice of righteousness in the life of a believer and the spiritual priorities that should govern our behaviour.
And since we have been born from above and have tasted of the goodness of God, we are entreated by Peter to live our lives in submission to Him so that we may grow in grace and increase in spiritual wisdom and knowledge.
And although they were set apart unto God, positioned in Christ, and eternally secure, they were not maturing in their spiritual walk, but acting like spoilt infants.
The abundance of spiritual gifts of which they could readily boast, were sharply contrasted with a significant dearth of spiritual fruit, all of which are founded on LOVE.
It was Aaron and his spiritual descendants who were commanded to make this appeal for God's blessing, on behalf of His people - so that God Himself would hear and answer their prayer.
God loves to bless His people and has given many precious promises of protection and peace over all who are His, and yet He felt it necessary to command Aaron, and his spiritual descendants, to petition Him for blessings on behalf of His people, which make us realise that prayers for God's blessing on others must be very important to the Lord.
Each member of Christ's Body is to carry out their service to the glory of God, by using their spiritual gifts and graces wisely, within the wider Church community.
We are to eschew all forms of jealousy, vindictiveness, and vengeful thoughts, for resentment and bitterness can give the devil an opportunity to shipwreck a life, tarnish a believer's testimony, or stunt a Christian's spiritual growth.
When we are walking worthy of our calling and demonstrating genuine humility of heart that comes from the Spirit of God, we will apply the Word of God in our lives, we will put on the New Man, and use our spiritual gifts and graces wisely and in line with Scripture.
When we clothe ourselves with Christ by putting on the whole armour of God, we are protected against spiritual wickedness and the devil has no opportunity to deceive our heart, shipwreck our soul, and cause us to stumble in our Christian walk.
It is a spiritual fruit that is expressed in the life of a spiritual Christian.
The absence of divine love is an established, biblical fact in the life of an unregenerate man or the unsaved woman... although they may be well able to exhibit human affection through parental love, sexual love, inter-relational love or cultural love - it can never correspond with divine love which is a spiritual fruit from the Spirit of God that is manifested in a child of God.
Indeed, of all the groups of believers recorded in Scripture, it was the Corinthian Christians who were gifted with a greater abundance of spiritual gifts than any other named church.
He was a mature man of God who helped Paul to correct various doctrinal issues in local churches, consolidated the truth, and provide wise, spiritual leadership within the early Christian church fellowships.
Paul knew that a principle of 'do as I do' rather than 'do as I say' is a most effective way to train others in the things of God, and he advised this trusted colleague to present himself to his brothers and sisters in Christ as a worthy pattern of the good behaviour and the godly conduct that should be the hallmark of every spiritual believer.
We either grow in grace and mature in the faith, through submitting to Him OR remain in spiritual infancy and waste our opportunities to honour His name.
Their aim was to discredit the Lord Jesus as a healer and a teacher and label Him as no more than a sinner, but the outcome was to expose their own bigoted opinions and their gross spiritual myopia.
Not only were the physical eyes of this blind man opened, but we discover his open defiance of the Pharisees resulted in a deeper, spiritual awakening in his inner soul for he was later to pronounce: Lord I believe, that You are the Son of Man, the Messiah of Israel, and Saviour of the world.
This is a true story, but it is also a beautiful picture of developing faith; a simple childlike trust in the Lord Jesus which gave birth to the salvation of the soul for the forgiveness of sins, life everlasting, and spiritual growth.
The crowds had been following Jesus because of the mighty miracles He performed, but they did not understand the spiritual implications of His mission.
How easy it is for a believer to take his eyes off the spiritual to concentrate on the temporal.
For whatever we gain in this life through covetous carnality, results in loss in the next, but those who guard their present life against covetousness by living a spiritual life that is pleasing to the Lord, are laying up treasures in the next.
May we rigorously guard ourselves against bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in our heart, and may we walk in the spirit and in truth, for our own spiritual development and for the greater glory of our God and Saviour.
Contrary to finding fault with those that are weak in the faith or deliberately entering into arguments with those that are disadvantaged in their spiritual maturity, such brothers and sisters should be welcomed into our fellowship and be received with Christian love and grace.
We are called to accept those who are weak in faith or whose spiritual maturity is somewhat lacking.
He didn't want them to be unaware about the second coming of Christ and the eternal ages to come, and in this verse, we read, Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant.
Paul did not want us to be ignorant of the spiritual gifts that the body of Christ receives from the Father.
Spiritual gifts are one of the three issues, identified by the apostle, about which many in the Church, in general, are ignorant.
We all should endeavour to come to a fuller understanding of Israel's role in God's plan, the return of Christ at the rapture of the Church, and the spiritual gifts with which we have been endowed.
Once we are saved, that same Spirit Who indwells us gives us other spiritual gifts and graces that are to be used for the edification of the entire Body of Christ.
Having chastened them for their fleshly ways, and reminded them that their body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, he talked in this section about the qualities and characteristics that should be manifest in a spiritual man or woman; one who is walking in spirit and truth; one who is under the authority of the indwelling Spirit of God; one who is correctly manifesting the gift, or gifts they have received.
Spiritual gifts or spiritual abilities are given to all who have confessed Christ as Saviour and have been indwelled by the Holy Spirit.
Indeed, it is the Spirit Himself, Who gives each one of us the spiritual gifts or abilities He has chosen for us.
Every believer is to exercise the spiritual gift(s) we have been given appropriately.
We are to use our spiritual abilities, according to the proportion of our faith.
As we read through the book of Corinthians, we discover that these Christians were endowed with a great many spiritual gifts.
Sadly, some of the errors we see in the Corinthian Christians can be identified in the Church of today, and so it is no wonder that Paul wrote, Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant.
These believers were spiritually gifted, BUT they were not spiritual.
They may not have been lacking in any gift, but they were ignorant of spiritual gifts because they were not using them in the way they were meant to be used.
Similarly, we are not to be ignorant of the spiritual gifts and graces bestowed on us by the Holy Spirit of God, or use them unwisely or inappropriately.
Throughout the entire book of 1st Corinthians, Paul is giving guidance on righteous living and using our spiritual gifts as God desires.
We should remember that we are one body that is being built into a spiritual temple, and together we should grow in grace and in a knowledge of God.
May we so walk in the unity of the Spirit, that we use our gifts with wisdom, and demonstrate spiritual maturity that glorifies God.
We are to endeavour to pursue the unity of the Spirit, in the bond of peace, and are reminded that as God's children, we have received grace according to the measure of Christ's gifts to each one of us, and are encouraged to use each spiritual gift appropriately.
He is equally diligent to encourage us to do the good, whilst simultaneously identifying areas, attitudes, or activities, that are detrimental to our spiritual growth and dishonouring to our Heavenly Father.
Those who fall under the influence of this evil, egocentric, and controlling spirit, become obsessed with plummeting the deep spiritual depth of the evil one.
Those that fall prey to the ungodly teaching of the Jezebel spirit are those who seek spiritual enlightenment apart from God and crave eternal life without believing on Christ's sacrificial death.
Timothy was entrusted, by Paul, to be pastor of the church at Ephesus, but being the leader of a Christian community in the first century under Roman rule was no easy task, and Paul's letter to this 'son in the faith' contained personal encouragement, many warnings, and a lot of wise instruction on how to deal with a myriad of theological and practical issues that Timothy was likely to meet as he shepherded the little flock of believers in their spiritual journey through life.
It is a spiritual struggle whereby we stand firm in the truth of God's Word and battle against the world, the flesh, the devil, and our own self-will.
Fighting the good fight of faith is not so much hostile combat against a physical enemy, but rising to the challenges of our Christian life or confidently taking hold of the eternal life that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord.Each enemy is harmful to the soul and detrimental to our spiritual growth and so each must be earnestly resisted with fortitude and determination.
In 2 Chronicles, we read that humbling oneself before God is linked with earnest prayer, seeking God's face, and turning from every wicked way, for humbling oneself before the Lord, enables the grace of God to flow freely into our hearts and breathes spiritual revival into our soul.
May we be careful not to follow the foolish example of national Israel who were more interested in worldly pursuits and craving earthly rewards than seeking the kingdom of God and spiritual maturity.
The verse in question, which immediately follows an important warning against spiritual immaturity and some elementary instructions on reaching full maturity, gives some great encouragement to believers who are seeking to stand firm in the faith, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.
We are part of the spiritual Body of Christ and as such, we are in a spiritual battle and the only way to survive is to be clothed in the spiritual armour of God.
We are not to allow the lust of the flesh and the pride of life to influence our spiritual growth, but rather we are to live as Christ lived when He walked the dusty streets of Jerusalem, and in all things we are to pray: Thy will, not mine be done.
We are to recognise that the spiritual armoury with which we are to clothe ourselves in this evil day, is simply to be covered in Christ.
We are to remain in Christ and He in us, as we engage in this spiritual battle that has been raging for millennia, for only as we are clothed in Him are we enabled to stand fast.
The moral and spiritual condition of the Jewish returnees was shocking, but for 14 years Ezra had prayerfully sought to return the people to their roots and teach them the things of God.
Following his corrective letter to the Corinthian Church, their spiritual recovery provided Paul an opportunity to boast about these brothers and sisters, to other Christians in Macedonia.
This is a principle which is equally evident in the natural world, as well as within the spiritual sphere.
Every good work and each generous gesture, whether material or spiritual, will reap a great reward when carried out by the enabling power of the Holy Spirit with a good and generous attitude.
He knows when gifts, whether material or spiritual, are given reluctantly or joyfully.
They discovered that in addition to our position in Christ and the forgiveness of sins, we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
together with the creation of the Church, which is His Body, were kept under wraps so that Jews and Gentiles alike could be saved by grace through faith in Him - and become part of His spiritual Body on earth.
In Ephesians, Paul opens the floodgates of God's blessing on His people, with the words, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him - in love.He has blessed us with pardon and peace, redemption and adoption, and illumination and truth from His Holy Spirit.
Our good and gracious Heavenly Father has blessed us with every spiritual blessing and seated us together with Christ in heavenly places.
While God desires all the elect to live a holy life, without blemish, the believer is also able to choose to walk in spirit and truth and to grow in grace OR they can neglect God's will for their lives and remain in spiritual infancy - eternally saved but forfeiting spiritual reward.
He counsels us not to be tricked into adopting these things as a barometer for spiritual maturity, which can only be found in Christ.
Rather than being the means towards spiritual maturity and a closer walk with God, man-made procedures and practices like 'do not touch' and 'do not taste', together with the worship of angels, obligatory attendance at certain festivals, Sabbath days rules, or new moons regulations, are legalistic practices that will only place us back in bondage.
He explains the only way to attain spiritual maturity is through faith; firstly, being justified by grace through faith in Christ, and secondly, by living a sanctified life of faith in Christ, day by day, through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
We do not know whether it was through supernatural signs and wonders, a display of their spiritual gifts, or simply their godly conduct and victorious Christian walk to which he was referring, but Paul could confidently claim: For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction, and you know what kind of men we proved to be, while we were living among you, for your benefit!
All who are saved by grace through faith in Christ have a holy and noble calling, and as members of His Body we are living stones that are being built up into a spiritual house.
We are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, in order that we may offer up spiritual scarifies to the Lord, which are holy and acceptable unto Him.
For 2000 years, individual believers have been added daily to this magnificent spiritual building that God Himself is constructing, for every believer in Christ is just one more living stone which is being fitted together, with perfect precision, and is growing into a holy temple in the Lord.
It is God, Himself, that has promised to fill us to the brim with a great abundance of spiritual blessings – for the joy of the Lord is our strength, the peace of God is our shield and buckler, and the fellowship of the saints is our precious portion, as our hope overflows in and through Him.All His promises, whether past, present, or future, are secured in His unchanging character and unchangeable Word, for He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Paul's prayer is that we all may overflow and abound with that blessed hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. Such a prayer can only be accomplished through the supernatural work of the indwelling Holy Spirit within the heart and life of a spiritual man or woman.
May we be motivated to enlarge our perspective of our glorious God of Hope and fix our hope on Him Who has already blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Paul set out to show that true ministers of the gospel and dependable ministries that teach the Word of truth and contribute towards a believer's spiritual growth, have a right to financial remuneration.
You shall not muzzle the ox while he is threshing, contains a spiritual principle that is as relevant today as it was during the Jewish dispensation when the people of Israel supported the Levitical priesthood with the tithing Laws in Old Testament times.
Jude's short but hard-hitting epistle gives six biblical examples of apostate groups and individuals who threaten the moral shipwreck and spiritual sabotage of believers.
However, God is an immortal, spiritual being and we are mortal, physical creatures.
How can the relationship of fallen, fleshly, sinful man be restored to a perfect, spiritual, holy, heavenly God?
How can a fallen, physical being who is under the curse of sin, be reconciled to a holy, spiritual God Who cannot permit sin into His presence?
Life is in the blood, and God determined that the shed blood of a perfect, sinless, spiritual, heavenly Man, would be sufficient to pay the full price for His fallen, physical, earthly, mortal race.
A fallen, fleshly, perishable, mortal frame that is imputed with sin, cannot inherit a righteous, spiritual, imperishable, eternal body.
By faith in Him, Christ's heavenly, spiritual, eternal righteousness became our own heavenly, spiritual, eternal righteousness.
Bible scholars debate whether this means a spiritual apostasy in the Church where there is a falling away from the faith – or the physical departure of the Church when it is removed in the Rapture.
Mankind is crumpling under the weight of sin and collapsing under the satanic influence of evil which is suffocating a world in distress, but the true character of the spiritual Christian is based on a godly love and stands in stark contrast with the evil hatred that reigns supreme over this fallen world system.
Once a believer takes their eyes off Jesus and allows their ears to be tickled by human wisdom, their spiritual fervour is dampened and they are tempted to loiter in the way of the ungodly until they are willing to stand firm in the company of evil men instead of standing firm on the truth of God's Word.
May we nail our spiritual colours to the mast of our little boats, walk in a manner that is worthy of the calling wherewith we were called, and may we not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God to all who believe.
There are certain principles that a spiritual believer is exhorted to put into action, and of all God's holy attributes, the one we are commanded to engage in and develop is love.
But the supernatural, godly love about which Paul is speaking, is the unique, unparalleled love of Christ which is only given to the spiritual believer through the power of the indwelling Spirit of God, and will always be beyond our comprehension.
Before Jesus could be enthroned as the eternal King of kings and Lord of lords, He must first die the cruel death of the Suffering Servant, so that by His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, He could smash Satan's spiritual authority over the earth and man, destroy the works of the evil one, crush the serpent's head as prophesied in Genesis, and claim victory over the current realm of Satan.
James also reminds us that those that are saved by grace through faith in Christ, also fall into two, distinct groups; those that are spiritual and those that are fleshly; those that are walking in spirit and truth and those that are living a carnal life with a worldly perspective and an arrogant attitude.
May we remember that none of us stands still in our Christian walk - we either grow in the grace of God and mature in the faith as we submit to God, humble ourselves before Him, seek His face and are led by the Spirit of truth - or we can regress into spiritual infancy through our arrogant behaviour and puffed up boastings.
The spiritual man or woman who is walking in spirit and truth will know a peace in their heart which passes understanding, even in the midst of great trials and difficulties, while the one who is out of fellowship and walking in fleshly carnality will have inner turmoil of spirit and disease of the soul.
Throughout the Gospel of John, we find that both the unsaved crowds and Christ's own believing disciples misunderstood His teaching, and substituted a physical interpretation on important spiritual truths.
Christ is the Word of God, but those that heard Him proclaim five times that He had come down from heaven to feed their spiritual soul, which was riddled with sin, would not hear the truth and would not believe the truth, and so they missed the most glorious offer of salvation.
Today, the Holy Spirit continues to convict every man of sin and the written Word of God teaches the many spiritual truths that feed our hungry soul.
But many prefer to chase after worldly food and the fleeting physical pleasures on earth in preference to spiritual food, life everlasting, and eternal joy with the Lord.
But more than this he called upon the eternal God of the universe, Creator of heaven and earth, as witness to his own deep and loving concern for their spiritual wellbeing.
And like so many of Paul's writings, his main focus was to further the gospel of Jesus Christ and to equip the saints in sound doctrine so that they would be enabled to grow in their own spiritual understanding of the glorious gospel of grace, and to proclaim the undistorted truth of God to others.
It is the Holy Spirit that sealed us and baptised us into the Body of Christ at salvation, and it is the Holy Spirit that enables and empowers us to serve the Lord as we grow in our spiritual life.
It is the Holy Spirit that gives to each of God's children the spiritual gift or gifts that each requires to fulfil the role to which we have been called, and it is the Holy Spirit Who works in us all: To will and to do of HIS good pleasure.
Yes, the promised kingdom was on offer, and those who acknowledged their helplessness before God's omnipotence and recognised that their spiritual supply comes from Him alone, would be the beneficiaries of Christ's coming kingdom.
However, the mourning in this verse is primarily connected with the inner spiritual grieving of a broken and contrite heart.
Second, over time each believer would begin to grow in grace, develop their faith, walk in spirit and truth, and move from spiritual infancy towards spiritual maturity (progressional sanctification).
The nations with whom they committed spiritual idolatry, would eventually be the ones that humbled them and scattered them to the far corners of the earth.
A literal, historical fact was used by Jesus to illustrate a beautiful spiritual truth.
Jesus came from heaven to be the full and final payment for the spiritual healing of Adam's fallen race.
And it was out of love that God sent His only begotten Son so that all who trust in Him for their redemption are saved by grace through faith: transferred from being a member of the kingdom of Satan through physical birth into Adam's fallen race, into becoming a member of Christ's Body through spiritual birth, a child of God, and a citizen of heaven through spiritual birth into Christ:
They were living and acting as in a worldly way, rather than behaving as spiritual believers.
Paul had already taught them many spiritual truths and expected them to embrace and apply them in their lives.
However, due to the internal disorder, deep-rooted division, and even some sexual impurity, they had remained in spiritual infancy and became carnal in their outlook.
Paul was required to upbraid them strongly and chastened them by remarking, Brethren, I could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh.
Paul had to make it clear that the unsaved or 'natural' man neither accepts nor understands the things of the Spirit of God, because these things are spiritual matters which can only be discerned by a saved or 'spiritual' man.
These Christians at Corinth should have become spiritual giants in the faith, but sadly remained spiritual babies who could only stomach simple gospel teachings.
Instead of going on into spiritual maturity and coping with much weightier spiritual issues, they regressed into a carnal, fleshly state showing little if any difference from an unsaved, 'natural' man.
May we seek to be true, spiritual Christians.
May we grow in grace and progress into spiritual maturity so that we may gain spiritual discernment and be renewed in our heart and transformed through the mind, into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Although his marriage may have been tactically advantageous, it was a spiritual catastrophe for Solomon, for it set the king on the path of taking more wives and securing many more alliances with pagan kingdoms.
Solomon believed in God, and no doubt his faith was reckoned as righteousness, but it seems that the profession Solomon made with his lips was insincere and despite the many spiritual gifts he received from the Lord, he engaged in carnal desires and indulged in fleshly pursuits, tarnishing a life that should have been a beacon of light and truth to his pagan neighbours.
Understanding, discernment, and a knowledge of God's great power, were good requests to make, but perhaps a deeper knowledge of God Himself; His character, His ways, His work, His will, and His glory, may have been more beneficial in this young man's life, and would have produced an abundance of spiritual fruit and prevented him from straying so far from the path of peace.
They have bought into Satan's deceptive lies and adopted a false, unbiblical worldview which claims that God is either dead, deaf, doesn't exist, doesn't care, is grossly incompetent OR is nothing more than a spiritual crutch for foolish individuals.
Christ's instruction to be salt was given to those that believed in His name, and the important lesson it teaches is that the presence of true, spiritual believers can make a real difference to a lost and dying world.
When first introduced to the believers at Corinth, we find a group of Christians that despite their boasting, their diverse spiritual gifts were devoid of love and wallowed in a divergent range of ungodly actions and attitudes including: quarrelling, envying, anger, bitterness, back-biting, carnal intrigues, and gross spiritual immaturity.
Following a flurry of words that reminds them of his heavenly appointment as God's chosen apostle to the Gentiles, and in spite of an array of arguments of why they should live godly in Christ Jesus and walk in humble obedience to God, Paul reluctantly boasts of the many sufferings he had endured for the sake of the gospel and the many sacrifices he had made on their account, in order to underline that his motive towards them was to secure their spiritual growth and not for his own financial reward.
Paul would gladly pour out his life in sacrificial service to this group of immature believers, if this would bring them to spiritual maturity and godly living.
But they placed their love and respect in other quarters, despite Paul's genuine desire for their spiritual wellbeing.
Spiritual darkness had been the sorry state of Israel for many centuries, but at last the people who were walking in darkness were to see a great Light, and on those living in the land of the shadow of death, the radiance of God was at last dawning.
He charged him to correct the various false teachings and strange doctrines that were springing up and infiltrating the Church, because of their detrimental effect on the spiritual growth of believers.
Paul does not give us any clue as to what specific myths he was referring, but any fabricated fable, superstitions speculation, or imagination of the heart, is very detrimental to a Christian's spiritual growth, contradictory to biblical truth, and an obstacle to one's hope in the Lord.
They are false teachings which cause untold damage in the spiritual development of believers while hindering the dissemination of the gospel of God, which is by FAITH.
And the wages of sin is death; both spiritual death and physical death, for death was passed on to every man when Adam sinned.
Because of sin, every member of the human race is born spiritually dead and embarks on a journey towards physical death. Death means separation from God (both spiritual and physical separation), and because of Adam's sin, every one of his progeny is imputed with a sin nature.
Spiritual understanding and godly wisdom does not come from much learning, nor is it gained from intense, intellectual study.
True knowledge is from above and is given by God to the spiritual man or woman, for spiritual knowledge, wise discernment, and godly understanding is spiritually discerned.
Likewise, the religious zealot cannot perceive of spiritual things, for the things of God are spiritually discerned.
And here in this important chapter on spiritual birth and a heavenly inheritance, we discover a great and respected teacher of the Law ignorant of the heavenly implications of the new, spiritual birth (in Christ), and the eternal consequences of being born from above.
He could not refocus his narrow-minded thinking from the familiar but restricted physical realm, to the greater, supernatural, spiritual sphere of which the Lord Jesus was speaking.
Christ knew that sinful man in his fallen state cannot be accepted into the spiritual realm of a holy God unless he becomes as perfect as God and as holy as the Father in heaven is holy, which is only possible if he is forgiven of his sins, accepted in Christ, and covered with the garment of Christ's perfect righteousness.
It meant a new birth, a spiritual birth into a new creation, a spiritual transfer from the 'old creation' in Adam to the 'new creation' in Christ for all who would believe.
But Nicodemus had been steeped in Jewish tradition and he was devoid of spiritual understanding and godly wisdom.
Unless a man who is born into this physical realm (born in Adam) is then reborn into the spiritual realm (born-again in Christ) he will not even see the kingdom of God.
As Christians, we are called to live a spiritual life and not to be carnal; to bear the fruit of the Spirit and not to produce our own works of the flesh; to live under grace and not under law.
To live the spiritual life that God requires of all His children means that we should be willing to submit to His will and authority, in every situation we meet.
May we never be engaged in spiritual slumber or allow the passing of time to dim our desire to know Him more intimately and to love more passionately, with every passing day.
Like Elijah, the Baptist lived during a time of spiritual poverty and both drew the wrath of a wicked king and his evil queen, but both will be remembered as men who were chosen by the Lord for a special purpose and who were filled with the Spirit of God.
When this dear man of God reflected on the depths to which his nation had sunk, due to their rebellious apostasy against the Lord and the spiritual bankruptcy that had ensued, he confessed his sin and the transgressions of the nation and pleaded with the Lord to forgive their sins and fulfil the promises He made to their forefather Abraham and his seed, forever.
We should so conduct ourselves in purity of heart, that we grow in grace, mature in our spiritual walk, and live a life that is holy unto the Lord - so that day by day we are increasingly sanctified in His sight.
There may be certain consequences for those times when we fraternise with the world or lower our spiritual guard, but there is nothing that touches our life that can harm us if we prove zealous for what is good.
Step by step, we have been led through the fundamentals of Church-age doctrine in Paul's letter to the Romans Church: a comprehensive, instructional manual that has been instrumental in influencing the various reformations and spiritual revivals that have taken place throughout the history of the Christian Church.
He also reminds us that as members of Christ's Body, we all have our own spiritual gifting and own specific calling and no matter what is required of us and irrespective of where we are directed to go, everything we do is to be done to the glory of God as we seek to carry out His special plan and purpose for our lives.
It had been declared to Paul by this delegation, that they had uncovered disorder in the church, disunity within the congregation, division among certain members, and even some serious sexual conduct, causing Paul to pen his earlier letter condemning their various faults and failings, and urging them to become spiritual believers rather than remaining carnal Christians.
Reproof of a fellow believer should be delivered out of deep concern for their spiritual well-being and needs to flow from a heart of deep concerns and godly love, not from a critical or condemnatory spirit.
We are urged to put on the whole armour of God and equip ourselves with the spiritual weaponry that is ours in Christ Jesus - Who alone is able to assure us of victory over the evils of this present age.
By remaining immersed in division, discord, and even depravity, these believers identified themselves as carnal Christians who had reverted to spiritual infancy instead of maturing in the faith, growing in grace, and being built up in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
But the moment that we were born again we were given life - spiritual life - life from above.
To walk in the Spirit is to walk by faith and to immerse ourselves in the Word of God, to encourage one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, as we sing with grace and thanksgiving in our hearts to the Lord.
The chief corner-stone of this holy Temple is Christ Himself, and His chosen apostles and prophets are the ones who have laid the doctrinal foundation upon which this spiritual temple is being built, for they were given the knowledge of the glorious gospel of grace by Christ Himself, and to them was unfolded the mystery of the Church in this present dispensation; a mystery which had been hidden in time past from all previous generations.
It was the apostle Peter who described this growing body of believers as living stones who are being built up into a spiritual house.
He identified the Christian Church as a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices which are acceptable to God through our Saviour Jesus Christ.
And here, Paul also describes the beautiful way that this slowly growing body of believers are being gradually built up into a magnificent spiritual house, and fitted together into a holy structure in order to form that fixed abode of God, the holy Temple through the Spirit.
Peter and Paul saw the very first living stones of God's holy dwelling place being fitted together into this living Temple of God, and we who have trusted Christ for salvation are living stones that have been added to this amazing 2000-year-old spiritual structure which Christ Himself is building up into a holy Temple as a sanctified residence for God.
There are many gifts that are given through the Holy Spirit as He chooses, but unless those spiritual gifts are ministered to one another through love, they are of little significance and of no spiritual value at all.
We read that the carnal Christians in Corinth, could not be considered spiritual believers.
Paul addressed them as babes in Christ, even though they had an overabundance of spiritual gifts.
Indeed, they did not lack in any spiritual gift, but had been enriched in every way with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge.
But unless a spiritual gift is administered in love, it is like a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
Every spiritual gift from above that is not used to the glory of God, is of no worth whatsoever.
When spiritual gifts are self-centred or are used self-righteously for self-gratification, self-exultation, self-interest, or self-seeking, God is not glorified and the gift is rendered invalid.
The spiritual believer sows his life unto the Spirit by knowing Christ, fellowshiping in His suffering, and pressing on to the end, and in so doing will reap a good and fruitful harvest that is well-pleasing to the Lord.
His single offense caused the sting of spiritual death and the icy fingers of physical death to touch the lives of all his descendants, with one exception - the God-Man, Christ Jesus - the only begotten Son of His Father in heaven.
His one righteous act enables all who are His spiritual offspring (by believing in Him), to be imputed with His righteousness.
Astonishingly, the judgement that arose from ONE sinful act of ONE man, which placed everyman under condemnation and imputed all his offspring with a sin nature, has resulted in the justification of everyone who becomes the spiritual offspring of the ONE righteous act of ONE Man!
They had followed after other gods, committed spiritual adultery, strayed far from the God of their fathers, and become estranged from the One Who chose them to be His own special inheritance.
As spiritual members of Christ's spiritual Body, we can honestly say with Paul: I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer I that live, but the life of Christ that lives in me.
He had come to bring good tidings to the meek, hope to the poor, salvation to the afflicted, liberty for those that were bound by chains of sin, and freedom to those that were enslaved by Satan. Jesus had come to bind up the brokenhearted, comfort those that were afflicted, proclaim physical and spiritual liberty to the captives, and to free those who were imprisoned by Satan.
How sad that the prideful religious leaders who were so enraged by Christ's popularity lacked the spiritual insight of these little children who cried out with joyful abandon: Hosanna to the Son of David.
The physical deliverance and spiritual renewal for Israel that is found in the little book of Joel, and the wonderful promises that God made to His people, will come into full effect at the end of the Tribulation; that future time of Jacob's trouble.
He yearns to see them and to minister to them, and so he tells them of his eager plans to visit them shortly for their mutual edification, to encourage their spiritual development and to strengthen their faith in the Lord.
We should not allow our attitude, actions, comments, or clothing to be adversely influenced by the pagan culture of our day, lest we are tempted do develop a careless attitude towards godly behaviour and neglect our spiritual development - or lest we leave our first Love, the Lord Jesus, and adopt the profane values of the society in which we live.
And because of this glorious spiritual union with Christ, Paul exhorts us to be heavenly-minded, by mortifying all earthly lusts and leanings and by putting on the new-man – knowing that we are now seated with Christ, in heavenly places.
It was the leaders of the nation that were held accountable for this shocking state of spiritual decline, and the priests, in particular, were held responsible by God for this dire state of affairs within His chosen nation.
This worldly mindset is diametrically opposite from God, and unbelievers and certain carnal Christians seek to deceive the spiritual man or woman into compromising their faith with empty words, false teachings, twisted doctrine, and ungodly behaviours.
It is the very love of God Himself, which is freely available to all believers and is freely given to those who are prepared to die to their own human natures, to take up their own cross daily, and to live the only life that is wholly acceptable to God – a spiritual life – a sacrificial life.
To abide in Christ simply means that we are to mature in our spiritual life, to grow in grace, and to maintain a close and increasingly intimate fellowship with our heavenly Father.
Paul calls the fruitful believer a spiritual man, while he labels the unfruitful believer a carnal man.
He exposes carnal Christians as spiritual babes in Christ who, although saved by grace through faith, remain spiritual infants, out of fellowship with the Father, and not walking in spirit and truth.
And Paul warns that their life will be devoid of spiritual fruit and whatever they have done in their life will be fruitless and be burned up.
Those that produce spiritual fruit by abiding in Christ shall receive a reward.
Those that do not produce spiritual fruit by not abiding in Christ shall suffer loss, and while they are still saved, their fruit is gathered up, thrown in the fire, and burned.
We have been given every spiritual blessing in Christ and we are charged to know Him more, to love Him better, to walk in His ways, and to love others as He has loved us.
Like so many prophetic books, Malachi admonishes the ungodly practices of the priests, the gross idolatry of the people, the oppression of the poor, the rejection of God's holy Law, and the overall moral and spiritual decline of the entire nation of Israel.
Today there are many who claim to be 'spiritual' beings, but their claim is rooted in a worldly view of spirituality that is diametrally opposite of biblical spirituality and can never be reconciled with true spirituality.
National restoration, universal redemption, and the spiritual healing of both the northern and southern kingdoms are the key elements, while echoes of God's judgement on the wicked precede and follow this message of hope for Israel.
These precious women were to have their spiritual vision extended when they also realised that Christ's glorious Resurrection is as much a part of the gospel of grace as His sacrificial death.
Spiritual gifts from the Spirit are bestowed on every child of God, but they are a privilege that must be used wisely, for when abused by the carnal believer, that can cause confusion in the Body of Christ and deliver a distorted gospel.
Beginning with 120 in the upper room on that first day of Pentecost, we are being formed, fashioned, and knitted together by God Himself into a sacred, spiritual Temple.
Each one is being honed, hued, and joined onto this glorious, spiritual building; to live and work for His praise and glory.
In the previous verse, Peter explains that as Christians and members of Christ's Body, we are living Stones who are being built into a spiritual house for His use.
We are a peculiar people and a royal priesthood who are ordained to offer spiritual sacrifice and service to the Lord; prayers and praises acceptable to God, THROUGH Jesus Christ our Lord.
While believing Israel are Abraham's physical descendants who will inherit all the earthly promises given to their forefathers, the Church are Abraham's spiritual descendants; for we are IN Christ, born of the Spirit of God, and we have also been given many precious promises, including a heavenly inheritance.
God's promises to us are not just for our physical needs, but also for our spiritual needs.
Indeed, James is very straightforward in his reproof, for like John he knows that sin causes an unbridgeable barrier between a Christian and the Lord - a spiritual separation that calls for humble confession and a purified heart... and so he thunders, Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double-minded.
It is Christ Jesus our Lord Who is the Head over all things, and He alone has legitimate rule and authority over all that is seen and unseen, both in the spiritual and the physical realms, in both human and angelic spheres.
These warnings are given to Christians in this Church age, and any one of them can have a devastating effect on our spiritual growth and Christian testimony.
It is not a little shower of spiritual strength or a tiny flutter of blessing for which Paul is seeking the Lord on our behalf, but a super-abundant outpouring of multiplied blessings which cascades from God's own divine riches and His infinite kindness into our inner soul and hungry heart.
Paul is not naming and claiming economic prosperity, a powerful position, or a good job, but an inner spiritual vigour that steadies and secures the believer in the truth of God's Word and secures and strengthens an unshakable trust in His precepts and promises.
They choose to live a carnal life that excludes the Spirit's work in their life and stunts their spiritual maturity, keeping the Lord at arm's length, and keeping the work of the Spirit outside the door of their lives.
In this verse, we are directed from the natural to the spiritual and are also reminded that as His spiritual children, WE are the house of God.
We are the living stones who are being built up, day by day, into the spiritual Temple of God, and today Jesus Christ is continuing to build His Church, for we are the Body of Christ: And the gates of hell will not prevail against us.
However, there are a number of warnings designed to prevent the spiritual believer from suffering the loss of reward, by reverting into a carnal Christianity or legalistic practices, and here we are warned: We are the Household of God, if we hold fast our confidence and the rejoicing of our hope, firm until the end.
Our Christian life and spiritual service should follow the will of the Lord and be done to the glory of God.
We are to exercise our spiritual gifts by grace through faith and are not to rely on our own strength, but to depend upon our Heavenly Father in all things, for without faith it is impossible to please Him.
We are saved by grace through faith in Christ's work on Calvary and there is no ritual, religious activity, Sabbath rule, or Church-imposed regulation, that could ever elevate our position before God or exaggerate our spiritual importance.
By His Word and through His Spirit, we have received all that we require, including certain spiritual gifts, so that we may live a life that honours His name.
Each member of Christ's Body has a unique function and each person has been thoroughly equipped, by the Holy Spirit, with sound judgement and spiritual gifts so that we may carry out the work that God has prepared for us to do.
It is good if we recognise and employ the spiritual gift (or gifts) that God has bestowed upon us, but we should never be puffed up by them or use them to falsely exaggerate our own importance or spirituality!
All spiritual gifts are given by grace and all are exercised by faith.
We were saved by faith, we are to live by faith, and we are to exercise our spiritual gifts by faith - and all is to be done to the glory of God and not for the elevation of self!
Each one of us has been blessed by God with certain spiritual gifts and we are to exercise those gifts according to the measure of faith we have received and according to the grace we have been given.
For two whole chapters, Paul had outlined in brilliant detail our position in Christ, and the superabundant spiritual blessings we have in heavenly places, which are the inherited right of all who trust in Christ for salvation.
He does not want us to go through life thinking that we have to add something to Christ's finished work in order to be acceptable by the Father, or that we have to wait to receive these amazing spiritual blessings.
This was done in grateful remembrance of the rock that was smitten in the wilderness, and from which streamed life-giving water into the dusty desert for the thirsty Israelites, but it also pointed forward to the Rock of our Salvation and the Living Water that streams from our Saviour's healing side, bringing spiritual life, spiritual health, and spiritual healing to all who drink, for Jesus is the living water.
He urged them to eschew all kinds of evil, worldly relationships, carnal attitudes, and the fleshly desires that impaired their spiritual development.
May we worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness and present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to the Lord, for this should be our spiritual worship and eternal delight.
He was showing us that earthly food will satisfy our physical needs and our earthly body temporarily, but He had come down to earth from heaven to provide us with heavenly food that would satiate our spiritual needs and our eternal souls, forever: I am the Living Bread that came down out of heaven, He explained, if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread also which I will give for the life of the world is My flesh.
He not only provided that hungry crowd with bread to satisfy their bodily needs, but He made it crystal clear that HE is the spiritual nourishment from God Almighty they needed, and the heavenly bread that will satisfy their spiritual needs.
And He went further, saying that if anyone eats of this bread, if anyone feeds on HIM in their heart by faith as their spiritual food, he will live eternally.
Therefore, they were demanding more food for their belly and missed the glorious truth that Christ had given them spiritual bread that would feed their soul forever.
He was starting to signal the truth of God's Word, that He was to be the sacrificial offering, whose broken body and shed blood is the only spiritual food and drink that fallen man can appropriate to gain life eternal, for there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved.
Paul did not want this false information to shake their mind or trouble their spirit, and so he repeated his earlier teachings on the end times before exhorting them towards future growth and spiritual maturity.
However, once a person is truly born-again and saved by the blood of the Lamb, they have a choice... to follow Christ afar off, remain in spiritual infancy, and live in carnality OR deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Him... as a true, sacrificial disciple.
We who have been positioned in Him through faith, will, in like manner, be raised from the dead both spiritually and physically, for the Holy Spirit is the One Who gave us spiritual life when we were born again and He is the same Spirit Who will give life to our mortal bodies at the resurrection of the dead. He is indwelling our bodies and empowering our lives.
Christ has already been judged for our sin at Calvary's Cross. And on that first Day of Pentecost, those early disciples were not only baptised into the Body of Christ by the Spirit as promised, but were also: Filled with the Spirit, and endowed with spiritual gifts; for they all spoke in different languages, proclaiming the wonderful works of God as the Spirit gave them utterance.
He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms, and His love for us is everlasting.
In His grace and power, we have been indwelt by the Holy Spirit Who is conforming us into the likeness and character of Christ, while building us up into a spiritual temple for His honour and glory.
We have no role to play in His redemptive plan, other than to believe His Word, for as fallen sinners we would fail and so: He saved us, not on the basis of good deeds which we have done, like being righteousness or performing good works, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and spiritual renewing by the Holy Spirit.
Washing in water may cleanse our body, but the cleansing of a polluted soul necessitates the supernatural cleansing of regeneration and spiritual renewal by the Holy Spirit.
What is spiritual renewal?
Spiritual renewal takes place the moment faith is placed in the Lord Jesus Christ and His work on Calvary's Cross.
The new birth is the glorious fact of regeneration and spiritual renewal by the Holy Spirit when a lost sinner believes on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
But it is also a wonderful truth that by God's amazing grace and deep compassion for the fallen race man, who was made in His own image and likeness, that: The Lord Jesus saved us, not on the basis of good deeds, moral acts, noble exploits or righteous endeavours, which we have done to display our virtue and goodness before God, but according to His incredible mercy, by the washing of regeneration and spiritual renewing by the Holy Spirit.
We were born in sin which means that we came into this world with a sin nature; condemned to spiritual death and eternally separated from our God and Creator.
James informs us that when we submit ourselves to God and resist the devil, he will flee from us... and Paul lists the weapons of spiritual warfare which we will need to overcome this spiritual enemy at the end of his epistle to the Ephesians.
People who were wallowing in the sordid sins of fallen man were changed into saints of God who were made rich in every way; enriched in speech and knowledge of every kind, and not lacking in any spiritual gift.
Hebrews was written at a time when an unhealthy and ungodly fascination with angels had pervaded society, and this obsession with spiritual entities has become the prevalent mindset in our world today.
It is also Jesus to Whom the indwelling Spirit of God directs our gaze, and it is Jesus Who demands our worship and praise, our adoration and grateful thanks – for just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so that all who looked upon that bronze serpent would live, so Jesus Christ, our blessed Saviour, was lifted up on the Cross of Calvary so that all who look to Him would be saved by grace through faith and have forgiveness of sins and everlasting life.In this passage, we are exhorted to look away from all things that hinder or halt our spiritual growth and to turn our gaze trustingly, intently, and purposefully toward the lovely Lord Jesus.
We are to look to Him with the spiritual eye of faith, for it is well-pleasing to the Father that we gaze on His beloved Son Who loved us and gave Himself for us.
We are to look earnestly and continuously at the perfect Law of the Spirit of life, which is ours by faith in Christ, and we are to keep on concentrating on Him and focussing on His Word, which sustains us with spiritual strength, guards and protects us from the ravages of the enemy, and guides us into all truth as we grow in grace and mature in the faith.
It's not a 'second baptism', received by the super-spiritual.
John gave his prophecy at the start of Christ's ministry, but moments before His ascension into heaven, Jesus informed his disciples that the baptism of the Spirit would happen a few days later: John baptised with water, Jesus told them, but you will be baptised with the Holy Spirit, not many days from now. Indeed, on that first day of Pentecost, the believers who were all together in one place were not only baptised by the Spirit but were also filled with the Spirit and endowed with the spiritual gift of 'tongues'.
Being baptised in water has nothing to do with spiritual rebirth, but is an outward proclamation of faith in Christ.
The attitude that is reflected in David's beautiful, pleading prayer is of the spiritual man who seeks first the kingdom of God, and has chosen to have the King of righteousness, seated on the throne of his life.
He cried out for repentance from the priests and people alike, and called for the entire royal household to turn from their wicked ways, repent of their spiritual adultery, and return to serving the Lord their God in spirit and truth.
This role of angels may sound impressive to the spiritually starving race of fallen men (and sadly to some ignorant and deceived believers in Christ as well), but lest we start to become obsessed with angels, the supernatural, and the invisible realm of spiritual beings (whether good or evil), let us remember that God chose to redeem fallen man and not fallen angels.
Although we do not fight against a physical enemy with spears and swords, we have an evil and seductive spiritual enemy who is seeking to entice us away from the truth and lure us into the same sinful, rebellious behaviour that Israel displayed by ignoring God's Word, disobeying His clear instructions, and following their own foolish, fleshly desires.
The same tests that Israel faced in the physical realm, are the ones we face in the spiritual sphere.
The adversaries we face may not be the same flesh and blood enemies, that Israel faced, but our antagonists are spiritual rulers, demonic powers, forces of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places.
We are to put on the full spiritual armour of God so that we are enabled, in the power of His Holy Spirit, to stand steadfast against the schemes of the devil.
If the sin of one man brought death on every one of his physical descendants, so the sacrificial death of a sinless Man would be sufficient to pay the price for sin, abolish the icy grip of death, reverse the curse of the law, and give life to every one of His spiritual descendants.
Earlier in the chapter, we read that 'burdens' refer to trials, temptations, testings, and failures, and the writer to the Hebrews exhorts the spiritual believer to restore the brother or sister in Christ who has fallen short and has been overtaken by faults or failings.
The spiritual man may be exhorted to carry the burdens of others when they are in trouble... but also remains responsible for the life that he lives, knowing that we will all be judged for what we have done in this life and not for the deeds of others.
There is a fine line between fulfilling the Law of Christ in spirit and truth and becoming proud of our spiritual accomplishments when we carry the burdens of others - and each one of us should examine ourselves to see if our gracious acts honour the Lord - or lead to pride and cause us to stumble.
Timothy was not Paul's physical offspring, but a spiritual son who had been nurtured in the Hebrew Scriptures by Eunice, his mother, and also his grandmother, Lois.
The Colossian Christians exemplified a little group of believers who were walking in spirit and truth and who had brought forth the spiritual fruit of faith, hope, and love in abundance, and Paul rejoiced to hear that individually and collectively they were growing in grace and in a knowledge of their Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Paul warned church elders in the various cities in which he taught, to be on their guard – not only for the well-being of the believers in their charge, but also for their own spiritual safety.
It shows the concern he has for their spiritual welfare and the establishment of their faith.
Paul's reproof and correction in his earlier letter was for their spiritual benefit.
It was to train them in righteousness, mature them in the faith, arrest their carnality, and put them back on the path to spiritual growth and so he wrote, I do not speak to condemn you, for I have said before that you are in our hearts - to die together and to live together.
In order to bring the gospel to these people and to us, Paul himself had to undergo terrible trials - but he found great joy when his corrective training brought spiritual fruit.
Spiritual reproof comes to us in various ways - through increased familiarity with the Word of God from brothers in the faith and through a humble heart that has a teachable spirit.
May we be ready and willing to receive reproof, correction, and training in righteousness for the glory of God, in our spiritual journey through life.
There are two types of baptism - a real baptism (Israel's spiritual baptism into Moses and the Christian's spiritual baptism into Christ), and a ritual or ceremonial baptism (where water symbolises a real baptism).
As members of Christ's Body, we are identified in Scripture as the spiritual seed of Abraham and if we are to learn the lesson of faith that Abraham demonstrated, we should lay aside all self-dependence and live our lives in total dependence on the Lord.
The Corinthians Christians had some serious misunderstandings about Paul's message and ministry, which gave rise to division within the church, immoral activities among its members, a selfish, self-serving attitude, and the stunting of their spiritual growth.
They had reverted to spiritual infancy and needed to be brought back to the simple yet staggering message of the Cross, with its focus on Christ and call for a holy life of self-sacrifice, prayer, and praise.
They needed to be reminded that spiritual revelation and the Christian faith must not be based on the human wisdom they appeared to honour, but on the power of God and His perfect, holy wisdom and Word.
Instead of behaving like unsaved man, with their carnal cravings and proud imaginings, they ought to be spiritual believers; growing in grace, maturing in the faith, and living in a manner that pleases God, as should we!
They regard such truths as foolishness because spiritual things can only be discerned through power of the Holy Spirit.
We have the indwelling Spirit of God and, under His guidance, should be in a position to examine, investigate, and inquire into difficult questions and discern all things because we are spiritual men and women.
Being born of His Spirit gives us access to godly wisdom from above, and as spiritual men and women, we have the capacity to appraise all things.
As spiritual beings with a God-given ability to 'judge all things' Paul expands this truth: He who is spiritual appraises all things, yet he himself is appraised by no one. As Spirit-directed beings, no one has the authority to judge our spirituality, even though they may criticise and mock us.
Thoughts fly back to the start of Israel's conquest of the Promised Land and of Rahab, the harlot of Jericho whose spiritual eyes were opened to the truth of God's Word and her faith was reckoned to her as righteousness.
Bartimaeus demonstrated that it was not only his physical sight that would be affected, but that his spiritual eyes of understanding had been opened, and he acknowledged Christ as the Captain of his soul.
When men and women approached Jesus for healing, we see much evidence that is not simply a need for physical healing that concerns the Lord, but a spiritual awakening.
And this should be our concern as well when we are praying for healing, for ourselves or someone else, that not only bodily health is restored, but that the spiritual needs are also met and spiritual eyes are opened to see JESUS as Lord.
Paul understood that the practice of prayer would result in spiritual growth and maturity in the faith, because of the power of God and His precious promises.
Oh, they were saved by grace through faith in Christ, for they were identified by Paul as 'saints.' They had also been equipped with many spiritual gifts and were described as being positionally 'sanctified in Christ' and 'set apart' unto God.
However, they were stuck in spiritual infancy and Paul described them as 'carnal believers'.
1) Certain things may be permissible but they may not be profitable for our spiritual growth or the spiritual well-being of others.
Our freedom in Christ may be perfectly legitimate, but could deflect our attention away from Christ or cause another believer to stumble - in which case we should avoid it so as to keep ourselves from backsliding or prevent a Christian brother from stumbling in their spiritual growth e.g.
His greeting to these believers and his fervent prayer for their spiritual development, godly discernment, and increasing depth of love for one another, seems contradictory to the chains that confined him, but Paul rejoices for this great opportunity to share the gospel of Christ with condemned sinners.
While the world delights in the wisdom of man, we discover that the wisdom of the wise is foolishness to the Lord, while spiritual illumination is the treasure that is poured into the heart of the man or woman of God, and biblical revelation is reserved for those that love the Lord and delight to do His will.
He has lavished on us every spiritual blessing, even seating us in heavenly places together with Christ.
His provision of knowledge and store of understanding is close at hand for He gives wisdom generously to all who ask, and out of His mouth pours an abundance of godly knowledge and a plentiful supply of spiritual understanding.
He urges them not to fall into unbelief and faithlessness, like Israel's forefathers, and warns against spiritual immaturity.
He calls them, and us, to consider the Person and Work of Jesus and warns against neglecting the gospel of grace, hardening our heart, reverting to spiritual infancy, falling away from the truth, or treating the wonderful birthright we have in Christ, with disdain.
The Cross secured God's earthly land and kingdom promises, which will be brought to fruition at the right time, and the Cross won the spiritual battle which the Church has been engaged in for 2000 years, which will be ultimately fulfilled at Christ's return.
The spiritual fruit of the believer who shares the truth of the gospel with others and points souls to Christ, brings life and truth and hope and salvation to the lost, while in Chapter 15 we find: A wholesome tongue is a Tree of Life, while perversity is a breach in the spirit. Both verses point to Christ as Word of truth, the Nourisher and Sustainer of the soul, for in Him is Life, and He is the wisdom of God and the power of God, for all who believe.
We are to progress from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity and to become disciples of Christ; students of the Scriptures and skilled in the Word of righteousness.
How sad when a Christian does not mature in their faith but remains a spiritual babe in Christ.
Such a man or woman has not been instructed in righteousness, and is unskilled in the normal Christian life which is so vital for spiritual growth and Christian maturity.
Such a person is unable to form sound spiritual judgements, and is not capable of distinguishing between good and evil or differentiating between sound scriptural teaching and dangerous false doctrine.
We are to walk in spirit and truth, abide in Christ and He in us, so that in the power of the Holy Spirit we may bring forth much spiritual fruit to the glory of God.
Spiritual birth is as tangible as physical birth, and our acceptance into God's family as His blood-bought child cannot be undone or reversed.
The seal that is set on the life of a believer, offers spiritual protection and perseveration from the attacks of the enemy.
Paul's preaching schedule may have changed, but the gospel remained unchanged, as did his care and concern for the spiritual well-being of the Corinthian Christians, despite his accuser's false claims.
It is our ongoing, practical, progressive sanctification which is God's will for our lives, and Paul calls attention to one specific area that can seriously inhibit our spiritual growth and ongoing sanctification; sexual immorality.
Abstaining from sexual immorality is singled out as vital in practical spiritual growth.
Sexual sin halts our spiritual progress, prevents us from growing in grace, and causes Christians to backslide into carnality.
Every sinful thought, word, or deed erects a barrier to our spiritual growth and wreaks havoc on our practical sanctification.
However, singling out sexual immorality in this verse reminds us how abhorrent it is to the Lord, and the spiritual devastation that will happen in the lives of those who participate in it.
They include the bestowing of spiritual gifts and His 'filling' office, for we all receive spiritual gifts according to the proportion of our faith, and we are all are commanded to 'be filled with the Spirit'.
It is a work of the Spirit that can be stifled and quenched by carnality and fleshly behaviour, or one that can blossom into spiritual fruit, as a believer is filled time and again.
When we submit to Him, our spiritual giftings are exercised for the glory of God.
And when we walk in spirit and truth, we will grow in grace, mature in the faith, produce spiritual fruit, and live a life that honours our Father in heaven.
There was not only a numerical increase since Pentecost but also spiritual growth.
We are not, however, to make selfish requests to be filled so we appear more spiritual than others, or because we like the idea or the 'feeling'.
He reminded them how he was the one that brought them the good news of the gospel and of the spiritual fruit that had formed in their lives, due to their salvation.
As Christ's spiritual seed, we are instructed to put off the old man, with all its sinful lusts and unholy propensities, and put on the new, for we died with Christ and have been raised up into newness of life in Him.
And the inflow of God's love into the life of a spiritual believer is transferred into an outflow of that love to others in a bond of unity and peace, and such is manifested in life who is walking in spirit and truth.
In this passage, which was written to instruct Church leaders on godly conduct, we discover that the mystery of godliness is connected with 1) faith in Christ and 2) a spiritual walk.
Paul had been instructing Church deacons and other Christian leaders on godly conduct, personal purity, and spiritual living, and his teaching culminated in the fact that every area of a believer's behaviour should be in harmony with gospel teaching and founded on biblical truth.
Only the spiritual believer can demonstrate the beauty of Christ's life shining through them.
And in this passage, Paul clearly links spiritual conduct and godly behaviour with sound doctrine and a firm faith that is securely established on the unchangeable biblical truths of the unchanging Word of God.
The mystery of godliness, where the resurrected life of Christ is manifested in the life of godly leaders and spiritual believers, will always stand secure on the glorious truths of the death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and glorification of Jesus Christ.
Paul equates correct doctrine and godly behaviour as two vital components in the life of all Christian leaders and spiritual believers.
Godliness is not something that we conjure up ourselves. Godliness is the spiritual fruit of a life that is lived in willing submission to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
He also warned them to be on their spiritual guard, for false teachers and doctrines of demons were aggressively infiltrating the Body of Christ in those early days of the Church, just as they are today in these final days of the dispensation of grace.
The pre-Cross doctrine must stand in contrast with the post-Cross teachings and literal passages must not be twisted into spiritual passages, and vice versa.
Sadly, they had reverted to spiritual infancy and were defiling their bodies.
He was encouraging us to behave as ambassadors of Christ and to shun any relationship that could draw us into spiritual defilement or tarnish our testimony.
He was warning us against worldly alliances that have a negative impact on our Christian walk and engaging in friendships that drag us away from God, into spiritual impurity.
The Corinthian Church is a good example of saints of God who neglected the truth, opened their heart to false teaching, and were not diligent in their spiritual growth or maturity in the faith.
He is exhorting brothers and sisters in Christ to stand fast in the spiritual journey and abide in Christ.
Paul gives additional detail about this coming Bema-seat judgement of believers, where rewards will be handed out to those that lived spiritual lives... while carnal believers who lived for self and not for Christ, will suffer loss.
Throughout his writings, the apostle Paul emphasises the importance of Christians living together in spiritual unity and godly harmony.
Paul knew that his joy would be complete if all who had received his instructions were to live their lives as outlined in so many of his epistles, in spiritual unity and godly harmony.
IF any affection and compassion from our Father (and there is), then we are exhorted to live in spiritual unity and godly harmony with one another.
Paul emphasises the importance of Christians living together in spiritual unity and godly harmony, and of the eternal benefits that we derive from our salvation by grace through faith in Christ.
Israel was used to demonstrate that our actions and attitudes play an important role in our spiritual walk, but like Israel's relationship with God, our position in Christ in no way permits Church-age believers to sin with impunity.
In this passage, Paul is warning against becoming complacent in our Christian walk of being over-confident that we are exempt from falling into sin, or of not recognising the spiritual dangers and consequences of sinning, simply because we have been saved.
Although there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord, and although there is no sin that cannot be forgiven, we must be acutely aware that any one of us may be tempted to fall into sin - and should we become over-confident in our spiritual walk, the danger of falling into sin is significantly increased.
Starting with Abraham whose faith was reckoned as righteousness, Paul begins to expound God's sovereign choice of Isaac over Ishmael, and Jacob over Esau, and explains the difference between the spiritual seed of Abraham and the natural descendents of these great patriarchs.
We need to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith or if our itching ears and lustful leanings are being enticed into the camps of heresy and apostasy (spiritual adultery).
Because of their foolish arguments and mindless quarrelling, these Corinthian brethren were not growing in spiritual stature.
They were not being conformed daily into the image and likeness of Christ, but were regressing into spiritual infancy, due to their fleshly carnality.
Every born-again member of Christ's Body and their Christian leaders, should be united in heart and manifesting the fruit of the spirit in their lives for the glory of God, and each one should be using their spiritual gifts for the benefit of the whole Body of Christ.
We are called to wake from any spiritual slumber, for now our salvation draws ever closer. Christ is coming to take us to be with Himself and the time is getting nearer.
During the times of Paul's ministry, he was encouraging the people of God to wake up from their spiritual slumber.
We have been given the blessed hope of His imminent return, and we are to establish it anew in our hearts, every moment of every day. Throughout our Christian life, our focus should always be on Christ, but as the time for His return draws ever closer we are exhorted to WAKE UP, from our spiritual sleep, and remember that our salvation... i.e.
Let us joyfully embrace these revitalising words of Paul and rouse ourselves from any spiritual slumber, into which we may have drifted.
Because we are His children and chosen by God, we are members of His family and will be part of that great Body of believers who will hear the trumpet sound and be raised incorruptible as the first-fruit of the harvest of souls that have a spiritual inheritance, which is kept for us in heaven.
James also wanted to explain that our personal trials are a test of our faith and the daily difficulties we face in life help to develop our Christian character and mature our spiritual walk.
We can seek to battle through in our own strength, wondering if God really cares as the pressure increases until we finally give-up, or we can remember that God is in control, we can rejoice in the Lord and consider it pure joy, recognising it as one of the various trials which God will use to fine-tune our faith, increase our dependence upon Him, develop our Christian character, and bring us closer to spiritual maturity.
We are living stones that are being built-up into a spiritual house.
We are the Body of Christ and we have become a holy priesthood and ministers of reconciliation, and we are to offer ourselves to God as a spiritual sacrifice, holy and acceptable to Him, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
It reminds us that we should not put off important spiritual duties, and that there are consequences when we fail to do what is right in God's eyes.
During his imprisonment in Rome, Paul penned the epistles to churches at Ephesus, Philippi, and Colossae, and he also wrote a beautiful personal letter to his friend Philemon. All of these writings have become an incredible source of blessing and spiritual instruction to centuries of Christians.
However, the incorruptible, spiritual Seed is the living Word of God.
Similarly, as the born-again, spiritual seed of the living, eternal Word of God, we are being conformed into the image of Christ and will be transformed into His very likeness, for He is the living Word of God - and when we see Him, we will be like Him for we shall see Him as He is.
The one who reverences the Lord is a wise man indeed, for wisdom and prudence are rooted in godly fear and the one who worships the Lord in the beauty of holiness is he or she who discovers spiritual knowledge and godly discretion, which is beyond the limited understanding of the natural man.
May we trust the Lord with all our heart and not rely on our own understanding but rather pursue after godly wisdom which is found in Christ alone so that we may be wise in our judgement, prudent in our behaviour, and show forth spiritual understanding and godly discretion, not only in what we say and do but in all that we are, to His praise and glory.
Purity, understanding, patience, kindness, sincerity, and love are just some of the spiritual fruit that are likely to blossom in the life of a believer who suffers such hardships for righteousness' sake.
Paul also knew that spiritual wickedness in high places would seek to disrupt his important ministry, but as a soldier of Christ, he relied on the weapons of righteousness which the Lord Himself provides: the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
It is after this glorious song of victory that highly exalts the Lord God of Israel, that we follow them setting out on their journey towards Sinai, where each step they take is filled with spiritual lessons for every child of God in every dispensation.
They lacked spiritual stamina and failed to recognise God as their Provider and Healer, their Almighty God and gracious Saviour.
Disciples are those that are enabled, by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, to produce spiritual fruit like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This fruit is only produced through a life of obedience, a life that abides in Christ, a life where Christ is permitted to abide in us.
As Paul prepared to leave this world, his deep desire was to ensure that believers like his spiritual son, Timothy, were properly equipped to face the influx of false teachers and demonic doctrines that were flooding the churches.
Their desire may be to be more spiritual, like Eve, but too often, the reality is that they are easily deceived by the enemy of their soul, when they do not know the Word of truth - or when they add to the text, change its meaning, or read into the Scriptures what their itching ears and frivolous imaginations delight to hear.
It is not that such women are brainless, but that they lack strength of character, wisdom, and spiritual discernment.
Both fleshly carnality and spiritual immaturity can feed into this state of affairs, where the hearts and minds of spiritually weak men, women, and young people can be led away from the truth by their own various carnal influences, instead of standing firm on the Word of God.
When a Christian reverts from grace to law, their spiritual growth and the sanctification process is hindered and halted.
Instead of progressing into Christian maturity, they revert back into spiritual infancy, resisting, grieving, and even quenching the Spirit's work in their lives.
He is the Precious Cornerstone being laid in Zion, upon Whom God's spiritual House is founded.
He suffered at the hands of wicked men so that we could be clothed in His righteousness, drink of His spiritual milk, and be fed on the Bread of Life, by faith in Him.
May we, who have tasted of His loving kindness and great mercy, come to our rejected Lord, willing to be rejected by the world for His name's sake, for we are members of His Body and living stones who are being built into a spiritual Temple for His names sake.
Spiritual regeneration, the baptism of the Spirit, His sealing of believers, and the Holy Spirit's indwelling ministry in the Body of Christ, takes place only once in the life of a believer; at his or her salvation.
The Spirit's 'experiential' work is where He comforts and convicts, He intercedes and teaches, He fills us, bestows on us spiritual gifts, and He guards and guides us into all truth.
He comforts and corrects us and bestows spiritual gifts on each child of God and He causes spiritual fruit to bud and blossom in the life of those that are walking in spirit and truth.
The battles that we fight in this post-Cross dispensation, may not be fought with the same slings and swords that Joshua's army used to conquer so many Canaanite cities - for in this Church age, we are in a spiritual battle which requires spiritual armour.
We are fighting against spiritual wickedness in high places.
The 'heavenly people' are to engage in a spiritual war to demolish spiritual strongholds in high places so that God's 'earthly people' may receive the earthly inheritance promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Israel.
Every member of Christ's Body is endowed with a variety of spiritual gifts.
Every believer has his own individual spiritual gifts, so that each is enabled to function in the way that God has chosen.
The Holy Spirit is the Giver of spiritual gifts and graces.
Every member of Christ's Body is gifted in a unique way, and each is expected to use their spiritual gifts to function in the Church so that the whole Body is edified, built up, and works together in godly harmony.
Oh, not all pre-salvation customs and activities are wrong, but Paul gave a clear, identifying mark, of the spiritual man or woman, who was growing in grace as opposed to the unbeliever.
Before their salvation, the Corinthians believers had been led astray by mute idols of wood and stone, that neither spoke nor lived, but despite being born from above, there were some deep concerns about the lack of spiritual growth among these believers.
They were all well-endowed with spiritual gifts, but most of them were far from being spiritual men and women.
We read that Paul thanked God for the grace of God which had been given to each one, and for their testimony of Christ - so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift, and are eagerly awaiting the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ, but he did have to address some problems within the congregation.
They had been endowed with certain gifts of the Spirit, but they were not spiritual.
They often used their spiritual gifts for self-gratification but were not being led by the Holy Spirit.
There were times when the ungodly behaviour, incessant arguments, and sexual promiscuity of certain Corinthians believers resembled that of their unbelieving, pagan neighbours, causing Paul to chasten them sharply and accuse them of fleshly carnality, and stunted spiritual growth.
Because of this lack in their spiritual development, these believers were prey to false teachers and unbiblical doctrines.
Because of their lack of spiritual discernment, they were vulnerable to apostate teachers.
Like the Corinthian Christians, we need to be awake, alert, and able to discern which men or women who are truly spiritual people, as opposed to the one that displays a false spirituality... with a magnetic personality that promotes self, rather than our God and Saviour - Jesus Christ.
Once we understand our inability to obey God's commands and admit our spiritual bankruptcy, we are in a position to admit that we are sinners in need of a Saviour.
Prayer and praise are two vital elements in the Christian life, and yet they are perhaps the two essential components of a believer's spiritual walk that are most frequently lacking.
Similarly, the poor man must never lose sight of the truth that God had given us everything we need for life and godliness and that in Christ we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing: For greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.
It was designed to be a time of spiritual refreshment and a sign-post to a future day of rest, when God would wipe away all tears from their eyes and set up His earthly kingdom of peace and prosperity, where every man would sit under his own vine.
Israel was given the Sabbath day for their physical benefit and spiritual refreshment, but the legalists of the day had twisted it to become diametrically opposite of God's original purpose for mankind.
In Acts chapter 2, Peter gave a second sermon at Solomon's Portico, where he quoted from the prophecy of Joel and the writings of David, to show that the spiritual gifts poured out at Pentecost and the prophetic words of many Old Testament saints, had been fulfilled in Christ and were being fulfilled in their very midst.
When the godly attribute of mercy or any other spiritual characteristic is manifest in a life, it is through the enabling power of the indwelling Holy Spirit in the life of a believer who has died to self and has submitted their life to the Spirit's leading and guidance - so that the beauty of Christ may be seen within.
And when a man or woman elevates earthly possessions above their heavenly investments, they become shackled to the temporal things of this world, rather than being liberated by the spiritual gifts and eternal enrichment that their heavenly reward provides.
It is as we submit our lives to the Spirit and seek after the things of God that our spiritual store-house starts to be filled.
Jesus Christ is not only our spiritual inheritance, but He is also our everlasting treasure and eternal reward.
He was a man whose spiritual walk eclipsed that of many other Christians, because he sought to carry out the will and work of God before his own preferences and desires.
But in this verse we find Paul contrasting Timothy with less-spiritual Christians, who seek after their own interests, and not those of Christ Jesus.
How easy it is to become engulfed in our own personal affairs and allow a tsunami of problems to overtake our spiritual walk.
This aged apostle determined to remind us about the truth of the glorious gospel of grace and of our responsibility to mature in our spiritual walk and to be firmly grounded on the Word of truth.
Let us take to heart these words of wisdom and Peter's important reminder to establish ourselves in the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ and not to neglect our Christian growth or spiritual maturity.
Paul wanted to pass on some valuable instructions to Timothy on leadership within the Church, together with some important principles on interpersonal relationships and some wise advice on spiritual discipline.
And Paul wanted to impress upon Timothy, that developing spiritual self-discipline within this ungodly culture, is of far greater importance than excelling in the physical self-discipline which the Greeks valued so greatly.
While there are certain similarities between physical and spiritual development, like discipline and endurance, the earthy tribute is a crown that quickly fades.
It seeks to prevent these believers from becoming captive to false teachings or duped by deceptive philosophies, while encouraging them to develop an inner, spiritual, and sacrificial life in Him.
We are NOT holding fast to our living Head and are stunted in our spiritual growth.
The plain truth is that none of us deserve any blessings from the Lord, but in His goodness and grace He has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places and given us all we need for life and godliness; and it is all by His grace through our faith in Christ, Who is our life.
But she who desires to be holy and virtuous, gracious and good, can only achieve this spiritual fruit through the power of the indwelling life of Christ.
Together, we are being built up into a spiritual temple, in Whom the Holy Spirit of God resides.
The astonishing and wonderful truth is that WE who have trusted in His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, are His spiritual household and ministers of His New and better Covenant.
Today is the day that we are to live our life as unto the Lord and to produce spiritual fruit which will verify that we are truly members of His holy household, and citizens of heaven.
They witnessed the incarnate Son of God exercise His power and authority to forgive sins, and no doubt came to a much deeper spiritual understanding of the significance of WHO the Lord Jesus was.
Having laid out the most comprehensive presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Paul finally reaches his joyful conclusion with the most astonishing promise and wonderful truth that is given to all who believe - that nothing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord - nothing visible or invisible, nothing in the physical realm or the spiritual sphere, nothing in the heavens above, the earth beneath, or in the waters under the earth can separate us from God's gracious and everlasting love.
Some foolishly suggest that we can lose our salvation, by disengaging ourselves from our Father's hands and stepping away from our position in Christ - but the Bible makes it very clear that nothing - absolutely nothing, created in the mortal realm or spiritual sphere... including ourselves, can separate us from God's love for His blood-bought children.
May we meditate on the Word of God, day and night, and systematically study the Scriptures and apply it in our lives - to show ourselves approved unto the Lord so that we may prosper in our spiritual walk, grow in the grace of God, mature in our Christian faith, and become instruments that the Lord may be willing to use for His greater glory.
As members of the Body of Christ, we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing.
Let us take to heart this exhortation to rejoice in our suffering, for as members of the Body of Christ, we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing - not only in this world, but in the ages to come - praise His holy name.
The wages of sin is death: spiritual death, physical death, and the agonizing fear of death that stalks the heart of humankind.
The eternal Son of God took on mortal flesh and shared in our earthly, physical frame so that the God-rejecting, sin-soaked race of fallen humanity could be redeemed from the shocking, inescapable, and eternal consequences of sin (spiritual death, physical death, the fear of death, eternal separation from the Father, and the righteous condemnation of a holy God).
Paul was deeply concerned for the spiritual wellbeing of all who trusted Christ for salvation.
His first epistle to the Thessalonians included important information for their ongoing, spiritual development.
He had recently received an encouraging report about these believers through Timothy, who brought good news about their developing faith and the spiritual fruit of love they were now bearing.
And so we read that Paul praised God for their spiritual development.
However, there is always room for spiritual improvement and so Paul ached to see them again, in order to further strengthen their trust in Christ, develop their spiritual understanding, and enlarge their devotion to God even more.
He would come to heal the nation from their spiritual sickness, awake them from their spiritual slumber and remove the blinkers from their spiritual blindness... for He said to them, If you will give earnest heed to the voice of the LORD your God, and do what is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I, the LORD, am your Healer.
But the incomprehensible truth of Jehovah-Rapha, is that His healing touch also spans the eternal sphere and the spiritual realm.
We have been delivered from the wrath to come, are no longer under condemnation, have been given every spiritual blessing, and are a partaker of His promise in Christ by faith in the gospel.
Despite their murmurings against both the Lord and himself, Moses had deep, spiritual concern for God's chosen people which caused him to plead with the Lord for His goodness and grace, His guidance and direction.
Let us in everything, by prayer and supplication, with humble thanksgiving of heart, praise our heavenly Father Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ... in Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, according to the riches of His grace.
Sometimes inexperienced leaders, timid elders, overbearing brethren, or misguided Christians, can cause great damage when attempting to reprove a fellow believer, due to legalistic leanings, incorrect doctrine, dogmatism, or lack of spiritual understanding.
But spiritual blindness, the hypocrisy of their leaders, and disobedience to God's written Word, would result in Christ's rejection by the nation He love, and a gracious invitation being extended to all who would hear His Word and accept His free gift of salvation, both Jew and Gentile alike.
Israel's spiritual history is chronicled in these three parables, where rejection of their Messiah is the catalyst that brings Gentiles into the privileged position of becoming a peculiar people and part of a holy nation.
And this time will continue until the fullness of the Gentiles comes in and the spiritual blindness of Israel will be lifted.
As we mature in the faith and progress in our spiritual walk, we should reflect on the enormous sacrifice that the Lord Jesus Christ made for us on the Cross.
As believers who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, we are encouraged to develop an attitude of grateful praise and ceaseless thanksgiving to our Father in heaven, for a man's spiritual maturity is reflected in a heart of thanksgiving and praise for all that the Lord has done for us.
John also records: It is finished, that great cry of victory when Satan, sin, death, and hell had been forever defeated, after Jesus had endured 3 hours of the most intense physical suffering, followed by three more hours of the most terrifying time, when He underwent spiritual separation from His Father and the Holy Spirit (i.e.
Paul warned us that all who live godly will suffer persecution, while James adds that we should embrace our various trials with joy, knowing that the testing of our faith produces patient endurance which will bring us into spiritual maturity and Christian completeness.
During Israel's long spiritual decline, the commands of God had been set aside, and for the last twenty years of king Saul's reign, the ark had been all but forgotten and remained tucked away, quietly waiting for its eventual restoration in the little home of Abinadab.
He understood the value of prayers and intercession for those in political and spiritual leadership, and encouraged Timothy to regularly pray for all in authority.
Paul began this passage encouraging spiritual believers to pray for ALL men, and in this verse we come to a deeper understanding of the compassionate heart of our gracious God Who does not want any of His creation to perish.
He longs for both the unsaved to repent and turn away from their sin by looking to Jesus and trusting in Him, and desires those who are already justified, to grow in grace, live godly lives, and turn away from anything that might stunt their spiritual growth: God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Paul was Timothy's spiritual adviser and here we find him solemnly charging Timothy in the most sombre terms to contend earnestly for the faith, to boldly preach the Word of God, and to teach the gospel of grace that was given directly to Paul from the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself.
This biased company could not accept that Christ's wisdom was from God, and did not applaud Him for His stunning spiritual understanding, nor did they wonder how He carried out the mighty miracles He performed.
Paul was deeply concerned for the spiritual well-being of all people.
But he also knew that after his departure savage wolves would enter the Church and not spare God's little flock, and so he encouraged the elders in Ephesus (just as he urges church-leaders today), to stand firm in the faith, to guard their spiritual well-being, to care for God's people, and to feed the flock of God.
Let us pray for those that are overseers in local churches and shepherds in the Body of Christ today, that each one may take to heart this important command to be on their guard for their own spiritual well-being, and to take responsibility for protecting all the flock of God with sound doctrine and a disciplined life.
Adam was made in the image and likeness of the immortal, invisible God and given some spiritual attributes of his eternal Creator.
Not only would all who believe in Christ be identified with the death of Christ for the forgiveness of sins, but they would also be identified with His resurrected life and become part of a new creation, with Christ as the federal Head of this new spiritual creation.
Just as we were born into the old creation through natural means: conception and a physical birth into the old creation in Adam (where we all inherit an old sin nature and are estranged from God), so too by faith we are born again into a NEW creation by SPIRITUAL means and returned into fellowship with God.
By faith, we are born from above into the heavenly, spiritual sphere, through the power of the Holy Spirit of God, thus becoming a fully fledged citizen of heaven.
And so Paul uses three relational connections as examples of how to walk in spirit and truth, and in wisdom and grace - so that our actions and attitudes render a service to the Lord, honour His name, and demonstrate the godly walk of a spiritual believer.
is the question that is asked in Proverbs, but the wife that seeks to carry out these godly instructions in spirit and truth is giving true, spiritual service to the Lord.
When she submits to her own husband as the Bible commands, her submission is a spiritual act as unto the Lord, which brings great honour to our Heavenly Father and becomes a catalyst that brings godly harmony to her marriage.
It was for this reason that Paul visited Jerusalem, where he spoke to the spiritual leaders of the Church about the gospel of grace - knowing that the message he taught was given to him by divine revelation.
Paul had never been to Colossae, but had received favourable reports from Epaphras, his faithful brother in Christ, of the spiritual condition of this little band of believers.
Paul's prayer was a prayer of thanks and rejoicing for their faith, hope, and love, and it was a request to their Heavenly Father that they might be filled with the knowledge of God's will in all wisdom, grace and spiritual understanding.
Paul prayed that they might be granted wisdom and godly discernment in every spiritual matter.
But there was a reason that Paul fervently prayed for spiritual understanding and godly wisdom.
Not only was the content and subject matter of Paul's prayer for these saints so significant (where he earnestly prayed for their spiritual wisdom, godly discernment, fruitful lives, and a deepening intimacy with the Lord), but he demonstrated that earnest and frequent prayer for all the Body of Christ should be our own joyful priority.
We are to speak and shout to one another and join together in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing praise to God and making melody to Him in our hearts, with thanksgiving.
Man did not begin in ignorance of the true and living God and evolve into a spiritual creature that designed a deity to satisfy his own imagination or fulfil an inner need: For ever since the creation of the world God's invisible nature and attributes, together with His eternal power and divinity, were made intelligible and clearly discernible in and through the things that have been made and by the works of His hands.
Uniting as one in joyful psalms of rejoicing, and lifting up our voices together in spiritual songs and harmonious hymns of praise, is the exciting theme that threads its way throughout the entire Bible, but is very evident in this well-loved Psalm which calls for people of every nation to: Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
In the New Testament, Paul exhorts all Christians at Ephesus: Speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord.
He also instructs the Colossian believers (and us) to: Let the Word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom and teaching, admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual song,.
They were yet to discover that we were to be engaged in a spiritual warfare that was to be fought in the heavenly realm in the power of the resurrected Christ.
A critical moment had arrived when the Lord Jesus started to set aside His temporal, earthly ties in order to develop an eternal, spiritual bond with all who would believe on His name.
In many ways, those who go through prolonged and intense difficulties in life can empathise with Job's distress, but unlike him we have a peep behind the heavenly scenes and a real understanding of the spiritual war that is raging in the heavenly places.
Unlike Job, we have an opportunity to participate in the spiritual battle against the enemy of our soul, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against great principalities and mighty powers.
We are fighting the rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places.
On occasions, he feared for his life... and at other times he was concerned for spiritual growth within the Body of Christ for whom he laboured so tirelessly.
The consolation and 'salvation' in this verse is in connection with the Christian's sanctification process... in which we are given spiritual strength and godly help to press forward to the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Just as the sufferings of Christ brought salvation (justification) and comfort to those who believe - so too the suffering and pain that we endure for the sake of righteousness, will be beneficial for the sanctification and comfort of others in their spiritual growth.
It will have a 'knock-on' effect... so that the comfort we receive from the Lord will pour forth godly comfort and encouragement to others - which will have an impact on their Christian growth and spiritual well-being.
Paul understood that the comfort he shared with others would help to advance their spiritual growth and develop in them, patient endurance and other godly characteristics, to the glory of God.
However, spiritual works that are carried out in the power of the Holy Spirit will render heavenly rewards of gold, silver, or precious stones, to His praise and His glory.
Christ was: Put to death in the fleshly realm, when He shed His blood on the Cross for you and me, but He was quickened by the Holy Spirit and: Made alive in the spiritual realm, with a body of flesh and bone so that we too might have newness of life in the spiritual realm, forever.
Those promoting deep philosophical principles can appear to be highly enlightened, those stimulated by mysticism and asceticism can give an appearance of being exceedingly spiritual, and those enmeshed in religious rituals and self-denial can come across as pious and devout individuals.
Attempts to be 'spiritual' through some form of human reasoning or self-abasement will inevitably fail.
In this verse, Matthew uses the physical eyes to teach a lesson about spiritual sight.
He describes the human eye as the lamp of the body. It is through the physical eye that a man's pathway is lit and through the spiritual eye of faith that truth is seen.
As His children who have been saved by grace through faith, our spiritual eyes are open.
In this verse, Christ is teaching that those who believe in Him will receive spiritual illumination, while those that reject Him will remain spiritually blind, estranged from God, and blanketed in ungodly blackness.
How important, therefore, to keep our spiritual eyes clean and clear as we look away from that which is evil and worldly and focus our eyes on Jesus Who is our singular source of light and our sufficiency in life.
Indeed, it contains valuable information and important instructions on living the Christian life and growing in spiritual stature, to the glory of God.
The grace of God is beautifully demonstrated in the life and witness of Paul, for this blasphemous, murderous, pharisaical Jew was arrested in his forward march of spiritual blindness and eternal damnation into a position where he was commissioned by God to be His personal representative on earth so that many might be saved from the wrath of God, by grace through faith.
Now as his life draws to its close, Paul is reminding his spiritual son, Timothy, of the key elements in his teaching that are so vital to sound spiritual growth and development.
Because Christ is our Commander-in-Chief, we are encouraged to be obedient to our calling and are expected to face hardships with the same discipline as that of a military man - for we do not fight again flesh and blood, but against spiritual principalities and powers in heavenly places.
Israel's failure to enter God's rest is a cautionary tale which warns Christians not to follow their example of unbelief: Redeemed but living a defeated life on earth; Saved, but forfeiting all that God planned to do in us and through us during our journey in life; Saved from eternal death by faith in Christ, but living a defeated Christian life and forfeiting our spiritual inheritance.
The warning of this cautionary tale is that we do not to lose faith in the precious promises of God, for He has promised that His grace is sufficient in every difficult circumstance of life, and no matter what 'giants' we may encounter as we journey through life, we have His assurance of a victorious life with spiritual blessings - and rest for our soul.
While Jesus won the victory over Satan at the Cross, God in His grace is using the Church - which is the Body of Christ on earth today, to carry forward His plans and purposes, through spiritual warfare - for the weapons of our warfare are not physical, but spiritual.
Every one of the seven Churches in Revelation were instructed to listen... and pay close attention to ALL that the risen, ascended, glorified Lord Jesus had to say to ALL the Churches. Each Church was given some important information, which is vital to our individual spiritual growth and our collective Christian witness.
Some years earlier, Paul had written extensively to this same Church to rejoice in their divine election, their adoption into the family of God, the privileges of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and the spiritual blessings that have been poured out in such abundance on all who have trusted Christ for salvation.
May we quickly recognise any spiritual lack in our own lives and repent - and to return into sweet fellowship with our Father in heaven.
Although he prophesies of God's wrath and judgement against Israel and Judah for their idolatry and laments the sorry state of the nation's spiritual condition, Micah also promises restoration for the faithful remnant of Israel in the end times.
Similarly, the new spiritual life we received at rebirth lusts against the ungodly, legalistic propensities of the old sin nature, for fleshly pursuits and legalistic practices are incompatible with a spiritual walk where one is led by the Spirit of God.
We are engaged in a spiritual war, and in order to gain an inner victory of the soul during our earthly walk, we are to abstain from fleshly lusts and carnal desires which war against the soul.
They would receive mercy and grace in time of need, and be granted God's gracious healing and spiritual wholeness: Then your light will break out like the first rays of dawn, were Isaiah's words of comfort to this little, faithful remnant:Your recovery will speedily spring forth and your righteousness will go before you.
This little, believing remnant of Israel, were not only promised spiritual renewal and restoration but also: The glory of the LORD would be their rear guard.
The spiritual growth and maturity of these believers, who were living in the hub of the Roman empire, was a tremendous testimony to their spiritual growth, which caused Paul's heart to rejoice over them with great joy.
Paul not only wanted to enjoy mutual fellowship and encouragement with these fellow-believers in Rome, but he also wanted to develop their spiritual understanding and establish them, even more in the faith.
Paul also uses many metaphors and similes in his teaching, and in this section he shows how things that appear permanent in this world are passing and will fade away, while spiritual things which are unseen and indefinable are secure, permanent, and everlasting.
Water baptism (though not essential for salvation), is a beautiful outward expression that is carried out in our physical body, which demonstrates the precious, inward, spiritual change when by grace through faith we died to the old self and were raised into newness of life, in Christ.
Although water baptism is not a necessary requirement for salvation, it appears that Paul could be using this outward demonstration of immersion to reinforce the splendour and glory of our spiritual baptism into Christ.
This spiritual baptism means that the new believer has passed from death to life, has been brought into a totally new, yet severed relationship with sin, and placed into a totally new and eternal union with Christ.
He did not hold back from anything that would benefit the spiritual growth and well-being of this little group of faithful believers, whom he hurriedly met on His journey to Jerusalem.
Paul knew that pre-occupation with such things was detrimental to a believer's spiritual growth and could easily act as a trap which could trip up a spiritual believer in their Christian walk.
Paul knew that disputes over unclean food, Sabbath regulations, observing feasts, and other holy observances, together with debating about genealogies and other Mosaic practices, were a hindrance to spiritual growth, and unprofitable for the man or woman of God.
No matter what the temperature of our own spiritual walk, we would all do well to consider some of the serious accusations the Lord Jesus uttered to these lukewarm Christians. I know your deeds.
As born-again children of God, we are set apart as a spiritual kingdom and have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, for we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a people for His own possession - that we may proclaim the excellencies of Him Who has called us out of darkness into His marvellous light.
As royal priests we are His heavenly people, sanctified unto God to offer our souls and bodies to be a spiritual and living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God.
One further admonition is to be diligent in the correct and wise use of our spiritual gifts.
Christians are given spiritual gifts to fulfil a special function within the Body of Christ.
Each member receives at least one spiritual gift, and Peter calls us to be good stewards of all we receive from the Lord.
But we are called to test the spirits to see if they are of God and the spiritual gifts we receive from the Lord must be used correctly and administered according to Biblical principles, for we can dishonour the Lord and discredit our testimony if they are administered selfishly, incorrectly, or inappropriately.
The inflow of our spiritual giftings from God should result in a beneficial outflow of His grace to others.
Spiritual pride had become pervasive as each boasted of the merits of their favoured apostle or preferred teacher, not recognising that such attitudes and actions demonstrated their foolish carnality, fleshly worldliness, and lack of true spirituality.
But if we face the tests and trials of life with a godly attitude and a heart that trusts God's Word, it will move us towards spiritual maturity and develop a heart that remains humble before the Lord.
How important for us to use the time we have on earth wisely and to set our mind on things above, for the riches of the wealthy are destined to evaporate like the morning mist, but that which is of true spiritual value has eternal worth and will never pass away.
Water baptism is a beautiful outward illustration of the supernatural spiritual baptism, (the inward change of heart when a man or woman has trusted in Christ for salvation).
Whether talking about our spiritual baptism into the Body of Christ by faith, or our water baptism as the outward sign of our trust in Christ's finished work as Saviour - we can say, with all other members of the Body of Christ, I have been crucified with Christ and buried with Him in baptism, through faith in God.
The spiritual nature of our salvation, where we are baptised into the Body of Christ by faith, is outwardly demonstrated when we go to the waters of baptism.
And Paul used the history of the Jews to explain some important spiritual truths, that are relevant to all believers - past, present, and future.
He explained the spiritual significance of Israel's escape from Egypt, and the wonderful things that took place when they trusted God and obeyed His commands.
Paul tells us that ALL who were redeemed from Egypt ate of the manna - the supernatural food that God provided for them, and it represented Jesus - Who is our true, Spiritual Food... they ALL ate the same spiritual food and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them - and the rock was Christ.
He was the true spiritual food and the true spiritual drink for their soul - and for ours too.
Just as we remember Him as the Living Bread and Water of Life, so the spiritual sustenance Israel received in the wilderness represented Jesus, including the Water that flowed from the Rock and the Manna that came down from heaven.
Paul reminded the Corinthians that ALL who escaped from Egypt ate the same spiritual food.
They ALL drank of the same spiritual drink.
The spiritual food that came down from heaven represented Israel's coming Royal-Priest!.
Every individual was saved by grace through faith in God's Word... and so they were ALL fed with the same, supernatural, spiritual food.
How sad that these redeemed people fell into sin, idolatry, apathy, carnality, and rebellion and how important that Christians learn from Israel's failure, and do not end up as the redeemed of God, who remain in spiritual infancy, and live life, in utter defeat.
We ALL eat of the same spiritual food, and drink of the same living water of life.
This poor man was not only physically helpless and enslaved by his paralysis, but he also appeared to be blinded to the good news of the gospel of Christ and the spiritual salvation he had been offered.
We are required by God to conduct our lives with godly wisdom and spiritual understanding, but the most unruly evil, which is incapable of being subdued by self-effort or rigorous training, is the taming of the tongue.
Humility, grace, peace, and love are the precious spiritual fruit that should be evident in the life of all God's children who have gained wisdom and been given godly understanding.
But he also knew that spiritual growth is not automatic, for we must grow and mature in grace and in a knowledge of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Peter knew that the spiritual qualities of godly living are all rooted and grounded in a life that is saturated with the Word of God, totally submitted to His will, and passionately in love with their God and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Old Testament institutions were a mere copy, a small shadow, a temporary type, and inferior version of the higher, heavenly, spiritual, eternal reality.
His words and actions, decisions, temperament, and the very motives of his heart should honour the Lord Jesus and demonstrate godly consideration and concern for the spiritual well-being of others.
He was to tell others the wonderful truth that Christ died for our sin, was buried, rose from the dead, and is coming again, and he was to give instruction in spiritual growth and Christian living.
It is unlikely that Paul is here referring to the spiritual gift of 'evangelist' mentioned in Acts 6, but was reminding him that like ALL believers, he needed to faithfully fulfil whatever work God had prepared for him to do and to use every opportunity to share the good news of the gospel of Christ with those who are dead in their sin and on the path to eternal damnation.
However, veiling knowledge of the truth to unbelievers, through parabolic teachings, demonstrates the incredible grace of God - so that mans' sin will not be exacerbated, through their spiritual understanding.
The wonderful truths that Christ was sharing with his faithful followers, was that those who were open to spiritual truths, concerning salvation would receive abundantly.
They would mature spiritually and gain an even greater understanding of biblical truth, while those who reject the same spiritual reality, would end up in a worse spiritual condition, because even the superficial knowledge they may have gleaned, through gospel truths, will be taken from them - and they would remain spiritual paupers, and face eternal separation from God.
However, the shocking consequences of opposition to the Spirit's convicting work in the spiritual realm... where the persistent unbeliever is in danger of having their hearts hardened, is a grave warning to all, of the horrific consequences of rejecting the gospel of God.
However, they did not understand that salvation of their soul (in the spiritual, heavenly realm), had to precede the rescue of their nation from their bitter enemies (in the physical, earthly realm).
What we see with our physical eyes and experience through our five senses is generally sufficient evidence to make a statement of fact, about the material world in which we live... while faith is the absolute assurance that the God-breathed Scriptures are factually accurate, and provide us with tangible proof of the spiritual sphere and irrefutable evidence about the invisible realm.
It gives testimony of the spiritual sphere.
ot only as it related to the physical world, but to the spiritual realm as well.
He warned of the dangers they would face in the future and the need to develop a strong Christian character, moral excellence, spiritual wisdom, and self-control... all of which depend on the sufficient strength and grace which is provided for us in Christ alone.
Although it is sown in weakness, it will be raised in power - and although we live a natural body in this life, it will be raised a spiritual body.
Paul warns that because of their greed, these false teachers will exploit the flock of God with made-up stories, cunning arguments, and blatant lies, in order to line their own pockets at the spiritual expense of their congregation - but they will not go unpunished.
In reality, we should embrace them with a thankful heart, confidently expecting our Heavenly Father to use them for our spiritual benefit and for His eternal glory.
And Paul rejoiced with great joy when he remembered the Christians who had received the glorious gospel of grace, believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, and started their lifelong journey towards spiritual maturity and Christian understanding.
It must have been encouraging to know that despite being imprisoned in Rome for the sake of the gospel of Christ, he cared so deeply for each one of them... that he prayed faithfully for them and was deeply and genuinely concerned about their ongoing, spiritual welfare.Paul was the vessel God chose to take the good news of the gospel of grace to the Gentiles.
May we use every opportunity to gossip the Gospel, to encourage one another with hymns and prayers and spiritual conversation..
Christians are engaged in the battle of all battles: a spiritual war between good and evil, between the Lord God Almighty and His wicked adversary, that old serpent who is called the devil and Satan.
But he also referenced Lot who believed God's Word and yet failed to live the godly life that honours the Lord, and in so doing forfeited many spiritual blessings.
Only He can bring His work to its final conclusion when we will receive our glorified bodies, and only HE can continue the ongoing work of sanctification that brings a baby Christian to spiritual maturity. We are not required to do anything to get saved or remain saved..
He is the Author and Finisher of the good work He started in us, so that we all reach spiritual maturity.
We were not in a position to do anything to be justified or glorified in God's eyes, nor are we in a position to carry out the progressive work of sanctification, which is needed if we are to grow from Christian infancy to spiritual adulthood.
He can only produce spiritual fruit in us, as we abide in Him and walk in spirit and truth.
God will certainly perfect the good work He started in each of us - but may we live our lives in full cooperation with Him, as we present our bodies to Him as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to Him... so that we achieve spiritual maturity in this life, and in the ages to come, will receive our glorified bodies and rich rewards.
We are all so familiar with the armour of God as laid out in Ephesians 6... but no matter how much we learn about it, there is so much more to discover... for every piece of our spiritual armour points us to the Lord Jesus, the eternal Son of God - and every aspect of our holy covering is immeasurable.
Once we have been placed in Christ by grace through faith... and positionally sanctified and set apart unto Him, we are to continue in our day-to-day spiritual battle by participating in a progressing, practical, ongoing sanctification process.
The result in the lives of these Christians, was the production of much spiritual fruit.
It was because of their sincere faith in the gospel, their future hope in God's promises, the abundance of fruit being produced in their lives, and the deep love they had for one another, that Paul did not cease to pray for them and to ask that they might be filled with the knowledge of God's will, in all spiritual wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
Paul prayed that each believer would walk worthy before the Lord, be granted spiritual wisdom and insight, and develop a contented and thankful heart.
He teaches us all things, equips us in the spiritual realm, provides help, and gives us comfort, and He anoints us with His divine power and bestows on us spiritual gifts and graces.
No wonder John the Baptist rejoiced with exceeding great joy when he was given the privilege of preparing the way of the Lord, and being entrusted with spiritual truths that are now being manifested in the lives of all God's children.
Paul knew that godly wisdom and spiritual understanding have their root in the love of God and his prayer is as much for us today as it was for the Christians at Philippi.
If these Christians felt that they had missed the Rapture, because they had not been 'spiritual' enough, Paul removed their fears by telling them that he boasted to other churches about their exemplary spiritual growth and their patient endurance in the midst of the severe suffering which they were going through.
He examines spiritual growth, sound doctrine, the practice of righteousness, love, and obedience, and the importance of hiding God's Word in our heart, but he also warns us against the many influences of the world and our own fallen sin nature: For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.
All who believed in the death, burial, and Resurrection of Christ and obeyed His instruction to remain in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit was given, were filled with the Spirit and rewarded with spiritual gifts on that unique day, as Joel had prophesied.
He had been tested along the way, given a new name, and promised that his earthy seed would be as numerous as the sand on the seashore, and his spiritual seed..
Having matured in our faith and having grown in our spiritual walk, we should never forget what we have learned, nor should we turn away from the fount of all knowledge or leave our first love, Christ Jesus, our Lord.
He used examples from farming, the military, cooking, and even the popular athletic games, when describing the need for patient endurance, spiritual protection, self-control, and the need to grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
We need to give the little problems we encounter that seem so insignificant, as well as the great burdens that weigh us down, and we need to entrust Him with any physical, material, and emotional burdens, as well as our spiritual trials and testings.
Although it is the second shortest book in the Old Testament, Haggai is compacted with spiritual insights and gems of wisdom.
The Body of Christ, which is the Church, are Ministers of Reconciliation in this Church Dispensation, and today we function as Living Stones, that are being built up into a spiritual Temple.
May we be those that build up the body of Christ - for collectively, we are being built into a spiritual Temple for His greater glory.
On the contrary, God often permits sickness and suffering to display His glory in our lives, which frequently results in our spiritual growth and godly fruit.
Physical death is the point where we are transferred forever into the spiritual sphere, and the choices we made in life will be forever fixed and final.
When Christianity came to Antioch in those early days, it was an important landmark for the Church, because a great spiritual awakening took place in that pagan Gentile city.
Spiritually speaking, were 'in Him', when he was buried, and rose again from the dead, for we are His spiritual offspring.
But Christ, the only sinless Man, chose to pay the price of OUR sin through HIS death... so that ALL His spiritual offspring - all who believe in Him - all who are baptised into Him, would not have to die for our sin, but be identified with His perfect righteousness.
He CHOSE to be born as a perfect Man and live a sinless life, so that as His spiritual offspring - who might be born into this world thousands of years later, would be identified with His death - would be baptised into His DEATH.
Christ was RAISED through the glory of the Father, so that we, His spiritual children, might also live in newness of life, and not have to live by the letter of the law.
However, spiritual blindness prevented these religious leaders from recognising their own Messiah, and they foolishly blocked their ears to His redemptive message.
Christ's heavenly rule on earth will certainly be set up one day, but first He must smash Satan's rule on earth, topple every worldly government, and demolish all spiritual strongholds on earth.
Jesus was born into the human race without the curse of Adam's sin, for He was the eternal Son of God... and when He was born into the human race and became the sacrifice for sin, He became the federal head of a new spiritual creation.
It is only by faith in Him that can we be born from above, as His spiritual seed, become part of the new heavenly creation in Christ, and are promised positions in His coming earthly kingdom - when all His enemies will have been placed under His feet.
They are endangering their spiritual growth and encouraging spiritual regression by leaving their first love, falling into unbelief, disbelief, or discouragement.
This is a general exhortation for all believers to be faithful in attending their local church assembly, in order to participate in brotherly encouragement, strength, support, edification, spiritual nourishment, biblical teaching, and the joy of sharing fellowship with like-minded believers.
Let us do all we can to ensure that we do not forsake our assembling together as the Body of Christ, as is the habit of some believers, but rather let us take every opportunity to meet together with like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ for mutual strength, support, edification, and encouragement so that we can give and receive spiritual nourishment and sound biblical teaching together with like-minded believers.
There are times in the Bible when Abraham is a type of God the Father, but in this instance, he is representing spiritual Israel (believing Israel).
The author of Hebrews is demonstrating that Abraham and all his physical descendants and spiritual offspring, including Levi, Judah, Aaron, and those of us in this present dispensation, are lesser and subservient to the lovely Lord Jesus Christ; the righteous King-Priest and the antitype of Melchizedek, to Whom be all honour, glory, might, majesty, dominion, and power, forever and ever, amen.
God knew before the world was created that man would sin, and the wages of sin is death - spiritual death, physical death and eternal separation from their Creator.
Unsaved man is self-centred, self-deluded, self-important, and lacking spiritual discernment, and we should remember the depth of depravity in which we were once trapped, before God in His grace rescued us from the darkness of our deep despair and brought us into the light of the glorious gospel of grace.
We are to grow in grace through the nourishment of the Word of God and, as living stones, are to be built up into a holy nation, a spiritual house, and a holy priesthood that is honouring to God.
We are passing through a hostile environment and we have a spiritual enemy in the person of a Satan who comes as an angel of light, a slippery serpent, and a roaring lion to deceive the nations, while accusing and slandering the saints of God.
Paul prays that their love for God and their love towards each other might expand and overflow in all knowledge, discernment, and spiritual maturity.
His prayer was for the blossoming of an over-abounding love in each of their hearts and for the manifestation of deep spiritual discernment in each of their lives.
Paul did not pray a vague prayer of 'blessing' over the saints of God, but beseeched the Lord for their abounding love and spiritual maturity (for a specific purpose), so that in Christ, they would be afforded the wisdom to make the right choices in their lives and approve those things that are good and excellent in the sight of the Lord.
He spoke of the spiritual blessings in heavenly places that are ours in Him.
It is only at the point of the 'new-birth', when the Holy Spirit of Life breathes the resurrected life of Christ into a sinner saved by grace through faith, that the human spirit is revived and spiritual death is changed into spiritual life.
Without the new-life of Christ being breathed into the one that is dead in their sins, the entire life of that man is lived out with no capacity for spiritual things.
Sin was the cause of man's downfall, and spiritual death the result.
Sin was the root of our spiritual ruin, and separation from God is the bitter fruit of a man's disobedience.
And from its birth at Pentecost, the Church, which is His spiritual Body, has carried the witness of Christ crucified, buried, and Resurrected, to a sin-sick, dying world.
Though Peter may have left all to follow Jesus, watched in amazement as He saw Him transfigured at the top of the holy mount, and unashamedly proclaimed: Thou are the Christ the Son of the living God, he could not begin to understand the staggering spiritual significance of Christ's act of humility, when He laid aside His garments, girded Himself with a towel, and began to wash the disciples' feet.
For a time, neither he nor any of the disciples understood the spiritual significance of what they had witnessed, although afterwards things would be made plain.
And as the unveiling of God's plans and purposes continued to unfold before their eyes, they gained spiritual understanding and developed a deepening awareness of God perfect plans and purposes for humanity.
We may not understand the spiritual significance of all that is happening in our life and the lives of those we care about, but we can trust our Heavenly Father for He is still in control.
Many passages in the Word of God give a believer encouragement and reassurances, but they often come in the form of contrasts; sinners and the saved, death and life, darkness and light, carnal and spiritual, unbelief and trust.
Our God of grace and peace in Whom we trust, has promised us all temporal, spiritual, and eternal mercies.
Jesus marvelled at the simplicity and strength of this man's faith, for he expressed an understanding of Christ's authoritative word and exhibited an unprecedented awareness of His sovereignty in the spiritual sphere.
The ten virgins portray two types of waiting Jews 1) those that are spiritual and 2) those that are carnal.
It is followed by the parable of the faithful and foolish steward, which represents God's judgement of all Jews, (both spiritual and carnal), who survive this terrible time of Jacob's Trouble.
We have the choice to be a spiritual Christian or a carnal believer.
We can grow in grace as we abide in Christ, (and receive a reward) OR we can spend our Christian life in spiritual infancy as we ignore His Word and grieve the Holy Spirit, Who indwells us. (and suffer loss of reward at the judgement seat of Christ).
They were not only to stand firm on Paul's sound doctrinal teaching but were to advance in their spiritual growth and to avoid being influenced by convincing arguments which conflict with the Word of God.
We are to resist the idea that the externals of life contribute to our inner joy, godly contentment, spiritual growth, and His perfect peace in our heart.
And although Paul does not discourage us from making improvements in our external circumstances, his earnest plea is that we concentrate on our spiritual advancement, not growth in our financial bank-account or a long list of Facebook 'friends': For we were bought with a price, and our calling is to give honour to the One Who purchased us.
There are a number of ways that each one of us can examine our own spiritual lives, and perhaps the most important is the witness of the indwelling Holy Spirit with our born-again spirit, as we cry out to the Lord: Search me oh God and know my heart.
Before we were saved, we were estranged from God, but when we were saved by grace through faith in Christ, our sin was forgiven and we came into a living union with Him; a spiritual union which joins all believers to Christ our Saviour Who is the Head of the Body.
As believers, we are clothed with Christ, made One with Him, and united together as members of His spiritual Body, which is the Church.
This spiritual baptism only happens once at the point of salvation, but from that moment on, through time and into eternity, believers will never be out of union with Christ.
They were to enjoy full membership the same spiritual Body.
However, the spiritually hungry Gentiles heard the good news and spiritual revival broke out in their ranks, prompting the early Church leaders to agree on the fundamentals of the Christian faith, how it applied to both Jews and Gentiles, and what the foundational principles and practice were.
We are not to allow the world to squeeze us into its mould, but are to serve one another in love, through our spiritual giftings, and by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Timothy had not abandoned Paul, like so many other Christian colleagues, so the apostle used this opportunity to encourage the younger man to remain faithful to his calling, to fan into flame his spiritual gift, and never to be ashamed of the gospel he preached, for it is the power of God unto salvation to all who believe.
It is the thirsty, panting, weary soul, that in recognising their spiritual lack, is overwhelmed with a deep craving for God’s streams of living water.
And without the water of life, that streams into our hearts from above, and provides health and healing for the whole man, we too would be nothing more than a spiritual corpse that is left exposed and naked, with nowhere to hide.
He applauds their stand on adultery, idol worship, and other important moral issues, but then questions whether they adhered to their own exemplary teachings or whether they too could be charged with spiritual adultery and moral degradation.
In a world where satanic deception, doctrines of demons, and multitudes of false teachers, apostles, prophets, and priests seek to shipwreck the faith of Christians and render their lives fruitless, the inspired and inerrant Word of God is profitable for sound doctrine, godly correction, spiritual growth, and instruction in righteousness.
Only the God-breathed Bible is profitable for sound doctrine, godly correction, spiritual growth, and instruction in righteousness in order that the man or woman who has been saved by grace through faith, may be thoroughly equipped for every good work that God has prepared for them to do.
It is by grace that we are to live in humble dependence upon Christ so that we may be transformed from childhood to manhood, from spiritual immaturity to spiritual maturity.
Though circumcision was initially a physical mark that sealed the covenant promise between God and His people, it also became a spiritual requirement for all who would truly separate their hearts from yearning after the world, for in the Mosaic law the Israelites were also told to circumcise their hearts to demonstrate with their lives that they were in covenant union with God, by obeying His voice and renounce the evils of the world.
Those who are not credited with righteousness because of their lack of trust in the Almighty, are living in spiritual darkness because their soul is not right within themselves.
He knew that the reason for this painful period in Israel's problematic history, was due to the gross sin and spiritual adultery of God's chosen people.
While Hebrews 13 presents many ethical directives to Christians, this particular verse deals with spiritual virtue and sexual purity within marriage, for we read, marriage is to be held in honour among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.
It is not only resisting the physical acts of fornication and adultery about which the writer speaks, but also spiritual infidelity of the heart.
Just as the physical act between a husband and his wife, is a union of their two bodies becoming one, so the spiritual union of every believer with Christ, mirrors this same sacred intimacy, and spiritual purity within should be reflected in physical purity without.
Because physical impurity can often be reflected in a sexually transmitted disease of the body... it is sobering to realise that spiritual impurity is likely to be evident in the shipwrecked life of a carnally-minded believer.
How necessary that all believers guard against spiritual impurity, but especially in the hallowed institution of marriage... where physical union and spiritual intimacy is woven together in the marriage bed - representing the close affinity we all have with Jesus, our heavenly Bridegroom.
Jude would have liked to write about our wonderful salvation and encourage us in our spiritual growth, but he was led to write a short, sharp epistle condemning the depraved acts of the apostates who were infiltrating the Church.
But they expected to be saved from their physical, earthly rulers, who dominated them from Rome, and not to be offered salvation from their spiritual enslavement to sin and Satan, death, and hell.
Our adversary, the devil, roams about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, and there was much evidence of the enemy's meddlesome wiles in the lives of many of the Corinthian Christians - for he seemed to have infiltrated every area of their everyday lives and spiritual walks.
They backslid into spiritual infancy and engaged in the carnal ways of the world.
Paul had to chastise these Christians for their inappropriate behaviour and lack of spiritual growth, and his admonishment of their carnality can be traced throughout his first epistle to the Corinthians.
But in this second letter, we discover that these believers had repented of their worldly ways which enabled Paul to give some important spiritual teaching that would help their spiritual understanding and influence their spiritual growth, the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, Paul explained.
Our weapons not material weapons but are spiritual weapons.
Paul explained that in this Church age, we do not use conventional weapons of war - we do not use carnal weapons because we are in a spiritual battle and require spiritual weapons.
We are to use the spiritual weapons that God has proved for all his children.
In Christ, we have the sufficient grace and spiritual strength to bring down high-minded babblings that have been raised up against the knowledge of the truth - as we take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
What are the strongholds that our spiritual weapons can destroy through Christ Jesus our Lord?
The weapons of our divinely inspired, spiritual warfare... is the proclamation of the Word of God, together with a submissive heart and a bended knee.
Our power does not come from our own clever conversation or witty words, but is evidenced in the man or woman who lives in full dependence upon God... and relies on Him for His sufficient strength and godly wisdom - to guide them through life towards their spiritual home.
May we be ready to give an answer to every high-sounding argument that exalts itself against our heavenly King, for the hope we have in Christ - for He can break down every satanic stronghold and reclaim the spiritual high-ground with the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ the righteous.
They may be gifted, articulate, skilled and highly esteemed by the world but such a man is a fool in God's economy for he lacks spiritual wisdom and is devoid of godly insight.
We all need love in our lives, but true godly love is not something that we struggle to produce through our own fleshly efforts, but can only be produced in us as spiritual fruit as we abide in Christ and He in us.
We can say with assurance that He is the One Who delivers us from the snares of men and rescues us from every plague, both in the natural realm and in the spiritual sphere.
We are those who have placed our trust in God and discovered Him to be our strong Shield and great Defender, our secure Protection and spiritual Covering.
Each soul seeks some hidden wisdom or spiritual illumination that would bring in its wake light and life, salvation and peace, fulfilment, love, and hope.
How often we wish that we were like these spiritual heroes, and that our faith was as sure and strong as that great cloud of witnesses, who by God's grace, were saved by faith, lived by faith, gave honour to God, and found their way into the holy Scriptures.
We are told that these three, spiritual fruit of God’s amazing grace will continue and will remain and abide into the eternal state - faith, hope, and love.In this earthly life, faith must remain a high priority.
Paul accuses those that pervert the gospel of being proud and lacking spiritual understanding.
Too often dreams, visions, spiritual experiences, or the prophetic utterances of others, take precedence over the Word of truth, endangering the spiritual well-being of those who listen to them.
Indeed, we are exhorted to earnestly contend for the faith, and to beware... lest we be induced towards any false teaching, a counterfeit gospel, or twisted truths, which will play havoc with our Christian walk and spiritual growth.
Scripture must remain the benchmark for the practical outflow of godly living and spiritual maturity, and its purpose is to produce Christlikeness in all God's children, as we present our bodies as a living sacrifice unto the Lord and yield our lives over to His leading and guidance.
Our spiritual growth needs to be rooted in the Word of God so that it can become a worthy witness of God's grace and spiritual fruit which refreshes others in our daily activities, and all should be carried out for the glory of God.
Jesus so often used physical elements to teach deep spiritual truths for those that had ears to hear and eyes to see, but the Jews of His day could not separate the physical loaves-of-bread from the spiritual flesh-of-Christ.
The inability to differentiate the physical from the spiritual also shocked and confused many of His own followers, and many left Him and walked with Him no more.
Death to self, persevering in prayer, identification with Christ's suffering, and a life of sacrifice for the glory of God, has been replaced with enjoying your best life now, living for self, and making great spiritual proclamations and positive confessions (where self-incited 'faith' becomes a force that creates one's own reality, or commands God to carry out everything that you speak forth!!) This is not biblical Christianity.
Not only has Paul reached a conclusion that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law, but he is also using this truth as a springboard to scale the greater spiritual heights of all that it means to be IN Christ.
He gave us one commandment – a new commandment – a commandment that incorporates every other godly command and gracious act – the only command upon which the spiritual life of a believer must be founded: A new command I give you, Love one another as I have loved you, so love you one another.
There are dozens of spiritual blessings that are available to every born-again child of God, for we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing, through faith in Christ.
Indeed, Peter tells us that we have received EVERYTHING we need for holy living, a godly character, and spiritual growth - which means that we have received everything we need to be able to pray in faith, according to His will.
Because of our sin we deserve death, and the wages of sin is death: spiritual death.
The Lord Jesus is that unblemished and spotless Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world and gives us spiritual life in return for spiritual death.
It bestows on us many spiritual riches, honour, confidence, and life... and knowledge of the Holy One provides us with a place of refuge.
However, the greatest blessings of all are the abundant, spiritual blessings we have received, through faith in our crucified and risen Saviour, for the means of grace and the hope of glory.
But despite this spiritual apostasy and indifference towards their God, He promised His wayward nation (who were soon to face severe judgement), that the day would come when He would once again deal marvellously with them.
Paul desires that the spiritual awareness of the saints of God is all-embracing, such that we are able to comprehend the supernatural, multi-dimensional, breadth, length, height, and depth of God's love - through the sacrifice of His only begotten Son.
Paul was even charged with bringing to light the new administration of the mystery which had been hidden throughout all ages - so that the manifold wisdom of God could be spread abroad by the Church, not only to humanity, but to spiritual rulers and other angelic authorities in the heavenlies.
It is understandable that his desire was that we all come to a knowledge of Christ and increase in spiritual awareness.
May we choose to have our spiritual ear pierced with His holy awl and consecrate the rest of our lives to His service out of deep love for the One Who purchased us with His own precious blood, and sealed our life into His protective care forever.
And yet, we read that these spiritual qualities, which are available to all believers, are lacking in the lives of some Christians.
No born-again believer can ever fall so far from grace that they are unable to have sweet fellowship with their Father in heaven re-established, and if any of us do lack the spiritual qualities that God desires of all His children, Peter tells us what to do.
But through the teachings of Paul, we understand that every believer in Christ is a member of His spiritual Body (which is called the Church), and Jesus Christ is the Head of that Body.
However glorious it is to be a physical offspring of Adam and a member of a race that was created in the image and likeness of God, it pales into insignificance when we consider that in Christ we are the spiritual sons of God.
Because of the spiritual poverty throughout the land of Israel, God sent a famine to admonish His people so they would turn to God and call for help.
The spiritual poverty of this displaced family declined further as they remained far away from God, and friendless in a heathen nation.
It also brings with it spiritual growth, for it tests our faith in God, and produces patient-endurance so we may be made perfect and complete, and lack nothing.
But Paul also learned that the Christian life is a spiritual battle and a continuous struggle against evil.
Paul had also been in danger from rivers, from robbers, from his fellow Jews, and from pagan Gentiles, which he recognised as spiritual attacks from the enemy of the Lord.
Paul had learned that living a spiritual life and maturing in the Christian faith, did not depend on his own ability, wisdom, intelligence, or efforts, but on the power of the indwelling Spirit of Christ, working in him and living through him.
In the previous verse, the spiritual believer is instructed to help to restore a brother or sister who has fallen into sin - but to do it with gentleness and Christ-like consideration.
Indeed, the spiritual one is warned against being adversely influenced by the carnal behaviours of others, or led astray by a misguided brother, lest they also are tempted into similar, ungodly ways, or fall into carnality themselves.
Paul instructs those that are spiritual to restore those who are not walking by means of the Spirit - or who have been overtaken by worldly sin, the wiles of Satan, or fleshly carnality.
However, in this verse it is having a caring concern for a brother in Christ who has become heavily burdened or deeply distressed, with whom the spiritual Christian should be concerned.
Love for God and love for our brothers and sisters in Christ is the fulfilling of the law - but it can only be carried out by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit in the life of a spiritual believer i.e.
The spiritual believer is one who abides in Christ, obeys His commands, honours His name, is growing in grace, and is becoming more Christ-like with every passing day.
Spiritual maturity is not the same as spirituality.
Spiritual maturity develops as we are conformed into the likeness of the Lord Jesus through the wise choices we make.
At any given point, we are spiritual OR we are not spiritual! At any given time in a believer's life we are EITHER walking in the spirit and truth OR we are living in fleshly carnality.
We are either spiritual or we are fleshly.
Jesus said, Whoever is not with Me is against Me, and whoever does not gather with Me scatters, while Peter, who was prompted by the Holy Spirit to confess Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God, became a fleshly tool in the hands of Satan immediately after his great spiritual revelation from God.
Christians do not progress towards spirituality in the same way that they progress towards spiritual maturity.
Just as one is either saved or not saved at a given point in time, a believer is either spiritual or not spiritual at a given point and there is no middle ground.
Let us seek to be those that are spiritual and to bear one another's burdens in humility and gentleness.
Let us die to self and live our life to the glory of God so that we may mature in the faith, grow in grace, live a spiritual, God-honouring life, and become a living testimony to the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Hebrews contains a wealth of spiritual truths to help us in our spiritual growth, but we must never forget that it was originally written to early Jewish Christians who had to come to terms with the fact that 'in Christ' we are no longer under law but under grace.
We are warned NOT to fall into the same spiritual snares as Israel.
There are five very specific warnings in Hebrews, and this one cautions against carelessness in our spiritual walk.
All warning passages caution us against spiritual negligence, but all are followed by words of helpful, spiritual encouragement.
He prayed that we would increase in understanding and knowledge, and be granted greater illumination and spiritual revelation of our Father in heaven and His anointed Son, Jesus Christ, Who died for our sins and rose again the third day to give us His abundant life, according to the riches of His grace.
God Himself is the source of all spiritual illumination and He is the subject of all spiritual revelation, but the indwelling Spirit of Christ is the channel through Whom the Holy Scriptures are unveiled to us.
Paul knew the importance of a spiritual understanding of the blessings we have already received as a free gift of God's grace through faith in Christ Jesus.
And he spends considerable time in his second letter, warning of the devastating influence of false teachers and exhorting us to watch out for their destructive heresies, while urging us to grow in grace and to develop a sound knowledge of the Lord Jesus as we press towards spiritual maturity.
His teaching deals with the deeper, spiritual implications of Christ's authority over the lives of those who would believe in Him.
The Jews of Christ's day were more concerned about their physical wellbeing than their spiritual health.
Jesus was more interested in describing the necessary character traits, godly attitude, and spiritual temperature of those desiring to enter the kingdom of heaven.
He frequently took examples from the natural world in order to teach an important, spiritual truth and to teach that pursuing kingdom truths, which will last forever, is of far greater value than chasing after the temporary treasures of this world.
It was given to represent the outward sign of an inward, spiritual circumcision of the heart where God's will is preferred before one's own will, God's Word is heeded, trusted, observed, and obeyed - and God's glory becomes the single desire of the heart.
We should not be influenced by an arrogant and blasphemous world that is at enmity with God, devoid of spiritual understanding, and openly scornful the truth of Scripture.
John the Baptist was calling for individual repentance as well as a collective, national mourning - for the nation's past sin, their spiritual adultery, and gross apostasy.
Paul had never met the Christians at Colossae and yet he had a personal interest in their spiritual maturity.
Paul offered many prayers to the Lord on their behalf and wrote an instructive letter to encourage their hearts, develop their spiritual understanding, guide them in the truth of the gospel of Christ, warn them of the dangers of false teachers, and unite them together in love.
And in Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom, all the treasures of knowledge, all the treasures of life, and all the treasures of matter and space in the material and spiritual realm.
Today, there is an insatiable thirst for spiritual wisdom, hidden knowledge, esoteric understanding, mystical illumination, and supernatural enlightenment.
We were given a new 'in-Christ' spiritual nature that is eternally united with our Saviour, at peace with God, and clothed in the righteousness of Christ so that we may not do the things that we please.
But from the moment that we became a Christian, the old Adamic fleshly nature started to conflict with our new Christ-like spiritual nature, for the flesh lusts against the spirit, and our new spiritual born-again Christ-nature lusts against the old fleshly Adamic nature within.
He no doubt received reports about the well-being and spiritual progress of these saints of God from mutual acquaintances who would visit this great Roman city.
In his epistle, it seems that James is taking us on a spiritual journey.
We therefore need to be careful that we do not miss the spiritual lesson God desires to teach us in our pain.
And so the next step in James' spiritual journey is that during times of suffering, it is not simply God's strength for which we need to plead, but His wisdom also.
We should never waste the circumstances of life, but ask for His wisdom as well so that we may grow in grace and spiritual understanding, knowing: All things work together for good to those that love God and are fitting into His plan.
Having detailed the wealth of our spiritual blessings, which God has freely bestowed upon all who are in Christ, we are beseeched by Paul to walk worthy of that calling which is honouring to the Lord.
One such pearl of sound advice is that chastening is an important way that God deals with His children, for the chastening rod of God develops in us a spiritual maturity and a godly character.
However, their spiritual renewal and national repentance at the end of the 7-year tribulation period, is the time Zechariah is describing, when God, will pour over the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplication, as further expanded in Joel, chapter 2.
The kingdoms of Israel and Judah will be reunited into one, glorious kingdom under God's appointed King - the Lord Jesus, and Israel's spiritual deliverance will be accomplished, when they cry out for salvation (HOSANNA- SAVE US) and Christ returns as King of kings and Lord of lords.
Just as Adam was the federal head of all his physical seed (all humanity), so Christ is the federal head of all His spiritual seed (all Church-age believers).
Just as all who are physical descendants of Adam are imputed with Adam's fallen sin nature, so all who are Christ's spiritual children are imputed with Christ's perfect righteousness: For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. As in Adam all are condemned, so in Christ there is no condemnation.
It is not the cutting of the flesh that designates one's spiritual standing before God, but the condition of the heart.
May we never place importance on the ministry to which we are called, the study we have done, our past heritage, current achievements, or spiritual gifts, for all that we are and all that we have is given to us from above.
And from his many letters and communications, we discover that Paul found great encouragement and spiritual support, from these co-labourers in the gospel.
There seems to be no rivalry between Paul and Epaphras, because their united focus was the Lord Jesus, their singular ministry was to preach Christ crucified, and their common goal was to spread the gospel of God to the unsaved, while also bringing the body of Christ into spiritual maturity.
Paul gives a description of two types of Christians; the spiritual and the carnal.
One is walking in spiritual and truth while the other is functioning in the flesh or under the law.
One is maturing in the faith while the other remains a spiritual baby, who is foolishly embroiled in worldly pursuits and fleshly desires.
One will be rewarded with gold, silver, and precious stones at the judgement seat of Christ, while the other will suffer loss; eternally saved but having forfeited any spiritual reward for good works carried out in the power of the Spirit.
The Spirit is seeking to convict the sinner of sin, and righteousness, and judgement, so that he will turn from his unbelief to faith in Christ and be born anew, but until that happens, the one who is dead in their trespasses and sins is incapable of receiving spiritual truth, spiritual knowledge, spiritual wisdom, and spiritual understanding.
And until a sinner is convicted of their sin and guilt before a holy God and turns from the lie to the truth by faith, they will remain blind and deaf to spiritual things: For the natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.
As believers, our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and we are living stones being built up into a spiritual house.
We are to build our life with the right materials, which are the spiritual gems of wisdom and godly nuggets of truth that are found in the precious Word of God.
Once we are saved, we can choose to live a spiritual, godly life where we mature in the faith OR we can take the carnal, legalistic route which results in an immature Christian life.
We want to be clothed in a new, heavenly body; a resurrected body of flesh and bone, just as the Lord Jesus was covered in a new, resurrected body - a new spiritual body.
For just as the life of this mortal body is in the blood, so the life of our new, heavenly body is given to us by the Spirit - a spiritual body that is animated and enlivened by the Holy Spirit of God.
Christ suffered greatly in His earthly life... and as members of His Spiritual Body, we too are likely to be called on to suffer - individually and corporately.
He alone was qualified to become our Kinsman-Redeemer and bear the sin of the whole world in His body on the tree.But as members of His Spiritual Body, we can share in His earthly sufferings and be partners of His bitter rejection.
We have been declared righteous by the Lord and showered with every spiritual blessing, simply because we have trusted in the shed blood of Christ for the remission of sins and life everlasting.
Spiritual gifts were being abused and Paul's apostolic authority and doctrinal teaching had already been challenged and disputed by false teachers and legalists.
He was a prayerful man, who kept his seven sons and three daughters covered by prayer, appealing to the Lord for their spiritual well-being.
He was a wise man who had been blessed by God in many ways, and he was a pillar of spiritual piety among his peers..
but Job was unaware of the spiritual battle that was raging in heavenly places.
He was a man who knew and trusted God's Word, and Job was a man who held fast to his faith in his heavenly Creator - despite not knowing why he was undergoing such tragedy, nor understanding the fierce spiritual battle that was being fought in heavenly places over his integrity and trust.
Often he gave thanks for the faith of the saints to whom he was writing and frequently we find Paul interceding for the saints and asking God for their continued well-being and spiritual growth.
We have to feed on spiritual food each day and be exercised spiritually in order to grow in grace and to mature in the faith, and Peter clearly tells us the importance of taking in the right spiritual food to ensure godly growth: As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby.
Man cannot live on bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, and the Scriptures are the spiritual food that God in His grace has given us for our Christian life and spiritual growth.
We are to be doers of the Word and not hearers only so that we may apply the important spiritual principles that are contained within its pages.
Individually and collectively, the Church is the temple of the living God and each one is a living stone that is being built up into God's own spiritual temple, for we are one in Christ and in Him we are being carefully fitted together.
The gospel of grace is an aroma from life to life... from a new, spiritual life in Christ at salvation... to everlasting life with Christ Jesus our Lord - in the eternal ages to come - for those whom He justified He also glorified.
No Christian should regard himself as super-spiritual or consider herself as superior or more highly favoured than any other child of God, for we are all sinners saved by grace with no merit of our own.
Christian love seeks to encourage one another towards godly living and spiritual growth, and Paul gives us biblical guidance on what to do when a brother or sister in Christ is caught up in any trespass or sin.
First, we are to be sure that we have removed any beam from our own eye that is distorting our own spiritual vision and to be sure that we ourselves are walking in spirit and truth.
We are exhorted to be spiritual believers so that if anyone is caught in any trespass or sin, we will be equipped to restore such a one, in a spirit of gentleness and love.
Some become so conceited in their own spiritual importance, so boastful of their own spiritual discernment, or so critical of the spiritual development of others, that they disregard their brother's spiritual wisdom and dismiss their value within the Body of Christ.
But the one that is truly spiritual is not concerned with dragging down their brothers or sisters in Christ, but in encouraging, edifying, and restoring the one that has trespassed - in a spirit of gentleness and godly love.
Paul had to refute this deep-seated deception and set out to clarify who were Abraham's natural seed and who were his spiritual seed.
His spiritual seed are: 1.
It is Abraham's spiritual seed (believing Jews and believing Gentiles), not his physical seed that are justified through faith.
It is his spiritual descendants who become sons and heirs, through faith in the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
As sons of God, we become spiritual heirs of the promise and have been baptised into Christ and clothed in His righteousness.
This made us spiritual descendants of Abraham, where there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female.
All who belong to Christ are Abraham's spiritual descendants and heirs according to the promise.
In this verse, he uses a child-minder to contrast the spiritual immaturity of those trying to be justified under the Law with the spiritual maturity of those who trust in Christ for salvation.
Jesus was teaching His followers that there are two ways to travel through their Christian life: The spiritual gateway; which leads to an abundant and victorious life as we travel through this world where the Lord is glorified in us, or the carnal gateway; where the final result will be loss of reward for a wasted, defeated life where God was dishonoured by one of His blood-bought children.
Because we trusted the Lord Jesus as Saviour, all that we need for life, godliness, and spiritual growth is ours already, but it is accessed by faith.
We started our spiritual journey by grace through faith in Christ, and we are kept throughout our life-journey by the power of God by faith, but we are to exercise that faith in Christ by believing the truth of His Word, by trusting our lives into His hands, by abiding in Him and He in us, and by learning to say: Thy will, not mine be done.
Spiritual growth takes place when we exercise faith in the precious promises of God, but often it takes time for God is working in each of us with an eternal perspective.
Spiritual growth is evidenced through the precious fruit of the Holy Spirit, but it takes time to mature and there is a clearly defined process of development and growth if we are to grow in grace and show forth the spiritual fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
The first steps toward spiritual fruit, Christian maturity, and a heart that reflects Christ's love for the Church, are moral excellence in our inner thoughts, righteousness in our outward expression, and purity in the secret motives of our heart.
We tend to think of the miracles He performed, the places He travelled, and the many teachings and parables He told, and miss other things, such as all the things done in the spiritual realm, prayers and petitions communing with the Father, through the Spirit.
The first part of the chapter is a warning against regressing into spiritual immaturity or apostasy.
It is a summons to persevere under trial and press on from the elementary stages of faith to a deeper spiritual knowledge, and richer understanding of the high calling of God that is our present possession in Christ Jesus.
Our Christian life is not to oscillate between spiritual progress and spiritual decline.
Even the duties and tasks to which God has called us can be placed higher on our daily agenda than those things that are vital to our spiritual well-being; taking time to be alone with the Lord.
He was well aware that times of mental and spiritual refreshment are necessary for all God's people, and the strenuous work of the Kingdom had caused His disciples to neglect their own bodily needs.
Throughout Scripture, God often uses the simple, natural things to teach us important spiritual truths, and these gentle instructions of the Lord to His faithful little band to rest awhile were no exception.
We are all well aware of the effect of the disregard and neglect of our physical needs, but of far greater significance is the neglect of true, spiritual refreshment, and the failure to spend quality time with our heavenly Father.
Life is full of pitfalls and snares, and we often make wrong choices, but it is comforting to know that no matter what trials we may be called upon to face, or what foolish choices we have made in the past, we can go to the Lord and ask Him for godly insight and spiritual understanding, and He has promised to give us all that is needed for the task.
This bondservant of Christ may have lacked wisdom in his earlier days but was ready to admit his folly and willing to share with us how easy it is to gain godly wisdom and spiritual understanding.
James began his lesson on wisdom by pointing out that the suffering of this life produces patient endurance, which will furnish us with spiritual maturity.
But James was a young man with a teachable spirit, who was quick to embrace the wisdom of faith he lacked, and encourages those of us who are deficient in spiritual insight to ask the Lord for the necessary wisdom we need – and not to doubt that He will provide for us liberally.James also knows that trusting the Lord for godly wisdom as we travel through life..
is a tool the Lord uses to test and strengthen our faith in Him, and which helps to produce in us the patient endurance that is so needful for our spiritual growth – but we are reminded to stand fast in the faith unwaveringly – if we are to honour the Lord Who bought us with His precious blood, and to come forth as gold.How much we all need God’s heavenly wisdom in the tests and trials of life’s disappointments and difficulties, which are so much a part of our everyday lives.
Truly, a knowledge of our spiritual ignorance is a step towards godly wisdom, and recognising our lack of godly wisdom is a prudent step towards growing in grace, maturing in the faith, and gaining an understanding of our privileged position in Christ and all that He has done for us.God knows that we are weak and frail and He knows that the testing our faith can cause us to complain or murmur or to become unsteady in our Christian walk..
Our justification (spiritual salvation), sanctification (soul's salvation), and glorification (bodily salvation), is 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Saviour.
Let us put on the full armour of God so that we may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil, for unlike Israel, our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, the powers, against the forces of darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Either one is growing in grace and drawing closer to the Lord in humbleness of spirit and obedience to God's Word, OR one starts to regress into spiritual infancy through unbelief, disobedience, and fleshly carnality.
We are either spiritual Christians who are maturing in the faith, OR we are carnal believers whose spiritual growth is being stunted.
Fellowship with the Father is broken, future rewards can be forfeited, spiritual growth is stunted, and instead of having a victorious Christian walk, through His sufficient grace, they are defeated in the race of life.
The people in the worldly wise Corinthian church were squabbling over who was the best teacher instead of focusing on spiritual matters, but their foolish arguments were rooted in a much more sinister foundation; the wisdom of worldly arguments.
It is a teaching on how a spiritual believer should behave when they have been wronged, and a reminder that godly behaviour honours the Lord.
The apostle had heard news of his generosity and self-sacrificial love during his imprisonment which caused him great joy, for Philemon was also a son in the faith and Paul rejoiced in his spiritual growth and the fruit he was producing.
Paul's own spiritual maturity is demonstrated here.
Paul was not envious of Philemon's position in society, but filled with joy and comfort that this beloved son-in-the-faith was showing such godly growth and spiritual grace.
What a joy for Paul, who not only led this man to Christ but received news of his ongoing spiritual progress in his Christian life.
Paul did not want the return of his slave to ignite any unspiritual resentment or wrath in Philemon, which was probably why he composed the letter requesting the reinstatement of Onesimus in a way that honoured the Lord and would develop Philemon's spiritual growth further.
Israel's physical redemption from Pharaoh's slavery in Egypt, mirrors the Christians' spiritual redemption from slavery to sin in the kingdom of Satan. Israel was saved from Egypt because they believed God and carried out His instructions - so that by faith, the angel of death Passed-Over the believing Hebrews.
Christians are covered in His righteousness and as members of His Body, we have access to every spiritual blessing because we are in Christ - and one of those promises is God's promised REST.
Similarly, although Christians are saved by grace through faith in Christ, we can forfeit our spiritual rest during our journey through life.
While earthly parents may try to teach their children obedience, kindness, and other important character-forming attributes, the Lord's discipline brings a rich and fruitful harvest of spiritual graces... peace and patience, faith and submission, goodness and grace, righteousness and love.
Paul was jealous for the Corinthian Christians with a godly jealousy, having a deep desire for their spiritual well-being and growth, their spiritual protection and provision, and their spiritual maturity and purity.
He had been the one who had taught that Christ died for their sins and rose again, bringing this little body of believers to spiritual birth.
In this verse, we discover a contrast between the benefits that can be gained through the application of wisdom, in both the physical and spiritual realms, and the destruction that is perpetrated by the foolish actions of a single sinner.
And if the wisdom that is offered by the world is better than the strength of their military might, how much more must this apply in the spiritual realm.
Applying the world's strategies in the spiritual battle in which we are engaged, will only result in failure - for the weapons of OUR warfare are not carnal, but spiritual.
However, the principle that is weaved within Solomon's statement should not only be applied to the physical realm, but more importantly to the spiritual sphere.
Rather, let us feed on Christ in our hearts by faith with thanksgiving and allow the beautiful spiritual fruit of humility to blossom and bud in our inner being - so that the lovely character of the Lord Jesus may start to be seen increasingly in our lives - until we come to a measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ to the praise and honour of our heavenly Father.
How easy it is to let brotherly love become our watchword with those that are strong in the faith, and how delightful it is to enjoy godly fellowship with those who are walking in spirit and truth, but we are exhorted to love all our brethren in Christ, not only those that are spiritual.
Paul refers to backslidden Christians as saints who are walking in the flesh, having reverted to spiritual infancy and unable to digest the strong meat of the Word.
The urgency of Peter's message in his second epistle is that the Christian's life, which begins with faith, must grow and develop into Christian maturity and produce spiritual fruit which is so honouring to the Father.
At salvation, our new birth was the start of our spiritual journey and not the end.
Our spiritual maturity is not an automatic consequence of our spiritual birth, but requires diligence and discipline on a daily basis so that we become doers of the Word and not hearers only.
This faith matures by means of diligent application of God principles of spiritual growth, which are contained in His Word, and all of which produce spiritual fruit which is so honouring to our Father in heaven.
Despite the spiritual decline of those around, they had remained faithful to their calling, were walking in spirit and truth, and were undefiled by the world.
Paul was able to share this truth with the Christians at Corinth who, despite being endowed with many spiritual gifts, were lacking in true spirituality and Christian maturity.
They were looking for a King who would save them from the tyranny of their Roman overlords, rather than One Who would deliver them from their sin, free them from the curse of the Law, and save them from the sentence of spiritual death, which their sinfulness demanded.
Though a few trusted in Christ as the Son of God Who takes away the sin of the world, most followed Him to gain physical healing or to get a free lunch of fish and bread, instead of true spiritual food from the heavenly Man.
As Habakkuk surveyed the raging international scene and the wickedness, misery, and injustice that was infiltrating the kingdom of Judah, he was deeply concerned about the spiritual decline of God's people and pleaded to God for help.
And we can be confident that God knows what is best for each of us, and humble obedience and utter dependence on Him blossoms into an enriched spiritual life and a closer walk with God.
But the beginning of this well-loved narrative from Israel's historical record, serves to remind us that all too often we can ignore the many warnings that we receive to set our spiritual house in order, and that we should trust the Lord in every situation, however shocking, painful, distressing, or difficult it may appear.
In the period of the Judges: Everyone did what was right in their own eyes, and so in a time of spiritual, social, governmental, and moral decline in the nation of Israel, a certain man and his family took matters into their own hands.
God wanted to use this natural disaster to call His people back from their moral decline and spiritual adultery, to a trusting faith in His promised provision.
But: A certain man of Bethlehem in Judah, was not inclined to repent of his own part in the nation's spiritual adultery and its gross, moral decline and so he: Went to sojourn in the land of Moab with his wife and his two sons.
God can test his children at any point in their earthly walk, but as spiritual maturity develops, the trials of faith often become increasingly painful, as God searches to and fro, for that man or that woman, who has an undivided heart that is turned toward Him - no matter what life's circumstances may throw at them.
The spiritual work we are called to carry out will be accomplished in the lives of lost sinners who are dead in their trespasses and sins, estranged from God and facing eternal separation from Him so that they might hear the good news of the gospel of grace, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, become a new creation in Him, and receive forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
Physical food is not man's true need but spiritual food.
The Lord Jesus raised a handful of people from physical death during His time on earth to authenticate His God-ordained, Messianic claims, but when Peter preached his first sermon, 3000 souls were saved: 3000 spiritual resurrections were secured, 3000 people gained access to the Father's throne of grace, for mercy to find help in time of need.
Paul had to unpick a lifetime of proud legalism and unrighteous religiosity to become the humble saint and Christ's spiritual bond-servant who had no confidence in the flesh and honoured the Lord Who bought him.
It is God who establishes us and brings us to spiritual maturity.
We are not in a position to save ourselves, and similarly, we are not able to sanctify ourselves or establish ourselves in our Christian walk and spiritual growth.
Because we are saved, we have received spiritual gifts and been given precious promises in the Word of God, which have become ours in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
Gracious words and holy deeds should be spiritual fruit that is being shown forth in the lives of all believers, because they are children of God.
Practicing righteousness and godly living as Christ instructed is the path to spiritual maturity, but He gives a severe warning about the motive behind godly works and the intention behind the performance of righteous deeds: Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them, is Christ's serious warning to His disciples.
The qualities that Paul lists for church elders and spiritual leaders are those to which every godly man should aspire.
The qualities that Paul lists for a church elder or spiritual leaders has nothing to do with one's bodily stature, physical strength, educational qualifications, bank balance, social status, business acumen, oratory skills, or magnetic personality.
Paul did not found the church at Rome, but being a chosen servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, an apostle appointed by God, a preacher of the glorious gospel of grace, and a missionary to the Gentile nations who had been commissioned by God, he expressed his deep love and genuine concern for the spiritual well-being of the Christians there.
He knew that many other Christians held him in high esteem and considered him as a spiritual giant to which they could not aspire, but Paul also had to come to terms with his own works of flesh and the old sin nature, which caused him to cry out: Oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of death?
He had won many spiritual battles and had grown from grace to grace into a certain level of Christian maturity, but he had not attained to all that Christ had purposed for him and had many spiritual mountains to climb, obstacles to overcome, and enemies to face.
If the Spirit of God lives in us we are in the spiritual sphere, for anyone who does not have the indwelling Spirit of Christ does not belong to Him.
Rather than endeavouring to escape the child-training programme that God has for our life, we should rather embrace it and try to discover the spiritual lessons that the Lord desires us to learn so that we may grow in grace and mature in the faith.
The beautiful, spiritual fruit of godly love, can only be manifested in our lives when imputed to us by God Himself - as we walk in humble obedience and total dependence before Him.
Both the world and false teachers can have a devastating effect on a believer's spiritual growth... but knowing biblical truth and being able to discern what is false is key to standing firm in this evil day.
And together with the indwelling Holy Spirit living in our heart, we have all we need for our spiritual directives and development - as long we obey Christ's command to abide in Him and He in us.
Let us search the Scriptures diligently to ensure that any scriptural message we receive or offer is rooted and grounded in the word of truth, which was once given to the saints, for our learning and spiritual growth.
We are to ask God for an understanding heart, to practice morality, produce spiritual fruit in His sufficient strength, and trust in the Lord with all our heart.
The Joy of the Lord is a precious fruit and a spiritual grace that is given to us from above.
Those who are dead in their sins do not have access to God's spiritual graces, for joy is both a gift of God to the justified and a fruit of the Spirit in the sanctified man.
But joy in the Lord is a great spiritual weapon that can help to dispel Satan's devious lies and cause his wicked accusations to evaporate like the morning mist.
Although they were gifted with the tongues of men and of angels, prophetic utterances, knowledge, and many benevolent actions, they lacked godly love and did not exhibit spiritual fruit.
They were not growing in grace and in a knowledge of their Lord and Saviour as God desired, but were regressing in their spiritual growth and maturity... back to infancy, to their great shame.
There was sexual immorality and spiritual pride among their ranks.
There was a lack of spiritual discernment and an absence of true Christian grace.
Paul exhorts these believers to live and behave as spiritual men who are abiding in Christ and walking in spirit and truth.
He reiterated their need to grow in the faith. They were not to abuse their spiritual gifts in some unseemly, self-aggrandisement.
Paul considered that particular attention should be given to the correct use of spiritual gifts in the breaking of bread which represents Christ body - broken for us, and the sharing of the cup which symbolises His precious blood - shed for us.
I am sure as Paul reflected on his life, in that dark, dank, dreary dungeon in Rome, his heart was gladdened when he thought of Timothy, his spiritual son in the Lord.
In Psalm 25, David asks a question that every one of us should be asking: Who is the man who fears the LORD? David is giving a wake-up call for spiritual self-examination.
Some allow the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life to dominate our mind - catapulting us into an ungodly, carnal lifestyle that is detrimental to our spiritual growth, disastrous to our Christian witness, and dishonouring to the lovely Lord Jesus Who bought us with His own blood.
They exploit our spiritual privileges and pervert the Word of God by proclaiming that we are free to indulge in whatsoever ungodly acts and fleshly inclinations take our fancy.
We have spiritual armour to protect ourselves from the ravages of the flesh and we have been given God's sufficient grace to stand fast in this evil day and resist the devil and all his worldly temptations.
However, physical death can never take away the eternal, spiritual life of a believer... and those that have died in Christ will one day arise from the grave into life everlasting - for by the sacrifice of Christ's sinless life on the Cross, the power of death has been defeated.
Among other things, God appointed Abraham as the father of many nations: the spiritual father of both believing Jews and believing Gentiles.
And the righteousness of God is extended by grace to all who believe in God, both Jew and Gentile, for Abraham became the spiritual father of many nations as well as the physical forefather of God's chosen nation, Israel.
The sacrifice of personal praise and the uniting together for public worship is a vital part of spiritual renewal and growth.
It must have been a wonderful sight to see the people of God worshipping the Lord and exalting His name in the holy city of Jerusalem with psalms and spiritual songs, praising Him with outstretched hands.
Today, the Church, which is the Body of Christ, is a spiritual Temple that is not made with human hands.
Peter calls us: Living stones, built up into a spiritual temple, and in Christ we have become a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God, through Jesus Christ.
Isaac was used as an illustration of a spiritual believer who is freed from the demands of the Law, while Ishmael was used to illustrate a believer who walks in fleshly carnality.
We are to trust Him in the temporal as well as the spiritual; to trust Him for things of the body as well as the soul; to trust Him in time and into eternity; to trust Him in all the ages and stages of our lives; to trust Him in the insignificant menial tasks of the day as well as the grander decisions that face us in life, and to trust Him in every aspect of His great plan of salvation.
Thirdly, Paul explained that because we are members of the Body of Christ and belong to Him, we are in Christ... we are positioned in Him and enjoy spiritual union with Him - and as such we are all considered to be the spiritual descendants of Abraham and heirs of the promise: And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, heirs according to the promise. But what is the promise to which is Paul referring... and Who is the Seed that He mentions in this verse?
As members of Christ's spiritual Body, we are also the spiritual seed of Abraham.
Abraham had a physical seed through Isaac, Jacob, and his sons, as well as a spiritual seed through the Lord Jesus Christ.
And just as Abraham was credited with righteousness by faith, both his physical and spiritual descendants must also be declared righteous by faith.
Abraham also has spiritual descendants in this Church Age (some from a Jewish background and many from a Gentile background) but all are justified by grace through faith in Christ.
There is now neither Jew nor Gentile in the Christian Church, because we are all ONE in Christ and are privileged to be His spiritual heirs: For if we belong to Christ, then we are Abraham's descendants - Abraham's seed and heirs, according to the promise, by faith in Christ.
The fact they failed at Christ's first coming and had fallen into centuries of gross spiritual apostasy did not cancel God's plans, but certainly delayed the work that Israel as a nation will finally complete.
None of us merit being clothed in Christ's own righteousness, and not one of us deserves the heavenly position, precious promises, spiritual privileges and eternal life that is ours through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The disciples had become careless in their personal walk and spiritual life.
They had received Christ's authority to cast out demons, but spiritual pride and spiritual neglect prevented them fulfilling their God-given task and robbed the Lord of the glorious witness He rightly deserved.
May we cultivate the spiritual discipline and devotion that is so necessary in the life of every Christian in this world which so desperately needs to hear the truth of the gospel.
Although they have access to the throne-room of God and the mind of Christ, they erect a sin-barrier between themselves and the Lord when they regress in their spiritual walk.
Christ walked the spiritual way of the Cross, for He learned and practiced obedience through the things He suffered.
Considering that he thought he was giving his blessing to Esau, the firstborn son, instead of the child God had chosen, demonstrates the shocking decline in Isaac's spiritual walk with the Lord.
Isaac thought that his secret pact with Esau was outsmarting the Lord, but the blessing he bestowed on his younger son, made Jacob, not Esau the spiritual head of the family.
In our Christian walk, we are not fighting a physical battle but a spiritual one, and God in His grace, has equipped us with a wide range of spiritual armoury which when used correctly, will be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the enemy, be a protection to ourselves and others, and give glory to the Lord.
We can never fight a spiritual enemy by natural means.
Discouragement and unholy anger, doctrinal error and spiritual confusion, together with false teachings, moral failure, and self-recrimination, will flood our hearts if we step outside the protection of an unwavering faith in God - and Jesus Christ, Whom He has sent.
There are many pieces of spiritual armour which God has prepared for our protection during our sojourn on earth, and those that know their God and trust His Word will continuously carry that Shield-of-Faith - by taking every thought captive to Christ..
But as His spiritual seed, we also rose in Christ when He was resurrected from the grave, thus becoming part of the new creation in Christ and a member of His spiritual Body.
When lives are lived on the un-sanctified wisdom of the world and people allow the clever oratory skills and philosophies of men to influence their own thought processes, in preference to the Word of God, those lives will be characterised by spiritual weakness, doctrinal error, and a tendency towards an inflated ego.
Truly born-again believers can choose to take the spiritual path, follow in the footsteps of the Master, and so walk in Him, or we can choose a carnal walk, in which case we follow our own will, and walk in our own ways.
Not only is He the Creator of the brilliant sun and the Maker of the starry heights but He is the Well-spring of all spiritual light and the Fountain-head of all wisdom and goodness and grace, while Satan is the father of darkness who kindles all sorts of evil against us and instigates every kind of deception, temptation, wickedness, and sin.
And God uses trials for our eternal benefit while Satan sends temptation to harm us and hinder us in our spiritual growth.
And as we are told... at the end of his ordeal, Job was brought by God into a deeper spiritual walk and a more beautiful understanding of God's goodness and grace than ever before - and God was glorified through it.
James both started his epistle and ended his text with the same important message, We count those blessed who endure. Men and women of God who patiently endure the difficulties and hardships of life should consider themselves happy, blessed, and enriched - because through it, they will grow in grace and develop spiritual understanding.
As part of God's new creation, we are commanded to live as children of the Light and produce spiritual fruit which consists of all goodness, righteousness, and truth.
It is for this reason that we are commanded to WAKE UP from our spiritual slumber.
Because we are born anew, regenerated by the Spirit, made children of the Light, and energised by the Spirit of God, we are to be spiritually awake and spiritually aroused from any spiritual slumber.
We are not to remain in spiritual infancy, but are to be progressively sanctified as we change from one stage of glory to the next, for this is God's will for all His children.
It has been said that we either progress towards maturity in our Christian life or regress back into spiritual infancy - there is no standing still.
When we fall into spiritual slumber, our fellowship with the Father falls into neglect, Christian witness is seriously tarnished, and we are in danger of being enticed back into the unfruitful works of darkness instead of living in the light.
The Church today is the Body of Christ, which is being built into a spiritual Temple and the onslaught against believers, in this Church dispensation, has been continuous and relentless.
But just as Israel discovered that praise and worship is a fundamental key in fulfilling God's work, and discouragement and fear are tools the enemy uses to prevent spiritual effectiveness, we must also recognise this truth, and take steps to deal with it.
Nothing in the life of a Christian happens without a purpose and every event that takes place, whether good or ill, is used by God for our spiritual growth and eternal benefit.
Because we are the objects of God's grace and have entered into a good knowledge and sound doctrine of our great salvation, which is by grace through faith, and are gaining maturity in our spiritual lives, Peter wants to ensure that we remain stable within our Christian walk, knowing that times will become increasingly difficult.
While obedience is required from a child, the father is not to frustrate his children, which could cause emotional or spiritual damage and discouragement.
The miraculous multiplying of bread and fish provided one small meal that left the people hungry on the following day, but the true Bread from heaven that Jesus wanted to offer these people, was the spiritual Bread of Eternal Life that would satisfy their soul through time and into eternity.
Many of the battles in Old Testament times were fought with spears and swords in the physical realm, but New Testament believers are called upon to fight battles in the spiritual sphere, for we do not wrestle against physical enemies of flesh and blood... our battle is not against human opponents.
Our enemy is in the spiritual plane.
The opponents with whom we wrestle are spiritual rulers and demonic powers.
We fight against the forces of this dark world - the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
We are at war with an evil, spiritual enemy, where the invisible rulers of darkness and wicked spiritual beings who inhabit high places, are hell-bent on ruining the lives of multitudes and shipwrecking the testimony of Christians, in defiance of God Almighty.
There are many components of the Christian's spiritual armoury... and on closer inspection, we discover that each piece is directly linked with our position in Christ.
Every single component of our spiritual armour is vital if we are to stand fast against the wiles of the enemy and hold fast in this evil day.
Every piece of armour is required at all times if we are to be triumphant - for it is only as we yield to God, abide in Christ, and He in us, that we are empowered to resist the enemy and are assured a great spiritual victory.
May we be faithful to fulfil the privileged position we have as a member of Christ's spiritual army, and may we never seek to come against the enemy in the power of our own flesh or prideful self... but rather, may we take up our heavenly armour as we pray in the spirit and remain covered in Christ - in Whose name we stand.
After we are alive from the dead, walking in spirit and truth, and have appropriated the privileges that are ours in Christ, we can be given the spiritual understanding about which Paul is speaking.
The book of Hebrews is of tremendous spiritual importance and has significant doctrinal value to all Church-age believers.
He outlines a range of spiritual and moral directives including the need to consider our leaders and to respect those with oversight in the Church of God.
He is our spiritual food and the living water of life.
He knows how quickly we can become neglectful of our spiritual growth and leave our first love: For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it.
May we who have come to a saving faith in the sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ, take to heart the character traits that should be evident in the life of the spiritual man or woman.
Although Christian slaves may have remained under the authority of their human masters, they were never to forget that in Christ they had gained spiritual liberty and eternal freedom... for Christ gave Himself for us to set us free from every wrong.
Peter tells us in his epistle, that God's divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness, and in Ephesians we read that God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places, because of our faith in Christ.
Worry is one of the greatest hindrances to our spiritual growth, Christian witness, and effective ministry, because worry is one step towards unbelief.
Too often, a demarcation line is laid between the material things in life and the spiritual things of God; between what we say and do in our Christian life, and what takes place during the rest of the time.
Sadly, they are doing this to the detriment of their spiritual growth and in preference to giving heed to the sound truth of God's inerrant Word.
Their inspired teachings should be the only foundation upon which our Christian faith, our spiritual life, and our fundamental doctrine should stand, knowing that Jesus Christ is the Chief Cornerstone.
It is for this very reason that God, in His wisdom and justice, has raised Him up and honoured Him above all that is in the heaven heights, the earth beneath, and the waters under the earth, whether it be men or angels, spiritual principalities or earthly thrones.
How sweet that name of Jesus sounds in a believer's ear, for His name combines the holy and eternal attributes of the Godhead with human perfection, and every single spiritual fruit that God requires from man.
Jacob was chosen by the Lord to be one of the great patriarchs of Israel but throughout his life, God had to teach Jacob many lessons before he could be changed from being a carnal man into the spiritual 'prince with God' that he became.
According to the foreknowledge of God, Jacob was chosen before the foundation of the earth, but to transform him from being a manipulative man into spiritual Israel, Jacob had to be broken before the Lord.
The Lord Jesus would have received much comfort of spirit and inner consolation, had His disciples shown some sympathy in the spiritual battle that Christ had entered.
Sin came into the world through one man, and death resulted from sin, causing both physical death and spiritual death to spread to all men.
He shed His lifeblood to pay for our sin and He rose physically from the grave in a body of flesh and bone so that His spiritual seed (all who believe on Him) would also be raised from the dead in a body of flesh and bone.
Ezekiel had already prophesied of Israel's punishment, God's judgement on the Gentile nations, and Jerusalem's defilement, as well as providing great hope for the future... including Israel's restoration, the reunification of the northern and southern kingdoms, together with the nation's spiritual reawakening and glorious revival.
Though it is often ridiculed by those that have not read it, or misunderstood by those who do not have spiritual discernment, Leviticus is a book that concentrates on holiness - the holiness of God and the need for the nation of Israel to be holy. You shall be holy, God informed His chosen nation through Moses.
He discussed the universal principle of sowing and reaping and explained that this is equally applicable with spiritual sowing and reaping as it is in the natural.
Those who are miserly, both in the spiritual sphere and physical realm will have a meagre return, while those with a generous, Christlike spirit will receive a bountiful crop.
We have a bird's-eye view into the spiritual realm and how maintaining faith in God's Word honours His name.
It helps us grasp what the Lord desires from His people and gives us a greater appreciation of the spiritual benefits of suffering in our lives, even when His actions seem to contradict His character.
Paul talks about the great diversity within the Body of Christ and the spiritual gifts and graces that each believer receives... according to the measure of faith that God has dealt to each one of us.
The harmony to which we are all called, should be manifested through a variety of spiritual gifts that are bestowed on each of God's children who are grounded in Scripture.
Spiritual gifts and graces are given to equip the saints to carry out the good work that God has prepared for each of His children.
Spiritual gifts are not for self-edification, but for the edification of the whole Body of believers.
What a great encouragement and wealth of spiritual truth this benediction from Jude provides as he brings his short but dynamic little epistle to a close: that the only One Who is able to keep us from stumbling in our Christian walk and Who will one day joyfully present us faultless before His glorious presence, is none other than our God and Saviour.
Would that we were day-by-day and moment-by-moment swept off our feet and rendered breathless, as we considered the enormous encouragement and wonderful wealth of spiritual truth that is embedded in Jude's magnificent benediction.
But the immature and pious soliloquy of this verbose young man concludes with a cascade of condemnatory advice aimed at Job, without fully understanding the spiritual implications that had triggered his pain.
Whether it be in the spiritual sphere or the physical plane, whether it be in the realm of the visible or the invisible, whether it be the principalities and powers in heavenly places or earthly kings and rulers who are under their evil influence, all things are of God and for God and nothing will hinder his ultimate plans and purposes when all things are brought to their final, foreordained conclusion.
He sometimes disguises himself as an angel of light using doctrines of demons and a multiplicity of false gospel messages to cause many to fall into spiritual adultery.
He also thought that Job possessed none of these spiritual qualities.
But Zophar's spiritual pride, his ill-founded accusations against his friend, and Job's own bitter complaints, demonstrated that both men were ignorance of God's ways and God's righteousness which is beyond man's comprehension.
To walk in spirit and truth and to be filled with the Holy Spirit, results in a Christ-like life of godly self-sacrifice and the production of an abundance of spiritual fruit for the benefit of others and to the glory of God.
Paul describes the spirit-filled Christian as one who speaks to their brothers and sisters-in-Christ: In psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, demonstrating a life that rejoices in the truth, and one that is enlarged by speaking of God's goodness and grace with other members of Christ's body.
Yes a thankful heart, boldness in testifying to the truth of the gospel, power for spiritual service, open-hearted generosity towards others, and the exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ, are all evidences given in the Word of God of the man or woman who is filled with the Spirit of God.
This results a Christ-like life of godly self-sacrifice and an abundance of spiritual fruit.
Jesus alone is the One that can supply the spiritual food every one of us so desperately needs.
Jesus often used the natural to illustrate a spiritual truth, and the feeding of their bodies with food was used as a demonstration of what He could do for them in the spiritual realm.
When He referred to Himself as, the Bread of Life, He was meaning spiritual Life - eternal Life.
And He came to supply spiritual food for hungry soul.
They were more interested in the material things of this life, than the spiritual food He offered that would feed their soul through time and into eternity.
Although they were prompted to follow Jesus, it was only to gratify their earthly appetites and not to satiate their spiritual poverty.
We know we have an everlasting supply of spiritual food.
We are to put on a heart of compassion and bring forth the spiritual fruit of kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, and we are to bear with one another in love, forgiving each other with grace, just as God in Christ has forgiven us.
Just as we are enabled to study the physical characteristics of our facial features through the mirror-image, reflected in a clear standing-pool of water, so an examination of the inner thoughts of the heart gives a reliable indication of our spiritual standing - or perhaps uncovers a hypocritical facade.
Too often we are quick to identify the qualities, or criticise the defects we see reflected in the life of a fellow believer, but often we are not as swift to identify areas in our own hearts that need to be critically analysed and spiritually evaluated as unholy or detrimental to our spiritual growth, offered-up to the Lord, and purged.
Ambitions and emotions, temptations and trials, hope and fear, inner thoughts and expectations, together with spiritual strengths and weaknesses, can all be reflected in the face and mirrored in the expression of the eyes.
It is often as we openly gaze into the reflection of our own face, through the mirror of God's Word, that we can identify areas that need spiritual adjustment and God's forgiveness.
so Moses battled the adversary in a parallel sphere, through spiritual warfare.
As the Israelites fought their physical enemy with sword and spear, so Moses battled a spiritual enemy in the heavenly realm - through prayer and intercession.
As Israel raised weapons of war against their bitter foe, so Moses lifted high the Rod of the LORD against the principalities and powers in heavenly places. The earthly foe could only be overcome in the spiritual realm. Victory or defeat of Joshua's army would be determined by the effective prayer of Israel's faithful watchman..
Spiritual warfare is intense, and the arm of flesh fails when we face the enemy's onslaught in our own strength.
The weary arms of Moses were held aloft until sunset, against spiritual wickedness in high places, for only as he interceded for Israel was Joshua's victory secure.
He is the One upon Whom we are to cast our heavy burdens and rest our weary souls for Jesus won every spiritual battle we will face, when He proclaimed from the Cross, It is finished.
Paul could not talk to these believers as maturing, spiritual Christians who were growing in grace and living unto the Lord.
Though the carnal Christians of Corinth were rich in spiritual 'gifts', they were spiritually immature and selfish babes in Christ.
Paul had not only taught these believers about salvation by grace through faith, but had instructed them on godly living, their heavenly inheritance, spiritual purity, and many other aspects of Christian growth.
Paul reminded them that as Christians, they had been saved from the lust of the flesh, the lust of the world, and the pride of life, and as if to contrast the truly spiritual man with their own perverted carnality, he asked a searing question of them, do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?
But most were more interested in outward physical blessings which are temporal, than the inward spiritual blessings which are eternal.
And so at this high point of His popularity, Jesus as the King of Israel, laid down God's required standard of spiritual purity to the people of Israel; an ideal that is only found in a repentant heart that is in right relationship with God.
Although this teaching was directed towards the people of Israel who as a nation needed to repent of their spiritual apostasy and return to the road of godly righteousness, and although this will be the standard that Israel will achieve during the millennial reign of Christ as Israel's promised King, it is equally important for those of us in the Church today who have trusted Christ for salvation, to recognise that it is not by works of self-righteousness that such godly standards can be achieved, but by a willing submission to the inner workings of the Holy Spirit Who by grace corrects us and conforms us into the image and likeness of Christ as we submit to His leading.
As he draws his letter to the believers at Philippi to a close, Paul encourages all of us to live godly lives and to apply all the principles of spiritual living that we learned from him so that we may live a normal, Christian life that is acceptable to the Father and honouring to the Son.
We are all being given a call for spiritual purity and the purification of the inner heart.
Progressive sanctification is part of our spiritual development, where we are being conformed, day by day, into the image and likeness of the lovely Lord Jesus Christ.
No wonder the apostle Paul encourages us to cleanse ourselves from all fleshly filthiness, moral impurity, and spiritual pollution.
When we abide in Christ and willingly submit to the good work that the Holy Spirit started in our life at salvation, then the love of Christ grows in our heart as spiritual fruit and we are enabled by Him to love one another as He loves us.
The book of Esther may be a fast moving thriller, with plot, counter-plot, conspiracy, and intrigue, but it teaches many spiritual truths and life-principles that can be applied in our own lives, for our eternal benefit, and God's greater glory.
Sadly, most of the short-sighted people in Capernaum were simply looking for some temporary physical relief, and were paying little attention to their spiritual poverty, their need of salvation, or their eternal destiny, while the blind, jealous, Jewish leaders foolishly overlooked the presence of the incarnate God, Who was living in their midst - as they sought to find anything that would discredit His important, heavenly-ordained ministry, to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
May we read, mark, learn, inwardly digest, and apply all that God has provided for us in His Word, and not become complacent, lest we fall from grace, regress into spiritual infancy, become complacent in our faith, or compromise the truth, for we never know if and when the Scriptures will become scarce in our homes or banned from our land.
The giants that Joshua faced and the cities that had to be conquered were in the physical realm, while the giants we face and the strongholds that have to be torn down are often in the spiritual realm - for the weapons of our warfare are not physical, but spiritual - they are mighty, through God, to the pulling down of satanic strongholds.
The conflicts we face in the spiritual sphere are equally fierce as those that Joshua faced in the physical realm.
Every believer has been given spiritual gifts and graces that are to be used to encourage and exhort one another.
Paul himself taught that our spiritual gifts are to be used for the mutual edification, exhortation, teaching, consolation, building up, and encouragement of the Church of Christ.
Let us never forget that we have gifts that differ from one another, according to the grace that has been given to us, and through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit we should exercise our spiritual gifts and grace accordingly - not only for the mutual encouragement of one another.. but also for the honour and glory of His precious name.
But by the inspiration of the same Holy Spirit, the writer to the Hebrews was prompted to take this exultant proclamation of praise from the lips of David and assigns it to the second Man, the last Adam Who is the spiritual Man from heaven.
However, instead of living as a spiritual believer and walking in spirit and truth to the glory of God, we behave as a carnal Christian walking in the desires of the flesh, and taking heed to Satan's temptations as we succumb to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life.
He also gives us various steps to achieving a spiritual walk including submission to God, drawing near to our Heavenly Father, humbling ourselves before the mighty hand of God, and not giving Satan a foothold in our life.
While incarcerated in prison, Paul lifted up his heart in earnest prayer for the Colossian Christians: for spiritual intelligence, practical obedience, moral excellence, and that Christ may be crowned Lord of all in their lives.
He prayed that they might become complete in Him and attain spiritual maturity.
While the first part predominantly warns of the approaching day of the Lord's judgement and calls for the spiritual renewal of priests and people alike, the last 27 chapters prophesy of Israel's eventual salvation, deliverance, restoration, peace, and prosperity, which will only come when they call on the name of the Lord, their prophesied Messiah and Saviour of the world.
And though pastors like Timothy should hearken to Paul's instructions to preach the Word, rightly divide the Word of truth, teach the whole council of God, and provide spiritual nourishment for those in their care, the rest of us should be equally determined to feed on the Word of God daily so that we may grow in grace and mature in our spiritual life.
Like Timothy, we need to feed daily on scriptural truth as a personal priority and for our own spiritual nourishment.
These Corinthians believers had remained in spiritual infancy due to their internal squabbling, gross misconduct, and the petty disagreements over their own spirituality and their own 'importance' in the eyes of God.
Praise God that Jesus is the Door through Whom we will pass from death to life, by faith... and that anyone who enters through Him will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture, not only in this age but in the ages to come - for Jesus is the One Who protects us from the evil schemes of the devil, guards us from the dangers of this fallen world system, secures salvation for all who believe, sustains our spiritual health, promises us a place in Christ's heavenly kingdom, and is keeping, for us, an eternal inheritance in the eternal ages to come.
Paul had a deep spiritual burden for the believers in Corinth, and this letter was written soon after he wrote his first, disciplinary epistle, where petty arguments, sexual immorality, spiritual immaturity, worldly carnality and an absence of godly love were vigorously addressed.
Every Christian is a member of the Body of Christ, but too often the works of the flesh and the old sin nature allow ungodly thoughts, words, and deeds to expose a carnal attitude that is trying to disguise itself inside a spiritual coating.
It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between the soul and spirit, dividing between the joint and marrow, and it also often cuts between the spiritual and the physical, between past history and future prophecy, and the Word of God is also profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness.
Moses may have been the servant chosen to build the literal house of Israel, but the spiritual house of God, of which all believers are living stones, is being built up by Christ, day by day.
Peter reminds us that we are living stones, being built up into a spiritual house and a holy priesthood in order to offer up spiritual sacrifices to the Lord God almighty... and Paul wrote instructions to Timothy so that we will know how Christians ought to conduct themselves in the household of God - which is the Church of the living God, the pillar and the support of truth.
How blessed we are to be members of the Body of Christ - living stones that are being built up into a spiritual house - whose Builder and Maker is God.
A time when the New Testament canon had not yet been written; a time before the mystery of the Church as the spiritual Body of Christ (with all the other the great teachings of the apostle Paul), had not yet been revealed.
Our spiritual understanding is founded on the Word of God and revealed to us by the Spirit of God, which is poured out in full measure into our hearts.
Although the salvation of our soul was secured the moment we trusted Christ as Saviour, we can resist the work of the Holy Spirit and even quench His work in our life, meaning that we remain in spiritual infancy throughout our whole Christian life.
The spiritual way, which is the way of Christ, understanding that the world is not our home, and only things done in the Spirit will last for eternity.
And we who believe His Word and belong to Christ must be alert, awake, and fine-tune all our spiritual senses, knowing that any day the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
But for the rest of our life, we are being delivered from the power of the old sin nature... as the old flesh lusts against our new spiritual life and the spirit lusts against the flesh (our new life in Christ is at enmity with our old sin nature).
We discover that the foundational laws of God's universe, where the spiritual follow the natural, are maintained at the resurrection of the dead.
Just as a physical being comes before a spiritual being and a natural birth must precede a spiritual birth, so our bodily resurrection must take place before our spiritual resurrection.
Just as the first Adam was a terrestrial man who came from the physical dust of the ground, so the last Adam (Jesus Christ the righteous) was the spiritual Lord Who came from heaven above.
The disobedience, indifference, and neglect that Israel demonstrated by ignoring the rebuilding of God's House and addressing important spiritual issues such as worshipping God, should cause us to consider if we are paying more attention to our own needs and necessities, rather that putting God's needs first in our life and paying attention to the good work that God has called each one of us to do for His praise and glory.
Spiritual maturity and growing in grace can only occur when God is given His rightful place in our lives and we are ready to do His will, in the words we say and the things we do, as we obey His Word and do not neglect to do the things He has called us to do.
Before his conversion, Paul had a form of godliness but denied the One Who bought him with His own blood, but the great light that blinded Paul's physical eyes caused his spiritual eyes to be opened, and he was both shocked and distressed to discover that he was fighting the true and living God whom he claimed, so fanatically, to serve!
When Saul set out to persecute believers in Damascus he was a proud, religiously minded man who was dead in trespasses and sin and at enmity with God, but after his encounter with Christ, he listened, he responded, his spiritual eyes were opened to the truth of the gospel, and Saul was wonderfully saved by grace through faith in Jesus - the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world - the sacrifice for sin including your sin, my sin, and the sin of ALL who turn to Him in faith.
Sanctification is the lifelong process which is also carried out by grace through faith... where we are enabled, by the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit within, to progress from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity.
How can we grow in grace, mature in the faith, and become spiritual believers through man's ungodly works of the flesh?
Though Matthew was written predominantly to call Israel as a nation to repent (to turn away from spiritual adultery and in so doing to turn TO their promised Messiah), much was written to instruct Christ's own disciples and to bring them to an understanding of who the Messiah was, what the Messiah came to do, and how believing on the Messiah and following after Him would affect their own lives.
The Lord gave Joshua some valuable spiritual principles to ensure his success over all his adversaries, principles all God's children should heed in our spiritual battles.
As we face the spiritual enemies of our soul, may we be actively dependent on the Lord, and passively productive in carrying out the work that He has prepared for us to do.
This prophet knew that God's chosen nation had wandered far from Him and had fallen deep into apostasy and idolatry and this prophet of God wanted them to return to the Lord... yet it seemed that God was turning a blind eye to their spiritual adultery.
When He died for sin, we were born from above to free us from the bondage of our old inherited sin-nature, and He gave us new spiritual life.
But as spiritual offspring of the 2nd Adam, we inherited Christ's godly nature, which is why we are no longer under God's condemnation but imputed with His perfect righteousness.
We have been promised that the physical restrictions and fleshy limitations of this earthly life will be exchanged for the better benefits of Christ's perfect, eternal life. Temporal restraints will be exchanged for spiritual freedoms.
Today, we are hindered by our fallen sin nature which tries to govern our heart, impede our spiritual progress, destroy our testimony, and prevent us from maturing in the Christian faith.
All that is temporal, terrestrial, fleshly, imperfect, and restricted, has been exchanged for that which is eternal, celestial, spiritual, perfect, and free.
Spiritual gifts can be over-exaggerated by some Christians while being understated by others.
While some elevate the importance of spiritual gifts above their great salvation, others can diminish the tremendous benefits that are ours through the spiritual gifts we receive from the Lord.
But it is important that spiritual gifts are used as God determined.
We who are born from above should make it a priority to learn and discern all we can, in connection with spiritual gifts.
Spiritual gifts are sovereignly bestowed, to enable us to carry out the good work God has prepared for us to do.
We all receive a spiritual gift, or gifts, but we do not choose our preferred spiritual gifts, from a heavenly catalog of options.
It is not our place to ask for a spiritual gift but to discover the gift He has given us.
The spiritual gifts in this chapter are listed in descending order of importance and differ from other lists of spiritual gifts.
We read, there are first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues. However, there are other passages that list different spiritual gifts, all of which should be exercised collectively, for the edification and improvement of all.
To each member is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good, so that each believer contributes to the collective edification of the body, through the exercise of the spiritual gift with which they have been endowed.
Though we all have the same gift of Salvation, the spiritual gift/s we receive are specifically bestowed in an individual believer for the benefit of the entire Church of God.
It is as Paul finalises his teaching on spiritual gifts that he encourages us to, earnestly desire the greater gifts.
We are to keep on desiring the better gifts and zealously cultivate the greatest and best spiritual gifts and graces - not for our own edification, but for the collective benefit of the whole Body.
It has caused many believers to seek after spiritual gifts for their own, individual gratification rather than recognising that, earnestly desiring the greater gifts, is a corporate command.
The greater gifts in Paul's list of spiritual giftings, were apostles and prophets followed by pastors and teachers.
Instead of recognising it is a command to the collective Body of Christ, there are many believers today, who set about crying to God to receive the spiritual gift they particularly desire.
Perhaps the greatest spiritual gift we ALL have is the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit, Who was sent at Pentecost to be our Guide and Comforter - our Teacher and Trainer, Who corrects us, empowers all who believe, and guides us into all truth.
May we determine in our hearts to earnestly desire the greater spiritual gifts within the Body of Christ, so that together we may grow in grace and learn to LOVE others as Christ loved us - which is the more excellent way to live our Christian life, as we wait for the any-day return of the Lord Jesus.
However, young Timothy was obviously robust in the faith and of such a spiritual stature that he not only accompanied Paul on his missionary journeys and acted as Paul's scribe for some of his Church epistles, but represented him in the city of Corinth and was sufficiently doctrinally sound to be entrusted as a competent evangelist.
In every area of life, we are to demonstrate the same, spiritual maturity in the way we live, the words we speak, the things we do, and the way we react to others in these difficult and challenging times.
We need to confidently wait for the Lord to act on our behalf, knowing that His promises are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus, and we need to faithfully wait on the Lord with psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, making music to the Lord in our hearts with thanksgiving and praise.
Our spiritual safety and strength does not lie in our own knowledge or the wisdom of others but lies in identifying and eliminating those thoughts that have anything to do with putting someone or something in the place of Christ, in our lives and our minds.
In each of his church epistles, Paul pays much attention to instructing believers in our personal consecration, our reasonable service, our spiritual giftings, and our relationship with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
However, the process of sanctification will not cease: Until we all come to the harmonious state of Christian unity, spiritual maturity, and Christlike conformity - when we see Him as He is.
Indeed, His desire is that we all attain spiritual maturity and come to a full measure of development in our Lord and Saviour.
He does this by furnishing each one of us with certain spiritual gifts.
However, that should not prevent us from striving to attain the goal of Christlikeness during our earthly walk, and God has given us all we need to reach spiritual maturity and be found like Him.
But the full measure of the stature, which belongs to the fullness of Christ, refers to that time when every member of Christ's spiritual Body is made perfect in Him.
Today, we see through a glass darkly, for there are many irritants and unholy differences within the Body of Christ which will never be fully harmonised until we are all finally perfected in Him - but He has given us His Word and furnished each one of His children with spiritual gifts, to equip the saints in their service to the Lord.
Let us use our spiritual gifts and graces to serve each other and to encourage one another.
Titus was a young man who, like Timothy, demonstrated some special spiritual characteristics which had proved him to be a reliable helper and fellow workman for the sake of the gospel of Christ.
They are to be men of outstanding character, with demonstrable leadership qualities and spiritual maturity.
Paul was thankful for Timothy's spiritual heritage, and although he warned that the Christian life was not always easy, he reminded him of his holy calling and that the suffering and shame God's people have to endure in this life must be understood from God's vantage point (an eternal perspective).
He carries out His work within, through the indwelling of His Holy Spirit - Who provides us with spiritual gifts, heavenly grace, and the sufficient strength to fulfil the work that He has prepared for us to do.
We who are members of the Church and living in this dispensation of grace are truly blessed, for we have been placed in union with Christ, made part of His Body, and we are spiritual partakers of this new and better covenant.
Following his severe warning to beware of false teaching traditions and the spiritual dangers enwrapped in the hollow deceptive philosophies of occultic mysticism, Paul reminds us that the entire fullness of God's nature dwells bodily in Christ, and that our union with Him has made us complete, and has brought us into the fullness of God.
There are indeed spiritual perils and dangers that stalk the path of all believers, but He has disarmed the rulers and authorities and made a public display of them, having triumphed over them all, and now He is head over every principality, power, ruler, and authority.
Unless a professing prophet is doing the will of the Father and producing spiritual fruit, he is probably a savage wolf who will proclaim a false gospel, promote a counterfeit Jesus, and offer a substitute salvation.
He did not want these Christians to be stunted in their spiritual growth nor to backslide into the carnal ways of the world.
Having been justified by faith in Christ, he was keen to ensure that these believers progressed towards spiritual maturity - through the lifelong process of sanctification by faith - and in the power of the Spirit.
It is like the razor-sharp blade of a double-edged sword, with the ability to cut into the deepest recesses of all that is spiritual and divide it from that which is soulical.
The sharp, active, living, powerful, wonderful Word of God, is used by the Holy Spirit in each of our lives, to convict, convert, comfort, and conform us into Christ's likeness, and to prepare us... during our lifetime, for the spiritual rest, eternal life, and future glory, that is laid-up for us in heaven.
What a shocking commentary on the spiritual temperature of this final, apathetic church.
Their spiritual garments were soiled.
Their spiritual eyes were blinded.
Their spiritual growth was stunted and their spiritual understanding was greatly impaired.
We are positionally secure in Christ, but our spiritual rewards and our place in His coming kingdom depends on how we live our Christian life today.
No matter what the spiritual temperature of other believers may be, we are called to be faithful... and to keep Christ at the centre of our heart and life if we are to receive the promised reward.
However, He did not fit in with the Jew's perception of God's Messiah and Nicodemus wanted answers to important, spiritual questions.
Nicodemus did not appear to understand the need for spiritual birth... and so he sought illumination.
Many people agree that being, 'born of water', simply refers to the natural process of child-birth in the human realm - born of water, as opposed to the supernatural, spiritual birth into the family of God, when one is, 'born of the Spirit'.
Certain Christians use Ephesians 5:26 to suggest that being born of water refers to the Word of God, where Paul says that Christ, sanctifies the Church, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the Word. Still others suggest that being born of water is the same as spiritual birth.
Others consider that being born of water refers to water baptism, which is often argued as being a vital part of spiritual regeneration.
Our heavenly Father testified to the authenticity of Jesus Christ through the multiplied signs, wonders, miracles, and spiritual gifts, which He displayed throughout His earthly ministry and which were carried out in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Centuries before the birth of Christ, Jeremiah (the weeping prophet) foresaw that the Gentiles would one day turn from idols to God during a time when His chosen people, Israel, would be set aside for a season due to their ongoing, spiritual idolatry.
Our physical body may still be living on the earth, but our spiritual position is in the heavenlies, in Christ.
While our spiritual POSITION in Christ is assured our physical CONDITION is very different, and so we are to trust God at His Word and reckon all that He has told us in His world is the truth.
And the refreshing dew from heaven that is so beautifully promised to revive Israel is equally God's promise to the Church, for we have already been showered with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms, in Christ.
And on that day of Pentecost, we read that 120 faithful followers were all together in one place, and were all filled with the Holy Spirit and started to proclaim the wonderful works of God in multiple languages, as the Spirit gave them utterance. They were BAPTISED into the Body of Christ and then FILLED with the Spirit, Who gave each one a spiritual GIFT.
The mind-set of a believer is able to be influenced by the old sin nature, which develops into a carnal Christian OR the new-life in Christ, which blossoms into a spiritual believer.
Whatever mind-set develops in the heart of a believer, whether carnal or spiritual, his position in Christ and his eternal life remains secure forever, for it rests upon the faithfulness of God to keep His promises, not upon the unfaithfulness of God's blood-bought children towards their Heavenly Father.
But praise God we can rectify this sad state of affairs by changing the way we think - by habitually setting our heart on heavenly things - by continuously looking to Jesus - by fervently drinking in His Word - and by developing a spiritual mind-set that makes for life and peace.
Paul also knew that this band of believers were saved out of the most ungodly and perverted city of Corinth, and he did not hesitate to rebuke them for their ongoing, ungodly behaviour which manifested itself in all kinds of evil including stealing, drunkenness, greed, swindling, extortion, and insolence, as well as internal divisions, spiritual immaturity, and gross sexual sins.
How sad that spiritual myopia and foolish pride can cause men to miss the Redeemer of the world and remain in eternal condemnation - for only those that put their trust in HIM, for the salvation of their soul by faith, will not perish but have everlasting life.
The gifts of the Spirit are given to help equip other believers in their spiritual service, to edify the Body of Christ, and to help to perfect each member of the Church for the particular ministry to which God has called them.
Spiritual gifts are given for the specific purpose of conforming us into the image and likeness of Christ, as is the Word of God which is given for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness so that every believer may be perfected in all truth and thoroughly furnished for every good work.
When spiritual gifts are used correctly and the Word of God becomes the plumb-line for truth, the dangers of Christian immaturity, instability, and gullibility that Paul identified in this passage, are avoided and believers are not tossed about by every wind of doctrine, nor led astray into ungodly practices, worldly pursuits, unbiblical teachings, false doctrine, or demonic deception.
Although much of the Church has fallen into gross apostasy, let us seek to use our own spiritual gifts as instructed by Paul, to develop unity in the faith, to increase in a knowledge of the Son of God, and to bring all believers into spiritual maturity.
This verse is in a passage concerning the use and abuse of spiritual gifts, where Paul moves into an examination of the Christian Church and an explanation of our membership in the Body of Christ.
Not everyone receives the same spiritual gifts, and each ministry is unique, yet varied and complementary.
Spiritual gifts, designated vocations, and all the good work that God has prepared us to do are bestowed by the same Spirit, to the glory of God and for the benefit of the entire Church.
Paul is trying to convey an eternal principle; that the same Holy Spirit works in the lives of all believers, but that various gifts and spiritual manifestations are distributed to each one individually, as He chooses.
God is no respecter of persons, and He alone apportions to each one their particular gifts and spiritual graces, by His own will.
The spiritual Body of Christ is an exact representation of a physical, human body.
We all have the same indwelling Holy Spirit, we all partake of the same spiritual benefits, we all have the same heavenly inheritance, and we are all equally loved by the same Lord Jesus Christ.
Timothy had not only believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, but had obviously exhibited the same spiritual qualities and moral characters as his mentor.
But no matter how thrilling it is to have one's 'quiver full of them', it is always a great privilege to have spiritual offspring.
Unlike the Galatian believers who were trying to be made perfect by fleshly works and caused Paul to lament, My children, again I am in the pains of childbirth for you until Christ is formed in you, Timothy was growing in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus, and he was developing his spiritual gift as a pastor-teacher of the Word to the Christians in Ephesus.
Oh, the physical, mental, and emotional pain of being betrayed by His friends, denied by His disciples, rejected by His own people, accused falsely by the Jewish leaders, mocked and spat upon by the Gentiles, and nailed to a Roman Cross would be terrible - but it was the spiritual pain that Christ knew must happen when He became sin for you and for me that caused Him so much bitterness of soul.
James seeks to distinguish between genuine faith and a false, professed faith, but mainly he differentiates between a spiritual Christian and a carnal, fleshly, worldly Christian; between a fruitful believer and an unfruitful believer; between a spiritual man or woman and one who is truly saved by grace through faith in Christ, but is not producing the good works of righteousness which God has prepared for us to do and which God desires from all His children.
Our Blessed Hope is knowledge of the truth intertwined with the 'stuff' of faith, which trusts God's Word as fact, and treats the heavenly things, (in the spiritual realm), that are invisible to our physical sight, as indisputable reality.
He then describes Christ as the last Adam, Who illustrates the heavenly, spiritual, immortal body, where His eternal life and righteousness has been imputed to us!
We are soldiers in a spiritual battle for the souls of those that are dead in their sins, and we are to be salt and light in a decaying and darkened world that has rejected the truth of God for a lie.
Indeed, suffering develops the spiritual fruit of patient endurance, which produces a crop of godly righteousness and peace in the lives of those who have been trained or exercised by it.
In Christ, we too can prove the wicked allegations against the goodness of God to be fictitious and false so that like Job we can bring honour to His name and be able to declare: I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; but now my spiritual eye of understanding sees You and praises You.
He taught us to depend on Him implicitly for all our physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs, and to seek His forgiveness of our sins as we reflect His forgiving nature in all our interactions with others.
Although Adam started the process of dying when he sinned, he and his wife experienced an immediate spiritual death, for 'death' in the Bible means 'separation'.
God cannot look on sin, and spiritual death immediately fractured their communion with the Lord, which meant separation from God.
Adam's one sin resulted in immediate spiritual death, a physical body that marched towards physical death, and a twisted and distorted sin nature, a human soul that had no possibility of reversing the condition within himself.
However, He contrasts spiritual praying with the sanctimonious prayers of hypocrites: Who love to stand and pray in the synagogues, or on street corners, so that they may be seen by men, and receive their approval.
Indeed, over many centuries, an ungodly, religious, and self-indulgent attitude had permeated the spiritual nature of the nation of Israel.
On the surface, these hypocrites appeared to be so spiritual, and yet the Lord Jesus recognised them as religious pretenders - and exposed them.
But he then expands his teaching to show that believers also fall into two categories, spiritual Christians and carnal Christians.
Those that are growing and maturing in the faith are called spiritual, and those that are not are labelled carnal.
The meaning that Paul applies to the word spiritual is that the believer is allowing the Holy Spirit to teach and to train, to guide and to direct.
The spiritual believer feeds on the Word of God by faith with thanksgiving, and submits to the leading of the Holy Spirit, knowing that: In myself I can do nothing, but in Christ I can do all things, for we live by the faith of the Son of God and not by faith in our own abilities.
The Christians at Corinth may have exercised spiritual gifts, but they did not exercise spiritual fruit.
He rejoices in the spiritual blessings we have received, through faith in Him.
He prays that we all receive spiritual wisdom and revelation concerning our new position in Christ and Paul provides an understanding of our predestined status as sons of God and joint-heirs with Christ.
He reveals to us the mystery of Christ that was hidden from previous generations - that there is neither Jew nor Gentile in the Body of Christ, and Gentiles are fellow-heirs - members of the same spiritual Body, and partners of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.
He came to equip us with the spiritual gifts and spiritual graces we need to fulfil the tasks to which we have been called.
While each member of Christ's Body is given one or more spiritual gifts to carry out our individual tasks, the Church, as Christ's corporate Body, was to exercise their individual gifts and graces for the benefit of the whole.
While each spiritual gift is to be used for the benefit of the whole Body of Christ, Paul identifies a number of gifts that are particularly necessary for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, and for the building up of the body of Christ - apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.
Having stressed the importance of unity in the body he writes He gave some to be apostles, and some prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers - for the equipping of the saints for the work of service and to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. The first two spiritual gifts were most important in the early church, before the New Testament Scriptures were written, while the others are important in sharing the common truth of the gospel.
But like all spiritual gifts, the gift of Pastor and Teachers is only given by divine authority.
But we do not choose our spiritual gifts.
Not every Christian is gifted with the communication gifts Paul mentions in this passage, but every one of us can use our spiritual gifts to exhort, encourage, comfort, and support one another.
Every gift of the Spirit is of equal importance and all Christians can exercise their spiritual gifts and graces to bless their brothers and sisters in Christ, and in so doing are helping to equip the saints for their own work of service and to help build up the body of Christ.
Let us not desire the spiritual gifts and graces bestowed on other brothers and sisters in Christ.
Rather let us stir up the spiritual gift with which we have been blessed and exercise it wisely, so that we too may help to equip, encourage, comfort, and support the saints in their spiritual service, and pray that God would use us to help build up the body of Christ, for His name's sake.
Too often, Christian brothers and sisters permit their personal feelings and a touch of spiritual pride to fan a flame of disagreement with other members of the Church which results in broken fellowship or a split within the Body of Christ.
Examples of contentious behaviour and broken fellowship can be discovered throughout Scripture - sometimes in the lives of those we label 'spiritual giants' or godly people who were used greatly by the Lord.
Giving honour and respect to our father and mother is a command that should be obeyed irrespective of a parent's spiritual status - for this is right and well-pleasing to the Lord.
It is only a man who walks in spirit and truth and in utter dependence on the leading, guidance, training, and correction of the indwelling Holy Spirit that brings forth this spiritual fruit of godly love.
I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much spiritual fruit (godly love), for apart from Me you can do nothing.
Kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and grace were shown to us at the Cross of Christ, and they are the spiritual fruit that Paul tells us can halt and reverse the growth of bitterness in our heart.
It is the practice of self-control, purity of heart, clarity of mind, and unceasing prayer - and such conduct is reflected in the character of the spiritual man or woman of God.
And so because of His humanity, He is able to sympathise with the many weaknesses of mortal man; our physical weariness, mental exhaustion, the limitation of this body of flesh and blood, and He understands our deepest spiritual needs.
There are many examples where the Lord Jesus Christ identified with the frailty of our human flesh and on occasions, we catch a glimpse of His withdrawing to a desert place or retreating to the ocean shore by Himself, helping us to understand that we also need times of mental and spiritual refreshment and demonstrating that we too need times to be alone with the Lord, as we come to terms with some circumstance of life that may be hard to bear.
How blessed we are to know that in His humanity, Jesus was able to sympathise with our weaknesses and understood the limitation of this earthly life, but He is also the only one Who can supply our deepest spiritual needs.
Many in the Church were demonstrating spiritual immaturity and worldly carnality, which conflicted with the truth that Paul had already taught them earlier, and made a mockery of their Christian testimony.
They know about Him intellectually, historically, or emotionally, but how few take the plunge into real, God-honouring, spiritual growth, as laid out in His written Word.
He has provided us with spiritual armour that will keep us from falling so that we maintain an unwavering defence against suffering for righteousness sake: For we are of God, and through Christ we have overcome the evil one - for greater is HE that is in you, than he that is in the world.
The inevitable sufferings of life are designed by God to perfect us in our spiritual walk, to establish us in our Christian faith, to strengthen us in our daily life, and to settle us in our blessed hope.
They could: 1) Choose to learn of the Lord Jesus and become His true disciples so that they would grow in grace and become spiritually mature. 2) They could remain in spiritual infancy, born again but not growing.
He reminded them that the self-dependent unbelief, spiritual pride, and rebellious attitude of the previous generation had angered God, and their survival as a nation demanded total dedication to the Lord and an utter commitment to trust His Word, obey His commands, and listen to His voice.
Total commitment to our Heavenly Lord, a deep reverence for His holy name, a heart-desire to walk in His ways, and a total trust in His promises is vital if we are to stand firm against the spiritual wickedness in high places that seeks to destroy our witness and render us ineffective in the spiritual battles in which we are all engaged.
He told them of the joy he felt when he thought of them, recalling the three spiritual virtues that were blossoming in their Church congregation, for which he greatly rejoiced.
Three of the most important Christian virtues are expressed in these three spiritual fruit; faith, hope, and love, and together, they embody the essence of godly living, and illustrate the virtuous way that every believer should seek to live in their Christian life-journey.
We know that Christ has made the Father known to us, and we know that in Him we have been given spiritual understanding and godly wisdom.
God, in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, came to earth to reconcile man to the Father through the Son and to give spiritual understanding and godly wisdom to all who would trust in His name.
For decades, Jacob had relied on his own strength and cunning to get on in life, but at Peniel, when face to face with God, Jacob reaches a spiritual crossroads in his life, and seems to realise the significance of what has happened when he says, I have seen God face to face, and yet my life has been spared.
Spiritual growth and maturing in the faith is not something we have to do in our own strength.
He reminds us that as born again children of God, we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ and have been given all the power we need to live a holy life.
This verse is part of a passage about the use and abuse of spiritual gifts.
Not everyone receives the same spiritual gifts, and each ministry is unique, yet varied.
Spiritual gifts, designated vocations, and all the good work that God has prepared for us to do, are given by the same Spirit for the glory of God and benefit of the entire Church.
Paul is trying to convey an eternal principle; that the same Spirit works in the lives of all believers, but various gifts and spiritual manifestations are distributed to each individually, as He chooses. God is no respecter of persons and He alone apportions to each their particular gifts and spiritual graces.
The spiritual Body of Christ is an exact representation of a physical, human body.
It was on that unique day that by one Spirit, all the believers in the upper room were baptised into the Body of Christ. All ate of the same spiritual food and all drank for the same living fountain.
We all have the same indwelling Holy Spirit, and we all partake of the same spiritual benefits.
We are also aware that He gave spiritual gifts to men and women who believed on Him, on the day of Pentecost when the Church was born.
His threefold 'ascension' qualifies JESUS to be the One to give spiritual blessings to the Church and heavenly gifts to all who will believe on His name.