Take heart, the Lord is waiting to give you a deeper knowledge and revelation of Himself.
Wives and Widows
Are you a wife or widow who has no man as your covering and feels like giving up? Take heart, the Lord is your husband..
Take heart..
there were times when I wept with joy at the grace that God shows towards us – and there were also when I wept with pain as I realised how much we must have hurt the heart of God. I pray others will find blessings in looking deeper into the pages of Job..
The discipline of the way teaches this; but if He, in His love, strikes the furrows in the heart, it is that He may sow the seed which shall ripen in glory.
How slowly one learns that His sympathy is not expressed in removing the affliction but in raising one above it to Himself, so that He becomes so endeared to the heart that He is more an object to the heart than oneself. -J.B.S.
The hand of God never deals but in concert with His heart of infinite love towards us. -J.N.D.
To supply the need is a small thing; but to supply it in such a way as to make us feel in each seasonable supply the Father's heart never withdrawn from us, the Father's heart ever employed about us - that is what He means.
This is a thing which is so evident: the greatest fruitfulness has always come from the lives most devoted to the Lord, the people of the undivided heart.
This covenant has two sides.... The New Testament takes many warnings from the history of Israel, and we may fail of all that that covenant means if our hearts are divided and we try to live life in two worlds.
We never lose anything when the Lord has everything, and that is what it means to have a circumcised heart.
The LORD has sought for Himself a man after His own heart”1Samuel 13:14
Loving Obedience
God is seeking a man; a corporate body; a race; a peculiar people – a new creation. God is seeking a man after His own heart..
so Christ was sent to be that Man after God’s own heart – walking in loving obedience.
Christ was sent by the Father to show how a man after God’s own heart should live.
The desires of God’s heart reflect the substance of His righteousness and truth.
And such are the qualities that God seeks in the man after His own heart.
But a man that entirely reflects God’s moral nature – to God’s own satisfaction. A corporate man after God’s own heart – walking in loving obedience… A body, communicating His perfect character to a dying world in sin. And the goal of that corporate body is, “Christ in you - the hope of glory.”
He seeks to raise questions and doubts in our hearts as to the reaching of the goal, telling us that our labor is in vain.
To them that love God,to them whose heart is taken up with God and the fulfillment of His purpose, all things work together for good, even to them that are called according to His purpose.That is a definite statement showing believers are called into a Divine purpose.
And Peter urges us to:- sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you..
Gracious God
Once He set His heart on redemption, it exploded into myriads of additional graces: Love; Joy; Peace; Long-suffering; Kindness; Goodness; Faithfulness; Gentleness; Self-Control.
May He open the eyes of our hearts with a fresh understanding, of what it truly means to be accepted in the Beloved Son of His love.
in trouble or in joy The praises of my God shall still, my heart and tongue employ.
Simeon had hope in his heart that his promised pledge would come to pass.
I believe, with all my heart that in the fullness of time we will understand why the Bridegroom ‘tarried’… for we know that all things work together for good to those that love God. All things – even things we don’t understand and the things that grieve us: all things; ALL things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.
Pray and Praise
For you tarnish your life with much fretting. You spoil your walk with much worry. Fretting and worry crush the treasures that the Lord has to offer, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, confess your faults and your needs, and His peace that surpasses understanding will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.
It seemed that the heaven was closed, that there was no way through, no answering voice, no sense of a listening ear; and with deep heart exercise about the matter you have been tempted to doubt the promise, question the faithfulness of God, raise questions as to the truth of His Word.
All that I ask is to know that it is Your will, and, given that, then I accept it from my heart.
And throughout the gospel of John, we see beautiful glimpses of His heart for everyone.
Self-righteous Pride
Nicodemus, a pious Jewish leader, struggled with the idea of grace rather than human merit to gain God’s acceptance. Self-righteous pride may be the most difficult obstacle to overcome when free grace is offered, for one relies on the merits of man while the other rests on the grace of God. The constant strivings of the religious man to become acceptable to God by works is a far cry from the submitted heart of a broken sinner, who is thirsting for salvation.
so that the glory of God’s grace is hid from view. But the heart reaching out to God’s grace by faith is rewarded with joys from above.
A Heart Matter
Works of the law are unacceptable to God and unreachable to man, but the logic of legalism persists in trying to obscure God’s gift of grace. But trusting in God is not a matter of the intellect but a matter of the heart.. for with the heart man believesth unto righteousness.
Call of the Lord
He longs to tell you the precious thoughts of His heart… as He did with Abraham - shall I tell Abraham that thing which I do? But are we too busy to draw near in faith? Are we too fearful to open our ears – to hear His whispers of love? Happy is the one whom God chooses and draws into His counsel.
Resting in the Lord
It is by precious communion that this sacred intimacy is fostered. It is by daily intercourse with Him that this blessed fellowship is cultivated. It is by resting in Him that we prove ourselves to be His friends. It is obedience that pleases Him; that draws us ever closer to His heart.
Friends of the Lord
Distrust in the inner recesses of the heart disqualifies us from being His friend.
Wrong Perspective
How our hearts cleave to the dust of this world. How frequently we become unduly occupied with the things of this world. How we cling to the properties and possessions of this life. How we focus on the interests of this life at the expense of the life to come.
Focussed Attention
Are your affections too easily taken up with the froth of this world system? Are you preoccupied with the goods that chain hearts to this realm? Are you choked with the junk and wares that demand your affection? It is true that all good gifts around us are indeed sent from the heavenly Giver, and we thank Him for the day by day protection and provision that He affords us.
Heavenly Perspective
How we need to continually lift our hearts heavenward. How we need to look away from the world to the One Who truly provides.
How we need to focus our hearts on Him, Who is our Provider.
Men’s hearts are failing, for fear of what is coming onto the world, for lack of knowledge, and the hearts of many believers today are also being shot to pieces – because they have not yet accepted their secure position in Christ.
Seek Him with all your heart to secure them into the depth of your very being.
No, though sadly some believers do worry that they are not truly born again. Get once and for all the gospel truth ever firmly fixed in your mind and heart.. believe… just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you are saved – forever. No, the majority of truths in Paul’s epistles are for the saved man or woman, so that we can live the life that is best for us, as directed by the Holy Spirit.
Godly Thinking
He had a Single Mind – in spite of all the problems and circumstances of life. He had a Submissive Mind – regardless of the way that people behaved towards him. He had a Spiritual Mind – where he set his heart on the right thinking. He had a Secure Mind – where worry and fear was replaced with trust and love. He had a Surrendered Mind – where each thought was captured and given to God.
Godly Love
Jesus initially touches on the secret that was given to Paul and expounded by him:- You must love the Lord your God with all your HEART – and Paul tells us HOW. You must love the Lord your God with all your SOUL – and Paul tells us HOW. You must love the Lord your God with all your MIND – and Paul tells us HOW. Paul tells us how our thinking and thought processes must love and trust the Lord.. with every part of your being.
Godly Focus
When Paul’s heart and soul and mind was set on the Lord Jesus, his life was one of victory, joy, faith and love... despite life’s circumstances.
God will change your heart, but He will never change your heart until you address the issues of your mind – until you change your thinking.
Central Thought
Paul the apostle to the gentiles had singleness of mind – he had a single mindset. In spite of his many problems and great difficulties, Paul’s mind was set on Christ. Search through any of his letters and discover how often he refers to the Lord. In his thought and in his conversation his heart and mind was set on the Lord.
A divided heart and a divided mind is one that has self placed at the centre.
Hosea and James
Hosea points the finger of accusation at Israel, their heart is divided, he warns, while James reminds us that: a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways, and the result is distress, disease, disturbance of heart and mind and soul.
But a single mind and an undivided heart makes for a sound mind and pure heart, and James tells you what to do to achieve this: draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.
Cleanse your hands, ye sinners – purify your hearts, ye double-minded.
The Apostle Paul
And Paul tells us how to achieve this:- set your thoughts and your mind and your heart on the Lord Jesus..
pray without ceasing and pray about everything and verbalise your heart to Him.
Give thanks in all things knowing that all things work together for good. And Paul says that if you do this… the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Wise Instructions
Have you noticed something here – every instruction starts with a thought, and every thought allows you a choice… FIRST: Set your thoughts and your mind and your heart on the Lord Jesus. If you choose to set your mind on Christ, you will experience inner peace.
If you chose not to, you’ve chosen not to guard your heart and distress will follow.
Divided Heart
Indeed, it’s impossible for a divided heart to undertake any of Paul’s instructions, and the instability of an unsound mind is the disastrous result.
Single Heart
I could go on….
but distress, disease, and disturbance of heart and mind comes to the divided heart.
The Peace of God is only available to the believer that has an undivided heart.. the one that fixes his heart and his thoughts on Christ, bringing every thought into captivity – to the obedience of Christ. 2Cor.10:5
Secret Disciple
Nicodemus was a man with the veil of the Law shrouding his heart – but the light of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ shone down on this needy man – that dark night. And later we discover him to be a secret disciple – at the tomb of his Lord.
Resurrection Reality
What joy filled the hearts of the apostles and other believers after the resurrection.
Coming Kingdom
How their hearts must have stirred as they heard Christ speak of His coming kingdom. For centuries the little nation of Israel had been expecting their promised Messiah, and for three days and three nights their hopes must have been dashed to the ground – for the One they thought was to redeem the nation – lay cold in a borrowed tomb.
Errant Nation
For many centuries the errant nation of Israel had wandered far from their God. They worshipped other gods and felt God’s rod of discipline on their back in Babylon. They abandoned their mission to proclaim to the nations the One and only true God. They had become proud in their foolish hearts and missed the visitation of their God.
Tested Warriors
But the Lord also delights in obedience – watchfulness – faithfulness – vigilance, and He tested His warriors, removing all who did not keep watch for the enemy. And so the numbers were slashed to a mere 300 fighting men. Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.
So trust in the Lord with all your heart, that you enter not into unbelief.
A true witness is born out of suffering and pain and anguish of heart.
The indwelling Spirit of Christ is that treasured Light, within each believer’s heart.
Faith Not Sight
Let us not rely on feelings, but on faith.. faith in His unswerving fidelity. And though we see Him not – and though His presence is shielded from our eyes, let us talk to Him and open our hearts to Him.
God, whomade His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6 NIV)
We stand by revelation, God who shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
The people who are going to stand are those in whom this thing has become a living revelation; God hath shined in our hearts, this is one side.
It is God who hath shined in our hearts... in the face of Jesus Christ, therefore you can go through and survive.
Nothing can carry us through but the revelation of the Lord Jesus by the Holy Spirit in our hearts; an inside knowledge of Him - not mental assent to a creed or a doctrine, but a living, vital reality in our very being.
Growing In Grace - STUDY
But thank God that, although you used to be slaves of sin, you obeyed from the heart that pattern of teaching you were taught, and having been liberated from sin, you became enslaved to righteousness.Romans 6:17-18
Slaves of Righteousness
But Paul reminds the Christians in Rome that although they used to be slaves of sin and serve the sin-nature they were born with, they believed the gospel of grace, trusted Christ and obeyed from the heart.
He knew there was one way and one way alone that they could overcome – Abide in Me – Remain in Me – Keep your heart fixed unrelentingly on Me.
Heart Decision
Abiding in Him is even deeper than rest - t is a decision of the heart.
Come not in terrors, as the King of kings, But kind and good, with healing in Thy wings, Tears for all woes, a heart for every plea— Come, Friend of sinners, and thus bide with me.
They know not that the life of grace is always and only a life of faith, and that in the relationship to the Lord Jesus the one daily and unceasing duty of the disciple is to believe, because believing is the one channel through which Divine grace and strength can flow into the heart of man.
If we are going to be affected by that which is present in other people, all those features in Christians and in Christian work and activity which are repugnant to us, we are going to close up and withdraw in heart and nothing is going to be done in the way of mutual helpfulness and edification.
We have to look through all that to the heart, and be reminded every time that the Lord looks on the heart.
But the Lord looks on the heart; He sees if there is something deep down under all these preponderances, if there is a real heart love for Himself, and He knows if this is really the endeavor to express that love.
He is going on, He is not giving up; He is making all He possibly can of the least bit of heart love for Himself and for all men.
God’s Abstract Goodness
One salty saint of God explains it this way: he wrote:- This is how the Holy Spirit reasons: He shows us what we are – and that is one reason why He often seems to be very hard, and does not give peace to the soul, as we are not relieved until we experientially, from our hearts, acknowledge what we are.
Am I still accepted by the one I love? Does He still love me? These are the assurances every wife and lover yearns to have from her beloved. These are the eternal questions buried deep in the heart of every-woman….
You are accepted in the Beloved. “Help me- I have allowed pride to seep in and conceit is lurking deep within my heart” God never changes.
You are accepted in the Beloved. Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, Who has loved us and given [us] everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17. For you are accepted in the Beloved.
God expects us to believe what He says and seek Him with our hearts – for without faith it is impossible to please Him.
Underlying Hope
Perhaps there is no greater yearning in the heart of everyman than to love and to be loved.. to be accepted, truly accepted – to be really and truly and honestly accepted.
Acceptance by Man
But we know the condition of our own heart and the fickleness of every man. We sometimes do things to be accepted and sometimes say things to become accepted..
but in our heart, we know our acceptance by others teeters on very insecure ground. And one day we find we are removed from their acceptance list, that meant so much – for when we base our being accepted on human terms, we will be disappointed.
To find that we are objects of consideration to the Lord Jesus is an infinite solace, and it brings Him before our hearts in such a way that we are sustained above the consideration of ourselves.
We are free, by the finished work of the Cross, from the domination of the man who is now so repugnant to us, and we discover with untold delight that the One who so attracted our hearts is our very life. -C.A.C.
In all these circumstances he is calm and trustful; he is not only sure of ultimately going to heaven, but already abides there and enjoys something of it in his own heart.
Satan’s Siftings
The Hebrew Interlinear translation of this verse says it this way - And Jehovah said to Satan, have you set your heart on My servant Job? Just as Satan set his heart on Peter, to sift him as wheat, so Satan desired Job.
True Maturity
God never leaves us floundering, but He does wait until we come to an end of ‘self’. He waits until we realise there is nothing we can do to help to make us spiritually mature. It is only a heart that is prepared by the Spirit of God that will move into true maturity.
We have to invite the Spirit of God into our hearts to examine us.
The Seeking Heart
The seeking heart permits God to examine His rebellious, carnal heart.
The seeking heart allows God into the holy of holies, to teach him these truths.
Moreover, such a workman is not carried beyond what he has received from the Lord, so that his ministry finds sanction in hearts without any pressure. -J.N.D.
Petitions which identifies itself with the SINS of God’s people - Prayers which also identify with the PLANS outlined in God’s Word – Supplications that reach right into the HEART of God’s will and purpose.
Daniel’s Example
Daniel was an example who pleaded with God in prayer and supplications:- we do not present our supplications before You because of our righteous deeds, but because of Your great mercies Dan.9: Intense Supplications came from the heart of Daniel as he pleaded for his nation:-HEAR….
It is Christ Who will lift us out, Christ Who will set us free; but let me say this, that it will not be by His coming and putting His hands under us and lifting us out, but by being revealed in our hearts.
And thus it makes the one in whom it operates free from the law of sin and death.' It gives the consciousness that divine goodness is an unfailing resource for our hearts, and that all the treasures of that goodness are stored up in Christ Jesus, that we may learn them there, and find the life of our spirits in the growing knowledge of Him. -C.A.C.
In allowing fear to ‘seize your troubled mind’ we allow it to seize our hearts, our faith, our lives, The wonderful part of Amazing Grace is the promise that Father God’s grace can relieve your fears, if you cast your cares upon Him – and if leave your worries and fears at the foot of the cross.
What thoughts must have passed through her throbbing, aching heart. Surely her thoughts must have raced back to that penetrating prophecy – a prophecy of promised glory but a pledge of pain, from the aged Simeon: Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; Behold, this child is set for a sign which shall be spoken against. Luke 3:34.
Loving Words
As she stood in anguish and pain, gazing at her dying son, a sword indeed pierced through her own aching soul, leaving her heart bloodied and bruised, and probably bereft of hope. Despite the sins of all humanity that weighed so heavily upon the shoulders of our blessed Lord; despite the bitter pain, affliction and anguish He bore, for your transgressions and for mine, He saw His own dear mother, in her deep and gaping grief, and His own breaking heart of compassion reached out, in love, to her.
Spirit and Truth
You are abiding in Christ if God’s Spirit DWELLS in you – is at home in your heart.
Like Christ
We are all called upon to live as Christ lived, and it is not an impossible task. We are all commanded to abide in Him and we are given the means to do so. But we can only live as Christ lived when we abide in Him and rest in Him – and we can only abide and rest in Him as we live as Christ lived. We can only abide in Christ when His Holy Spirit is at home in our hearts.
Every believer has the INDWELLING Spirit of God in their heart.
From that moment on the Spirit will never, ever leave that believer’s heart..
but the Spirit of God is not at home or comfortable in all believers’ hearts.
Although they are saved, the Spirit does not dwell in their heart – or abide in them.
An Abiding Reality
Only as Christ dwells in our hearts, can we abide in Him as an abiding reality.
And the more comfortable we are with Him the more He dwells in our heart.
Spiritually Alert
We too must grasp the spirit of Christ’s earnest entreaties to watch and pray. We too must be unceasingly spiritual alert maintaining an unbroken attitude of heart. We are to clothe ourselves with a temperament of anticipated watchfulness. We are to develop a perspective of ceaseless prayerfulness. We are to watch and pray in spirit and in truth, at all times and without ceasing.
Prepare Hearts
Should we not take the warnings of Christ as seriously as His precious promises?
We are to guard our heart – in thought and word and deed and motive.
We are to obey His warning – and prepare our hearts for the days are evil.
He gave us Himself, as the ultimate example of a man after God’s own heart. And whatever He did He did only to the glory of God – for He is our perfect pattern.
You find a company or lives welded together in an indissoluble, indestructible oneness and you will find there the love of God wrought very deeply into the heart.
Yes, this matter of Divine love touches so many points all the way round, and why is there such a passion in our hearts as we do speak in these days about this matter?
Inner Ministry
I doubt the disciples could have imagined that Christ, going away as He did, would have resulted in something even better for them– for the Lord Jesus could only walk beside His disciples – while the Holy Spirit indwells the very heart of a believer. This intimate, inner ministry of the indwelling Spirit, surpasses our wildest thoughts.
Guide and Helper
Never let us forget Who we have dwelling within our heart, teaching and training us.
Holy Mystery
Let us wonder at the mystery of the divine Person that has chosen to take up residence in our heart and become our Teacher, Advisor, Advocate, and Instructor and Who is leading and guiding us into all truth and most importantly – is at this moment conforming us into the image and likeness of the lovely Lord Jesus Christ, Himself.
if you are prepared to change your heart, God will change your mind.
But, God will never change your heart until you change your mind!
but to stir expectation in the human heart. The new was the full revelation of Himself in Christ: I and My Father are One. And for 4000 years God prepared the way for the dawning of the Day-spring. And 2000 years ago the Day-star from on high visited man.
Perfect Choice
This is a choice that will affect the eternal position and destiny of a Christian, and God outlines in minute detail what needs to be done in His Word. But you must submit to Him entirely and He will change you – entirely. If you are prepared to change your heart... God will change your mind, but God will never change your heart, until you change your mind.
Faith and Faithfulness
Remember, it all depends on faith and faithfulness. Do not fall short of the grace of God by refusing to listen to Him. Take heed of Israel’s shortcomings and loss – and be warned. Remember – He will change your heart if you just change your mind. But you must first be prepared to change your mind, and if you are… just let Him know.
Seeing the blackness of my heart provides the perfect backdrop for the bright and shining glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is my life.
The learning of what I am and of what I have been in Adam, is truly humbling; but it need not be distressing if I see that all those conditions which have been present with me have just been the occasion for my Father to bring to light what is in His heart concerning me.
every self-discovery makes His perfection more a necessity to my heart.
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shone in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 4:6).
His stewards are to be men of understanding, who can touch the various needs, who can reach the heart, so that the Lord's children are saying: That just fits me!
Doubting Salvation
They do not have God’s assurance in their heart. They do not enjoy the security of His promised provision.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, is the Bible’s clear instruction, for there can be little or no stability in the Christian life when this truth is doubted – but until this is resolved in a believer’s heart there can be little spiritual growth.
This cooperation is a matter of heart-attitude, of spirit, and means that we go quietly on, cheerfully and faithfully glorifying the Father where we are, not fretting or praying to be moved somewhere else. -T.
It is not that I abhor my sins; indeed I may have been walking very well; but it is I abhor myself.' The Holy Spirit shows us what we are, and that is one reason why He often seems to be very hard and does not give peace to the soul, as we are not relieved until we frankly, from our hearts, acknowledge what we are.
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:7)
It has not dawned upon them that at the heart of these very circumstances they are to find the Lord Jesus, find His grace sufficient, find the life more abundant. -L.E.M.
My Father was not looking for any good in me, and had the Lord Jesus Christ before Him, the perfect and infinitely acceptable Object of His heart.
It fell from His lips as He sat on the mount and opened His heart to His own.
Yet Paul exhorts us, let the peace of God rule in your hearts Colossians 3:15
Peace of Christ
The first word to His trembling disciples after Calvary was PEACE… The heavenly Man who ascended to His Father’s throne left peace with his disciples: peace I leave with you – my peace I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled.
Spirit of Peace
This spirit of peacemaking is divine and is imparted via the Spirit of Peace. To be peacemakers, we must strive to be at peace with all men:- if it is possible, pleads the apostle Paul – if it is possible, be at peace with all men. Rom.12:18. When Christ is made Lord of all He takes the heart and makes it one with His heart, and we have been given the mind of the Prince of Peace.
Greater Purpose
But lips that have pleaded in agony of heart for years do not go unnoticed. Eyes that wept tears of pleading, until numbness replaces hope do not go unheeded..
as hearts grow faint and weary and faith flickers dimly as God still delays.
I know not what He seeks to correct and train and perfect in your life, but I must ask Him to search my heart to discover what needs to be changed in me.
I must ask:- Do You see pride in my heart, Lord – as I step outside of Your will?
Fires of Suffering
If the understanding love of the Lord is to be shed abroad through your mean life; if you long for patience of spirit and humility of heart, you must needs be tried in the fires of suffering.
from fruit to more fruit to much fruit, until purity of heart and godly righteousness become the inner clothing of your heart – and the outward garment of your being. And still the fires of affliction and the furnace of adversity are heated.
They are heated seven times hotter… where not only life’s little actions and the words of your mouth are scrutinised by Purity’s eyes of refining flame, but thoughts of the mind and motives of the heart are squeezed through His mangle of purification.
The Church is His eyes and ears; His hands and His feet; His heart and His life… just as our own physical bodies stand in relation to our own inner beings.
Silently comes the kingdom into the heart of a man, and who can judge the heart of a man and witness the new birth save the Lord alone? But the results of that silent birth should by degrees be visible, until Christ be formed in you. And then cultivate silence for God often speaks in silences.
Humility of Heart
The greatest prophet born of woman declared his unworthiness before the Lord: “I am not worthy to unloose His shoe. He Who comes after me is preferred before me”.
This humbleness of heart is what is sorely needed today, in each of our lives, Like John we should, in humility of heart, cry, “I am nothing and He is everything.”
We watch men’s heart’s failing and see our own world crumbling before our eyes..
Is the living Person now in heavenly glory really the Object of our hearts?
For some time after I knew the Saviour I used to think of Him as One who had lived and died on earth long years ago, and I well remember the day when I knelt down with a dear brother who prayed that we might know the Lord Jesus as a living Person in heavenly glory, and it dawned upon me that there was a present Object for my heart in heaven.
Our hearts will never be satisfied until that glorified Lord Jesus becomes our Object bright and fair. -C.A.C.
Great Divide
The necklace of pride that chokes man’s thinking and darkens man’s mind emanates from a heart that has confidence in its own abilities to meet the righteous criteria that is laid out by the Father – a confidence in his own abilities and based on human merit.
a change of attitude – a change of heart. An integral part of scriptural repentance must include believing on the Lord Jesus… salvation – a gift of God – by grace alone – through faith alone.
Oil and perfume make the heart glad, so a man’s counsel is sweet to his friend.Proverbs 27:9
If true love in the heart has but zeal and courage enough to show itself in dealing plainly with our friends, and reproving them for what they say and do amiss, this is really better, though for the present they are painful as wounds. It is a sign that our friends are faithful indeed, if in love to our souls, they will not suffer ill upon us, nor let us alone in it.
Humility of Heart
In Hebrews the words ‘chastening’ and ‘child-training’ have deep roots.. ‘Chastening’ and ‘child-training’ have roots – deep in HUMILITY. Humility of heart is the Grace that graces all graces when chastening is concerned.
Humility is born from the Supreme Good – LOVE. Humility is the Garment of Grace. Humility is the Adornment of the Heart. Humility requires us to submit to the Spirit to search out our Secret Sins.
Or will I allow a malformed perception of the Father-heart of God, to distort my own broken image of His Person? Am I truly prepared not only to learn the truth of Him with my ears..
but am I really ready and willing to recognise Him with my spiritual eyes? Am I not only prepared to speak of Him in truth, with my lips – or am I really prepared to understand Him deeper within my heart. That I may KNOW Christ.
Food for the Human Heart
No bread that is grown on earth will furnish food for the human heart. No nourishment for the body can suffice the deep need of the believer’s soul. Jesus alone can satisfy the longings and desires of the hungry man, for He is the Bread of LIFE.
Rom.3:8 – yet through His Spirit, Christ satisfies the hungry heart that aches for holiness.
Those who seek Me shall find me when you seek Me with all your heart.
How often we have murmured under trial only to see later the preparation of the Lord Jesus of our hearts that we might be His ministers of comfort in an hour of need in the life of another (2 Cor. 1:4).
This process is necessary because of our tendency to think more of working for the Lord Jesus than becoming a channel for the outflowing of heavenly bread to broken hearts on every side. -H.R.
Others come to us in their deep need, and, with our hearts breaking, we are called upon to give out of our emptiness and loss what we seem to need ourselves.
Wherefore I was grieved with this generation and said “they do always err in their hearts and they do not know my heart1 Corinthians 10:6, Psalm 95:10
Finger of God
As I’ve discovered the value and meaning of scriptural types, my heart has rejoiced.
And as I’ve understood the value and meaning of scriptural types my heart has trembled..
as I have seen the physical walk of Old Testament saints translated into spiritual reality – I have seen the finger of God – pointing accusingly at MY bloodied heart.
Jacob had a rebellious heart, a stained heart, a lonely heart.
Jacob had a heart of rage, bloodied and unbroken and overwhelmed with doubt.
Oh Jacob was successful in a worldly sense – but his heart was hardened.
Fleshly Jacob had a heart that was hardened towards his Lord, and the birthright and the promise and the blessings were his, but the birthright and the promise and the blessings were held, in abeyance: as it is written: God loved Jacob…with an everlasting love:
Sonship in our Father's mind is to have people who are reliable and responsible, who know in their own hearts what is right and what is wrong, and do not have to be constantly told and admonished.
One Way
There is a need in the life of all mankind for God – for His forgiveness and love, and multiple methods have been designed in an attempt to reach humanity’s goal. But the futility of those that are searching for a bloodless way is tragic and pitiful – for Christ not only told us the Way, but He alone is the Way – the only way to God – and all the questions that are deep in the heart of man have been answered in Him.
Christ is the answer to each hurting heart, for the spilt blood of Christ alone can address each need and comfort each heart – the shed blood of Jesus alone can calm each cry and heal each hurt.
One Sacrifice
But the multiplied, un-bloody methods of man are more appealing to his prideful heart.
That is if it came into the heart by the Spirit's power with the effect of a revelation in the same way as the Apostle Paul came to see who Jesus of Nazareth is, then a Christian-Judaism, or Judaistic-Christianity (which Christendom so largely is) would be impossible; as it became in his own case.
Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by Thy name, O Lord God of hosts (Jer. 15:16).
If we were to begin to analyze ourselves and take stock of ourselves, that would be a terrible business, a wretched business, and it would be endless - think of it, beloved, with all that we know of ourselves, all that God knows about us - The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Paul said it quite emphatically, i>Neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh... circumcision is that of the heart(Rom. 2:28-29).
It is a spiritual thing, an inward thing; it is of the heart.
Stephen, in that matchless discourse of his which resulted in his murder, cried at one point to those who were persecuting and about to stone him, i>Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart(Acts 7:51).
What did he mean by i>uncircumcised in heart and ears He just meant this, that they were only willing and minded to have what they wanted and nothing more.
Prejudice is a certain mark of an uncircumcised heart.
Bigotry is the same, and anything that you can find that made up the situation which brought Stephen to his death is a mark of an uncircumcised heart.
Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; Try my mind and my heart.Psalm. 6:2
We read in 1Corinthians 11:28 “But let a man examine himself.” Self-examination is not a focus on self. Self-examination is not an unhealthy introspection, but an examination of the inward heart.
A searching of the heart, guided by His Holy Spirit; a testing of the mind and the soul; a proving of our attitudes and motives; an examination of our ways and our walk in case we stray from His chosen path.
desiring His inspection of the hearts deepest secrets..
to uncover lurking lusts of fleshly inclinations. It is yielding as He searches the heart to detect any wicked way or wrong attitudes.
Discover any evil lurking in my heart.” Psalm 139:23
Test the Heart
Scriptural self-examination is conducted in His presence – a testing of the heart, presided over by the purer eyes of the Lord.
An examination of the soul carried out in the light of His Word. It is a probing of the innermost secrets, examined through His eyes of ‘flaming fire – for we are reminded that we are to examine ourselves and explore our hearts.
for God looks on the heart.
Inner Cleansing
Let us permit this scriptural self-examination in our lives. Let us submit to His examination of the inward parts. Let us consent to Him exposing each secret sin. Let us seek an inner cleansing and sanctification. Let us draw near to Him with a true heart.
“Search me, O God, and know my heart. Try me, and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm.139:23-24
Men’s hearts are failing within them.. believers and non-believer alike.
Lack of Peace
Despondency contracts the soul and withers the heart.
Depression renders one unfit or unable to receive His inner peace. Discouragement magnifies the burden and renders it too heavy to bear. Distress is the outcome of a heart that has not anchored itself on the Lord.
It is His loving grace that truly refreshes the heart.
Focus of Rest
'But how you ask. 'How do you reach the rest that He has promised you?' Turn away from the visible, if you would possess the invisible. Take time with the Lord Jesus and gaze on His loveliness. Fix the eyes of your heart on Jesus and away from the world’s ugliness. Turn away from your own efforts and from faith in yourself, and allow Him to occupy your thoughts until He is resting within your heart. Come away from all else and set your heart, your thoughts, your mind on Jesus.
Spiritual growth, requires a heart-hunger for an intimate relationship, and an intimate relationship only develops as we get to know Him Whom our soul loves.
does not your heart glow within you as you assimilate these gracious truths?
On the other hand, where one has been brought into this principle, there will always be a measure of brokenness, softness, and tenderness of spirit; and not only so, but also largeness of heart, and that lovely tendency to rise above those petty, selfish considerations, which so sadly hinder the work of God.
Whether it be for the initial revelation to our hearts of divine things, or amid the discipline that must follow ere those divine truths become a part of us, we shall find it necessary to turn again and again to this gracious comforter of our infirmities.
It is something that threatens your very life, to slay, and this in principle and essence, beloved, is idolatry; because its ultimate effect is that even the Lord cannot have what His heart is set upon and get His people spiritually where He wants them, because they are so bound up with His things.
Forgiveness Benefits
Many believers recognise David, as a man after God’s own heart.
David may be a man after God’s own heart, by faith – but like us, he needed to confess his sins.
Let us follow the example of David and search our hearts to identify anything that has grieved our Lord, or quenched His Spirit in our lives, knowing that, if we confess our sins God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness – and He will return us into sweet fellowship with Himself, once again.
Chosen by God
The eyes of the Lord had been upon the young Mary for many a year, for she was called and chosen to be His special vessel for His Unique Son. The righteousness of this woman had not gone unnoticed before the Lord, for the eyes of Mary had been upon the Lord for many a year during her short life. Her devotion to God dictated an equal devotion to the Son of His love. Her poverty and lowly state were no barrier to the Lord, for her delight was in the Lord. Indeed, her humility of heart and modest estate was what attracted His attention: for who can find a virtuous woman?
Diminishing Remnant
There were many beautiful women in Israel at the time Mary was called and chosen, but she was one of a diminishing remnant – waiting for the coming of the Lord. Only the one whose heart was perfect toward the Lord can be used by the Lord. Only the one who is watching and waiting for the Lord is called and chose, for the LORD's eyes behold and his eyelids try, the children of men – for many are called but few are chosen.
The eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him. Psalm 11:4 & 2 Chronicles 16:9
My life was raised in the gutter and my heart has been bloodied in life’s cruel walk. How?
But there is one little clue that each of us should take to heart as we look at Mary.
This young handmaiden was of low estate and lowly of heart.
Her heart was ever open to the Lord’s examination.
How do we KNOW that she was humble of heart? Well, God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble.
Spirit of Contentment
For to be in the place of His choosing, makes for quiet contentment of heart.
Cautionary Tale
A story is told of a king who went into his garden one morning, and found everything withering and dying. He asked the oak that stood near the gate what the trouble was. He found it was sick of life and determined to die – because it wasn’t tall and beautiful like the pine. The pine was all out of heart because it couldn’t bear grapes, like the vine. The vine was going to throw its life away because it couldn’t stand erect and have as fine fruit as the peach tree. The geranium was fretting because it wasn’t tall and fragrant like the lilac; and so on through all the garden.
Learning Contentment
Coming to a heart’s-ease, he found its bright face lifted as cheery as ever.
Well, heart’s-ease, I’m glad, amidst all this discouragement, to find one brave little flower.
No, I am not of much account, but I thought that if you wanted an oak, or a pine, or a peach tree, or a lilac, you would have planted one; but I knew you wanted a heart’s-ease, and I am determined to be the best little heart’s-ease that I can be.
You may not need to be emancipated from anything like Judaism or legalism, but the principle is this, that for all increase, progress, enlargement, growth, and maturity, it is essential that there should be in the heart a continuous unveiling of Jesus Christ, and you and I will never get to the end of that unveiling.
An increase of the revelation of Jesus Christ in the heart is an increase of the love of the Lord Jesus, the fruit of the Spirit.
You are conscious that your heart is coming more and more under the constraint of His love and that unloveliness is becoming subordinate to His love.
That is spiritual growth: t pleased God... to reveal His Son in me....It is so important that there should be this continual, living unveiling of Christ in the heart if we are to reach God full end.
There are two hearts that we learn in the process of suffering: our own sinful heart, and our Father's loving heart.
Then we find that this world is not the sphere in which the Father can bless us fully; but that there is no place where our own heart is more thoroughly learned, and the heart of the Lord Jesus, as in the wilderness journey. -F.G.P.
David repented, while Saul was only bothered about his own skin - not God’s reputation/ Unlike Saul, David was a man after God’s own heart.
Certainly not! David was not perfect for he had blood on his hand and lust in his heart. Was David faultless?
But David was a teachable man whose heart was open towards the Lord.
David was a man after God’s own heart and his life can be summed up this way:
But only one was a man after God’s own heart, who was jealous of God’s holy name.
Only one had a right attitude of heart towards God.
Search Me
Search me, O God, thoroughly and know my heart: try me, test me, examine me deeply and know my thoughts – and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23
John 4:34. But assault after assault was made upon His faith and His obedience… sometimes through the direct taunts and attacks of the tempter and sometimes subtle suggestions of family and His dearly loved friends… to leave His path of total dependence on the Father. Sometimes through the persistent criticism and accusations of religious leaders – whose hearts were set to discredit and denounce Him.
The burden over the need of others develops our hunger of heart to be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the Master's use, and prepared unto every good work (2 Tim. 2:21).
But the true end of evangelism is the establishment of the Lord Jesus' sovereignty in hearts.
How many of the Lord's people are seeking to touch the living God and fail to find Him and satisfy their heart-hunger for true fellowship with Him.
Many teachers, but not many willing to suffer, and to bear others on their hearts, until they are borne through their babyhood stage to maturity.
Salvation Joy
Did you experience overwhelming joy, delight and glory when you first believed? Did you tell all and sundry the wonders of God and the message of salvation? Were you one that for a time was seated on the top of the mount of transfiguration? Did you tell the world of all the joy and thankfulness that was in your heart..?
Faithful Shepherds
It seems these men, like David the shepherd king, were men after God’s own heart, as night after night and maybe year after year – these ones were unseen but faithful – unseen by multitudes, who daily flocked to the temple to seek YHWH’s forgiveness. Seen by the One who daily covered those sins – until the fullness of time came in.
Faithful Endurance
But do not lose heart, and do not be disobedient to the heavenly vision” of former days…”but be thou faithful even to the point of death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” Rev.2:10. Be faithful… not only to the point of physical death... but to the death of Self – death of the old sin-nature itself.
We dwell much upon the side of being filled with joy, but let us not forget there are broken hearts all round us, and if we are to be channels of divine comfort to them, we must learn something of the fellowship of His sufferings in our own experience.
Laodicean Disinterest
I don’t think there is anything more destructive to the human soul than disinterest. I don’t think anything hurts a human heart more than a 'couldn’t care less' attitude.
But the Christ and Saviour of their soul, was kept outside the door of their heart. What disinterest in the One that loves and cares so deeply as to give His all.
Christ arrived, despising the badges of rank by which men indicate greatness. He wore the insignia and seal of poverty and meanness. He bore the pain and embarrassment of humiliation and ignominy. Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7
make sure the Spirit dwells supreme, within your heart.
Make sure your heart is regal in its own intrinsic, inner character.
Make sure you are prepared for His next call, in this even darker night of disinterest, for… we have also a more sure word of prophecy; where unto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your heart. 2 Peter 1:19
Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12 NIV)
These trials give us opportunities of linking on to the mighty promises of God and finding through the trials come blessing that wonderfully glorifies Him, or else, missing God, turns the blessing into a burden that fills the heart with weariness and pain. -G.W.
They are absorbed in something else, and this not only distracts them from their work, but when they do set themselves to it, there is not that maturity, that finished condition of soul, that knowledge of hearts, and of the way in which the Word suits itself to their needs, which gives lasting value to ministry. -J.N.D.
No matter how long it takes, our Lord allows the necessary time for a heart to be prepared of the Spirit in order that it might be truly born of the Spirit.
O Light that followest all my way,I yield my flickering torch to thee;My heart restores its borrowed ray,That in thy sunshine’s blaze, its day –May brighter, fairer be.
O Joy that seekest me through pain,I cannot close my heart to thee;I trace the rainbow through the rain,And feel the promise is not vain,That morn shall tearless be.
My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge – and I say this, lest any man should deceive you with enticing words.Colossians 2:2-4
Paul’s Epistles
Paul’s epistles give us much to rejoice our heart, for we are positioned in Christ. We are seated with Him in heavenly places and have been endowed with eternal life. We have become children of God, joint-heirs with Christ and in-dwelt by the Spirit.
Paul’s Teachings
Paul outlined in great detail these glorious positional truths to encourage our hearts. His desire was that we are united in love and understand the riches of God’s grace. He longed that we have complete assurance of the mystery of God – namely Christ: in Whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Colossians 2:3 Paul’s epistles certainly are overflowing with much to rejoice our heart, but he also gives us some severe warnings, which encourage spiritual alertness.
Ever-Present Problem
Paul’s gives every generation of believers much to rejoice our hearts in this epistles, but the warnings of false teachers applies to all believers of all time, in this age – from the early church to the present day this has been an ever-present problem.
Secure Faith
Well, one of the things that rejoiced Paul’s heart at Colossae was their secure faith.
more is added. For those who take to heart and apply these truths to their lives, there is more, for just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow Him.
Words of Wisdom
Paul’s epistles give us much to rejoice our heart, for we are positioned in Christ. Paul’s words of encouragement rejoice our heart – and Paul’s words of wisdom provide us with some very timely warnings.
to His children. He may reveal Himself in a blinding flash, as He did to Paul on the road to Damascus. He may unveil His magnificence in the quiet dawning of understanding, but it is He and not man that uncloaks His truths and enlightens the heart. This knowledge and understanding that is revealed in the person of the Lord Jesus, enlightens the mind; sanctifies the soul; and rejoices the heart.
He knows the way we should go and has set this eternal principle in our heart.
so God set need of Himself deep in the bowels of each believers’ heart - a need to know Him; a need to love Him; a need to need Him.
God knows that the only path to growth for His children is their need of Him, for He has set a need of Himself deep in the bowels of each believer's heart - a need to know Him; a need to love Him; a need to need Him.
One saint of God expressed this 'need' that God places in our hearts like this:- It is more than comforting to realise that it is those who have plumbed the depths of failure, to whom God invariably gives the call to shepherd others.
God has set eternity in the heart of man, and this is eternal life..
God knows that the only path to growth for His children in their need of Him – for He has set a need of Himself deep in the bowels of each believer's heart..
For the word of God is living, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Heb. 4:12).
Identified With Christ
God’s gracious heart of love gave His only begotten and dearly beloved Son for us. God’s bountiful gift of grace provides a way for us to be clothed in His righteousness.
Gentle Pressure
The Lord still whispers in His small and gentle voice… a still voice can hardly be heard; a still voice must be almost felt; a still voice is like a steady, gentle pressure upon the heart and mind – a still voice is like the touch of a morning zephyr on your face.
A still voice is a small voice, quietly, almost timidly spoken in your heart.
until there comes a Heart to heart suggestion that almost has in it the force of conviction – give heed and “mind the checks!”.
Perfect Direction
Let God form your plans about everything in your mind and your heart, and then let Him execute those plans through you – but in His way.
Anchored to Christ
In this time of earthquakes and many other terrors that are coming on the world, men’s hearts will fail unless their heart is anchored to His voice of love.
Listen for that still small voice of the Lord that whispers deep within the heart – and mind the checks !
No man's heart will ever be gladdened by the joy of divine acceptance until he has learned that there is not a single bit about him, as a man in the flesh, that does not deserve the judgment of God. -C.A.C.
Self-discipline and flagellations will never draw the un-crucified heart closer to the Lord.
Preaching and proselytising of itself, is of none-effect – for God knows the heart.
a heart that is truly, totally, utterly and completely broken before the Lord – a life that has reached the absolute end of ‘MY-self - to focus upon HIM-self.
Just as the two despairing disciples on the road to Emmaus were instructed, oh slow of heart to believe all that the prophets wrote… Just as the arrogant Pharisees were rebuked..
Always give God's Word first place, for the Word of God liveth and worketh, and is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, yea, to the inmost parts thereof, and judging the thoughts and imaginations of the heart (Heb. 4:12, Cony.).
For Us or To Us
All scripture is written FOR us – but not all is written TO us. Let us take to heart the main essentials of Paul’s’ teachings. Let us follow carefully the faith fundamentals in Paul’s epistles.
Forgiveness was God’s heart of love towards the perpetrators of this heinous crime..
What Think Ye
Christ’s substitutionary death at Calvary paid the price for the sin of the world. His precious pardon was prayed over every guilty person, Jew and Gentile alike. Forgiveness is Father-heart of God’s great love towards every guilty sinner – believing on the Lord Jesus Christ is the only requirement – What think ye of Christ?
The Bible is our guide regarding what is to happen in this life and the life to come, but the Word contains truths that must chill the heart of the unsaved, sinner..
a day when God will judge the secrets of mans’ heart: the works of mans’ hands.
– by ‘confession’, I do not mean attending a man-made confessional, but coming to the feet of the Father with a humble and penitent heart, A heart that is broken before the Lord is the heart that is cleansed and restored.
Fruitless Intercession
Intercession is fruitless without a heart that has been cleansed of all sin.
Intercession is fruitless without a heart filled to overflowing with the love OF Jesus.
Intercession is fruitless without a heart filled to overflowing with love FOR Jesus.
Effective Intercession
Effective intercession rests on fellowship with God and demands a clean heart. Fellowship with the Father – is through the Son – in the Spirit of love and truth. This is the reason that it is critical to understand what is behind 1John chapter 1.
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you a spirit of wisdom, and revelation in the knowledge of Him; having the eyes of your heart enlightened, that you may know... (Ephesians 1:17,18)
Usefulness is not activity; it is not merely being used, but it is fitness, cleanness, preparedness, and separation of heart, singleness of eye, the affections set on things above - all, in fact, that proceeds from the judgment and denial of self, and the manifestation of Christ in the life by faith.
The love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5:5).
You are the Lord servant right enough if you have an adequate love for Himself in your heart.
All our value to the Lord depends upon the measure of our heart-love for Himself.
It is the power of endurance through the years, and it is an awful thing to come to a Christian life which has got to be kept up without that love for the Lord in the heart.
I am quite sure that in the case of the apostle, with all his suffering and all he had to meet, the thing that kept him going was that flame of love in his own heart for the Lord Himself.
Aspects of Omniscience
God is all-knowing, and He knows everything, everywhere, every-time – forever. He knows the number of hairs on our head. He knows the thoughts of our hearts and the choices we will make before we do.
Christians must fix the truth in our hearts that God never changes towards us.
Fix in your heart His purpose for you is to conform you into His image, and that He uses every circumstance of life, good or ill, for our eternal benefit.
Once we understand His eternal plan and purpose for us… once we realise He is preparing us through a process of child-training, our confidence and trust in His love towards us is multiplied. These are foundational truths and eternal facts that must be fixed in our hearts.
Eternal Truths
If eternal truths remain head knowledge instead of established in the heart.. they are nothing but empty truths.
Hudson Taylor:
“Since Christ has thus dwelt in my heart by faith, how happy I have been!
But again, if only we can bring Christ... with all His divine significance and meaning and comprehensiveness to them and the Holy Spirit can reveal Him in their hearts... oh, that will do it!
The heart is constantly looking to God to give a testimony about itself; but the Father is giving a testimony concerning His Son, and not about what we are; if He were to give a testimony about us, it must be about our sin and unbelief of heart.
The learning is at one time (head), the proving (heart) at another. -J.B.S.
But then it is through the chastenings of His hand, through the trials and sufferings of our path, that He weans the hearts of His own from other objects, that the Lord Jesus Christ alone may fill the vision of our souls. -E.D.
But it is of greater benefit finally to us, and much greater glory to God, if we simply accept His Word and learn to walk in the power of it by naked faith; which asks no longer certain ecstasies, but being sure of God's truth because it is His truth, maintains an attitude of faith therein; attitude - a fixed heart.
It is God's written Word that supplies strength to the heart of faith. -W.R.N.
If the heart is not fully occupied with the Lord in the Word, something is taken on board to fill up the void.
But take heart fellow believer, the trials of your faith will be found unto praise, honor and glory at the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Pet. 1:7).
One is the Sacrifice of Praise and forgiveness is one of the main requirements for a heart of praise.
The other is the sacrifice of a Broken and Contrite Heart.
Broken Heart
Forgiveness is one of the main requirements of a broken heart, for forgiveness helps address the other elements needed for a broken heart. Forgiveness can help to identify self, pride, anger, lust, jealousy – regret.
I pray... that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints. (Ephesians 1:18 NIV)
Man's religious systems have brought about that confusion and multitudes of honest people believe with all their heart that the thing that they are in is of God, and it is just possible for them to get such an awakening to see the whole thing was man-made and not of God at all; ...much rubbish.Paul was one of those.
Beauty and Sustenance
Gathered up in this one plot was all the good from God’s heart; prepared for man: - beauty to behold; sustenance for man’s food; pleasantness to warm man’s heart.
The Word delights the heart, but till the eye of your spirit has rested on the Person of Christ, you have not the model for the Word to take; there is no formation.
And the truth of God and His tremendous goodness hides behind the walls of doubt.. and God’s Father heart of love is tainted by man, through self-imposed twisted thoughts.
Such reasoning builds us a false perception of the Father heart of God.
Right Thinking
Every attitude displayed and every word you speak starts with a thought: for as a man thinketh in this heart so is he.
Grace of God
Pouring into the hearts of those that love Him - His own sweet spirit of gentleness and grace.
He reassures my fainting heart by reminding me of His love. He tells me “My delight is in you..” – this One that loves me so dearly - this One that loves you so dearly too.
Promised Seed
What an astonishing sign was given to Isaiah regarding the promised Messiah. His birth had also been foretold in the beginning, for the seed of the woman was to become the Saviour of humanity and crush the head of that old serpent – the devil. The ‘Seed’ gives the clue that He would not be conceived in the ordinary way. This was to be no typical pregnancy, but a mystery configured in the heart of God.
And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba!
I believe it depends on the attitude of a Christian’s heart..
How can our hearts be unfeignedly thankful for life’s deep embarrassments?
We would never guess that His best treasures are hidden in deep distresses, and yet we are often required to walk the path of pain and perplexity, with no explanation and a heart that would fain but break.
He breaks our hearts to anoint us with His love.
He does this to prevent our foolish hearts from self-dependence: “For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2Cor.12:10
Caring God
It seems beyond mortal credibility that the great God of the universe cares. It is past understanding that the Almighty should care for one person – one who has so often grieved His heart and quenched His Spirit. It beggars belief that the eternal One should seek out and love one person – one among the billions of mortal souls.. one so unworthy..
Truthful God
May the Holy Spirit of TRUTH unfold these things more fully and more powerfully to ALL of our hearts, so that we may have a deeper sense of the conduct and character which are worthy of the high vocation to which we are called – and that includes YOU!
While the direction is toward ourselves redemption, sanctification, glorification, and so on or toward anything less than the Son Himself, we have not got God dynamic for accomplishing His work, and therefore it becomes necessary, as the sufficient, the adequate basis of the Holy Spirit operation, that there should be a revelation of Jesus Christ in the heart, for it is in relation to Him and what God has purposed concerning Him that all the energies of God are released and made active.
Let a man renounce himself, and see himself as crucified with Christ, and soon another Himself - the Lord Jesus Christ - will take the central place in the heart, and quietly bring all things under His sway.
No one will think that this is the call for passivity, for abandon of concern for the things of the Lord; but it is possible for us to have the things of the Lord on our hearts and yet not to have faith in God about them.
There are some people who need to take things to heart a little more than they do, but for many the trouble is perhaps of the other kind.
The overcomers will always be, so far as the larger Christian world is concerned, a lonely company, having to go on, with few able to follow.Caleb could not accept the popular voice, his heart was too set upon the Lord.
But the Lord gets in a Caleb the satisfaction of His heart.
God is the anchor of the heart of the soul that is one with Christ.
It is safely moored, ’twill the storm withstand,For ’tis well secured by the Saviour’s hand;And the cables - passed from His heart to mine,Can defy that blast, thro’ strength divine.
Do I thus honour the Lord with my unfaltering confidence in Him or does my heart falter when life implies, in all its fullness – the opposite?
Paul tells me that the gospel did not only come in word, but in much confidence, and he instructs us to, draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith.
Hebrews 10:22. And he encourages is to “hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering…for He who promised is faithful.” Heb.10:23. John gives us such wonderful reassurance when he says: we know we’re of the truth and shall assure our hearts before Him. 1John.3:19
Heart Assurance
Blessed Assurance – Jesus truly is mine.
Others, who have consciously or unconsciously grieved our heart to distraction… as day by day, we are bombarded with pain and distress BY others – as day by day we are bombarded with the pain and distress OF others. Injuries from other people are all soothed with the comforting balm of the Lord.
Some are overworked; physically weak; beset by problems; plagued with grief, yet we learn deep lessons from His dealings with His servants in days gone by – He intimately knows each and every one of His own, over-wrought ministers. He dealt tenderly and compassionately with every Elijah and each Jeremiah. He showed sweet gentleness of heart to every Mary and each Hannah… and He is no respecter of persons.
Spirit of purity and grace,Our weakness, pitying, see.O make our hearts Thy dwelling placeAnd worthier Thee.
It has often been said that inside the heart of every man is a God-shaped hole – a void that He in His grace secured within – a vacuum that He alone can fill..
Rich Companionship
When a man dwells deeply in Him, there can be precious, rich companionship, reaching into the very depths of the heart of man that no-one else can fathom.
He understood the heartache that would fill their hearts – like a cloud of 'unknowing', when it was time for Him to go.
And so He reassured them as no-one else could do: Let not your heart be troubled – I will never leave you nor forsake you.
And day by day and moment by moment, as you turn your aching heart toward Him, You will grow more and more into a deeper consciousness of His indwelling.
So let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
When in our heart we can truly say, ‘God is my courage…” then we have confidence – quiet confidence and unshakable strength that He will enable us in all things.
He will give us the heart to step out into the unknown – fearless in Christ’s victory.
Confidence in Christ
The Psalmist sings often of his confidence in the Lord as his mighty Defence:- In Psalm 7 verse 10 we read, my Defence is of God, Who saveth the upright in heart..
Assurance from God
When my heart is secure in God as Defence – I gain a deep and quiet assurance, When God takes up the role of my Defender – He will discharge His obligation.
or like being kind one to another – that sort of thing – not just fulfilling a scriptural command) – but just because it is His heart’s desire; just because He is my friend, and He cares for me..
Our Helplessness
It is often in the midst of our deepest need and in agony of spirit that we call on the Lord for help. It is in the anguish of our heart that we plead ‘Help me Lord’ – for self and for others, help me – help them – help him – help her – help us O Lord, is our cry.
It is often in the prayers that springs from a heart in deepest need that God becomes so very real to each of us as our Helper.
It is through that very heart-plea that gasps, Help me Father, Help me Lord, Help me now – that we recognise our own helplessness and God stoops down to answer our heartfelt cry.
Our Prayers
He takes your most anguished cries and hears each groan of your heart and translates them into heavenly languages, which renders them acceptable to the Lord. He transcribes all your stutterings and converts each heart-plea into prayers that are aligned to His will and purpose.
Such prayers will be used for His praise and His glory, when they are wept-over and pleaded from a heart that seeks to lift up the name of the Father.
He has gone in for you into the inner chamber, and already holds up your name upon the palms of His hands; and the messenger, which is to bring you your blessing, is now on his way, and the Spirit is only waiting for your trust – to whisper in your heart the echo of the answer from the throne, [It is done'.
He enlightens the mind to see its wants; softens the heart to feel them; quickens our desires after suitable supplies.
Grateful Heart
God delights in our praise and thanksgiving; He loves a grateful heart.
And here is one of the innermost secrets of Christian living and walking with Christ... an attitude of praise and gratitude, from a humble heart - broken in love for Him.
What joy filled Christ’s heart when the one leper returned to give thanks for healing..
Praising Heart
With what jealousy I must guard this attitude of grateful thanks and praise.
Wherever the dark disappointments that mar your vision and break your heart – there is cause to praise Him and a reason to approach Him too.
Study - GOD, All I Need
Born Dead in Sin
The great desire of the so many saintly people is for purity of heart – for in Matthew we read, blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8 Born, dead in trespasses and sins, there is a gulf betwixt man and God – a gulf so huge that none but God’s perfect Sacrifice alone, could bridge that gap.
Unless washed in that Blood there can be no peace with God, nor purity of heart – for there is none good – no not one.
Job 25:4 And David cries… Create in me a clean heart – a pure heart..
Dressed in His Purity
If I truly am to have a pure heart, a clean heart and a right spirit within then I must put off the things of this world – of self – of the old man – of the sin nature.
A clean heart must be emptied of all misguided and ill-placed affections, whatever they are.
A pure heart is one where God reigns supreme and devotion to Him is uppermost.
All relationships must be viewed from the angle of my relationship with the Father – and it is in Christ and in Him alone that we shall attain to purity of heart.
Blessed are the Pure in Heart
Blessed are the pure in heart,For they shall see our God.The secret of the Lord is theirs;Their soul is Christ’s abode.Our Lord, who left the heavensOur life and peace to bring,To dwell in lowliness with menOur pattern and our King.
Still to the lowly soulHe doth Himself impart;And for His cradle and His throneChooseth the pure in heart.
Lord, we Thy presence seek;May ours this blessing be;Give us a pure and lowly heart,A temple meet for Thee.
I must be humble of heart; teachable in spirit; gentle in my dealings.
This matter of reason is one of primary importance in the life of all believers, but it must be His reason, not mine – His reason not yours to which we bind our hearts.
Let my heart and my reason be secured daily in the realm of the spirit..
But amid the turmoil of life; the confusion of hearts; the agitations of living, we have an invitation from the God of Rest… to come aside and rest awhile… The Psalmist gently reminds us to, rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him..
and He shall give thee the desires of your heart.. Rest, I say..
Responsibility to Rest
How seriously we need to take hold of the Lord’s personal invitation…Take my yoke upon you and learn of Me: for I am meek and lowly of heart – and you shall find rest for your soul, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Matthew 11:29 A yoke is used for uniting two oxen to draw a heavy load..
Come unto me, ye weary,And I will give you rest.O blessed voice of Jesus,Which comes to hearts oppressed.It tells of benediction-Of pardon, grace, and peace,Of joy that hath no ending,Of love that cannot cease.
Spiritual Muscle
The spiritual muscle and might that He desires to be built up in our hearts..is love, joy, patient endurance, gentleness and goodness, meekness and mercy.
The dictionary definition of ’tranquillity’ is quietness, peace, rest, ease and security – and how deeply the hurting heart desires this grace that God alone can provide.
Study - GOD, All I Need
Question of Truth
What is TRUTH? This was the piercing question that fell from the lips of Pilate and this question is the root of the inner, penetrative searchings, that are found deep within the heart of all humanity. For that which is not founded on the truth of the Word of God, fragments into a tissue and lies.
through time and into eternity, for as the apostle Paul reminds us, no foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 How it must please the heart of God when believers can be described like Gauis – a man of truth.
Distortions of Truth
Often, in a heart damaged by life’s traumas, the truth becomes distorted – even the truth of God becomes twisted and perverted through the influence of sin.
The truth of the gracious Father-heart of God Who loves with an infinite love can sometimes become twisted.
The truth of His Father-heart of love has at times become warped and distorted, as He is manipulated into the image of a demanding brother; a scornful mother; an abusive father… as God’s love and His forgiveness; His promises and His precepts are twisted to blaspheme His holy character. Many will not face the truth that their view of God could be thus distorted.
And fear keeps many from knowing the truth of the love of the Father-heart of God today.
Way of the Cross
There are a few who seek to follow Christ in the way of the Cross, where Christ remains their first love and remains as the focus of their heart, for as Jesus said, if you lose your life (your soul) for My sake, you will find it… for many are called but few are chosen, and I have chosen you. If I sincerely and earnestly progress along the path of Christ… the way of the Cross, my experience in life will be patterned after His life and my earthy walk will reflect His earthly walk, and I shall discover that as I try to spend my life for others, I shall not be able to spare myself.
Wisdom Personified
It is not the spirit of ‘know-it-all’ nor that of ‘what a knowledgeable guy / gal I am!’ – but a spirit being renewed – a heart being conformed into the lovely image of Christ.
These 7 Scriptures are the dear desire of her heart for her two young, precious children. This is the prayer that all parents would be wise to claim and pray over their own dear ones.
Deuteronomy 6
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.
Given to God
When you give your children to the Lord He will fulfil your heart's desire, for they love the Lord your God with all their heart – and develop a sincere faith – in Christ… and when they are old they will not depart from it.
“O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come”, were his caustic words of contempt. But one day, this greatest of all prophets, who had baptised many (who in poverty of spirit had repented of their sins), was suddenly overwhelmed by the grossness of his own wickedness when the Lord Jesus walked into the water – to be baptised by John. It was in abject humility of heart and wretched bitterness of spirit that John must have whispered, “It is I who need to be baptised by You – how can You come to me?”
The one, can incubate pride while the other can foster independence from God. And both result in a believer being removed from God’s best purpose in their life. But God can correct many decades of dormant growth in a stunted Christian life, and God can reverse the worldly ways of a saint’s fleshly independence from Him… if the believer changes his mind, and looks to Jesus and away from all else… if the repentant believer approaches His majesty in genuine humility of heart.. if the man or woman of God sincerely recognises his own lack and need of God.
but God can correct decades of dormant growth and fleshly independence, in the one that seeks Him with a surrendered heart of genuine humility.
The world is indeed spiraling out of control as evident with each new news article – and men’s hearts are failing for fear of what is coming into the world.
How many times do the complementary characteristics and moral qualities of God create an inward tension, by their demands in the heart of the believer!
and yet we know the heart of God towards all His creation.
ow apply the truth in your heart, and the truth will set you free. Rid your long-developed, mistaken perception of a split-personality God. The Old being one of aggressive justice and fierce, ferocious judgment – the New being one of gentle grace that hardly knows how to say ‘boo’ to a goose. You misrepresent your God. You speak falsely of your Lord and Saviour. You do not understand the yearning father-heart of your Father in Heaven.
Applied Truth
God in infinite, gracious mercy, stooped to the pit of hell to rescue you. You know the truth in your head – now apply the truth in your heart – to rescue you who took part in unholy rebellion against the glorious Creator. You know the truth in your head – now apply the truth in your heart – to save you, a bitter son of disobedience, living in the lust of the flesh. You know the truth in your head – now apply the truth in your heart. God, The Day-spring from on High – in His tender-mercy visited you. You know the truth in your head – now apply the truth in your heart – to forgive you – alienated in thought, mind and deed against His Holy Name.
God’s Eternal Plan
He has an eternal plan for Good, for your good and mine – you know the truth in your head – now apply the truth in you heart and the truth will set you free.
John 8:32. And you will discover the yearning Father-heart of your Father in Heaven. You will discover Him to be full of infinite mercy and eternal tenderness – tender mercy – towards you His precious child.
Heart of Love
The heart of God is a heart of love, and in giving His only begotten Son to be born into the world, so that He could die as our kinsman-Redeemer, demonstrates a love that is stronger than death – an unfathomable love that the Father has for humanity. God opened the floodgates of heaven and poured out a gift of unimaginable love over all mankind – for in being born in the likeness of human flesh, Christ bound Himself irrevocably and eternally to the human race, with cords that cannot be broken.
Historical Reality
The incarnation of the second Person of the Trinity, that was purposed in the eternal council chambers of God became a reality so that Christ could declare: Behold, I have come to do your will, O God — in the volume of the book it is written of Me. The heart of God is indeed a heart of love, and the irreversible gift of His only begotten Son to a sinful world, was predetermined so He could die as our kinsman-Redeemer.
Purpose of God
God had you in His heart and thoughts before the earth and time were created – you specifically.
Because He knew your heart would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
David, a man after God’s own heart pleaded to the Lord: take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.
The day is coming when God will pour out His gracious promise to Israel: and afterward, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh, your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions – for God will write His Law on their hearts Joel 2:28
Faith Unlocks our Heart
No, faith is the key that unlocks our hearts to the love of God – faith in His Son: the faith of the Son of God..
Love of God
The love of God in us must be Him living in us - His love shining through us: for God’s love is shed abroad in our hearts by His Holy Spirit, Who is given to us all, as we read in Romans chapter 5.
Christ’s love radiating in all directions like beams of a light, shining from a heart-core.
Love streaming to the heart of the Father and also to the beggar in the street.
the riches of His grace - the wonders of His grace - the glories of His grace. We are recipients of the wonderful story of grace conceived in the heart of the Father. We were foreknown to the Father before the world was created and man was made.
At the core of our faith beats God’s heart of grace that showers grace upon more grace.
Thankful Praise
We are the recipients of the wonderful story of grace conceived in the Father’s heart.
Call to Repent
Jesus was not sent to the righteous but to call sinners to repent – but what the pious Pharisees had not grasped was that there are no righteous men – except God’s Son. Jesus was not sent to save good people but to call sinners to change their hearts – and the whole life-philosophy of Nicodemus was being challenged to the core.
A New Life
No surprise that Nicodemus did not understand all these concepts that Jesus taught – for the new life in Christ was a mystery – a mystery, which from the beginning of the world was hidden in the heart of the Father, Who created all things by Jesus Christ. The mystery of the new life in Christ was hid from saints and prophets of old. This was a mystery that had been hidden from ages and from generations – and yet it was a mystery which would one day be made manifest to his saints – to you and to me.
STUDY - Character and Attributes of GOD
For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.Proverbs 23:7
Every word of Scripture is a megaphone of warning to the believer, for as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Yet many ignore the words of wisdom that pepper the pages of the Holy Bible.
For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. And Paul warned and urged..
There has always been a tendency for man to conceive in His heart Who God is: for as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
Humble Yourself
What does come to YOUR mind when you think of God and His Christ? Have you developed any false perception of God in your lifetime? …Have I? For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Are you prepared to humbly do anything about it? Am I humble enough to do so, as well?
The root of discord was sown into the human heart of our first parents in Eden: “The woman gave me… ” “The serpent deceived me…” And they both hid themselves from the presence of the Lord.
What anguish of soul has torn at the heart of man since that excruciating estrangement.
Reality of Christ
Christians all have the peace of God since the Lord Jesus became our Saviour, but there is a peace in the heart that comes from harmonising all internal conflicts, where the heart and conscience and will combine to become truly unified with Him.
Such integration of heart, conscience, and will come only as we remain in Christ.
Lay it all out before Him, and in the face of difficulty, bereavement and sorrow, hear Him say, “Let not your heart be troubled. You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in you.
I do not give to you the peace that the world gives, so don’t let your hearts be troubled, or fearful.
True Peace
Humanity craves peace in the world and we all desire perfect peace in our hearts and yet all that the world terms peace is superficial and shallow, for the restless heart of man can find no true tranquillity without the perfect peace that comes from above. Genuine peace is not simply the cessation of conflicts nor it is the absence of disputes but peace is a oneness with our Saviour, for true peace is being united as one with Christ Jesus.
Peace is found at the foot of the cross, for peace is in a Person – and that Person is Christ Jesus, our perfect Prince of Peace. The peace of God is also a gift of grace that is freely available to every believer who has learned to walk the pathway of peace – for the peace of God which passes understanding floods into the hearts of all God’s children, whose mind is stayed on Him.
Life-Giving Peace
Peace with God and the peace of God stretches through time and into eternity, for all who trust Christ as Saviour and learn to keep the eyes of their hearts looking to Jesus for it was our Saviour who calmed the ocean of God’s wrath against a sinful world, which He procured for us by His sufferings and death on Calvary’s cross. He broke down the middle wall of hostility that divided Jew from Gentile and the curtain of the temple was torn from top to bottom announcing that the gaping void between a holy God and sinful man had been spanned by the blood of the Lamb – for by Hs death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way, through the curtain which is His body.
In this world, you will have tribulation, but be strong and of a good courage and take heart, for I have overcome the world.
Satan’s Attacks
Satan will always seek to cut down God’s flock from the way of the Lord. Satan will attack when we’re drooping, flagging, indifferent or exhausted from life. Satan will seek to shipwreck us when we lose heart thru the problems of life we face. Satan will attempt to ambush any of us – all of us… when our guard is down – and sometimes it even seems that God is not acting the way we expect.
That is the heart of what we are saying, and that is what is here.... This new Israel is so much greater than the old because Christ, this Messiah, is so much greater than their conception of a Messiah... I am talking about the greatness of this One Who is introduced in Hebrews: em>God, ...hath at the end of these days spoken in His Son, Whom He appointed Heir of...an exclusive party?
Fullness of God
This aching to know Him more intimately should be the deepest desire of our heart too.. yet the more we know of Him, the greater His infinite fullness is opened up to us – for in Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
Governed by God
Let us with Paul, set our heart and mind to know Him more, and love Him better.
Let us willingly and joyfully set our hearts to be governed by the Holy Spirit of Christ.
The believer, at the opening of his course, never knows his own heart; indeed, he could not bear the full knowledge of it; he would be overwhelmed thereby.
God loved Job with a perfect love; a love that could take account of everything, and, looking below the surface, could see the deep moral roots in the heart of His servant - roots which Job had never seen, and, therefore, never judged.
Heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.Luke 21:34
Be careful – we are warned that the Lord’s coming is not like a spring-trap. Be careful – lest His return catches you in the same way as a set trap, for we can be caught unawares if we do not guard our hearts.
Deep Entrapments
And these warnings are burning embarrassments for the one who seeks holiness. The things that can easily entrap us are listed as the excesses of careless living.. lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting /dissipation /excess.. lest at any time your heart be overwhelmed with drunkenness – lest at any time your heart be overwhelmed with the cares of this life. We would do well to keep in mind this warning of the world’s is deep entrapments.
Guard You Heart
Each believer has a life – a saved life which can be used or squandered away. Each servant has talents – which can be used to His glory or wasted unwisely. Each Christian who does not die to self – wastes rather than increases their talents.
Such a one pours contempt on the grace of God if they neglect to guard their hearts.
Such a one that doesn’t face the spiritual realities of life – ceases to guard their heart.
Trust in God
The final snare is to permit the trials of this life to overwhelm us with worry, lest at any time your hearts be overwhelmed with the cares of this life. And the caution against the physical sin translates into a spiritual warning.
Heed to Yourself
Oh, we all have many family and business, financial and relational problems, but it is giving these problems preeminence in your thoughts – in your heart.. lest at any time your hearts be overwhelmed with the cares of this life.
It causes us to remove ourselves from the need to guard our hearts, and the unguarded heart must beware – for it will be overtaken by surprise..
heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.”
How many are watching for an event, and yet fail to guard their hearts?
How many are truly guarding their hearts, by laying up treasure in heaven?
Prepared Hearts
Many people are schooled in the second coming of the Lord.
Many earnestly have prayed “Maranatha” for the arrival of that time… but that in no way prepares a saint spiritually for Christ’s return – that does not guard the heart of a saint sufficiently.
This is a fact borne out in the case of every servant of God in history who has really come under the hand of God - that the real values of their lives for all time have been those which correspond to the wine of the grape, the thing trodden out in the winepress, the agony of heart; and you know that it is true in your case that if ever you have had anything at all which you knew to be worthwhile and which has helped someone else, it has been born out of some travail in your own experience.
If we knew the heart of our Father we would never question any of His dealings with us, nor should we ever desire His hand lifted off us till we had learnt all He would teach us. -E.D.
But there were elements in Job’s pure, virtuous life, needing the Spirit’s refining touch. Elements the moral, upright, proud, self-governed heart of Job, needed to learn, and God used the circumstances in Job’s life to bring him into a closer walk with God – just as God uses happenings in our lives, to draw us closer to Himself. Chambers once wrote, One of the most cunning travesties, is to represent Satan – as the instigator of external sins.
He desires to manage the mind and heart of a believing man in a more subtle way.
He seeks to influence man’s heart against His Creator through Self-government.. so that believing man cries, whydo I have to suffer? I am upright in all God’s ways.
The agonies in the early part of Psalm 94 – displaying God’s training within His child explodes into joyous understanding, as God chastens ‘the man after His own heart’.
Consider God’s Way
Have you considered 'These Three Men’'– Noah; Daniel and Job, who lived by faith – who were all beloved of the Lord and were all men after God’s own heart – who stood at ALL cost for God’s end; God’s purpose; God’s motive; God’s way?
He Hears
He KNOWs each one by name and responds to each heart cry.
He responds with a correction - What doest thou here Elijah? He responds with warning - Simon, Simon, Satan has desired to have Thee..” = He responds with one word of tenderness:- Mary..”He knows and cares not only who we are but all about us; every intimate detail; every longing of the heart; every unfulfilled desire of our hurting soul – He scheduled each day.
No unfulfilled longing passes by His compassionate heart.
Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him.
He is able and willing to bear the daily burden that taxes our strength – able and willing to carry the wearying cares that weigh so heavily upon our hurting hearts.
but His tender heart reached out to the distressed sinner..
Never forget that Living Water that flooded into the heart of the woman at the well – flows deep and wide to satiate the most parched and bone-dry soul who will ‘Come’.
Inner Soul
The eyes are often considered as mirrors that reflect the depth of the soul, but words are the instrument that reveals the very spirit of a man – for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
Matthew 12:34 A heart that is filled with gracious love is likely to pour forth a healing foundation of gracious words.
Speech can be seen like a valve on a geezer, which can be turned one way or another – where the external reading reveals the internal temperature. What streams out of the mouth can reveal a bright or a clouded heart. What pours forth from the lips can declare the inner atmosphere of the soul.
And this man after God’s own heart continued: keep watch over the door of my lips – for it is by the words of our mouths that the thoughts of the heart are judged.
that uplifting message of comfort; that encouraging word of praise; that heart-warming expression of commendation – that quiet voice which consoles the hurting or gently checks the fault.
It commends the one that delivers and its value cannot be measured. Would that all I say could be identified with such purity of heart! Would that all I think could be worthy of God’s intense, unchecked scrutiny! Would that all my words and thoughts pass through His purifying fire before delivery!
There is a condition of the heart we need to foster.
And may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14
Man’s Heart Cry
How often we fall to our knees with little more than a sigh or an upward glance.
How frequently we raise our eyes up to the heavens, while our hearts are grieving.
The inner cries of our hearts are ofttimes secreted behind closed doors of prepense.
At times, the inward heart is bleeding while the outward countenance is smiling – but the cry of the human soul to the Lord is never unheeded.
The call from the grieving heart to the Lord, is never is left unanswered.
He knows the pain that your heart is experiencing at this very moment, and He ever knows what troubles and anguishes, are yet to fall upon your shoulders.
He keeps your tears in a bottle for His remembrance, and He includes every heart-groan and dry tear that fails to wet the lashes.
He has compassion for every pain that rips the heart apart – for He knows the end from the beginning, and He knows that: they that sow in tears shall reap in joy.
It is one thing to include belief in the Holy Spirit as a tenet of Christian doctrine, and it may be quite another thing to know when the Spirit of truth witnesses within the heart to the truth or the falsehood.
It is as we take the Lord Jesus by faith into the affections of our hearts that we make spiritual progress.
The head may be filled with general theological information without producing one spark of heart-affection for the Lord Jesus, and the soul remains in a state of spiritual emaciation.
All blessings of this dispensation of grace are wrapped up in a Person, and, by means of the Word of God, we make spiritual progress as our hearts learn to find everything in Him - the Son of God who loved us and gave Himself for us. -C.A.C.
The question for the tried and tempted, the harassed and oppressed, is this: Which would you rather have, the power of Christ's hand in deliverance from trial, or the sympathy of His heart in the midst of trial?' The carnal mind, the unsubdued heart, the restless spirit, will, no doubt, at once exclaim, Oh!
But the spiritual mind, the subdued heart, the lowly spirit, will say, and that without a single particle of reserve, Let me only enjoy the sweet company of the heart of the Lord Jesus Christ in my trial, and I ask no more.
I do not want even the power of His hand to deprive me of one drop of consolation supplied by the tender love and profound sympathy of His heart.
His gifts come down to ease us in a world like this, that our hearts may rise the easier to the scene where He displays the fulness of His love for us.
It is one thing to know Him as the One who has relieved you from every pressure, it is another thing to know Him as the One attraction of your heart. -J.B.S.
Right Perspective
If each of us could really get this into our thoughts and minds and heart and being, I believe with all my heart that the trials of life would be put in proper perspective.
Different Times
Sometimes we are faced with deep doubt, distrust or disbelief. Sometimes we pass through seasons of pain and our hearts almost faint. Sometimes we simply wonder where God is as trials and difficulties mount up – but He is as close to us today as those times when He led with mighty visible signs.
Listening Heart
It is His Word that will confirm His promises to our listening heart.
Today, the Lord Jesus is the Living Water that is poured into our hearts by faith – and today He is the Rock of our salvation, from Whose side poured blood and water.
Eternal Perspective
Because we are already positioned in Christ, we are eternally safe and forever secure, and our life should display a heavenly attitude and reflect an eternal perspective. Our heart and mind should be set on heavenly things – for we are already in Christ, and we are blessed – already blessed – we are already blessed above all measure in Him.
We are heavenly beings that are passing through. We are to set our hearts of heavenly things not on earthly things – for we are in Christ.
Get a revelation of that to your heart by the Holy Spirit, and see its emancipating power and its sustaining power.
And that is for present revelation to the heart.
That is the thing which the Lord has been seeking to reveal to our hearts more and more for a long time.
And that leads us to that other fragment in the same letter, from which we have just quoted: That He would grant unto you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your hearts being enlightened.... The eyes of your hearts being enlightened!
The inward exercise of Romans Seven and the testing of the wilderness serve the purpose of teaching us what sin in the flesh is, and what is in our hearts; while such special discipline of the Father as Paul's thorn in the flesh is rather to protect us from the unalterable tendencies of the flesh.
Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith (Heb. 10:22).
When the believer has a real understanding that he belongs to that new place in glory, the Holy Spirit delights his heart with the things of that place.
And Satan feeds this lack of trust into myriads of strongholds imprisoning the heart.
Crafty Tool
Though designed to 'protect' our heart from being hurt again by fellow men, strongholds are the crafty tool that the enemy uses to crush our trust in God.
Such 'protection'f chokes the heart into a defeated, overcome, and depressed life.
Surrendered Heart
Help and healing comes from total surrender of your entire being to the Lord..surrender of all and everything in your life – past present and future..surrender of all past, present and future hurt, guilt, pain, fear, doubt, and worry..
come and drink from the living water? Was this offer of comfort a call to the heart to be comforted by the eternal Comforter? For whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones…. shall in no wise lose his reward. Who can forget that great cry on that last day – that great last day of the feast of Tabernacles – Jesus stood and cried, saying, ‘If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. John 7:37.
We say that John 3:16 is the heart of the gospel: but it is much more than that, it is the heart of the universe.
There is back of all things in this created universe a heart; not just a mind or a will, a design, a reason, a power, a fiat, but a heart.
That is all quite good and right; but we are not so often asked to consider that behind it all there is a heart and more heart than anything else.
The reason, the will, the design, come from the heart.
Everything takes its rise in the heart of God.
The nearer we get to the very center of things, the more we shall become affected by this fact, that right there in the center is a heart.
It is a heart that we shall come to eventually; not an explanation to satisfy our reason, not a demonstration of power, but just a heart but a mighty heart: and when we use that word rightly, we simply mean love.
Heart then, for us, means love, and when we say that back of all things and at the center of all things there is a heart, we mean there is love.
So in everything by prayer and supplication..with thanksgiving – praise Him – and trust Him – and take heart.
Waiting Heart
Don’t rush out and try to rectify what you perceive as a mistake or you could stay the hand of God and prevent His better purpose in your life.
If He did not put into our hearts the longing to know Him better and to have His very best, we would be satisfied with the least we could have and be saved. -C.H.MacI.
How wondrous are the working and drawings of God upon a human heart!
But take heart; I have overcome the world.John 16:33
Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.John 14:27
Freely Available
The Lord knows the heart.
He knows the troubled and anxious breast. The Lord knows that His wonderful peace is freely available to calm the anxious one, and so He reaches out with words that only He can utter: Let not your heart be troubled, beloved child, neither be afraid. Here is my peace for you, My precious children – I give My peace to you.
God of Comfort
You are more precious to Him than the sparkling universe and the riches of the world. He loves you more dearly than human understanding can fathom, and He is the God of comfort when a human heart is faint from exhaustion. He loves to place little lighted candles in our dark chambers of pain and sorrow. He delights to kiss away the tears of sadness and replace them with joy.
Great Comforter
He is able to comfort because He is incarnate Comfort – the great Comforter. He gives His own peace to those He delights in. He offers the same peace that kept Him quiet and calm during His own earthly walk: Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
She spent time with Him, in humbleness of heart, and received the better part.
The peace that the Lord Himself, as the God of Peace, pours into our hearts.
So let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in me. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. How do we access this perfect gift of perfect peace? God will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on JESUS: because he trusteth in Thee.
This is not attained by our goodly works or human goodness. This is not gained through a striving heart, or struggling improvements. This is not won as the chivalrous knight of old won his spurs. This is not awarded through an act of gallantry. This is no olympiad wreath of plaited leaves, that fades into night.
Life is never easy. Life is full to the brim with sufferings of the body and disappointments of the heart.
Difficult Choice
As we draw ever closer to the fast-approaching return of the Lord Jesus, our heart fluctuates between His glorious appearing in the clouds.. and concerned thoughts in our heart about our readiness to meet Him.
Eye has not seen, and it hasn’t entered into the heart of man the glories that await. We can hardly begin to appreciate the glory of God, and the wonders of heaven, so we can scarce comprehend the magnificence of Christ and the joys that lie ahead.
Yet these truths are as binding on the heart of God as the blood-drenched cross, These promises are solid and as secure as Christ, the Rock of our Salvation.
Weariness of body; sickness of mind; frustration of the soul, and hurt to the heart fuse together, and all combine to draw our attention and focus on self – self-interest, self-pity, self-indulgence – just self! Worries; angers; anxieties; vexations; disappointments and busyness of life…unite..
He alone is the answer to the longings of our heart, and the searchings of the soul.
This truth is as binding on the heart of God as the blood-drenched cross.
Our relationships with each other and with Him are to be intimate and satisfying – and these truths are as binding on the heart of God as the blood-drenched cross.
Binding Truth
The Lord’s return for His little flock is Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus, and the greatest joy will be to see Him as He is and to be made like unto Him – and these truths are as binding on the heart of God as the blood-drenched cross.
If you present the high ground of God full thought for His people and the hearts of the people are really set upon having a work for God down here that is flourishing and prosperous and well-spoken of, you find that people are really, after all, only going with Him so long as He comes into line with their ideas and ambitions.
the trauma of hurting people; the crisis of life’s myriads of problems; of the intense pain of a precious loved one; of the deep darkness of depression’s icy grip – the disappointed heart..
Lay bare any suppressed wounds of the heart or bitterness of the soul.
Preventing disloyal betrayals of trusted friends may dictate a smoother route, but it won’t perfect in us generosity of heart towards gracious forgiveness.
We are to be temperate in mind, dispassionate in heart, and vigilant in soul.
This protective breastplate of faith and love is our covering of Christ’s righteousness, for the heart that abides in Christ is the one that stands firm in the day of trouble.
The breastplate of faith and love covers our heart, enfolding us in His righteousness.
The Father has placed us in His very heart, and He intends for our heart to find its place there.
Think of the fast embrace with which I find myself held, right to the heart of my Father, when I discern my position in His Beloved Son.
Now you know you have a living bond with the Lord Jesus, you are linked with Him in spirit, and a new interest altogether is awakened in your heart; it is with Him you are occupied. -J.B.S.
I have a Person, and the love of that Person for my heart.
And when I think of who that Person is, and how He has brought divine love to me, and how He draws my heart to Himself in an ineffable scene of divine affections, I begin to taste divine satisfaction.
Our ungrateful hearts, fleshly irritations, lack of forgiveness and criticism of others fall far short of God’s standard, which grieves the Spirit and blocks our fellowship with the Father – and that requires us to confess our sin to Him.
Blinded minds and bloodied hearts at enmity with the Creator Who made us.
It is beyond our comprehension that our Creator should choose to die for foul sinners. Yet, when we pour that crimson flood on the lintels of our heart – we are saved. All we have to do is to believe this truth – trust His word – nothing else.
Gabriel’s Visitation
What secrets must have been exchanged and what joy must have filled both hearts as they talked together of the 2 visitations of the angel Gabriel, to tell the good news. When John emerged onto the world stage, he came in the spirit and power of Elijah. He was a voice crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord – get ready! Make His paths straight!
It is an impossible burden on the one that declares 'give me proof before I’ll believe'. It is always hard for prideful man to admit there are things we don’t understand, but it needs humility of heart, founded on faith to admit that we’ll never fully understand.
His Handiwork
Many millions continue to pass through this mortal realm with no thought of God. Few have set their hearts to steadfastly gaze unstintingly upon the Being that is God. Rather He is ignored, blasphemed, scorned, derided, mocked, defied – ridiculed.
Crucified with Christ
Until such a time, our heart must remain rebellious towards the self-existent One, Who loves us so much that He gave Himself for us.
When you seek Me with all your heart.” And in Genesis 32:26 we read: “then He said: let Me go, for the day has broken, but Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me – and in Exodus 33:13-14 God said to Moses, “My presence will go with you – and I will give you rest.”
continues to plead the delights of His heart.
Each wise believer needs to search out the ruinous sins that lurk deep within one's own heart.
God wants men and women whose hearts turn away from My-Self to the Him-Self.
God will sometimes wrestle with us through the night of doubt and sorrow – to prove that such gifts are given to the one who seeks Him with all their heart.
you WILL find me if you search for me with ALL your heart….” Jer.29:13.
God will sift our very motives as He searches the thoughts of our hearts..
Remember, true prayers of importunity, which wrestle with God for His blessing, will indeed transform the man or woman who seeks Him with all their heart.
A narrative to be studied – a historical record, which combines to open your eyes and warm your heart.
Boaz, the gracious kinsman-redeemer, and David, a man after God’s own heart.
No wonder the two on the Road to Emmaus cried:- Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened to us the Scriptures?
Two Results
A man’s heart and soul may be perfected through suffering – or suffering may make that same man’s soul bitter and rebellious. For through suffering we come to an end of self – to the extremity of me – or, through that same suffering selfishness may increase as “I” takes control – and God, not the old sin nature is blamed for the problems and pain that engulf us.
Union with Christ
We are positioned in Christ the moment we trust Him as Redeemer and Saviour. We are placed in union with Christ the moment our hearts declare 'I believe'.
God looks on the heart and He knows!! He became our life by means of the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit.
He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts... as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.
Heavenly Places
Although we are seated with Christ in heavenly places, we live on the earth. While our hearts are seated in the heavenlies, our bodies are firmly fixed on earth. While our conduct should reflect our godly status, we must also live our lives below.
All the church of Christ are in unity with Him; one with Him; in union with Him, and the heart of Christ is that all who believe on Him are one with Him: as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.
Let us remedy any deficiency in our hearts as we submit to His guidance – today.
That one thought centers in His Son, Jesus Christ, and therefore the very essence of revelation, and the very heart of spiritual enlightenment is that you see Christ in all those thoughts and ways of God as they are expressed in His Word and in His activities.
The branches of pride tentacle their way into every thought of man’s heart and mind.
O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken Luke 24:25 Jesus said 'you have no power at all against Jesus, except it were given you from above' John 19:11
Is He the love of your life and the joy of your heart?
He can be drawn deep – deep into the inner recesses of your heart and your being. He can be invited to search out and heal the deep-rooted areas of your hidden soul.
Worship of Jesus
All He wants from you is permission from a humbled, seeking heart..
a heart that removes king-self from the throne-room in your soul..
a heart that kneels in recognition that without Him you can do nothing – a heart that knows that you are nothing, but He is everything.
hope' and hope makes not ashamed, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, which is given unto us.
He is the love in our life. For our light afflictions which is but for a moment, worketh in us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. We have also a more sure word of prophecy; where-unto ye do well that you take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts. 2 Peter 1:19
He goes on:- 'for my concern is that their hearts may be braced (comforted, cheered, and encouraged), so they are knit together in love – in unity and in oneness – in Christ.'
Purpose of Intercession
So what is the purpose for such deep and heart-rending intercession? 'That they may come to have all the abounding wealth and blessings of assured conviction of understanding, and that they may become progressively and more intimately acquainted with..
Learn Christ
Learn of Me was Christ’s entreaty to His disciples. Learn Christ was Paul’s appeal to all who believe on His name. If Learning Christ is the desire of your heart, relative truth must be put away – so that Christ Who is Truth..
It is possible to wear yourself right out, and kill yourself in a spiritual quest, and the Lord at last says to our hearts: If you only know Me, things will happen; it will all come to pass without any of your strain, struggle and agony.
Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defence to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet do so with gentleness and reverence.1 Peter 3:15
Let us in our hearts revere, Christ Jesus, as Lord and God, and always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.
Pain when you find yourself tormented and in deep sorrow Stunned into disbelief, paralysed by grief, when you thought your heart would break. 'Last Night' - when you found yourself betrayed – betrayed by a friend you love.
There are many 'Last Nights', when hearts break. 'Last Night' has been played out many times over. 'Last Night' has been the experience down through the ages.
Unless you are able to believe in your very heart that you died with Him, and that you were buried, and that your history before the Father in Adam the first came to an utter end at Calvary you will never get free from the claims of the law upon your conscience. -W.R.N.
Grace is the Father's favor to man according to His own heart, and for His own glory.
I am more an object to myself; but when I find how fully I am an object to Him, then my heart is at liberty to make Him its object, He having made me His. -J.B.S.
When the advantages of grace do not call forth praise to the Father, when He is not prominently before the soul, as the source of everything possessed, then the gifts take the place of the Giver in the heart, and must soon lose their vigor and value like flowers cut away from their roots.
Throne of Grace
Christ’s death on the cross as the Sacrifice for sin tore down the unscalable wall of division that separated a holy God from a sinful race of men, and opened up, to all who would believe in His name, God’s eternal throne-room of grace: let us, therefore, approach God’s throne of grace with confidence and grateful hearts, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Hebrews 4:16 And Jesus reminded us that men ought always to keep on praying and not to lose heart in the process – for God is willing and able to answer all our cries for help and our impossible pleas.
He prayed that they might be endued with the Spirit of wisdom and understanding so that the eyes of their hearts would be enlightened – to know the hope to which they had been called and the riches of God’s glorious inheritance in his holy people.
And let us in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thankful hearts make our requests known unto God, as we follow in the patterns of our praying Priest – Who today, is interceding for us in heaven.
Even where in the new convert there is great singleness of heart and faith, with true love and devotion to the Saviour, time is needed for a deeper knowledge of the old man and sin, for a spiritual insight into what the Father's will and grace are. -A.M.
Many things are embarked upon by the mere simple, though honest and sincere, judgment of the heart, when confronted by what is judged as something to be done for God, something needing to be done.
If ministers and teachers of God's Word would set saints free and establish them in the Gospel, let their preaching and teaching be based upon the sixth and seventh of Romans, the central theme of which is our union with the Lord Jesus in death and burial; and our resurrection and ascension with Him into newness of life; where not the law, but grace, reigneth; where not the letter but the Spirit, moveth the heart and life of the believer.
The head-knowledge of Spirit-taught study becomes the heart-knowledge of Spirit-led life, via Romans 8:28 and 29.
In fact, we ought to be prepared for the dark hour; so that, though it be dark, there is something so blessed, so suited, pouring its comfort and sustenance on our souls, that, after all, the dark and dreary hour becomes a more really festive time to the heart, because of the virtues of the truth now made known, than the time of its reception, which was so happy and exhilarating. -J.B.S.
The entire history of the Lord's people, and of the spiritual life, is one of light and darkness, of truth and falsehood, of purity and adulteration or mixture, of clearness and cloudiness, of openness and secretiveness.... Truth may be in word, in doctrine, but there has to be a corresponding truth in heart, truth in life.
Light may be a matter of doctrine, but there has to be a corresponding state of light in the heart.
Mystery Of God
Just as God’s directed light followed darkness and dawn at the world’s creation... just as dazzling light filled the newly formed clay vessel (Adam) with spirit and life – so is the new creation called from darkness to light, and from death to life. And here, in these wonderful words, God’s purpose was seen. The first sight of God’s amazing purpose was proclaimed:- a mystery and a plan... formed in the heart of God from before the world was created. The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world…..” Rom.13:8. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery – even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world, unto our glory.” 1Cor.2:7
Darkness that strangles the hopes of hearts..
A pure, brilliant Light that first rejoices the heart, but discomforts the conscience..
That secret abode that houses all the deepest desires of your longing heart, with its affections and emotions; its passion and plans – that private place that buries all the deepest lacerations that life can throw at it; its failures and disappointments – its wounds and its pains – blameless. (i.e.
Its link to time and its roots in eternity, with its ever-constant inward connection to the very thoughts of the heart.
blameless. Let us accept His ideal for our lives, as step by step our hearts are established in peace, through the little by little the process of holistic, practical sanctification.
May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus.
And you shall LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’Mark 12:29-30
Eternal Truths
These vital truths are for our learning and were played out in the time of Nehemiah. They are still true today and need to be fastened in our hearts and secured in our mind. Let us without reservation listen and love… listen to His voice and to hear His word – encourage each other to fall in love with our Lord, all over again.
O Beloved, we have spoken openly to you, our heart is wide open. 2 Corinthians 6:2-11
It is not a question of correcting this or that, but of heavenly things in the Lord Jesus separating our hearts from things on earth.
The believer is placed before the Father according to the beauty of the Lord Jesus Christ, and is, according to the Father's eye and heart, as His Beloved - nothing less. -J.B.S.
Phil.1:21 This is a truth that discerning men of God have come to understand, but often after many years or decades of heart-break when the struggle with the self-life ends up with a life broken before the Lord.
Our Voluntary Sacrifice
And this is what He asks of us - not just that we believe and are saved, but that we love Him all our heart and soul and mind and strength – and that we live our Christian life as a willing 'sacrifice of praise' . I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice – a voluntary offering – a ‘burnt’ offering a sweet savor to the Father… holy, acceptable to God.
I think it is very sad that the highest thought which God has about us, and that which His heart is set on, is that which is least known by Christians; for I know no truth that is so little realized as union with Christ. -J.B.S.
I cannot conceive anything more satisfying or cheering to the heart than the consciousness that I may not only draw near, but that I draw near in answer to the thought and interest that the Lord Jesus has about me, and that I draw nigh to enjoy myself in His presence where there is so much thought and interest about me.
It is there my heart goes out in acknowledgment of Him in answer to His deep, gracious, and everlasting love.
For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shone in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 4:6).
Those who open their hearts to the Lord Jesus let in heaven’s love and divine joy.
God and King
It is the personification of God Who is the One for Whom I should be listening. It is my Saviour and Lord, my God and my King Who demands my contemplation. It is my beloved Bridegroom for Whom my heart should be aching – that I may know Him more – that I may love Him better.
We are single-mindedly to keep the eyes of our heart firmly fixed on the Lord Jesus – and we can only do this as we trust His Word, in every aspect of our lives.
Some of the most outstanding and erstwhile evangelical stalwarts have at length fallen under its awful miasma, and died of a broken heart because of it and all so untrue!
It is not that He Himself in His heart accepts the wrong things, but He sees through them, He sees differently from ourselves.... You can see there is no hope of building up unless there is love and love for all men.
I am sure nothing is going to be done unless we have a very large heart to look over and in and through and beyond, refusing to be held by the thing that is glaring at us, striking us and hurting us, and reaching through to that which is true in the heart.
By trial He weans us from the world, draws us to His Son, drives us to the Word and to prayer, and shows us our hearts, and makes us humble.
The Father loves us too well to allow our hearts to nestle here; and He makes us conscious that it is a wilderness that He may have opportunity in our loneliness and our sorrow to speak to our hearts.
The Lord direct your hearts into the love of God (2 Thess. 3:5).
The immediate effect of such consciousness should be to make our hearts reach out to God and to His grace as abounding over all.
May our hearts get such a lesson in the love of the Father, that, instead of being depressed by trying circumstances, or elated by what are called providential interpositions, we may know that we are the objects of this wonderful love, and are being educated into it by the only One who knew it in all its power as He walked here below through this wilderness world. -J.B.S.
He dashes to fragments our air-castles, dissipates our golden dreams, and interrupts many a darling scheme on which our hearts were bent, and which would have proved to be certain destruction.
He tells us to take my yoke upon you, and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly of heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls. Nothing is more needful than that we know Him.
Uncompromising Trust
Much of Christ’s life exemplified how the man of God should live and pray. Christ’s life demonstrated an unfailing, trusting obedience to the heavenly Father.. a simple, uncompromising trust in the Father – that did only what the Father did.. a life that remained in continuous and ongoing fellowship with the Father.. a life that is in love with the Father and a heart that prays, Thy will be done – a life that translated into unceasing; persevering; grateful; obedient; trusting prayer. Christ’s life reflected a life of continuous; gracious; thankful; trusting communion.
The Father’s Will
In the garden, His thoughts flew to Abba - Father, His close relational bond, (a fellowship to which we can aspire – one achievable in the power of the Spirit) It was in the place of deepest pain that He prayed, not My will but Thine be done. (an unachievable prayer when our will takes precedent over Thy will – but an achievable plea in the heart of a man – in love with the Father)
Use me to carry out Your will in my life – Thy will be done. Such is a prayer that all God’s children can pray – when His will is central, (but it can only be uttered by a continuing, persevering, thankful, obedient heart) I delight to do Thy will, were the words that fell from Christ’s lips… (I desire, I am grateful; I am thankful – I am well-pleased to do Thy will.)
God’s Purpose
The power behind loving; obedient; thanksgiving, watchful; thankful; trusting prayer, is a heart that has learned in measure, and is continuing to learn to the full, that no matter what circumstances or trial we face, all things work together for good… and that means God’s good.
Song of Mary
What glorious words were sung in the heart of little Mary that glorious day. No wonder her heart sang. No wonder her soul magnified the Lord her God.
And down through the long years, each young woman dared to hope that she… O, that she might be that favoured one, through whom the Saviour would be born. Young hearts must have burned with expectant hope, with each newborn babe.
Centuries passed and generations of disappointed hearts saw their hopes fade.
at the expense of securing His promise in their hearts – instead of His anticipated arrival – and our wise spiritual preparation. 'Hope deferred makes the heart sick…..' we read in Proverbs 13:12.
because the circumstances of life are not what WE think God should be doing. 'Oh foolish and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have said in His Word'... all that has been written in the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation:
strengthen your brethren.' Luke 22:32 'Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the Desire comes, it is a tree of life'.
How this must have saddened the heart of the Saviour to say to him: “hast thou not known Me?” Yet Jesus had to tell him that he did not really know Him at all.
May the deep desire of our heart be - Lord, make Yourself known to me
He does it in the practical sense by manifesting to our hearts, via the Word of God, the risen Lord Jesus Christ in our heavenly environment.
Can we say quite confidently, each for himself, Yes, we are identified with Him who represents us there before the eye of our Father - as He is, in whom no spot was ever found nor can be, but perfectness after God's own heart wholly'?
Do not let your adornment be merely outward but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.1 Peter 3:4
Take my yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
And yet Moses was meek – and Jesus was “meek and lowly of heart,” – and we are told to learn of Him.
A Humble Heart
But the one that is meek and lowly of heart will be helpful to those less privileged, demonstrating a precious understanding towards others..
and it will be developed as we take up His yoke and walk with Him – Who Himself is meek and lowly of heart. Let us seek the Lord for the increase of the Holy Spirit in our lives..
demonstrating His humble, lowly, contrite, heart … “resigned; submissive; meek.” We read in Matthew eleven: Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart.
rather let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart..
enough, while here,If He shall praise thee, if He design_The willing heart to mark and cheer:No toil for Him shall be in vain.
It gladdens the heart to hear the new convert speak of the blessings he has received, and of his new-found joy in those blessings; but we can often see very distinctly that he is wrapping all these benefits of grace round himself, and we feel pretty sure that he will have to learn some lessons presently that will take the shine out of him.
He will have to learn what a poor wretched thing he is, as in the flesh, that his heart may be transferred to a new center altogether.
It is for the effectual displacement of all this, and to transfer the heart to an entirely new center, that the revelation of the old man is divinely necessary for our souls.
The Father has to come in and detach us from that which is our natural center, that He may link our affections with another Person - even with the glorified Lord Jesus Christ - and make Him everything to our hearts, so that our association with Him may be known, and may become the deep, abiding joy of our souls. -C.A.C.
Though their hearts may have trembled at the supernatural sight, they heard the comforting words: ‘Fear Not,’ which is a theme that floods through the gospel of the Saviour, Who is Christ the Lord.
The Holy Spirit ministers to our mind via the Word, and He conditions our heart via our daily experiences.
Is not the reason of all this that we want to grasp the hidden wisdom of the Father with our mind alone, forgetting that the Holy Spirit intends to work it into the heart and inner life also? -A.M.
Ignorance or misapplication of God’s Word can be very costly, but instructions for godly living can be found within the pages of God’s word, and we would do well to take it to heart and apply it to our lives as the pressures of life continue to mount.
When he rests or rises, he carries God’s word in his heart all day.
God Knows
God knows the way you take – God is the only one that looks on the heart and His eyes are travelling throughout the world to find a man after His own heart: And blessed is such man…
that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge.Ephesians 3:17,18
Faith in Christ
Christ became a permanent resident in our heart the instant we trusted Him as Saviour. His indwelling Spirit took up His habitation on the basis of faith in God’s Son, but the Spirit of God has an ongoing work throughout the rest of our life… by faith.
Grow in Grace
We are saved by grace through faith but we are also to grow by grace through faith. The Spirit resides in the heart of all believers but as we grow, He dwells in our hearts.
When Christ dwells in our heart, there is a special, mutual intimacy that develops, and as Christ dwells in our heart a deeper communion is manifested.
Those who are merely well-versed may be able to teach, but they cannot truly share; their understanding of the needs of the heart is deficient, and this becomes all too evident to the hearers.
Head-knowledge (study) must be integrated with heart-knowledge (experience) in order for there to be Spirit-motivated sharing.
But He lifted me out of the miry clay and raised me up out of the putrid filth and scum of my life – and clothed me in righteousness and put a ring on my finger, and hope in my heart.
There is nothing more uplifting than to come into a personal experience of the Lord, a knowledge of the Lord, in a living way, to have Christ ministered to your heart by the Holy Spirit.
Oh, he saw enough to take the heart out of any man at the end of such a life, but he did not say: or me to live is to see my life work standing as a monument, intact; to have all my old friends faithful and around me; to know that my message has had universal acceptance and appreciation!No!
often building a perception of God based upon his culture and upbringing. But the heart of man has been deeply flawed by our sin-heritage, for the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked Jer.17:9 We all unconsciously conceive God in our own imagery and thought. This is not only true of the natural man, who is dead in trespasses and sins – this is also true of each of us who are blood-bought sons of God. This is equally true of the spiritual believer as it is of the carnal Christian.
Sovereign God
Let us each seek to discover in our hearts if we have distorted of God’s character, and let us seek to correct our erroneous imaginings and recover the truth of God. For He alone is Holy, He alone is the Lord. He alone is the Self-Existent One, the Self-Sufficient One, the Sovereign One.
Truth of God
Recently as I ‘happened’ across this short video. In it there are 0ne hundred names of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. One Hundred examples of the truth of Who God undeniably is. If we were to take just ONE name each day and prayerfully focus on that truth… if we were to reflect on ONE attribute daily – in gratitude, honour praise and thanksgiving… if we were to meditate on ONE characteristic each day – in deepest humility of heart, I believe any and all of our distortions would be replaced with a deeper knowledge and understanding of Him.
Knowledge of God
I believe, we would like Job, abhor ourselves and repent in dust and ashes, crying: “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee..” (with spiritual understanding) and we’d discover that our hearts had been ‘reprogrammed’ to know Him .. to know Him as He is…. and be able to say….
The book of Job has comforted Christian souls down through the centuries, but like all inspired Scriptures, Job fits into God’s unique purpose and plan - a plan formed in the heart of God, before the foundation of the world, that Christ should be all in all.
God knew that Job’s tribulations would bring to fruition His eternal plan… a plan conceived in the heart of God that Christ should be All and in all.
Intercession is praying into God’s Heart; it is to instil God’s own heart into our heart.
Plan of God
God reveals little about eternity, but He reveals much on His plans and purposes, and intercession is one vital way to pray into God’s will; God’s mind; God’s heart.
and God uses this inbuilt operative of the human heart, to develop faith. God uses this innate function of man’s soul, to turn him from self to Christ. When others fail us, it is to the open arms of His comfort that we fly. When things go wrong, it is to the one source of His supply that we turn. When life’s circumstances shatter our hopes, we discover our ‘need‘ of Him.
And in the matter of service, in witnessing and helping others, we must watch and wait for the hungry, needy heart – if there is to be abiding fruit. The true value of anything is known only when it is wanted.
Intercession for the Church, which is Christ’s body begins in anguish of heart, but like Nehemiah, we need to pray – and work with our sword in our hand - for our weapons of war are mighty through God to pull down satanic strongholds.
There are many in the Church that do not love the Lord with all their heart and mind. Some have failed to listen to His voice and have left their first love – the Lord Jesus, and like Nehemiah, we too need to pray for the Church – to intercede on their behalf.
We need to know that He has the power to save and a heart of love towards His people.
The burden for his People
As we look deep into Nehemiah’s being, we see a man with a heart-burden for his people. He not only knew the wrongdoings of his people but he grieved deeply at their sin.
Word of God
When we fasten our faith on the word of God, He will quicken it in our hearts.
Man of Prayer
We discover Nehemiah to be a man with a great heart-burden for the things of God. He loved his homeland – his city – his people, and he was a man that loved his Creator. And when news of the pitiable state of Israel reached his ears, his heart was grieved.
The heavy burden he bore started in sorrow, and then progressed into prayer, The burden of his heart began in tears, which inspired his intense intercessions.
Are we not often false to Him in questioning our title to draw near, because we find distance in our own hearts, as if it was the warmth of our affections, instead of the Blood of the Lord Jesus, which brought us nigh? -W.K.
The heart must enter into something more than the look behind into those waters of judgment, out of which the Lord Jesus rose, having left our sins, and death, and judgment forever!
It needs that the heart be carried into the glory of Canaan beyond; in the present sense of peace with the Father, and the consciousness of standing in His present favor - the favor that is better than life. -F.G.P.
He sees us for what we are – descendants of fallen Adam – lost sinners, with evil capacities in our hearts of which we know nothing – evil capacities..
as well as all the evil – as well as every last, lingering, little, lustful leaning... Until we stop relying on our natural wit and natural wisdom, and see it for what it is… Until we can stop pretending and face the truth and seek the Spirit's surgical sword... Until we look deep into the mirror of our own heart and acknowledge our mask of illusion – Until then, we will remain deluded either in pride of position or in false humility of heart!
A New Life
In Christ we belong to a new order – a new creation, with a new heart and a new life. The old self which used to be the dominating influence in our life has been exchanged.
Paul talks of the renewing of our mind – our thinking process is to be made new, for it is out of the heart that actions are conceived – out from thoughts of our heart. The old has gone and we are to be new – made new in Christ.
Paul tells us not to walk like unsaved people, in the futility of their mind, being darkened by their understanding... excluded from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them... because of the hardness of their heart; and they, having become callous, have given themselves over to sensuality, for the practice of every kind of impurity with greediness.
The Holy Spirit Himself takes responsibility for our experience, leading us in paths where we encounter, in body, heart, or spirit, that measure of the dying of Jesus' that will mean enrichment of our ministry.
The heart that is captivated by an object could never be at rest until it was with the one who had won it; for satisfaction you must be where He is.
Love really does not think of anyone but its Object until it is quite sure of its place with Him, and then when at rest about itself it studies the mind and heart of the Object.
I find that Christ loved me, and gave Himself for me when I was in a most unattractive state; but He makes me suitable to Himself, and I am so assured of the permanency of His love and of my association with Him that my heart is free to study Him.
O foolish men, and slow of heart to believe....' He upbraided them with their unbelief....' With all they saw, it did not touch character, it did not touch their nature. -T.
Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts (1 Pet. 3:15).
It is true that there is the hunger to be devoted, and to be like the Lord Jesus, long before one's acts and manner corroborate the hunger, and make it a fact; but the more the hungers which grace has generated in your heart are given a place, the sooner will they become experiential facts; and the more the Lord Jesus has His throne within you, the more you will rejoice in Him, and have no confidence in the flesh' (Phil. 3:3).
If I am a babe in Christ, where there is true lowliness of heart, I display God, as a babe manifesting Him; but if, as a babe, I am attempting to manifest Him as a man, there will be frustration and failure.
If you do so to your advantage, you will be some day found out, but if to your disadvantage, there is no doubt that He who searcheth the heart and trieth the reins will one day vindicate you.
Blessed are they that ... seek Him with the whole heart (Ps. 119:2).
Once the Holy Spirit instills within our hearts the hunger for God's very best, all must and will become secondary to this supreme goal: . . .the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:14).
Instead of my sins being between myself and Him, as before, it is Himself who is now between me and my sins; and the One who has thus interposed has given me to know that in the doing it He has brought me to Himself, and tuned my heart to His own praise.
We have to look at ourselves and see how far we are devotedly following the Lord Jesus, with full purpose of heart - how we can say, This one thing I do'; but we must take care at the same time not to get into legal bondage by this standard.
If I say, Here is a rule of conduct: follow it,' this cannot reach the heart, the affections.
At first the heart hunger for maturity in the Lord Jesus is personal, subjective - and necessarily so.
Our joy in the Father's presence, as He Himself and His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, are made manifest to our hearts, gives us the character of the joy of true fellowship one with another. -H.F.W.
If our hearts are really true to Him we may be assured He will lead us on in the knowledge of Himself just as fast as we are able to advance.
If our eyes are upon the Lord Jesus, and we follow with steadfast hearts as He leads us, we shall find that He leads us by the right way and brings us through all the exercises we need in order to form our souls in the appreciation of Himself, and of all those blessed things which are brought to pass in Him.
It was here, in the mind of the Father – it was here, in the heart of the Son – it was here, in the breath of the Spirit..it was here, through the interaction and interpersonal expression of divine love… it was here, in goodness, kindness, and person-ness between the persons of the Trinity..
if there is any question in your heart that His plans and purposes might fail – look back before the foundation of the creation – where once upon a past eternity, His love for you began and is forever established.
Also, He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end Ecclesiastes 3:11 – and yet we have the mind of Christ 1 Corinthians 3:16
The Holy Spirit uses this revelation, along with what He exposes in his own heart, to teach him to abide in the Lord Jesus; safe from the sin of others, as well as his own.
It is only in the depths of the heart that the Spirit speaks.
They Overcame
It is only the heart that has fully embraced the Cross that can withstand the attacks… vicious attacks of a vicious enemy that accuse the bedrock of a man’s belief in God. And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb. And they overcame him because of the word of their testimony, And they overcame him because they did not love their life – even when faced with death.
Satan’s Aim
The aim of Satan is to turn a man’s heart against God, and exhaust his trust in Him.
Balm of Gilead
God’s very hedge of protection around a faithful man of God often has sharp thorns; the sharpest of thorns - thorns which rip and tear at the heart.. thorns that take him to the edge of helplessness. But the balm of Gilead is waiting to be applied after life’s lengthy season of sorrow..
That is, what is needed above all else is men who have had a Divine revelation by the Holy Spirit in their own hearts as to God's purpose in this dispensation, and the particular Divine emphasis for the present hour.
The opposite of this, and that which we are seeing to be so much more needed, is a burdening of the hearts of chosen vessels with God's own most pressing concern at this time, resulting in an all-consuming passion which will accept all the cost of its realization....
A Heavenly Mystery
We are standing on the threshold of a heavenly mystery – hid in the heart of God.
Propitiation Price
It was in the heart of the Father from before the world began to redeem mankind. The propitiation price for sin was agreed – in the eternal council chambers of God. This was according to the eternal purpose that God has realised in Christ Jesus our Lord.
God’s Grace
Grace was in the heart of the Creator when God set the ransom price for man’s sin. Grace was in mind of God when God laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Blessed be the God and Father – Who made Christ sin for our sake.
God set forth another day, saying, Today if ye shall hear His voice, harden not your hearts.... The Gospel is preached to believers to enter into His Rest.
Take My yoke upon you, and learnof Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find restunto your souls.
Christ in heaven is our spiritual Rest,heart rest.
you would have believed ME.. Had you believed the prophets through whom God spoke, you would understand. Had you believed Me – O foolish folk and slow of heart to believe all scripture.
When the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost, to baptise the Church into Christ and to fill them with His fullness, He took up permanent residence in each believer’s heart – and Jesus promised He is to guide us into truth and train us in all godly living.
Holy Spirit, Love divine,Glow within this heart of mine;Kindle every high desire;Perish self in Thy pure fire.
Holy Spirit, Peace divine,Still this restless heart of mine;Speak to calm this tossing sea,Stayed in Thy tranquillity.
Holy Spirit, Joy divine,Gladden Thou this heart of mine;In the desert ways I sing,“Spring, O Well, forever spring.”
Word of Authority
God’s Word silences the fool who in His heart announces, there is no God.. for, in the beginning God……” And for those that trust Him, there is one God, in whom are all things... and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live. 1Cor.8:6
Positioned in Christ
We were positioned in Christ the moment we trust Him as Redeemer and Saviour. We were placed in union with Christ the moment our hearts declare 'I believe'.
God looks on the heart and He knows!! He became our life by means of the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit of God.
He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.
He is the Morning Star, that bright morning star, Who is waiting now, for His bride, and the light of His pure love shines into the hearts of all who trust in His name – and He shows us the way, for He is the only Way into the Father-heart of God.
All- Sufficient
The wonders of Christ sufficiency should stagger the mind and humble the heart. There is nothing we can do to get right with God except believe on the Lord Jesus – but those that accept His free gift of salvation discover Him to be sufficient.
You get to the heart of everything in the case of the Lord Jesus when you recognize that the one question which constituted the testing ground of His life was: Will this Man act alone, speak alone, choose alone, decide alone, move alone?
Blessed promise!If you aspire to be a son of consolation; if you would partake of the priestly gift of sympathy; if you would pour something beyond commonplace consolation into a tempted heart; if you would pass through the intercourse of daily life with the delicate tact that never inflicts pain; you must be content to pay the price of a costly education - like Him, you must suffer.
Have you not noticed that it is the men and women whose hearts are aflame for God, who have seen something truly from the Lord and have been mightily gripped by what they have seen, who are the people that are learning?
To be like this, with vision which gathers up our whole being and masters us, provides the Lord with the ground for looking after us even when we make mistakes because His interests are at stake, His interests and not our own are the concern of our heart.
There is but one thought with our Father in disciplining us, namely, to make our trials an opportunity for our heart to learn and discover more of His love, and the resources which are in Him as He has revealed them to us in His Son. -J.B.S.
Shall He not answer in His own way and in His own time? Shall He not exercise His will, according to His riches in mercy? Shall He not bequeath His benefit to His child – to the glory of His name? No righteous prayer is ever lost to the heart of God. No heart sigh ever misses the Father’s wrapped attention. No breath of prayer is ever spent in vain.
Why, why has He delayed the heart’s desire for so long?
Paul's Pleading
Verse after verse the apostle Paul pours out his heart, pleading for the body of Christ.
This earnest pleading of his heart is also a portion of his wider teaching to the Body.. that they have the light of the Lord and His tender love in their mind and heart - that they access His divine power and heavenly presence, in heart and mind.
that they grasp, understand, believe and appropriate the many riches of His grace - that the Spirit of wisdom opens their heart to see their incomparable inheritance.
that the glorious Father may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation - that you may know Him better, that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in His holy people and His incomparably great power for us who believe.
This is not only a plea from Paul, but exposes the Father-heart of God Himself.
for our times are in His hands and He has unveiled our understanding to the unknown - for the Spirit guides us into all truth and opens the eyes of our heart to knowledge.
The apostle Paul pours out his heart - pleading for the body of Christ.
This is not only a plea from Paul but exposes the Father-heart of God Himself.
Paul’s Pleading
Verse after verse the apostle Paul pours out his heart – pleading for the body of Christ.
This earnest pleading of his heart is also a portion of his wider teaching to the Body.. that they have the light of the Lord and His tender love in their mind and heart; that they access His divine power and heavenly presence in heart and mind.
that they grasp; understand; believe and appropriate the many riches of His grace – that the Spirit of wisdom opens their heart to see their incomparable inheritance.
that the glorious Father may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better, that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in His holy people and His incomparably great power for us who believe.
Riches of Grace
This potent prayer of Paul was inspired by the Spirit to teach and edify all the saints. This is not only a plea from Paul – but exposes the Father-heart of God Himself.
for our times are in His hands and He’s unveiled our understanding to the unknown – for the Spirit guides us into all truth and opens the eyes of our heart to knowledge.
The apostle Paul pours out his heart, pleading for the body of Christ.
This is not only a plea from Paul, but exposes the Father-heart of God Himself.
I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope He has given to those he called—His holy people, who are His rich and glorious inheritance.
He prayed that the eyes of their hearts would be flooded with heavenly illumination.
It must have rejoiced Paul’s heart to see the genuine love they had for each other.. just as the Father rejoices when He sees His children trusting His word – just as the Lord’s heart is gladdened when members of His body dwell in unity.
He prayed for light – an outpouring of God’s light, streaming into our hearts.
He prayed passionately that the eyes of our heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the glorious future hope to which we are all called, which is laid up for us in heaven, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints – His holy people.
I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of HIM – that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope He has given to those he called—His holy people who are His rich and glorious inheritance.
I pray…that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.
Spiritual Fullness
It is so that Christ may dwell deeply in our hearts through faith. It is that we may be rooted and grounded in the extensive love of Christ. It is so that we may be able to comprehend the vast dimensions of God’s love.
Fullness of God’s Love
As we abide in Christ so He will dwell in our hearts by faith – with thanksgiving.. That we may not only know about God’s love, but to know God’s love in reality.. that we not only know He is life – but to have His life living within our heart – that we might be filled will all the fullness of God’s love – as an actuality.
What unfolds is a cherished closeness that blossoms in a hurting heart, eventually – after many months and years – indeed, after a lifetime of deep distresses.
When there’s unrestricted, unimpaired 'Heart to heart' communication… when there is 'Soul to soul' fellowship …between His Spirit and ours… when a servant of God is willingly brought to an end of himself -willingly then the heart can cry in deep humility of spirit, I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You… Job.42:5
Power in Travail
When that heart cry in everything..
As effective intercessors we must daily have clean hands and a pure heart.
Right Sacrifice
As victorious warriors of Christ we need to offer continual sacrifice to our God, the Sacrifices of a Broken and Contrite Heart and the Sacrifice of Praise. And you know – this means opening your own heart to His scrutiny and healing.
Thankfulness of heart and penitence of soul are two vital factors in intercession. The Sacrifice of a Broken and Contrite Heart – keeps us in fellowship – and the Sacrifice of Praise- rejoices the heart of God towards His children.
If like Daniel we want to intercede for others, then we need to develop these two vital areas of sacrifice: The Sacrifice of a Broken and Contrite Heart and the Sacrifice of Praise
Our Sin
There is no sin so gross that He cannot forgive. There is no life so ruined that He cannot make whole. There is no heart so broken and fragmented that He cannot restore. There is no deep desire of your heart that He can’t fulfil. There is no lack of anything which He cannot supply in full.
To allow Him to heal and lovingly restore, to bind up our hearts and to fill our emptiness.
To let Him fill to the brim our void with Himself. To permit Him to mend the heart, broken by life’s cruel circumstances – to actually believe what God says.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, shall guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.Philippians 4:6,7
He has promised to guard your heart..
His cherished calm is adequate for all the stresses and strains, that weigh so heavily on your heart.
Christ’s Peace
He not only bestows on us peace WITH God as we nestle in His forgiveness, that glorious 'new-birth' peace with God the Father….and endows us with the peace OF God, which protects and guards our hearts and minds… but also by His grace, He lavishly supplies us with His OWN peace… the peace of God that surpasses understanding – the peace of Jesus.
ot as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
You may never have actually seen angels coming to minister to you, but there is no believer who has gone this way, who has gone any distance, but knows in his heart, ut for God and Heaven, I would not be here today.My own testimony is that it has required the intervention of heaven, more than once, to save me from succumbing.
Now comes My hour of heart-break, and what can I say, 'Father, save Me from this hour'?
We may have to let go the particular occasion of our trouble, and first recognize, and then embrace with our heart, the fact that in the affliction there resides the immense eternal potentiality of an increase of the image of God Son, which is to be the one and the only character and nature of the eternal kingdom.
It does not meet the desire of His heart to be followed, or admired, or gazed at, because of what He can do or give.
He delights in a heart taught of the Spirit to appreciate His Person, for this glorifies and gratifies the Father.
He retires from the gaze of an excited and tumultuous throng who would fain make Him a king, because they had eaten of the loaves and were filled; but He could turn with touching earnestness to the little band of disciples who still remained, and challenge their hearts with the question, 'Will ye also go away?'
Because there is not simple devotedness of heart to the Lord Jesus Christ.
There is nothing in all the world so precious to the Father as a heart that, in any measure, appreciates His Son.
The first impression on my heart when converted was, Enoch walked with God.' That was my start.
Look at the Lord Jesus firmly and fixedly, never letting your gaze wander elsewhere; and whatever temporal objects come between you and your Lord, look right through them, as through a mist, and fix your eyes and heart upon Him and Him alone.
When thou art restored, strengthen thy brethren.' There is nothing in all this world nearer and dearer to the heart of the Lord Jesus than His sheep, His lambs: and hence He could not have given Peter a more affecting proof of His confidence than by committing to his care the dearest objects of His deep and tender love. -C.H.M.
Truth is acquired in fellowship with His Word; truth is shared in fellowship with His heart.
It is that ‘garden closed,’ that ‘spring shut up,’ that ‘fountain sealed,’ from which all others but Himself are excluded-the hidden spring of those affections which alone satisfy His heart, or render conduct and service acceptable to Him.” -C.A.C.
In our foolishness we turn to the world or look into our own hearts, instead of keeping our eyes upon the Lord Jesus, the risen and exalted Man in whom the Father has given us His favor. -C.A.C.
They can talk much about His work, but show very clearly that the Person of the Lord Jesus has never really won their hearts.
It is a proof of immense favor from the Father if in our heart's estimation the Lord Jesus is fairer than the children of men.' It is easy to sing hymns, and to use the most precious expressions in Scripture in a sentimental way, but it is another thing for our hearts really to find rest and satisfaction in the moral perfections of the Lord Jesus. -C.A.C.
It sweeps the imagination into the far reaches of the star-spangled universe of God, and it trolls the depth of the heart of God’s love in the face of His beloved Son.
Gift of God’s Grace
God could not expose His gift of grace more than what is captured in these pages. God could not shower His heart of love more abundantly over sinners saved by grace.
This is a word from God that should refresh the weary soul and ease troubled hearts.
There would be little harm in trying to imitate Christ if such an endeavor did not hide from us what our Lord really desires; and so keep us back from life more abundant.' Christ has come Himself into our hearts to dwell there, and what He wants is to live His life in us, as the Apostle Paul says, For to me to live is Christ.' Christ was the very source and mainspring of all he was and did.
Sigh of the Heart
Praying is releasing the sigh of the heart into God’s presence. Praying is resting one's weary soul on the bosom of the Father. Praying is revealing a confidence in the power of the Spirit. Praying builds up our assurance of our righteous covering in Christ.
Spiritual Armoury
Praying aright causes the breath of man’s soul to touch the Father-heart of God.
As I sweep out the house, I pray that my heart be cleansed from all its impurities; I pray that the Spirit will search me and know my heart and identify my faults – I pray for unbelievers who are dead in sins that the Spirit convict the of their need.
trusting His word with a heart of grateful thanks.
We ought to search out the heart of God, so as to pray into His will and purpose.
Pray for the Lost
How we need to pray that God will lift the veil of unbelief from the eyes of so many – a veil the evil-one has placed over the eyes of so many of our loved ones. How we need to plead that the Spirit will reveal to them the truth about the Lord.. to protect their hearts and minds from the lies and deceptions of Satan: for the god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ. 2Cor.4:4
Pray for Understanding
How we need to pray for the good news of Calvary to take root in their hearts.. that Satan won’t be permitted to steal the precious seed of the gospel sown in their hearts – that God would open their hearts to understand the hope of Christ’s salvation: for when anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. Matt.13:19
Pray in Faith
We know that God hears the prayers of His saints, so it’s important that we pray. It’s important that we pray in faith and that we trust Him to hear and to answer. How needful that we think rightly, asking Him to remove any doubt from our mind: for assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain: ‘be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” Mark 11:23
Prayer of Fatih
We need to ask Him to remove any doubt that we may have – for He is faithful to answer prayer: truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:23
If we listen in the stillness till our hearts begin to respond to what He is thinking and feeling about the matter in question, whether it concerns ourselves or others, we can, from that moment, begin praying downwards from the Throne, instead of praying upwards from ourselves. -L.T.
How readily and eagerly we take His Word when He says, I go to prepare a place for you (John 14:2), yet how slow of heart we are to believe that He has prepared a walk for us, here and now!
He wrote:- The value of both the struggle to free ourselves from the OLD Adam-life, and the equally fruitless efforts to experience the NEW Adam-life, (the Christ-life) is to finally realize that it is utterly futile. Our personal, heart-breaking failure in every phase of our Christian life..is our Father’s preparation for His success on our behalf.
This was a promise is made to all – all defiant men – all men of rebellious heart – a promise to all who would believe on the only begotten Son of God.
If it was suffering for righteousness' sake, then I would, but I am suffering for my sin; and can I, in the integrity of my heart towards God, take my sorrows to Him, knowing I deserve them?
Everything that tries us, that is a check upon us, that causes exercise of heart, and makes us sensible of weakness in ourselves, is of the nature of chastisement (child-training).
When the Lord speaks to the penitent heart, He speaks words of comfort and peace.
Words of Forgiveness
I wonder what touched the heart of this criminal – this malefactor and thief, who sharply rebuked his fellow-convict to call out: Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom. Did this dying man hear the gracious words of forgiveness..
Was his heart quickened with the thought that he, a dying criminal, could also clasp this pardon?
Words of Salvation
One unbelieving criminal hardened his heart.
Today is the day of Salvation, so harden not your Heart.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.Matthew 5:8
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
the wise Christian mother may reply that heaven must enter our hearts first..
Heaven needs to be in us before we can enter the gates of heaven and in the same way, we must become pure in heart before we ‘see’ God.
Heart Preparations
But what purity.
What is heart purity?
A pure heart must first be a clean heart, a washed heart, a penitent heart.
Create in me a clean heart O Lord – a new creation in Christ… and renew a right spirit within me – the holy spirit of purity.
see Psalm 51:10 A pure heart must first be a clean heart, a washed heart, a penitent heart.. a heart forgiven by God Himself and a heart cleansed by Christ’s blood.
Purified By the Blood
The pure heart of the believer is one that has been cleansed by Christ’s blood.
But the heart of the believer needs to be kept pure, by obedient living and close communion with God, in and through Christ.
maintaining a heart that is open and yielded to the Holy Spirit’s guidance..
a heart that is kept by every influence of His Divine Spirit ..
a heart kept by Him, from the power of corruption that flows all around us, for we read in 2 Thessalonians 3:3, the Lord is faithful, who shall establish you, and keep you from evil.
so does the lowly, loving, patient heart of the believer that is pure in heart remains chaste and unspotted in a fallen world of sin and corruption.
piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow – and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Powerful Weapon
Purity of heart, like meekness of spirit, is a quick and most powerful weapon.
Spiritual Purity
Purity of heart and meekness of spirit runs counter to human pride.
blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Deceitful Man
One very important step is to come to terms with the baseness of what we were. We need to acknowledge the deceitfulness of our hearts and what we were by nature. It is not a very pretty sight and one we all prefer to sweep away under the carpet.
That heart – nerves – courage and muscles are strained; strained, almost to breaking point; strained almost beyond human endurance.
have not the nerves been jangled, and the heart racked with pain, now that the race is nearly run? How often, as the end is in view, have the lust of the flesh and the pride of life..
of those who sped along life’s journey with brave heart and stout will… until in sight of the goal; until the finishing post loomed into view; until their courage failed; until they submitted to the world, the flesh, the tempter, the failing nerve.
I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened. (Ephesians 1:18 NIV)
The eyes of your heart enlightened...discerning love.
Such a thing has never come to you through the eyes of your heart.
But, mark you, if this love, this discerning love, has really filled your heart by all the intelligence of the Holy Spirit indwelling you, you will sense it without being told; or if it should be brought to you from the Word, that within you will say, Yes, I know that is right, the Lord tells me that is right.
God our Intercessor
He takes the imperfect petitions and desires of our hearts, and cleanses them, and corrects their defects, and perfects them.
God our Advocate
Are you fainting in prayer? Remember, your blessed Advocate has already answered your prayer. He has claimed your answer as His own. Do the claimed desires of your heart seem far removed and stillborn? Don’t give up the earnest seeking.
Ask and keep on asking; seek and keep on seeking; knock and keep on and on and on knocking, and He will give you the desires of your heart..
He waits for the whisper from your heart, to affirm the resounding echo from His throne - It is done.
The Spirit delights in acceptable prayer. He enlightens the mind to request HIS will to be done, in and through your life. He quickens the heart to desire His perfect will –in and for the lives of others.
God our Joy
He stirs a confidence in you, that by His power, wisdom, and might, He implanted His good purpose in your soul, so that His good choice becomes the deepest yearning of your heart.
The Lord grant you to be so assured in heart of His interest in you, that daily you may more and more answer to His pleasure; and not be in any way cast down because you apparently do so little.
The song of joy that escaped Mary’s heart had its focus on her Lord and her God.
Fountain of Life
His joy is a fountain of life – welling up and over-spilling. His joy is a reservoir of love – in his Christ-filled heart. But Satan as a roaring lion seeks whom he may devour and robs us of this godly joy. And Satan places doubt and uncertainties in the hearts of the believer, and seeks to entice the believer back to the emptiness of the world’s fleeting thrill.
Hope that consoles the heart of the distressed believer; hope that brightens the steely skies; hope that uplifts the downcast spirit; hope that ministers to the wounded soul. Let there be hope today.
Let your heart be glad: for blessed is the man whose hope is in the Lord.
Lord of Hope
Oh believer, make Him your hope. Find your trust and your hope in Him. Fix your heart unstintingly on the Lord, if you will to discover your hope in Him, and you will not be shaken with the passing events, and you will not be overwhelmed by the abundance of human failures – and you will not sink down into the miry clay of the 'Slough of Despond'. For He has confirmed His sovereign word with an oath. He has bound Himself to us with an everlasting covenant.
For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him (2 Chron. 16:9).
Afflictions are in the hands of the Holy Spirit to effect the softening of the heart in order to receive heavenly impression.
What believer but knows from the experience of the deceitfulness of his own heart, that, had we power in ourselves instead of in Christ, we should be something.
Our hearts have such a tendency to turn back to legalism, and to think it humility.
It is as knowing the Lord Jesus to be precious to our souls, with our eyes and hearts being occupied with Him, that we will be effectually kept from being taken up with the vanity and sin around.
Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls.Matthew 11:28,29
Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad, moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope.Acts 2:26
When circumstances seem impossible, when all signs of grace in you seem at their lowest ebb, when temptation is fiercest, when love and joy and hope seem well nigh extinguished in your heart, then rest, without feeling and without emotion, in the Father's faithfulness; abide in the fact that He loves you infinitely, and even now is working in you faithfully; and honor Him, and put the enemy to flight by taking to yourself the words of Job: Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.' I have prayed for thee' (says the One who ever lives to make intercession for us) that thy faith fail not.' -D.T.
God, who said, et light shine out of darkness,made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God glory displayed in the face of Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6 NIV)
The principle of the New Covenant is a first-hand individual revelation of Christ as the knowledge of God in terms of glory in the heart of the believer.
Every individual believer only comes into true Christianity by a revelation of Christ in his or her heart, so that the knowledge of Christ is all their own, and as real as when God commanded light to shine in darkness.
The bulk of the New Testament is taken up with getting Christians to see what an immense realm it is into which they have come, and how they must go on... Christianity can only be kept living and fresh and full of impact as Christians are living in an ever-growing apprehension of Christ as the Holy Spirit reveals Him in the heart.
There is no succession in Christianity other than that of the revelation of Christ to the heart by the Holy Spirit.
a submissive mind – wherein lowliness of heart we esteem the other better.. a spiritual mind – where we look away from earthly things to things above..
Let not your heart be troubled….
but a peace that can quell the troubled heart.
a submissive mind – regardless of the way that people behave towards us.. a spiritual mind – where we set our hearts on the right-thinking..
No doubt I shall find lovely confidence in the Lord in respect of His government of this world, the comfort of forgiveness, the happy confidence of integrity of heart, and remarkable prophecies of Christ; but where shall I find heavenly hopes, or my union with the glorified Lord Jesus, or even the out-flowings of divine grace, as manifested in His person on earth, or the blessed affection which flows from hearts acquainted with these?
John 16:33 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution in this world. 2 Timothy 3:12 Satan has blinded the hearts of those that are perishing and lost in their sins, but the venom of Satan’s spiritual realm is specifically targeting two creations – Israel – the old creation in Jacob; and the Church – the New Creation in Christ.
So it is necessary for us to be thoroughly instructed in the Word, and this is one of the things about which we must be perfectly clear in heart and mind, and assured in spirit, that Life, with all that it means the Life of an unveiled fellowship with the Lord, the Life which in itself sets forth victory over death and the abolishing of condemnation that Life is rooted in righteousness, a ministration of righteousness.
You thus gradually find things here are not suitable for the order and nature of the things which are so attractive to the renewed heart up there. -J.B.S.
Trusting God’s Word
Abraham believed God when he was called to leave Ur – to travel to a distant land. Abraham trusted God when he was told that he would be the father of many nations. Abraham had faith in the truth of God’s word and trusted Him to fulfil His promises. Oh, Abraham did some stupid things like trying to help God – but the bottom line is.. God knew his heart and KNEW Abraham depended on God to keep His promises. And the trust that Abraham had in God was credited to him as righteousness.
And if you find it difficult, here is my advice to you – pray daily and pray continuously that He will change your heart.
Search the Word to discover how to let His mind be in you – until Christ is kept at the very centre of your heart - Christ before me; Christ behind me; Christ beside me; Christ beneath me; Christ above me; Christ within me and I in Him – to live and to work and to do His good pleasure through me.
God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever (Ps. 73.26).
But we so often seek it elsewhere.Nothing can be sweeter than the repose in divine love when it is known and the heart is free to rest in it.
The soul may have a long journey to reach it experientially; there may be many needs and exercises to be met and removed on the way; self and the world will have to be learned; but the great end of all our exercises - and, I may add, of all our deliverances - is that we rest in the thoughts of divine love, and that love becomes in a very real way the portion of our hearts.
If our hearts are not in the circle of divine love they have really got nothing, for as Christians we have no portion on earth.
There is no reserve in God's love; He has given the best in heaven for the worst on earth, and in this way has rebuked distrust and established confidence, so that the works of the devil' might be undone in our hearts.
And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God (2 Thess. 3:5).
Through the grace of God, we can stand firm right up to the time of His return – for we must all guard against God’s agape love in our hearts wearing thin.
Most of us are conditioned to point our index finger, at the overt sin we see in society, without seeing the three curling fingers pointing inwards to ourselves – to the covert sin hidden deep within our heart.
That furtive sin, which seeps like a toxic poison into the very soul of man; that private sin concealed from all others bites at the very heart of man..
Sin of Pride
The first sin committed by the exulted heart of the anointed cherub was one of pride. The arrogant, “I wills” of a falling angel who sought to elevate him to the status of God.
The “Eye” of Sin
And yet this sin we so despise in this precocious angelic being, can ofttimes be the downfall of the most gracious saint. It can stain the garments of the most kindly heart, for a proud look or haughty eyes is identified as one of the six things that God most hates in us.
And yet this deceptive seed can grow and blossom.. in the heart of many a careless saint. As soon as my eyes are taken from the face of Jesus, I also fall prey to this cantankerous disease. How can I search out and rid myself of this bane.. in the life of all who would live Godly? How can I root out this evil that seeks to separate me from the One Who is my Sustainer?
as I seek to examine myself, my attitudes, my motives, my heart’s desire..
as I seek to discover the awful truth about my own faults and failings, I need to turn to the Spirit of grace and truth and cry out as did King David:- Search me and know me, cried the man after God’s own heart, cleanse me from my secret faults – my sin, know my heart: Try me, and know my thoughts.” Psalm 19:12
At this critical time in our spiritual walk, when the Lord is at the very door. We would do well examine ourselves as never before. We need to see if secret sins have crept deep into our hearts. SEARCH ME OH GOD.
Israel as a nation broke the first commandment – they did not love the Lord their God with all their hearts and so the very nation through whom would be born the Messiah was punished by God and scattered amongst the nations.
God... has shone in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6)
God... hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 4:6).
In our hearts: Christ, so imparted and revealed within, is what makes a Christian, and a Christian will do or not do certain things, not at the dictates of any Christian law, any more than Jewish, but as led by the Spirit inwardly, by Christ in the heart.
Others may be fooled by this little cloak of pretence – this masked covering of deceit, but God Who knows the heart is not fooled, and 'Self' will never be conformed into His image.
It is the carnal human heart trying to build an identity around something other than God.
Self is the shroud, more than anything else, that blocks God’s light from our hearts.
The responsibility for removing this dark covering from your heart is your own.
You inspect your heart, your soul, your motives, your attitudes, your words.
Search ME O God
Search me, O God, thoroughly and know my heart: try me, test me, examine me deeply and know my thoughts – and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Are you man enough or woman enough to get on your knees and pray those words that David first prayed - David the man after God’s own heart.
Divine Signpost
Just as faith is the essential key to unlock our hearts to His love, and just as charity is one small part of the whole of the love of God, so prophecy is a mere signpost to point us to incarnate love: Love never fails, but whether there are prophecies, they will be done away..” 1Cor.13:8
Righteousness of God
Don’t despair – as He breaks your heart to crush your self-life.
This is the service that our Lord desires from each of His own bond-servants, for we are not our own, we are bought with the price of Christ’s precious blood. Should this not awaken in us a servant-spirit, a servant-mind, a servant-heart?
We look to Isaiah as the one that exemplifies such a servant-heart… It was Isaiah who cried, “Woe is me, for I am undone - because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips, For my eyes have seen the king, The LORD of hosts.” Isaiah 6:5
But if you can pray, 'Lord – whatever it takes, do this work in me… Lord – Thy will not mine be done in my life… LORD – Here am I, send me', then you too have the makings of a servant after His own heart..
a servant of the Lord with a servant-spirit, a servant-mind, a servant-heart.
God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shone in our hearts (2 Cor. 4:6a).
May the Lord Jesus in His Word be more simply the Object of our hearts in this evil day. -J.B.S.
Love really does not think of anyone but its Object until it is quite sure of its place with Him, and then when at rest about itself it studies the mind and heart of the Object.
I find that the Lord Jesus loved me and gave Himself for me when I was in a most unattractive state; but He makes me suitable to Himself, and I am so assured of the permanency of His love and of my association with Him that my heart is free to study Him.
All here comes to me from one spring, and that source is the heart of my Father.
You must connect your heart with the love and not with the benefit otherwise you are not yet established.
God begins by giving our hearts a sense of the blessedness of the grace in which He has called us, that we may be awakened and enhungered to pursue the knowledge of all this with purpose of heart and prayerful study. -C.A.C.
Delight thyself also in the Lord, and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart (Ps. 37:4).
That I may know Him (Phil. 3:10).
It takes us years of trial and error to finally realize that nothing outside the Lord Jesus Christ can fully satisfy and rejoice our hearts.
It is a solemn moment when one who has been going on for years with a flourishing profession wakes up to the fact that his heart is entirely unsatisfied.
Our Father loves us too well to allow us to rest in anything or anyone short of Himself - not even Christian fellowship, or what people call the means of grace.' He wants to be so known by us that He becomes the deep eternal spring of satisfaction and joy for our hearts. -C.A.C.
Anguish of heart has caused this man to react in grief – in humble submission of self.
So sit silently under the eye of God and let Him examine the depths of your heart.
“Sit Still my daughter,” “Keep silence my son” and examine your heart – and then “Arise and go to the Father…” and say “Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called Thy son ..
Heart Examination
Get alone with God and dare to truthfully tell Him your grief.
Get alone with God and dare to honestly ask Him to examine your heart.
Bow silently before Him in humility of heart, and plead for Him to know you.
He will bring your bloodied heart to obedience, the easy way or the hard way, but one way or another He will break you – He will bring you to an end of ‘self’.
Expected End
You’ll either deny the Lord Who bought you and bring swift destruction upon yourself – oh eternally saved, but saved as though by fire, or in solitude and silence you will seek Him in humble submission of heart: for I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you – and ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart.
Thirdly, the Lord Jesus as the constant object of the affections of the heart, for the work of the Holy Spirit in the heart is to fill it with contemplation of and fellowship with the Lord Jesus in glory.
Even if we are totally unable to obey and cannot even exercise faith, a day comes when the resistance has vanished and we are trusting the Lord Jesus in simplicity of heart.
Christian Maturity
The way to maturity in the Christian life is the focus of most of Paul’s messages. Every Christian has clear instructions on the life he is to live and the way he is to walk, and there’s no excuse for anyone to hear the accusation: oh, wicked, unfaithful servant, but few seem prepared to challenge themselves and their Christian walk. Few are courageous enough to examine their walk with the Lord and fewer still are willing to plead with Him to: search the depths of my heart O God.. pleading: see if there is any worldly way or carnality in me that needs to be dealt with.
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you. (Ephesians 1:18 NIV)
Well, if you really are of the undivided heart, if your heart is wholly set upon the Lord and you see as far as you can see these things, and have very definite dealings with the Lord about it; it may not be in a day, it may be slowly, steadily, quietly you begin to move into a new realm of understanding.
May the words of my mouth be always acceptable to You, oh God my Redeemer, and may the meditation of my heart be always acceptable to You – My Lord and King.
The Body of Christ
The body of Christ is being fitted together perfectly and being built up by Him. Each part has its own special work to do, so that the whole body is fit and healthy. Each one is to help the other grow and mature and be built up together full of love. Each is Christ’s representative who needs to be spiritually renewed to express His love – a spiritual renewal of our thought, our heart our attitudes, and our mind, for we are told be renewed in the spirit of your mind in Ephesians 4:23
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, share the desires of your heart with God.
In Acts 17 we are told to search the Scriptures daily.. and we are to listen to the voice of God in our heart, for the Spirit of Truth will guide us into all truth.
We are to dwell in the Word of God and absorb it into our hearts.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, and teaching, and admonishing one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
Filled with the Spirit
We are to be filled and day by day go on being filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always, for all things.
A deep knowledge, a wisdom deep down in his heart, that he was treading on holy ground.
But we too must “SEE” the salvation of God – through the spiritual eye of faith, and we must “KNOW” the promise of His Word, with the understanding of the heart.
But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. 1Cor.2:9
His humiliation caused him to dread the consequences and so he hid: Adam hid himslf – for if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.
If our heart condemn us not, then we have confidence before the Lord 1John 3:20
His heart was not turned by the handsome, charismatic Absalom..
but at the end of his fine military career, as one of the best of David’s soldiers, he turned his heart and he simply started to cleave to the cowardly Adonijah.
dedicated prayer warriors to stand in the gap and pray ‘beyond themselves.’ Believers, with a heart for God’s glory; children, with a love for the Lord; Christians who stand between life and death, for the many; warriors, to fight between heaven and hell, for fellow brothers and sisters.
As believers, we are exhorted to walk in holiness of heart.
Let each of us cry out for our own inner purification as we plead, “search me oh God.” so that with clean hands and a pure heart we can cry out “heal the many”
Extraordinary Difficulties
They were in the midst of extraordinary difficulties… and their hearts must have been failing in them for fear of what was coming.
Sit still – and listen to the whisper of the Spirit in your heart.
to bring us into line with His desire – His will – His heart.
Just sit calmly still!Nor deem these days–these waiting days–as ill,The One who loves thee best, who plans thy way,Hath not forgotten thy great need today!And, if He waits, ’tis sure He waits to proveTo thee, His tender child, His heart’s deep love.
Then, ah then, how sweet!How glad thy heart, and then how swift thy feetThy inner being then, ah then, how strong!And waiting days not counted then too long.
It is the Holy Spirit who will make these great facts real and true in our experience as we depend upon Him; and so the plague of our hearts will be stayed, and we shall go on to be conformed to the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. -J.C.M.
Am I to reject all former delights of sight and sound and touch and taste – and fully circumcise ear and eye, heart and lips – to be acceptable unto the Lord?
Am I to embrace the shame and reproach that accompanies this separation, and to be labelled as dull and old-fashioned – unsociable and a fool? Am I to be so true to my calling, with unsullied witness and purity of heart, that I discover myself to be a marked man, a marked woman – a Christian?
But then there is a greater blessing, namely, that He does not remove the pressure, but raises you above it, so that, though you are not relieved, you are better off than if you were merely relieved, because you know His heart who supports you in the pressure.
You have made a deep acquaintance with your Father, and your heart is more attached to Him. -J.B.S.
I remember when I used to think that I should be happy beyond conception if I were able to say, I will fear no evil; my heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.' In order to reach this, you must find Him enough, without anything else.
And he relates the anguish in the heart of her betrothed husband, when he discovered that she was pregnant.
Israel’s Rejection
It was John who explained from Isaiah chapter 6 that the heart of Israel would be calloused towards their Messiah.
Willing Sacrifice
Were it not for the humanity of our Saviour and the blood that poured over the Mercy Seat of God, from His human heart of love… there could never have been redemption for the race of man – for only a perfect Man (a kinsman Redeemer), Who was born into the human race, could redeem fallen man from eternal separation from a holy God.
We have just enough for today but tomorrows’ advancing shadows haunt us, and we become troubled in our hearts and sick in our soul – lest tomorrow's bowl of meal becomes empty – and tomorrows cruise of oil runs dry.
Faithful God
But is it possible to trust Him in ALL things to provide ALL things? Well, I wonder if you have been placed in a position where you entrusted your three young children to a steward on a four-hour sea journey with a promise to them, that on their return they would be taken to their new home and yet in your trembling heart you knew only too well that no such place existed? I have. And as I turned to face the stark reality that I had five days to achieve this… less than a week to fulfil this enormous task. I searched for vacancies in basements and attics.
Never-Failing God
Christ had nowhere to place His head and maybe in a way, I began to understand just a fraction of what that meant. But would I have to follow in His poverty-stricken footsteps even here – as each ‘pushed-on’ door continued to be slammed in my face. My faith was weak and my heart was crying and my courage was far from valiant! And encouraging phone calls came from my mother – that “He would provide…” Inspiring support from one who had also trodden this homeless way before me. Yet I almost despaired that God’s promise included me as well.
So it is not our study, our learning, our book knowledge, but it is a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of our hearts being enlightened, and it is that seeing which brings the note of authority that is so much needed.
Deep changes take place in the heart by the work of the Spirit of God.
Christian Testimony
Qualities of character that reflect a true Christian testimony – not only in word alone but in disposition and in deed; in mind and in motive; in action and in attitude; in conscious thought and unconscious thinking; in gentleness of spirit and long-suffering of heart.
searching the depths of my heart – trying the inner secrets of my very being.
Search me, O God, and know my heart.
Search me, O God,And know my heart today;Try me, O Lord, andKnow my thoughts, I pray.See if there beSome wicked way in me;Cleanse me from every sinAnd set me free.
Invasive Inquiry
When I was a little girl my older brother asked me “have you ever told a lie?” “No!” I smugly replied, believing in my heart that I was telling the perfect truth!
That is the inner, penetrative searching, deep within the hearts of humanity.
Believing the Truth affects the eternal soul of man, through time and eternity, for no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid – which is Jesus Christ.” 1Corinthians 3:11 How it pleased the heart of the apostle John who was able to say of Gaius, for I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth.” 3John 1:3
Distorted Truth
Often, in the heart damaged by life’s traumas- truth becomes distorted.. even the Truth of God can become twisted and perverted. The Father-heart of God -Who loves with His infinite love – can be distorted, and the Truth of His Father-heart of love – can become warped and twisted. God can be manipulated into the image of a demanding brother; a scornful mother – an abusive father..
Fear prevents many from knowing the truth of the love of the Father heart of God.
Spirit of Truth
When we start to really recognise Truth, for Who He is - the Lord Jesus Christ, we begin to recognise the deceitfulness in our own hearts.
May we allow the Spirit of God to fill our hearts with His Truth – until it is not I, but Christ Who lives and speaks and thinks through me.
2 Types of Believers
The book of Job illustrates two types of believers. One, demonstrating a teachable spirit and tender heart that pleases the heart of God.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.Philippians 4:6-7
Resolve in your heart that His leadings are for your greater joy and eternal glory.
God-guided Lesson
He will speak to your heart; He will shape your thoughts; He will direct your path– as in humility and faith you follow the best way. Thus you will not be continually directed by circumstances..
My-Self. We all know that what a man sets his heart on has a mighty influence on his life. The self-regarding man that seeks after his own interests – becomes selfish.
One that seeks a 'god' of their fancy will be unsettled by every wind of doctrine. One who seeks the living God, will have Him take possession of his heart and will, and the book of Hebrews gives warning after warning of missing the point of this life.
Factual Reality
This is not fictional fancy/ This is factual reality, and it needs to be a daily, sometimes hourly consideration to ask oneself – on what is MY heart set? What is the dear desire of MY heart today – NOW? For some, it is to drink from as many cisterns of the world, just to blunt the pain.
For others, it’s to preserve a high profile, lest anyone peep behind their mask. Believers often set their hearts on a myriad of issues that are close to their heart, but Hebrews gives warning after warning of missing the point of this life.
Christians should set their hearts on Christ, for it is HE through whom God speaks. We not only need to know all the general things that are written about Christ.
Be thou faithful to the very end. But the choice is yours and yours alone. If you are prepared to change your mind (which is the correct meaning of REPENT)—then God will change your heart.
But God will never change your heart, until, in humility, you change your mind.
Jacob’s Trouble
A time is coming when God will once again turn His attention back to Israel.. time of prophesied tribulation; a time of judgment; the time of Jacob’s trouble.. time when the gospel of the kingdom will have been taught worldwide – time when the veil over the heart of the Jewish nation – is lifted.
For the love of God is broaderThan the measure of man’s mind.And the heart of the eternalIs most wonderfully kind.
A Tiny Glimpse
Were we to be given the slightest glimpse of the true love of God.. through the lowering clouds of unknowing in the mists of life’s uncertainties, I doubt temptation’s unbelief would ever darken our questioning hearts again.
For the love of God is broaderThan the measure of man’s mind;And the heart of the EternalIs most wonderfully kind.
Word of Truth
In Matthew 12:20 we read that: a bruised reed He will not break, and a smouldering wick He will not quench, while in Psalm 147:3 we read that: He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds, while in Psalm 51:17: the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.
What could engender more disinterest in our hearts than such mean things?
He is the Lord, the great and mighty God of the universe and yet He is meek and lowly, pure of heart and gentle of spirit.
We are to be His heart that loves unconditionally and forgives unreservedly.
His Heart
Take to heart this good advice from C.S.
His Grace
For thus says the One who is high and lifted up, Who inhabits eternity and Whose name is Holy: I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite.
To many, Paul’s words fall like caustic soda on the ears of the carnal self, for self-examination and introspection is a cruel task to the ego-centric carnal man – as we search out to uncover dark areas in our lives that need to be examined; as we study our own failures, weaknesses, and proclivity towards carnality; as we search out our hearts to discover where our own weaknesses are hidden – as we discover what form the multi-headed gorgon of our own carnality takes.
As we cry out, “seek out all the hidden depths in me that are displeasing to You”, and as we give Him permission to root out wrong attitudes, actions, and perspectives, He will search out the depths of our hearts for things that grieve His Spirit – for our whole Christian life is a process of being conformed into His image..
If Christ, the Son of God love, is central and supreme in the heart of the believer so much else goes down, it must go down.
These two things are before us: one, because of the revelation of Jesus Christ in our hearts we have a passion for Him; on the other hand, because of the absence of asufficient revelation of Christ in our hearts we are out for other things which we would say are in His interests, and for Him, but which can never, never satisfy God heart.
It is the satisfaction of the heart of the Father, which is in view.Beloved I am speaking about the individual.
Not the theological Christ; not the doctrinal Christ; not the Christ of the letter, much less the Jesus of history; but the Christ of eternity in all the meaning of His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension into the Throne of God revealed in the heart by the Holy Spirit.
Be filled, or go on being filled with the Holy Spirit, as we read in Ephesians 5:8. But even this is a choice for the believer. Paul tells the Colossians the great desire of his heart toward all the believers. Paul longs that all believers are filled to overflowing, be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, unto all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness.
It is all a matter of the heart.
It may be a wrong attitude of heart.
There may be an attitude of heart that needs to be repented of – He’ll show you, but whatever it is, He’s the One that knows the deepest need of the human soul.
if you are prepared to change your mind—God will change your heart..
BUT God will never change your heart – until you change your mind.
There is a deceitfulness about this human heart that defies our greatest attempt at tracking it down, and we shall never do it.... Here is where the church has become such a confused thing, and such a tragedy; for the prevailing idea is that if you give yourself over to God He will take you up and use you: Bring over your humanity and consecrate it to the Lord!
Trust in Christ
The disciples all loved their Lord, but there was much they did not understand.. and so the Lord Jesus had to comfort them saying, Let not your hearts be troubled – you believe in God – then believe in Me – believe in ME
Here the very heart and kernel of the Lord’s work was to bring light. “I am the light of the world: he that follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12
Throughout Scripture, our hearts are warmed by the rising day-spring.
It is one thing to come to a situation from the outside, and link ourselves on with it, and take it up, and make it our work for life, our life-interest; it is quite another thing for the Lord to put into our hearts, in secret, an almost unbearable, intolerable burden which is His own heart-burden, and for us first of all to bear that thing secretly in the presence of God upon our hearts in a deep out-pouring of travailing prayer; quite another thing to come to the Lord's interests in that way.
The thing has come so near to his own heart that he does not stand here and the situation there, but he finds himself as one with it.
Ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you (c).
It is as our hearts are under the sway of that grace which is ministered to us through the Lord Jesus Christ, and as we are knit to Him in affection, that we touch and taste a new life, and are severed in heart from all that constituted the life of our old man.
Thus the body of sin is annulled for our hearts, and we do not henceforth serve sin. -C.A.C.
Familiar as these words andthese thoughts are to us, there are tremendous possibilities offreshness, and newness, about the enjoyment of these things.... If there isno fresh glimmer of light and glory associated with thereiteration of this truth, there is all the more reason why weshould ask the Lord what has happened to us, that we couldcontemplate such a thing without a stirring of heart.
Any fresh contemplationof our Lord in this way should ravish our hearts: Christ, thefullness of spiritual blessing now, the Sphere of ourexperience, our exploring, our enjoyment, our satisfaction.
as prophets and poets alike searched to pen words that described this eternal One. Eye has not seen, ear has not heard and heart has not searched out His majesty, for God inhabits eternity..
O Lord, teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Teach us to redeem the time we have left and use it to praise of the eternal God.
I wrote to you out of great sorrow and anguish of heart along with many tears not to make you sad but to let you know how much love I have for you. (2 Corinthians 2:4 ISV)
You have no inward heart-relationship to it, and so you pass your judgments upon it.
He will relate that thing to our hearts in a deep, inward way, so that none of us will be able to say, I know all about that, I have heard all about that, I could tell you all that you could tell me about that.
And we would do well to take heed of the truth of God’s word and store it in our heart – for the time is coming when few will heed the true doctrine contained in Scripture.
Rather, there is only one governing thought of your life about everything, and that is, how you may distinguish Him who fills every need in your heart, and lights it up with unfading joy. -J.B.S.
God is speaking, He has something to say, but there must be a Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your heart being enlightened.
He is monitoring your path with a Fatherly-heart – desiring only the best for you.
The Lord is ever listening to all the words we speak and the thoughts of our hearts.
The fear of the Lord and reverence of His name is the beginning of wisdom, and trusting His love and believing His Word is what delights His heart – and so He sees and He hears all those that depend on His faithful love.
Humble Repentance
He also sees the secret thoughts of the heart and the hidden sins that mar our lives. This should not disturb us but rather, it should lead us to mourn for our foolish wrongdoing. It should cause us to run to Him for forgiveness with a humble and repentant heart. It will bring us back into fellowship with the Lord and keep our heart pure before Him. The ever-watchful eye of our Father should rejoice our heart and influence our walk.
Cross to Carry
Great faith is not so much seen in the ability to do. Great faith is exhibited in the willingness to suffer with patient endurance. To have a God of compassion and empathy we need to have a suffering Saviour, Who in all points was tested like as we are, Yet without sin, for Who but the heart of Him could understand the suffering we choose to bear.
What is the time to trust?Is it when hopes beat highWhen sunshine guilds the sky,And joy and ecstasyFill all the heart?YES!
Unforgiveness is one of the main blockages to the presence of God; Unforgiveness can turn the heart of flesh into an icy heart of cold stone.
Heavenly Quality
Forgiveness is a beautiful heavenly quality that touches the heart of God, When you fully recognise how the Father has forgiven you of your sins – it becomes not only easier to forgive – but a vital necessity.
God’s Forgiveness
Yes, we are certainly supposed to love and forgive those that sin against us, yet forgiveness does not come easily to any one of us. It is the Holy Spirit Who is the One, Who can fill our hearts with God’s love and forgiveness.
Hardened the Heart
The famous words, “I can forgive but I can NEVER forget,” is a couched way of saying I cannot forgive – and I will not forgive.
This is a very dangerous and unwise attitude of heart – for it is a big step towards the “hardening of the heart” that is seen in Pharaoh.
You note that during the first few plagues Pharaoh hardened his own heart, but in the end, it was the LORD that hardened Pharaoh’s heart.
Don’t allow unforgiveness to harden your heart to this extent, but rather seek the Lord to soften your heart, and if necessary to break your heart.
Father Forgive
Buried unforgiveness is at the root of most relational difficulties, but forgiveness melts the hardening casement around a hardened heart.
Born to Die
He was born to die – that men might live. He was born to be made vile sin – that sinners might be made pure and perfect. He was born to be broken – that sin-shattered man might be made whole. He was born to be wounded – that damaged, traumatised man might be made new. He was born to bring the despairing, comfort, hope and joy that was lost in Eden’s realm. He came to bind up and to heal the broken, bloodied, wounded heart.
Care and Concerns
How often and how frequently our hearts are prone to worry and anxiety, fret or fear. How often our brow is furrowed with tension as the pains of life reflects in our face. How frequently fear of the future or personal problems divide or distract our hearts. How regrettable that cares and concerns of life should steal the Lord’s perfect peace.
Tests and Trials
Sometimes we allow the responsibilities of life and living – to rob us of the Lord’s rest. Sometimes our fears and failures, problems and pressure – weigh heavy on our heart. Sometimes our safety and security, health and finances rise up into mountainous difficulties as we fret and fear about the mounting tests and trials that we are facing.
Worry and Unbelief
To doubt and disobey the Lord – can even be construed as belying God’s existence! Worry can become such a fact of life, that our hearts declare that there is no God… Who loves and cares for me, because He is insufficient to take care of all my distress!
Precious Time
The time one spends on worry is precious time that had been lost to life forever and effort spent on worry is of little worth – for it wearies the soul and exhausts the heart.
If this is the revelation of God from heaven in Christ through His Word and to our hearts by the Holy Spirit, then it involves us in very great responsibility.
Ought not God thought for us really draw out our hearts in unspeakable gratitude and worship?
Perfect Law
The perfect Law was engraved on stone but is unable to beat with a heart of pure love. The faultless Law cannot empathise with our weakness or understand our difficulties. The letter of the Law may be perfect, but is insufficient to reveal the Father’s love. The ministration of law came through Moses, but fullness of grace came via Jesus.
Grace and Truth
The fullness of God’s grace was in the heart of our gracious God when He purposed, before the foundation of the earth, that the WORD would become flesh and dwell among His people, so we could see the glory of God’s grace, reflected in the face of the lovely Lord Jesus – glory as of the only Son from the Father – full of grace and truth.
Lowliness of heart must become our very disposition and discipline. Humility of heart – not only as we think of Him or when we pray, but humility of heart must become the very spirit of our lives.
God’s Pleasure
If we do not discern certain states of grace, and choose them – in Him… if we do not nourish them in our hearts in the power of His Holy Spirit, they never become fastened in our nature or behaviour.For we must choose of our own freewill to do of His good pleasure – not our own. Every advance step in grace must be preceded by first apprehending it.
A shattering that wrings the depths of the heart and conquers the mind. There is a good deal of mere mental and logical sanctification nowadays, which is only a religious fiction. It consists of mentally putting one’s self on the altar.. and then mentally saying the altar sanctifies the gift.. and then logically concluding therefore that one is sanctified!
He also knew that spiritual death which is caused by sin, means separation from God: They are excluded from the life of God because of ignorance and hardness of heart. Men are separated from God and life, because of pride and the blindness of their heart. He who has the Son has life.
Now, while fellowship is always a good thing, and experience should always be used as far as available, when it is a matter of the Lord speaking to our hearts and making it perfectly clear what His way is for us, we must be very careful that we do not submit that to influences that would in any way limit our response and interfere with our obedience.
Our Father's heart-love is personal; we are hidden there in the Son.
Have you ever thought that it is the affections of the Father's heart which flow down to us where we are, seeing us in the Son, not in our poor wretched selves?
Occupation with Him, the heart readily detects, and rejects the voice of the stranger, and cannot but own the Lord's claims to be paramount.
Nothing so thoroughly tests the state of our hearts, as whether or not we have intimacy with the Lord Jesus Himself. -H.H.S.
You have examined my heart,You know everything about me,You know when I sit down or stand up.You know my every thought when far away,You chart the path ahead of me,You tell me where to stop and rest.You know where I am every moment,You know what I am going to say even before I say it.LORD - You both precede and follow me.You place Your hand of blessing on my head.Such knowledge is too wonderful for me.Psalm 139
Many, many are laboring and toiling in it, breaking their hearts, afraid to leave that order of things, lest they should be violating what they conceived to be a Divine call.
Many others cannot get out of it because it is a means of livelihood, and they too are breaking their hearts.
To the searching, dedicated heart of Mary, who just sat at His feet and loved, He said, “you have much and you will have much more, and it will not be taken away from you”. (Luke 10:42)
They recognise the unbrokenness of their hearts and the rebellion in their soul.
“To realise the dimensions of the love of God, its breadth and length and depth and height – will serve to drive home to us the reality of God’s love, and the result of our belief in that love will be that. No question will ever profoundly vex our minds. No sorrow will be so deep as to overwhelm our spirits, because the heart is at rest in God, just as the heart of our Lord was at rest in Him Father.
It mystifies the senses; it disconcerts the religious; it confounds the Godless; it perplexes the theologian… and yet it comforts my soul and strengthens my heart.
There is one comprehensive and all-embodying truth which, if it really gained the complete mastery of our hearts and dominated our whole consciousness, capturing our will, our hearts, and our minds, would really revolutionize everything, just as the new covenant represents a revolution from the old covenant.
It is a tremendous thing when that really does come to our hearts with the force and the power which it really does represent.
And His mother treasured up all these things in her heart – and pondered them. And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and with man.
To know Christ as Saviour is to know peace in our soul and have rest in our heart.
Plan of God
The mind of the Godhead and father-heart of God planned a mighty mystery.
In the eternal council chambers of heaven, a divine secret was planned and purposed, and proceeding from God’s cherished mystery was born the eternal plan of God – a special plan, hid in His heart – that in the ages to come, Christ would be all in all.
Alpha and Omega
Nothing should deflect our hearts from this magnificent truth – God’s open secret.
As we look back over our various lives, not one thing remains unchanged. People come and go, and our hearts are touched for good or stained with pain.
to contrast in ever stringent tones with His immutability and constancy. God in His wisdom knows nothing can ever satisfy the cravings of a human heart.. save Himself.
He is always receptive to whatever pain or distress weighs heavily on the heart.
Others re-examine their thinking or re-evaluate the philosophies they cherish – but He alone spoke pure words that flowed from the heart of the Father – to Him.
Our heart is enlarged, ye are not straitened in us.
The measure of our spiritual life is no greater than our heart; the knowledge that is in the head is not the measure of spirituality, the way for your release, emancipation, increase, abundance is the way of the heart.
Spirituality is not mental agreement on things stated in the Word, it is the melting of one heart to another to all saints.
The way out is by increase of love; and we shall remain locked up until we are there.... True spirituality is the measure of love of God shed abroad in the heart, all the spirituals rest upon and have their rise out of love.
But there lies before you and reaches out through eternal ages such a purpose of God concerning us all that i>Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him(1 Cor. 2:9).
Oscillating Faith
And faith in God fluctuates between good and bad circumstances. And trust in God ping-pongs as emotions rise and then tumble. And life has no stability because we have not fixed God’s Word in our heart.
And so the question rages in the heart of men, can I know God….?
How often life is unstable, because we have not fixed Who God is in our heart: Elohim – the Strong One – the Powerful God.
God’s Condemnation
The whole world came under the condemnation of God because of one man’s sin. Adam’s disobedience resulted in the human race being born under condemnation. It was sin that was the cause of man’s condemnation and the wages of sin is death. It was necessary for God to cover man’s sin with the blood-soaked fleece of a lamb, for in His heart God purposed to send a Saviour – Who could pay the price of sin. What grace was being shown to man when God purposed to save His fallen race.
God’s Grace
But grace was in God’s heart when He purposed to give His Son as a ransom for many, Christ was to come bringing with Him grace and truth for all condemned by the Law. His perfect life and sacrificial death was to break the power of sin, resting on man, His death on the cross was so that man could be released from ALL condemnation.
Man is not condemned because he sinned, but because he did not believe… because he did not believe on the name of the only begotten Son of God. Jesus Christ warned the hypocritical Scribes and Pharisees that they would all die in their sins, for though outwardly righteous, their hearts were riddled with unbelief. The Lord Jesus wept over Jerusalem for in rejecting Him they rejected His grace, and in rejecting His grace they placed themselves under condemnation.
Worldly Offerings
Contemplate the fountain of His love that longs to flood through your heart, and blush with shame at the paltry way you seek solace in other broken cisterns.
or until you start to examine your heart and grasp the measureless span of His giving..
God’s Greatness
Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!Unnumbered blessings give my spirit voice;Tender to me the promise of His word;In God my Saviour shall my heart rejoice.
Tell out, my soul, the greatness of His might!Powers and dominions lay their glory by.Proud hearts and stubborn wills are put to flight,The hungry fed, the humble lifted high.
the grossness of my birth, yet pursues me with tender love. He reassures my fainting heart, by reminding me, “My delight is in you..” Psalm 119:70. This One that loves me so dearly – and you too.
And, beloved, the burden of the Lord must come on our heart in like manner if we are to be effective instruments for the Lord in His end-time activities; we must be exercised in a very deep way with the interests of God.
The whole thing begins with a recognition of the need, and the burden of these things upon our hearts.
When we are really in it by the urge of the Holy Spirit, the common features found in these Old Testament instruments will be found inwrought in us; and we shall be found an abandoned people unto this ONE THING the Lord's burden and heart concern for His testimony in His people.
lack of encouragement or disinterest; indifference; intimidation; over-protectiveness; over-bearance, and so much more all combine, to inflict deep-rooted wounds in the heart, and a deep-seated suspicion in the soul.
A life, where empty hearts are filled to overflowing with His love; a life where aching souls are restored to fullness of purpose.
as a young man should be pleased to consult his father for wise counsel – so should we open our hearts to allow His Spirit to lead and to guide; to correct and discipline; to heal and protect; to revive and to command – to conform us into the image of Christ.
This sweet fellowship of loving trust and trusting love – for this is the Father-heart of God.
Blinded Eyes
Their eyes were blinded to His loveliness, for there was no beauty in Him that they could discern – yet He was the altogether lovely One, Who would die for their sins. Their ears were stopped to His wisdom and their hearts were cold towards God’s only begotten Son, Who had set aside His glory and clothed Himself in mortal flesh.
David was a man after God’s own heart and Abraham displayed a great trust in God.
People of Faith
Throughout Scripture God is looking for men or women with a heart for God.
Heart for God
God is looking for men after His own heart like David, who will shepherd His people, and He is searching for prayerful men of integrity, like the prophet Daniel. He is looking for willing men like Isaiah who volunteered to do the Lord’s bidding – trusting men like Habakkuk, who lived a life of trusting faith.
Right Relationship
All these people were in right relationship with the Lord and each of these characters displayed a characteristic that pleased the Lord – a godly disposition that was precious in His eyes – a quality that is dear to the heart of our God. God laid His hand on each of His people in a unique way and God took time in each life to develop in each one a peculiar and distinctive quality that was a dim reflection of His own perfect grace – one that would be seen in the face of Jesus Himself.
Elements of a woman, that worships at His feet, in heart and soul. A man of faith – a woman of virtue.
A man after God’s own heart – a woman who worships at His feet.
As we read through Scripture, we discover one here and we find another there… But in the fulness of time God sent His only Son in the form of man, in Whom would dwell all the godly attributes of Deity bodily – for He is the ultimate Man of faith and virtue, the perfect Man of prayer and praise, the godly Man of wisdom and worship, the loving Man of obedience and humility, the gracious Man so beloved of the Father, Who was chosen to be our Saviour for He is the true Man after God’s own heart.
Align my thoughts to the mind of Christ – that I may think like Him. Mould my will to Yours O Lord my God, that I delight to do Thy Will. Unite my heart to Your heart of love – that I may reflect You in all I do.
The difference between knowing the Lord Jesus as Savior and knowing Him as Life, is the better part of a lifetime; even for the hungriest of hearts.
Moses had to wait forty years to carry out his purpose, which was a right one, though in the first flush the flesh sought to carry it out; but in the Lord's time, how fully every purpose of his heart was met - all the way to the Mount of Transfiguration!
Heart Submission
Jesus proclaimed ‘I and My Father are One” – for “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1 The believer is one with Christ when His Spirit resides within.
Indeed, heart submission is His dear desire for each of His own: “Abide in me, and I in you” John 15:7
Submit or Resist
But submission is a choice. Some chose to resist His Spirit – and some choose to quench His Spirit, while others in the conceits of their own hearts, by self-effort, seek to imitate Him.
Central Citadel
Any aspect or attitude of our lives which are not of Christ have their roots in Self, but the central citadel and supreme stronghold of Christianity is Jesus Christ alone, The very person of the Lord Jesus Christ is to be the central focus of our hearts.
Rom.3:10 - save the man, Christ Jesus. Paul told us to set our hearts on things above Col.3:1 For minds can become overburdened with the cares of this world.
Jesus. Jesus is the only one that we should seek to concentrate our hearts upon. Jesus: the substance of the Father. Jesus: begotten before the worlds. Jesus: the substance of the mother. Jesus: born into the world.
Weak is the effort of my heart,And cold my warmest thought;But when I see Thee as Thou art,I’ll praise Thee as I ought.
To go on with God and have nothing to show for it, never to be able to have the work written up in the papers, to publish no reports, nor statistics, and yet to know in your heart of hearts that, although it is hidden, something is going on, and that you cannot do otherwise than you are doing, is far from being a path of ease to the flesh.
The Lord says that if you really have a heart, that is going to mean spiritual understanding.... There are people whose good hearts are not rebellious to the Lord.
They make a response to the Lord, and it comes from their hearts.
The Lord Jesus is becoming more and ever more wonderful in your own heart, because God, that said, Light shall shine out of darkness hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 4:6).
Forgiveness – God First Act
These were the first words spoken by the Lord Jesus on the Cross. Forgiveness was the first thought on the mind of the crucified Saviour. Forgiveness was the first response of God to sins committed in the Eden. Forgiveness is an unfathomable grace that is deep in the heart of God.
streaming like great drops of blood and water. His prayer washed our bloodied, bruised, battered, ugly, sin-stained hearts.
No Condemnation
We are made new creatures in Christ, cleansed and made new with no condemnation. We are united to Him and brought into sweet communion with the Father in heaven. We are not only redeemed in spirit and truth, but in body; soul; mind and heart: for ye were bought with a price: not with gold and silver, but with the precious blood of Christ.
Eternal Questions
How we long to know answers to those eternal questions deep in the heart of man.
Human Heart
The human heart desires to know answers to so many unanswerable questions. Believers are not exempt from a longing to know answers to imponderable issues. Man’s mission in life is to discover the unknowable which is hidden deep in the mind of God.
How this mind-set is so contrary to the one that God desires His own to seek after: Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5 ..a mind that trusts Him explicitly despite the unbearable and the unimaginable – a heart that trusts Him implicitly and rests all questions in His understanding.
Why did my son have to die? Why did this have to happen to me and why did this have to happen to him…” After months – years of intense heart-searching and deep despondency, she realised and understood the deeper meaning..
People may turn to me to ask for reasons but I don’t know answers to their specifics. When people seek out my understanding to issues that tear hearts apart – and I can’t say – I don’t know.
And in His love and mercy, He will take each painful hurt and every throbbing heart – and pour in His healing oil and His soothing balm.
Grace and Wisdom
In His grace and wisdom, He will take the harrowed heart that questions Why, and He will answer it in His way – and in His time – to His glory – and to your benefit.
We may not know specific answers to so many unanswerable questions; we may not know the peculiar reasons for so many imponderable issues, but my heart always flies back to those wise words of faithful Abraham.
Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart. (Deuteronomy 8:2 NIV)
Oh, how subtle are our hearts!
We would sing really with our hearts and with our voices at full strength, 'None of self, and all of Thee,' and we would mean it, and there would be no uncertainty so far as we are concerned.
You will not think me too elementary, for you know in your heart, as well as I do in mine, that this matter of heart rest, the rest of faith, is a live question continually, it is coming up all the time.
Healing Stream
Such worship extols and lifts up the Saviour and it satisfies His heart.
Thanks and praise to the Lord satisfies the heart of God.
Thanks and praise is a great healing river, in the heart of the one who offers praise.
Tender Touch
I once experienced deep pain and hurt that tore my heart apart.
My heart was broken, my soul was lacerated.
My voice was as broken as my heart.
I first lifted my aching heart and my breaking voice in a Sacrifice of Praise..
Since that time, some 20 years ago, when darkness and anguish disquieted my soul, God has gently led me back to the importance of praise in a believers heart..
It is the Sacrifice of a broken heart, a contrite heart, a heart fully open to Him.
He takes a heart that has been hardened by the cruelty of life..
He takes a heart that is resistant to His love through the brutality of life – and He melts it with His love and He mends it with His mercy.
Humility and Grace
It is such a heart that he dresses with humility and grace., not to shatter into despair, but to melt and remake into a heart like unto His heart.
It is a heart fully yielded to His Spirit..
but it is a heart prepared to be broken and crushed by Him – a heart that kneels in deep humility before the cross of his Saviour.
Spirit of Brokenness
This is the heart that is healed by His touch and mended by His grace and mercy.
This is the heart where motives as well as actions are submitted to His surgery.
This is the heart that we each seek as He draws us ever closer to the Father-heart of God, but it is painful, very painful, very painful indeed.
ot from a heart of brokenness, but as a joyous Sacrifice of Praise to Him.
for it is only when we see Him that we will be fully cleansed and made entirely whole, but Remember:- every time He breaks your heart..
Be strong and take heart as you wait upon the Lord.Psalm 27:14
Demanding Sacrifice
All sacrifice is demanding.. whether the sacrifice of praise or the sacrifice of a broken, contrite heart – or placing your own beloved Isaac upon the alter of His dear love. But the Sacrifice of silence requires the greatest mental battle in prolonged prayer. The Sacrifice of prolonged prayer necessitates great struggle of your will.
So be strong and take heart as you wait upon the Lord.
yet He is also our Wonderful Counsellor, for He understands each one of us personally and sympathises with our weaknesses – yet has been tested in every way as we are, but without sin. He understands all our struggles and cares for us deeply, desiring that we cast all our care on Him, for He cares with the depth of love that emanates from the heart of God.
But He also wants a close and personal relationship with each of His own children. We need to open our hearts daily to our Wonderful Councillor.
God is good to those who wait for Him, and seek Him with their whole heart – How good it is to trust the Lord the Eternal Father.
So don’t be troubled in heart – and don’t be afraid.
Ah, He was taking all the risks necessary about this because the reality, the awful reality of this: you CANNOT, you cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven while you cling to this kingdom inimical to God, in any way.... How much the New Testament has to say about this, a walk in holiness that is separate unto God in heart, in spirit, in life, from this world.
Mortal Realm
Many millions continue to pass through this mortal realm with no thoughts of God. Few have set their hearts to steadfastly gaze unstintingly upon the Being that is God. Rather He is ignored, blasphemed, scorned, derided, mocked, defied, ridiculed..
New Life
But until we can truly examine every nook and cranny of our life and say with Paul.. I have been crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live – yet not I, but Christ lives in me…” Gal.2:20. Until that time our heart must remain rebellious towards the Self-Existent One – the Self-Existent God, Who loves us so much and gave Himself for us.
Service of God
There are many that claim to be in the service of God. Many that claim to be doing mighty works in the Name of Jesus, but thank God that true ministry is not to be judged and assessed by man – but please God that we will all judge and assess our own hearts and motives.
Spiritual Reality
But consider real spiritual realities, which require an unmixed, undivided heart.. a heart that has set its face like a flint to serve in His way and in His strength – a heart, not seeking acclaim through hot air, vivid pictures, romantic conceptions.
Vital Consideration
We must be dead-set on concentrating on Him, so He may work in our soul. We must be determined to give Him full authorisation to examine our hearts.
to wait, to be silent, and to be watchful unto God – and to allow Him to examine our hearts and our soul.
To be prepared to discover areas within our soul (our life) that hurt or grieve Him, and permit Him to root out the puss within and to fill that empty space with Himself. Search me O God and know my heart. Test me and know my thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends You. Psalm 139:3.
Spiritual growth is the Holy Spirit engraving the Lord Jesus on a man's heart, putting Him into his thoughts, his words, and his ways, just as the Law was engraved upon stones.
The Holy Spirit is only truly yielded to as the Cross, with its crucifixion of the flesh and the world, has become the attitude of our heart and mind.
At least give God a chance.... May the Lord give us His own interpretation, give us honesty of heart, and show us His meaning in having brought us to this consideration.
Those that rejected the Spirit at the time of Stephen’s death were rebuked: you stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always RESIST the Holy Spirit – as your fathers did, so do you.
Following a night of spice preparation and a dark journey in the misty morning, the grieving, loving hearts came to Him..
Hearts must have bled as they watched Him laid in the tomb, but faithful love had not died.
Anguish of heart was replaced by their caring ministry of devotion, in the very core of their beings, as they recalled the bountiful blessings, bestowed from His hand.
But true hope in Christ the Lord explodes into true glory of unimaginable joy – a true acceptance of the father-heart of love, births into inconceivable blessings.
Bring Him your best and most precious ministries and humble service, though your heart may ache – as did these dear women so early in the day.
from a sanctified heart of deep devotion – yielded to Him no matter what.
Bring a broken heart, a contrite spirit, and a life - surrendered of uncluttered love for Him.
No obstacle can block or hinder a heart that is overwhelmed with love for Him, for He loved us first with an everlasting love and He pours out His love into each fainting heart.
Never allow your heart or spirit to depress at this time, though the world spirals out of control... for He is faithful to go ahead of all circumstances of life to redeem the impossible.
The whole context is one consummate outpouring of his heart to the One whom he said had apprehended him, and he focuses all in a brief half sentence: That I may know Him.
For those who, like the New Testament writers, have a real burden and sense of responsibility for the spiritual life of God's people, one of the most heart-breaking things is the way in which so many who gave promise of going right on with the Lord are caught in some side-track and turn to something other or less than He meant for them.
Meaning of Poverty
‘Poor in spirit’ does not mean lacking in earthly conditions or worldly wealth, for a destitute man may display much pride – an affluent one humility of heart.
Poverty of Spirit
It is poverty in spirit, disposition of heart upon whom this beatitude is pronounced.
It is the humble of heart.
It is the humble heart that is conscious of their unworthiness before the Lord.
But humility of heart involves a dying to self and a living to Christ…
Gentility of Heart
Humility is it holding one's talents, gifts, aptitudes, or artistry as little or no account, but it is letting Him work through us, to His praise and glory.
Christ’s Humility
Only once did Jesus refer to His own deep humility of heart and poverty of spirit, when He said: “I am meek and lowly in heart” Matt.11:29 But throughout His earthly journey, in action and attitude, humility streamed forth.
Christ’s Beatitude
Humility of heart and poverty of spirit is the first of all Christ’s beatitudes.
Poverty of spirit and humility of heart is the first grace proclaimed in His sermon, and one by one humility bubbles and streams through each subsequent blessing – as beatitude by beatitude, you can trace this thread of Godly grace: “Blessed are they that mourn…” “Blessed are the meek …” “Blessed are pure in heart..” Blessed are they that mourn... “Blessed are those that hunger after His righteousness ..”
Humble Yourself
And throughout Scripture, it is the meek and humble that delight the heart of God… for pride is always brought low, before humility is lifted high.
True Humility
Poverty of spirit and humility of heart is a key that opens the gate to God’s grace. Poverty of spirit and humility of heart is what God seeks in each of His own.
The heart of the whole matter is the difference between the philosophy of Christianity, of Christian doctrine and the spiritual knowledge of Christ.
The Lord would teach us and this is the lesson that my heart is bent upon learning, and that I would urge upon you to make your quest also that the ground of assurance is not in our having decided for Christ, nor that we persist in the Christian life, nor that we feel strong, nor that we have certain ability as Christians and are able to do this or that.
I think it is quite clear that the Lord Jesus carried in His heart a great longing and a prayer for the glory that He once had.
The Mount of Transfiguration had become an answer to His heart's prayer and cry and longing at least a touch of it.
The Lord just does something it passes, but you know by it that you have been heard; you know that there is sympathy in the Father's heart for your need and situation.
There is all the romance of Christian work but, that is mere glamor; all the enthusiasm and interest of organized Christian activity; but it is not what we are before men in this matter that counts, but what we are before God in the secret place, having heart concern for the Lord's testimony.
Heart of Man
Once this astonishing principle is embraced, God can work in a believer’s life, and he is freed from the law and enabled to walk by means of the Spirit rather than by means of the flesh.
We are told to: walk in the spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. Gal.5:16. Some erroneously think that the lust of the flesh only means overt sinning, but every type of sin, overt and covert, emanates from man’s heart (from the inner man – the old sin nature).
The true Jew is one who belongs to God in heart, a man whose circumcision is not just an outward physical affair but is a God-made sign upon the heart and soul, and results in a life lived not for the approval of man, but for the approval of God. (Romans 2:29 Phillips)
He said: ake My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart(Matt. 11:29).
Unique Son
He laid aside the glory He had with the Father during the time He walked on earth, yet He retained His pre-existent knowledge – while learning obedience as a Son. He remembers the glory that He shared with the Father before the world was created. He recalled How He was the bread of life that came down from heaven for in Him is life, and that life is a light that shines in the heart of everyone coming into the world.
Central Crux
Christ is the centre crux that floods the pages of the inerrant God-breathed Scriptures. Christ is the human heart that beats at the hub of history – the key-stone of humanity. Christ is the source and circumference of Salvation – our living, breathing Redeemer. Christ is very God of very God; not created : of One Being with both Father and Spirit.
We read in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 that, God has put eternity in our hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.
A Deep Yearning
Yes, God in His wisdom has placed a deep yearning for Himself in our inner beings. He knows our deepest need is clear, clean, beautiful fellowship with Himself. But God also knows that man’s heart is intrinsically wicked and riddled with sin, and in His wisdom has withheld much that prideful man desires to know of God.
Two Ways
There are two ways to discover God and uncover His thoughts and heart.
The second way is to let the mind of Christ be formed in you, for as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
Two-Edged Sword
God speaks to us today through His Son, the living Word, for the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword – piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
God’s Communication
Yes – today God communicates to His children through His written and living Word – for the Spirit of Christ is He that dwells within the heart of the believer, and He commands us: Love: “love in the same way that I have loved you“. Abide: “abide in Me and I in you“.
a sacrifice of prayer and praise. Give your heart as a sacrifice..
a broken and contrite heart, He will not despise. This world is not our home but a preparation for the ages to come.
Watch – Prepare
Live the life of a spiritual man – put off the carnal lust of the flesh. Look at your position in Christ – not the condition of your circumstances. Prepare your heart for the Lord’s return is near – at the very door. Keep your lamps trimmed, and be filled with the Spirit. Understand what scripture says about these end times in which we live.
Examine – Submit
That we prepare our hearts for His soon return.
God’s Voice
If I have not learned to recognise His voice in the cries of the unlovely I have not learned to know His heart. If I cannot identify His voice in the dull and daily routine of life.. with equal enthusiasm as when He calls to me on the mountain top, I cannot realise that He wants to lift His loved one over the drudgery and monotony of daily living.
Without God, the heart and soul of man is lost and in bondage to a cruel taskmaster – but when a lost soul returns to the Lord he finds peace and satisfaction.
Only He can truly heal our hurting hearts and save our sin-sick soul.
River of Life
No matter what we have done in the past, nor what dark secrets hide in our hearts, He is ever willing to sit by the many wells of the world and wait for one soul to come. And whosoever will... let him take the water of life freely. And He showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
A Demonstrated Reality
Every step that He made, every action, reaction and decision that He took, every word He spoke and each thought of His heart, was carried out as a man and was carried out for man, for He had laid aside His deity for a season, in order to demonstrate all that God had intended for us, but which man had lost through sin.
The unfolding of your Word into your heart gives perfect illumination. Your precious Word imparts understanding to the simple.Psalm 119:130
I have hidden your word deep within my heart, that I might not sin against you.Psalm 119:11
Thy Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against Thee, Psalm 119 verse 11.… And so we waited for the next command – the next charge – the next verse.
Acts 17:10 God in His grace and love for us, permits His light to shine into our hearts. In two Peter chapter one ver nineteen, we read:- He gives us a more sure word of prophecy, whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts. 2 Peter 1:19
Light of God
The dawning of the light may be a gradual change or a sudden transformation, but all the unfolding of His truth in our hearts – is due to His mercy and grace.
He has given us His light in our hearts – the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, Whom the Lord Jesus sent into the world to be WITH us and IN us – and Who, has been given the responsibility of guiding us into all truth.. as we submit to His leading – as we surrender every area of our lives to Him.
His Word is God’s instrument for correcting our walk and cleansing our heart.
Psa.138:2 We need to read the Bible through and study it in depth. We need to meditate on its truth of God’s Word and memorise it in our minds. We need to receive it into our hearts and know it intimately in our very being. When the Word of light and truth enters into our hearts and minds..
For Peter reminds us:- for you are a chosen race; a royal priesthood; a holy nation; a people for his own possession; that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him – who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light. 1 Peter 2:9 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians4:6.
I have hidden your word deep within my heart, that I might not sin against you.
Heart acquaintance with Christ is the secret of spiritual growth.
It is possible to go back into the world with acquaintance with the scriptures, but it is virtually impossible to return thither with the scriptural acquaintance of Christ in the heart.
The believer should have but one object: knowing Christ has laid hold of him for glory, his heart is running after Him.
Having an high priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith (Heb. 10:21, 22).
The initial-process of sanctification only begins with a submissive, obedient heart.
Heart of Obedience
Just as sanctification operates through obedience and vice versa, even so, righteousness is the heart of obedience for both are mutually exclusive.
The human heart only finds growing discontent from this world's goods and dainties.
Fame, food or sex can never assuage the deep desires and demands of the heart.
Many of this world gifts are not bad in themselves, but all have been tainted with sin – and all are insufficient to quench the hearts deepest needs.
True Satisfaction
Were florid path strewed with diamonds and gold and the finest of silken thread... were buildings constructed of the most delicately carved marble and oaken beams... were panniers of the most delicious fruit and sweetmeats to grace the richly plenished table... were brimming baskets-full of delicate blossoms to perfume the breezy air – the heart would remain deeply dissatisfied were God excluded from the scene.
I have secured for myself eternal life.” O fools, and slow of heart to believe ALL that the prophets have spoken: Luke 24:25.
Does not His Word say that the heart cannot imagine the wonders that He has prepared?
Worldly Cups
Though you were to pass from one earthly water-spring to another earthly water-spring.., though you were blown to and fro by the winds of passion and desire... though you were to sip the sweetest honey from all and any worldly cups – the end would be only a dissatisfied heart and a shipwrecked soul.
John 4:14 For as it is written, eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. 1 Corinthians 2:9 Whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst.
It is the trials and difficulties of the way that are the opportunities for our hearts to grow in acquaintance with Him; and it will be found, while there may be many great enjoyment in ministry, and in the unfolding of truth, that really there is not strength but in proportion as one has learned how God has been for and with one in the trials and sorrows of the way; and as one has known Him in them, so is one able to speak of Him.
This is the moment He is in deep distress of heart, and though He appeals for a way other than the cross to redeem humanity.
Willing Heart
We too in these closing days of our lives need to cry out... Your will not mine be done Lord. I am willing to seek Your will and submit my will to Yours.
Church Doctrine
It shows how the early focus of church evangelism – was exclusively to the Jews, but God in His grace raised up Paul the apostle to reveal His plans for the church. May our hearts and minds be open to the Spirit’s leading concerning the book of Acts. Without Acts, Christianity could have morphed into an unorthodox sect of Judaism – but the teachings and doctrines for the Church – were given to us – through Paul.
Rebellious Heart
Israel is a prime example of a people that heard but did not listen – until they reached a point of prideful rebellion, where Jesus had to say: hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive Matthew 13:14 and Isaiah 6:9.
hardened his own heart against the truth until…the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh – and he hearkened not unto them… Exodus 9:20 (Pharaoh didn’t listen to the truth of God’s Word through Moses)
Psalm 90:6 But Today is the accepted hour. Today is the day of Salvation. Today, if you will hear his voice, do not harden your hearts. Today you have been ordained for the service of the Lord.
They are soon gone, and we fly away. Teach us to number our days, that we may get a heart of wisdom.
Today Counts
Let us pursue these truths today. Let us heed and apply these truths – today. Change and decay we see, in all around us yet He is the One that never changes. His years have no end, for He is eternal and He placed eternity in the hearts of man.
Service To God
For the Word of the Lord endures forever, and the Name of the Lord endures forever, and today you have been ordained for the service of the Lord. Today is the day of salvation – harden not your heart.
deep in our hearts to be holy – to be set apart and consecrated to Him?
A life that leads to a total immersion in the heart of the Beloved.
but also a life dedicated to Him; a life submitted completely to Him and His will; a life of total consecration to Him; a life that produces purity of heart and holiness of life; a life, utterly in love with the Son of His love; a life that kneels at His feet in brokenness of spirit; a life that washes His feet in humility of heart – a life that can say without reservation:
Take my will, and make it Thine;It shall be no longer mine.Take my heart, it is Thine own;It shall be Thy royal throne.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding (Prov. 3:5).
I remember when I used to think that I should be happy beyond conception if I were able to say, I will fear no evil,' my heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.' In order to reach this, you must find Him enough, without anything else.
You put your cares into His heart, and He will put His peace into yours.
The marvel of divine grace is that not only has everything according to the heart of God been secured for me through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus, but that I, a child of Adam, should be, not only in peace with God where I was under His judgment, but that I am transferred from Adam to Christ, and I am to have Christ formed in me now.
When the heart has found its rest and satisfaction in Him, it can turn to Him naturally and continually in every circumstance.
We have fellowship with Himself in such a way as we could not else enjoy, for nothing brings hearts together like sharing a common lot of toil and sorrow. -F.W.G.
May you retire into the secret of your heart and wait on the Father, and think that His heart is so relieved of everything about you, that He sees you according to the Son at His right hand.
“It is not only that the Lord Jesus is the object of my heart, but I find that the One I love has made me the object of His heart!
People are ready to say how they love Him, but how far can they say that they are conscious of His love for them; that they so prize it, that it is the greatest secret of their heart?
But such a God is one birthed out of the shadow of a bruised and bloodied heart.
The curious thing is that we are warned in scripture of this very problem: for as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
This incredibly simple text is heavily pregnant with meaning and truth: for as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
Heart Attitudes
Have you ever stopped to consider your thoughts – and what you think?
For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
Have you ever analysed your thoughts and your attitude of heart?
For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
Discerner of Thoughts
Have you ever considered how God’s word is His tool to search out our thoughts” for the word of God [is] living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Think About It
Have you ever analysed your thoughts and your attitude of heart?
For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
This is really worth thinking about… for as a man thinks in his heart, so is he Prov.23:7
And God desires and has set His heart upon having people who are partakers of the Divine nature, and so He is working ever more deeply toward this end: what is true of Himself shall be true of His children those begotten of Him that they should be true sons of God in this sense.
God would have us love one another; but the Holy Spirit, by whose power we receive the divine nature, and who pours the love of God into our hearts, is the Spirit of truth, and His office is to glorify Christ.
But when I see that what God is toward me is altogether the outcome of what He is, and that He is this though knowing perfectly what I am, it puts my heart in the right direction for liberty. -C.A.C.
God speaks to us according to His estimate of our standing, our position: it may not be our heart's experience.
A Christian who doubts the Father's love to him, and who looks for peace to that which passes in his own heart, is doubting God's truth.
The Word is the revelation God has given of Himself; it displays the love of God toward us, and what is in His heart.
I can trust the declaration of what is in God's heart, and not what I think of myself. -J.N.D.
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know.... (Ephesians 1:18 NIV)
Well, if you really are of the undivided heart, if your heart is wholly set upon the Lord and you see as far as you can see these things, and have very definite dealings with the Lord about it; (it may not be in a day, it may be slowly, steadily, quietly) you begin to move into a new realm of understanding.
It is very simple to sin, and very easy to pretend that we are not sinning, but God looks on the heart, even if we try to deceive others.
These Seven Things
These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto Him. (1) A proud look; (2) A lying tongue; (3) Hands that shed innocent blood; (4) A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations; (5) Feet that are swift to run to mischief; (6) A false witness that speaketh lies; (6) He that soweth discord among brethren.
Heart Attitude
Blood may not be dripping from the end of a knife of hatred, bitterness, envy, unforgiveness, or pride..
We shall in our praises weave with them what the Lord Jesus has done, suffered, and won for us; but the primary thought in our hearts is, not what we have gained, however true, but what He has been for us and what He is for us, yes, what He is in Himself. -J.B.S.
But if He is the object of the heart, you will never be satisfied but in fellowship with Him where He is.
I know of no arguments, and I am acquainted with no power, that will move the heart to devotedness except the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Himself and His love.
If in honesty and sobriety of heart I have judged that in me, that is, in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing,' I shall certainly not expect anything from myself, and it has been well said that where there is no expectation there can be no disappointment.
It takes the blending of both of Simeon’s characteristics of justice and devotion… to become a man after God’s own heart.
Faith, is the key that unlocks our heart to reach the heart of God. We are all of us ageing in the physical, just like the aged Simeon.. but our souls are eternal and His plans for us are in the celestial body.
When the old man is buried in the grave of our hearts, we will also share the resurrection life and fruitful activity of our risen Lord. -J.E.C.
Do not grieve the Spirit, and the first thing He will do will be to fill your heart with love, joy, and peace; and when the inner condition is right, then the outer condition will be right.
And from the moment he received the Spirit illumined pledge to see the Anointed-One, Simeon knew! Simeon had hope in his heart that his promised pledge would come to pass.
Watchful Readiness
Such thoughts may raise the eyebrows or bring a wry smile to the face, and yet we are told: while the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.” This caused Jesus to ask: Could ye not watch with Me one hour….? Scripture most certainly does imply a tarrying of heavenly Bridegroom, yet it’s the wicked servant who says in his heart, my Lord delays His coming.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself. Should not this promise of the heavenly Bridegroom cause our hearts to rejoice? Should not the deep desire or His heart move our own to an even deeper longing? Knowing that He prayed: Father, I will that they also, whom Thou hast given Me, be with Me where I am..” John 17:24. Should not our yearning love for Him overshadow any concern about His delay? For having loved His own which were in the world, He loved them to the end.
What must the obedient disciple do in a season of such anxiety of heart? What actions should the faithful believers do in such moments of nagging concerns? What should you do if you’re groping your way through a fear that the Lord delays?
How much easier it is to rush hither and to fly thither and to get into a heady spin. But WAIT – wait for Him. If your heart is disturbed, or those around you are losing their cool... just wait.
Stop: Listen: Wait
Simply put, don’t trust in your own intuition. Don’t be influenced by the ranting of others. Simply trust in the Lord and wait for His soon return. When we put our trust firmly in Him, God can work in and through us. When we are impulsed to react on impressions, we block His workings. If minds are distracted and hearts are distressed because the Lord delays... wait.
Appointed Time
It is the peace of God that will quiet your mind and rest your heart.
Wait on the LORD and be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart.
Elijah’s Wait
Day after day with unfaltering step and steadfastness of spirit, Elijah sat still and watched the dwindling brook, and waited. Week after weary week with steady gaze and tireless heart, Elijah sat still and watched his life-giving brooklet cease its babbling flow. And Elijah trusted God and Elijah waited. And Elijah sat still and watched the little stream become a sliver thread. And Elijah sat still and watched the silver thread reduced to a standing pool. And Elijah sat still and watched the standing pool shrink to nothing on the dusty earth. And Elijah sat still and trusted God – and Elijah waited.
only then, when all the senses screamed, Ah woe is me – that with patient heart and unwavering spirit, the word of the Lord came to Elijah, saying: arise, get thee to Zaraphath. 1 Kings 17:9 For Elijah trusted God and Elijah waited.
– would I? Would your heart have failed within you and would mine, as you imagined what was coming on the earth..
Being Ready
The warning to be ready should rejoice our hearts and be an encouragement, for God has outlined in His Word all we need to ensure we are ready and prepared – and loving Jesus and trusting His word is the most important step in being ready.
A Bended Heart
Intercession begins on bended heart and yet it reaches to the throne of God, and a clean heart of humility is the inner garment every intercessor must wear.
The intercessor has a servant heart that looks away from self to the purpose of God.
our great High Priest, but like the Old Testament priests we also need to have clean lives and a pure heart. We are commanded to be holy for I am holy. 1Pet.1:16 We are called out to be perfect: for I the Lord am perfect..Matt.5:48
Continuous Cleansing
Intercession begins on bended heart and yet it reaches to the throne of God, but intercessors need a cleansed, humble heart to come boldly to the throne of grace.
Servant Heart
The ministry of intercession probes into God’s desires; God’s will; God’s purpose. The man or woman of prayer has God’s interest as their sole and sublime concern. The intercessor has a servant-heart that looks away from self to the purpose of God, The intercessor is cleansed daily from all unrighteousness.
We have the Lord at our side and the Spirit indwelling in our hearts – if only our ears remain open to His gentle promptings and His gracious leadings.
Hear, above all, hear the LordHim thou lovest to obeyHide within thy heart his WordWatch and pray
Prophet to Israel
In the gospels we read that John was sent by God as a witness, to testify about Christ – the Light that was sent into the world, so that all might believe through Him. John was sent to Israel to herald their King Messiah, and he called for repentance. Israel believed in God, but had wandered far from Him and become very apostate. For centuries many prophets were sent to Israel calling the nation to repentance and being washed in water was the outward sign of a repentant or changed heart.
Revelation of God
We are told that no one knows the Son, save the Father. All that the Son was and is and is to be – was locked up in the heart of God.
And yet, it was in the heart of the Father to give revelation of His truth... for without God’s revelation, we cannot know Him..
This was a ‘must-be-seen-with’ type o’ guy. What self-confidence – what self-sufficiency – what self-reliance – what a MAN!!! This was a man after men's own heart!
He slowly grasped that his dear, sweet, precious Jesus was beyond conception, and Paul launched into eternity with the deepest desire of his heart expressed - That I may know Him.
that self-confident; self-sufficient man after men's own heart, became simply Paul.
Long my imprisoned spirit lay,Fast bound in sin and nature’s night;Thine eye diffused a quickening ray—I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;My chains fell off, my heart was free,I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.
Still the small inward voice I hear,That whispers all my sins forgiven;Still, the atoning blood is near,That quenched the wrath of hostile heaven.I know the life His wounds impart;I know the Saviour in my heart.
And much of what we request in humility of heart perplexes us in its delivery... for answered prayer rarely comes packaged in the wrapping paper that we designed.
We pray for love and yet He lacerates our hearts through friendships that He introduced..
as we cry: Thy will not mine be done, – and then His Will becomes our heart’s desire.
He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.John 7:38
View past and future through His healing, health-giving tempering lens – and you will find strength for your soul and contentment in your heart.
Today He desires you to be His salt and His light – to others… Today He wants you to be His hands and His feet, His eyes and His heart – ’til it is not you that lives, but Christ living in and through you.
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.Matthew 6:20
Practical Preparation
What a lot of practical commands there are in the Bible concerning preparation.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
but God does desire an undivided heart..
Divided Heart
God knows that your possessions; your home; your bank balance can become your god.
He knows that in a divided heart, mammon and God cannot reign together, and mammon is so much more than money – much more than dollars or pounds.
and God knows if our eye is not single – for God knows the inner heart.
It is a choice between the two – for only one can rule your heart and life.
He is watching to see if we are faithful and wise in all that He has entrusted to us… waiting to see if we fall into the category of a divided heart – waiting to see if He is all in all.
This world is not our final resting place – we are sojourners, passing through, and these little warning words against a divided heart have a deeper meaning.
Seek Him First
We are entreated in all things to have our hearts set upon Him.
A Single Heart
Do you remember Lot’s wife?
Her actions and attitudes demonstrate the realities of a divided heart.
She had not come to terms with true singleness of heart.
Treasure in Heaven
How important singleness of vision and an undivided heart is in this day of crisis.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Your Rock is Christ, and it is not the Rock that ebbs and flows, but your sea of feelings.” Let us honestly examine our hearts to see where we have placed our faith.
He explains how Jesus us the Federal Head of an entirely new creation – in Christ – for the old fallen creation in Adam have the sentence of death upon their heads, but the new creation in Christ has the free gift of eternal life in their hearts.
You can keep Him hidden; you can bury him in the safety of your current understanding – or you can gaze at Him through the spiritual eyes of heart, counting all things loss, for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.
It is often the seeking heart that becomes the butt of Satan’s vicious and prolonged attacks:- blessed is the man who endures temptation.. for when he has been approved he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. James 1:12
and frequently they came through the persistent criticism and accusation of religious leaders – of men whose hearts were set to discredit and denounce our Lord.
His heart is not cold – His power is not diminished..
Rich Blessings
God desired to pour out health and healing – but their foolish bias prevented Him. Their proud hearts were tightly shut against the rich blessings He brought..
He came with rich blessings in His hands but carried them away with a sad heart.
The Open Heart
The heart that is open to His presence will gladly partake of all His grace and love.
Luke 6:38 There is never any lack of power to save – nor any lack of blessings to receive, yet we may be near to Him, and miss out on the blessings He is willing to bestow – for hardness of heart.
We too can close our hearts to Christ and keep His blessings outside our lives..
There must be a willingness to receive. There must be a heart open to His tender advances.
Hearts of Unbelief
It is often because of unbelief, that God’s power is prevented from working within. He is able, and He is willing and He is ever-present to help in time of need, but He will never force us to accept His gifts.
Willing Hearts
I wonder how many blessings we have forgone because of our unbelief.
May our hearts be ever open to hear His voice.
May our hearts be ever willing to receive the blessings He wants to give.
Job held the rough, 'uncut diamond', of God’s truth and understanding in his heart – but it took much time and heart-searching for its full-cut brilliance to be revealed.
Book of Blessings
The ‘Blesseds’ from God, tumble like spangled stars, flung with generous profusion across the midnight sky. “Blessed are those who mourn…” “Blessed are the merciful…” “Blessed are the meek.” “Yes – the Bible is a blessed book of blessings, beatitudes, and benedictions:- “Blessed are the poor in spirit…” “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness..” “Blessed are the pure in heart.”
His hand reaches out to give a benediction to a sick heart or a sad soul, “Blessed are you who weep now..” Luke 6:21
His Word, healing the hurting heart.
The Blessed Hope
The hope of those, 'blesseds' of the Lord, is beyond the present, physical world, – His blessed blessings reach deep into the love-heart of Himself. – His Blessed hope stretches forward to the coming kingdom.
God reads the thoughts of man's heart and He even knows the motive behind our thinking.
And in His humanity, Jesus knew what was in men's hearts: And did not entrust Himself to them, for He knew all men.
Moses tells us that God sees the thoughts which are moving in men's hearts and Solomon proclaims: The LORD searches all hearts, and understands all the imaginations of the thoughts of men.
Isaiah declares how Israel acted falsely towards God, turning away from Him with words that were uncontrolled and hearts that were filled with deceit, while Paul reminds us that there are none that are righteous and none that seek after the Lord.
Although Jesus chose to live, and work, and say, and do only those things that He heard from the Father, He was still omniscient and knew the content of men's hearts.
But Christ knew their hearts.
Jesus knew whether their professed faith was from a genuine heart of real repentance towards God and a desire to live godly, or if it was simply a counterfeit faith that was following after Him for selfish motives.
Let us seek to take every thought captive to Christ, so that the words of our mouth and the meditation in our heart is acceptable and pleasing to the Lord.
They are cravings of our heart and passions of the flesh, which cause an internal battle within and prevent the Spirit from continuing His work in our lives of conforming us into the image and likeness of Jesus.Like Peter, we have seen the glory of Christ and are part of God's chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, so that we may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called us out of darkness into his marvellous light.
There is, however, much truth in this particular verse, and Eliphaz is reminding Job, and us, not to despise the chastening hand of the LORD which comes from the loving heart of our Heavenly Father: For He crushes but also binds up.
Although his entire argument contains many flaws and identifies Eliphaz as a carnal believer with certain legalistic leanings and a flawed doctrinal statement, his directive to submit willingly to the chastening hand of the LORD in the mists of trials and tribulation, is something we should all take to heart.
We may not understand why we experience certain problems and pain in our lives, but if we are willing to submit to His chastening hand and trust in the LORD with all our heart, even when we don't understand, we will discover that when he has tried us, we will come forth as pure gold; for our eternal benefit and His greater praise and glory.
His prayer for his readers is that God's grace and peace would flood their hearts in the fullest measure.
Peter would never forget the love that Jesus showed to him, when he denied his Saviour three times, and no doubt the heart-desire of this aging apostle was to obey His command to feed the sheep of Christ's pasture that were in his care, and to nourish the little lambs in His flock.
His desire for these scattered saints was that they reflect the holy character of the Lord Himself, Who said, Be holy for I am holy. Peter knew, only too well, how easy it is for our fallen nature to stray from the path of righteousness and wrote, Since you have, in obedience to the truth, purified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart.
Peter wanted them - and us, and ALL who believe the truth of the gospel, to keep our hearts pure and to obey Christ's own command to love others as Christ loves us, to develop a sincere love of the brethren, to fervently love one another from the inner depths of our hearts, and not to love with a hypocritical heart or insincerity of spirit.
Peter was calling them, and us, to love others as Christ loved us - with a sacrificial love, that can only come from a heart that has been saved by grace through faith in Christ - a heart that is in fellowship with the Father, through a cleansed heart that is walking in spirit, and in obedience to the truth.
We are to maintain a heart that is cleansed and free from defilement.
We are to remember that at the point of our salvation we were declared righteous in God's eyes, through faith, and have a duty to continue in holiness of heart, by standing on the truth of the gospel and allowing our conduct to reflect the character of Christ - through the power of the indwelling Spirit.
We cannot purify our own heart.
And as we continue to purify our heart and soul through living a life of faith, in obedience to Christ's commands, He will pour into our heart that sincere love for the brethren, that only comes through faith in Him - for we can only fervently love one another from the heart as the love of Christ streams into our soul and out to others.
Stephen gave the assembled company a most thorough history lesson of the Israel apostasy, where their forefathers turned the Temple of God into an idol... before turning the same, blistering accusation onto the very members of the Sanhedrin before whom he stood: You stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears!
They covered their ears, were cut to the heart, they gnashed on him with their teeth, rushed at Stephen, and cast him out of the city to stone him.
He will avenge and protect all who honour His name BUT will severely judge those who reject the truth, distort His Word, turn aside from His offer of salvation, and engage in the wicked ways of the world.May we readily eschew evil and reject the enticing ways of the world, which seek to turn our hearts away from the true and living Lord and entrap our lives in the lust of the flesh, the pride of life and the destructive ways of the world.
The power of the grave was insufficient to keep the dead body of the sinless Son of Man entombed in the heart of the earth, for in Him was LIFE; the eternal, resurrected life that becomes our life when we trust in Him for salvation.
Although Peter quickly, faithfully, and obediently followed the Word of the Lord, he fleetingly looked away from Christ to the stormy seas beneath his feet and the swirling winds that surrounded him, and a moment of doubt crossed his heart.
I am sure a prison cell would not have been Paul's preferred place to write holy Scripture and in this passage, we catch a fleeting glimpse of his heart-yearnings when he wrote: I have the desire to depart and be with Christ, yet to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your sake.
Paul's aching heart of evangelism knew his ministry to the Christian Churches was the essential ministry to which Christ had called him and for which the Lord had equipped him, and yet he yearned to be with His Saviour.
The longing of his heart was that Christ would be glorified in his body and through the testimony of his life.
Paul demonstrated a selfless attitude that honoured his Lord when he placed the well-being and needs of his friends above the desires of his own heart.
He called it 'a baptism of Repentance' and used the washing of the body in water, to represent an inner cleansing of the heart, by the Spirit.
They were to repent of Israel's idolatry and believe in their heart on the One Who would come after him - the Lord Jesus Christ - the Holy One of Israel.
John baptised with water (a water baptism - of repentance) but you will be baptised with the Holy Spirit, (a spiritual baptism - of the heart) not many days from now.
He could read what was in their sin-stained hearts.
He knew the evil they were planning in their hearts and said, accusingly, Isaiah prophesied correctly about you hypocrites, as it is written: 'These people honour Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.
There were many such traditions that these pious people valued above God's Law, but their teachings were leading the people astray and Jesus summoned the crowd to Himself to explain that nothing that goes into a person from outside can defile him, just as religious ritual and Jewish traditions can never cleanse the sin-stained heart of fallen man.
The heart of man is evil continuously and can only be cleansed from above - by grace through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Food doesn’t go into his heart but into the stomach and is eliminated through bodily function.
In the same way, the physical washing of one's hands with water can never cleanse the heart spiritually. Purity of heart is only possible through a spiritual cleansing.
Jesus went on to explain that a man's heart is defiled by what comes out through his thoughts, motives, words, and imaginations, Sin is conceived in the human heart, it takes root in the human mind, and is finally put into practice through human action: For from within the human heart come evil thoughts, which are translated into sexual immoralities; thefts; murders; adulteries; greed; evil actions; deceit; promiscuity; stinginess; blasphemy; pride, and foolishness.
She would no doubt recall how the childless mother of Samson, was visited by the angel of the Lord and favoured with her miraculous pregnancy, and I am sure that the joyful song of Hannah, the childless woman who conceived Samuel through many tears, fasting, and prayers, would be readily in her heart.
It was on this special occasion that he had his visitation from the angel Gabriel and was told that his prayers for a son had been heard and answered.Imagine the joy that filled the heart of this godly woman, when her husband informed her that she was to bear a son and they were to call His name 'John'.
What joy must have filled her heart when she was told the words of the angel: You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice over his birth.
He will be great in the sight of the Lord and be filled with the Holy Spirit while still in his mother's womb.The God of miracles brought joy and gladness into Elizabeth's heart, for her son would one day turn many of the sons of Israel back to the Lord their God.
He would go as a forerunner before the Messiah, in the spirit and power of Elijah, and turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children, and return many disobedient sons of Israel back to a living faith.
He would be used to instil an attitude of righteousness in the heart of God's people, as he made ready a people prepared for the Lord.The God of miracles still works with the same power and authority as in those distant days, when Elizabeth's barren womb was touched by the hand of God and became fruitful for His greater glory.
The God of the universe in human flesh, with only love and pity for humanity in His heart and an immovable resolve to fulfil the perfect will of His heavenly Father, stood silent before His wicked accusers: As a lamb that was led to the slaughter.
And we who trust in Christ as Saviour should heed the truth of God's Word in our hearts, by faith with thanksgiving, until the day when Christ returns for us in the clouds, to take us to be with Himself forever.
We have the prophetic word, written by the apostles and prophets of old confirmed in the written Word of God which we do well to heed in our hearts, knowing that the day of Christ's Second Coming is close, when Christ, the Morning Star, will set up His coming kingdom.
Let us pray that their hearts would be also established in the Lord and blameless before Him and that they would walk in holiness before our God and Father, encouraging one another as they look for the any-day appearance of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
The question that this earnest, young scribe asked the Lord Jesus, is a question that should be on the heart of all who have a reverential fear of God and a desire to do His will: For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, and this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ Whom You have sent.
But the words of our lips, the thoughts of our mind, the meditation of our heart, and the prayers that we offer up to the Lord, are to focus on Him and be a reflection of His will and His greater purposes.
And when we are enabled to abide in Him and He in us, we will ask whatever we wish and it will be done because our heart will reflect the heart of Christ, our choices will reflect the will of God, and our prayers will pray into the very issues that are closest to the heart of the Lord Himself.
Such an offering is not merely to be an external display of reverent homage or a gesture of pious religiosity, but an inner spirit of genuine gratefulness, a heart overflowing with adoration that springs from the man or woman that is deeply in love with the Lord.
Man may look on the externals, but God looks on the heart, and He knows the inner thoughts and the hidden attitudes of the mind, which can so often mask insincerity in the worship of a double-minded man.
God, Who judges the hearts of all, is not mocked and warns all that are so inclined to cleanse their hearts, alter their ways, and dress themselves in the robe of Christ's righteousness in sincerity and truth.
When God speaks, His children should listen, take note, learn the lesson He is teaching, hide his instruction in their hearts, and apply His truth in their lives.
In this verse, God is warning us to learn from Israel's disobedience and exhorting us not to repeat their mistakes: Do not harden your hearts as Israel did, is the serious warning given to Christians in this dispensation.
Because the wickedness of men's hearts was continuously evil, the Lord took one group of people out of the world to be His chosen nation.
They refused to believe His Word, failed to keep His commandments, and hardened their hearts against the God Who saved them from Egyptian slavery.
So brazen was their disobedience, that Scripture reminds us in many places of the hardness of their heart.
Today, if you would hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the provocation and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness, when your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my work.
Forty years long was I grieved with this generation and said, 'It is a people that do err in their heart, for they have not known my ways.
In this verse, we are strongly admonished not to harden our hearts, as Israel did, nor engage in idolatry, rebellion, fleshly lusts, or shameless unbelief.
Without Christ, the deep darkness of man's inner soul remains blinded to the truth of the glorious gospel of grace, which points to Jesus as the true Light Who alone lights the hearts and minds of all who believe on Him.Two thousand years ago, heavenly Light shone out of the darkness and by God's grace, the beauty of His Light and Life has shone into our hearts and given us the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ.
While He was in the world the Lord Jesus remained the Light of the world, but those who have been born from above have been instructed to walk in the light as He is in the light, and have been given the responsibility to be salt and light in a fallen world by pointing the way to Christ.God's Word of truth continues to unfold Christ's Light into our hearts and into the lives of those who have trusted His sacrificial work on the Cross and glorious Resurrection.
The Lord Jesus knows: The human heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, and that an attitude of materialistic, money-orientated consumerism will degenerate into greed, covetousness, double-mindedness, and a divided heart, for we cannot serve mammon and God at the same time.
Love of money and love for God cannot co-exist; one or the other will always reign supreme in the heart of man.
It is not wrong to possess the good things of this world, but it is dangerous when goods and money start to possess our hearts, our choices, and our behaviours.
Prosperity teachers encourage their followers to seek worldly wealth, temporal affluence, and the riches of today's materialistic society, but as believers we are called to recognise the diabolic trap of laying up treasure on earth instead of making heavenly investments: For where our treasure is, there will our heart be also.
David wrote this psalm in a time of deep distress and severe sorrow and pours out his heart to the Lord, but as with all the psalms he wrote, he inevitably restates his abiding confidence in the faithfulness of God, for David knew that there was nowhere else to fly to and there was no-one else in which to place his trust.
It is the trusting heart that has confidence in God's character and believes His promises that pleases the Lord, and it is such a man that remains persuaded of God's never-failing goodness no matter what difficulties rise up to confound the heart or confuse the mind.
We as the Body of Christ, are the spiritual Temple of God, and in many ways, both individually and corporately, we have allowed the world to be assimilated into our hearts and minds which is identified in corrupt carnality, which dishonours our God and Saviour.
May we take these warning to heart and seek to pursue holiness in our own lives and fellowships so that we may be presented to Him radiant, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but a holy and blameless Bride, for His honour and glory.
We are to commit our way to the LORD; walk in the path that God has ordained, and trust in Him, knowing that He has promised to guide all those that are humble in heart and will teach them His way and His judgments.
After the coming judgement for their sin, a day will dawn when Israel will be redeemed and restored, and they will walk in the paths of righteousness and be covered with God's blanket of peace, for when the eyes of the heart are focused on the Lord, His perfect peace stills the soul and floods the heart.
And this is equally true of the Church today, for when Christians set their thoughts of their hearts of Christ Jesus, they are flooded with an inner peace, an inexplicable peace, a perfect peace that only comes from above.
Let us ensure that the thoughts of our hearts are fixed on the Lord Jesus moment by moment as we take every thought captive to Him, for God has promised to keep in perfect peace all who trust in Him and fasten the eyes of their hearts upon Him.
The first part of Psalm 28, is a lament that comes from deep within David's heart.
The early verses in David's prayer, are a cry to the Lord for support, expressing his helpless condition, his bitterness of heart, and the pain that seems to be searing his soul.
He is not taken in by his smooth-talking neighbours who speak peace while their hearts are plotting evil.
In the midst of his deep distress, David took his fearful thoughts captive and remembered Who his God truly is: The LORD is my strength and my shield, he cries out, jubilantly: My heart trusts in Him and I am helped, therefore my heart exults, and with my song I shall thank Him.
My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped, the psalmist continues.
Therefore, my heart exults, David concludes, and with my song I shall thank Him.
There is something very edifying and encouraging in glorifying God and singing praises to Him, even when faced with problems and pain, for it not only lifts our heart and give hope to the soul, but causes us to trust Him in our helplessness and gives great glory to our Father in heaven.
May our hearts truly rejoice in the God of our salvation and may we lift up our voices together in continuous thanksgiving and praise.
Love for his brothers and sisters in Christ was clearly seen in all of Paul's writings and in this letter to the Colossians, his heart's desire was that these beloved believers would gain great spiritual strength.
And so, he sent Tychicus to encourage and comfort their hearts in the midst of the difficult times in which they were living, and to embolden them to preach the Word fearlessly.It was through Tychicus that Paul sent his letter to Colossae, for this faithful friend was a man who brought encouragement and comfort to all those he served.
He had proven himself to be zealous for the gospel and Paul’s worthy co-worker, and so Paul wrote: I am sending Tychicus to you for the express purpose that you may know about our circumstances and that he may encourage your hearts.Although he is only mentioned five times in the New Testament, Tychicus earned the trust and recommendation of the apostle Paul.
The book concludes with a lovely section that encourages us all to remain in the love of God, to build ourselves up in the most holy faith by means of the indwelling Spirit, and to keep our hearts and minds focussed on the Lord Jesus, watching for His any day return.We cannot keep ourselves from stumbling, but Christ can, and so we need to dig deeply into His Word.
Daniel, together with Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, resolved to stay true to the God of Israel, demonstrating that they were men after God's own heart.
God in His wisdom and grace gave us this important picture of world domination, through a succession of evil empires dominated by Satan, to purify our hearts and strengthen our faith.
KNOWING THIS... let us seek to trust in the Lord with ALL our heart and lean on HIS understanding in all things.
Let us take to heart ALL that is written in the pages of Scripture and rejoice that the day is coming when the kingdoms of this world will become the eternal Kingdom of our God and of His Christ - the ROCK on Whom we stand.
He will declare of Jerusalem, 'She will be built,' and of the temple, 'Your foundation will be laid.'It was in the first year of his reign that the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus, king of Persia, so that he sent a written proclamation throughout all his kingdom which said: Thus says Cyrus king of Persia, 'The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and He has appointed me to build Him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah.'Praise God that His Word will not return to Him void and that through the act of this pagan Gentile, God's plan of redemption was forwarded and king Cyrus declared that Jerusalem would be rebuilt and decreed that the Holy Temple of God must be restored.God in His grace also put it in the heart of king Cyrus to return the holy articles that had been plundered from the Temple of the Lord, for we read: Also king Cyrus brought out the articles of the house of the Lord.
No surprise that Jesus responded, O foolish men and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken!
No wonder their hearts burned within them and their hope was reignited as Jesus taught them: And beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scripture.
No wonder that Paul proclaimed in anguish of heart: I fear for you, that perhaps I have laboured over you in vain. Paul likened his love for these Galatians believers to a woman who reached the point of utter exhaustion when giving birth to a baby.
The wonderful spectacle of Moses and Elijah speaking to Jesus on the heavenly mount must have rejoiced their heart, but I am sure that nothing could transcend the awe and wonderment they must have experienced when a cloud appeared from above and enveloped them, and a voice came from the cloud, saying: This is my beloved Son: hear Him.
And like them, we too need to ponder it in our hearts and talk about it to other believers.
Like Joshua, we would be wise to take heed to God's Word, to recite His Word using our mind, to keep the truth of His Word forever on our lips and in our hearts, and to observe all that God has written to us in our lives.
We should study God's Book of instruction, particularly those passages that relate specifically to the Church, and we should continually feed on His Word in our hearts by faith with thanksgiving.
So many of the psalms of David have become special favourites to generations of God's children for this man after God’s own heart so often pens the inner-thoughts that flood our own minds, as we reflect on the wonders of our Heavenly Father and as we consider man's many imperfections in the light of His glorious perfection.
The omniscient God is fully acquainted with the thoughts of our hearts and the conduct of our lives, even when we forget that He is with us, or during those times when we feel all alone.
ALL believers, whether circumcised Jew or uncircumcised Gentiles, are one in Christ and lay claim to the same spiritual circumcision, a true circumcision of the heart because we are ALL saved by grace through faith in Christ.
Sadly, only a few chapters later, we read that the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of men's heart was only evil continually.
The Lord cannot look upon sin and sin must be punished, but God is also full of mercy and great goodness and we discover later that as the Lord grieved over His fallen creation and the utter depravity of man's heart, the eyes of the Lord search to and fro, looking for someone with a heart that was in right standing towards God.
God's eyes fell on Noah, for He searches the heart and He understands every desire and every thought in the mind of man.
The eyes of the Lord search to and fro looking for someone with a heart that, through faith, is in right standing with Him.
His eyes fell on Noah, because God in His grace searches the heart and He could see that Noah trusted Him; Noah believed in Him; Noah had faith in Him.
and Jesus answered by quoting 'the Shema': Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one, Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength, substituting the word 'mind' for the word 'strength'.
It is a love that is birthed in trusting Him, and a love that flows in to our hearts and minds from the love of Christ for His own.
And from that love will flow a willing service and loving obedience, from a heart that loves the Lord with every part of his being.
Let us seek to love and honour the Lord with every part of our being, to love as Christ loved us, to love Him with our heart, our mind, our thoughts, and our motives.
Let our every thought be taken captive to the Lord so that we may remain in sweet fellowship with the God of our salvation, for when the eyes of our heart are fixed on Him in grateful thanks for His work on Calvary's Cross and the redemptive work within our own lives, we who are forgiven much will love much.
Indeed, it should be our joy and rejoicing to love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our strength and mind, for He loved us first.
When David pours out his heart into one of his many psalms of prayer and praise to the Lord, his words often quicken an air of rejoicing in our own lives, for we too can identify with some of the many hardships he faced, and we too can also bear witness to the wealth of joy that he proclaimed, for joy in the Lord and the joy of the Lord was the strength that David received from the Lord, as it is for so many of His children.
In the midst of his wilderness experiences, David often found his spirit thirsting for the Lord and his heart yearning for a touch from God (an occurrence that we all too often discover in the barrenness of our own lives or in the dry places in which we often find ourselves).
But his thirsting soul did not sit down and weep for long, nor spiral into mournful self-pity, but started to earnestly seek the Lord and to claim in his heart the need for a closer walk with God.
Let us, like David, fill our hearts with the joy of the Lord and sing spiritual songs with our lips and in our lives, to the praise of His wonderful name.
The beginning of 2 Corinthians chapter 5, is closely linked with earlier chapters where we are encouraged not to lose heart because of the inevitable suffering and pain we all experience in our fallen, dying bodies.
We may be living in an earthen vessel, a frail and deteriorating human frame, but as believers, we have the indwelling Spirit of the eternal God in our heart and have received absolute assurance of our secure, heavenly destination.
In this passage, Paul contrasts our present condition with our future dwelling place, and encourages us not to lose heart when encompassed about by persecution and pain, or when hard-pressed on every side.
Jesus was not advocating for His followers to start amputating their arms and legs or gouging out their eyes or tongues, but emphasising the terrible effect of sin on an individual life.Temptation to sin is not suppressed by self-mutilation, nor is it arrested by physical dismemberment, for the seat of sin is the heart and mind, not in the hand, foot, or body-member that perform a sinful act.
Only a heart that has been made new by the Holy Spirit of God and a mind that is stayed on Christ, is able to resist the temptations of this world and stand fast through all the trials and tribulations of life.God is a consuming fire Who will one day burn away the dross, and refine that which is good.
Saved, yet as though by fire.May we take to heart the serious consequences of sin and remove every element of it in our life which may cause us to fall into sinfulness, and may we also be ready and willing to share the good news of the gospel of grace with those who remain dead in their sins, and warn them of the terrible consequences of hell and God's unquenchable fire which awaits all who have not trusted in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
The underlying reason for Paul mentioning these brothers seemed to be that as the Body of Christ, we are to pull together; to honour one another; to fellowship with one another; to make sure that we are one in heart and mind with our brethren as we look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
And we do this as we trust in the Lord with all our heart, for He is the Rock our Salvation and the Foundation upon which we stand.
But too many Christians wrongly think that a victorious Christian life is a happy, trouble-free existence where every whim of our heart is magically fulfilled by some sugar-daddy in the sky, cherry-picking Scriptures that 'prove' this false interpretation of the Word while proclaiming that the problem of others results from their lack of faith.
Imagine Joseph's bitter anguish of heart when, following an extended visit to her cousin, his beautiful bride returned home and was discovered to be pregnant.
There are difficulties in life that overwhelm the strongest of people, fears that gnaw at the stoutest of human hearts, and young men who grow faint and weary.
They are a call to us all to turn from any wrongdoing in our lives and live by faith and not by sight; to trust in the Lord with all our heart and not lean on our own understanding.
Four days of trick questions from the scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, and religious leaders, followed by a series of false witnesses, unlawful trials, unfounded accusations, lies, and gross deception were exposed and failed, because Christ's character was unblemished and His heart was pure before God.
And we are to trust in the Lord with all our heart and not lean on our own understanding.
He looks on the inside and reads the heart of a man.
The Lord knows the thoughts of man's mind and the motivation of a man's heart.
God can read the thoughts of our inner mind, and He knows all those who trust His Word and have their heart turned towards Him.
Jeremiah reminds the faithful remnant of believing Israel (and also those of us that are saved by grace, through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord), of the wonderful fact that the Lord examines the heart and gives to each what they deserve, based on what they have done, by faith: I, the Lord search the heart.
But in His grace He allows those that are prepared to search for Him with all their heart to discover a treasure trove of truth that is hidden beneath the surface of Scripture, and in some cases are concealed within the physical, created realm.
We will find out truth, grow in grace, and increase in wisdom as we search for Him with all our heart, and soul, and mind, and strength.
Both these apostles know that Christians can be drawn away from a spiritual walk, where Christ reigns at the centre of our life, to a fleshly existence where king 'Self' is reinstated on the throne of our heart.
Rather, let us love the Lord our God with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our mind, and with all our strength, and let us seek to walk in spirit and in truth, day by day, to His praise and glory.
Let us praise our covenant keeping God for all His loving-kindness and tender mercies to us and to all men, and let us live by faith in the Son of God Who loves us and gave Himself for us by taking upon Himself the judgement that we deserve so that His multi-coloured-grace can shine in our hearts throughout all eternity.
The Lord brought the earth, and all created things, into being by the Word of His mouth, and the majestic display of a thunderstorm with its flashes of lightning and great reverberating thunderclaps, brought this man-after-God's-own-heart to his knees, in humble worship of God's astonishing greatness.
Should not we who are His children, made in His image, and born of the Spirit, humble our hearts before Him and bow our ear to listen to the whisper of His still small voice, as He speaks to us His Words of comfort and guidance?
The sin nature is programmed to be conformed to the world, but the transforming work of the indwelling Holy Spirit requires the continuous and ongoing renewing of our mind, so that our thoughts are influenced by the mind of Christ, as the desire of His heart becomes our own desire and delight, and His perfect will is translated into our will.
Transformation does not take place overnight, but is dependent on the hidden values of the heart being translated into the active practice of our thoughts and motives.
He carries out this refining work in the inner recesses of our hearts, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
How important therefore to keep our focus on Jesus and to train the eyes of our hearts on heavenly things that are true and honest, just and pure, lovely and wholesome, godly and of good report.
How true it is that you become like the person with whom you spend time, and whatever has captivated your heart inevitably reflects attitudes and behaviours in life, (whether good or evil), and too often it is not a pretty sight. We are warned not to habitually be immersed in the world but to set our minds on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make Him the central focus of our thoughts.
And if each one of us set our heart, mind, will, and affection to concentrate upon Him, of necessity, we would not be conformed to the lustful leanings of the world, but our new, born-again nature would start to be supernaturally transformed into the character of Christ.
This shocking accusation was identified by Christ Himself as a terrible sin against the Holy Spirit (for the Spirit is the One Who convicts men's hearts of sin, righteousness and judgement).
This was the point in His life that Jesus began to speak in parables, for He knew what was in men's hearts, and He knew that He had been rejected by the religious authorities and would soon become the sacrificial Lamb Who would take away the sin of the world.
In Christ is all that we need for life and godliness; in Christ we become a new creation and part of His Body, with a new life and new hope of glory; in Christ we have peace with God and access to the peace of God in our hearts.
Oh, we should be seeking Him out with all our being, but He is always the One who approaches us and convicts our hearts of our need of Him.
As the writer of Hebrews states: For the Word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, even penetrating as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart, and every portion of Scripture points to the Lord Jesus Christ, for He is the living Word.
Each time the enemy's subtle taunts, which were designed to cause Him to stumble in His mission, were countered with the proclamation, It is written... it is written... it is written… And it is the Word of God that is the weapon of victory that we must grasp in our hands and our hearts, for with it we can face every accusation of Satan and every doubt that is planted in our minds.
With such a weapon as the Sword of the Spirit, the many examples of Jesus Himself wielding that weapon so effectively, and the promises pertaining to the Word, let us all buckle on the armour that God has provided, and firmly grasp hold of the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, in both our heart and our hands so that we too may be able to stand firm in the evil day against the devil's wicked schemes.
It not only instructed and guided him into all truth, and gave him more understanding than His enemies, but kept his heart and mouth pure from defilement.
He discovered that all the promises, precepts, pronouncements, and judgements of the Lord, are not only sweet to the taste, but become food for the soul, instil joy in the heart, and give sweet wisdom and discernment to those that honour His name.
The Word of the Lord is nourishment for the soul, comfort of the heart, help for the afflicted, and shelter from the storms of life.
Scripture is a direct revelation from the living God to His born-again people, and we would do well to take every page to heart.
He illuminates our minds with truth, inspires our heart with spiritual understanding and gives godly discernment to all who have been saved by trusting in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
He gives us His perfect peace in our hearts and an unshakable confidence in the gospel of Christ.
Should not we who are saved by grace through faith in Christ, recognise the deep significance and consequences of the God-breathed content of His Word and take it to heart in these perilous days?
The days of Noah were written about in Genesis 6 where we read: Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
However, when the Restrainer of evil is taken out of the world at the time of the Rapture, how terrible will it become on earth when the wickedness of man reaches its fullness and every intent of the thoughts of men's heart will only be evil continually.
May we who are waiting for our heavenly Saviour occupy wisely until He comes and let us keep the eyes of our heart on our God and Saviour - in Whom are the words of eternal life.
Indeed, the peace of God which passes all human comprehension, is a gracious gift from our Heavenly Father which is promised to all His children through Jesus Christ our Lord, for it guards the heart and mind of all who cast their cares upon Him.God's peace is the gracious gift that under-girds our going out and our coming in, and every man or woman of faith in Christ, is promised that heavenly peace will garrison our heart and mind in every difficult circumstance or troublesome situation.
Let us stand fast in the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ and take to heart this serious warning from Paul to preach the Word, rightly divide the Word, exhort and convict those who contradict and distort the Bible, and let the Word of truth dwell in our hearts richly.
We are reminded to live in unity with one another, to live in lowliness of heart, gentleness of spirit, and to endure suffering with patience throughout this earthly life.
The love of Christ is a supernatural love, a divine love, a love that streams to us from the heart of God, for God is Love.
And so, He gave us a new commandment, a command that sums up the perfect Law of God in one simple act: Love one another as I have loved You. In so doing, we perfectly fulfil the requirements of God's law and the will of God’s heart for all His children, for what is impossible for man is possible with God.
There are those that presume in their hearts to elevate themselves, and to become as little gods in their own blinded eyes and bloodied hearts, which are puffed up with pride.
There are those that reject the true and living God, preferring to transfer their mindless worship onto other created life-forms, which in their foolish hearts are elevated into the status of a god.
He uniquely demands our most steadfast heart and our most trusting obedience, for He alone is worthy and to Him belongs all the kingdom, the power, the wisdom, and the glory, both now and forever, amen.
In this psalm, David cried out to the Lord in humility of heart.
The fool has said in His heart there is no God, preferring to turn aside to the worship of false idols that are conjured up in mans' own unreasoned imagination.
Let us unite our hearts and voices with those that have gone before and be quick to confess: No one can compare with You among the gods, O Lord our God.
Paul never wanted anyone to become complacent in their faith and always made a point of reminding others of the joy we have in Christ, and so his letter to this 'son in the faith began by reminding him of God's amazing goodness and grace, the privileged peace we have with God through our great salvation, and the perfect peace of God that can guard our heart when our mind is stayed on Him.
It is also by God's grace that we have the peace of God in our hearts.
Did their slumber protect their hearts from their escalating confusion and mounting fear?
Exhaustion, fatigue, sorrow, and grief at the shocking uncertainty of all that crowded their increasingly fearful hearts, was taking its toll on Christ's confused disciples.
No doubt their bodies' 'safety-mechanism' was being kicked into play, to save their hearts from collapsing with fear of what was coming into their immediate future.
None can begin to imagine the sorrow that Christ experienced as He faced Calvary alone, but our hearts can empathise with His disciples when we... like them, find ourselves confronted with trials greater than we can manage.
Like Peter, we also face an increasingly uncertain future, but let us never forget that the Holy Spirit of God has been given to the Church and has taken up permanent residence within the heart of every member of Christ's Body.
Let us not slumber with disinterest in these end times, nor allow deep sorrow to inject fear and uncertainty into our hearts.
Though we live in the war-zone of this fallen world system, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ... and the peace of God which guards our hearts in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.
May the words of our mouth, the actions in our lives, our conscious attitudes, and even the unconscious motives of our heart be so attuned to the will of the Lord that we do only those things that are pleasing in His sight, to His praise and glory.
Sadly, both groups are making serious inroads into the hearts and minds of Christians who do not have a sound biblical understanding or have been incorrectly taught by liberal theologians who deny the essentials of the faith, or those that have their roots in the occult.
Although this quote from James is not found in any Old Testament Scripture, the general theme it addresses is scriptural, for we have the Spirit of God permanently living within our heart, and the behaviour James opposed in this passage is antithetical to the way God desires His children to conduct themselves.
Moses was sent, with his brother Aaron, to demand that Pharoah let God's people go, but even a succession of nine terrible plagues was insufficient to cause him to release the Israelites and time and again, Pharoah hardened his heart against the Lord.
With each successive plague, Pharoah had hardened his heart and refused to obey the Word of the Lord until... when confronted with this final challenge, his heart had become so desensitised to God's Word that Pharoah ordered Moses to get out of his sight and never to return again.
Just as the blood on the doorposts of the Israelites in Egypt was a physical sign of their faith in God's Word, so a heart that has been sprinkled with the shed blood of Christ by faith in His sacrificial death on the Cross, is the spiritual sign that we have passed from death to life - from slavery to the freedom that is in Christ Jesus.
Godliness should be the objective of a believer - where a practical holiness honours the Lord our God with all our heart and soul and mind and strength - but godliness should manifest love.
Let us reckon ourselves dead to sin and all that the old sin nature represents and let us reckon ourselves alive to God in Jesus Christ our Lord - so that by His power we may love the Lord our God with all our heart - and in His name, add to that godliness, brotherly kindness, and progress from brotherly kindness to the divine love - that is ours in Christ Jesus.
We are encouraged to act circumspectly and to work willingly and enthusiastically, doing everything with our whole heart and in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord, as though we were working for the Lord Himself, rather than for people.
From this moment forward, whatever we do, whether in word or deed, let us undertake to do it with a pure heart and seek to do it as unto the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father, through Him.
Godly wisdom flows to the man that is humble in heart, meek in spirit, and gentle in demeanour, for true wisdom from above is born of a childlike attitude and received by the one that submits to the Lord's will, desirous to learn His works and ways.
The godly posture of this psalmist is a lowly heart on bended knee before the throne of God's grace, where he humbly pleads, Teach me Your way, O Lord, and lead me in a level path.
The Lord delights in the one that has a teachable spirit and a humble heart that confesses their lack to Him.
And He rejoices over the one that seeks first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, with meekness of heart and a gentle spirit.
In a time when food was regularly offered to Roman gods and sacrifices made to pagan idols, Paul knew that believers, who had engaged in these ungodly practices before their salvation, were often repulsed by the thought of eating food that had been sacrificed to these false gods, while other Christians understood that it was not eating the food that defiles a man, but his attitude of heart.
Salvation is a condition of the heart - a heart that has trusted Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
True worship can only flow from a heart of faith and does not consist of the actions we undertake, the outward behaviours we exhibit, or strict adherence to certain prescribed laws or imposed practices.
True worship is an attitude that is conceived in the inner heart, which reflects Christ's beauty and grace.
Our natural inclination is to place ourselves in the centre of everything and to think how we are going to be affected by this and that, before we consider the needs, necessities, or feelings of others, and before we consider the desire of God's heart.
The precious promises of God are poured into our hearts by the Spirit, and Paul cements his argument with the assurance that while we were weak and ungodly, without strength and without hope – Christ, the good and gracious God, died for us ungodly sinners who were dead in trespasses and sins.
He desires an inner cleansing of the heart; a cleansing of impure thoughts and ungodly motives.
Jeremiah called on Israel to cleanse their heart from wickedness, while Joel commanded them to rend their heart and not their garments, and to turn back unto the Lord their God.
The shocking way that the religious leaders plotted against the King of glory for their own selfish ends, shows the depths of defilement to which man will stoop when their heart is not right before the Lord.
We do not have to undertake the annual cleansing rituals as laid out in the Law of Moses, but we do have to purify our hearts before the Lord - and we do this by trusting in the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sin, and by living each day in a way that honours His name.
But first, they must be spiritually enlivened when the Holy Spirit of God breathes the breath of new life into their cold, dead hearts, by their faith in Christ.
THEN they will be given a new heart of flesh, to replace their cold, lifeless, heart of stone.
His light not only shines into our lives to guide our steps through the darkest pit-falls and the heavy gloom of this rebellious world-system, but His resplendent rays of holy light, cascade into our hearts and stream into our minds, like a cleansing flood, for He alone is the Well-spring of godly wisdom and the Fountain-head of all spiritual understanding.
He beamed the warmth of His Light and Love into the broken hearts of many.
He shone His redeeming Light into the hearts and lives of all who trust in His name for salvation.
And the Light of the glorious gospel of grace shone into the hearts of many of His followers and the eyes of their hearts were illuminated eternally - and what joy must have flooded their souls when they received their spiritual sight.
God is Light - unapproachable Light, and yet He has placed His Spirit of Light into our hearts to lead us aright, to guide us into all truth and to shine His love into the hearts and lives of all with whom we come in contact.
Let us walk in the light as He is in the light and may the light of His presence within each of our hearts, shine through our lives to proclaim to all we meet, the light of the glorious gospel of grace that has been shed abroad in our hearts and lives.
This is reinforced in Proverbs 16, where we read that an old man's grey hair and other symbols of his advancing age should not to be pitied or considered as detrimental, but rather should be praised and seen as a badge of honour.When a man has trusted God with all his heart during his lifetime and acknowledged the Lord in all his ways, his grey hair should be seen as a laudable crown of glory, which is often rewarded by a long and fruitful life.This is not to imply that ONLY older people who have honoured the Lord during their lifetime benefit from a long and productive life.
His desire is that they grow in grace and mature in the faith, explaining that when the Word of God abides within their heart, they will overcome the evil one and mature in their faith as they advance in age.Paul reminds us that although physical fitness is good, we should not only strive after bodily discipline and physical health, but rather engage in our spiritual development by fixing our hope on the living God and trusting in His Word, by faith.May we all recognise the benefits of a grey head or sagging muscles, knowing that it is a crown of glory when found in the way of righteousness.
Pride was the sin that was found in Satan, and pride was the sin that was resident in the hearts of these religious leaders: For whoever denies the Son does not have the Father, but the one who confesses the Son has the Father also.
This call for singleness of heart is founded upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and not our preferred preacher or favoured ministry.
We are to develop the same attitude of heart toward each other that Christ Jesus has for us so that with one mind and one voice we may glorify our God Who in heaven, and our Saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord.
The little words every and all seem so insignificant, and yet what a tremendous reach they have in our lives and what joy should fill our hearts knowing that in EVERY way we are enriched in Jesus, not only in a few or some or many ways, but in every way.
When two people are of the same heart and mind, there is greater potential to stand firm, stay true, resist the enemy, maintain unity of spirit and not fall prey to an alternative philosophy or unwholesome mindset.
had this great king of Israel been a man after God's own heart, like his father, David, and remained true to the Lord and humble before Him, his experiences in life may have been very different from the disappointments he underwent in his secular pursuits and the futility he found in the life he lived.
For many years, John had faithfully taught the Word of truth and seen many come to a saving faith in Christ Jesus, and it rejoiced his pastor's heart to hear that some of the believers connected with this dear, godly lady, were living righteous lives, walking in the truth of God's Word, and living lives that honoured the Lord Who bought them with His own blood.
The man or woman who is walking in truth is the one who is not only doctrinally sound... but who is humble of heart, growing in grace, standing fast on the Word, rejoicing in the Lord, and living in love and unity with their brothers in Christ.
Like us, Paul was bound by his fallen, fleshly sin nature, and described it this way: On the one hand I myself with my mind am serving the law of God, but on the other hand, with my flesh I am serving the law of sin. He wanted to serve God in his heart and mind and knew what he ought to do, but he could not do it in his own strength.
When we, as believers, finally realise this, we are able to say: 'Thanks be to God Who gives me the victory in Jesus Christ my Lord.' And as we read Romans chapters 6, 7, and 8 with eyes of understanding and a heart of grateful praise, we are enabled to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord, and to break free from bondage to the law of sin and its terrible consequences.
Surely, if we were to apply this call of the apostle, to be like-minded and sympathetic, to love our fellow believers, and to be compassionate in humility of heart, we would be following our Lord's command to: Love as I have loved you, for by this shall all men know that you are My disciples.
It is often the case that a carefree life of ease, abundance, and prosperity can cause us to take our focus off the eternal and on to the temporal, our prayer life can become less fervent and more mechanical, and the reality of Jesus' return does not burn in our heart.
But we are charged to set our hearts on things above, for the spiritual blessings that are already ours, have been given in superlative-abundance and unconditional-grace to all who have trusted Christ for salvation.
He knew the evil intent of his heart and this time, God permitted the magician to travel to Moab, but commanded the man to only speak the words that God put in his mouth and do only what the Lord instructed him to do.
What encouragement and joy must have flooded their hearts when this little group of suffering saints heard those words for the first time.
But what Christ said next must have brought tremendous comfort and joy to their heart, (and to ours),Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.
His teaching in those early days was only addressed to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, especially those who had repented of the nation's past sin of apostasy, through John's 'baptism of repentance'.Knowing that the message of salvation is: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, indicates that this 'Sermon on the Mount' is not addressed to unbelievers, but a message to those who are already believers in God. Christ's 'Sermon on the Mount' points out that sinful actions are conceived in the heart, and that a false 'righteousness' is hidden within man's fallen nature.
It seems to be setting the stage to show that righteous living can only be achieved from a changed heart that has trusted in God for the forgiveness of sin – for only those who believe in Him are credited with righteousness.It is pointing out that all men are sinners, for only God is perfect.
The Law cannot forgive the sins of a sinner, but is a school-master that points lost sinners to Christ, in Whom is life and light, hope and salvation.It demonstrates that godly living emanates from an inner attitude of a changed heart that trusts in God for salvation.
But sinful man cannot change the hard coldness of a heart of stone.
Only God in His grace, can give a repentant sinner a new heart of flesh, and God the Father has determined that it is by grace through faith in Christ.Jesus came to the lost sheep of the house of Israel to establish His kingdom which was promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Israel.
He came to fulfil the Law and the prophets and to establish the New Covenant promised by God, to the house of Judah and the house of Israel.He came to replace the nation's heart of cold stone, with one of soft flesh.
He came to pay the price for man's sin and to be crowned as Israel's King of kings.Whoever may be the main target audience, the Sermon on the Mount is not for unbelievers, but sets out a pattern of holy living for Jew and Gentile believers alike, that can only come through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit when the inner heart of a believer has died to self, and lives for Christ alone.
The same promise that was given to the Philadelphian Christians can become our promise, when we love the Lord our God with all our heart, and when we love the brethren with the same godly love that comes through Christ.
The precious promise to become a pillar in the Temple of God, should thrill the hearts of all born-again believers, for this is a reminder that we have the permanently, indwelling Spirit of God Who has become our 'life' through time and into eternity.
They too were to be refined like gold and silver so that they would be able to present to the Lord offerings in holy righteousness, with a heart that is purified before the Lord.
And yet as we look at our own lives and the sorry state of the Church as a whole, we can only bemoan the spiritual condition in which we find ourselves today, and cry out to the Lord to search the inner recesses of our very being and to purify our hearts in the refining fires of His holy righteousness.
How much more should we who have been redeemed by His blood, adopted into the family of the Father, and given eternal life, lift up our hearts and voices to the praise of His glory.
Christ's disciples, however, had hearts that were open to the gospel.
And, as if all this were not sufficient, He made a promise that should rejoice the heart of all His children, and calm every questioning soul: No-one will ever snatch them out of My hand, were His comforting words.
As we consider the beauty of all that Christ has done for us, His gift of eternal salvation and the eternal security we find in Him, our rejoicing heart travels to Romans 12, where Paul calms each doubting heart with that memorable truth: Who will separate us from the love of Christ?
He was to do this in a certain place of which God would tell him.No doubt, we can all imagine the anguish of heart that must have cut his soul to the quick, when Abraham heard this command from God.
It was at that point that Abram's faith was credited to him as righteousness – for God is able to read the thoughts and heart of man.
NOW, many years later, that hidden, invisible faith within his heart was to be tested by an outward demonstration of obedience.
He too was to have His heart pierced with a sharp blade.The poignant picture of Abraham and Isaac, points to the stark reality that God was ready and willing to sacrifice the innocent and sinless life of His only begotten Son – but after three days, Christ rose from the dead, having conquered Satan, sin, death, and hell.
May the love and grace of Christ so fill our hearts, that we manifest the divine love of God to others, in word and in deed, and become a beautiful reflection of Christ Jesus our Saviour and bring honour and glory to His holy name.
Jesus knew from the beginning that many in this crowd were neither circumcised in their heart nor grieving for their sin and the sins of their forefathers, but He had compassion of them for He knew that they were dead in their trespasses.
Within hours, we see Jesus feeding the multitude with five barley loaves and two small fishes, but He knew what was in their hearts.
Jesus knew what was in their hearts..
Then as now it is the hearts of men that God examines.
We read in Chronicles: For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.
Suffering with Christ is simply a portal which translates His blood-bought believers into His eternal joy, and as sinners saved by grace, we have peace with God for the forgiveness of sin and the peace of God in our heart.
Unlike the majority of Israelite prophets who called the nation to repentance and proclaimed God's great love and faithfulness towards His chosen people, Jonah's message was a warning to pagan Gentiles to turn from their false gods and trust in the true God of heaven and earth Who demonstrates His great heart of compassion, mercy, and grace, for ALL people.
Every action and every attitude, every word and every work, each thought of the heart, each decision of the mind and even the motives that influence the choices we make, need to be bathed in the purifying gaze of the Holy Spirit, washed in the fountain of God's divine love and covered with the unconditional grace of Christ, Who for love of His church went to the cross willingly - so that like Him, everything we do, may be done through HIM - in LOVE.
This was the state of affairs in Israel when, in anguish of heart, the prophet Habakkuk wrote his heart-rending book as he tried to understand why God did not appear to answer his pleading cries for help.
They had turned to the hypocritical religious practices of the surrounding pagan nations, integrating false gods and evil worship into the heart of their religion.
With our 21st century comprehension of the whole counsel of God, we find it hard to understand the utter confusion, total disbelief, and bitter pain that must have torn at their souls as Christ urgently unfolded many profound truths to their hurting hearts, for we have the whole of counsel of God written for our learning in the Word of God, which gives us a precious periscope on the glories that are to come.
How long it took for this truth to blossom in the heart of Nicodemus we will never know, but as one of the men who laid Christ's dead body in the stone-cold tomb, we know that this dear man did not only SEE heaven with his spiritual eye of faith, but will enter the kingdom of heaven as a forgiven child of God and a member of the Body of Christ.
Knowing that my salvation is secure in His worthy hands, every facet that touches my life is equally under the protection of His mighty power, for He has become the foundational bedrock upon which my confidence rests and He is the ever-flowing fountain of living strength that infills my heart and overspills into songs of worship and shouts of praise to His wonderful name.
Temptation comes from the evil desires that lurk deep within the heart of all men, for we all have an old sin nature and we can allow these temptations to lure us away from what is good and entice us into sin.
We can either resist the temptation in the strength of the Holy Spirit as we walk in spirit and truth, in our new life in Christ OR we can yield to the temptation and allow it to take hold in our hearts and draw us away from truth and virtue.
But once such an evil desire is conceived in our heart, it gives birth to sin.
Although we are eternally saved and in positional union with Christ forever, sin separates us from God, for sin interrupts our fellowship with God, causing us to be separated from all that makes for life and health and peace in our hearts.
What confidence should flood our soul and what joy should illuminate our hearts, for the long-suffering, faithful God of Israel Who redeemed them out of the Egyptian bondage and restored them from their Babylonian captivity, is the same Saviour Who is faithful and true, Who clothed Himself in flesh, and came to earth in the likeness of human flesh and bled and died that you and I might also be redeemed from the captivity of Satan, and rescued from the bondage of sin.
It begins with an exuberant call to worship and praise, but concludes with a severe warning against unbelief: Do not harden your hearts, Israel is warned, like your ancestors did at Meribah, in the day of Massah in the wilderness.
Unbelief and a hardening of the heart are closely associated with that first generation of Israelites who were saved from Egyptian slavery, but quickly fell from faith into fear.
The Bible often warns against hardening one's heart.
Despite witnessing the miraculous plagues which caused Egypt to let God's people go, they forgot His goodness, hardened their hearts, and began decades of complaining.
Rather than looking on in reproach at Israel's failure, surely we should seek to learn from their mistakes and make sure that we do not harden our hearts or strive against the Lord.
Today, we must let Christ's warning to these disciples, ring through our ears and convict our hearts: No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other for we cannot serve God and money.
Let us love the Lord our God with all or heart, and all our soul, and all our mind, and all our strength, and look to Jesus, Who has promised to supply all we need, according to His riches in glory.
He is the Alpha and Omega of our hope for He is our resurrected Lord Whose soon return floods us with that blessed hope which quickens the heart of all who trust in His name.
And the wonderful truth that we are coming with Him when He returns to earth to set up His promised kingdom, as proclaimed by the two men in white, should rejoice our heart.
In his earlier letter, he assured his readers that God's mighty power will protect all who have come to saving faith in Christ and will guard their hearts against such lies.
Let us seek to guard our hearts with an ever-deepening knowledge of the truth, maintain a closer walk with God, and live and work for His praise and glory.
Jesus was the Horn of Israel, from the house of David, Who came to shine light into the heart of His own people first.
There is no one whose life is so ruined and heart so broken, that the Lord Jesus cannot have mercy on them and bind-up their wounds and commission them as His vessel, to reach out to others in need of salvation.
And I'm sure Peter's heart rejoiced as he continued, This is what was said to Him, by the Majestic Glory: 'This is My beloved Son with Whom I am well-pleased.'The recollection of that awesome moment when, together with James and John, he witnessed a glimpse of Christ's coming majesty, must have been etched in Peter's heart and memory until the day of his death.
But Peter had also come to terms with the need for humility of heart and meekness of spirit, and so he calls both elders and young men to cloth themselves with humility towards one another, because God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.
And although Paul's heart cry throughout his life was: That I may know Him MORE, he proved in every circumstance of life that God's grace was sufficient to meet all his needs, according to His riches in glory, and so Paul was able to confess: I know Whom I have believed, and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.
Paul also points out on the other hand, we may desire to do good and nurture a heart that is willing to be righteous, but we cannot do the good we wish to do.
O give me Samuel’s heart,A lowly heart, that waitsWhere in Thy house Thou art,Or watches at Thy gates;By day and night, a heart that stillMoves at the breathing of Thy will.
May we have an ear that is ready to hear God speaking to us, a heart that is willing to obey His Word, a mind that chooses to live for Christ alone, and may we be willing and able to say: Thy will, not mine be done.
This caused foolish controversies about genealogies, and disputes about the Mosaic Law to develop – which were unprofitable and worthless, because the consequence was 'divide-and-conquer'.Today, we see an increasing propensity towards this evil strategy, not only in the world of governmental economics, politics, social and religious platforms, but also within the very Body of Christ, which should remain pure in heart and united in the Spirit.Sadly, inter-denominational feuds, doctrinal differences, and a willingness to compromise the truth of the gospel, is causing the Church to become fractured and weakened.
Let us take this truth to heart and, no matter what the cost, may we be those that stand up for the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ and refuse to be 'divided-and-conquered' by the enemy.
It put a question-mark in her mind over the dependability of her Creator and placed a doubt in her heart over the integrity of God's very character, in Whose image man was made.
The heart of faith enables us to treat as reality those things that are unseen, even when circumstances of life appear to contradict the truth of God's Word.
May we all stand fast in the evil day, knowing that this not only protects our heart and increases our faith, but gives honour to His holy name and encourages others.
David was justified when he was a young shepherd-boy tending his father's sheep, but the more he discovered of the long-suffering faithfulness of God, the more his heart overflowed with thanksgiving and praise.
There is nothing we can add in order to improve our salvation or make it more secure, for like Abraham and David, salvation is by faith alone in God's Word, and when a man or woman believes in their heart by faith, God declares us righteous in His sight.
There is nothing in heaven or earth or under the earth that can reverse the status of fallen man, with one exception, faith in Christ (a heart that trusts God's Word). Everyone who has believed God's living Word is justified in His sight and their sin is forgiven.
He had an assurance that no matter what difficulties and dangers stalked his path, God would come to rescue him, and he simply had to wait confidently for the Lord to act.Be strong he wrote, and let your heart take courage; and, wait for the Lord.
These words were penned by the man that slew the great giant Goliath and who was honoured as one that slew his tens of thousands, yet he admits that without trust in his God, his heart would faint, and he would despair.
It became a refreshing, heavenly hope that ministered to his mind, calmed his emotions and revitalised his fainting heart.
David determined in his heart that even if a host encamped against him, his heart would not fear.
It is to trust the Lord our God with all our heart for things which we have hoped for, and it is the evidence of the reality of things that can only be seen with the eye of faith.
It is a secure knowledge of the holy, deep within the heart, which enables us to take a peep into an eternal reality that is hidden from the unsaved man, but which is a right that is reserved for the children of God in heavenly places.
And David proved once again to be a man after God's own heart, a man that trusted the Word of the Lord, a man who not only expected God to supply all his needs according to His riches in glory, but a man who believed God would deliver him from the hands of all his enemies.
Today, men's hearts are fearful of what is coming on the world, but we are not of this world that we should despair, for our faith is in the same God in Whom David trusted.
The lasting beauty and attractiveness that radiates from a spiritual woman of God, comes from an inner purity of heart which honours the Lord and is submissive to her husband.There were many such holy women mentioned in the Bible, both from the Old and New Testaments, and from each emanated a loveliness from deep within.
They did not rely on their outer adornments to recommend themselves to others, but nurtured a heart that was submissive to their own husbands.Sarah was one such woman of faith, and she, like so many other holy women of God, did not rely on her external looks, pretty trinkets, or any other sort of exterior embellishment to make herself appealing.
Her attractiveness was the fruit of righteousness, and a humble heart that trusted the Lord and obeyed His commands.She displayed an inward life which was God-centred.
And just as Sarah honoured her own husband's sovereign, leadership position in the home, so we, as members of Christ’s mystic Body, should live in humble submission to His righteous authority – for He truly is our Lord and Saviour.Sarah was one of many holy women who, in former times, hoped in God, believed His Word, and adorned herself with a submissive spirit and a humble heart – to the honour and glory of God.All these holy women of God, radiate a richness of beauty and grace that surpasses the superficial allurement gained by any outward adornments or surface level charm.May we, who are members of His Body, adopt the same submissive spirit and hope in the Lord, and may we honour God's Word by applying His divine order and rule in our own lives and homes.
May we clothe the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God: For in this way in former times the holy women also, who hoped in God, used to adorn themselves, being submissive to their own husbands.
I am sure that Solomon, who probably authored these wise words, had heard the contrite prayer of his father David, who confessed that the sacrifice that God so desires is a broken and contrite spirit, for the king had learned that God will not reject a truly penitent and repentant heart, a heart that in turning from sin changes direction to look to the Lord.
I am sure Solomon remembered these words passed down to him from his father, when he penned the words: Every person's way is right in his own eyes, but the Lord examines the hearts.
There is much in Scripture that adheres to this truth, for the inner motive of a truly broken heart that recognises its own lack, poverty, insufficiency, and helplessness before the Lord, is of far greater value to the Father that the outward trappings of the life that appears to be so beautiful to the outward eye, but which can so often conceal an unclean motive and hypocritical heart.
Indeed, it is not the sacrificial acts of a man or woman who desires to be pleasing to the Lord that delights His heart, but the one that walks in spirit and truth, the one that dies to the self-life and lives to Christ, the one that looks to Jesus, the one that abides in Christ, the one that can say: Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling.
As we make our way in this world that is increasingly corrupt and self-serving, let us take to heart these wise words.
But as believers we are to be holy unto the Lord, a peculiar people standing in contra-distinction to the things of this world, with a mindset that is from God, with a heart that is focussed on Christ and severed from the corrupt thinking of today.
And so, although we are chosen out of the world to be His children, as salt and light to a dying people, we are also to be entirely separated from all that would corrupt our hearts and draw us away into the arms of the evil one.
Let us diligently seek to sever our hearts and wills from all that is contrary to the mind of God.
The psalmist rejoiced that the Angel of the Lord encamps round about them that fear Him, and we can also rejoice with exceeding great joy that the Spirit of Christ has taken up permanent residence within our heart and is living in us and working through us: For greater is He that is in you and me than he that is in the world.
Because Abraham demonstrated His utter trust in the Lord through the actions he took and the inner resolve of his heart, God, in His grace, prevented Abraham from slaying Isaac by providing an alternative sacrifice.
Only by grace through faith can we experience the beautiful fruit of the Spirit in our hearts - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
By grace we have an inheritance kept for us in heaven, and through His gift of grace, we have God's multifaceted peace - peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, and the peace of God to guard our heart.
The peace that flows from the grace of God embraces a multiplicity of meanings including peace with God, as a free gift of salvation to all that believe, as well as the peace of God which imparts a tranquillity of soul, which is beautifully bestowed through His Spirit of peace, into the heart of a believer who is walking in spirit and truth.
King David loved the Lord with a passion and was a man after God's own heart, and this devoted servant longed to build a house for the Lord.
Luke records how righteous anger welled up in the heart of Lord Jesus, Who made a scourge of cords and drove these mercenaries out of the temple, together with their sheep, oxen, doves, and filthy lucre.
And so he feigned enthusiastic interest, while plotting in his heart to exterminate this rival to his authority.
The head-knowledge of these Jewish leaders was of no value to their spiritual well-being, nor was it significant to them because they did not mix their knowledge with a trusting heart of faith in the Word of God and the prophetic writings of holy men of God.
A reverential fear of God and a heart that trusts the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and gives us safety from the fear of man.
A soul that has a reverential fear of the Lord and a heart that trusts in His unfailing Word gains wisdom and well-being, but humility must come before honour is bestowed.
A trusting faith in the Lord puts to flight the terrors that stalk us by night and quench the fiery darts that fly around us by day, but the fear of people and dread of what man can do to us is a dangerous trap into which any one of us can all fall if we do not have our heart focused on the one and only means of safety.
Such fear becomes a trap, for fear of man paralyses our heart, whereas a reverential, trusting heart in the promises of our heavenly Father means safety.
For the fear of man is a dangerous trap, but the heart that trusts the Lord is kept in safety.
It is God Who puts a hunger in our heart, both for justification and sanctification.
And when faith in Christ's sacrificial work is finally received into the heart, that man or woman is born of the Spirit of God and a thirsty soul who aches for peace with God is satisfied.
But it is also God who instils a deep hunger in the heart of the Christian and so, like Paul, they reach a point in their lives when they too cry out: That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death. And the one who has been saved by grace through faith begins to learn that salvation is not only that exciting point of rebirth into the family of God, but is also a long and often difficult journey through life, where faith is tried and tested and God is proved to be faithful once again.
Blessed are they that seek the Lord with their whole heart, is the pronouncement of the Psalmist.
Those that seek Him with their whole heart discover over time that He is indeed the one that satisfies the thirsty soul, and calms the troubled breast.
The one that seeks after God with their whole heart is the one that finds his satisfaction in the Lord.
my soul craves for the living God, who can claim with surety: He has satisfied my thirsty soul, and my hungering heart He has filled with many good things.
In like manner, the faith of a Christian needs to be pure, unblemished, and perfect, and the trials of life are designed to purify our hearts, increase our dependence upon the Lord Jesus, deepen our love for our Saviour, enrich our spiritual lives, strengthen our hope in His many precious promises, and increase our faith in the Word of God.
But God in His grace, purposed in His heart to redeem His fallen creation (through the Person of Jesus Christ), to breathe His eternal life back into His New Creation in Christ (through faith in His sacrificial work on Calvary and glorious Resurrection), to reinstate His own image and likeness into the heart of man (reflecting the glory of the Lord by being transformed into His image, from glory to glory).
The heart is that private place where inner secrets are stored, and personal treasures are carefully hidden from the stare of all but our nearest and dearest.
There is no question, as one follows this man's unfolding train of thought, that he had his priorities right, and the private place of his heart contained the personal treasure that is found in Scripture, as he cries out to the Father, Your Word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You. This is the grateful cry of a sinner, saved by grace, whose dear desire is to love the Lord and honour Him with all his heart, and soul, and mind, and strength.
He meditated upon it morning by morning and stored it up in his heart at the close of each day, for he had come to the understanding that the Word of God is living and powerful and abides forever and ever.
This was a man who had come to love God's Word and treasure it in his heart.
The Words from the Lord should be deposited in the secret chamber of our heart for safekeeping and for righteous living.
It is necessary for correction and training in righteousness, and the heart is the best place to store this heavenly treasure so that we might not sin against the Lord, Who bought us with His own precious blood.
The heart is that extensive personal chamber of our innermost mind.
Nothing is of greater importance, nothing has more dynamic power, and nothing compares with the eternal value of hiding God's Word in our hearts, meditating, ruminating and memorising its content.
Man may try to manipulate the mind and control the thought, but nothing can prevent the child of God communing in his heart with his Heavenly Lord, for such communion remains impenetrable to the last breath of our mortal life.
Hiding the Word in our hearts is the most powerful antidote against sin, the world, the flesh, and the devil, and is the greatest influence to live a holy and perfect life.
Day by day, let us hide more of God's Word deep within our hearts, for we desire to be holy as our Father in heaven is holy.
Man was made in the image and likeness of God and the wilful taking of a man's life, or as Christ pointed out, an attitude of hatred in one's own heart for another person is a sin and considered by God as murder.
Jesus explained, that out of people's hearts, come evil thoughts, which includes murder, while James cries out, you people desire something and yet do not have it, so you murder to get it.
And we, who have the Holy Spirit dwelling within by faith, should ensure that, day by day, our hearts are examined for any evil intent or murderous thought... and cleanse our hearts from all ungodly thoughts which in certain cases translates into murder.
When our heart is lined up with the Word of God and aligned to the will of God, we will indeed receive what we ask, because our petition will be a correct and godly request that is pleasing in His sight.
He earnestly prayed for the Christians at Thessalonica, asking both God the Son and God the Father to comfort and encourage the hearts of these believers and to strengthen and establish them in every good work and in all they say.
May we read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the Word of God so that we too may be comforted and encouraged: May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.
Today and every day, may we unite our hearts and voices in prayer and praise to our good and gracious God Who has established His throne in the heavens and Whose kingdom rules over all.
John had been sent to prepare the people of God for the arrival of their King, and the first essential was that their hardened hearts should be turned back to God, their deaf ears unblocked, their blinded eyes opened, and their apostate ways rejected.
Draw near Him, cleanse your hands, purify your heart and repent: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
God is no man's debtor, and despite spiritually gifting all who are called to shepherd the flock of God, Peter reveals a wonderful truth that should rejoice the heart of those who are called to be pastors or elders, or those who Shepherd the Body of Christ, for His name's sake.
Whether this is only given to those who are under-shepherds in a Church fellowship, or whether it is a crown that may be awarded to all who have faithfully served the body of Christ, and cared for the people of God in the graciousness of their heart, under the guidance of the Spirit is not clear, but may we all in humility of heart carry out Christ's will faithfully and fervently, by caring for the Church of Christ, as we look for that glorious day when we will be with our Good and Faithful Shepherd, Who died and rose again so that we might live eternally.
David, the shepherd king of Israel, was described as a mighty and virtuous man, a man of battle, intelligent in word – and Jehovah was with him.Ruth, the grandmother of David, was known as a virtuous woman in Bethlehem, and the good seed in the parable of the sower, is identified as one who, having heard the Word of God, holds fast to it in a just, noble, and virtuous manner, having a worthy heart that brings forth much fruit to the glory of God.Perhaps the best known passage that outlines the exemplary life in virtuous living, is the woman described in Proverbs 31, where a vast array of noble, godly, gracious, and wise attributes are listed.She is a woman of faith, who serves God with her whole heart, mind, soul, and strength.
They defile the flesh, reject authority, and revile angelic nobility, through make-believe dreams which are formulated in the foolish imagination of their sinful hearts.
What a great blessing to have a childlike mind and the sort of attitude towards the Lord that we discover within the heart of a little child.
All of us are sinners, and children also have a sin nature and are in equal need of redemption, but little children are a wonderful example of a heart that is ready to hear the good news of salvation and a mind that is ready and willing to receive the good news of the gospel of grace.
Little children come to Jesus with a heart that is open to receive the truth willingly, and are not seeking to engage in the philosophical debating that is so evident within the closed minds of those that have reached the age of maturity.
He was demonstrating how important it is in the eyes of God to share the gospel of Christ with little children, for Jesus knows that the childlike heart is the one that responds naturally to the gospel if someone does not get in their way.
Children are the best example to show us how to get into the kingdom of God, for all must come with an open heart, a willing mind, and a positive response to the truth of the glorious gospel of grace.
Paul's desire for their ongoing sanctification and maturity in the faith was so strong that He prayed often and continuously that the Lord Jesus Christ and God the Father (Who loved us and gave us eternal encouragement by His grace), would encourage their hearts and strengthen their souls in every good work and word.
The Lord had rescued Israel from their slavery in Egypt and brought them out with much wealth, but when they saw the Egyptian army in hot pursuit, their hearts failed for fear.
When we discover ourselves to be surrounded by a whole host of menacing problems, let us not register unbelief in our hearts.
But God did not forget His people and after 70 years of exile, God moved the heart of Cyrus, king of Persia, to permit them to return to their homeland and rebuild the sanctuary of God.
Jesus was the perfect role model, Who told us, I am meek and humble of heart, and on a number of occasions, Paul instructed the Corinthians to pattern yourselves after me - as I imitate and follow Christ.
The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, stand as an example of the punishment of eternal fire that awaits those corrupt individuals who indulge in ungodly perversions and reject the Lord of glory.The destruction of these cities was an example of the fate of all unbelievers who willingly turn away from God, deny His grace, refuse the truth, and ignore His warnings of the judgement to come.Jude's warning of heresy, apostasy, and the subtle infiltration of the Church by false teachers who deceptively creep into churches, deny the Lord Who bought them, and peddle a false, watered-down, feel-good, unbiblical gospel, has morphed into an apology for what is termed 'Christendom' today.The serious warning that Jude shared in his little epistle, should be taken to heart by everyone that is sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Christ Jesus our Lord.The best way to recognise a false teaching is to know the truth.
His message of salvation is only effective in the heart of the man or woman who acknowledges their sinfulness.
Over and again, the Lord Jesus painted word-pictures through simple stories and inspired parables which had prophetic meaning for those that have eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart that desires understanding.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Isaiah also reiterates this: You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.
The very nature and heart of God is eternal LOVE and this sublime attribute permeates all His other superlative qualities.
God desires that we love HIM to the very heart and core of our being so that the deepest affection of our souls is securely centred with love on Him.
You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
But Jesus goes even further, for as well as loving the Lord with all our heart and soul and strength, He adds that we are to love the Lord our God with all our whole mind and intellect as well.
Love the Lord with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our mind, and with all our strength, is the first commandment.
Loving the Lord with all our heart, and soul, and mind, and strength, is a progressive love that builds and develops in our Christian walk, for as we grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, so we grow in love for the Lord our God and are enabled to have that love translated into the good works that God has prepared for us to do.
Only as we love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind and with all our strength, will our love be centred on Him, and our lives transformed into the image of the likeness of the only begotten Son of His Love.
May we learn to consciously love the Lord with our heart, to love Him with every fibre of our being.
May our love for the Lord reflect the command in this challenging verse: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first and greatest commandment.
Far from demonstrating judicious discernment, such inter-congregational squabbles and petty differences identified a fleshly mindset rather than the wise, discerning heart of a man or woman who is walking in spirit and truth.
May we determine in our hearts to live our lives unto the Lord and not to fall into the same trap.
In His Sermon on the Mount, the Lord Jesus gave many examples of the world's reaction to those that are enslaved by evil, because the thoughts of their hearts are only evil continuously.
So let us not be surprised if the world hates us, but let us pray for those who are lost in their sin and at enmity with God and pray that they open their hearts to Jesus and acknowledge Him as their Saviour and Lord.
The combination of a godly man or woman with a contented heart, is of far greater value than all the money, material possessions, power, and prestige in the world.Godliness, combined with an inner contentment which is rooted in the sufficiency of Christ to provide all that is needed, according to His riches in glory, surpasses anything that this world can provide.May we recognise that godliness with contentment is, indeed, a great gain and ensure that we stand on this truth 'til our life's end.
We may not be called upon to act as regent to a great and mighty king like Esther, but each one of us can be used by God to minister to a lost neighbour, a prodigal son, a straying daughter, a sick relative, a local catastrophe, or a hurting heart.
God knows the heart and reads the secret thoughts and intents of men, and those who seek to know Him with all their heart will be found of Him and will be shown the true light in Whom alone is the salvation of the soul and will be brought to a knowledge of the glorious gospel of Christ.
We however are God's adoptive children, because we have received the light of life in our hearts and trusted the Lord Jesus as Saviour.
Therefore, we are to set our affection on things above and to walk in the light as He is in the light, for God Who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shone into our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Paul knew that one of the keys that contributes to Christian joy and walking in fellowship with the Lord, is that brothers in Christ are kind and considerate to one another, having the love of Christ in their hearts, and being one in spirit and like-minded in purpose.
He knew that an unselfish attitude of heart and humbleness of spirit towards our brothers and sisters in Christ was a key to maintaining our joy in the Lord, and so we are all called upon to care about the interests of others above our own.
But we are instructed to do nothing from selfish ambition, nor should we be motivated to impress others, but in gentle humility of heart we are to count other's interests and needs as more significant than our own - that our joy may be complete.
How honouring to the Lord if we were to take this simple instruction to heart, and not only look to our own interests but also to the interests of others.
God knows that worry entraps the heart and fear fractures faith, which can cause a believer to spiral down into a pit of despair.
So as we trust Him to fulfil His promise to provide for our needs, remembering that He is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, let us take the words of Jesus to heart to seek HIM first, and make HIM our main focus, today and every day.
It must have saddened His heart when Jesus saw their proud, unbelieving attitude, especially when they asked Him to show them a sign that He was the Messiah as He claimed.
And all who feast upon the Lord are promised the eternal benefits of this life-sustaining heavenly Manna; that true Bread Who satisfies the hungry heart with all good things.
Jeremiah was a sensitive man who wore his heart on his sleeve.
So severe was the judgement of which Jeremiah forewarned, that he wrote that the sin of Judah was written with a diamond-tipped iron stylus which was engraved on the tablet of their hearts.
Paul constantly kept this little community of maturing Christians in his heart, and it was with deep affection that he remembered the three spiritual gifts and graces that were manifested in their lives.
Faith that justifies is a work of the Spirit in the heart of a man or woman who has trusted Christ's finished work on the Cross.
However, the ongoing faith that sanctifies, is the work of faith that blessed Paul's heart in this verse.
We should be maturing in the faith, growing in grace, progressing in the sanctification process, and becoming increasingly like the Lord Jesus Himself as we keep Him as the focus of our heart - for He is the Head of the Church and we are His Body.
As part of Christ's Body, we are called to continue His work on earth as He lives in our heart by faith, for we are bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh.
The deceitful heart of man delights to judge his own 'goodness' against the 'evil' actions of his fellow men, but God remains true to His immovable standard of truth and righteousness, rendering man's judgement of others to become man's own accuser.
Let us take this warning to heart and live our life in praise and thanksgiving for what Christ has done for us.
The more we know Him the more we trust Him; and the more we trust Him, the more His love flows into our heart so that we become a channel of Christ's love and grace, flowing out to all the saints of God.
What a blessed comfort this verse has been to multitudes of believers in Christ, down through the ages, who have rested on these words of the Psalmist and had their hearts stilled in the presence of the Lord.
We are to know in our heart, by faith with thanksgiving, that He is the Lord our God Who pardons all our iniquities and heals all our diseases, Who redeems our life from the pit, and Who crowns us with lovingkindness and compassion.
Although the nations rage like the billows of the sea and the people imagine a vain thing against the Lord God Almighty, we are called to be still in the presence of the Lord and to know Him in our heart by faith, with thanksgiving.
Jesus became a Rock of offence and a Stone of stumbling to unbelieving Israel, which grieved the apostle Paul who longed that His fellow-countrymen would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved: Brethren, he wrote in this first verse of chapter 10: Brothers-in-Christ, my heart's desire and earnest prayer to God for my Jewish brothers, is for their salvation.
I wonder if the yearning in his heart for the salvation of his fellow-Jews was heightened, when he recalled the stoning of Stephen and heard his Christ-like prayer, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. (Lord, lay not this sin on Saul of Tarsus).
The dear pleasure of Paul's heart and his deep spiritual burden was for Israel's salvation. His personal longing and pleading prayer was that God's chosen nation would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and place their collective trust in His sacrificial work for the forgiveness of their sins.
God, in His grace, decided to use Mordecai and Esther to forward his redemptive plan for His people and set their hearts to once again call out to their God.
May we be ready and willing to be used by Him as He chooses and may we rekindle the hope we have in Christ and re-examine our hearts to see if we are walking in spirit and truth and honouring His name in the choices we make.
We may make future plans and purpose in our heart how to achieve our desired goals, but God is the one who directs our path.
Paul was a man who often spoke of his plans to visit certain Churches and wrote of goals he wanted to achieve, but Scripture shows that although Paul made many good travel plans and purposed in his heart to visit certain Churches, not all were accomplished, for the Lord was the one that directed his path.
But our times are in His hands, and because God can see the end from the beginning, we should be ready to bathe every plan we make in prayer and place each desire of our heart into His safe-keeping.
We who have a heavenly calling are exhorted to set our thoughts upon the Lord Jesus because it is His name, His Person, and His sacrificial work that we confess in our hearts and proclaim with our mouths for the salvation of the soul.
Paul could have lost heart being imprisoned in Rome, for he knew that fierce wolves were beginning to enter into the Church to deceive the flock, and that others were teaching the gospel out of resentment and malice against him.
When we are quietly resting in His presence and secure in the hope that is set before us, the peace of God which passes understanding will flood the heart and soul of all who walk godly in Christ Jesus.
So many of the psalms of David rejoice our hearts, as he pours forth a harmony of poetic praise to God for His merciful forgiveness and extraordinary favour.
For the law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; the statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; and the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
David was a man after God's own heart, for he realised that it is not only the outside of a cup that needs to be clean and unsullied, but God desires an inner purity, which stems from a heart that is humble before the Lord and from whom will stream rivers of living water.
Words of worship that flow from a proud, rebellious, or unrepentant heart, are like an open sewer to the Lord, but worshipful words that flow from a life that is pure in thought and motive, word and deed, ascend to the Father as a sweet perfume.
And so, as David's exuberant praise for the Lord climbs into an ever-increasing crescendo of worship and exaltation, his heart is suddenly moved into a hushed prayer of submissive surrender and deep devotion, as he recognises his own human limitations in contrast to the magnificent glory of God and cries out to the Lord, Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be always acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer.
A heart that meditates on the glory of the Lord and lifts up the person of the Lord Jesus, is the one that exhibits an inner grace and beauty, for such a one is willingly being transformed into the likeness of the Christ, for out of the mouth come thoughts that are conceived in the heart.
David not only understood the need for an inner cleansing and purity on a day by day basis, where God Himself governs and sanctifies the thoughts of the heart and the words of the mouth, but he had come to an understanding that the Lord Jesus - the coming Messiah - the divine days-man of Job - and the coming Seed of the woman, was the strength of his life and the only Kinsman-Redeemer for his soul.
May we, like David, in humility of heart, sanctify the words of our mouth, the meditation of our heart, the thoughts of our minds, and the motives of our inner being so that all we say and all we do, will be pleasing and acceptable in the sight of our precious Lord and Saviour.
Not only do the glories of our justification result in peace with God, a firm standing in God's grace, and a rejoicing hope in Him, but we can allow His peace to reign in our hearts so that we can even exult in our tribulations, knowing the trials of life and the difficulties we endure bring about perseverance which develops strength of character and a solid hope in the Lord.
How we praise and glorify our Heavenly Father for the blessed hope we have in Christ which will never disappoint us, because God's over-abounding love has been poured in our hearts through the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit Who took up residence in our heart the moment we trusted in Christ.
Paul points out that it is with the heart that a person believes unto righteousness.
Salvation must rest on a genuine, bona fide heart-faith in God and His Son, Jesus Christ Who was sent by the Father be the sacrifice for the sin of the whole world.
They teach that to be saved one must take two specific steps 1st) believe the gospel of grace in the heart and 2nd) confess Jesus as Lord, with their mouth, before other people: Otherwise, they argue, you are not properly saved.
The Gospel of John describes various people who believed in their hearts for salvation... but they did not confess Jesus as Lord before men with their mouths 'for fear of the Jews' or 'for fear of being put out of the synagogue'.
Paul wrote this passage in Romans using this writing technique - Confession with the mouth leading to righteousness is synonymous with believing in the heart leading to salvation.
Believing in the heart leading to salvation equates to confession with the mouth leading to righteousness.
If confession with the mouth leading to righteousness is synonymous with believing in the heart leading to salvation, we must clarify to whom we confess and in whom we believe.
It is God ALONE Who looks on the thoughts and intents of the heart.
God alone knows if we truly believe in our heart that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose on the third day, according to the Scripture.
And when a person believes on the Lord Jesus Christ in their heart for the forgiveness of their sins - God knows and He saves.
It is only as one studies this passage of Scripture systematically, harmonistically, and in context that we come to an understanding that it is with the heart a person believes resulting in righteousness - for God Himself can read our heart and transfer us into the kingdom of His dear Son.
Bewilderment must have flooded each distraught heart, for they had expected their Messiah to set up the promised earthly kingdom, about which He had been teaching for so long, and suddenly their lives were thrown into confusion, perplexity, and anguished sorrow, and like all Christ's disciples, this little group of women were numb with pain.
But their hurting hearts and the hungry love they had for their Saviour, caused certain women to rise early in the morning, while it was still dark, and hurry to the tomb to anoint His body with sweet perfume; but how their love was rewarded when they heard those earth-shattering words: He is not here, but He has risen.
They did not remember that He was to be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth, just like the prophet Jonah, nor had they understood His meaning when He said, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. But their night of weeping turned in a morning of great joy.
As the wonderful day of the Rapture of the Church marches ever closer, let us take these words to heart, be those who are longing for his appearing, occupying until He comes, and encouraging each other as we see the day approaching.
Poor, poverty-stricken people more ready to respond to the gospel of grace with an open heart, ready acceptance, and trusting faith, than prosperous persons who too often find difficulty in casting all their cares on Christ - preferring to centre their hope on cryptocurrencies, commodity markets, and their capital assets.
His Word not only brightens our pathway, guards us on our journey through life, and warns us of each lurking danger, but it is a treasure-trove of precious gemstones to be hidden deep within our heart, for it contains words of wisdom to guide our thinking, precious promises to encourage our hearts, godly instruction on how to live as the Lord desires us to live, and it is the perfect pattern for Christian living as well as the qualified adjudicator of our daily conduct.
We do well to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the Word of God, and to guard it within our hearts, for it is a lamp to our feet, a light to our path, and it brightens up every corner of our lives, for it is God's instrument to lead us into holiness and to guide our feet into His way of truth.
Fear is struck into the heart of many Christians who do not read these verses in their correct context.
It is far more likely to harden the heart of an unbeliever toward the good news of salvation and cause them to distrust godly ministers and be wary of genuine believers.
But Nebuchadnezzar also glorified in his position as the head of gold and lustful pride entered his heart.
Rulers are lifted up by the Lord and replaced as He wills, but God has purposed in His heart to set up His anointed King, Who will smash all worldly rule.
Proud kings and arrogant people continue to reject the truth, and the same desire for world domination that was exposed in Nebuchadnezzar's heart, thrives in their hearts today.
Prayer is the fruit of a humble and helpless heart that comes before the Lord in loving trust.It is the means of two-way fellowship between the Lord of heaven and earth and His helpless child, and it is a most precious tool that God has given to each of His children.
Prayer is the tool that encourages our continuous appeal to His Father-heart of love, for through it we find grace to find help in time of need.
Prayer develops in each of us, an attitude of heart and mind that delights in continuous communion with the Lord Jesus.
We have His assurance that the Lord our God hears, and answers, every cry of the heart and each prayer that is offered in faith.
And in this verse, he expounded on the serious consequences of nursing anger in our hearts, and advises us: Do not be eager in your heart to be angry, for anger resides in the bosom of fools.
Anger can be exhibited in many forms, from silent disdain or the smouldering of a hidden grudge, to an explosion of expletives or the eruption of nonsensical behaviour - but the Bible clearly states that: Anger is hidden in the heart of fools.
Let us refrain from the unrighteous anger that lodges in the hearts of fools and worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness - and may it be the deep desire of our heart to do all to the honour of His name.
This is a truth that should rejoice our heart every moment of the day. By virtue of our new birth and spiritual resurrection, we have been placed into an eternal, spiritual union with Christ and been made part of His spiritual Body, which is the Church.
May we never allow an overfamiliar with the truth of the gospel of God to cause indifference to be cultivated in our heart.
Long my imprisoned spirit layFast bound in sin and nature’s night;Thine eye diffused a quickening ray,I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;My chains fell off, my heart was free,I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.My chains fell off, my heart was free,I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.
As Christians, we have peace with God through faith, and have been made ministers of reconciliation, so that fallen sinners may be reconciled back to God and gain true peace in their heart.
We have been promised when we rest in Him and walk in spirit and truth, His peace will guard our heart and guide our path.
Our initial salvation brings peace WITH God but during our walk of faith through the journey of life, we can enjoy the peace OF God - God's continuous, divine peace in our hearts, Let not your heart be troubled, Jesus told his confused disciples just before He was to walk to the cross, Let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in Me.
Blessings of peace come from the Father of peace, and the blessedness of peace-making rests on the Prince of Peace, Who has become both Founder and Finisher of all our peace, and imparts His eternal peace by His Spirit of Peace, which flows out of us to others as we rest in Christ and permit His peace to flood our heart.
Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. is Christ's promise to us.
Although Christ had taught many times that on the third day He would rise from the dead, His disciples seemed oblivious to this truth, for sadness filled their hearts and many grieving women prepared spices to embalm the dead body of their dead Messiah!
And drawing all the gospel narratives together, it appears that she lingered at the graveside, weeping... for she was heart-sick, grieving, and deeply distressed that His body was not there.
She knew His voice and out of a heart of unwavering faith and deep love, she replied 'Rabboni'.
It is hard to imagine the grief that must have flooded the questioning hearts of Christ's disciples when they started to face the reality that Jesus was going away.
In Him we live and move and have our being, and through Him, and because of Him, we are more than conquerors because He loves us and gave Himself for us... and He has sent His Holy Spirit to take up permanent residence within our hearts, for He has promised, I will never leave you nor forsake you.
There is nothing in heaven or earth, visible or invisible, that should disturb our hearts or cause us to be afraid, for He is the omnipotent Creator and all the strength of our lives and the illumination for our path derives directly from Him, and if we follow David's example and walk in the light and trust His Word, we shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life.
It is as we turn the eyes of our heart upon Jesus and fix the thoughts of our mind on Him that His peace, like a river, will flood our heart.
But now that we have been saved by grace through faith in Him, we are to strive to live in peace with all people and to pursue godly consecration and holiness of heart without which, we are told, no one will ever see the Lord.
To know that the Lord is our Shield and Defender, should fill us our hearts with joy and rejoicing, for to be shielded by the Almighty God and Saviour is the safest place to be.
Let us never forget that we have a faithful Father Whose promises to His people are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord, and should cause our hearts to rejoice in the Lord always and be glad in Him for evermore.
For although Paul was absent from them in person, his heart was with them.
Paul may have been absent in the flesh but he was with these believers in his heart and in his spirit, and he rejoiced to see that they were united together in the truth of the glorious gospel of God.
The indwelling life and power of the Holy Sprit of truth in the heart of a believer, is a third yet equally important testimony: That God has given us eternal life, and that this life is in His Son.
We received the permanent presence of God's Holy Spirit within our hearts when we were adopted as God's own children so that we are enabled to call Him 'Abba, Father'.
David's dear desire was to build a Temple for the Lord, but he was required to forgo the longings of his heart in favour of his son, whom God had decided would be the man to erect the House of God, for His greater glory.
Let us trust in the Lord with all our heart and not lean on our own understanding, knowing that without saving faith and sanctifying faith, it is impossible to please Him.
Let us believe all that God has promised with our whole heart, for this is well-pleasing to the Lord.
The letters that are written by Paul and the epistles that other New Testament apostles penned, should thrill our hearts, for in them we gain exclusive information about our Heavenly Father and privileged access to Him through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
We are not a dispatch that was formed in the imagination of fallen man with an anti-God agenda or a secular worldview, but a heavenly communication that is written on our heart - an epistle that honours the Lord and is grounded on biblical truth.
How incredible to know that we have the indwelling Holy Spirit of God within our heart Who enables Christ to be revealed in us.
The debt we owe our Saviour should be a never-ending stream of grateful love that floods through our heart and soul, knowing that He was made sin on our account so that we could be made the righteousness of God in Him.
In bygone days, the head or the feet of honoured visitors and important guests were often anointed by their host with a beautiful ointment or a sweet-smelling fragrance. This was not only done as a mark of respect to their guests, but it served to refresh their soul and gladden their heart.
And in this verse, Solomon compares the pleasant aroma and rejuvenating effect of oil and incense to the wise counsel of a trusted friend, and writes: Oil and perfume make the heart glad, so a man's counsel is sweet to his friend.
The oil with which Mary anointed the head and feet of the Lord Jesus, not only filled the house with the lingering fragrance of sweet perfume but it flooded His heart with joy, for she had become a beloved friend that sat at His feet and bathed in His wonderful words of wisdom.
The sweet aroma that pervaded that little house two thousand years ago, has caused the hearts of countless Christians down through the centuries to rejoice and be glad.
What a beautiful picture this presents of the joy and gladness that fills the heart of a man or woman, when a beloved Christian friend or dear brother in Christ combines gracious acts of kindness, wise advice, words of encouragement, gentle chastening, and genial counsel with the glorious gospel of Christ in order to edify and encourage or even to correct.
This ought not to be - but let us seek never to return evil for evil but to seek to bring the joy that comes from the Lord, to the heart of all our brothers and sisters in Christ.
He is the One that searches the heart and knows the way of the righteous.
Although this Psalm was originally given to encourage Israel to love the Lord with all their heart and walk in His ways, there is much about which to rejoice when we read that the Lord knows the way of the righteous.
He will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and turn the hearts of children to their fathers; but if they do not believe, I will come and strike the land with a curse.
From the mouth of two witnesses, we identify John the Baptist as that voice in the wilderness who would turn the hearts of fathers to their children and children to their fathers: REPENT, was the forceful message that resounded from his lips: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.
Confusion must have swept the heart of this great man of God who sent his followers to ask, Are You the One Who is to come, or should we expect someone else?
He was the one who would turn the heart of many back to the Lord, and Jesus identified him as the greatest of all men born of women, with the following statement: And if you are willing to accept it, John himself IS Elijah who was to come.
He spoke in the spirit and power of Elijah and turned the heart of many in Israel back to God.
The contrast between the rejoicing righteous and the condemned sinner is heightened by the rolling clouds and thick darkness of God's consuming judgement, for He is the Most High Lord over all the heart and He is exalted above all gods.
So often the comforting statements of the Lord Jesus are designed to link a wonderful promise of God to deep concerns that may surface within the heart and mind of believers, as we journey through life, in an increasingly alien world.
But in His farewell discourse, Jesus took time to reassure His frightened little flock that His perfect peace would flood their heart and mind, if they would trust the words He had spoken to them and believe the things He had taught them.
His blessed peace rests in the heart of all that abide in His love.
Let not your heart be troubled.
We discover His peace as we believe His promises and take them to heart.
It is as we rest in Him and abide in His love that the peace of God, which passes human comprehension, will flood our hearts and quiet our minds.
He was a man after God's own heart because he trusted in the Lord.
David acknowledged that in this world we will suffer trials and tribulations and the enemy of our soul will use every opportunity to depress our heart and shipwreck our faith, but this man of God never forgot that the Lord is in control, and the mischief of the oppressor will finally return on his own head.
As in so many of David's songs, the knowledge of the truth of God's righteous judgement lifted his soul and encouraged his heart.
This is a song that is attached to the very core of God's own heart, for it is referring to the scheduled day, when the Lord Jesus Christ will sit upon His heavenly-ordained throne, as David's rightful heir in the holy city of Jerusalem.
They closed their ears to His teaching, their eyes to His miracles and their heart to His message.
No doubt Titus read and re-read this brief letter many times over, in order to extract all its nuggets of truth and to store in his heart its significant content, for it contains all that is needful for the Christian life and for godly living.
That I may know Christ and the power of His Resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering, is the heart cry of all who desire to produce much fruit to the glory of God.
The one who is prepared to give up the good for the very best will discover the inner joy of Jesus that is reserved for those that can say from their heart: The life that I now live in the flesh is not mine to live but Christ Who lives in me.
Christ spoke many things to His disciples so that His love and peace could reign in their hearts and that their joy might be full to overflowing, but the joy of the Lord is often couched in the fellowship of His suffering and pain so that the good purpose of the Lord is fulfilled to their eternal benefit and to the glory of God.
Religious men often seek to worship God through symbolic acts, man-made rituals, fleshly works, or emotional outbursts, but God desires a worshipful heart that is clean before Him, dependent upon Him, submissive to Him, and full of humility and grace.
There must be no hidden agenda, selfish motive, religious pride, or hypocritical heart.
Though man looks on the outside and is drawn to religious acts of pomp and ceremony, God looks on the heart and delights in the one that approaches Him humbly, reverently, and in the fear of the Lord.
God is close to those that are humble in heart; He saves those who are crushed in spirit; He feeds those that are hungry for Him, and streams of His living water will flow in and through the man or woman that worships the Lord in spirit and in truth.
These words of Jesus flood our heart with encouragement and assurance that His return is imminent.
He has promised to recompense, with bountiful gifts, each labour of love, each work of faith, each heart that is watching for His soon return, and each prayer that cries out: Maranatha!
Someone once said that there is a God-shaped hole in each of our hearts, and the Bible reminds us that God has placed eternity in the heart of us all and yet, no person can fully comprehend what God is doing from beginning to end.
I cannot imagine what astonished thrill and ecstatic wonder must have filled her heart when Jesus replied: I, Who speak to you, Am He. Indeed the word HE was not part of the original text.
But while being reviled Jesus did not retaliate, and while suffering He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to the One Who judges the heart.
A life that is lived in spirit and truth is a life that is led by the Holy Spirit of God Who came to indwell our hearts and guide our lives the moment we were born from above.
The Holy Spirit knows the thoughts of our heart and the deep yearnings within our soul, and He reaches out to us through our spirit.
When we live our life in spirit and truth He takes the deep cravings of our heart (cravings that we ourselves do not understand), and He intercedes for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.
Sometimes the deepest desires of our hearts are hidden within our being.
He takes the deepest prayers within our hearts and beautifies them, perfects them, and answers them in the way that is best.
May we really take this amazing truth to heart today, and rely wholly on the Lord, saying: Thy will not mine be done.
Many people returned to Jerusalem following their Babylonian exile, and although attempts were made to cleanse the collective heart of the nation, both priests and people fell into apostacy.
The principle we are to follow is to acknowledge, with a grateful heart and thankful praise, that all we have comes from Him.
Little wonder that much of the epistle of James touches on areas of Christian living that would be close to the heart of this repentant man who identified as a bond-slave of Christ Jesus, the brother he once despised.
He emphasises the need to develop patient endurance and shows that the goodness in the heart of the Lord is the antithesis of the evil in the heart of man.
May the words of our mouth, the meditation of our hearts, the attitude of our soul, and the motive behind all we say and do, be honouring to Christ Jesus our Lord.
May we take to heart the wise warning of James - the bond-servant of Christ Jesus and put into practice the wisdom from the book of Proverbs which reminds us: In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise; the tongue of the righteous is choice silver but the heart of the wicked is worth little and the lips of the righteous feed many, but fools die for lack of wisdom.
And through the words of this chapter, Isaiah records the pleading heart of God's faithful people as they questioningly cry out: Will You restrain Yourself at these things, O Lord?
And as members of Christ's Body in the post-Cross dispensation of grace, we too should follow the example of this faithful little remnant in Israel who, despite the terrible sufferings they experienced both individually and as a nation, were men and women of faith who continued to trust in the Lord with all their heart and did not lean on their own understanding.
No matter how terrifying their circumstances or how powerful their foe appeared, they were not to tremble with fright but to trust in the Lord with all their heart.
But in this final section, Paul reiterates the serious warning of godlessness in the last days, where evil men will go from bad to worse - deceiving others and being deceived themselves: For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, is Paul's heart-breaking pronouncement.
Let us study to show ourselves approved unto God and take to heart the whole council of God - so that we are not led astray in these increasingly evil and godless times.
However, in this Church dispensation, every person who trusts in the Lord Jesus as their Saviour is given this incomparable gift of the permanently indwelling Holy Spirit in their heart, as proof from God Himself that we live in Him and He in us.
Paul explains this more in 1 Corinthians: Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, Who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.
He came as the light to illumine the hearts of men.
Although this verse was given to Israel by Malachi and will be realised for them at Christ's Second Advent, this is a truth for ALL who have believed on Him in their hearts by faith that has already been fulfilled in each of us at our salvation.
It is as he speaks of the suffering of a Christian that he brings up the subject of death, but rather than instilling fear and uncertainty in our heart, he enters into a comprehensive discourse that suggests that death is simply a dismantling of this earthly body.
They were to keep their hearts clean, their bodies pure, and their minds on Christ.
As we keep the eyes of our heart upon Jesus, abide in the Lord moment by moment and align our mind to the mind of Christ, the less attractive and alluring the things of this world will become.
Despite being struck dumb throughout his wife's pregnancy because he initially doubted God's Word, the joy that flooded Zechariah's heart was soon being proclaimed in a beautiful psalm of praise which he sang at the child's birth. He rejoiced because his child was to prepare the way for the promised Messiah, and he blessed the Lord God of Israel for visiting His people, as Scripture foretold.
We are to keep the Word of God in our heart as the singular benchmark for truth, and to look to Jesus every moment of the day, for He is the Author and Finisher of our faith Who will one day come to take us to be with Himself.
God is able to open prison doors as well as men's hearts when a man or woman is ready and willing to be a prisoner in chains for Jesus Christ and become a living sacrifice, ready and willing to witness to the truth of the gospel of God.
What joy and gladness rejoices the heart and mind of the one whose faith does not waver in unbelief at the promises of God, for he will be strengthened in His faith and give glory to God.
The touching account of the two disheartened disciples walking the seven-mile journey to Emmaus is unique to the book of Luke, and gives a beautiful glimpse into the tender heart of our God.
It seems that there was a small measure of hope in the heart of these two disciples because they had been counting the days since the crucifixion and knew that NOW it is the third day.
What a change of mind must have flooded their heart as they excitedly said to one another: Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, and explaining the Scriptures to us?
It is very easy to find our hearts swayed by the difficult circumstances that impact our lives, but how honouring it is when we live by faith, walk in spirit and truth, and do not rely on our own interpretation or understanding.
When the love of God through Christ, abounds in our hearts, then the offenses of others, together with our own sins, are covered in Christlike forgiveness.
The cold light of academic truth without the warming heart of godly love is a far cry from the command that Christ gave to his disciples to love one another as He loved us.
During His ministry on earth, the Lord Jesus instructed His followers to love the Lord their God with all their heart, and soul, and mind, and strength: This is the first and great commandment, He reminded them, and the second is 'you shall love your neighbour as yourself.' And the entire truth of God's Word hangs upon the Law and the Prophets.
David was a man after God's own heart who desired to pass on the truth of the glorious goodness of God to the next generation... and he calls on us to taste and see that the Lord is good.
As we continue to read this passage, we find that his song of praise changes into practical instruction on the fear of the Lord and of taking to heart the truth of His Word: Come, you children, listen to me, David declares, and I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
David made some foolish mistakes in many areas of his life - but he was a man after God's own heart because he learned to trust the Lord in all things - and not to lean on His own understanding.
The man or woman who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ, is the one whose heart has turned to Christ for full and free salvation.
He is the one who has the love of God shed abroad in his heart and confesses Christ crucified, risen, ascended, and glorified; the one who trusts in the atoning Word of Jesus Christ in his heart, by faith with thanksgiving.
The Lord knows the thoughts of our heart and knew that Abraham had become fearful that the promised Seed through whom all the families of the earth would be blessed, had not been born and God spoke to his silent sadness with the words stop being afraid, and reminded Abram that He was his shield and his exceeding great reward.
There were no joyful feast days and the sound of the happy voices that echoed through its bustling streets, stands in stark contrast with Jerusalem's silent pain which is likened to a bereaved widow: Judah has gone into exile under affliction, is the prophets heart-breaking confession: Her people have been placed under harsh servitude.
Had Paul not corrected his brothers and sisters in Christ in his earlier letter, his next visit would have been a further disappointment which would have brought additional sorrow to his heart.
And of David, who is a beautiful type of Jesus - the true Shepherd of Israel - we read: He shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, and guided them with his skilful hands.
We are to listen closely to the words of wisdom that are contained within its pages and direct our hearts to understand and apply all that the Bible contains.
We need to pay attention to all that Scripture teaches us and incline our hearts to learn the truths contained within its pages and then by applying it in our lives.
But the greatest gift of all is the garment of His salvation and the clean robe of His own precious righteousness, for greater than the gifts of God is the Giver of all Who has come to dwell in the hearts of all who believe on His name.
To watch the Son of God suffer so cruelly on the Cross, must have broken the heart of so many people who loved this holy Lamb of God Who had come to seek and to save that which was lost.We are told in Mark, that Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the council who was also awaiting the kingdom of God, boldly went to Pilate and requested the body of Jesus, which he wrapped in a clean linen cloth and laid it in his own new tomb.
Luke explains that even the women who had come with Him out of Galilee, followed and saw the tomb, and how His body was placed.But strict Sabbath Day regulations prevented these heart-broken, Jewish women from visiting the tomb the following day, which was a Sabbath and so from Friday, through Saturday, and into Sunday, the stone-cold body of the Lord Jesus Christ lay in silence – and alone - in the borrowed tomb of a wealthy man.No doubt copious tears were shed and many hearts bitterly grieved, as these loyal ladies fulfilled the requirements of the Sabbath Day – for we read that they rested on the Sabbath, according to the commandment.No doubt, they started preparing spices and perfumes to anoint His body, throughout that evening and into the night-time once the Sabbath was over.
We can only imagine the confusion and concern that swept their aching hearts, as they asked among themselves – who will move the stone?
The first three chapters in the book of Ephesians, should fill our hearts with joy and cause us to break forth into songs of praise for they outline our divine election and our secure position in Christ, while the last three chapters give an overview of godly living and examine what should be our practice in the Lord.
In order to be worthy of our calling, we are to walk in humility of heart and gentleness of spirit, showing tolerance to one another and godly patience - as we walk in love, bear one another's burdens, and strive to preserve in the unity of the Spirit, in the bond of peace.
Christ's own disciples also bore testimony to the truth of His Word which was further validated at Pentecost, when the hearts of many men were pierced with the shocking truth that the One Whom they crucified was both Lord and Christ.
Manifold are his mercies which are new every morning, and how pleasing it is to the Father to hear the reverent praise and grateful worship that comes from a heart that truly loves Him.
To bless the Lord means to express our love for Him with a grateful heart that is rooted in a humble reverence that only desires that He is glorified.
But to bless the Lord in this way calls for obedience and a total commitment to live as unto the Lord with our inner heart, soul, mind, and strength.
We are encouraged to be generous in our gifts and giving, not as a legal requirement or because a percentage of our income is required to meet the demands of a church body or the dictums of a denomination, but simply because cheerful giving and wise generosity is something that delights the heart of the Lord Who has saved us by His grace and has given us all things to richly enjoy, due to His over-abundant kindness.
We are to give cheerfully and not from a reluctant heart; and it is better not to give at all than to harbour thoughts of resentment in our gifts.
Giving should also be a personal choice that is made in the quietness or our own hearts and not a reaction to the expectation of other people.
Let the grim realisation of the second death renew our hearts and minds to tell out to a lost and dying world the glorious plan of salvation in Jesus Christ: Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.
Purify your hearts: Lament and mourn and weep, and let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy to gloom.
In verse eight we are told: Draw near to God and He will draw near to you, before being challenged to: Cleanse your hands, you sinners and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
A victorious life that withstands Satan, not only humbly submits to God but draws closer to the Lord with an attitude of thanksgiving and praise, combined with ceaseless prayer, ongoing fellowship, and a trusting heart that walks in spirit and truth.
Victorious living is also connected with having clean hands and a pure heart, which is the product of a 'Christocentric' life and is cultivated when we put on the whole armour of God and remain in fellowship with our Heavenly Father, through regular confession of sin and by walking in the light of His love.
May we take to heart this series of instructions from James and apply each command in our life, as we seek to live a victorious life that honours the Lord.
May we cleanse our hands, purify our hearts, and mourn over sin and the devastation it causes in our life, and may we praise and thank our glorious Saviour, Jesus Christ, Who died on the Cross to pay the enormous price for our sin, so that by faith in Him we might be eternally forgiven and receive the promise of life everlasting.
It is a statement of great importance for our eternal destiny, and we are to believe this truth in our heart, by faith.
We need to fully and unhesitatingly accept, receive, embrace, and take to heart the astonishing truth that these profoundly simple words proclaim.
We are to believe in our hearts by faith.
A lifetime of contemplating these words could not transmit to our hearts the depth of meaning within this superlative statement.
When we consider the price Christ Jesus paid to come into this world and save us from our sin, when we reflect on the stain that sin has left on our heart and realise the forgiveness we have received by God's grace, through faith, surely we can do nothing other than conclude with Paul that of all sinners, I am the worse sinner of all. He saved us, not because of the righteous things we have done, but because of His great and wonderful mercy.
This not only displeased Samuel, but caused the anger of the Lord to rise up against the disobedient king: You acted foolishly, and have not kept God's commands, Samuel thundered, so now your kingdom shall not endure. The Lord has sought out for Himself a man after His own heart and the Lord has appointed him as ruler over His people, because you have not kept what the Lord commanded you.
Saul was to be replaced with a man after God's own heart.
The Bible gives us all the tools we need to be a man or woman after God's own heart.
Having been saved by grace through faith in Christ's sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, we have been fully equipped, by the Holy Spirit, to walk in newness of life - and become men and women with a heart for the Lord and a desire to obey His Word.
It is the fruit of our lips and the yielding of our inner being which flows out to Him from a broken heart that has been washed clean by the blood of the Lamb, which brings honour to His name.
Christ died once for all on the Cross; therefore let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, which streams forth from a grateful heart that has been washed clean by the redeeming blood of Christ and is shown forth through the fruit of our lips when we give thanks to the Lord for His goodness and grace, and sing praises to the God of our salvation.
The beautiful characteristics of divine love are seen being lived out in the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, and God's will is that all His children reflect the love of Christ in their heart and life.
Love bears all things by patiently enduring wrongs and evils with a heart of forgiveness.
Let us seek to have this beautiful characteristic of godly love evidenced in our lives, as we willingly and obediently submit to the work of the Spirit within our hearts, until a Christ-like love is manifest in our life.
Hebrews alerts us to the many fleshly dangers, sinful temptations, and worldly appetites that can lure a believer away from a life of faithful discipleship into an attitude of discontent, greed, and a lack of brotherly love towards our fellow believers. It gives a series of warnings against unbelief, which comes from a hardened, rebellious heart as well as providing a portrait gallery of dear saints, whose faith we should emulate, for they simply trusted the word of the LORD and in the end, came forth as pure gold.
Old things have passed away and the inner cleansing of the heart is to be reflected in the outward practice of our daily lives.
There is a vast difference between legitimate, godly anger over sin and evil where a believer controls his anger rather than being controlled by it, and the explosive anger of indignant rage or smouldering anger due to some personal altercation, a bitter heart, or the desire to 'get even'.
He was also angry and grieved at the hardness of men's hearts in Mark 3, when He healed the man with a withered hand on a Sabbath day.
Christian hope is an ever-flowing fountain of the unfathomable love of God, cascading into our hearts and washing through our lives.
Christian hope is the highest expression of glorifying God, for it springs from a trusting heart that believes God's Word of truth by faith.
It is the hope of God's love in our heart that is confirmed through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit, Who was given to us.
We will discover many disappointments which may even trigger feelings of shame or disgust if we invest in the empty hope of this deceitful world, but our hope in God cannot disappoint or deceive, for He has already stamped His seal of irrefutable proof and unquestionable certainty on His written Word, through His Holy Spirit, Who has taken up permanent residence within the heart of all believers and Who was given to us as a down-payment for the eternal hope that is living within each of His children.
The gracious gift of hope is secured on the unchangeable and unconditional love of God, which He poured into our hearts by His Spirit, when we first trusted Christ's finished work on Calvary.
The hope we have in Christ will never disappoint nor put us to shame, no matter what we may be called upon to face, for God has poured His abundant and overflowing love into our hearts and that love remains sealed in there, until the day of Christ Jesus.
None of us are lacking in the love that God has poured into our hearts, but some sadly choose to walk in the flesh or live in legalism, rather than flourishing in the fullness of God's Holy Spirit, which was poured into our hearts at salvation, and which continues to be poured into our hearts as we walk in spirit and in truth.
And the hope that comes through faith in Christ does not disappoint, because the supernatural love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, Who was given to us, through time and into eternity.
As Christians, we should rejoice and be glad to consider the blessing that is given to those who hear, and read, and take to heart all that is written in Revelation.
Revelation is an open book that has been given to let us know the things that are shortly to take place and those who read it and take to heart the truth that it contains are promised a very specific blessing: Blessed is he who reads the words of this prophecy.
In the beginning, the accumulated waters on the first earth were called 'the sea' and for whatever reason we are told that there will be no sea in the new earth: Eye has not seen, nor has ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those that love Him.
Indeed, we read in this precious verse that He has collected every single teardrop that has wet our lashes and recorded every single silent groan of our hurting heart, and He has placed each single tear in His bottle of remembrance and recorded each hurt in His book, because of His great love for each of His own.
And the wonderful thing is that through it, we will gain a closeness to His heart of love and a depth of understanding of our God that we never imagined possible (as did Job), for God has promised that the day is coming when sorrow will be turned into joy and tears will be turned into laughter.
All that He had created was very good, yet only 10 generations after Adam sinned, we discover the shocking, moral decline of the human race, for every intent of the thoughts of man's heart was only evil continually and God was grieved in His heart.This shocking and disturbing indictment against the human race in the antediluvian age, and the exponential increase of wickedness in the heart of men, demanded humanity's total termination.The giants, or 'nephilim' named in the previous verses, were the unnatural offspring of fallen angels and human women – a race that was totally contrary to God's order – man was to reproduce after his own KIND.
And this mingling of the angelic with the human, was Satan's attempt to corrupt the DNA of humanity and eliminate the Seed of the woman Who was prophesied to destroy the works of the evil one.Although the vile influence of these fallen angels certainly aggravated the degenerate, pre-flood conditions, it was the unrelenting wickedness in the human heart and man's obsessive preoccupation with evil which was identified in this verse and demanded the destruction of mankind, through the flood of Noah.The sin nature that so corrupted the human race at the time of the flood, is the same evil disposition that is inherited from our fathers and imputed into the heart of every man who has descended from Adam – for the natural man is a sinner who is born under sin and is at enmity with God.The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually... and yet God, in His grace, purposed to redeem mankind and to destroy the works of the evil one.Although God's judgement rained down on the antediluvian world, and will do so once again during the Great Tribulation, it was at Calvary where complete victory was gained against mankind's unrelenting enemy.It was at the Cross, when Christ's blood was shed to pay the price for sin, that our Saviour triumphed over the evil enemy of our soul, and Satan's defeat will be fully realised when he is finally thrown into the fiery lake of God's everlasting judgement, after which, God will make a new heaven and a new earth.
They give godly guidance on how to walk in holiness of heart and humble obedience before the Lord.
They sang a special song - a different song - they sang a new song which should rejoice the heart of ALL who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ: Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed US to God by Thy blood.
Outwardly these folk professed their Christianity, but inwardly they did not possess the truth in their heart.
May we take to heart the urgent plea to turn from our foolish, faithless, lukewarm ways, and strive, in the power of the Spirit, to be alert and attentive to His Word as we watch for His any day return.
Praise God that He does not cut off such carnal Christians, hypocritical believers, or disinterested disciples, but urges each of us that have fallen prey to this imperfect attitude to repent - to turn away from all that has replaced or removed the Lord from the central position of our hearts and to return Him to His rightful place in our lives.
To become faithful in administrating God's house as a true ministering servant of the Lord, he must set aside his royal privileges forever and humility of heart had to be cultivated in his role as a simple herdsman, while God fashioned and honed his character into the great prophet he became.
They may celebrate their feast days and practice keeping the Law, but they do not know the Person and Work of their Messiah and King Who alone can breathe new life into their stony, cold, dead hearts.
As God the Son, He formed us together in our mother's womb, scheduled every day of our lives, and knows the thoughts of our hearts and meditation of our minds.
He was surprised that Jesus had understood the desire of his heart and asked Him how it was that He knew him: How do You know me?
Maybe this fig tree had a special significance to honest men of god character or those that are pure in heart... or maybe it was one of many fig trees in Israel under which this servant of God was seated that day.
However, when he addressed Jesus as 'Rabbi' and identified Him as 'The Son of God' and 'King of Israel' his words showed great respect and a heart of faith and hope in the truth of Scripture.
Others may have called Jesus, 'King of the Jews' in a derisory manner or to sneer at His Messianic claims, but Nathanael's heart was open to the truth and he was rewarded by being a man who walked with Jesus for the three and a half years of His earthly ministry.
Treating others in the same way that we would like them to treat us, is a Christians principle that is rooted in godly love which is poured into our hearts from above - and God's love never, ever fails.
But discipleship sets out some very rigorous requirements, for when it comes to true discipleship, the Lord Jesus is more concerned with quality of character and a heart that is focused on Him, rather than quantity in numbers.
Christ also wants faithful disciples who are humble of heart and who will give up all for His names sake, and so He seeks men and women who are willing to pay a price by taking up their cross and following Him no matter what it costs.
May we come to a deeper understanding that the self-contained, eternally existent LIFE of Christ which is poured into the hearts of all who are redeemed by His blood, declared righteous through faith, indwelt by His Spirit, and made into a new creation so that we can walk in His eternal light, wisdom, holiness, and love.
All the thoughts of our minds and all the motives of our hearts should be an open book so that when observed by others, our life proclaims ALL to the glory of God.
May we take to heart this simple instruction from Paul, that whether we eat, or drink, or whatever we do, we do all to the glory of God.
One verse we all seek to apply in our own Christian life is, Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Similarly, many parents are aware of the promise, Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
for her price is far above rubies, and another favourite verse is, A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
It could also be used as a chastening rod to discipline those that wandered off into foolhardy ways, or to pilot a wayward animal along the best path, which we see in the context of children in Proverbs 22, for foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive folly far away.
Within His inner being, man was made with an innate sense of justice and an understanding of right from wrong, for we read that man was created: In the image and likeness of God, and that He has: Planted eternity within the human heart.
Those who profess themselves to be wise become utter fools with a good-for-nothing, reprobate, degenerate mind when they say in their heart: There is no God!
He is the originator of words, and through His locution pours forth the eternal wisdom within His heart.
And this Psalm of praise to the God of language is a wonderful, poetic example of the might and magnificence of every word that proceeds from the mouth of God as, verse by verse, it unfolds a treasure-trove of truth that permits us a tiny glimpse into the very heart of God.
Praise God that it is to the simple that He gives understanding and to the humble in heart that He unfolds His Word.
The person who has clean hands and a pure heart. Only those who have been declared righteous by faith are granted access into the presence of the Lord.
Those who seek His face, trust His Word and are pure in heart through the washing of the water of the Word, will receive this blessing.
All who have clean hands and a pure heart by faith in Him, will be admitted into this holy place.
Who is the Person that is being praised by those with a clean heart and who are clothed in garments of righteousness?
However, this godly love is only possible as we abide in Him so that His abiding love in our hearts is enabled to flow back to our Heavenly Father in thanksgiving and praise... and out to others as a healing stream of living refreshment.When hatred towards another believer is excited in the heart of a fellow Christian, it is a hindrance to spiritual fellowship and an obstacle to godly growth.
Resentment against a brother that is harboured in the heart, has a disastrous effect on the believer.
Christians who harbour hatred in their heart for other believers, are seriously impaired in their Christian walk.This serious matter is not just limited to those that outwardly detest or criticise other Christians, but those who put on a show of Christian piety and civility while nursing a heart that is blackened by hatred towards their brethren – which equates to murder in the eyes of the Lord.What a shocking state of affairs that believers can be so filled with dislike for another child of God, that they are described as being in darkness, walking in the darkness, and not knowing where they are going because their hatred has caused this darkness which has blinded their eyes.The direct contrast between light and darkness, love and hatred in this passage, is staggering when we realise that this is referring to a Christian – for although saved by grace through faith… their life and witness is being wasted away in their cancerous attitude.Christians are ambassadors of Christ in this world, and everything that we say and do reflects positively or negatively on the Lord Jesus, Himself.
As Christians, we are to be pure in our inner hearts and holy in our outer lives.
Slaves are to be obedient to their masters and perform out their duties with honesty and sincerity of heart while ALL is to be carried out with reverence to the Lord.
As born-again believers, our sin was judged at the Cross and we are no longer under God's condemnation, but as born-again children of God, we are to live as God instructs us and to love as Christ loved us - in purity of heart, humble obedience, and for His greater glory.
May we take to heart the practical instruction and godly guidance on the interpersonal roles and the relationships that are outlined in this epistle.
And as His children, the Word of God should become our plumb-line for truth, the standard for living, and the non-negotiable criterion that not only influences our words and actions but the motives of our heart.
And Paul's heart-desire and earnest prayer is that we understand the riches of His grace towards us and that we stand firm in the faith, grow in grace, trust in the Lord with all our heart, and become rooted and grounded in the love of Christ.
Our religious activities should not be for the praise of man, or for self-elevation, but so that our heart and mind is nourished and enlivened by His Word.
Our devotion should be to fulfil the will of God and our delight should be to open up our heart to His love.
When the man or woman of God seeks to abstain from all appearance of evil for the right reasons, our times of worship will not only glorify God, but also rejoice our heart.
In times of disappointment and distress, he raced into the safety of his strong Fortress and hid under the shadow of God’s protective wings: Hear my cry, O God and give heed to my prayer, is David's urgent request: From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint.
To know that the ear of the Lord is open to the cries of His people, should quicken the heart of every child of God and stimulate us to pray in spirit and in truth.
Although Jesus attempted to teach them the truth of the gospel of God, their hearts were hardened against Him and their antagonism toward Him intensified.
The Lord looks on the heart of men.
These men had a form of godliness, but the thoughts of their hearts were only evil continuously.
The message that Paul delivered was a demonstration of the power of God as the Holy Spirit worked through him, causing a spiritual stirring in the hearts and minds of those that heard his healing words of truth which brought them to a saving faith in Jesus Christ.
Paul's message and preaching was delivered by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit as he submitted to God's leading and guidance in the words he said, the message he spoke, the acts he carried out, and a heart that rested in Christ.
For all of us who have trusted Christ as Saviour, these poignant words can pierce our own hearts as we begin to understand that the sinless Son of God was willingly afflicted, bruised, pierced, and crushed with wounds that we merit.
The Lord Jesus suffered cruel treatment and gave up His life willingly so that all who believe on Him might not perish but be given peace with God, and have His inner peace guarding our hearts: For by His stripes we are healed.
Remember, our life is hid with Christ and it is only as His new-life quietly works unseen within our hearts, that we will bring forth fruit that glorifies the Father.
It is as we yield our hearts to Him that the fruit of righteous fruit is formed in our life, for His glory and praise.
May we show forth the fruit of righteousness through the praises of our lips, the attitude of our heart, and a life that is consecrated to His perfect will.
They were to hear His Word and take it to heart, for His promise will never fail.
Like us, the people of Israel were instructed to trust in the Lord with all their heart and not to lean on their own understanding.
You would do well if you pay the same attention to God's Word as you would to a light shining in a dark and murky place - until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.
Light is always identified as holy and good, for Christ is the light of the world Who has poured the light of salvation and the light of His eternal life into the heart of all who believe in Him.
Paul makes a direct reference to this first act of creation when he writes: For God, Who said, let light shine out of darkness, make His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
If the spiritual fruit of love is to bud, blossom, and mature in our life, we must keep our eyes looking to Jesus and our hearts submitted to the Spirit, as we humbly kneel before the Father and say: Thy will not mine be done.
We are simply pilgrims passing through this mortal coil, sojourning on earth for a brief life-span, and so we should not be mindful of earthly things that pass away, but we should fix our hearts on the coming king, looking for Jesus, our soon coming Lord.
God has set eternity in our hearts and soon our days on this earth will end and we will be in our heavenly home forever.
The people were ready to enter the Promised Land, but due to unbelief, disobedience, murmuring, and rebellious hearts, it was postponed, and God allowed His people to wander for 38 more years before the little company finally crossed the Jordan into Canaan.
In the same way, believers in this Church age can immediately enter the promised rest we have in Christ and be kept in His perfect peace, through a living faith, humble obedience, a heart that is guided by the Spirit of God, and a life that walks in spirit and truth.
If we doubt God's Word, disobey His instruction, behave carnally, and persistently complain, the peace of God will not reign in our hearts and fellowship with the Father will be broken.
Like them, we are under His protective care and sovereign authority, but we are in spiritual danger if we ignore His voice, harden our hearts, test His patience, disobey His Word, and do not press on to spiritual maturity.
But unbelief and incessant grumbling against God and fear of the 'giants', tried His patience, tested His forbearance, and prevented them from receiving all that God had prepared for them: And so for 40 years He was disgusted with that generation; and said, 'They are a people whose hearts go astray; they do not know My ways.'
May we who have been so wonderfully saved, learn from Israel's mistakes and not lose heart or become discouraged when faced with difficulties and dangers, persecution and pain.
John was getting on in years and he knew that his letter would not only rejoice his own heart, but would bring spiritual joy to all who are one in Christ; a mutually beneficial joy; joy unspeakable and full of glory!
It is here in John's first letter, that the joy of the Lord in his heart compelled him to write of the good news of Christ.
A knowledge of the truth of God's Word brings joy to every heart that trusts in Christ for salvation.
But His tender heart towards His dearly beloved disciples did not go unnoticed, for His prayer to the Father included those whom He had chosen to be His closest friends who had received Him, followed Him, and believed on His name.
The deep and ongoing distress of Hezekiah the king is indeed heart-rending and pitiful and likened, not only to the continuous twittering of a swallow, flying hither and thither on its perpetual wings, but also to the sad and plaintive cry of a solitary dove, that is grieving for its mate.
The king here bemoans the desperation and despair of his heart when he discovered he was to set his house in order – for God had scheduled his death and he was to die and not live.
It is right to plead our case before the Lord and it is good to expect the desire of our heart to be fulfilled.
Little did Hezekiah know that in the final years of his life he would sire the wicked king Manasseh, who did such evil in the sight of the Lord and who caused Israel’s final downfall.Let us in humility of heart fly to the Lord for all our needs and trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not to our own understanding.
If anything in our life has been placed above the truth of the glorious gospel of grace, let us remove it immediately and elevate Christ to His rightful position in our heart.
David was a man after God's own heart because he believed God's Word, and we see his faith in action when he used his sling to protect the sheep from a lion, and a bear, and when he defied Goliath.
He knew their hearts were full of spite, hatred, and rage.
The punishment for adultery was stoning, but the wages of all sin and every trespass, whether sins of the body or sins of the heart, whether physical sins executed in our body or senses, or spiritual sins undertaken in the secret smugness of our own prideful hearts, the wages of all sin is death, and death means separation from God.
May the mind of Christ direct all our actions and attitudes, our thoughts and the motives of our hearts, and may His gracious attitude be reflected in us as we seek to live lives that are pleasing in His sight, for His praise and glory.
Every additional illustration of the godly wife, affirms the importance of being a woman after God’s own heart who follows His instructions.Here in the book of Peter, an additional dimension is added to other godly admonishments, where wives are to graciously submit to their own husbands – and particularly unsaved husbands so that, even if their husband is unsaved and disobey the Christian message, they may be won over to a saving faith by the godly and gracious way their wives conduct themselves, both in private and in public.The responsibility for wives to live in accordance with biblical instruction, has its roots in the way that God ordained that we should live – from the beginning.
Indeed, all who are born from above have the permanently indwelling Holy Spirit of God within their heart and He is the One Who searches the deep things of God and reveals them to us - through the God-breathed Scriptures.
He was a skilled singer and a poet, and although a man of faith who acknowledged that God is good to Israel and to all who are pure of heart, Asaph became discouraged and found that his faith wavered when he constantly saw how wicked men seemed to prosper and get away with all sorts of evil practices.
This was the question that was on Asaph's heart, and which caused his faith in God to falter.
When he began to reflect on the wider picture and catch hold of God's eternal perspective Asaph was able to proclaim, My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Let us draw near to God, catching hold of His eternal perspective and trusting in His unfailing love with all of our hearts.
And through Christ Jesus our Lord, those who have trusted in Him as Saviour may have the peace of God which transcends all human understanding guarding their heart and mind, for He has promised to keep in perfect peace those whose mind is stayed on Him.
But having redeemed us, He sent His Spirit to abide in our heart and, day by day, seeks to transform us from ugly, bitter, antagonistic sinners into beautiful, thankful, mature children of God, having the same godly nature as the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
Loving one another, being compassionate and kind, forgiving one another, and meeting together with our brothers and sisters in Christ are mentioned multiple times in Scripture, making this subject close to the Father-heart of God.
The two on the road to Emmaus, found their hearts burning within their breast as the resurrected Christ explained the Scriptures, and He reminded those in the upper room that everything about Him had been foretold in the law of Moses, the prophetic writings, and the book of Psalms.
His never changing character, His all-sufficient wisdom, and His free gift of grace to all who trust in Christ, gives stability to the soul and rest to the heart.
I am sure that Paul had a special place in his heart for these brothers and sisters in Thessalonica who received the message of salvation with joy and peace, who believed despite the severe suffering they were undergoing, and whose exemplary faith was talked about across Greece and beyond: Brethren, beloved by God, he wrote we recognise and know that He has selected you; He has chosen you.
The conduct He calls for can only be achievable by drawing on the supernatural power of the indwelling Spirit of God in a life that is saved by grace through faith, a consecrated heart that is dedicated to serving our blessed Redeemer in spirit and in truth.
The Bible teaches that a man must pray in faith, and without any doubt, unforgiveness, or sin in his heart.
We are reminded, in Psalms, that if God regards iniquity in a heart, He will neither heed nor hear a man's prayer.
Hebrews outlines another principle of answered prayer, which is a far cry from the 'name-it-and-claim-it' teaching of the Word-of-Faith movement and prosperity teachings: Let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.
It has relevance to those of us who have already crowned Him as king of our heart in this age of grace.
Thomas was not the fool who says in his heart, there is no God. He was not the rebellious man, with 'a reprobate mind', as described in Romans chapter 1.
Thomas, like so many today, yearned that his human senses would secure the deep desire of his heart.
Earlier in this Psalm, we are told not to fret about evil-doers nor to be envious of those that work iniquity, for when our mind is correctly focused on the Lord, then our hearts are not weighed down with the troublesome behaviour of the wicked, nor overwhelmed with the continuous influx of evil in the world.Rather, we are instructed to keep the eyes of our heart upon Jesus Who has promised to carry all our burdens and to comfort us in all our affliction so that we may offer solace to others who are also weighed down by the cares of this world and oppressed by evil-doers.As we change our focus onto the Lord, so our faith in Him is excited within our heart and we are encouraged, by David, to trust in the Lord and do good – to feed on His faithfulness so that we may become strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.
We are to believe His promises and hold fast to the Word of truth.Just as fretting should be overtaken by trust when God is the focus of our attention, so faith expands into joy when we delight ourselves in the Lord and make Him the singular joy and rejoicing of our heart. Delight yourself in the Lord, we are told.
Make Him the cornerstone of your hope and linchpin of your life, and He will give you the desires of your heart.The Lord Jesus is the perfect example of a Man Who delighted Himself in the Lord.
When the will of man is aligned with the will of God, as was intended in the beginning, then the things that delight our Heavenly Father will naturally become the joy of our own heart.
When we delight ourselves in the Lord and take pleasure in the things that are uppermost on God's own heart, we will discover that they become the joy of our heart – and we will be able to spiritually appraise all things and to say with Paul that we are one with Him and have the mind of Christ.
But in this passage, we discover that it was laid on the heart of the Philippians believers to send some financial assistance to Paul, for which this faithful servant of God was most grateful.
There is a reason that Paul is calling those that are born of the Spirit to keep their hearts and minds focussed on heavenly things and not on earthy pursuits and interests.
Since we have been raised to a new life in Christ and since, by God's grace, we have been clothed in Christ's righteousness, given the free gift of eternal life, been showered with every spiritual blessing, received a heavenly inheritance, and been seated with Christ in heavenly places, we are called to set our hearts and minds on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honour at God's right hand.
As the days on earth get darker, and the trials and tribulations of this life can seem never-ending and overwhelming, we would do well to take this verse to heart.
The truths that are packed into these early verses of the epistle to the Ephesians should rejoice our heart, steady our soul, dispel our doubts, and strengthen our faith, and we should thank Him continuously for our great salvation and the many precious promises that are ours in Christ.
God saw the heart of both brothers, but only one was a man of faith who worshipped God.
It is as we talk with Him at every opportunity, through prayer and praise, that the desire of our heart is realised because His perfect desire has become the dear desire of our heart.
However, they refused, even with Jesus teaching them Himself, and so the time arrived when His teaching style changed and Jesus started to talk in parables because Israel's ears were deaf, their eyes were blinded, and their hearts would not believe.
Many of Christ's parables painted a picture of Israel's disobedience, their hardness of heart, and the rejection of their Messiah.
To those who believed in Him, the picture of the fruitless fig tree is obvious but to the unbelieving heart it appears obscure and puzzling.
For a Christian minister like Paul or indeed any servant of Christ, one of the primary qualities that pleases the heart of the Lord is faithfulness, and the man or woman who is faithful in small things will be faithful with greater responsibilities.
An inner cleansing of the heart and mind is what the Lord desires of all His people, which should be reflected in outward deeds of righteousness and social justice.
Let us never forget Whose we are and what the Lord Jesus Christ did for us on Calvary's Cross so that we might be children of God who have the Spirit of God dwelling in our hearts.
When Samuel had anointed Saul as king, it was his tall stature and good looks that caught the prophet's attention, and yet Saul turned out to be a real disappointment to Samuel, for his heart was not pure before the Lord.
Later, when this messenger of God came to anoint one of the sons of Jesse as God's chosen king, we discover that once again Samuel was judging the quality of the Israel's future king by his outward appearance, and not by the inner attitude and motive of his heart.
But God, Who alone can read the heart, attitudes, and motives of a man, is not influenced by our outward façade nor the good works we manufacture, nor even the exemplary words that may flow from our lips, for the heart of everyman is full of deceit.
It is the man or woman who loves the Lord their God with all their heart, and soul, and mind, and strength that satisfies the heart of the Lord.
As believers, we all have been given a new life in Christ which is placed alongside our old sin nature, and the thoughts of our hearts and the meditation of our minds can be influenced by either.
Whatever flows from our new life in Christ is pleasing to the Lord, but if we choose to allow our actions, attitudes, and the words that come from our lips to be influenced by our old sin nature, we may fool other people, but we can never deceive the Lord for He alone knows the intent of our heart.
Let us not seek to be man-pleasers, which may get us high acclaim from our fellows and provide us with a worthy reputation in this life, but rather let us take every thought that rises up in our hearts captive to the Lord so that we can be pleasing to Him and store up for ourselves treasure in heaven.
We should conduct our lives in a manner that honours the Father and glorifies the Son, as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit, Who dwells within the heart of each of His children and Who strengthens us in our inner man.
It demonstrates the value we gain when we protect our personal communion with the Lord through righteous living and humility of heart.
Because he had been given prophetic insight into God's impending judgement on these wicked cities, it ignited pity in Abraham's heart for the lost souls who lived there, and concern for those like Lot who were credited with righteousness because of their faith in the Lord.
Perhaps another important thing to realise is that however great our heart of compassion for those that are lost may be, it can never begin to match the never-failing love and mercy that the Lord our God has for His creation.
His love of money caused him to go away with a sorrowful heart, for he had many great possessions.
He used the moral law, given to Moses, to show the young man, that there are elements of evil in the heart of everyone, including the young ruler.
Even if we are morally upright, generous, kind to others and an example to all we meet, there is always something lacking in the heart of fallen man, for there is no one that is completely good, not even one.
But he loved his wealth more than he loved the Lord. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment, which the young man broke, excluding him from the kingdom.
Neither the multiplied wealth of humanity nor the proliferation of man's exemplary actions are sufficient payment to gain eternal life, for the heart of humanity is incapable of ridding itself of fleshly desires and love of the world.
And although man fell at the beginning, causing sin to enter the world, the Lord set eternity deep within the heart of man: He has also set eternity in their heart.
As one writer described it: There is a God-shaped hole within the heart of every man, a longing for what is eternal, which Christ alone can fill.
Solomon, who wrote the book of Ecclesiastes, was the wisest person who ever lived, and yet he realised the works of God and the wisdom of God are beyond the limitations of the human mind for after he wrote, God has made everything appropriate in its time He has also set eternity in their heart, he finished by acknowledging, Yet so, man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.
Indeed, the more we understand that the Lord is in control, that He alone can solve the mysteries of the universe, that He is the Author and Finisher of our faith, and our future times are in His hands, that we are enabled to trust in the Lord with all our heart and not lean on our own, limited understanding or attempt to find answers from our own, inadequate imagination.
God has done all things appropriately and well, and He has set eternity in the heart of all men so that those who seek Him with all their heart will find rest for their soul in Him and receive the gift of eternal life through faith in Christ.
Our thoughts immediately turn to Sarah, the wife of Abraham through whom the promised Seed was to be born, and to Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist who was born to be the voice, crying in the wilderness: 'Prepare ye the way of the Lord Jesus.'We also recall Rebekah and Rachel, and in the book of Psalms we read that God makes the barren woman abide in the house, as a joyful mother of children.Perhaps the woman who touches our heart most powerfully is Hannah.
Hannah was blessed by the Lord and was permitted to fulfil the vow that she made to God.Many consider that Hannah's beautiful prayer of praise and thanksgiving influenced the song of Mary whose supernatural conception, centuries later, would bring forth the Messiah of Israel: My heart exults in the Lord.
We should not allow doubts or an unbelieving heart to infect our prayers.
How important to have a believing heart that trusts God to keep His promises and expects Him to answer our prayers of faith - especially when we are going through difficulties and problems.
The man of God must ask in faith and pray without any doubt in his heart.
What a terrible indictment of a born-again believer who fails to live His life in faith - but rather chooses to pray with an unbelieving heart and is tossed to and fro by every wind of change.
May we develop a trusting heart of thanksgiving and praise that believes God's Word and prays in faith - expecting Him to keep His promises and fulfil his Word.
James is emphasising that genuine salvation is based on works which can be observed by man, while Paul teaches that genuine salvation is based on sincere, heart-faith which can only be seen by God!
Only God can see the heart, so only God can see the root of salvation (faith), but when a Christian is walking in spirit and truth, they will produce the fruit of salvation (good works which God has prepared for us to do).
Genuine faith is visible only to God in the inner heart of a saved man, but genuine faith is not visible to other believers as we cannot see into the heart of one another.
His eyes penetrated deep within her hurting heart, and Jesus knew that He was all she needed.
When God convicts a man or woman of their sin, their reaction will lead to a confession of sinfulness or a hardening of the heart.
Though some see the woman's question on the place and purpose of worship as evading the sin-issue at hand, others see her response as a genuine, heart-enquiry of how she might be forgiven of her sins and brought back into sweet fellowship with the God of Israel.
May we each take to heart the need to be above reproach in our words and actions, faithful in all of our relationships and interactions with others and temperate, prudent, respectable, and hospitable, at home and in the wider community.
It warns of the futility of doubting God's Word and reminds us of the beautiful fruit that comes from a spirit of patience and grace.He warns against conceiving sin in our heart and the devastation that can be caused by an unguarded tongue.
Although God had brought the Israelites out of Egypt, their pagan influence and idolatrous practices remained very influential in the heart of God's people.
Let us never forget: Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
The work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of a true believer, with a teachable spirit and a desire to know the will of God, is one that will be taught by Him.
Psalm 85 was written by an unnamed son of Korah, who had a real heart for Israel and an understanding of God's plans and purposes for His chosen nation.
Lusting after money and the intense desire to gain more money and increase worldly wealth, is what is being spoken about here.Similarly, the love of money is not the single source of evil, as is so often implied in the secular song, mentioned above – but that the love of money is one of many ungodly ways that entices us into various sins and wickedness.Indeed, the context of this verse must also be considered, for Paul is contrasting the tranquil attitude of godly contentment and gratitude with a greedy craving for wealth, an insatiable hankering after riches, or the materialist mind-set which is embodied in a fallen world.One of the qualities that Paul lists in a church elder or overseer, earlier in the book, is that he is gentle, peaceable, and free from the love of money, for when godliness springs from a contented heart it is a great asset in a child of God.We should never forget that we came into this world with nothing... and when we die, we will take nothing from it.
May we keep the Lord Jesus in His rightful position, at the centre of our life... for when He is the focus of our heart, other things are kept within a correct perspective.
But despite their shocking idolatry, the Lord graciously entreats them to repent of their sin, turn back to the Lord, and rend their hearts inwardly and not simply give a pretence of religiosity.
And so in this section of Scripture, we discover Paul asking for prayer, while resting on the fact that God is the strength of our heart and our portion forever.
He knew that problems and persecutions were destined for all who live godly in Christ Jesus and so, in his prayerful pleadings for the Christians in Thessalonica he prays: May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ.
Paul's prayer for all who have found their eternal salvation in Christ, is that God would direct each of our hearts into the love of God so that in Him we would reflect His patient endurance and steadfast love, as we are being conformed, day by day, into the image and likeness of Christ.
The unfathomable depth of God's love is beyond man's understanding, and that love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit Who has come to permanently indwell our body at the moment of salvation.
Nothing is more precious to the Christian than resting in the love of Christ and abiding in Him so that His love become the greatest portion of our hearts, not only here on earth but in the eternal ages to come.
But God in His mercy and love looked down in pity on a rebellious race of prideful men, and purposed in His heart that by His grace and mercy, through faith in Christ, He would redeem this lost and dying race.
Nicodemus did not understand that Jesus was talking of a spiritual birth, an immediate and irreversible action that is carried out in the human heart by the Holy Spirit, on everyone who believes in Christ Jesus.
The new birth is a supernatural, spiritual act that is performed by the Holy Spirit within the heart of a man or woman, the moment that they put their trust in Jesus Christ.
The things written in the book of Revelation are not the imagines of some mystic, but the revelation of Jesus Christ through God's eternal plan which the Father gave to His servant, John for our learning: All who read and take to heart the words of this prophecy and keep what is written therin, will be blessed beyond compare, but cowards, unbelievers, vile, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, will have their share in the lake that burns with fire and sulphur which is the second death.
An attitude of tranquillity should be part of a normal Christian life, for we receive peace with God when we are justified by faith in Christ's finished work on Calvary, and we have ongoing access to the peace of God when we remain in fellowship with Him - in purity of heart - in the unity of the spirit.
Paul tells the Philippians how to keep the peace of God ruling our heart; we are to rejoice in the Lord continually; we are to let our gentle spirit be known to others; we are not to be anxious, but in everything by prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving, we are let our requests be made known to God.
When these conditions are met, we have the assurance that the peace of God, which passes human comprehension, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Paul gave the Colossians similar advice: Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body, and be ye thankful.
Paul could confidently claim that when we honour God in all we say and do His peace will reign in our heart, no matter what difficulties and dangers we may be facing.
As we analyse the conditions that keep us in fellowship with the Father and safeguard His peace in our hearts, we find it comes down to trusting God for all things, however difficult, through prayer and supplication, with a heart of thanksgiving and praise, and a life that honours our Father in heaven.
May the peace of God which passes human understanding, guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus our Lord, and may the God of peace be with us all, amen.
The good news of the gospel is deeply offensive to prideful man because it unceremoniously unseats king self from the throne of his heart.
It requires profane man to confess God as the King of their heart and establish Him as Sovereign in their lives (and this is loathsome to ungodly men who prefer to be master of their own destiny and captain of their own soul).
The little book of Proverbs is overflowing with great truths which, if taken to heart by believers and applied to their every-day Christian life, would turn the tables on the wiles of the wicked one, whose evil desire is to render the witness of born-again believers as impotent.
When fallen man can look beyond his rebellious, prideful myopia, and recognise that by God's eternal power the worlds were made, he can start to glimpse into the very character and heart of God Who loved the world so much that He sent His only begotten Son to pay the enormous price for your sins and mine.
The Lord hears and responds to every spoken and unspoken prayer, every whispered cry, every word of grateful thanks, every prayer petition that is pleaded in the inner sanctuary of the heart.
God responds to the heart-cry when those sudden emergencies engulf our peace, for He has promised to be with us always; to hear and answer the cries of all his children.
The prayer that is offered to God in faith proceeds from a heart that is pleasing to the Lord.
David was the king of Israel who was a man after God's own heart.
David trusted all that God said and so his plea to the Lord flowed from a heart of trust.
David's prayer was uttered to the Lord from a heart that was open and clean before Him, for he had faith in the God to Whom he prayed, and he expected God to hear and answer his prayer.
David knew that the thoughts of his heart and the meditations of his mind were all open and known to the Lord.
He did not offer his prayer from a heart of disbelief, nor a heart that was hiding a secret sin or any unconfessed offense.
Empty prayer from a heart of unbelief or the insincere prayer of pretence avails little, for without faith in the God to Whom we are praying it is impossible to please Him, for whoever comes to God in prayer must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who diligently search for Him.
Our prayers to the Lord should come from a heart that is an open book to our Father, for the prayer of a man or woman after God's own heart is powerful and effective.
Let us approach the throne of grace in humility of heart, for He is faithful to hear and answer the prayers of His children.
What godly lives we would live if it were not for the foibles of others!But this life is fraught with disappointments and disturbances and we are warned that murmuring is the consequence of unbelief, while disputing is the product of a discontented heart which brings in its wake grievances, disease, envy, and sin, as exemplified in Israel’s forty-year long wilderness wanderings when the people murmured against God's wisdom and complained about His gracious provision.God, in His wisdom, knows that patient-endurance, humility of heart, and a soul that trusts in the Lord, does not spring forth from a stress-free life but is the out-working of a man or woman who has received God’s sufficient grace to face any temptation or trial which may happen along the way.Paul knew that a Christ-like character is not birthed from a bed of ease and that blameless integrity and spiritual maturity takes many long years, if not a lifetime, to fully develop as one is tried like silver or honed in a millstone of suffering. God uses the storms, sadness, disappointments, and dangers of everyday life, as well as the difficult people that cross our path, to conform us into the likeness of Christ.Let us, therefore, resist the temptation to enter into murmurings and disputes with one another and let us trust the Lord in all things so that our lives will be a living sacrifice that becomes, to Him, a sweet fragrance and we will become blameless and pure children of God, without fault in this warped and crooked generation.
We are to keep our hearts free from fretting and worry and this can only be achieved as we cast all our care and concern on the Lord Jesus, for He cares for us.
We are instructed to cast all our anxiety upon Him because He cares for us, but we are to do this with a heart of thanksgiving and an attitude of worship.
But if worry is allowed to bubble-up in our heart and ferment in our mind, so faith begins to falter and the enemy is given a foothold.
Worry is self-centred and selfish and is rooted in the sin of unbelief, but prayer is God-centred and pleasing to Him, for prayer is built on a heart that trusts His Word and depends upon Him for all our needs.
True prayer comes from a worshipful heart of thanksgiving and praise that is looking to the Lord by faith to supply everything we need, according to His riches in glory.
It is by faith that every anxious thought is banished from our heart, and when faith in our Heavenly Father is translated into prayers and supplication, with thanksgiving, our requests may be made in quietness and in confidence that He will hear and answer.
May we maintain a heart of grateful thanksgiving and praise for all His goodness and grace to us, and may we be anxious about nothing, but in everything through our grateful prayers and entreaties make our requests known to Him, and we will discover His peace that passes understanding, guarding our heart and mind, as we abide in Christ and He is us.
If we see a fellow believer in any kind of want, we should take steps to supply what is needed and not turn away from his problem or shut our heart to his pain.
He does not simply say: Whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need should not close his heart against him, but poses the question: How does the love of God abide in a believer who has sufficient of this world's goods yet shuts off his heart towards his brother's need?
But let us also be careful to give this precious young virgin the honour and respect due to her position - for the responsibility, heart-ache, confusion, and even the disgrace of being pregnant before her marriage to Joseph, must have affected her deeply, throughout her earthly life.
His is the peace that is poured into the hearts of all that have trusted in the only begotten Son of God. He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David for all eternity, and He will establish His kingdom and uphold it with His pure justice and His perfect righteousness.
The desire of his heart is that those who have come to faith through his ministry might not sin but would strive to live lives that are holy and acceptable to God: My little children, he says, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin...
He learned that despite the difficulties and problems life throws at each of us, a heart that praises God translates into a soul whose faith is fortified.
Today, we have the light of Christ and the truth of His Word in our heart.
On those occasions when we find ourselves under intense pressure or discover discouragement and disappointment descending into our soul, may we take Paul's words to heart: Reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us, and fan into flames the gift of God that is within us.
Elijah's mission was to, turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers.
Like John the Baptist, Elijah will prepare the hearts of Jewish people to call on their Messiah - Jesus Christ the righteous, Who Himself will restore the kingdom of God that was lost in Eden to that old serpent, which is the devil, Satan.
No doubt his mind fled back to that dark night of confused questioning when the 'Light-of-the-world' began to pierce the deep darkness within his proud, unbelieving heart, and he heard those penetrating words for the very first time: As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up.
He boldly proclaims that nothing can shake his deep trust in his Lord his God and it rejoices his heart to make mention of the Lord's perfect righteousness and His never-failing faithfulness.This man proclaims that God had been his daily support in times past, and he bears witness that into the twilight years of his journey through life, the Lord alone remains his ongoing strength and everlasting song.
May we continue to grow in grace. May we press on to the high call of God in Christ Jesus. May we be ready to declare the awesome deeds of the Lord to the next generation with hymns of praise, words of wisdom, and a humble heart that reflects the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the sweet fellowship that come from the Holy Spirit.
God looks on the heart, and He knows the motive behind each prayer request.
God knows when a heart is trusting Him, but He also knows when an apparently sincere cry for help comes from an insincere and divided heart.
This apparently sincere cry for help may have come from a truly repentant group of people, or it may have been no more than hollow lip-service to the Lord from a group who had already determined in their heart what they intended to do.
Whether their plea was a genuine desire to follow God's leading or the insincere prayer of a rebellious people, God only knows, for He alone is able to read the thoughts and hearts of His people!
While the eyes of the Lord look to and fro for a man whose heart is right before Him, there are often times when dishonest prayer requests and insincere intercessions are made to the Lord from an unbelieving and rebellious heart.
Like this frightened little remnant that was left in Israel following the Babylonian invasion, we are also called to trust in the Lord with ALL our heart, and soul, and mind, and strength, and not lean on our own, limited understanding or flawed wisdom.
When the enormity of God's oath to our father Abraham takes root in our heart and mind, how can we ever doubt God's goodness towards us or question our eternal salvation and the eternal security that is ours in Christ.
From the time he was a young shepherd boy, David loved the Lord with his whole heart and was able to proclaim that the Lord was his strong Protector and faithful Deliverer.
David was a man after God's own heart who not only made this claim because of his head knowledge, but due to an inner experience of the heart.
Paul longed to know Christ and the power of His Resurrection, but his heart was also to share in Christ's suffering, for he desired intimate association with the Lord Who bought him, in the everyday circumstances of his life.
And when the Word of God says honour Him in 'all' things, it means to draw close to Him with a focused, undivided heart all the time and in every situation.
Here, we discover that the one who loves purity of heart and is gracious in their speech is a friend of the King, and honours the Lord.
Solomon advises, he who loves purity of heart and whose speech is gracious, the king is his friend.
Many of his proverbs provide insight into developing a godly character, well-pleasing to the Lord, and here in chapter 22, we discover that the pure in heart and gracious in word are those who command the king's friendship.
It is not only the presence of a pure heart and gracious speech from which flow the fruit of the Spirit that is so attractive, but the absence of an ugly, bitter soul that spews forth hypocrisy, malicious words, and all that accompanies a proud heart and a selfish, self-righteous soul.
No matter what one's station in life, geographical location, or bank balance, Solomon identified purity of heart and graciousness of speech as the characteristics he found so endearing in those he chose to call his friends.
Purity of heart and graciousness of speech were two of the attributes that described the Lord Jesus.
Both purity of heart and graciousness of speech are character traits we should all seek to develop, but neither are possible in our own strength.
Zachariah's unbelief when told that his old, barren wife, Elisabeth, was to bear a son who would be the forerunner to the Messiah, was replaced with a heart of thanksgiving and praise at the birth of his little baby boy.
There are many Psalms that open with the word like: Bless the Lord O my soul or Praise be to the Lord Most High, and the opening phrase in the song of Zachariah, reflects the heart of such psalmists: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel.
But Paul's earnest desire to visit the saints in Rome was uppermost in his heart and this yearning desire was reflected in his prayer: I unceasingly make mention of you, always in my prayers, he wrote, making my earnest request - if perhaps now, at last, by the will of God, I may succeed in coming to you.
But there is one very notable thing about which we should take account - for despite the earnest desire of Paul's heart to visit the great city of Rome and give mutual encouragement to the saints who lived there, his prayer was that his journey would be in accordance with the will of God.
But this can only be done as we focus the eyes of our heart on Christ and so throughout Scripture, we are directed to take control of our thoughts and our imaginations.
We are told to take every thought captive to the Lord, to let the mind of Christ dwell in us richly, and not to allow the thoughts of our heart to control us.
He promised that He would garrison our heart, our mind, our emotions, and our innermost thoughts, as we focus our prayers and praises on Him with thanksgiving!
We are so designed, that taking every thought captive to Christ and fixing our mind on Him is a conscious choice, which we all have to make when problems and difficulties arise in our mind, or when life's circumstances weigh heavily upon our heart.
Many of these men were weather-hardened fishermen who had battled many a storm, but on this occasion they were terrified - they were all filled with fear and the Lord Jesus understood the anguish that had gripped their heart.
Christ's response to His fearful followers was instantaneous and designed to fill their hearts with hope, for He called out to them saying, Be of good cheer!
Having set the scene of our present privileged position and glorious future destiny in the first three chapters, Paul opens a section which calls Christians to stand fast in the evil day, to press on despite the difficulties we face, and to live by faith and not by sight: We do not lose heart, are his inspiring words: We don't give up or faint from fear, for although our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.
It is only by God's grace we have received mercy for help in time of need, so we should not lose heart, knowing that those who wait for the Lord will renew their strength and mount up with wings like eagles: They will run and not grow weary.
Jesus tested her heart by reminding her that food for the children (Israel), should not be thrown to the little puppy dogs (Gentiles).
The reply this Canaanite woman gave, revealed her trusting heart to Jesus, for she pointed out little puppies-dogs are allowed to partake of the crumbs that fall from the master's table.
So often, we think that we know what would be best for ourselves and humanity at large, and our own perceived ideas are often reflected in our prayers... and yet the desires of our heart and our urgent pleadings to the Lord, too often conflict with God's wider will for our lives and His greater desire and destiny for us.
This caused Solomon to reach the understanding that God has made everything beautiful in its own time, and that the Lord has placed eternity in the heart of every-man.
As believers, we are called to live in unity with one another, but all too often people can deliberately or unintentionally quench our joy, causing our mind to spin out of control and our spirits to become discouraged, and so we are called to let the Word of Christ dwell in us richly and to let Him guard our hearts.
He clearly lays out the path that we are to follow and we should read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the Word of God with an undivided heart so that in the power of the Holy Spirit, we may grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus.
His strength brings protection, help, mercy, and joy – and the Lord will strengthen the weary and give grace to those who are humble of heart.
And it is the same faithful God Whose compassion never fails and Whose mercies are new every morning, Who gently whispers 'peace be still' into our stormy hearts.
He blesses those who believe in Him with peace - peace with God through the forgiveness of sin and the peace of God that passes all human understanding - a peace that gives rests to our soul and stills our heart.
God, in His grace, not only removes the sin-barrier that estranges man from his Creator God, but He desires His people to rest in His love and to know His own precious peace deep within our hearts so that we may enjoy sweet fellowship with Him.The Lord has blessed us with every spiritual blessing, and all His promises to us are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Jesus Christ our Lord.
He laments that there is no respect or reverence toward the Lord in the eyes of fallen man, whose heart is filled with deceit and who boasts in his own wickedness.
What comfort, rest, and reassurance wash the hearts and minds of believers when reflecting on the overwhelming love of God and the depth and height and length and breadth to which His grace extends.
The knowledge that comes from the Lord quickens our heart, comforts our soul, informs our thoughts, and translates into joy and peace.
May we lift our hearts with the psalmist morning by morning and every moment of our transient lives, by raising our voices in joyful thanks and praise, for God's loyal love reaches to the sky, His faithfulness extends beyond the clouds, and His saving grace spans the eternal ages to come.
It is the love of the Father-heart of God that sent His only begotten Son into the world to be the sacrifice for the sin of humanity - so that whosoever believes on HIM would not perish, but have everlasting life.
It was the love that streamed from the Father-heart of God for a fallen race of sinners, that caused Him to give His only begotten Son of His love to be wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, and to die for our sin so that we might live and be clothed in His righteousness.
But the hypocritical attitude of the unbelieving heart is not receptive to the truth of God's Word and Christ knew then even if one rose from the dead, the unbelieving masses would still not believe.
As Christians, it should be our desire and single intent to love the Lord with all our being and seek, with our whole heart, to be in His perfect will.
James reminds us that a double-minded man is unstable in all things and David gives us a beautiful picture of a man after God’s own heart.
Such a man trusts his Lord with all his heart and understands that God’s grace is sufficient for all his needs.
He will lay aside all other considerations and press on to finish the task the Lord has given him to do – knowing that Christ is his sufficiency and Christ is his strength.If you have met the Lord on your Damascus Road, why not resolutely set your eyes on the final goal and make it your single intent to love the Lord with all your being and seek with all your heart to be in His perfect will – in Christ.
Let us read the Bible with the eye of faith, with an understanding heart, with godly discernment, and in its correct historical context, and let us apply it in our lives in spirit and in truth.
It is through the unity of the Trinity that we are presented with the many precious promises of our salvation, our sanctification, our glorification, and an eternal heritage that is kept for us in heaven. It is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, together as One Who illuminates our hearts and leads us in the way of righteousness and peace.
We should demonstrate genuine humility of heart and a gentleness of spirit.
When we are walking worthy of our calling and demonstrating genuine humility of heart that comes from the Spirit of God, we will apply the Word of God in our lives, we will put on the New Man, and use our spiritual gifts and graces wisely and in line with Scripture.
When we clothe ourselves with Christ by putting on the whole armour of God, we are protected against spiritual wickedness and the devil has no opportunity to deceive our heart, shipwreck our soul, and cause us to stumble in our Christian walk.
Blessed are the poor in spirit for it is only the heart that is broken before the Lord and truly humbled under a deep conviction of one's own unworthiness before a holy and righteous God, that a man or woman of faith can offer to the Lord the sacrifice of a broken heart - a living sacrifice, worthy of His acceptance.
But David knew that the blood of bulls and goats was not the thing that pleased the Lord, but a heart that is broken before Him - a heart that is contrite and truly repentant.
A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.
It is only the soul who, through the Spirit's convicting work, is bereft of its own self-importance and which is smitten in genuine repentance of sin, that can offer the sacrifice of a broken and contrite spirit, which is so acceptable and pleasing to the heart of God.
David knew the darkness of his own heart.
He knew he was a sinner who could not cleanse his own soul, which is why he prayed that God would create in him a clean heart, and renew a steadfast spirit within him.
Joy and gladness in the Lord can only be restored in the one with a broken spirit and contrite heart.
Such lowliness of spirit proceeds from a heart of faith, which is looking to Christ as Advocate.
It is only through Him that God's mercy, forgiveness, kindness and grace will wash away every scarlet-stain that clings to our sin-encrusted soul, when offered in brokenness of heart and true contriteness of spirit.
The sacrifice of God is the broken spirit and contrite heart of the believer who desires to die to self and live godly in Christ Jesus.
Unlike David, Church-age believers need never be concerned that the Holy Spirit will be taken from us, for He took up permanent residence in our heart the moment we trusted Christ for salvation and He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us, even when we sin.
When David recognised his own lustful sin, he offered his own sacrifice of a broken spirit and a contrite heart, and like David, we know that God will not despise such an acceptable sacrifice.
But like David, we too must approach the throne of grace in brokenness of heart and contrition of spirit, for such is well-pleasing and acceptable to our holy God.
No doubt their eyes were straining to capture this poignant picture as their hearts must have trembled in wonder - until a cloud finally hid Him from their vision.
How their hearts and minds must have started to pound in hopeful expectation, as they considered those words of Jesus.
God, in His grace, sent two angelic messengers to these men, with information designed to strengthen their hearts and allay any confusion that most likely flooded their minds at the pivotal point in history.
And how precious is this picture in our minds today, for we too have a time of hopeful expectation on which to train the eyes of our hearts.
The hope that was placed into the hearts of the disciples on that wondrous ascension morn, kept the expectation of their Lord’s return alive in His disciples' hearts for the rest of their difficult lives.
We do not know how many days will pass before the Church will be caught up in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, as Paul foretold. But we know that these things will happen, and that same hope that the disciples had is kept alive in our hearts.
Paul knew that in Christ he was given an inexplicable inner peace for God was in his heart: a peace that passes understanding as he fixed his heart and mind on Christ.
The direction of our life, the tenor of our conversation, and the disposition of our hearts should always be pleasing to the Lord, for we are God’s children.
Hearts that seek the Lord learn to be satisfied in every situation of life and the person who is content is one that is not beset by envy or greed.
Being comfortable with our life situation, kindling a heart that is content with our lot, and keeping ourselves from an attitude of covetousness, will enable us to live a positive Christian life and the writer to the Hebrews instructs us in this way: Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He, Himself, has said, 'I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.'
It is found along the path that leads to purity, and is hidden in the heart of the man or woman who rests in Christ and casts all their cares upon Him.
When the love of money rears its ugly head, it spawns a covetous heart and gives birth to a soul that is restless and discontented.
Let us ponder on these comforting words of the Lord when we are tempted to envy the life of another or allow seeds of discontent to be sown in our hearts.
Today we often find life to be difficult and encompassed about by many problems, but we should take note of this call to praise and worship and lift up our hearts by praising the Lord, for He is highly to be praise and His greatness is indeed, unsearchable.
When we are weary and discouraged, our priority should be to acknowledge the greatness of God Who carries the hurting heart and refreshes the weary soul.
But a broken and bruised heart that is given to God can become an instrument of value that He can use for His greater praise and glory.
We may face injustice in this world as the enemy of our soul seeks to discredit our testimony, discourage our hearts, and destroy our faith, but Jesus has promised never to leave us and to be with us whatever betides.
Men's hearts were turned away from the Lord and they became obsessed with a man-centred faith rather than a God-focussed trust.
Instead of walking with his Creator in the cool of the evening and enjoying fellowship with the Lord, Adam hid himself from the face of God because he was afraid and ashamed - and his God-focused heart was replaced with a self-centered soul which relied on his own fleshly abilities, instead of depending on the Lord's almighty provision.
So God made a covenant with Israel... that they would be His people and He would be their God, but the covenant was conditional upon their obedience and faith and from the very beginning they turned their hearts away from the Lord.
They turned their hearts away from the Lord preferring to trust in their own wisdom and strength, while they chased after the false gods of the surrounding nations and trusted in the hollow alliances of pagan kings - rather than depending on the Lord their God.
Cursed is the man whose heart turns away from the Lord, his God, was the pleading cry from this grieving prophet who knew that terrible disaster would fall upon the nation who turned away from the Lord their God.
OR, do we trust in the Lord our God with all our heart and place our hope in His unfailing love and promised provision?
Should we not seek, day by day, to willingly submit to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our life, and seek to live godly in Christ Jesus, as we grow in grace? Should we not humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and cry out for Him to search our hearts, test our thoughts, and identify any offensive behaviour in our lives?
It covers anything and everything that we need.What we want is not always what we need, and the Lord graciously steps into our prayers in order to translate any inappropriate desires that may be in our heart, and He intercedes on our account in order that our prayers are translated into divinely bestowed blessings which will be for our benefit and for the greater glory of God.
Although David made many foolish mistakes during his lifetime, his desire was toward the Lord and his heart was centred on God, for his hope was in Him alone.
But David clings to his integrity and is crying out for the Lord to judge his case and come to his defence: Vindicate me, O Lord, is David’s earnest cry from the depth of his heart, for I have walked in my integrity.
Test my mind and my heart, for I have walked in Your truth.
He is crying out for the Lord to appraise both his actions and attitudes – his heart, his mind, and his motives.
In the Bible, the heart is often linked with the emotions while the mind is associated with one’s inner motives.
In his heart and mind, David is convinced that he has walked righteously before the Lord and is claiming God's promise to come to his defence when opposed by evil.
Despite his faith in the Lord and in spite of being a man after God's own heart, David had to endure many difficulties and dangers, but he knew that God would not fail Him nor forsake him.
However, when one's passion is diverted into egotistical self-seeking, or follows in an ungodly direction, it can have a devastating effect, and so James warns, But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant - and in so doing, lie against the truth.
Such people seem to go out of their way to provoke others to anger, rather than displaying a living faith through godly wisdom, understanding, a Christlike kindness, and graciousness of heart.
Too often the attitude of heart that James is denouncing is prominent in a religious-minded man or a legalistic woman.
James is promoting the lovely qualities of godly wisdom, grace, goodness, and gentleness that are manifest in the life of one who is walking in spirit and truth, while decrying the bitter envy and self-seeking ambition of those whose lives deny the truth and whose hearts are dull towards the Lord.
Such godly qualities are exhibited in a life that is dying to one's own self-interest, while looking to Jesus, and placing the interest and will of Christ at the centre and circumference of their heart's desire, not the promotion of one's own self-seeking ambition, adherence to the wisdom of the world, or engaging in unscrupulous controversies.
May we rigorously guard ourselves against bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in our heart, and may we walk in the spirit and in truth, for our own spiritual development and for the greater glory of our God and Saviour.
But Simeon kept his heart comforted and his hope in God alive by looking, day by day, for the consolation of Israel and comforting his heart knowing that he would not die before he had seen the Saviour.
No doubt, when Simeon saw Mary with the baby Jesus, his heart was stirred by the Holy Spirit so that he would take the baby into his arms and sing his memorable song of praise and thanksgiving: Now Lord, You are releasing Your bond-servant to depart in peace, according to Your Word; for my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared in the presence of all peoples - a light of revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people, Israel.
Let us, like Simeon, take all that God has written in His Word to heart and believe with childlike expectation that our eyes will soon see our Saviour, as we wait for Christ's any day return in the clouds for His Church.
There are those that love the Lord Jesus with all their heart, but due to traditional influences, denominational leanings, legalistic instruction, exclusive practices, or the lies of the enemy, have been blinded to the gracious liberty they have in the glorious gospel of grace.
May we take this warning to heart and be diligent to establish our life and home, our family and marriage, our church and community, our country and nation on Christ - the only sure foundation.
They wanted a warrior-king who would destroy their Roman oppressors in preference to One Who could read the thoughts of their hearts, exposed their sin, and called them to repent of their apostasy and faithlessness.
We are to walk in unity of spirit and humility of heart... with gentleness and patience.
May we readily and willingly distance ourselves from the deep-seated ignorance and hardness of heart from which we have been so graciously delivered.
Indeed, such hardness of heart remains embedded in the fallen nature and will of the unsaved and is something we should never forget, lest we lose sight of the responsibilities that remain ours in Christ.
Our salvation has nothing to do with what we have done, but it has everything to do with what Christ had done on our account - therefore the desire of our hearts should be to do only those things that are pleasing in the sight of God and to live godly lives, in Christ Jesus.
There are those that delude themselves into thinking that God does not know the carnal desires of their hearts or the ungodly imaginations that are carried out in the shadows of their mind - but Paul makes it very clear that God is not mocked by our ungodly ways and secret sins.
Whether he was free or chained up in a Roman jail, he would bow his knee and surrender his heart to his heavenly Father and glorified Lord.
Whether we stand to pray or sit, kneel, or lift up a silent plea as we go about our daily business, a humble heart that overflows with reverence, praise, worship, and thanksgiving is the identifying mark of a man or woman whose prayers avail much.
But prayer as always needs to flow from a humble heart that overflows with reverence, praise, worship, and thanksgiving.
Throughout Scripture, we are reminded to trust in the Lord with all our heart and not to rely on our own knowledge, abilities, accumulated wealth, or understanding... and how frequently we are implored to cast all our cares and concerns upon Him, knowing that He cares for us, provides for us, defends us, and upholds us.
He knows that the wisdom of this world is foolishness and that the greedy accumulation of worldly wealth is vanity for it develops, in the proud hearts of men, an attitude of independence from God that is unwise, unpredictable, and will result in certain calamity.The writer of Proverbs prays for neither poverty nor riches but rather requests, from God, his daily bread.
And though exaggerated lack can sometimes provoke a trusting reliance upon the Lord, it can often evoke a murmuring, discontented heart of unbelief.
Not only did they question God's power to heal in their own hesitant hearts, but undermined the faith of this anguished man causing him to doubt Christ's ability to heal.
But Christ's compassionate heart quickly turned to the man and his mute son and Jesus gently picked-up on his faltering faith and hesitant entreaty: If You can?
Not only were the priests instructed to mourn and call for a sacred assembly, but the entire nation was commanded to fast and to cry out to the Lord their God, in sincere repentance of heart.
The continued grace and mercy of God can be seen in His divine appeal to the people of Judah to repent of their sins and return to the Lord - for we read: Even now, declares the LORD, return to Me with all your heart, and with fasting, weeping and mourning.
Both for the nation of Israel and for unsaved Gentiles alike, the precious truth of this passage is that it is never too late for sinners or backsliders to turn away from their sins, to return to the Lord with all their heart, and to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness and salvation.
It is a beautiful demonstration that the goodness, grace, and mercy of our long-suffering God, remains open to ALL who will simply trust in His Word, remember His goodness, genuinely return to Him with heart and soul - and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
It shows that fasting, with weeping and morning, is often associated with true repentance of heart.
And although in this Church dispensation, there is no written covenant, set rules, or legalistic regulations which are required of Church-age believers, it is important and wise to take note of things that outwardly demonstrate an inward change of heart.
It is the Holy Spirit of God that imparts life into the dead spirit of man - and it is that same Spirit of life that broods over the child of God and breathes hope into the heart and life of those that trust His name.
David acknowledged that the Lord is close to those that are humble of heart and who are ready and willing to seek the Lord in times of distress and danger.
He had witnessed God's faithfulness on many occasions and David trusted in the Lord's deliverance, when his own, frail heart was fainting... from fear of what was coming on the earth.
The Lord has promised, on many occasions, that the man or woman who seeks the Lord will find Him, if they search for Him with all their heart.
The good Shepherd of the sheep is the One Who searched us out first and convicted our heart of sin, of righteousness, and of judgement.
As the apostle Peter draws his final letter to a close, we should all take note of the increasing urgency of his message and remain watchful for the any day return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. May we all be diligent to guard our hearts and minds and be found at peace in Christ.
And we are warned: Take care, brethren, that there is not in any one of us an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God.
And we are warned not to have the same unbelieving heart that falls away from God.
Some use this passage as a 'proof text' to teach that salvation can be lost through an unbelieving heart, but this contradicts the clear, biblical teaching on soteriology, which dictates that salvation is by grace through faith.
This passage was of great significance to the writer's Hebrew brethren in those early days of the Church who needed to take care, lest any of them had an evil, unbelieving heart which would lead them to fall away from the living God.
It is also an important lesson for Christians today that we take care not to allow doubt and unbelief to fill our heart but to live a victorious life, through the power of the Spirit.
Having been born again of the Spirit, we are called to trust in the Lord with all our heart, and we also have a biblical responsibility to walk in His ways and humble ourselves before His face, as outlined in the epistle of James.
The Lord withstands self-important, arrogant men, but supplies His sufficient grace to those that are meek and lowly of heart.
John the Baptist demonstrated humility of heart when he cried out: He must increase and I must decrease, and in like manner, we should all be ready and willing to carry out this conditional directive from James: If we humble ourselves in the presence of the Lord, He will lift us up and exalt us.
In 2 Chronicles, we read that humbling oneself before God is linked with earnest prayer, seeking God's face, and turning from every wicked way, for humbling oneself before the Lord, enables the grace of God to flow freely into our hearts and breathes spiritual revival into our soul.
He lists a series of commands that will not only keep us in close fellowship with God, but encourages us towards humility of heart and gentleness of spirit.
We are exhorted to have clean hands and a pure heart, and we are to be people who hate evil and grieve over sin so that we can receive His gracious comfort and be a channel of God's solace to others.
True humility is a fruit of the Spirit that buds and blossoms in the heart of someone who is submitted to God, walking in spirit and truth, growing in grace, and maturing in the Christian faith.
The one who truly humbles himself in the sight of God is the one who makes himself lowly of heart before the Lord, by admitting the greatness of our God and acknowledging His magnificent majesty.
May the desire of our heart be to apply all the important biblical principles that James has so carefully laid out in this passage, and may we live in the way that Lord requires of all His children.
There are godly rules and important instructions in the college of Christian living, which educate believers in sound doctrine, purity of heart, and saintly behaviour.
As God's children, we are to do the good, renounce the evil, and pursue after sound doctrine, purity of heart, and saintly living.
God is not unjust, so as to forget your work and the love, which you have shown toward His name, was the heart-warming statement these Hebrews Christians read: The Lord will not forget all the good work you have already done in ministering to the saints... nor will He overlook the work that you are still engaged in.
What a great encouragement it is to all the people of God - to know that the Lord is aware of the thoughts of our hearts, the words that we speak, and the actions that we carry out in love - for His praise and glory.
How uplifting to know that even a cup of cold water, which is offered from a heart that is right with God, will not go unnoticed nor unrewarded.
Secondly, we have been given the indwelling Holy Spirit of promise in our heart, as a pledge and guarantee of God's everlasting faithfulness to His promises.
And for His sake, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, giving us the right to call Him: 'Abba Father' As His children we have received the authority to boldly approach His throne of grace in Christ's name, for we are accepted in the Beloved by faith.
But God not only sealed us, but gave us an actual pledge to validate His unbreakable Word: He sent the Holy Spirit of promise into our hearts as a stamp of His identification with us, to ratify (or to endorse) His seal of ownership on our lives.
God gave the Spirit of promise into our heart as a down payment or as an insurance policy to underscore the indestructible substance of His Word.
Eye has not seen and ear has not heard the wonders that God has prepared for His purchased possession who have not only been sealed by Him, but also have the indwelling Holy Spirit of promise in their heart as a pledge and guarantee.
The Christian Church has been waiting for the return of the Lord Jesus for two thousand years, and as we draw ever closer to that promised return, we are increasingly reminded that the day of His coming is very near, even at the very door, and we are warned to prepare our hearts, to put aside all sinful actions and worldly deeds, to clothe ourselves in the armour of light, and to put on the Lord Christ.
David was a man after God's own heart, and he thirsted after God and clung tightly to His Lord.
This is a powerful reminder that all who thirst after the Rock of our salvation, will be satisfied by the rivers of living water that flood the inner soul of those that seek Him with all their hearts.
Let us also rejoice that even on those days when our faith wears thin and we lose heart, HE always remains faithful, His right hand always supports us, and the satisfaction that comes from Him fulfils us completely.
Paul had been entrusted with many mysteries that were hidden from previous generations and felt constrained to tell others about the gospel that had been entrusted to him, which is why his heart cried out with a passion: Woe is me if I do not preach the gospel.
The mystery of the Church was in God's heart and mind from the beginning, but there was a special reason why the Lord kept the 'dispensation of the grace of God' a secret during his earthly ministry.
If only we could take this simple instruction to heart and carry it out to completion, we would be walking in the way of the Lord and living in spirit and truth.
God can never carry out His work through a heart that is anxious, disobedient, or fearful.
Instead, the thoughts of their hearts are only evil continuously and their lives become futile and worthless.
The pointless reasoning and silly speculations of these ungodly men and profane women, allow their foolish hearts to become corrupted by Satan and darkened by sin.
The true Light of life, the Lord Jesus Himself Who is able to illuminate the heart and transform the soul, has already come into the world, but men love darkness more that the light because their deeds are evil.
Paul knew that the gospel he taught was the Truth that has come directly from the Almighty, Whose never-ending love is supernaturally shed abroad in our hearts by the indwelling Holy Spirit of Christ, Who is gloriously imparted to ALL who believe.
It is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and is able to judge the ideas and thoughts of the heart.
Knowing the value of Scripture, the Psalmist has wisely hidden God's Word deep within in his heart, meditating upon it day and night - that he might not sin against the Lord.
And it is with additional, New Testament revelation, that the importance and value of the Word of God is reinforced in our own hearts - for the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us - and we are exhorted to let the Word of God dwell in us richly.
We are to sing God's Word with psalms, in hymns and spiritual songs, and by His grace we are encouraged to make melody in our hearts to the Lord.
When the nation revered and honoured the Lord, the land was peaceful and the crops were plentiful, but when rebellion against the Lord and unbelief filled their hearts, they had to suffer the consequences of their disobedience.
We too have been chosen by God due to the sanctifying work of the Spirit in our heart at our salvation, and we too we are called to obey Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord, and be sprinkled with His life-giving blood in the midst of an evil and perverse generation.
The Bible tells us that the most high God does not dwell in houses made by human hand, for heaven is His throne and the earth is His footstool, and yet the most wonderful news is that God makes His home in the heart of all who come to Christ for salvation: the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
But in this verse, we discover that each believer is also being reminded that our individual body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, for at the point of salvation, He took up permanent residence within our heart.
Paul's prayer is that we all may overflow and abound with that blessed hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. Such a prayer can only be accomplished through the supernatural work of the indwelling Holy Spirit within the heart and life of a spiritual man or woman.
This verse contains a quote from Psalm 95, which begins with exuberant rejoicing in the God of our salvation and yet concludes with a warning from Yahweh Himself to pay heed to His voice and not to develop a rebellious heart of unbelief, like the Israelites in the wilderness: Today, if you would hear His voice, do not harden your hearts, as at Meribah, as in the day of Massah in the wilderness, when your fathers tested Me, is the same dire warning from the Psalmist to which we need to respond in these increasingly difficult times: They tried Me, even though they had seen My work for forty years.
I loathed that generation, and said they are a people who err in their heart, for they do not know My ways. Therefore, I swore in My anger, truly they shall not enter into My rest.
The Israelites strayed far away from God in their hearts.
Because the desire of their hearts was not towards the Lord and His honour, they walked away from their covenant promise to Him and never came to an understanding of Who He was and What He was doing.
May we take to heart the serious warning in this verse, and not repeat the many failures of these rebellions, unbelieving, complaining, disobedient, Israelites.
We are to be holy because He is holy, and we are to always remember that God Who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Despite the sin of the first man, God determined in His heart to redeem the human race, by sending a Second Man and imputing His righteousness on all who would believe on His name for the forgiveness of their sin.
But Paul set out, point by point, the exact sequence of events in this passage, in order to comfort their hearts and allay their fears - reminding them of his earlier teaching, and warning them not to be worried or deceived by these false teachings... that the Day of the Lord had already begun.
And we discover that by faith in Christ's sacrifice on the Cross, the Holy Spirit of God does many wonderful things in our hearts.
We can choose to yield to the Spirit's purifying work in our lives and to willingly submit to His refining fire cleansing our hearts OR we can quench the glorious work that He seeks to carry out in each of our lives and live a defeated Christian life.
Let us not quench the purifying work of the Spirit in our lives, but rather let us surrender in humility of heart and permit Him to guide us into all truth, through the washing of the water with the Word of God, for all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.
When we submit our lives to the Spirit, day by day, we automatically do the good works that God has prepared for us to do, because it is God Who is working in us Himself, producing in our heart the desire to do the good works that He has prepared in advance for us to do, in the only way that is pleasing to Him (through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit), until it is not I that do the good works but the new life of Christ within.
Jesus condensed the entire Mosaic Law into one simple instruction: You shall LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart and your neighbour as yourself.
But before we start reading through the comprehensive, historic outline of the decline of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel, we see a series of God's miracles, carried out through Elisha the prophet, demonstrating the compassionate heart of the Lord for fallen man and His mighty power to heal.
The raising from the dead of the Shunammite woman's son, the healing of a poisonous stew where there was 'death in the pot', and the multiplication of a few loaves of bread which fed over a hundred hungry men, was followed by the heart-warming story of Naaman, the highly decorated, Syrian general, who was healed of leprosy.
ALL things are possible to the one who trusts in the Lord with all their heart.
There are two creations living side by side; those with their feet firmly fixed in the old creation in Adam (who are part of the kingdom of darkness), and those with their hearts resting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (who are part of the kingdom of light and have been born again into the new creation in Christ).
Paul teaches the Philippian Christians: IF they are anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication make their requests known to God with a thankful heart, THEN the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
But once we are saved by grace through faith, the inner perfect peace OF God which rules our hearts and minds is dependent on us maintaining a right relationship with God.
This is achieved through humble praise, reverent prayer, grateful thanks, and a submissive heart that has faith in God's Word and trusts that God will keep His Word, in all things.
The spiritual man or woman who is walking in spirit and truth will know a peace in their heart which passes understanding, even in the midst of great trials and difficulties, while the one who is out of fellowship and walking in fleshly carnality will have inner turmoil of spirit and disease of the soul.
It is a daily and often moment by moment choice to permit the peace of Christ to rule in our heart.
The peace of God can too often be hindered when a heart is devoid of thanksgiving and praise.
A grateful heart that is filled with heavenly thanks and praise to God, is a heart that is ready and prepared to have the peace of Christ stream into their inner being and flow out to others as a testimony of praise to our heavenly Father.
May we with one accord let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts day by day and moment by moment, for it is to this that the Body of Christ has been called, and let us in all things be thankful.
There is perhaps no more poignant picture of the sacrificial Lamb of God, than the beautiful portrayal of Abraham, the heart-sick father walking alone with his beloved son, Isaac, as they trudged together up the slopes of Mount Moriah.
God had been silent for many years and Abraham had been waiting to hear from the Lord, but the instruction he was to receive broke his heart despite the fact that he immediately obeyed the crushing instructions and prepared for the sacrifice.
It was not part of an unbreakable pledge or promise, but was to be birthed from a heart of thanksgiving.
The freewill offering was to come from a heart that rejoiced in the Lord and praised His name for His goodness and kindness, mercy and grace.
Having carried the wooden cross on His shoulders, Christ was thrust in the heart with a sharp sword and the sin of the world was paid in full.
Paul predicted that after his departure, savage wolves would come into the Church and would not spare the flock, and he wanted to ensure that the whole counsel of God was firmly secured in the hearts of ALL believers, if they were to stand firm in the evil day.
To do no wrong to one's neighbour covers every word we say, every action we undertake, every attitude we express, and every motive in the secret depths of our heart, that God alone can see.
BUT we can only love as Jesus loves when we are walking in spirit and truth and allowing HIM to lead and guide every word we say, every action we undertake, every attitude we express and every motive of our heart.
Disciples of Christ were to go the second mile, the third mile, and even the fourth mile, to demonstrate the supernatural love that can never be manufactured or brought about in the human heart.
To transparently bestow kindness and love on one's enemies or to show grace towards those who exploit or exasperate us, is not an action that can be whipped up in the blackened heart of fallen humanity.
However, the mourning in this verse is primarily connected with the inner spiritual grieving of a broken and contrite heart.
It is an acknowledgment that man's sin is the primary cause for the tragic condition of this fallen world, and sin is the disease that has infected every human heart.
It is those that grieve over the sorrowful state of their sinful heart who will enjoy the comforting grace and consoling mercy of the Lord.
It is those that weep for the wretched condition fallen man and of God's beautiful earth, which was cursed because of man's sin, who will receive the heavenly comfort offered by the Lord. It is the penitent sinner whose contrite heart laments over his own sins, and the sins of an entire world at enmity with God and under His eternal curse, who will be granted solace from the Lord, for He has promised to wipe away every tear from their eye and to comfort each one of them in their pain.
The ungodly pagan says in his heart: There is no God, and by rejecting the existence of God, he rejects Christ Who is the object of our faith and the only means to salvation.
A man may manage to deceive his fellow into thinking he is a good, moral and honourable individual, but God reads the heart of all men.
May we take to heart the serious nature of sin and sinners and endeavour to walk in spirit and truth.
It is the seat of our very being that touches the material elements of our humanity, while the joyful praise in our spirit is that deepest element within our being that touches God, as we walk in spirit and truth - and reaches out from Him to others, as we witness of the wonderful truth of the gospel of Christ, as our hearts also exalt in, God MY Saviour.
As he had journeyed to Damascus with hatred in his heart for Jesus the Nazarene and His followers, he had met the risen, ascended, and glorified Christ.
May the Word of Christ dwell in us richly, in all wisdom and teaching as we serve Him with a teachable spirit and in humility of heart.
Time is short and those who do not know the Lord would do well to seek Him with all their heart - while those who know the Lord should become increasingly active in sharing the gospel of salvation with all who are lost in their sins and without hope in the world.
At the beginning, we are warned against being a double-minded Christian, where we pray with doubt in our hearts, and right at the end of his letter we discover that the effective, fervent prayer of the righteous man, has its roots in trusting God and believing His Word.
It takes humility of heart and faith in God for a sick person to admit their own limitation and to cry out for help to those in church leadership.
Paul accurately describes the evil intent of humanity's hypocritical heart, and how we who are saved by grace through faith delight to wag our finger of accusation against the misdemeanours of the unsaved in order to publicise our superior standard!
When one accusing finger of critical judgement is levied at another, we have three accusing fingers of critical judgement exposing our own sinful heart.
The catalogue of corruption that Paul has so articulately presented in the precious chapter is simply a mirror that reflects our own bloodied heart and testifies to our equal and desperate need of God's grace upon grace upon much more grace.
Those who are lost in their sin and blinded to the glorious gospel of grace, should ignite in our hearts a deep compassion, and not a supercilious, critical judgement on their sins.
The intense heart-yearnings of the Psalmist for the Lord and his deep pleading enquiry to know the whereabouts of his God, resounds like the repetitive tolling of a bell through the intensely personal pleadings of Korah in his Psalm.
He had to work through his restless despair before he finally reached victory in his heart and a deep satisfaction within his soul.
May we in humility of heart and gentleness of spirit, thirst and keep on thirsting for God, for the more deeply we sense our need of the Lord Jesus, the more passionately we will pursue the Living Waters of life.
Loving provision had been extended to the woman who bore Him, and He carried the weight of the world on His heart as He became sin for mankind so that lost sinners could become the righteousness of God in Him.Every facet of the law had been fulfilled, every prophecy accomplished.
They had become carnal and needed their minds to be renewed and their hearts to be transformed into the likeness of Christ.
May we grow in grace and progress into spiritual maturity so that we may gain spiritual discernment and be renewed in our heart and transformed through the mind, into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The prayer of Solomon and the declaration he made as he prepared to take the reins of government from his father David, contain a prayerful acclamation that every child of God should seek after; an understanding heart, the wisdom to discern between good and evil, and the recognition that the God of Israel is the supreme Ruler of the universe and the only righteous Judge of heaven and earth.
He appeared to put his father's advice into practice, for when the Lord appeared to the young king and asked him what he would like the Lord to do for him, Solomon requested an understanding heart so that he could judge God's people wisely.
This is a verse that rejoices our hearts, for this Throne of Grace is the eternal seat of the sovereign Lord of heaven and earth, Whose mercy-seat has covered our sins forever.
It is good and right that we rejoice in the Lord with songs of praise and never fail to fashion new and resounding songs in our hearts and mouths that honour the God Who has redeemed us from the horrible pit, rescued us from the miry clay, set our feet upon a rock, and established our goings-out and our comings-in.
The last we hear of these born-again believers is that some continued to revert back to the influence of the old sinful nature instead of submitting to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit in their heart.
But following his justified correction and legitimate chastisement, we glimpse the heart of Paul the apostle and his unquenchable love for these carnal, Corinthian Christians: I will most gladly spend and be expended for your souls, was Paul's yearning outburst towards them.
This false gospel sought the gift in preference to the Giver, and caused these believers to elevate unscrupulous false teachers and glory in their false doctrines in preference to the pure milk of the Word of truth which Paul poured out from his own heart of love.
He also came in the role of righteous judge and the divider of men.Yes, He came to die on the Cross and to reveal the Father-heart of God so that all who believe on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.
Paul does not give us any clue as to what specific myths he was referring, but any fabricated fable, superstitions speculation, or imagination of the heart, is very detrimental to a Christian's spiritual growth, contradictory to biblical truth, and an obstacle to one's hope in the Lord.
Every culture and each generation has its own particular brand of magical folk-lore or frightening tales of the unexpected, which are satanically inspired, and give rise to anxious thoughts and fearful hearts.
May we take to heart this teaching on the dangers of all forms of apostasy, give heed all his instructions on godly living, look to Scripture as our plumb-line for truth, and translate it into our daily practice, for His name's sake.
How astonishing that our body has become a temple of the Spirit of God by faith, and that we have the resurrected Spirit of Christ dwelling in our heart, living in our body, empowering us to live godly in Christ Jesus, and enabling us to live as God designed us to live.
It is only at the point of salvation that the Spirit of Christ comes to live in our heart so that our human spirit is regenerated and made alive.
The question that was asked by that jailor at the prison in Philippi, is the foundational question that should be in the heart of everyone born into this world: What must I do to be saved?
May we take to heart James' exhortation to be patient in the difficult circumstances we face when life seems unfair, to love as Christ loved, and to be rich in faith.
But Jerusalem was on the main highway between Egypt and Assyria and a constant flow of traffic and information, regarding the state of affairs in Jerusalem, reached the ears of Nehemiah - and his book opens with a glimpse of this servant of God receiving some distressing news from his homeland, which caused Nehemiah's countenance to become sad and his heart to almost break when he heard it: The remnant there in the province who survived the captivity are in great distress and reproach, and the wall of Jerusalem is broken down and its gates are burned with fire.
However, down through the centuries and across cultures, we discover that man chooses to make gods for themselves, through the imagination of their own hearts.
Were we to read this verse and act on it the moment that a worry casts a dark shadow across the portal our heart, we would neither fret nor be troubled, nor would we be anxious about anything.
We should so conduct ourselves in purity of heart, that we grow in grace, mature in our spiritual walk, and live a life that is holy unto the Lord - so that day by day we are increasingly sanctified in His sight.
It should be our heart's desire to maintain purity in heart, mind, soul, and body, so that we honour the Lord Who bought us.
As believers, we have already made peace with God through trusting Christ for salvation... and in order to have the peace of God permanently dwelling in our heart, we are to live our lives as God desires, which is set out in His Word.
Let us, therefore, take to heart Peter's instructions on godly lives and holy living so that we may give honour to His name during our fleeting sojourn on earth... as we journey towards our eternal, heavenly home.
Paul therefore desires that we are constrained by a grateful heart and a deep love for our Father, to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to the Lord.
Only godly love that comes directly from the heart of our Saviour is truly sincere.
and a heart that overflows with the love of God Himself - a love which surpasses all human comprehension.
Every verse in the book of Proverbs holds gems of wisdom from the Lord, whether they are words of warning or precious pearls of instruction, exhortation to live a godly life, or simply encouragement to trust in the Lord with all our heart and to keep the eyes of our heart firmly fixed onto our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Jesus tells us that it is the words that come out of the mouth that defile a man, for our speech reflects the thoughts of our heart, while James reminds us that a tiny spark carelessly cast from the tongue, can ignite a great and destructive inferno.
As we bathe the thoughts of our heart in the Word of God and meditate on the truth of His wisdom, we will not only guard our mouth to keep us from evil but will pour out His words of healing and help to others – until it is not I that speak – but Christ that speaks through me.
No doubt she recalled his warning that a sword would one day pierce her own soul, to the end that the thoughts from many hearts may be revealed.While still not yet fully comprehending the deeper and eternal significance of Christ's redeeming work, His mother and John must have been standing among the mocking crowd and cruel soldiers together with a few faithful followers, who loved Him dearly.
And so it seems that Paul bravely chose to write this second, biblical epistle, before visiting the church once more, to ensure that any misunderstanding on their part, or any bad feeling they may still have towards the apostle, was addressed: It is out of much affliction and anguish of heart that I wrote to you with many tears; not so that you would be made sorrowful, but that you might know the love which I have especially for you.
Paul wanted to explain that the correction or chastisement of a brother-in-Christ should not come from a bitter or mean-spirited heart, but out of love for that person.
Reproof of a fellow believer should be delivered out of deep concern for their spiritual well-being and needs to flow from a heart of deep concerns and godly love, not from a critical or condemnatory spirit.
In this verse, Paul gives a beautiful insight into his fatherly heart of love.
May we give or receive correction out of much heart-anguish for the other, and a deep desire to walk in humility of spirit and in the way of truth.
These believers needed a radical change of heart and a fundamental renewing of their minds.
In the light of this truth, the message of the Cross should be, to you and me, the most important, exciting, and precious truth which should both thrill our soul, encourage our heart, and motivate us to share the staggering message: that Christ died for our sin according to the Scriptures, that He was buried and rose again......... so that whosoever believes in HIM would not perish, but have everlasting life.
To walk in the Spirit is to walk by faith and to immerse ourselves in the Word of God, to encourage one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, as we sing with grace and thanksgiving in our hearts to the Lord.
If we are to mature in the faith and press on to the goal of our calling, we ought to live our lives as unto the Lord and not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not grow weary.
The carnal believer chooses not to die to self and does not take up his cross daily and will therefore sow his life as unto his own flesh, resulting in him losing heart and suffering loss.
So let us keep on keeping on, and let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.
I wonder whether it was Christ's gracious prayer of forgiveness that prompted his requests when, with a repentant heart he cried, This man has done nothing wrong, and then turning towards the Lord and pleaded, Jesus, remember me when you come into Your kingdom.I doubt that the thieving criminal expected to hear Christ's merciful reply, Today you will be with Me in paradise, nor would he have anticipated the wonderful joy into which he would shortly enter.
Let the creditor seize all that he has, and let strangers plunder the product of his labour. Let there be none to extend lovingkindness to him, nor let any to be gracious to his fatherless children. Let his posterity be cut off in a following generation and let their name be blotted out, are some of the profound pleadings for justice, from the heart of this maltreated man.
Not only was he in physical danger, but the onslaught of scornful mockery was more than he could bear, and so having poured out his heart to the Lord and pleaded for vengeance, David confessed his own inability to confront these evil men and cried out to God: Help me, O LORD my God; Save me according to Your lovingkindness.
And like Paul, the prophet Hosea also recognised the deeper truth that is packed within these simple words - that the fruit of righteousness produced in man is only from God, and that it is due to His loving-kindness and tender-mercy, that the trusting heart is able to partake of any righteousness.
He needs to revisit God's Word of truth and to root-out weeds of bitterness, legalism, unforgiveness, unbelief, disinterest, or distrust, so that the seeds of righteousness sown in our hearts can take root, as we grow in grace, to the glory of our merciful God.
And Hosea was calling the errant nation of Israel to repent of their sins, return to their first love, and seek the Lord with all their heart, if they were to avert the rapidly approaching judgement that had been prophesied by so many holy men of God.
The people of God were to rend their hearts in sincerity and truth and not to simply tear their clothes in an outward show of mock remorse and other hypocritical actions.
If the coming judgement of God was to be averted, the people of God had to rend their hearts and not their garments.
They were to have a change of heart and not simply give an outward show of remorse.
They were to break up the uncultivated ground in their hardened and rebellious hearts. Break up your fallow ground, they were told.
The time had come for them to seek the Lord, with their whole heart.
May we take to heart this serious warning of Hosea and sow to ourselves in righteousness.
Let us root out any bitterness, unforgiveness, legalism, and unbelief that is lurking on our hearts.
May we be led by the Spirit, so that we will not carry out the desires of the flesh or become hardened of heart.
Finally, in the midst of their trouble, they cried out in desperation to the Lord for help - and although their pitiful cries did not appear to come from repentant hearts - this time, the Lord in His mercy sent an unnamed prophet to remind the sons of Israel that HE and He ALONE was their one and only Saviour.
Both Moses and Joshua warned God's people that they were to love the Lord with all their heart and to meditate on His Word day and night.
It is not necessarily the specific words that Christ was teaching His disciples to pray, but an approach towards praying that is important - where an attitude of dependent faith is adopted - a trusting faith which flows from a humble heart of grateful thanks and worshipful praise.
Christ's heart must have ached for these disciples that He loved so dearly as He looked at their confused faces during the unique Passover supper.
Nevertheless, as the Lord Jesus looked at the men that had walked with him for over three years, His divine heart of love reached out to each one of them and yearned for them with a depth of love that stretched into eternity and a breadth of love that reaches beyond infinity.
Satan became prince of the power of the air when man fell, but God purposed in His heart to return the reins of power to humanity, through His only begotten Son, the Man, Christ Jesus.
In the midst of the most shocking miscarriage of justice, when hatred against God and His Christ reach the pinnacle of humanities evil, we have a glimpse into the Father-heart of God and the infinite passion and love of the Son with these eternal words: Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.Despised, rejected, and dying on the Cross with outstretched arms of love to redeem mankind from their sins, the first thought on the mind of our Saviour was not hatred, revenge, or self-pity, but eternal forgiveness.
Never were words more pregnant with meaning or more powerfully poignant than this utterance from Israel's chief Priest.Oh yes, Christ's heart of forgiveness not only embraced all who were present and participated in this historic miscarriage of justice, but His gracious forgiveness stretched right back to the first fallen couple who disobeyed God by eating of the tree of knowledge, and reached forward into the far-distant future, for His gracious forgiveness includes you and it includes me.
This did not catch God out by surprise. Forgiveness was on the heart of the Father Who planned for the sacrificial death of the Lord Jesus from before time began, before space was created, before the worlds were made.
The love that flooded from the heart of the Father, and the blood that streamed from the body of the Saviour was a demonstration of divine forgiveness and love divine so that all who believe on His name are forgiven - forever.
They were to remember His faithfulness and to circumcise their hearts, for He had shown great mercy and faithfulness to His people despite their waywardness.
He called for a sacred assembly, where the whole nation would humbly cry out to the Lord for grace and mercy so that their outward submissive actions would reflect an inward repentant heart.
For in that day, God will truly pour out His Spirit on all flesh and they will exercise many prophetic gifts, and God will replace their hardened hearts of stone with softened hearts of flesh.
Throughout the centuries, this call to peace with God had been proclaimed by prophets of God to the nation of Israel, but their heart was waxed gross, their ears were dull of hearing, and their eyes were blinded to the truth of the glorious gospel of peace: peace with God through the shed blood of their prophesied Messiah.
Having established his official relationship as God's chosen apostle to these beloved Roman believers, Paul then grants us a peep into the window of his heart, as he gives grateful thanks to God for these precious followers of Christ.
What amazing love has been bestowed on us that we should be called the children of God, and what an amazing hope we have in Christ: Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has the human heart imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.He is, indeed, the hope of our calling and He is our blessed hope, for there is laid up for all His children a heavenly heritage.
We are not to guess how we should live, but are taught in this passage (and elsewhere) that we should act towards one another in humility of heart and with a gentle and patient spirit. We are to demonstrate tolerance and lowliness of mind to one another, and to do it in godly love.
We are to bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, and endure all things for Christ's sake, and by God’s grace we are to bind our hearts together in love with our brothers and sisters in Christ, for the honour and glory of our Lord, for He is the only Sovereign God.
However, on receiving this heart-wrenching message from Bethany, Jesus did not immediately cancel His plans and rush to their side to offer help and encouragement.
Isaiah was one of many prophets who called for Israel to renounce their apostate ways and return to following the Lord in the beauty of holiness, but they refused to see with their eyes, hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts.
But although the nation had to be punished, God's call to come, buy, and drink milk and wine freely, is to the individual whose heart is right towards the Lord and whose faith is reckoned as righteousness.
They would be enabled to feed in their heart, by faith, on the milk of God's Word.
While John saw this heavenly choir in his vision, you and I will be joining in that wonderful chorus of praise, which will overflow in our hearts forever and will re-echo throughout the eternity of eternities.
Unless head knowledge of His life and teaching is transferred into a heart belief in His sacrifice for sin, and His death defeating Resurrection - that knowledge is ineffective for salvation, the forgiveness of sin, and life eternal.
They did not realise that the Law had been given to point them to Christ, and Stephen rightly accused them of being stiff-necked people who were uncircumcised in heart and who resisted the Holy Spirit; for they had killed the Lord of glory and refused to be convicted of sin, righteousness, and judgement.
We were made a new man, with a new Christ-like nature and a new Christ-like heart, and day by day we are being conformed into His image and likeness. In the light of this wonderful truth, we should seek to live godly lives, as unto the Lord, and allow the new-life in Christ to grow and mature in our inner being.
We should keep the old sinful life nailed to the Cross and never allow the old life in Adam to regain control of our heart or rule our minds.
He pointed out that if the doctrinal theology they had been taught was true - that we are positioned in Christ, identified with HIm, part of a new creation in Christ, raised up with Christ Jesus, and seated with Him in heavenly places, then we need to keep on seeking after heavenly things and not yearn after earthly things - to set our hearts on things above, where Christ is - i.e.
May we keep on seeking after this from this day forward. May we seek Him with all our heart and soul and mind and strength and recognise the incredible privileges that we have in Christ - the God of our salvation.
He wants to stir up our hearts by reminding us that Scripture is the product of holy men of God who were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write history in advance, for our warning.
They desire to flaunt their rebellious hearts in the face of God and prolong this illusion for lost souls, who are dead in their sin.
Sadly, such men and women harden their hearts to the truth of God's Word and render themselves condemned already.
They did not know this evil enemy had wagered that Job would not maintain his integrity and stand fast in the faith if sorely afflicted, but the Lord knew the heart of his servant: For there was no one like Job in all the earth.
Like Job, we live in a fallen world where we have trials and tribulation which may be a messenger of Satan which will require us to stand fast in the faith and trust in the Lord with all our heart OR it may be the consequences of sin which the Lord will use to teach and train us if we have a teachable spirit that is honouring to the Lord.
What a sad indictment of the people of Israel, and how grieved the heart of God must have been when the Lord made this plaintive complaint through His servant, Hosea, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
As with all Scripture, every verse should be taken in context and the factors relating to this verse are connected with holy living, godly behaviour, gracious speech, and a grateful and forgiving heart.
We are cautioned against indulging in the lust of the flesh and the pride of life, which too frequently manifests in all types of impurity or greed, filthiness of heart and mind, silly talk, coarse jesting, bitterness, clamour, wrath, and anger which is not fitting for the saint of God.
He knows us intimately and is able to search out the hidden thoughts of our mind and secret intentions of our heart.
He knows every move we make and examines every thought we think, for though man may look on the outward appearance, the Lord looks on the heart.
Even before the hidden thoughts of the mind or secret intentions of the heart are translated into communicative language, the Lord knows and understands it all.
How this should rejoice the heart of the child of God, for there is nothing that can be hidden from the Lord.
He cares about every fear, every pain, every difficulty, every heart-ache, and every joy, and He is there as our ever-present help in time of trouble.
How important therefore to take every fear, every pain, every difficulty, every heart-ache, and every thought that forms in the secret recesses of our hearts captive, and give it to Him.
As Christians, we are dead to sin and alive to Christ, and Paul encourages all believers to take this important truth to heart and reckon it to be so: Reckon yourselves to be dead to sin and reckon yourselves to be alive to God in Christ Jesus.This instruction from Paul is based on the faithful, unchanging, and unalterable Word of God.
They ask Him to fashion and form them into a people after God's own heart.
His servants will shout joyfully but the wicked will cry out with a heavy heart and a broken spirit.
He knows the heart of man and He knows those who are His.
He can read the thoughts of the hearts of all His created beings and His plan to redeem those that trust in Him was formulated before the foundation of the world.
The prayers of Old Testament saints, Tribulation saints, and Church Age saints, are heard and answered by God, for He knows the pleadings of our heart before we translate them in prayer.
It was not the loudness of his cry that caused Jesus to call for him, for He can hear the faintest sigh from any trusting heart that cries out to Him.
There is not a single little child that Jesus will fail to bless and there is not a single, blind beggarman that fails to touch His heart of compassion.
The indifference and carelessness of the crowd stands in stark contrast to Christ's compassionate heart and willing ear.
We may not have been healed from physical blindness, but the miracle that Christ has done in our lives is no less astonishing, for the eyes of our hearts have been opened to the gospel of grace.
Make His path straight. The humble in heart would be saved and satisfied, while the proud and arrogant would be brought low.
John's baptism in water was meant to be an outward sign of an inner change of heart, and he insisted that true repentance would be demonstrated by a changed life.
John knew that their hearts were not sincere.
Johns words were certainly challenging and his expectation was that totally transformed lives would be manifested through the fruit of a broken heart and a changed life.
He was able to recognise a heart of true repentance from those who were feigning contrition of heart.
There were many souls who heard the message of John the Baptist, repented of their sins, and returned to the Lord their God, but there were those who heard his message with a cold and rebellious heart whom John identified as a brood of vipers.
As disciples of the Lord, we should not simply follow afar off but develop a heart-desire to know Him as our everlasting Life of lives and eternal Light of all lights.
For as our heart is transparent before Him, so our inner, God-given conscience will not condemn us.
This knowledge will comfort us and assure our heart before Him, for our inner being and God-given conscience will not condemn those that are living in spirit and walking in truth.
He sees sexual sins that are carried out behind closed doors, and He sees lust in the secret place of a man's inner heart, and Paul makes it very clear that those who transgress and defraud their brother in this matter will reap a bitter reward for his sin: Because the Lord is the Avenger in all these things.
Can there ever be a heart that truly, honestly, and carefully reflects upon Lord Jesus Christ, that does not cover their face with a mantle and recognise they are treading on holy ground?
It is born-again, Christian brethren, who believe in their hearts that Christ died for their sin and confess Him as Lord and Saviour, who are to consider this Man.
The work of the Spirit is to convict the unconverted of sin of righteousness and judgement, and when that man or woman believes in their heart that they are a sinner and that Christ died for their sins and rose again the third day, the Holy Spirit, Who reads the very motives of the heart, places them into the Body of Christ as they transfer from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His dear Son.
But Scripture always encourages such parents to hope in the Lord, to pray for their repentance, and to look for the day when the prodigal returns to the fold with a penitent heart and a cry for forgiveness, for it is not God's will that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
God is light and in Him is no darkness at all – but no true fellowship with the Father is possible when we allow the shadowy darkness of sin to cross the threshold of our heart.Union with the Lord Jesus can never be broken but fellowship with the Father can be broken when we allow sin to snatch control of our lives or when we choose to live in carnality – which reflects the values of the world and not the truth of God.
Close communion with God is severed and sweet fellowship with our Father is fractured when sin infects our heart – and we are not walking in spirit and in truth.
We have an eternal, unbreakable union with the Lord Jesus, for we have been eternally accepted in the Beloved by grace through faith – but sweet fellowship with Him can be broken and our life can dishonour His name – for if we choose to walk in darkness, we are lying and not practicing the truth.Holy living is not simply a spotless exterior but an inner mind that is clean, and a heart that is broken before the Lord; a spirit that rejoices in the truth; a soul that delights itself in the Lord.
What a contrast in the heart and motive of these two groups of Christian ministers: The former proclaimed Christ out of selfish ambition rather than from pure motives.
Right in the middle of his prayer, the Lord told his servant that following the destruction of Jerusalem and dispersion of His people, due to their sin, there was HOPE because He purposed in His heart to gather his scattered nation and bless them mightily.
As the chapter progresses, we continue to see a contrast between the way of the wise who desire wisdom and have a teachable spirit and the fool who not only says in his heart there is no God but also identifies his reckless stupidity with foul language, a partiality for wickedness, ill-thought out opinions, and contentious arguments.
We can turn our ear to seeking knowledge and can develop humility of heart pursuing the path of prudence and seeking after that which is more valuable than gold and will last throughout life and into eternity.
The words being spoken by David in this beautiful prayer, are words that should be in our heart and on our lips - morning, noon, and night.
But he trusted God in his heart and believed His Words were steadfast and sure - and so God chose David to be one man through whom His own name and nature would be manifested to a lost world in need of salvation.
He was the Prince of Peace Who would sit on the kingly throne of David - not because of David's greatness, but for the sake of God's holy name and according to God's gracious heart.
The words David spoke in this beautiful prayer, should be in our own hearts and on our lips as well.
Many think that it was fear, embarrassment, or a desire to hide his questioning heart.
This simple introduction to Nicodemus, identifies him as a man with a seeking heart; a heart that wanted to know the truth, and Christ is always ready and willing to meet the needs of those that search for the good news of Christ and the path to God.
Jesus Himself would later disclose: I am the Way and the Truth and the Life - no man comes to the Father but by ME. And there is no one that has a heart that longs to know the truth that will not discover Jesus, and be shown the way to eternal life.
Nicodemus was a teacher of the Law and knew the sacred Scriptures by heart.
Nicodemus came to speak to Jesus on an equal basis as one learned Rabbi to another, but he was to be dumbfounded by the Lord, for He looked into the inner recesses of this man's heart and began to answer the hidden question that disturbed his inner being: What must I do to be saved?
The sincerity of Daniel's pleading prayers and the contrition that was in his heart are reflected in his words as for 21 days he cried out, O Lord, hear!
However, the truth that the Lord Jesus was God incarnate, had yet to penetrate the heart of Philip and the other disciples.
Philip, in all honesty, was only voicing a desire that is probably lurking in the heart of the majority of humanity.
The unutterable love of God had been poured forth as refreshing streams of living waters to all who came to see Him, and that same unutterable love continues to be poured forth into our hearts today.
Have faith in the truth of God's Word and the shrouds of doubt will be lifted from your veiled heart.
How precious are the trusting hearts of little children, and how much we can learn from their innocent example, of the need to develop a total trust in God, and show pure delight in the Lord Jesus Christ, for this blesses the heart of God and honours His holy name.
Jesus also spoke about the tragedy of divorce, which started among the Jews during the times of Moses, because of the hardness of men's hearts.
Rather, He stretched out His hands of love and blessing to them, knowing their innocent little hearts reflected back the deep love He had for them... a godly love that the Lord Jesus has reserved for all His own.
The disciples would have roughly pushed these little ones aside for more worthy personages, but Jesus welcomed them all with open arms and great rejoicing, knowing their trusting hearts were ever open towards Him.
But it is those with poverty of spirit, humility of heart, and a childlike faith in Him, that can approach His throne of grace, with a simplicity that is so precious to our Lord.
The promised kingdom is one that cannot be shaken, and the awesome revelation of the coming King of kings should fill our hearts with reverential wonder and godly fear - for we read: Our God is a consuming fire.
Many verses in the book of Proverbs warn of the destructive nature of pride, The mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride, we are warned, and the one who has pride in his heart is disgusting to the Lord. We have all been cautioned that, pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall, and here in this verse, we are counselled that, through insolence comes nothing but strife, and pride gives birth to contention.
As fallen men, we are disposed towards prideful self-importance... and too often, arrogance and insolence are crouching at the door of our heart.
The Bible teaches that, the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise both wisdom and instruction, and those who hearken to wisdom shall dwell securely and in confident trust, and elsewhere we read that those who bind wisdom around their hearts, shall be peaceful... and without fear or dread of evil.
The Bible is the Word of God which gives insight into God's heart and also instructs us on how to live godly lives in Christ Jesus.
Let us take to heart all that the Lord is teaching us, as we read, mark, learn, inwardly digest, and apply God's Word in our lives - for in so doing we will not only be gaining wisdom from above... but honouring the Lord Who bought us, with His own blood.
Whatever his motive for seeking out the Lord Jesus, Nicodemus represents a man with a teachable spirit who was willing to approach the Lord Jesus, seeking honest answers to his questioning heart, despite the animosity that was growing between the Pharisees and Christ Himself.
Indeed, James is very straightforward in his reproof, for like John he knows that sin causes an unbridgeable barrier between a Christian and the Lord - a spiritual separation that calls for humble confession and a purified heart... and so he thunders, Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double-minded.
Make your hearts pure, you who are half-hearted towards God and wavering in your faith.
If we long to re-establish tender fellowship and sweet communion with Him, we are the ones who are instructed to draw near to God and He will draw close to us, for He is never far from any one of us.Hearts need to be purified and uncompromising.
There should be a deep cleansing of the inner heart, a separation from the world, and a positive choice to single-mindedly keep Jesus Christ as our singular focus.
But this can only happen when our hearts are purified before Him, our lives consecrated to Him, and we have separated ourselves from the world - with our conscience washed, our sins confessed, and our mind looking to Jesus, the Author, and Finisher of our faith.
We read: There are six things which the LORD hates - yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, a false witness who utters lies and one who spreads strife among brothers.
As we reflect on the many unguarded things that we have said with our lips, the ungodly thoughts we have manufactured in our hearts, the imaginations we have constructed in our minds, or the part-truths we have planned against our fellow man to protect our own 'integrity' - we begin to realise the magnitude of the twisted nature of our own tongue.
Although it is a small organ of our body, the tongue has the potential to do much damage to our fellow man and it reveals what is secreted within our hearts - and we are reminded in Scripture that we have to give an account of every idle word we have spoken.
God, who reads the hearts of men, knows that the words that proceed from our mouth are originally conceived within our heart.
Let us therefore take to heart these words of instruction: Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self, with its evil practices.
It is not a little shower of spiritual strength or a tiny flutter of blessing for which Paul is seeking the Lord on our behalf, but a super-abundant outpouring of multiplied blessings which cascades from God's own divine riches and His infinite kindness into our inner soul and hungry heart.
This verse in Ephesians is only the first part of an amazing and powerful prayer, for Paul's prayer continues: So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.
It had only happened about fifty days earlier, but those three days from Passover to the Feast of Firstfruits, would be forever etched in the hearts and minds of all of Christ's followers.
Adam's sin in the garden placed all men under the curse of death, and God gave the Law to a tiny segment of humanity to demonstrate to a fallen world the sinful nature within the heart of every man.
The religious leaders were more concerned with ceremonial washing of hands than the inner cleansing of their heart from sin.
These critical hypocritical leaders paid great attention to exterior devilment whilst ignoring the all-important need for inner cleanliness and a heart that has been washed white and clean by the blood of the Lamb.
Jesus knew this when He spoke these words: For the mouth speaks from that which fills the heart.
The words that stream forth from our lips are a stunningly accurate gauge of a person’s heart and life.
Not only are we to explore the inner motive of our heart with regard to our personal words and actions, but we are to consider our conduct towards others and appraise our attitude towards our neighbour.
They turned their prayers into a prideful exhibition of self-proclaimed righteousness, instead of humbly seeking the Lord with all their heart.
Jesus wanted His followers to understand that prayer is a cry to the Father-heart of God from His dependent children, and told us, When you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father Who is in secret, and your Father Who sees what is done in secret will reward you.
We are to knock and keep on knocking even when the prowling enemy of our soul tries to cause our hearts to faint.
Let us SEEK and keep searching, for He has promised all who seek Him, will find Him when we shall search for Him with all our heart.
No doubt, the Holy Spirit had been convicting the heart of this rough fisherman of sin, righteousness, and judgement, but Peter exercised His freewill to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved, for when he delivered his earth-shattering reply, Jesus said to him, Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father Who is in heaven.
Peter was blessed by God and given a new name, because unlike the multitudes who followed Jesus for their own personal reasons, his heart had been opened by the promptings of the Spirit Who gave him wisdom, an understanding heart, and a willingness to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as his God and Saviour.
Grief, panic, and utter despair, penetrated John's heart when he realised the shocking truth; that no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll.
He could not solve this insurmountable difficulty and so he set his heart towards the only One Who could do so.
Throughout the Scriptures, we discover that faith in the Word of God and trusting Him to fulfil His promises, is dear to the heart of the Lord.
David was an example of a man after God's own heart who served the Lord with his whole being.
He possessed a willing mind... knowing that the Lord knows all things, searches the hearts of ALL people, and understands the intents of every mind.
He knew that when a man or nation turns away from the Lord, they will fail in their endeavour, but when a man or nation places God in His rightful position - their plans and purposes succeed, for they align their own heart with God's own perfect plan and purpose.
Nehemiah prayed according to the heart of God - so that the will of God would be fulfilled, through him.
There is no heart so bitter and twisted that He cannot reach.
May we learn to pray according to the heart of God - so that the will of God will be fulfilled, through us.
Paul's desire was that Christ would dwell in their hearts through faith, and that each one might be rooted and grounded in love: So that they may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width, and length, and depth, and height of God's amazing love, and to know the super-abounding love of Christ which passes all understanding.
John rejoiced because the truth of the glorious gospel of grace abode, remained, and rested in the heart of this precious sister in Christ and her family (as it does in all who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ), and John gave additional assurance that this gospel truth would remain with them all forever.
And He went further, saying that if anyone eats of this bread, if anyone feeds on HIM in their heart by faith as their spiritual food, he will live eternally.
It is astonishing to realise that despite witnessing the many miraculous signs during His post-Resurrection appearances, that some of Christ's eleven chosen apostles still doubted the truth in their heart.
No doubt, she too wanted to see her Son scatter the proud in the imagination of their heart.
When His hour finally would arrive, the heart of His mother would indeed be pierced with a sword as prophesied by the aged Simeon, but in the meantime, Jesus would do only those things that he heard from His Heavenly Father.
And so, we are encouraged to draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.
It is not under the restrictive conditions of the Old Covenant that we are assured of this perfect cleansing of our hearts and souls.
He came to fulfil the righteous requirement of God's Law so that we would not remain under condemnation but be raised up into newness of eternal life.It is with a heart of humility, a spirit of purity, an unblemished conscience, and in full assurance of our hope in Christ, that we have confidence in this glorious invitation to draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.We have been purchased with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God Who was slain from the foundation of the world.
The washing of the water of the Word of God in a heart that has trusted Christ for salvation, is the one that can draw close to our Father's heart.
The man or woman that has been cleansed from sin, by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus, is encouraged to draw ever closer to the Lord with fervent faith because they are a new creation in Christ whose heart has been made free from the sense of sin and whose body is washed with clean water.
No external washing could purify the conscience of a fallen man or cleanse the blackened thoughts of a heart that is smeared with sin.
Only a heart that has been cleansed by grace through faith in the saving blood of Christ, is enabled to produce the fruit of righteousness - for the good man produces good things from the treasury of a clean heart, while an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of a soiled heart.
It is not the simple practice of water baptism to which this verse is referring when it speaks of having our hearts sprinkled clean and our bodies washed with pure water.
The washing of the body through water baptism is a simple sign and lovely testimony of the inward cleansing of the heart that took place when a man or woman was redeemed by faith in Christ.
God’s Word is true and His promises are sure, so let us go into the presence of God with a sincere heart that is fully trusting Him.
Paul was confident that his reassurances would calm their hearts, still their concerns, and bring peace to their souls, and so he encouraged them to pray for him and for the rest of his ministry team constructively, before reassuring them, We have confidence in the Lord concerning you, that you are doing, and will continue to do what we command.
Every one of us has the same Word of God that teaches us, corrects us, trains us in righteousness, and guards our heart from being influenced by erroneous teachings or from becoming ensnared by false doctrine.
The secret thoughts of everyman, like those of the psalmist, are personal and private to the individual, and no man can truly know the inner contemplations of another's minds, the meditations of another's heart, or the deepest yearnings of another's inner being.
But when our thoughts fly to the stability and grace of our Father in heaven; when we meditate upon His faithfulness, contemplate His wonderful grace, and reflect upon His Word of truth, we discover that our heart is resting on the sure foundation of peace and hope.We can keep our thoughts secret from other men, for no one can truly know the inner reflections of our mind, but the Lord looks on the heart and the Lord knows the thoughts that pass through our minds, both good and evil.
The Lord understands the deep meditations of our inner being, and He knows when our hearts are looking to Him.
And when we are turned towards the Lord, we discover that we are resting on a sure foundation.When the thoughts of our mind and the ponderings of our heart have the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ as the focal point, they will indeed be pleasing to the Lord, for we are instructed to keep the eyes of our hearts on Jesus Who is the Author and Finisher of our faith.
When we sing to the Lord of the wonders of His amazing grace with every breath of our being and glory in the joy of our salvation, then our thoughts will be pleasing to the Lord and our hearts will also rejoice in the God our Saviour.
No wonder that He finally said to them, O foolish men and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken!
And yet, Christ had to continue to point out to these two grieving men, passage after passage in the holy Scriptures to enable them to come to an understanding that the terrible tragedy that had broken their hearts and distressed their minds, had become the greatest triumph that had rescued their souls from eternal separation from their Creator, and returned them into fellowship with their Heavenly Father.
May we be prepared to let the Lord Jesus turn our biggest stumbling blocks into beautiful springboards and our great difficulties into unspeakable delights, when we trust in the Lord with ALL our heart and do not lean upon our own understanding or imaginations.
Some, like Barnabas, did this with loving and charitable motives, while others were tempted to do it out of duty, or to make themselves appear to be generous and philanthropic in front of their fellow believers, whilst retaining a hidden heart of selfishness.
Peter, being prompted by the Holy Spirit, challenged Ananias with the question, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back some of the price of the land?
The outward action of Ananias and Sapphira, may have appeared to other church members to have been benevolent and generous, but God is omniscient and reads the intents of the heart and inner motives of the mind.
The secrets of the heart are wide open to the Lord.
Peter was led by the Spirit to expose their inner deceitfulness, and identified Satan as the one who filled their hearts and prompted them to lie to the Holy Spirit... by keeping back some of the price of the land while pretending to give it all.
As believers, our hearts and motives should be pure before God... for although we may be able to deceive others with deceptive words and deceitful actions... we can never deceive the indwelling Holy Spirit!
And unless we return to the simple reading of the Word of truth with open eyes and a heart that is unprejudiced by unbiblical opinions and unscriptural interpretations, where the plain message of saving grace is clearly outlined for all to read, we are likely to be drawn into this never-ending doctrinal argument.
We may have no tangible proof of our home in heaven, but faith is the evidence of unseen and invisible things, and we are to govern our lives by truths that have eternal and lasting value and not to set our hearts on the passing things of this temporal world.
Man simply refuses to honour Him as God or give Him thanks, which causes their foolhardy hearts to become darkened and their consciences to become seared.
Indescribable joy must have flooded their torn hearts as the messenger instructed them: Go quickly.
The circumstances of the day, the emotions of the heart, the imagination of the mind, and a lack of faith, caused these followers of Christ to have a selective memory of His Word.
We are predisposed to allow emotions and imaginations to rule our heart rather than standing on the truth of God's unchangeable and inerrant WORD.
He will plant them back in the land He promised to Abraham, and He will put His law within them and write it on their hearts and minds.
In that day, yet future, Jerusalem will be called 'the LORD is our Righteousness', because Jesus will be King of kings, and God's chosen people will once again reflect His beauty in their hearts and minds.
But what comfort must have flooded his heart to hear the reassuring words of one of the 24 elders who were seated on those 24 thrones surrounding the sovereign throne of Almighty God: Stop weeping, he ordered, for behold, the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah, the Root of king David, has overcome.
Let us take to heart what the Bible teaches about our rights and responsibilities in the world in which we live, and let us remember that although we are living in the world, and must abide by governmental rules, we are not of the world, and should be reflecting the character and behaviour of a child of God.
Though baptism is a beautiful outward sign of a miraculous inner change effected by the work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of the man or woman who trusts in Christ by grace through faith, baptism was not Paul's primary mission.
When we live by faith and keep Him at the centre of our lives, His peace will flood our heart.
When we trust in the Lord with all our heart and do not lean on our own understanding, and when we acknowledge Him in all our ways, He will lead us in the best path - even though it may not be in the direction we expect!
The sanctification of a sinner saved by grace is both a specific act of the Holy Spirit that takes place at a moment in time, but it is also an ongoing process that is undertaken by the Holy Spirit in the heart of a believer.
It is as we read and meditate on the truth of God’s Word, study its pages, hold its precious truth in our hearts, and trust our heavenly Father to complete the good work that He has started in us, that we find that Scripture has a powerful cleansing effect within, as we are set apart unto God - sanctified unto Him.All that is of Christ and all that is recorded of Him - is contained in the Word is truth... and we are sanctified in the truth.
Nevertheless, we frequently see him having to address issues that strayed from the things of God which caused many to turn aside from a pure heart, sound doctrine, a good conscience, and sincere faith, into endless fruitless discussions and other futile debates.
Perhaps it was the extreme severity of this seventh plague that caused Pharoah to temporarily repent of his sin against the Lord, but it was soon replaced by a heart that was hardened against Him.
However sin must always be punished, and when God's plan of redemption is traced from Genesis to Revelation, it is the long-suffering and merciful nature of God that is clearly identified in all His wonderful works, and His goodness and grace towards the rebellious heart of man is clearly seen.
The psalmist desires that his prayers are well-pleasing to the Father - and that his humble petitions and heart-felt praise rise up to into heaven as a sacrifice of praise and a sweet-smelling savour to God, as hands are lifted up in worship, thanksgiving and pleading supplications.
David was a man after God's own heart, because he loved the Lord and trusted Him.
His entire life and sacrificial death was the perfect example of a sweet-smelling savour ascending to His Father, as He presented His prayers in the morning and lifted His heart to heaven at the time of the evening sacrifice.
His heart was ever open to His Heavenly Father and His prayers were constantly seen as sweet-smelling incense, as together they enjoyed the depth of fellowship that no one else could ever imitate.
Paul was keen to clarify the foundational truth of the saving message of the gospel of Christ that He had proclaimed to these believers on at least one previous occasion, and which they had heard with their ears, received in their heart, and personally appropriated in their lives, by faith.
As the floodgates of apostasy and paganism continue to pour into the lives of believers today and pollute their faith, it is important to remain securely anchored to this important message of clarification from the apostle Paul: the gospel message of salvation which we have received, accepted, welcomed, and appropriated in our hearts.
Nebuchadnezzar, Pharaoh, and Sennacherib, are reminders to Israel of their rebelliousness toward God, and serve as reminders to nurture humility of heart, as the graciousness of God is beautifully revealed through His promise of redemption, causing His people to offer praise and thanksgiving for the mighty miracles He has performed towards them.
This man, who came in the spirit and power of Elijah, was calling God's nation to turn from its wicked ways, repent of their sin, return to the Lord, and produce fruit that comes from a repentant heart.
John taught a 'baptism of repentance', 'baptising' in water if there was evidence of a truly repentant heart.
being 'baptised' in water), was to demonstrate a change of heart; a repentant heart showing a change in behaviour.
Water is a cleansing agent, and the action of being 'baptised' in water was to demonstrate a cleansed heart, a purified life, an inner change.
Yes, David knew and trusted the Lord His God, for David was a man after God's own heart.
May the Lord grant you your heart's desire and fulfil all your counsel!
He not only prayed for their protection in troubled times, and for God to provide the support they needed, but he also asked that God would draw the hearts of His people to Himself, so that the yearnings of their hearts would reflect the desires of the Lord, so that He could carry out His plans and purposes in and through His chosen nation.
This man of God knew that when the desires of our heart are in harmony with God's plans and purposes, we are living in the unity of the Spirit and walking in accord with His perfect will.
He longed that the desire of Israel's heart would be to place God in His rightful position, at the centre of their life's purpose.
He was not praying that God would fulfil any fleshly desires, but that they would trust in the Lord with all their heart and not rely on their own, human intellect.
The thoughts of our minds and the meditation of our hearts should be in line with the mind of Christ, as prompted by the Spirit.
This should be the desire we all have, for when we walk in His ways the desires of our heart are complete in Him.
The heart that is seeking God and His glory is someone who is walking, and living, and praying, in spirit and in truth.
The one who aligns their heart's desire to God's desire, develops the mind of Christ, as the Holy Spirit teaches and trains and takes time to conform His child, day by day, into the very likeness of the Lord Jesus.
And how it must have rejoiced the Father's heart that He finished the work God gave Him to do.
David was a faithful servant who prayed that the Lord would grant the people of God their heart's desires and fulfil all that God purposed in their lives.
Let us also plead that the heart's desires of others are gifted to them, as to ourselves, so that the will of the Father becomes the personal pleadings of our own hearts.
When our will and purpose reflects the will and purpose of God, and His desires become the dear desires of our heart, the life that we live translates into His best will for us, and we will live to His praise and glory and fulfil the whole purpose for which we were created.
Oh, his quick reply came directly from perfect Law of Moses and with keen enthusiasm this clever lawyer was proudly able to respond with the correct answer: You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and you must love your neighbour as yourself.
Indeed, this bright young lawyer even expanded on the written Law of Moses by including that our love for God must also include 'all of your mind' as well as our heart, soul, and strength.
Love the Lord your God with ALL of your heart, ALL of your soul, ALL of your strength and ALL your mind, and love your neighbour as you love yourself, and if you DO THIS you will live.
For who in this world can honestly say that from birth to death that they love the Lord their God with ALL their heart, ALL their soul, ALL their strength, and ALL their mind?
And as we look at their example, we are challenged in our own race through life, to forget the things which are behind, to discard anything and everything that might impede our progress or hinders our witness, as we reach forward to complete God's plans and purposes for our lives.It is the sin of unbelief that can so easily ensnare and entangle us, for unbelief can become an unbearable weight on our hearts which fosters fear and chokes our faith.
It is not so much that these Old Covenant saints are spectators of our progress through life, but their lives bore witness of their faith in God and trust in His Word - a faith that we are to emulate as we press on in our Christian walk.Life is a race which has a finishing line, and we are exhorted to set the eyes of our hearts and the determination of our spirits on to the goal of our calling – and that goal is a Person, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Rahab was a lost sinner, but she heard God's Word, believed in her heart, and was saved by grace through faith; and her conduct in helping the spies demonstrated faith in action.
She informed them of the kingdom's defence strategies, planned their escape, and believed their promise to protect herself and her family if she agreed to their terms and did not expose their plans to the authorities; thus putting her heart faith in tangible action.
I wonder if Rahab's heart faltered as she waited with hope.
Should we not make sure that we put our heart-faith into tangible actions?
When a woman caught in adultery was brought to the Lord Jesus, He exposed the darkness lurking in the sinful hearts of all the men, elders, Scribes, and Pharisees who were accusing her.
Jesus is able to shine that pure light of truth into the hearts and consciences of everyman who believes on Him.
He had come to enlighten them, and show them the way of salvation, but their hearts were hardened to the incarnate Word of God.
He was born into this fallen race so that the saving light of His truth and love could shine into the recesses of man's blackened heart and rekindle a spark of hope in the soul of men - so that whosoever believes on Him by grace through faith, would be removed from the kingdom of darkness, and placed into the brightness of God's eternal kingdom of light.
Jesus is the one and only true Light from above that shines His saving light and life into the hearts of all who believe in Him - for salvation is found in no other name, but the wonderful name of JESUS.
This second letter to Timothy, was the last of Paul's epistles to be written... and as he penned the words, grace, mercy and peace from God the Father, and Christ Jesus our Lord, I am sure that Paul's heart was filled with a mixture of joy and concern for this young man to whom the gospel of the grace of God was to be entrusted, after his death.
However, the addition of the word mercy in Paul's customary greeting and its inclusion, twice more, in this final epistle to Timothy, gives the impression that God's mercy on his young protégé, was close to the apostle's heart. Mercy has been defined by one scholar as, the self-moved, spontaneous loving-kindness of God, which causes Him to deal in compassion and tender affection, with the miserable, the hurting and the distressed.
The example of Paul's heart-felt concern and his prayer for grace, mercy, and peace over the life of Timothy, is an example to each one of us as we lift up our brothers and sisters in Christ to the Lord - in these increasingly evil days when the devil, as a roaring lion, continues to prowl about - seeking whom he may devour.
He missed a truth from Moses in Deuteronomy 6, which says: It is not for thine own righteousness, nor for the uprightness of thine own heart, art thou going in to possess their land. And as Paul rightly judged in Romans 10: Because they (Israel) disregarded the righteousness from God and attempted to establish their own righteousness, they have not submitted to God's righteousness.
And this question will always receive the same answer: You shall love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, and with ALL your soul, and with ALL your strength, and with ALL your mind; and your neighbour as yourself.
The gospel of Christ is living and powerful, and when this living, God-breathed gospel of God's grace is planted in the heart of a spirit-filled, born-again believer and watered with living waters from on high, that tiny germ of life will begin to grow and develop and bring forth much fruit, to the glory of God.
It is only then that his heart cries out: Let me hear of Your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting You.
Whether we are seeking the Lord with all our hearts or urgently crying to Him for pity, He is a good and gracious God and is faithful and just to answer all our cries.
Day by day, let us rejoice in the Lord our God, and lift up our hearts in prayer and praise, for He alone is worthy.
is Christ's promise to all: Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls - for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.Israel’s Sabbath rest, just like their Law, their Tabernacle, their Priesthood, and their sacrifices, was to be a sign that pointed to Jesus.
He had kept alive a living flame of hope in his heart, as he looked, each day, for the consolation of Israel.
Taking the baby Jesus in his arms, Simeon rejoiced in his heart, blessed the Lord, and was moved to utter a magnificent psalm of praise, extolling God for His faithfulness in keeping His promise to Israel.
May the words that we speak, the meditations of our hearts, and the thoughts of our minds, be always acceptable to our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, our God and Saviour.
While it was Caesar Augustus who proclaimed this decree that was to impact the whole world, it was the Lord who moved this man's heart to make his proclamation, because God had decreed that His Son must be born in Bethlehem, as Micah the prophet had foretold.
The Bible tells us that the heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps, and this is what took place in the life of Caesar Augustus, when he decreed that all the world should be taxed, which caused Joseph and Mary to travel to their ancestral cities at the time that prophecy was to be fulfilled and Jesus was to be born.
As the world charges forward into an increasingly uncertain future, let us recall the wonderful way God moved the heart of famous men and insignificant people to fulfil His perfect plans and purposes for the redemption of the world, and let us confidently trust Him today, and thank Him for His never-failing goodness and grace.
Make room for us in your hearts, Paul writes, we wronged no one, we corrupted no one, and we took advantage of no one.
It was to train them in righteousness, mature them in the faith, arrest their carnality, and put them back on the path to spiritual growth and so he wrote, I do not speak to condemn you, for I have said before that you are in our hearts - to die together and to live together.
Spiritual reproof comes to us in various ways - through increased familiarity with the Word of God from brothers in the faith and through a humble heart that has a teachable spirit.
In the previous Psalm, David identified the man who denies the existence of God and who refuses His offer of salvation by grace through faith in His Word of truth, as the natural man, the unbelieving fool who has said in his heart: There is no God.
The main identifying marks of the man of God on David's list, is one who walks with integrity, uprightness of spirit, and a principled heart.
As believers who have been born from above, we are positioned in Christ, we are clothed in His own righteousness, and our joy and delight should be to walk with integrity, to work the works of righteousness, and to speak the truth in our heart.
The fool may say in his heart that there is no God, but the born-again believer is the one who, by grace through faith and in the power of the Holy Spirit, is enabled to walk with integrity, work the works of righteousness, speak truth in his heart, guard his words, and tame his tongue.
David knew that the person who walks with integrity, works the works of righteousness, and speaks the truth in their heart by faith, is the man or woman who trusts in the Lord with all their heart and does not lean on their own understanding.
May we like David walk with integrity, work righteousness, and speak truth in our heart, by faith with thanksgiving.
This great and mighty God has planned every day of our life and searches out each thought of our heart and every deep longing within.
The tranquillity and rest that this knowledge brought him, moved the psalmist to cry out, Search me, O God, and know my heart.
David was aware that fear of his enemies and other worries and tension that disquieted his heart, could only be calmed by God.
David cried out for God to search his heart and prove the depth of his love for his Lord.
He wanted Him to test his love and loyalty, to try his heart as a refiner tests the purity of silver or gold.
He knew that God alone could bring calm to his distressed soul, and knew that any ungodly thoughts that are masked within a man's heart are seen in clear view by the Lord, and David wanted his anxiety exposed and his troubled thoughts cleansed and made clean by the purifying light of God's perfect character.
It not only caused him to recognise his own sinfulness and admit to his own foul speech and impure actions, but caused him to identify with his own people; a sinful nation with blackened hearts and unclean lips.
The rebellious hearts of those to whom Isaiah would dedicate his life and ministry, would not recognise their evil ways nor repent of their sin.
Their ears, their eyes, and their hearts would not be moved by Isaiah's message.
It tells of the inevitable outcome of his years of preaching to a rebellious people with their unclean lips and hardened hearts: they will ultimately reject their Messiah.
How sobering that a heart may become so hardened that their condition is set and unable to be reversed.
He warns against hardening our heart to the message of salvation.
But for those with ears to hear, eyes to see, and a heart that is ready to understand, he gives us some of the most beautiful descriptions of the coming Messiah and the eternal hope we have in Him.
Should we not develop an inward faith in God's Word and demonstrate it outwardly and openly by our actions, knowing that this is precious to the Father-heart of God?
He says to you, 'Eat and drink!' but his heart is not with you.
Although such a man may offer lavish delicacies or provide generous gifts, we are warned that if his heart is not with you, his attitude may turn on you and become sour... for even though his superficial conduct may appear to be sweet, such a relationship can easily turn bitter.
When the Lord has stolen our heart and saved our soul, it should be the desire of everyman to unite their voice together as one in jubilant songs of worship and exultant psalms of prayer and praise.
We have been made a new creation in Christ and have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb... and as saved saints, we should not be content to simply worship the Lord in the isolation of our own hearts, but should desire to rejoice in spirit and truth together with others who have, in like manner, been rescued from the pit of destruction and securely placed into the family of God.
Magnification of the Lord and the jubilant exaltation of His holy name, should be a dear desire in the heart of all who have been forgiven of their sins by faith in Christ and have received eternal life by the goodness and grace of Almighty God.
We are not only servants and students of the Word, but we are sons and daughters of its Author which should stir our hearts to search the Scriptures daily.
As His children, we should treasure His Word in our heart that we might not sin against Him.
When our heart is gasping for the Lord, it is not lusting after the things of the flesh.
And as believers, we not only have the Spirit of God in our heart, but the written Word of God in our possession, which is living, powerful, and will guide us into all truth.
Jesus didn't need to ask the beggar about the desire of his heart; He knew.
His question was not to get information, but to encourage Bartimaeus to hold fast to his faith, to make his request known to God, and to trust in the Lord with all his heart and not to lean on his own understanding.
And Bartimaeus not only received the dear desire of his heart, but was given so much more.
And surely, as we read Paul's letter to the Thessalonians, it should become the desire of our heart to pray in a similar manner, that the Word of the Lord would spread rapidly through the individuals and ministries for whom we pray, and that just as the Lord Jesus was exalted when Paul and his team were ministering in Thessalonica, He would be glorified through the people, ministers, and ministries that God has placed on our heart.
And let us not lose heart or be discouraged, but remember that, in some amazing way, the success of the evangelistic work of our Christian brethren and those who teach the Word of truth, is dependent on the intercessions of God's people.
Finally, let us rejoice that the power of God to change the unbelieving hearts of the ungodly is the same in our own generation as it was in Paul's day.
God knows the importance of praise, the power of prayer, and the benefits that accompany a thankful heart in the life of a believer, which is why so many writers of Scripture exhort us to rejoice in the Lord, to pray without ceasing, and in everything to give thanks.
Paul had such a godly joy in his heart that he knew his own hardships would be used for the glory of God and to forward the good news of the gospel of grace to a lost and dying world.
While the world delights in the wisdom of man, we discover that the wisdom of the wise is foolishness to the Lord, while spiritual illumination is the treasure that is poured into the heart of the man or woman of God, and biblical revelation is reserved for those that love the Lord and delight to do His will.
Let us always approach the Word of God with a teachable spirit and heart of love that seeks to know more of our God and Saviour, so that we do not lose the wealth of glory and truth that is contained within their pages.
Hebrews is a wonderful instrument, used by God, to open men's understanding to God's perfect plan of redemption, which He purposed in His heart before the foundation of the world.
He calls them, and us, to consider the Person and Work of Jesus and warns against neglecting the gospel of grace, hardening our heart, reverting to spiritual infancy, falling away from the truth, or treating the wonderful birthright we have in Christ, with disdain.
Those who feed on Christ in their heart by faith with thanksgiving, have eternal life and are freed from condemnation, because He is the Source and Sustainer of life.
And here in Chapter 13, we read: Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a Tree of Life.
When aspirations die, plans are thwarted, or a longed-for outcome is impeded, the human response is sadness and disappointment, the soul is disappointed and distressed and too often we become 'heart-sick'.
However, when aspirations are achieved and plans come to fruition, what rejoicing fills the heart: When the desire is fulfilled it is a Tree of Life.
When He comes into the heart of a sinner saved by grace, that man or woman is transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light, for He is that blessed Hope.
And ALL who feed on Him in their hearts by faith, with thanksgiving, will eat of the Tree of Life and find Him to be their Source and Sustainer through time and into eternity.
The introductory note to the Psalm, tells us that this poignant little song was to, The Chief Musician, and was set to, The Silent Dove in Distant Lands. Whether this caption referred to the music or the scene, it provides us with a peep into David's heart, when he was forlorn, friendless, fearful, and in despair.
But as in so many of his other writings, David's heart is turned to pray, as he pleads, Be gracious to me, O God, for man has trampled upon me.
The yearnings of his heart, that pepper the pages of his psalms, often reflect the same pain and pressure that causes men and women today to cry out to the Lord in their silent distress.
Both priests and people had strayed far from God, and the depravity in their heart was manifested in the fruit they produced.
Their accusation proved that the thoughts of their hearts were only evil continuously, for the mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart.
However, it is a huge warning for all of us to guard the thoughts of our heart, which too often are manifest by the words that we speak.
For unless the heart of man is being transformed into the likeness of Christ, by the daily renewing of our mind, through faith in Him, a life can never be truly reformed.
Such people will bring on themselves swift destruction, for God knows the thoughts of the heart and the motives behind our words and actions.
As maturing Christians, we should desire an increasingly intimate relationship with our Lord and set our hearts on things above and not on the things of this earth.
Having been born from above, Peter wanted to ensure that all his readers appreciated that by faith in Him, they had escaped all the shocking corruption and evil desires of the world, which are conceived and incubated in the heart and mind of fallen man.
We are no less privileged than those believers who received Peter's letters and read them so many years ago, for we have the full and final canon of Scripture to feed our hearts, rejoice our spirits, direct our decision, and guide us into all truth.
God knows the heart, and the moment an individual places trust in Christ, they are born of the Spirit, and regeneration takes place.
The moment we were sealed, God gave us the Holy Spirit in our hearts as a pledge and guarantee that what He has promised He will perform.
He also sealed us, and gave us the indwelling Spirit in our hearts as a pledge. Paul then stamped his apostolic authority on his message and ministry by adding, as his defence, But I call God as witness to my soul, that to spare you I did not come again to Corinth.
You know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one word of all the good words and promises which the LORD your God has spoken concerning you has failed, he said.
He remembered the solemn covenant that the Lord made with His people, and Joshua wanted to instil in their hearts the goodness, faithfulness, and long-suffering of their Creator God and gracious Saviour.
You know with all your heart and inner being, that not even one of all the faithful promises the Lord your God made to you has been left unfulfilled.
Praise God that despite our many faults and failures, we know in our heart that the Lord is faithful and that not one of the good Words that He has spoken has ever failed - nor can ever they fail - for the Word of the LORD is tested and true.
Let us like Ruth, in humility of heart and self-confessed love and devotion for him, follow after the perfect Kinsman-Redeemer Who loved us so much that He gave Himself for us.
In God's New and better Covenant, He pledged to put His law into the hearts and minds of His people and to write it on their spirit so that He would be their God and they would be His people, forever.
Whether we are in the flush of youth or in the twilight years of our life, may we determine to take to heart the instructions Paul gave to Timothy, and may we cheerfully and diligently seek to develop the godly character of the widow who has fixed her hope on God and continues in entreaties and prayers night and day.
But John 20 gives us a glimpse into the happenings on Resurrection Day and the heart of some of His disciples.
There was no outward appearance of rejoicing, but it does appear that a mixture of doubt and wonderment filled the heart of this young apostle whom Jesus loved because we read that he saw and believed once he had seen the grave clothes neatly lying there.
Paul himself wrote, our exhortation does not come from error or impurity or by way of deceit; but just as we have been approved by God, to be entrusted with the gospel - and so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God, Who examines our hearts.
But although we are called to put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, and long-suffering, where gracious consideration and genuine forgiveness of others are identified as vital qualities of the believer, it is love ruling the heart and peace protecting the soul that is given the main emphasis here: But above ALL, put on love which binds these things together the unity of the Spirit, and let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.
Let us submit to the deep and inner workings of the Spirit within our hearts so that all that is unworthy in us can be cut away by His skilful scalpel.
He has said: Let not your heart be troubled, for He is the God of all comforts Who comforts us in ALL our affliction.
Never forget that we have the indwelling Comforter living within our hearts and He is our ever-present help and comfort when all the difficulties and pressures of life try to swamp us.
Only believers are privileged to have the indwelling Spirit of love in their hearts, and that divine love can only be manifest in the life of one who is born from above.
Not only does love cover a multitude of sins, but man's God-given conscience also exposes the darkened heart that is walking in sin.
The more the love of God is allowed to permeate our heart and soul, the greater will be our confidence in the day of trouble, and any fear of judgement or punishment will be eliminated, for as John reminds us: There is no fear in love, for perfect love casts our fear. Fear is manifested through the threat of punishment and judgement, but we who have God's love within are being perfected in love and can live in His victorious peace, day by day.
The person who says they love God with their lips but demonstrates hatred towards another in their attitude or heart, is not being truthful.
John stresses in this verse, the fruitless vanity of professing to love the Lord when there is hatred in their heart for their brother.
For three years, Jesus had been calling His people to turn from their sinful ways and bring forth the fruit of righteousness which was consistent with a repentant heart that mourned over sin.
The barren fig tree represented the generation of Jews who rejected their Messiah and refused to produce the fruit of righteousness, which is grown from a repentant heart that mourns over their sin.
But the peace that is offered by this world's system, is a false, fragile, imperfect, pseudo-peace, that leaves in its wake a hungry heart and a disappointed soul.
And God's promise through Isaiah has encouraged the hearts of countless generations of believers, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusts in Thee.
Do not let your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. And this same assurance is given to all God's children who are seeking to serve the Lord of Peace, as we live in a world at war and a world without hope.
Jesus promised to give us the peace of God to guard our hearts - a peace that brings comfort and rest, refreshment, and hope - a perfect inner peace that transcends humanity's comprehension - both now and forevermore.
May the peace of the Lord be with us all, now and forever, and may the perfect peace of God rule in our hearts, in the unity of the Spirit.
This was a young man who knew, according to the righteousness that is of the Law, that he was blameless, but there seems to have been a little doubt in his heart that he had done enough and was good enough to inherit eternal life.
Naturally, this rich young man was distressed by Christ's reply, because Jewish mindset of his day believed that wealth denoted favour with God, and yet the Lord Jesus could see into his proud heart and saw that love for his possessions was greater than love for God: Go and sell all you have and give it all to the poor, was Christ's answer, because this young man had great earthly possessions that meant more to him than his relationship with God.
It was as he was still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, that he was halted in his tracks and his heart and life was arrested by the Lord Jesus Christ.
And God Who examines the heart, recognised in him as a man of integrity, faithfulness, and moral character with a trusting and obedient heart.
Samuel saw a healthy looking juvenile, but God Who examines the inner thoughts of the heart, discovered a young man who put God first and trusted His Word at all times.
Yes, David's heart was right before the Lord, which was why David was a man after God's own heart.
And although sin can never be condoned or ignored by the Lord, nevertheless a man after God's own heart is one who is quick to identify and confess his own sinfulness and who desires to have God search out his faults and failures, so that they may be quickly corrected and wonderfully purified by God cleansing flood.
David exemplified a life that God can take and use for His own sovereign purposes; a life that trusts in the Lord with all their heart and does not lean on their own understanding.
He is a great example of a man with a teachable spirit, whose heart is quick to repent; a loyal, faithful and obedient heart that is set apart unto God and delights to do His will.
To live by means of the flesh, which results in wretchedness of heart because the new-life in Christ is in constant conflict with the old sinful nature. 2.
The Psalmist tells us that it is the fool who has said in his heart 'there is no God' despite being surrounded by the amazing beauty of God's creation, its complex functioning, and the intricate construction of everything within it.
The Lord determined in His heart to execute judgement over all the earth, and the prophecy of Zephaniah spells out, in graphic detail, the approaching doom for ungodly Gentile nations.
The Corinthian Church is a good example of saints of God who neglected the truth, opened their heart to false teaching, and were not diligent in their spiritual growth or maturity in the faith.
Yes, Jerusalem and its inhabitants are close to the heart of God, and we read in verses 5-6 that the Lord Himself will establish the inhabitants of Jerusalem and those that live within her walls, when Jesus returns as the King of Peace and Righteousness to set up His Millennial Kingdom.
He moved the hearts of kings and shepherds and touched the lives of wise men and townsfolk, in order to fulfil that which was spoken of by prophets of old.
If God is able to so organise the landscape of Israel, move the heart of the great Caesar Augustus, and choose the right young couple to bring up His dearly beloved Son, is He not able to act in each of our lives?
But when Saul asked that momentous question, his heart was open to receive the truth, that would change his life forever and influence millions more.
Let us, like Paul, be ardent admirers and reverent worshippers of the Lord Jesus, and let us soak all we do for the Lord in humble prayer, as we listen to His guiding voice in our hearts, praying, Thy will not mine be done.
They ignored the Word of God and led the people astray by engaging in pagan practices themselves, which turned the hearts of the people away from the Lord their God and brought condemnation down on their head.
God is also omniscient, knowing the thoughts of our hearts before we put them into practice.
May we have ears that are open to His call and a heart that is ready to carry out His plans and purposes in our lives... for who knows what opportunities God has for each of us... if we are willing to faithfully obey the guiding hand of the Holy Spirit, in our daily lives.
Despite Israel's rejection of their Messiah-King, Paul is giving full assurance that God's gracious offer of salvation by grace through faith in Christ finished work, is wide open to both Jew and Gentiles alike and he gave the assurance to both Israel and the nations: If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Nevertheless, Paul promised that if they were able to confess Jesus as the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and if they believed in their heart that the Messiah was raised from the dead, they would indeed be saved.
It is God alone Who knows the heart.
It is He alone Who knows when a man or woman believes in their heart that Christ died for their sins and rose again.
And once that hidden heart decision to trust in Christ for salvation is met, the man or woman is immediately born from above by the power of the Holy Spirit and is freely able to confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord, for as the apostle John reminds us: Every spirit who confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and the Spirit of God abides in him.
The apostle John forewarns believers against the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life, but in this chapter, Paul strongly warns against the devastating effects of engaging in the lust of the heart.
This sombre warning reminds us that while we can choose to either resist or yield to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the heart is all-embracing, and God gives those who lust in their heart over to their own evil desires.
However, those that lust in their heart have exchanged the truth of God for a lie and will suffer the eternal consequences for their rebellion against the Almighty and their rejection of His eternal love.
God in His Word has forewarned us of the travesty and devastation that follows those who in their heart have exchanged the truth of God for a lie.
He often asked that the thoughts of his heart and the words of His mouth would become like sweet incense, rising up to the Lord in the morning hours and ascending heavenward in the cool of the evening.
David knew that he was a man of passion, when the thoughts that flooded his heart could as quickly be translated into careless words that poured forth from his mouth.
We are to take every thought captive, the moment it starts to steal into our heart.
These are pretty tough words for any believer to receive from an author of the God-breathed Scriptures but nonetheless, they are contained within the canon of holy writ and need to be explored with an open heart that is not hiding behind a self-righteous exterior.
The Holy Spirit of God longs to shower grace and more grace over all that submit to His leading in humility of heart.
Let us search our hearts, and in the power of the Spirit of God, let us turn from any worldly ways that we know must grieve the Holy Spirit that indwells our heart.
Let us expel all pride and ungodly lusts that can creep into a heart that becomes enamoured with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the world, and the pride of life, and let us in humility of spirit earnestly draw near to God, knowing that He died to draw near to us.
The call for the nation to repent, to return to the God of their forefathers, to observe kindness and justice, and to wait continually for God, fell on unreceptive ears and stony hearts.
May we all take to heart this touching picture of the incredible love of the Lord towards His people, and if we have in any way indulged in ungodly actions or attitudes towards the Lord or simply left our first love, may we turn from our sinful way and return to the Lord.
May we observe kindness and justice as we fix the eyes of our heart continuously upon the Lord Jesus Christ, our faithful God and gracious Saviour.
Every born-again member of Christ's Body and their Christian leaders, should be united in heart and manifesting the fruit of the spirit in their lives for the glory of God, and each one should be using their spiritual gifts for the benefit of the whole Body of Christ.
We have been given the blessed hope of His imminent return, and we are to establish it anew in our hearts, every moment of every day. Throughout our Christian life, our focus should always be on Christ, but as the time for His return draws ever closer we are exhorted to WAKE UP, from our spiritual sleep, and remember that our salvation... i.e.
A time was coming when the Spirit of Christ was to indwell the heart of all who trusted Him for salvation.
Christ reassured His fearful disciples that the Holy Spirit of God was coming very soon - to reside in their hearts.
He was to be another Christ-like Comforter Who would guide their hearts and minds into the way of truth - so that by grace through faith, they would have the mind of Christ!
It reminds us of the importance to carry out God's will for our life and the need to keep the eyes of our heart on Jesus.
May we be ready and willing to learn the lessons that God would teach us as we read His Word with open eyes, a teachable spirit, and a heart that is ready to listen to His voice and delights to do His will.
While David was a young herdsman who discovered that Lord was his own, personal Shepherd, Who provided for his every need, gave him peace in his heart and sustained his soul, he grew up to be a man who loved the Lord.
David was a man after God's own heart, who spent hours reflecting on the many blessings he received from the God of his salvation.
Finally, Paul found it necessary to rebuke his fellow Hebrews by saying: The Holy Spirit rightly spoke through Isaiah the prophet to your fathers, saying, 'Go to this people and say, You will keep on hearing, but will not understand; and you will keep on seeing, but will not perceive; for the heart of this people has become dull, and with their ears they scarcely hear.
They have closed their eyes; otherwise, they might see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart and return, and I would heal them.' And so, for the third and last time in his ministry, we hear Paul's scathing rebuke: Therefore let it be known to you that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and new birth happens when the truth of God's Word is translated from intellectual, head knowledge into confident, heart faith through the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit of God.
The incorruptible Word of God abides forever and is able to discern the inner heart and motives of every man - even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit. The incorruptible Word of God is able to discern the very thoughts and motivations of the heart, and we should listen to all that it says.
The pin-point accuracy of fulfilled prophecy is an amazing testimony to the authority and truth of Scripture, which rejoices the heart and legitimises its content.
It is a comfort to know that God knows the end from the beginning and is able to move the hearts of men to fulfil His perfect plans and purposes.
Paul knew that God had promised to supply all his needs according to His riches in glory and that in all things God would accomplish his work and provide all that he needed for life and godliness, for it is Christ Who supplies our need and it is Christ Who strengthens our heart.
Those who have trusted in Him by grace through faith have the mind of Christ, which will guide us into all truth, for the Spirit of Christ Who indwells our heart is ready to lead and guide all who will willingly submit their lives into His keeping.
May we trust the Lord with all our heart and not rely on our own understanding but rather pursue after godly wisdom which is found in Christ alone so that we may be wise in our judgement, prudent in our behaviour, and show forth spiritual understanding and godly discretion, not only in what we say and do but in all that we are, to His praise and glory.
Though weeping endured for a night, what joy must have filled the heart of those faithful women when, very early in the morning, they saw that the very large stone had been rolled away, and discovered the empty tomb.
What amazement must have filled their hearts as trembling they entered inside and saw that young man, dressed in a white robe, sitting where the dead body of the Lord Jesus Christ had been laid.
But imagine the thrill and anticipation that must have pounded their heart as they heard those words of encouragement for the very first time: You seek Jesus of Nazareth, Who was crucified.
Don't Be Afraid, He Is Risen, are words that we should reflect upon in our heart by faith with thanksgiving, until we are flooded with the thrilling joy that must have been the experience of those faithful women... 2000 years ago.
Although not every child of God will be called upon to endure all types of hardships, Paul points out certain godly qualities that will be developed when we endure life's difficult circumstances with patient endurance and a heart that trusts God's precious promises.
They are to encourage us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and not to lean on our own imperfect and incomplete understanding.
May we have the humility of heart and a teachable spirit that is ready and willing to listen to His voice, trust His Word, obey His command, and do only those things that honour His name.
What an amazing Bible study those two disciples received from the Lord Jesus on the road to Emmaus that day, when He opened their hearts to understand the Scriptures - truths to which their minds had previously been blinded.
It is possible that some of the passages to which the Lord referred were verses they themselves knew by heart, and most likely would have recognised from the weekly synagogue reading, they heard each Sabbath day in the local synagogue?
Jesus made reference to the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms, and how their hearts burned within them as He opened to them the Scriptures concerning Himself.
O foolish men and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken, was Christ's gentle rebuke to these two disciples.
It was Jesus who provided His followers with an understanding heart, as He taught them the principles of the kingdom.
But just as He was about to return to the Father, leaving His disciples as His chosen witnesses on earth, Jesus Himself walked with them and started to open the eyes of their heart to Who He truly was.
John's heart rejoiced because this lady and some of her children, knew the truth of the gospel of Christ and were walking in the light of the gospel of grace.
Yes, John knew that the heart of the gospel is love; that God loved the world so much that He gave His beloved Son to be our Redeemer, that God demonstrated His love towards us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, that nothing is able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord, and that love is the fulfilment of the law.
Despite their simplicity, his words of awe and wonderment engender in each of our hearts a timeless truth... that was as far-reaching in the life of David as it is today - a gospel that continues to reverberate down the corridors of time into our own redeemed lives so many thousands of years later.
There is no good thing that the Lord will withhold from His children, for He gives us the desires of our heart when we delight ourselves in Him and align our will with His own perfect will - for He knows what is best and has scheduled each day of our lives for our good: How precious also are Your thoughts towards me, O God!
Therefore, we do not lose heart for although our outer man is decaying and dying yet our inner man is being renewed, day by day.
As we reflect on this 103rd Psalm of David and the privileges that are ours in Him, let our hearts and souls bless the Lord for His goodness, His grace, and His mercy, and let us never cease to thank Him for His unfathomable gift of salvation.
May His loving-kindness and eternal mercies engender in our hearts awe and wonder for this timeless truth: That Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that ALL who believe on Him, will not perish but have everlasting life.
We are exhorted, as children of God who are born-again in Christ, towards purity of heart, the pursuit of peace, compassion, mercy, and godly living... and yet this epistle is written during a time of severe suffering and increasingly intense Christian persecution.
Peter reached back into the book of Psalms to endorse his directive, and to demonstrate that repaying evil with good comes from the very heart of God - for we read that, The eyes of the LORD are toward the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry.
May we who have received the over-abounding mercy and grace of God in our lives, demonstrate a Christ-like character in our daily living - through purity of heart, the pursuit of peace, the compassion of Christ, the mercy of God, and a life that is walking in spirit and truth... even during these increasingly difficult days of severe suffering and increasingly intense Christian persecution.
It must have been hard to be a Jew listening to Paul declaring that a real Jew is not one that is descended from Abraham, but one who manifests a godly life, and that true circumcision is a matter of the heart and not in the cutting of the flesh on the 8th day.
As saints of God we should all be instant in prayer, constantly lifting our hearts and voice to the Lord in prayers of thanks and praise and intercession and requests, and laying them before the throne of God's grace in the name of JESUS - knowing that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.
May we be ready and delighted to sing praises to the Lord, day and night, and not forget to give Him the thanks and glory due His name, when specific prayers have been answered, or for those times when He graciously responds to our call before we even form our heart's petition into words.
Paul's spontaneous outburst of worship and praise in this passage, came after he had pronounced a truth that should rejoice the hearts of all God's children: Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever, Amen.
The Church is the Body of Christ, and in this verse it is the power of God working through the Church that rejoices the heart of the apostle.
Should this not rejoice the heart of every member of the Body of Christ?
Both fleshly carnality and spiritual immaturity can feed into this state of affairs, where the hearts and minds of spiritually weak men, women, and young people can be led away from the truth by their own various carnal influences, instead of standing firm on the Word of God.
David believed that the Lord his God (Who examines the inner thoughts of the heart and the deep emotions of men), would not forget His people but would lift up His hand against those that do evil.
He knew in his heart that although he was a sinner saved by God's grace, his conscience was clear before the Lord.
David knew: The One Who examines the thoughts of men's mind and the emotions of a man's heart is a good and righteous God, and David called out to the Lord to vindicate him, to judge the people who were his attackers, and to examine the motives of his own heart.
This wonderful Person about Whom Christ was speaking is at this very moment living within my body and yours – and is indwelling the hearts of all those that have placed their trust in Christ as Saviour.
Each one of us have dwelling within our hearts the omnipotent, omniscient, eternal, glorious, gentle Holy Spirit, Who has come to live in us, to be our Advocate and Counsellor, our Teacher and Instructor, our Comforter, and our ever present Helper in time of trouble.
It was given for our learning, and all who read it and take it to heart are promised a great blessing.
We read: His face shone like the unclouded sun shining in its strength. John had captured a tiny glimpse of the majesty of Christ when the Lord was transfigured on the holy Mount, but as he lay prostrate on the floor before Jesus, His might, majesty, dominion, and power displayed the brilliance of His Person and, no doubt, gave the apostle an increased understanding of what it cost the Father to give His Son as the sacrifice for the sin of the whole world: God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Let us treasure these verses in our hearts as we await the day when Jesus will come to take us to be with Himself: For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face.
I want to see God... so I will do this good thing and perform that righteous act, to make sure that I am pure in heart - and then I will see God.
If my heart is pure, then I will see God, we argue - but we forget that the heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.
The truth is that those who see God... have already been given a pure heart, as a free gift of God's grace, by faith.
We receive a pure heart, which is acceptable to God.
We are given a blessed new life-in-Christ in exchange for our filthy, old, sinful, unsaved heart of stone, when we trust Him as the sacrifice for our sin.
The moment that we are saved by grace through faith, we have an assurance that we are part of the group that are blessed by God and will indeed see Him... not because of what we have done to make our hearts pure - but because of what Christ has done for us so that by faith in His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, we are given a pure and holy heart - which will see God.
God is Spirit, and He is the immortal, invisible God, but we SEE God in the face of Jesus Christ our Saviour - not because of the virtuous things that we have done to purify our heart.
We cannot create in ourselves a pure heart in order to receive His blessing.
We are given a pure heart because of our faith in what He has done on our account.
We will see God... because our sinful heart has been cleansed, by faith, through the shed blood of Christ, for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
He was being heralded as 'the One sent from God to set up the prophesied Messianic kingdom', and the question in the heart of all Jewish people at that time would be, do I qualify to enter the kingdom of heaven?
They were to repent of this apostasy, return to the Lord with purified hearts, and believe on the One Whom the Father had sent... if they wanted to see God and be part of His kingdom.
Purity of heart, together with meekness of soul and poverty of spirit, is not something that can be attained by self-effort or external, Pharisaical works of the Law.
A heart is purified by the inner work of the Holy Spirit in the man or women who is rightly related to God - through faith in Christ.
Blessed indeed, are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Peter is urging us to be absolutely sure that our salvation, which includes our calling and election, has become a firmly fixed fact in our heart.
Peter wants us to base our understanding of our salvation on the never-changing truth of God's Word, for when we have absolute assurance in our heart and mind that our calling and election is secure in Christ and anchored to the precious promises in the Word of God, then we are much more secure in every aspect of our lives.
He was to complete His unique ministry to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, for He must fulfil all that was written about the Messiah in Scripture, but He began to teach in parables so the unbelieving masses would hear with their ears yet not understand in their heart.
At the end of their long, 40-year trek in the wilderness, Moses repeated the words of the covenant that God made with Israel, which began, Hear O Israel, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. But this appears to be an impossible command for fallen man to attain.
Irrespective of the sin we commit on a daily basis, we break this particular command continuously... for it is not humanly possible to love God with all our heart.
Only in the power of Christ can we love the Lord our God with all our heart.
For it is only as the very love of Christ flows into the heart that has been washed and cleansed by His sacrificial blood, that we can love with a Christ-like love.
It is only as we abide in Him and continue to be filled with His Spirit of love, that the very love of God is poured into our heart from His Father-heart of love.
Only as we are filled with His supernatural love from above, are we able to reciprocate that love. Only as we walk in spirit and truth, can we love the Lord our God with all our heart, and mind, and soul, and strength - and thus, become a channel of His love to those that are hurting.
To love the Lord our God with a Christ-like love, is only possible as His love is continuously poured into our heart.
May our heart-cry become; 'that I may love the Lord my God, with every fibre of my being, as I die to my own self-interest and live for Him alone'.
Peter knew that when we are faced with difficulties and dangers, our hearts can become unsettled and our minds confused.
A girded mind is one that is flooded with the peace of God in the face of persecution, and a heart that is not influenced by the taunts and treatment of ungodly men.
We are further urged to be self-disciplined, self-controlled, sober, and stable in our walk with God which comes from a heart that is trusting the Lord, eyes that are looking to Jesus, and a life that is submitted to the Spirit and anchored on Christ, the Rock of our salvation.
For the unbeliever, this verse is certainly a glorious word of truth that the one who confesses their sinfulness with a penitent heart of true repentance will be forgiven.
We became a new creation in Christ, were clothed in His own righteousness and His Holy Spirit was sent to permanently indwell our heart.
May we take to heart these serious warnings and be sure that we do not give room to any false doctrine but stand firm on the unchangeable and unchanging truth of God's holy Word.
Scripture indicates that the Lord has always had a tender heart and concern for widows.
May we take to heart this simple instruction from Paul and not turn a blind eye to those that are bereft and bereaved. May we be ready and willing to honour those widows who are 'widows indeed', and be mindful of any older people we know who would benefit from a gracious word, a listening ear, or a kind deed.
The peace we have WITH God through faith in Christ; the blessed hope we have in Jesus, when He comes to take us to be with Himself at the rapture; and the incomprehensible peace OF God that governs our hearts, when our minds are focussed on Him, will be unavailable to those who enter the great and terrible Day-of-the-Lord.
Zephaniah's warning was an attempt to turn the hearts of the people of Israel back to the Lord their God, but his warning was clear... God would bring the most terrible torment on wicked men, who refused to repent and turn to Christ.
Nevertheless, men have been ordained by God, to govern church fellowships and women should be content to quietly learn from others and grow in grace with a submissive and gentle heart.
Let us be careful to take to heart the whole council of God in every area of doctrine and church life so that our homes and churches become places where God's Word is followed and the Lord is glorified through our actions and attitudes.
And yet, godly living through ceaseless prayer and thankful praise, is the Father's will for all His children - for it demonstrates a trust in the Lord which pleases His heart and glorifies His holy name.
Suffering is the segment of life that should cause us to engage in much prayer and earnest entreaties, while Christ's gracious provision should elicit much rejoicing and cheerfulness of heart.
Indeed, no matter what changing moods and interchanging moments we face in life, we are wise when we lift up cheerful hearts of joyful thanksgiving to the Lord... through continuous prayer and trusting praise.
Despite being miraculously rescued from Egypt by God, their hearts were riddled with unbelief and curdled with criticism, and so subsequently God destroyed all those who did not believe.
The personal difficulties and dangers that we face in our everyday life, and our reaction to the distresses and despair of others is often the determining factor of whether we hold fast to what we believe of Christ's sufficient strength OR whether we allow seeds of doubt to darken our hearts to the goodness of God.
The one that is rich should never trust in his riches but trust in the Lord with all his heart and not rely on his own bank-balance, influence, education, or positions to hold him steady.
David, the man after God's own heart, was beset by difficulties and dangers and encompassed about by many enemies and those that would seek his life to destroy him.
And so, despite the difficulties and dangers that encompassed king David and in spite of the enemies that would seek his life to destroy him, David, the man after God's own heart, waited in silence for God.
Balaam was a true prophet through whom the Lord spoke on a number of occasions, but his heart was wicked and he was willing to curse God's people for the financial reward offered by this pagan king.
May we take to heart the serious warnings that are issued by Peter, Jude, and the Lord Jesus Himself in His own warning in the letter to Pergamum: There are some among you who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin so that they ate food sacrificed to idols and committed sexual immorality.
David had strayed far from the Lord because of his sin, and knew that only God's forgiveness could cleanse his blackened heart: Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and from my sin make me clean, he pleaded.
May our own, personal love for the Lord grow and develop and increase, with every passing day, but may we also take to heart ALL that is written within the Word of God, trust all that He has told us, and live our lives by faith in His Word and not by the circumstances that surround us.
Maybe these men understood that here was the One Who would supply all they needed according to the riches of God's amazing grace, and Who would shine the light of the knowledge of God into their hungry hearts, guide their feet into the way of eternal peace, and open their eyes to see the truth of the knowledge of God: So Jesus had compassion on them and touched the eyes of His two countrymen, and restored their sight.
There is no question that God knows the heart, and the Father must have sent His Son to meet the need of the two blind, Jewish men who had come to believe that Jesus of Nazareth was indeed the Son of David, the King of Israel Who would save His people from their sin.
Seek after righteousness and humility of heart, was the prophets urgent pleading, and perhaps you will be hidden in the day of the Lord's anger.
Although the One-New-Man-In-Christ and the Rapture of the Church was a mystery that was hidden from Old Testament prophets and pre-Cross generations of believers, and although it was revealed to Church-age saints through the apostle Paul, there has always been a small remnant of Jewish believers in the Messiah in every generation, a tiny remnant of Israel who have sought the Lord in humility of heart, carried out His ordinances, and trusted His Word - because the Word of God has decreed it to be so.
How important that we hold this world's wealth and wisdom, together with position and power very lightly, for what we treasure in our hearts will become that which we worship.
We can live a life where our focus is on the good things of this life or we can keep the eyes of our heart focussed on the Lord Jesus Christ and His perfect righteousness.
When we treasure the things of this world, our heart is far from the Lord, but when He becomes the greatest Treasure of our lives, our heart will worship at His feet in grateful thanksgiving and praise.
Let us treasure the things of the Lord, and unrelentingly pursue after righteousness and godliness, faith and love, perseverance and gentleness, humility of heart and joy in the Lord, for when our treasure is rooted and grounded in Jesus, then our heart will be anchored to the Rock of our eternal salvation.
Only as the Word of God dwells in our heart richly and we are empowered to live as Christ lived, through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, can we be merciful as our Father is merciful.
Paul spends a considerable chunk of his second letter to the Corinthians discussing the principles and promises that are connected with true, biblical giving, and he identifies cheerful giving as an obedient, generous heart and a beautiful Christian grace that bring blessings to others, benefit to ourselves, and glory to our Father in heaven.
Each one must give according to what he himself has decided and in accordance with his means, and not in compliance with legalistic rules, selfish motives, or in response to a false preacher's greedy distortion of biblical giving: Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
But Paul also points out that we are to be wise in our giving, to give according to our personal means, and not to feel embarrassed or obligated to give more that we have purposed in our heart simply because our gift is smaller in quantity or appears inconsequential by comparison with that of another.
Generous giving should not be motivated by a selfish heart, which places God under the unbiblical 'obligation' to reward us for our hypocritical 'generosity', but should be prompted out of love for the Lord.
Cheerful giving that proceeds from a heart that loves to do the will of the Lord in spirit and in truth is applauded while a gift that is given grudgingly, comes from a heart that has misunderstood the true purpose of giving and which sadly misses the blessings that stream into the life of a faithful and true disciple of the Lord.
Perhaps we should all examine the hidden motives of our heart as we give of our time, our money, our skill, and our talents, to see if our hearts are filled with joy and grateful thanks for all that Christ has done for us - or if we are still using our Christian giving in response to legalist bondage, selfish motives, or for any other unbiblical purpose.
Materialism can enslave the heart, entrap the mind, subjugate the soul, and suppress the will of a believer.
No one can commit their heart and lives wholly to the Lord Jesus, serving and glorifying God in their inner man, if they are lusting after the things of this world.
However, we are fallen beings and the thoughts of our mind and the meditations of our hearts should be filtered through the Holy Spirit and submitted to His gracious leading so that the words that we speak are words as from the Lord, full of grace and seasoned with salt.
As individuals, we have the freedom to purpose in our hearts the moves we make and the things we do.
Let us not be shy to purpose plans in our hearts, for God has ordained that we have a freewill to make our choices, but let us seek to give the dear desires of our hearts to the Lord, knowing that: The plans of the heart belong to a person, But the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.
He encourages all believers to live in peace with one another and to give encouragement and help to all who are members of the Body of Christ, because he himself knows that the joy of the Lord is our strength, Paul calls on his brothers and sisters in Christ to rejoice in the Lord and to keep on rejoicing together in harmony of heart.
As His children we are called upon to watch, be ready, redeem the time, finish the race that is set before us, and work the works of God in our lives in spirit and in truth, in gentleness of heart, and in a quietness of mind.
Both joy in the Lord and gentleness of heart are attitudes that should permeate the soul and spirit of the righteous, for we are called upon to: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, knowing that when we do so: The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus, in a deepening knowledge of Jesus Christ, our gentle God and gracious Saviour.
Arrogant and wicked people will be utterly consumed like stubble, but those who trust in the Lord with all their heart will rejoice and be glad.
Malachi explained that Elijah would come before the great and terrible Day of the Lord, to call His people to repentance and restoration: He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers. Otherwise, God declared, He would come and strike the land with a curse.
The spirit and power of Elijah rested on John the Baptist from his mother's womb, and he turned the hearts of many back to the Lord and stayed God's hand of judgement on the Land of Israel for a season, but most didn't recognise him.
Their hearts have been restored, and they have been redeemed by Christ through the blood of the New Covenant.
The earth is a profound mystery that was conceived in the heart of the eternal God.
The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God,' despite the declaration of His mighty power from the heavens above and the powerful testimony of the earth beneath.
Peter's heart desire was to establish believers in the gospel of Christ so that we diligently add virtue to our faith and supplement our virtue with moral character, perseverance, godliness, kindliness, and brotherly love.
Let us take to heart these words of wisdom and Peter's important reminder to establish ourselves in the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ and not to neglect our Christian growth or spiritual maturity.
Whether he was imprisoned for his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, travelling on his missionary journeys to far-flung places, or simply employed in his craft of tent-making, Paul's heart was ever open in intercessions and prayer towards his fellow believers.
How important, therefore, that we too should have a godly love in our heart towards all our brothers and sisters in Christ, no matter where we find ourselves, and irrespective of what our situation happens to be.
Surely it is right for all who are God's children to have love in our hearts for every other member of His Body, for we are all partakers of God's amazing grace.
He would turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children and cause many disobedient people to develop a righteous attitude: So as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.
As a strict Pharisee, Paul had prided himself on sticking to the letter of the Law, but came to the terrible realisation that despite his outward piety, he himself had a greedy, grasping, covetous heart. In spite of His exterior religiosity, Paul nursed a sinful, covetous heart, which was only exposed through knowledge of the Law.
The particular sin that haunted him was his own evil, covetous heart: I would not have come to know sin except through the Law, he admits, for I would not have known about coveting if the Law had not said, 'YOU SHALL NOT COVET.'
The severity of the scene must have intensified as the voice a mighty angel thundered the question that was on everyone's heart: Who is worthy to open the book and to break its seals? Who is entitled to carry out the vital action of breaking each successive seals, and revealing the content of this parchment? - was the question that burned on his lips.
John was deeply distressed and his heart was ready to break for he KNEW that the scroll had to be opened if God's plans and purposes for the restoration of the earth and redemption of man was to be realised.
But in the midst of his mourning and great grief, John received the glorious words that must have ignited his soul (and ours) with hope and joy, for as we read in Proverbs: Hope deferred makes the heart sick, BUT when the promised desire comes, it is a Tree of Life.
Both the Old and New Testaments show that true social justice is much on the heart of God, although it is very different from the social justice promoted by many of today's socialist.
Instead of arguing against false doctrines and becoming embroiled in these unbiblical teachings, Paul instructed the younger man to train himself up in biblical truth and godliness, which would require him to be self-disciplined and resolute in heart and mind.
It is no surprise that David was called a man after God's own heart, for he recognised that God alone was His righteousness, and that God alone could be depended upon to relieve his distress, provide for his needs, defeat his enemies, and enlarge his blessings.
No wonder that David is remembered as a man after God's own heart.
His reward was the Lord Himself, and David's heart-desire was that the pure light of God's radiant countenance would fall upon him so that in peace he would both lie down in safety and sleep securely.
We can pour out our heart of gratitude to Him for our great salvation.
We can tell others of the wonders of His grace and mercy, and we can seek to do His will with a willing and obedient heart that is overflowing with love for our gracious Saviour.
God had seen the continuously escalating evil in the world and purposed in His heart to destroy every living thing from the face of the earth, because the people had become so violent and corrupted.
By the time the author has reached chapter 12, the need for faith rather than works has been clearly outlined and explained... and believers are exhorted to hope in Christ and to recognise that the terrors of the Law and the wrath of God, have been removed from all who believe, by faith, in the shed blood of Jesus Christ Who cleanses the heart and affords for us an eternal pardon from the God of the universe.
In this verse, we are to make our ear attentive to wisdom and incline our heart to understanding.
It is not an academic, head knowledge of God's Word that is important... but a consecrated soul whose heart is fully submitted to Him, and whose life is a living sacrifice unto the Lord.
Paul underlines the importance of asking the Lord to open our eyes to the things of the Lord, through the wisdom and revelation of the Holy Spirit and through the washing of water by the Word, when He writes: I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.
We are to take to heart the self-same warning that went unheeded by the Israelites: Today is the day of salvation.
We are blessed to have the indwelling Holy Spirit Who has promised to guide us into all truth, through His gentle inner promptings and by means of the holy Scriptures, for His Word is: Living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword and is able to discern every inner thoughts of the heart and every secret motives of the mind.
God knows the heart of man and can read our private thoughts, and Jesus was able to see that these men believed He had power from on high to heal their sick friend.
As Christ's ministry progressed, He gave greater understanding of Who He was to as many as would believe on Him, but for those whose ears were deaf to His voice and whose hearts were closed to His call, He began to teach in parables so that those with a heart of unbelief would hear with their ears but not understand in their soul.
Those with a tender heart towards Him grew in their understanding and faith, while those who followed Him out of selfish ambition missed their greatest opportunity to be healed of their sickness and sin.
Rather, they are to serve their masters with sincerity of heart and in the fear of the Lord - for this is well-pleasing to our Heavenly Father.
As Christians, we have also been promised that when we undertake the work which God has called us to do - as unto HIM, in humility of heart, we will receive the reward of our promised inheritance - for in God's eyes, it is the Lord Christ Whom we are serving.
The fool has said in his heart that there is no God, and the scoffer has mocked the promise of His return, but the day is coming when the Lord Jesus Christ will return as King of kings and Lord of lords.
How we should take to heart the recommendation behind these words of wisdom and in humble submission bow our knee in reverence and awe of our gracious God.
How we should raise our hearts and voices in praise and worship as we proclaim the wonders of His name, the splendour of His majesty, and the riches of His grace towards us who have been called His children.
Practical godliness, a good understanding of our Lord Jesus Christ, and a heart that continuously rejoices in the Lord no matter what struggles we may be facing, is a test of our wisdom: For the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments; His praise endures forever.
Despite the many ungodly behaviours and pagan customs that had infiltrated the camp, the gracious hand of God was ever present to bring good out of evil and to turn the hearts of His people back to a trusting faith in Him.
This was a cry of desperation from the heart of a despairing woman who had no one to help her but the Lord Who made her.
We read that Hannah made the following vow to God in her heart: LORD of the Heavenly Armies, if you just look at the misery of your maidservant, remember me, and don’t forget your maidservant.
It was not so much the bargain that Hannah appeared to be trying to make with the Lord that touched His heart, but a cry of faith from a woman who trusted God.
Hannah knew that God alone could supply the desires of her heart, and she trusted Him to hear her request and by His grace to act on her account.
It was not the length or style of her prayer which moved the heart of the Lord.
He responded to Hannah because she had a heart that trusted Him, and the Lord was able to read her thoughts and know that her faith and trust in Him was honest and genuine.
May we learn to pray in spirit and truth and to trust the Lord with our whole heart, knowing that He is a God Who hears and answers prayer.
Rather, may we be ready and willing to trust Him in all things and to hand over the hopes and desires of our heart into His gracious will, and be ready to leave them with Him.
God has set eternity in the heart of man and believing in life after death is part of our human make-up.
But just as there was an order in the creation of the world and order in God's plan of redemption, so also there is a clearly defined order in the resurrection of the dead and order in the inevitable day of judgement, when the secrets of all hearts will be exposed.
Paul's detailed argument in support of Christ's Resurrection, and his clear description of what will take place when graves are opened, and the dead raised, engenders great hope and encouragement in the heart of every living soul.
This was a plan that was conceived in the heart of God in eternity past, and a plan that will have its consummation in the eternal ages to come - when Christ is all in all.
It tells us the Lord rebukes the hypocrite and those that are proud, promising good to the one who is humble of spirit, contrite of heart, and who reverences God's holy Word.
Ezra was a skilled scribe who knew the Law of Moses, and he became a major player in turning the heart of the nation back to the God of their fathers, with Whom they had made a covenant on Mount Sinai.
The hand of God rested on this faithful and godly man because he set his heart to study the law of the LORD.
He also set his heart to practice it and to teach the statutes and ordinances of God to the people of Israel.
Israel had experienced God's wrath because of their unbelief, but they were also promised blessings if they trusted in the Lord with all their heart... and so Ezra set his heart to study the law of the LORD and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel.
It was not because of Ezra's distinguished ancestry, nor because of his excellent literary skill that God chose him to bring his straying nation back to Himself - although He used his gifts and abilities in the task. God used Ezra because he was a man who set his heart to study the law of the LORD. Ezra set his heart to practice it and to teach it to the people of God.
And our hope in the Lord will never, ever be disappointed because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by means of the indwelling Holy Spirit, Who was given to us the moment we trusted Christ for salvation.
Let us take to heart this exhortation to rejoice in our suffering, for as members of the Body of Christ, we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing - not only in this world, but in the ages to come - praise His holy name.
He prayed earnestly for the Thessalonian believers: That the Lord may establish your hearts without blame in holiness before our God and Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints.
Despite their obvious growth in the faith, Paul knew that all Christians, however mature they may be, must press on to the next level of faith, and so he encouraged them by writing: I pray that God the Father Himself and Jesus Christ our Lord would direct our way to visit you… and may the Lord cause you to increase and abound in love for one another, and for all people, just as we also do for you, so that He may establish your hearts without blame in holiness before our God our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints.
God often heals the physical wounds and earthly diseases that trouble our mortal bodies, and play heavily on our minds and emotions, but oft-times He whispers into our hearts, My grace is sufficient, for My strength is made perfect in your weakness... in your sickness, in your hardship - in your loss, and your pain.
That I may know Him, was Paul's passionate heart-cry: My goal is to know Him intimately, together with the power of His resurrected life and to be willing to fellowship in His sufferings, by conforming myself to His death - death to self and a life that is lived for the honour and glory of God.
Let us in everything, by prayer and supplication, with humble thanksgiving of heart, praise our heavenly Father Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ... in Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, according to the riches of His grace.
And the means through which Jesus did this was the use of a scathing parable that exposed their evil hearts and condemned them of their blasphemous intentions.
To the believing hearts of all who are saved by grace through faith in His death, burial and resurrection they are Words of great comfort.
He highlights the need to be gentle, lowly of heart, and Christ-like, calling us to godly living and gracious conduct.
Just as Christ was meek and gentle of heart, so Paul identifies Himself with that Christlike quality by writing: I am always meek when I am in your company.
And then, as Jesus was just preparing to journey to Jerusalem, He was intercepted by a man who ran to Him to seek an answer to a question that lay heavy on his heart.
The man knelt respectfully before Him with a question that was obviously burning in his heart: Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?
The encounter with the Lord Jesus, when this young man ran to ask Him the momentous question which lay so heavily on his heart, did not immediately cause this earnest young man to confess this 'Good Teacher' as his Eternal God.
Although God has set eternity in the heart of man, sinful rebellion placed humanity under a terrible curse, leaving us in permanent bondage to sin, forever estranged from God, and eternally enslaved by Satan.
Their hostile rejection of Christ was to become a stumbling stone to Israel, and yet the sobering consequences of which Christ foretold (where all who reject His authority would be crushed by the stone of judgement), was insufficient to melt the heart of Israel's rebellions leadership towards their God and Saviour.
Despite the multiplication of wickedness on the earth which deeply grieved the heart of God, we read in Genesis 6: Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
The Lord knows that every imagination and intention of man's heart is evil continuously from his youth.
And even though He could have terminated His whole fallen creation in a single breath, God purposed in His heart to show grace to a man of faith.
But the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving which Noah offered to the Lord on account of their miraculous rescue, was pleasing to God Who purposed in His heart that no more would He curse the earth, no more would He drown the earth with a global flood, and no more would He interrupt the daily and annual cycles of nature.
This was not an audible covenant that God made with Noah, for God knew that a fallen race is incapable of honouring man's side of any contract (for He knew that every imagination and intention of the heart of all men is only evil continually).
God purposed in His own heart that He would never again curse the ground nor destroy all living things.
We are all God's children and as we grow in grace and in an understanding of His Word of truth, our hearts should be unfeignedly thankful for His goodness and grace.
As believers who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, we are encouraged to develop an attitude of grateful praise and ceaseless thanksgiving to our Father in heaven, for a man's spiritual maturity is reflected in a heart of thanksgiving and praise for all that the Lord has done for us.
Prayer is warmed by worship, petitions are perfected by praise, promises are claimed through a grateful heart, and intercessions are offered in the solemn acknowledgement that we have an audience with the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Let us remember that when the prayers of the saints are offered to the Lord in steadfast faith, combined with grateful thanks and a trusting heart, we have the authority of heaven behind all that we carry to the throne of grace, through His nail-pierced hands and feet.
Matthew and Mark record His heart-wrenching cry of Elí, Elí, lama sabachthani? - 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?' For the first time, the eternal fellowship Jesus shared with God the Father and God the Spirit was shattered, and He uttered those most profound words of human terror.
As she stood and wept before the Cross, her mother-heart would have been breaking.
No doubt, as she stood quietly weeping and faithfully waiting throughout the entire ordeal, she would have recalled her visit to the Temple when the Christ Child was 10 days old and she met Anna the old prophetess, and Simeon, the faithful old man who was waiting for the consolation of Israel, who blessed them and said to her, Behold, this Child is appointed for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and for a sign to be opposed, and a sword will pierce even your own soul, to the end that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed.
Although Gentiles do not have the Law, they actually become a law unto themselves, because moral laws are effectively written within their conscience; they are written in their heart.
The inner conscience of man shows that the work of the Law is written deep within the heart of every-man.
It means that their outward behaviour is an indicator of whether or not they listen to their own, inward conscience and respond appropriately, or whether they ignore the inner sense of right or wrong and disregard the promptings of the heart.
It is not the actual Mosaic Law which is written within the heart of Gentiles.
It is rather an inner law that is written within the heart of every-man; a witness that guides Gentiles to know what is right and to know what is wrong.
Paul explains it like this: They show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them.
But we live in a fallen world and are subject to the enticing lusts of the flesh, whether they be sinful actions of the body, prideful thoughts of the mind, or ungodly motives of the heart.
Paul is exhorting all believers who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus to pray constantly, and this call to pray follows his instruction to rejoice always, for the heart that rejoices in the Lord is the one that will keep their eyes fixed on Jesus and their thoughts trained upon their Saviour.
Prayer demonstrates a humble dependence upon God, for prayer is the breath of the dependent soul that touches the heart of the Father.
The praying man is the one who does not rely on his own strength, but trusts in the Lord with all his heart for all his needs.
Paul urges Timothy to make prayers and petitions on behalf of all persons, to encourage others to become praying people of God, and to ensure that when we petition our Father in heaven, we do so with a grateful heart of thanksgiving and praise.
Paul began this passage encouraging spiritual believers to pray for ALL men, and in this verse we come to a deeper understanding of the compassionate heart of our gracious God Who does not want any of His creation to perish.
The entire sequence of events painted by Daniel, presents God's ongoing purpose and plan for the redemption of man, for those with eyes to see and a heart that trusts in the Lord.
this faithful apostle knew in his heart that it was to everyone's advantage for him to remain on earth and to finish the good work that God had prepared for him to do.
He wrote of the restoration of God's people to the land of Israel, the beautiful promise that He would write His laws on their hearts, and that one day, they would know the Lord directly, in and through the person and work of Jesus Christ, the beloved Son of God.
We are to trust in the Lord with all our hearts, even when we do not understand what is happening in this fallen world and why we have to endure these evil days.
Some were designed so that those whose hearts were hardened against the Lord and His anointed Christ, would hear with their ears, but be deaf to its real meaning.
However, once He had been accused of casting out demons by satanic power, His clear, Messianic proclamations, began to be shrouded in parables - so that those whose hearts were hardened against God and His anointed Christ would hear with their ears, but be deaf to its meaning.
I wonder what was going on in the heart and mind of little Mary during that momentous visit when she was given this astonishing information by this amazing angelic visitor.
Let us take to heart the significance of these final, solemn instructions from Paul to Timothy.
Peter echoed these words of Paul when he said: Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defence to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, but with gentleness and respect.
All believers should walk in humility of heart and rejoice that their name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, for everyone's earthly life, whether rich or poor, is as fleeting and temporal as the wayside flower or the grass of the field, but OUR hope is in Christ.
Our former ways should be rejected and our life-practice should demonstrate integrity, honesty, and purity of heart: He who steals must steal no longer, but rather let him be industrious!
Stealing can be dressed up in lots of different ways, and Paul is instructing us that this prohibition against theft is carried out in spirit and in truth - in every facet of life. Paul not only insists on a positive change in our outward behaviour, but demands that it flows from a changed heart that loves and honours the Lord and demonstrates a genuine care and concern for the well-being of others.
It is not simply that we get a grip on our former lusts, but that our changed conduct emanates from a noble, Christlike heart of compassion and love.
May we take this clear instruction to heart, and may we grow in grace and character each and every day.
God Himself will dry every tear, for He enters into every searing pain and each aching heart.
Not one secret sigh that crosses the portals of our minds, nor one stabbing pain that cuts deep into our hurting hearts is missed by our gracious God of love - for He is our great God of comfort and Lord of life.
The Lord knows the deepest pain that sears the heart of His people and we are told in Psalm 56 that, The Lord puts all my tears into His bottle. He treasures the tears that His people shed in this world, for they witness many evils and have to endure much persecution and pain for the sake of Christ.
A day is already set, in the council chambers of heaven, when God will wipe away all tears. And that is a day that we will all witness. But never forget that in this world of sickness and sin, hardship and pain we have a Saviour, Who understands the gaping grief behind each welling tear-drop that blurs our vision today and cuts deep into the heart of our soul.
We may not understand why we have to endure some of the things in life that cause such heart-ache and pain, but let us never forget that His eternal perspective is broader than our restricted view.
We should never forget that before we were saved by grace through faith in Christ, we were part of a condemned group of unbelievers who, because of the hardness of our sin-sick hearts had become callous and given over to sensuality - while practicing every kind of impurity and greediness.
However, we all have a free-will and are able to oppose the godly compunctions of our inner consciences, which causes the rebellious heart to become seared and calloused when it ignores the inner directive to do what is good and eschew what is evil.
Many doctrines of demons have similarly infiltrated the heart of Christendom.
But Christ continues to build His Church, often in secret and often without our knowledge, but Paul's admonition still stands today that we guard our hearts, stand firm in the faith, and take heed of the whole counsel of God, not only on our own account but in order to protect those whom God has chosen to place in our care.
Let us pray for those that are overseers in local churches and shepherds in the Body of Christ today, that each one may take to heart this important command to be on their guard for their own spiritual well-being, and to take responsibility for protecting all the flock of God with sound doctrine and a disciplined life.
Let us pray that they guard their own hearts as well as guiding and shepherding the Church of God, which our Saviour, Jesus Christ purchased with His own precious blood, 2000 years ago.
Only when the old self life remains nailed to the Cross and the new life in Christ feeds on Him in our hearts, by faith with thanksgiving and praise, can that love of Christ be manifested towards others: And this is the way that we will know that we love God's children, if we love God and obey His commandments.
There were times when they served the Lord with gladness of heart and much rejoicing, and other occasions when they followed after the lifeless gods of the pagan nations.
The resolve to serve the Lord will inevitably cause believers to swim against the tide of popular opinion as our heart focusses on Christ and gazes steadily upon Him and His ultimate goal, which is that Christ is all, and all in all.
However far we have wandered from His loving arms, whenever we are burdened by the cares we are carrying... or whenever the concerns of others weigh heavily on our heart - His grace is sufficient, for His strength is made perfect in our weakness.
And Paul's directives are for all who would live godly in Christ Jesus should take to heart: Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.
Not out of duty but from a heart-desire to walk worthy of our calling in Christ.
Peter encouraged us to maintain unity of mind, empathy one with another, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind, while John said simply: Little children, love one another.
There was an urgency in Paul's heart to make sure that Timothy and other ministers of the gospel were fully furnished for their Christian service, properly prepared as a minister of the Lord, and entirely equipped as elders in the Church of Christ.
What a lesson to us of the dangers of unbelief as well as the glory that comes to those that trust in the Lord with all their hearts and do not rely on their own judgement.
It is easy to criticise those fearful spies who trusted their eyes instead of God's promises, and leaned on their own understanding instead of the promises of the Lord, but how often have we fallen into the same trap and looked at the problems and difficulties we face instead of taking God's Word to heart?
He fed them when hungry, gave them drink when they were thirsty, and refreshed their weary souls when their hearts were fainting.
They understood that the Lord hears every cry of their heart and that He alone responds to their pleas and brings them through their troubles and trials.
This is not only a psalm of the past that celebrates Israel's grateful thanks to their faithful God Whose steadfast love endured forever, but it is a hymn of praise for the present, it is a song of thanksgiving that the Church age can chorus with equal gusto and grateful hearts.
It was Paul who encouraged us to give thanks in everything – so let our hearts and voices explode into a great hymn of praise and thanksgiving to the LORD, for He is good and His steadfast love endures forever, for His faithfulness extends throughout time and into the far reaches of eternity.
We are to make melody in our heart, and praise Him with corded instruments and brass.
We are to speak and shout to one another and join together in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing praise to God and making melody to Him in our hearts, with thanksgiving.
Let us sing praises in the sanctuary of our heart and in the mighty expanses of the great outdoors.
May we always and forever make a joyful noise to the Lord and make melody in our heart and with grateful lips.
Let not YOUR heart be troubled; Let not MY heart be troubled; Let not OUR hearts be troubled.
Neither the things of the world that blacken our life nor the imaginations of the heart that cloud our mind, must shift our trust in this Word of comfort that comes directly from God, the Father of all comforts.
But the Lord Jesus spoke gracious words of comfort and encouragement to their troubled hearts, caring words that have travelled down the corridors of time and been such a blessing to so many countless saints: Let not your heart be troubled...
But Jesus said to them as He says to us today: Let not your heart be troubled.
Not only did Jesus instruct them: Let not your heart be troubled, but He gave them tools to keep them from worry and fear, and it all comes back to FAITH.
Let not YOUR heart be troubled.Let not MY heart be troubled.Let not OUR hearts be troubled.Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
He wanted them to trust in Him with all their heart and not rely on their own understanding, ingenuity, or human wisdom.
Like Israel we are to live by faith and to trust the Lord with all our heart, no matter what difficulties we may have to face, no matter what giants bar our way, no matter what problems loom above us, no matter what circumstances overtake us... we are to step out in faith and remember that the Lord our God is with us, whithersoever we goest.
It is a joyful declaration of praise to the Lord, written by David centuries before Israel was taken into captivity, first by the Assyrians and then the Babylonians, but through the inspiration of the Spirit of God, this 'man after God's own heart' not only anticipated the temple his son Solomon would one day build and dedicate to the Lord, but prophesied of the distant future when Israel would return to the land promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the redeemed Nation of Israel would once again fellowship with the God of their fathers, in His holy temple, amidst great jubilation.
When we are born into God's family, the Holy Spirit comes to take up permanent residence within our hearts, and He starts a sanctifying work within our new, born again life in Christ.
Giving thanks to the Lord for His wondrous deeds and bountiful mercies is the glorious message contained within this well-loved passage of Scripture, which should be taken to heart and manifested in our lives of all who believe.
In the New Testament, Paul exhorts all Christians at Ephesus: Speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord.
singing with thankfulness in your hearts to the Lord.
He is to incline his ear to the wise words that are being offered for his learning, and he is to apply them to his heart and understanding.
And just as this young man is charged to readily receive the word of his earthly father and to treasure his commands in his heart, so we are to receive the Word of truth from our Heavenly Father with all readiness of spirit... and to value His teaching, in the inner reaches of our mind.
We have to take the Word of the Lord to heart and to store up its truth deep within our being - for those of us who joyfully receive His Word of truth, and treasure His commands in our heart, will discover that they become an ornament that graces our head and a protective shield that keeps us from falling into the foolish ways of the world.
His invisible fingerprint touches every aspect of His created universe, and He has lodged a conscience in the heart of everyman so that he may be able to discern right from wrong.
The promised Son of God had finally arrived to save the lost sheep of the house of Israel, but their hearts had been hardened to such an extent that even though Christ came unto them to set up His own Messianic kingdom, they rejected Him and would not receive Him.
It was the hardness of the nation's heart that dictated that Christ started to speak to them in parables at this point in His ministry, because they had proved that their interest in Him was superficial, temporal, and selfish.
It was through sin that darkness entered the heart of man, and it is through the Light of God's Son, that sin, death, and darkness was overcome. He came as the Light that will never be extinguished in the heart, soul, and mind, of those who place their trust in the atoning work of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Whoever has seen the Son has seen the Father, and Whoever has the Son in their heart, has the Father also, for Christ is the visible image of the invisible God, and God sent His Son into the world to reveal Himself to us.
The drunken and disorderly behaviour exhibited by the Christians in Corinth, when celebrating in the Lord's Supper, can easily be replicated by Christians today if they come together to break bread nursing a grievance within their heart.
It should rather be undertaken with a clear conscience and a sincere heart of grateful thanks for all that Christ has done for us... for we have been bought with a price - the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
Indeed, as God's blood-bought children, we should examine our own hearts and consciences to see if we are in fellowship with the Lord or if some unconfessed sin has separated us from enjoying close communion with our Heavenly Father, which is the privilege, if not the practice, of all believers.
We should approach our Heavenly Father with a humble heart and a thankful spirit.
It contains superior promises of grace, an inner change of the heart, unlimited blessings, sins forgiven, and an eternal hope laid up in heaven for all who would trust in the Lord Jesus Christ: our Prophet, Priest, and King.
He wants to instil in our heart the perils of legalism, mysticism, asceticism, and every other kind of man-made rite, religious ritual, or self-imposed mortification of the flesh.
Nehemiah knew that men had been executed for exhibiting such emotions in the presence of a king, and he became: Overwhelmed with fear. However, Nehemiah explained that his sadness of heart was on hearing that the city where his ancestors were buried lay in ruins and its gates destroyed by fire.
Nehemiah did not know that God was preparing the heart of Artaxerxes to respond favourably toward his servant, and his answer to the king was inspired by God because it was founded on the effectual fervent prayers he had offered over many months.
Jesus used areas like prayer and fasting to teach that the sort of external perfection the Jewish rulers demonstrated, fell far short of the inner beauty of a virtuous heart that is acceptable to the Lord.
They are to reflect His own shining luminosity, for He is the One that floods our inner heart with truth, and our outer life with His own beauty and the radiance of His own glory.
But God in His infinite wisdom has taken the prideful proclamations of fallen man and rendered them fools in His own eyes: The fool has said in his heart: 'There is no God,' and in his pride the wicked man does not seek after the Lord, for in all his thoughts there is no room for the one true God Who is Creator of all and Who sustains all things by the might of His magnificent power.
For the believer, the fear of the Lord comes from a humble heart of worship which has a reverential respect, a holy fear, and a thankful heart for all that our Lord Jesus is and all that God has done for each of His children.
The unsaved man should fear the Lord because of sin, righteousness, and judgement, but instead: The fool has said in His heart, 'there is no God.' The fool despises godly wisdom and has a contempt for instruction in righteousness.
How important to trust in the LORD with all our heart, to acknowledge Him in all our ways, and not to lean on our own understanding, for to do so demonstrates a prideful respect for self and not a reverential fear of the Lord.
Timothy is encouraged to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, to take to heart the many nuggets of wisdom and teaching that he gained from his teacher, Paul, and to pass on this truth to other trustworthy believers who are also strong in the faith so that the good news of Christ Jesus will continue to be spread abroad, throughout the world, to the glory of God.
It is for all these reasons, that the Gentile nations and Israel are jointly called upon to enter into His gates with thanksgiving in their heart, to come into His courts with praise, and to give thanks to Him and bless His name forever.
May we take to heart this warning in both the Old and New Testament to hold fast to the faith we have in Christ and to trust in God's unchanging Word, for He has promised a rest for the people of God, and that rest is found in Christ.
They deceive the heart of young, inexperienced believers, who love the Lord, by weaving error in with the truth, and they disrupt the unity of the spirit and the bond of peace, within the Body of Christ.
May we take to heart Paul's serious warning about the dangers of division in the Church, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, be ready to identify and challenge any divisive doctrine and satanic practices that are seductively packaged, in order to twist the truth and even deceive the saints.
When David looked at the mountainous problems and tumultuous terrors that encircled him, his heart started to fail for fear of what was coming on the earth.
When his eyes were fixed on the Lord, this 'man-after-God's-own-heart' was able to confidently proclaim: I call on the Lord and He hears me.
We have the indwelling Holy Spirit of knowledge and understanding Who has promised to guide us into all truth and pour into our hearts the peace that passes understanding.
When we are looking to Jesus, and when the eyes of our heart are firmly fixed upon Him, we have a confidence in the promises of His Word, for His Word is true and His promises stand fast for ever and ever.
Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.
Isaiah promised that those who were poor in spirit, gentle in heart, hungered for righteousness, mourned for their sin, and trusted God's Word would be comforted and blessed by the Lord.
An inner change of heart by grace through faith in Him should be translated into an outward demonstration of a changed life that is being transformed into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ, through the power of the indwelling Spirit.
The spiritual growth and maturity of these believers, who were living in the hub of the Roman empire, was a tremendous testimony to their spiritual growth, which caused Paul's heart to rejoice over them with great joy.
The problems Paul warned about in his epistle to the Romans are no less a problem in the churches of today, and so we should all take to heart the warnings he gives and the exhortations he makes, to be wise in what is good and innocent in what is evil.
The people felt as if they were in a dream, and Psalm 126 gives a peep into the hearts of Jewish men and women who along with their parents and grandparents had been forced to experience this terrible time of great trouble.
Cyrus may have been the king who issued the decree to rebuild Jerusalem, but it was God Who moved the heart of this man to make His prophetic proclamation to restore and rebuild the holy city of God and to restore the children of Israel to the glorious land of their inheritance.
Let us in all things, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving and joy, present our souls and bodies as a living sacrifice to God, knowing that He will use the circumstances of our lives for the greater progress of the gospel, if we will simply let Christ rule in our hearts.
However, now, as then, we need to take to heart Paul's final words of instruction to the Church at Thessalonica.
We are not to be those that pull back when times get tough, and should take to heart Paul's words of encouragement - as we press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus our Lord, knowing that His grace is sufficient.
But the believer who, like David, is a man after God's own heart, a man who trusts the Word of the Lord, will not be overwhelmed even when he does fall into sin because the Lord has promised to hold his hand.
We can buy into various false teachings, live our lives in selfish pride, and even keep the Lord Jesus standing outside the door of our hearts, but like Israel, today is a day that is a feast day for us, for Christ our Saviour has redeemed us by His blood and we have been released from the bondage of slavery to sin into the freedom of Christ's saving grace.
Let us keep the Word of God fresh in our hearts each day.
From the moment that Paul set foot in Asia, his heart was with the people there, as he served the Lord with all humility and tears.
Paul knew that the message of the Cross is deeply offensive to the proud heart of the unregenerate man, but throughout his ministry, he never shrank back from declaring everything that would be profitable for their eternal soul.
No doubt, his courage, conviction, and unabashed witness stirred up the hearts of many dear and nameless believers to go into all the world, as Christ commanded, and preach the gospel to every creature.
The unprecedented growth of the Christian faith is often considered by preachers as a thing to be celebrated, but closer consideration causes questions to rise in our hearts, for 'the birds of the air' in many biblical passages are symbols of evil.
Purity of heart, love for one another, and doctrinal truth that stems from the Word of God alone, which was the hallmark of the early Christian Church, has deteriorated into Christian mud-slinging and hostility against brothers in Christ OR has resulted in a watering down of the gospel of grace to accommodate any slight variation from the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ.
Never was a more gracious answer received, directly from the heart of God than: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.
But for those that have seen the light of the glorious gospel of Christ and have been awakened from their worldly, narcotic slumbers, there is no more profoundly wonderful truth which warms the soul and rejoices the heart.
If, in love, we could but grasp, believe, and act on the deep significance of Christ's simple, yet profound statement, our troubled hearts would be stilled, and our joy would be full.
May the truth of this simple yet profound statement permeate to the very core of our being so that our troubled heart will be stilled and our joy will be full, and may we be willing to share the good news that Jesus Christ is the Way and the Truth and the Life, with whomsoever the Lord may place in our path.
Jesus is the omniscient God Who knows the very thoughts of our inner heart - and He did not give one word of commendation and praise to these Laodicean believers.
They were not loving their Lord with all their heart nor were they spiritually on fire for Him.
On the day of Pentecost, many Jewish men were pierced to the heart when they heard that they had crucified their Messiah, and they cried out to the apostles, Brothers, what shall we do? Peter's response was: Brothers, I know that you did it in ignorance, just as your leaders also did.
Nails were driven into His hands and feet, and a sword was thrust into His heart.
Their eyes will be opened and their hearts will be grieved over their national sin, and many prophetic Scriptures will become crystal clear as they welcome back their True Shepherd of the sheep, the Good Shepherd of Israel Who laid down His life for His people.
And although we should delight to praise God for the many blessings we receive from Him, day by day, let us rejoice in heart, soul, mind, and strength that our names are written in heaven.
There is a blessing in the book of Revelation for all those who read it, listen to it being read aloud, and take to heart all that is written therein.
Although we are instructed to know and take to heart the truth in John's prophetic book, the seven thunders must, for the time-being, remain one of the mysteries of God that we are forbidden to look into: For the secret things belong to the LORD our God.
And nothing God plans and purposes can be stopped, hindered, or in any way changed, no plans of His can be thwarted: The plan of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation.
Paul quoted David's exultant prophetic utterance from Psalm 16, which caused his heart to be glad, his tongue to rejoice, and his flesh to rest in hope: You will not leave my soul in Hades, or allow Your Holy One to see decay.
As we journey through the Word of God, may our hearts and minds be open to all the Lord has to teach us so that we are guided into all truth about the Lord Jesus, knowing that God's plan of redemption is a most precious scarlet thread that weaves its way through each book and every character.
But if we face the tests and trials of life with a godly attitude and a heart that trusts God's Word, it will move us towards spiritual maturity and develop a heart that remains humble before the Lord.
A humble believing heart, a surrendered submissive will, a focused mind, and a life that is dependent on Him in all things, are vital factors in the life of every believer, and James knows that only those who have an unwavering faith in God are the ones who will do what is right in the sight of the Lord - for they will love mercy and walk humbly with their God.
We became a new creation in Christ, having been forgiven of our sin, imputed with His righteousness, and received the indwelling life of Christ within our hearts.
Many of David's psalms begin with great lamenting and cries to the Lord for help or vindication, but inevitably they conclude with optimism, words of encouragement, a heart that hopes in the Lord, or a declaration of trust in the God of his salvation.
We are to let our heart take courage, and we are to wait expectantly for Him.
In his epistle to the Ephesians, Paul tells us how we can be strong and how our hearts can take courage; we are to put on the armour of God and rest our entire hope in Him and Him alone.
We are to take courage in our hearts and look to JESUS, and we will not only discover Him to be the strength of our life, but the Light to our Christian walk, and salvation for our soul.
This was a deliberate, premeditated betrayal of a trusted friend, that caused David to cry out, My heart is in anguish within me.
He wanted to flee far from the person who had caused him such anguish of heart.
The only way to be at rest is to abide in Christ and to have Him abiding in us, every moment of the day - as we walk in spirit and truth, as we trust in the Lord with all our heart, as we keep self nailed to the cross, and as we die to self and live for Him.
And so we discover Paul warning Timothy, his son in the faith, to separate himself from wicked men and to shun the many lusts of the flesh, the temptations of the eye, and passions of the heart, that are designed to separate us from fellowship with our heavenly Father and the many negative consequences that sin brings into the life of a Christian man or woman.
Now flee from youthful lusts, was Paul's serious warning to Timothy, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, with those who call on the Lord, from a pure heart.
Not only is he to resist the outward fleshly desires (the external seductions of the flesh), and the inner lusts of the heart (the inner bewitching desire for self-will, pride, power, fame, and fortune), but also the secret sin of unbelief, which so easily besets us and which translates into a lack of trust in our heavenly Father.
The action to pursue righteousness, faith, and love, is a definite decision of the will which can only be achieved as one purposes in one's own heart to turn away from every kind of fleshly pursuit and craving for self-recognition - and follow after righteousness, faith, and love.
A deep love for God and consideration for the needs of others before ourselves, is the criterion that marks a person who is a man or woman after God's own heart.
Only those that eschew evil and seek after good are the ones that have an inner, supernatural peace that flows from God, and enjoy peace with those that call on the Lord with a pure heart.
Let us earnestly pursue righteousness, faith, and love, and live in peace with those that call on the Lord with a pure heart - for the honour of His holy name, and for our own eternal benefit.
Water baptism is a beautiful outward illustration of the supernatural spiritual baptism, (the inward change of heart when a man or woman has trusted in Christ for salvation).
The moment that inner, heart-conviction takes place, we are born-again, born from above, born into the family of God, baptised into Christ - and identified with Him and His righteousness.
We are called upon to rejoice and to keep on rejoicing, for in so doing we will establish a Christ-focussed attitude of heart and an ever-present antidote to all that would rob us of our faith, hope, and joy in the Lord.
It was the Lord Jesus who explained that the evil words which come out of our mouths have deep roots in our inner heart: For out of the heart come evil thoughts like murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony and slander.
How important that we should put a guard over our lips and tongue, and set our heart to look to the Lord by pouring out our heart to Him and seeking His guidance in all things so that we walk and talk in spirit and truth.
May we learn the lessons of godly living, which are laid out in the Word of God, May we learn from Israel's failure and feed on Him in our hearts by faith, with thanksgiving - as we die to self and life for Him.
Gracious thoughts and purity of heart is a manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit in a life that is governed by God and walking in spirit and truth.
The Lord Jesus was the one Who, throughout His earthly life, demonstrated how all humanity was originally designed to live, and He remains the perfect example of a Man with godly wisdom and gracious understanding for He was meek and lowly of heart, and in Him we find rest for our soul.
All that pertains to life and godliness in a believer is achieved through the ministry of the Holy Spirit within our heart and the intercessory ministry of our great High Priest in heaven, for it is God Who works in us, to equip each believer to mature in the faith, to grow in grace, and to come into a fuller and deeper knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Joy was much on Paul's heart as he wrote his letter to the saints in Philippi, and despite the fact that he himself was being held as a prisoner in chains, he did not allow the circumstances of his life to affect his joy in the Lord.
His words and actions, decisions, temperament, and the very motives of his heart should honour the Lord Jesus and demonstrate godly consideration and concern for the spiritual well-being of others.
But as Paul's life was soon to cease, the urgency to remind Timothy to be sober in all things, to endure hardship, to do the work of an evangelist, and to fulfil the sacred ministry for which he was called, was close to Paul's heart.
His heart was tortured and tormented in his inner being by the gross behaviour of his neighbours, yet he made no attempt to move away or teach them how to live godly lives.
It seems that when men call evil... good, and regard good as evil, they have hardened their hearts to the truth of the gospel, that Christ died for our sin, was buried, and rose again on the third day, according to the Scripture.
From this point forward, Jesus spoke to His followers in parables, so that those who believe in Him will have understanding, while the truth will be withheld from those whose hearts are hardened... so that their sin of unbelief will not be compounded.
But how blessed are our eyes who have seen the truth and how favoured are our ears which have heard the glorious gospel of Christ! The same warming sun that softens the wax will harden the clay. The same Word that brings life, is the One Who brings death; the same truth that brings repentance, joy, and eternal life to a believer, produces a deeper hardening of the heart to an unbeliever, together with despair, hopelessness, and eternal death.
However, the shocking consequences of opposition to the Spirit's convicting work in the spiritual realm... where the persistent unbeliever is in danger of having their hearts hardened, is a grave warning to all, of the horrific consequences of rejecting the gospel of God.
While the truth in John Chapter 3 is a comfort to all who believe, it is a serious warning to those who harden their heart to the truth of the gospel - For God loved the world so much that He gave His One and Only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.
The qualities that are so close to the heart of God are diametrically opposite from those in which the world delights, for the godly character that God has ordained in each of His blood-bought children is only achieved as we willingly submit to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
It is only the one who is meek in spirit, gentle in heart, and who hungers and thirsts after godly righteousness that can attain to this level of perfection in-Christ.
God commended His love towards us in that while we were still sinners and estranged from Himself, Christ died for us, forgave us of our sins, removed us from condemnation, came to take up residence within our hearts, and abide within us.
And yet, Peter prays that the grace and peace of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ be multiplied in our lives and magnified in our hearts.
He knows just when to call us aside to rest awhile; it is His streams that make glad the city of God, and His pools of refreshment that rejoice the hearts of all His people.
Oh, how we need to take this to heart, as the storms rage and the waves of disaster, disappointment, and trouble crash all around us.
This old bondservant and apostle of Jesus Christ knew that the day of his death drew near, but the eyes of his inner soul were fixed on his God and Saviour, and his heart was moved to bless his brothers and sisters with multiplied blessings, while instructing them to stand fast on the Word of God and not to be hoodwinked by false teachers or demonic doctrines.
And the commandments of the Lord which God gave to Israel was to be stored in their heart, taught to their children, and practiced in their lives.
God demanded total commitment to both His commands and His covenant which could be summed up in a few words: You shall love the Lord Your God with Your whole heart, and soul, and mind, and strength.
Obedience to the command of the Lord would demonstrate a genuine love for God, and result in close communion with Him, while disobedience would exhibit an unbelieving heart and unacceptable contempt for the Lord, His Word, and His will.
And so, having pronounced all His commands and ordinances to the nation through Moses, He gave a serious pronouncement: These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. There is to be no compromise with the Word of the Lord.
We have been given His written Word, which contains His sovereign will for all His blood-bought children, and we should make sure that His Word is written in our heart and stored in our mind.
We should recognise that the way we live our lives, the words we speak with our lips, the thoughts we imagine in our hearts, the acts we carry out in our lives, and the motive behind our actions will reflect our relationship with Him, which either honours His name or dishonours His Word.
In reality, we should embrace them with a thankful heart, confidently expecting our Heavenly Father to use them for our spiritual benefit and for His eternal glory.
But when a parent is trying to impart godly discipline from a heart of love for Jesus and for their child, they will yield the peaceful fruit of righteousness: For the moment, all discipline seems not to be pleasant, but painful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterward it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.
As God's children, we too will be disciplined and trained by our Lord, for our good and for His glory. We should never forget that all God's correction and chastisement flows from His Father-heart of love.
These wise words in this verse come from the pen of king Solomon to his own son, and the instructions he is passing on should strike at the heart of all believers, for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
It is the wise man that does not reject or despise the reproof that comes to him from the Lord, but in humility of heart bows before God's chastening rod and learns the lessons that He would teach through His correction.
Let us never forget that there are no rites or rituals to which members of Christ's Body are bound, other than to love the Lord our God with all our heart, and soul, and mind, and strength, and to love others as Christ loved us.
Simon Peter put into words the question on the heart of all the disciples: Lord, where are You going?
Early the next morning when Peter heard the rooster crow, his heart must have broken as he recalled the words of the Master he loved so dearly and remembered how violently he denied Him, three times: Will you lay down your life for Me Peter?
The ongoing story of redemption continues today and as we read through the Scriptures we are reminded of our own human frailty, the need to trust in the Lord with all our heart, and of His sufficient grace in time of need.
Despite witnessing God's miraculous hand of blessing through Christ's Word and witness, their hearts were filled with worry and doubt.
Worry is not only an ungodly state of mind that is often triggered by circumstances of life, but is also a choice of the will, where we imagine the worst scenario, which gives birth to mental imbalance and a restless heart.
We are similarly informed that He will never allow the righteous to be shaken and to be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, we are to let our requests be made known to God, for when we trust in the Lord with all our heart, His incomprehensible peace will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
May we take to heart the words of Jeremiah, who faced incredible hardship in his ministry: Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose trust is the Lord.
In a depressed world that is increasingly focussed on 'self', how important to rejoice in the Lord always, to remember that our blessings come to us continuously from God, to be increasingly thankful for the brothers and sisters He has placed in our path and to lift up one another in prayer and praise with grateful thanks and gracious hearts.
and may we always be ready to give an answer for the hope that is in our heart.
God knew that David, the shepherd-boy from Bethlehem, was a man after His own heart, and so Samuel was sent to anoint the youngest son of Jesse, in place of Saul.
David silently left the cave, demonstrating that his heart was right before the Lord.
And although it caused Saul to tearfully acknowledge that his own vindictive hatred for David was unjust and that the actions of the future king demonstrated kindness and righteousness, Saul's change of heart was short-lived, and he pursued David for the rest of his life.
Saul painted a picture of a proud man who allowed his fleshly emotions to rule his life and permitted hatred to fester within his heart, while David demonstrated a man whose heart was right before the Lord, trusted Him in the most difficult circumstances, and allowed God to avenge his enemies.
David was a man after God's own heart who remained humble before the Lord and desired to honour His holy name.
He exhibited a reverence for His holy name, which is rare and very beautiful, while Saul allowed jealousy and hatred to rule his heart and destroy his life.
May we learn from this great patriarch and his dealings with King Saul and seek to be men and women after God's own heart, despite the difficulties and dangers we will encounter.
And may it be our heart's desire to walk humbly and trustingly before Him, all the days of our lives.
God has turned the values of man on their head so that the boastings of the carnal heart will be utterly demolished by the wisdom and power of God so that no one may ever boast in themselves.
As we consider the rebellion of Israel in the book of Isaiah and their refusal to listen to the Word of the Lord, each one of us should challenge our own heart and consider our own response to the Word of God.
He grieved when they were slow of heart to learn, reprimanded them when they fell into sin, corrected them when they were lured into error, rejoiced with them as they grew in grace, and instructed them so they would become increasingly mature in the faith.Paul’s great desire for the saints at Philippi was that they become rooted and grounded in the Word of truth, so that their love for God and their love for one another would continue to grow and multiply.
And this I pray, he wrote in the opening section of his epistle, I pray that your love may abound still more and more, in real knowledge and in all discernment.The love of God is as unfathomable as it is eternal, and yet the Lord Jesus commanded us to love as He loved, and Paul prayed that love would overflow in our hearts.
His love is infinite and without measure, and however much love has been poured into our hearts from above, there is always more room for His over-abounding love.
He prayed that the love in their hearts would be endowed with godly wisdom, and a knowledge of the holy that is able to approve things that are excellent, so that they may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ.
Let us seek to learn lessons from Israel's failure, so that we will not make the same mistakes by hardening our own hearts to His gentle voice and gracious promptings.
The extraordinary riches of God's glory and His glorious inheritance of the saints, which is ours in Christ Jesus, cascades into our hearts in the first chapter of Ephesians.
He has come to dwell our hearts and guide us into all truth, and we have been seated together with Him in heavenly realms.
The 'lust of the flesh' is a desire for self-gratification and generally relates to the inner cravings of the heart.
They can remain hidden in an iniquitous heart of sinful rebellion or can be translated into immoral deeds and unprincipled actions.
It is fed by a covetous heart that lusts after the thing we see and desire and reminds us of the tree in the garden of paradise.
For it was as Eve looked and saw that the tree was good for food that sin was conceived in her heart and her flesh began to lust after the forbidden fruit and she disobeyed the Lord's command, and reached out, took, and ATE.
The three worldly desires that secured the downfall of Eve are the same three fleshly appetites that invade our heart and lives, and too often cause our own downfall, but all emanate from worldly principles and philosophes and are not from our Father in heaven.
He examines spiritual growth, sound doctrine, the practice of righteousness, love, and obedience, and the importance of hiding God's Word in our heart, but he also warns us against the many influences of the world and our own fallen sin nature: For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.
The love about which the Lord Jesus was speaking was not the ordinary love that flows from the heart of a human soul.
Surely there is nothing that should excite our hearts more readily than the knowledge that we are loved so deeply by God Himself - in the person of Jesus Christ - the Word made flesh.
As the Father has loved Me, so I have also loved you - abide in My love. If we who are saved by grace through faith in Him would take to heart this simple truth and obey Christ's simple command to Abide in my love, we would discover its transcendent significance and its unfathomable benefit.
Following the flood of bitter woes that tumbles from his pleading heart, and having cried out to the Lord for mercy and help, this man finally turns his thoughts to the living God to whom he is praying – the Creator of the world – the Maker of heaven and earth – the omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, all-wise, loving, righteous God of the whole universe.
We can learn much from the psalmist's change of heart, for when a man takes steps to remember his God and turns his heart to true worship, he starts to remember exactly Who our Father is and what God has promised His children.
Rather than permitting our minds to be dragged down into the miry clay of the world, through fretful worry and anxious thoughts, we should take every thought captive to Christ and allow our hearts to ascend into heavenly places in Him, knowing that His way always turns out for the best, especially when it differs from our own objectives!
Rather than permitting worry to darken our heart and cloud our mind we should look to Jesus and seek our Saviour with all of our heart and soul and mind and strength - for He is not only our Redeemer and King but is the personification and embodiment of all that is the Kingdom of Heaven, for Christ is all in all.
Let us seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness, by seeking Christ and setting the eyes of our heart on the beauty of the Lord Jesus and trusting Him in every circumstance of Life, even when we don't understand, for in so doing, the worry of the world will be replaced with the wisdom of the WORD, as our mind rests in Him.
The Lord also knew that men's hearts are only evil continuously.
God knew the only way to change man's heart of stone, was to completely replace it with a new heart of flesh.
The evil in mans' heart continued to gravitate towards wickedness as humanities very soul was flooded with rebellion and their evil plans were translated into ungodly practice.
The Lord had purposed in His heart to judge these evil cities on the plain because the outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah was very great, and their sin was exceedingly grave.
May we hate sin with a godly hatred but love the sinner in need of redemption, and may our hearts be filled with compassion and love for those that are lost as we plead with God for their salvation.
May we not miss the truth that is available to ALL who have eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart that is ready to know the truth, so that we might be set free from the world, the flesh, and the devil - through faith in the efficacious blood of Jesus Christ our God and Saviour.
He wanted every believer to be diligent to guard their heart, and be careful to keep their mind focussed on Christ.
He wanted the peace of God to flood each heart and for us to be spotless in thought, pure in word, gracious in deed, and holy in motive, knowing the time we have left is short.
All that is required of us is to admit, in humility of heart, our lack, and accept His gracious offer to cast all our cares on Him, knowing that He cares for us and is well able to give us help in time of need.
When the cares and concerns of this world are given to the Lord in humility of heart, He pours into that life His peace that passes understanding, and we discover we have a godly wisdom, an enlarged faith, supernatural love, and His sufficient grace, despite the circumstances that hem us in on every side.
Rarely does the answer happen the way we expect when we submit to His will, but the Lord will always carry the burdens of those that approach Him with a spirit of trust and a heart of humility.
And in His grace, He aligns our will to His will and the delights of His heart become our very own heartfelt longings.
When anxiety is permitted to dominate a life, faith submits to fear, unbelief is substituted for a trusting heart, and dependence on our Heavenly Father is replaced with prideful self-dependency.
How important to know in our very heart that God cares more for our personal well-being than anyone else, including ourselves!
The enemy of our soul whispers lies into our heart and questions the goodness of God and His faithfulness.
We may plant seeds of truth in the heart of a sinner, and point others to Jesus, but God alone breathes life into a spiritually dead soul.
The religious Jews of Christ's day reflected the same attitude as their fathers in the wilderness, who murmured against the Lord and hardened their hearts to the truth.
May we remember that the same Son of God, who warmed the hearts of His disciples and drew them into His loving arms for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting, is the same Son of God Whose purifying presence hardens rebellious hearts in an oven of pride, jealousy, and unbelief.
But as soon as he refocused his heart on the Lord and remembered the many precious promises of God, which are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ, he was able to pray effectively with thanksgiving, praise, and confidence.
And our prayers and supplications should be done with a heart of praise and thanksgiving, a heart that not only trusts Him to keep His Word, but a heart ready to say: Thy will not mine be done.
In this astonishing prayer, we get a faint glimpse into the eternal heart of God, as the perfect Son of Man humbly prayed that the Father would once again restore Him to His former place of glory and honour: the resplendent might, majesty, dominion, and power He once enjoyed before the world existed.
James also adds that true wisdom flows from a heart that is gentle and a spirit that demonstrates true humility.
But if a believer tries to hide behind a veneer of heavenly wisdom or puts on a pretence of humility while harbouring bitter jealousies and selfish ambitions within their hearts, they are living a lie and being false to the truth, for to adopt a false façade of godly wisdom is really an exhibition of a hypocritical, carnal nature and a worldly attitude.
In these increasingly violent days in which we live, let us take the words of James to heart, relying on the pure wisdom of God to lead and instruct us, enabling us to produce good fruit, being considerate, sincere, merciful, impartial, and peace-loving.
We have a peep into the heart of Asaph in Psalm 73.
This man knows in his heart that God is good to the people of Israel and to those who are pure in heart, but he seems to be struggling with his faith.
He protests that they are wealthy beyond compare, mock the people of God, allow the imagination of their heart to run riot, and have even set themselves against the most high God.
However, he does not continue to focus on the advantages of the successful sinner while bemoaning the severe disadvantages of those that are righteous, and keep their hearts pure.
Every man has the free-will to chose to do the good and eschew the evil or harden their heart to all that is holy and true.
Hearts can quickly become covetous, infected with greed, and hardened against the Lord, and all that is good and true.
The fifteenth chapter of Corinthians is a passage that gives hope in the hearts of all who are saved by grace through faith.
Our heart rejoices as Paul continues to teach that Jesus will one day hand the redeemed creation back to God, and then Paul describes the wonderful new body with which we will one day be clothed.
He warns us against the various, destructive philosophies of the world and describes the practical conduct that should be outwardly manifest in each one of our lives - from a heart that is walking in spirit and truth.
May we recognise what Christ has done for us, and with grateful praise and a thankful heart, offer up ourselves in service to God as a living sacrifice - a holy offering that is pleasing to the Lord.
As believers on the Resurrection side of Calvary, the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit and in the power of His sufficient strength, we are enabled to love others as Christ loved us.
When we first heard the good news that Jesus died and rose again to pay the price for our sins and that salvation is God's gift of grace to all sinners who believe in His only begotten Son, our hearts rejoiced with great joy.
He was built from the dust of the earth in the image and likeness of God Who breathed His own life into the heart of man.
Let us never forget that He is the immortal, invisible God Who has set eternity in the hearts of all His people and that by faith in His only begotten Son we have the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
What comfort and strength has poured forth from the book of Psalms into the hearts of so many believers, down through centuries of time.
The love and devotion that spills out from this beautiful verse, in Psalm 16, warms the heart of all weary wanderers, as David joyfully displays his compelling confidence in His Lord, and writes of his utter trust in the God of his salvation.
David expressed his joyful satisfaction and confidence in the God of his salvation, with a truth that must rejoice the heart of every sinner, saved by grace.
Assuredly, this is a truth that must rejoice the heart of all God's blood-bought children; a truth that each one of us can treasure in our hearts and rejoice with singing, as we look for our blessed hope and journey towards our heavenly home.
As we focus our hearts and minds on the loveliness of our risen Saviour, we receive His fullness of joy, love, and His peace, not only in the world to come, but every day of our earthly life.
He knew that the Holy Spirit would soon be given to all who would believe on His name, and He would be like unto a river of living water flowing within their heart.
Jesus is the Living Water that is poured into our hearts by His Holy Spirit the moment we believe.
At that moment, He comes to take up permanent residence within our hearts, for our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Since Christ received a resurrection body, we too will receive a resurrection body, and John wants this knowledge to be fixed in our heart so that as a believer you may KNOW that ye have eternal life.
We are to draw near to the Lord with a true and undivided heart.
It must be a broken and a contrite heart that has an unshakable, confident assurance of our faith which is anchored to the faithful promises of an unchanging God.
We are to seize hold the many precious promises that relate to our salvation by grace through faith in Christ, and we do this by appropriating His cleansing flood in our own indifferent or bloodied hearts.
Paul calls us all to be like-minded, having unity in the spirit and the love of Christ in our hearts, being of one accord, encouraging the saints, and demonstrating tender-compassion in humility of heart towards one another.
Nehemiah knew in his heart what needed to be done, but was powerless to restore the city of his ancestors.
It was when God moved the heart of the king to enquire about his cup-bearer's sorrow, that we see God's hand moving speedily, in a wonderful way, as plans were made for Nehemiah to be God's instrument to fulfil his heart's desire and carry forward God's purpose and plan for His people and His Holy City.
The time Nehemiah spent in prayer and intercession for the nation, gave the Lord an opportunity to use His faithful servant in the fulfilment of his heart's desire.
Similarly, the way God moved the heart of the king to provide everything that was needed for the rebuilding project, was a personal assurance that God had blessed Nehemiah's request and answered his prayer.
It is those that are walking worthy of their calling in Christ who are lowly of heart, gentle in spirit, long suffering in body, and of great kindness.
Despite his imprisonment, Paul delights in the fellowship of the gospel and discovers an inner holy joy that comes from tenderly keeping the saints of God in his loving thoughts and holding them in his heart.
He prays that godly love would be the outward display of an inner heart, in love with Jesus and mindful of the needs of others.
His prayer was for the blossoming of an over-abounding love in each of their hearts and for the manifestation of deep spiritual discernment in each of their lives.
Paul knew that only the divine love of God that flows into our hearts from the indwelling life of Christ can effectively abound in godly love towards others.
And when people hear the gospel and then willingly reject it, they unwittingly give the god of this world a foothold in their mind - and as a result their unbelief becomes more and more firmly established in their hearts, until their minds are blinded to the glorious truth of the gospel of God's grace.
The more one rejects the glories of the wonderful gospel of Christ, where the life and light of salvation flows to all who believe, the more hardened their hearts become, and the more the god of this age is able to blind their minds. Those that are perishing (whose eyes have been blinded by the god of this age), are perishing by their own freewill choice.
Day by day, let us be those that continue to rejoice in the wonderful gospel of Christ, for the more we open our hearts to Him, the more He will show Himself to us.
From the 'fall' of Adam in the paradise of God, every man born of woman and every woman procreated by man, is birthed into this fallen world, dead in trespasses and sins, depraved in heart and mind, and at enmity with their Creator.
This grace of God is so abounding and precious that there are neither words sufficient to describe, nor songs sufficient to sing of His amazing love and the gracious gift that has been poured into our hearts, through the finished work of our Saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Having faith in God is the fountain-head of all that is good – and it pleases our heavenly Father, for without faith it is impossible to please Him.Trusting the Lord with all of our heart is not only a positive and beneficial duty, but it negates the elements of fear and doubt, it holds us firm in life’s storms and stresses, and it replaces self-confidence with a trusting 'God-confidence.' Trusting the Lord with all our heart is to set aside one's own desires and imaginings to do His will.
The wisest man who ever lived advised his sons to Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding, and his prudent advice is something we should all seek to consciously follow, today, as a matter of will.
He does not need to fear a bad report, for his heart will remain unshaken.
When we place our trust in Him, with unwavering, child-like confidence, He fills our heart with His own perfect peace that passes understanding.
How foolish to drink from the brackish waters of this world's broken cisterns when He floods our hearts and lives with the sparkling river of life.His ways and thoughts, wisdom, and knowledge are so far above our little ways, limited thoughts, and foolish imaginings, and yet so often we choose our own fleshly wisdom and scant understanding to direct our path.
We are not to prop ourselves up with our own ill-advised understandings but rather, we should take Him at His Word and trust in the Lord with all our hearts – even on those occasions when we don’t understand.
His spirit was grieved and His heart was in pain as He prophesied that He would not return to earth until Israel as a nation cried out: Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord.
How important to take this warning in Proverbs to heart: Fear of man is a snare while trusting the LORD brings praise.
Rather, be quick to abort any evil broodings, as soon as they come to mind, by setting the eyes of your heart on the face of the Lord Jesus and taking those thoughts captive to Christ.
We are to resist the idea that the externals of life contribute to our inner joy, godly contentment, spiritual growth, and His perfect peace in our heart.
We are to: Let the peace of God rule in our heart to which we are called.
How often our trust in the Lord falters and we allow our hearts to fail within us, for fear of what is happening in our lives and the lives of those we love.
On one hand, he acknowledged the faithfulness of God to finish the good work that He had started in his life and to fulfil all that He had promised to this man after God's own heart.
When David sought to depend on his own ingenuity and might, he discovered the inadequacy of his own abilities and energy, for David knew in his heart that salvation belongs to the Lord alone and that God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble.
In his final words to this group of believers, Paul was challenging them to test themselves and examine their hearts and behaviours, to see if they were truly living the life of faith.
Like so many believers, they were quick to criticise others, and feigned a false spirituality that was self-induced and not from God. These believers were encouraged to examine their hearts to be sure that their faith was founded on Christ, and that their witness was true and not counterfeit.
There are a number of ways that each one of us can examine our own spiritual lives, and perhaps the most important is the witness of the indwelling Holy Spirit with our born-again spirit, as we cry out to the Lord: Search me oh God and know my heart.
We should not be examining the spirituality of others, for only God knows their hearts, but there are many ways that we can examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith.
Is our heart cry: That I may know Christ, and do we abide in Him?
Once the psalmist looked to the Lord, remembered the truth, and recalled God's never-ending existence and changeless character, his soul was comforted, his spirit rose, and his heart was established on the glorious gospel of God.
May we take to heart the great comfort discovered by this psalmist whose cry of help to the Lord became an offering of praise and thanksgiving for His goodness and grace.
The very focus of this passage in Isaiah 53 is the beating heart of the gospel of Christ Jesus Who was sent by God to be the Messiah of Israel and Saviour of the whole world.
In the blistering heat of the noonday sun, together with her inner turmoil from the baying dogs, and a pounding heart of trembling fear, the little panting hind's longing for a waterhole, is compared with the gaping need in the heart of a believer, yearning for his God.
He is the God of comfort and the Prince of peace, Who alone can calm every pounding heart and still every fearful thought.
And without the water of life, that streams into our hearts from above, and provides health and healing for the whole man, we too would be nothing more than a spiritual corpse that is left exposed and naked, with nowhere to hide.
He alone can protect our hearts and minds from the deep deception that is coming on the earth and satisfy our fainting soul.
Let us take this metaphor to heart and pant after Jesus - the Living Water, as urgently as the exhausted deer pants for the water-brooks.
Paul explains that God examines the hearts of all men, Jew and Gentile alike, and points out that the secret blackness of men's hearts can never be hidden from God by an outer covering of hypocritical righteousness.
He further agrees with the importance of being a guide to those that are morally and spiritually blind, and being a teacher to those that are ignorant of God's demands, but then Paul challenges them by asking if in the secret of their own hearts, they too were spiritually ignorant or morally blind.
Did they have an outer form of righteousness while denying the need to have their hearts and minds cleansed?
In consideration of our great salvation, surely it should be our heart's deepest desire to walk in the light as HE is in the light, so that fellowship with our Father is maintained, as the blood of Jesus continues to cleanse us day after day after day.
So much exciting truth has been condensed into a few short verses in Psalm 103, that it should rejoice our heart, still our soul, provide encouragement, and cause us to gaze in utter wonderment and awe at the God Who created us, redeemed us, and upholds us moment by moment by the might of His powerful hand.
Pity or compassion may seem an unusual attribute for the psalmist to emphasise, but it brings to mind the yearning heart of a father towards the frailty and weakness of the child he loves.
The disobedient child needs to be chastened, and the child that is wounded and afraid needs the loving compassion that can only come from the heart of a father who truly cares for the child of his love.
The principles of gaining godly wisdom are laid down in Scripture, for we are told to trust in the Lord with all our heart and to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all we need will be provided - including godly wisdom.
Let Your heart hold fast to my words, was the serious warning he offered his children.
A heart of peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. - Proverbs 14:30.
Like the leaders of Sodom, Gomorrah, and other pagan cities that were destroyed, God's people had deteriorated into offering religious sacrifices without a heart that was open and obedient toward the Lord.
We are instructed to avoid such men as these, to trust in the Lord with all our heart, and hold fast to that which is good.
The first Word of God at the dawning of creation was: Let There Be Light. And that same Word of God at the advent of each born-again creation-in-Christ is also: Let There Be Light. It is the God Who spoke His creative Word over the dark earth in the beginning, and it is same Spirit Who brooded over the face of the deep Who dispels the darkness in a man's heart at salvation.
But the Author of life and Fountain of all grace, has filled our hearts with the True Light of the world; the Lord Jesus Christ Who is the Son of Righteousness and 'the Bright and Morning Star'.
When the heart of a sinner is ignited in the gospel of Christ, God works His wonderful regenerative work in that life, and a blacked, sin-sick soul, is illuminated with knowledge of the Light that shines out of darkness.
The light of the glorious gospel of grace is streamed into the hearts of all who seek Him with all their whole being.
The very Creator Who spoke worlds into being, flung stars into space, and commanded the light to shine forth with the power of His voice, has shone the light of His truth into our hearts, to enlighten us and open our understanding of the magnificence of God in the lovely face of our Lord.
And yet in His grace, God determined that Light shall shine out of darkness: He shone truth into our hearts, to give us the light of the knowledge of God's glory in the face of Jesus Christ.
May each of us treasure the Light we have in our hearts and remember that no matter where we are, what we do, or however dark the path we tread, the Light of the World is not only with us but indwells our heart, and will fill our inner being with His perfect peace when our mind is stayed on Him.
In great distress of heart, the Lord Jesus cried out, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones to death those who have been sent to her!
The perfect Law of God exposes inherent sin in the heart of fallen man.
The Law not only commands outward purity of the body, but the inner purity of a heart and mind that honours God.
Paul began to recognise that there was a sin principle that works deeply in the heart of all humanity that prevented him from obeying God in his own strength - a sin nature that is at enmity with God and all that is good.
We are to recognise the impotency of repetitive prayers that are reiterated carelessly and mechanically, in preference to the tender promptings of the Holy Spirit in the heart, and His gentle guidance through the Word of Truth.
The Bible cannot be compared with any other book or so-called 'holy writings' or stimulating publication, for Scripture alone is breathed out from the heart of God Himself.
The heavens may declare the glory of God, their voice may echo throughout all the earth, and their words be shouted to the end of the world, but only the God-breathed Scriptures communicate God's heart of love to a world of lost sinners.
Though circumcision was initially a physical mark that sealed the covenant promise between God and His people, it also became a spiritual requirement for all who would truly separate their hearts from yearning after the world, for in the Mosaic law the Israelites were also told to circumcise their hearts to demonstrate with their lives that they were in covenant union with God, by obeying His voice and renounce the evils of the world.
Christians are also to circumcise their hearts by clinging fast in faith to their Father in heaven and being separated from worldly desires, the lusts of the flesh, and pride in our own self-help skills.
And like the people of Israel, we are to circumcise our hearts.
It is Christ Himself that causes our hearts to be separated from the world and be righteous before Him, as He lives in us and as we submit to His leading.
God did not reject His people, but promised to make a New Covenant with them when He would write His laws on their hearts, and we read in this verse that the Law of God, through Christ Jesus their King, will rule the day.
Salvation is an unmerited gift and salvation is an eternal gift from the Lord of the universe to fallen man, and it flows from the exceeding riches of His amazing grace, which is found in Jesus Christ, His dearly beloved Son.This gift of salvation streams to mankind from the Father-heart of a loving God – Who knew that the sinful race of fallen humanity faced a lost eternity without the great and costly gift of His only begotten Son.
Such adversaries can entice the careless Christian away from the glorious gospel of God, into a myriad of falsehoods, fabrications, and deceptive fibs, while the violence and atrocities, which are committed against the people of God, are satanically inspired to whip up fear in the heart of the strongest saints - but we should not fear, for in Christ we are more than conquerors.
And so we discover that the weight of his sorrow and the traumatic grief that hung so heavily on the heart of this weeping prophet, was interspersed with echoes of hope and whispers of God's amazing love and grace.
As we see the systematic destruction of sound doctrine in Christianity today, as apostate teachers and false prophets infiltrate the churches of Christendom and seek to destroy the very foundation of our faith... and as we watch the shocking inhumanity of man towards his fellows, and the unbelievable corruption that floods the corridors of government - our hearts also grieve..
His life was a testimony that delighted to do the will of the Father, for God's Law was treasured in His heart.
But however glorious our salvation and privileged our service, our calling first and foremost is to worship at His feet, to delight to do His will, to treasure His Word in our hearts, and to remain in the centre of His will for the rest of our life.
May our highest joy and greatest delight be to live in the centre of God's will and to treasure His Word in our heart.
Let us glory in that wonderful name of JESUS and resist the deceit of the world, the lusts of the flesh, and the wiles of the enemy, by keeping the eyes of our heart fixed upon Him and the ears of our understanding ever open to His still small voice.
It is not only resisting the physical acts of fornication and adultery about which the writer speaks, but also spiritual infidelity of the heart.
While we know that ALL sins, including adultery and fornication, are forgiven through Christ - how vital that we take this warning to heart and seek to live holy lives in thought, word, and deed, for His name's sake.
God knew that their failure was inevitable... and so we hear God's moving response to their bold declaration, Oh that they had such a heart in them, that they would fear Me and keep all My commandments always, that it may be well with them and with their sons forever!
God knew that man was incapable of fulfilling the righteous requirements of God's holy Law with HIM, and so He purposed in His heart that the impossible standard of the perfect Law would be the schoolmaster that would point them to Christ - so that by faith in Him they would receive a new heart.
Oh, that they had such a heart in them..
that they would fear Me and keep all My commandments always, that it may be well with them and with their sons forever! were the plaintive words of the Lord. But God in His grace knew that the day was coming when He would make a NEW covenant with the house of Israel - when He would replace their heart of stone with a heart of flesh, 'BEHOLD, I will make a new covenant with the whole nation of Israel, after I have planted them back in the land,' says the Lord. 'I will put my law within them and write it on their hearts and minds.
We are ministers of reconciliation with the indwelling Holy Spirit abiding in our hearts.
He must also turn the blinded hearts of the nation of Israel back to Himself during this terrible time of Jacob's Trouble - when as a nation they will repent of their sins, weep together over their crucified Messiah, and cry out to the Lord to deliver them.
God will place His Law in their heart... that it may be well with them and with their sons forever.
On that day, He will give them a heart made of flesh and not of stone.
On that day, God will write His law in their heart, so that no one needs to teach his neighbour, saying, know the Lord! For all shall know the Lord, from the least to the greatest.
Moses had to call the nation to account in Deuteronomy when he commanded them: Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your HEART, and be no more stiffnecked!
Jeremiah also challenged Judah to undergo a circumcision of the heart, warning that the wrath of God would come like a burning flame if they did not turn from their evil ways.
These men of Judah had become proud in their heart and regarded themselves as superior to other human beings.
They failed to heed many prophetic warnings, challenging them to rend their hearts, repent of their ways, and return to the Lord their God.
He realised that true circumcision was the circumcision made without hands: The circumcision of the heart, the putting off the body of the fleshly sins, through the circumcision of Christ.
Paul made it clear that a true Jew is the one who is inwardly circumcised, the one who trusts God's Word, keeps His commandments, and honours His name: The circumcision of the heart, a cutting away of evil in a man's heart, that is performed by the Spirit in the inner man.
It is an outward symbol of an inner change of heart, a seal of God's approval, through faith.
May we remember that true circumcision is a broken and contrite heart before our Heavenly Father, and glorify in the One who has declared us righteous in God's sight, by faith in Christ.
But Solomon foolishly strove to do this by his own human effort, instead of trusting the Lord to guard his heart and guide his steps.
But through it all, Solomon is able to reach a wise and godly conclusion, when he finally acknowledges the need to stop self-strivings, to fear God, and to allow the Lord to guard our hearts and guide our steps.
May we take to heart this compelling message of Ecclesiastes - that life is meaningless without the Lord sitting on the throne of our lives, but when God is put in His rightful position in our heart, then we are kept by His almighty power.
In his prideful arrogance, he denounces the existence of God and derides the glory of the Lord: For the fool has said in his heart; there is no God.
He exudes pride and discharges deceit from a mind that boasts corruption and ignorance, and his presumptuous heart glistens with egotistical pride.
The wilful ignorance of the practical atheist renders him a fool in the eyes of God, and the more he rails against the Lord the more his foolish heart is seared and scorched, to the extent that his thinking becomes putrid and his heart become hardened.
He also came to comfort the sorrowing heart and to calm the grieving, confused soul.
And what reassurance must have been shed abroad in the hearts of His disciples when they heard these time-shattering words for the first time: There are many rooms in my Father's house. - If there weren't, I wouldn't have told you that I am going away to prepare a place for you, would I?
He has promised to keep our life from all harm and danger, to protect our minds from discouragement and despair, and to safeguard our hearts with His perfect peace.
David was a man after God's own heart, but he committed both adultery and murder.
The angel of the Lord - a pre-existent appearance of Christ, came to him and said, The Lord is with you, O valiant warrior. God wanted to use Gideon to turn the hearts of the people back to Himself.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid - I am your peace.
Gideon finally allowed the God of peace to guard his heart and trusted His Word, and Gideon discovered an attribute of God that had hitherto been hidden from humanity - that God was His peace - his Shalom.
And Gideon came to understand that when the peace of the Lord guards one's heart - there is no need to fear.
God has promised in His Word to be an ever-present help in times of trouble and to work all circumstances of life together for the good of those that love Him with all their heart, fit in with His plan, and do not lean on their own understanding.
However, we are also assured that His help will never be too slow, so that we start to lose heart or become discouraged.
I delight to do Your will, O my God; Your Law is within my heart.
We have been bought with a price and received the life of Christ, but too often we allow the old sin nature to surface in our lives, and Paul warns that allowing sin to take control in our hearts rather than the new life in Christ, causes the indwelling Spirit (Who has sealed us unto the day of redemption), to be grieved and distressed.
He urges us against unrighteous anger, which is kindled in an emotionally aroused, darkened heart.
Let us never forget that the soft answer turns away wrath and comes from a heart that is submitted to the Spirit.
In warning against stealing, Paul encourages us towards honest labour and he also reminds us to keep away from corrupt speech, for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
There are lessons on godly living for men and women of all ages in Paul's letter to Titus, and we would all be well-advised to take to heart his guidelines for those in positions of authority within the church: Encourage the young men to be self-controlled in everything.
Whether young or old, male or female, baby Christians or mature believers, we should all take to heart Paul's important teaching on godly living.
Faith is vital, for we live by faith and not by sight, and the blessed hope we have in Christ, and His soon return, does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, Who has been given to all who trust in Christ for salvation.
The eternal God is perfect love and the perfect love of God has been eternally poured into our hearts, through faith in Christ, for we have been made His children, through faith.
The eternal love of God that has been poured into our hearts will continue to increase and multiply - for the love of God is eternal.
The loving heart of the Eternal is most wonderfully kind.In the earthly realm, both faith and hope will last, for without faith it is impossible to please God and without hope, we could not endure, as seeing Him, Who is invisible.
Prideful man does not want to be accountable to a holy God Who reads our hearts, understands our foolish ways, and insists that salvation is only by grace through faith in the death, burial, and Resurrection of our Kinsman-Redeemer - Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God.
And so the fool has said in his heart, 'there is no God', despite God's clear testimony - in nature, in our consciences, through the witness of others, and throughout the Word of Truth.
It gives rise to constant friction between men of depraved mind who wilfully deprive themselves of biblical truth through the hardness of their wicked hearts.
No doubt in the ages to come we will show forth praise and thanksgiving to our heavenly Father that we heard and responded to the gospel of grace, by which we are saved, and embraced it with our whole hearts and lives.
But when we who have trusted Jesus as our Saviour recognise the enormity of this truth, we come to realise that the more we eat, ingest, imbibe, and drink of Christ Jesus our living Redeemer, the more He comes to dwell in our heart by faith and live His life in us as an abiding reality.
No wonder the disciples gazed in utter amazement when Christ ascended into heaven, and how the reassuring words of these heavenly messengers must have rejoiced their hearts: Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky?
And yet God has taken those apparently useless, insignificant human forms and poured into them a revelation of the glorious gospel of His only begotten Son.God has poured into our hearts the divine light of His love and glory, the glorious truth of His salvation and grace, the rich treasure of the good news of Christ, Who alone can save a sinner from the penalty and power of sin, death, and hell.
But the light of the gospel of grace is the spiritual light that shines into the hearts of all who believe and it restores our soul.
The light of the knowledge of the glory of God started to stream into our hearts at the point of salvation - and His indwelling Spirit is the greatest treasure of God, Who resides in mortal man.
The almighty Creator, Who caused light to shine out of darkness, is the One Who has shone in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ – so that His life may dwell in us and His love may shine into our hearts, so that we may be made ministers of His grace and show forth the excellency of His power to those that remain dead in their trespasses and sins.There is no merit in us that we should be so honoured, as the contrast between our frail, feeble, perishing bodies and His divine strength and eternal light demonstrates – but by His goodness and grace, this heavenly treasure has been placed in earthen vessels - our human body, which is Christ in us the hope of glory, so that the excellency of that power may be shown forth in our lives.We are the earthen vessels into which the glorious truth of the gospel of God has been poured, causing our mortal bodies to become the temple of the Holy Spirit, Who uses this gospel light to guide us into all truth and as we proclaim the glorious gospel of grace to others.
But the Church (which is the Body of Christ), was a mystery hidden from the foundation of the world. It was Paul to whom were given the mysteries of this Church age where, from Pentecost until the Rapture of the Church, Christ would rule and reign in the hearts and lives of all who trust Him as Saviour: The glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
How blessed we are to have brothers and sisters in Christ, who refresh our soul and encourage our heart.
The first third of his letter to Philemon, outlines Paul's greetings to this beloved brother and the heart-felt regard he had for him.
In an era when runaway slaves and fugitives were frequently caught and executed, Paul's pleading request must have touched the heart and conscience of all who read it, including Philemon, for it was a beautiful illustration of the exchanged status of a condemned sinner, who was once dead in trespasses and sins, but is now a redeemed man, who is born-again, declared righteous in the sight of God, and given heavenly honours beyond imagination.
We are to remain in fellowship with our heavenly Father, by confessing our sin before His heavenly throne, and we are to abide in Christ in humility of heart and in willing obedience to His Word... for without maintaining a day-by-day trust in the Lord, and a solid faith in His unchanging Word, it is impossible for the saved saint to please our heavenly Father.
It is in our body which is dying, and God tells us that the thoughts of our heart are continuously evil, but as a new creation in Christ we are made a new person - a new 'loaf'.
And so we are exhorted to purge out the old leaven – to get rid of the sin that is lurking within our hearts and live a life that is unleavened.
we are also condemned for our prideful thoughts, works of the flesh, self-righteous attitudes, and failure to love the Lord our God with all our heart, and honour Him as we ought.
This is quite a shocking concept to the human heart, for we all like to gloss over our faults and magnify our qualities, embellish our gifts and exaggerate our graces!
Israel's heart had become rebellious, idolatrous, and hardened against God.
In His New Covenant with Israel, the Lord promised to give His people a new heart of flesh, instead of a heart of stone.
The human heart was flooded with degenerate desires.
But the Lord in His grace, promised to give them a new heart in His New Covenant.
He promised to purify their heart and cleanse their inner soul, through the spilt blood of a sinless Mediator.
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you, was God's promise to His people, and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh, and give you a heart of flesh.
Despite centuries of rebellion, God promised to remove men's rock-hard, heart of stone... and replace it with a heart that is sensitive to the Lord and responsive to His Word.
The promise of the New Covenant was to be fulfilled in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ - such that all who trust in Him as their perfect, sinless, Kinsman Redeemer - Jew and Gentile alike, are beneficiaries of this gracious promise which includes a renewed heart and an enlightened mind - with godly understanding and right judgements - and this would come through the power of God's own Holy Spirit.
The cold, hard, impenetrable heart of the unregenerate man, with its self-centred passion and unyielding opinions, was to be renewed and replaced with a clean heart of flesh, in which the Holy Spirit of God Himself was to dwell.
The eternal God of the universe was to dwell in the heart of the man who lives by faith and to reign there as King, in sovereign power.
The human heart, which had become so infected with sin, was to be changed and cleansed, so that it could become a holy habitation for the Holy Spirit of God.
Moreover, He pledged that in that day, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you.
And I will remove the heart of stone from your body of flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
This wonderful promise to the nation of Israel was cut at Calvary, and the wonderful promise to give His people a new heart and put a new spirit within is fulfilled in the life of ALL who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Saviour of their soul and the Mediator for their sins - Jew and Gentile alike.
But for those of us who have already trusted Him for our salvation, during this post-Cross dispensation of grace - we have already had our heart renewed and our consciences cleansed, through the eternal Spirit, Who has taken up permanent residence within our heart and soul.
And it was the apostle Paul who continued this warning from God: That the wisdom of the wise would pass away, and the discernment of their discerning men would disappear, for when God is removed from His sovereign throne in the hearts and minds of fallen man, the wisdom of wise men perish, and the judgements of sophisticated thinkers is hidden from view.
No doubt God had been preparing the heart of this wealthy yet detested tax-collector, for God is able to discern the motives of every man, and this meeting with Christ brought a sinner to repentance when confronted with the incomparable perfection of the Son of Man.
God still knows the heart of man, and He is still seeking and saving those which are lost and bringing salvation to many souls who trust in Him by grace through faith.
But if prayer is to be effective, it should come from a heart that is humble before the Lord, dependent upon Him, and ready to recognise that there is an ongoing need to approach the throne of grace in good times as well as in days of difficulty and danger.
How important to pray about troubles and trials immediately and not allow them to fester in our heart or cause them to distress our soul.
May we take to heart Christ's important instructions and follow the wise acts of Daniel and his three friends and pray FIRST, no matter what situations may challenge us.
Truth hurts, especially when we try to justify our sinful choices, but the Bible makes it clear that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, and when we yield to temptation and then try to make excuses for our own sinful choices, our defence freezes on our lips.
The source of temptation comes from within our fallen heart but it is only translated into sin when by thought, word, or deed we yield to its tempting bait.
Solomon could be described as 'having it all', and yet he was an unfulfilled man because he allowed his apparent success and blessings to turn his heart away from the Lord.
It must flow from a heart that is determined to return to trusting God in thought, word, and deed: For blessed are they that mourn over their sin, for they shall be comforted.
Be very desolate, declared the Lord, in great anguish of heart.
May we be careful not to fall into the careless ways of Israel, but to learn from their waywardness, so that we may live godly in Christ Jesus... in our words, in our deeds, and in our manner of life, in love, in faith, and in purity of heart, to the glory of God.
But the intimacy with which the Lord Jesus addressed His Father must have been a cause of wonderment in the hearts of each of His followers.
The throne of the Father is in heaven, and earth is His footstool, and yet His Spirit has taken up residence within the heart of each of His children so that when we pray, we can gaze into His face and address Him as Father, my Father: Our Father Who art in heaven.
But one chose to renounce the things of the world and trust in the Lord with all her heart.
This child was king David, a man after God's own heart who would become Israel's greatest king, and one through whom the Messiah of Israel would one day be born.
May we take to heart this warning in Hebrews and seek to live a God-honouring life, and not forfeit His perfect peace in our heart, His rest for our soul, treasure in heaven, and any reward that could have been ours, for a defeated Christian life is the ultimate tragedy of disobedience, apostasy, and unbelief.
Who can say, 'I have cleansed my heart, I am pure from my sin?' is a question asked in Proverbs, but the tenor and temperature of this question is such that the answer must be, NO ONE!
Nobody can say I have cleansed my heart and am pure from sin.
But no one can boast that they have made their heart clean.
No one can claim to have a heart that is not stained with sin, for all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory.
No one can claim purity of heart for none are perfect and pure. God alone is holy, and He alone is good... and all humanity stands guilty before the righteous eyes of our thrice-holy God.
Indeed, it is not only the heart that is stained with sin but the mind, the conscience, the emotions, the will, and the inner being of all human-kind. Anyone with the audacity to claim that they have cleansed their heart and made themselves pure from sin, is greatly deceived.
God is not seeking an answer from man, for He can read the very thoughts of our hearts before they are formed in the mind.
He is the all-knowing God Who can interpret the imaginations of our mind and read the secret motives behind our choices, before they germinate into thoughts, or develop into actions or a habit.God is not expecting a reply from the lips of sinful man when asking... Who can say, 'I have cleansed my heart, I am pure from my sin?'... for every mouth is silenced before our holy and righteous God.
He knows we are born into a sinful race and are incapable of changing the blackness of our sinful nature or cleansing our heart from its inner darkness.
God in His grace has made a way to cleanse man's heart and forgive man's sin.
Cleansing the heart and purity from our sin only comes through faith in the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, Who paid the penalty for our sin.
God in His grace provided a way for our hearts to be washed clean - through the cleansing power of Christ's precious blood.
It is to make each one of us realise our heart is not clean before God, and that no one is pure from their sin or innocent before Him.
It is a schoolmaster to point us to Christ for only the Lord can cleanse the heart of the sinner.
But too often, the proud-heart of rebellious man, will not admit his sin, or acknowledge his need of salvation preferring to trust in his own self-righteous acts to cleanse his conscience and wash away his sin!
It was Isaiah 64:4 about which Paul was referring to when he wrote: But as it is written, eye has not seen and ear has not heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him and wait for Him.
As it is written by Isaiah: Since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what He hath prepared for him that keep on waiting for Him. And this is confirmed by Paul in his letter to the Corinthians: Eye hath not seen, and ear has not heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.
It is by setting our heart on things above and on spiritual matters.
And yet He desires in this brief span of time (between our justification and our glorification), that we work out our own salvation in humility of heart and to His praise and glory so that in the ages to come, He may show forth the incomparable riches of His grace which He has expressed in His kindness towards us, in Christ Jesus.
And in light of these superlative facts, Peter presents a heart-felt motivation that should spur on all believers who are kept by the power of God, towards godly conduct, righteous living, and unceasing joy.
When things go well and the sun is shining, when we have just received a wonderful surprise or had some encouraging news of a dear loved one, how we rejoice and how our hearts are full of praise to the Lord.
Wonderful though “abiding in Him” is to the believer, it is only half of the equation, for as we rest and abide and remain in Him, so He abides in us.As our hearts cleave closely to Him and our minds are flooded with His beauty, so His Spirit abides within each one of us, teaching and training, leading and guiding, helping and comforting with an ever-increasing intimacy, as we grow in His grace and in a knowledge of our precious Saviour.Let us seek to rest in His love and abide in Him, moment by moment and day by day, for He will take each burden and all the pain of life and provide for each of us, the wisdom and strength we need to face the future, until abiding in Him and He in us becomes as natural as breathing.
In this beautiful passage of Scripture, the Lord graciously invites His people to prepare their hearts to receive the Lord into their midst and to hear His message of salvation, grace, reconciliation, and hope.
He would come to prepare the hearts of the people.
This lament of David is a cry of the heart from someone who feels that he is alone and forsaken; isolated, forgotten, and cut off from the favour of the Lord.
David could not understand why the Lord was delaying the help he desperately needed, and so his heart was grieving and his soul cried out in bitterness and distress: How long O Lord?
How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart all the day?
And as we cry out to an iron-clad heaven, we find ourselves wrestling inwardly with the same rhetorical questions that burdened David's heart and flowed from his pen, three thousand years ago.
But David is a man after God's own heart, and although that does not preclude him from having to go through the inevitable trials and tribulations of life, his confidence stands firm in the goodness of the Lord and his bitter pleas for help come from a man who trusts in God's loving-kindness and rejoices in the joy of his salvation.
But God is the One Who searches the heart, and as the clamour, confusion, and criticism increased, the very finger of God which inscribed the Law on tablets of stone so many years before, was once again used to begin writing words on the dusty ground.
And so his prayer is that the hidden Church age mysteries, that were revealed through Paul for our learning, would direct our lives, govern our thinking, rule our hearts, and enable us to develop a godly character that is well-pleasing to the Lord.
The climax of Stephen's inspired speech to the Sanhedrin, just before his cruel martyrdom, rehearsed the faithfulness of God towards His people while contrasting Israel's rebellion against their God, causing him to conclude: You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit.
The pride of the Jews who slaughtered Stephen caused them to be labelled: Stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ear, for although they practiced physical circumcision, their eyes were blind, their ears were deaf, and their hearts were closed to the truth of the gospel.
May our ears and hearts be spiritually circumcised day by day, and may we pay heed to the gentle and tender promptings of the Spirit, for God resists the proud, but gives grace upon grace to the humble.
May we take to heart the prayer of Solomon's father who cried out to the Lord: May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, Oh Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer.
Human love is influenced by emotions, whereas divine love is a matter of the will - a will that is guided by the indwelling Spirit of God and a heart that is content to say, 'Thy will not mine be done in my life'.
It is only as the love of Christ is manifested within our heart..
The divine love of God flows from an attitude of heart that places Christ in the centre of every aspect of their life.
The glorious plan of salvation starts with God's love and grace and continues into the eternal ages that are to come, for all His children: For eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man, the wonderful things which God hath prepared for those that love Him.
The convicting power of the Holy Spirit was so mighty on that day, that 3000 people were cut to the heart when they realised the severity of their sinful actions; so much so that many cried out to Peter and the rest of the Apostles: Brethren, what are we to do?
Words that come out from our mouth, have their source in the thoughts of our hearts.
When our heart is properly focused on the Lord, in fellowship with the Father and being led by the Spirit, our words will be gracious and seasoned with salt.
But a life that is lived seeking the Lord with all their heart - a life that is submitted to the leading of the Holy Spirit– a life lived with ears open to hear His Word and eyes open to see His truth, will be a life that speaks the truth in love, with gracious speech and seasoned with salt.
The same Lord nourishes, multiplies, and makes abundantly fruitful, the seed of faith that is planted in the heart of each of His children.
If God has placed a seed in your heart, never doubt that He is All-sufficient to carry it through to its final delivery, for He Who started a good work in you has promised to bring it to completion, by transforming you into the likeness of the Indwelling Seed, the lovely Lord Jesus in Whom we trust.
But his father, David, had purposed in his heart to build a house for the Lord, Who graciously permitted his son Solomon to construct the majestic building, for His holy name's sake.
Solomon's father had been, a man after God's own heart, who trusted the Word of the Lord, and the young king Solomon also humbly acknowledged that God is able to read the thoughts and intentions of man's heart - and so he prayed that if, individually or collectively, the people of Israel would turn to the Lord with their heartfelt and genuine prayer, that God would hear from His heavenly dwelling place, and forgive their sin and heal their land.
May we take time to demonstrate in our own prayer-life, a like-minded trust in the goodness and faithfulness of our God and Father - for we have a great assurance that He hears and answers the prayers of His children, when they come from a heart that is in fellowship with Him.
The Lord stepped into history at the flood when He saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become, for every inclination of the human heart was continuously evil in those days.
May our hearts be open to the promptings of the Spirit and may we be ready and willing to become bond-servants of Christ and be ready to give an answer for the hope we have in Him, for His greater praise and glory.
Instead of manifesting the beautiful character of Christ by walking in spirit and truth and by abiding in Him and He in us, they allow the enemy of our soul to dictate what they do and to adversely influence their hearts away from the Lord.
Let us in lowliness of heart and thankfulness of spirit, praise our great God and Father for His great plan of salvation and marvellous purpose for mankind.
we need to take to heart this warning about worry and address this issue in each of our lives.
The quickest way to cause fear to evaporate is to focus the eyes of our heart, steadily on the Lord Jesus, and in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, to cast our care on Him and to make our requests known to God - and then the peace of God that passes understanding will fill our minds and flood our hearts and our faith will flourish.
Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness... and as God's elect nation, Israel was expected to trust in the Lord with all their heart and soul and mind and strength.
They were to heed His Word, obey His commandments, trust in His faithfulness, circumcise their hearts, and love the Lord with their whole being.
It was given to represent the outward sign of an inward, spiritual circumcision of the heart where God's will is preferred before one's own will, God's Word is heeded, trusted, observed, and obeyed - and God's glory becomes the single desire of the heart.
As a result of their disobedience, their hearts became hardened and their attitude became haughty, prideful, stubborn, and stiff-necked.
Finally, when the next generation had reached maturity, Moses stood up and repeated the covenant relationship which Israel had with the Lord and warned them of the importance to pay heed to God's Word - and circumcise their hearts.
So circumcise your hearts, they were commanded, and stiffen your neck no longer.
After forty years of wandering, Moses once again rehearsed the need to trust in the Lord with all their heart and mind and soul and strength... to heed His Word, obey His commandments, trust in His faithfulness, and circumcise their hearts.
They were to spiritually circumcise their hearts just as they had been physically circumcised, and they were to put away their pride and hardness of heart.
After years of national rebellion and stubbornness, Israel was called to circumcise their hearts.
Like Israel, we too are to have our hearts circumcised spiritually.
Therefore, let us heed these words and examine our hearts to see if we are walking in spirit and truth.
Let us ensure that our hearts are circumcised and in right standing with the Lord - lest we become stiff-necked and forfeit the blessings that God has prepared for those that love Him.
David was a man after God's own heart for one reason only: He trusted in the Lord his God and believed all that God promised in His Word.
David discovered the loneliness of a man when sin is allowed to fester and grow in the heart, but he also discovered the freedom and joy of sins confessed and sins forgiven.
But we all have the choice to become a man or woman after God's own heart by trusting Him in every eventuality of life, by beginning each day in prayer and praise, and by engaging in ongoing fellowship with our Father in heaven.
No matter what difficulties you or I are experiencing in our lives, let us take to heart the truth these gracious words remind us that there is nothing in heaven, on earth, or under the earth that can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus - nothing that will ever cause the Lord to forget you.
Inner repentance of heart was needed and Israel's change of heart was to be demonstrated through an outward sign - a 'baptism-unto-repentance' with water.
For centuries, prophets had called the nation to run from their evil ways and return to God, and John's baptism of repentance was to be the outward sign of their inner change of heart.
In the same way, the people in John's day had to recommit to their faith in God by an inward change of heart.
And water-baptism was to be the outward display of their inner change of heart.
Paul offered many prayers to the Lord on their behalf and wrote an instructive letter to encourage their hearts, develop their spiritual understanding, guide them in the truth of the gospel of Christ, warn them of the dangers of false teachers, and unite them together in love.
Jesus knew what was in their hearts, but He wanted these two men to consider the motive behind their action.
They knew in their heart, that Jesus held the answers to all of life's questions and their simple reply demonstrated that they needed Him to answer many more issues that were on their hearts.
Nevertheless, Paul had a deep love for the believers and determined in his heart to visit them.
For this reason, Paul felt it necessary to give a clear declaration of the gospel of grace at the start of his letter before presenting his heart-warming greeting to them... so that he could set out for them an all-inclusive, detailed doctrinal dissertation.
And peace with God, which was gained at the Cross, is enlarged and extended... as the precious peace of God which passes all understanding, guards our hearts, protects our minds, and reigns in our lives, when we cast all our cares upon the Lord - so that in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, we are permitted to make our requests known to Him.
In a day and age when angels are increasingly glorified by many segments of society, we would do well to take to heart the prolonged emphasis in Hebrews, that Christ is infinitely superior to the angelic throng.
But when we pray, we are to ask in faith, without doubting and without unbelief in our heart: For the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven to and fro and tossed about by the winds of change.
People who pray with seeds of doubt planted in their mind and the shadowy clouds of disbelief darkening their heart, are described by James as: Double-minded and unstable in all they do.
So whether our chastening is to correct a disobedient heart or to perfect an obedient walk, let us not despise His chastening of the Lord, nor grow weary of His correction, but rather embrace it for our good and for His glory.
Fear causes our heart to become tormented, and as John rightly points: The one who fears has not been made perfect in love.
We have an assurance, because our future is not only recorded in the Word of God and settled in heaven, but we have the indwelling Holy Spirit in our heart as God's guarantee that all that He has promised to those who trust in Christ for salvation, He will fulfil.
He is divine love and He initiated love in our heart and inner soul.
Satan sowed seeds of distrust in their hearts, by telling them For God knows that in the day you eat from it (the tree of knowledge of good and evil) your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.
Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth should change, and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea.
The Spirit of God will minister to their repentant hearts, cover them with His saving grace, and lead the entire nation to make earnest supplication to the Father - as they acknowledge their sins and proclaim Jesus as Lord.
Paul's love for all the Christians at Philippi is very evident, for he keeps them in his thoughts, in his heart, and in his prayers.
Paul's dear desire is that these believers grow strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, and that they know the joy of the Lord Jesus in their heart as an abiding presence.
And so, before the foundation of the world, in His grace and mercy, God purposed in His heart to send His only begotten Son to become the perfect Sacrifice for the sin of mankind.
Forgiveness is a matter that is dear to the heart of our compassionate God – and forgiveness paid a tremendous part in the redemption of mankind.
Forgiveness was also a theme that was close to the heart of our kind and gracious Lord Jesus, and much of His teaching and training surrounds the principle of forgiveness – gracious, beautiful, unconditional forgiveness.
Forgiveness was one of the final thoughts on the heart of our Messiah as He hung on the Cross and uttered those universe-shattering words: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Why does it seem easier to let the root of bitterness grow in our heart, rather than humbling ourselves, asking for forgiveness, and forgiving another who has hurt or wronged us?
We should never forget to be grateful for all that God has done for us and live for Him with a grateful heart and in humility of spirit.
Not only were we separated from the camp of Israel, but had an uncircumcised heart.
There is a time in the life of every man when we have an uncircumcised heart, and Paul is reminding these believers in Ephesus, that formerly as Gentiles in the flesh (unsaved people), they were labelled as 'The Uncircumcised' by people who proudly called themselves 'The Circumcision'.
However, Paul identified these Jews as: The so-called-circumcised, because their circumcised flesh was not reflected in a circumcised heart that trusted God.
He was pointing out that before salvation, both Jews and Gentiles have an uncircumcised heart, irrespective of whether the flesh of the foreskin has been cut.
It is not the cutting of the flesh that designates one's spiritual standing before God, but the condition of the heart.
An uncircumcised Gentile can have a circumcised heart that honours the Lord, while a circumcised Jew can be uncircumcised in the heart because of proud unbelief.
The only thing that affords salvation and pleases God is a heart that believes in Him.
God wants the love of Christ to shine forth from our hearts.
He wants love to thrive in that secret place of our heart, and within those private thoughts where no other has access to our inner mind and motive, save the omnipresent God.May we so walk in the spirit of Christ, that like Him, our visible walk as well as our hidden ways, may become a sweet-smelling aroma to our heavenly Father.
Because we are in union with Christ and identified with Him, we are exhorted to follow Him in our attitudes and actions, and even the motives of our hearts that are known only to God.
This incredible gift of a glorious, resurrected body, should rejoice the heart of all believers, for when we die, we are promised an immortal body that is far superior to the one we currently inhabit.
Although salvation is open to all who believe, the callused hearts and stiff-necked unbelief of theses Pharisees and Jewish leaders, caused them to become a fulfilment of Jeremiah's prophetic words, O people, foolish and without heart, eyes they have and they see not, ears they have and they hear not.
Is it any wonder that David was so willing to cry out with his whole heart, I will bless the Lord at ALL times.
When we turn the attention of our inner heart onto Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith, the Sustainer of our life, and our Blessed Hope, circumstances of life and matters of living fall into their correct perspective.
When the inner focus of our heart, soul, and mind is on the Lord Jesus, there is no room for a self-centred attitude of mind, or the petty preening of our own individual wants.
If it is our desire to bless the Lord at all times and under all circumstances, our heart needs to be right before the Lord.
We need to be men and women after God's own heart - saying and doing only those things that honour His name, for He alone is worthy.
When we become a Christian, our minds are no longer darkened by sin, our lives are no longer alienated from God, and our hearts are no longer hardened and polluted.
They needed to look away from the things they highly esteemed in this world and set their hearts on the spiritual.
They needed to fix the eyes of their heart upon Jesus, their Saviour and Lord.
To change our values, attitudes, and focus; to change from whatever we know in our hearts is causing God to use His gracious rod of discipline upon us.
It is as he is bringing his extensive letter to a close that we begin to understand the desperate longing in Paul's heart to go to Rome and fellowship with his brothers and sisters there.
The great desire of his heart was to have a fruitful ministry among them, just as he had in so many other Gentile towns and cities.
His prayer-points showed that Paul believed God was willing to answer prayer, and he himself was prepared to seek the help of others in pursuing the desire of his heart.
He tore his mantle in anguish of heart, shaved his head, as a sign of mourning and was beset with inner turmoil... yet he fell on the ground in order to worship the Lord, and cried out, saying, Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall return there.
He reacted to his woes with worship, and to his devastating losses with reverence and humility of heart.
May we be prepared to reiterate the words that came from Job's mouth and the sentiment that ruled his heart, even when we do not know or understand why difficulties and disasters strew our pathway.
The new commandment Jesus gave - to love as He loved us, as demonstrated in the lives of the Christians at Colossae, did not negate the original commandments given to Moses - to love the Lord our God with all our heart and to love our neighbour as ourselves, for it is only as we love the Lord our God with all our heart that we are enabled to fulfil His new commandment.
It exhibits a compassionate heart and forgiving love for those that despitefully use us - even when others say all manner of evil about us falsely for the sake of Christ.
As we reflect upon the glorious gospel of Christ and the amazing grace by which we have been accepted in the Beloved, should we not seek to walk worthy of our calling every moment of the day, with lowliness of heart and gentleness of spirit?
Nothing He did satisfied their bigoted hearts, and they insisted Jesus prove His Messianic claims through a heavenly sign.
However, Jesus read their hearts and identified them as an evil and adulterous generation of unbelieving Jews who had rejected God's Word and were plotting His death.
Jesus warned that no sign would be given, except the sign of the prophet Jonah: For just as Jonah was in the stomach of the sea creature for three days and three nights, so the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights.
David opened up his heart to the Lord, and his urgent prayer for help and deliverance poured forth unabated.
We see David's fearful attitude changing as his heart turned heavenward.
Yes, I shall joyfully sing of Your lovingkindness in the morning, for You have been my stronghold and a refuge in the day of my distress.Remembering His past mercies is indeed a wonderful way to remove all the enemies of doubt and fear that trouble our minds and linger in our hearts, and recalling His many precious promises, help to strengthen our faith in God.
It is a reminder not to allow fear to take root in our heart but to speedily turn the eyes of our heart to Him.
The joy of the Lord strengthens our hearts and David was learning the benefit of lifting up his voice to the Lord in the morning hours.
Let us, with joyful abandon, sing of God’s power and make music in our hearts to Him, as we lift up holy hands to our faithful God and join our voices together in grateful hymns of praise, for His mercies are new every morning and His grace is sufficient, no matter what we are going through.
When the wisdom of man rejects the message of the Cross, they become fools, for the fool that has said in their heart there is no God.
Let us purpose in our heart to glory in nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified, for He is the one and only Person that is able to save the lost sinners by the grace of God through the message of the Cross.
However, when the Lord God reiterates a truth, it is because He wants to emphasise a matter and we would do well to listen to the Word of the Lord and to read, mark, learn, inwardly digest, and take to heart all that He has to teach us and to apply it in our life.It was the Spirit of God that moved over the face of the earth, in the beginning, to bring light and life to a darkened world.
Let us read, mark, learn, inwardly digest and take to heart all that He is and all that He has to say - and let us apply all that he teaches us, into our lives.
Christ's resurrection from the dead is an undeniable fact which should rejoice our heart, and Paul concludes his discourse with the following instructions, therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.
With murmuring mouths and unbelieving hearts, they wandered in the wilderness for forty years, without receiving all that had been promised to them through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
All that He desires of us is that we listen to His voice, hearken to His word, trust in His love, rely on His sufficient grace and let the love of Christ guard our heart... so that every step we take may be directed by Him – for our eternal benefit and for His greater glory.Christ is the Way and Christ is our Guide.
During His earthly ministry, prayer was not only a vital part of life - but a subject about which the Lord taught often and an issue that should rejoice our hearts and become a vital element of our Christian walk.
But instead of praying in humility of heart, they turned prayer into a legalistic practice in order to draw attention to their own religiosity!
Prayer should be undertaken in the reverential fear of the Lord and in an unfeigned humility of heart.
and the attitude of heart that lies behind the prayers and petitions that we offer to God about which Jesus is teaching in this passage.
Prayer is an attitude of heart, that cries out to the tender Father-heart of God, for intimacy and close communion.
Prayer is the combining of man's helplessness with his faith in God's gracious provision, and prayer translates into a heart that trust in His never-ending love.
The first steps toward spiritual fruit, Christian maturity, and a heart that reflects Christ's love for the Church, are moral excellence in our inner thoughts, righteousness in our outward expression, and purity in the secret motives of our heart.
It is through the Word of God that we gain knowledge and understanding, and it is as the message of Christ richly dwells within our heart that the beautiful attribute of long-suffering is able to develop and grow, for our eternal benefit and to the glory of God.
We all desire to grow in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus and we all long to cultivate an undivided heart, that is unruffled by life, as we submit to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and walk in spirit and in truth.Awareness of our lack in any of these areas of our Christian walk or recognising that life’s problems are swamping our fainting hearts is wisdom indeed – and a prudent step towards solving such problems is to ask the Lord for wisdom.
but God provides all the wisdom we need to maintain a steady heart, patient endurance, and an unwavering, uncompromised faith in Him.
When we are exhorted in Scripture to KNOW something, we should make sure that this is something that we really and truly KNOW in our heart and soul and mind and strength and spirit.
Christ's discourse in John Chapter 10 thrills the heart of every child of God, for Jesus identifies Himself as the Good Shepherd, Who not only knows our name but lays down His life for the sheep.
However, for those who believe, this passage contains some glorious truths that comfort the soul and encourage the heart.
Before his conversion, this slave had run away from his Christian master - Philemon, and the epistle which was carried to Colossae by a fellow-labourer in the gospel, called Tychicus, was a simple plea from the heart of Paul to Philemon, courteously requesting that this disobedient, runaway slave, be reinstated to his former position and treated kindly by his master.
Paul made his heart-felt, yet forceful request, to this brother in Christ, extremely courteously.
It would refresh his heart to see faith in action being carried out in this brother in Christ.
May we willingly and cheerfully do over and above all that we are called upon to do as instructed in the Word of God, and may we do it with a joyful heart, so that Christ may be glorified in all we do.
The latter consist of those that are stubborn of heart, religiously arrogant, and boastful of their independence from God's gracious provision.
They are a repulsive and sickening irritation to our Father's heart.
In the same way, we discover that to unbelievers and those that are stubborn of heart, religiously arrogant, and boastful of their independence from God, we are a stench in their nostrils and an aroma from death to death.
May our lives be so saturated with the attractiveness of our Saviour that His beauty is reflected in us, so that others may see our lives and glorify our Father in heaven, so that by grace through faith in Him, they may turn from their sinful ways, trust in the Lord with all their heart, and be born again into the family of God - to His praise and glory.
Peter was one who witnessed the power of the Holy Spirit falling on a group of despised, inferior, Gentile 'dogs', simply because they believed in their heart that Jesus Christ died on a cross for their sins, rose again the third day, and that through His name everyone who believes in Him would receive forgiveness of sins, life everlasting, and the indwelling Holy Spirit.
We have a positive responsibility to obey His Word and apply it in our everyday life, for when we walk in the unity of the Spirit and live in holiness of heart, we mature in the faith, grow in grace, and produce the fruit of humility, patience, gentleness, and love.
We are to avoid sinning when anger rises in our heart, and deal with wrong motives and harmful emotions speedily.
The words we speak should flow from a heart that is centred on Christ and should minister timely words of grace and encouragement to others.
And speaking such words will edify the Body, rejoice the heart, give grace to all those who hear them, and honour our Father in heaven.
Elijah came to a deeper understanding that men's hearts will never be compelled to believe in God, but the long-suffering, gracious nature of God will draw all men to Himself.
No doubt their eyes were straining to capture this poignant picture, as their hearts trembled in wonder - until the cloud finally hid Him from their vision.
However glorious this precious picture of His ascension is to us – we too have a time of hopeful expectation on which to train the eyes of our hearts – for this same Jesus, Who was taken from that little company into heaven, will come to meet us in clouds, at the end of the Church Age.
The hope that was placed into the hearts of the disciples on that wondrous ascension morning, kept the hope of their Lord’s return alive in their hearts, for the rest of their difficult lives, knowing that one day their Lord would return in like manner to take them to be with Himself - for we are not appointed to the wrath that will be poured out during the Great Tribulation.
We too have that hope in our hearts and with each passing day we are one day closer to that time when the trumpet will sound - the dead in Christ shall be raised first and we that are alive and remain, will be caught up together into the clouds of heaven to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will be with the Lord, forever.
Let us keep the hope of His imminent return for His Church alive in our hearts from this day forward.
Paul discovered that by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, God's promises are sure, His Word is true, His grace is sufficient, and all things work together for good to those that love the Lord their God with all their heart and are fitting into His plans and purposes.
If God is true and righteous, just and good, eternal and unchanging then the words of His mouth and the proclamations of His heart are equally secure and eternally immovably.
It is because he has faith in God and trusts in the unchangeable and unchanging character of his faithful God that the questioning heart of a distressed David is able to remain securely anchored to the precious promises of God.
The Cross was drawing ever closer and the disciples were agitated in their hearts, and in this passage, the Lord is seeking to reassure them and give them a glimpse into things that were to come.
So many of the Lord's words to the disciples were spoken to move them from the fraught emotional thinking that ravaged their anxious hearts, to the calm influence of the gospel truth that would set their hearts free and keep them from stumbling.
But the people in Nazareth had hardened their hearts against the Lord, in unbelief.
But Jesus knew that performing miracles among this rebellious, unbelieving crowd, would not cause them to believe on Him, but rather intensify their guilt and harden their heart even more.
When a man or woman repeatedly refuses to acknowledge God's Word and obey the truth, their proud hearts and unrelenting minds become seared and hardened, until God permits that inflexibility to become permanent - God gives them over to their rebellious heart.
The same is true with a people-group or nation, and Israel's collective heart had become so desensitised to God's Word, and so stiff-necked towards Him, that God finally gave them over to their lustful desires - pronouncing a famine for the hearing of the words of the Lord.
They would search for the truth, but they would not find it, for their ears had become blocked to His voice, their eyes had become blind to His guidance, and their hearts had become frozen against the God of their salvation.
May we study to show ourselves approved unto God, as we meditate and memorise the words of life, so that our hearts may be saturated with truth and light.
They refuse to trust in the Lord with all their heart.
Let us take this severe warning to heart, live our lives to His praise and glory, and to be prepared to suffer for love of our Saviour Who bought us with His precious blood.
Let us take to heart the truth of the gospel and share the gospel message to all we meet: For the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, to us who are being saved it is the power of God and the wisdom of God.
Not only were we dead in our sins but uncircumcised in heart.
Israel had been chosen by God to be separated unto the Lord, a people called by Him, a nation of priests, a light to the Gentiles, a blessing to all the nations, a people with a circumcised heart who were holy unto the Lord.
We are called to be separated unto the Lord, a people called by His name, a blessing to all the nations, a people with a circumcised heart who are holy unto the Lord.
Before beginning his appeal for mercy which restated several Christian doctrines on grace, forgiveness, servanthood, and our imputed righteousness by faith in Christ, Paul reminded Philemon of their own, close Christian intimacy and the mutual love and respect they had for one another: For I have come to have much joy and comfort in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you, brother.
A magnificent song of praise bursts forth from the pen of the anonymous psalmist, as he summons together the host of heaven with all those that dwell on the earth, to worship the Lord... to praise His name and glorify Him with exultant shouts and great rejoicing of the heart.
While the heavens declare the glory of God and continue to display His marvellous works, the fool has said in his heart, there is no God!
May we discover the wonders of Him anew, and swell the heavenly chorus with overflowing hearts of thanksgiving and praise to our great Creator and rejoice in the God of our Salvation.
They remained in the desert for 40 years and did not enter their promised rest because of unbelief and a hardening of their hearts towards the God of their salvation.
Christ is our promised peace, and we gain that peace that will guard our hearts every day of our life if we rest in Him and trust what God has said in His Word.
Having just read about Christ's appearance to two of His disciples as they walked along the road, and having just recorded that Jesus rebuked His disciples for their unbelief and hardness of heart by refusing to believe the eyewitness accounts of Christ's Resurrection, we read that Jesus gave the disciples His great missionary commission: Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all people.
That sort of detached belief does not result in a man or woman being saved, and baptised into the Body of Christ by the Holy Spirit, for they have not mixed an inner heart faith with the factual truth.
Let us therefore walk in the light as He is in the light, and may the light of God in Christ shine in our hearts and show forth in our lives so that men may see the light of Christ shining in our lives, as we abide in Him and He in us.
But the rebellious hearts that withstand the testimony of these two witnesses and who rejoice when they are finally murdered by the Antichrist, will testify to their defiant disobedience to God's sovereign will.
She pronounces an eternal truth that rejoices all who seek after the Lord with a needy heart, in humility of spirit, and a deep, hungering longing for Him.
Mary and her favoured cousin Elisabeth, together with Anna, the aged, praying prophetess, had nurtured hearts that looked and longed for the consolation of Israel; and they were heartily satisfied.
Let us approach Him in humility of heart and poverty of spirit, for He has promised to fill all those that hunger for Him with good things, both in this life and in the age to come, while those that come to Him in selfish, self-satisfied pride and carnality of soul, will receive the bitter fruit of inner emptiness.
God also used Abram's nephew, Lot, to teach him other important truths about trusting the Lord with all his heart and not to walk by sight, rely on his own intuition, or become unsettled by life's difficult circumstances.
Instead of being written on stone, God's plan of redemption was to be written on the heart.
The Lord knew fallen man was incapable of keeping His Law and so He promised to place His law within their minds and to write it on their hearts.
God's chosen nation will be restored and redeemed - and on that day, God will put His laws in their hearts and write them upon their minds.
On that day, the Lord will ratify His covenant with His earthly people, Israel - when He will finally write His Law upon their hearts and every man will sit under his own fig tree - and Jesus will be King over all the earth.
The hearts of religious men stand equally condemned before God and yet they try to justify themselves by means of trying to keep the unattainable standards of the Mosaic Law, denominational requirements, or self-imposed rules and regulations, all of which Paul warns, convicts the sinner of sin and shuts up the mouths of all humanity in the presence of a holy God.
Let us take to heart the shocking context of this verse and recognise what Paul is teaching us here that there is none good, not even one, and that trying to keep rules and laws is not what justifies us in the eyes of God, but believing on the Lord Jesus Christ as our sin-substitute.
These words of consolation and succour were to bring reassurance and support, strength, hope, and courage to the disciples and to generations who have trusted in Christ as Saviour: But take heart!
But take heart!
However dark your own life situation may be and whatever challenges you may be facing, take these words from Christ Jesus to heart: But take heart!
Moses wanted them to keep the words of his challenging song in their heart and pass it on to their children.
He knew a divided heart causes an unstable character, which is increasingly likely to stray from the right path and adopt apostate and ungodly ways.
Along with the Mosaic Law, the feasts and festivals, the sacrificial offerings, the priestly requirements, the construction of the tabernacle, and many other lessons Moses taught the people, the 'Song of Moses' was another instrument to prevent them from going astray and to remind God's people to trust in the Lord with all their heart.
May we keep the eyes of our heart on Jesus and apply the truth of the Word, knowing that we too are the apple of His eye and have been given all we need for life and godliness.
The Bible tells us much about pride, and together with a devious heart, dishonest scales, lying lips, and the lifestyle of the wicked, we discover that pride is detestable to the Lord.
Scripture reminds us that everyone with a proud heart will be brought low and a prideful man will not go unpunished.
God will deflate the proud person and bring him low, for Scripture reminds us that a prideful heart is detestable to the Lord, while those whose conduct is blameless are His delight.
The man or woman who is humble of heart is blessed indeed, for God gives grace to the humble and exalts them to elevated positions.
A man's pride will certainly bring him low, and as believers we should be very careful not to allow pride's destructive mindset to gain entrance into our heart.
Humility of heart is a quietness of spirit and a gentleness of disposition that seeks the best for others, even at the expense of our own hopes and wishes.
Let us strive to prevent the insidious seeds of pride taking root in our heart and seek to prevent any fleshly habits and ungodly carnality from being manifest in our lives.
Rather, let us feed on Christ in our hearts by faith with thanksgiving and allow the beautiful spiritual fruit of humility to blossom and bud in our inner being - so that the lovely character of the Lord Jesus may start to be seen increasingly in our lives - until we come to a measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ to the praise and honour of our heavenly Father.
Our inner resolve and heart-determination should be to consider the needs of our Christian family before our own personal needs, in order to provoke others unto love and good works by the gracious example we set in our own actions, attitude, words, and motives.
Let us take to heart the wisdom and warning in the book of Hebrews so that by grace we are enabled to let brotherly love be the distinguishing mark of our own Christian walk.
We are to hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering so that we may stimulate one another to love and good deeds as we seek to develop the love of Christ in our heart to His praise and glory.
All those that have been born from above and have been clothed in the righteousness of Christ our Saviour, are called by our great Creator God, to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, to sing joyful praises to Him with our lips and in our hearts.
May we remain part of a faithful remnant who walk in spirit and truth, trust in the Lord with all our heart, and live godly lives through the power of the Spirit.
It is the Father's love and favour towards us which forever establishes in our hearts the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ.
He started a good work in us and planted an eternal seed of grace within each of our hearts which will mature and produce much fruit to His praise and glory, if we humbly submit to His leading and guidance in our lives.
What a sad state of affairs when the mercy and goodness of God is rejected by hardened hearts that refuse to listen.
We notice an incredible contrast between the venomous fury of the angry, murderous Jews, who were cut to the heart when they heard Stephen proclaiming the truth and gnashed on him with their teeth... and Stephen who, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up steadfastly into heaven and seeing the glory of God and Jesus standing on the right hand of the Father, fell asleep - after having prayed for his murderer's forgiveness.
Stephen already had the indwelling Spirit-of-Rest abiding in His heart, and he knew that our times are in God's hands.
During his shocking ordeal, Stephen discovered that the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension, guarded his heart and shielded his mind as he looked to JESUS - the Author and Finisher of his faith.
BUT His grace is still sufficient, His peace is still perfected in the heart that is stayed on Him, and our times are still in God's hands.
The same blood that gushed forth from Calvary's Cross 2000 years ago and cleansed your heart and mine, will continue to carry out its redeeming work and pour out its cleansing flood on the whole house of Israel: And so all Israel shall be saved, for as a nation they will have cried out in unison: Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord, hosanna in the highest.
Only the spilt blood of the Lord Jesus Christ was sufficient to satisfy God's righteousness judgement on sin, death, and hell, and permit forgiveness to flow from His pure heart of love to all who would believe on His name.
Hearts were filled with unanswered questions on that day, until.
This is a truth that rejoiced the heart of many who heard Peter's sermon on the day of Pentecost, and it has rejoiced the heart of millions more, who have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and been saved by grace through faith in Him.
God's condemnation of the pagan world, and His righteous indignation against their foolishness is because the invisible majesty, the eternal power and the glory of God is clearly displayed throughout creation - and yet, despite knowing the truth, they suppress it through their wild imaginations, which causes their hearts to become hardened, callused, and unrepentant.
but instead, they became futile in their stupid speculations and wild imaginations, and their foolish hearts became shrouded in the satanically-inspired darkness of sin and death.
May we take to heart all that we read in this glorious book and rejoice that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
But when Christ is seated in His rightful position on the throne of our heart, we have God's never-failing promise that He will lead us along the right path and guide us through every problem we may have to face.
This famine at Bethlehem-Judah was God's call to them to once again do that which was right in the eyes of the Lord, to trust the Lord with all their heart, and not to rely on their own imperfect plans and purposes.
Paul was doing a great work for the Lord, but God knows the heart of all men and He knew that Paul could become puffed up with pride due to the great revelations that God was giving to the Church through him.
It is frequently at a time when joyful events and happy laughter fills our heart, that God chooses to examine the faith of His justified people.
God can test his children at any point in their earthly walk, but as spiritual maturity develops, the trials of faith often become increasingly painful, as God searches to and fro, for that man or that woman, who has an undivided heart that is turned toward Him - no matter what life's circumstances may throw at them.
Every step towards Mount Moriah must have cut Abraham's heart to the quick, for God had called this man to offer his promised son, Isaac, as a sacrifice to the Lord.
Little children and young people were being brought to the Good Shepherd for His blessing... and yet the demonstrable hardness of these disciples' hearts is only counterbalanced by Christ's strong rebuke of their behaviour towards these tender hearts - hearts that were open to His saving grace.
How sad that parents and infants with an open heart to the glorious gospel message, were being obstructed by those who knew the truth - those who knew Jesus.
The trusting heart that is found in a child demonstrates the simple faith that we should all foster.
May we not wittingly or unwittingly exclude anyone from coming to a saving faith in Christ Jesus our Lord, by any biases that we may harbour in our hearts.
And in his short outburst of praise, we discover king David rejoicing and singing in his heart by faith with thanksgiving: How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony, for it refreshes the soul and is a sweet fragrance that ascends to the Lord and glorifies His holy name.
This was one of the songs of ascent that Israel would sing to the Lord with joy in their hearts, as they advanced on their pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
The life of faith filters our thoughts, actions, attitudes, and words, through the holy Scriptures, as we listen to the inner promptings of the Holy Spirit, follow His directions, and trust in the Lord with all our heart.
Isaiah had prophesied that those with hardened hearts of unbelief would not understand the eternal significance of the gospel of Christ.
Their hearts were closed towards the Lord.
May we keep the Word of God before our eyes and in our hearts, so that we are not shaken by the pervasive influence of tares that have been sown in our lives by the enemy of our soul.
that his accusers were stiff neck men, who were uncircumcised in heart - and always resisted the Holy Spirit of God.
Stephen's words cut straight to the heart of these religious-minded men.
Despite being highly educated members of the revered Sanhedrin, these distinguished men hardened their hearts to the truth and became emotionally unhinged and their extreme hatred of the truth of the gospel caused them to fulfil Christ's own words, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service.
God examines the thoughts of the hearts and the hidden motive behind our actions, and we are warned that if the motive behind what we say and do is to be seen and applauded by other people rather than carried out for the honour and glory of God, it is the wrong motivation and will not be rewarded by our Father in heaven.
God is the One that searches the heart.
He alone knows the moment the heart of the unbeliever starts to trust in Christ for salvation, but He also knows the heart of the believer, and His rewards for Christians are entirely based on the motive behind the works that we perform.
He was not resentful that this thriving ministry was not the result of his own personal labour, for Paul knew that jealousy and strife among believers is a result of a proud heart and fleshly behaviour.
He took up permanent residence within the heart of all those that believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and we are being built into the temple of God – created with living stones, as Christ's witnesses to the world.
When we live and move and have our being to the glory of God, in submission to the Holy Spirit, and with Christ as our central delight and joy, the indwelling Spirit of Christ DWELLS in our heart as we ABIDE in Him and REST in His love.
And He helps us in this amazing personal, intimate way, in every part of our lives, even in our prayer life: The Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
We do not need outwards signs, visible proofs, or audible evidences of His presence in our heart.
For we have His promises in the Word of His saving work of grace in our lives, and we have the permanent indwelling Spirit of Christ Who is a sure witness in our heart that we truly are the children of God.
Hannah was a godly woman who trusted the Lord and participated in all the nation's feasts, festivals, and sacrifices, but her heart was troubled and she determined to pour out her grief to the Lord in prayer.
Hannah came to God in her helplessness and pain, and she poured out the deep desires of her heart to the Lord.
She was ready and willing to commit the desires of her heart to the Lord, and God not only fulfilled the desire of her heart, but used the son she would bear to play an important role in the history of her people and in God's own plan of redemption for all whose hope is in Him.
It is not the selfish prayer that says 'give me what I want', that reaches the heart of God, but the unceasing heart-cry of helplessness that says 'without You Lord I can do nothing' - 'Thy will be done in my life' - 'use me Father, to fulfil Your plans and purposes'.
It is often the cry of helpless dependance that causes God to give us the desires of our heart, for when our human will is in line with God's perfect will, the desires of His heart become the yearnings of our own heart, and joy is born out of our pain.
The dejected countenance of his servant was noticed by the king, who asked Nehemiah about his sadness of heart and offered to help in the rebuilding of Jerusalem.
God moved the heart of the king to help his servant, and the king agreed to send Nehemiah back to Jerusalem to undertake a grand rebuilding programme.
The enemy, who has sought to shroud the truth of the glorious gospel of God, and seeks to prevent it from shining into the hearts of those that trust His word, was defeated at Calvary.... and we have been given ALL we need for life and godliness.
We have the power of the indwelling Spirit shining in our hearts, and we are to act as gleaming mirrors of Christ's beauty, reflecting His love and grace - as we abide in Him and He in us.
As Christians, we are God's ambassadors on earth who we have the privilege and responsibility to be His hands and His feet, His eyes and His ears, His heart and His voice, as we share His gospel of hope to those that are lost in trespasses and dead in their sins.
But the evil intent of man's evil heart remained evil continually, and the windows of heaven poured out the water of judgement on a God-hating, sinful world, flooding the entire earth and cleansing it of its pre-flood perversions and unspeakable violence.
Rather than seeking to avoid the child-training we receive from our Heavenly Father or bemoaning the discipline we may receive from His hand, we would be wise to recognise God's chastening rod as proof of our kinsmanship with our Good Shepherd, and as the work of the indwelling Holy Spirit within our hearts.
Let us glory in His wonderful name and let us trust Him in all things, seek Him with our whole heart, and increasingly flee to Him as the Hope of our salvation and our Tower of refuge, for He is our Comforter, our Joy, our Light, and our Life.
However, Rebekah overheard the conversation and determined in her heart to prevent this from happening and took it upon herself to intervene, covertly.
And together with the indwelling Holy Spirit living in our heart, we have all we need for our spiritual directives and development - as long we obey Christ's command to abide in Him and He in us.
May we take this to heart as we die daily to our own desires and live each moment only for Him.
Although he was sending written directives to the young pastor Timothy on how to shepherd the flock of God that was under his care, we can all take to heart the wise instruction on how to become a man or woman of God, so that we conduct ourselves in a manner that is honouring to the Lord and faithful to our position in Christ.
And because the love of God has been poured into our heart by His Holy Spirit, we rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory when we read: Christ died for ours sins, according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised again on the third day, according to the Scriptures.
How important that our hearts are flooded with the light of His grace and glory so that we have a real understanding of the confident hope that is ours in Christ, knowing that we are the rich and glorious inheritance of Christ Jesus our Lord.
We are to ask God for an understanding heart, to practice morality, produce spiritual fruit in His sufficient strength, and trust in the Lord with all our heart.
Too often they are wise in their own eyes, yet lack the godly understanding of the man of God who is humble in heart.
Four of the seven things that God hates are connected with perversity and slander: a lying tongue, a heart that devises wicked plans, a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers.
Joy is a fruit that the Lord produces within our heart, but it is something that the world can know nothing about.
Satan delights to use adversity to hatch-out doubts and fears in the imagination of our hearts, and these can become barriers that make us question God's faithfulness, distort His character, and cause our faith to falter.
The surpassing intimate fellowship into which we have been warmly invited, as children of the Father and joint-heirs with Christ, should rejoice our heart always and gladden our soul through time and into eternity.
Jeremiah's prophetic writings, however, placed hope in the heart of the little faithful remnant who had to endure this terrible defeat, for the Lord promised to make a New Covenant with a united Israel.
But it is the all-encompassing grace of God that is so treasured by believers, for having made peace with God we are enabled to receive the peace of God in our hearts and the ability to grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Saviour, Jesus Christ: For the grace of God has appeared, instructing us, guiding us, teaching us, and conforming us, day by day, into the likeness of Christ.
And it is only by His grace that the believer can access His grace, continue in grace, and grow in grace so that we may have the peace of God which passes all understanding guarding our hearts and minds, as we live in Christ Jesus our Lord and His grace and peace is reflected in us.
Sometimes familiarly with the glorious superlatives of our heavenly calling, and the eternal hope of glory that is set before us, causes our eyes to become dimmed and our hearts to become complacent.
And so, Paul prays that the eyes of our heart may be enlightened in order that we may know the hope to which God has called us: the riches of His glorious inheritance in us, His holy, called-out people.
It identifies a self-righteous attitude that is conceived in the scornful heart of a carnal Christian, who finds fault with others, in order to look good themselves.
However, we are not instructed to judge the thoughts, hearts, motives, and behaviour of others - as it degrades our own testimony and dishonours the Lord, Who is the only one worthy to judge the thoughts of the heart and the actions of a man.
To pass judgement on another believer is to evaluate his heart or to draw a conclusion of his standing before God - which should never be.
The judging of others does not belong to a Christian... rather it usurps the authority of God - for no one knows the heart of another, save God alone.
May we guard our hearts and bridle our tongues with all vigilance, for out of it can flow springs of life or the curses of death.
I am sure as Paul reflected on his life, in that dark, dank, dreary dungeon in Rome, his heart was gladdened when he thought of Timothy, his spiritual son in the Lord.
However, Paul always brought his focus back to the foundational truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the need to, continue in the things you have learned, and to become firmly convinced of them in your heart, knowing from whom you have learned them.
It helps to maintain our hope in Christ and encourages us to love the Lord our God with all our heart and mind and strength and soul - with thanksgiving.
While proclaiming Israel's need to cleanse their heart, mend their ways, and obey the Law given through Moses, Malachi assured them of the never-failing love God had towards them, and that His promised blessings would start to flow to those who trust in Him and obey His Word.
David was a man after God's own heart because he honoured the Lord and trusted His Word, despite the numerous challenges and conflicts he had to face and the many offenses he was called to endure, for righteousness' sake.
He knows that fear of the Lord is an issue of faith that should pull on the heart-strings of all God's people, for only those whose hearts are right with the Lord will walk along the path of God's leading.
It is only as we trust in the Lord with all our heart and refuse to lean on our own understanding, that we truly benefit from God's leading and guidance.
He encourages these women to beautify the hidden person of the heart, and explains that inner beauty is expressed with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit - which is very precious in the sight of God.
This verse lists the things that makes a wife most attractive and appealing to her husband, and Peter calls it: The hidden person of the heart.
The beauty and virtue that comes from within and honours the Lord, flows from the heart of a gentle and tranquil spirit and far surpasses any allurement that might be triggered through some outer adornment of the body.
A gentle and quiet spirit which is precious in God's sight, will not only win the heart of their husband but is a quality that is lasting and will not fade away.
No perfume can mask an unforgiving heart, and no amount of jewellery can embellish mean-hearted women or prevent them from murmuring or being discontented.
The spiritual fruit of gentleness, goodness, kindness, and grace, comes from a tender heart that honours the Lord.
They are born out of a submissive and respectful spirit which is at peace with God and owns the peace of God in her heart, because she trusts in Him.
May the desire of every Christian wife be to develop the inner beauty of her heart in her marriage, knowing that this is honouring to the Lord.
May each one of us who are born from above similarly seek to foster the same internal qualities of heart and mind - the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious in the sight of God.
We have been instructed that in everything, by prayer and supplication, to make our requests known to God, and we are to do it with thanksgiving and praise, so that the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The earnest desire of Paul's heart was to know Christ more, to live for Him, to die daily to self, and if necessary, to give his life for the precious Saviour he loved so dearly.
The determined purpose of Paul's heart was to exalt his Saviour for the greatest glory of God and to continue to his life's end, declaring the goodness of his gracious Master.
May we take to heart these warnings from Zephaniah and act with justice, treasure the Lord's gracious love, and walk humbly in the company of our God and Saviour, for His greater praise and eternal glory.
Isaac had to develop his own personal relationship with the Lord and learn to trust in Him with all his heart.
All those who, like Abraham, are to be declared righteous by the Lord must believe in their heart, by faith.
While Esau's fleshly character and carnal lusts become clear as he grows into manhood, we also find Jacob's disposition to be a highly questionable, for he had fleshly traits and proved himself to be a systematic deceiver at heart.
While the first part of his prophecy deals mainly with issues relating to Israel, their apostasy, the hardening of their heart towards the Lord, and His coming judgement (on them and other nations), chapter 40 onwards speaks words of comfort to God's people and tells of Israel's future deliverance.
The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God,' and yet they give honour to everything and anything, as long as it is not God the Father and Jesus Christ Whom He sent to be our Kinsman-Redeemer.
May we be those whose ears are ever open to His gracious leading and may our hearts be ever open to His needful correction.
It was a question, first voiced by the prophet Isaiah many centuries before, for the wisdom in the heart of a holy God cannot be known by the finite intellect of the fallen, human mind, nor can the infinite wisdom of the Lord be transmitted to the limited understanding of an unholy man.
The thing that saves the sinner and forgives his sin, is believing that Jesus, the incarnate Word of God, died for our sin, was buried, and rose again, according to the Scriptures. He went to the Cross in obedience to the Father, for His heart-cry was always: THY will be done He went to the Cross to redeem all who would believe, Jews and Gentiles alike.
We discover that the heart and mind of God is to redeem mankind, to restore creation, to teach us to be holy, and to guide us into all truth.
To have the mind of Christ gives us a taste of heaven, a glimpse into His glory, an understanding of His heart of love, and the amazing truth that God the Father desires to save mankind from their sin, and bestow on us privileges that are beyond our understanding.
And the Shield-of-Faith, when utilised correctly, will protect our heart and soul from all the flaming arrows of the enemy, during our time on earth.
Discouragement and unholy anger, doctrinal error and spiritual confusion, together with false teachings, moral failure, and self-recrimination, will flood our hearts if we step outside the protection of an unwavering faith in God - and Jesus Christ, Whom He has sent.
We are to be astute, and recognise that anything that may cause our hearts to fail, can be prevented when we cast all our cares upon Him - by faith..
When the enemy seeks to instil worry in our heart or to whip up our frantic emotions - it is the Shield-of-Faith that is our protection - for God's Word is sure and we must stand firm on His truth, however fragile life's circumstances may have become.
Praise God that we who have trusted Christ are no longer under His condemnation and will never face that Great White Judgement Throne of God, but there are many who are pridefully unrepentant of their sin and whose hearts remain rebellious towards the Lord's offer of redemption.
The eternal consequences of rejecting God's offer of salvation are fearful, but those that stubbornly reject God's gracious offer of free salvation, develop and retain a hardened and unrepentant heart.
But: Because of man's stubbornness and unrepentant heart many are storing up wrath for themselves in that great day of God's wrath, when the righteous judgment of God will finally and fully be revealed.
But the Lord Jesus was abiding in the Father and resting in His love, despite the ordeal that the little crew were facing, because the peace of God was secured in the heart of Christ.
Let us trust in the Lord with all our heart and not lean on our own understanding.
When we do this, the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We are to establish God's Word of truth in our heart and to reckon it to be true so that we may live our lives in submission to the Holy Spirit of God, by faith in our Savour, Jesus Christ, with thanksgiving in our hearts.
It is firmly established in heavenly places, for the Word of God proceeded forth from the heart of the omniscient and glorious God Whose name is holy and Whose throne of glory is established in the heavens.
The heart-felt prayer of a childless woman whose pleading request for a baby son was answered and who was faithful in returning the child back to the Lord once he was weaned, has rejoiced many hearts and encouraged many souls.
The Lord is no respecter of persons, and the eyes of the Lord continue travel to and fro, looking for a man or woman who has a listening ear, a trusting heart, and a willing spirit that is ready to say: Speak Lord, your servant is listening.
As we look at the failure of Israel to trust in the Lord with all their heart, and as we witness their growing apostasy and rebellion against His specific orders, we understand why God gave His specific command to His people.
And when our hearts are wholly prepared to do His will, He will direct our steps in the best way that we should go.
We are saved by the grace of God, and that grace proceeds from the Father-heart of divine love.
We are God’s children and that is what we are, – sinners, saved by the grace of God through faith in His Son, and that grace proceeds from the Father-heart of a wonderful, perfect, unique, divine love.
The Lord Jesus told His disciples some important truths concerning the trials and difficulties that are inevitable in a fallen world, where men are lovers of themselves and sin has taken root in the heart of humanity.
However, in order that they might have the peace of God in their heart, He said encouragingly, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.
In a world where we are increasingly beset by difficulties and dangers, trials and tribulation, persecution and pain, false teachings and unbiblical doctrines from so many quarters, let us set our face as a flint to trust in the Lord with all our heart.
Let us seek discernment in a sea of apostate teachings and trust in the Lord with all our heart... and let us read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the inerrant Word of God - which alone is able to make us wise unto salvation.
Probably the most important way to turn a temptation for evil into a trial that God will use for good, is to maintain a close relationship with Him through continuous prayer, ongoing praise and a thankful heart for all His goodness and grace towards us.
We are to consider Jesus, and all He is, and all He has done for us, in order that we will not grow weary or lose heart, but continue to trust Him in all things and at all times.
Gratefulness of heart to the Lord God almighty is like a golden stream that threads its way through this wonderful song of praise.
The wonderful certainty that the loving-kindness of our heavenly Lord is everlasting, and that His truth endures from one generation to another, should permeate every fibre of our being and thrill the heart of every believer with the fullness of His joy and a heart of gratitude.
We should conduct ourselves as obedient children, guarding our hearts and girding up the thoughts of our minds.
We should be sober-minded and set the eyes of our heart on Christ, and we should give glory, honour, and reverential fear to our holy Father with a deep appreciation of all that He has done for us.
Living a holy life should not be a considered a burden or a strain, but should be motivated by a reverential fear and unquenchable awe of God, combined with a heart of unending gratitude for the incredible price that God was prepared to pay for the price of our redemption.
Every blood-bought child of God should have a holy fear of our heavenly Father, for although we are privileged to call Him Abba, Father, and are given access to His throne of grace through the merit of Jesus Christ our Lord, we should never forget He is the One Who judges the day-to-day thoughts of our heart and the imaginations of our mind.
Yes indeed, the Word of God revives and refreshes us, and we are exhorted to hide God's Word in our heart for the Word of God stands fast for ever and ever.
We live in an evil and Christ-rejecting world, but when the enemy comes in like a flood: when our soul cleaves to the dust of the ground and when our heart is faint and weary, let us call to mind the many precious promises in the Word of God which are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Christ rose again on the third day, and the proof is that hundreds saw His post-Resurrection appearances, and this is recorded in the Word of God, which is truth straight from the heart of God to His people.
The proven fact of fulfilled prophecy at Christ's First Coming should rejoice our hearts, for we have an assurance that all prophecies connected with His Second Coming will also be fulfilled, according to the Scriptures.
While the first is living in accordance with God's will for our lives and walking in the light, the second is outside His will and causes our heart to become lukewarm and our faith to falter.
It is for this reason that we are called to wake up from any compromise in our Christianity or coldness of heart.
May we trust in the Lord with ALL our heart and not lean on our own understanding, for the Lord KNOWS the path we take, and has scheduled every day of our life for our eternal good and for His greater glory.
Both the man and woman had disobeyed God's command not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and rebellion was already rooted deep within their hearts.
This greatest of all recorded prayers of Christ is prayed as He set out towards the Garden of Gethsemane and the Cross of Calvary, and it gives us the most astonishing insight into the heart of God, the glory of God, the plan of God, and the will of God.
There is a deep craving and an insatiable hunger in the heart of all men for God.
Many suppress their desire, ignore their hunger, or even deny this deep-seated need, but it will remain in the heart of all men throughout their life, for God has set eternity within the heart of humanity.
But God in His loving-kindness and gracious mercy sent His only begotten Son to come to earth to die in our place so that we might come boldly into the presence of the Lord to find mercy in time of need and gain immediate and intimate access into the heart of the Father, forever.
We need to fix our eyes on Jesus and the truth of God's Word and nothing else, in order to be able to avoid our hearts being turned toward the difficulties and trials of everyday life.
In verse 21 fathers are directed: Do not exasperate your children, so they will not lose heart.
How sad when excessive discipline, a lack of discipline, over-indulgence, or a lack of interest in their child, an abundance rules and regulation, or a lack of them can cause a child to become exasperated so they lose heart.
There is a close correlation between a child who is obedient and respects their parents, and parents who do not frustrate their child or cause them to lose heart.
How important for parents, children, and church fellowships, to refuse to be impacted by worldly standards and to reinstate godly principles and biblical teaching in their home so that the children of today will not become the parents of tomorrow who exasperate their children and cause their children to lose heart.
Ephesians, Philippians, and this book of Colossians were all written from a prison cell, and the theme of this beautiful verse together with Paul's earnest prayer for all the saints, was that their hearts may be encouraged, comforted, and knitted together in love.
Paul knew that a divided heart is more susceptible to embrace wrong doctrine, and so he prays they the Church may be knitted together in love and sweet fellowship so that they would be better equipped to stand against the onslaught of wrong teaching.
This glorious truth provides us with wonderful reassurance and binds our heart to His eternal heart of love, for we have known and believed the great love that God hath to us.
It is a matter of faith, which pleases the loving heart of our gracious God of Love, and secures our hope in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Nothing came into being apart from Him, and in Him was eternal life, which was the Light that shines into the heart of all who believe - and the darkness can never, ever quench this truth.
Perhaps this verse, which so simply states that God Is Love, encapsulates the very essence of God, and should be increasingly stirred-up in our heart, knowing that those that rest, remain, abide, and dwell in His love, by keeping their minds on Jesus, are assured that the Love of God will rest, remain, abide, and dwell in their hearts - encouraging, providing, upholding, leading, refreshing, comforting, and supporting - for God Is Love.
Today, Jesus is seated on the right hand of the Father in heavenly places, and the dear desire our hearts should be set on heavenly things, and not on issues that are intertwined with this broken world system, which lies is in the arms of the evil one.
It is by being gracious towards strangers and prisoners and by maintaining sexual purity and inner humility of heart.
It is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods, through which those who were so occupied were not benefitted.
And he reminds us once again, not to be carried about by strange teachings and to remember our position in Christ, so that our heart is strengthened in the inner man by the grace that we have in Him.
It is the washing of our souls in the cleansing power of the Word of God that purifies a heart - not a ritual bath, the eating of clean animals, or any other Mosaic ritual - all of which were big parts of pre-Cross religious practices of Israel.
It is not the eating of ceremonially 'clean' food or the abstinence of ceremonially 'unclean' food which cleanses our hearts and benefits our lives.
Too many believers, then as now, place too great an importance on the outward show of our Christianity through man-made rites, rituals, rules, and regulations, rather than the important cleansing of the heart by grace through faith in Christ - as we die to our own desires and live each day for Him.
Faith comes by hearing and those who HEAR the truth of the gospel of God, believe in their heart and trust in Christ, will rise into newness of His resurrected life.
David was a man after God's own heart... because he trusted the Lord.
May we who have come to a saving faith in the sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ, take to heart the character traits that should be evident in the life of the spiritual man or woman.
May the words of our mouths, the meditation of our hearts, and the actions of our lives, be truthful in thought, word, and deed.
To those like King David, who love the Lord with all their heart and turn their face towards Him, His glorious person becomes ever more real with each additional glimpse of His beauty, as He unveils more and more of His character.
What tremendous benefits are discovered for the one that trusts the Lord with all their heart and does not lean upon their own understanding.
He knew that man's heart is deceitful above all things, and that fallen man can be swept into deep despondency when faith in the Lord fails or falters.
It pleases the very heart of God when His children depend on Him utterly, believe in His Word, and trust in His Son for Salvation, for without having faith in Who He is and what He had said, it is impossible to please Him.
Blessed is the man who embraces these two gifts of grace, which abide forever - for faith and hope unlock our understanding of the Father-heart of God's pure love for all His children.
Throughout his short life, Daniel had developed such a close fellowship with the Lord that his ears were open to God's voice and his heart was open to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
A thread of hope and praise weaves its way through these verses, as David makes a declaration of God's grace and loving-kindness to those that call on His name, and are humble in heart.
And what ecstatic joy must have flooded her heart when Jesus spoke her name, and yet He told her tenderly but firmly: Touch Me not for I am not yet ascended to the Father.
Although God's heart is always to bless and restore mankind, man's innate motivation is rooted in selfishness and rebellion against His divine authority.
Here, we read how the collective hearts of fallen man were not prepared to fulfil the directive given to Noah and his descendents.
Instead, they became futile in their speculations and their foolish hearts were darkened.
What a wonder of divine love and grace that we, who were once at enmity with God, have been so favoured by the Father that we should be called 'sons': and because we are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, 'Abba!
The 'birth certificate' that confirms this amazing truth is the Person of the Holy Spirit, living in the hearts of all who believe.
It is the Holy Spirit of God's own dear Son Who has been sent into our heart, Who communes with us, and cries affectionately, Abba!
His presence within our heart is both the guarantee and proof that we have been made 'sons of God' and joint-heirs with Christ.
Paul had been explaining to the Galatians that following the death and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus, the status of believers changed from that of an underage child with a promise of a future inheritance... to a mature son who has received his inheritance from his father - and the Holy Spirit has been sent into our heart as the confirmation of this glorious truth.
It is the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus that presides in our hearts.
It is the indwelling Spirit of His Son in our heart Who communes with us and guides us into all truth.
The proof of sonship is the permanently indwelling Holy Spirit of Christ without Whom we would tremble as we approach the Father, but Who cries in our hearts, Abba, Father.
And by His grace, we have been given the additional gift and guarantee of God's indwelling Holy Spirit Who took up permanent residence within our hearts, the moment that we trusted in Christ for salvation.
For it is as we maintain spirit to Spirit communion - the human spirit with Christ's Spirit - through the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit, that our hearts can whisper in steadfast prayer, joyful praise and intimate communion, Abba, my Father.
These short-sighted men flaunted their religiosity and justified themselves in the sight of others - but God knew the thoughts of their hearts which were disgusting in His sight.
Christ died on the Cross at Calvary to cleanse us from all our sin so that our hearts may be strong and free from all sin before our God and Father, so that we could be His special people for His praise and glory.
This beautiful union between a man and his wife was born out of the heart of our loving God Who bestowed marriage as a sacred ordinance upon the creation He made and the people He loved.
We have all heard Christ's command not to allow the cares of this world to enter in and choke the Word of truth, crowd out the peace of God in our heart, and cause us to become defeated and unfruitful.
May we take to heart the simple truth of this simple command from Christ and live by faith in His promises and not by flawed human reasoning.
How powerful, comforting, and heart-warning, are these words written by Jeremiah, the weeping prophet of Israel, who grieved over the shocking demise of Jerusalem and lamented over the ruins of David's golden city.
The invisible, omnipresent God is never far from any one of us, but His presence ofttimes seems distant, during times of deep distress and anguish of heart.
But God in His wisdom, often waits for His distressed children to recognise that their deepest heart-need is the Lord Himself, and that their severe lack, can only be satisfied in Him - as they come to Him in childlike dependence and trusting faith.
Though God at times may wait for us to call out to Him, He is neither slow to hear the cries of the disconsolate soul - nor is He slack in responding to the pleading cries of the breaking heart - for the very day that Jeremiah called out to the Lord for help, was the very time the Lord responded with those great words of comfort...from the God of all comfort, Fear Not - I will be with you, to help you, and deliver you.
And Jeremiah's heart was encouraged and his faith was strengthened.
The prayer of helplessness is the simple sigh of the living soul, which is breathed into the heart of the living God.
The whispered plea of dependent helplessness, rejoices the heart of God, and His immediate response is, fear not, my child, I created you and purchased you - I died for you and I love you.
When the eyes of the heart cling to the Lord in deep distress and childlike dependence, our muted voice is translated into an inner groan of the soul, and God draws near... and He hears and responds to every heart-cry of His children, with His gracious words of comfort - FEAR NOT.
This should have been the moment when Jesus was acknowledged as the Holy One of Israel and crowned as their King, but He knew what was in their hearts.
'Anathema', is a Greek word that translates into 'accursed', 'condemned', 'damned', and 'bound under a great curse.' The terrible consequences of false teaching and demonic doctrines, percolating into the body of Christ, cannot be over-emphasised, which is why Paul made this shocking invocation on all who do not love the Lord with all their heart and soul and mind and strength.
There are many who make a commitment or claim the label of 'Christian' without a deep love for the Lord, but Paul makes it very clear that a genuine love of Jesus should shine from a heart of love and should be mirrored in the words we say and the things we do.
Let us examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith and secure in the truth of the Word of God, and let us study to show ourselves approved unto Him... and to love the Lord with all our heart and soul and mind and strength.
When the heart of a man is set on money, the accumulation of worldly wealth, and an obsession with temporal things, then God is excluded from that life.No one can be slave to two masters; one of the two will eventually become the dominate desire, while the other will lose its attraction and be treated with disdain.
When we choose God over mammon we die to self and our selfish desires so that the Spirit of Christ may dwell in us richly and lead and guide us into all truth. Wealth can be used for good when God is placed in His rightful position, but we need to always be on the alert lest the love of money starts to affect our thinking and infect our heart, for the love of money will eventually become our master and devastate our Christian walk.
And we are to pray that as citizens of heaven, we are to live as His sons and daughters, in utter dependence upon Him for every area of our lives, knowing that when we live as unto to Lord in spirit and in truth, we are living the kingdom life with Christ ruling our hearts and enthroned in our lives.
The Holy Spirit has made His dwelling place in our hearts, and He teaches us and leads us in all truth: You have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, so you don’t need anyone to teach you what is true.
Should we not sing psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs with eternal gratitude in our hearts to our great and gracious God?
Let us pray for the salvation of the people of Israel who continue to remain dead in their sins, and let us praise God that the time is coming when the blindness of their eyes, the resistant deafness of their ears, and the hardness of their hearts will be softened.
Similarly, the blessings and benefits of godly wisdom and the destructive danger of a proud heart is a subject which not only reverberates throughout the book of Proverbs, but we find it echoing through this central chapter.
The author informs us in verse 5: Everyone with a proud heart is detestable to the Lord and will not go unpunished, while in verse 19 we read: It is better to be lowly of spirit with the humble than to divide plunder with the proud.
A proud heart and haughty spirit was the root of Lucifer's terrible destructive fall from heaven, when he determined to be like God, to ascend to the highest heavens and set up his throne above the stars of God.
His proud heart caused him to fall from the privileged position he had as God's covering cherub when he proudly stated: I will ascend above the highest clouds.
Only works carried out in humility of heart, through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, will receive the promised reward. Works that are produced by the spirit of pride, which relies on self, will be destroyed, however commendable they may appear.
May we take to heart the many words of wisdom in Proverbs that guide us into the way of righteousness, which is pleasing to the Lord, and take heed of the evils of wickedness and the destructive nature of a haughty spirit.
Having stolen Esau's blessing, Jacob had to escape from his angry brother and fled to his uncle Laban in Mesopotamia, where the Lord used this unscrupulous relative and his envious cousins to teach Jacob the importance of trusting the Lord with all his heart and not leaning on his own understanding, skill, manipulation, or deceit to receive the blessings that God had already promised.
And so He began to turn the hearts of Jacob's kinsmen against His servant... and in chapter 31 we read: Now Jacob heard the words of Laban's sons, saying, 'Jacob has taken away all that was our father's, and from what belonged to our father he has made all this wealth.'
But throughout the dramatic adventures of these patriarchs, there are many lessons that we all need to learn and take to heart, and perhaps one of the most important is to know that God, in His grace, has scheduled every day of our lives and so engineers the lives of His people so that they are increasingly being transformed into the people He wants us to be.
May we have an understanding heart and a listening ear to hear all that the Spirit says to us through the Word of truth, and may we rejoice that no matter what difficulties we may encounter in life or what problems may come our way, God has scheduled every day of our lives for His greater glory and our eternal benefit - and is transforming us, day by day, into the image and likeness of Jesus.
It is only as the love of God is poured into our hearts by faith in Christ, that we are identified as His children, for Jesus is our blessed Hope - and all who have this godly love, joy, peace, and hope in our hearts, are purified.
May we who have been born from above, mature in the faith, walk in spirit and truth, grow in grace, and abide in Christ Jesus our Lord, day by day... so that His life and love, goodness and grace, may pour into our hearts from Him, and stream out in love to others.
We are not required to ascend the mountainous track to Jerusalem, thrice yearly to plead for forgiveness and mercy, for we have the Spirit of God residing forever in our hearts and by the sacrifice of Christ's blood, we have access into the holy throne-room of God every moment of the day.
But finally we read that John the Baptist came striding onto the Judean scene in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to repentance, wisdom, and truth.
The eternal storehouse of God has been filled, shaken together, and continues to overflow into the hearts and lives of those that love Him so that their lives become a witness of God's goodness to children of men who have spurned His gift of grace and refused His offer of salvation.
Be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord.
The believers there were undergoing certain hardships, and the Corinthian Christians purposed in their hearts to make a collection to help their predicament.
Rather, we are encouraged to be generous with our resources, and Paul reminds these dear people that God loves a cheerful giver, encouraging them, and us, to do exactly what we purpose to do in our own heart to help others.
It is only by trusting in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus, that we can be reborn as a new-creation in Him, with a clean heart.
It was the heart-cry of David to have his heart washed clean of sin, for he recognised the stained condition of his fallen soul. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me, he cried out.
His joy in the Lord had been lost and his heart-conscience was deeply convicted.
David's soul had been blackened with sin and although he refused to immediately acknowledge his wrongdoing before God, his conscience refused to allow him to forget, until he cried out to God - admitting his sin and praying for a purified heart and a right spirit within.
But like David, if we confess our sin, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sin, purify our heart, renew a steadfast spirit within, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Like David... our insatiable cry should be, purify my heart O Lord.
When Scripture is read in context, the temptation to modify meaning, corrupt the content, or falsify truth disappears, and enlightenment floods the heart.
What joy must have filled their hearts when finally, they became members of the Church (i.e.
Having been chosen by God and called to be an apostle of Christ, Paul proclaimed the glorious gospel of grace with great boldness of spirit, but he also presented it with much humility of heart.
He taught that when the truth of God's Word shines into our hearts, by faith, we are given the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ - but he also warned that the Christian life is not an easy one.
And in this passage, we find him exhorting Timothy to be sure that purity of heart and righteous conduct was manifest in his life, and in the lives of all believers within the household of God.
In Deuteronomy 30:6 Moses made it clear to God's chosen people that the outward sign of circumcision identified Israel as God's covenant people which should reflect an inward circumcision on the heart.
The other sign of circumcision was meant to demonstrate a heart that trusted in God and believed His Word.
We read, the Lord thy God will circumcise your heart to love the Lord with all your heart and soul, so that you may have life - that you may have salvation.
Although God's heart is always to bless and restore mankind, man's innate motivation is rooted in selfishness and rebellion against His divine authority.
Here, we read how the collective heart of fallen man was not prepared to fulfil the directive given to Noah and his descendants.
Instead, they became futile in their speculations and their foolish hearts were darkened.
For most of the book we read about the heart-breaking life-story of a man... married to a wanton woman, who repeatedly betrays him with many lovers, and which paints a graphic picture of Israel's unfaithfulness to the Lord, and the ongoing idolatry of the nation..
He was not a man like Matthias, who accompanied the apostles during the time that Jesus went in and out among them all... and Paul was not one of the crowd who were cut to the heart on that first day of Pentecost when the men of Israel realised that they had crucified their Messiah, and cried out in despair, brethren, what shall we do?
In consideration of all the terror he struck into the hearts of Christians and the many men and women who were murdered at his bidding, Paul recognised the incredible grace of God and the incalculable mercy He had towards him.
Not only does the spirit-filled Christian demonstrate an outward delight in God, but they show forth the inner joy of the Lord when they sing and makes melody in the silent secrecy of their own heart; singing with thanksgiving and praise in the privacy of their own inner being, to the glory of God.
Yes a thankful heart, boldness in testifying to the truth of the gospel, power for spiritual service, open-hearted generosity towards others, and the exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ, are all evidences given in the Word of God of the man or woman who is filled with the Spirit of God.
One who is spirit-filled is one who is humble of heart, considers others more important than themselves, and is willing to be subject to their fellow Christians, to the glory of God and for the sake of Jesus Christ.
Humility of heart, an unassertiveness of demeanour, and a gentle forbearance towards fellow believers, are some of the evidences that Paul lists in identifying a Spirit-filled believer.
That Life of Christ is the Light of men that shines in our heart, searching the innermost parts of our being.
The human spirit is born dead in trespasses and sins, but once the Life and Light of Christ has flooded into our hearts by grace through faith in Him, we become His hands to help, His feet to go, His heart to love, and His Light to shine forth His Life in our human frame.
The lamp is not that Light of God, but the vessel through which the Light of Christ may shine, illuminating our hearts and shining forth the Light of Christ and the Love of God to a lost and dying world.
But before we can be used effectively by Him, we should welcome His inner scrutiny into our inner being and willingly submit to His searching our hearts, our hidden thoughts, and our secret motives so that we may be fit vessels to shine forth His Light to others.
They should bind up the heart of those that are broken by sin, for all humanity is a bruised and breaking reed, all mankind is a smouldering wick that is in need of a Saviour.
We are called to be His holy habitation, so that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith.
God's chosen dwelling-seat is the inner being of man's heart.
That Christ may dwell in your heart through faith, is Paul's fervent prayer for each member of the body of Christ.
It is the Holy Spirit of the anointed Son of God's love that desires to inhabit this hidden place, deep within the heart of men.
It is God's will that Christ is at home in the heart of each of His children.
It is according to the riches of His glory, that we are strengthened with power in the inner man through His Spirit, so that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith; and that we are rooted in love and grounded in the love of Christ.
It is the Spirit of Christ that is to dwell in our heart, as our resident King and eternal Comforter.
That Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith, is a prayer Paul prayed for each of us and a promise that we can claim.
How often do we listen to a preacher or hear someone reading the Scriptures, yet fail to truly hear what is being said or take to heart the message we have heard?
We are promised a blessing if we hear and read the words of this book and take them to heart... and in this verse, we are called individually and collectively to HEAR what the Spirit of God says to the churches.
He knew that their joy would evaporate if they did not fill their hearts and minds with all that is pure and lovely, virtuous and praiseworthy - and Paul knew that only those that imitated his Christ-centred life, and stood firm on the glorious gospel of grace - with thanksgiving, would experience the precious peace of God, which passes human understanding, and be equipped to rejoice in the Lord in every situation.
Paul had learned that the secret of being content in all things, was to trust in the Lord with all his heart, not rely on his own abilities, nor the reasoning of other people, but to rejoice in the Lord - always.
And so in humility of heart and with a deep love for his Lord, Paul abandoned His philosophical training and spoke to the Corinthians simply, in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling.
Hannah demonstrates an understanding of the Lord's unfathomable omniscience, for He knows the thoughts of the mind and examines the hidden secrets of the human heart.
God weighs the very words that proceed from our mouth and examines the motives that are manufactured within our heart, for nothing is hidden from Him.
And how necessary that the meditation of our heart is always honouring to the Lord and that the thoughts of our mind are always acceptable in His sight: For the Lord is a God of wisdom and understanding and with Him all our actions are considered.
And then he was told by Paul to meditate on these things, to take them to heart, to take pains to be absorbed with these instructions, and to give himself wholly to them so that he would grow in grace and finish the work that God had called him to do, in order that his life would stand as a wonderful witness to the grace and glory of God.
Indeed, Proverbs tells us: Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord. Satan himself, we are told in Ezekiel, had a proud heart because of his beauty.
Let us learn from Jesus when He says, Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
He resists the arrogant but gives grace to those that are lowly of heart.
Since all the evils of the world are conceived and birthed through the corruption of our own hearts and the lusts of our own flesh, James reminds us that God gives us grace and even greater grace, but also urges us not to abuse His mercies by imitating the ways of the world,which is at enmity with God, but rather to walk in spirit and truth.
We are to exhibit genuine mercy and deep humility of heart, knowing that the Lord bestows His grace generously to those that are humble of heart.
Knowing that grace is given to the humble, we should earnestly seek after the precious fruit of the Spirit which will only develop and grow in the one that recognises that every manifestation of sin is rooted in a proud and arrogant heart: But He gives greater grace.
Therefore, He says, 'God resists the proud, but gives grace to those that are poor in spirit and humble of heart.'
Firstly, he pointed out that he came to them openly and in sincerity of heart and presented his message with total transparency, unlike the Judaisers who used tricks and subterfuge to draw them away from the truth.
Jesus wanted to show... that just as He was able to heal all their sicknesses and provide for their physical needs, He is also the One Who could heal the broken soul, release them from the slave-market of sin, bind up their emotional distresses, and bring inner peace and joy to their heart.
We are to trust in the Lord with all our heart and not to lean on our own, limited understanding.
If the desires of our heart reflect those of our Heavenly Father, they will be good and wholesome, they will be wise and pure.
When the fruit of righteousness is sown in the heart by faith in Christ, we reap a heavenly reward.
When we stray from the path of righteousness, we cause our carnal craving to give birth to sinful actions, evil attitudes, and a covetous heart.James picks up this human trait of covetousness which all too often can manifest itself in the life of a believer.
But God does not recognise prayer that is birthed in an envious heart nor is He influenced by our petulant pleas to satisfy our own fleshly cravings.But He does hear and answer all prayers that are good and wholesome, wise and pure... for such prayers line-up with His Own perfect will.
Indeed, Jesus was the perfect example of a Man who aligned His will with the will of God and was able to pray on all occasions, THY will, not mine be done. But when our prayers are simply seeking to gratify the desires of the flesh – then we will not receive because we ask amiss.Our Heavenly Father loves to answer the prayers of His children when they are asked aright and are poured forth from a humble heart that loves and trusts Him and is seeking to do His will.
We are to put on a heart of compassion and bring forth the spiritual fruit of kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, and we are to bear with one another in love, forgiving each other with grace, just as God in Christ has forgiven us.
We are instructed to abide in Christ, rest in His love, and submit to the work of the Holy Spirit within our heart so that we too may be part of that glorious cloud of witnesses that are being used by God to continue carrying out the acts of Jesus Christ in our lives, to His praise and glory.
Just as gazing into the mirror-like qualities of a still water-pool reflect the detailed features of a man's face, so the standards and qualities residing deep within a heart, reflect a man's character and display the innermost calibre of his soul.
Just as we are enabled to study the physical characteristics of our facial features through the mirror-image, reflected in a clear standing-pool of water, so an examination of the inner thoughts of the heart gives a reliable indication of our spiritual standing - or perhaps uncovers a hypocritical facade.
The literal translation of this verse reads, like water face to face, so is the heart of man to a man.
Too often we are quick to identify the qualities, or criticise the defects we see reflected in the life of a fellow believer, but often we are not as swift to identify areas in our own hearts that need to be critically analysed and spiritually evaluated as unholy or detrimental to our spiritual growth, offered-up to the Lord, and purged.
God alone knows a man's heart and can read the secret thoughts in the inner depths of his soul, but it is the outworking of those concealed attributes, which are demonstrated through words, actions, and attitudes, that manifests a man's true identity to his fellow-man.
It is the inner heart that identifies a life that is walking in spirit and truth.
Corrupt hearts breed corruption, while a sanctified heart exhibits Christ-likeness.
As a man thinks so is he, and whatever becomes the central focus of that man's mind, influences his attitude of heart and is displayed in the out-working of his life, As water reflects the face, so the heart of man reflects that man's character.
How important to examine our own heart and scrutinise our inner thoughts, through the mirror-like qualities of a still water-pool and to reflect whatever is good, and pure, and wholesome, and holy.
The Bible is the still water-pool in which to gaze day by day - for the face of Christ is the reflection upon which our hearts should rest.
May we preach this truth to our own hearts and be doers of the Word as well as hearers of God's truth.
When we are recipients of God's grace, by faith, we have access to God's peace: Peace WITH God because our sins are forgiven, and the peace OF God which guards our hearts as we rest and remain: In God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
The strength that is needed for today and the blessed hope we have in the world to come, is a heart that trusts in Christ, and relies on His sufficient grace and mighty strength.
However from the beginning of creation, man was given a free-will, and we read in this verse that, the plans of the heart belong to man.
The responsibility to make good choices or even bad decisions, is given into the heart of man, but this does not suggest that God has somehow lost His authority in our lives, for the verse continues..
It is God's grace that has endowed man with a will to make choices, a mind to think things through, and a heart to make plans.
it is also by God's grace that the Lord formulates the ultimate outcome - for although the plans of the heart belong to man (by God's grace)..
Many plans may be hiding in the heart of a man, but our gracious God directs our way, for the counsel of the Lord will stand firm, forever.
The psalmist tells us to delight ourselves in the Lord and He will give us the desires of our heart..
for when our heart is turned towards our heavenly Saviour, His perfect desire will become the perfect plans of our inner being.
the plans of our heart, will align with God's purpose for our life..
and the answers we receive from the Lord, will become the delight of our heart - until we are able to say..
And so at this high point of His popularity, Jesus as the King of Israel, laid down God's required standard of spiritual purity to the people of Israel; an ideal that is only found in a repentant heart that is in right relationship with God.
The very heart of the nation needed to change its perspective, from being selfishly self-focused to becoming graciously God-focused.
But Christ taught of a godly righteousness that depended on an inner purity of heart and humility of spirit; a heart that is in a right relationship with God.
And this is only possible in the life of a believer, who by faith will walk in spirit, truth, and humility of heart, not having a righteousness of our own, which is derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ; the righteousness which comes from God, on the basis of faith.
To do so will ensure that God's incomprehensible peace will protect our hearts and govern our minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We are to discover our joy in the Lord and gladden our hearts by developing an attitude of rejoicing in Him and in the power of His might so that we may press on to the upward goal of our calling in Christ Jesus.
Our supplications should be sincere, for our prayers should be conducted in spirit and truth while emanating from in a heart of thanksgiving and praise.
Let us seek to live our Christian life as God intended, with right thinking, right speaking, right acting, and right praying so that the peace of God which transcends all understanding guards our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus.
We are to love the Lord with all our heart, and soul, and mind, and strength, and we are to love one another as Christ loved us and gave Himself for us.
We are all being given a call for spiritual purity and the purification of the inner heart.
Although we are positionally sanctified the moment we first believe and enjoy all the benefits of sonship, we are also being called to develop an inner attitude of reverential fear of the Lord which produces in us humility of heart and willing obedience to His Word.
No wonder we are called upon to purify our hearts from all that is offensive to the Lord, and it is no surprise that we are encouraged to cultivate a spirit of awe, wonder, and reverential fear of the thrice-holy Triune God.
This same heart of love is evident in the apostle John who also reminds us: We know that we have passed from death to life because of our love for the brethren.
It is the love of Christ Himself being poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit.
It is the fruit of the Holy Spirit being manifested in our lives so that the love of Christ in our hearts, may stream out from us to others with whom we come in contact.
When we abide in Christ and willingly submit to the good work that the Holy Spirit started in our life at salvation, then the love of Christ grows in our heart as spiritual fruit and we are enabled by Him to love one another as He loves us.
When the love of Christ is manifest in our heart, we discover a love for others that is not of ourselves and a willingness to forgive and forget, which can only be rooted in Christ's love for us.
When the love of Jesus is genuinely filling our hearts, we discover a joy in the Lord that is inexpressible and a peace in our heart that passes human understanding.
Just as the Transfiguration was a tiny preview into the coming earthly kingdom, when Christ would rule and reign as King of kings and Lord of lords, so the things that Christ said to His followers and the things that Christ did with His disciples following His Resurrection was also a tiny foretaste of the coming Church dispensation: A time when believers not only have peace with God by grace through faith in His death, burial and Resurrection, but they have the peace of God in their hearts.
They have the indwelling Holy Spirit, guarding their hearts and giving rest and peace to their soul, as they abide in Christ.
Christ had promised to send the Spirit of comfort into their hearts after His departure into heaven; the Spirit of love, and life, and joy, and patience, and hope, and wisdom, and grace, and peace.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. And now, as the time for His departure had finally arrived, He once again prayed for the peace of God to flood their hearts; the peace that passes understanding; the peace that is the birthright of those that are His blood-bought children.
This parable is designed to urge us not to become discouraged or to lose heart, but to keep on seeking the Lord, to keep on keeping on, in utter dependency on our Heavenly Father.
In this parable, we are urged that men MUST pray at all times and not to lose heart, for it is only the humble heart that is clean before the Lord and who trusts in Christ alone for his needs and necessities, that will maintain constant communion and uninterrupted fellowship which equates to an attitude of unbroken prayer.
He is the High and Lofty One, Who not only inhabits eternity, but Who lives with man, 'For thus,' says the high and exalted One Who lives forever, whose name is Holy, 'I dwell on a high and holy place, but also, I live with the contrite and lowly of spirit, in order to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.'
Despite the exalted magnificence and almighty splendour of the thrice-holy God, His desire is to renew a right spirit within the heart of lost souls who are dead in sin and at enmity with Him.
In spite of inhabiting eternity and dwelling in high, heavenly and holy places, this same Almighty God has chosen to live with those who are meek, and lowly, and humble of heart.
He has chosen to redeem the penitent, revive the contrite in spirit, and dwell in the hearts of all who believe on His name.
He has promised to feed the hungry heart, comfort the sorrowing soul, and redeem a right spirit within those who trust His name.
He revives the spirit of the humble and refreshes the heart of the oppressed.
It is only those who are contrite of heart and lowly of spirit who will be revived by the Lord and redeemed from the slave-market of sin.
Only those who are lowly of spirit and contrite of heart can be revived.
Only the contrite in heart who trust His Word will be comforted in all their deep distresses.
May we, like Joshua, offer our lives to Him, have ears that are open to His command, and be ready to say, What has my Lord to say to his servant. My heart is ever open to hear Your voice.
But Paul knew that nothing could separate him from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, and that no one could pluck him out of God's hands - and he wanted the saints at Rome to know the same truth in their heart, and to encourage these believers to hold fast to the faith, and stand firm on the truth of the gospel of God.
Perhaps more than anything, this is a glimpse into the heart of a man..
While incarcerated in prison, Paul lifted up his heart in earnest prayer for the Colossian Christians: for spiritual intelligence, practical obedience, moral excellence, and that Christ may be crowned Lord of all in their lives.
We are to live and walk and pray in spirit and truth and then the peace of God, which surpasses our human understanding, and will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.
As the Cross drew ever closer, the solemnity of Christ's approaching passion blanketed the hearts of the confused disciples, whose earlier anticipation of the heavenly kingdom and their individual positions in it were quickly crumbling.
Understanding the perplexity in their hearts, the gracious Saviour offered words of compassion and comfort as He compressed His eternal love for them into a brief season, starting with these dear words of reassuring peace, comfort, and tender encouragement, Peace I leave with you.
Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.
No peace can rule in the bloodied heart of a man who is dead in his sins, but Christ's words of comfort to His little flock must have brought them great consolation on that last Passover night.
The more we take the Word of the Lord to heart and trust in the many precious promises that are ours in Christ, the more we are enabled to appropriate these words of comfort in our everyday life.
And as we seize hold of this truth in our heart, the more we discover that the perfect peace of God which passes understanding, will guard our hearts and protect our minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Let us take to heart His precious words of comfort, by holding fast to the truth of the glorious gospel of God and trusting His unchangeable Word.
God placed eternity in the heart of man as well as a freewill, for God wanted Adam to serve Him of his own volition - not out of duty but out of love for his wonderful Creator.
Christ would readily submit to His Father's commands and live His life as God intended that all man should live - in utter dependence upon the gracious Creator - in humble submission to His Father, out from a heart of love that passes human understanding.
From our introduction to this man as cupbearer to the king of Persia, we discover him to be a man after God's own heart who desired to do God's will.
He did not chase after personal fame or fortune or look to his own interests, but set his heart and mind to do the work that God had prepared for him to do.
Let us follow the example of Peter and David, and by faith make the most of the life that God has given us by fostering a gracious attitude, a thankful heart, and conversation that is full of grace and seasoned with salt, that edifies and encourages, to the glory of God.
May we take this warning to heart, reject any teaching or teacher who does not hold to the Word of Scripture, and may we confess in our heart that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, knowing: Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; but the one who confesses the Son has the Father also.
Let us remember that the one who reads, hears, and takes to heart this amazing revelation is blessed: Blessed is he that reads, and those that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein, for the time is at hand.
The actions of this couple demonstrate the serious and irreversible fruit that is produced when sin has overtaken the heart of man, for it breaks man's fellowship with the Lord Who made him.
May we, who have gone through the Door of Salvation and been brought into the heavenly realm by faith in Him, enter into the fullness of Christ as we feed on Him in our hearts by faith with thanksgiving, growing in grace and in a knowledge of our God and Saviour - Whom to know is life eternal.
It was Christ Jesus, his Saviour, Who had fulfilled His many promises, and provided Paul with His sufficient strength that was at the heart of his message to these believers.
Paul wanted these believers to believe God's Word in their hearts and experience in their lives the Lord's never-failing riches of His grace, and so he wrote: For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are YES! For ALL God's promises are certain and sure in Jesus,... and so through Him we can say 'Amen,' to the glory of God.
And in this verse, we discover that a day is coming when God will judge the secrets of men's hearts through Jesus Christ, the man appointed as God's righteous judge.
Let our hearts desire be to reflect the yearning desire of the ageing apostle Paul, who near the end of his life cried out, That I may know Christ and the power of His resurrection and participate in the fellowship of His suffering, so that our Christian religion may be pure and undefiled, and our relationship with the Lord Jesus become increasingly intimate.
Paul had to come to the shocking truth that within his very being was an inherited sin nature that was far removed from the holiness that God required of everyman, and only the precious blood of the perfect God-Man, the Lord Jesus Christ, could cleanse his heart and wash away the blackness of his sins.
Christ's sermon was designed to show that entrance into His kingdom did not only depend on good works, but a pure heart and godly motives - none of which are attainable by fallen humanity.
Before he fell, Lucifer was God's anointed guardian cherub, but when prideful sin entered his heart and he challenged God's supremacy, he became: That old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world.
Satan was defeated at the Cross, but the ripple effects of his evil deeds will continue to reverberate around the globe in which his murderous lies and satanic deceit have weakened the nations, blinded men's eyes, and hardened the hearts of those that are perishing.
Our hearts should be so in touch with our Father and so in love with the Lord that it is our delight to filter every thought that comes into our mind through the Lord Jesus, to offer up every situation in which we find ourselves, and to bring whoever we are with or whoever crosses the path of our thoughts, to the Lord in prayer.
It is good to fly to him in prayer to confess any foolish sin or when we find our emotions and feeling are causing fear to rise in our hearts and doubts to fill our minds.
When doubt and discouragements rise in our hearts or when we are surrounded by trials, troubles, and temptation, we should shoot out a quiver of prayer arrows to the Lord for His help and guidance.
Certainly, our pleadings and petitions, prayers and thankful praise should not be from a heart that is harbouring resentment or unforgiveness, anger or bitterness but from a heart that is holy and clean before the Lord, a heart that is gentle and gracious, a heart that is submissive before the Lord - for God looks on the state of our heart.
A heart that was receptive to the gospel was enlightened by the Spirit of God and enabled to hear and understand the truth that Christ taught, while a closed mind found the simple tales He told entertaining but the truth remained incomprehensible.
A line is clearly drawn in the sand between those who were ready and willing to hear and understand, and those with a heart of stone and a mind that was closed.
My spirit is overwhelmed within me, he cries, My heart is appalled within me.
As with so many of David's prayers and petitions, these verses feed the hungry soul, restore the fainting spirit, minister to those that feel overwhelmed by life's circumstances, and encourage a believer' heart.
David's spirit is faint, his heart dismayed.
He meditates on the past goodness of God and remembers the wonders of His handiwork, which encourages his fainting heart.
David always found that his dark nights of distress and discouragement were displaced by mornings of joyous praises, which enlivened his heart to seek God's perfect will, and so David acknowledges his dependence upon God, and petitions the Lord for direction - entreating the Spirit of enlightenment to guide him onto level ground, where he may walk without fear or danger.
The distress that David is going through often translates into the deep darkness that floods into our heart, as the Accuser of our soul seeks to destroy our testimony, shipwreck our lives, drown us in sorrow, and batter us with bitter whirlwinds that whip up the tides of discontent.
We should be ready and willing to admit our weaknesses and combine humility of heart with a soul that trusts in the Lord with our whole being, and does not rely on our own understanding.
But the atheistic conclusions of fools who have said in their hearts that there is no God, and the prideful manipulations of many satanically inspired bodies who seek to discredit all that is of God, have targeted the foundational truth upon which the entire Scriptures rest.
Our love for Christ is founded on all that we know of Him in our hearts by faith with thanksgiving.
Our spiritual understanding is founded on the Word of God and revealed to us by the Spirit of God, which is poured out in full measure into our hearts.
Love is the source and the summation of righteousness, and love is the new commandment that Christ gave His disciples as He prepared to leave them to be His witnesses upon the earth: Love as I have loved you.Love flows from the heart of God to us, and love is to flow through us to others as we are filled and replenished with His love in our hearts. Love for the world emanated from the heart of the Father to a world of lost sinners, and love breathes new life into the dead spirit of all who believe on His name.
David's plaintive prayer and earnest supplication in Psalm 6, reaches the inner recesses of the hurting heart and impacts the soul of all who are going through times of deep distress or encompassed about by those who mock us, abuse us, or falsely spew out all manner of evil against us.
It transforms the silent speech of the sorrowing soul into a coherent language that can be interpreted by others and can penetrate the very heart of our Heavenly Father.
You will be baptised with the Holy Spirit not many days from now, were the final words that were still ringing in their ears as, with one accord, they devoted themselves to prayer, together with Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers, and the many faithful women who had devoted their heart to their Saviour.
They were pleading as from one heart.
This little group of believers were calling out to God in concert harmony, and perfect union, with their heart-focused on Christ and His throne of grace.
We are still to be an expectant people as we watch and wait in unity of heart for the any day return of Christ in the clouds for His Church.
Let us in our various circumstances, whether we are physically isolated from other believers or not, revive in our hearts that spirit of undivided-unity and persistent-prayer.
Let us stand firm on the promises of God, and wait in earnest expectation for the imminent return of the Lord Jesus for his Church - and let us foster that true heart-focus on Christ, which should permeate the lives of all believers until it is, not I that live, but Christ that lives in me.
We who have the light of the glorious gospel of Christ in our hearts and the hope of the precious promise of heaven in our sights, should never be careless or apathetic as we wait for our blessed hope - that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, will be revealed.
But rather, we should be vigilant and watch for His soon appearing, guarding our hearts while being clear-headed in our thinking.
Our Father in heaven has a wondrous array of divine qualities, eternal attributes, and godly characteristics that rejoice our heart and calm our soul, but perhaps one of His essential elements is that He is our God of all comfort; our Source of all consolation.
There is an intensity and urgency in this earnest pleading to guard your heart about all else, and in Scripture, the heart is the seat of the thoughts, the will, the conscience, and the emotions.
The heart is the storehouse for wisdom and all that influences the life and character of an individual, and Jesus reminds us that we should love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, with every part of our inner being.
We have been endowed with reason and choices, with emotions and a will, which is bound up in our hearts - and we have been given them by God to glorify Him and to enrich our lives.
These days, the world's cry is to let your heart lead you into whatever your heart desires.
But the heart is more deceitful than anything else, and unless checked and guarded above all things, will influence our lives for evil and not for good.
Yes, we are to guard our hearts as the highest priority, guarded above all else.
We are not left to guess at the reason for the intensity and urgency in this earnest plea to guard your heart above all else, for the heart is the source and well-spring of life, the heart is the repository for life - the treasury for truth - the warehouse of wisdom.
Christ is our life, our truth, and our wisdom, and the Lord searches the heart and tests the mind.
We are to guard the gospel truth that has been shed into our hearts - the knowledge of Him Who has brought us out of darkness into His glorious light and Who has taken us from the doors of death and breathed into us the breath of the new-life in Christ.
He alone is the faithful and true witness Who loved us so much that He offered up His sinless life, so that His perfect peace could flood into the heart of all who trust in Him for salvation.
He wanted his accusers to know that he originally felt the same hatred in his heart towards Jesus the Nazarene and those who followed Him, as they did, before giving them the good news of the gospel.
And that same salvation is open to ALL who have ears to hear, a heart that is open to the truth, and a will to change.
Indeed, a blessing has been promised to all who read and take to heart the things that are written in these seven epistles... and we would do well to carefully read, mark, learn, inwardly digest, apply, and take to heart, all that the Spirit is telling us in this important prophetic book.
That hope began the moment we were born again, when we were taken from the kingdom of darkness into the arms of our beloved Saviour, but it was planned in the heart of God in eternity past and it was cemented in heaven the moment Christ burst from the tomb and broke the power of sin, and death, and hell.
But our hope is not for this world, nor must it ever be but rather, we have an eternal hope that was planned in the heart of God, is firmly set in His immutable Word, and was cemented in heaven the moment Christ burst from the tomb and broke the power of sin and death and hell in the lives of all who believe on the name of the Lord Jesus.
The perfect Law of God could never be kept by sinful man, but was skilfully designed to point fallen sinners to Christ. God purposed in His heart that salvation was a free gift of God's grace, by faith in Jesus Christ, the perfect, sinless, Lamb of God and the only means of salvation.
He had learned the lesson from his own experience that they should explore the land secretly and that a report should be given to the leaders rather than all the people, lest their hearts failed from fear of the unknown.
God went ahead of the spies and prepared the hearts of the people of Jericho to be fearful of Israel and their God before they set foot in the Promised Land.
Rahab's own heart had become fearful for her life and that of her family, for she believed in strength and power of the God of Israel and was ready to risk her life, plan an escape route for the spies, and when necessary hide the two men from the authorities.
The Spirit of God has taken up permanent residence in the hearts of all His children and we have become the dwelling-place of the all-powerful, all-mighty, all-knowing, all-gracious God.
He did not harbour bitterness against those that oppressed and opposed him, but demonstrated godly love and a desire to see the gospel of God spread far and wide, whether it was preached from a heart of goodwill (that reflected the spirit of Christ) or taught due to envy, contention, and jealously of Paul's God-ordained ministry.
The power of the Holy Spirit can be manifest in the life of all believers whose heart reflects the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace, rather than permitting envy, strife, jealousy, or contentions to influence our behaviour.
So often, we see that in times of trials and difficulties, the Psalmists lifted up their voices in hymns of thanksgiving and praise, calling on the righteous to be joyful in the Lord, to rejoice in the God of their salvation and to sing to the Lord with thankful hearts, for praise, worship, and thanksgiving from the man or woman who loves the Lord, is beautiful and beneficial.
The theme of rejoicing in the Lord and singing praise to His name with a grateful heart is a thread that weaves its way throughout the entire Scriptures, for there is no adversity that can stand against a heart that delights in the Lord, and there is no difficulty that can overcome the person that is filled with praise for our God.
Today, we are hindered by our fallen sin nature which tries to govern our heart, impede our spiritual progress, destroy our testimony, and prevent us from maturing in the Christian faith.
Was Simon's heart stirred to step forward unhesitatingly and do what little he could to comfort this beloved Man, Who was to be nailed to the cross and bear the sin of the world on His shoulders?
May we determine in our hearts to earnestly desire the greater spiritual gifts within the Body of Christ, so that together we may grow in grace and learn to LOVE others as Christ loved us - which is the more excellent way to live our Christian life, as we wait for the any-day return of the Lord Jesus.
The burden of Paul's heart was to ensure that good men were correctly taught, sound in doctrine, and well prepared to carry forward the pure truth of the gospel of grace, after his death.
David was a man after God's own heart and many of the psalms he penned foretold of Jesus... the coming Messiah Who would rise from the dead, ascend into heaven, and sit at the right hand of the majesty on high, until God finally places all His enemies under His feet.
David's proclamation of God's goodness, his delight in God's faithfulness, and his hatred of those that do evil in the sight of the Lord, is a prophetic peep into the heart of our heavenly Saviour Who alone could truly proclaim, I have set the LORD continually before Me; because He is at My right hand -I will not be shaken.
David penned the heart of Christ with these wonderful words, Whom have I in heaven but You and there is none on earth that I desire beside You.
Just as David's was a man whose heart was right towards the Lord and who stood in stark contrast to those that worshipped other god's... and upon whose heads God will pour out great judgement and wrath... even so, Christ's earthly life is the exemplification of a man Whose heart was perfect before God - a life that demonstrates that the pathway to life and joy only comes through Him.
Through the prophetic pen of Israel's king David, we see Christ, Who is the example of the perfect Man Whose heart is sanctified unto the Lord, and Who lifted up His voice in humble prayer and obedient praise to God for His guidance and counsel.
Let us take to heart Joshua's wise instructions to trust in the Lord with all our heart and to serve our Heavenly Father in sincerity, in spirit, and in truth, to His praise and glory.
We need to confidently wait for the Lord to act on our behalf, knowing that His promises are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus, and we need to faithfully wait on the Lord with psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, making music to the Lord in our hearts with thanksgiving and praise.
When we are abiding in Christ, our inner heart is empowered, and our courage is enlarged.
For we have been promised that He shall strengthen our heart.
Our concern is to bring our heart and our thoughts in line with Christ and to place every thought under the authority of Christ in obedience to Him: Taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
God may use our own knowledge and the wisdom of others but only so far as Christ is preeminent in our hearts, for the measure of our own self-respect, esteem, and wisdom lies in inverse proportion to that of Christ.
Every prideful thought of the heart, every inflated egotistical word, every haughty look, and every vain and scornful attitude, every foolish imagining of the heart, is exulting itself against the knowledge of God and a defiant advance against the gospel of Christ.
Our words and actions should become a living testimony of a pure heart that is clothed with Christ no matter where we are or who we are with, so that others may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven.
The joy of the Psalmist is contagious, for when we spend our days reflecting on the eternal faithfulness of the Lord and turn our hearts to meditate on the beauties of His name, we will also rejoice in His wonderful works, His grace and mercy, His wisdom and might, His faithfulness and love, as like the Psalmist we will blend our voices with the heavenly choir that proclaims, Holy, holy, holy.
He should humbly recognise that he is a servant of God whose heart should be blameless before the Lord and who should be both doctrinally sound and above reproach in his public and private life.
What joy should fill our hearts and what awe should flood our beings as we contemplate the momentous position, of 'fellow-workers with God'.
He is breaking up the fallow ground within our own hearts and He is sowing His seeds of love and grace, humility, kindness, and patience, as He weeds out the thorns and thistles of Self-interest, Self-importance, and Self-dependence - which is the ugly fruit of the old sin nature.
It is as we submit to His perfect will for our life, that we discover His will becomes the dear desire of our heart.
Christ died to pay the price for sins committed in our lives so that we might be forgiven, and Christ rose again the third day to break the power of sin in our lives so that we may live the rest of our Christian life free from the powerful strangle-hold of sin within our hearts.
And as we meditate on these terrifying prophetic verses, we can have peace in our hearts that God (Who is altogether righteous, altogether loving, and altogether perfect) will do right in all things.
All such things are considered to be the basic needs and necessities of life, and how easy it is to find our heart racing and our minds spinning when we lack the basics that sustain our mortal life.
But worry is an expression of unbelief in the Father-heart of God, for we are told that God knows all our needs, and to trust Him in all things.
To adopt a heart of worry when we are faced with lack, is to step into the realm of the unbeliever, for Scripture reminds us that in the world system it is the unbelievers, the Gentiles, the pagans that fret over the basics of life and adopt an attitude of anxiety.
Numerous times throughout Scripture, the Lord tells us to fear not. What a comfort to our hearts to read these Scriptures, to let the words bring reassurance and solace to our aching souls.
Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
When our heart is trusting Him in all things and Christ is in the centre of our lives, we will find that anxiety has no place in our thinking and faith in His Word will increase, despite life's circumstances, until we come to know Him as our all-sufficient Provider as well as our all-sufficient Saviour.
Others make a pretence of spirituality, professing to know Him with their lips while hiding a heart of unbelief and rebellion.
Paul reminds us that God alone is able to read the heart of religious leaders. Only God can discern men's thoughts and knows if faith is genuine. Only He knows if man is doing His will or not.
We are incapable of reading someone's heart.
We have no supernatural ability to read men's minds and so He gave us a bona fide indicator of the state of a man's heart.
It is as we grow in grace and in a knowledge of Him, that we discover our new-life-in-Christ exposes the old sinful nature we received from Adam's fallen race. It contrasts what we were, with all that we are becoming, as He works His work in each of our hearts and pours the love of Christ into our very soul.
But he was arrested in his heart by Jesus of Nazareth and his zealous hatred was turned into a passionate desire to intimately know his Lord and Saviour.
He longed that they were strengthened in their hearts and blameless in their living... and so we read that Paul prayed earnestly for them, night and day: That every one of them should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour (not in lustful passion, like the Gentiles..
We should not participate in lustful passions - like the unsaved Gentiles who do not know the Lord... for we have this Treasure in earthen vessels - we have the indwelling Spirit of Christ living within our hearts and are to live our lives accordingly.
We are also called to willingly, graciously, and fervently pray for each other, for as we lift up those who may have wronged us to the Lord in prayer, the fellowship of His love will stream into our hearts and minds, removing any nagging bitterness or residue of unforgiveness.
Paul's whole heart was that he himself would decrease to nothing, while the Lord Jesus must increase in every part of his life until he could say: It is not I that live, but Christ that lives in me.
Surely, we should sing and make joyful music in our hearts to the Lord our God, for He alone is worthy of all the glory and might, majesty and dominion, power, praise, and blessing.
We are God's workmanship; we were known by God before He formed us in our mother's womb; God Himself put eternity in our hearts and our eternal souls yearn to be out of these mortal bodies.
When we consider our wonderful Creator, our heart is filled with awe and wonder at His mighty power and the vastness of His great wisdom; but when we consider the nails that pierced His hands and feet, the crown that tore His head, and the sword that thrust His side all for love of His own, and when we consider that Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her to sanctify her, to make her holy, to cleanse her with the washing of water by the Word, is it not our glorious privilege to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, bow down before Him with our whole body, soul, and spirit, and praise our mighty Saviour and King for ever and ever?
The Spirit of the living God is able to judge the deepest thoughts and intentions of the heart of every man.
How vital to take His Word deep into our hearts.
It can cut our evil hearts to the quick just as the penetrating look of the Lord Jesus brought His denying disciple into the depths of distress and repentance.
It will never cease splitting the good from the evil, the heavenly from the world, right from wrong, faith from fear - and that which is of Christ from that which is not - for the Word of God is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of every heart.
Let us, in humility of heart, and patient endurance, permit the testing work of the Holy Spirit to penetrate deeply into the depth of our being as He examines truth in the inward parts, and lays bare the hidden thoughts and intentions within.
No matter what the spiritual temperature of other believers may be, we are called to be faithful... and to keep Christ at the centre of our heart and life if we are to receive the promised reward.
His words and actions raised many questions in the hearts of the Jewish rulers.
And as the Lord Jesus looked into this man's searching heart, He read the question that was lodged there... Nicodemus wanted to know how to enter the kingdom of God.
And so Jesus answered this silent, heart-searching question with the words, Truly, truly I tell you..
Being born of the Spirit is understood to be a supernatural happening within the heart of a man or woman who has trusted Christ for salvation.
Over the years there have been many alternative views of what it means to be 'born of water', which has caused much confusion in the Church, while all agree that being 'born of the Spirit' is the work the Holy Ghost in the heart of a man or woman at the point of salvation.
Perhaps it was simply that Nicodemus held the customary belief that his Jewish ancestry gave him automatic entry into God's kingdom and the Holy Spirit was stirring his heart to search out the truth, that unless one is born of water AND the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
The promises of God pepper the pages of scripture like crystal droplets of sparkling rain, sprinkling life into a dry and dusty desert and scattering hope into the hearts of all God's people.
This is a verse that promises all those who seek the Lord in spirit and in truth, will be sure to find Him, for the Lord has promised, you shall seek Me, and find Me, when you shall search for Me with all your heart.
And they were given a very special and encouraging promise, You will seek Me and you will find Me... when you search for Me with all your heart. God would not be lost to His people forever, but they must set their heart to search diligently for the Lord - to search for Him with ALL their heart, ALL their soul, ALL their mind, and ALL their strength.
He is the Word made flesh Who came to dwell among His people and to shine light into their darkened hearts.
Like Israel, we have been promised that when we seek Him and search for Him with ALL our heart will find Him.
Let us, therefore, with wholeness of heart, fervency of spirit, sincerity of soul, and diligence of mind, freely abandon the good to search for the very best, knowing that ALL who seek the Lord, will find Him to be rest for their soul, healing for their heart, hope for the future, and life everlasting.
Praise God that ALL who seek Him and search for Him have been promised, in His WORD, that He will be everything they need, when they search for Him with their whole heart.
The fool has said in their heart there is no God, and so the fool has proclaimed in his wisdom that the gospel of God is foolishness, identifying himself as the fool!
He discovered that the person whose heart turns away from God to trust in man is cursed, unfruitful, barren, and without hope.
Like us, Jeremiah had to learn: The heart of man is more deceitful than anything else, and is desperately wicked, sick and incurable.
The outward appearances of a man may deceive us, but God alone understands the heart.
We may not even know the true content of our own heart, but the Lord our God knows what is in the heart of each one of us.
As born again believers who are living in the dispensation of grace, we have the permanently indwelling Person of the Holy Spirit in our heart.
Nevertheless, knowing: The heart is more deceitful than anything else and desperately wicked, we should examine our heart to see if we are in the faith to see if we are walking in spirit and truth, and to see if we are trusting in anything other than the Lord Jesus.
We should ask Him to search our hearts to see if there is any wicked way in us that needs to be cleansed and rooted out.
Only God can fully know and understand our inner heart.
May we submit to His purifying gaze and be ready and willing to say: Purify my heart O Lord, no matter what it may cost.
And so we are called to be faithful soldiers who obey their commander-in-chief, determined athletes who run with patience the race set before them, industrious farmers who faithfully plant and tend their crops to harvest, diligent workmen who treasure God's Word in their hearts, and strong buildings which stand firm on their immovable foundation, and that Rock is Christ.
He can read the inner thoughts of our hearts and discern our secret motives, and God knows all those that belong to Him.
And God has promised even more wonderful blessing to follow, of which we are incapable of imagining: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.
And as we look to Jesus by faith, and trust in His work at Calvary, He returns us into fellowship with the Father and will open the eyes of our hearts to know Him more and to love Him better.
BUT we must never lose heart at the enormity of the problems we face, for His grace is sufficient and HE will work the works of God in our lives, for our eternal benefit, and for His greater glory.
Indeed, for many hundreds of years, the cry of Jewish prophets had been 'repent'. The people of Israel were to change their outlook, to change their heart, to change the direction of their lives, and return to the Lord.
They were called to repent, to turn back to God, to trust His Word, to forsake their evil ways, and be baptised in water - as the outward sign of an inward change of heart.
But on that Day of Pentecost, thousands of Jews were cut to the heart because they realised that they had missed their Messiah and had crucified their King.
The Jewish men were not only baptised by the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ for their inward cleansing, but they also were baptised in water as the outward sign of this inner change of heart.
Romans takes the believer through every single step of Christian doctrine and gives a full systematic teaching of the fundamentals of our faith, which we would do well to take to heart.
Whatever mind-set develops in the heart of a believer, whether carnal or spiritual, his position in Christ and his eternal life remains secure forever, for it rests upon the faithfulness of God to keep His promises, not upon the unfaithfulness of God's blood-bought children towards their Heavenly Father.
But praise God we can rectify this sad state of affairs by changing the way we think - by habitually setting our heart on heavenly things - by continuously looking to Jesus - by fervently drinking in His Word - and by developing a spiritual mind-set that makes for life and peace.
Fathers should set an example of Christlikeness to their children and are instructed not to embitter them or exasperate them so that they will not lose heart.
We are not to despair when the wicked flourish and secretly fire their satanically inspired arrows of destruction at the heart and minds of the upright.
David reminds us that the Lord is righteous, He loves righteousness, and He watches over the upright in heart.
When our hearts start to fear what is coming on the world or we cry out in despair: If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?
The Psalmist's joyful proclamation was not referring to himself, for he would die and be buried along with all the children of men, but it points to the irrepressible joy of the coming Messiah Whose heart rejoiced in God, Whose tongue delighted in His Father, and Whose flesh rested in the promises of the Almighty God, to raise Him to life on the third day.
Should not our hearts rejoice, and our tongue be glad that we are one with our gracious Lord?
Jesus used parables to provide revelation and understanding to those who would believe, while making His words unintelligible and incoherent to those whose heart was hardened against Him.
It allowed the truth to percolate into the hearts of believers, while being incomprehensible and discarded by sceptics and those who followed Him for selfish motives, while rejecting the truth He taught.
They were a generation that heard the kingdom message with their ears, but the mystery of the kingdom of God was hidden from their understanding, because their hearts were hardened against the Lord.
How important that we are not enticed by the lawless ways of the world, which is at enmity with our Father, but that we live in humble obedience and reverence of heart before Him, all the days of our life.
When we look at the ever-mounting circumstances and troublous times that are overwhelming our lives, or watch in horror as the world situation continues to spiral downwards with increasing rapidity, too often we consider in our hearts that things are out of control, that this is too mighty a task for God to manage, that He is too impotent to intervene, or perhaps too distant to even notice that we are hurting and those we love have all but been swamped with fear and discouragement.
No matter where we are in our Christian walk, whether far from God or quietly resting our head on His bosom, today is the day to fear the Lord – today is the day to trust the Lord and to serve Him with truth in our hearts.
When the eyes of our heart are focused on the Lord Jesus Christ, in love, and all we desire is to know Him more, and to please Him in everything we do, then it matters not which path you take, for He will be there leading you, and He will be there guiding you, no matter what path you choose.
He wants us to trust Him with an undivided heart that seeks HIM alone.
He does not want a heart that is only interested in God's blessings.
He may permit His inner peace to flood our heart and mind as we keep our eyes looking to Him.
And when the eyes of our hearts are fixed on Jesus and He is the focal point of our soul in all things, then we find that He truly is directing our path in the best possible direction.
When our love for Him becomes the single, central longing of our hearts then it matters not which way we choose to take, for we will find that He is there leading, directing and communing with us - in love.
The truth of Proverbs 21 is clearly seen in the life of king Cyrus, for we read: The kings' heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water, and He turns it wherever He wishes.
The sovereign hand of God continues to move the hearts of kings and princes, both saved and unsaved.
I am sure when the Lord Jesus made this statement, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin, He said it with great sadness and deep compassion in His heart.
The sorrow that accompanied His departure would be short-lived by comparison with the everlasting bliss and joy that all who have trusted the Lord Jesus as Saviour will one day experience: For eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for those that love Him.
The first man sinned and fell, losing his position and his kingdom, resulting in sin and death reigning over the earth and enslaving the hearts of all mankind: For as in Adam all die.........
And the peace of God is what our heart can be filled with when a believer walks in spirit and truth and in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, makes their requests known to God.
As with all his letters, the little epistle of first Timothy provides each of God's children with great encouragement and edification, authoritative instruction on living the Christian life, and wisdom in combatting false teachings, as well as the blessings of God's grace, the joy of His mercy and His perfect peace in our hearts, a peace which passes understanding.
As the elderly apostle wrote this epistle to God's elect people who had been chosen according to the foreknowledge of the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, it must have gladdened Peter's heart to know that these saints had purified themselves - which was being manifested to the world through their deep love for one another.
However, Peter also knew that the heart of every man is at enmity with God and all humanity is born dead in their trespasses and sins.
And so James admonishes all Christians to be doers of the Word and not simply hearers only; to both receive the implanted Word of God in our hearts and also to obey it, for this glorifies our Father in heaven.
James calls all fleshly, carnal Christians to repent of their ungodly ways and in humility of heart to receive the implanted Word of God and to act on it faithfully, humbly, and wisely, which causes us to live godly in Christ Jesus.
My conscience testifies with me in the Holy Spirit, that I have great sorrow and unceasing grief in my heart for my kinsmen, according to the flesh. Paul's heart was not only very tender towards his Jewish brethren, but demonstrated incredible concern for his fellow countrymen. His desire was that they come to a knowledge of the truth of the gospel of God, rather than continue to buy into an incorrect understanding of salvation (which is not by keeping the Law, as they said, but by faith in Christ).
Israel's partial blindness caused them to miss their great salvation by faith in Christ, and caused this chosen apostle of God deep distress, great sorrow, and ongoing anguish of heart.
May we have the same desperate grief and uninterrupted pain in our heart for the lost, Jew and Gentile alike, and be ready and willing to speak the truth, in love.
We should be undertaking true, biblical exegeses of Scripture, where we take to heart the truth that God's Word is teaching us - literally, historically, grammatically, and in its correct context.
Should not the suspense of this prophesied fact thrill our hearts with overwhelming joy?
We are entreated to take to heart the pressing plea from the pen of the ageing apostle Peter, who urges each one of us no longer to live in the flesh, according to the lustful leaning of men, but to conduct ourselves as befits our heavenly status.
Satanic accusations against the goodness and grace of God are still being whispered into the ears of believers today as we, like Job, continue to be compassed about by many forms of suffering and misfortune, persecution and pain, destitution and danger, heart-aches and affliction, the sword and a martyrs death.
Peter encourages us to guard our hearts and our speech, and to turn from evil and do good.
We are called to be holy even as our Father in heaven is holy, and we are instructed to be sanctified unto God in our hearts by faith, with thanksgiving and praise.
We should be properly prepared to give an answer for the blessed hope we have in our heart and to share the glorious hope that we have in Christ Jesus our Saviour.
And we are also to ask the Lord to: Deliver us from evil, where our heart-cry is to be kept by the power of God from the artful wiles and cunning schemes of the evil one who delights to shipwreck the faith and limit the effectiveness of all God's children.
He is distressed by of the deceitfulness of men that surround him and is in anguish of heart because of the ungodliness of the nation.
Indeed, his words identify him as a man who knows, deep within his heart, that God is in control and that the Lord will one day rescue him from his oppressive enemies and declare him to be innocent in the midst of those that seek his destruction.
Despite his disturbing circumstances, this man chose to offer the Lord a sacrifice of praise because He had discovered that the joy of the Lord was his strength and that a joyful heart is good medicine for the soul.
And since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.
One element that is also necessary for disciples who die to self and live for Christ, is a trusting heart that is actively dependent on the Lord and refuses to be fretful.
God knows the heart of man and Jesus could recognise fear and fretfulness in its many forms, deep in the hearts of His disciples as He examined each one in this little band of faithful followers.
Christ knew the importance of faith, in the lives of His children, and how quickly our hearts can become discouraged and anxiety can set in.
However, it is the responsibility of all parents to teach their children the fear and nurture of the Lord, and it is the duty of all children to take this important instruction to heart... for those that reverence God by obeying His command to honour father and mother have the assurance that they will live long in the land which the Lord their God has given them.
When asked what was the greatest commandment during Christ's earthly, pre-Cross ministry, one scribe gave the perfect answer: Love God with all your heart, and he added, love Your neighbour as yourself.
But when bitterness is allowed to take root in our heart, it can grow into a poisonous volcano that spews its toxic venom over all who pass by.
Kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and grace were shown to us at the Cross of Christ, and they are the spiritual fruit that Paul tells us can halt and reverse the growth of bitterness in our heart.
The main component to annihilate bitterness in our heart and its ungodly sisters, seems to be forgiveness.
But the scarlet thread of redemption started to stream throughout earth's history, because fallen man found grace in the heart of God, for the redeeming blood His Son was pre-ordained to be poured out from Emmanuel's veins in bringing many sons to glory.
Perhaps the key to the entire book of Proverbs, upon which all every piece of good advice is founded, is the truth that Solomon taught his son in chapter 3: Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
It is turning the eyes of the heart to Jesus each moment of the day.
It is the practice of self-control, purity of heart, clarity of mind, and unceasing prayer - and such conduct is reflected in the character of the spiritual man or woman of God.
It is found in the heart of the humble man with a teachable spirit, who maintains daily fellowship with his God.
The Word of God tells us that if we allow bitterness to creep into our hearts and if we become bound up in resentment, discontent, acrimony, and grudges against others, we come short of the grace of God and have allowed the ungodly characteristic of bitterness to sink its deadly root into our heart.
Indeed, all Christians are warned against the pernicious growth of bitterness in their heart which is a destructive cancer that infects every area of our Christian life, including our fellowship with our Heavenly Father and our relationship with our fellow man.
How important to examine ourselves to see if bitterness is being nurtured in our own hearts.
How important that by faith we trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean on the whole human personality of God, which is seen in the face of Christ Jesus.
He is the Alpha and Omega, and will keep us and hold us steady through time and into eternity so that Christ may dwell in our hearts by faith, enabling us to be rooted and grounded in Him.
He will strengthen us in our heart.
He will establish us, as Paul wrote: Now to Him who is able to establish you according to the truth and the preaching of Jesus Christ. He will establish us in truth and not permit us to waver in our faith, as we fix the eyes of our heart of HIM in confidence and in trust.
Christ Jesus is the incarnate Son of God Who came to earth to reveal the love of the Father towards fallen man so that by grace through faith in His death, burial, and Resurrection we might be forgiven of our sins, be brought back into fellowship with our Heavenly Father, and be given God's life, light, love, and compassion in our heart as we abide in Him and He in us.
It is the love of Christ that is shed abroad in our heart, and it is the love of our Heavenly Saviour that is manifested in our Christian walk.
It is God's love that has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, and it is His love that flows through us to others.
In this verse, Moses gives the listening congregation his concluding exhortation, which is a call to total commitment to the Lord their God, all the days of their life: And now, Israel, Moses concluded, what does the Lord your God ask of you except to fear the Lord your God by walking in all His ways, to love Him, and to worship the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul?
And so they were given a definitive call: To fear the Lord, walk in all His ways, to love Him, and worship Him with all their heart and soul.
Total commitment to our Heavenly Lord, a deep reverence for His holy name, a heart-desire to walk in His ways, and a total trust in His promises is vital if we are to stand firm against the spiritual wickedness in high places that seeks to destroy our witness and render us ineffective in the spiritual battles in which we are all engaged.
The third thing that rejoiced his heart, was their enduring hope in Jesus' soon return, and much of this letter touches on the very subject of Christ coming for his people.
Like the Lord Jesus, Paul seems to have developed the desire to live his life in an attitude of prayer, and throughout his writings, we find him encouraging the Body of Christ to pray without ceasing, in every situation to pray with a thankful heart, and having done all, to keep on praying, knowing that our sufficient strength comes from God alone.
O come let us adore Him forever, is the heart-cry of the psalmist, who sees continuous praise and continuing worship of the Lord to be the core cry within the depth of our inner being.
He knows that together with all the heavenly host, our hearts and voices will be raised in an everlasting procession of praise and never-ending celebration of our God.
We should offer Him our personal sacrifice of praise, in our hearts and with our voices.
Let us bless the Lord with our whole heart, knowing that the momentary troubles of this fleeting life will soon be over, and we too will be joining in the never-ending heavenly chorus of thanksgiving and praise.
As Christ's ministry speeded towards His death, so His teachings became more urgent as He set about preparing the hearts of His followers for His forthcoming crucifixion and glorious Resurrection on the third day.
And so, Jesus started to prepare their hearts for His coming passion and as they travelled up to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, He warned them of what was to come: Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and to the scribes.
Jesus told them all these things as they walked along the way towards Jerusalem, but they were more interested in who would be seated at His right hand in His kingdom and missed the meaning of so many of His parables and teachings that were designed to prepare their hearts for the amazing gospel of grace - that God so loved the world that He gave His only son to die, that whosoever believed on Him would be saved - that He came as the sacrificial Lamb of God to redeem the world from Satan's iron grip and sins stifling stranglehold.
He did not entrust Himself to them: Because He knew what was in their hearts.
Jesus knew that He could not commit His life and His important ministry into their safe-keeping, because He knew that the heart of man is not to be trusted.
And so we read: Jesus did not need anyone to testify concerning man, because Jesus Himself knew what was hidden deep within the heart of all men.
He could read their thoughts and knew the intention of their hearts.
Jesus does not need man to instruct Him about anything, especially what is in the heart of a man.
It details the apostasy of God's chosen people, Israel, who had to be cut off for the hardness of their heart, and it records how their stumbling led to great blessings for the Gentiles who were grafted into the eternal Root (until the fullness of the Gentiles is reached), in order to provoke Israel to jealousy and repentance.
Let us take to heart James' words, and be wise men or women, who are quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger, particularly in the things of the Lord.
Furthermore, we will experience God's peace which passes all understanding, which will stand guard on our hearts and minds, enabling us to stand firm in the Lord.
We are called to encourage those that are struggling, to pray for those that do not know Him, and to sow eternal seeds of hope, joy, and rejoicing in the hearts of all we meet so that together we will one day rejoice as we stand and worship our great King of kings and loving Lord of glory.
May we seek to honour everyone in truth, love our brothers and sisters in Christ, fear the Lord in the beauty of holiness, honour the emperor and those in authority, be on our guard against the enemy, stand firm in the faith, be strong and very courageous, and trust in the Lord with all our heart without leaning on our own limited understanding.
May our heart's desire be to acknowledge Him in all things, knowing He has promised to direct our paths.
I will not be shaken - therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced - because You will not leave me in Hades or allow Your Holy One to see decay.
Soon after the birth of Joseph, we read that the Lord put it into Jacob's heart to return to the land of his birth, but it is not until he is 17 that we are given some detailed information about Joseph, the 11th son born to Jacob.
And so, it is not surprising that the burning desire of Peter's heart was to communicate the matchless majesty of the Person of Christ to the Christians to whom he was writing - and to ALL who would come to faith in Him.