When we come to see that all the old nature was taken down into the death of the Cross, and in Christ Jesus we are completely clear of its penalty and power, it is then that we begin to welcome the work of the Cross upon all that of which the Holy Spirit convicts us.
Our acceptance with God in Christ is perfect, and therefore unimprovable.
Our acceptance is in Christ,' and therefore eternal; the enjoyment is by the Spirit,' and therefore (because of the working of the flesh) often hindered. -J.B.S.
What is needed isnot that they should die again, but that they should come toaccept their once-for-all death in Christ in relation to whateverthat may be that has come up, and let it go and be set free fromthat law of sin and death.
New Man in Christ
And God’s children became that new man in Christ; a corporate man; a race; a creation.
God’s children became the Church, the new creation, which is His body - the Church, the fullness of Him” Ephesians 1:23. For 2000 years the church of Christ has been quietly growing into a corporate body, and God is bringing that new creation in Christ into His planned fullness: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: Ephesians 4:13.
In Christ we have also obtained an inheritance, (KJV)In Christ also we were made a heritage, (RSV)Ephesians 1:11
Our Inheritance
In Christ we have obtained an inheritance and look forward to a glorious future. This is no trifling legacy but one that we have been promised by God Himself. This is no ordinary heritage but one that is bountiful in both quality and quantity.
Christ’s Heritage
In Christ, we have obtained a glorious heritage and anticipate a glorious future..
but in Christ we are also made to be His precious heritage – for we are His trophies – for Christ Himself is to receive His own special reward, as promised of the Father.
But we are also made to be His heritage so that He will be glorified in all His saints. He will be regarded with wonder on that day by all who have believed, including you, because you believed. 2 Thessalonians 1:10 We, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, are to be to for the praise of His glory.
but what God has sovereignly purposed God will surely, sovereignly bring to pass, for all that God has purposed has its central hub and outer circumference in Christ.
Extravagant Grace
Let us marvel at the enormity of our inheritance in Christ and our glorious future.
Many have been on our position in Christ rather than the circumstances of life; looking away from the world and looking to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Living by faith which comes from hearing and not by sight or signs or dreams – putting off the old man in Adam and putting on the new man in Christ – recognising our heavenly home is a greater reality that this sin-sick, cursed world. Many such writings have been on waiting – waiting God’s time and waiting God’s way.
Grace Thru Faith - STUDY
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit.
There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit?
Oh yes, there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus, none… but there are consequences if we do not live in spirit and in truth.
Accepted in Christ
God does not change, and He recognises Christ’s work on the cross as finished and complete – and because of that, God accepts you in Christ.
Pray and Praise
For you tarnish your life with much fretting. You spoil your walk with much worry. Fretting and worry crush the treasures that the Lord has to offer, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, confess your faults and your needs, and His peace that surpasses understanding will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.
Abiding in Christ, as we have often said, is the opposite of abiding in ourselves.
To abide in ourselves is simply to try to do this living, and this working for the Lord, of ourselves; asking the Lord to help us to do it, instead of recognizing that a Life wholly pleasing to God has been lived and that faith appropriates that accomplishment in Christ.
Abiding in Christ is simply doing everything, meeting everything as out from Christ.
A Holy Temple
God has been building a holy temple of holy people, day by day for 2000 years.. a unique ‘new creation in Christ’ .. a singular people, set apart for God..
separation from God forever and only the shed blood of the Son of Man could have paid for our sin – and only the resurrection of the Son of Man would give us newness of life – a new life in Christ – a new creation in Christ.
Unreachable Standard
The unreachable standard of God’s Law was to be set aside for a new life in Christ. A man seeking to live by any Law must be prepared to keep every part of that law.
But a believer with a new life in Christ is to live his life by grace and not by works of the Law.
New Life in Christ
A man who seeks to live by the Law must be prepared to keep every part of that law, but the one who died to the Law with Christ has been given a new Christlike nature. A Christian with a new life in Christ must die to self so that Christ lives in him.
What of those that are a new creation in Christ – where do you and I fit in?
The old creations in Adam and Jacob are joined by a new creation in Christ.
New Man in Christ
And so Israel was set aside..
God raised His Seed and through Him and created a new creation in Christ – the Church.
And for 2000 years the new man in Christ is the one through whom God works.
the Church – through whom He will work for the new man in Christ was to become the mystical body of the Lord Jesus Christ – until it is no longer I that lives but Christ – that lives in me.
Law and Grace
The work through Israel was through the works of the Law – which failed. The work for the Church must be carried out in Christ – which cannot fail.
To rightly divide the gospel of God is to know how to live in Christ.
To rightly divide the creations He made is to know who we are in Christ. And there’s one area of division that many Christians have overlooked - Heavenly and earthly promises that link with heavenly and earthly dominions.
So that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.”
Ephesians 2:7
Thy Will Be Done
Paul reminds us: let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus… Philippians 2:5 Isaiah prays: have Thine Own way Lord – Thou are the Potter , I am the clay.
Inner Peace
This positional truth needs to be accepted and reckoned on as fact. It is the glorious truth that we can live in consummate, inward peace in Christ. It is an amazing fact of scripture that nothing need disturb our peace of mind. It is the thrilling assurance that we are delivered from the fear of the future – because your life is hid with Christ in God. 1Cor.16:13
Spiritual Blessings
God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, has blessed us with all spiritual blessings. God the Father chose you and me in Christ before the foundation of the world. God preordained that we are to be adopted as His sons because of the Lord Jesus. God has blessed us with abundant blessings, in and through His beloved Son.
He Continues:
Let us cease laying down to the saints long lists of ‘conditions’ of entering into the blessed life in Christ; and instead, as the primal preparation for leading them into the experience of this life, show them what their position, possession, and privileges in Christ already are.
Secure Position
The world is indeed falling apart before our eyes, but we are positioned in Christ..
ow. Never let the quaking circumstances of life shake your trust in God. Never let the devastation of this terrestrial plain rock your trust in Him. Never allow circumstances to shake you out of your secure position in Christ.
Men’s hearts are failing, for fear of what is coming onto the world, for lack of knowledge, and the hearts of many believers today are also being shot to pieces – because they have not yet accepted their secure position in Christ.
Practical Possession
Your position in Christ is a practical possession and a real reality, but we have to reach out and confidently appropriate what is already ours.
Godly Challenge
All he writes is for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness. His writings give us the bedrock upon which to stand and to live for God, in this evil day. The godly wisdom he wrote is directed at a Christian’s growth and sanctification, and we in this generation do well to study carefully his instructions and warnings. He writes to the saints in Christ Jesus – to those that are set apart unto God.
Impossible Standard
The reality that the Law, in which Nicodemus trusted was related to the flesh, must have been shattering to this religious-minded Pharisee – this esteemed teacher. Though the Law was God’s benchmark for the man that is born of the flesh it was an impossible standard to keep – but the new life in Christ, which is a gift of God’s grace to the one that believes, is a new work of God in man – a new creation in Christ Jesus.
One New Man
But many lessons they needed to learn would come through the apostle Paul. They would have to come to understand that God is no respecter of persons – but it was to be a steep learning curve for every Jewish believer in Christ. They would need to accept the gospel was equally for Jew and Gentile alike. They would need to come to an understanding of the one new man in Christ.
But for those who have broken free from the bondage of man-made rules, and trust in Christ’s finished work alone, discover the Bible to be their sole Source of divine authority and the singular sufficiency for every aspect of their Christian life.
Our position changed from being in Adam to being in Christ and our identity changed from being a child of wrath to a child of God.
Without His saving grace, we would remain dead in trespasses and sin – but thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory over sin and death – in Christ.
Declared Righteous – in Christ
But God is not dealing with us as unsaved sinners.
The judgement we deserve was poured out over Christ, Who bore our sins, and we have been declared righteous by God, and because He is righteous, we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
No Condemnation – in Christ
We are sinners saved by grace and there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. There is now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus our Lord.
But we are sinners saved by grace and there is no condemnation – there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus the Lord.
Old or New
A believer must know and understand the nature of his new life in Christ and apply it, and he must understand the nature of his old sinful life to oppose it.
They have no link to God, because they have not yet trusted in Christ as their Saviour and been given a new, born-again spirit.
Now we are servants of the new nature in Christ rather than the old sin-nature, and these verses contrast an unbeliever’s former relationship as slaves of sin with a believer’s new relationship to their new life-in-Christ, which we all receive at salvation and which has made us all servants of righteousness.
Death or Life
A slave of sin functions through the old sin-nature, while a slave of righteousness functions through the new life in Christ.
A servant of sin relates to the old sin-nature, while a servant of righteousness relates to the new life in Christ.
The old sin-nature is in servitude to sin and functions under the law of sin and death, while the new life in Christ is in servitude to righteousness and functions under the law of Christ – the Spirit of life.
A believer has two choices – he can either submit to the evil enticements of the sin-nature, or he lives his life through the new life in Christ.
However, the more we starve sin by submitting to the new life in Christ, the more our new nature will grow.
The new nature in Christ (the spirit of righteousness) is able to cancel out the activity of the old nature, but the choice remains with the believer, and so an inner conflict begins to rage: for the flesh has a strong desire against the spirit, and the spirit has a strong desire against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.
Let the fellowship of your suffering be your Job experience and count it all joy… now thanks be unto God Who ALWAYS causeth us to triumph – in Christ. 2 Corinthians 2:14
The enemy has filled the minds of many believers with the delusion that they are poor, and in their poverty they must work and grind and toil in order to buy the blessings which are already theirs in Christ.
It is time to see that all you need you have in Christ.
Now to Him Who is able to do far more abundantly, beyond all that we ask or think, according to the Power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever.
Far More Abundantly
Let us take God at His word. Let us believe in the rich resources of our reliable Father. Let us trust Him to supply us with the above-all abundance and riches of His grace, for in Ephesians 3:20-21 we read: Now to Him Who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us to Him be the glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever AMEN and AMEN.
We are in Christ – complete in Him – accepted in Him, and our reward is in Him.
He ensured that all who trust in Him can know undeniably they’re secure in Christ, for our security does not rely on our righteousness but the righteousness of Christ.
Every expression of salvation is secured in Christ’s righteousness – by His grace.
Past, present and future salvation is planned, performed, and finished – in Christ.
God’s Plan
God could not have conceived of anything more to save the children of men. God could not improve on anything that He has provided for us in Christ.
His purpose in Christ is devoid of any spiritual want or need – and it is ALL grace.
Our Portion
Our identity in Christ means total identity with His person; character; essence.
Our Completeness
Absolute fulfilment for humankind is found in Christ alone – and nothing else.
Christ is the fullest and most complete source of all God’s blessings to us. And this completeness in Christ provides the most meaningful joy for our soul.
The Father could not improve on anything that He has provided for us in Christ.
The Father has given us a glimpse into all that He has planned for those in Christ.
The presenting' spoken of is the outcome of my knowing my old man to have been crucified (Rom. 6:6), and my reckoning myself alive unto God in Christ Jesus (Rom. 6:11).
Preordained Acceptance
But God preordained that all who believe in Jesus are fully accepted in His beloved Son. The peace and love and acceptance of God is only through His beloved Son. Without assurance of this precious fact, many live a life of daily dissatisfaction. Without confidence in His Word, many spend their years in constant mistrust. If the failing beauty of a wife doesn’t influence the ardour of a devoted husband, how much more God’s never-failing acceptance is of the believer in Christ. God’s acceptance of you and His acceptance of me is based on one thing – the finished work of the Lord Jesus, on Calvary’s cross: being justified by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Accepted in Christ
But “Oh Dear!” – you cry.
If we fail to keep His command and seek to live by self instead of in Christ.
Bestowed Grace
William R Newell puts it this way: There being no cause in the creature why grace should be shown, the creature must be brought off from trying to give cause to God for His care. He has been accepted in Christ, who is his standing! He is not on probation. As to his life past, it does not exist before God – he died at the cross, and Christ is his Life. Grace, once bestowed, is not withdrawn.. for God knew all the human exigencies beforehand.
acceptable) – is to fail to see yourself in Christ only. 6) To be disappointed with yourself – is to have believed in yourself. 7) To be discouraged is unbelief – as to God’s purpose and plan of blessing for you. 8) To be proud, is to be blind!
God Himself has told us in His word that we are accepted by Him - in Christ.
God accepts US, because we are IN-Christ – we are accepted 'in the Beloved. Our acceptance is based on one fact – we are accepted because we are in CHRIST.
Established Position
There is nothing that can make us more acceptable to God than we are, in Christ. There is nothing that can ever remove us from our established position in Christ.
We are accepted in Christ – accepted in HIM.
And all who believe gain this free gift of acceptance in Christ.
We have done nothing and can do nothing to merit acceptance by God in Christ.
Acceptance by God depends on faith in Christ – trusting His finished work.
God expects us to believe what He says – to believe that we are accepted in Christ.
worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh (Phil. 3:3)
Failure to live the Christian life is due to one's utter inability, but it is all governed by the Father.
Now the way out is to be found in a clear-cut recognition of the fact that, as Paul says in Romans 8:1, There is, therefore, now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.' Let appearances, voices and feelings to the contrary be what they may, still this is a fact.
Complete in Christ
A believer’s acceptance by God starts and ends at rebirth and we are complete in Him.
New Life in Christ
Christ’s Life has no place in the old life.
It is the new-life in Christ and not the old-life in Adam that the Spirit will sanctify.
Our Sanctification
Sanctification can only take place in the new-life in Christ.
God deals with all believers on the grounds that in Christ YOU died.
We have to ask Him to examine our rebellious and carnal nature – to know the difference between 1) Christ as substitute and Christ as representative. 2) between sanctification truths and identification truths. 3) between the new-life in Christ and the old-life in Adam. 4) between the spiritual believer and a carnal Christian.
Death no longer has dominion over Christ, for the death that Christ died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God – likewise, you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
God... who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. (Ephesians 1:3)
Let us remind ourselves of the Word which is at the basis of our meditation: i>The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ.That means that all the resources which are in Christ are available for us.
Sublime Expression
No other New Testament phrase occurs with greater frequency than “In Christ” No other more vital, biblical formula is so often presented as being “In Christ.” Sometimes it is BY Him, sometimes THROUGH Him or WITH Him or IN Him, but the intrinsic meaning of this glorious phrase – is His all-inclusiveness.
Biblical Declaration
In one magnificent consummate declaration, we are told the purpose of this “IN” – that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times, He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth, — IN HIM.” Eph.1:10.
God Himself purposes and plans to sum up all things in Christ. God Himself determined that in the eternal, nothing has any place except, IN HIM.”
All things are to be summed up in Christ.
It is not just life; acceptance; redemption and righteousness that are in Him, but the creation; our hope; spiritual blessings; consolation… and consummation – and Peace and Effectual Prayer and Strength and Riches are all “In Christ”.
It includes our escape from condemnation and those that are the dead In Christ too – Yes!
and His Body, the church, are one in Him – and we are all complete in Him: for in Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him, Who works all things according to the counsel of His will, that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory.
yet they continue to shout of His glory day after day after day after day – and one day, the heavens also will be gathered up, in Christ.
Should not I, who am blessed with all divine blessings in heavenly places in Christ – point to the One Who will one day be ALL in ALL?
Spiritual Truths
It is all about Christ and everything is to be in Christ.
He has Raised us together in Christ Jesus.
He has made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
We are fitly framed together in Christ; Gathered together in Christ; Builded together in Christ; Knit together in Christ; Working together; Striving together; Perfected together in Him.
United in Him
Soon the whole church is to be united in Christ.
Soon and very soon we will all be glorified together with Him -In Christ.
The one who doesn’t live grace-promise-faith way doesn’t negate his eternal security in Christ, but will live a defeated Christian life, for eternal security “kicks-in” immediately at rebirth, and each person of the Godhead guarantee their eternal security.
Accepted in Christ
Life experiences, feelings and pressures may all combine to cause a believer to doubt the truth of God’s word, but life experiences, feelings, and pressures are no criterion for God’s truth.
From the moment a sinner believes in Christ by faith, God undertakes to keep that believer eternally secure, and it remains God’s responsibility from that day forward, for we are all accepted in the Beloved – forever,
Complete IN Christ
May we pray in unhindered fellowship with God, May we be properly clad in the Lord Jesus Christ. May we pray aright in spirit and in truth – in the power of the Holy Spirit, that we may be effective in the intercessory battle of the ages – a battle already won that is soon to be concluded – IN Christ.
His work made all believers complete in Christ and accepted in the Beloved.
Heavenly Deposit
The indwelling Spirit was given as a deposit – that we can live godly in Christ Jesus..
Christ’s Life
But how do we use this deposit of a full; triumphant; victorious; enduring life..? Well, it all goes back to recognising who we are in Christ and then appropriating it!!
Scriptural Truth
These glorious scriptures tell us all we need to know about what we are in Christ.
By Faith
May we all appropriate all that we have in Christ – by faith.. so that He may work through us be glorified in all we think and do and say – by faith
The believer, having received the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus,' comes under the influence of the law' of that Spirit (Rom. 8:2).
The operating principle of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus' ever works in the direction of profound self-judgment, and of the consciousness that we have in the Lord Jesus not only righteousness, but a divine Source of satisfaction and strength.
And thus it makes the one in whom it operates free from the law of sin and death.' It gives the consciousness that divine goodness is an unfailing resource for our hearts, and that all the treasures of that goodness are stored up in Christ Jesus, that we may learn them there, and find the life of our spirits in the growing knowledge of Him. -C.A.C.
The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus' made me free from the law of sin and death' - not the life,' but the Spirit of life,' - not our effort, but divine strength; not self-occupation, but occupation with Him in whom we are before the Father, and in whom the divine favor rests upon us full and constant, because on Him it rests. -F.W.G.
The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death' (Rom. 8:2).
and His grace continually draws you and me: that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus – that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church, to the principalities and powers in heavenly places.
a testimony of my close friend and sister in Christ – a testimony of the way God has worked in one life..
Abiding in Christ
We are called to walk as Christ walked and live as He lived – to abide in Him.
Spirit and Truth
You are abiding in Christ if God’s Spirit DWELLS in you – is at home in your heart.
walking in the power of the Spirit, for the Spirit of God dwelt in Christ.
God’s Spirit was at home in Christ.
Like Christ
We are all called upon to live as Christ lived, and it is not an impossible task. We are all commanded to abide in Him and we are given the means to do so. But we can only live as Christ lived when we abide in Him and rest in Him – and we can only abide and rest in Him as we live as Christ lived. We can only abide in Christ when His Holy Spirit is at home in our hearts.
The moment a person believes in Christ the Spirit indwells that person.
Standing Firm
A watchful prayerfulness and a prayerful watch is linked is with patient endurance, and patient endurance is linked with standing firm in Christ. Patient endurance is to do with standing firm in the evil day, Paul warns us to:- “Stand therefore … and having done all, to stand.” Ephesians 6:13 And the Lord Jesus Himself in this same context earnestly exhorts us to:- Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is” And He tells us:- “Take heed – See, I have told you all things beforehand.”
We are to be ready and watch in every season and pray continuously, so that having done all we are able to stand firm – in Christ
All who are in Christ are expected to live their lives as His life living in them.
Christ the Head
As the Son looked to the Father – so the body must look to the Son. As Christ abode in the bosom of the Father – we too must abide in Christ.
for the works of the flesh will profit nothing. Remember – it is not what is done for Him, that is important, it is what is done by Him through the believer, as he remains in Christ.
Remain in Christ
Day by day the most important work a believer can do is to remain in Him.
but to stir expectation in the human heart. The new was the full revelation of Himself in Christ: I and My Father are One. And for 4000 years God prepared the way for the dawning of the Day-spring. And 2000 years ago the Day-star from on high visited man.
And knowledge of this Son of God is the secret given to the believer in Christ.
Unique Occasion
Pentecost was the birthday of the Church – it was a one-off, unique happening. Pentecost was the launch of the Church – through whom God would now work. Pentecost was a unique occasion and part of the bridge between the old and new. Pentecost was the point when the Church began – and we are all one IN Christ.
Being accepted in Christ and complete in Him is the fixed status of all believers. But chose to disbelieve the truth, and you will build up a lie in your mind.
Complete in Christ
All those that are born from above are already complete in Christ.
Accepting that we are complete in Christ is just believing the Scripture as truth.
Believing that we are accepted in Christ is simply trusting God’s word, as fact.
Lying Influences
Circumstances of life and wickedness in the world may seem to scream the reverse, but you must never base your faith in Christ Jesus on your feelings – nor must you allow the circumstances of life to influence your trust in God.
Paul’s Words
Given the facts of their high character and destiny as saints Paul says; ‘I therefore … beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called’ Ephesians 4:1 Let us cease laying down to the saints long lists of ‘conditions’ of entering into the blessed life in Christ; and instead, as the primal preparation for leading them into the experience of this life, show them what their position, possessions, and privileges in Christ already are.
Believe and Act
Sparks is basically saying that all we are and have in Christ is already ours. To appropriate it is simply to believe it to be true and then act on that truth. It is to change from asking for what’s yours already – to thanking Him for it! It is actually accepting what is already yours in Christ, with thanksgiving and praise.
I know this is quite likely to meet with words like, I just don’t understand … but appropriating our birthright and position in Christ is really very simple. It’s a move from a murmuring mentality for what you want – to grateful thanks for all the riches of God’s grace – you already have, in Christ. Murmuring and complaints are always linked with loss of fellowship and unbelief. Thanksgiving and confession is always linked with fellowship and trust in God.
Believing that we are accepted in Christ is simply trusting His Word as fact.
Accepting that we are complete in Christ is believing the Scripture as truth.
The only practical reaction to being complete in Christ is grateful thanks.
As babes in Christ we are left for a season in the old surroundings, because the time is not yet ripe for us to know our high calling, and the discipline needed for the heirs of God.
Confusion and Consternation
One area causing Christians confusion and consternation is – 'am I truly saved?' This is a question that bothers many believers. 'Am I really part of God’s family?' This is not just the few, but many born-again people just doubt their security in Christ.
Finished Work
Yet we have an assurance, from Scripture, that our salvation in Christ, is secure.
Devastating Doubts
Assurance and eternal security is probably the most comforting doctrine for believers, for our security rests in Christ’s finished work, and to doubt it can be devastating.
Christ’s Sacrifice
One of the main reasons for our lack of security in Christ rests on our impressions.
When we doubt our eternal security – it shows a lack of faith in Christ’s sacrifice.
Emotions can oscillate and are no criteria on which to rest our security in Christ.
Reasons for Insecurity
There are other reasons we doubt our assurance in Christ, and our secure salvation.
and you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation.
And I, in my nothingness, had ceased to look for good in myself, and began tasting the deep joy of being in Christ, and free to have Him as my Object; while as to life, I entered in some degree into the blessedness of knowing that it was not I, but Christ liveth in me.' -C.A.C.
The one spiritual baptism positions the believer in Christ' (Rom. 6:3, 4; Gal. 3:27; Col. 2:12), and into His Body (1 Cor. 12:13).
One in Christ' positionally, can never again through all eternity be out of Christ' positionally, as that position depends wholly upon the efficacy of the finished redemptive work of the Son, and does not hinge upon human merit or faithfulness.
The Holy Spirit gives a living knowledge; His light is the light of life; He is the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.' We see the Father and the Son as seeing us.
Man’s 2 Natures
As children of God we were given a new life in Christ – a baby life that needs to grow. Our life should be a fruitful, victorious life that matures into a spiritual believer – a life submitted to the Spirit, so it may be conformed into the image and likeness of Jesus. But we still have a sin nature that seeks to gain supremacy over our new Christ-life. We were freed from its power over us, at the cross, but it remains our deadly enemy.
2 Opposing Natures
The more we feed one of these two bitterly opposing natures, the more it grows and develops – and the stronger it becomes the greater its capacity for good or for evil. The new life in Christ, we received at salvation, is the very life of Jesus Christ, that was breathed into us by God’s Spirit, so we could grow in grace and spiritually mature.
Old Nature and New Life
The old sin nature we received from Adam is at enmity with God and kept us in bondage and condemnation, but it was crucified with Christ, and its power was severed at the cross – freeing us forever from the bondage of sin and death.This new life in Christ is His sinless life – which was imparted into our very beings. The old sin nature is our terrible Adamic heritage – which keeps us in bondage to sin. Unsaved men can only function under the power of the old sin nature, and whatever they do, whether good or ill, is worthy of nothing more than God’s utter condemnation.
New Life in Christ
The new life in Christ should be nurtured, while the old sin nature must be subdued, and though all Christians are positionally sanctified, (set apart unto God), we must also grow in our Christian life to be practically sanctified – and it’s all by grace. Whether we are talking about our sanctified position or the sanctifying process that continues throughout life – our spiritual growth, our growing in grace, our maturing in the faith and the good works that God has prepared for us to do, are ALL by grace.
In this way the new life in Christ will have a chance to grow and mature, and gradually be conformed into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus. If we ignore the clear guidance in scripture on how to live a spiritual life, that’s pleasing to God, and submit to the old sin nature, we place ourselves back under the bondage of law.
Put on the New
Let us put to death the deeds of the body, so our new life in Christ can grow: for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death. Let us not copy the behaviours and customs of this world, but rather let us submit to the Spirit, so that God can transform us into a new person..
No-one is condemned because of their sin, because Christ died for the sins of ALL. Those who don’t trust in Christ’s work on the cross have chosen to exclude themselves from the free gift of grace, that has been offered to them by their Creator God.
Condemnation is the fruit of unbelief in Christ Jesus – resulting in eternal separation.
Such thinking enlarges the gaping void and widens the great divide between all who believe in Christ Jesus our Lord – and those that condemn themselves through unbelief.
Integral Not Additional
If John and Paul clearly teach that salvation is the gift of God’s grace alone, by faith in Christ how can we reconcile the issue of repentance.
Work of Christ
If we don’t repent or change our mind – we remain dead in our trespasses and sins. When we do repent or change our mind about God’s free gift of grace, that is offered to all sinners who are dead in trespasses and sins we are born again.. and the Holy Spirit places us in Christ as part of God’s family – FOREVER. Let us never add to the amazing work of Christ on the cross when by His blood alone He paid the price for your sins and mine. But rather let us simply accept God’s free gift of grace – by faith alone.
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:10).
If we have the Lord Jesus Christ risen and in heaven as our Object, we shall prove the power of His resurrection, not only in lifting us up when we are conscious of our exceeding short-comings, but in strengthening us to press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus' (Phil. 3:14).
On the human side, man is conscious of doing only what he actually does: he chooses as an act of his own volition to receive the grace God offers in Christ Jesus.
Positional Truth
We are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus and this verse can also be translated: it is through faith in Christ that all of you are sons in union with Christ. These believers knew about their heavenly heritage and their position in Christ, for in the next verse we read: for as many of you as were baptised into Christ have put on Christ.
He placed us in the body of Christ the moment we believed and our position in Christ is an eternal and unbreakable union with Him.
Written Word
Will I without reservation trust the revelation of God’s written Word, when all around me, in my personal experience, flatly contradicts this? Will I hold fast unreservedly to the revealed One given of God – in Christ, when overwhelming circumstances dictate the opposite.
Christ’s Representatives
We should love and protect all those that are brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.
We are the workmanship of the Spirit – created in Christ to do good works through Him.
Unique Creation
Collectively we are one new-man in Christ – a unique creation – a peculiar people. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly – each part with its own special use.
It should grieve us to realize how many abandoned babes in Christ there are - spiritual orphans.
that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light' (1 Pet. 2:9). But ye are...that ye should.' We believe in Christ's power and desire to win others, but for what?
The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death' (Rom. 8:2). ...hath made me free....' Let me walk in it; let me enjoy it, and I am free.
Difficulties and trials are inevitable as we travel through life, but how important for Christians to understand the cause of sin, the effects of sin, the consequences of sin and how to live godly in Christ Jesus.
Difficulty and disappointments are integral to the believer’s world, but in Christ, we have been supplied with all we need to live a godly life and we are even exhorted to be joyful in our sufferings.
And although the power sin has been severed in our life, and we have been given a new live in Christ, believers still commit sins and although forgiven through the blood of the Lamb, often have consequences to face.
There is nothing more needful than a life that simply rests in Christ Jesus.
Everything we need to live a Christocentric life is found exclusively in Christ, and we have been given the heavenly riches of God’s grace for we are in Christ.
We have been given every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies, for we are in Christ.
All the resources we need to live a godly life, pleasing to God are given us in Christ.
Spiritual Believer
When we claim the benefits of our heavenly riches in Christ we abide in Him.
When we abide in Christ, we have simply appropriated the riches of God’s grace – and the end result is a simple, beautiful, purposeful life that keeps Jesus central.
Both have been given the heavenly riches of God’s grace, for BOTH are in Christ.
Abiding in Christ
Both have been endowed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places – in Christ.. but only one is abiding in Christ and living the Christ-life – the spiritual man. Only one has appropriated their heavenly portion, which is theirs in Christ..
There is nothing more needful than a life that simply rests in Christ Jesus – and a life with Him as central, is a life that’s simple, beautiful, purposeful, and fruitful.
God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him.
God’s Blessings
It is the Father that has blessed us in the heavenlies, in Christ.
It is the Father Who bountifully blesses us with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
God’s Omniscience
God in His omniscience knew all who would believe on His only begotten Son – and He chose them in Christ before the foundation of the world to be His children.
God in His eternal attributes endued man with free-will to accept, or to reject Him, and God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy, set apart, and blameless before Him – in love.
God in His grace chose us and in His grace sought us and in His grace He saved us. And God in His grace placed us IN CHRIST, that we should be holy for He is holy,
God’s Christ
It is by God’s doing we are in Christ Jesus and eternally united with Him, and to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ - the power of God and Christ -the wisdom of God, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption 1Corinthians 1:24
He made us pure and holy, and He freed us from sin. 1Corinthians 1:30 God in His grace chose us to be in union with Christ and in fellowship with Himself – not because of our own merit but by His amazing and eternal grace, and God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him – in love.
Christ our Righteousness
Because we trust in Christ, He is our righteousness, our holiness and redemption. We have nothing at all to boast about, except in the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord. Far be it from any of us who are His children to boast except in the cross of Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me – and I to the world. Galatians 6:14.
In Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ. (Colossians 2:9,10 NIV)
If God has revealed His mind, His thought in Christ; if all that God intended has been brought to us in a personal revelation: God has followed that up by the fullest provision in Christ for its realization and its attainment.
So that every need of ours is supplied according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
In Christ there is not only a standard set, but every kind of provision for attaining to God standard.
All the secret resources of God to reach His end are there in Christ for us.
God thought is centered in Christ in heaven, and God resources are centered in Christ in heaven.
That means that the Lord people in this dispensation are essentially a heavenly people, and that means that it is quite impossible to attain unto God thought or to know God resources in Christ until we are a heavenly people.
But there is an altogether different life, different because it is based on the entering into something already completed in Christ; not something to be attained to but rather that which has already been accomplished.
I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:3)
My God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19 ESV)
This means Christ recognized, Christ known, God in Christ, and that on the ground of our utter separation unto Him.
There is all the difference between trying to work for our justification, and working because we are justified; between trying to work for our perfection, and working because our perfection is secured in Christ.
Confused Christianity
But the work and wisdom of God does not come through the best efforts of man. The ‘new creation’ in Christ is independent of man’s humanitarianism – but too often man’s perception of the Church is confused with true Christianity. And too often man’s perception of Christianity is confused with the true Church.
In Christ you have been brought to fullness.Colossians 2:10
and because we are in Christ, we have been brought to complete fullness. There is nothing lacking in the Christian, because we are complete in Him.
And if we are not secure in our position in Christ, we will be swayed by alternatives.
Sufficiency in Christ
Like them we are to remain alert and not be robbed of our sufficiency in Christ, for the vain teachings in these traditions is not in accord with God’s viewpoint.
Paul knows that the entire fullness of God’s nature dwells bodily in Christ – and in Him we are complete.
Paul’s Exhortation
He exhorts us not to be shamed into keeping any aspect of the Mosaic Law, for the Law was fulfilled in Christ: therefore, do not let anyone judge you in regard to food and drink or in the matter of a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day.
Knowledge of Christ
Then as now, the issue in Paul’s mind was our completeness in Christ.
His urgent desire was that all believers truly understood who they were in Christ.
He wants us to know that everything that God desires us to be is in Christ.
Christian completeness has everything to do with being complete in Christ.
Satanic Strategy
But Calvary is the secret. Satan's satanic strategy is to destroy man's relationship with the Lord. He can't remove our eternal security for that is set, secure in Christ.... but he seeks to damage our relationship with Christ.
Oh, I am so glad that it was God that came in Christ, GOD that came in Christ.
It was God in Christ, the absolutely and altogether holy One in whom there was no sin, who came in incarnation; and in virtue of that Divine nature in its perfection Satan in his authority is defeated - on that ground.
I try the reins.... Though all that be a fact, you and I can stand now in the presence of God as sinlessly perfect, not in ourselves, but in Christ, as having absolute sinless perfection put to our account by God.
Rest in Christ
One wonderful thing about the 'Rest' that the Lord invites us to participate in is that we are to rest with Him – Come – Ye… Come Ye Apart..
And after initial acceptance in Christ, is the 'learning obedience' in life.
Hid in Christ
And it is this... God’s children are 'complete in Him'.
Now, complete means just that:- totally, absolutely, unconditionally complete in Christ.
for if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17a Second, as we hold to this fact by faith, we are brought into the practical reality of it day by day in our experience.
and we can rebel or we can submit. We can remain a babe in Christ – OR we can mature in the faith. We can get stuck feeding on the milk of the word – OR we can start to eat strong meat. We can grieve and quench the Spirit’s work in our lives – OR we can grow in grace. All these are vital principles of the Christian life – and all these truths are foundational gospel facts and Jesus is coming back very soon – are you ready?
Oh, the depth of the riches of the grace of the Father – for it pleased Him that in Christ, all fullness should dwell. “Consider” the place of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the esteem of the Father.
Forgiven by the Lord
The gentle handmaiden of the Lord is in equal need of His grace and forgiveness, but once forgiveness is bestowed, ALL condemnation is eternally removed, forever: for there is therefore now NO condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.
Ours is the choice - not I, but Christ (Gal. 2:20); His is the work, for He is the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus (Rom. 8:2).
The soul that understands that the death to self is in Christ the gate to true life, is in the right way to learn what and who the Holy Spirit is. -A.M.
We were 'in Christ' when He died and so His righteousness is imputed to us. Christ not only paid the price for our sins but He also broke sin’s power within our life.
That implies something altogether other than what we are, and it is important to see what God says, and how God views those who are represented as being in Christ, and in whom Christ is....
Oh, that we might recognize this, that in Christ in us, there is the embodiment of God thought, and He is able to speak so of us.
His risen new life comes from the second spiritual birth, in Christ Attempts to amend my old life is to deny that I am nothing.
Of all the needy classes of people, the neediest of this earth are not those who are having a heartbreaking, agonising struggle for victory, but those who are having no struggle at all, and no victory … and who do not know it, and who are satisfied and jogging along in a pitiable absence of almost all the possessions that belong to them in Christ.”
End of Self
It is when Self is identified as irreparably damaged and incapable of improvement, that we are brought to the end of our self-life and cry out at long last. Self must no longer have sway in my life, for it is not the “old I” but the “new life in Christ” that lives – and it must only be Christ.
The power of the old sin nature was broken by the death of Christ. When He rose from the dead, our new nature in Christ identified with His resurrection.
The righteousness of Christ is imputed to us – in our new life in Christ, for Christ is the power of God and that power has raised us up into newness of life.
God always keeps the revelation of Himself in Christ bound up with practical situations.
The principle, the law, of the manna, is that God keeps revelation of Himself in Christ bound up with practical situations of necessity, and we are not going to have revelation as mere teaching, doctrine, interpretation, theory, or anything as a thing, which means that God is going to put you and me into situations where only the revelation of Christ can help us and save us....
Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (Rom. 3:24).
We cannot enjoy acceptance but in the way in which it was acquired or effected for us, and if we are in the acceptance we know that no improvement of the flesh could commend us to God, and that we cannot be before Him but in Christ.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death (Rom. 8:2).
In Christ, God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.2 Corinthians 5:19
Pneumatology – unless rightly-divided, the Scriptures can be accused of distortions. Bibliology – God’s work in the church is mixed up with His plan for Israel. Ecclesiology – our position in Christ, and spiritual inheritance is confused.
Everything which has to do with the realization of God's purpose in creating man, and this world, and its universe, is a matter of knowing God in Christ, which, of course, means knowing Christ.
There the believer shared the death of the Lord Jesus; for when he became a believer, the life he received was life in Christ, that is, life out of death, resurrection life, newness of life'; and the relation to sin and the law which Christ had, became those of the believer!
Fullness of Life
I am sure all true believers in Christ want to come into a vital relationship with God.
I am sure many in the church of Christ long to be effective in their service to Him, but fullness of life and service in the inner man is birthed from Christ’s imputed life.. and for a believer to live in newness of life in Christ – he first must die on the cross.
Many Members
The church of Christ is not an organisation but an organism… a living thing and the church of Christ is made up of many members who are all in Christ, And like all living things the church is not an end in itself but points to a larger end.
He expects them to realize their position of absolute oneness with Christ, for He ‘has blessed them with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ’ (Eph. 1:3).” -F.J.H.
Be strengthened in the grace that is in Christ Jesus (2 Tim. 2:7, ASV).
And we are in union with Christ – for we are saved by grace through faith in Him. We have entered a glorious state and are seated in heavenly places – in Christ, and the present work of the Spirit in us, is to conform us into the likeness of Christ.
Foundation and Focus
All that are in Christ will take on His perfect character, for we will be like Him, and God’s ultimate plan is that humanity is a manifestation of His beloved Son. He will be preeminent in all – and all will be summed-up in His wonderful person.
Paul’s Epistles
Paul’s epistles give us much to rejoice our heart, for we are positioned in Christ. We are seated with Him in heavenly places and have been endowed with eternal life. We have become children of God, joint-heirs with Christ and in-dwelt by the Spirit.
He comes using beguiling words and deceptive tricks designed to deceive and delude, and Paul is keen that our security in Christ helps to ward off these seductive advances, this I say, lest any man should deceive you with enticing words. Colossians 2:4
So how do we who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus heed Paul’s warnings?
Paul delighted to see how disciplined they were and how firmly they held to faith in Christ..
Rooted and Grounded
As we trust in the Lord and apply our faith in Him – so we grow more and more. As we become rooted and grounded in Christ – so we become more like Him. As we become more like Him – so we are more established in the faith.
Words of Wisdom
Paul’s epistles give us much to rejoice our heart, for we are positioned in Christ. Paul’s words of encouragement rejoice our heart – and Paul’s words of wisdom provide us with some very timely warnings.
The sum of everything in the new creation is in Christ, or, to put that in another way, it is outside of man himself.
Although Christ, the sum of the new creation, may be in us, that new creation will remain in Christ, and we are only in it by reason of our union with Him.
We shall find that the main obstacle, the main enemy to our fullness in Christ, to all that the new creation means, will be ourselves in some way.
God’s purpose spans far greater horizons, which is the believer’s sanctification. It is being established in the faith – spiritual maturity – growing in Christ.
Wise Words
“Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things that are ahead, I press towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13,14 “Therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this mind; and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal even this to you.” Philippians 3:12ff
New Creation
The second Man (the last Adam) was to become the federal Head of a new creation of man… the new creation in Christ, Who was a Man from heaven.
It was our kinsman-Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ, Who by His death and resurrection was qualified to become the Last Adam – the final federal head of God’s new and perfect creation in Christ.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing … in Christ.Ephesians 1:3
God has secured all and every single possible spiritual blessing – in CHRIST.
Yes and Amen
All that we need or could need, both now and forever, are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ.
Our blessings in Christ touch everything in time and stretch through eternity.
James 1:17 God has blessed all and every saint with every spiritual blessing – in Christ.
Secured in Christ
These blessings from God circumnavigate all we could think, imagine, or hope.
Such blessings are far beyond the bounds of human understanding and reason – and all are secured in the heavenlies, for all are fixed in Christ.
Completed in Christ
From Genesis to Revelation there are promises of blessings that have past. From start to finish there are countless blessings that are still yet to come. Every blessing we have is so secure that God wrote it in the past tense – and all are completed in Christ and all are secured by His sacrifice.
Blessings for today and bright blessings for tomorrow are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ.
He has blessed us with ALL and EVERY spiritual blessing IN CHRIST.
In Christ
Let us accept His many blessings by faith.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing - in Christ.
Comfort and Care
Exhortation and encouragement is a beautiful aspect of our Christian life. Peter is the apostle that encourages us to care for one another, in Christ. Peter tells us: above all, keep loving one another earnestly, for love covers a multitude of sins. 1Peter 4:8. We should be concerned for the well-being of fellow believers in many ways.
You advance spiritually by finding out what you really are (in Christ), not by trying to become what you hope to be.
The only possibility of spiritual progress lies in our discovering the truth as God sees it; the truth concerning Christ, the truth concerning ourselves in Christ. -W.N.
One Foundation
There is but one foundation on which true faith can be built. 'Examine yourself,' Paul encourages, 'examine yourself to see if you be in the faith…' 2 Corinthians 13:5 'Faith is the substance of the hope set before us in Christ….
Substance of Hope
Faith is the substance of the hope set before us in Christ..
Church-Age Truth
The mysteries of the Church as the body and bride of Jesus Christ came from Paul. The necessity of grace alone by faith alone in Christ alone were all from Paul’s pen. The task of unveiling many church-age mysteries were also entrusted to this apostle.
Scripture Truths
In Galatians 5:6 we read that: in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor un-circumcision avails anything, but faith working through love.. while in Romans 5:16 we read: therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace.
Pleasing God
Faith is critical in averting our sight away from our current circumstances, and faith is equally critical in recognising our present position “in Christ,” where we are seated together with Him in heavenly places… where life’s earthly conditions have no influence on our heavenly position, in Him.
Only a regenerate man has had the breath of life breathed into him by the Spirit of life. Only a believer in Jesus is able to function on the spiritual plane – by faith. Only a new man in Christ, who has passed from darkness to light can act by faith. Faith is simply believing God. Faith is simply trusting God to do what God has said, and faith comes by hearing which comes through the Word of God.
If we consider what were some of the practical factors in Christ's crucifixion we realize that His sufferings were caused by men's fickleness, bigotry, fearfulness, jealousy and treachery.
All three statements are addressed to the believer – the one that is in Christ.
The knowledge of the living Lord alters everything for the one that is in Christ.
as long as we are His own – For I am persuaded that neither death nor life….. nor things present nor things to come…. can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Directly we are born again we are positioned in Christ for time and eternity, but fellowship with God and unity with the Spirit can be damaged and broken.
True spiritual experience will result from our standing immovable in our position in Christ.
Whatever may have been our experience of holiness, and the measure of spiritual attainment in the past, we can never get beyond the need of abiding in Christ and the continuous reckoning of faith. -R.W.
Accepted in Christ
We’re accepted in Christ – but God accepts us only through His beloved Son.
We must accept as fact what has already been made ours through faith in Christ, but we must be aware of our need of these truths in our daily walk – and only the Holy Spirit can reveal these truths to the seeking believer: for the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God, they are foolishness to him: neither can they be known to them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1Corinthians.2:1 There are many ways to live that fail to deal with ‘self’ and the ‘self-life’. We have to recognise that God’s way, to self-denial, is at the cross.
And it is the same Word that tells you that you as connected with Adam, died with Christ, that your old man was crucified, that since you are in Christ you shared His death unto sin, and are thus to reckon your present relationship to sin in Christ – as one who is dead to it, and alive unto God” (Romans, Verse by Verse, p.227).
“Believers in Christ were joined to Him at the cross, united to Him in death and resurrection.
But now in Christ Jesus ye, who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.Ephesians 2:13
Sinner or Saint
There is no more hopeless and helpless state than to be an unbeliever in this world, but there is no more eternally glorious hope than to be a believer in Christ Jesus.
Positioned in Christ
But at the point of salvation, every one of these deprivations melted into the morning mist.
We were removed from the filth of Satan’s kingdom and eternally positioned in Christ – and nothing in heaven or earth can secure this forgiveness – but Christ’s blood.
Our future was secure in Christ, and peace with God was swept into the peace of God.
Brought Near
Every barrier to God is lifted and every blockade to redemption has been removed, for in Christ Jesus, we who were far off have been brought near, by the blood of Christ. Simply believing in Christ has lifted every shackle with which we were bound.
Every unbeliever has a choice – to accept or reject God’s free gift of deliverance, and all who reject salvation by grace through faith in Christ, are condemned.
But in Christ, our sin nature died at the Cross and we were raised into newness of life.
who shall deliver me from this body of death? Then he finally understood that victory over his sin nature was found in Christ: but thanks be to God Who has given me the victory IN Christ Jesus my Lord.
Old Sin Nature
The old sin-nature was crucified with Christ and we became a new creation in Christ.
Final Deliverance
We are to live in the world but not be influenced by its evil power – for we are in Christ. All creation groans and the weary world waits for the appearing of the sons of God.
Freely Delivered
In Christ we have been freely delivered from all that condemns and controls us.
No wonder of all his writings the fiercest, the fieriest is his letter to the Galatians, the letter of our liberty in Christ and it begins with this God revealed His Son in me and that set me free from all other things.
These are obstacles that are strewn in your path, to perfect you in Christ. He who began a good work in you will continue until you are like Him.” Phil.1:6
Accept the staggering truth contained within the following astonishing verses. The eyes of your understanding are being enlightened; that ye may know what is the Hope of His calling, and what are the Riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints (and that includes you – beloved child of God), according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places. Ephesians 1:18-20
God in all His fullness was pleased to live in Christ. (Colossians 1:19 NLT)
It is a glorious thing to come into touch with God in Christ but it says here that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:31).
Secured in Christ
Christ and His coming kingdom is the hope set before us.
Satan seeks to shipwreck the soul who is not securely anchored in Christ – but the Anchor of the soul is indeed sure and steadfast… so we must lay hold on that hope set before us – for our hope is secure in Him.
Secure in Christ
Are you anchored on Christ and is your hope in Him or have you fastened your anchor to the things of this life? Will your anchor truly hold in the tumultuous tempest of this life by resting and remaining in Christ, body, soul, and spirit?
He will provide all my needs, in Christ according to His great goodness.
Equipped in Christ
A benefactor is one that supplies the means for a genius to do his work unhindered and a musician, master, or artist is thus enabled to concentrate on his creativity. A virtuoso is equipped to centre unhindered on his inspirational work until the final stroke of the magnificent masterpiece is concluded.
Like the musician, the master, the artist, or the virtuoso we too have a heavenly Benefactor, and like them we too can be inspired to carry out the work He has for us to do. But God will equip us, in Christ, to do the particular work He has given us to do… so that the work and service He has prepared for us, will be well-pleasing to Him.
A Maturing Grace
It is only as I am prepared to decrease and allow the Lord to increase in my life, that faith in self will be gradually replaced by faith in Christ – and the faith in which I live..
in ME – will be the faith I live in Christ – until it is no longer I that live, but Christ Who lives in me. Galatians 2:20
and renew a right spirit within me..Psalm 51-10 And the answer is Christ – and in Christ alone.
All relationships must be viewed from the angle of my relationship with the Father – and it is in Christ and in Him alone that we shall attain to purity of heart.
Tripartite Salvation
Our spirit is saved at the point we believe in Christ as Saviour.
Our soul is being saved throughout our entire Christian life and our body will be saved at the end of this church dispensation when the dead in Christ shall rise first and then we that are alive and remain, shall be caught together with them, to meet the Lord in the air – and so we shall ever be with the Lord.
Foundation of Truth
To counter distortions of the truth, Paul gave strict instructions to believers to be rooted and grounded in Christ, and not to be tossed hither and thither by every whim of doctrine.
Proverbs 22
This directive to love the Lord with our whole being should be our joy and delight, and were we to apply this in our lives, our joy would be complete – in Christ.
Every promise of God is 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ to those that are His children, but this is a promise from God that partners with our own responsibility as parents.
Given to God
When you give your children to the Lord He will fulfil your heart's desire, for they love the Lord your God with all their heart – and develop a sincere faith – in Christ… and when they are old they will not depart from it.
Do not lose the present value of it by always living mentally or hopefully in a time when you will be out of it, but go back there and recognize that if you are the Lord's, if you love God and are called according to purpose (as you are if you are in Christ), God is seeking to do something with you and in you by means of the conditions of your present situation.
Rom.8:28. There may be ramifications for seeking fast-track spiritual development, and there may be consequences for a paucity or lack in a spiritual life, but there will also be reward… if that one earnestly seeks God in his lack, indifference, disinterests or rebellion, for God has a purpose for all that are blood-bought saints in Christ Jesus – but He chooses to do it His way, and will often wait many years for our compliance.
the promises of God are all ‘yes’ and ‘amen’ in Christ 2Cor.1:20. Let us accept that God’s best purpose in our life is being carried out despite life’s twists. We are being changed into the likeness of Christ so that we too will be a sweet aroma unto the Lord..
In Christ, God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.2 Corinthians 5:19
Yet His omnipresence takes on a new, and unsurpassed dimensions in the Christian, for He takes up permanent residence within the being of the believer in Christ.
Faith in His word translates into Hope in His word: for if in this life only we have hope in Christ, then we are of all men most miserable. 1Cor.15:19
Godly Instructions
And in Romans 12, Paul tells us how to live:- we being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another – having then gifts, differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: If prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; or ministry, let us use it in our ministering.
Ransom Paid
It was paid in full by the blood of the lamb – the willing Sacrifice Who paid our debt. We were released from Satan’s clutches with a ransom, paid in Christ’s own blood. The ransom price for our freedom was the life of the Lord Jesus – His life for ours.
Comforting Words
How we delight to stand on the precious promise of God, in those times of difficulty and distress, knowing they are all ‘yes’, and ‘amen’ in Christ.
Greater Plan
Every believer in Christ rejoices in their salvation, knowing that their sins have been forgiven and that they have received eternal life – knowing that they have a glorious inheritance, which is laid up for them in heaven.
our position in Christ and our relationship with Him, that we can be assured that all things work together for our benefit – not only today but eternally.
Yes and Amen
In the meantime, in His grace – let us rest on the precious promises of God knowing they are all ‘yes’, and ‘amen’ in Christ – knowing that all things work together for good to those that love God..
He came to demonstrate how the life He lived was the only life that would ever please the Father – a life that He Himself would impart to all who believe in His name – a new life – a new life in Christ – a new life born of the Spirit – a new creation.
A New Life
No surprise that Nicodemus did not understand all these concepts that Jesus taught – for the new life in Christ was a mystery – a mystery, which from the beginning of the world was hidden in the heart of the Father, Who created all things by Jesus Christ. The mystery of the new life in Christ was hid from saints and prophets of old. This was a mystery that had been hidden from ages and from generations – and yet it was a mystery which would one day be made manifest to his saints – to you and to me.
We are all part of the body of Christ and we all have our own particular part to play, but this mortal life and our eternal future are bound up in Christ, the beloved of God.
Eternal Purpose
Being born into God’s family is our first step along the road of our new life in Christ.
Christ – All in All
The evil behind the hand of Amalek must be fought from generation to generation, until all things are brought together in Christ – and Christ is all and in all.
to learn to be led by the Spirit and live in spirit and truth – to learn to abide in Christ and remain in Him.
The 'new-life' in Christ is a baby-life that must grow and develop into maturity.
Transformation Process
Then God uses life’s circumstances to start to conform us into Christ’s image. This transformation process into Christ-likeness is no rhetoric or foolish notion. This is a life that lives and moves and has its being in Christ and Christ alone.
In our own strength, it engenders despair – but in Christ, it is gloriously achievable.
No, em>of all things.That is Paul great word all the way through: em>all things, ...all things, ...all things,and in the end, em>to sum up all things in Christ.And if I need to safeguard, I am not talking about universalism.
a plan involving spiritual war that will continue through centuries. A plan that will continue on until all things are consummated in Christ. A plan you and I are part of. A plan to bring forth the eternal fullness of Christ.
God has promised to live in the one-new-man in Christ (not the old sinful man) and that one-new-man is to live in a state of perfect dependence upon the Lord his God. God is working in you, enabling you both to desire and work out His good purpose. God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.
Rest in Christ
But how can striving towards godliness harmonise with the Spirit’s work in us? How can the diligent pursuit of sanctification be compatible with resting in Christ? How can striving towards holiness be rooted and grounded in the passivity of grace?
Divine Purpose
God knows the end from the beginning and He knows all who will trust in Christ. God predestined all who would believe in Jesus to be conformed into His image. God was well-pleased with the Lord Jesus, Who is His only begotten and beloved Son, and it's God’s divine purpose is that His children are made in the likeness of Jesus Christ. We are to all to be conformed into the image and likeness of God’s dearly beloved Son, and it is the Holy Spirit Himself that is to do this amazing work in the life of a believer.
Fullness of God
This aching to know Him more intimately should be the deepest desire of our heart too.. yet the more we know of Him, the greater His infinite fullness is opened up to us – for in Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
We have died to sin; not in ourselves, but in Christ,' and our death with Him is as sure as His death, and since we died with Him it is impossible for His death to be certain and ours uncertain.
Peter tells us to: humble yourself, under the mighty hand of God. The new man in Christ will submit to His way and His time and listen and learn.
High Calling
The new man in Christ will be the one trusted to enter the spiritual battle.
The new man in Christ will be an overcomer, if he holds fast to the end.
Oh, what lessons there are for all to learn, who also travel the believer’s path in this world, as we accept the deep and unanswerable questions in our lives, and press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
When we begin to comprehend Romans Six, we know that our death in Christ unto sin was completed at Calvary.
When we have been in Romans Seven for a time, we come to realize that we have been struggling to produce that which God has already accomplished for us in Christ.
When we thereby come to Romans Eight, we know at last that the Holy Spirit will produce in our experience what God completed for us on the Cross and in Christ our life.
The secret of a victorious life is knowing Him intimately and abiding in Him: you in Me, and I in you John 15:4 which is: Christ in me and I in Christ.
We are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, whilst walking this sin-soaked world.
The present application of God’s Word, enables us to live a godly life in Christ Jesus.
Future prophecies, in Scripture, secures our hope in Christ and develops our faith.
to understand the gospel of the kingdom, and the gospel of the grace of God – to understand the old creations in Adam and Jacob and the new creation in Christ.
the new creation in Christ.
In Christ, we are seated in heavenly places, but satanic rule trespasses our position.
prepared by the Spirit to bring forth the fruit He requires; saved Jews and Gentiles, participating in a spiritual battle and heavenly war.. a bride for Christ, prepared as co-regent with Him in His heavenly kingdom – the one new man in Christ – the Church.
And the one new man in Christ, is seven times exhorted to overcome in the spiritual war, for overcoming is God’s will for all believers.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Who has blessed us in heavenly places … in Christ.Ephesians 1:3
Magnified Blessings
God has blessed us in heavenly places – literally He has blessed us in the heavenlies. God has blessed us in Christ – literally we share in all that rightfully belongs to Him. God has blessed us – but often we don’t comprehend the magnitude of His blessings.
Heavenly Blessings
It was His purpose, His plan, and His desire to bestow on us His heavenly blessings. He predestined us to be adopted as His sons according to His good pleasure, and this blessing in the heavenlies was purposed in Christ – and we are in Him, for all blessings we have in Christ are simply blessings in heavenly places – and because we are in Christ we are blessed in the heavenlies – in HIM.
Hope in Christ
It was God’s purpose to redeem us through the blood of Jesus and to forgive our sins, and He purposed this heavenly blessing in accordance with the riches of His grace.
God willed to break down the wall of separation between His holy Self and fallen sinners, that we, who are the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of His glory.
where Christ Himself is seated. And we who are in Christ are blessed in the heavenlies – for we are in HIM.
Incomparable Power
God revealed His incomparably great power when He raised Christ from the dead. Then God placed all things in heaven and earth and below the earth under his feet, so that we who are His body would have the same mighty power in our lives – and because we are His body and we are in Christ, we are blessed in the heavenly places.
He brought us out of darkness into the glorious light of the great gospel of Christ, for we are God’s handiwork and are created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God in His grace has prepared for us to do in advance.
Glorious Inheritance
God has bestowed on all His holy people the riches of His glorious inheritance. Our future home is assured and our place of residence is the heavenly Jerusalem, and that inheritance is ours through Christ Who is seated in heavenly places – for all blessings that we have in Christ are simply blessings in the heavenlies – blessings we have in Him.
Christ’s Supremacy
Christ is Himself already seated at the right hand of the Majesty on high – in heaven. Christ’s supremacy was authorised by the Father when He was raised from the dead, and God has put everything in subjection under His feet, until Christ is all and in all – and our blessings are secured in heavenly places for they are all in CHRIST.
and God has placed all His born-again children in Christ – in heavenly places.
Believers are eternally located in this secure position because we are in Christ..
Heavenly Sphere
All believers are in Christ and at this present time are seated with Him – in Christ. All Christians are in Him and forever seated with Him : in Him, in heavenly places.
God has bestowed on us blessings of position, privilege, power, and responsibility, for this is a spiritual conflict with principalities and powers in heavenly places – and we are in Christ; identified with Him and our sphere of operation is heavenly.
The privileges and blessings bestowed on all in Christ – are in the heavenly realm, and we are to live and function in the spiritual realm, because of our union with Christ.
Our physical position is with our feet planted on the earth - the terrestrial plane, but our eternal, spiritual position is in Christ in heavenly places - the celestial sphere.
Eternal Perspective
Because we are already positioned in Christ, we are eternally safe and forever secure, and our life should display a heavenly attitude and reflect an eternal perspective. Our heart and mind should be set on heavenly things – for we are already in Christ, and we are blessed – already blessed – we are already blessed above all measure in Him.
We are heavenly beings that are passing through. We are to set our hearts of heavenly things not on earthly things – for we are in Christ.
We may be poor in the world goods, but we have every spiritual blessing, in Christ.
We may be surrounded by trouble, but our hope in Christ is guaranteed by God.
We may be perplexed and cast down, but in Christ, we have all that makes for life.
Ephesians 1:3
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Who has blessed us in the heavenlies … in Christ. Ephesians 1:3
He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion... and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 1:20,21; 2:6)
Victory in Christ
But until that time of future bliss we live on this earth with its trials and pain, and every day we have a choice..
Christian Challenge
And Paul reminds us how we are to live each day of this life: brethren, he writes, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus Phil.3:13, and THEN comes the challenge: therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this mind. Philippians 3:13ff
But now in Christ Jesus ye who once were far off are made near by the Blood of Christ (Eph. 2:13).
To know the Lord Jesus is to love Him; and to love Him is to insist on being with Him; to press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:14).
Hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ' (Eph. 1:3).
In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.Colossians 2:3
Christ Jesus
The man or woman that has been placed in Christ is indeed blessed beyond compare..
for hidden within Christ is a great treasure trove of all-wisdom and all-knowledge. Christ – the third person of the trinity was made man and became God incarnate. Christ was Son of Man Who was born – yet He was the Son of God Who was given. The fullness of deity dwells in Christ – and in Him is all wisdom and knowledge. Colossians 2:9 All that God is and all that God knows is present in the person of Christ Jesus.
With our finite minds, we are incapable of understanding the essence of the infinite God – nevertheless, all the wisdom and knowledge of God is hidden in Christ in its entirety. Man, a fallen creature was incapable of meeting and communing with a holy God, but God in His mercy and love revealed Himself, in Christ Jesus – in His fullness.
Veiled in Flesh
The eternal self-existent, holy God clothed Himself in flesh to reveal Himself to man. The sovereign Creator chose to unveil Himself to you and me in time-space history. The absolute Lord of the universe came to dwell with us in the form of mortal flesh – and all the essential and unique characteristics of God are contained in Christ.
Person of Christ
The self-existent Christ is absolute and complete in all aspects of His causeless being. The immutable Christ is absolute truth, entirely dependable, totally faithful, and true. The infinite Christ has limitless knowledge, immeasurable power, perpetual presence – and in Christ are hidden all the treasures of God’s eternal wisdom and knowledge.
Incarnate God
His love is measureless and scoops into its skirts boundless mercy and eternal grace. His immeasurable holiness acts in absolute righteousness and unquestionable justice. The fullness of God has been manifested in the self-revelation of Himself, in Christ. And in Him are hidden all the treasures of God’s eternal wisdom and knowledge.
Astonishing Privilege
The man or woman that has been placed in Christ is indeed blessed beyond compare, for hidden within Christ is a great treasure trove of all-wisdom and all-knowledge.
So what are we, who are in Christ, to do with this astonishing privilege we have?
Since we are in Christ we are to keep on being built up and strengthened in the faith. We are to remain firm in the faith and overflow with thanksgiving and praise to Him. Having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed – and overflowing with gratitude. Colossians 2:7
We are to fully accept who we are in Christ and the position we have in Him.
We are to trust the Scriptures as truth that has been given to us by almighty God. For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in human form. Colossians 2:9
We are to know and accept that we are complete in Christ and need nothing more. We are to recognise Christ as the full and final authority over all rule and principalities. We are to trust all that Scriptures tell us of the treasures that are contained in Christ – For you are complete through your union with Christ, Who is the head over every ruler and authority – principality and power. Colossians 2:10
Deity of Christ
The man or woman that has been placed in Christ is indeed blessed beyond compare, for hidden within Christ is a great treasure trove of all-wisdom and all-knowledge.
and in Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
With our finite minds, we are incapable of understanding the essence of infinite God – nevertheless, all the wisdom and knowledge of God are hidden in Christ in its entirety. Let us take time to mine out those hidden treasures by getting to know Him more.
Where would souls be put if they were simply and definitely instructed in Christ Jesus and Him crucified and risen; connected by faith with the living One, who was crucified, and whose death terminated man in the flesh? -J.B.S.
His sinless life and perfect example demonstrated that in Him we too can live godly.. not in our own strength, for in ourselves dwells no good thing. But in His strength and power and sufficiency we CAN live godly in Christ Jesus.
but so that He could become our LIFE in US – so that in HIM we too can live godly in Christ Jesus.
A believer may thus inherit patience, and although he may be but a babe in Christ, he is seen to be more stable than a more advanced believer, because whatever goes wrong he stands unruffled.
Be found in Christ – (in Christ alone) not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God, by faith.Philippians 3:9
Binding Truth
The Lord’s return for His little flock is Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus, and the greatest joy will be to see Him as He is and to be made like unto Him – and these truths are as binding on the heart of God as the blood-drenched cross.
Chosen in Christ
He chose us In Christ from the foundation of the world. He purposed to make us holy as He is holy. He started to conform us into His image when we first trusted in Him..
We are children of light; children of the day – and so we are to be clothed in Christ.
This protective breastplate of faith and love is our covering of Christ’s righteousness, for the heart that abides in Christ is the one that stands firm in the day of trouble.
The former enables the patient tenacity of trusting faith in Christ Jesus.
All three unite in our future promise in Christ when we shall see Him as He is – for all are founded in the assured anticipation of the glory that shall be revealed.
Clothed in Christ
We belong to the day, for we are children of light... let us, therefore..
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!
Bounteous Heritage
Paul adds one building block of glory onto the next in his epistle to the Ephesians. He edges onward from one wonderful level to another as he fine-tunes our inheritance. He outlines the significance of our adoption as sons – our bounteous heritage in Christ.
A special body; a unique body; a single body with many members united in Christ.
A New Creation
A new creature; a new man; a new creation; a new nature; a new life in Christ. A new body that is being conformed into the image and likeness of her Saviour – a unique body that is possessor of the life of Christ and the nature of her Lord.
God’s Building-Blocks
God’s building-blocks of grace and glory are erected in the amazing book of Ephesians. We move from one marvellous level of grace and glory to the next glorious peak. We are permitted to fine-tune the incredible truth of who we are in Christ. And it is all by God’s grace, through faith in Christ Jesus.
Position in Christ
We were no longer foreigners to God but were brought close to Him through Christ.. and you know what… it is by grace – by grace alone and only by God’s grace. And if ever this fails to knock us speechless, we need to look again at our position in Him.
We became part of the one new man in Christ – His Church; His Body and His Bride.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies … IN CHRIST.Ephesians 1:3
Positional Phrase
There is no more compelling and meaningful expression for a believer than 'in Christ'.
Permanent Relationship
When we first believed in Jesus we were placed in a permanent relationship with Him. The old former life in Adam was forever replaced with our new, eternal life in Christ. We who were dead in trespasses and sins were made fully alive and given His life.
Union with Christ
We are positioned in Christ the moment we trust Him as Redeemer and Saviour. We are placed in union with Christ the moment our hearts declare 'I believe'.
He places us IN CHRIST.
These and many other acts of the Spirit take place to position us IN CHRIST.
Life of Christ
Forgiveness at the cross is the first of numerous acts of the Spirit in a new believer… but from the beginning, we are placed in Christ.
Destiny of Christ
We share in the DESTINY of Christ He raised us up together, and seated us together in the heavenlies – in Christ Jesus, Ephesians 2:6
It is the little group of words: ‘in Christ’ : ‘in Him’ : ‘in Christ Jesus’. And it is also found in the phrases: ‘in Whom’, ‘by Whom’ and ‘of Whom’.
This little, almost insignificant term cradles in its arms a most powerful meaning. 'In Christ' indicates a close, intimate, living union with our resurrected Saviour – Jesus. 'In Christ' is a positional truth that is found in Scripture, and applies to all Christians.
Position In Christ
All believers whether old or young, male of female; Jew of gentile – all are 'n Him'. Whatever people group; both bond or free; new or seasoned saints – all are 'in Christ'.
Church-Age Reality
Our personal identity in Christ, and He, in us is the most stunning church-age reality... and not one believer should be uninformed about this amazing, beautiful privilege.
Sometimes we discover that things are 'through Him', 'with Him', 'of Him' or 'by Him', but our position in Christ is the most important truth Christians should understand.
In Christ
As believers, we are going to spend eternity with our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Let us unhesitatingly familiarise ourselves with all that it means to be IN CHRIST.
Ditties of Grace
Some use little catchy ditties or rhymes to remind themselves of God’s grace: Given by God mercifully, Riches in Christ bestowed freely, Atonement sacrificially, Christ in us the hope of glory, Evermore undeservedly.
down and initiating reconciliation of man to Himself. (Jn. 1:14; 2 Cor. 8:9)A..It is God’s Abundantly giving us more than we could ever expect or deserve. (Jn. 1:16; Rom. 5:17; 2 Cor.9:8; Eph. 2:7; 1 Tim. 1:14)C..It is about God Caring enough to send Jesus to die in our place. (Eph. 1:7; 2 Thess.2:16)E..It is about being Eternally unendingly, unconditionally accepted in Christ. (Eph.1:6; 2 Tim.1:9; Titus 3:7)
Special Grace
But there is a special grace for those that have accessed salvation by grace, through faith: Strombeck writes the following: Grace is God’s provision to bring into being, sustain and perfect His new creation in Christ.
Body in Christ
We are united as one body in Christ because we have God’s indwelling Spirit – now. We’re bedecked with the unsearchable riches of God toward us who believe – now. We are graced with all the highest privileges that God has granted to humanity – NOW.
We have the Spirit of power and might: Who wrought in Christ and raised Him from the dead – the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power, which He performed in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places. Ephesians 1:19-20
Name of Jesus
This is a lesson that so many Christians simply fail to understand or to apply, and the result is a life that is lived in defeat instead of a victorious life in Christ.
Beloved of God
Every child of God is in Christ and every believer has been accepted because of Him. We are in Christ and we are accepted by God and we are loved because of Jesus.
Though He slay me, yet shall I trust Him. Yes, Beloved, it is to draw you with cords of love into His deepest secrets – where you, 'in Christ' live in quiet, humble submission to His Word – where Christ in you becomes an Anchor for other hurting souls in your journey into faith.
created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
Your eternal salvation is secure in Christ – completed the moment you believed – when you were born from above by the Spirit.
Sanctification does not depend of what you do but who you are In Christ.
An Example
Paul who throughout his life spread the gospel in every part of the known world, reached toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. He wrote…. I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind I reach forward to those things which are ahead.
He said, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
He continues:- 'that we may present every person mature' (that is full-grown, fully initiated, complete, and perfect) – perfect, complete, whole in Christ (the Anointed One).
He goes on:- 'for my concern is that their hearts may be braced (comforted, cheered, and encouraged), so they are knit together in love – in unity and in oneness – in Christ.'
Wrestle in Prayer
Should we not equally, as part of His body seek to do the same – in Christ? Should we not like Paul wrestle in prayer for other believers to be perfected In Him?
people bound up, devoted and given over to carrying out His plans to the uttermost – which is the perfecting of the saints – in Christ.
Life of Faith
By faith we BEGAN… 1 Corinthians 15:1-4By faith we STAND… 1 1Corinthians 16:13By faith we WALK… 2 Corinthians 5:7 Colossians 2:6By faith we LIVE... Galatians 2:20By faith in CHRIST and by faith in Christ alone.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death” (Rom 8:2).
He will learn to understand how completely death makes an end of all self-effort, and now, as he lives in Christ to God, everything henceforth is to be the work of God Himself.” -A.M.
It is knowing the Lord, God in Christ; for the way in which God has joined Himself to us is in Christ, not apart, and the way in which we have been joined to God is in Christ, not apart.
The fact is this, that what God is after is not to do things for you and for me, not to impart things to you and to me, not to show things to you and to me, but to bring us to some fresh apprehension of God in Christ.
Worship is the first, the continuous and the final factor in the knowledge of God in Christ, and is basic to everything else in our relation to Him.
God dealings with us are governed by this supreme aim: that He might make known to us Himself in Christ; but this comes by illumination, and that illumination is by the touch of Christ.
Let me point out that in Christ are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden, and the Lord's will for us is to come to an ever-growing realization and personal appreciation of Him in Whom all the fullness dwells.
For we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone, and we are sanctified by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, – and we will be glorified by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone: for whom He predestined He also called, and whom He called he also justified, and whom He justified He also glorified. Romans 8:30
Early in Christ’s ministry, the disciples believed the Lord because of His signs, but to develop into mature believers, they were to be participators of His life.
Today, subjective participation in Christ’s life will avail a victorious Christian life.
The book of Hebrews spends eleven chapters warning of the need of faith in Christ. For over ten chapters we are given a series of warnings and a succession of truths. The next chapter outlines a cloud of faithful witnesses that are examples for us to heed..
We are to pray in spirit and truth; to pray without ceasing; to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ; to pray for our families and leaders of the nation..
Spiritual Choice
We are the children of God and we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus, and one of the most precious gifts that we have received is the privilege of prayer.
Our liberty in Christ, that comes by grace through faith, dominates the pages of Galatians as point-by-point Paul warns of the serious consequences of legalism – of deserting the liberty of the gospel of grace for the shackles of a works-based ‘gospel’.
Infants or Sons
We were all made children of God through faith (justification – initial believing in Christ) and we should be living as sons of God through faith (sanctification – growing in grace).
Paul is telling the Galatians that they should be growing in the grace of Jesus Christ, but despite their position in Christ and union with Him – they reverted to infancy!
Resting in Christ
Let us not be like the Galatians who deliberately put themselves back under the condemnation, by trying to please God in their own strength instead of resting in the liberty of Christ’s finished work – He fulfilled all the requirements of the Law on our behalf through His sacrifice.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death (Rom. 8:2).
The law is for the man who departed from God - that man has been removed from God's sight in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, and I rejoice that now by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus' I am free from the law of sin and death' (Rom. 8:2).
It is akin to a seed: the life of the Lord Jesus within must grow; and it would be against the laws of nature and grace alike if we expected from the babe in Christ the strength that can only be found in the young man, or the rich experience and stability of the fathers.
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:14).
Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.Colossians 1:28
– the new life in Christ and not the old sinful Adamic nature).
3-times Blameless
1) Past:- that once for all salvation of the spirit: I am born again – blameless. 2) Present:- that ongoing, lifelong salvation of the soul (our new live in Christ and not the old sinful Adamic nature): I am being sanctified – blameless. 3) Future:- the soon to be salvation of the body: glorified, I will be glorified – I am being saved – I will be saved – all blameless.
Blameless IN Christ.
blameless in Christ.
Blameless in Christ
His grace is indeed sufficient to fulfil His ideal in you and in me.
Self Identified
When Self is identified as irreparably damaged and incapable of improvement, we are brought to the end of our 'self-life' and cry out at long last, “self must no longer have sway in my life.” For it is not the “old I” but the “new life in Christ” that lives, and it must only be Christ.
To rise into the newness of His life in you – the old Life must remain crucified, until the NEW Life in Christ becomes.. not I that lives but Christ that lives in me.”
But one thing I do forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began (2 Tim. 1:9).
The new life in Christ takes a lifetime of growth.
Old and New Life
At the same time, the old self endeavours to get down from the cross and resume control – and a battle ensues between the old sin nature and the new life in Christ.
Sometimes it’s not an easy decision for a believer to submit to the Holy Spirit of Christ, for the old nature lusts against the new life in Christ.
Often a tug-of-war ensues between the old sin nature and the new life in Christ, but the old life and the new nature can never live in harmony with each other.
Christ is All in All
God’s long-term plan is that Christ is all and in all – and we are to be in Christ. As I cease to exist so the life of Christ begins to grow and develop in me. As my old self ceases to exist – so my new life in Christ begins to grow.
Abiding in Christ
A life of entire consecration, to the glory of His name. A lesson of perfect conformity, to the nature and character of the lovely Lord Jesus.
For God dwells in Christ, and Christ lives In God - and we are In Christ!
you will ask whatever you will – and it shall be done. If you abide in Me and My Words abide in you. For in Christ are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. And so by virtue of our position In Christ and our union With Him, whatsoever you ask will be done.
In HIM dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, All the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form – in Christ.
All the essential essence of Deity inhabits Him in bodily form, The entire fullness of God’s whole nature dwells bodily in Christ, AND YOU HAVE BEEN MADE COMPLETE IN HIM.Colossians 2:9
Adequacy in Christ
We must not let anything rob us of our understanding of our adequacy in Christ.
Scriptural Truth
Don’t be robbed of the scriptural truth that in Christ dwells all the Godhead bodily. You are once for all and forever, in time and eternity – totally complete in Him.
Nothing need be added to what you are in Christ, for you are complete in Him.
Nothing can be removed from who you are in Christ, for you are complete in Him. Our completeness is an unchangeable fact, contained in Holy Scripture.
God’s Gift to Believers
From God’s perspective... if you are IN Christ you are complete in Him.
In Christ, you are totally adequate to meet all of God’s demands and requirements.
The key is to be in Christ..
Identified With Christ
Everyone who hears the gospel and believes in Jesus is placed in Him immediately. Anyone who trusts God, to take care of all our sin, is immediately placed in Christ – dead to self and alive to Christ – identified with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.
By grace ,we share in Christ’s righteousness, His son-ship, His heir-ship, His destiny – and nothing in heaven or earth can remove us from this position of grace, for we are eternally and forever secure in Him.
All the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form – in Christ.
The entire fullness of God’s whole nature dwells bodily in CHRIST – AND YOU HAVE BEEN MADE COMPLETE – IN HIM.
Saving of the Soul
Paul writes in First Corinthians 15: “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable. 1Cor.15:19. 'But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul'.
And there is nothing that can deliver us from it but that entire willingness to die to the old man, which comes when by faith we understand that we have died in Christ Jesus. -A.M.
The freedom is so entirely in Christ Jesus, and the maintenance of our living union with Him is so distinctly and entirely the work of divine power, that it is only as we see that the Spirit dwells within us for this very purpose, and know how to accept and yield to His working it, that we can really stand in the liberty with which Christ has made us free. -A.M.
Have not some given up hope that words like I have been crucified with Christ,' the world is crucified to me,' baptized into His death,' dead unto sin and alive unto God in Christ Jesus' should have become truly intelligible and helpful?
All he needs for maturity is encompassed in his new life. All a Christian needs, is in his new life in Christ and he is complete in Him, for nothing can be added and nothing can be subtracted – for Christ is ALL in ALL. He is ALL we need and we are COMPLETE in Him.
The Old Life
But the old life in Adam contains the antithesis of the new life in Christ. The old, sinful Adamic nature is the entire opposite of the new life in Christ.
The new life in Christ must be the life within that grows into the likeness of Christ.
Incorruptible Seed
We are born again of Christ and not from the old corruptible old Adamic seed: you are not born not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible. 1 Peter 1:23 We are born a new creation in Christ.
We are a new man, with a new life in Christ – and all that is of the old must go.
The old and the new must not be combined, for the old life in Adam is at enmity against the new life in Christ.
Christlike Nature
It is not to be the old ‘ME’ but the new ‘ME’ that has supremacy in the life I live, so that it is not I that lives, but Christ Who in me Galatians 2:20… so that it is not the old sin nature but the new Christlike nature that develops – for ye are in Christ and ye are complete in Him. Colossians 2:10
Process of Maturity
BUT… it does not end there. The new nature of the born-again believer makes that saint complete in Christ. This allows the life of Christ to be exhibited in the believer, which matures over time.
Fruitfulness is all encompassed within the new life of Christ alone, and the new life in Christ is received at rebirth, by every believer.
God Works Within
We are to put off the old and put on the new and then... we are just to rest in Him, for it is God who works in us (through the new life in Christ) Both to WILL and to DO of His good pleasure.
Faith in Christ
Christ became a permanent resident in our heart the instant we trusted Him as Saviour. His indwelling Spirit took up His habitation on the basis of faith in God’s Son, but the Spirit of God has an ongoing work throughout the rest of our life… by faith.
In love.. so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
Height of God Grace
The height of God’s grace reaches into heavenly places where we are seated with Christ. The height of God’s grace is found in Christ Jesus our heavenly Lord and King.
has raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus – far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come – so that in the ages to come He might show forth the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
Paul tells us in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 9 that... having made known to us (the Church) the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times, He might gather together in one, all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth – in Him, Ephesians.1:9
New Man in Christ
And HOW has God determined to do this?
a deep, deep work, in the inner man of the new creation.., till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, into a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ Ephesians.4:13 And that’s the new man in Christ.
The unsaved sinner has the need of a Saviour and the Spirit convicts him of this need. When the unsaved sinner has been born again this initial need is satisfied – and from that day he is accepted in Christ..
Covered in Christ
We need to be undergirded with His truth and remain covered in His righteousness. We should minister the gospel of peace and have trust His word implicitly – as fact. We should take the helmet of salvation and the believers’ sword, which is God’s Word.
God’s word is unchanging and His promises span from generation to generation, and like Nehemiah, we can plead the promises of God for His Body, the Church – that we all will be sanctified in Christ, as God conforms us into Christ’s likeness.
Let us intercede for our brothers and sisters in Christ, that we may all become mature.
(God) hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:6)
We are to settle down to live and grow precisely where we have been re-born: in Christ Jesus above.
He will only resurrect the new creation In Christ – and that is non-negotiable. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature… a new creation.
Insufficient Law
The Law may be perfect and man may desire to obey the perfect Law of God, but it is insufficient to save a guilty sinner – and we discover it to be a ministration of death – for it tells us God’s standard for man, but then shows us that we can only fail. The Law may be good and spiritual and the born-again life in Christ may desire to keep God’s commandments – but the old sin nature is carnal and in bondage to sin. This is why Paul failed when he tried to keep the Law in the strength of his old fallen nature, which caused him to cry out:- Oh wretched man that I am!
Natural Man
However hard man tries, it is impossible for him to keep the requirements of the Law. One only has to be born as a son of Adam to be condemned to death – eternal death. Natural man / unsaved man is dead in his sins and born under condemnation. No wonder the disciples asked Jesus in astonishment – Who then can be saved? No wonder Paul warned the Galatians of the Law’s restrictive nature, when he said: before faith in Christ was available to us, we were placed under guard by the law. We were kept in protective custody, so to speak, until the way of faith was revealed. Galatians 3:23
Restrictive Measure
The Law though perfect, had no way to remove the death sentence – so death reigned from Adam’s fall to Moses and continued to rule from the time of Moses to Christ. The Law was God’s perfect tool to direct us to Christ so that we might be justified. But the Law can be equally problematic to the one that has been justified, for if one starts to live a Christian life under the restrictive measure of the Law of Moses or any self-imposed legalistic system, it can only be done by the old sin nature being guided by the lust of the flesh and not the new nature in Christ, that is led by the Spirit of God.
Gift of Grace
God’s condition for salvation was to believe – believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation was His free gift of grace to everyone, who would believe in His beloved Son. And one thing that happens to a believer is that he becomes a new creation in Christ.
Open Secret
It was living his life, through the new-life in Christ, that was given to Paul – when he was born again, that was Paul’s open secret of how to live the victorious Christian life. It was living this new-life in Christ that broke the power of sin in Paul’s life. It was living this new-life in Christ that delivered Paul from the body of death. And it is living our Christian life, by means of the new born-again life of Christ in us, that will give you and me the victory over the power of sin in our lives too.
A new creation and new federal Head was to be the new order of redeemed humanity. New, born-again creatures in Christ – that were to become partakers of the divine life. A heavenly people with a heavenly inheritance – a heavenly king and heavenly home.
A New Life
In Christ we belong to a new order – a new creation, with a new heart and a new life. The old self which used to be the dominating influence in our life has been exchanged.
We now have a new life in Christ and we are to dress ourselves in the spiritual man.
We are to put away all the influences of the natural man and the carnal Christian: if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
Christ in Me
However old or young in the faith we are we all are to put on the new man in Christ, We are to put away all that is old and put on the new – until Christ is formed in us. The new man is to be the manifestation of our Christian life – Christ living in me.
Paul talks of the renewing of our mind – our thinking process is to be made new, for it is out of the heart that actions are conceived – out from thoughts of our heart. The old has gone and we are to be new – made new in Christ.
We must, therefore, be transformed by the renewing of the spirit of our mind. Our minds are to be quickened by the new nature in Christ – our new reborn spirit.
Godly Nature
Our new life has been created in Christ’s righteousness and holiness of the truth. And the old sin nature does not want to be superseded by the new godly nature.
And we are to become kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one other – just as God in Christ Jesus also has forgiven each of us. Ephesians 4:32.
We have all been given a new nature in Christ – a new life in Him - Put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth. Ephesians 4:24.
In the same way you also must regard yourselves as dead in relation to sin, but as alive in relation to God, because you are in Christ Jesus (Rom. 6:11, Wey.).
Once we come to rest in the fact of what He has accomplished for us in Christ, there need be no concern as to how and when He will carry it out in our daily life.
If I am a babe in Christ, where there is true lowliness of heart, I display God, as a babe manifesting Him; but if, as a babe, I am attempting to manifest Him as a man, there will be frustration and failure.
Once the Holy Spirit instills within our hearts the hunger for God's very best, all must and will become secondary to this supreme goal: . . .the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:14).
Reject the old life on the basis of your death in Christ on the Cross, and count yourself alive in Him until He makes experiential your resurrection position.
Do not forget that you must stand firmly upon the specific truths: dead indeed unto sin - alive unto God in Christ Jesus' (Rom. 6:11).
We, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. (Romans 12:5 ESV)
For the practical purposes of God in this age Christ is the One Body holding fast the Head, and the business of every member is to realize more and more fully the meaning of this incorporation and oneness of identity.... Ours it is to see that we are utterly in Christ, and living by the Spirit.
Oneness in Christ as a Body fitly framed together is what is portrayed.
That is giving diligence to keep the unity.... Life is by unity, and unity can only adequately be found in Christ being in His place as the One for whom we let go everything that is personal.
If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV)
On the other hand,it shows us that His being there, and our being in spiritualunion with Him, means that for all spiritual purposes andresources, we also are in the heavenlies in Christ.... Let us ask the Lord to give us a real, spiritual, quick, living apprehension of this great truth concerning our Lord Jesus, the great realm of the new creation into which we are brought, and let us apply it, practice it, put it into operation from day today.
Remember you are in Christ, Who isVictory, complete, final victory.
with every spiritual blessing – in Christ Jesus Ephesians 1:3
Propitiation Price
It was in the heart of the Father from before the world began to redeem mankind. The propitiation price for sin was agreed – in the eternal council chambers of God. This was according to the eternal purpose that God has realised in Christ Jesus our Lord.
God’s Blessings
God the Father is to be blessed for the blessings He has bestowed upon us all, and we are blessed to be the recipients of His so great salvation – in Christ Jesus.
Our Father
Blessed be the God and Father of OUR Lord Jesus Christ Who has blessed US in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing – in Christ Jesus OUR Lord, our Lord.
The Holy Spirit has come in relation to the end, and the end is the inheritance in Christ, and flesh moved by Satan rises up to frustrate that end, and to rob you of the inheritance.
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
BUT the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Salvation in Christ
The gift of God is salvation through Christ and eternal life is a beautiful consequence. Salvation is offered to all and given to those that believe on the Son of God: for all have sinned and the wages for all is death – but God sent His Son so that all who believe in His work on Calvary would be saved.
Total Righteousness
And His gift to all who trust on His name is a justifying righteousness:- regeneration; sanctification; glorification; a new creation in Christ, and the grace of God and peace with God, and faith and hope and love and joy, and the indwelling Spirit and a heavenly inheritance – and eternal life: for He washed us from our sins in His own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father, to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies … IN CHRIST.Ephesians 1:3
Summary Statement
There is no more compelling and meaningful expression for a believer than 'in Christ'.
Fully Alive
When we first believed in Jesus we were placed in a permanent relationship with Him. The old former life in Adam was forever replaced with our new, eternal life in Christ. We who were dead in trespasses and sins were made fully alive and given His life.
Positioned in Christ
We were positioned in Christ the moment we trust Him as Redeemer and Saviour. We were placed in union with Christ the moment our hearts declare 'I believe'.
The Holy Spirit baptises us into the Body of Christ – ie He places us 'IN CHRIST'. The moment we believe we are born again..
These and many other acts of the Spirit take place to position us IN CHRIST.
Union With Christ
Forgiveness at the cross is the first of numerous acts of the Spirit in a new believer… but from the beginning, we are placed 'in Christ'.
God raised us up together, and seated us together in the heavenly realm, in Christ Jesus.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies … IN CHRIST.
And these superlatives describe our position in Christ.
that we should be holy, without blame, before Him in love – in Christ and in love.
Accepted in Christ
Ephesians gives us a glimpse of the wonders of being accepted in the Beloved - in a fountain of superlatives and glorious truths that God bestows on His Church.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places – in Christ.
Romans Eight describes the experience of the believer who knows what it is to be in Christ, and who is being made free experientially from the law of sin and death by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
Obedience is a necessary step towards being conformed into the image of Christ. Obedience frees us from the bondage of sin to the liberty of life in Christ Jesus.
Spiritual Discernment
And it is through Christ that we have been so endowed. It is by Christ that we have been brought into God’s family. It is in Christ that we stand and in Him that we are accepted by the Father. It is Christ and Christ alone that is the means that has brought about our eternal bliss. All Scripture is given by God to teach, train, and encourage the whole church of God, but the wealth of knowledge within its pages are only for those that trust in Christ. The unsaved man is incapable of trawling the depths of the wealth of Scriptures..
Present Reality
We are to know the guarantee of heavenly blessings as a present reality, which was manifested in Christ’s resurrection and exultation to the throne of God.
Spiritual Discernment
And it is through Christ that we have been so endowed. It is by Christ that we have been brought into God’s family. It is in Christ that we stand and in Him that we are accepted by the Father.
All Scripture is given by God to teach, train, and encourage the whole church of God, but the wealth of knowledge within its pages is only for those that trust in Christ.
Present Reality
We are to know the guarantee of heavenly blessings as a present reality, which was manifested in Christ’s resurrection and exultation to the throne of God.
He heard of their trust in Christ and longed for them to know their position in Him.
Blessed Hope
What a joy for Paul that these Ephesians believers had such a love for their Lord, and how he longed that they fully appreciate the blessed hope they have in Christ.
Spiritual Understanding
Paul not only prayed for revelation and insight but enlightenment and illumination. Paul not only prayed that we understand our position in Christ but our future hope.
He prayed this light would saturate our understanding of our blessed hope in Christ.
Spiritual Inheritance
Paul also prayed that we would know who are in Christ – know our position in Him.. permanent position that is as secure as the eternal Lord Jesus Who placed us there.. union with Him that guarantees our adoption as sons and our an eternal heritage – a union so intimate that we are part of His body – and He indwells our mortal frame.
Unlimited Greatness
The unlimited greatness of God’s power is working within all believers in Christ.
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever.
Spiritual Revelation
How we love Paul’s prayer for God’s revelation to the church – in Ephesians chapter one. He prays that we understand our favoured position in Christ – and His fullness in us.
Fullness of God’s Love
As we abide in Christ so He will dwell in our hearts by faith – with thanksgiving.. That we may not only know about God’s love, but to know God’s love in reality.. that we not only know He is life – but to have His life living within our heart – that we might be filled will all the fullness of God’s love – as an actuality.
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever, AMEN
And yet he goes through the faithless struggle once again before he sees that his daily Christian life is also a finished work - complete in Christ.
What believers need is the simple faith that the establishing in Christ, day by day, is God's work - a work that He delights to do, in spite of all our weakness and unfaithfulness, if we will but trust Him for it.
The establishing in Christ is His work: He accomplishes it by stirring us to watch, and wait, and work. -A.M.
Now He which stablisheth us with you in Christ, . . .
He will seek to dethrone you from your God-given position in Christ.
But our worthiness is not of us but from faith in Christ, And our eternal seat is secure for we are positioned in Christ, And we have been forever accepted by God because of Christ. This is why it is vital to know our God and to know our position in Christ.
Just before He ascended on high He promised that not many days hence, they would all be baptised in the Spirt, placed in Christ, and empowered to proclaim the gospel.
Samaritans & Gentiles Added
We read in Acts 2 of the day that Jews were placed into the body of Christ – Pentecost. We read in Acts 8 that Samaritans were added to Christ’s body – through Philip’s ministry, and in Acts 10 Gentiles were included in Christ’s body at the house of Cornelius, a centurion – when Peter was urged by the Holy Spirit to go to the house of a gentile.
One Body in Christ
So the Church in this age, was commissioned to go and make disciples of all nations.
It was to include peoples of all races and nations – for Christ died for all – and all were to be one in Christ in the power of the Spirit – a united body, for by one Spirit are we all baptised into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. Matthew 16:18
The feeblest member of the family of God has this place of security, and is perfect in Christ.
We are spiritually both in the wilderness and in Canaan; we are partakers on earth of the heavenly calling, and we are seated in Christ in the heavenly places.
The enjoyment of the favors of the Father to us, in the heavenly places in Christ, enhances the sense of His favors to us in the wilderness. -H.F.W.
Pictorial Illustration
Our wise God had already purposed that He would make a new creation – in Christ.
New Man in Christ
Before the world began the Lord knew that the old creation in Adam would fall.
Before the foundation of the world, the Lord had planned the new creation in Christ. From the beginning, the wonderful story of the new man in Christ was taking shape. In the eternal council chambers of the Godhead, Christ’s body was being planned.
Plan of Redemption
God made an entirely new creation in Christ from the flawed clay that we’d become.
God made an entirely new creation in Christ – re-generated but not re-educated. But there was a difference – a staggering difference between the old and the new.
Old and New Natures
The new man in Christ was now a fallen creation – not an innocent creation.
The old sin nature meant that man could NEVER, EVER do what pleased God, but alongside the old sin nature was the new nature in Christ – the new life of Christ.
Imputed and Inherent Sin
So things are very different for us. We are created new creatures in Christ – not innocent, but saved by grace through faith.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. Ephesians 1:3
It gives occasional flashes of the depths of the riches of the glory of God, in Christ.
Supernatural Creation
He picks up sinners from earth’s miry clay and forms a new vessel for His pleasure. He transforms a filthy, broken, sinful soul – into a glorious, supernatural creation. He changes a sinner of Adam’s old creation – into a saintly new-creation in Christ.
His Eternal Plan
God’s majesty, might, and matchless grace is displayed for all who will look and live. His eternal plans, which He purposed in Christ, is mapped out for all who have eyes.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Ephesians 1:3
In Christ
There are two important truths that all Christian need to learn and understand.
The first is our POSITION in Christ and the second is our CONDITION.
Position in Christ
Our POSITION is the glorious, and unchangeable union we have with the Lord Jesus.
We are in Christ and we are effectively already seated with Him in heavenly places.
We are placed in this eternally, perfect position the moment we believed in Christ, We were baptised into the body of Christ; positioned in Christ – in union with Christ.
What a privileged position! Those baptised into this position by the Spirit at rebirth are seen as perfect as Christ! Believers in Christ are forgiven their sins, and clothed in the righteousness of Christ.
This is our position in Christ and God sees us as perfect, through Christ’s own perfection – but our position is not the same as our condition.
Condition in Christ
Our CONDITION relates to our current situation as we journey through our life. Our condition as we travel through life may seem to conflict with our position in Him.
The life-circumstances we face often seem to contradict our perfect position in Him. But our position in Christ is as secure and steadfast as the eternal character of God.
We are to believe the truth that is laid out in the word of God – to trust His word. But we are also to LIVE the truth – to live our lives as unto the Lord – in Christ.
Work in Progress
Positionally we are eternally perfect – and it is impossible to improve our position – at rebirth, we are irrevocably placed in a perfect position of permanence – in Christ.
At rebirth, we are babes in Christ and have to grow in grace and learn obedience.
Rather, remember your position in Christ and trust Him in every condition you face.
In Acts 26:18 we read: by faith in Christ they may receive forgiveness of sins and a share among those who are sanctified, while in Romans 6:19 we read: just as you offered the parts of yourselves as slaves to moral impurity, and to greater and greater lawlessness, so now offer them as slaves to righteousness, which results in sanctification.
Children of Light
This is the score: Before we were saved we were absorbed with me, myself, and I – but once we were born-again we were positioned in Christ – positionally pure.
Since then you are risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sits on the right hand of God and let us grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ... for in Christ we all are “quickened,” “raised up,” and “made to sit” together with Christ For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ will all be made alive.1 Corinthians 15:22
For just as those in Adam will all die – so those in Christ will all be made alive.
Those positioned in Adam will die – but those positioned in Christ will live.
Humanities Choice
Every single person has a choice to move from being in Adam to being in Christ. Every member of humanity has the choice to change camps and swap parties. Every person who ever lived has a positional identification with Adam or Christ – but how few make the choice – how few consider the eternal ramifications.
In 1 Corinthians 15 we read: – so also in Christ, all will be made alive. All who transfer from Adam into Christ are given eternal life.
Every member of the human race that trusts Christ – is born again into Christ. All who trust Christ as Saviour become God’s children and joint-heirs with Christ. All in Christ have been regenerated, forgiven, and clothed in His righteousness.
Each person has a positional identification with Adam OR with Christ.. but every person has a choice to move from being 'in Adam' to being 'in Christ'.
Faith Alone
Everyone that’s “born again” is in Christ – but all the unsaved are outside of Christ.
Eternal Consequences
One day those in Adam will be eternally separated from those in Christ. One day those in Christ will live eternally – through the ages to come. One day those who reject Him will be thrown into the lake of fire: for as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive.
Romans 5:12-14
In Romans 5:12-21 Paul spells out our positional identification in Adam or in Christ:- When Adam sinned, sin entered the world.
For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ, will all be made alive.
It is only in Christ; and his song of triumph results from the joy of having found out that he is complete in Him.' -H.A.I.
I have strength for all things in Christ who empowers me - I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses inner strength into me (Phil. 4:13, Amp.).
Finished Work
If you have even one doubt about the provision of God, you are in this category. If you have a question-mark over the promises of God, this applies to you, too. If you doubt God’s love or question your security in Christ, you deny His cross.. for these are wrong perceptions of Christ’s finished work on the Cross – this is an incorrect understanding of all God’s attributes – His justice and love.
Sigh of the Heart
Praying is releasing the sigh of the heart into God’s presence. Praying is resting one's weary soul on the bosom of the Father. Praying is revealing a confidence in the power of the Spirit. Praying builds up our assurance of our righteous covering in Christ.
High Priestly Intercession
Just contemplate the enormity of what is being outlined in these few short verses. Christians are afforded a portion in Christ’s ever-continuing High Priestly intercession. Believers are chosen to join in interceding with their High Priest – our Lord Jesus: and the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake. Rev.8:5
For we are God's [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us, (taking paths which He prepared ahead of time) that we should walk in them - living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live (Eph. 2:10, Amp.).
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ (Eph. 1:3, ASV).
and it is all done; He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ in the heavenlies.
A Christian should know who he is in Christ; know his Position in Christ – know; his Authority in Christ; know his Effectiveness in Christ Alone; know that without Christ we can do nothing – know that I can do all things in Christ Who strengthens me. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds. 2Cor.10:4
And one maturing saint observes that – It is highly possible for a man, after having found justifying rest in Christ, to enter upon a state of deep need as regards sanctifying rest.
Once that man becomes a believer he has two natures: 1) a gross, mature, arrogant sin nature and 2) a new little 'baby nature in Christ.
God not never no-how will change that old nature to become the new nature. God only will change, develop and conform our new, little baby nature, in Christ. That old sin nature (that old Adamic nature) the 'old man' must die, daily.
The new 'born-again' nature in Christ must grow – subduing the old nature.
He is accepted by the Father, clothed in Christ’s righteousness, eternally secure and loved by the Father.
She received the same privileges as spiritual giants like Peter, Paul, John and James, for along with every born-again child of God, there is no partiality or favouritism with Him – we are all one in Christ, and yet we all have to mature in the faith.
a promise that is 'Yes' and 'Amen' in Christ:- Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved… For there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved – except Jesus, for Jesus saves… Jesus, remember me..
Eternal Hope
He has established the eternal love of the Father towards us, in that while we were yet sinners… Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 Yes, and He placed us in Christ, and He seated us together with Him in heavenly places..
Word of Hope
Let us lift up our voice and sing with the sweet Psalmist of Israel who reminds us to hope in God, and to hope in His Salvation, and to hope in His Word. Let us delight in the reassuring words of the apostle to the Gentiles, who excites us that our hope, our joy, and our crown of rejoicing, is rejoicing in the presence of our Lord Jesus at His coming to set up His kingdom. Our rejoicing is in Christ – in Christ alone.
What believer but knows from the experience of the deceitfulness of his own heart, that, had we power in ourselves instead of in Christ, we should be something.
Now one may use the fact of completeness in Christ to make one independent.
Our primary concern is to trust Him, and rest in Him, while it is God who confirms and makes us steadfast and establishes us...in Christ (2 Cor. 1:21, Amp.).
A superficial acquaintance with God's plan leads to the view that while justification is God's work, by faith in Christ, sanctification is our work, to be performed under the influence of the gratitude we feel for the deliverance we have experienced and by the aid of the Holy Spirit.
Thus will you understand and prove what it is to abide in Christ our Sanctification. -A.M.
Specific Laws
The believer in Christ is given in the Word of God very, very specific ‘laws’ – not the Law of Moses, for though perfect – the Law given to Moses kills - but principles that if acted on and appropriated would change their lives.
The Law is a teacher to point us to Christ – to show us the way and to point to truth. But many in that period of Law found GRACE in the eyes of the Lord.. for many in that period of Law BELIEVED the Word of the Lord. And many were made righteous in Christ, as recorded in Hebrews chapter 11.
New Creation in Christ
Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection gave birth to a new creation in Christ..
Temple of the Lord
Our bodies become the temple of the Lord – through the indwelling Holy Spirit and we find we have a position in Christ and are now seated in heavenly places. We discover we are to be the bride for the Son – without spot and wrinkle.
The Church:- New Creation
And all people reside in the kingdom of darkness, with one exception. The Church:- the new creation in Christ is born-again into the kingdom of light.
John 16:33 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution in this world. 2 Timothy 3:12 Satan has blinded the hearts of those that are perishing and lost in their sins, but the venom of Satan’s spiritual realm is specifically targeting two creations – Israel – the old creation in Jacob; and the Church – the New Creation in Christ.
Those who appropriate their position in Christ feed no longer merely on the manna, which represents Christ as supporting our life while we yet know Him not' as regards any intimate fellowship.
Roman Road
We should know, understand and apply the law of life in Christ Jesus, and Romans 6 is a vital passage, which describes this victorious Christian life, but is founded on an understanding of the previous chapters.
Chapter 3: all men are guilty before God and righteousness only comes by grace, through faith in Christ.
And although chapter 6 rejoices in the victorious Christian life, chapter 7 brings us to a jarring halt, as we tumble headlong from the glittering mountain top to the shocking realisation that the reality of our own life does not mirror the requirements of a holy God – rather our lives demonstrate the opposite of what we were called to be in Christ, and we cry out with Paul: O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this body of death?
In chapter 3 we discover God’s plan of salvation, which is grace alone by faith alone in Christ alone – and we are saved and praise God, worshiping Him with grateful thanks.
grace alone by faith in Christ alone, and in chapter 5 we discover His promises are yes, and amen in Christ.
The reason most Christians have to go through the Romans chapter 7 experience, is by living under the wrong law – living under the destructive law of sin and death rather than the liberating law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
A Beautiful Understanding
It is only when a believer comes to the point of true wretchedness of soul and inner brokenness and despair, that in desperation he is able to cry: who can deliver me from this body of sin? Only then can he come to an understanding that of himself he can do nothing, but that in Christ I can do all things..
Exercising Patience
Many of us would nurse our grief without crying if we were allowed to nurse it, but in Christ, we can exercise our patience, not only in sickness but in the street.
Patience-In ChristIn Christ… we can bury our sorrows, not in lethargy, but in active service.
We never get into conflict with Satan until we realize our privileges in Christ.
The forgiven man is on an altogether new ground with God; he is on the ground of grace - grace which is set forth in Christ.
If they saw that the power of the old man was broken on the Cross, and that in Christ they are new creations before God, they would walk here in deliverance.
Believers in Christ are called by many names and known by a variety of titles. They are the “new man in Christ”; “the body of Christ”; “the new creation – His “children.” They are known as “Christians”; “His little flock”; “sons of God” and “the bride of Christ”.
Our righteousness results from our justification in Christ and rests on His perfect merit..
and all our righteous acts are prepared in advance for us to do - prepared by God, for we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ to do good works, which God prepared, in advance, for us to do.
Righteous Acts
When we abide in Him in spirit and truth, our righteous acts are acceptable to God.. for the spirit works in us, both to will and to do for God’s good pleasure – such are the righteous acts of the new man in Christ.
Until then we are to live and work and have our being, rooted and grounded in Christ.
Righteous acts are not performed by us – but through us, as we remain in Christ.
Righteous acts don’t have their source in my old sin nature but in the new life in Christ: for in myself I can do no good thing, for all my righteousness is from the Lord… not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ – the righteousness which is from God by faith.” Philippians 3:9
In Christ Alone
For without Christ I can do no good thing. BUT I can do all acts of righteousness through Christ Who gives me the strength.
Many teachers consider discipleship as integral to the initial stage of salvation… making discipleship a requirement of salvation – an add on to “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ..” But salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
It is a beautiful, free gift of grace, which is extended to all who trust on Christ Jesus. It is only the believer in Christ that can be sanctified and set apart unto the Lord – BUT not all Christians are prepared to progress along the path to spiritual maturity – not all Christians grow in grace, and many simply remain in spiritual infancy all their lives. Only believers can be set apart to God – but not all will identify with the cross of Christ. Only believers can grow in grace – but not all will take up their cross and follow Him. Only believers can become TRUE disciples of Jesus – but not all believers will become disciples.
God’s Gift
Salvation involves what God gives to us – His own life, not what we give to Him, for Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
Remember, in Christ’s economy it is only believers who are called to be disciples and forsake all for Christ’s sake – but it is a free-will choice to live as unto the Lord and to submit to His guidance – but never a requirement of salvation as widely taught today.
This complicates the simple message of salvation by grace alone – through faith in Christ.
Act of Consecration
This beautiful act of consecration may be a result – but is not a condition of salvation Paul tells us that if it is not by faith – then it is not of grace. A carnal believer will certainly suffer loss of rewards – but never his eternal salvation, which is always and only by grace – through faith – in Christ.
Some people add works of the flesh, works of the Law – self-imposed rules or Church regulations and a variety of ‘add-ons’ to the basic gospel of salvation by grace – through faith in Christ Jesus, while others insist on actions relating to eating or drinking – places of worship or times and seasons – spiritual fruit or gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Maturing, sanctifying grace takes ugly scars from the cross of your life and beautifies them – but the measure of how you meet your trials, is the measure with which you will gain – and you can only meet them victoriously in Christ, as Christ lives in you.
You can only meet them by grace… through faith … in Christ.
Immersed in Christ
So how do you achieve the spiritual command to remain in Christ and He in you?
Abiding in Christ
In a similar manner, when you are in Christ and He is in you, every aspect of life is touched by Him..
Some years ago I spent one whole summer just reflecting on abiding in Christ. Christ in me and I in Him.
In every aspect of my life, I just meditated on what it really meant to be in Christ. Christ in me and I in Him.
Pondering on abiding in Christ and He in me changed my entire life.
Cloak of Pretence
Is your ‘old man’ crucified on the cross? Is your ‘old sin nature’ nailed to the tree? Are you allowing the ‘new man in Christ‘ to be daily conformed into His image?
Self’ disguises itself in the likeness, pretence, and mask of the ‘new man’ in Christ.
Spiritual Pride
‘Self’ must remain forever cross-bound if the new nature in Christ is to grow and mature, for spiritual pride is only 'Self,' pretending to be the “new man” in Christ.
Nothing can ever remove us from the love of God which is In Christ Jesus – nothing, but we can either choose to remain in constant fellowship with the Lord..
There is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus, for we are accepted. 2.
The man in Christ has only His past and that is perfect and acceptable to the Father.
The believer shares the Lord Jesus' Cross knowing this, that our old man was crucified with him' Rom. 6:6); His death:- ye died and your life is hid with Christ in God' Col. 3:3); His burial:- we were buried with him by baptism into death' Rom. 6:4); His resurrection:- as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we' Rom. 6:4); His ascension:- made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus' Eph. 2:6). -F.J.H.
There is, therefore, now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus (Rom. 8:1).
and I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness – which is from the law, but that righteousness which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith.
We are sanctified. We are positioned in Christ and we are positionally sanctified. We were positionally sanctified when we were justified by faith in Christ, but must move to practical or progressive sanctification, if we are to grow in our Christian life.
Born-again Life
When we were reborn, we received a brand new baby life – our new life in Christ, but the old sin nature will remain in our dying bodies until we are glorified – until Christ comes to take us home to heaven.
But the old nature seeks to regain supremacy over our new life in Christ. Only the new, born-again life that is positioned in Christ is positionally sanctified – and Only that new born-again life in Christ can be progressively or practically sanctified. The old sin nature is incapable of godly living.
New Life in Christ
If we are to be practically sanctified, it can only take place in our new life.
Only our new life in Christ can be holy..
Sinless Perfection
It was John who said that whoever abides in Christ does not sin – nor can sin. This has nothing to do with the erroneous teaching of “sinless perfection..” This verse simply refers to the new life in Christ – the new life does not sin. The sinless life of Christ that is imputed to all believers, does not sin..
Old Sin Nature
However, the believer who does not abide in Christ, and has not set their life apart unto God will live from the source of the old sin nature, which can do nothing but sin!! The believer’s old sinful life can never be sanctified, for it is riddled with sin. There is nothing in the old sin nature that is acceptable to God and any attempts to set apart our old sin nature unto God will utterly fail. Until we go to be with the Lord, both the old sin nature and the new life in Christ are in bitter conflict – for the spirit lusts against the flesh and the flesh against the spirit.
Abide in Him
May our new, born-again life in Christ be progressively sanctified. May our new, born-again life in Christ be practically sanctified. May our new, born-again life in Christ be set apart unto God, for only as we abide in Him will we grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In Christ you also, when you HEARD the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and BELIEVED in Jesus, were SEALED with the promised Holy Spirit.Ephesians 1:13
whereby God Himself marked (or sealed) every believer with the indwelling Holy Spirit, by giving every Christian the permanently, indwelling Spirit of God, as the pre-payed earnest of our inheritance in Christ – which confirms us as His own purchased possession – bought with the price of the blood of Christ.
Scripture alone provides the truth of the when, where, why, and how of our 'sealing'. 'In Christ you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in Jesus, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.' Ephesians 1:13
Down Payment
We are placed into the body of Christ the moment we first trust Jesus as Saviour. First, we had to hear the gospel of truth, for faith comes by hearing the word of God. Then we had to believe the gospel of truth and all who believe in Christ are saved – and through believing in His name we were given the right to become His children.
He sought us and saved us and sealed us by grace – through faith in Christ.
You were regenerated by the Spirit – born from above and made a new creation in Christ. You were baptised by the Holy Spirit..
God the Father is the warrant that seals the believer, the moment he believes, and He has placed an unbreakable seal upon our lives and given up the indwelling Holy Spirit as the promissory down-payment that His purchase possession is secure in Christ, until the Lord returns to take us to be with Himself.
Blood of Christ
The seal of God, whereby we were sealed of the Holy Spirit, is the gracious act of God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, at the point of saving grace whereby God Himself marked or sealed every believer with the indwelling Holy Spirit, by giving every Christian the permanently, indwelling Spirit of God as the pre-payed earnest of our inheritance in Christ – and which confirms us as His own purchased possession – bought with the price of the blood of Christ.
God, Himself, has made each and every blood-bought child complete in Him. For of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, Who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. 1 Corinthians 1:30
The rags to riches fairy-story of poor Cinderella is our reality in Christ.
Our salvation in Christ is the true rags to riches story.
We are accepted in the Beloved. We are complete in Christ. We are destined to rule and reign with Him.
for there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Deliverance FROM Sin
The remedy that God has provided for SIN is deliverance through crucifixion. The old sin nature is cut off at the place of death – as we remain 'in Christ'.
Placed in Christ
When we were born again, we were placed in Christ – baptised into His body. When we were born again we were moved from being 'in Adam' to being 'in Christ.' When we were 'in Adam' we were imputed with Adam’s old sin nature, but when we were reborn 'into Christ' we were imputed with His righteousness. Sin shall not have dominion over you, for ye are not under the law, but under grace. Romans 6:14
Christ gained power over sin and death in our lives, when He died and rose again, because we are new creatures in Christ we are no longer in slavery to sin.
By Grace Through Faith
It is by grace that we have received forgiveness of our sins. It is by grace that we have been delivered from the power of sin . Remember:There are 2 fundamental SIN problems, but BOTH are dealt with at the cross of Christ. It is by grace through faith in Christ that we appropriate forgiveness – of SINS. It is by grace through faith in Christ that we appropriate deliverance – from SIN.
True, our bodies are to be changed, and those who have died in Christ are to be raised as to their bodies, but now we are raised with and are made alive in Him.
And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:6).
After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. (1 Peter 5:10 ESV)
The tragic mistake of thousands of believers is in trying to live in two worlds at the same time - in nature and in God, in self and in Christ, in the flesh and in the Spirit, by faith and in independence, by abiding and by effort.
Christian Spirituality
And nearly a hundred years ago, Norman Harrison put it this way:- “It remains for the spiritual man to prove the reality and worth of his spirituality, by laying hold of all his resources in Christ.. by giving them practical expression in day-by-day living. And in a day when the Christian life claims but slight attention.. or even respect, from the world – what a call for spiritual stalwarts, fully-developed, determined by His grace, to demonstrate the beauty, power, and practicality of the Spirit-life – to an unbelieving, even scoffing social order.”
It is just as much your privilege to behold Christ as any man's in this universe, and, that being so, it is just as much your calling to minister what you see in Christ to others.
The difference is not in God, it is the difference between the mediators, and the difference in the position which we occupy because of the Mediator; we are now in Christ, Who satisfies God.
The Lord give us the ministry issuing from a continuous and ever-growing contemplation of His fullness in Christ.
But a Christian may remain a babe in Christ... as we are warned in Hebrews 6. Such a Christian is stunted – and called by Paul in 1 Corinthians a carnal Christian.
Growing in Grace
Unless a child of God is “ready to grow” – he’ll never reach “spiritual maturity.” Growing in grace – maturing in Christ, is sometimes called “consecration”.
From eternity past and into eternity future – forever loved, forever: in whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will, that we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.
How important for us to stand firm in Christ’s strength and not be moved.
Christian Responsibility
Every Christian has the right to approach God’s throne, for we are accepted in Christ.
Should we not similarly stand in the gap for brothers and sisters in Christ, who like the world are being overwhelmed with the cares of this life – who seem to have lost hope in the Lord’s return to claim His precious bride.
How important to ‘stand firm in Christ and not be moved.
That His death procured the payment of sin's debt, so that the debt being paid, the believer might be in a position to keep the law, and that, accordingly, the law, and not the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus,' might be the believer's rule of life. -H.F.W.
God’s Grace
Paul’s epistles give descriptive details of the riches of God’s grace towards believers. He details over and again our position in Christ – our privileges and our possession. He desires that our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is firmly fixed on truth and not on the philosophies of man.
He warns of a thief in our midst that seeks to rob believers of our sufficiency in Christ.
It seeks to steal our sufficiency in Christ and replace it with a man-centred mindset.
But these philosophies castigate our position, possession, and privileges in Christ.
Undermining Faith
This mindset of the world is rooted in the traditions of man and human viewpoint, and such a perspective robs the believer of all that it means to be IN CHRIST. We must be alert to the many ways that the enemy seeks to undermine our faith.. not allowing ourselves to be swept into the ungodly philosophies of this world – and not permitting false teachings or spiritual powers to rob us of our joy in the Lord.
Positional Identity
We must be aware of the importance of our positional identity in Christ Jesus. We must recognise that we have been sanctified through Christ – once and forever.
We must have confidence in the heavenly position to which we have been elevated. We must understand the eternal plan and purpose that God has for each of His own. We must rejoice in our spiritual blessings and glorious identity in Christ Jesus. We must renounce all the lies that the enemy uses to undermine our faith in God.
Eternally Secure
Let us be aware that the enemy seeks in many directions to rob us of our position... but our position, possessions, and privileges are eternally secure in Christ.
INSTEAD... live your lives, by faith in Christ.
I can only remind you again of what a large place that has in the Word of God: be strong, be strong in the Lord in the strength of His might, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
Walk Worthy
Having been taught who we are in Christ, believers are called to walk worthy, our life is to be a light shining in a dark world – a world where evil is increasing.
Once we take, as actuality, what is already ours in Christ – we are living by faith.
We need to know our position and privilege in Christ – our possessions and heritage – and then we need to put it into practice – to appropriate it.
Sufficient in Christ
God knows we will be defeated if we try to meet our own needs outside of Christ. He knows that we won’t be victorious, unless we appropriate His Word of truth.
And so for the first 3 chapters in Ephesians, we are taught who we are in Christ.
Remain in Christ
Teach me Lord to REMAIN IN CHRIST– teach us to remain in His love and guard and keep ourselves in the love of God; to expect and patiently wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ – Who will bring us unto life eternal.
Christ’s First Advent
The inerrant Word of God authenticates to the letter the fulfilment of every single prophecy of Christ’s first advent, but had the Lord Jesus not been fully Man as well being undiminished Deity, many of those prophecies could never have found their true fulfilment in Christ – for the Messiah of Israel must be born of the seed of a woman – He must be the offspring of Abraham.
God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory, – in Christ Jesus.Philippines 4:19
All-Sufficient God
For God is able to make all grace abound to YOU, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9 God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory, in Christ Jesus..
You say, here is something wrong here, this does not tally.There is the kitchen aspect of the spiritual life: all those practical, everyday, humdrum things where the beauty of the Lord must be seen, just as much as up there in the heavenlies in Christ.
Yet conversely, Paul gave strict instructions to be rooted and grounded in Christ – not tossed hither and thither by every whim or fancy teaching, calling itself truth that we should no longer be children: tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lay in wait to deceive.
Truth is the spirit of Christ, living in and acting through the believer in Christ – transforming the one truly submitted to Him, for you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
The book of Job takes us from the old creation in Adam to the new creation in Christ… from a self-dominated life to a spirit-dominated life.
Spiritual or Carnal
The book of Job takes us on a journey – from the New Creation in Christ, through a spirit-dominated or self-dominated life. The book of Job takes us – from rebirth to the day when our eyes are opened, and we shall see Him as He is. The book of Job takes us….
Life of Faith
Hebrews is not written to newborn babes in Christ, but is meat for the mature man.
We are to put away all that diverts us away from faith in God and trust in Christ – and we are then directed to strip off the one sin, which so easily ensnares us.
Trust in Christ
The sin that trips us up and clings so closely is unbelief – as exemplified in Israel, for without faith it is impossible to please God.
Hebrews 12:1 The besetting sin of so many maturing believers is a lack of faith in God’s Word, because the focus of so many believers is trust in self and not trust in Christ.
or will you be so often checked by events and happenings of life, for you will follow the controlling signal, which is found in Christ alone. Keep on keeping on with your God-guided life.
Romans 5 and 6
In Romans chapter 5 we are told that sin is dealt with by the BLOOD of Christ. In Romans chapter 6 we see that sin is dealt with by the CROSS of Christ. In Romans chapter 5 the BLOOD of Christ removes us from the penalty of our sins – we are forgiven by the shedding of Christ’s blood. In Romans chapter 6 the CROSS of Christ removes us from the power of sin – we are delivered of sin’s power because we are in Christ – identified with His cross.
The sinner is justified by the blood of the Lamb and clothed in Christ’s righteousness.
Both the forgiveness of sins and deliverance from sin are gifts of grace to all believers – and we appropriate both forgiveness and deliverance by faith in Christ's sacrifice.
Position in Christ
For we are only accepted by God 'in the Beloved].
Sixth, that we are seated in heavenly places in Christ and Seventh, lost in wonder and in praise in the knowledge of Himself. So after the product of 'initial faith' – is the processes of 'sanctifying faith'.
After initial 'acceptance in Christ' – we are to 'learn obedience' in life.
Carnal Christians
Paul says this to the carnal Corinthian Christians: “and I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people, but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ.
Paul speaks to the Corinthian Christians as ”carnal” – as babes in Christ.
A babe in Christ must grow into spiritual maturity.
The carnal believer is one that remains a babe in Christ.
for the old sin nature overshadows the new life in Christ.
Our Life in Christ
Satan cannot touch anyone that has a new life in Christ.
He cannot touch the SOURCE of our life in Christ, for God is its source.
Satan cannot touch the source, channel, power, sphere, or duration of our life in Christ.
Abundant Life
Death is forever behind the believer. It is true that many have fallen asleep in Christ – physically died, but to sleep in Him is never death, but life and life more abundantly.
Those asleep in Christ for 2000 years of church history, will rise first.
Yes, scripture tells us “the dead in Christ will rise first.” 1Thess.4:16 Then those believers in Him that are living – that are still alive, will meet Him in the air: Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. 1Thess.4:17
Instructions To Follow
We are told to abide in Christ, but some choose not to abide in Him. We are called to walk in the light, but some choose to walk in darkness. We are directed to walk in the spirit, but some choose to walk the way of men. We are instructed to walk in truth, but some deny the Lord that bought them. We are commanded to walk in newness of life, but some choose to walk in the old flesh.
Position and Condition
Some believers allow the trials and circumstances of life to shipwreck their faith. They only see the condition of their life instead of accepting their position in Christ. Oh, the trials of life are waxing worse and worse, but faith holds fast to His Word.
Oh, they are saved if they believe in Christ, for God spoke and His word is true, but this grieves the Spirit and quenches the work He desires to do in that life.
Carnal Way
Some believers unconsciously and unknowingly do not take the spiritual way. Their dear desire IS to walk in the spirit, in light and truth, and to abide in Christ, but there is a blockage that has barred their way – a resister, blocking their path, and most if not all great men and women of faith have faced this exact difficulty.
Spiritual Way
Yes, we are commanded to abide in Christ..
If your deep desire is to walk in spirit and truth and abide in Christ, He’ll show you how and He will direct your path, but He’ll do it His way.
Murray Explains
Andrew Murray explains:- A superficial acquaintance with God’s plan leads to the view that while justification is God’s work, by faith in Christ… sanctification (growth) is our work… to be performed under the influence of the gratitude we feel for the deliverance we have experienced, and by the aid of the Holy Spirit. As a result, many sincere Christians set out on this path..
Paul was to be God’s revealer of the great doctrinal truths of predestination, election, justification, sanctification, glorification, and our heavenly position in Christ Jesus – but the wider plan of God for the Church age was waiting to be opened up by Paul.
Trust in Christ
The disciples all loved their Lord, but there was much they did not understand.. and so the Lord Jesus had to comfort them saying, Let not your hearts be troubled – you believe in God – then believe in Me – believe in ME
Legalism puts you back under the law and is an enemy of the crucified life in Christ.
Legalism is a false gospel, placing untaught believers back under condemnation – yet there is no condemnation in Christ.
Man-Imposed Legalism
All rules and every restriction to a greater or lesser extent are man-imposed laws. But, we have died to the law in Christ, Who put the power of the law away, forever.
We know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified.
The old sin nature, which can also display religious piety, was crucified with Christ, and the new nature in Christ now lives in us – old ways are done away with.
Dead to the Law
The key to Galatians is that because we are 'in Christ' we were crucified with Him.
Being 'in Christ' we are dead to the law and all its power and yet we’re alive to God.
So being 'in Christ' we are dead to the law, which originally accused us!
Christ in Me
We must start to realise that the new life in Christ is complete in itself. There is no need for rules and regulations, rites and rituals or laws that enslave us.
God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of His own purpose and grace, which He gave us in Christ Jesus.... (2 Timothy 1:9 ESV)
Son of God
Those who believe in Christ’s equal deity with the Father declare as truth, that the virgin-born babe of Bethlehem, Who lived as the biblical Jesus of Nazareth and died on a cross – was pre-existent in uncreated eternity and became fully human as the infinite God of the universe and Creator of all things – the Son of God and 2nd person of the Holy Trinity.
Living Organism
The one new man in Christ is not a sterile organisation but a living organism.
The Church is the worldwide body of believers in Christ, and He is the Head.
Guiding Principle
God often uses the natural life as a guiding principle for the spiritual life, He takes foundational truths from the physical and applies them to the spiritual,. The first creation in Adam contains principles that apply to the new-creation in Christ. The first man became a living being but Christ became a life-giving Spirit. 1Corinthians 15:45
Life and death in the old has its counterpart in the new-creation in Christ.
Our old life in Adam must die if the new life in Christ is to grow and be fruitful.
Spiritual Entity
The Church is the worldwide body of believers in Christ and He is the Head.
Nothing will remain in this universe eventually but what is Christ, and we must recognize that everything for God's ultimate purpose is bound up with and in Christ, and it IS Christ.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. (Ephesians 1:3 NIV)
You have not to define and explain to such people whatit means to be in the heavenlies in Christ.
If so, go up and possess; appropriate byfaith the fullness that is in Christ for every need which arises, for every demand which confronts you.... Let us face the whole issue in this definite way: Lord, it is clearly represented in the Word that You are the fullness of God for me!
Even before He made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in His eyes. (Ephesians 1:3,4 NLT)
If this is the revelation of God from heaven in Christ through His Word and to our hearts by the Holy Spirit, then it involves us in very great responsibility.
Earthly Representatives
Christ is the invisible head of the Church – Who is seated in heavenly places, and the Church is the visible body of Christ – who are His representatives on earth – for we are one with Him and He is one with us. We are in Christ and He is in us.
Divine Purpose
The heavenly nature and eternal perspective of the Church is central to life in Christ.
Fullness of Grace
It was the fullness of grace that conceived of the plan of salvation that purposed that He’d plead the hopeless cause of unregenerate man and undertake to pay its price. It was the person of Christ Who demonstrated the fullness of grace on Calvary’s cross and out of His fullness have we all received grace upon grace upon much more grace, for in Christ is all the fullness of the Godhead bodily – the fullness of all grace.
If really we have come to any kind of spiritual appreciation of the greatness of the thing the Lord has done for us in the Cross brought us into His own fullness and subdued all our enemies we cannot be a mean people, we cannot be small and petty, we must be generous because of the greatness of our position in Christ.
There is provision made for mistakes, even when you get to the heavenlies in Christ.
Victorious Soul
Without the real death marks of Calvary, there can be no glorious, triumphant life. Without self crucified, there can be no sweet, gentle, victorious, overcoming soul – a life in Christ, that flows like a spring morning from an empty tomb.
And in that combination producing out of Himself a type – a kind – a species – a new creation in Christ, which never occupied the world before.
And in the coming of the Lord Jesus, Who is the anointed One – the Christ of God, we have a species represented, (in Christ) – we have that type manifested, (in Christ) – we have God’s nature displayed in human flesh, (in Christ).
Let us fall on our face and tremble – when we recognise who we are In Christ Jesus.
Fullness of Glory
The glory of God became visible in a new and unique way, taking up residence in a new and living Temple – a temple not made with hands but a human body where all the attributes of Deity reside – for in Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
Specified Peace
The race of man to whom the angels had been sent were ‘children of wrath’, who were at enmity with the Creator – dead in their sins and without any hope in the world. The peace of which the angels sang was not a universal peace, with goodwill to all men, but a specified peace for men of goodwill – peace with God – through His Son. The peace that was proclaimed by the angelic host was the perfect peace of God, which is the right of those that trust in Christ – the only begotten Son of the Father.
Here were a people that had received light concerning the true nature of fellowship with God in Christ that the Lord Jesus had taken the place of the Temple and the priesthood and the sacrifices and the ordinances... and even the Sabbath.
Love In Christ
The HEIGHT of God’s Love is to seat you in heavenly places in Christ, so that all who believe shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16).
Unbiased Love
God is no respecter of persons, He loves you for who you are, In Christ.
But since the cross, the old creations in Adam and Jacob must both believe in Jesus if they are to become the new creation in Christ
Spiritual & Carnal
The spiritual man is a believer in the Lord Jesus..(a new creation in Christ) but he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.
But we have the mind of Christ. 1Cor.2:13. But so also the carnal man is a believer in the Lord Jesus: and I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. 1Cor.3:1
Both spiritual and carnal have been born into the new creation in Christ.
There is now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus – but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
but we see two categories of Christians. It is to carnal Christians today that Paul’s correcting monologue is addressed: And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. (read thru the whole of 1 Corinthians 2 and 3 for Paul’s condemnatory comments). I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal. For where there is envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you not carnal and behaving like mere (natural) men?
but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. 1Cor.2:12-16
The church which is revealed to us in the New Testament is always on high ground.... In Ephesians, it is n the heavenlies in Christ Jesus.It is a great power to be on high ground, it is a great defensive, protective factor; the enemy can do little with you if you keep up there and refuse to come down.
Image of God
The length and breadth and height and depth of God’s revelation is found in Christ. All God purposed and all that He planned is encompassed in the person of His Son – and God’s Son is the image of the invisible God.
It’s suitable for all occasions no matter what the time – and for all persons whether bond or free. God’s unutterable gift of His Son multiplies into a plethora of additional gifts, which explode into an astonishing display of God’s amazing grace and unconditional love. Spiritual death is removed and the new life of Christ is breathed into our dead spirit – we were dead in our sins, but made alive in Christ.
Our spiritual blindness has gone and God’s wrath is removed for there is now no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus – for we are accepted in the Beloved. We were once spiritually alienated from God and without hope in the world, but all enmity with God is washed away and we are clothed in the righteousness of Christ. Thanks be to God for His indefinable gift!
We are part of a new creation – new creatures in Christ, for our old sin nature was severed at the cross and we are imbued with a new nature – the new life in Christ. Our status of sinner is changed into saint.
We’re positionally sanctified in Christ and God’s wrath has been satisfied.
It is a great thing to which we are called in Christ, but how many Christians are really in it, and if they know they are in it, are tasting of the meaning of it: that this Life is an inexhaustible Life, that there are new vistas all the time?
You and I, dear friends, individually, and if we belong to a company of the Lord's people, that company, will only make progress toward that full, ultimate end of God in Christ if we have a spiritual vision of Jesus Christ.
New Life of Christ
Punishment from ministration of condemnation was completed at Calvary – and the ONLY requirement is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, for there is no condemnation for those that believe in Christ Jesus – for those that are ‘IN Christ’.
And when we sin as a believer we lose precious fellowship with our Saviour – and when we sin we live our life in our own strength and not in Christ’s strength.
And there is now NO CONDEMNATION to those that are in Christ Jesus.
Free Gift of Grace
But what of those that of their freewill have chosen not to believe in Christ Jesus?
Rules for the Church
Some Christians mistakenly adhere to Israel’s Law, but Paul argues that: we are not under law but under grace, Romans 6:14. and yet we are not exempt from a godly code of living, which Paul calls: the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus Romans 8:2. and which is seen in Romans 8.
and this is love for God: to obey His commands, and His commands are not burdensome. 1John 5:3. Never forget that: the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.
Condescending Love
Herein lies the infinitude of God’s condescending love towards me. Herein lies the inexplicability of God’s gracious love towards you too – in that while we were yet sinners… while we were dead in trespasses and sins, Christ died for you… (and me to) so that we could be one with Him.Romans 5:8. Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus. Let this mind of Christ be in me as well.
There is something wrong if a Christian is miserable on spiritual matters, and it is either failure to apprehend the one great, absolute reality that the victory was God and that He won it in Christ, fully and finally, and we are not called to share at all in that battle; or the truth which has come subsequently has been misapprehended and has become something that is a burden grievous to be borne.
Marvellous Man
There are many wonderful qualities in this one amazing, perfect, marvellous Man – qualities and attributes that at times were dimly reflected in God’s servants – but every one of which is to be found in Christ in all it’s fulness..
The question at the judgment will never be of how much good or bad, right or wrong, more or less, is in a man; it will turn upon this one point, Are you in Christ?
That is why the Apostle adds that governing clause to his great statement about the new creation, when he says, If any man be in Christ there is a new creation; old things have passed away, behold all things are become new.
Godly Reminders
The life we live depends on the thoughts we think, as a man thinks so is he. Proverbs 23:7. Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus Philippians 2:5.
We are to have humility of mind, a sound mind, and a secure mind in Christ.
Many Faces of Grace
Too often we box God’s grace into saving grace and limit the expanse of its worth. It is grace that saves, sustains and sanctifies and it preserves, protects and perfects us. It is His grace that affects our growth in grace and teaches us to live godly in Christ. It’s grace that provides for all our needs and grace that may withhold our dear desires.
It is only the new creation in Christ who is able to apprehend spiritual things, for true wisdom is spiritually discerned, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit – given at rebirth..
– he is a saved man who has trusted in Christ as Saviour, but he needs to get his eyes off the world and onto Jesus.
If God has given a revelation concerning His purpose in Christ which is of such vital importance as to have called for all this special history and preparation, we must realize that it is of very great moment to Satan's interests, and he will leave nothing unused to make its course impossible.... If the greatest need of the hour is that of men of vision, along with it will go the need for willingness to pay the price.
Be occupied with Christ, and the Holy Spirit will show you more and more in Christ with which to be occupied, and as He makes that livingly real, you will have something to give to others.
As there is growth in Christ, there will increasingly be prayer in the Spirit (Rom. 8:26).
The devil is all the time trying to create a sense of distance between us and the Lord: but there is no distance between if we abide in Christ, for no one can be closer to the Father than the Son, and we are in Him! -T.L.M.
I am brought back to urge this.... The open heaven at once brings God's revelation in Christ to your very door, makes it available to you, so that you are not dependent in the first place upon libraries, books, addresses or anything else.
For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trump of God – and the dead in Christ will rise first'. 1Thessalonians 4:16. Fear Not, they were told, go your way and tell His disciples, and Peter.
Everlasting Forgiveness
There is now no condemnation to we who are in Christ Jesus the Lord .. None – None – NONE. What a lesson in gracious forgiveness are these precious words – precious words from our precious, forgiving Saviour. Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Ransom Price
The ransom price was to satisfy the justice of God – Who loves us in Christ.
No Condemnation
We are made new creatures in Christ, cleansed and made new with no condemnation. We are united to Him and brought into sweet communion with the Father in heaven. We are not only redeemed in spirit and truth, but in body; soul; mind and heart: for ye were bought with a price: not with gold and silver, but with the precious blood of Christ.
And despite the mess, we make of our lives, as did the first Adam, God’s original purpose will be completed in Christ Jesus, Who is the second Adam. It is finished
God’s Purpose In Christ
There is no 12-step program that can effect this transformation – only a life of humility, submitted to the leading of the Holy Spirit..
How this mind-set is so contrary to the one that God desires His own to seek after: Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5 ..a mind that trusts Him explicitly despite the unbearable and the unimaginable – a heart that trusts Him implicitly and rests all questions in His understanding.
Usually it has been their own brethren in Christ who have exacted it.... How difficult it is for organized Christianity to believe that anything very much of real value can go on without machinery, publicity, and all the framework of organized work!
Now may the Lord give us the grace to take our share in the sufferings as good soldiers of Jesus Christ, to be strengthened with the grace that is in Christ Jesus, to bear the testimony of the Lord.
He has set it out in the New Testament epistles, but a wrongly divided the word of truth, living by self-effort or ignoring His directives, rather than abiding in Christ and submitting to the Spirit, often causes regression.
Fellowship Formula
Although union with the Lord can never be broken, lost or removed for all who are in Christ Jesus, fellowship with God and sweet communion with Him can be broken, when sin rears its ugly head in our lives.
The sin barrier that separated us from God is removed forever, to those who are in Christ Jesus.
created in God’s image is a trinity of spirit, soul and body. But since Adam’s fall his progeny are fallen creatures, born into a fallen world, and the only hope for mankind is to be reborn, as a new a creation in Christ.
It is the new man in Christ, not our body or spirit that should wait in silence on Him.
but we have the mind of Christ. 1Cor.2:15-16, so: let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.
Spiritual Man
The spiritual man is identified as one that has the mind of Christ Paul exhorted us: let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, and by implication this is not a past state but one to which we should strive.
Spiritual Development
The babe in Christ likewise has a new life: the new life in Christ.
The spiritual man likewise needs these same three essential elements, and without these 3 essential ingredients, growth in Christ is blocked.
Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.Philippians 2:5
The Mind of Christ
The spiritual man is the one who has the mind of Christ, and Phil 2:5 exhorts us to: let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.
permit this mind to be in you, that was in Christ Jesus.
So, let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, Who made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.
The context here sets forth that our relationship with Christ in the new creation is purely a spiritual thing, and therefore our relationships with one another as being in Christ are spiritual relationships.
The context of grieving the Holy Spirit in Ephesians 4 which tells us: do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption (Eph.4:30) – let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, along with all malice (Eph.4:31) – and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. (Eph.4:32) – The life-long sanctifying process is carried out in the power of the Holy Spirit, but the sanctifying process cannot be accomplished by the work of the flesh.
But true hope in Christ the Lord explodes into true glory of unimaginable joy – a true acceptance of the father-heart of love, births into inconceivable blessings.
Consider His guilelessness: Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, Who told us in John 14:10 “Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me?
One Gift of Grace
Salvation is ONE and yet salvation is THREE – for we were saved at a single point in time:- (justified) We are being saved through the passage of time:- (sanctification) and at a point in time, known only to God, we will be finally fully saved:- (glorified). There are not 3 salvations, but ONE gift of grace that is accessed by faith, in Christ, God’s ONE gift of salvation has THREE elements – 1) justification, 2) sanctification, and 3)glorification.
Initial Salvation
Although we were not made righteous in a practical way – for we still have an old sin nature, this was the point we were positioned “in Christ” – and imputed with His righteousness – and from then on we had a right standing with God – JUSTIFIED. This is the point in time when we were born again – by believing in the work of Christ.
Positional Sanctification
Being positioned “in Christ”, when we were justified, means we were also positionally sanctified that very moment in time.
We’re justified by grace; sanctified by grace and glorified by grace – through faith in Christ, and these 3 sparkling gems unite into God’s unique gift of grace – SALVATION.
Every day will provide some opportunity for you to learn spiritual ascendancy; some occasion for you to bring in the value of your relationship with the Lord; to put to the test the resources which you have in Christ; to grow in grace; to know victories.
The “grace-promise-faith” way is described in Scripture as a ministry of life: the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
Law is called a ministry of death and its source is the old sin nature, (the flesh), while grace is described as a ministry of life, and its source is the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
Him, through Him, by Him, unto Him, were all things created(Col. 1:16); and from then everything has proceeded on that basis, and will be consummated in Christ.
Pre and Post Cross
The Law of sin and death had been fulfilled in Christ on our account, and pre-cross doctrine had be superseded with post-resurrection teaching.
In the life of His people, God’s eternal purpose in Christ is its clear, central message.
Christ-Life or Self-Life
From beginning to end, it exemplifies two choices for the 'One New Man In Christ'.
This is the way for those that are in Christ to live.
Such prevailing prayer is the power behind the life that is 'hid in Christ'.
Consummation of All
And what is the end and final reason for that intense spiritual warfare…? Well, it is the ongoing battle that will one day consummate all things in Christ.
But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” And in 2Tim.1:12 he wrote: But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until the Day of Christ. While in Phil.1:6 he said And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ
to inhibit their life’s purpose, without recognising their position in Christ – a position in Christ that has gained them complete acceptance with God.
in Christ and Christ alone – and in so doing to fulfil His new commandment… “Love as I have loved..
We must see ourselves as positioned in Christ – and seated with Him in heavenly places.
Remember, Child of God, there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus – none.
but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians. 3:13, 14.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)
When we are really in Christ, to use Paul's phrase, we are always regarded as being together, though we may be thousands of miles apart.
There are no British, Swiss, German, French or Indian in Christ.
No matter what we are here, in Him we are all together as one Man in Christ.
But, dear friends, in this very moment in Christ we can touch our brethren six or seven thousand miles away.
to remain as a newborn babe in Christ OR to mature in the faith.
such as our POSITION in Christ and its freeing elements – such as our STRENGTH, which is only commensurate with our weakness.
Living Faith
Living your Christian life in the wonderful freedom of Romans Chapter 8 – where we read: There is therefore now no condemnation..to them which are in Christ Jesus (that is to them which are living their lives in Christ Jesus, and not living in the failure of the old man of Romans 7) There is therefore now no condemnation..
We know His mercies are new every morning for the one that believes – for as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in His comforts too.
God allowed His holy law to condemn us utterly and the law, seeking to slay us, found us in Christ on the Cross and set upon us and slew us. -W.R.N.
Now His life was necessary to vindicate the Father and His holy law, as well as to manifest Himself and His love; but the righteousness that we are made in Christ is another thought altogether - not the law fulfilled by Him, but the justifying righteousness of the Father founded on the Lord Jesus' death, displayed in His resurrection, and crowned by His glory in heaven. -W.K.
Attitude of Humility
So what is godliness and what does it mean to live godly in Christ Jesus?
By GRACE we are to live... as we abide in Christ, rest in Him, and trust His Word...and it is GRACE that teaches us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions.
Children of Grace
All who have received a new life in Christ, BY grace, must be trained THROUGH grace. Grace brings to our understanding the great love and goodness of God towards us.
It is by grace we are forgiven; saved; sealed – clothed in Christ’s own righteousness.
Riches of God’s Grace
We have been given the riches of God’s grace and glory – and are complete in Christ.
Through grace, we are not in the flesh, but in Christ, yet the flesh is in us; but our part is to reckon it as having been, before God and to faith, judicially put to death in Christ crucified, thus setting us free to be so constantly occupied with the triumphant Son of God, as to find all our resources, all our strength, all our springs, in Him. -H.H.S.
But to God be the thanks who in Christ ever heads our triumphal procession, and by our hands waves in every place that sweet incense, the knowledge of Him (2 Cor. 2:14, Wey.).
Succinct Outline
Metcalf gives a succinct outline of the problem and the solution – he writes:- The modern teaching of consecration, which is tantamount to the consecration of the ‘old man,’ seeks to bypass the death sentence and, and therefore, only leads to frustration and failure. When, however, you and I are prepared, in simple humility, to make the FACT of our death with Christ our daily basis of life and service, there is nothing that can prevent the uprising and outflow of the new life in Christ, and meet the need of thirsty souls around us.
Christ’s Mind
It means in everything we do – living the Life of our Lord. It means in all that we say – that we say everything as from Him. It means the Lord working out His will and purpose in our lives with no opposition. Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus… Have Thine Own way Lord – Thou are the Potter, I am the clay. Thy will not mine be done – to the glory of God the Father.
Within the inner ‘being’ of man are two continuously conflicting camps:- the old sin nature (the flesh or self-ego) is gained from the old birth in Adam, while the new life in Christ (the spirit of life in Christ Jesus) comes from our new birth.
The old sin nature opposes the new life in Christ, but the inner ‘flesh’ often manifests itself through good deeds, which are carried out in our physical body, by trying to do God’s will the wrong way.
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created being, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Our Father would be free to favor us with far more of His riches in Christ Jesus if we would keep more in mind that grace is unmerited favor - so that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy (Rom. 9:23).
worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh (Phil. 3:3).
If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17).
One made its appeal to the limited resources of the natural man and conditioned his life on the earth; the other sets aside the natural man, secures a whole new creation in Christ Jesus, and counsels that new being in his pilgrim journey to his heavenly home.
for ye are all one (new creation) in Christ Jesus (Gal. 3:28).
Without Me (i.e., apart from Me, in separation from Me) ye can do nothing.' To abide in Christ is the only secret of Christlikeness; for only thus is obtained the likeness of unity, which is perfect and enduring, instead of the likeness of conformity, which is only partial and transient. -A.J.G.
All our inborn assets, however fine and splendid, are alien to the New Life in Christ.
He sees opposition, adversity, trials, and afflictions as an advantage for those in Christ; for this eliminates self to its only advantageous position - crucified and dead – and we discover we can do nothing of ourselves and start to rely on Him alone.
New Life in Christ
So often this self-life we nurture and tend is the wrecker of our fruitfulness; yet this sentence of death to self is not the end of the story in your life or in mine.
The Christian Life
Scripture lays out the truth of who we are in Christ..
Position in Christ
It is recognising that you cannot live the sort of life that is pleasing to the Lord, but rather that your position in Christ releases you from such self-strivings to please.. so that the life you live is Christ’s life living through you – so that YOU are nothing in your life but Christ is all and in all.
We are to take possession of our new life in Christ and let Him live through us, until the words I speak are Christ’s words not mine and the acts I do are His acts.
Life in Christ
We can be saved and be in union with Christ without accessing His life within ours. We can be positioned in Christ as a believer without our life being submitted to Him. But when our life is possessed of His, we live and move and have our being in Him, When Christ is given governance of our life, we take possession of what we have. We possess His very presence, His nature, and His life, within ours.
Temple of God
We already are a temple of God individually and the Temple of God corporately. We already have our standing in heaven, for in Christ we are seated in the heavenlies.
We already have His Spirit dwelling in us... to walk with us and to live through us, for we are possessed of His person, His nature, His mind and His very life – in us, and we are to live worthy of our standing in Christ as we walk on the earth.
And we must walk worthy of our position in Christ as we live on the earth.
Our Position in Christ
I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
Ephesians 4:1 (HCSB) Because we believe in Christ we have been called, chosen, justified, AND glorified – glorification being a future event that in God’s economy is a completed fact.
It is to be the new life in Christ that works through me not MY old sin-nature and His life in us is lived out in our life as the Spirit Himself lives in us. Christ’s nature is reflected in our new nature, as we yield to the indwelling Spirit.
John encourages us to abide in Christ so we will be spiritually ready to meet Him, and Christ’s warning of the 10 virgins rings loud and clear to His own followers: be ready, be prepared – your Lord comes at a time you think not.
When we engage in intercession, we participate in Christ’s high priestly ministry – what a glorious privilege – what a humbling reality – what an astonishing fact.
God’s Foreknowledge
In His omniscience, God knows in advance every person that will choose to believe. God’s grace is extended to everyone and all we have to do is to believe in Jesus. And God has plans for everyone, who freely chooses to trust in Christ as Saviour. God foreknew all who would drink of the waters of life and become His child, and before the world was made He had plans for all those – who would believe on Jesus.
God’s Plan
In other words, He predestined all church-age believers to be part of the new creation in Christ.
A New-Life in Christ
As His children we were given a new LIFE in Christ – a baby life that needs to grow into a mature spiritual believer -– a life that will be fruitful – a victorious life – a life that will be conformed into the image of Jesus during the time we live on earth. But we also have a sin nature that seeks to gain supremacy over the new Christ-life. Oh!
being positioned “in Christ”, when we were justified, means we were also positionally sanctified that very moment in time.
In Christ Jesus
All God‘s works were performed through the Word – the Word Who became flesh. All God’s blessings and healings – flow through faith in the Man, Christ Jesus, for in Him all things were made and by Him, all things hold together.
All the blessings of God are poured through the cleansing blood of the Saviour.. so that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and on earth—in Him.” Ephesians 1:10
must be translated into faith in Christ Jesus the Lord.
Offended in Christ
It was not their unbelief in God. It was not their unbelief in the coming expected Messiah. They believed in God and they believed in the expected Messiah, but they were offended in Him – in Jesus – in God’s revelation of Himself.
Let us examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith (in Christ alone)
God has an eternal purpose in all of life’s trials and troubles – an unbroken, uninterrupted, unparalleled purpose from eternity to eternity - that in the ages to come God might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
And He will in His kindness and favour place the future into blessed perspective – as you press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God – in Christ Jesus.
Indeed all but one of the 10 commandments are repeated in the Church age epistles, instructing believers how to life godly in Christ Jesus.
Let us search through the epistles of Paul to discover how to live our lives under grace – how to abide in Christ – how to submit our lives to the Spirit – how to live our lives in spirit and truth: until it is not I that lives but Christ that lives through me.
We rejoice to know that 'in Christ' our sins are buried in God’s sea of forgetfulness.
Growing Pains
Growing pains inevitable occur in all believers when our faith in Christ is tried. Sometimes stunted growth is the result of a lack of good teaching. Sometimes spiritual growth is resisted because of carnal desires.
He explains in great detail God’s wonderful plan of redemption – through faith in Christ.
He explains how Jesus us the Federal Head of an entirely new creation – in Christ – for the old fallen creation in Adam have the sentence of death upon their heads, but the new creation in Christ has the free gift of eternal life in their hearts.
Two Laws
But then comes the wonderful TRUTH of Romans chapter 6 – identification. Because we are in Christ, we are not subject to the law of sin and death. Because we are in Christ, we are subject to the law of life and liberty in Christ. One saint of God describes it in these terms… He has put our old man – our original self – where He put our sins… namely, on the cross with Christ.
Faith is critical in averting our sight away from current circumstances and faith is equally critical in recognising our present position “in Christ,” – for we are seated together with Him in heavenly places.
New Testament Faith
Paul, that great apostle to the church, reminds us to live by faith and not by sight, demonstrating that in this church age our badge must be faith – faith working through love: for in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love.
Surrendered Life
Let us with Paul move from the wretched defeat of Romans Chapter 7, to the total liberation of the surrendered life, in Christ, of Romans Chapter 8 and cry with Him:- it is not I that live but Christ lives in me.
His witness was to both Jew and gentile – a double message of repentance and grace. The LAW of Moses was given to REVEAL sin... but GRACE through faith in Christ REMOVES sin.
Again in Romans Chapter 8 we read about condemnation, and this time Paul is addressing believers: therefore there is now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus… and some translations add: who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit.
No one who believes in Christ is condemned, for their sins have been eternally forgiven.
Right Choices
Remember, there are two paths a born-again believer can follow in their Christian walk: either the grace-promise-faith way or the works-merit-law way; either by grace or works of the law; either by promise or the works of the flesh; either by faith or by merit; either by living a spiritual life or living a carnal life; either by walking in the spirit or walking in the flesh; either by walking in newness of life in Christ or by walking by means of the old sin nature in Adam.
Spiritually Separated
Man is born spiritually dead and can only function through the old sin nature. Man remains spiritually separated from God until they are made alive in Christ: for that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 3:6
New Creation
Well, at rebirth we are born into a new creation in Christ – we are given a new nature. Baby Christians must grow.
Our new nature in Christ must grow.
Our new life in Christ must develop and mature, and our new man will grow and mature as we submit to the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Spiritual Realm
Only our new nature can fellowship with the Lord. Only our new nature is alive. Only the new life can function in the spiritual realm and commune with the Holy Spirit. Only our new life in Christ is spiritually alive and can worship in spirit and truth, for God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.
Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.Romans 8:38,39
You are accepted by God because He has accepted you in the Beloved, in Christ.
You are accepted in Christ and you are accepted because of Him alone.
There is one and one basis alone for your acceptance by God, and mine. We are both accepted in Christ, and that acceptance has nothing to do with us.
God’s Full Satisfaction
Our heavenly Father is fully satisfied with His Son on our behalf, which means He is fully satisfied with us, because of Christ. Nothing in heaven and nothing on earth can alter this eternal gracious truth. Nothing you can do, or omit doing, will influence His acceptance of you, in Christ.
He waits for you simply because you are accepted in Christ.
Jesus reminds us, ‘without Me you can do nothing’. And Paul questions, ‘who shall separate us from the love of God in Christ?’
We were taken from a position in Adam to being placed in Christ.
We are positioned in Christ and seated together with Him in heavenly places.
A process where the new life in Christ is lived out as Christ’s life in us.
One Step at a Time
All believers enjoy a wonderful justified new life in Christ, but not all believers yield to the beautiful, sanctified 'Christ-life', in you – the life of Christ which is daily, being formed in you.
as you step outside of His covering – in Christ, and seem to don the cloak of a covering – in self.
A process of daily living out our position in Christ.
A process where the new life in Christ is lived out as Christ’s life in us.
There is nothing we can do that can earn our salvation or trigger His approval, other than being covered by the blood of the Lamb and clothed in the righteousness of Christ - which can only be ours by God's grace through faith in Christ.
But his urgent message to the Christians in Philippi, was to press on to the end for the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
He knew that our new life in Christ is the one and only thing for which we should constantly strive, in this sin-sick, fallen world - which, for the time being, is lying in the arms of Satan.
Having been positioned in Christ and identified with His own righteousness, we should live in a manner that honours that privileged position we have reached.
Let us, therefore, keep living by that same standard to which we have attained, and press on to the finishing line, for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus - for His name's sake and for His greater glory.
Nor should we ever never forget that it is only by grace through faith in Christ that we are given a new opportunity; a new life; a new nature that reflects the perfect character of the Lord Jesus in His humanity, as we grow in grace and mature in the faith.
Once we are justified and placed in the family of God, we are called by our Father to sanctification, which is a lifelong process in which we press on towards the goal of our heavenly calling so that we may gain the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
But the call of God for all His children is a life that is being conformed into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus; a life that is seeking to live godly in Christ Jesus, until it is no longer I who live, but Christ Who lives in me: And the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me.
We have passed from death to life, from being a child of Satan to being a child of the King of kings, from being of the old creation in Adam to being a new creation in Christ, and it is a transaction that was signed in blood on a wooden cross two thousand years ago, when Christ redeemed us from our sins.Peter urges and implores us to remember that we are simply sojourners, life-pilgrims, ambassadors of the King, on the journey of life as we pass through this world which has been cursed with sin and is being deceived and manipulated by Satan.
Paul's authority came directly from God, not through men, which is why he so often referred to himself as Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, called and chosen by the will of God, as he did in his introductory remark in Ephesians: Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, to the saints who are at Ephesus and who are faithful in Christ Jesus.
In some of his writings, Paul had to stress his divinely appointed calling and apostleship because there were those that challenged his authority, but the Ephesian Christians were spiritual men and women whom Paul identified as: Faithful in Christ Jesus.
Like all born again believers, those in this city were saints - saved sinners who had been declared righteous by God and made spiritually alive through faith in Christ.
It was not because of their goodness that they were called 'saints', but because of their great salvation through faith in Christ.
We are positioned in Christ, have forgiveness of sins, and are redeemed through His blood.
We are chosen in Christ, fellow heirs with Him, blessed with every spiritual blessing, and predestined to be conformed into the image and likeness of Christ.
Since you have been declared righteous, by faith in Christ - love one another wholeheartedly.
Peter was calling them, and us, to love others as Christ loved us - with a sacrificial love, that can only come from a heart that has been saved by grace through faith in Christ - a heart that is in fellowship with the Father, through a cleansed heart that is walking in spirit, and in obedience to the truth.
Once we are saved by grace through faith in Christ, we are to grow and mature in our Christian walk.
We are to move on from the simple understanding that good works cannot save us, to a life that is lived in the power of the Spirit, as we abide in Christ and He in us.
We are to progress into a deeper relationship with the Lord, and to develop a more secure faith in Christ's sufficient grace, in every circumstance of life.
We are to abide in Christ and He is us, which is achieved by a continuous cleansing - as we live out our Christian life in spirit and in truth.
The spiritual growth of a believer should be the outcome of our new life in Christ.
The privileges we have in Christ will ensure that we develop from infancy into spiritual maturity.
How important, therefore, that we read, mark, learn, inwardly digest, and apply all that is ours in Christ.
How essential that we do not remain in spiritual infancy or become deaf to the great biblical truths that are ours in Christ.
There is no excuse for unbelief, for now, as the prophets foretold through the command of the eternal God, His message of salvation by grace through faith in Christ is made known to all nations everywhere so that they too might believe and be saved.
Physical release would enable him to continue his earthly witness to his dearly loved brothers and sisters in Christ.
The fields were white with harvest and as long as he had life in his body, Paul knew he could proclaim the good news of the gospel of grace to those who were dead in sin and preach the Word of truth to babes in Christ and mature men of God, and so we read his thoughts: I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better.
We are all born dead in trespasses and sins, but when we recognise our sinfulness and our need of a Saviour, and when we trust in the death, burial, and Resurrection of our Kinsman-Redeemer, the Holy Spirit breathes into our beings the very life of our living and resurrected Saviour and we become a new creation in Christ.
The Word of God not only tells us of our salvation by grace through faith in Christ as Saviour, but the Bible tells us the end from the beginning.
And we who trust in Christ as Saviour should heed the truth of God's Word in our hearts, by faith with thanksgiving, until the day when Christ returns for us in the clouds, to take us to be with Himself forever.
Remaining in Christ or abiding in Him, was a theme that the Lord Jesus introduced to His disciples just before His death and Resurrection, and it is a subject that is picked up by Paul and is evident within each of his letters.
When we abide in Christ and He abides in us, the fruit of the Spirit is the product that will flow through us - and the fruit that Christ produces through us will be love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Abiding in Christ, or remaining in Him, is a lifestyle that God requires from all maturing Christian.
A life that is fruitful is the direct result of a life that abides in Christ, and Christ in him.
And each member – each branch that remains in Him is enabled to bring forth fruit, more fruit, much fruit, simply by remaining in Christ and living their lives as He did – living and walking and praying in the spirit.
In a few short verses, the believer is called and challenged to abide in Christ; to abide in the Vine; to abide in His love; to abide in Him.
Indeed, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control; fruit which is only produced in us as we abide in Christ and He in us.
We are also told that when we abide in Christ, and His words abide in us: Ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
We are to abide in Christ; to abide in the Vine; to abide in His love: Abide in Me and I in you. To abide in Christ and to have Him abide in us are two sides of the same coin.
But the chastening rod of our Father in heaven is short-lived, and the momentary affliction we receive from His Fatherly hand is for our beneficial training and is beyond all comparison with the eternal weight of glory that awaits us, in Christ.
As we recognise the truth that Christ's sacrifice was made once for all and forever... and that by faith in Him our sins are not simply covered but fully forgiven, we can rejoice with exceeding great joy that the Mosaic Law, the Feasts of the Lord, the various priestly ceremonies and bloody sacrificial offerings of the Old Covenant, were true shadows of the glorious reality that was manifest in Christ Jesus Who has saved us from our sin and seated us together with Him in heavenly places.
His Word is a lamp to our feet and a guiding light along our pathway, for by grace through faith we have been made His children and are called to walk in the light of His love, by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.May the light of His love so shine through each one of us, that men may see our godly deeds, hear the Word of truth, trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sin, and glorify our Father Who is in heaven.
Let us pray that God would send out labourers into the harvest-fields of souls that need to be saved by grace through faith in Christ, and let us ask God to bring into our lives people, with whom we can share the good news that: Whoever will call on the name of the Lord, will be delivered - for how can they call on the Lord, in Whom they have not believed?
Paul then goes on to explain that in Christ we are dead to sin and released from the bondage of the Law, alive in Christ, and set free by the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus so that we may live our lives to His praise and glory.
Paul traces the great plan of redemption from the first man-Adam to the last Adam-Jesus; from the old creation in the flesh to the new creation in the spirit; from the old sin nature to the new life in Christ; from the curse of the Law to the freedom of grace, and points out that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ alone and not by personal merit or through works of the flesh.
Whether the brothers and sisters to whom he was writing were new into the faith or well-weathered, seasoned saints, they were often referred to as 'little children', for all had been sinners saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, all had their sins forgiven through His shed blood, and all had been given eternal life as God's free gift of grace.
When the sinner-man trusts in Christ as Saviour, he is clothed in Christ's righteousness and receives peace with God.
When the saved-man, who is clothed in Christ's own righteousness, walks in spirit and truth, he maintains fellowship with the Father and receives the perfect peace of God, which passes our comprehension.
Yes, indeed, God gives the one who trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour peace with God and He will keep the believer in Christ Jesus covered in His own perfect peace, by giving us the peace of God which transcends human understanding.
They are a new creation in Christ, and they have been called and chosen to be His sons and daughters simply because they believe on the only begotten Son of God and the finished work of salvation that was carried out by Him, on Calvary's Cross.
No wonder Paul encourages us to rejoice in the Lord always, for there is now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.
Love for his brothers and sisters in Christ was clearly seen in all of Paul's writings and in this letter to the Colossians, his heart's desire was that these beloved believers would gain great spiritual strength.
The godly character of this dear man of faith was manifested in his actions, attitude, and commendable ministry.May we, like Tychicus, walk in wisdom, pray in spirit and truth, redeem the time, and give godly comfort and encouragement to our Christian brothers and sisters in Christ.
Despite the Corinthian Christians being saved by grace through faith in Christ, Paul had some serious concerns about their ungodly conduct, their spiritual immaturity, their argumentative behaviour, and their abuse of spiritual gifts.
Sadly, this is what happened at Corinth to such a great extent... that the foundational facts of their faith in Christ's death, burial, and Resurrection became so distorted that the saints had started to deny the likelihood of their own resurrection from the dead.
Let us give thanks that He is the first-fruits of those who are asleep in Christ - for since by a man (the first Adam) came death, by a Man (Christ Jesus our Lord - the last Adam) came also the resurrection of the dead.
For as in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive.
Let us study the truth of God's Word and read this amazing fifteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians, and let us discover the wonders of the bodily resurrection that is ours in Christ.
The marriage union is an important one, for we know that nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord, and Christian marriage should be a mirror-image of our intimate union with Christ.
While the Lord Jesus walked this earth, we were reckoned to be IN Christ so that when He died, we died IN Him: So that we might die to those sins and live righteously.
The eternal separation we all deserve was paid for by Christ in His body on the tree so that we might be eternally united with the Father, clothed in Christ's righteousness, living spiritually, walking in spirit and truth as we abide in Christ.
From start to finish, the book of Galatians outlines the deep concern that the apostle Paul showed for the Christians in Galatia who, having been saved by grace through faith in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, and having been born from above, chose to give up the glorious liberty they had in Christ (salvation, through the hearing of faith) for the meritorious work and legalistic bondage from which they had been set free.
The only reason that we are declared righteousness is because we are positioned in Christ by faith; accepted in the Beloved, and covered in His cloak of righteousness.
Most people seem to know that the only way to be saved is by grace through faith in Christ, but we are also to live by faith and to grow in grace.
We are to live our lives by grace alone through faith alone in Christ ALONE.
They had to discover that Gentiles and Jews were to become one Body in Christ.
No surprise that the disciples could not bear these identification truths at that time for like us, they had to discover the inability of the old self life and that only the new life in Christ, which we all receive at Salvation can live a godly life.
positioned in Christ - baptised into His Body - united with Him in spirit and truth - born again and covered in Christ's own righteousness - a branch of the True Vine..
seated with Him in heavenly places - accepted in Christ and positioned in HIM)
But by a simple act of faith in Christ's finished work at Calvary, we have been lifted out of this shocking state of eternal slavery and transferred into Christ's glorious kingdom of everlasting light and life; the kingdom of God's only beloved Son.
It appears that His baptism in the Jordan was a particular milestone in Christ's life, which divided His three and a half year ministry from His pre-ministerial period.
May we be increasingly aware of the days in which we live and take every opportunity to tell others that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ before this terrible time of Tribulation.
And although there were a few dissenters who tried to undermine Paul's authority and others who had regressed in their spiritual growth, their enthusiastic response to the gospel of Christ was a great joy and encouragement to Paul, and his fellow-labourers in Christ.
They did not understand that the Law of God, the Prophets of Israel, the Psalms, and the Feasts-days were all pointing to Christ, and that 'the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus' had set them free from 'the law of sin and death'.Today, as in those early days of Christianity, there is still much confusion about the 'gospel of God' and there are many attempts to add law to grace, and works to faith.
Indeed, Scripture labels Jews as 'the Circumcision' to identify their physical link to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and to differentiate them from 'Uncircumcised Gentiles'.HOWEVER, as Abraham was also the father of FAITH, Paul identifies ALL believers, both Jew or Gentiles, as 'the True Circumcision' who worship in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus, and put no confidence in the flesh.
ALL believers, whether circumcised Jew or uncircumcised Gentiles, are one in Christ and lay claim to the same spiritual circumcision, a true circumcision of the heart because we are ALL saved by grace through faith in Christ.
Physical circumcision may identify a person as Jewish, but only those who believe in Christ can be called 'the True Circumcision'.In his concluding exhortation to the Galatian Christians, Paul summed up this vital truth with great clarity; Jews who desire to make a good showing in the flesh, try to compel you Gentiles to be circumcised.
Praise God that we have been called to worship the Lord in spirit and truth; to worship in the Spirit of God; to glory in Christ Jesus our Lord and put no confidence in the flesh.
There is no need to have confidence in any physical, fleshly identification with Israel, for we have been spiritually identified with Christ Himself and are ONE with Him.Praise God that Gentiles, together with 'the Israel of God' (believing Jews) have been united into ONE BODY in Christ and together are designated 'the True Circumcision' of God.
We are not called to make the world a better place, but to share the good news of the gospel of grace, so that men, women, boys, and girls may be saved out of the world - by grace, through faith in Christ.
And although we should always be ready to give an answer for the hope that we have in Christ, we are not bound to respond to any contentious comments... nor should we feel obligated to answer some inane question, which is designed to instigate an argument.
May we like Paul never be downcast by the wrong motives, fleshly manipulations, cruel comments or foolish jealousies of brothers or sisters in Christ whose preaching is rooted in envy or strife.
May we never allow wrong motives or fleshly attitudes to influence the calling that God has laid on each one of our lives, rather, let us rejoice that the good news of God is being proclaimed to lost souls who need to hear the glorious gospel of salvation, by grace through faith in Christ.
In his earlier letter to the Corinthians, Paul set out a most comprehensive treatise on the resurrection of the body and life everlasting for all who are positioned in Christ.
The present suffering and pain we experience in this mortal frame can never be compared with the great glory that is awaiting us because we are in Christ: For we know that if this earthly tent which is our house is torn down (through persecution, worldly oppression or death), we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, which is eternal, and kept for us in the heavens.
But as new creatures in Christ we have the assurance of our bodily resurrection, a house in heaven not made by hands, a dwelling-place that is not part of the old, fallen creation, but a perfect dwelling-place where will live eternally with our heavenly Saviour.
It was at that time that the Lord Jesus began in earnest to prepare His little band of faithful followers for His shocking betrayal, false accusations, unjust trial, cruel death, and glorious Resurrection.Over and again, His disciples failed to comprehend the serious nature of Christ's repeated prediction of His fast-approaching betrayal and death, and it became necessary for Jesus to speak plainly about the severe self-discipline His followers would require if they were to stand fast in the evil day and not be sifted as wheat by the enemy, nor emotionally tossed about by the terrible things they were soon to face.A simple, immovable, childlike faith in Christ Who had come as God's anointed King, His promised Messiah, and Kinsman-Redeemer, was essential as the days grew darker: Whoever receives Me, Jesus said, receives Him Who sent Me.Petty differences of colour or creed were to be laid aside, and a unity in the faith was to be established by those who acknowledged Jesus as Lord.
But we who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, should recognise God's Word as the most precious tool in our Christian arsenal which provides all we need for life and godliness.
He also reminds us that we have a living hope in Christ, for when we finally see Him we shall be like Him... and this glorious hope keeps us pure, even as we are pure through faith in Christ - for by faith in Christ we are forgiven of our sins and covered in His own righteousness.
Praise God that there is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus - their sins are remembered no more and they are accepted in the Beloved and covered in His perfect righteousness - by faith.
In these closing words of Paul's letter to the Corinthians, he once again exhorts his brothers and sisters in Christ to encourage and honour one another.
And so Paul's advice is to welcome Timothy with gentleness of spirit and not to do anything to make him feel embarrassed or uncomfortable, for Timothy laboured hard for the Lord and as a brother in Christ should be received with respect by other members of Christ's Body.
How important therefore that we are alert and watchful against the enemy of our soul, not only for ourselves but on behalf of all our brothers and sisters in Christ so that together we keep looking to Jesus, our blessed Hope.
We are to be devoted to our brothers and sisters in Christ, for we are one Body united together in Him, not only in this life but in the ages to come.
But how few even turn to Scripture to discover the principles and practices of what it really means to live godly in Christ Jesus?
Indeed, he even exhorts us to consider our various trials as a joy and blessing from our Father, while Paul warns that all who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution, but that God Himself will comfort us in our suffering and pain so that we can comfort others in their suffering and pain.
We have already received all spiritual blessing in abundance, simply because we are in Christ, and in Him we have all that we need to live godly lives, but nowhere in Scripture are we told that we will have the trouble free life that much of Christendom teaches today, rather we are informed of the opposite.
God's purpose in each of our lives is to educate, discipline, and train us in righteousness and the fiery trials that come upon us are used by Him to try us, as the furnace tries silver, to cut deep into our fleshly nature and polish off all the fleshly dross that contaminates our new-life in Christ so that by grace through faith we will not murmur, but humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, knowing that He has promised to exalt us in due time.
Let us rid our commonplace apathy towards the Word of God, and view the reality of Christ as Lord of heaven and earth Who undressed Himself of His magnificent heavenly glory and covered Himself with a mantle of humanity's flesh to became Emmanuel, God with us, so that we could shed our filthy rags and be adorned in Christ's robes of righteousness and become sons of the most High God and joint heirs with Christ, our Emmanuel - God with us.
When we truly identify with our Saviour and trust in Christ's capacities alone for our journey through life, it is then that God's strength is made perfect in our weakness; it is then that the wind of God will lift us up on eagles' wings and carry us through life's stresses and strains, in the power of His Holy Spirit.
It is then that the spiritual battery is regenerated and renewed by Christ's limitless power, enabling us to run the straight race, and in His strength, to run in such as way as to win the prize for the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Tucked away at the end of Paul's main epistles, is a little letter to a dear friend and brother in Christ, Philemon.
However, his freedom in Christ did not release Onesimus from his ongoing obligation to Philemon and his responsibility towards his earthly master, and Paul was prompted to write to his friend and explain the situation.
But he also entreated Philemon to be gracious to his runaway slave and to treat him as a brother in Christ rather than a wicked, runaway servant who had shirked his duty and disgraced his master.
Ironically, the name 'Onesimus' means 'profitable' but no doubt Philemon considered him to be a worthless rascal, rather than a beloved brother in Christ.
He had been born again by the Spirit of God and had become a new creation in Christ.
No matter what our station in life, there are many lessons that each one of us can learn from this little letter to Philemon. What a joy to know that no-one is excluded from the good news of the gospel of grace, for anyone can be saved through faith in Christ.
Jeremiah reminds the faithful remnant of believing Israel (and also those of us that are saved by grace, through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord), of the wonderful fact that the Lord examines the heart and gives to each what they deserve, based on what they have done, by faith: I, the Lord search the heart.
Although our position in Christ can never be lost for those that are born-again, nevertheless our communion with Christ can be interrupted, our fellowship with the Father can be broken, and our spiritual channel of communication can be choked so that His love ceases to flow out from Him, through us, to others - and we grieve the indwelling Holy Spirit of God.
God knew before time began who would trust in Christ as Saviour, and predestined them to become like His Son: And those He predestined He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified, He also glorified, by grace.
There is probably no more vital truth for the Christian than to understand our current position in Christ and our future relationship to Him.
Before time began, God determined to gather all things together in Christ, unite everything together in Him, to sum-up and bring into one final whole, all things in Jesus Christ the Messiah of God.
Time spans from the foundation of the world and will terminate in the dispensation of the fullness of times so that God might gather together all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth.
This is the time when the successive ages of man and the millennial rule of Christ, in which the gospel of God and the good news of Christ has reached the distant shores of humanity will be brought to its close – the time when everything will be gathered up together, in Christ, and given back to God.
How we look forward, with joyful anticipation, that moment when in the dispensation of the fulness of times, He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him.
There is nothing Jew or Gentile can do to get right with God without trusting in Christ's sacrificial offering of Himself on Calvary's Cross.
Although the Lord chose the Jewish race to be His people through whom the Messiah would be born, their birthright did not provide any exemption from God's directive that salvation, which is a gift of grace, received by faith alone in Christ Jesus alone as detailed in Scripture.
Although Israel was identified as God's chosen nation through their covenant agreement with the Lord and the sign of circumcision given through Abraham - salvation for Jew and Gentile alike is given by God's grace - through faith in Christ Jesus.
And here, in his last known epistle, Paul writes to encourage Timothy to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus and to serve Him faithfully... relying on God's sufficient grace alone, which only comes through union with the Lord as we abide in Him and He in us.
And it is God's will that having trusted in Christ for salvation that we present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to the Lord, which is our spiritual worship.
Jesus came to seek and to save that which is lost, for He is a gracious God Who searches us out before we would ever consider searching for Him; and yet in Christ are the words of eternal life.
In Christ is all that we need for life and godliness; in Christ we become a new creation and part of His Body, with a new life and new hope of glory; in Christ we have peace with God and access to the peace of God in our hearts.
And the gift of God that the Lord Jesus spoke of to this woman-at-the-well is His free gift of salvation, which is openly available to all who will accept God's gracious offer of redemption and be cleansed of their sin, by faith in Christ.
It is not God's will that any should perish but that all should come to a faith in Christ's finished work at Calvary, and so God planned and purposed to give His one and only begotten Son to become the one and only Saviour to a world of lost sinners, and ordained that the one and only way to be saved was by grace through faith in Him.
It is incumbent upon us to know what takes place after we have left this mortal toil so that we do not grieve inconsolably as those who have no future hope in Christ.
We have a hope in Christ and an assurance that weeping will one day turn into laughter, sadness will be overtaken with joy, and God Himself will wipe away every tear from our eye.
Like Christians in the early Church, we also need to know that there is a resurrection unto life for the believer, and a resurrection unto death for those that have rejected God's gracious offer of salvation by grace through faith in Christ.
Christ was raised as the first of the resurrection harvest, then all who belong to Christ will be resurrected when he returns for His Church: The dead in Christ will be raised first and then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.
What a great comfort this is and no believer should be ignorant of this wonderful truth so that we will not grieve for our brothers and sisters in Christ who have gone to be with the Lord ahead of us.
Let us seek to share the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ with those that are dead in their sins and without hope in the world, knowing that every day that passes is a day of grace when lost souls may come to a saving faith in Christ Jesus our Saviour.
We do not have to grovel for meager scraps at the bench of an unbelieving judge, for we have free and open access into the throne of grace and the riches of His love in Christ Jesus so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
The sinless Son of Man did not need to die, for sin is the reason for death, yet He chose to die and willingly gave up His perfect life so that our punishment was paid and also that we might receive His life in us, the new life in Christ, and that we might have it more abundantly.
It highlights the problem of our inherited sin-nature and reassures us that in Christ, we have all we need for life and godliness.
Should not we who are saved by grace through faith in Christ, recognise the deep significance and consequences of the God-breathed content of His Word and take it to heart in these perilous days?
However, these Pharisees needed to know that the spiritual part of the kingdom does not come with observable signs but through faith in Christ, in Whom are the words of eternal life.
Believers in this Church dispensation have already entered the spiritual kingdom through faith in Christ.
What about those of us who are saved by grace through faith in Christ?
Well, we are not appointed to go through the Tribulation because of our faith in Christ. We who have believed, will be removed before the Great Tribulation begins - HOWEVER, the progression of evil about which Christ is speaking in this verse has been ongoing throughout the entire Christian dispensation.
In the penultimate verse of Ephesians, Paul is offering a familiar and well-loved salutation to his brothers and sisters in Christ: Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.Peace, love, and faith are three spiritual qualities that are sprinkled in unfettered abundance throughout Paul's writings, and yet they retain a freshness each time they are bestowed on God's children of faith.Only once in the New Testament, is this phrase peace be to the brethren, used.
Indeed, the peace of God which passes all human comprehension, is a gracious gift from our Heavenly Father which is promised to all His children through Jesus Christ our Lord, for it guards the heart and mind of all who cast their cares upon Him.God's peace is the gracious gift that under-girds our going out and our coming in, and every man or woman of faith in Christ, is promised that heavenly peace will garrison our heart and mind in every difficult circumstance or troublesome situation.
For three wonderful chapters in his letter to the Ephesians, Paul outlines our privileged position in Christ.
We are also encouraged to bear with one another in love and to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace, knowing that we are one in Christ and united together in one faith, one hope, one baptism, and one Lord.
And there is a legitimate reason that we are called upon to live godly in Christ Jesus, to walk in spirit and truth, to submit to the teaching and training of the Holy Spirit, and to learn obedience through suffering: To love one another as Christ loved us, for by this all people will know that you are my disciples.
It is always a joy when a man or woman trusts in Christ as their Saviour and sets out on their life-journey with Jesus at the helm, but what a thrill it must have been for Paul when Titus, his true son in the common faith, was ready to take on full responsibility for the establishment of the Christian churches throughout the Isle of Crete.
Paul never wanted anyone to become complacent in their faith and always made a point of reminding others of the joy we have in Christ, and so his letter to this 'son in the faith began by reminding him of God's amazing goodness and grace, the privileged peace we have with God through our great salvation, and the perfect peace of God that can guard our heart when our mind is stayed on Him.
It is by His grace through faith in Christ that we have peace with God, for we have been forgiven of our sins and received eternal life - through faith in Him.
He wanted those who had trusted in Christ to gain a thorough understanding that the Lord would return for His church before the outpouring of God's wrath in the Great Tribulation period: Do you not remember that while I was still with you, I was telling you these things?
Then the dead in Christ will rise first... after which we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with His resurrected saints into the clouds... to meet the Lord in the air, and from then on we shall always be with the Lord.
Our faithful God is the one who fed the hungry multitude, provides comfort for the broken-hearted, gives succour to the weak, strength to the weary, hope to the afflicted, and salvation to all who trust in Christ Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins - for while we were yet sinners, God in His grace provided a Kinsman-Redeemer to save His people from their sins.
It is a precious promise to all His children, for we have been made kings and priests of the living God - and have a guarantee that His Word is true and His promises are 'Yes' and 'Amen' in Christ.
The story of Abraham's two sons, Ishmael and Isaac, and the struggle that took place between the two women (Hagar, the bond-woman who represents slavery to the Law, and Sarah, the free-woman who represents our freedom in Christ) resulted from the fleshly schemings of Abraham who decided to help God to fulfil His promise to give him a son.
They include all unbelievers who are dead in their sins, enslaved by Satan, at enmity with God, as well as many religious legalists and pious Judaisers who insist that we are still under the Law of Moses and not under the Law of the Spirit of life which is in Christ Jesus.
Before the Cross we were in bondage to the Law, but by grace through faith in Christ, we have been released from the deathly strangle-hold of the Old Covenant and its power over us has been severed.
May we never forget that by faith in Christ we are not children of a bondwoman, but of the free woman, for which we praise His holy name.
James identifies the cause of conflict as being pride and self-elevation, or a desire to excel in the midst of one's brothers and sisters in Christ, or the thrill of worldly applause.
Just as the blood on the doorposts of the Israelites in Egypt was a physical sign of their faith in God's Word, so a heart that has been sprinkled with the shed blood of Christ by faith in His sacrificial death on the Cross, is the spiritual sign that we have passed from death to life - from slavery to the freedom that is in Christ Jesus.
As children of our Heavenly Father, we are to function in the divine nature that is ours, by faith in Christ.
The eternal Son became the perfect Man to demonstrate to sinners like you and me - who would be saved by grace through faith in Christ - just HOW we should live, as children of God.
We are in the world, but we are not of the world and should show forth the divine characteristics that are ours in and through our new life in Christ.
We are to demonstrate Christ-like tenderness and brotherly kindness to our imperfect brothers and sisters in Christ: For by this will all men know that we are Christ's disciples.
God requires perfection from us and this is an impossibility in our own fallen nature - but we are being made a new creature in Christ and have been clothed in His righteousness by faith.
Let us reckon ourselves dead to sin and all that the old sin nature represents and let us reckon ourselves alive to God in Jesus Christ our Lord - so that by His power we may love the Lord our God with all our heart - and in His name, add to that godliness, brotherly kindness, and progress from brotherly kindness to the divine love - that is ours in Christ Jesus.
Having set out all the many advantages of being in Christ in the first two chapters of Colossians, and laying before us the glories of God's grace and the heavenly privileges of which we are all beneficiaries, Paul turns his attention to practical application in the final two chapters of his epistle.
Despite being destitute, Paul was not discouraged, because He had discovered his sufficient strength was in Christ.
BUT he was a man who learned to put no confidence in his own flesh but to put ALL his confidence in Christ and Christ alone.
Paul recognised that when we are positioned in Christ, abiding in Him, and remaining in fellowship with the Father, we are equipped for every eventuality of life; for when we are weak in ourselves we receive strength from the Lord and are empowered by His Spirit.
But the 'new life in Christ' is imparted to all God's children, making us part of a new 'spiritual' creation, through Christ Jesus our Lord.
Noah being saved from the water because he was IN the ARK (the TYPE) prefigures Christians being saved from judgement because we are IN CHRIST (the ANTITYPE). Noah was not saved BY the water.
It is not the baptism that redeems a sinner. (Neither water baptism nor spirit baptism saves us, but faith in Christ).
However, spirit baptism is the immediate RESULT of faith in Christ and water baptism is the outward sign of the inner change of a redeemed life.
It is not the baptism that saves (neither water baptism nor spiritual baptism). We are saved from the peril of God's judgement by being in Christ.
We are saved by faith in Christ and are 'baptised' (placed into) the Body of Christ the moment we are saved.
It is because we are positioned in Christ and members of His spiritual Body, that HIS death became our death; death to the old self.
And His Resurrection became our resurrection; we received a new life in Christ and became a member of God's new creation.
God declares us righteous because of our faith in Christ and we are placed in Christ the moment we are saved by grace through faith in Him.
Faith in Christ saves us from God's righteous judgement.
Faith in Christ removes the filth of the flesh by the forgiveness of sin.
Spirit baptism is the result of faith in Christ while water baptism is a illustrative picture of the inner cleansing of the heart at salvation.
He continues by giving advice to more established believers on how to grow in grace and exercise themselves circumspectly, in the liberty we enjoy in Christ.
We are not to judge the spiritual temperature of other believers, nor cause a weaker brother to stumble in their faith because we have found a greater freedom in Christ.
We are to be sympathetic to the sensitivities of others who lack the religious emancipation that is ours in Christ.
Paul clearly discouraged believers from flaunting their freedoms in Christ.
Salvation, or entrance into the kingdom of God, is by grace through faith in Christ and has nothing to do with eating, drinking, or any other rites, rituals or observances.
How important, therefore, to not only rejoice in Christ's beatitude in Matthew - blessed are the merciful - but also to heed James' warning of the consequences that the unmerciful face.
The curse of the Law has been lifted, the sting of death has been removed, and we have been born into the family of God and become part of a totally new creation in Christ, with our sins forgiven and our eternal life secure.As born again citizens of heaven, we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
There are many that like to say that God has replaced Israel with the Church, but those pronouncements do not heed the truth of the Word of God, Whose promises are yes and amen in Christ Jesus, and Whose Word stands fast for ever and ever.
We are challenged daily to let this mind be in us that was in Christ Jesus, and to choose to follow the path of the Cross by setting aside our own natural inclination to place self on the throne of our lives and, in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit and by means of the new life of Christ, to empty ourselves of 'Self' and become a servant of all, for His sake Who loved us so much that He died that we might live.
Just as Abraham was justified by grace through trusting the Word of the Lord, so we too are justified by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, the living, incarnate Word of God.
However, in this Church age, all those differences have been removed: There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus, our Lord. All who have trusted in Christ as Saviour are equal in the eyes of our Heavenly Father, saved by grace through faith in God's only begotten Son.
All have been placed in Christ, and all are accepted in the Beloved.
All have been made a new creation in Christ, and all have been baptised by the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ, which is the Church of God.
There is now no condemnation for all who are in Christ Jesus.
We have been made privileged ambassadors of God with a heavenly citizenship and life everlasting in Christ Jesus our Saviour.
Though we all have our own unique gifting from God and recognise the distinctions between male and female in the various ministries to which we may be called, we are all members of the Body of Christ and as such: There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
But first, they must be spiritually enlivened when the Holy Spirit of God breathes the breath of new life into their cold, dead hearts, by their faith in Christ.
There is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus, for whoever believes in Him by faith is not condemned, but the one who does not believe is already condemned: Because He has not believed in the only begotten Son of God.
And do this for our dear Lord Jesus' sake, for in so doing we are participators in Christ's sufferings: This is what God has called us to do, and He will bless us for it.
Peter's heartfelt desire was that those who had trusted Christ for salvation knew from the depths of their soul the incredible value of the gracious gift that was theirs through faith in Christ Jesus: This precious treasure is for you who believe, he declared.
Should we not join the apostle Peter in rejoicing with unspeakable joy, unfeigned love, and grateful thanks for all that we are in Christ?
For many years, John had faithfully taught the Word of truth and seen many come to a saving faith in Christ Jesus, and it rejoiced his pastor's heart to hear that some of the believers connected with this dear, godly lady, were living righteous lives, walking in the truth of God's Word, and living lives that honoured the Lord Who bought them with His own blood.
The truth is that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.
The man or woman who is walking in truth is the one who is not only doctrinally sound... but who is humble of heart, growing in grace, standing fast on the Word, rejoicing in the Lord, and living in love and unity with their brothers in Christ.
Paul's wise advice is not to react too quickly, but to remain married, live godly in Christ Jesus, and allow the Lord to work out His plan in the midst of such a relationship.Naturally, being wed to an unbeliever can also cause significant clashes of interest and become seriously destructive within a marriage, and this is an issue that Paul deals with, later on in the chapter.But Paul is calling each believer to walk in accordance with the gifts and graces that have been given them in Christ Jesus, to live one's Christian life in the way the Lord has called them to live, knowing that each person is accountable for his or her own choices and individual conduct.As believers, we are all accountable to the Lord and will one day stand before Him to give an account of the way we conducted ourselves, within our marriages and in our wider relationships.
Paul's earlier teaching on the dead in Christ being resurrected and the living saints being raptured, changed in the twinkling of an eye at the trump of God, had been confused with the Second Coming of Christ to the earth when He will topple Satan's evil world system, bring in everlasting righteousness, seal up prophecy, and set up His Millennial rule on earth.
At the start of chapter 2, Paul identifies the topic under discussion - the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the Rapture of the Church: The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to Him.
We are justified by faith alone in Christ alone; and we are sanctified by faith alone in Christ alone.
But the experience of Paul is also the experience of those that come to see that without Christ I can do nothing to please God, but in Christ I can do all things for He is the One Who empowers and strengthens me.
We are accepted by the Father, in Christ, and we are loved with an incomprehensible love by the Lord Jesus Himself, Who has called us to abide in His love.
He calls us to be of one mind, to have unity of spirit in the bond of peace, to hold fast together our faith in Christ Jesus and the gospel of grace, and to live in harmony one with the other.
He calls us to sympathize with each other, to have compassion one for another, and to empathise in the trials and difficulties that our brothers and sisters in Christ are going through, to be there to help and to comfort, to support and encourage.
At a time when the love of many is growing ever colder and darker, we are called upon to love our Christian brothers and sisters in Christ, to care and to pray for them to love one another in the same way that Christ loved us.
We who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ should foster an inner attitude of grateful thanks, loving appreciation, joyous anticipation, and everlasting wonderment at all that He has done for us and His inexpressible love towards us: In that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
No surprise that Paul had to open his letter to the Ephesians by acknowledging Him to be the Father of all mercies and proclaiming: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.
We are blessed to receive our great salvation, our position in Christ, the indwelling Spirit, and spiritual gifts and graces.
While we, who are in Christ, are blessed with every spiritual blessing, God is His grace provides many temporal blessings to all humanity, for God causes His sun to rise on both the evil and on the good, sending rain on the just and on the unjust.
Present blessings and our eternal inheritance are securely fixed in heavenly places in Christ Who is seated at the right hand of the Father in glory everlasting, and we are eternally united together in Him.
In Christ, we have been given every spiritual blessing and His spiritual enrichment has already been poured out upon us in superlative-abundance by our Heavenly Father.
All we have to do is to access it: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, in Christ.
Some insist that these instructions are binding on the Church of today, while others refute this interpretation.In context, this sermon was delivered early on in Christ's earthly ministry.
Only God in His grace, can give a repentant sinner a new heart of flesh, and God the Father has determined that it is by grace through faith in Christ.Jesus came to the lost sheep of the house of Israel to establish His kingdom which was promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Israel.
Today, those who have been saved by faith in Christ, are a Temple of the living God.
On that day our justification, sanctification, and glorification will be finalised, when our spirit, soul, and body, is at last made perfect in Christ.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and of death.
We have been set free, because we are IN Christ.
There are two life principles by which a believer can live - death or life, law or grace, the flesh or the spirit, bondage or freedom, carnality or spirituality, the old sin nature or the new life in Christ.
He can submit to the old sin nature OR he can submit to the new life in Christ.
But when as believers we submit to the Holy Spirit, we discover a higher law working within (the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus) that gives power to the new-life-of-Christ within which we received when we were born again, bringing us to certain victory.
Let us live our life in the power of the Holy Spirit and submit to Him in all things, knowing that there is: NO Condemnation, for those of us who are positioned in Christ: For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and of death.
Salvation through faith in Christ is the great gift of life.
Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing is able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The glorious time of Israel's restoration is couched in this declaration from God, for He has promised to save His people from their sin, and His promises to Israel will never fail, just as His promises to the Church are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord - and our present sojourn in this fallen world, is likewise hastening to its grand finale.
Praise God that, like Samson, our faith in Christ is reckoned to us as righteousness, but may we be men and women who seek to honour the Lord in all we say and do, for His greater glory and for our eternal benefit.
However, those that have already been saved and have become children of God by faith in Christ, are expected to behave in a manner that is worthy of their status as children of God, as empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit.
The only way for sinful man to become a new creation in Christ is to be given a regenerated spirit, a sanctified soul, and an incorruptible body as a gift of God's grace.
The old, soulish, fleshly life, so impregnated with sin cannot be renewed, but a new God-breathed life is given at salvation; the new life in Christ.
But just as we, who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, were born in the image of the man of dust, so too we will also bear the image of the heavenly man; for He Who started a good work in us at salvation will complete it in the day of Christ Jesus.
In His grace and kindness, God intervened in the long-standing bitter enmity and deep-seated mistrust that existed between Jew and Gentile by making them into one new man in Christ.
He intervened in the enmity between God and man by bringing all who trust in Christ Jesus as Saviour back into close fellowship with Himself.
He married sinful Jews with sinful Gentiles, baptising them by the Spirit of God into the one New Man in Christ, which is the Church.
And there shall be one sheepfold and one Good Shepherd of the sheep, for there is now no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male or female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus.
Throughout the Church age, many enemies, both physical and spiritual, have sought to steal, kill, and destroy the sheep in Christ's little flock, but we are not to fear for none can pluck us out of His hands.
We who are all in Christ have already received the abundance of His life, and one day Christ Jesus will return, as He promised, to take us to be with Himself.
There are so many passages in the wonderful book of Romans where we are reminded of our deliverance from bondage, our victory in Christ, and that there is absolutely no condemnation whatsoever to those that are in Christ Jesus, for every one that trusts in God's only beloved Son as Saviour, will never be condemned but receive life eternal.
In this edifying and encouraging passage in Romans 8, Paul details the glories of being in Christ, the wonders that God has planned for those that love Him, and an eternal assurance that every born-again child of God will live with Him forever.
God knew that you would trust in Christ Jesus, even before you were conceived in your mother's womb!
AND we are reminded in many passages there is absolutely no condemnation whatsoever to those that are in Christ Jesus - Hallelujah!
Paul makes our lack of condemnation clear at the start of the chapter as he states in no uncertain terms: Therefore there is now no condemnation at all for those who are in Christ Jesus.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. Hallelujah!
God cannot condemn you for you are in Christ and Christ will not condemn you, for He died for your sins so that all that believe on Him would not be condemned but have eternal life.
Let us praise His glorious name for the wonderful truth that there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ, for He has been given the highest position in heaven, where He is seated on the right hand of the Father, interceding for His children.
We discover that the aging apostle Peter, who denied His Lord at the start of his Christian walk, came to an understanding that suffering precedes glory in the life of a believer, sadness comes before joy, and the darkest night of mourning will finally turn into the brightest noon-day sun: For after you have suffered for a little while, Peter informs his readers, After you have suffered... the God of all grace, Who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.
Suffering as a Christian is not a matter of choice, but the certain consequence of our faith in Christ.
Although suffering is not something we relish, God has promised to strengthen and support us, to restore and establish us, and to bring us into HIS eternal glory, in Christ.
We rejoice with exultation, for after we have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, Who called us to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish us. HALLELUJAH what a Saviour!
Although we are in the world we are not part of the world for we are positioned in Christ, members of His Body, and inheritors of His eternal glory.
Paul reminds the Corinthian believers of our blessed hope in Christ and opens our understanding to the resurrection of the dead and the certainty of our own resurrection, because Christ rose from the dead.
It is as he draws his letter to a close, that Paul offers his concluding exhortation, which is beneficial for ALL who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus and to grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Lord and Saviour.
It is as we abide in Christ and He in us, that we begin to learn the lesson of love - godly love - sacrificial love.
Though we and our Christian brothers and sisters are facing the terrors of today, we have the Word of God that contains many precious promises that are all 'YES' and 'AMEN' in Christ.
The disciples had to move from believing by sight, signs, wonders, and miracles, to trusting by faith alone in Christ alone.
The disciples had to finally come out of the sheep-fold of Israel to become part of the one new man in Christ where there is one fold and one Shepherd.
Having thoroughly and systematically presented every aspect of the glorious gospel of salvation, and the eternal foundation of God's amazing grace upon which these everlasting truths rest, Paul earnestly urges believers in Christ to practically apply all that he has taught in this weighty epistle to the Romans, by presenting our bodies to the Lord as a living sacrifice.
This is not a command, for God wants our love and service to be rendered freely and willingly, but in light of the inestimable riches of God's free grace which He has poured out in great measure on fallen sinners simply because we trusted in Christ as our Saviour, surely it should be our joy and delight to present our bodies, day by day, in spiritual worship as a living sacrifice - holy and pleasing to the Lord.
Access to the same grace of God and intimate knowledge of Christ is also what Peter, in the closing days of his life, is urging all who have a saving faith in Christ to strive for earnestly.
Should we not delight to worship Him in this world and rejoice that in the world to come we will show forth the immeasurable riches of His grace, in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
We can in spirit and in truth cry out and say, I have trusted Him, and I am not afraid - for nothing can separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.
While the disciples would, indeed, be leaders in Christ's new administration (in the dispensation of grace) they were not to be like the Gentiles and rule by means of position, status, power, and prosperity.
He sounds as if he were advancing in years, because John refers to Him as 'Gaius, the Elder' and yet it is likely that this elderly gentleman was brought to faith in Christ through the ministry of John himself, for in addressing him, the apostle writes: I have no greater joy than this – to hear of my children walking in the truth.John makes no secret of his love and respect for this man, whom he admits to love in truth, for it appears that his whole life was dedicated to the Lord, and Gaius must have been a wonderful testimony of a godly man who walked in grace and love, for we read that his soul prospered.
In his letter to the Colossians, Paul had already outlined the importance of putting off the old life of an unbeliever and putting on the new life we received, in Christ.
We are all saved by grace through faith in Christ... and as God's blood-bought children we should never forget that we also have a Master in heaven - Christ Jesus our Lord.
As those who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, we should all seek to apply the principles of godly living in every area of our lives, no matter where we are or in what situation we find ourselves.
As believers, we rejoice that we have been saved by grace through faith in Christ.
As Christians, we celebrate that there is now no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus, and as forgiven sinners we glory in the Cross of Jesus Christ, our Lord and our God.
It is only by God's abundant mercy that we have come to this living hope in Christ and, by God's grace, have been endowed with an inheritance that is incorruptible and will never fade away.
We can either resist the temptation in the strength of the Holy Spirit as we walk in spirit and truth, in our new life in Christ OR we can yield to the temptation and allow it to take hold in our hearts and draw us away from truth and virtue.
It is only as we remain in Christ, rest in His love, and walk in the path He has planned for us, that we will discover all His paths are strewn with goodness and grace.
This was the antithesis of the gospel they were called to teach, where there is neither Jew nor Gentile but One New Man In Christ - One Body of people who trust in Christ's death and Resurrection for salvation.
But many staunch Jews who believed in Christ, could not accept that the dispensation of the Law with its Aaronic priesthood, sacrificial offerings, male circumcision, and Sabbath days, had been set aside and a new dispensation initiated.
And we, who have been saved by grace though faith in Christ, have within us the life of Christ which can become abundantly fruitful, when our lives resemble His likeness.
Paul's life certainly demonstrated one who was filling up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions, no wonder he penned those poignant words: That I may know Christ and the power of His Resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering.
He worked unceasingly to bring to spiritual maturity, as many as would hear and receive the astonishing mysteries that were given to him on our account; the unsearchable riches in Christ and the surpassing treasures of God's grace and kindness toward us, in Jesus our Saviour.
The incredible Christ for whom Paul suffered, the glorious gospel of grace that he proclaimed, and the maturing of the saints in Christ, was the purpose and passion for which Paul strove.
A passion and purpose that he could not carry out in his own 'wretched' strength, but a passion and a purpose that was fulfilled by means of the indwelling power of Christ which lived in him and worked mightily through him; a power that works mightily in all who will cease from their own fleshly strivings, rest in His love, and abide in Christ's sufficient strength.
Believers are not under law and the things that we do should build up our brothers and sisters in Christ and not be a direct or an indirect criticism of their behaviours.
We are to be careful that our freedom in this age of grace does not cause a brother or sister in Christ to be upset or offended.
Let us therefore in love and grace be sensitive to the needs of others, neither compromising the gospel of Christ nor causing our liberty in Christ to be a stumbling block to other brothers and sisters in Christ: Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.
Scripture tells us all that we need to know of God's wonderful plans and marvellous purposes for our salvation and eternal security, which is only found in Christ.
He is to be first and last in every area of our lives just as He was with John, for He is the beginning and the end of creation, and we are that new creation in Christ.
In his earlier letter, he assured his readers that God's mighty power will protect all who have come to saving faith in Christ and will guard their hearts against such lies.
He longed that his readers would grow in grace and be securely established in Christ, but he also warned of a growing apostasy and a serious decline in moral values, due to licentious living which is often rooted in ungodly teachings and doctrines of demons.
But for those who have trusted Christ for salvation, Peter's warning is a call to live godly in Christ Jesus and not to follow in the foolish footsteps of the world.
It was after Mark recorded a shift in Christ's teaching style that we read that He crossed over to the eastern shore of the Galilee, into the country of the Gerasenes.
If Paul was explaining the gospel to the Jews, he would teach it from a Jewish perspective so that they would understand God's redemptive plan and trust in Christ as Saviour.
Paul's priority was to teach the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ so that men and women everywhere would be saved by grace through faith in Christ for the remission of their sins - to explain it in such a way that whoever he was teaching would hear and believe.
However, it is all too easy to frown on a brother or sister in Christ who is seeking to share the glorious gospel of Christ in a manner that does not meet with our approval or is outside our particular experience or practice.
Just as we who are saved by grace through faith and have been made a new creation in Christ, await the full the final consummation of our new birth (when our mortal bodies put on immortality and corruption is replaced with incorruption), so too the creation itself awaits in eager expectation for that day when God's curse on creation will be finally lifted.
Although as Christians we have been saved by grace through faith in Christ and made part of the new creation, we continue to live in a fallen, 'earthy' body of flesh and blood and await that day when we will be fully and finally 'adopted' as glorified sons of God with a new body of flesh and bone, made like unto Christ's resurrection body.
He had been chosen to be the missionary to the Gentiles who were formerly alienated from God, hopelessly dead in sins, and engaged in evil deeds, but by God's grace, many were reconciled to Him through faith in Christ for their salvation.
Nevertheless, God in His wisdom caused the many imprisonments Paul endured, and the multiplied attacks that were made on the truth of the glorious gospel of grace to be used for our good, for by it we have a large portion of the New Testament, written by Paul, that give us clear teaching on our position in Christ and how to live our life in this Church dispensation.
Let us unashamedly draw ever closer to our faithful God in confident assurance that He will indeed carry to completion all we have entrusted to Him on the day that Christ returns for His Church, for ALL His promises to us are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ.
At salvation, they had all received the free gift of God's grace, but they were trying to replace that gift of grace which they had received by faith in Christ, with their own works of the law.
These Christians had believed in Christ for salvation and had been justified by faith and, like Abraham, their faith was credited to them as righteousness.
They were trying to please God through their own righteous acts instead of pleasing God by abiding in Christ's righteousness with which they were already clothed: You foolish Galatians, was Paul's desperate plea, who has bewitched you?
These Christians had, of course, been saved by grace through faith in Christ, but instead of living their lives by grace through faith in Christ they had reverted back to a system whereby God's free gift of grace had been replaced with their own meritorious works of the law!
But Paul had taught them that all their own acts of righteousness are filthy rags in the eyes of God, and that the only acts of righteousness that God will ever receive from His born again children are those that are carried out by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit by faith in Christ, as He lives in us.
The yearning love he had for each one and his desire that they become mature believers in Christ, was comparable with a mother's birth pangs as she prepares to give birth to her baby.
It is sad when spiritual development is halted, reversed, or twisted through legalistic practices as demonstrated by these Galatian Christians, or by using God's free gift of grace as a license to sin as exhibited by the Corinthian Christians. May we take our own spiritual growth and that of our brothers and sisters in Christ seriously so that Christ may be formed in us, to His praise and glory.
It is a fact that all disciples of Christ are believers in Him, but not all believers in Christ become His disciples.
Only a believer who is being washed in the water of the Word, pressing on for their upward call in Christ Jesus, and maturing in their faith, can truly be called a disciple of Jesus.
The good news of salvation and life eternal, is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
This is the faith that unquestioningly takes God at His Word, knowing that all He has promised to us in Christ is more secure than the rising of the morning sun and more certain than the daily passage of time.
May the hope we have in Christ and the faith we have in God be built on the truth, of His Word and grounded on a sure conviction.
There is nothing in heaven or earth or under the earth that can reverse the status of fallen man, with one exception, faith in Christ (a heart that trusts God's Word). Everyone who has believed God's living Word is justified in His sight and their sin is forgiven.
They appeared to have forgotten that they, (like us) are positioned in Christ, indwelled by the Holy Spirit, clothed in Christ's righteousness, and have become part of a new and perfected creation - where Jesus is the Head and we are all members of His Body.
There should be unity in the essentials of our faith, liberty and Christian courtesy surrounding any non-essential doctrinal issues, and godly love and graciousness should be demonstrated in the actions and attitudes we show towards our brothers and sisters in Christ - knowing that God is not a God of confusion but the God of peace.
When we were saved, we were given a new life - the new life in Christ.
Our old sin nature was replaced by a new Christ-like nature, and Paul tells us in many places to reckon ourselves dead to the old sin nature and alive to the new life in Christ.
Let us choose to live godly in Christ Jesus and put away the old sin nature, which is idolatry.
Indeed, it is not the sacrificial acts of a man or woman who desires to be pleasing to the Lord that delights His heart, but the one that walks in spirit and truth, the one that dies to the self-life and lives to Christ, the one that looks to Jesus, the one that abides in Christ, the one that can say: Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling.
This was at this critical moment in Christ's ministry when Jesus offered the most beautiful prayer of thanksgiving to His Father, the Lord of heaven and earth.
Although not listed as a messianic psalm, there are certain verses that are highly evocative of Christ's suffering and pain, with particular parts being reminiscent of His rejection and grief, with others that demonstrate Christ's unsurpassed zeal for the Lord - events in this psalm that are clearly identifiable characteristics seen in Christ's earthly life.
And when faith in Christ's sacrificial work is finally received into the heart, that man or woman is born of the Spirit of God and a thirsty soul who aches for peace with God is satisfied.
For three whole chapters, Paul sets out the privileges of being in Christ.
He reminds us of the eternal glories that are kept in heaven for all who are in Christ Jesus, and admonishes us against living our lives in the lust of the flesh, like the unsaved Gentiles who are slaves to sin and without God in the world.
Paul calls to our remembrance that now we are children of the light who are to live our lives as unto the Lord, in accordance with the truth that is in Christ Jesus.
And so we are called to live in spirit and truth with our Christian brethren, to walk in holiness all the days of our life, and to live godly in Christ Jesus.
For we are members of the same Body, and we are all one in Christ.
For we are covered in Christ, our true and living God, for He alone is: The LORD Our Righteousness.
Christians have been made the righteousness of God in Christ by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, and during the Church age there is a remnant of Israel that are being saved as part of that Body of Christ.
With what resolution and insistence did the apostle Paul reiterate the importance of remaining 'in Christ', maintaining moment-by-moment fellowship with our Heavenly Father, and taking care not to step outside His protective covering?
Both the Lord Jesus and the apostle Paul were acutely aware of the delight, the strength, the grace, and the peace, that flows from this blessed communion with our Saviour, when we rest and abide in Christ and He in us.
We must endeavour to remain within the protective sphere of God's never-ending love as we abide in Christ and He in us.
We are to be covered completely in Christ's own perfect righteousness and peace, and as we live for His glory and wait in hope and expectancy for His soon return; Whom to know is life eternal.
How crucial to immerse ourselves in the Word of God and live godly in Christ Jesus our Lord.
But God in His grace, purposed in His heart to redeem His fallen creation (through the Person of Jesus Christ), to breathe His eternal life back into His New Creation in Christ (through faith in His sacrificial work on Calvary and glorious Resurrection), to reinstate His own image and likeness into the heart of man (reflecting the glory of the Lord by being transformed into His image, from glory to glory).
While the spiritually mature recognised the liberty they enjoyed in Christ, including freedom to eat and drink whatever they chose without being tied to any food laws, Paul recognised that weaker brethren who had renounced their pagan practices, were often confused by this liberty which could cause them to stumble.
Paul was trying to get across that eating meat that had been offered to these false deities was not sinful when carried out by a Christian with a clear conscience and a mature knowledge of their position in Christ, nor did it gain God's favour.
Love is the fulfilment of the law, for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us all free from the law of sin and death.
Sensitivity to the feelings of a brother or sister in Christ is what Paul was promoting here.
It is more important to curtail one's own freedom in Christ in order to prevent a weaker brother from faltering in their faith.
If the freedom we have in Christ causes someone's faith to flounder or encourages a brother to do something his conscience forbids, it is contrary the law of love.
Being ready and willing to forgo some of the liberty we have in Christ so the faith of a weaker brother is not compromised, is what Paul is teaching.
Paul is saying that although you may know the liberty you have in Christ and have every right to partake in a particular activity, if a weaker brother sees you doing something which he considers to be sinful because his inner conscience forbids it, then to keep on doing it becomes a sin - because your freedom weakens his faith, rather than building it up.
Paul is arguing that if our greater awareness of our freedom in Christ causes a weaker Christian to stumble in their faith or wounds their fragile conscience, it is not only a sin against that brother but also is sinful in the eyes of God, and dishonours the Lord Who bought us.
The incredible freedom we have in Christ today is the same freedom that believers had in Paul's day, but we must never allow the liberty we have in Him to become a stumbling-block to any of our brothers or sisters in Christ.
May we encourage them in their faith, strengthen them in their Christians walk, and never allow the freedom we enjoy in Christ to impact their lives negatively, for the honour and glory of our God and Saviour.
Therefore, my son, is Paul’s compelling command to this younger pastor, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
Be empowered, in the sufficient grace and strength that is our birth-right in Christ, is Paul's pressing directive.
God has promised to supply sufficient strength for the tasks we are to undertake, not because of anything that we have done to deserve it, but through the unmerited and unconditional grace that has become our portion in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
Not only is Timothy exhorted to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, but also to provide spiritual strength for those in His care – for in the following verse we read: And the things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
May we be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and empowered to help and encourage others whom God has placed in our lives – and may we all grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus, for His greater glory and eternal praise.
Jesus condensed this down into a simple, universally agreed concept 1) love for God and 2) love for one's neighbour - and although these commands were specifically given to Israel as part of God's covenant with His chosen people, there is much that is supremely relevant to the Christian Church today and much that lines up with the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus which was given to the Church today, and we do well to examine them closely.
Every commandment, with the exception of the command relating to the Sabbath day, were instructions given to the Church in the New Testament epistles in connection with living a holy and godly Christian life in Christ Jesus which is honouring to the Lord.
It is the believers in Christ crucified and resurrected, who are the ones who are to go into the world to make disciples, to the glory of God.
God purposed that Jews and Gentiles were to become one Body in Christ Who is the Head; one people under God; one nation with a citizenship in heaven, who were once dead in their sins and estranged from God, but now have become the people of God.
As Christians, we are already part of that new creation 'in Christ'.
We are one with Him, He is united with us, and we have been made a new creation in Christ.
And in the ages that are to come, by grace through faith in Christ's sacrifice at Calvary, we who are His children, will show forth the immeasurable riches of God's grace in kindness toward us, in Christ Jesus our Lord.
But those that are His chosen Bride, by faith in Christ, will be seated with Him on the throne of the Lamb, showing forth His excellent grace to principalities and powers in the ages to come.
Once justified we must recognise that the old life in Adam is past and must remain nailed to the Cross, while the new, born-again life in Christ is to mature in the faith, to grow in grace, and to walk in spirit and truth.
And starting in chapter 6, Paul guides the justified believer, step by step, through the many benefits that have already become ours in Christ by faith, and which are accessed by grace through faith in the glorious gospel of God.
What a difference the Church would make in the world, if the simple message that: A soft answer turns away wrath, but harsh words incites anger, were applied in lives of all who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ.
It should be a joy for every Christian to rejoice together in the simple message of salvation, by grace through faith in the death, burial, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.It was the uncomplicated message of redemption that Jude planned to share with fellow believers in Christ, when he started to pen his epistle.
He wanted to rejoice in the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting, by faith in Christ.But the Body of Christ had been slowly and stealthily infiltrated by certain vulgar individuals who were denying the efficacy of the blood of Christ, and adversely influencing the faith of others.And so Jude wanted to remind his fellow believers of the fate of those people who deny the truth of the gospel and blaspheme the name of the Lord, with their satanically inspired lies.He reminded them of the terrible fate of corrupt cities in the time of Abraham.
The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, stand as an example of the punishment of eternal fire that awaits those corrupt individuals who indulge in ungodly perversions and reject the Lord of glory.The destruction of these cities was an example of the fate of all unbelievers who willingly turn away from God, deny His grace, refuse the truth, and ignore His warnings of the judgement to come.Jude's warning of heresy, apostasy, and the subtle infiltration of the Church by false teachers who deceptively creep into churches, deny the Lord Who bought them, and peddle a false, watered-down, feel-good, unbiblical gospel, has morphed into an apology for what is termed 'Christendom' today.The serious warning that Jude shared in his little epistle, should be taken to heart by everyone that is sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Christ Jesus our Lord.The best way to recognise a false teaching is to know the truth.
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to pay the full and final price for the sin of the world, and those who choose to believe in the Him are not condemned, but become one with Christ: For there is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus.
This verse is further biblical clarification that eternal life is found only in Christ Jesus, for He is the eternal Son of God and perfect Son of Man.
Their salvation is by grace through faith in Christ's finished work on the Cross, and forgiveness of sins and eternal life are two of many heavenly benefits that every sinner receives by grace through faith in the only begotten Son of God.
We too can fellowship in His suffering: Filling up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions.
Participating in Christ's sufferings has nothing to do with His atoning sacrifice.
When we share in the afflictions of our brothers and sisters in Christ, in a small way we also help to fill up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions.
Being saved by grace through faith in Christ, unlocks the door to a myriad of blessings for each believer.
Sometimes we are unaware of the abundant blessings that have become ours at the point of our salvation and sometimes it takes time to become aware of all the gifts of grace that have been bountifully bestowed upon us, in Christ Jesus.
We have peace with God by faith, which means that instead of being at enmity with God through sin, we are at peace with God through faith in Christ.
Instead of being eternally separated from God by sin, we have been placed in eternal union with Him, by faith in Christ.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Isaiah also reiterates this: You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.
Having reiterated the principal that God is the source of all wisdom and believers are the privileged recipients of His illumination, we are reminded that no teacher of the good news should have pretentious claims to personal wisdom, for all are all are servants of God, all are equally equipped from above, and all should be wholly united in humbly proclaiming the wonderful wisdom of God, by grace through faith in Christ, to all who believe.
We are all called to minister, but no minister of God, no matter how distinguished his position or humble his calling, can glory in his own cleverness, nor should those who learn from the ministry of others, elevate the importance of one believer above another, for we are all one in Christ and we all have the same common benefits of being in Christ – we are all declaring God's established gospel, all are proclaiming the faith common to all believers.
Let all His servants glory in the LORD and the truth of His wonderful Word, for in Christ we have been given all things richly to enjoy, for we are all in Christ and Christ is in God.
At salvation, the soul that is dead in trespasses and sin, receives Christ's new, resurrected, eternal life, and the born-again child of God becomes part of His New-Creation-In Christ!
Those that recognise their sinfulness, mourn over their lack of virtue, hunger after righteousness, and seek to demonstrate mercy to others, are those who are rejecting the ungodly philosophies of the world and will discover that they are hated because they are in Christ and swimming against the tide of ungodliness by challenging the status quo.
We who were born in trespasses and sins, were groping about in deep darkness before we trusted in Christ for salvation and became children of light in the Lord Jesus.
Only those who have been born from above, by faith in Christ's redeeming work, are given the light of His life as an eternal possession and are brought into the radiance of His unconditional love.
Paul knew that one of the keys that contributes to Christian joy and walking in fellowship with the Lord, is that brothers in Christ are kind and considerate to one another, having the love of Christ in their hearts, and being one in spirit and like-minded in purpose.
He knew that an unselfish attitude of heart and humbleness of spirit towards our brothers and sisters in Christ was a key to maintaining our joy in the Lord, and so we are all called upon to care about the interests of others above our own.
His letter implies that many were facing deep financial hardship as well as severe persecution for their faith, and so he encouraged his brothers and sisters in Christ to consider it real joy when they encountered various trials and hardships because the testing of their faith produced perseverance, steadfastness, and patient endurance.
When a sinner is born-again, their faith in Christ is reckoned by God as righteousness.
The apostle John calls the product of this sanctification process: The righteous acts of the saints. A 'work of faith' is a righteous act of God which He carries out through us because of our faith in Christ.
May our labour of love become a living sacrifice that honours our Father in thought, word, and deed, and may the steadfastness of our hope in Christ Jesus our Lord, stimulate others to work the works of faith, to labour in love, and to remain steadfast in the blessed hope we have in the Lord Jesus, in the presence of our God and Father.
We should not be stuck in the elementary teachings of the Christian faith, but should be pressing on and reaching forward for the upward call of God in Christ Jesus, on a daily basis.
The journey of life is not a stroll through a rose garden of delight, but a long-distance race that requires determination and effort - as we rest our confidence in Christ, trust in His sufficiency, and appropriate all that is ours in Him.
We should be moving forward, each day, in our knowledge and understanding of our faith in Christ.
But as members of the new Creation in Christ we are members of His Body; bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh, and we have been made the righteousness of God in Him.
If any man is in Christ he is a new creature: old things are passed away and all things are become new.
Day by day, our new life in Christ is being conformed into the image and likeness of Christ Himself.
There are times that we become overly familiar with terms such as 'born again', 'a new creation in Christ', 'made the righteousness of God in Him', 'accepted in the Beloved', 'ministers of reconciliation', 'ambassadors of Christ', 'seated with Him in heavenly places', 'hid with Christ in God', ' Christ in you the hope of glory' or 'bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh'.
But every one of the hundreds of privileges that have become ours by faith in Christ contain a supernatural element, for we have been 'blessed with all spiritual blessings' because we are His workmanship and are one with Christ, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand, that we would walk in them.
But He is also our life, for we have been made a new creation in Christ and have the additional privilege of being positioned in Him by grace through faith, and are seated together with Him in heavenly places.
When we start to trust in anything other than the Lord Jesus, we are looking to the wrong source of supply and allowing the old sin nature to govern our lives, rather than the new life in Christ which we received at salvation.
He washed away our sins by faith in Christ's righteousness and not due to any merit on our behalf, and the more we accusingly decry the sinful acts of others, the more we condemn ourselves.
It was their faith in Christ and their love for each other that motivated Paul to write to these faithful brothers and sisters in Christ, and caused him to pray continuously for them, giving thanks to God for them all.
Let us be known for our faith in Christ and our love for all God's people.
What a blessed comfort this verse has been to multitudes of believers in Christ, down through the ages, who have rested on these words of the Psalmist and had their hearts stilled in the presence of the Lord.
May we be ready and willing to be used by Him as He chooses and may we rekindle the hope we have in Christ and re-examine our hearts to see if we are walking in spirit and truth and honouring His name in the choices we make.
None of the warnings threaten believers with loss of salvation, as some people teach, because we are saved by grace through faith in Christ's sacrificial offering of Himself on the Cross and His glorious Resurrection; we can do nothing to receive salvation and we can do nothing to keep our salvation.
We are made a new creation in Christ and given life-eternal when we are born from above - and it is given once, for all, by grace through faith in Him.
None of the warnings in Hebrews teach that Christians can lose their eternal salvation, for in Christ we are eternally secure.
ANY believer who has been saved by grace through faith in Christ's sacrifice on the Cross who decides to adopt legalistic practices in their religion, is endangering themselves.
It details the glorious plan of salvation and the enormous sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, whereby fallen man is not only released from slavery to sin, delivered from eternal condemnation, and reconciled back to God, but also saved by grace through faith in Him, made a new creation in Christ, made a citizen of heaven and a joint-heir with the Son of God, bestowed with the riches of God's grace, in-dwelt by the Holy Spirit, eternally secure in His gracious love, and so much more.
The Lord is indeed rich in goodness and grace, mercy and love, wisdom and knowledge and power, and in Christ, we too have been made rich in everything, for He has bestowed on us the riches of His grace in Christ Jesus our Saviour and, by faith, we have a rich reward that is kept for us in heaven.
Paul's chains were the vehicle whereby the soldiers of the Praetorian Guard were being brought to salvation in Christ, and the people that taught the gospel with a wrong motive were nonetheless bringing many into the kingdom of God.
It was God Who planned the redemption of mankind before the foundation of the world, and by the grace of God, through faith in Christ, we have become the children of God and joint heirs with the beloved Son of His love.
And God is faithful and just to fulfil all that He has promised to those who have trusted in Christ.
The godly are called to trust in the Lord and to hold fast to the faith once offered to the saints, for our hope is in Christ.
When we are quietly resting in His presence and secure in the hope that is set before us, the peace of God which passes understanding will flood the heart and soul of all who walk godly in Christ Jesus.
Christ's gained a triumphant victory over sin and death on the Cross, which climaxed with His glorious resurrection from the dead, and this verse gives insight into what His glorious resurrection means for all who are in Christ.
Those who are in Christ will claim His full and final victory over sin and death, the grave and hell at the Rapture of the Church, when the dead in Christ are raised in incorruptible bodies.
The blessed hope we have in Christ is that this natural, physical body, will be raised a supernatural, spiritual body.
How we praise and glorify our Heavenly Father for the blessed hope we have in Christ which will never disappoint us, because God's over-abounding love has been poured in our hearts through the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit Who took up residence in our heart the moment we trusted in Christ.
It was sent to the Church in Rome and teaches salvation is by grace alone through faith in Christ, which has set us free from slavery to sin through the fleshly works of the Law.
It fiercely condemns legalism and provides doctrinal justification for the freedom we have in Christ.
They fell from grace and severed the freedom they had in Christ.
It causes them to fall from grace and places them back under the law of sin and death, rather than living in the freedom of 'the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus'.
Instead of promoting the freedom we have in Christ, legalism enslaves a soul which leads to defeat, and Paul needed to reinstate his God-given apostolic authority in the strongest possible terms, by stating: Paul, an apostle (not sent from men nor through the agency of man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, Who raised Him from the dead.)
Legalism is a creeping paralysis and when the gospel of grace is abandoned for this teaching, it places a believer back under the Law instead of promoting the freedoms we have in Christ.
To love in deed and in truth is a supernatural love that comes directly from God, Himself, and can only be manifested in the life of a born-again believer who is walking in spirit and truth.Loving in spirit, in word, in deed, and in truth is evidenced in the life of one who has died to the self-life, abides in Christ, and is able to say with the apostle Paul, It is not I that live my life, but Christ, Whose life is in me and living through me.
Joseph of Arimathea and certain other secret disciples were saved by believing in Christ for salvation... but they did not openly confess Jesus as Lord before others - and their reticence was out of fear.
They will seek to destroy and discourage us, but we are saved by grace through faith in Christ and are not appointed to wrath.
No matter what man tries to do to scupper the plans and purposes of God, there is no created thing in heaven above, the earth beneath, or the waters under the earth, either visible or invisible, that can separate us from the love of God which is ours in Christ Jesus; and nothing can halt God's purposes from being finally and fully fulfilled.
Christ not only removed the sin-barrier between God and man through the sacrifice of His body on the Cross, but He also tore down the dividing walls of partition that separated Jew from Gentile, uniting them together in brotherly love, and making them 'one new man' in Christ.
Through time and into eternity, we must never forget the grace of God that has been extended to all who trust in Christ for salvation, for by His blood he reconciled both Jew and Gentile into one Body, which is the Church.
Now, we are seated with Him in heavenly places, and as part of the new creation in Christ, we are imputed with His righteousness.
On that glorious day, all those that are in Christ shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump.
The dead in Christ shall rise first, and then those who are still alive and remain on earth shall be caught up together with all the Church age believers into the clouds, to meet the Lord Jesus in the air, and so we shall ever be with the Lord.
God knows that those that trust Him and believe His Word are truly rich – for the outcome of believing on the Lord Jesus Christ is forgiveness of sins, peace with God, a new life in Christ, the indwelling Comforter, joint-heirship in Christ's coming kingdom, and a glorious and eternal heavenly home, among a multitude of wonderful blessings that are showered on all who are rich in faith by trusting His Word.
Most of those who put their faith in Jesus and trusted Him for salvation, were simple folk with few earthy possessions - and yet the testimony they leave behind is a wealth of faith in Christ because they loved Him and discovered His grace to be sufficient and His strength to be made perfect, as He lived in them and they abode in Him.
Opening-up of the pages of Scripture will brighten the path we take, re-energise our hope in Christ, and provide understanding to the one who walks humbly before the Lord.
Indeed, multiple passages teaches that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ alone, and there can be no deviation from God's declared way of salvation.
May we be ready and willing to give an answer for the hope we have in Christ and pray that through our ministry, some may be plucked from the brands into a saving faith in Jesus.
Day by day, may we be so united in spirit and truth that we are being transformed in the likeness of the Lord Jesus so that the things that we do and the words that we speak are carried out because we abide in Christ and He in us.
Prayers, intercession, supplications, petitions, and thanksgiving are to be made for all men, and we are urged to: Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
His sacrificial death paid the penalty for our sin, but the icy grip of death could never hold Him in the grave, because eternal deity possesses immortality and perfect, sinless manhood is not subject to the sentence of death nor the curse of the Law (and we who believe Him, who are in positioned in Christ, are similarly not subject to the sentence of death or the curse of the Law, for by faith in Him we are accepted by God in the Beloved).
Christ fulfilled the law on our behalf, not so that we could live lawless lives, but to enable us to obey the Lord in spirit and truth and live godly in Christ Jesus out of love for Him, and not because of slavish fear.
The Word of God exposes our innermost thoughts and desires, and the one who trusts in Christ as their Saviour has had their scarlet sins forgiven forever and has been covered in Christ's robe of righteousness.
May we who are positionally sanctified in Christ, so submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives that we may also be practically sanctified as we mature in the faith, grow in grace, and come to know the Lord Jesus more and more with each passing day.
He gave us new life and made us alive, through faith in Christ.
By faith, we were made spiritually alive and born afresh into a new creation in Christ.
Although we were spiritually dead in our trespasses and sin, we have been made spiritually alive by faith in Christ’s work on the Cross.
Those of us who were spiritually dead and eternally separated from our heavenly Creator have been quickened from the dead and made alive in Christ, by grace through faith.
By His redemptive work, we have been made a new creation in Christ, fully pardoned from sin, endowed with eternal salvation, permanently in-dwelt with His Holy Spirit, and forever accepted in the Beloved, by our Father in heaven.
There may well be times when a Christian becomes a prodigal and is foolishly drawn back to the world, for a season, acting like a dog returning to its vomit, but unlike the unsaved, Christians are eternally justified by faith in Christ, positionally sanctified in Him, and as Paul writes: He whom He justified, these He also glorified.
During Christ's absence from the earth, those who believe on His name have been entrusted with a life-work that proclaims the gospel of grace to a lost world, so that men, who are dead in their sin and estranged from God, may know the truth, be saved by grace through faith in Christ and find peace with God.
We are to be witnesses to the truth of the gospel and preach the truth to every creature - that peace with God IS possible by His grace, through faith in Christ.
Blessings of peace come from the Father of peace, and the blessedness of peace-making rests on the Prince of Peace, Who has become both Founder and Finisher of all our peace, and imparts His eternal peace by His Spirit of Peace, which flows out of us to others as we rest in Christ and permit His peace to flood our heart.
It is through faith in His redemptive work that we are given a new life, a deathless life, an eternal life, which begins the moment we are saved by grace through faith in Christ - and that life reaches into the eternal ages that are to come.
But as we look at the many places in Scripture that encourage us to pray, it is often prayer for brothers and sister in Christ...
And rather than thankful praise for the work that God is doing through others, and a dear desire that they mature in the faith, too often a bitter attitude toward fellow brothers and sisters in Christ is nurtured.
Let us pray and keep on praying that our brothers and sisters in Christ would be used mightily by God in the work of the gospel, to the glory of His name, so that He who started a good work in their lives would complete it in the day of Christ Jesus.
He is the rock upon which we stand, and nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord, so we fear no one, dread nothing, and trust in the Lord with all our being.
Following a beautiful chapter on faith, which reminds us of our privileged position in Christ and the glories that are yet to be realised in Him, Hebrews 12 exhorts the Church to maintain our hope in Christ; the Author and Finisher of our faith.
We are holy unto the Lord because we are set aside by God and positioned in heavenly places in Christ, and we are to be holy because the Lord our God is Holy.
Let us never forget that we have a faithful Father Whose promises to His people are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord, and should cause our hearts to rejoice in the Lord always and be glad in Him for evermore.
And when we believe in the death, burial, and Resurrection of Christ, for the forgiveness of sin, we are saved in body and soul, and at the same time we are born from above, receiving the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
While man's carnal behaviour exposes an inner, self-centredness mixed with a casual disregard for others, the deeds carried out in spirit and in truth identify a man or woman whose life is abiding in Christ and yielded to God.
We are to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ, and to and live our lives as unto the Lord – no matter where we are or what our station in life happens to be.The true, Christian ministry of reconciliation will indirectly have a great impact on the many social injustices of our day.
For although Paul was absent from them in body, his spirit was with them and he was delighted to witness their spiritual discipline and the solid front they presented by their unshakable faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.
And He witnesses within our inner being that we are children of God and that we have received eternal life, by grace through faith in Christ Jesus our Saviour.
And that eternal life is IN Christ, for He is our life.
Our outstanding joy, eternal hope, and unassailable victory is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The end, the epilogue, and the entirety of a life that is saved by grace and secured in Christ, is a victorious life, an overwhelmingly victorious life in spite of all the tears, troubles, and trials that stalk our pathway.
The end of the matter and the truth that must strike the chord of our inner being, is that Christ loves us and that in all these things we can have the victory because he is the eternal Victor Who identifies with us, and with Whom we have the right to be identified with Him.How often are we enjoined to abide in Christ, to rest in Him, and remain in Him!
And once again we are reminded that when faith is founded on this One, sure Foundation, nothing can destroy our hope, demolish our faith, disturb our peace, or disrupt our fellowship with the Lover of our soul, for when we remain in Christ and He in us, we become irrepressible conquerors and overwhelming victors.
This is a godly principle of faith – that when we abide in Christ during the inevitable disasters that flood our lives, faith increases, trust is amplified, hope is expanded, and our love of Jesus reaches even greater heights, as we grow in grace and in a knowledge of Him.Oh, such life victory has nothing to do with our own great strength, intellectual ability, or healthy bank balance, for of ourselves we would be overwhelmed by all these things rather than becoming a conqueror through Christ.
Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world - and we are in Christ and Christ is in God, for He is the Son of God and God the Son.
Once we have believed in God's saving grace through faith in Christ, we are also to believe that, He rewards those that seek Him, as stated in Scripture.
And Paul further teaches believers how to live godly lives as is fitting for those that are saved by grace through faith in Christ's sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection.
The promises of God to His children are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ, and God has promised that we who are saved by grace through faith in Him, have a glorious inheritance that is being reserved for us in heaven.
It was faith in Christ's finished work that saved us when we first trusted in Him as Saviour.
His shed blood paid the price for our sins (saving us from the penalty of sin), and His resurrected life which is imparted to us by His Spirit, made us a new creation in Christ (so that we are saved from the power of sin in our lives).
When we were born again, we were saved by faith in Christ.
Not only are we justified by faith and sanctified by faith, but one day we will also be glorified by grace through faith in Christ's sacrifice at Calvary.
Our soul is being saved and is being transformed, day by day, into the image of Christ, and at His return we will be clothed in a new, eternal body when the trumpet sounds and the dead in Christ are raised incorruptible.
We are a new creation in Christ, children of God, members of Christ's Body, and ambassadors of heaven.
Let us not only read these words of comfort but let us meditate on them and wholeheartedly believe them, for the One Who created us in Christ Jesus has also said: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine.
What a beautiful picture this presents of the joy and gladness that fills the heart of a man or woman, when a beloved Christian friend or dear brother in Christ combines gracious acts of kindness, wise advice, words of encouragement, gentle chastening, and genial counsel with the glorious gospel of Christ in order to edify and encourage or even to correct.
This ought not to be - but let us seek never to return evil for evil but to seek to bring the joy that comes from the Lord, to the heart of all our brothers and sisters in Christ.
For those who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, these prophecies from Isaiah and Malachi have already been fulfilled and our life is now hid with Christ in God and we are part of the New Creation in Christ.
Jacob is one of many biblical characters whom God used to bring to fruition His perfect plan of redemption and who was used to teach us an important lesson - that there is nothing we can do to gain God's blessing or become His child - that it is not by wit or wisdom, schemes or cleverness, power or might that we are saved and brought in to an everlasting relationship with our Heavenly Father, but by His grace alone - through faith alone in Christ alone.
Indeed, His promise to Abraham was being fulfilled in Christ Whom they had crucified - and He had come to set up the kingdom of God on earth as their promised Messiah-King.
Although Abraham's inheritance, about which Stephen spoke, is still yet future, it is secured for his descendants in Christ, for God's promises cannot fail.
May we exhibit the same steadfast trust in our God and Saviour - whose Word is true and Whose truth is fulfilled in Christ Jesus our Lord.
In these end times in which we live, God in His grace sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sin so that all who believe in Him might be made new creatures in Christ and become part of a new creation.
Jesus came into the world to be the Head of that new Man, and as believers we are all part of that one new Man in Christ, and members of His Body
He will not reform the old 'self' but transform the 'new-life' in Christ from glory to glory, until we all reach unity in the faith and knowledge of His only begotten Son.
In God's perfect economy the good deeds, generous acts, philanthropic behaviour, and kind conduct that fallen man is able to generate, falls far short of the glory and perfection of our holy God, for faith in Christ Jesus our Lord is the only Way. There is nothing we can do that could earn us a place in the heavenly realm.
But praise God that the verse continues with redemptive words of hope: But the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
He should instruct his sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters, in the things of the Lord so they come to a saving faith in Christ, mature in the faith, and grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
They were a New Creation in Christ and were equal members of His Body.The little letter to Titus gives important information on the appointing of godly elders in the congregation, establishing sound teaching, correcting doctrinal error, setting out appropriate Christian behaviour for men and women alike, and encouraging all believers in their faith during our brief sojourn on earth.Although we don't know when the Church in Crete was founded, this comprehensive letter to Titus gives clear instruction on the important issues of governance and guidance within the Body of Christ.By God's grace, we all have the Word of God as our plum-line for truth.
Paul was commissioned by God to evangelise lost sinners and to further the faith of those that had been saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus.
May we read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest all we can from this little epistle to Titus so that we may also be equally equipped to share the knowledge of the truth, which is according to godliness, with those that are lost in their sins... and give Christian encouragement to our fellow-bondservants in Christ.
But it is the Father in this verse Who is called 'Saviour', for it is not His will that any should perish but that all should come to salvation, by faith in Christ.
This much-loved passage gives real insight into our position in Christ and reminds us that because we are united to Him by faith, we are to love one another as Christ loved us.
Abiding in Christ is often displayed as a service of suffering.
Abiding in Christ and sharing in His suffering produces much good fruit, and is the means to lift us high above the storms of life.
The one who can take up their cross daily, renounce the things of this world, and leave the old self nailed to the Cross, is the one that understands what it means to abide in Christ, to fellowship in His suffering, to bring forth much fruit to the glory of God, and to experience abundant life and fullness of joy.
Some incorrectly consider that we can reach sinless perfection in this life, but this is unbiblical, for our old sin nature which resides within this mortal body, lusts against our new life in Christ.
God was to use Paul to bring the good news of the gospel of grace to lost sinners, whose minds are blinded by the god of this world and whose eyes are closed to the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ: To turn them from the dominion of Satan to God and tell them that through faith in the Lord Jesus they would receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Christ.
He was to witness before Jews, Gentiles, kings, and governors, that faith in Christ will bring salvation to all who believe on His name.
It is only by grace through faith in Christ, that we are brought into the light.
And they were given the opportunity to place their faith in Christ, that they too may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Christ.
The goodness and purity that was inherent in Christ, exposed the ugliness and evil that is inherent in man, and so He was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows Who suffered and died at their hands.
But also: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God, and the rest of the Bible is dedicated to another act of creation, the new creation in Christ.
As children of God, we have been born from above and have a new human spirit, our new life in Christ.
Before we were born again, we had a spirit that was dead in trespasses and sins, but when we accepted Christ as our Saviour we were given a new life in Christ, a new, free, human spirit which is able to commune with His Holy Spirit.
How wonderful to realise that we have been taken out of the old creation and placed into the new; we have been removed from being in Adam to being in Christ; we have exchanged servitude to Satan, sin, and death to yielding to the Spirit as a servant of righteousness and life, which produces a liberty of mind and freedom of soul that stands in stark contrast to sin's state of slavery.
Praise God that despite the instabilities and uncertainties of this world, and in spite of the faults and failings of men, the Word of the Lord is sure, His decrees are unalterable, and all His promises are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Saviour.
His return will usher in Christ's Millennial kingdom, following Daniel's 70th Week, the 7-year tribulation period, where God will turn His attention back to Israel and as a nation all Israel will be saved.
Instead of the Church proclaiming the gospel of the grace of God to a lost world, 144 thousand Jewish evangelists will start to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom – and then Christ will return as their anointed King.Although this is a time of Great Tribulation, it is not God's will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance through faith in Christ for the forgiveness of sin.
And it is during this 'Time of Jacobs Trouble' (the 70th week of Daniel) that we discover a great multitude without number who will be saved by God’s grace, through faith in the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.We read in Revelation 7, that after the sealing of the 144 thousand Jews who come from every tribe of Israel, a great multitude which no one could number, will come to faith in Christ.
They have washed their robes and made them white, in the blood of the Lamb.This great multitude are those that have been forgiven of their sin, by faith in Christ.
Our love for one another is proof of our fellowship with the Father, a demonstration of our position in Christ as sons of God, and evidence of the indwelling Spirit of God.
And the love of God is perfected in all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, for we are saved by grace alone - through faith alone - in Christ alone.
Should not we who have been saved by grace alone - through faith alone- in Christ alone, give testimony of God's great love for mankind by giving up ourselves to His service until we can say as He did: Father Thy will be done in my life, to Your praise and glory.
Their mutual faith in Christ formed so close a bond that it drew them together in the unity of the spirit and for love of their Saviour.
It was much later when he was incarcerated in a Roman prison, that Paul penned this well-loved letter: To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, including the overseers and deacons.
These two bond-servants of Christ Jesus ministered together in the city and joyfully met up with a group of believers who trusted in Christ for salvation.
Like all sinners who trust in Christ for salvation, these men and women were the redeemed of God.
They were: The saints in Christ Jesus, in Philippi.
As believers, they were set apart by God and called 'saints' because of their faith in Christ Jesus.
They were called saints, not because of who they were but because of their position 'in Christ'.
Not only was his letter addressed to: All the saints in Christ Jesus, who lived in Philippi, but Paul made a special point: Including the overseers and deacons, in his introductory salutation.
He gave instruction on how we may be made perfect in Christ, through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and he described the incarnate Christ as the fount of all wisdom and knowledge.
Let us seek to be grounded in the Word of truth by means of the Bible, the indwelling Holy Spirit, and abiding in Christ so that we will know the truth and the truth shall set us free.
The spiritual life to which we are all called is not an easy path to tread, and Christ Himself warned us that in this world we will have tribulation, while Paul reminds us that all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.
As believers, we have been forgiven of our sins and have received a new life in Christ.
Our position in Christ is not a license to sin, but a motivation to live godly in Christ Jesus, for in Him, and by Him, and through Him, we have all that is needful for life and godliness.
Let us seek to emulate our Lord Jesus in all things, by keeping our old sin nature nailed to the Cross and appropriating all that we have in our new life in Christ, for we have been called for this purpose: to suffer for Christ's sake Who left us an example that we should follow in His steps.
The Lord Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic Law on behalf of all who would trust in His name as Saviour, so there is now no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus.
We may no longer be under the curse of the Law but this does not exclude us from living godly in Christ Jesus.
Paul explains this more in 1 Corinthians: Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, Who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.
In his desire to warn believers of the increasing numbers of false teachers and heresies that were bombarding the Church of his day, Jude wrote an epistle of encouragement and advice, but he begins with a beautiful greeting; a prayer that has travelled down the centuries to the Body of Christ, and an entreaty to God that mercy and peace and love be multiplied to all those who in Christ Jesus our Lord.
In his desire to contend earnestly for the faith, Jude's prayer and pleading to the Father was that multiplied blessings be bestowed on all those who are in Christ Jesus.
Let us unite to plead God's mercy and peace and love on all Who are in Christ Jesus.
Paul's illustration follows a section on Christian suffering that encourages us to hold on to our blessed hope in Christ.
Let us never forget that we have a blessed hope in Christ and full assurance that we will one day be clothed with a new, immortal, resurrected body; our eternal dwelling place from heaven, and we will be like unto Christ.
In this passage, Paul reminds all of us how to walk in a way that pleases the Lord, not in lustful passion, like the Gentiles who do not know God. Having been saved by grace through faith in Christ, we are to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord.
They were to remember who they were in Christ and the price He paid to secure their salvation.
Once we have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, any good works that we undertake are to be done through the new, Christ-given nature which we receive at salvation, and not the old, sin nature which was imputed to us due to our membership of the first creation in Adam.
But once we are born from above, we became part of a new, perfect creation with a new nature and a new life in Christ.
At salvation we were removed from the old creation in Adam and placed into the new creation in Christ.
As believers, we still retain our freewill, but in Christ we have received power over that old, fallen, sin nature as we die to self and live for Christ alone.
But when we consider the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ before our own, we prove ourselves to be blameless and innocent children of God who bring honour and glory the Lord.
We are to hold fast to the Word of God, which contains all that we need to live godly in Christ Jesus.
We too need to stand fast in the Word of life and to grow in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus, as we press toward the mark for the prize of the high call of God in Christ Jesus.
May we not only run to win the prize for ourselves through godly living, but that we rejoice with all our brothers and sisters in Christ with whom we have interacted in our Christian life, as together we watch for the any day return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
As believers, we are called to abide in Him, to rest in Him, to remain in Him, to live holy in Christ Jesus, to walk in spirit and truth, and not to be conformed to the fleshly ways of the world.
And as we abide in Him and live godly in Christ Jesus, the indwelling Holy Spirit abides in us and produces in us an abundance of spiritual fruit.
The life that rests, remains, and abides in Christ is the one that demonstrates godly love for one another.
Let us walk in the Spirit, maturing in Christ, so we may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God, according to His power that is at work within us.
He is faithful and trustworthy, and all His promises are 'Yes' and 'Amen' in Christ Jesus.
Oh, that we would just trust His Word.To doubt the veracity of God's Word is akin to unbelief, but many stagger in fear as they magnify problems, perceiving them to be insurmountable, flooding their imaginations with anxious fear, and causing confidence in Christ to crumble.
Legalism and license can become a 'ping-pong' type argument that often rages in Christian quarters, between: 1) The dangers of legalism which replaces the freedom we have in Christ with a string of man-made rules, and the reintroduction of Jewish practices which were set aside at the Cross. 2) The perils of license which abuses the freedoms we have in Christ as an excuse to sin.
We are never to use our freedom in Christ as an excuse to sin.
Sadly, the glorious freedom that is ours in Christ can become the basis of unfounded criticism of fellow believers, whose choices may conflict with our choices and Paul addresses this issue by explaining: One person decides in favour of one day over another, while another person decides that all days are the same.
None are right and none of them are wrong, but Christians who have strong opinions can often become critical of their brothers in Christ who divert from their own, strongly held views and Paul is teaching this ought not to be: Let each one decide in his own mind what is right for themselves, is his clear directive.
In whatever sphere of life we discover ourselves to be, and whatever trivial task in which we are employed, may we never forget the price that was paid for the liberty we have in Christ, and may we make our choices in life wisely.
Surely we should cover the sins of those who sin against us and be grateful that our own, innumerable sins are also covered in Christ's forgiveness?
Should not we who have had the sordid sins of our blackened souls washed, covered, cleansed, and eternally forgiven by our gracious God, reflect His tender-hearted forgiveness, His warm gentleness, His deep compassion and fervent love in our dealings on our brothers and sisters in Christ?
Both Peter and Paul were apostles of Christ who had been called and chosen by the Lord, but like every one of us, they were also able to slip back into carnality and sin – and like each of us, there were times when they also had to be corrected by another brother in Christ and re-examine their faith to see if they were adhering to the truth of the gospel or being led astray, into legalism.After Paul had been so gloriously saved on the road to Damascus, Peter and the other apostles continued to share the gospel of God around Jerusalem and the local Judean area – predominantly to Jews.
Indeed, the Jerusalem council was formally set up to clarify the fundamentals of the Christian faith.They agreed that Gentile believers could not be expected to adhere to Jewish rules, rites, and regulations, but too often, Jewish converts to Christianity clung fast to their former rituals, even though they knew that it was not the Law that justifies them before God, but faith in Christ.Although these early Jewish believers understood that salvation was by grace alone through faith in Christ alone, many of them, including some of the apostles, continued to cling to the Jewish Sabbath, Jewish sacrifices, the Temple worship, feasts days, and other Jewish observances.Time passed since Paul's first, brief visit to Jerusalem where he had met with Peter and a few Church leaders.
In hindsight, we understand that God used the epistles that Paul wrote during his imprisonment to give us vital truths to explain the beautiful revelation that Gentile believers are united into one body with Jewish believers (the Church) by faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Because his first letter of correction was addressed to: God's Church at Corinth, to those who are sanctified in Christ Jesus and called saints, we know that these men and women were justified.
Had Paul not corrected his brothers and sisters in Christ in his earlier letter, his next visit would have been a further disappointment which would have brought additional sorrow to his heart.
It was Paul who would later disclose a mystery that had been hidden from past ages and generations: that there was to be One New Man in Christ, made up of Jew and Gentiles Who would all become equal members of Christ's Body.
All would be ministers of a better covenant and all would be positioned in Christ and accepted in the Beloved.
Jesus died to pay that price for you, for me, and for all who would trust in Christ as Saviour, and in so doing, Jesus made the commands and demands of the Law of no effect for all who trust in Him.
The result was PEACE: Peace with God for forgiven sinners, and the peace of God within the hearts of all who trust in Christ as Saviour.
We also greatly rejoice in the Lord our God and how our soul delights in the God of our salvation Who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ, for He chose us in Him before the creation of the world, to be holy and blameless in His sight.
He pours out gifts of the spirit and gifts for the soul, and all His many gifts and graces to us are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ.
Many Jews were prepared to add 'believing in Christ' to their religious rites, but very few could accept the gospel Paul taught; that faith alone in Christ alone was sufficient for salvation and that no man living would be justified by works of the Law.
These legalists, however, berated Paul, insisting that circumcision was also necessary for salvation, which is diametrically opposite to the gospel of grace, for we are not justified by any works of the Law (circumcision) but by faith in Christ.
It seems they claimed Paul changed his position on circumcision and was now promoting it, alongside faith in Christ!
Nothing could be further from the truth, and Paul vigorously defended the freedom we have in Christ and outlined the dangers of legalism.
Paul insisted that faith in Christ is the one and only way to be justified before God and in chapter 1, he even pronounced a curse on anyone who taught a different gospel: If we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!
First, they persecuted Paul for teaching the true gospel of grace and then pretended he had changed his doctrine to entice the gullible believers into accepting a false gospel, which added circumcision to faith in Christ as a requirement for salvation.
However, the seriousness of his next sentence cannot be overlooked, for if circumcision was required for salvation, the very reason he was being persecuted was void: For the stumbling block of the Cross would have been abolished. But NOTHING, including circumcision, can be added to Christ's sacrifice on the Cross, for in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, for we are saved through faith alone in Christ alone, working through love.
All who are justified by faith in Christ's atoning work at Calvary are wonderfully saved, but justification is the first step towards a life that is lived by faith - day after day - a life that stands firm on the promises of God and refuses to be shaken by the circumstances that surround us, for to do so honours our God and Saviour.
The first three chapters in the book of Ephesians, should fill our hearts with joy and cause us to break forth into songs of praise for they outline our divine election and our secure position in Christ, while the last three chapters give an overview of godly living and examine what should be our practice in the Lord.
Just as we have been saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, we have also been called into one hope of that calling - which is founded on the ONE Lord - Jesus Christ.
Paul had explained that both Jew and Gentile are equally sinners, equally in need of salvation, and equally given the opportunity to be saved by God's grace through faith in Christ's redeeming work.
God testified to pre-Cross Israel as well as to the post-Cross Church in every way possible to bring us to faith in Christ's finished work on Calvary, for it is not His will that any should perish but that all come to faith in Him.
And He would give to each believer His own resurrected life, our new-life in Christ as we abide in Him and He in us.
Let us choose to imitate the Lord Jesus in how He lived so that we too may worship the Father in spirit and in truth to His praise and glory, as we submit to the work of the indwelling Holy Spirit and trust in Christ Jesus, our Strength and our Redeemer.
Our hope in Christ is securely anchored to the Word of God, which contains His will and His purposes so that we are not tossed about by every wind of uncertainty, nor destabilised by the stormy trials of life.
Abraham is the supreme example of a man of faith whose life bears witness of the never-failing faithfulness of our good and gracious God and whose life experience encourages us to maintain the hope we have in Christ; our sure and steadfast anchor, on Whom to secure our soul.
The centre and circumference of our hope is in Christ.
It is His gracious assurance to those who are His own blood-bought children and heirs of the promise, and our blessed hope in Christ is the immovable mainstay of our soul.
This resurrection of Church-age believers is often referred to as the Rapture of the Church: For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
Let us give glory to God that, as believers in the Church age, we will take part in the Rapture of the Church, whether as part of the dead in Christ, or one who is alive and remain.
Unlike the rest of Christ's apostles who walked with Jesus throughout His earthly ministry, Paul was called to be God's apostle to the Gentiles following the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Ascension into heaven.Because of Paul's unusual calling and unique ministry, there were many who criticised his teaching and challenged his authority, which is why he so vigorously defended his calling and frequently made reference to the direct revelation he received from the Lord.Here in first Corinthians, Paul found it necessary to severely admonish the believers in Corinth for their disgraceful conduct which discredited the Lord, tarnished their witness, and rendered them carnal Christians and spiritual infants.The unruly disunity, riotous behaviour, greedy indulgence, and disregard for the needs of their brothers and sisters in Christ, was even displayed during the celebration of the Lord's Supper – which Paul had already taught was a time to reflect on the reality of Christ's sacrificial death, until His coming again.And so in this passage, Paul is preparing to criticise and correct the shocking behaviour of these carnally minded believers, by reminding them of his own unique calling and the direct revelation he received from the Lord, which had already been taught to them on an earlier occasion.He reminded them that he had been called personally by God, and delivered a specific message regarding the importance and seriousness of the Lord's Supper, which they were currently disregarding:For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you, Paul reminded them, that the Lord Jesus in the night in which He was betrayed took bread; and gave thanks, and broke it and said, 'This is My body, which is given for you – do this in remembrance of Me.'May we never forget the enormous price that was paid for our redemption, at the Cross.
Having been saved by grace through faith in Christ's sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, we have been fully equipped, by the Holy Spirit, to walk in newness of life - and become men and women with a heart for the Lord and a desire to obey His Word.
And Christ's victory on the Cross becomes our victory, and His resurrected life becomes our new life in Christ, for we are one with Him and members of His Body.
One of the vital lessons of life we all must learn is that when God is given His rightful place in our lives, we too will be given the sufficient strength to live godly in Christ Jesus and will be enabled to rejoice in the Lord always and to sing praises to His holy name, even in our distresses and pain.
And although the old sin nature still resides in our fallen bodies of flesh and blood (until our physical death), we have the power of Christ's sinless life within to enable us to live in newness of life in Christ, and to offer up our own lives as a living sacrifice to the Lord.
It also directs our minds forward into the eternal ages to come where the new creation in Christ will participate in a new heaven and a new earth, to display the glory of God and to make known His mighty power, His great wisdom, His unchanging will, and to show forth His holy name so that He might receive glory from all His created beings.
And the wonderful truth is that nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, and that His faithful to keep all His promises to us.
We should let the light of our 'new life in Christ' shine steadily in the darkness of this world so that all who see us will catch a glimpse of Christ reflected in our lives, and recognise our heavenly calling, giving praise to God, our Father of lights.
The first three chapters of Ephesians remind us of our position in Christ and the many promises and privileges that are ours in Him, while the last three call us to live responsible lives worthy of our calling, to walk as children of the light, and to function in spirit and truth as beloved children of God and fully fledged member of the Body of Christ.
Because we are part of a new creation in Christ with a new nature, we are to walk in holiness.
Spiritual renewal is to be exercised in practical ways; by putting off the old and putting on the new, and the incredible position, promises, and privileges we have in Christ, should be sufficient motivation to live godly lives.
Despite having rejected the God Who created them, and having refused His gracious offer of salvation by grace through faith in Christ, man has continued on his foolish quest to establish his own form of peace into this world at war.
Christian hope is centred on the never-failing Word of God and His many precious promises, which are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord.
It is the assurance that what we hope for in Christ will happen, and the certainty that what we cannot see exists.
The hope we have in Christ will never disappoint nor put us to shame, no matter what we may be called upon to face, for God has poured His abundant and overflowing love into our hearts and that love remains sealed in there, until the day of Christ Jesus.
And the hope that comes through faith in Christ does not disappoint, because the supernatural love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, Who was given to us, through time and into eternity.
The former grouping refers to unbelievers while the latter clearly identifies saved individuals. 'THEY' are people who have not trusted Christ as their Saviour while 'WE' are those that have been saved by grace through faith in Christ.
But Paul realised that it was only by God's amazing grace that he had been saved in order to reveal God's Son in him so that by his witness, many would be saved by grace through faith in Christ.
How we praise God that Paul was set apart for God, even from his mother's womb and that God was pleased to reveal His Son in and through Paul's ministry so that Jew and Gentile alike may be saved by grace through faith and together become part of the one new man in Christ, to His praise and glory.
The moment that we are born again, we are made a new creation in Christ.
But also the Holy Spirit of God comes to indwell our body to teach and train us, to guard and guide us, and He also disciplines, chastens, and corrects our new life in Christ.
He will never teach and train the old sin nature that we received as a member of the old creation in Adam, for we are now part of a new creation in Christ.
We must be clothed in Christ's righteousness and not seek to cover ourselves in self-righteousness.
We have been made a new creation in Christ, and are to grow spiritually and mature in our faith.
All that is connected with the old creation in Adam is eternally doomed, which is why God is not going to transform the old sin nature but the new life in Christ, which we received when we were born again.
They will all perish and wear out like a garment, but God has promised to make a new heavens and a new earth so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in His kindness toward you, me, and all who are in Christ Jesus, all who are saved by grace through faith in Him.
In the opening chapters of the epistle to the Ephesians, Paul gives a wonderful overview of our position in Christ and the riches of God's grace that have been poured out on all who are in Christ Jesus.
The Christian has enormous heavenly blessings that are ours in Christ Jesus, but every true believer soon realises that we are living in a world in which we are engaged in war.
But God did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for love of us so that His death would pay the full price of our sin, and through His glorious Resurrection we would become a new creation in Christ; removed from the old creation in Adam, placed into the new creation in Christ, receiving newness of life in spirit, soul, and body.
They sang a special song - a different song - they sang a new song which should rejoice the heart of ALL who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ: Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed US to God by Thy blood.
Every man and woman has a free-will choice to trust in Christ for salvation because the wrath of God against their sin and ours was paid at Calvary.
The choice is to believe and be forgiven of all sin, which means that we escape the wrath to come, having obtained salvation in Christ.
Instead, as we are told by the apostle Paul: The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the archangel's voice, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
Oh, our eternal salvation is secure in Christ, for God will never renege on His promise that all who trust in Christ as Saviour will inherit eternal life as His free gift of grace, but we are also to walk worthy of Him in our Christian life, resulting in wonderful rewards.
We are to remember that we are blood bought children of God and as such have a responsibility to resist the lust of the flesh and the pride of life, lest we grieve the Holy Spirit and forfeit the heavenly rewards that God has planned for all who live godly in Christ Jesus.
The trumpet will sound, the dead in Christ shall be raised incorruptible, and we who are alive and remain will be caught up into the clouds, together with His resurrected saints, and so we shall ever be with the Lord.
This truth is a comfort to the heart of every believer in Christ as we unite in the harmonious chorus: Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Doing to others what we would want them to do for us, is embedded in Christ's directive to refrain from retaliation, to give freely to others, and to pray for those who mistreat us and despitefully use us.
Treating others the way we would want to be treated, is a divine characteristic that is foreign to the unbeliever and dormant in the carnal Christian - but it blossoms and buds into the beautiful fruit of the Spirit in the life of a believer that is abiding in Christ - and He in us.
Those that are called to be children of Light and imitators of Christ are also called to live godly lives in Christ Jesus so that through the power of His Spirit, they are enabled to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly before God, in love.
He is the co-equal, co-eternally living One Who is the source and principle of life - physical life, moral life, eternal life, and the new-life in Christ, for He is the living Word and the Word of LIFE.
The Lord Jesus is not only the Source and Sustainer of our physical life - the old, fallen, biological life we inherited from Adam, but He is also the Author and Finisher of our new, spiritual, eternal life, which we received by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
Brothers and sisters in Christ who are weaker in the faith, may find that their consciences prohibit them from practicing something which although quite 'lawful', could cause them to stumble in their Christian life.
How important that we who have a clear conscience in such issues, should not flaunt our freedom in Christ in such a way that it causes them to stumble or to become confused in their Christian walk, and so we read that even in this: Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
The Galatian Christians had come to faith in Christ by grace through faith.
Having heard the truth of the gospel, Paul was disturbed to discover many false teachers trying to cut these believers off from the truth of the glorious gospel of grace and the wonderful freedom they had found in Christ.
The Law is the tool that God used to show fallen man that they are lost sinners in need of salvation, but the Law can never correct sin which only comes by grace through faith in Christ.
And much of Paul's ministry was refuting the false teachers who sought to turn the freedom these Galatian believers had in Christ into enslavement under a variety of rules and regulations.
The freedom the new believer has in Christ is reversed into bitter bondage to rules and regulation.
Sadly, believers become enslaved to rules and regulations instead of being free to live their lives in the liberty we have in Christ, by grace through faith.
As soon as we are born again, we are under a new governance with a new federal Head and a new life in Christ.
When we are born again, we are not under the Law of sin and death, we are under the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
No surprise that Paul sought to hammer home the freedom we have in Christ by challenging these legalists with the question: Tell me, those of you who want to live under the Law: Are you really listening to what the Law says?
It also seems that as he penned this verse, Paul began to anticipate his next visit to Philippi and the mutual 'joy in the faith' they would have when they next met, for he continued: That in me you may have abundant cause for exultation and glorying in Christ Jesus, through my coming to you again.
May we be ready and willing to live and die for our Saviour, to boldly proclaim the gospel of grace, and conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, and may we stand firm in one spirit with our brothers and sisters in Christ, for His greater praise and glory.
For three glorious chapters, Paul has been outlining the riches of God's grace towards His people, explaining our privileged position in Christ and reminding us of the love of God which passes all human understanding, before he implores us to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which we have been called, to the praise and glory of God the Father and our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
He has been expounding the length and breadth and depth and height of the good news of God's grace towards us, and the over-abounding riches we already have in Christ, by faith in His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection.
That inner power is not of ourselves but the supernatural workings of the Holy Spirit, for He is continuously working in the inner man (that new life in Christ that we received at salvation), in order to transform us from glory to glory into the person and character that befits a spiritual man, a child of God, a joint-heir with Christ, and a citizen of heaven.
Now to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever.
It is only those that have trusted Christ as Saviour who are able to act justly and be merciful and walk humbly before their God, for only those that are born from above have been endowed with the new-life in Christ, the godly nature of Christ Jesus.
If a born-again believer chooses to live their life from the source of the old sin nature, he will never do that which is pleasing in the sight of God, for only as a believer lives his life from the source of the new life in Christ is he able, through the power or His Spirit, to the glory of God the Father.
He touches on mysticism, with its emphasis on dreams, visions, feelings, and one's personal experience of the spiritual realm rather than on Christ, and in this verse Paul cautions against asceticism, where holiness is acquired through severe self-discipline, self-denial, the renunciation of pleasures, or austere religiosity, rather than through faith in Christ.
He urges these believers not to impose worldly rites, rituals, and regulations upon themselves, when their position in Christ has set them free from the curse of the Law.
Paul's message and preaching was delivered by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit as he submitted to God's leading and guidance in the words he said, the message he spoke, the acts he carried out, and a heart that rested in Christ.
Having led us step by step to the realisation that we are all unrighteous sinners in need of a Saviour, and having made it crystal clear that we are saved as a gift of God's grace through faith in the unchangeable Word of truth, Paul guides us through the meaning of justification (which means being declared righteous by God through faith in Christ), and he outlines reasons why we can only be proclaimed righteous by faith in Christ alone, and not because of our own merit or any good works that we do.
And as we read through this fifth chapter of Romans, we discover that this astonishing free gift of salvation, which is accessed by faith alone in Christ alone, is multiplied into an even greater and a much more wonderful truth: Having now been justified by His blood, we will also be saved from the wrath of God, all because of our faith in Christ.
His death was the means that declared us righteous in the sight of God, and His life guarantees that our life in Him is eternal, and it is all by grace through faith in Christ.
But as we abide in Christ and remain in Him (and He in us), He will do His good work through us so that we will produce the spiritual fruit that only flows from Him.
Until that time, all who believe in the Lord Jesus, whether Jew or Gentile, become part of the One New Man in Christ, where there is no differentiation between Jew nor Gentile, bond or freeman, male or female, young or old, for we are all ONE in Christ.
Salvation in all its stages has nothing to do with our own merit or good works, but has everything to do with faith in Christ and HIS good work.
We do this through faith in Christ, and in the power of the Spirit, until we are wholly perfected when we get to heaven (glorification).
It is only as we abide in Christ and He in us that the process of spiritual growth can take place and the spiritual fruit of righteousness be imparted.
However, the responsibility to live godly lives and to crucify the flesh with its passions and desires, is a choice each believer must make, for the fruit of righteousness can only come through faith in Christ and not through carnal works of the flesh.
God, in His wisdom, knew man would sin and graciously set His plan of redemption in motion, whereby a second and final Adam was sent to redeem His fallen race: For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Praise His holy name.
Those who heed His Word will discover that all His promises are Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus.
It is a godly summons to the lost, to come to HIM, and trust Him for salvation, for it is not God's will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and faith in Christ.
The division of light from darkness as God's first act of creation is almost a picture of the illuminated soul that has been made alive in Christ Jesus through spiritual rebirth and placed into the kingdom of light, while the ones that are dead in their sins remain a prisoner in the kingdom of darkness.
Praise God that by grace through faith in Christ we are not only children of the light, but God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.
He is still our Rock of defence and our Strong Tower in these troublesome times, and His precious promises to all His children continue to be 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord.
In the same way, believers in this Church age can immediately enter the promised rest we have in Christ and be kept in His perfect peace, through a living faith, humble obedience, a heart that is guided by the Spirit of God, and a life that walks in spirit and truth.
Every one of us have been given all we need to live a victorious life through Christ and partake of our promised rest, if we will simply believe His Word, live by faith, and receive all that is ours in Christ.
As we abide in Christ and He is us, we begin to understand that God has only just begun to show us His greatness and His mighty hand, and we can say with Moses: For what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do such works and mighty acts as our God?
It is in Him alone that we can live a victorious life and claim a better resurrection in our own spiritual battle, and it is all done by grace through faith in Christ alone.
Similarly, once justified, Christians do not lose their salvation, but lack of faith can keep us defeated and wandering in a wilderness of spiritual immaturity, rather than claiming the precious promises of God that are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ.
John was getting on in years and he knew that his letter would not only rejoice his own heart, but would bring spiritual joy to all who are one in Christ; a mutually beneficial joy; joy unspeakable and full of glory!
But whether it is my joy, our joy, your joy, or John's personal joy in the Lord, the joy of knowing that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ, brings with it a boundless and unfathomable spirit of joy.
A knowledge of the truth of God's Word brings joy to every heart that trusts in Christ for salvation.
But there is an even greater joy that can be experienced, when the people we care about and those with whom we share the truth of the gospel, also discover that same, inner thrill that bubbles up into a spiritual knowledge and understanding of who we are in Christ and what He has accomplished on our behalf: These things we write, so that our joy may be made complete, these things we write so that your joy may also be complete
It is when we are clothed in Christ and covered in His righteousness that we are enabled to resist Satan and stand firm in the Christian faith.
Our hope is in Christ alone Who is our righteousness, our peace, our hope, and our endurance.
The devil cannot accuse us when we are abiding in Christ and covered in the armour of God - for Christ is our salvation and we have the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
In Christ, we have the answer to every accusation of the enemy and the remedy for each of his ungodly temptations, but we are to put on the whole armour of God so that we may be able to stand firm against the devil's strategies.
And we who have trusted in Christ as Saviour and seek to live Spirit-filled godly lives, rejoice with exceeding great joy for the faithful testimony of this little remnant of believing Jews, who were the first to testify of the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.
It was God's gracious purpose that a small group of believing Jews would be the first to trust in Christ as Saviour and Lord.
As members of the Body of Christ, it reveals one of the precious privileges that are ours in Christ; we are a chosen race and a royal priesthood.
As we journey through this life of pain and sorrow, we are to proclaim to the world, in thought, word, action, attitude, and motive, the excellent glories of our Heavenly Father Who redeemed us from the darkness of sin and death into the glories of His life and light, in Christ.
And we were set apart by grace through faith in Christ our Saviour, before the foundation of the world.
Our character and conduct should reflect the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, for by His grace and through faith in Him, we have been given access into the throne-room of God.
Those who refuse to trust in Christ have condemned themselves into the sphere of eternal separation from their Creator.
When we are eternally saved by grace through faith in Christ, forgiven of our sin, declared righteous before God, positioned in Christ, indwelt by the Spirit, and made one with Him, nothing and no-one should be placed alongside Him; for there is nothing to compare with Christ's sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary for you and for me.
And although we should always be ready to give an answer for the hope we have in Christ, no one has a right to insist that we comply with their every demand.
And how we praise and thank Him that by grace He took our punishment upon Himself, and through faith in Christ, we are forgiven of all our sins through His atoning death.
Like it or not... the greatest freedom in marriage, as well as in other relationships, is in carrying out God's will and purpose for our lives, in His way, and for His glory.God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son for the redemption of all mankind, and Christian women who are married to unbelieving men, are supplied with the greatest opportunity to draw them to faith in Christ.
Nevertheless, we have our Lord's assurance that the sufferings of this present life cannot be compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us, for we have a blessed hope that is anchored in Christ and an inheritance that is secured for us in heaven.
But rather, let us declare the wonderful works of Him Who has saved us by grace through faith in Christ, adopted us into His own family, and covered us in Christ's royal robe of righteousness.
Loving one another, being compassionate and kind, forgiving one another, and meeting together with our brothers and sisters in Christ are mentioned multiple times in Scripture, making this subject close to the Father-heart of God.
Only the saved can fellowship with the Father and enter God's presence, for not only have our sins been forgiven, but we have been placed IN Christ and must approach the Father THROUGH the Lord Jesus.
His never changing character, His all-sufficient wisdom, and His free gift of grace to all who trust in Christ, gives stability to the soul and rest to the heart.
The impossibly high standards of the Sermon on the Mount and the call to prayer, are designed to teach us that the principles and practice in Christ's teaching can never be achieved in our own strength and power. They can only be realised supernaturally, as we allow the Holy Spirit of God to work His work in our lives.
Thomas' hope in Christ was reignited, and he believed in the Lord Jesus Christ because he saw Him with his own eyes and worshipped Him when He came and stood among His followers in the upper room.
However, Jesus was not teaching here that we earn the right to God's judicial forgiveness by forgiving other people as this would be contrary to the Bible's teaching that the forgiveness of sin is an expression of God's grace and mercy because of our faith in Christ.
May we, who have been forgiven of our sin by faith in Christ, be quick to forgive others their trespasses, shortcomings, and debts - in the same way that we have been so graciously forgiven by our Father in heaven so that we may maintain sweet fellowship with Him and show forth His goodness and grace in our lives.
But Paul was always grateful to others and thankful to the Lord, when his brothers and sisters in Christ recognised his personal need and tried to help.
Paul discovered that there is no greater contentment than abiding in Christ, submitting to His Holy Spirit and trusting God in all things.
Like Paul we also are to discover that no matter what difficult circumstances or financial hardships we have to face in life we are to be content in all things - knowing that it is God to Whom we look for our provision for He has promised to provide all we need according to His riches in Christ Jesus our Lord.
But like the Philippians Christians it is also good to be prompted by the Holy Spirit to give support to our brothers and sisters in Christ who may be facing hardships or other types of difficulties - and to thank others and God if others are prompted to give aid to us.
As believers, we have the permanently, indwelling Spirit of God, Who has been given to us to lead and to guide our new nature in Christ so that we can be conformed into Christ's image and likeness.
As believers, we belong to HIM and should not allow the flesh to usurp our privileged position in Christ.
How like the times in which we live, when a feel-good, watered-down, prosperity-driven, works-orientated, 'all-things-to-all-men' gospel, together with a bloodless Saviour, has become the main diet for multitudes of believers in Christ today.
We have been raised up into a new life in Christ because we are Christ's spiritual seed, because we have become a brand new creation, and because we have exchanged our former earthly residency for a glorious new citizenship which is reserved for us in heaven.
We, who are His 'spiritual seed' were 'in Christ' when He was raised from the dead, and so we also were raised with Him on that day.
When Christ rose from the dead, we too were raised up at the same time into a new life, as a new creation in Christ.
Since we have been raised to a new life in Christ and since, by God's grace, we have been clothed in Christ's righteousness, given the free gift of eternal life, been showered with every spiritual blessing, received a heavenly inheritance, and been seated with Christ in heavenly places, we are called to set our hearts and minds on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honour at God's right hand.
And the astonishing thing is that because we are in Christ by virtue of our faith in Him, we too are seated in heavenly places, for we are in Christ.
We who are in Christ, are called to keep our minds on things that are above and not to be influenced by the things of the earth.
There is probably no higher pinnacle of praise to the glorious grace of God than the first few chapters of Ephesians, and there is possibly no more staggering truth for believers than to be accepted in the Beloved: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.
It is because we are in Christ that the Father looks at you and me as if He were looking at Jesus.
No matter how gross your life was you remain accepted in Him and even if you stray far from God, He still accepts you in Christ.
It is because we are accepted in His Beloved that when God looks at you He sees you as being placed in Christ and identified with His righteousness.Some Christians suggest that God's freely bestowed grace is reserved for 'good' Christians or 'spiritual' believers, but this distorts the character of God for it implies that you have to do something to stay saved or to remain accepted in the Beloved.
If you have been born from above, by grace through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord, these precious verses are written for your edification.
The truths that are packed into these early verses of the epistle to the Ephesians should rejoice our heart, steady our soul, dispel our doubts, and strengthen our faith, and we should thank Him continuously for our great salvation and the many precious promises that are ours in Christ.
Few choose to leave behind the elementary teaching about Christ, and press on into maturity.Sadly many believers, although saved by grace through faith in Christ, refuse to move past the elementary principles of the Christian life.
We live in a fallen world with a spiritual enemy who prowls around as a roaring lion – or appears to us as an angel of light – seeking to devour, destroy, or deceive us.Jesus clearly told us that in this world, those who believe in Him would suffer persecution and pain, and Paul expands that truth by adding that all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.
James encourages us by explaining that those who persevere under trial, on the journey to maturity, will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him, and He exhorts us to... consider it all joy, when we encounter various trials.There is an urgency in this final letter that Paul wrote before his death, to remind us that ALL who live godly lives in Christ will certainly suffer persecution.
But we have also been supplied with many precious promises which reassure us that His grace is sufficient, His strength is perfected in our weakness, that suffering for Christ's sake is a privilege for the child of God, and that no amount of trials, tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, or the sword, is able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.May we grasp this truth in His strength, and remember that in this world we will have tribulation… but that if we fellowship in the suffering of Christ, we will also be glorified with Him Who loved us so much that He died for us, that we might live for Him – forever.
True believers who are saved by grace through faith in Christ, stand in stark contrast with those that are unsaved and yet profess with their lips to be Christians.
As believers, we all have been given a new life in Christ which is placed alongside our old sin nature, and the thoughts of our hearts and the meditation of our minds can be influenced by either.
Whatever flows from our new life in Christ is pleasing to the Lord, but if we choose to allow our actions, attitudes, and the words that come from our lips to be influenced by our old sin nature, we may fool other people, but we can never deceive the Lord for He alone knows the intent of our heart.
There was an urgency in this earnest entreaty, for Paul desired that these faithful Thessalonian believers, and all who trust in Christ for salvation, become shining examples of godly living.
He lovingly addresses these brothers and sisters in Christ as 'brethren', but in his capacity as an authoritative apostle, Paul insists that they strive even harder for personal holiness so that they may have a sanctified life that is consecrated to God: Now brethren, You learned from us how you ought to live and to please God, and in fact you are doing, so we ask and encourage you in the Lord to do so even more!
Salvation is a free gift of God's grace to guilty sinners through faith in Christ.
He is a sinner who cannot enter the kingdom except by faith in Christ's sacrificial work.
Forgiveness of sin and life in the Kingdom is granted through FAITH in Christ alone.
Eternal life and inheriting the kingdom is a human impossibility, but with God, it is not only possible, but a free gift of God's grace, which is generously bestowed on all who believe in Christ's finished work on Calvary's cross.
How important that the good man does not rely on his philanthropic works, but trusts in Christ.
How important that we ALL recognise our spiritual poverty and that riches that are found through faith in Christ.
God has done all things appropriately and well, and He has set eternity in the heart of all men so that those who seek Him with all their heart will find rest for their soul in Him and receive the gift of eternal life through faith in Christ.
All who are born IN ADAM are eternally condemned and all who are born again IN CHRIST are not condemned but declared righteous by God and given eternal life.
For there is no condemnation to those that are IN CHRIST.
But the gift of God is eternal life for those that are IN CHRIST, for His one act of righteousness results in justification of life for all who believe.
Many Christians take this verse and use it to accuse their brothers or sisters in Christ of not being saved because they can see no outward sign of good works, but that is distorting the gospel of grace and twisting what James is saying into a form of accusatory legalism.
For the Christian, faith in Christ is simply trusting God to finish the good work that He started in our lives when we were first saved, trusting God's Spirit to work in us for our Christian growth.
This does not mean he must have the gift of 'pastor-teacher', but that he is a good communicator to those in his charge and is able to provide biblical answers for the hope he has in Christ.
And may we study to show ourselves approved unto God, be willing to share the good news of the gospel of Christ with others, and be ready and able to give a biblical answer to anyone who asks us about the hope we have in Christ.
The great day of God's wrath was poured out on Jesus for the sin of those who have trusted in Christ.
May we recognise that the time is short and do all that we can to tell a lost world that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ, Who faced the wrath of God for us when He died on the Cross.
Praise God that there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus, for the wrath of God was poured out on Him in place of us.
All Scripture has been written for our learning, but the New Testament epistles give specific guidance and instruction on living the Christian life in this Church dispensation.God has given us all we need for life and godliness, and we have been given the holy Scriptures which provide clear teaching on how to walk in spirit and truth and why we should abide in Christ and He in us.We have the indwelling Holy Spirit to lead us in the way we should go, Who has promised to lead and guide in all things... and we have Christ's assurance that His grace is sufficient for every eventuality we may face – for when we are weak in our own abilities, we have His precious promise that His strength will enable us to stand fast in the evil day.The instructions earlier in the epistle of James, cover a wide range of topics that enable the believer to live a life that is honouring to the Lord.
And James also teaches about the effects of true and false wisdom – the cause of covetousness and its righteous cure.And here in this verse, the apostle simply explains to his readers the consequences of knowing what is godly and honourable in the sight of the Lord, and yet refusing to carry it out... therefore, he warns, to the one who knows the right thing to do yet does not do it, to him it is sin.The man or woman who has become a child of God by faith, may not be under the law of Moses, but we are most certainly under the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, and James teaches that to know what is good but to do what is evil – whether in thought, word, or deed, dishonours the Lord Who bought us with His precious blood and blemishes our testimony for Christ.As children of God, our motive and attitude should be to live for Christ every moment of the day – to present our lives as a living sacrifice to Him, to trust His Word and walk in utter dependence on Him, moment by moment, and for His greater glory.Living the Christian life as God intended and instructed, should be the main aim of the Christian, and failure to do so is identified by James as a sin which should be confessed to the Lord and addressed in our life if we are to remain in holy fellowship with the Father and grow in grace, to His honour and glory.
The very instrument that God gave Israel in order to point them to Christ for salvation, was the very tool they modified to accuse the Son of God of blasphemy, and this particular Sabbath-day healing was a great turning-point in Christ's ministry, because from that time forward: The Jews were seeking all the more to kill Him.
Whether we are faced with fleshly temptations that rise up from our old sin nature or testing trials that come from above, we know that God takes all things and weaves them beautifully together for good, to those that love God and are called by grace through faith in Christ, according to His good purpose.
It denounces justification by works of the law, insists that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ alone, and like the epistles to the Romans and Hebrews, it quotes the singular, most noteworthy verse from Habakkuk that prompted the great 16th century reformation: The just shall live by faith.
No wonder Paul said that anyone who teaches a different gospel other than salvation by grace alone through faith in Christ alone, is to be cursed.
This is the promise of God to all who trust in Christ for salvation both during the Church Age and during the Great Tribulation.
A multitude without number will call on the name of the Lord - but will be slain for their faith in Christ during this time of trouble, while those who are saved to the very END of the Tribulation will become citizens in Christ's Millennial Kingdom.
He knew that problems and persecutions were destined for all who live godly in Christ Jesus and so, in his prayerful pleadings for the Christians in Thessalonica he prays: May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ.
There is no better place for the believer to be than abiding in Christ, and no more secure situation that being covered by the unfailing and abundant love of God for His own, for when all else fails, God is enough; His grace is sufficient.
Paul's prayer for all who have found their eternal salvation in Christ, is that God would direct each of our hearts into the love of God so that in Him we would reflect His patient endurance and steadfast love, as we are being conformed, day by day, into the image and likeness of Christ.
And because our battle is against spiritual rulers of darkness that influence the evil that is taking place in this world today, they can never be defeated in our lives through natural weapons and worldly ways. There is only one way to defeat the spiritual enemy that seeks to shipwreck our faith in Christ Jesus, and it is through the Holy Spirit of God Who works in believers.
We are in Christ and He is in us and we are to fight this enemy with the spiritual weapons that He has provided, through the Word of God and all-prayer.
But God in His mercy and love looked down in pity on a rebellious race of prideful men, and purposed in His heart that by His grace and mercy, through faith in Christ, He would redeem this lost and dying race.
Nicodemus did not understand that Jesus was talking of a spiritual birth, an immediate and irreversible action that is carried out in the human heart by the Holy Spirit, on everyone who believes in Christ Jesus.
Everyone who has been saved by grace through faith in Christ will be victors who will inherit these things, and thirsty souls will be refreshed and renewed.
An attitude of tranquillity should be part of a normal Christian life, for we receive peace with God when we are justified by faith in Christ's finished work on Calvary, and we have ongoing access to the peace of God when we remain in fellowship with Him - in purity of heart - in the unity of the spirit.
Peace with God, through faith in Christ, can never be lost, or left, or stolen away, but the peace of God, which is Paul's prayer for these saints in Rome, is an inner peace that is readily available to all who walk in spirit and truth.
When these conditions are met, we have the assurance that the peace of God, which passes human comprehension, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We are to watch for Him, recognise that the consummation of the age is very close, and be ready for His imminent return... when, in the twinkling of an eye, the dead in Christ will be raised imperishable, and all who believe on the Lord for salvation will be changed into the likeness of Christ.
But if we suffer for doing what is right in God's eyes; obeying His Word, holding fast to that which is good, proclaiming the good news of the gospel, or simply placing our faith in Christ as Lord and Saviour, we may well have to face mocking, threats, persecution, and death.
Paul said that the intimidation and trouble Christians face because of our faith in Christ, is sharing in His suffering: That I may know Christ, was Paul's prayer.
Paul desired to be inwardly formed into the image and likeness of Christ so that he could live the new-life in Christ, as much as he was able, in his weak, fleshly body.
For as in Adam all die, so also those who are positioned in Christ, by faith, will all be made alive and be resurrected from the dead. So why would Paul strive to attain to the resurrection of the dead?
He knew that the good works that we do to the glory of God have no effect on our salvation - for salvation is exclusively by grace through faith in Christ's sacrifice.
He desired to participate in Christ's resurrection power and fellowship in His sufferings in order that I may attain to the OUT-resurrection from the dead.
Christ took the punishment for the sins of all who believe on the name of the Son of God for salvation; God's wrath was poured out on Him in our stead, and for His sake, there is no longer condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus.
The wicked will be baptised with the fires of judgement and receive eternal condemnation, while the whole house of Israel who trust in Christ will be restored.
When Paul prays for his brothers and sisters in Christ, he does not focus on the day-to-day material needs of the saints nor on other physical matters and necessities of life.
Paul knows that spiritual knowledge, godly counsel, and an understanding of the Scripture, is able to make us wise for salvation, through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.
To myriads of men and women, the Lord has proved Himself to be the Righteousness of God, in Christ: For God made Him Who had no sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God - in Christ.
Prayer is the privilege of people who are saved by grace thorough faith in Christ, for by His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, He tore down the dividing wall between God and man and gave us access to His throne of grace, for mercy to find help in time of need.
We are to pray aright and this is only possible as we abide in Christ and He in us.
May we maintain a heart of grateful thanksgiving and praise for all His goodness and grace to us, and may we be anxious about nothing, but in everything through our grateful prayers and entreaties make our requests known to Him, and we will discover His peace that passes understanding, guarding our heart and mind, as we abide in Christ and He is us.
God is love, and the qualities of a Christian who is walking in spirit and truth and abiding in Christ, is a fervent love for God and a compassionate love for others.
A profound love for the Lord and benevolence towards brothers and sisters in Christ is not a warm, fuzzy feeling or some romantic, emotional sensation, but an unselfish action that is quietly carried out in sprit, in truth, in reality, and in action.
God is also holy and righteous and His children should display these same characteristics, which are only possible when one is abiding in Christ and being led by the Holy Spirit.
Godly living inevitably comes back to abiding in Christ, walking in spirit and truth, dying to self, and allowing Christ to live in us and through us.
In his final greeting to the Church at Thessalonica, Paul gives various warnings and exhortations to the Body of Christ on how to live a godly life that is worthy of our position in Christ.
As part of God's family, through faith in Christ, we are all called to be holy because our Heavenly Father is holy.
And because of our faith in Christ Jesus, God will graciously open His arms of love wide and show us the nail prints in His hands which paid the price for your sin and mine.You see, little children, our sins are all forgiven, forever, to those that believe.
Christ has made known to us the Father... and the Father has unveiled to us the Son in the person of Jesus Christ - for in Him dwells all the might, majesty, dominion, power, and fullness of the Godhead bodily... and by grace through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord we have been saved and made one - with Him.
How vital to abide in Christ and He is us so that we may walk in newness of life and be enabled to stand fast in the evil day, knowing that greater is He Who is in us than he who is in the world.
Having spent three glorious chapters outlining who we are in Christ, Paul turns His attention to grounds for unity within the Church.
There is also one faith with a settled body of doctrine that is clearly laid out in Scriptures, one baptism into the Body of Christ at the moment of salvation, one God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and one Holy Spirit Who gives spiritual gifts to all who are positioned in Christ.
And having laid out our position in Christ, Paul gives details of four groups of believers that are given a particular role in the Church: apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastor-teachers.
Sadly, the thoughts of the minds of these carnal Christians were continuously evil, for they had reverted to living the way of the world where they were dominated by the old sin nature rather than walking in spirit, truth, and love, being subject to their new life in Christ and yielded to the indwelling Spirit of God.
May we continue to grow in grace. May we press on to the high call of God in Christ Jesus. May we be ready to declare the awesome deeds of the Lord to the next generation with hymns of praise, words of wisdom, and a humble heart that reflects the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the sweet fellowship that come from the Holy Spirit.
It is not commanded that the unmarried should never remarry, nor that being unmarried indicates someone is more or less spiritual than their married brothers and sisters in Christ.
The assurance we have in our great salvation, by faith in Christ, is rooted in this oath the Lord made to His servant.
When the enormity of God's oath to our father Abraham takes root in our heart and mind, how can we ever doubt God's goodness towards us or question our eternal salvation and the eternal security that is ours in Christ.
May we who have trusted Him for salvation take refuge in the strong encouragement we gain from this passage and take hold of the salvation that is ours by faith in Christ.
And as the Rock on which we stand, He is the firm foundation upon which our faith is built and the top-most cornerstone that completes all that we are in Christ.
However, we are subject to the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, which is laid out in the New Testament epistles, and as blood-bought children of God, our conduct, behaviour, actions, attitudes, and motive is equally important if we are to walk in His ways and honour His name - and should be wholeheartedly embraced.
How amazing that God should take the initiative to die for our sins so that we could be reconciled back to Himself, and be presented faultless and blameless before Him - IN CHRIST.
Paul longed to know Christ and the power of His Resurrection, but his heart was also to share in Christ's suffering, for he desired intimate association with the Lord Who bought him, in the everyday circumstances of his life.
All who are positioned in Christ, died to sin when Jesus died on the Cross.
Like Paul, we need to acknowledge who we are in Christ and we should desire that close intimacy with Him in the everyday circumstances of life.
May we who have been saved by grace through faith put on the new man and abide in Christ, day by day, for we have been made a new creation in Him: Created according to God's likeness - in righteousness and purity of the truth.
May we encourage and edify our brothers and sisters in Christ, with gracious words and pure deeds - so we remain in close fellowship with our heavenly Father and become the living testimony to our fellow man.
May it be our daily prayer that those who do not rejoice in Christ Jesus as Saviour, come to a saving knowledge of His grace and mercy, while it is still today.
The law of sin and death has been replaced by the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
Because the predominant audience for the book of Hebrews was initially Jewish believers in Christ, there are many references to Old Testament rules and regulations which have been superseded because of the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ Who gave His life as the full and final sacrifice for sin.
Having been saved by grace through faith in Christ, obtaining eternal redemption through the one and only means of salvation (by trusting in the Cross of Christ, for the forgiveness of sins) we are warned not to become legalistic, by reverting back to the Levitical system.
We have God's assurance that nothing can pluck us out or His hands and nothing can separate us from the love of God which is eternally ours - by faith in Christ Jesus.
The saving the soul and our eternal victory in Christ is diametrically opposite of shrinking back to perdition and eternal destruction. Because we have been eternally redeemed by the blood of Christ, let us live by faith - to the saving of the soul so that we may reap a reward and not suffer loss of reward.
Now faith is a well-grounded and sure assurance of that for which we hope for, in Christ.
Paul rejoiced to see that their trust in Christ had become a wonderful witness to the world as the glorious gospel of God's grace was spread abroad through their testimony.
They became believers by simply trusting in Christ for their justification, but once they were saved, they were soon urged by the Judaisers to continue their Christian life in their own strength.
Let us never forget that just as we were justified by faith when we first believed, we are to spend the rest of our lives being sanctified by faith in the power of the Spirit, as we abide in Christ and submit to the leading and guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
But we are expected to take responsibility for walking in spirit and truth, living as unto the Lord, trusting in the Word of God, depending on our Heavenly Father, submitting to the Holy Spirit, abiding in Christ, and appropriating all that is ours in Him, by faith.
It is not sufficient to say that I can't control my thought life, for in Christ we have been given all that we need for life and godliness, and He has promised to supply all we need according to His riches in glory.
When anxious thoughts start to flood our mind or when we are tempted to sin, our immediate reaction should be to look to Jesus and to remember who we are in Christ.
The passage that precede this verse, reaches to the heights of the glories of God and paints a stunning picture of who we are in Christ.
We are presented with a feast of all the privileges that are ours in Christ Jesus Who has delivered us out of the power of darkness and translated us into His kingdom, by grace through faith.
Salvation is indeed by grace alone - through faith alone - in Christ alone, but never let us ignore that tremendous price that God Himself had to pay so that you and I could be given this free gift of salvation.
The lesson we all have to learn is that it is only by faith in Christ that we are redeemed by God and declared righteous, for salvation is by grace through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord and Israel's Messiah.
Indeed, the differences between the old creation in Adam and the new creation in Christ is astounding.
The first creation lies in the evil one, is at enmity with God, and is enslaved by the law of sin and death... while the second creation is positioned in Christ.
The new creation has been reconciled to the Father and enjoys the freedom of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, our Saviour.
The 'old man' refers to the unregenerate, sin nature, while the 'new man in Christ' refers to our new, born-again position as children of God in this Church dispensation.
Every member of humanity is born into the old creation, but only those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, are part of the new creation and become a member of the 'one new man in Christ'.
Not only have we been declared righteous by faith but also we have been given the indwelling Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, which has set us free from enslavement to the old sin nature and freed us from the power of sin in our daily lives.
Every believer in Christ has undergone a spiritual renewal in which there is no distinction whatsoever between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, for Christ is all - and His Spirit is within us all.
Paul is stressing the serious consequences that will befall all those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, for the lives of all who are not positioned in Christ are rooted and grounded in sin, Satan, lies, and deceit.
There is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus (which is accessed by faith) for God's wrath was poured out upon Him in our stead and we have been forgiven and have received the gift of eternal life by God's grace and through faith in Christ.
They follow after unrighteousness instead of trusting in Christ; and sin is crouching at their door.
It is hard enough when the criticism and contention comes from the outside world, but when the unity of brothers and sisters in Christ is broken through false teachings or disagreements within the Body, the pain is so much greater.
Let us submit to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and walk in spirit and truth so that we may live godly in Christ Jesus.
Let us seek to live in total dependence on our Heavenly Father and in godly unity with our brothers in Christ, and let us pay heed to Paul's earnest entreaty: Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, so that our words, deeds, actions, and attitudes may be a true reflection of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Having defended his divinely appointed apostleship, clearly expounded the gospel of grace, and insisted that justification is by faith alone through faith in Christ, and not by works of the Law, he turns his attention on how to put his teachings into practice; how to live by faith.
Earlier, he taught about the freedom we have in Christ and that trying to reintroduce works of the Law into our Christian life, as the Judaisers taught, would place us back under its bondage.
In this section, Paul wants his readers to apply the truth of God's Word and appropriate what is already ours by faith in Christ, for we have ALL we need for life and godliness, as a gift of God's grace.
We are to refuse to find 'favour' with God through practices like circumcision, rather than by faith in Christ alone.
There is only one way to please God and gain His approval and that is by faith in Christ (believing His Word and fulfilling His will).
We are to walk worthy of our position in Christ by faith.
They have substituted the slavery of the Law for the freedom we have in Christ.
They have submitted to a yoke of slavery rather than cherishing our freedom in Christ, and rejoicing in the hope of our salvation.
We are to be watchful in prayer, live in the unity of the Spirit, and have a fervent love for all our brothers and sisters in Christ.
But as a good steward of the manifold grace of God, through faith in Christ, Peter urges us to live a God-honouring life, reminding us that as a soldier of Christ we should not be surprised when we suffer for His sake, but consider it both a privilege and an honour.
While David would no doubt be reflecting on the greatness of the God of Israel, who brought His people out of Egypt, carried them on eagles wings, through the desert, and brought them into a large and well-watered land, the sentiments that he is expressing are equally true for all who have trusted in Christ for the forgiveness of sin. Your lovingkindness, O LORD, extends to the heavens, is something we can equally proclaim.
But God, in His grace, had established a secondary Law that supersedes the Law of sin and death - the Law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
Indeed, it is often prayed as a parting benediction before brothers and sisters in Christ depart from a time of Christian fellowship and it is often prayed as a beautiful blessing over those for whom we care deeply: May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with YOU.
Since being saved, Paul preferred to evaluate a man by his inner character and by their new position in Christ.
Paul knew that if any man is in Christ, they have become a new creation: the old fleshly, sensual man is done away with and must remain nailed to the Cross, for all things have become new in Him.
Although no-one would come to salvation except the Spirit draws them, ALL who choose to believe in Christ, when convicted by the Holy Spirit of sin, righteousness, and judgement, become part of that Body of believers that are given by the Father to the Son.
The whole company of believers who trust in Christ for salvation becomes a sovereign love-gift from God the Father to God the Son, through time and into eternity We are also given God's supreme assurance that all who come by grace through faith in Christ, will be given to Him by the Father and none shall pluck them out of His hands, and this is God's sovereign will.
But whether we are graced with a loyal friend or not, every believer in Christ can state with certainty that JESUS is a friend that sticks closer that a brother.
But the day is coming when He will return as the Son of righteousness with healing on His wings for all who trust in Christ as their Horn of salvation.
But being saved by grace through faith and clothed in Christ is not the end goal but the beginning of our new life in Him, and every day we should strive to know Him more, to love Him better, to listen to His voice, to obey His Word, and to develop an ever-closer relationship with Him. This demands a singleness of purpose, a sole objective – one determined aim.
Paul was a man that, having met the Lord Jesus on his Damascus Road, set his face as a flint to press on for the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
He will lay aside all other considerations and press on to finish the task the Lord has given him to do – knowing that Christ is his sufficiency and Christ is his strength.If you have met the Lord on your Damascus Road, why not resolutely set your eyes on the final goal and make it your single intent to love the Lord with all your being and seek with all your heart to be in His perfect will – in Christ.
Some legalistic Jews found it hard to embrace the post-Cross teachings of Christianity, where Jew and Gentile were one-new-man in Christ and which was in the process of being formulated - through Paul and Christ's other chosen apostles.
It is David who calls us to: Taste and see that the Lord is good, and we who have trusted in Christ as Saviour have truly tasted of the goodness of God in our own lives, and have seen in abundance the loving-kindness and forgiveness of our gracious Heavenly Father.
And for a whole chapter, Peter reminds us of our glorious position in Christ and the privileges that accompany our new life in Him.
Peter calls us to rejoice in Christ and His sufficient grace, since we have tasted and seen that the Lord is good: For the Word of the Lord endures forever, and we are His people and the sheep of his pasture.
But since we have been partakers of the goodness of God, and since we have been born into a living hope in Christ Jesus, we are called to earnestly desire the milk of the Word, to guard against the lust of the flesh, and to flee from selfish pride and a carnal life-style.
If as born again believers we have indeed tasted and seen that the Lord is good, we should be motivated to live as unto the Lord, to thirst after the pure milk of the Word, to abstain for ungodly actions and attitudes, and to walk godly in Christ Jesus.
And although they were set apart unto God, positioned in Christ, and eternally secure, they were not maturing in their spiritual walk, but acting like spoilt infants.
He would be falsely accused, cruelly beaten, and sentenced to be crucified on a Roman cross so that all that believe on Him would be given the wonderful miracle of His new life in Christ.
Often, after Sunday service or at a mid-week Bible study, we may bid farewell to our brothers and sisters in Christ with the familiar words 'God bless you'.
But the promises of God are altogether true for those in Christ, and God guarantees that His vows to us are all 'yes' and 'amen' just as they were to His servants in bygone days.
It is encouraging to read through the privileges and promises that are ours in Christ Jesus in the first three chapters of Ephesians, and know God is able to do abundantly above all we ask or think.
Paul then makes an appeal for Christians to clothe themselves in a new morality that reflects the righteousness of Christ by putting off their old, pagan practices and putting on the New Man, which is created in Christ Jesus and expressed in holy living and righteous acts.
Let us rejoice in the enormous privileges that are ours in Christ Jesus, but let us also take on board the great responsibility we have for living a life that honours the Lord, by putting off the old man and putting on the new.
They, however, had to spend those same 10 days exercising faith in Christ and believing His word would come true.
Believe in Christ and keep on believing was the message these heralds were to relate to these disciples.
With each passing day, we are one day closer to that time when the trumpet will sound, the dead in Christ shall be raised first, and we that are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to be with the Lord forever.
Paul knew that in Christ he was given an inexplicable inner peace for God was in his heart: a peace that passes understanding as he fixed his heart and mind on Christ.
It is found along the path that leads to purity, and is hidden in the heart of the man or woman who rests in Christ and casts all their cares upon Him.
Paul knew that a principle of 'do as I do' rather than 'do as I say' is a most effective way to train others in the things of God, and he advised this trusted colleague to present himself to his brothers and sisters in Christ as a worthy pattern of the good behaviour and the godly conduct that should be the hallmark of every spiritual believer.
Judgement is coming but those who have trusted in Christ as Saviour have already had their sins judged at the Cross, but those who have rejected His free offer of salvation will have to stand before Him as condemned sinners.
This truth is a blessing to all who have been born from above and are part of the Church of God, for this verse reminds us that ALL Christian are sanctified in Christ.
Oh, we are certainly being sanctified in this life as we grow in grace and mature in the faith through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, but even this group, whom we discover to be the most carnal Christians in the New Testament, have been sanctified in Christ Jesus and set apart unto God.
Should we not seek, day by day, to willingly submit to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our life, and seek to live godly in Christ Jesus, as we grow in grace? Should we not humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and cry out for Him to search our hearts, test our thoughts, and identify any offensive behaviour in our lives?
Jesus said, He who gains his life/soul on earth will lose his life/soul in heaven, and he who loses his life/soul while here on earth will gain his life/soul in Christ's eternal, heavenly kingdom.
My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus, is a verse we all love to quote as we rejoice in the abundant supply of our generous God Who is overflowing with gracious-mercy and bubbling over with loving-kindness.
Indeed, it is because of this sacrificial giving in support of the gospel, that Paul promised that God would supply all their needs according to His riches in glory - in Christ Jesus.
The Philippians sent their financial gift to Paul via Epaphroditus, a brother in Christ, and Paul referred to their gift as a fragrant offering - an acceptable sacrifice, which is pleasing to God.
Because of their sacrificial giving, Paul promised the Philippians, and my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
All good and perfect gifts come from our Father in heaven Who is our great Provider. Indeed, not one of us could draw another breath without His provision and grace, but God is no man's debtor and Paul wanted these dear believers at Philippi to KNOW that their generosity to Paul would be honoured by the Lord Who would supply all their needs according to His riches in glory - in Christ Jesus.
Paul's closing remarks in his epistle, start to challenge the more spiritually mature believer who may rejoice in the gracious liberty he has in Christ Jesus while harbouring his own ungodly attitudes towards the personal practice of those that are weaker in the faith, exposing an unchristian bias against those that are spiritually immature or weaker in certain doctrinal issues.
Let us receive our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in godly grace, in truth and in love.
All branches are commanded to abide in Him, and so our privileged position becomes an important day-by-day responsibility, and we are warned that every branch in Christ that does not bear fruit is taken away, but every fruiting branch is pruned by our Heavenly Father to make it increasingly fruitful.
Many mistakenly consider this to be a Christian that has lost his salvation, but this flies in the face of the undeniable scriptural truth, that our position in Christ is eternally secure.
Let us acknowledge the privileged position we have in Christ and make it our important day-by-day responsibility and delight to abide in Him, to walk in spirit and truth, to submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and to willingly embrace the pruning knife of our Heavenly Father so that we may bear fruit, more fruit, much fruit to His praise and glory.
Just as blood is required to maintain the life of mortal man so the Holy Spirit is required to maintain the life of the one who has been saved by grace through faith in Christ; for we have been given His life in us.
We are also exhorted to rejoice with exceeding great joy, for the position, privileges, and promises that are ours in Christ, but Paul is equally keen that we never forget the depths of depravity and sin from which we have been rescued.
Indeed, such hardness of heart remains embedded in the fallen nature and will of the unsaved and is something we should never forget, lest we lose sight of the responsibilities that remain ours in Christ.
Let us never forget the earlier chapters of Ephesians, which provide us with a veritable feast of all that is ours in Christ.
We discover our position, individually and corporately, and rejoice to hear of the multiplied privileges and precious promises from God, which are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We have received a free and full salvation and have been quickened and made alive, by faith in Christ.
We have been renewed by the Spirit of God and received every spiritual blessing, in Christ.
Our salvation has nothing to do with what we have done, but it has everything to do with what Christ had done on our account - therefore the desire of our hearts should be to do only those things that are pleasing in the sight of God and to live godly lives, in Christ Jesus.
There are those that live a carnal Christian lifestyle which mirrors the ways of the world, dishonours the Lord, and removes them from enjoying sweet fellowship with the Father which is another privilege that is ours, in Christ.
The outworking of the new life that we received by faith in Christ, is set out clearly in the Word of God.
Although this is a divine principle which is true in the lives of sinner and saint alike, this particular passage is speaking directly to those that are saved by grace through faith in Christ, and we would do well to pay heed to Paul's instructions on godly living.
How we praise God that we were not only born into the human race, but that by faith in Christ we were born again into His heavenly family and have become part of the new creation in Christ.
While the natural man seeks after the polluted waters of human wisdom and places his faith in the grand accumulation of worldly wealth, the believer in Christ is exhorted to reject such worldly philosophies and is warned not to become influenced by this pagan mindset. In this passage, Paul was warning that the accumulation of monetary wealth can cause someone to become conceited.
Yet real wisdom is found through trusting the Word of the Lord in all things and believing that He will supply all that we need in this world, according to His riches in Christ Jesus.The wealth of this world is passing away, but the riches of God that are ours in Christ, are eternal.
The very men that were to go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and empowered to perform mighty miracles in Christ's name and preach the gospel of the kingdom, were powerless to cast out this dumb spirit, and so they received the strongest of rebukes for their lack of faith from their Master.
It was the man's FAITH in Christ that had been severely impacted.
Those of us who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, are able to testify with David that we also sought the Lord for the forgiveness of sin and He graciously delivered us out of the hands of the enemy - triumphing over sin and death and redeeming our life from the pit.
And then in His absence they too might become God's witness on earth to represent God in this fallen world and to become a new creation in Christ: To be sanctified unto God.
Humility of spirit, gentleness of disposition, love for each other, and joy in the Lord, are all fruits of the Spirit which burst forth in a life that is centred in Christ.
Fighting the good fight of faith is not so much hostile combat against a physical enemy, but rising to the challenges of our Christian life or confidently taking hold of the eternal life that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord.Each enemy is harmful to the soul and detrimental to our spiritual growth and so each must be earnestly resisted with fortitude and determination.
And Paul wanted to remind Timothy that the cause of Christ was worth fighting for and that his young friend and fellow labourer in the gospel needed to keep pressing forward for the prize of the high call he had in Christ Jesus.
The first thing to note is that scoffers will rise up to ridicule the blessed hope that we have in Christ when He returns in the clouds to take us to be with Himself.
We also have a great incentive to live a holy and blameless life that abides in Christ and is honouring to the Lord.
As the apostle Peter draws his final letter to a close, we should all take note of the increasing urgency of his message and remain watchful for the any day return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. May we all be diligent to guard our hearts and minds and be found at peace in Christ.
Humility is a fruit of the Spirit that should be exhibited in every life that lives godly in Christ Jesus, but there is much misunderstanding about biblical humility and what it means to humble one's self before the Lord.
Although these instructions from Paul to Titus may appear to be predictable, and list behaviours that are appropriate for every man or woman of God and expedient for sound doctrine... nevertheless, there are greater numbers of people who reject God's offer of salvation by grace through faith in Christ... and remain enslaved to this satanic world system.
And the faith of these dear saints was manifested in the ongoing work they performed to the glory of God, together with their selfless labour of Christian love, in ministering to their brothers and sisters in Christ.
And for His sake, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, giving us the right to call Him: 'Abba Father' As His children we have received the authority to boldly approach His throne of grace in Christ's name, for we are accepted in the Beloved by faith.
We read in John's epistle that having believed in Christ for salvation, we were sealed in Him by the Holy Spirit of promise and that seal of God can never be broken, for the Word of God is true and stands fast forever.
We are to recognise that the spiritual armoury with which we are to clothe ourselves in this evil day, is simply to be covered in Christ.
We are to remain in Christ and He in us, as we engage in this spiritual battle that has been raging for millennia, for only as we are clothed in Him are we enabled to stand fast.
It is only as we dress ourselves in Christ and cover ourselves spiritually in the Lord, day by day and moment by moment, that we will we be enabled to make no provision for the evil cravings of our physical nature, for only as we are clothed in Christ can the power of sin and death be defeated in the life of a Christian.
We are positioned IN Christ - in union with Him - accepted in the Beloved and one with our Saviour.
The lesson for which the Law was implemented has been taught in Christ, its function has been met: that man is a sinner and in need of a Saviour.
Before faith in Christ the nation of Israel (and humanity as a whole) was incarcerated by the demands of the Law and imprisoned by its devastating curse - a curse that could only be lifted by the ONE Who was made a curse on our account: But since that faith had come, we are no longer under the guardianship of the Law.
Let us praise God for His grace and favour and let us thank Him for setting us free, in Christ.
How blessed are those that are born again in Christ in this dispensation of grace, for we are also chosen as His own inheritance - we too identify as sons of God and joint-heirs with Christ.Jesus is not only the great Sustainer of nature and the generous God of providence, but He is our peace and hope, love and joy, and He is our Comforter, Defender – our Saviour and Friend.
Truly blessed are His people Israel and His Body, which is the Church, for He loved the world so much that He sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him should not perish but become inheritors of His coming kingdom and be given life everlasting – and ALL His promises, both to Israel and to the Church are 'Yes' and 'Amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord.
He wanted them to share in the hope we have in Christ and experience the great freedoms we enjoy by faith in Him.
The gospel he preached had everything to do with Christ's sacrificial offering of Himself as payment for man's sin, and the supernatural power to live a victorious life, in Christ which came through the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Paul's bold declaration on preaching the gospel follows a long passage that speaks of the great privileges that are ours in Christ, and details the responsibility we all have towards God and our fellow believers.
Like the apostle Paul, we have received our salvation by faith in Christ, and like him we have nothing to boast about, for our salvation does not depend on what we do but on what Christ has already done on our account.
And although our sinful nature is incapable of keeping God's perfect Law or of producing meritorious acts in our own strength, we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to carry out good works which God ordained that we should do through the power of the Holy Spirit.
They discovered that in addition to our position in Christ and the forgiveness of sins, we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
And they came to understand that Satan was defeated, Christ was victorious, and the Church, which is His Body, has been enthroned in heavenly places in Christ - and has been promised an inheritance which is kept for us in heaven.
Every aspect of God's amazing plan of redemption that is received by faith in Christ's sacrificial death and His glorious Resurrection, was in accordance with the eternal purpose and plan of God, which was hidden for ages and generations... but which God finally carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord.
God's plan has now been made known so that in the ages to come He might show forth the surpassing riches of His grace, in His kindness toward us - in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Paul went on to point out that having been saved by grace through faith in Christ, they were to live by grace through faith in Christ, grow in grace by faith in Christ, and mature as Christians by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
They had not understood that Christ was the fulfilment of the Law on behalf of all who believe in Him for salvation, and that salvation (both our justification and sanctification, as well as our final glorification) is ours by faith in Christ alone and not by works.
Salvation is not dependent on any type of legalistic practices, but on grace alone, by faith alone, in Christ's finished work alone.
Let us hold fast to the truth which is plainly taught in the Bible: that salvation of the spirit, salvation of the soul, and salvation of the body, is dependent on grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, with no extra fleshly works.
In Ephesians, Paul opens the floodgates of God's blessing on His people, with the words, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him - in love.He has blessed us with pardon and peace, redemption and adoption, and illumination and truth from His Holy Spirit.
He has called us to be sons of the most high God and has covered us in Christ's robe of righteousness.
He has redeemed, sanctified, and sealed us with His Holy Spirit and by God’s grace, there is laid up for us an inheritance in Christ – and He is building us all up in the most holy faith.He has made us to be part of His new creation and we are members of the one new man in Christ.
God knew from the beginning the choices each one of us would make and so He chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world.
While rejoicing in the truth of election - where God chose us before the foundation of the world, some reformed denominations sadly reject the need for unsaved men to use their free will to respond to the truth of the gospel through faith in Christ.
All who believe in Christ for their salvation are called the elect of God.
And we are called the elect for a reason - so that in Christ we would be holy and blameless before Him, in love.
May we who are the elect of God use our free will wisely and for the glory of God.How we should praise and glorify our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, for He has poured out every single blessing in the heavenly realms upon us, simply because we are united, by faith, in Christ.
He counsels us not to be tricked into adopting these things as a barometer for spiritual maturity, which can only be found in Christ.
He explains the only way to attain spiritual maturity is through faith; firstly, being justified by grace through faith in Christ, and secondly, by living a sanctified life of faith in Christ, day by day, through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Indeed, the Law of the Lord is perfect and was given by God to Moses, but any law, whether man-made or given by God to Israel, cannot bring us to perfection which comes by faith in Christ alone.
The Law was given as a means to identify man's sin, not as the way to forgive man's sin, which is through faith in Christ alone.
He gave thanks for the good news of their eternal salvation and rejoiced over their work of faith, their labour of love, and the steadfast hope they had in Christ.
He also expressed joy that they were beloved by God and chosen in Christ Jesus.
God does not will that anyone should perish. Indeed, He longs that all should come to repentance and faith in Christ, but God knew in advance that not all would use their free-will to make the right choice.
God in His omniscience actually knew which of us would trust in Christ for salvation.
All who are saved by grace through faith in Christ have a holy and noble calling, and as members of His Body we are living stones that are being built up into a spiritual house.
For 2000 years, individual believers have been added daily to this magnificent spiritual building that God Himself is constructing, for every believer in Christ is just one more living stone which is being fitted together, with perfect precision, and is growing into a holy temple in the Lord.
Love is the primary characteristic that we see in the Father's gift of His Son to the world, and in Christ's sacrifice of Himself for His Church and throughout the Church epistles, we are called to love one another in the same way that Christ loved us.
It is ONLY the believer who is instructed to cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear.
As God's children we either trust in the Word of God and submit (yield) to the Holy Spirit, in which case we are clinging to our faith in Christ and keeping our consciences clear.
Should not we who have been saved from the penalty and power of sin and death, cling more tightly to our faith in Christ?
God is no respecter of persons and the joy and peace in believing in Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting is for Jew and Gentile alike.
The glorious hope we have in Him is for bond and free, male and female, old and young, rich and poor.There is no one excluded from this glorious promise which already is 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ, according to His riches in mercy... and it encompasses plenteous redemption and abundance of life in the eternal ages to come.
Neither the ravages of the old sin nature nor the temptations of the enemy who seeks our destruction, can separate us from the love of God or remove the hope that is ours, in Christ Jesus our Lord.Paul’s dear desire for the Body of Christ is translated into the most beautiful, intercessory prayer: Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We have the overflowing and unfathomable peace of God within and the glorious hope that is ours in Christ, because of all He is to us, all He has done for us, all He is doing for us as we journey through life, and all that He has promised to us in the days to come.
May we be motivated to enlarge our perspective of our glorious God of Hope and fix our hope on Him Who has already blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We are ministers of the new and better covenant which was cut at Calvary and which will be fully ratified in Christ's Millennial Kingdom.
Rather, let us consider Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest of our confession and let us hold fast our confidence in Christ and the boast of our hope in His truth.
Like Enoch, we are to walk with God all our days - from the day when we were saved by faith, to the day He takes us to be with Himself - at the Rapture of the church, which will be ushered in at the resurrection of the dead in Christ.
But God's wonderful plan for man's redemption was such that the price for sin is made by faith in Christ's shed blood.
Although fallen, fleshly, sinful bodies could never enter the heavenly realm, it was through His glorious Resurrection that BY FAITH, we became identified with His clean, pure, immortal, imperishable, resurrected body with the certain promise that we too would receive a pure, immortal, imperishable, resurrected body, like unto His glorious body - a body of flesh and bone which would be animated by the spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
While on earth, the life of the first creation is in the blood, but at the resurrection, the life of all who believe will be imputed to us through the 'spirit of life in Christ Jesus'.
By faith in Christ, we all face physical death... but have a sure knowledge that we will rise to life immortal in a resurrected body of flesh and bone like unto Christ's body... for flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable, but thanks be to God Who gives us the victory over Satan, sin, death, and hell through our risen Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
How we praise our Heavenly Father for Calvary: that our sins are forgiven, that there is no more condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus, that we have been placed in union with Christ, and accepted forever in the Beloved.
How important to trust the faithfulness of our Heavenly Father Whose promises toward His nation of Israel will one day be finally and forever fulfilled and His promises toward His Church will never fail, for are all 'Yes' and 'Amen' in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
And we discover that by faith in Christ's sacrifice on the Cross, the Holy Spirit of God does many wonderful things in our hearts.
We are born from above, regenerated, sealed, adopted, baptised into the Body of Christ, and permanently in-dwelt by the Holy Spirit Himself, and He calls us to walk in spirit and truth and to live godly in Christ Jesus.
Only believers can produce good works that God has prepared in advance for us to do, as only believers have the indwelling Holy Spirit of God. When we abide in Christ, trust His Word, and walk in spirit and truth, we are demonstrating faith – for without faith, it is impossible to please God.
A multiplicity of temporal blessings in the world and eternal blessings in the ages to come are already ours, by faith in Christ, and while our eternal security is assured and God graciously causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous... there are blessings today and rewards to come for the man who chooses not to walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
Paul not only took pains to explain that the Law could not save us, but identified it as a simple tool used by God to identify our need of a Saviour and thus bring fallen man to faith in Christ, our 'sin-substitute'.
There are two creations living side by side; those with their feet firmly fixed in the old creation in Adam (who are part of the kingdom of darkness), and those with their hearts resting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (who are part of the kingdom of light and have been born again into the new creation in Christ).
James also reminds us that those that are saved by grace through faith in Christ, also fall into two, distinct groups; those that are spiritual and those that are fleshly; those that are walking in spirit and truth and those that are living a carnal life with a worldly perspective and an arrogant attitude.
Peace WITH God is our permanent possession when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, but the peace OF God is conditional upon a believer being in a relationship with the Lord Jesus; as we abide in Christ, trust His Word, depend on His guidance, die to self, and live for Him.
Paul teaches the Philippian Christians: IF they are anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication make their requests known to God with a thankful heart, THEN the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
God's peace within becomes a wonderful internal barometer of our closeness to our heavenly Father and our abiding in Christ.
Yes, the promised peace of Christ is an accurate indicator of ones standing with the Lord and is a guide as to whether or not we are abiding in Christ and resting in His love.
Like all who trust in Jesus Christ, Paul had been given a new nature, a new life in Christ which delighted to spread the good news of the glorious gospel of Christ in spirit and truth, and which loved these believers with a Christ-like love.
Let us seek to develop the same deep and loving concern for all our brothers and sisters in Christ, as we, like Paul, lift them up in earnest prayer to our Father in heaven.
It is not God's will that any should perish, but that ALL should turn to in Christ, of their own volition.
All who do believe on the Son of God are made a new creation in Christ with a new life so that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but should live for the Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for us AND WAS RAISED, and we must never under-estimate the enormity of that glorious Resurrection.
All who trust on Christ as Saviour are given His resurrection LIFE, our new life in Christ.
May we be diligent to join with our brothers and sisters in Christ, and be sure that we access scripturally sound teaching from a godly pastor who interprets the Word of God literally, historically, grammatically, dispensationally, and in the fear of the Lord.
We will not all be required to be great leaders like Moses or Joshua, but we are all His people, members of the body of Christ who have been born into His family and created in Christ Jesus to carry out the work that God has prepared beforehand for us to do.
And Paul was able to rejoice in his suffering for the Body of Christ, for in so doing he knew that he was sharing in Christ's suffering: And was filling up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ for His Body's sake, which is the Church.
Paul was passionate that the elect of God may, like him, obtain a full and free salvation in Christ Jesus, and to finish the work to which God had called them to do so that they may obtain the glorious crown and the reward of eternal glory, which is promised to all God's children.
He longed that lost souls would be brought to faith in Christ for initial salvation, but he was also eager to endure all things for the sake of the elect.
His dear desire was not only that the unsaved came to faith in Christ, but that all the elect of God (the Body of Christ, which is the Church) were taught how to walk by faith, to grow in grace, and mature in the faith so that they may obtain all the many benefits of their full and free salvation; spirit, soul, and body.
And so we find Paul (a bond-servant of God and a special messenger of Jesus Christ), delivering sound doctrine, exposing false teaching, preaching the Word, promoting the faith of those who would trust in Christ for salvation, and stimulating all believers to godly living on the basis that God Himself has promised eternal life to all who trust in Christ for salvation and God's Word can never be broken, and His truth stands fast for ever and ever.
Our hope in Christ is not only a future expectation, but it is already our present possession, for when we were saved by grace through faith in Christ, we were made children of God, citizens of heaven, heirs of the grace, and joint-heirs with Christ.
And Paul in his opening words to Titus, reiterates the sure hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised long ages ago to all who trust in Christ for salvation.
Let us rejoice and be glad that God has given us eternal life both now and in the ages to come, which is ours by grace through faith in Christ Jesus our Saviour.
When He died, we who are His seed died in Him - we died with Him - His death became our death - and His resurrected life became our new life in Christ - our new nature.
BUT at the point in time that we trusted in Christ as Saviour and became born-again as a new creation in Christ, the power of sin in our life was severed as a practical reality.
we are not sinless for we still have an old sin nature, and if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us, but sin and death have no power over our new life in Christ - our new born-again life.
No surprise that the blessed hope that we all have in Christ is the most wonderful assurance which was given to us at our rebirth and is established by the Word of God, with an inheritance that is kept for us in heaven.It reminds us that because Christ is risen from the dead, we too shall rise.
Christ is risen from the dead, and He has become the First-Fruits of all who 'sleep' and because He lives, all those who are positioned IN Christ will also live.The Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the complete assurance that all who have trusted on His name will be raised from the dead, with a new resurrected body that will be like His glorified body.
Once a man is saved by faith, he is to live by faith. Every man remains under the judgement of almighty God until they are covered in Christ's righteousness, by faith.
The unsaved sinner who is dead in their sin and at enmity with God can only be justified by faith in Christ.
A man's salvation is judged according to their FAITH in Christ's sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, as payment for their sin.
By trusting himself instead of Christ, such a man rejects the very foundation of our faith; faith in Christ's sacrificial work, and such a man remains under condemnation.
Those who reject the Person of God and those who refuse to trust in Christ's sacrificial work are condemned already, and chapter 2 begins by stating clearly: We know that the judgment of God rightly falls upon those who practise such things. The wrath of God is poured out on ALL who deny the Person of God and the Work of Christ.
The only path to peace with God and a right standing before Him is faith in Christ.
But Paul also had a dear desire to be a blessing to his brothers in Christ, no matter where he went.
Paul was a man who was full of the Holy Spirit, but he was also a man who was filled with a caring concern for his brothers in Christ.
Paul was also called by God to function as a priest of the gospel of God, bringing the gospel to those that were dead in their sins and at enmity with God enabling access into the throne-room of the Father which is by grace through faith in Christ alone.
The apostle Paul set us a wonderful example of a minister of God whose dear desire was to bring many to saving and sanctifying faith in Christ Jesus.
And Christ Jesus calls each of us who are saved by grace through faith in Him to become His ministers; His hands, His feet, His voice, and His witness as we point people to Christ Jesus and develop that caring concern for our brothers and sisters in Christ that is so honouring to God.
Little by little, Paul guides us from recognising the serious nature of our depravity, our rebellion against God, and the shocking consequences of our estrangement from Him, to the glorious truth that there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.
We read that we are justified by grace through faith in the only begotten Son of God, and that we are clothed in His righteousness, redeemed by His blood, made a new creation in Christ, and set free from slavery to the world, the flesh, the devil, and the Law.
Although they were saved by grace through faith in Christ, these believers were being deeply influenced by the fleshly world system, rather than being led and guided by the indwelling, Spirit of God.
I could only talk to you like little babies or infants in Christ.
In this dispensation of grace, we may not be under the Mosaic Law or required to keep the statutes, commandments, feasts, ordinances, and testimonies given to Israel, but we have the Word of God which instructs us on holy living, walking in spirit and truth, abiding in Christ, and growing in grace.
As we consider that God has given us all we need for life and godliness in Christ, in Whom are hidden ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, may we be careful to discover more of His character, to walk in His ways, to listen to His voice, and obey all that the spirit says to the Churches.
What wonderful reassurance we have in Christ Jesus our Lord, for He is our Great High Priest, and heavenly Mediator.
In Christ, we have been invited to enter confidently into the throne-room of heaven and boldly approach God's Throne, that we may obtain mercy, and find the grace we need to help in time of need.
Only through faith in Christ have we been justified, forgiven of sin, and covered in Christ's perfect righteousness.
In like manner, the many Jewish rites, rituals, feasts, and assignments, were simply shadows of the multidimensional reality that was to follow later - in Christ.
The strict requirements of the Law, and the Sabbath day observances which were given to Israel, were given by God as shadows... pointing to the true reality that was to follow - in Christ.
By faith in Christ, we are no longer enslaved to sin.
And now as believers, the substance of what these shadowy things represented, has been discovered in Christ - and we have become a member of His Body and are identified with Him.
May we live in the reality of who we are in Christ and rejoice in the freedom that He has brought.
We are first called to abide in Christ, for He is our heavenly Vine and we are the branches.
God knows the importance of our abiding in Christ, for without Him we can do nothing.
Every believer is positioned in Christ and we are all a part of His Body and accepted in the Beloved.
Our salvation is by grace through faith in Him, but not every Christian abides in Christ, which results in a carnal walk, a fleshly lifestyle, and a wasted life that is influenced by the old sin nature rather than being enlivened by the new life in Christ.
A Christian that fails to abide in Christ becomes a worldly believer who lives a barren, unfruitful life and is of little value in the greater plans and purposes of God.
Every Christian knows that we are called to abide in Christ: And the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as Jesus walked. Sadly, not all Christians walk in spirit and truth but instead they live a barren, fleshly existence.
It is only as we abide in Christ that we can walk as Jesus did.
The beauty of the inner abiding in Christ as we surrender to His will, reflect on His Word, and hearken to the inner guidance of His Holy Spirit, is that we will walk in His way and receive the power to live as He lived.
We are to be a preserving agent that is used by God to restrain this world's evil from spreading its cancerous fingers into the lives of those who need to trust in Christ as Saviour.
Following a flurry of words that reminds them of his heavenly appointment as God's chosen apostle to the Gentiles, and in spite of an array of arguments of why they should live godly in Christ Jesus and walk in humble obedience to God, Paul reluctantly boasts of the many sufferings he had endured for the sake of the gospel and the many sacrifices he had made on their account, in order to underline that his motive towards them was to secure their spiritual growth and not for his own financial reward.
It was Paul who revealed the mystery that was hidden from the ages and from the generations, but has now made known to his sanctified people. It was a mystery kept hidden from past ages and generations, but has been unveiled to us in Christ Jesus our Lord.
In Romans 5, Paul moves from God's case against unbelieving sinners and their need to be justified by faith (born-again), to the overwhelming benefits of the justified man who is positioned in Christ.
He lists many of the privileges that are ours in Him which include peace with God, access to the Father, His abundant grace, and the exultant hope we have in Christ.
He exchanged our fallen sin nature with our new life in Christ.
He has declared US to be righteous before God, simply because of our faith in Christ!
After listing the superabundant privileges that are the right of all who are saved by grace through faith in Christ, Paul takes us back to the root of sin.
Similarly, he taught about the liberty we have in Christ through discussing the eating of meat that was sacrificed to idols - but he also warned that exercising their liberty in Christ could cause a weaker brother to stumble in his Christian walk.
They would to go forth into the world to tell the good news of the gospel of grace - to Jew and Gentile alike, and that whoever believed in Him would not perish, but become children of God, be clothed in Christ's righteousness, and receive everlasting life - as a free gift of God's grace.
How astonishing that our body has become a temple of the Spirit of God by faith, and that we have the resurrected Spirit of Christ dwelling in our heart, living in our body, empowering us to live godly in Christ Jesus, and enabling us to live as God designed us to live.
We were made to enjoy fellowship with our heavenly Father and to be led and guided by His Holy Spirit Who guides us into all truth, as we abide in Christ and He abides in us.
It is only by grace through faith in Christ that we are made spiritually alive.
But if Christ is in you, then you have been born again by faith in His finished work; saved by grace through faith in Christ; spiritually alive with the actual Spirit of the resurrected Christ living within your actual body!
Our once dead human spirit has been made alive because of the imputed righteousness we received by faith in Christ, at salvation.
And here in this important chapter on spiritual birth and a heavenly inheritance, we discover a great and respected teacher of the Law ignorant of the heavenly implications of the new, spiritual birth (in Christ), and the eternal consequences of being born from above.
Christ knew that sinful man in his fallen state cannot be accepted into the spiritual realm of a holy God unless he becomes as perfect as God and as holy as the Father in heaven is holy, which is only possible if he is forgiven of his sins, accepted in Christ, and covered with the garment of Christ's perfect righteousness.
It meant a new birth, a spiritual birth into a new creation, a spiritual transfer from the 'old creation' in Adam to the 'new creation' in Christ for all who would believe.
Unless a man who is born into this physical realm (born in Adam) is then reborn into the spiritual realm (born-again in Christ) he will not even see the kingdom of God.
Only as we submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit and depend on Him by grace through faith in Christ, are we able to walk by the Spirit and be enabled to live as God as intended us to live.
We have a blessed hope in Christ and a promise of eternal reward and our eyes should be fixed on Jesus.
We have many precious promises that are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ, and He has promised to come back to take us to be with Himself forever, and James exhorts each one of us: Be patient until the coming of the Lord.
Paul came to understand that whatever the privileges and perks that he had received from his birth, pedigree, education, religiosity, and whatever advantages, gains, and achievements he received from the world, were worth nothing in comparison with the incredible and eternal benefits of being in Christ.
Rather, He has exchanged my old sinful nature for a new-life in Christ.
The old 'me' died in Christ at the Cross of Calvary, when His blood paid the full price and penalty for my sins.
Behaviour modification of the old sin nature may produce a superficial change that meets the standards of the world, but only the Holy Spirit alone can transform the old life in Adam into the new life in Christ that we received at salvation.
Rather than being anxious, we are to abide in Christ, to remain secure under the shadow of His wing, and to repose in the arms of our beloved Saviour Who died and rose again so that we might live with Him forever.
The fortress of His love would be our protection, and we would never be shaken as we abided in Christ, our Rock and our salvation.
May we choose the good, eschew what is evil, and never compromise our position in Christ, for God is not mocked, and what a man sows in life is what he will reap.
We are to eschew all forms of impure behaviours, for God has called us to live godly in Christ Jesus, Who died to pay the price for our sin, and has called us to live a life that is consecrated to Him.
Christ's invitation to Come, was given to these two followers of John the Baptist and His invitation to Come is still as relevant today as it was in Christ's early ministry.
We are to rest in His love and to trust in His Word, even during those difficult times so that we may live godly in Christ Jesus.
We should not fear the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, for no real harm can come to those that are in Christ Jesus.
Although we may face physical suffering, financial hardships, material deprivation, other deep losses, and even death, we have God's absolute assurance that nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus, including tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, poison, the sword... and even the perils of the 21st century.
In Christ, we are overwhelmingly victorious, through Him Who loved us and gave Himself for us.
There is no one that can harm us and nothing that can separate the born-again child of God from the eternal promises that are ours in Christ Jesus our Saviour: Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come... nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
There may be times when we fail to abide in Christ and wander far from the Lord... but even when we are faithless He remains faithful, for He cannot deny His promises to us - He cannot deny His Word.
Nothing is able to harm us or separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The love that we are called to exhibit in our lives is the foremost fruit of the Spirit, which can only be ministered to us by the Holy Spirit Himself as we die to self, abide in Christ and He in us.
Because of the suffering his letter of admonition had caused them, Paul was keen to re-visit these Corinthian brothers in Christ, but was reluctant to do so in case they were still smouldering from the severe scolding they had received from his earlier communication.
Proverbs reminds us that faithful are the wounds of a friend, and whether we are giving Christian counsel to a brother who has strayed from the narrow path or receiving a righteous rebuke from a concerned brother in Christ, it should be carried out in love or recognised as a restorative nudge from the Lord, Himself.
As part of the new creation in Christ, we are no longer part of the old creation in Adam; we are no longer part of this fallen world system.
In his first epistle, he reminds his brothers and sisters in Christ that being hated by unsaved men and women should not ever surprise us, because the message of redemption is an offense to prideful men: If you belonged to the world, the world would love you as one of its own.
Throughout history, believers have been persecuted by those of the world because their hope and values are rooted in Christ and truth, love, and grace.
We are urged to put on the whole armour of God and equip ourselves with the spiritual weaponry that is ours in Christ Jesus - Who alone is able to assure us of victory over the evils of this present age.
It was a hidden wisdom which God predestined before the ages of creation and the generations of men, but now has been made known to those that are saved, by grace through faith in Christ.
God predetermined that the message of the Cross, which is so ridiculed by the unbeliever, is something that will bring glory to those who are saved by grace through faith in Christ.
We were born into this world as a slave to sin, and until we were saved by grace through faith in Christ, our life was governed by our fallen nature; a sin nature which was at enmity with God and without hope in the world.
We were made alive by the Spirit of God and given a new life in Christ.
We were transferred from being in Adam to being in Christ.
We were taken out of the old fallen creation in Adam and placed into the new perfect creation in Christ.
If, by grace through faith in Christ, we have been made alive (born again) by the Spirit of God, we also need to live the rest of our lives in the same way; by means of the enabling power of the Holy Spirit.
The good news of peace with God and an eternal relationship with Him has come by faith in Christ's shed blood for the redemption of the body and the forgiveness of sins.
Paul gives a beautiful description of the body of believers who are united together in Christ as God's holy Temple.
The body of believers who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, are becoming a sanctified dwelling which is set apart unto God, and in Whom resides the living Lord.
It was Christ Who said that He would build His Church and one by one, down through centuries of time, men and women have come to faith in Christ Jesus and one by one, they have each been fitted into the growing Temple of the living God.
We were positioned in Christ and sanctified in Him once and for all at the point of rebirth.
We are being changed from glory to glory as we mature in the faith and grow in grace, for He Who began a good work in us the moment we were saved by grace through faith, will continue to transform our new born-again life in Christ, into the image and likeness of Himself.
Paul addressed them as babes in Christ, even though they had an overabundance of spiritual gifts.
The Word of God teaches that we are to deny ourselves by keeping 'self' in the place of death so that we may love and serve the Lord our God in spirit and truth, and encourage and edify our brothers and sisters in Christ.
It demonstrates that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ, and is not dependent on any liturgical sacraments, baptismal rituals, good works, man-made doctrines, or legalistic requirements.
They had to know if works were necessary for salvation or if they were saved by grace through faith alone in Christ alone.
Post-Cross believers similarly are saved by God's grace through faith in Christ.
May we become increasingly familiar with the pure 'milk' and 'meat' of the Word and pray for discernment to identify and renounce anything that undermines the liberty we have in Christ, which will only bring us into bondage.
As overwhelming as this gift of justification by faith in Christ may be, there is so much more associated with our free gift of salvation.
Not only is our faith in Christ reckoned as righteousness but we also have access into God's grace, even though we were born in sin and were under God's wrath.
And because we have a new nature in Christ, we do not need to respond to the persuasive pull of the old sin nature, but we are called to exercise our new life in Christ by faith so that we may grow in grace and in a knowledge of our Lord.
The moment that we are saved, we have the potential to live godly in Christ Jesus, for the flesh with all its passion and desires is crucified.
This does not mean that the sin nature is eradicated or rendered inactive, but it does mean that we have the potential to live godly in Christ Jesus and to develop the fruit of righteousness, by grace through faith.
But if and when we do transgress, we are to quickly acknowledge our sin and make sure that our old sin nature is firmly nailed back on the Cross, for victory has been provided for all who are in Christ Jesus.
All we need to do is to take hold of what is already ours in Christ and live our lives in His strength.
He made us a new Creation in Christ and we became part of a new race of human-kind.
We started our old sinful, guilt-ridden life, as part of the first creation in Adam when we were born into the human race, but we started our new life in Christ the moment that we were born again by the Spirit of God, the moment we first believed.
For although our old sin nature was severed forever at the Cross when we were born into the family of God and given the new-life in Christ, our sinful nature remains with us, lusting against the new-life in Christ that is born from above.
Some, who certainly know that we DO still have an old sin nature that is at enmity with our new life in Christ, incorrectly mistranslate this verse by saying that whoever is born of God does not keep on sinning or does not make a practice of sinning, but this is not being true to the grammatical structure of this verse which simply says, Whosoever is born of God does not sin.
In point of fact, this is simply a reference to the new life in Christ that is given to each sinner by the Spirit of God, the moment that we believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and are born again.
Our new life in Christ does not commit sin.
Our new life in Christ will not sin.
Our new life in Christ cannot sin.
We are made a new creation in Christ and are given a new life - the life of Christ - a life that needs to grow in grace and be conformed into the image of Jesus, a life that cannot sin.
When we understand this verse in its correct context, all that Paul writes in Romans 7 begins to make sense, for when he says, It is no longer I myself who commits evil, but it is sin (the old sin nature) living in me, we understand why, in Galatians, he is also able to say, It is no longer I who live, but Christ (my new, sinless life in Christ) that lives in me.
Many believing pagans would trust in Christ as Saviour, and would come from the east and west and dine at the table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven, before many of the unbelieving children of Israel.
In the first few chapters of Ephesians, Paul gives us the most exciting overview of our position in Christ.
He rejoiced that we were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, are blameless in the sight of the Father, and will one day stand before Him in love.
He expounds the doctrine of salvation and reminds us of the numerous benefits we have been granted by faith in Christ.
Oh, he was not sharing in Christ's work on the Cross!
Paul knew that every believer is identified with Christ and those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake are a partaker in Christ's suffering.
How beautiful are the feet of those who are shod with this gospel of peace and who bring the good tidings of great joy to a lost and dying world who need to hear of salvation by grace through faith in Christ.
What an example we see in Paul of genuine affection towards his brothers and sisters in Christ and how important it is, in this fallen world, to be devoted to one another in love and to honour one another above ourselves, for though we are many, we are one Body in Christ and are called to love one another, just as Christ loved us.
Being born of the Spirit through faith in Christ and cleansed of our sin through His shed blood, demonstrates the incredible love and generous grace that the Father has lavished upon us - His children.
He is the only Way to the Father, the only Truth about God, in Whom is Life eternal for all who trust in Him.And we, who by rights should have death as our payment for sin, have been redeemed by His blood, given the free gift of salvation in Christ, clothed in His perfect righteousness, promised eternal life in heaven, become part of a new creation in Christ, and adopted into God’s own family.
What amazing love has been bestowed on us that we should be called the children of God, and what an amazing hope we have in Christ: Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has the human heart imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.He is, indeed, the hope of our calling and He is our blessed hope, for there is laid up for all His children a heavenly heritage.
And when our hope is in Him, and by faith we have trusted Him as our Saviour, we become increasingly like Him through the power of the Holy Spirit.Like the Lord Jesus, we too are despised by this pagan world system and increasingly have become targets of ridicule and ill-treatment by a world which does not understand what manner of love the Father has towards you and me... who by faith in Christ have become His children and been made joint-heirs with Christ.
We are to bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, and endure all things for Christ's sake, and by God’s grace we are to bind our hearts together in love with our brothers and sisters in Christ, for the honour and glory of our Lord, for He is the only Sovereign God.
He is the Beginning and the End, and He alone holds the keys of death and hell, for HE is JESUS, the Author and Finisher of our faith. It is in Him that we live and move and have our being, and it is through Him that we have been made a New Creation in Christ.
You believe in God, He told Israel, believe also in ME. This is the work of God, He taught them, that you believe in Him whom He has sent. Israel were to believe in Christ as their Messiah if Jesus were to finish the work that God called Him to do and bring in God's kingdom on earth.
Whether we are men or women, let us seek to live godly in Christ Jesus... to abide in Him and to submit to His leading and guiding so that we may grow in grace and become increasingly transformed into the image and likeness of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
James did not sugarcoat the gospel of God, nor did he pull his punches when teaching the truth... because he knew the serious and eternal consequences of rejecting the gospel of grace, or of feigning faith in Christ's finished work.
Just before being stoned to death for his faith in Christ, Stephen (a beloved disciple of the Lord Jesus, who was full of grace, truth, faith, hope, power, wisdom, and filled with the Holy Ghost), was falsely accused by various groups of religious legalists of sedition and blasphemy, and hauled before the Jewish court; the Sanhedrin.
For 2000 years, God has stayed his hand of judgement on a Christ-rejecting sinful world, answering the prayer of Stephen that Jew and Gentile alike have been offered the free gift of salvation by grace through faith in Christ and brought into the family of God.
And Christ not only prayed for these disciples, but also for all who believe in Him through their word. That Word of truth, which was soon to go forth throughout the whole world was to have its beginning in Christ's chosen apostles.
Thousands came to faith in Christ in the early years of the Church, through the ministry of their spoken word in the book of Acts, and multiple millions have come to faith through the witness of their written word, down through many centuries of time.
The old sin nature that executed its exclusive rulership over our lives, died in Christ at the Cross.
We became part of a new creation and were given a new baby life in Christ, for we died to the old life in Adam and became alive in Jesus Christ our Lord.
We were made a new man, with a new Christ-like nature and a new Christ-like heart, and day by day we are being conformed into His image and likeness. In the light of this wonderful truth, we should seek to live godly lives, as unto the Lord, and allow the new-life in Christ to grow and mature in our inner being.
Paul wanted to be sure that the Christians at Colossae understood the glorious position they had in Christ and that by God's grace that they are identified with Christ and made alive in Him.
He pointed out that if the doctrinal theology they had been taught was true - that we are positioned in Christ, identified with HIm, part of a new creation in Christ, raised up with Christ Jesus, and seated with Him in heavenly places, then we need to keep on seeking after heavenly things and not yearn after earthly things - to set our hearts on things above, where Christ is - i.e.
At salvation, we were not only forgiven of our sin but declared to be righteous by God, because we were removed from the old creation in Adam and placed into the new creation in Christ – how important to reckon ourselves dead to sin and alive to Christ – to reckon on our heavenly position in Christ as fact.Paul reminds us that the moment that we trusted Christ to save us, the Spirit of God positioned us in Christ and we were placed into His Body.
We were taken out of Adam and positioned in Christ the very moment we were saved.
We did not have to do anything extra for we were placed into Christ from the very moment we trusted in Jesus, and when we are 'born from above' we are baptised into the Body of believers.We not only died with Christ and were buried with Him, but we rose with Him into newness of life and became a new creation in Christ.
When Christ rose from the dead, we were in Him and so we were raised into newness of life in Christ, and because we trust in the Lord as our Saviour, we are forever united with Him.May we never forget that there is a Man in heavenly places - Jesus Christ the righteous Who is presently seated at the right hand of God the Father and because we are in Christ, we are therefore seated with Him, today, in heavenly places.
May we keep on seeking after this from this day forward. May we seek Him with all our heart and soul and mind and strength and recognise the incredible privileges that we have in Christ - the God of our salvation.
In his Gospel, John tells us that those who believe in Christ are not condemned, but those who do not believe are condemned already: Because they have not believed in the only begotten Son of God.
'The Second Death' which is mentioned in this verse, is reserved for EVERYONE who has not trusted in Christ for their salvation.
This is not a subject that should be swept under the Church carpet, as so often happens in Christendom today, but is a serious subject that should be faced, and unbelievers should be challenged so that they may hear the glorious gospel of grace and believe the message of redemption by grace through faith in Christ, and be SAVED.
By grace through faith, we are a part of the new creation in Christ and members of His mystical Body.
As part of the Church, we have all been given individual gifts and graces which are to be exercised for the benefit of our brothers and sisters in Christ and for the glory of God.
We are not required to carry out the law of Moses - for we are under the law of the spirit of Life in Christ Jesus.
We were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be blameless before Him.
In Christ, we have already obtained an inheritance and are seated together with Him, in heavenly places.
May we never forget the many precious promises that are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ - and may we never forget all that God has done for us and honour Him through our humble obedience.
And we, who have been saved by grace through faith in this Church dispensation, have received equally precious and unfailing promises - which are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Saviour.
We are exhorted to be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other just as God in Christ also has forgiven us.
They are dead in their trespasses and are under God's righteous condemnation, but they try to persuade us to compromise our position in Christ, slacken our biblical standards, and adopt an ungodly and worldly mindset.
But now that we have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, we are children of the light who are to have no part in ungodly behaviour, for to do so not only dishonours the name of the Lord Jesus but it also shipwrecks our Christian testimony.
It is this attitude of godly love towards one another that comes to its climax with Paul's exhortation to us all: Love one another with brotherly affection and seek to outdo one another in showing your brothers and sisters in Christ, honour and respect. All who profess to be Christians are called and commanded to love in the same way that Christ loved us.
Such a life is available to us by means of the Holy Spirit and expressed through our new life in Christ, but only those who choose God-dependency over self-dependency can avail themselves of God's love.
The unregenerate man is born in sin, he is a slave to sin, and remains separated from his Creator throughout his life – until and unless he is saved by grace through faith in Christ.However, the man that is born from above is no longer a slave to sin.
The regenerate man is no longer in bondage to the principle of sin that entraps all who are born into the fallen race of Adam. The man or woman who has been saved by grace through faith in Christ has been set free from slavery to sin and is returned into fellowship with God from the moment of salvation.
As Christians, we are dead to sin and alive to Christ, and Paul encourages all believers to take this important truth to heart and reckon it to be so: Reckon yourselves to be dead to sin and reckon yourselves to be alive to God in Christ Jesus.This instruction from Paul is based on the faithful, unchanging, and unalterable Word of God.
It is by faith in Christ that we have been saved, and it is also by faith in Christ that we have been liberated from the power of sin. Therefore, Paul urges us to keep sin in the place of death and not to allow sin to reign in our mortal bodies, since we have been freed from its power.
Because we are saved by grace through faith and positioned in Christ, we are instructed: Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts.
Well, we are not to place ourselves back under subjection to the power of sin, because in Christ we are dead to sin having been released from its power and dominion over us.
We are to 'know' and believe that, without a shadow of a doubt, we are in Christ.
We are to believe, without faltering, that there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ.
We are born with an old sin nature, but because we are in Christ and identified with His death on the Cross, we are made a new creation in Him.
As a new creation in Christ, we are identified with Him, such that when HE died... we died in HIM.
Because we are in Christ and identified with His nature we have been set free from the power of sin and can be instructed not to let sin have sway in our body and not to obey the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.
BY grace through faith in Christ, 'old man' is dead and we have a new life within - our old life is dead and we have the life of Christ.
Well, although Christians are not under the 'Mosaic Law' per se, we are certainly under 'the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus' which James calls: The royal law according to the Scripture, and there are many instructions that believers in the Church age are given on many of the issues that are addressed in the Law of Moses e.g.
They may come from a different culture, participate in alternative customs, or find their conscience forbids them to behave in a certain way, or they may enjoy the complete liberty that is ours in Christ.
It is ironic that foolish divisions and judgemental condemnation have often resulted from our freedom in Christ, but we also have a responsibility towards our brothers and sisters, especially those that are weaker in their faith.
May we rejoice in the liberty we have in Christ while learning to be considerate towards the need and sensitivities of others.
He was further saddened to see the rich young ruler, whom He loved so deeply, abandon the eternal riches he could find in Christ, for love of his earthly wealth.
Jesus warned them that persecution would stalk their earthly path as well, yet these short-sighted men preferred to squabble over their own position in Christ's coming Kingdom, rather than recognise the significance of this epic walk to Jerusalem, or that they were participants in the greatest event in the history of human-kind, as they accompanied the Lamb of God to Calvary - where He was to pay the price for the sin of the world.
Although he started his Christian life by grace through faith in Christ's finished work on the Cross, Peter reintroduced certain aspects of the Law into his Christian walk.
Christ died for us, not as an example of what we should do, but as a demonstration of God's unconditional love for us. There is no other way to gain salvation but through faith in Christ. We must never forget that our whole salvation - body, soul, and spirit - our justification, sanctification, and glorification ALL rely on Christ's finished work.
There is NO condemnation to those that are IN Christ Jesus. We are reminded that we do not have to live in fear of not being good enough.
All born-again believers are united with Christ at the point of salvation, and having been made one with Him, we are instructed to abide in Christ.
To abide in Christ simply means that we are to mature in our spiritual life, to grow in grace, and to maintain a close and increasingly intimate fellowship with our heavenly Father.
All born-again believers are positioned in Christ and have become a member of His Body.
To abide in Christ is to die to self and live only for Him.
But anyone who does not abide in Christ, throws away their opportunity to bear good fruit to the glory of God, and that life becomes withered and is discarded.
We are to abide in Christ and He in us if we are to be fruitful branches that produce the fruitful works of righteousness (the fruit of the Spirit).
But if we do not abide in Christ and He is not given first place in our lives, then we will not produce good fruit to the glory of God.
A believer's fruitfulness depends on close fellowship with the Lord Jesus; He abides in Christ.
He exposes carnal Christians as spiritual babes in Christ who, although saved by grace through faith, remain spiritual infants, out of fellowship with the Father, and not walking in spirit and truth.
To abide in Christ and be fruitful is to say NOT my will but Thine be done.
To fail to abide in Christ is to say MY will not Thine be done, and the opportunity to live for Christ is lost.
Those that produce spiritual fruit by abiding in Christ shall receive a reward.
Those that do not produce spiritual fruit by not abiding in Christ shall suffer loss, and while they are still saved, their fruit is gathered up, thrown in the fire, and burned.
If the believer chooses not to abide in Christ, or tries to produce fruit apart from the Vine, it will result in a barren Christian life.
And although that light will not save him, for salvation is found in Christ alone, nevertheless such knowledge and light will condemn him, as Paul tells us in the early chapters of Romans.
Praise God that the rest of the book of Romans gives us clear guidelines on how to be saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, the one and only Saviour Whose sacrificial death paid the full price for our sin, and Whose glorious Resurrection imparted to us His resurrected life, making us part of an entirely new creation, children of God, and joint-heirs with Christ, by faith in Him.
He equips us to carry out His perfect will in each of our lives if and when we are willing to submit to His guidance, as we walk in spirit and truth, as we abide in Christ, and let Him live His perfect new life-in-Christ in us.
The more we live, and move, and have our being in Christ, the more fruitful our lives will become.
But we need to understand that those who use their God-given gifts and abide in Christ, by humbly submitting to the Holy Spirit, will be given even more.
Fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ can be such a blessed experience, but to enjoy sweet fellowship with our Heavenly Lord is the pinnacle of being a sinner saved by grace.
It is as we obediently abide in Christ, on Whom we feed and through Whom we draw all we need for life and godliness, that we will know without a shadow of doubt, we are walking in spirit and truth.
We live in a world where sexual infidelity is treated lightly by much of the populace, and even promoted by some, but let us never forget how serious it is to defraud a brother in this matter and ensure that we strive for the only standard righteous in God's eyes, as we abide in Christ and He in us.
It is YOU and ME, who are saved by grace through faith in Christ, who are directed to examine our faith, by reflecting on the person, work, roles, and responsibilities of this unique and holy Person, in Whom we have placed our trust.
Through faith in Christ, God has made us His children; heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ.
We have been given every spiritual blessing in Christ and we are charged to know Him more, to love Him better, to walk in His ways, and to love others as He has loved us.
May we rejoice in His many precious promises to us, which are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ, and may we truly value the intimate and privileged relationship we can enjoy with our God and Father in heaven.
Paul is keen to show the difference between US and THEM - between Christians and unbelievers; between those that are saved by grace through faith in Christ and unregenerate men and women: WE are of the day and WE are sons of light, Paul reminds us.
We are positioned in Christ and are partakers of His righteousness and we have the mind of Christ.
There is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus - God's wrath fell on Him at Calvary in place of us, and we are no longer under the wrath of God, but have received the citizenship of heaven, by faith.
Faith, Love, and Hope are three of the most important elements that are ours in Christ.
Like Paul, Timothy lived godly in Christ Jesus, having a desire to see believers grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Praise God, that His grace was not only sufficient for Paul and Timothy - but His grace continues to be sufficient for you and for me and for all who are seeking to live godly in Christ Jesus... as we seek to walk in Spirit and truth and live with one another in the bond of peace.
He is a patient God Who is long-suffering and of great goodness; an immutable God Who is unchanging and unchangeable; a God Who will never go back on His Word, either the earthly promises which He gave to nation of Israel or the many precious promises which by grace through faith in Christ, He has given to the Church, which is His Body.
How sad that having heard and believed the saving message of the Cross and that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ's finished work alone, as written in the Scriptures, that many today follow this same pattern or reverting to legalism or seek to impose the restrictions of the Law on their brothers and sisters in Christ.
To do so, renders works of the Law as the means for living godly in Christ Jesus instead our new life in Him.
It is the new life in Christ that enables us to live godly in Christ Jesus: Not I, by keeping works of the Law, but Christ.
While some unbelievers falsely claim to have fellowship with God, which is only possible through faith in Christ, Christians may also falsely claim to have fellowship with the Father.
We have been justified in God's sight because we placed our faith in Christ.
How we rejoice that we are clothed in Christ's righteousness and become new creatures in Him.
Many Jewish believers found it very hard to accept that the new covenant in Christ's blood had superseded the old covenant given at Sinai, and which was a shadow of things to come.
Let us never take our salvation for granted, and let us never treat as insignificant our eternal position in Christ, our future inheritance, the forgiveness of sins, and everlasting life - for what God has said He will fulfil - not because of who we are but for the honour of His holy name and to the glory of Jesus Christ - our God and Saviour.
He would find out that all that needed to happen was to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and he would be spiritually born from above, for as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the perfect Son of Man; the eternal Son of God, be lifted up so that Nicodemus, together with all who trust in Christ's finished work at Calvary, might be saved.
Paul was shocked that having been saved by grace through faith in Christ, they were now reverting to a gospel of works: Which perverts the gospel of Christ.
May we, who were born again by the Spirit of God by grace through faith in Christ, live, walk, and pray in spirit and truth by grace through faith in Him.
The Bible exhorts parents to instruct their children in the things of God, to train them in the way they should go and to teach them the Holy Scriptures, which are able to give them the wisdom that leads to salvation, through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.
While believing Israel are Abraham's physical descendants who will inherit all the earthly promises given to their forefathers, the Church are Abraham's spiritual descendants; for we are IN Christ, born of the Spirit of God, and we have also been given many precious promises, including a heavenly inheritance.
It stresses the importance of living by faith and not by works of the law, for without faith it is impossible to please God - for faith in Christ is the key to the promised kingdom which He holds in His pierced hands.
From beginning to end, we can have no doubt that the target audience of Hebrews was originally believing Israelites - Jews who had become part of the one new man in Christ, for it gives repeated warnings not to revert back to the old religion of pre-Cross Israel.
The old Law was not given to achieve salvation - for in Christ are the words of eternal life and through Him alone will come the prophesied kingdom of heaven on earth.
There is only one message of salvation from our Father in heaven and that is: Salvation is a free gift of God's grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
God commissioned the teaching of the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord, to the apostle Paul, and we do well to take note of his sober warning.
As we seek to grow in grace and live godly in Christ Jesus, let us choose to adopt an attitude in stark contrast with the foolish, fretful, disobedient, and rebellious ways of the world, and discover the unfathomable value of that little word BUT.
The actions and attitude of this man towards his fellow believers as well as strangers that crossed his path, reflected the lovely Lord Jesus, causing John to write to this brother in Christ with these words: I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
All those that are blood-bought children of God and who are walking in fellowship with the Lord Jesus can be said to be walking in the truth of His Word – for those that are born again and living in fellowship with the Lord are those that are living their life in through their new, born-again spirit (their new life in Christ), and not living as carnal believers who continue to live their Christian lives under the influence of the old sin nature.
Nothing is more thrilling for a Christian parent, or a believer who has been influential in pointing one younger in the faith to the truth of the gospel, than to see them living according to the truth, walking in fellowship with the Lord Jesus, living in submission to the Holy Spirit's guiding hand, living under the influence of the new man in Christ (and not the old sin nature), and reflecting the grace, truth, love, and humility that flows to them from their Saviour.
We become a child of God and are positioned in Christ at rebirth.
There are many precious promises that become ours, the moment we trust in Christ as the sacrifice for our sin.
Christians are declared righteous by faith in Christ and once we are saved, there is nothing that can remove us from our redeemed status - nothing that can cancel God's glorious promises to us.
Although Christians are positioned in Christ and eternally united with Him, any post-salvation sins we commit will always break the precious communion we enjoy with the Lord.
This can only be done through humble confession of our wrong-doing, and although sin never removes us from our secure position in Christ, it most certainly breaks our fellowship with God, for sin is always a barrier that separates a sinner from a holy God.It was the apostle John who told us that if we confess our sin to our Father, our fellowship with Him will be re-established.
It is in Christ Jesus that all the fullness of Deity resides in a human body, and it is by Him that we who believe, have been made a new creation in Christ and are complete in Him.
By faith, we have been positioned in Him, and through the sacrifice of Himself, we have been transferred from the old creation in Adam into the new creation in Christ.
How foolish to allow all we have in Christ to be compromised by those who delight in ascetic practices, worship angels and heavenly beings, who claim access to certain visionary realm and inflate their ego without cause, as too often happens in Christendom today.
The enemy of our soul may not be in a position to remove or invalidate our eternal salvation which is ours is by grace through faith in Christ, but he comes as a roaring lion to tear our testimony to shreds, and also as an angel of light peddling many deceitful tactics and subtle deceptions, to cause us to stumble and render our testimony null and void.
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever.
Let us emulate Paul's passion and his powerful prayer as we also bow our knee to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and let us also intercede for our brothers and sisters in Christ, that each may receive a super-abundant outpouring of multiplied blessings which cascade from God's own divine riches and infinite kindness into their inner soul.
But in His great love for all His children, the Lord continues to plead with every one of His born-again children to yield to the call of his voice and live godly in Christ Jesus: Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.
We are not to have any confidence in the flesh, but are to glory in Christ's completed work on Calvary.
Rather, this verse is connected with rewards and shows that our endurance to the end is an outward, demonstrable proof to others of our already secured position in Christ.
In those early days of the Christian Church, Gentiles had to give up their pagan practices, and Jews had to transition from being under the restrictive 'Law of Moses' to the liberating 'Law of the Spirit of God in Christ Jesus'.
It was difficult for many Jews to transition from the rules, regulations, feast days, sacrificial offerings, and sabbath-day requirements, to the liberty we have in Christ, where there is neither Jew nor Gentile.
The Jews were also a race, who throughout their history, required a sign from God, and no doubt, the Lord used many of these sign miracles in the early church, to bring Jewish people to faith in Christ.
They reject God's gracious gift of salvation through faith in Christ, and they pour scorn on the Christian's hope in Christ’s return and the coming judgement of God on His fallen creation: What happened to the Messiah's promise to return?
We are saved by grace through faith in Christ's work on Calvary and there is no ritual, religious activity, Sabbath rule, or Church-imposed regulation, that could ever elevate our position before God or exaggerate our spiritual importance.
God has given us all that we need for life and godliness, because we trusted in Christ's finished work, by faith.
This passage delved into great detail about the Church age, the dispensation of the grace of God, and the precious mystery that had been hidden for ages and generations but had now been revealed to him: that Gentiles should be brought into God's family and be made fellow heirs with Christ; that Jew and Gentile alike might become part of the same Body and be made partakers of God's promise in Christ through believing the glorious gospel of God.
For two whole chapters, Paul had outlined in brilliant detail our position in Christ, and the superabundant spiritual blessings we have in heavenly places, which are the inherited right of all who trust in Christ for salvation.
He details the righteousness with which we are covered; he proclaims our position in Christ, where we are seated with Him in heavenly places; and He explains our divine election and adoption as sons.
He further details our complete and unconditional acceptance by God because we are positioned in Christ by faith, and he rejoices in the hope of our calling, the riches of His inheritance in the saints, and the exceeding greatness of His power towards us which is manifest in the salvation of Jew and Gentile together in one new Man.
Paul knows what is ours in Christ, and his prayer is that we appropriate all that is ours by faith.
Paul's prayer is that we understand who we are in Christ NOW: that we believe this Word and that we reckon on its truth.
May we not only know and appropriate all that is ours in Christ Jesus as recorded in those first few chapters of Ephesians and other beautiful passages, but may we also bow our knees in prayer that the one new man in Christ may appropriate all that is ours in Him.
John is often called 'the apostle of love', and here he expressed his Christian love in a short letter to the 'elect lady' and her children because they were all born of the Spirit, children of God, one with the Lord, positioned in Christ, and part of His Body which is the Church.
John rejoiced because the truth of the glorious gospel of grace abode, remained, and rested in the heart of this precious sister in Christ and her family (as it does in all who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ), and John gave additional assurance that this gospel truth would remain with them all forever.
John knew that God has placed His Word above His holy name and so John could boldly proclaim to this sister in Christ: I love all of you in the truth and not only I, but also all who have come to know the truth, because of the truth that remains in us and will be with us forever.
The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, for as we read: If the Lord should mark our iniquities, who could stand?
For there is neither Jew not Greek in Christ, we are all ONE in Him – ONE Church, ONE Faith, ONE Body, ONE God and Saviour.
Others suggest that it refers to the whole nation of unsaved Jews, and that in some way they do not need to be saved by grace through faith in Christ but are automatically redeemed because of their Jewish genealogy.
The true Israel of God are physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who have also trusted in Christ as their promised Messiah.
There is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus and we are all members of the One New Man, for we are all ONE in Christ.
During the Church-age there continues to be a small remnant of Jewish believers who, having trusted Christ as their Messiah, have become part of the One New Man in Christ and members of the Christian Church.
We pray that many unbelieving Jews will come to salvation through faith in Christ and become part of that blessed 'Israel of God'.
His faithfulness lasts from one generation to another and His promises are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord, both for this cloud of faithful witnesses and for every member of the Body of Christ, the Church.
But Jews and Gentiles alike are lost sinners in need of salvation, and reverential fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and faith in Christ is the only way of salvation.
Just as Israel was called to be God's chosen people during the dispensation of Law, so members of the Body of Christ, the Church, are called and chosen to be God's representatives on earth during this Church dispensation. We have not only been made children of God, but He has clothed us in Christ's righteousness, seated us together with Him in heavenly places, and made us to be joint-heirs with Him.
He will change our mortal frame, where the life is in the blood, into a body like that of Jesus Christ, where life comes by means of the Spirit of God; for we are no longer part of the old, fallen, condemned, dying creation, but members of a new, eternal, and better creation in Christ - where He Himself is our life.
Nevertheless, he was prepared to keep on and lay hold of all he was in Christ, and all that was his in Christ - spirit, soul, and body.
The bodies of believers who have died in Christ will rise out of their graves first, and we who are still alive will be caught up together with then in the clouds.
The Bible gives a beautiful illustration of the marriage relationship that God intended in the beginning... and it can be seen in Christ's relationship with the Church, Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ also is the head of the Church - He Himself being the Saviour of the body.
He wanted them to see that the prison chains that bound him and the wicked men that had accused him, gave witness that he was in Christ and that the Spirit of God was working in his life.
What a joy to discover that God will use every situation in the life of everyone who is willing to die to self and live for Him, as a testimony to others that we are in Christ's and that He is in us, so that like Paul our lives show evidence that we are being used for the furtherance of the gospel, to His praise and glory.
We were born dead in our sins, but have been made alive in Christ and become children of God and joint heirs with Him.
Those forty blissful days that followed the Resurrection must have been wonderful for Christ's disciples, because the sorrow and anguish they felt when they thought the Saviour was dead and buried (following the gruelling time of His arrest, trial, and crucifixion), must have blossomed into a time to ecstatic gladness and joy as Jesus presented Himself to them alive and gave everyone His gracious reassurance that even the terrible act of denial cannot separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord!
He came to fulfil the righteous requirement of God's Law so that we would not remain under condemnation but be raised up into newness of eternal life.It is with a heart of humility, a spirit of purity, an unblemished conscience, and in full assurance of our hope in Christ, that we have confidence in this glorious invitation to draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.We have been purchased with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God Who was slain from the foundation of the world.
It is the man or woman that recognises their own insufficiency that can confidently trust in Christ’s never-failing sufficiency.
It is the one who trusts in Christ that can draw near to the Lord with the full assurance of faith - and in prayer and in praise.It is the one that has been washed by His cleansing flood and covered in His garment of righteousness that has boldness to enter into the holiest of all.
The man or woman that has been cleansed from sin, by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus, is encouraged to draw ever closer to the Lord with fervent faith because they are a new creation in Christ whose heart has been made free from the sense of sin and whose body is washed with clean water.
The washing of the body through water baptism is a simple sign and lovely testimony of the inward cleansing of the heart that took place when a man or woman was redeemed by faith in Christ.
Today, Christians are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise and proclaim the gospel of the grace of God to every creature: For we are saved by grace through faith in Christ. In the Tribulation, the 144,000 Jewish evangelists will preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world, proclaiming the imminent arrival of the King of kings - and a multitude without number will be saved.
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
In their desire to defend the truth of the saving message of salvation (by grace alone through faith alone in Christ's finished work alone, as recorded in the Scriptures alone), these enthusiastic legalists add a wide range of works to this God-breathed message of the Cross.
And although it is also unattainable in our own strength, God, in His grace, has caused it to become attainable to all who are 'in Christ' – for Jesus chose to die in our place and become a curse for us so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
And this New Covenant is attainable to all through Christ, for its demands were met at the Cross in Christ so that the righteousness of Christ is imputed to all who believe on His name.As such, the New Covenant has become the crowning glory of this age and the apex of excellence for all who are sprinkled with His atoning blood.
And it is by faith that we too have been saved by grace - and like all the fathers of faith, our faith in Christ is credited to us as righteousness.Praise God that we are sprinkled with the blood of a New and better Covenant – the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the one and only Mediator between God and man – and God is satisfied with us - IN Christ.
Peter was so acutely ashamed of his cowardly denial of the Lord in the chilly shadows of the high priest's courtyard, that he did not see the forgiveness in Christ's eyes when the Lord turned and looked upon him after the cock had crowed twice.
The experience of these followers of Christ is too often repeated in our own lives, despite the clear teaching of Scripture that God is in control and that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.
It tells of the practical benefits we gain, the way to live godly in Christ Jesus, the place of the Law in our lives, and how the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the Law of sin and death.
Perhaps this chapter is the pinnacle of Paul's epistle, for we discover there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus, and what the Law was unable to do for sinners has been done for us, through Christ's sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection.
The simple truth is that we who were once dead in our sins and at enmity with God, have been made alive by faith in Christ Jesus, brought near to the Father, adopted as His children, and indwelled by His Spirit: And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us, that same Holy Spirit will also give life to our mortal bodies, through the Spirit who dwells within each of us.
But the glorious truth in this verse is that we have hope in Christ, for the same Spirit which raised Him from the dead will also raise us up; spirit, soul, and body.
We are a new creation in Christ, such that His death becomes our death and His Resurrection becomes our resurrection, for we are united with Him eternally, and have become one in Spirit with Him.
And is it ours by grace, through faith in Christ.
We were saved by grace through faith in Him and at that moment of salvation our human spirit was made alive and we were positioned in Christ.
Never let us become complacent about the incredibly great salvation; spirit, soul, and mortal body, which is ours by faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.
It identifies those who have trusted in Christ's finished work on the Cross for salvation, as the blessed benefactors of His amazing gifts and graces, and it lays many foundational principles for the Church and its unique role in God's eternal plan.
How blessed we are to be recipients of the astonishing ministry of the Holy Spirit and beneficiaries of the mysteries that are ours in Christ Jesus, by grace through faith in Him.
The removal of the Church at the end of this dispensation, will identify another marker in God's unfolding plan of redemption, For when the priesthood is changed, of necessity there takes place a change of law also, and this is the point in history when God will once more start working through Israel as His earthly witnesses - and we will be in Christ's presence forever.
He was the sin-sacrifice for the whole world so that whoever believes on Him would not perish but have life - His resurrected life - His eternal life - His abundant life - the new life in Christ.
But the message of the Cross to us who have believed in Christ's sacrificial work 2000 years ago, is dynamic and powerful.
The shed blood of Christ as the redemptive price for the forgiveness of sin and His glorious Resurrection from the dead with its promise of eternal life and our blessed hope in Christ's soon return, is our glorious hope and our sufficient strength, for it is the power of GOD and the wisdom of GOD.
But to us who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus and who continue to 'be being saved' through the wonderful, sanctification process of the indwelling Holy Spirit conforming us day by day into the likeness of Christ Jesus our Lord, the message of the Cross is the power of God and the wisdom of God, to Whom be all praise and glory for ever and ever amen.
But in His mercy, He designed a way of salvation, where sinful man is cleansed and declared righteous, by the washing of regeneration, and renewal by the Spirit of God through faith in Christ.
We have to be given a new life in Christ which replaces our old life in Adam.
Having outlined the duties of church elders and the pastoral role of those in Christian leadership, Paul exhorts Titus, and all his fellow-believers in Christ, to be subject to rulers, to obey the legislative authorities, and to be ready for every good deed that God has prepared for us to do.
There is nothing that needs to be added to Christ's finished work on the Cross, and there is nothing we can do to make our salvation more secure than it already is - for in Christ we are saved as a free gift of grace, by believing: Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day.
Paul is reminding these brothers and sisters in Christ of the good news of salvation, which he had already preached to them.
Without believing in both the crucifixion AND the Resurrection there is no salvation in Christ, and Paul realised that there were some in the Corinthian church who were professing to be believers, but who did not believe in the entirety of the gospel which he himself had outlined: That Christ died for our sins, was buried, and was RAISED the third day.
Praise God that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ, and may we share this truth with others.
Though baptism is a beautiful outward sign of a miraculous inner change effected by the work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of the man or woman who trusts in Christ by grace through faith, baptism was not Paul's primary mission.
May we seek to be spirit-filled witnesses who die daily to self and walk godly in Christ Jesus, as led by the Holy Spirit of power and to the glory of God.
When it is used to show an unsaved man or woman that they are sinners in need of God’s forgiveness, it fulfils its purpose, but when it is manipulated by false teachers to cause believers who have already been justified by grace through faith in Christ, to turn aside to vain discourses, useless discussions, frivolous arguments, and ungodly philosophies – it is very dangerous and very wrong.
We are blessed to know that we have been saved by grace through faith in Christ. We have been born again into the heavenly family of God, as part of a new and better creation with a perfect Federal Head - we are members of the New Man, Christ Jesus.
And because of the great love with which He loved us, He sent Jesus to be the propitiation for our sin: But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our wrongdoings, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
But have you considered that it was only by God's amazing grace that he permitted one fallen man to dictate the destiny of all humanity so that ONE PERFECT MAN - the Man Christ Jesus - could determine the redemption of ALL - for as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
By faith in Christ, we have overcome the ungodly world system that is saturated in sin and seeks to entrap us all in its many and varied temptations and enticements.
Not a day should go past without the believer in Christ checking him or herself to make sure that they are in the faith and not tossed about by every doctrinal 'wind-of-change'.
There should be a regular examination of one's biblical principles to ensure that we are not straying from the path of righteousness, becoming embroiled in legalist practices, or claiming that our liberty in Christ is a licence to sin.
But how easy it is when we are beset by difficulties and dangers to forget the precious promises that are ours in Christ Jesus, yet how important it is to appropriate ALL that is ours in Him.
Once we are born again, we are no longer under the Law of sin and death, but under the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus.
It is easy to look away from the Lord towards the blackening storm-clouds of life and the tumultuous waves of discontent, that are designed to shipwreck our testimony and set us adrift from the Anchor of our soul, but James encourages us to keep our eyes on Jesus, and reminds us in this verse: The one who looks intently at the perfect law of liberty (which is already ours in Christ) and abides by it, will be blessed in what he does.
We are to look earnestly and continuously at the perfect Law of the Spirit of life, which is ours by faith in Christ, and we are to keep on concentrating on Him and focussing on His Word, which sustains us with spiritual strength, guards and protects us from the ravages of the enemy, and guides us into all truth as we grow in grace and mature in the faith.
We are 'baptised' into Christ. We are positioned in Christ and become identified with His righteousness, just as He identified with our sinfulness.
Being baptised in water has nothing to do with spiritual rebirth, but is an outward proclamation of faith in Christ.
It is to demonstrate a dying to the old sinful life, and a being raised into newness of life in Christ, as part of His new creation.
Being baptised with the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ is perhaps one of the most misunderstood concepts in the Bible, but perhaps 1 Corinthians 12:13 offers the clearest description of this once-for-all, supernatural event that takes place in the life of every Christian, the moment they place their faith in Christ for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting: For in the power of one Spirit, we have all been baptised into one Body; we have been placed INTO Christ's Body; we have become a Member of Christ's Body, which is the Church, whether Jews or Greeks, whether bondmen or free, and have all been given to drink of one Spirit.
This beautiful prayer is as much for the pauper as for the prince, for the preacher as for his pupil, for the aged saint as for the new-born babe in Christ.
This role of angels may sound impressive to the spiritually starving race of fallen men (and sadly to some ignorant and deceived believers in Christ as well), but lest we start to become obsessed with angels, the supernatural, and the invisible realm of spiritual beings (whether good or evil), let us remember that God chose to redeem fallen man and not fallen angels.
The wonderful grace of God that we read about in Rahab's life-story is no less true of every man or woman who is saved by grace through faith in Christ.
We should be so grateful for our great salvation, which has set us free from the bondage of sin and promised us eternal life, together with the many benefits that are ours in Christ.
The only way that we can be removed from the curse of the Law and its enslaving dominion over us is through faith in Christ.
Because of what Christ has done to save us from the PENALTY of sin (the wages of sin is death) and the POWER the Law used to have over us, we are also to consider ourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus.
We are no longer slaves to sin but gain our freedom in Christ.
While Paul was specifically making this point to his Jewish brothers in Christ who were finding it hard to accept that they were no longer bound by the Mosaic Law, it is important for all Christians, Jews and Gentiles alike, to realise that the Law is to show us that we are sinners in need of a Saviour, and to point us to Christ.
Only through faith in Christ can the curse of the Law be lifted in our lives, and its crushing hold over us be broken.
Only in Christ can we be released from the demands the Law places on us all.
Earlier in the chapter, we read that 'burdens' refer to trials, temptations, testings, and failures, and the writer to the Hebrews exhorts the spiritual believer to restore the brother or sister in Christ who has fallen short and has been overtaken by faults or failings.
In context, this is a passage that is contrasting the Old Testament Law of Moses with the New Covenant Law of Christ - for in bearing one another's burdens we are, in fact, fulfilling the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus: Bear one another's burdens, we are instructed in the previous verse, and thereby fulfil the law of Christ.
He confirms that His ministry is according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus, by faith... before addressing Timothy as, my dearly beloved son.
Timothy had come to a deepening faith in Christ through the ministry of the apostle Paul and is identified in Scripture as one of the men who would wear the mantle of leadership in the Christian Church.
The example of Paul's heart-felt concern and his prayer for grace, mercy, and peace over the life of Timothy, is an example to each one of us as we lift up our brothers and sisters in Christ to the Lord - in these increasingly evil days when the devil, as a roaring lion, continues to prowl about - seeking whom he may devour.
May God pour out His grace, mercy, and peace on all His children, until the day of Christ Jesus our Lord, and may we all follow the example of Paul in his ceaseless prayer-life, for all who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ.
All the good works and self-righteous acts produced by man are filthy rags in the eyes the Lord, for only in Christ can true righteousness be found, and all who trust in Him for salvation are clothed in HIS righteousness.
We are accepted in Christ, and those who are found in Him cannot boast of having our own righteousness, for we have been clothed in His perfect righteousness.
Godly righteousness comes through faith in Christ, for He alone has saved us from our sin.
Their faith came by hearing the Word of God, and their fruitfulness resulted as they acted upon their trust in Christ, their faith in God's Word, and their dependence upon Him.
And their love bore witness to their great salvation in Christ, for everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God; everyone who is walking in spirit and truth is knit together in Christian love.
Paul's first communication concentrated on correction, while the focus of this second message is on comfort, victory in the Cross, and the sufficient grace that is ours in Christ.
Paul provided these brothers and sisters in Christ with corrective teaching through the Word, and like them, we should be ready to receive teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness whenever it is necessary.
We are called to be saved by grace through faith but we are also to live by grace through faith as we apply the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus in our everyday lives.
If Paul, in these early days of the Church, was so viciously attacked by these legalistic, Pharisaic teachers who deliberately tied up heavy legalistic burdens on men's shoulders in order to entrap them, manipulate them, enslave them, and place them back under the curse of the Law... how much more do we, in these closing days of Christendom, need to be equally vigilant in our defence of the glorious gospel of God - for Christ died for our sins and rose again the third day so that by faith in His sacrificial work on the Cross and glorious Resurrection, we have been freed from the curse of the Law - which is death - and have been born anew where we walk in spirit and truth under the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
Then he promptly lists a number of observable qualities that are the outward, identifying marks of a man or woman who believes in the existence of God and trusts Him to fulfil all that He has promised in His Word, such are the qualities of the man or woman of God who walks in spirit and truth and abides in Christ, and He in him.
As believers who have been born from above, we are positioned in Christ, we are clothed in His own righteousness, and our joy and delight should be to walk with integrity, to work the works of righteousness, and to speak the truth in our heart.
If God has done this marvellous deed and separated us forever from our sin, should we not accept as fact that there is now NO condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus and not keep trying to win His favour?
He was led as a lamb to the slaughter and was smitten of God for our sakes – so that by grace through faith in His selfless, sacrificial work on Calvary’s Cross, we might be forgiven of our sin, brought back into fellowship with God, clothed in Christ's perfect righteousness, receive access to the throne of grace, and be endowed with the riches of God’s abundant blessings towards us – in Christ Jesus our Lord.
During the time that Israel is set aside, it is the Church that has been called to preach the gospel of grace and proclaim the Saviour of the world to Jew and Gentile alike so that whosoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, by grace through faith in Christ.We must never forget that Israel is the nation to whom Isaiah is speaking, and we must always remember that the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.
We have been made a new creation in Christ and have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb... and as saved saints, we should not be content to simply worship the Lord in the isolation of our own hearts, but should desire to rejoice in spirit and truth together with others who have, in like manner, been rescued from the pit of destruction and securely placed into the family of God.
Magnification of the Lord and the jubilant exaltation of His holy name, should be a dear desire in the heart of all who have been forgiven of their sins by faith in Christ and have received eternal life by the goodness and grace of Almighty God.
Therefore, brothers and sisters in Christ... come, and magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together.
Our very lives will stand as a sure testimony of God’s great goodness, and we will remain a never-ending tribute of God’s grace and kindness towards us in Christ Jesus: So that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ.
No matter what is taken away or what additional joys are bestowed upon us all, our great salvation will stand firm as the singular, timeless testimonial of the divine goodness of our God towards us, and we will become a perpetual demonstration of the incomparable and exceeding riches of God’s amazing grace which has been expressed in His kindness towards us in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Before we were saved by grace through faith in Christ, we were dead in our sins, at enmity with God, slaves of Satan, and governed by the old, fallen sin-nature.
Peter was writing his letter to believers, but he knew that many of the people to whom he was writing had engaged in these and other ungodly practices, before being saved by grace through faith in Christ.
Like the believers of Peter's day, we have been born-again and become part of God’s new creation in Christ.
Too often, as Church age believers, we plead, and petition, and ask, and beg the Lord to give us what is already ours, by faith in Christ.
In His divine power, He has given us everything required to live a holy life, through the knowledge of Him - through faith in Christ, Who called us by His own glory and goodness.
The privileges and promises of God are already ours, in accordance with the working of the strength of His might... which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in heavenly places - so that IN HIM, we too have been raised up with Christ, and seated with Him in the heavenly places!!!!!
We are already victorious in Christ against all enemies, foreign and domestic - human and spiritual.
May we be prepared to access ALL the many privileges we have, because we are positioned in Christ - by faith.
In many of his epistles, we find this great apostle of God asking his brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for him, and he often gave them great assurances that he was praying for them also.
By encouraging the Thessalonian believers to be partners with him in praying for the idolatrous city of Corinth, Paul was also enabling them to be partakers of the joy of hearing that many in Corinth were coming to faith in Christ and being saved by God's amazing grace.
It is important to note that Paul was not above asking for prayer from his brothers and sisters in Christ. He was convinced that the Lord is a God who hears and answers prayer, and that God is ready and willing to respond to our prayers and intercessions.
He wanted all his readers to realise that genuine prayer demonstrates a deep dependence on God, and it is an activity that can help to bring us to a mature faith in Him so that we may be complete in Christ, lacking nothing.
Oh, they were saved by grace through faith in Christ, for they were identified by Paul as 'saints.' They had also been equipped with many spiritual gifts and were described as being positionally 'sanctified in Christ' and 'set apart' unto God.
We are not excluded from engaging in certain activities (like feast days) but we are not required to carry out designated regulations or compulsory acts to maintain our position in Christ.
The freedom we have in Christ sets us free from the restrictions of legalistic rituals and religious regulations BUT we must be careful that we do not become entrapped in any activity which places us in bondage - or allow it to become an obsession in our life.
Our freedom in Christ may be perfectly legitimate, but could deflect our attention away from Christ or cause another believer to stumble - in which case we should avoid it so as to keep ourselves from backsliding or prevent a Christian brother from stumbling in their spiritual growth e.g.
As this epistle to Titus is drawing to a close, Paul is reminding him of the way that Christians should live their lives when we are surrounded by people that are not believers in Christ.
Not because of their own good works or righteousness which are considered by God to be filthy rags, but according to His mercy through the washing of regeneration, and being made new and clean and whole by the cleansing Word of the Holy Spirit which has been poured out, by God's grace, to everyone that believes in Christ.
He made us a new creation in Christ when we first believed.
And all who are saved by grace through faith can rejoice in Christ Who is the power of God, and the wisdom of God.
His understanding is a table that is overflowing with good things, and all these good things are all found in Christ – Who is the wisdom of God and the power of God - and by grace through faith, we are one with Christ and He is of God.
He calls them, and us, to consider the Person and Work of Jesus and warns against neglecting the gospel of grace, hardening our heart, reverting to spiritual infancy, falling away from the truth, or treating the wonderful birthright we have in Christ, with disdain.
Wherever the Tree of Life is mentioned, we see an important link with faith in Christ Who is the personification of all-wisdom, in Whom dwell the words of eternal life, and through Whom comes the fruit of perfect righteousness.
Paul disclosed that this body of believers was part of a new creation who would be born again into the family of God, by faith in Christ's sacrificial work and glorious Resurrection.
We are part of that body of believers who have been born again and made a new creation in Christ.
How sad when a Christian does not mature in their faith but remains a spiritual babe in Christ.
We are to walk in spirit and truth, abide in Christ and He in us, so that in the power of the Holy Spirit we may bring forth much spiritual fruit to the glory of God.
We are to remember that we are in Christ and that in Him, we died to our old sinful past and our life is now hidden with Christ in God.
No doubt, Peter remembered the commission he was given on that day: Feed My sheep, and we find him diligently obeying this command by reiterating the wonderful works of God to his readers and reminding them of the divine power, heavenly privileges, and precious promises we have in Christ.
He longed that they understood the privileged position they could enjoy in Christ, and that they too had received all they needed for life and godliness, which is the birthright of all God's children.
He reiterated the many precious and magnificent promises that are ours in Christ, which enable us to understand the very mind of Christ and become partakers in His holy, heavenly nature.
He wanted to remind them and us, of the immense importance of appropriating ALL that is ours in Christ.
The big, brawny, blustery fisherman, may have matured into a modest and unassuming man, but his enthusiasm for his risen Saviour and his earnest desire that others seize hold of the privileges they also have in Christ, never waned or weakened with age.
These are just a few of many biblical blessings that are ours, by grace through faith in Christ.
We are healed by His stripes (1 Pet. 2:24), become part of the new creation in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17; Eph. 2:10; 4:24; Col. 3:10) and are reconciled to God (2 Cor. 5:18-19; Col. 1:20).
God knows the heart, and the moment an individual places trust in Christ, they are born of the Spirit, and regeneration takes place.
Paul made it clear that there are no superior saints, super-apostles, or a special class of Christians, as his accusers claimed, and reinforced the gospel message he preached by saying: Now He Who establishes us with you in Christ and Who anointed us ALL is God.
Because of their lack of faith in Jesus, none of His disciples could cast out the demon. Due to their lack of faith in Christ, He could not or would not work the works of God through them.
The value and outworking of our Christian faith is found in Christ alone and not in the strength, intensity, or size of our faith.
He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and we too can confidently trust Him to keep all the promises he has made to the Church as well - all of which are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Now, as then, any form of legalist work that is insisted upon as being a necessary addition to God's free gift of salvation by faith alone in Christ's death, burial, and Resurrection, is strongly to be rejected, and Paul spends two whole chapters in this book of Galatians using the strongest possible language in defence of justification by faith in Christ's finished work on Calvary's Cross alone.
While it is true that through the Law comes the knowledge of sin, it is faith in Christ's finished work alone that justifies the sinner.
Faith in Christ's finished work alone causes sinners to be made right with God.
Faith in Christ's work on the Cross and His shed blood alone is the price that the Father demands for payment for our sin, and whoever believes in Him is saved by grace.
And through the teaching of the apostle Paul, God demands that we too recognise that salvation is His free gift of grace to all who will trust in Christ's finished work at Calvary.
At that moment in time, we were placed IN Christ. We were taken out of Adam at the point that we believed and placed into Christ.
When we are IN Christ, it means that we have His life living in us and it is His life that delivers us from the power of sin - His life is our life - our entirely new life in Christ - our new life and not the old sinful pre-Cross life (which is often referred to as the old sin nature, the old man or the Adamic nature).
As a result of being IN Christ, the Cross has a secondary meaning to us.
When Christ died UNTO sin, in His omniscience, He knew that one day you and I would trust in His name, and because we would one day believe in Him we are IN Christ.
We were in Christ even at the time that He went to the Cross, just as every member of the human race is always born IN Adam because He was our original forefather.
Being baptised into the Body of Christ, sealed by the Spirit of God, and having Him take up permanent residence in our mortal body, are some of the wonderful ministries that take place the moment a sinner believes in Christ and trusts the Lord Jesus for the forgiveness of sins and eternal salvation.
In Ephesians, we are commanded: Be filled, and keep on being filled, with the Spirit, for when we abide in Christ, the indwelling Spirit is given authority to work the works of God in our life.
It is linked with abiding in Christ and resting in His sufficient strength, rather than trusting in our own insufficient abilities.
It means living godly in Christ Jesus as we obey His Word and maintain fellowship with the Father through the regular confession of our sin: For if we confess our sin God is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
We are permanently forgiven at salvation and clothed in Christ's eternal righteousness, which gives us eternal peace with God.
Having escaped the corruption in the world, we will abide in Christ and He in us, and we will become 'living epistles' whose lives are an acceptable sacrifice to the Lord.
However, it seems that unbelief, doubt, indecision, or uncertainty may have trumped John's faith in Christ's physical Resurrection for a time, for he and Peter simply returned home after seeing the grave clothes undisturbed but empty, with the head covering neatly folded by itself.
The people that were present during the life, ministry, death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus belong to a unique generation because their life spanned the closing years of the pre-Cross dispensation of the Law (when Christ offered the kingdom to Israel, who rejected it), and the post-Resurrection dispensation of grace (where salvation is a free gift of God's grace, to all who will believe in Christ's death, burial and Resurrection for the forgiveness of our sin).
What an amazing privilege it is to be a new creation in Christ; forgiven of our sin, loved by the Lord, accepted in the Beloved, heirs of God, and joint-heirs with the Lord Jesus.
Love is the quality that binds all godly characteristics together in Christ.
But for us in this Church age, we are looking for the day when Jesus will come for us in the clouds: The trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ will rise first and then we that are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to be with Lord forever.
We who had no promises have been flooded with the many precious promises of God which are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ.
NOW in Christ Jesus, we who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. Let us live our lives as unto to Lord, for He alone is worthy of our praise and thanks.
Having laid out the amazing victory we have in Christ Whose sacrifice on the Cross became a sweet smelling fragrance to the Father, Paul announces that in Christ, we too have passed from death to life and have been commissioned by God to be epistles of Christ, declaring the truth of the gospel not with letters that are written with ink, but ones that have been inscribed, stamped, and sealed by the Holy Spirit Himself.
We who have trusted in Christ as Saviour, are to remember the many precious promises He has made towards us, and we are also to the recall countless times that God has defended and comforted His people Israel in their distress, knowing that His grace is the same toward His people, the Church, as it was in ancient past.
The truths that Jeremiah shared about the New Covenant are thrilling to both Israel and the Church, and we who believe in Christ for salvation know that this covenant was cut at Calvary, through the shed blood of Christ and will be fully and finally ratified when Jesus returns as King of Israel to set up His Millennial kingdom on earth.
And truly ALL who are saved by grace through faith, have overcome because of their position in Christ.
May we be those that not only trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, but continue to trust him throughout our Christian life and love Him with a holy love... prepared and willing to take up our cross and follow Him in spirit and in truth - no matter what difficulties and dangers we may face.
In this passage, which was written to instruct Church leaders on godly conduct, we discover that the mystery of godliness is connected with 1) faith in Christ and 2) a spiritual walk.
Only those who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ have the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
The faith of deacons and leaders, together with all who trust in Christ for salvation, must be rooted securely in sound doctrine: That Christ was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world and received up into glory.
The old sin-nature is at enmity with the new, born-again spirit of God, and the new life in Christ is at enmity with the old self-life.
The new, born-again life (the new life in Christ, where works emanate by means of the spirit) delights in the Word of God.
The inner man (the new life in Christ) joyfully delights in the law of the Lord and rejoices in His Word.
The former flesh-life is a slave to sin and displeases God, but the new inner self (the new life in Christ), is a slave to righteousness.
John tells us that this new life in Christ cannot sin; this new life always delights in the light and life of God's law, and rejoices in the truth of His Word of grace.
To live by means of the flesh, which results in wretchedness of heart because the new-life in Christ is in constant conflict with the old sinful nature. 2.
God does not seek to change our old sin nature, but purposes to transform our new life in Christ into His likeness, as we grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The book of Romans lays out the clear path of condemnation and destruction that foolish and rebellious men choose to pursue, when they refuse to acknowledge the truth, but praise God that Paul also goes into great detail on how to be saved by grace through faith in Christ and details the many privileges that are ours in the Lord Jesus, our God and our Saviour.
We have nothing in common with unbelievers for they are dead in their sin and we are alive in Christ, and the holy sanctuary of God can have no association with idols or any form of pagan worship.
Paul was calling all of us to live godly lives in Christ.
He is exhorting brothers and sisters in Christ to stand fast in the spiritual journey and abide in Christ.
John gives the instruction to abide in Christ and rest our soul in Him so that when the Lord Jesus appears in the clouds to take us to be with Himself, we may have trusting confidence in His many precious promises and not shrink away from Him in shame, at His return.
To abide in Christ is to rest in Him.
However, at the close of the Church age, the trump of God will be sounded together with a mighty shout from the archangel: The dead in Christ will rise first and then we, who are alive and remain, will be caught up together with them in the clouds, where we will meet the Lord in the air.
They will not receive the gold, silver, crowns, or precious stones that are promised to all who live godly lives and abide in Christ.
We are saved through faith in Christ which is a gift of God's grace and cannot be taken from any truly born-again believer.
May we seek to be those that abide in Christ and live every moment of our earthly pilgrimage for His glory.
His plans and purposes give us hope: an assured hope; a glorious hope; a blessed hope in Christ Jesus our Lord.
It is Scripture that gives us the encouragement to press on for the upward call of God in Christ Jesus our Lord so that through patient endurance we might have hope in Him, for Jesus is our blessed Hope; Jesus is our only hope for today and for the future.
It is Jesus upon Whom our hope is founded, and God's precious promises are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We live in a fallen world where we will always be faced with trials, temptations, difficulties, and dangers, but we patiently endure in the knowledge that Christ died and rose again so that we might be made a new creation in Christ.
IF there is any encouragement in Christ (and there is), then we are to show it in our lives by living unto the Lord.
IF there is any consolation of love in Christ (and there is), then we are to let it be shown forth in godly living.
Paul knew that we could only respond to that little word 'IF' in a positive manner, for ALL believers have found encouragement in Christ, ALL have known the consolation of God's love, ALL have benefitted from the fellowship of the Spirit which is in Christ Jesus, and ALL have access to God's grace and mercy, His affection and love, and the compassion, joy, and hope which we share in our heavenly Bridegroom.
Paul emphasises the importance of Christians living together in spiritual unity and godly harmony, and of the eternal benefits that we derive from our salvation by grace through faith in Christ.
When we are faced with a 'worry' let us simply claim His promises of provision, His support, and sufficiency, for all His promises are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We who are saved by grace through faith have already trusted in Christ for salvation, and in so doing have not only found our rest in Him already, but as the writer to the Hebrews reminds us, there remains a Sabbath rest for ALL the people of God, an eternal Sabbath rest in the ages to come that is ours by grace through faith in Christ Jesus our Saviour.
The Corinthians had in many ways abused the freedom they had in Christ, and in certain cases were using their liberty as a license to sin.
Israel was used to demonstrate that our actions and attitudes play an important role in our spiritual walk, but like Israel's relationship with God, our position in Christ in no way permits Church-age believers to sin with impunity.
Using our liberty in Christ as an excuse to sin, and claiming exemption from its consequences must be firmly rejected.
We are certainly privileged to be saved by grace through faith in Christ and to have been freed from the curse of the Law through His sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, but we must maintain an attitude of eschewing that which is evil and seeking to do that which is righteous in the eyes of the Lord.
We should not become smugly complacent in our privileged position in Christ and the freedom that we enjoy in our Christian walk, for on those occasions when we think we are standing firm in the faith we can all too easily fall into sin.
Although there is no sin that cannot be cleansed by the efficacious blood of Jesus and despite being positioned in Christ, accepted in the Beloved, enclosed in the everlasting arms of our God and Saviour, and standing on a Foundation that can never fail, we must nevertheless heed the warning in this verse, lest like Israel we fall into complacent unbelief.
Although there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord, and although there is no sin that cannot be forgiven, we must be acutely aware that any one of us may be tempted to fall into sin - and should we become over-confident in our spiritual walk, the danger of falling into sin is significantly increased.
Despite Israel's rejection of their Messiah-King, Paul is giving full assurance that God's gracious offer of salvation by grace through faith in Christ finished work, is wide open to both Jew and Gentiles alike and he gave the assurance to both Israel and the nations: If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
There are not two steps to salvation as some like to suggest (confessing Jesus is Lord + believing in Christ for salvation) but simply two sides of the same justification coin.
And once that hidden heart decision to trust in Christ for salvation is met, the man or woman is immediately born from above by the power of the Holy Spirit and is freely able to confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord, for as the apostle John reminds us: Every spirit who confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and the Spirit of God abides in him.
James, the brother of the Lord Jesus Christ, had a ministry to Jewish believers in Christ in the early Church, and this epistle is addressed to Christians from the 12 tribes of Israel who are dispersed throughout the world.
As James reaches the middle of His epistle to his brethren in Christ, he voices some very severe warnings against pride, worldliness, and intimacy with the world's system, which is diametrically opposed to righteous living and the things of God.
Paul interrupted his in-depth dissertation on the universal need of the gospel and the way to be saved by grace through faith in Christ, by devoting three chapters to Israel, the nation God elected to fulfil His plans and purposes.
Salvation is by grace ALONE, through faith ALONE, in Christ ALONE because God determined it to be so.
When we are saved by faith, we are positioned IN Christ.
In the same way, I am a spiritual seed of Christ's spiritual race and was positionally IN Christ when He died on the Cross of Calvary, 2000 years ago.
Being the spiritual seed of Christ, I am imputed with His righteousness, making me the righteousness of God in Christ, by faith.
My death in Christ means that the old ME, the old SELF, the old SIN NATURE - the OLD MAN, died in Christ at Calvary when Jesus died on the Cross.
By faith, I am part of a new creation in Christ which means that death no longer has power over me - nor does sin, Satan, or the Law, for I am dead to sin, dead to the Law, dead to self, and dead to Satan.
OH while I live in this fallen body, my sinful nature lusts against my new life in Christ BUT I am no longer a slave to sin and under the curse of the Law because Christ has set me free!
Because of my identity with Christ's Resurrection, I became part of a new creation in Christ.
Just as His death became my death, so His resurrected life became my new, born-again, eternal life in Christ.
The moment I trusted the Son of God as Saviour, my new life in Christ was born and the old sin nature in Adam (a link and heritage from my earthly parentage) was nailed to the Cross.
The old man was crucified in Christ and severed at that point.
That old sin nature will remain in bitter rivalry with my new life in Christ which must grow in grace and mature in the knowledge of Jesus.
The old man, which was severed at the Cross, is crucified, and yet continues to unleash its assaults against the new life in Christ which was born from above and lives forevermore.
It 'lusts' against the new life which, through re-creation, is dead to the world and dead to the law, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Saviour.
But God in His wisdom and grace, did not leave my new life in Christ to overcome alone.
He is the Source that is leading and guiding my new-life in Christ in the things that I say and the way that I behave.
Peter was one of the three disciples in Christ's 'inner circle'.
Peter taught the good news of the gospel of grace and the glorious message of salvation by grace though faith in Christ, and made clear to us the power of the Cross and the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ Whose sacrifice of Himself at Calvary and glorious Resurrection is the single thing that is worth living for - and the one thing worth dying for.
Having been freed from the restrictions of the Law, through faith in Christ, Paul's earnest desire was to instil in us the higher life that we have in Him.
He wanted to get across that we are no longer bound by law, but are under grace - and Paul spent many verses outlining who we are in Christ and the privileges we have in Him.
His emphasis was that in Christ, we have been born into a second creation - by grace through faith!
As part of the new creation in Christ, we are no longer slaves of our old sinful nature, nor are we bound by its restrictions.
We are part of a new creation in Christ which has been delivered from the curse of the Law.
Our old nature has been put in the place of death - freeing us to live through our new, born-again life in Christ.
Under the old creation, we were dead in sin and under the curse of the Law, but as part of the new creation in Christ, we have been freed from its restrictions, rules, regulations, and rituals.
Because we are in Christ, we have been raised up into newness of life in Him, and because we are identified with Christ - we are no longer bound by food laws, religious feasts or keeping the Sabbath.
As guilty members of the old creation we were under God's condemnation, but by faith in Christ's redeeming work, we are part of a new creation, which has been set free from the requirements of the Law and have been declared forgiven saints.
There is now no condemnation for those of us who are in Christ Jesus; let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days.
His death annulled our relationship with the Law of sin and death, and His resurrection guaranteed all who believe on Him the new life in Christ, freed from the power of the Law and no longer bound by its righteous requirements.
Praise God that in Christ we have died to what held us in everlasting bondage so that we may serve our Saviour forever in newness of life, through the power of the indwelling Spirit.
Paul is reminding us that we alone are responsible for our words, our deeds, and the way that we conduct our life, but so also are our brothers and sisters in Christ.
It is a 'salvation' label given to a child of God who is covered in Christ's righteousness, forgiven of sin, a recipient of eternal life, and many other incredible privileges.
But praise God that even when we fail: GOD IS still our refuge and our strength, because of our position IN Christ.
We who are saved by grace through faith, find our everlasting refuge in Christ Who took the punishment for our sin and became our strong Fortress, our everlasting Refuge, and the Rock of our salvation.
God was His hiding place Who preserved Him from trouble, and because we are IN Christ, we can also sing songs of deliverance for God's faithfulness and favour towards us.
Every day that passes is one day closer to the day when the trumpet will sound, the dead in Christ will be raised from their graves in incorruptible bodies, and we who are alive and remain will be caught up, together with them, into the clouds... to meet JESUS in the air.
As in so many of his epistles, Paul contrasts the way of the wicked, who reject God's gracious gift of salvation and the final devastating outcome of their choice, with those who have accepted His call to trust in Christ's sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection.
The clear teaching of Scripture is that God chose each one for salvation based on the choices He knew we would one day make, in respect of His offer of salvation, which is by grace through faith in Christ.
Nor does the Bible teach that everyone will be saved, whether or not they trust in Christ, as others like to suggest, for this would render the Cross irrelevant.
And from that moment on, as from the foundation of the world, we were part of the 'chosen' in Christ.
Thank God that He loved us so much that He sent Jesus to be our Redeemer, and thank God that He has chosen us for salvation simply because we trusted in Christ's finished work on our behalf.
How we praise and thank God, and glorify His holy name that by grace through faith in Him we were positioned in Christ, set apart unto Him, and brought into His heavenly family, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
God has an amazing resurrection programme for all who trust in Christ as Saviour, and this is linked with the permanent and total destruction of our last enemy: the final and full elimination of sin and death.
He alone paid the full price of sin and thus broke the power of death in our lives and clothed us forever in His perfect righteousness: The wages of sin is death, BUT THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE IN CHRIST JESUS.
There were many people who had believed in Christ as the Messiah, but until now they had not yet received the promised Holy Spirit as an indwelling reality.
But as we read through his two epistles, we recognise a beautiful maturity and godly wisdom which descended on this beloved, ageing apostle, as he records his deepened understanding of our privileged position in Christ.
He recalls the great mercy and protective power of God towards His blood-bought children, and the incorruptible and undefiled inheritance that is ours in Christ.
We have been given a new nature as part of our new life in Christ.
May we trust the Lord with all our heart and not rely on our own understanding but rather pursue after godly wisdom which is found in Christ alone so that we may be wise in our judgement, prudent in our behaviour, and show forth spiritual understanding and godly discretion, not only in what we say and do but in all that we are, to His praise and glory.
He wrote to remind him we are permanently positioned in Christ and indwelled by the Holy Spirt of God.
The many precious privileges we have in Christ and the supernatural power of the indwelling Holy Spirit should embolden, rather than deter, our Christian testimony, which is why Paul exhorted Timothy in this verse: Do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ... and do not be ashamed of me because I am His prisoner in chains.
God was showing His people that in Him; in CHRIST the promised Messiah, God is able to turn bitterness into joy, to turn obstacles into opportunities, and to change problems into precious promises, that are 'yes' and 'amen' in Him.
Yes, John knew that the heart of the gospel is love; that God loved the world so much that He gave His beloved Son to be our Redeemer, that God demonstrated His love towards us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, that nothing is able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord, and that love is the fulfilment of the law.
He knew the enemy will often approach God's children as a roaring lion, whose evil desire is to destroy our faith in Christ.
We are exhorted, as children of God who are born-again in Christ, towards purity of heart, the pursuit of peace, compassion, mercy, and godly living... and yet this epistle is written during a time of severe suffering and increasingly intense Christian persecution.
When Peter quoted these words from the Psalmist, however, he excluded that final, sombre sentence from his epistle... for today we live in the dispensation of the grace of God, when guilty sinners can be cleansed from all sin - by grace through faith in Christ's redemptive work on Calvary's Cross.
And if the perfect Law taught that every transgression and disobedience would receive the just penalty of death, how vital that we listen to God's final revelation in Christ, Who Himself paid that price on our account.
What privilege to know that through His divine power, God has given every believer in Christ Jesus our Lord, all we need that pertain to life and godliness, and it is appropriated through a knowledge of Him.
Praise God that by faith in Christ's atoning sacrifice, we have escaped the corruption that is in the world.
The sting of death is sin, but for the believer in Christ, death has lost its sting for we have been forgiven and clothed in Christ's righteousness.
Death no longer has any hold on us, for we have received a new and eternal life in Christ. Our Lord Jesus shared our human frailty so that He could willingly give His life as a ransom for all who believe on His name.
And here, in his letter to the Ephesians, Paul concludes this section with the words: To Him be the glory in the Church, and in Christ Jesus, to all generations forever and ever, Amen.
Paul's spontaneous outburst of worship and praise in this passage, came after he had pronounced a truth that should rejoice the hearts of all God's children: Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever, Amen.
God raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
It is by grace and grace alone that we have been saved, through faith in Christ.
We are created in Christ Jesus to do good works, through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit; good deeds which God prepared beforehand, so that we would walk in them.
We are to follow in Christ's footsteps and live in dependant submission to His Holy Spirit.
We are to do His will and glorify His name, and may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of us evermore - so that in the ages to come we may show forth His glory in the Church, and in Christ Jesus, to all generations, forevermore.
Disciples are those that are enabled, by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, to produce spiritual fruit like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This fruit is only produced through a life of obedience, a life that abides in Christ, a life where Christ is permitted to abide in us.
But this was not a surprise to the Lord Who knows the end from the beginning, and Israel's rejection of Christ 2000 years ago has given us the opportunity of becoming sons of God, through faith in Christ Jesus.
May we be ready and willing to preach the Word boldly, speak the truth in love, and be ready to give an answer for the hope we have in Christ.
May we eschew evil and be given the discernment to recognise anything and anyone that seeks to shipwreck our faith - or the faith of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
And may we refuse to allow the guilt of the past to influence our lives in the present, knowing that in Christ there is no condemnation - and that by His grace, we have the freewill to refuse the evil and choose the good - to the glory of God.
To those who are being sanctified by grace through faith in Christ and are maturing in the faith, the message that Paul delivered is heavenly wisdom that surpasses our understanding.
The Word of the Lord is sure and every prophetic pronouncement in the Scriptures has or will reach its ultimate fulfilment in Christ, for God's Word is sure, His faithfulness is everlasting, His truth endures from one generation to the next, and His promises are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord.
This wonderful Person about Whom Christ was speaking is at this very moment living within my body and yours – and is indwelling the hearts of all those that have placed their trust in Christ as Saviour.
And so, we have the strongly worded letter to the Galatian church which presented the most blistering denunciation of their false doctrine and a vigorous defence of the Christian liberties we have in Christ.
Causing these believers in Christ to turn back to the Law, forced them to fall from grace which meant that Christ had become of no effect in their Christian life.
But whether human or angelic ministers of Christ, these stars help to lighten the darkness in this fallen world, and it is a great comfort and blessing to see that the stars are held securely in Christ's right hand.
Day by day, we are all faced with the fight to maintain our trust in God's Word and the quest to believe that His precious promises are 'YES' and 'AMEN' in Christ.
God has given every man and woman volition to choose their eternal destiny, either faith in Christ as Saviour OR rejection of the One Who died for their sins and rose to give life to all who would believe in His name.
God elects everyone who by faith choose to trust in Christ for salvation.
Our election was established on what each one of us would choose to do with God's free gift of salvation, which is by grace through faith in Christ.
And those that God in His foresight knew would one day choose to trust in Christ as Saviour are also the 'called' by God.
For once we are saved by grace through faith, God accepts us in Christ, we are positioned in Him, we are accepted in the Beloved, we are sealed unto the day of Christ by the Spirit, and we are also elected and called because we believed on the only begotten Son of God.
Peter wants us to base our understanding of our salvation on the never-changing truth of God's Word, for when we have absolute assurance in our heart and mind that our calling and election is secure in Christ and anchored to the precious promises in the Word of God, then we are much more secure in every aspect of our lives.
We will not stumble so quickly in our Christian walk, we will not start to doubt God's Word regarding our salvation, and we will not be tossed about by every changing wind of doctrine that seeks to place believers under condemnation when the Word of God clearly tells us that there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus.
The more we trust His Word, the more we become secure in our election, our calling, and our eternal heritage in Christ.
Praise God that we who trust in Jesus are the joyous recipients of this marvellous mystery that was kept hidden in ages past, but now has been revealed to us through the apostle Paul: According to His pleasure, which God purposed in Himself, that in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together all things - IN CHRIST.
We are to put off the old and put on the new, for if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
To hear that the way of righteousness was a gift of God through faith in Christ and then to turn back to a system that was no longer operative, was shocking and futile.
Never forget that we are eternally saved and eternally secure in Christ.
In these last days, may we be united together in the truth of God's Word and united together in the will and purpose of God's plan, so that by our word and witness, lost sinners might be saved by grace through faith in Christ, and Jesus Himself would be glorified.
Having summarised the position and privileges of the believer and the glory of our salvation, the apostle Peter exhorts Christians to live their lives in a godly manner, and points out the responsibilities and duties that are incumbent on all who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ.
But in the light of our present position and privileges in Christ, we are given one further, important step in our journey through life.
We were born dead in trespasses and sins, separated from God and eternally damned, but by faith in Christ Jesus our Saviour, our sins were forgiven, all our past, present, and future sins, and we were cleansed from all unrighteousness.
We became a new creation in Christ, were clothed in His own righteousness and His Holy Spirit was sent to permanently indwell our heart.
And we even became entitled to call Him 'Abba, Father' by grace through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Although we were justified by grace through faith in Christ, we are too often willing to be influenced to sin by our old sin nature; our old Adamic nature.
Nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus, and nothing can break our union with our living Lord, but sin breaks fellowship with the Father.
He is the object of God's love; the One with Whom the Father is fully, finally, and eternally satisfied, and thirty-five times we are told in the book of Ephesians that we who believe in His name are IN CHRIST.
It is in the power of the Holy Spirit and in consequence of our position in Christ, that God has lavished on us all wisdom and insight.
He was excited to discover that he would sit on a throne in Christ's kingdom and judge the 12 tribes of Israel, and Peter was the one who declared that his love for Jesus was immovable and unshakable, yet immediately denied Him three, terrible times.
He said the Holy Spirit would come and live in them and teach them many things, and that they were to 'abide' in Christ and He in them.
The peace we have WITH God through faith in Christ; the blessed hope we have in Jesus, when He comes to take us to be with Himself at the rapture; and the incomprehensible peace OF God that governs our hearts, when our minds are focussed on Him, will be unavailable to those who enter the great and terrible Day-of-the-Lord.
He took the punishment that we justly deserve, but by faith, we have been forgiven and clothed in Christ's righteousness.
Jude warned that these were lawless, wanton, and immoral people who had crept into the Church by pretending to be ministers of God, but they perverted the grace of our God into promiscuity and twisted the liberty we have in Christ into licentiousness.
No matter what the status of a believer is, it is imperative that we are rooted and grounded in Christ and not reliant on our own sufficiency and strength.
Similarly, the poor man must never lose sight of the truth that God had given us everything we need for life and godliness and that in Christ we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing: For greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.
Let us praise God for His goodness and grace and seek to stand firm in Christ and hold fast to the promises of God, for our eternal benefit and to His greater glory.
How we praise God for His amazing plan of redemption, which David enjoyed so long ago, and which is still available today, for all who will trust in Christ.
This remnant of Church-age Jewish believers who have trusted in Christ's death, burial, and Resurrection for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, is small.
As part of the one new man in Christ and members of His mystic Body, the Church, where there is neither Jew nor Gentile, this tiny remnant of Jewish believers who have trusted Christ during the current Church age, could be the ones to whom this verse is alluding - for this is a Scripture that was addressed specifically to the people of Israel and not to the wider body of believers in the Christian dispensation.
John had experienced wonderful fellowship and sweet communion with his Lord and he wanted all who trust in Christ for salvation to know the beautiful Person of Jesus and to experience the same sweet fellowship that he enjoyed.
The wealth that all believers have in Christ is described in incredible depth and wondrous beauty in the first three chapters of Ephesians.
There are no super-Christians and none that are inferior believers, for we are all one in Christ.
There is no division in the Church, for we are all fellow members of His Body, fellow-partakers of the unconditional promise made to Christ through Abraham, and fellow-inheritors with the same birthright that is given by grace through faith to all the redeemed in Christ.
But because of the Cross of Christ and the sacrifice of Himself on behalf of all people, God in His grace chose to make the Gentiles: Co-heirs, members of the same Body, and partners of the promise in Christ Jesus. It was through the Cross that the wall of separation was broken down and it was through the gospel message that we preach Christ crucified.
The wealth that all believers have in Christ is staggering.
The incredible depth and wondrous beauty of the position, possession, and privileges we have in Christ are beyond our understanding.
As new creatures in Christ, we have already found true rest through our new, regenerated life of faith in Christ, while Israel's Sabbath is a picture, which simply points them towards the Person and Work of Christ the Saviour, in Whom they will finally discover eternal rest.
In Acts chapter 2, Peter gave a second sermon at Solomon's Portico, where he quoted from the prophecy of Joel and the writings of David, to show that the spiritual gifts poured out at Pentecost and the prophetic words of many Old Testament saints, had been fulfilled in Christ and were being fulfilled in their very midst.
In the preceding verses of his epistle to the Romans, Paul expounds the most extraordinary position, unsurpassed privileges, and catalogue of blessings that belong to every believer in Christ.
We are accepted in Christ as children of God, and we are called to love others as Christ loves us, and to live and move in the power of His indwelling Holy Spirit.
Paul legitimately magnifies each superlative truth and pours comfort upon all our earthly sufferings, building up his watertight argument by unfolding the unsurpassed privileges that are ours in Christ.
In consideration of all the many privileges, eternal promises, and gracious position that have been bestowed on ALL who have trusted in Christ, the only possible response for Paul's staggering question is resounding praise and everlasting thanks.
Such large numbers of Gentiles were coming to faith in Christ during Paul's work among them, that it became necessary for him to visit the apostles in Jerusalem, to ensure that they all were teaching the true gospel of Christ and that there was no doctrinal conflict.
They could not accept that salvation was by faith in Christ's sacrificial work and glorious Resurrection.
Because of the opposition to his teaching and ministry, it was necessary for Paul to not only defend the truth of the gospel that he taught and justify his own apostolic calling, but to clarify the true gospel of salvation that he taught; that every man, Jew and Gentile alike, is a guilty sinner who is under God's eternal condemnation, who can only be declared righteous by God through FAITH in Christ Jesus. And so Paul penned his epistle to the Galatians to vehemently condemn their false teaching and meticulously set out the one and only way to be saved - as a free gift of God's grace which is accessed by Jews and Gentiles alike - BY FAITH.
Adam was created to rule the earth under God’s authority and we too, as part of the new creation in Christ, are required to yield all that we are and all that we plan to Him.
He encourages all believers to live in peace with one another and to give encouragement and help to all who are members of the Body of Christ, because he himself knows that the joy of the Lord is our strength, Paul calls on his brothers and sisters in Christ to rejoice in the Lord and to keep on rejoicing together in harmony of heart.
Gentleness is one of the fruit of the Spirit that is manifested in a life that is abiding in Christ, walking in the Spirit, trusting in God, demonstrating His love to others, and obeying His Word.
No doubt Peter also remembered how Jesus had assured his 12 apostles that they would sit on 12 thrones in Christ's coming Messianic Kingdom: Judging the 12 tribes of Israel, as recorded in Luke 22, where we read: You will eat and drink at My table in My kingdom - and you will sit on thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel.
But as we search the Scriptures for the whole council of God, it becomes increasingly clear that those ministering in Christ's PRE-Cross ministry will govern over the 12 tribes of Israel in Christ's Millennial Kingdom, while Paul was clearly appointed as the apostle to the Gentiles.
Both had a passion to give encouragement to their brothers and sisters in Christ and to share the good news of the gospel of grace with those that were lost.
Praise God that in Christ we have already become overcomers.
Let it be our dear desire to live a victorious life knowing that our past, present, and future victory is secure in Christ.
Let us seek to live a godly life in Christ Jesus our Lord, and let us praise God that in all things we overwhelmingly conquer by faith in Him Who loved us, and gave His life for us.
How easy it is to forget the glorious liberty we have in our God and the many precious promises, which are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus, as we look at the difficulties that surround us instead of trusting His Word in all things.
As believers in Christ, we are all part of His Body.
We who were once dead in our trespasses and sins and estranged from God by sin, have been forgiven of our sins and brought near to His throne of grace, through faith in Christ Jesus our Saviour.
How important, therefore, that we too should have a godly love in our heart towards all our brothers and sisters in Christ, no matter where we find ourselves, and irrespective of what our situation happens to be.
Once we have a knowledge of the Law, we have no alternative but to admit we are wretched sinners in need of forgiveness, which only comes by faith in Christ.
We are under the Law of love - the law of grace - the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus - and we are to love as Christ loved and consider the needs of others before our own.
Rather than becoming entangled in futile disputes or attempting to disprove the worthless arguments being touted around by ungodly men, Paul advised Timothy to keep on faithfully teaching the truth of God's Word, always ready to point out any doctrinal inconsistencies a brother or sister in Christ may have adopted.
But the Christian that presses on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus, through devotion to Christ and the pursuit of godliness, will receive a crown that lasts forever.
He paid the sacrifice for sin so that all who trust in Him would become part of that new creation in Christ and once again, enjoy the cherished closeness with our heavenly Father, for which we were originally created.
But His life was lived and His blood was shed for our sake... so that by faith in Him we may become a part of His risen Body and a member of the new creation in Christ.
And in Christ, we have an absolute assurance in God's plan of redemption for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting, for He is our Life and in Him is life everlasting.
This verse of Scripture is part of a passage that denounces a range of heretical teachings and lays out the criteria for living a high and holy life in Christ Jesus.
When we are carnal, fleshly minded, and engaging in unacceptable heretical practices, we are NOT abiding in Christ, nor are we growing in our Christian life.
When Christians allow themselves to be sucked into unbiblical teachings, false doctrines, and humanistic philosophies, we become unfruitful and lose the heavenly reward that awaits all those that live a godly life in Christ Jesus.
But, when we are abiding in Christ, we are: Holding fast to the living Head, from whom the entire body, being supplied and held together by the joints and ligaments, grows. When we are walking in spirit and truth and holding fast to Christ Jesus our Lord we grow in grace with a growth which is from God.
Trusting that Christ's death burial, and resurrection is the core of the glorious gospel... Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature.
ALL who believe are positioned 'IN CHRIST', by faith.
By faith, we become part of God's NEW CREATION, and the opportunity to be born of the Spirit of God, washed in Christ's blood, and become a member of His Body, is available to ALL.
All who believe are born anew and covered in Christ's perfect righteousness.
Paul himself was a prime example of a life that was radically changed, by grace through faith in Christ.
And Paul became a new creation in Christ - old things were passed away in his life, and behold, all things became new, as he boldly began proclaiming Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
This new life in Christ is given to each believer as a free and eternal gift of God's grace.
The Lord only did those things that He heard from the Father - for God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ.
In the same way, the new life of a believer, which is in union with Christ, is to live out this earthly life in Christ and for Christ - only saying and doing those things that we hear from HIM - daily delighting to do HIS will.
Let us always remember that in Christ we are not the old model, repaired or mended.
They failed to recognise the freedom they were given in their post-Cross Christian life, which is by faith alone in Christ alone, and not by carrying out good works of the Law.
We find that it contrasts the New Testament freedoms we have in Christ with the former restrictions and requirements of the old Law.
By the time the author has reached chapter 12, the need for faith rather than works has been clearly outlined and explained... and believers are exhorted to hope in Christ and to recognise that the terrors of the Law and the wrath of God, have been removed from all who believe, by faith, in the shed blood of Jesus Christ Who cleanses the heart and affords for us an eternal pardon from the God of the universe.
The incomparable privileges we have in Christ, the benefits of our heavenly inheritance in His coming kingdom, and the glory that is ours in Him, are accompanied by a severe warning for those who refuse to listen to His Word and obey His voice: Therefore, since we received a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe.
Our promised positions in Christ's coming Kingdom and the many precious pledges that God has made to all who believe in His only begotten Son for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, are equally certain, totally true, and unquestionably unbreakable - for God cannot lie.
We live in a world that idolises self-sufficiency and rejects the eternal truth of the glory of God... and yet we are to find our full sufficiency in Christ - for in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily and we are complete in Him.
The plain truth is that none of us deserve any blessings from the Lord, but in His goodness and grace He has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places and given us all we need for life and godliness; and it is all by His grace through our faith in Christ, Who is our life.
Paul's Damascus Road experience also portrayed the profound change that takes place in the life of a sinner who is saved by grace through faith in Christ.
This Church age will continue until the Son of David, in His abundant grace, reestablishes His work through Israel and they will become the head and not the tail in Christ's Millennial Kingdom.
What an honour to be a child of God, be seated in heavenly places in Christ, and clothed in His robes of righteousness.
We are intimately connected to Him through faith in Christ, and He loves us with an everlasting love.
Let us live our lives in a manner that is pleasing to Him, for we have the freedom to approach our God in confidence, knowing that He hears and answers all our needs and intercessions through faith in Christ Jesus.
Let us use our time wisely, for we can come with confident access into the presence of God in prayer and praise, through faith in Christ.
Paul tells us that as Church age believers who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, we are not appointed to wrath, for Christ took the punishment for our sin and we have been declared righteous in God's sight and covered in His robe of righteousness.
It is a mystery that was planned in eternity past, a mystery that came to fruition when we trusted in Christ's finished work at Calvary, a mystery that caused heaven to rejoice and hell to tremble.
The power of God to forgive sins is embedded in Christ's death on the Cross, the only substitute for sin.
The power of the Resurrection is rooted in Christ's own Resurrection from the grave.
Christ is therefore the 'Firstfruits from the Dead' and we who have trusted Him for the forgiveness of sins have received His free gift of eternal life-in Christ, and the promise of our resurrection to life.
Paul shows that the first to be raised to life are: The dead IN CHRIST, at the Rapture.
Paul lays out the most comprehensive and thorough presentation of the gospel over the next few chapters of this glorious epistle, unfolding the pivotal doctrines of justification, and sanctification for all, who by grace through faith will trust in Christ as their sin-substitute.
Having laid out the most comprehensive presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Paul finally reaches his joyful conclusion with the most astonishing promise and wonderful truth that is given to all who believe - that nothing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord - nothing visible or invisible, nothing in the physical realm or the spiritual sphere, nothing in the heavens above, the earth beneath, or in the waters under the earth can separate us from God's gracious and everlasting love.
Nothing past or present or future can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Nothing created by God and nothing imagined by man has the power to remove His blood-bought children from God's inexpressible love and His eternally secure promises, which are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord - and I am persuaded too!
Some foolishly suggest that we can lose our salvation, by disengaging ourselves from our Father's hands and stepping away from our position in Christ - but the Bible makes it very clear that nothing - absolutely nothing, created in the mortal realm or spiritual sphere... including ourselves, can separate us from God's love for His blood-bought children.
He cannot contradict His Word, which reminds us that nothing can separate us from Him - For I am convinced, Paul wrote, I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Indeed, a thorough study of New Testament Scripture shows that there are hundreds of verses that remind us of who we are in Christ and what God has done for the born-again believer.
There is not one, specific passage, which lists all the advantages we have received through salvation, but throughout the New Testament, our privileges and position in Christ sparkle like glistening jewels which have been randomly scattered throughout the Word of truth - for all who will take time to study.
Romans chapter 5 however, is one passage that provides a foundational understanding of who we are in Christ.
Indeed, in Christ we are enabled to approach the throne of grace for mercy to find help in time of need.
In his enthusiasm to share the good news of the gospel of grace, Paul not only reminds us about justification by grace through faith and the hope that we have in Christ, but he adds, and not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance.
Paul exhorts each one of us to esteem one another as better than ourselves, to consider one another's needs above our own, and to be genuinely concerned about the interests and needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Paul named Timothy, Epaphroditus, and even himself as men that exhibited this same Christ-like attitude which should be the outflow of all who are saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus.
Epaphroditus was a brother in Christ who had been a blessed co-labourer with Paul and had become a great blessing and encouragement to him while he was in prison.
It was to the glory of Christ that these believers were exhorted to give honour to this brother in Christ.
Positionally sanctified (permanently positioned in Christ and clothed in His righteousness). 2.
Today, we are called of Jesus Christ to sanctification; to grow spiritually in the grace of God and to become mature believers who are rooted and grounded in Christ. This cannot be done in our own might or power, but only as we willingly submit to the guiding hand of the indwelling Spirit of God.
However, there is always room for spiritual improvement and so Paul ached to see them again, in order to further strengthen their trust in Christ, develop their spiritual understanding, and enlarge their devotion to God even more.
It is only when we are born again - born from above, that the insurmountable blockade that bars us from our Father in heaven is eternally removed and we become a child of God, purchased from above, an heir of salvation, born of His Spirit and washed in Christ's redeeming blood.
We have been delivered from the wrath to come, are no longer under condemnation, have been given every spiritual blessing, and are a partaker of His promise in Christ by faith in the gospel.
When we are born again by trusting in Jesus as the sin sacrifice for our sin, there are hundreds more blessings that become ours in Christ Jesus, and they are all YES and AMEN in Him.
Although these relationships are indeed important and very precious to all of us, they must always be secondary to the union we have in Christ.
Although we were born dead in trespasses and sins and at enmity with God, we must never forget that by grace through faith in Christ, we have been saved.
May we never, ever forget the privileges that are ours in Christ.
Let us in everything, by prayer and supplication, with humble thanksgiving of heart, praise our heavenly Father Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ... in Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, according to the riches of His grace.
He came to save them from their sins and to restore them into fellowship with Himself, and although many rejected Him at His first coming, Jesus led many out of one sheepfold into another; Jew and Gentile together, becoming one new man in Christ during this special dispensation of the grace of God.
The psalmist is not referring to the specifics of the Mosaic Law in this verse, but to the undivided law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus which has made us free from the law of sin and death.
His kindness towards us can indeed be described as good measure–pressed down, shaken together, and running over, for by grace we have been saved and by grace we have received many precious promises which are ours by faith in Christ.
Just as Moses was the one who was chosen as a prophet of the Lord to lead Israel and give them the Law, so Paul was chosen as apostle to the Gentiles to give deeper insight into the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
Just as Moses gave Israel instruction on how to live as God's chosen people and chastened them when they failed, so Paul gives us directives on our heavenly position in Christ and outlines our roles and responsibilities both at home and wider afield.
He knew the importance of challenging false teachers, exposing false doctrines, contending for the faith, preaching the Word, and being ready to give an answer for the hope we have in Christ.
We do not hear any more about this young man and whether he was one who came to understand that the way, the truth, and the words of eternal life are found in Christ alone.
It may appear that Paul had something to boast about in life - but he discovered that the only justifiable boast that a redeemed man or woman has... is to boast in Christ and Him crucified.
And the beautiful truth of our extraordinary position in Christ, and our identification with Him is that, I can do all things through Christ, Who strengthens me.
Whether we have a specific 'thorn in the flesh' or whether we are simply encompassed about by the difficulties and dangers of normal life, God is no respecter of persons, and the grace and strength that Paul received throughout his ministry is the same grace and strength which is freely available to all who have been saved, by grace through faith in Christ.
May we seek to walk in spirit and truth and to live godly lives in Christ Jesus.
But spiritual blindness, the hypocrisy of their leaders, and disobedience to God's written Word, would result in Christ's rejection by the nation He love, and a gracious invitation being extended to all who would hear His Word and accept His free gift of salvation, both Jew and Gentile alike.
He also calls us to offer grateful thanks to our Heavenly Father in all things, for Paul knows that this is the will of God in Christ, concerning each of us.
As believers who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, we are encouraged to develop an attitude of grateful praise and ceaseless thanksgiving to our Father in heaven, for a man's spiritual maturity is reflected in a heart of thanksgiving and praise for all that the Lord has done for us.
He knows that gratitude and rejoicing is no companion of dissatisfaction or murmuring, and so we are encouraged to give thanks in everything, even those difficult, daily circumstances, knowing that His grace is sufficient for those that are in Christ Jesus.
Let us glorify God by giving thanks in everything, for this is the will of God, for all who are in Christ Jesus.
This is proposed by Paul as a duty and responsibility, and yet it is the greatest privilege given to the believer to come before the throne of grace with petitions, prayers, and pleas for our fellow-man and our brothers and sisters in Christ.
It is initiating a mindset of prayer; of keeping the lines of communication to the heavenly throne-room open and clean, as we walk in spirit and truth and abide in Christ, moment by moment.
When we are clothed in Christ's righteousness, it is His dignified strength and His gracious love that shines through - (it is: Christ in you the hope of glory).
They have fallen into the trap of the Galatian Christians - for having been saved by grace through faith in Christ, they foolishly try to live their lives by carrying out works of the law and striving to attain a godly disposition by personal merit.
May we be so immersed in Christ Jesus our Lord that we are thus enabled to glory in the God of our salvation and to rejoice in the bright hope for the future.
Paul is exhorting all believers who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus to pray constantly, and this call to pray follows his instruction to rejoice always, for the heart that rejoices in the Lord is the one that will keep their eyes fixed on Jesus and their thoughts trained upon their Saviour.
But God is also a God of justice and truth, and those who choose to reject His offer of salvation by faith in Christ are condemned already because they have not believed in the only begotten Son of God.
The old order fulfilled its purpose, which was to point sinners to Christ and the new, perfect order in Christ is able to accomplish what the Law could never do.
The Bible could be described as a picture-book, where Christ is the focal point of every image on every page: Search the scriptures, He challenged the religious leaders, for they testify of ME. Scripture is the gradual revealing of the New Order, the New Creation in Christ, and the New and Better Covenant, with its limitless, eternal, and superior administration: For the Law made nothing perfect, but on the other hand, there is a bringing in of a better hope, our hope in Christ, through Whom we draw near to God.
The Word of the Lord is rejected and ridiculed on all sides, and soon a day is coming when the world in which we live will be catapulted into a time of Great Tribulation (the Time of Jacob's Trouble), when God's wrath will be poured out on a world that has rejected the Truth and refused God's saving grace through faith in Christ.
The first few chapters are addressed to the Church and explain where we are in history and what is God's expectation of those that are saved, by grace through faith in Christ.
All are welcome to participate in the free gift of salvation which is given freely, by faith in Christ's finished work on Calvary.
This reassuring chapter reminds us that we are free of God's judgement and condemnation because we are in Christ and we are released from the curse of the law, slavery to sin, and Satan's accusations.
If our faith is firmly founded on the truth of God's inerrant Word, we will be thoroughly equipped to preach the Word in every circumstance of life and encourage, reprove, rebuke, and exhort our brothers and sisters in Christ, with great patience and instruction.
All believers should walk in humility of heart and rejoice that their name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, for everyone's earthly life, whether rich or poor, is as fleeting and temporal as the wayside flower or the grass of the field, but OUR hope is in Christ.
Both rich and poor are equally in need of salvation, by God's grace through faith in Christ.
The previous section presents us with a panoramic understanding of who we are in Christ and the tremendous privileges that are ours by faith in Him, but once we arrive at this section, he instructs us on the correct response all believers should have to the amazing grace bestowed on us, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
It should become our dear desire to live godly in Christ Jesus and lay aside the old, corrupted, sinful self, which functions in the lusts of worldly deceit.
How terrible that because of their bigotry and preconceived notions, these men of Nazareth were unable to embrace the truth, repent of their sins, and trust in Christ, the Son of the living God.
For the first part of his book, Paul lays out the secure position in Christ of a believer.
He rejoices in our positional union in Christ and details the mystery of the Church, which had been hidden for ages and generations, but which the Lord permitted him to share with believers, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
We should never forget that before we were saved by grace through faith in Christ, we were part of a condemned group of unbelievers who, because of the hardness of our sin-sick hearts had become callous and given over to sensuality - while practicing every kind of impurity and greediness.
Though we were at one time immersed in the sea of fallen humanity and soaked in sin, we have been rescued by God's grace and have been clothed in Christ's robe of righteousness.
We have passed from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of His dear Son, for we have received the forgiveness of sins and newness of eternal life in Christ Jesus, our God and our Saviour - and nothing can pluck us out of His hand, and no one can pluck us out of His Father's hands, for ever and ever, AMEN.
Good works; works of righteousness which are carried out by our 'new-man in Christ' in submission to the Spirit of God, will be rewarded.
OH, we rejoice that our citizenship is in heaven and that our eternal future is secure in Christ!
Nevertheless, God expects all His children to live godly in Christ Jesus so that the deeds we carry out in the body during our sojourn on earth, will glorify our Father Who is in heaven.
How bound up and interlinked in this test of love is our love for God, our willing obedience to do His will, and a genuine love for our brothers and sisters in Christ - for love of the brethren and keeping His commandments encapsulates the test of our love towards God.
Only when the old self life remains nailed to the Cross and the new life in Christ feeds on Him in our hearts, by faith with thanksgiving and praise, can that love of Christ be manifested towards others: And this is the way that we will know that we love God's children, if we love God and obey His commandments.
It is by grace we have become His sons and daughters through faith in Christ, and no matter how far any of us have strayed from the Lord, He is always ready and willing to bring His lost sheep back into the fold, and by His grace will even reward us as well when we die to self and live for Him.
He has gone to prepare a place for us and is coming back to take us to be with Himself and like Israel, we will be like a watered garden, from whom will flow rivers of living water. In Christ, we will be like a spring of water whose waters never fail.
Our parched soul has been revived and satisfied by the living water of life, which has become an inner spring of water, welling up into eternal life. Indeed, we know that we have a blessed hope and an eternal inheritance in Christ, that is kept for us in heaven.
Not only would all who believe in Christ be identified with the death of Christ for the forgiveness of sins, but they would also be identified with His resurrected life and become part of a new creation, with Christ as the federal Head of this new spiritual creation.
All who believe on His sacrificial work for the forgiveness of sins would be made a new creature with a new Christlike nature and have a new beginning and a glorious inheritance in Christ.
But it would all be by grace through faith in Christ's sacrificial work on the Cross.
We become new creatures with a new nature, a new beginning, and a new destiny, imputed with Christ's righteousness and receive an eternal inheritance in Christ: Born (again), not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but born from above, by the power of God.
Having been given a breathtaking description of our privileged position in Christ and the astonishing benefits of trusting His finished work on the Cross for our salvation, Paul outlines the importance of being spirit-filled and walking in holiness.
And Paul's directives are for all who would live godly in Christ Jesus should take to heart: Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.
Not out of duty but from a heart-desire to walk worthy of our calling in Christ.
The reason we are given this reminder in God's Word is because all Church-age believers must appear before the judgement seat of Christ at the resurrection of the 'dead in Christ' (and the rapture of those that are still alive), and this occurs as the closing event of this dispensation of grace.
There is no punishment for believers at the judgement seat of Christ, for there is NO condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus, although those who choose to live carnally in this world, rather than living godly in Christ Jesus, will certainly suffer the loss of their reward.
Let us choose to live godly in Christ Jesus from this day forward, for His name's sake.
Although our salvation is secure in Christ, Paul wanted us to be fully aware that all His blood-bought children will either be rewarded for the good we have done by faith, or suffer loss of reward for our worldly ways and fleshly deeds.
Just like Noah before him, Moses also found grace in the eyes of the Lord - and that same grace is extended to ALL who will believe in His Word and trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting: LO, I am with you even to the end of the age.
His kingdom is one of righteousness which will usher in the destruction of the old order (the old creation in Adam), when the heaven will be destroyed by fire and God will make a new heaven and a new earth (the new creation in Christ).
What a magnificent hope we have, and our hope in Christ is as certain today as it will be when it comes to pass in the not too distant future.
The unbeliever pleases God when he trusts in Christ for salvation, but once saved, we are to keep on living by faith and trusting His Word day by day if we want to please the Lord.
Foolishly, they chose to remain bound by the restrictions of the Mosaic Law (which were no longer in force) instead of rejoicing in their freedom in Christ, which was theirs by grace.
Many in the early Church found it very difficult to recognise that there is a difference between the way God dealt with Israel, pre-Cross (through the conditional Law of Moses) and the post-Cross Church (through the unconditional 'Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus').
Indeed, the 70 were reminded to pray earnestly about their ministry, asking God to send more labourers into the harvest-field so that lost souls could hear the good news of the glorious gospel of grace and be eternally saved by faith in Christ.
It was the gospel (good news) of salvation by grace through faith in Christ (justification) and it was the gospel (good news) of life and liberty in Christ (sanctification) and not the legalistic bondage suffered under the Law and the curse that brings in it wake.
Paul had never been to Colossae, but had received favourable reports from Epaphras, his faithful brother in Christ, of the spiritual condition of this little band of believers.
Paul himself knew the joy of entering into a deeper knowledge of Christ and entering into closer intimacy with his Saviour, and he earnestly desired that these brothers and sisters in Christ would come to know Him in a similar way.
In thesame way, there is joy unimaginable for all who believe in God and also trust in Christ Jesus our Lord, our Saviour, and our Kinsman-Redeemer.
We live in a world that is filled with stresses and strains, and although we are not able to prevent the pressures of life, we have an assurance from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself that because HE overcame the world, the flesh, and the devil, we too are overcomers in Him, for THIS is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith in Christ.
It is only achievable as we live and move and have our being in our new born-again life in Christ, and not as we live and move and have our being in our old, fallen nature in Adam.
When we are born into God's family, the Holy Spirit comes to take up permanent residence within our hearts, and He starts a sanctifying work within our new, born again life in Christ.
We are to grow in grace so that in His power, we will be conformed into the likeness of Christ, but the Spirit will ONLY sanctify our new life in Christ and not our old original sin nature.
On those occasions that we submit to our old sin nature and pander to the lust of the flesh, the enticements of the world, and the accusations of the devil, the Holy Spirit can do no sanctifying work in our new nature in Christ.
But when, by faith, we submit to the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to govern our new life in Christ, it means that we put to death those ungodly lusts.
It means that we allow the Holy Spirit to do a good work within our new life in Christ, which will grow in grace and become more and more conformed into the likeness of Christ.
As we allow the Holy Spirit to govern our new life in Christ, we will also be holy in all our conduct and behaviour.
This call to worship in the 'Old Hundredth' is a call for every Christian to worship our Saviour in the beauty of holiness, for we have been saved by grace through faith in Christ.
But it is also a demonstration of God's goodness and grace to the whole unsaved world, both Jew and Gentile alike, for it is not God's will that any should perish but that all should come to repentance, by turning from sin and trusting in Christ for their redemption.
Mutual encouragement is also an important part of Paul's closing sections, and here in this verse, Paul sends greetings from the brethren who are with him, exhorting the Philippian believers: Greet every saint in Christ Jesus.
The fellowship of believers and genuine concern for the well-being of our brothers and sisters in Christ is an important element of our Christian faith, and an area of Christian living which plays an important part in Paul's teaching.
And in a world where the love of many has grown cold, may we delight to meet with our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord, and take every opportunity to rejoice with them that we are one in Him and that our names are written in heaven.
The epistle to the Galatians is not only a great proclamation of the liberty we enjoy in Christ and the amazing grace that is afforded to all who believe in the person and work of the Lord Jesus, it is also a serious warning against turning away from biblical truth to a false gospel.
It was difficult for Jews to discover that the Law of Moses had been superseded by the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, and many refused to accept that the dispensation of Law ended at the Cross and had given way to the dispensation of the grace of God.
We are all justified by faith in Christ Jesus - there is NO other way.
There are even those today who similarly do not consider that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone - as the Bible teaches.
Never forget that man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus.
Even Paul, a strict Pharisee, set aside his firmly held biases to believe in Christ Jesus so that he too was justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the Law - since by the works of the Law NO flesh will be justified.
And although the major mysteries of the Church (which is His Body) would be revealed to Paul, it was at this point in Christ's ministry that He started to give a glimpse into the mysteries of the kingdom, to all who had ears to hear.
As His blood-bought children, we are to reckon ourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
There are certain scriptural truths that should be so much a part of our inner being that we have not the slightest doubt or uncertainty of their veracity: 1) God's sovereign rule. 2) His goodness and grace to all. 3) The duty of all people and nations to exalt His holy name. 4) For those who are saved by grace through faith in Christ, to develop an ever-deepening knowledge of the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus.
In Christ is all the fullness of God, and as His people we should KNOW that we are being built up into a heavenly Temple so that in the ages to come, the surpassing riches of His grace in His kindness toward us (the Church) will be made known to the angelic rulers and authorities in the heavenly places!
And we genuinely thank God that our sins are forgiven, and praise Him, that in His goodness and grace He has clothed us in Christ's righteousness and remembers our sins no more.
Participating in Holy Communion is a sombre, yet joyful celebration of Christ's gracious sacrifice on the Cross where the New Covenant, which God promised to the nation of Israel, was cut - a covenant that was cut through the precious blood of God's only begotten Son such that all who believe on His name are made children of God, forgiven of our sins, and positioned in Christ.
It is only those that have been saved by grace through faith in Christ that can be disciplined in this way, for only those who are born from above have a relationship with the Father.
But as His children, God has every right to judge our lives and discipline us when we do not walk in spirit and truth - or when we allow the old, fleshly, sin-nature to repress our new nature in Christ or manipulate our behaviour.
Although sin can never remove us from our eternally secure position in Christ, it can affect our day-to-day relationship with the Lord.
Paul recognised the wonderful outflow of consolation and salvation that his brothers and sisters in Christ received because of his own suffering, and wrote, if we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation.
Salvation is received by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ's sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection alone.
The consolation and 'salvation' in this verse is in connection with the Christian's sanctification process... in which we are given spiritual strength and godly help to press forward to the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Even when we are beset by all sorts of problems and persecutions, we know that our strength is found in the Lord, for in Christ we are more than conquerors through Him Who loved us and gave Himself for us.
The clear teaching of many passages in Scripture is that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ's sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, and not on the basis of works or any human merit that we may carry out in our flesh, lest any man should boast.
Well, the Bible never contradicts itself and this passage gives greater illumination to the truth that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone, and that forgiveness of sin and everlasting life is not dependent upon our good deeds but on His good work on the Cross.
Man's standard of good will be balanced against God's perfect standard, which is only found in Christ, and ALL men will be found wanting.
The starting point to doing good works that produce eternal rewards is to believe in Christ for salvation.
Paul is eager to make a clear distinction between the sufficiency we have in Christ, and the empty futility of worldly philosophies and deception of human wisdom.
He is critical of the tyrannical practice of self-denial where strict mortification of the body, attempts to train our sinful nature to be good, and other exhausting efforts to conquer our fallen humanity are adopted, in place of our reliance on the sufficiency we have in Christ.
Our only sufficiency against the perils of philosophy, legalism, religiosity, and every other form of human of reasoning is in Christ: In Him are hidden ALL the treasures of true wisdom and godly knowledge.
They had to come to terms with the truth that Christ fulfilled the promise of God, given to Abraham, and that due to faith in Christ's death, burial, and Resurrection, they were now ministers of a new and better covenant.
They also had to accept that under the New Covenant there was neither Jew nor Gentile - for we are one Body of believers in Christ.
They had to break free of the restrictive rites, rituals, and religiosity that enslaved them under the Law, and they had to embrace the law-of-the-Spirit-of-Life in Christ Jesus.
It is also a book that lays great emphasis on faith... faith in the inerrant Word of God, trust in the truth of His Word, and assurance that the things that God has promised are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ.
The message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are wise in their own understanding and who are perishing, but to us who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ's sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection, it is the power of God and the wisdom of God.
Timothy is encouraged to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, to take to heart the many nuggets of wisdom and teaching that he gained from his teacher, Paul, and to pass on this truth to other trustworthy believers who are also strong in the faith so that the good news of Christ Jesus will continue to be spread abroad, throughout the world, to the glory of God.
Israel's failure to enter God's rest is a cautionary tale which warns Christians not to follow their example of unbelief: Redeemed but living a defeated life on earth; Saved, but forfeiting all that God planned to do in us and through us during our journey in life; Saved from eternal death by faith in Christ, but living a defeated Christian life and forfeiting our spiritual inheritance.
May we take to heart this warning in both the Old and New Testament to hold fast to the faith we have in Christ and to trust in God's unchanging Word, for He has promised a rest for the people of God, and that rest is found in Christ.
They were to repent of their careless attitude towards their Saviour - and they were to return to the devoted service that characterised the early days of their new life in Christ... to return to the days of their deep love for their Lord. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
What a great privilege for us to know that the Tree of Life, from which man was barred due to sin, is once again freely accessible to those that have trusted in Christ Jesus for salvation.
What a privileged certainty - to know that we have been given all we need for life and godliness in Christ and to know that we have a citizenship in heaven, an eternal inheritance that will not fade away, and the right to eat of the tree of life, which is in the Paradise of God - all because we trusted Christ for salvation.
And the sad consequence of a fleshly Christian life means that we forfeit the beautiful freedom we have in Christ and place ourselves back under slavery to sin and legalistic practices, which rely on self and not on God.
And if we walk by the Spirit and live in the light of His truth, we will not gratify the desires of our fleshly lusts or the works of the law, for the old sin nature, with its fleshly inclinations and legalistic practices, stands in stark opposition to all that the new life in Christ represents.
Before we received the freedom to walk in spirit and truth through faith in Christ, we were in bondage to a law that we could not keep and a fleshly nature that we could not control.
Like David, we live in a fallen, sinful world that is becoming darker with every passing day, but, like David, our confidence must be anchored in Christ our Saviour, for He alone is our shield and protection.
We who have trusted Christ as our Saviour, have received the Holy Spirit of power by grace through faith in Christ.
But this requires us to be able to say NO to the continuous pull of the flesh and to resist the old sin nature, that constantly and consistently is at enmity with our new life in Christ, our new born-again spirit which was made alive by faith in Christ.
The writer to the Hebrews prayed the most wonderful prayer - that God would prepare and equip all believers in Christ with every good thing that is pleasing to God.
He prays for a life that carries out every good work that God has prepared for us to do in the power of His Spirit, a life that lives and functions in the grace and sufficiency of the Lord Jesus Christ, a new-life in Christ that can say it is not I that live but the mighty power of Christ Jesus Who is living in and through me.
Let us plead these timeless words that were prayed by the writer of the Hebrews - over ourselves and all believers in Christ.
The Word of God identifies our flaws, faults, and failings, and it provides the means to correct them and live godly in Christ Jesus.
May we who have been saved from both the penalty of sin and its power in our lives by faith in Christ, be ready and willing to live our lives as unto the Lord.
Jews have most certainly been given many wonderful privileges as God's chosen nation, but they are saved in the same way that Gentiles are saved; by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ, the promised Messiah, alone - as recorded in Scripture.
Paul is exposing the fallen nature of man so that He can announce the glorious hope we have in Christ and the amazing grace that God has shown towards us - in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us so that we could have life.
Paul wants us to really know this truth in our own lives and to grasp hold of it with our whole being so that we may be filled to all the fullness of God, which is ours by grace through faith in Christ Jesus our Saviour.
The more we abide in Christ, the more He abides in us and the more He dwells in our heart, in spirit and in truth.
The more we rest in Him, the more we find that we are being filled to a measure of all the fullness of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
On his first visit to these believers at Philippi, Paul was flung into jail, but his midnight songs of rejoicing resulted in the salvation of the jailer and all his house, by grace through faith in Christ.
We are instructed to resist the fleshly lusts that war against the soul, and this is an ongoing battle between the old sinful nature and our new holy life in Christ.
When like Paul we discover our old sin nature waging war against our new life in Christ, attempting to once again make us captives to the law of sin and death (that emanates from our fleshly nature), may we never forget that it is Christ alone Who will rescues us from this body of death.
John is calling all born-again believers to live their lives by faith in Christ, and not through works of the flesh, for in so doing we will remain in fellowship with God Who will provide the sufficient grace and power to love others as Christ loved us.
Because there are many anomalies in the Christian faith, Paul often sets out the truth of our great salvation and the glory that is ours in Christ, in a very systematic way.
As part of the new creation in Christ, we will one day be given a new body; a permanent, immortal body that will never die and one which will be like Christ's glorified body.
But by faith in Christ, we are born into the new creation with Jesus as the Federal Head.
The encouraging truth in verse 3, is that having been born again into the family of God by faith in Christ, we have an assurance that when we pass from this life into the next, we will be given a new, glorified state.
However, it did not prevent the apostle from celebrating the good news of the risen, ascended and glorified Christ, on the first day of the week, in the city of Troas, where he joined in a communal meal with other brothers and sisters in Christ.
May our own Christian communion become increasingly important to each one of us, and may we place as much significance and emphasis on fellowshipping together with our own brothers and sisters in Christ - as did Paul and the believers in Troas.
We are not to be those that pull back when times get tough, and should take to heart Paul's words of encouragement - as we press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus our Lord, knowing that His grace is sufficient.
Salvation is by faith alone in Christ's finished work ALONE. Fallen man can do nothing to make himself more acceptable to God and there is nothing that fallen man can offer to add to Christ's finished work on the Cross.
Indeed, the amazing offer of salvation is available to anyone who will simply believe in Christ's sacrifice of Himself for their sin, whether they be Jew or Gentile.
Jews and Gentiles are one in Christ and are all adopted as God's own children and all are given equal access and equal privileges.
In the power of the Spirit, Paul offered the most thorough and convincing arguments: that because man is justified by faith in Christ alone, apart from works of law, that justification was not only for the Jew but also for the Gentile.
Praise God that Paul let us know that there is one God who will justify all mankind in the one and only way He made it possible: by grace through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.
But neither should we consider our own worth to be of greater or less value to the Lord than that of all our brothers and sisters in Christ: For there is no partiality with God.
James reminds us: God has chosen the poor in the world to become rich in faith and to be heirs of the kingdom that He promised to those who love Him. Our love for the Lord is demonstrated in the way that we honour all our brothers and sisters in Christ, and consider them before ourselves.
Water baptism (though not essential for salvation), is a beautiful outward expression that is carried out in our physical body, which demonstrates the precious, inward, spiritual change when by grace through faith we died to the old self and were raised into newness of life, in Christ.
Though we have been eternally saved by grace through faith in Christ, and though we have been eternally freed from slavery to sin and severed from the old sin nature, attacks from without and failures from within can cause every one of us to stumble and fall.
Like Israel, we should not remain in self-condemnation, but rejoice that there is now no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus.
Let us never forget that we are the people of God who have been purchased with the precious blood of Christ - and that the many precious promises of God towards us, his sons and heirs, are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus.
Others however, welcomed him with open arms and were saved by grace through faith in Christ.
Paul was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for he knew that it was the power of God unto salvation for all, both Jew and Gentile alike who would trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sin.
Purity of heart, love for one another, and doctrinal truth that stems from the Word of God alone, which was the hallmark of the early Christian Church, has deteriorated into Christian mud-slinging and hostility against brothers in Christ OR has resulted in a watering down of the gospel of grace to accommodate any slight variation from the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ.
Believe in Christ's shed blood as the full payment for your sins.
All who believe in Christ's finished work at Calvary shall be saved.
But there is only ONE way to be saved, there is only one way to gain forgiveness of sin, there is only one way to receive life everlasting, and that is by faith in Christ's finished work on the Cross.
Let us contemplate these glorious truths that are ours by grace through faith in Christ Jesus and let us conclude that He is worthy to receive all power, riches, wisdom, might, honour, glory, and blessing.
Every believer is placed in Christ - baptised into Christ's Body the moment they believe.
Nothing can alter this position of permanence - we are placed in Christ when we are saved, and we become part of His Body forever.
From that point on, we have a new nature in Christ.
Our old sin nature has been nailed on the Cross and self has been put in the place of death in order to allow our new nature in Christ to grow and mature in the faith.
Once we are in Christ, we are commanded to abide in Christ, to remain in Christ, to stay in fellowship with the Lord, to enjoy communion with Him, to rest in His love.
Sin can break this sweet communion, for when we sin we are not abiding in Christ (or to put it another way, we have ceased to abide in Christ).
No sin we engage in after we have been born from above is carried out in the new nature in Christ, for no one who abides in Him sins.
We are positioned in Christ at salvation.
This position is eternal, and in Christ there is NO sin.
We are commanded to abide in Him from the moment that we have been placed in Christ, and we can choose to abide and remain in Him and to walk in the new life of Christ OR we can choose not to abide in Him and walk in the old fleshly sin nature.
When we abide in Christ, remain in Him, and walk in newness of life, we cannot sin, for in Christ there is no sin and so when we abide in Christ we cannot sin.
Our good and fruitful works are only carried out in the new nature in Christ, for the new nature is being conformed into the image and likeness of Christ.
It is when we abide in Christ that we are submitted to the Holy Spirit.
If we do not abide in Christ, we are submitted to the old sin nature.
BUT if we abide in Christ we cannot sin, our new life in Christ cannot sin, for no one who abides in Him sins.
Generally, in the New Testament, the word 'brethren' is used to refer to our brothers and sisters in Christ, and in certain passages believers are also addressed as 'holy brethren'.
All who have trusted in Christ are already forgiven of our sin and have received the gift of eternal life, and by His grace, the Church will accompany our God and Saviour on that incredible day when Israel recognises Jesus as their Messiah.
There is no solitary place to which we can go, nor a single state in which we find ourselves, that is able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
This is the unshakable hope we have in Christ, that began the moment we believed; and is an everlasting assurance that continues forever throughout the eternity of eternities.
Before our salvation, we were under God's wrath and eternal punishment, but having been saved through faith in Christ, we are no longer destined for God's wrath, because Christ took the punishment we deserved.
We have a God-given promise that no matter what happens during our waking consciousness or our sleeping moments we are kept safe in His hands, through time, and will live together with Him - in the eternal ages to come - for we are in Christ and Christ is in God - and He has promised that nothing and no-one can pluck us from His hands.
At salvation, we were positioned in Christ... and because we are in Him and are now part of His Body, death has lost its cruel sting and no longer can hold us in an icy grip around our throat.
Death holds no fear for the one who is IN Christ.
What a glorious time awaits us, when our spirit and soul go to join the Lord in the heavenly realm, for to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord - Who died for us, so that whether we are awake, (still living on earth) or asleep, (physically dead and buried in the ground) we will live together with Him,- for we have an eternal hope in Christ and an inheritance - that is saved for us in heaven.
There are those that are saved, by grace through faith in Christ, and there are those that remain dead in their sins and are facing a lost eternity... unless they trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
We who have been enlightened with the truth of the glorious gospel of grace, understand that we who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, are 'of God'.
we still have an old sin nature which tries to dominate our new life in Christ..
As believers, we know that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one, but we also know that we are of God, and that in Christ we have the power to overcome sin and Satan, through Christ's imputed power and His sufficient grace - as we die to our old sin nature and live our new life for Christ, through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
These men were not sent as 'lone-ranger' witnesses, for we are members of one Body... who need the support of our brothers and sisters in Christ and should be united together in love - in this increasingly God-hating, Christ-rejecting, sinful world.
Praise God that in Christ, our sins have been forgiven and eternal life is our present possession.
Like so much of the Church today, these Christians in Corinth were not living the life of holiness and humility to which we have all been called, but had allowed the standards, morals, and attitudes of the world to infiltrate their position in Christ.
As Christians, we are all one in Christ and we must never forget that our sufficiency is in Him alone.
How foolish to revel in the ungodly wisdom of the world when Christ's finished work at Calvary is all we need to live godly in Christ Jesus.
He has saved us and called us with a holy calling, he wrote to Timothy, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began.
Paul reminded Timothy of the training he received from his mother and grandmother in his youth and the precious faith he placed in Christ, for salvation.
It is believing that Jesus took the punishment that we deserve, and that through faith in Him our sin has been blotted out forever, we have been declared righteous by God and covered in Christ's own, perfect righteousness. Believing on His name is the start of an amazing, everlasting journey that has given us the authority and privilege of being adopted into the family of God and being awarded the right to be called children of God.
Faith in Christ comes by hearing the Gospel, receiving the truth, and believing that Christ was crucified, died, was buried, and rose again, according to Scripture.
But all saved people, both Jew and Gentile, who have believed on the only begotten Son of God, have become part of the one new man in Christ... and all have been promised an eternal inheritance, which is kept for us in heaven.
Men and women, both Jew and Gentile alike, who will place their trust in Christ as their Messiah during the coming 'Time of Jacob's Trouble' - and survive to the end - will likewise be saved by grace through faith, and will enter Christ's Millennial Kingdom in their physical bodies.
Those who place their trust in Christ as their Messiah, during the coming 'Time of Jacob's Trouble' - but are killed before the end - will likewise be saved by grace through faith, and will enter Christ's Millennial Kingdom, in their risen, glorified bodies.
As with all the apostles, the dear desire of James is to see all believers in Christ maturing in their faith, growing in grace, trusting God unwaveringly, and developing an ever-increasing faith in His gracious provision and sufficient grace.
At salvation, we were given a new position in Christ.
When we were born again, we were made a new person in Christ.
We became a new creation in Christ, having been forgiven of our sin, imputed with His righteousness, and received the indwelling life of Christ within our hearts.
We are no longer 'positioned' in Satan but 'positioned' in Christ.
We have been given a secure, permanent, and eternal position, which is a free gift of God's super-abounding grace to all who trust in Christ as Saviour.
Our position in Christ is perfect for He is perfect, and our life should be a reflection of His perfection, beauty, and grace.
Because of our new position in Christ, by grace through faith in Him we are clothed in Christ's righteousness.
As an outpouring of their trust in Christ Jesus as Saviour, this little band of believers demonstrated a deep love for all the saints of Christ.
May our faith in Him overflow in love for our brothers and sisters in Christ, knowing that our hope in Him is reserved for us in heaven, for this is God's message of truth to us all.
As believers in the dispensation of the grace of God, every Christian both Jew and Gentile alike, are reminded that we are holy brethren who by faith in Christ, have a heavenly calling to honour the Lord Jesus.
We are to be enabled by His mighty power, and we are to remember that His power is perfected by our weakness because it is rooted and grounded in Christ's victory on the Cross.
The only escape is to be positioned in Christ, by faith, and empowered by His Holy Spirit.
The only way to be at rest is to abide in Christ and to have Him abiding in us, every moment of the day - as we walk in spirit and truth, as we trust in the Lord with all our heart, as we keep self nailed to the cross, and as we die to self and live for Him.
Water baptism is a beautiful outward illustration of the supernatural spiritual baptism, (the inward change of heart when a man or woman has trusted in Christ for salvation).
Having been convicted by the Holy Spirit of sin, righteousness, judgement, and recognising our need of salvation in Christ, we are placed into His Body.
We are positioned in Christ by the Spirit.
Christ died for our sin, and at the point of our salvation we became identified with Him We became fully identified with Christ - we died in Christ.
Whether talking about our spiritual baptism into the Body of Christ by faith, or our water baptism as the outward sign of our trust in Christ's finished work as Saviour - we can say, with all other members of the Body of Christ, I have been crucified with Christ and buried with Him in baptism, through faith in God.
All is carried out in the power of God, Who enables us to live a new life in Christ - as we die to the old life and live for Christ.
The righteousness of God is revealed in our justification by grace through faith in Christ and there is no other way.
It makes no difference if one is Jewish or Gentile, male or female, black or white, young or old, the righteousness of God is freely available to all, through faith in Christ's finished work at Calvary.
Paul views godly rejoicing in the Lord as the antidote to all that seeks to rob us of our eternal security in Christ and our blessed hope that is found in Him alone, for it is a protection against false teachers.
Let us reverently rejoice in the Lord, keep on rejoicing, and encourage others to do the same - knowing that is a God-given safeguard against all that would rob us of our faith in Christ.
He did not want believers to remain uninformed about our future destiny, but was eager to enlighten us about the blessed hope we have in Christ.
As children of the light, we are to be alert to the times in which we live and rest our trust in Christ.
We are not to become dependent on the things of this world, like unsaved people, but to familiarise ourselves with our blessed hope in Christ Jesus our Saviour, and look for the day of His return to take us to be with Himself.
This is the most astonishing promise which is given to ALL who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ. The spirit and souls of Christians who are already with the Lord will be united with their new, eternal, resurrected bodies, which will be freed from the ravages of death.
To prevent the Corinthians Christians from regressing into their former ways, Paul used Israel's escape from Egypt, their wilderness wanderings, and their eventual entrance into the promised land, to teach believers how to live godly lives in Christ Jesus and keep themselves from falling into sin, idolatry, apathy, or rebellion.
Everyone who is saved by grace through faith in Christ's finished work is given power from on high to live a victorious life.
Every Christian is part of the new creation IN CHRIST, and we ALL have access to God's sufficient grace through the power of the indwelling Spirit.
We are ALL given everything we need for life and godliness through faith in Christ.
Paul taught that Christ died according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, and rose again, according to the Scriptures, and that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone and did not depend on keeping the Jewish Law, legislation, rites, rituals, and feasts.
Paul taught about the Body of Christ, which is the Church, and he taught about the one new man in Christ.
And by His divine power we all have been generously equipped to grow and mature in grace, to live a godly life in Christ, and to increase in spiritually maturity.
The position and privileges that are ours in Christ Jesus, and all that we will ever need to live a godly life which is pleasing to the Lord, were given to us as a free gift of God's grace.
It is only by God's divine power that we were saved through faith in Christ's sacrificial work at Calvary, and it is only by God's divine power that we are enabled to live our Christian life as unto the Lord.
Let us never forget that our heavenly position and privileges are ours in Christ Jesus Who, by His divine power, has given us everything that is needed for life and godliness.
And as he neared the end of this epistle of encouragement to his brothers in Christ, he repeatedly called each one of us to rejoice in the Lord - to be joyful in God our Saviour - to delight ourselves in Christ our Lord.
Too often we permit the difficult circumstances of our present situation or the careless attitudes of other people, to rob us of the inner, unshakable joy we have in Christ Jesus today.
Let us heed this final call of our dear brother in Christ to rejoice in the Lord, and again I say rejoice.
He kept holding fast to the Word of life in Christ Jesus which had set him free from slavery to sin, Satan, the world, and the flesh.
His imprisonment was because he had faithfully preached the Word, in season and out of season, to a lost and dying world, and Paul described his life as being poured out as a drink offering for the sacrifice and sake of these precious saints in Philippi, who by grace through faith in Christ had been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's dear Son.
Many erroneously think that to try to carry out these beatitudes in their everyday life will give them access to heaven by the back door, but no man or woman can come close to the ideal standard that God requires, for it is only in Christ that this perfection can be attained.
It is only through the blood of the Lamb that we can be forgiven of our numberless sins and be clothed in Christ's righteousness, and live godly in Him.
We are positioned in Christ Who gave us His life, promised to do a good work within us, bestowed on us eternal life, and poured into us the riches of His glory, simply because we trusted Him as Saviour.
He also promised us an inheritance in Christ that is beyond our imagination.
Either we are in the old creation in Adam, or we have been born again into the new creation in Christ.
Before we were transferred into the kingdom of light with all the wonderful benefits that accompany this glorious gift of grace (which includes life eternal to all who believe in Christ), we were in the kingdom of darkness, children of Satan, slaves of lawlessness, saturated in sin, with no God and no hope in the world.
Paul knew that gaining an understanding of heavenly things is a difficult concept due to our human limitation and finite comprehension, but he wanted to give us a good grasp of the incredible contrast between what we were before we were saved and what we are now that we are saved by grace through faith and positioned in Christ Jesus.
In Christ, we have become partakers of a heavenly calling and are to be diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, for He has given us the Holy Spirit of life and truth, and we worship One God and Father of all Who is over all and through all and in us all.
May we listen daily for the trump of God and the voice of the archangel, when the dead in Christ shall be raised incorruptible, and we who are still alive will be changed into His likeness in the twinkling of an eye.
Although we are living in a fallen world, we are not part of the world, for we are a new creation in Christ and do not have to bow to their philosophical arguments, engage in their jokes or course conversations, nor participate in any underhand dealings.
He is the man who rests in Christ and he is the one in whom the Lord Himself abides, for he produces the beautiful fruit of righteousness at the right time and in the best way.
And so he reminded his fellow believers that God's divine power has granted us everything that pertains to life and godliness, and that in Christ we have many precious and magnificent promises which have made us partakers of His divine nature and freed us from the corruption and lusts of the world system.
He warned of the dangers they would face in the future and the need to develop a strong Christian character, moral excellence, spiritual wisdom, and self-control... all of which depend on the sufficient strength and grace which is provided for us in Christ alone.
FIRST, Church-age saints who have died will be resurrected (the dead in Christ rise first) - SECOND, the rest of the Body of Christ will be taken into His presence without seeing death (then, we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with the Church-age saints, and we will all forever be with the Lord).
May we who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, study to show ourselves approved unto God, so that we be able to discern what is false and identify those that are distorting the Word of God... so that we may be in a position to help to warn others who may have been deceived by their flattering words and ungodly ways - and point the way to Christ.
Suffering for Christ's sake and enduring many trials and tribulations on His account is part of the worthy walk of the normal Christian life, for we have not only been given the wonderful advantages of trusting in Christ for salvation, but also the holy privilege of suffering for Him.
Even death is the doorway into the presence of God Who Himself has promised to finish the good work that He began in us the moment we came to faith in Christ Jesus our Saviour, and were born into His heavenly family.
Peter also encouraged us: Rejoice insofar as you share in Christ's sufferings, knowing that you will also be overjoyed when His glory is revealed.
And at the start of his second epistle, we find Simon Peter (bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ), offering words of encouragement and advice to all who by God's grace, had the obtained the same precious faith that he had received; for in Christ Jesus our God and Saviour, we have all become the righteousness of God in Him.
Simon Peter understood that there are no 'superior' Christians, for we are all one in Christ, saved by the grace of God, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, and a new creation in Christ Who is our Head.
We are similarly informed that He will never allow the righteous to be shaken and to be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, we are to let our requests be made known to God, for when we trust in the Lord with all our heart, His incomprehensible peace will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
He was filled with joy when others came to a saving faith in Christ and he rejoiced when sinners were transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's dear Son.
And what a wonderful example he is, of a man whose love for the Lord Jesus was demonstrated through his caring concern for those who had been brought to a saving-faith in Christ.
As lost sinners who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ and forgiven of our sin, we are now saints of God and children of the light.
Before we were saved, we were all sons of disobedience who remained under the wrath of God, but now we are saved by grace, through faith in Christ.
Conversely, the eternal security we enjoy in Christ, by no means extends leniency or liberality towards sexual immorality or other unprincipled acts in the life of a Christian.
However, we who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, do have a responsibility to share the good news with others - as led by the Holy Spirit, so that their faith and ours does not rest on man's wisdom but on the power of God - alone.
All are in need of salvation, all need a Saviour, and all have the opportunity to be saved by grace through faith in Christ.
Paul's piercing question, deserves self-examination of our own conduct and personal attitude, if we desire to seek to live godly in Christ Jesus and walk in spirit and truth.
Everyman has the potential for salvation, but those who reject His free gift of grace by faith alone in Christ alone, will one day be fully and finally separated from God.
Only those who are saved by grace through faith in Christ, are forgiven of all their sin and declared righteous in the sight of God.
Salvation assures us of eternal life and a heavenly inheritance, for all God's promises are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ, but we do not reach 'sinless perfection' as some like to preach.
We are clothed in Christ's righteousness, not our own righteousness.
John is speaking to believers in this verse: If WE Christians say that we have not sinned, because we are clothed in Christ's righteousness and declared righteous by God through faith, THEN WE Christians make Him out to be a liar and His Word (of truth) is not in us.
And we are to speak the truth to others, in love - for our sufficient strength is found in Christ and is bound up with the truth of God.
Once we have been placed in Christ by grace through faith... and positionally sanctified and set apart unto Him, we are to continue in our day-to-day spiritual battle by participating in a progressing, practical, ongoing sanctification process.
The gospel of truth that these believers had embraced so readily, is the same gospel that is freely available to all who will trust on the Lord Jesus Christ: For the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes, and all who abide in Christ will grow in grace and produce the precious fruit of righteousness.
Paul's intercession spans the centuries and continues to be answered by God for all who abide in Christ and trust in the Lord with all their heart.
Early in his Gospel, John not only stressed that Jesus had come from above, but made it clear that the requirement for our reconciliation with God and our eternal salvation was a rebirth from above, the New Life in Christ that only comes by faith in Him.
And He sanctifies us both positionally (in Christ) and progressively (as we grow in grace and mature in the faith).
The Holy Spirit also produces the fruit of the Spirit in the life of all who are walking in spirit and truth; abiding in Christ and following His guidance.
No surprise that John the Apostle was careful to record every beautiful detail of the incarnate Word of God, for by His grace we have been saved from the slave-market of sin, by grace through faith we are clothed in Christ's righteousness, and by amazing God grace through faith, we are given the Holy Spirit without measure.
His prayer for these brothers and sisters in Christ was that they would increase in knowledge and all discernment, as they became increasingly conformed into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus.
Indeed, this should also be our continuous prayer for our brothers and sisters in Christ – that our love increases and abounds, as we worship our heavenly King, grow in grace, and develop a more intimate knowledge of God.
The Thessalonians needed to stand on the many precious promises of God, which are 'Yes' and 'Amen', in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Paul had already taught these Christians that 'we are children of light' and that we have been blessed with the gift and pledge of the indwelling Holy Spirit, Who will never leave us not forsake us - that we are chosen in Christ, that we are not in darkness, but that it is God Who works in and through each one of us.
On that day the dead in Christ will rise first and then we who are alive and remain, will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air - and so we shall always be with the Lord.
The good news of the glorious gospel of grace should give every believer a joy and assurance in our eternal security in Christ, and the many precious promises that God Himself has proclaimed are 'yes' and 'amen' in Him.
Christ's finished work on the Cross paid the full price for our sins and has already been fully accepted on our behalf by our Heavenly Father: For there is now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.
We were placed in eternal union with Him and positioned in Christ through time and into eternity.
The extraordinary riches of God's glory and His glorious inheritance of the saints, which is ours in Christ Jesus, cascades into our hearts in the first chapter of Ephesians.
As we read this chapter, we discover the overflowing riches of God's grace and the tender love that the Father has bestowed on all who trust in Christ as Saviour, for we are accepted in the Beloved and have become eternally united with our Saviour, by grace through faith in Christ alone.
The second chapter of this wonderful epistle contains equally amazing treasures, for it explains our position in Christ.
But Paul reminds us at the start of chapter 2, of what we once were before we were redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, forgiven of our sins, born from above, baptised into the Body of Christ, and made children of God through our position in Christ, as a result of His finished work at Calvary.
We who were once estranged from our Creator have been brought near by the blood of Christ and placed in eternal union with Him having been given above all that we can ask or think, by God's grace through faith alone in Christ alone.
God has promised to finish the good work He has started in the life of all who are saved by grace through faith in Christ.
We are to live in spirit and truth, abide in Christ, grow in grace, and trust Him amid every difficult circumstance of life so that the name of the Lord Jesus is glorified through us, and we remain rooted and grounded in Him.
Both are a picture of our great redemption in Christ through the forgiveness of sin and our life everlasting, and we are further reminded that we are covered in Christ's own righteousness and have found rest from our labour in Him.
Just as the branch of a vine remains healthy and strong as it remains attached to the great vine that provides its nourishment, so we will remain spiritually healthy and strong as we remain in Christ - the True Vine, and abide in His love.
Only as we abide in Christ, can we access all we need for life and godliness.
However, this innumerable multitude is seen rejoicing before the throne of God and we read that by His grace, they have been saved by faith in Christ's sacrificial death and have, washed their robes..
Just as Christians in this Church dispensation have been given the role of, kings and priests, in Christ's Millennial Kingdom, so these martyred, Tribulation believers will also be given a very specific role within the coming kingdom of Christ.
What glorious blessings await these martyred saints who, for whatever reason, did not trust in Christ during the Church dispensation.
Praise God that they receive witness to the truth of His Word during the Great Tribulation and choose to believe in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and life everlasting.
As part of the new creation in Christ, we are also exhorted to be holy, for God is holy.
By grace through faith in Christ, we have been given the indwelling Holy Spirit to empower us to live the godly lifestyle that God demands; a life that is set apart unto Him; a life that reflects His character and attributes.
He is not only the hope of the world and the blessed hope for the children of God, but in Christ we have a secure hope that is founded on the never-changing Word of God and a hope that rests in a mind that is focussed on Him.
We are not simply to believe in a statement of faith with our intellectual mind, but we are to live out our personal, trusting faith in Christ in every aspect of our daily life.
As believers, we are positioned in Christ, born into the family of God, made members of the Body of Christ, and placed in eternal union with our Lord Jesus.
But demonstrating our discipleship, yielding much fruit, and glorifying God, is entirely dependent upon our abiding in Christ.
The moment we were born from above, all the advantages of our heavenly citizenship became ours, but it is only as the believer continues to abide in Christ and submit to the Holy Spirit within, that Christ can produce the fruit of the Spirit through his disciple.
Once faith in the truth of who we are in Christ starts to kick in, we can claim God's promises, for He is a faithful God Whose promises are yes and amen in Christ.
May we like Joshua live our life as unto the Lord, knowing that He is well able to finish the good work He started in us when we first trusted Him by grace through faith in Christ our Lord.
As believers, we have been saved by grace through faith in Christ and not by keeping works of the Law.
As believers, we were saved by grace through faith in Christ and at the moment of our salvation, the Holy Spirit of God placed us into the Body of Christ.
Christ's righteousness rendered the strength of sin and the condemnation of the Law as powerless over Him, and as believers, we are positioned in Christ and identified with Him.
In Christ, we are also dead to the Law and detached from all its shocking condemnation.
The moment we were redeemed, we were positioned IN Christ and identified with all that He did at Calvary.
Indeed, so close is our identification with our Saviour that His death to sin and His death to the Law became our death to sin and our death to the Law, for there is NO condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus.
The Lord is long-suffering and of great goodness, and His desire is that all men come to a saving faith in Christ, His only begotten Son.
And so, as Peter drew his final letter to a close, he entreated Christians everywhere to recall the teachings of Paul and to consider any apparent delay in the Lord's return as a demonstration of God's grace, whereby sinners are being given time and opportunity to turn from their sin and trust in Christ for forgiveness.
As we wait for the soon return of the Lord Jesus for His saints, let us never forget that any apparent delay in Christ's return exposes the goodness and kindness of God towards unrepentant believers, leading them to repentence.
He lived in such a way that he did not offend the Jews by flaunting the liberty he had through faith in Christ, nor did he impose the legalistic restrictions of the Mosaic Law on the Gentiles, for we are not under law but under grace.
How very different from the imperishable reward that is the prize received by all who run the Christian race with patient-endurance, who press toward the goal of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We should offer our lives as a living sacrifice and press on so that we may gain the imperishable reward that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord.
He warned that, No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him, and I will raise him up on the last day. In our fallen state, we need God to attract us to Himself, so that we can choose wisely, place our faith in Christ, and receive eternal life.
Grace upon more grace is poured out upon all who by faith in Christ's sacrificial work on Calvary - as we are not only forgiven of our sins - but declared righteous before a holy God.
He leads us through the doctrines of predestination, election, justification, sanctification, the old sin nature and the new creation in Christ, the flesh and the spirit, law and grace.
Paul was most thorough in his outstanding epistle to systematically set out every aspect of Church-age doctrine so that we have no doubt that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ.
But as soon as he refocused his heart on the Lord and remembered the many precious promises of God, which are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ, he was able to pray effectively with thanksgiving, praise, and confidence.
When like David we are encompassed by our enemies, ill in body, distressed in mind, and spiritually sapped, we should remember that the many precious promises of God to all His children, are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ.
It is on the basis of Christ's finished work on the Cross that mankind has been redeemed so that all who believe on His name are forgiven, justified, sanctified, and glorified IN Christ our federal Head, and made one with Him.
He started to open their understanding of the future Church age: A mystery that had been hidden for ages and concealed from past generations, but which was revealed to Paul and the other apostles, where Jew and Gentile would become One Body in Christ.
Peter had to make a huge adjustment from being a devout Jew who lived under the Law of Moses, to becoming a mature member of the Body of Christ who lived by the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus.
When Jesus rose from the grave, He broke the power of death and hell in the lives of ALL who are identified with Christ and positioned IN Him, all who are saved by grace through faith in Him, all who have been born of the Spirit of God and have received a NEW and eternal life in Christ.
But Paul also disclosed the glorious truth that in the same way all IN CHRIST will be made alive; resurrected from the dead.
Paul continued by addressing the issue of our fallen nature, as well as our new nature in Christ.
He encourages all who are in Christ to stand fast in this evil day.
He lists the praiseworthy behaviours that should be exhibited in the life of a godly man or a virtuous woman... for in Christ, we have sufficient strength to resist the multiplied deceptions of the world system.
Paul also talks about putting off the old Adamic life, which is dead in sins and at enmity with God, and putting on the new life in Christ where we are covered in His own righteousness.
Biblical salvation however, is gained by grace through faith in Christ's sacrificial work.
How foolish therefore, to cling to religious rituals, denominational rites, and legalistic regulations in the hope that they will secure our heavenly home, rather than clinging to the Cross, and hoping in Christ - in Whom are the words of eternal life.
The spirit and souls of those who have died in the Lord go immediately to be with Him in heaven, whilst the soul of those who do not believe in Christ end up in hell: the place of the unsaved dead, where they will await the final judgement.
There is one generation of Christians that will be alive at the return of the Lord Jesus: For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
This is the blessed hope that all believes have, in Christ.
The apostles Peter and Paul, John and James; beloved saints like Mary and Martha that are named in history; innumerable saints whose names have been long forgotten, and precious saints of our own families whom we have been laid to rest in the dust of the earth, will all be raised: The dead in Christ will rise FIRST.
In the midst of this life we may be in death, but death for the Christian holds no fear, for the enemy of our soul was defeated at the Cross, and in Christ we have gained the eternal victory.
As believers on the Resurrection side of Calvary, we are partakers of the divine nature by grace through faith in Christ, and as a child of our Heavenly Father we may call Him: Abba, Father.
We who have trusted Christ on the Resurrection side of Calvary, have been brought into God's family by grace through faith in Christ's finished work and are now children of God, through Christ.
And so, because of his unique calling by God, should we not pay particular heed to all he teaches us in all his epistles on how to live godly in Christ Jesus?
Oh, when dear friend or a precious loved one whom we cherish dies, it is right and natural to miss them and even weep over our loss, but our sadness should never be excessive and should never be akin to the hopeless grief that is so often the reaction of the unsaved for a loved one who has died in their sins – our loss should never eclipse the glorious future hope in Christ, for all who believe.As Christians, we have firm hope and a wonderful assurance that is very different from the world, for we believe that the Lord Jesus died and rose again.
And the mighty power that raised the Lord Jesus from death is the same mighty power that will resurrect all that have died in the Lord so that when He returns in the clouds to take us to be with Himself, all believers that have fallen asleep in Christ will rise first and we that are still alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall ever be with the LORD.
It was at Antioch that we read that the good news about the Lord Jesus Christ started to spread rapidly, and that certain Greeks began to believe in Christ, and God in His grace blessed them mightily.
Let us press on for the high call of God in Christ Jesus, and be proud to call ourselves 'Christians' for His greater praise and glory.
There are many mysteries of our new life in Christ that are hard to understand, which remain a reality in the life of all who believe, and Paul's illustration of a believer's 'death to sin' through their 'baptism into Christ' is a difficult concept to grasp, while remaining a glorious truth in which to rejoice.
Well, as members of God's family by faith, every believer was 'IN CHRIST' when He hung on the Cross and died - just as we were 'In Adam' when he sinned in the garden.
Because of our heritage in Christ, we were identified with Him when we were born-again.
We were imputed with His righteousness, when we were 'baptised', by the Holy Spirit, into God's new creation in Christ.
It means to 'immerse in something', or 'cover over with'... and when we were saved we were 'immersed in Christ'.
Sometimes we have to face a baptism of suffering, where we are surrounded by suffering and pain, and those who do not believe in Christ, will eventually be baptised with the fires of judgement.
At salvation, we were all 'baptised in Christ's BODY', which is the Church, which identifies us with His righteousness.
There are many mysteries of our new life in Christ that are hard to understand, but this one staggers the mind.
It is a free and unmerited gift of God that is given to ALL who believe in Christ.
We are all born dead in trespasses and sins, but by faith we are given new life IN CHRIST and made a new creation in HIM.
It is only by faith in Him that can we be born from above, as His spiritual seed, become part of the new heavenly creation in Christ, and are promised positions in His coming earthly kingdom - when all His enemies will have been placed under His feet.
John knew that the salvation of mankind was initiated out of love for fallen sinners, but also that judgement is the inevitable result of those who choose to reject His gracious offer of salvation by grace through faith in Christ's sacrificial work at Calvary.
Sadly, there are those that reject God's free offer of salvation, which is accomplished by faith in Christ's sacrificial death and glorious Resurrection for the forgiveness of sins.
The importance of taking time to commune in private with our Heavenly Father cannot be sufficiently emphasised, but also our horizontal fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ is also of vital importance, and should not be ignored or dismissed.
However, we are surrounded on every side by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life, and Christians that choose to forsake joining together with other believers in Christian fellowship as the Body of Christ, isolate themselves from the encouragement, exhortation, correction, and reproof of their brothers and sisters in Christ.
They are in danger of becoming lukewarm, disinterested, or legalistic in their faith, or succumbing to carnality and falling short of their high calling in Christ Jesus.
Let us do all we can to ensure that we do not forsake our assembling together as the Body of Christ, as is the habit of some believers, but rather let us take every opportunity to meet together with like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ for mutual strength, support, edification, and encouragement so that we can give and receive spiritual nourishment and sound biblical teaching together with like-minded believers.
We have already been made righteous in Christ, by grace through faith, and the day is coming when we will put off this old mortal body and finally be clothed in our promised, glorified body.
We are to journey through life in the sphere of grace and not works, for we are positioned in Christ as a free gift of God.
We are to live and move and have our being in Christ.
We are also kept by grace, through the power of the Most High God and are eternally secure, for there is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus.
How important to realise that everything in the old order was pointing us to Christ and the new order; the new birth into a new creation, with the life we enjoy in Christ and our new position in Him.
All are sick with the disease of sin and all need to be healed... but those who refuse to recognise their sinfulness and need of salvation, are the only ones He cannot save... for he who believes is not condemned, but he who has not believed in Christ is condemned already.
It instructs us on our behaviour towards our brothers and sisters in Christ and our responsibility towards God.
It is not only a message that is pertinent for leaders in the church but for all believers; because whether we are babes in Christ or spiritually mature, all believers have a duty to live godly lives in Christ Jesus in our countries, our communities, and our churches.
Paul reminds us that before we were saved by grace through faith in Christ, we spent our life in malice, envy, bitterness, and hatred towards one another, and also towards God.
As believers, we are given many instructions and encouragements on how to live godly in Christ Jesus.
We are to seize hold the many precious promises that relate to our salvation by grace through faith in Christ, and we do this by appropriating His cleansing flood in our own indifferent or bloodied hearts.
But as believers, we are also instructed to be concerned about our brothers and sisters in Christ and to stir up one another unto love and good deeds.
It is through an unchanging attitude of never-failing Christ-like love towards our brothers and sisters in Christ, irrespective of their attitude towards us, that love can be motivated within them (as they see Christ living in us and loving through us).
How blessed we are if we can reflect on our own lives and identify those that by God's grace, patiently and lovingly provoked us to love and good works, by grace through faith in Christ.
In his letter to the Philippians, Paul gives this vital challenge to all believers: If we have received any consolation in Christ, if we have any comfort of love, if we have any fellowship of the Holy Spirit, and if we have any bowels and mercies in Christ, then we are to demonstrate this in our lives by being of one same mind.
Let us be diligent to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, with all our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Living saints together with the resurrection of those who have died in Christ, will be removed from the earth before the great and terrible 'Day of the Lord'.
They will finally recognise Jesus as their Messiah and preach the gospel of the Kingdom throughout the entire world, which will usher in Christ's return to reign on earth for 1000 glorious years.
Because of their new birth and position in Christ, their future inheritance, their identification with Christ's holiness, and their Christian standing in the community, these elders in the Church are exhorted by Peter to take care of their brothers and sisters in Christ.
But Peter acknowledged that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ and that God is no respecter of persons - and so Peter calls on his fellow elders to take the responsibility entrusted to them, to care for their Christian family, seriously and conscientiously.
The way that Peter addressed his fellow elders, as he sought to equip those that came after him in proclaiming the gospel of grace, forwarding the cause of Christ, and feeding the flock of God, demonstrates true, Christian humility, and a life that is dedicated to equipping others to carry on the message of salvation by grace, through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord
Peter was a man who pointed others to Christ, and he was one we should all seek to emulate, as we die to self, live for Christ, and press on towards the goal of the upward call of God, in Christ Jesus our Lord - for His ultimate praise and everlasting glory.
It is those that are walking worthy of their calling in Christ who are lowly of heart, gentle in spirit, long suffering in body, and of great kindness.
Just as we have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, we have also been called into one hope of that calling and exhorted to live at peace with one another.
He was certainly zealous in stressing the importance of keeping the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace - where by grace through faith in Christ, we are ONE Body and ONE Spirit... with ONE hope, ONE Lord, ONE faith, ONE baptism into the Body of Christ - and ONE God and Father, Who is above all, through all, and in us all.
Peter also warns of the fiery trials that all believers will undergo on their Christian journey, but reminds us that our earthly afflictions will soon pass, producing in us an eternal weight of glory that will far surpass our expectation: For after you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, Who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.
But Paul's love for his brothers and sisters in Christ overspills into earnest prayer for them all.
Paul did not pray a vague prayer of 'blessing' over the saints of God, but beseeched the Lord for their abounding love and spiritual maturity (for a specific purpose), so that in Christ, they would be afforded the wisdom to make the right choices in their lives and approve those things that are good and excellent in the sight of the Lord.
He knew that only the new-life in Christ can be enabled by the Holy Spirit to approve those things that are good and excellent so that the man or woman of God may live a life of godly service that is sincere and blameless before the Lord.
Paul knew that only as we abide in Christ and He in us can we live as God intended all His children to live: in total dependence upon Him; a good and excellent life that is without offence; blameless and holy before our God.
The trump of God will sound, the dead in Christ shall be raised, and living and resurrected saints in Christ will be raptured into the heaven of heavens, where we shall ever be with the Lord.
Paul had just finished outlining the incredible privileges that are ours in Christ.
He reassured us that we were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world.
He also related the glorious truth that we were sealed in Christ with the Holy Spirit of promise Who has been given to us as a pledge and guarantee of our eternal inheritance.
All of us were operating as children of disobedience BUT every converted sinner becomes a heavenly saint and a child of God: For you who were dead in trespasses and sins, have been made alive in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Every believer is delivered from the wrath to come by faith, and everyone who believes in Christ receives the remission of sins.
It is God's amazing grace that made us alive in Christ and by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone, we are set free from condemnation and eternal separation from our Creator.
Although we are all individual people and have diverse backgrounds, different experiences, varying gifts, unique abilities, and individual characteristics, we are all ONE in Christ.
In his final letter to Timothy, he reminded us that he had suffered much mistreatment and warned, YES, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
And yet, this Gentile showed a strong faith, deep humility, and a simple confidence in Christ - three complementary qualities that are so necessary in a man or woman of faith.
We can grow in grace as we abide in Christ, (and receive a reward) OR we can spend our Christian life in spiritual infancy as we ignore His Word and grieve the Holy Spirit, Who indwells us. (and suffer loss of reward at the judgement seat of Christ).
But what does it mean that, he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin? When we are born again, we do not automatically become sinless, even though we have been covered in Christ's righteousness.
Paul's epistles focus on teaching a specific body of truth; doctrine which New Testament apostles and prophets received from God for our learning and which points to our sufficiency in Christ.
Paul knew the dangers that Christians face from false doctrine, and knew the only antidote against being deceived by enticing words and convincing arguments is to know Christ; to know the adequacy of Christ, the sufficiency of Christ, and our position in Christ, all of which is laid out for our instruction in the Word of God.
To prevent ourselves from being deceived, we must come to a secure understanding that in Christ alone are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, so that we are not enticed from biblical truth by the convincing arguments of men and their humanistic philosophies.
Having been rooted in Christ at salvation, believers should be continuously growing in the faith in order to became increasingly stable in doctrinal knowledge and our understanding of the gospel, which will manifest itself in an ever increasing mental attitude of thanksgiving and grateful praise.
As believers, we do not have to succumb to any alternatives because we are in Christ and are complete in Him, for in Him dwells all the knowledge of the Godhead bodily.
Why do we need to embrace other teachings when our sufficiency is in Christ and set out clearly in the written Word of God?
How important that we come to the realisation that all we have is in Christ, and all we need for life and godliness is to be found in Him, alone.
So many Christians today are searching for something outside of Christ; having a form of godliness but denying the wisdom, the power, the glory and the majesty, but our hope, our life, our light, and our truth is found in Christ and Christ alone.
Abiding in Christ and resting in His inner peace is the heavenly calling for every believer, no matter what situation we may be in.
We have been called out of darkness into His marvellous light, and after we have suffered a little while, the God of all grace will call us to His eternal glory in Christ where He will restore us, confirm us, strengthen us, and establish us.
The free-man should recognise that he is a bond-servant of the Lord, while the slave should rejoice in his freedom in Christ regardless of His chains: For we are bought with a price and should not become slaves of men.
The first four judgments depict four horsemen, who gallop onto the world scene bringing devastation and distress to a world that has rejected God's offer of salvation, through faith in Christ's sacrificial death on Calvary and His glorious resurrection from the dead.
Stephen's faith in Christ and his godly life did not exempt this man from the vicious darts of the enemy, nor did it prevent his apparently premature death.
The spirit and soul of Stephen hastened heavenward that very moment to be with the Lord Whom he served... while his bloodied body was put in a grave until the bodily resurrection of the dead in Christ, at the Rapture of the Church.
Before we were saved, we were estranged from God, but when we were saved by grace through faith in Christ, our sin was forgiven and we came into a living union with Him; a spiritual union which joins all believers to Christ our Saviour Who is the Head of the Body.
Our position in Christ has nothing to do with us but is simply a free gift of God's grace, by faith in Christ, and remains eternally unchanging and eternally secure.
Oh, we may lose fellowship with the Lord when we sin, and we will remain out of fellowship with Him until we confess our wrongdoing, but our position in Christ is unchangeable and unchanging.
Jesus shed His blood on the Cross for our transgressions and rose again the third day so that we might be born from above, born anew, born of the Spirit of God, positioned in Christ, clothed in His perfect righteousness, and accepted in the Beloved for His name's sake.
He died so that we might be born into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, secure, and unfading; a birthright that is kept in heaven for all who have trusted in Christ.
The unsaved man is without God and without hope in the world, but in Christ we have a living hope because our Saviour has breathed His life into our bodies.
This eternal security that we have in Christ is not founded on our own merit or good deeds, nor does it depend on our unfailing trust in Him.
The power of sin and death in our lives was broken forever and because we were positioned in Christ and identified with Him, we were positioned in heavenly places in Christ.
Jew and Gentile were to become 'one new man' in Christ, despite these two branches of humanity having been segregated for so long.
Both men urged their readers to be diligent to grow in grace, mature in the faith, be found in Christ, and to understand that any perceived delay in Christ's return points to God's long-suffering kindness towards men, for it is not God's will that any should perish but that all come to repentance and find peace in Him.
In his earlier incarceration, the apostle appeared to enjoy a significant amount of freedom when he continued to receive encouragement and support from the believers in Rome, as well as fellow-labourers in Christ, throughout Asia.
Paul's fervent prayer gives witness to the love he had for this brother in Christ, and the encouragement he also received from him.
We do not know what encouragement this man gave Paul or what service he rendered in Ephesus, but we do know that he was a faithful brother in Christ, who had provided Paul with help and encouragement in the past.
This apostle of God revealed many of the biblical truths and treasures which we have received as a free gift of grace, by trusting in Christ Jesus as Saviour.
He who believes is saved by grace through faith in Christ.
They seemed more interested in arguing among themselves about their own personal position in Christ's kingdom, than fulfilling His will for their lives.
They had been chosen to be Christ's personal ambassadors and the tools through whom the world would hear the wonderful news of salvation by grace through faith... in Christ.
When we start to consider all that God has done for us in Christ, our whole being should be filled with awe and wonder.
Does that not speak volumes to we who are God's children by grace through faith in Christ?
By grace through faith in Christ we are not under the Law, but how important that we do not see our own privileged position in Christ as an open ticket to live in unrighteousness.
Instead, may we value our salvation by living godly in Christ Jesus so that in all we say and in all we do, we do only those things that bring glory to God, in the power of the indwelling Spirit.
How blessed are we who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, and how often we find encouragement, comfort, peace, and hope in the Psalms of David.
David's words so often reflect the joy we also have in the Lord and bring to our remembrance the many precious promises that are ours in Christ.
But let us never forget that in Christ are found ALL the treasures of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, and we who have been saved by grace through faith have direct access to the Lord Himself, for we have the mind of Christ - and any of us who lack wisdom are entreated to ask God - Who will give generously to all, without finding fault.
For this is the work of God as well as the command of God to all who are dead in their trespasses and sins: Believe in Him Whom He has sent, believe in Christ's finished work for the forgiveness sins and life everlasting.
However, the old sin nature is still there, and the believer has the free-will to plug himself back under the power of the old sin nature which causes our thoughts and actions to be influenced by the world, the flesh, and the devil, instead of the new life in Christ.
The power working in a believer either comes from the old sin nature or the new life in Christ.
He told them that the gospel of the kingdom, which was curtailed at His first advent would eventually be taught throughout the world by Jewish evangelists who put their faith in Christ Jesus as Lord, and He warned of the abomination of desolation that is to be set up in a newly constructed temple.
We do this by walking in spirit and truth, living godly in Christ Jesus, and praying at all times in the power of the Holy Ghost.
We are to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ, and to guide them towards sound doctrine, for the time has come when men are departing from the faith and will not put up with wholesome teaching at all.
Eternal life is a free gift to ALL who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and once we have been covered in Christ's righteousness we are called to LIVE the rest of our life BY FAITH.
May we KNOW in the inner recesses of our heart and mind that: A man is not justified by the works of the Law, but through faith in Christ Jesus.
Praise God that WE, who have believed in Christ Jesus, are justified by faith in Christ.
Salvation is the amazing gift of God’s grace, and does not have anything to do with us. All that is required of you and me is to believe – believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.Those of us who believe this by faith are justified, saved, redeemed, declared righteous, positioned in Christ, clothed in His righteousness, in-dwelt by the Holy Spirit, and have been given a whole host of other supernatural and eternal benefits, simply by believing on the finished work of Christ at Calvary, for He died for our sin according to the Scriptures, was buried and rose again according to the Scriptures.
Such adversaries can entice the careless Christian away from the glorious gospel of God, into a myriad of falsehoods, fabrications, and deceptive fibs, while the violence and atrocities, which are committed against the people of God, are satanically inspired to whip up fear in the heart of the strongest saints - but we should not fear, for in Christ we are more than conquerors.
However, the people of God, have received the salvation of the Lord because they have been counted worthy and declared righteous, by faith in Christ's sacrifice for their sin - and although in this world, they are ridiculed, threatened, persecuted, and abused, they will inherit the kingdom of heaven.
May we, who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, conduct ourselves in a manner that is worthy of the gospel of Christ.
May we, who have been counted worthy by faith in Christ, stand firm in one spirit, with one mind, as we strive together in the unity of the faith, for the hope that is ours in the gospel of Christ.
Praise God that we have been granted salvation from God, because of our faith in Christ.
Christ was made sin for us so that we might be made righteous in God's eyes and accepted by the Father, in Christ.
The dead in Christ will rise first, and then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.
Christ laid aside His heavenly glory to live in humble submission to the Father, doing only those things that He heard from Him so that we might be forgiven and become a new creation in Christ.
Christ's glorious Resurrection made us a new creation in Christ and gave us His indwelling life (in the Person of the Holy Spirit).
This new-life in Christ saves us from the power of sin.
In Christ is all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and our Lord Jesus in Whom we trust, has become the fullness of Him Who flung stars into space and fills all in all.
Just before His death and Resurrection, the Lord Jesus prayed a wonderful prayer - a prayer that demonstrated the intimate relationship with the Father and the Son - a prayer for the protection of all believers during our time in this world - a prayer that Christ Himself would be given the glory He had with the Father before His sojourn on earth - a prayer that asked that all who are in Christ Jesus may be made one as He is one with the Father - a prayer that we will one day be with the Lord Jesus, and a prayer that one day we would see and participate in His own heavenly glory.
We were all born into this world, but since we trusted Jesus as Saviour we were separated forever from union with this world, for our union is now in Christ and we are now part of His heavenly kingdom.
God is still in control of the unfolding plan of history and His sovereign purposes will one day be fulfilled, for His Word cannot fail and His promises are 'Yes' and 'Amen' in Christ Jesus.
Today we live in an age of martyrs, and the martyr spirit has predominated throughout this dispensation of 'grace', but like saints in this Church-age, those who trust in Christ during the coming time of Tribulation will have the same security in Him.
Hebrews is an epistle that targets maturing believers, and its clarion call is to live godly lives in Christ Jesus - the Author and Finisher of our faith.
It is when we arrive at the epilogue of this important letter, with its comprehensive warnings to live righteously in Christ Jesus, not to fall short of the grace of God, and to avoid the many pitfalls into which Israel fell... that we arrive at the final section which offers some very specific instructions on brotherly love, suffering in adversity, and holy living at home and in the wider community.
Because we are in Christ and have become members of His Body, we have been lavished with all kinds of spiritual blessings, by grace through faith.
The sacrificial death of Christ paid the penalty for our sin, but His glorious Resurrection broke the power of sin and death in our lives, for we were made a new creation in Christ and given a new life in Him.
He came to understand that both circumcision and uncircumcision means nothing; what matters, is a new creation in Christ.
May we remember that true circumcision is a broken and contrite heart before our Heavenly Father, and glorify in the One who has declared us righteous in God's sight, by faith in Christ.
The important lesson of Ecclesiastes is that no amount of learning, experience, wealth, privilege, or power, can compare with the secure position we have in Christ - but that when wisdom, skill, prosperity, and power, are under God's sovereign influence and subject to His control, then life has meaning.
We are to clothe ourselves in Christ, for through Him we have the ability to cast down men's high-minded murmuring against God... to lay waste the imagination of man, and put to naught everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of the truth.
In Christ, we have the sufficient grace and spiritual strength to bring down high-minded babblings that have been raised up against the knowledge of the truth - as we take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
May we be ready to give an answer to every high-sounding argument that exalts itself against our heavenly King, for the hope we have in Christ - for He can break down every satanic stronghold and reclaim the spiritual high-ground with the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ the righteous.
A day is coming when all practical atheists as well as those that by choice have chosen to become indifferent to the glorious gospel of God and rejected His offer of salvation by grace through faith in Christ will stand silenced.
But from his own incarceration in a Roman jail, the apostle Paul was able to encourage His timid labourer in Christ, by reminding Timothy and us: God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power; of love; of a sound mind and godly judgment.
Timothy was exhorted to reignite the flickering flame of his faltering faith, for although he was saved by grace through faith in Christ, he was timid, afraid, and felt pressurised by the increasingly hostile world in which we all live.
But like him we need to remember who we are in Christ, and that we have not been given a spirit of fearfulness and timidity, but one of power, love, sound judgment, and a disciplined mind.
We all need love in our lives, but true godly love is not something that we struggle to produce through our own fleshly efforts, but can only be produced in us as spiritual fruit as we abide in Christ and He in us.
But as we look to Jesus and willingly submit to the ongoing child-training and chastening work of the Holy Spirit within, we will experience an inexplicable, inner peace that passes understanding, for this is the promise of God to all whose mind is resting in Christ.
How important to know what our salvation means, and Paul tells us that the moment we trust in Christ we are baptised by one Spirit into His Body.
But it also means that we are to be raised to newness of life (the new, born-again life in Christ).
We are to keep the old 'ME' nailed to the Cross and allow the new 'ME' (the new life in Christ) to abide in Him, rest in Him, be nourished by Him, and depend upon Him in all things.
By grace through faith, we have put off the old Adamic self and put on the new life in Christ, for having been baptised into Christ's body and becoming a new creation in Him, we are to remember that we have also been baptised into His death.
It is nothing to do with our own worthiness or virtue that we are furnished with such heavenly privileges but is entirely founded on His unswerving fidelity and His never-ending faithfulness towards the children of men, for His grace and His mercies are new every morning and His promises never fail, for they are YES and AMEN in Christ.
When we are in Christ and resting in Him, He becomes our Rock of salvation and the perfect Shelter from every kind of danger.
May we who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, follow in the footsteps of our Saviour and wait patiently for the Lord, knowing that His plans and purposes are perfect... and that in due time He will incline His ear to our cry and graciously provide all we need, according to His riches in glory.
Having set out this important life-principle, Paul finally explains the reason for his forceful emphasis: having been freed from sin, by grace through faith in Christ, we became salves of righteousness.
Day by day, may we make the right choices in thought, word, and deed, so that we may remain in sweet fellowship with our heavenly Father as we abide in Christ, submit to His leading, mature in the faith, and grow in grace, for our eternal joy and for His greater glory.
This new-life-in Christ was to be breathed into all who would believe in Jesus as their Saviour.
God planned in eternity past that whosoever believes in Him by faith was to become part of a new creation in Christ (by means of 'eating' of His flesh and 'drinking' of His blood), and those that were reborn as part of that new creation in Christ would also live because of Him.
Adam's action has inputed a sin nature on all who were born IN Adam (including you and me), whereas the righteousness of God is imputed to all who are born again IN Christ.
The wages of sin may be death, but the gift of God is eternal life to all who trust in His substitutionary death and glorious Resurrection: For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
His life imputed within, is one of the many things that takes place in the life of a Christian the moment he trusts in Christ as Saviour.
He is taken out of Adam and placed IN Christ: redeemed, not condemned, and eternally positioned IN Christ.
We have been bought with a price and received the life of Christ, but too often we allow the old sin nature to surface in our lives, and Paul warns that allowing sin to take control in our hearts rather than the new life in Christ, causes the indwelling Spirit (Who has sealed us unto the day of redemption), to be grieved and distressed.
Faith is vital, for we live by faith and not by sight, and the blessed hope we have in Christ, and His soon return, does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, Who has been given to all who trust in Christ for salvation.
The eternal God is perfect love and the perfect love of God has been eternally poured into our hearts, through faith in Christ, for we have been made His children, through faith.
It is the truth of God and the way to God and is unambiguously linked to faith in Christ's death, burial and Resurrection as the only acceptable sacrifice for the forgiveness for sins and life everlasting.
Paul was a major vessel that God used in Christ's post-Cross ministry to reveal much of that form of teaching that is exclusively given to the Body of Christ.
Let us never stop praising and thanking God that although we were once slaves of sin, we too have been set free by grace through faith in Christ.
His precious blood not only covered the scarlet sins and shocking shame that separated us for ever from a holy and righteous God, but His very life became the propitiation for our sins so that in Christ our sins are forgiven forever, and have been removed as far as the east is from the west.
We are God's masterpiece, God's workmanship, God's handiwork, God's creatures – we are God's new creation in Christ Jesus.
Even though we were in the pitiable state of death because of our sins, He gave us life in Christ.
Our present condition is irredeemable for a fallen creature can never change, but when He raised Christ from the dead, God exchanged our old life in Adam for our new life in Christ.
We are God's masterpiece, made in Christ Jesus in order that we may be able to perform the good acts and good works, which God prepared for us to do before we were even born.
These actions and works can only be carried out through our new abundant life in Christ, which is to be governed and guided by the Holy Spirit working in and through us, so that the works that I do are not of me (my old self), but my new nature in Him.
How wonderful that we truly are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
Although ALL men, Jew and Gentile alike, have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all need salvation through faith in Christ, the parable of the fig tree in the vineyard indicates that Christ's teaching was targeting Israel, His covenant nation who, for centuries, had refused to obey God's Word, turn from their sin, and return to the Lord their God.
As we reflect on these four boys who refused to be brainwashed by the society of the day, but courageously stood firm in their faith, may we seek to develop the same steadfast trust in God and allow their example to ignite our faith, sustain the blessed hope we have in Christ Jesus our Lord, challenge us to stand firm in the truth, and prompt us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to the Lord our God.
It is through faith in Christ Jesus that we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the incomparable greatness of the power within, will come from God and not from ourselves.The new, eternal life of the resurrected Lord Jesus was breathed into our bodies, which were dead in trespasses and sins.
The doctrine conforming to godliness is clearly laid out in the written Word... and as God's born-again children we are to live godly in Christ Jesus - as laid out by the Word of truth.
We are justified by God's grace and pardoned of our sin as a free and unconditional gift, through redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Man is justified by faith - without the deeds of the law.
Not only has Paul reached a conclusion that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law, but he is also using this truth as a springboard to scale the greater spiritual heights of all that it means to be IN Christ.
He gives a general reminder of our position and privileges in Christ, and then continues by instructing us on how to live godly lives and what worldly actions and attitudes need to be avoided.
How blessed we are to have brothers and sisters in Christ, who refresh our soul and encourage our heart.
Paul had sufficient confidence in Christ, to give a specific directive to Philemon to do what is right, in connection with his runaway slave, Onesimus, who had recently become a believer.
He petitioned his friend to receive the fugitive back, with love and forgiveness, and to regard him as a fellow member of the body of Christ, who was clothed in Christ's righteousness.
Similarly, Paul's appeal enabled Philemon to not only forgive his slave, but also to receive Onesimus back into his service with Christlike love, and regard him as a beloved brother in Christ.
Not only did Onesimus benefit from his conversion because he was justified in the eyes of God, and found grace in the eyes of Paul and his master, but Philemon was enabled to have his slave returned, with an assurance that both he and his slave were brothers in Christ, and as such, Onesimus would serve him as unto to Lord.
The lost sinner is saved by grace through faith in Christ, but once that man or woman has been redeemed from the kingdom of Satan, and transferred into the kingdom of Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, that believer is expected to continue living his or her life by faith.
We are to remain in fellowship with our heavenly Father, by confessing our sin before His heavenly throne, and we are to abide in Christ in humility of heart and in willing obedience to His Word... for without maintaining a day-by-day trust in the Lord, and a solid faith in His unchanging Word, it is impossible for the saved saint to please our heavenly Father.
There are dozens of spiritual blessings that are available to every born-again child of God, for we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing, through faith in Christ.
Not only did the apostle John write his epistle, so that believers may know without a shadow of a doubt, that we have eternal life in Christ Jesus, but in this verse, he wants to establish our assured confidence in the privilege of prayer, the power of prayer, and the preciousness of prayer, THIS is the confidence we have before Him, John writes, THIS is our confidence, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.
Paul wrote extensively about our fallen state, but also established in minute detail, our freedom in Christ which delivered us from our slavery to sin.
The promises that God gave to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and so many of the heroes of faith in Old Testament Scriptures still stand, and find their fulfilment in Christ.
But when we were born again into the new creation in Christ, we received a new nature and were clothed in Christ's righteousness.
The old identity we had with the first Adam rendered us slaves to sin, but the new identity we have in Christ, the last Adam, renders us servants of righteousness.
It is in our body which is dying, and God tells us that the thoughts of our heart are continuously evil, but as a new creation in Christ we are made a new person - a new 'loaf'.
As believers, we are perfect in Christ, but we still reside in our fleshly bodies and we still retain our old sin nature, which will fight against our new, perfect-life in Christ for the rest of our life on earth.
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God... BUT they are justified freely by His grace, which is through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
Having been saved by grace through faith in Christ, let us give Him the glory due to His name in our words, our actions, our attitude and our behaviour.
No wonder we are urged by the writer to the Hebrews to HOLD FAST to our confession, to keep a firm grip on our trust in Christ's finished Work, to believe all God has said through His Word, to unreservedly remain firm to His Truth, and to boldly approach the throne of grace.
Gaius was a mature believer in Christ who walked in sincerity and truth, as led by the Spirit of God.
We are to show respect to others, exhibit hospitality, and grow in grace... but we are also to shun evil and are not to be intimidated by those that elevate themselves through browbeating their brothers and sisters in Christ.
Godly love for our brothers in Christ, is a demonstration of the grace of God, the love of Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, to whomsoever we come in contact.
The depth of God's love is expressed in Christ's death on the Cross... for God loved the world so dearly, that He gave His only begotten Son to be the sacrifice for the sin of the whole world, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.
Grace has often been described as God's riches at Christ's expense, for under grace we do not receive what we justly deserve and yet, by grace through faith in Christ, He freely gives us what we do not merit.
But the wonderful thing is that once we have been convicted of sin and trusted God's offer of salvation by grace through faith in Christ, the Law has achieved its purpose in us, for the Law was a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ.
God is no respecter of persons, for we are all one in Christ and He alone should be the focus of our discourse, discussion, and delight.
What astonishing abundance to realise that all things in Christ are ours.
And what a great responsibility to realise that we are all in Christ, we are all of Christ, and we all belong to Christ.
We are all part of His Body, and His Body is not divided up into little scattered and unrelated groups, but one family of God, in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Let us be united in our mission and ministry so that we are all one in Christ, for we are all Christ's, and Christ is God's.
May we be careful not to fall into the careless ways of Israel, but to learn from their waywardness, so that we may live godly in Christ Jesus... in our words, in our deeds, and in our manner of life, in love, in faith, and in purity of heart, to the glory of God.
Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are called, the General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn, and through faith in Christ's sacrificial work on the Cross and His glorious Resurrection, our names are, enrolled in heaven.
Because of our faith in Christ, we have the right to be called 'sons of God' and through His glorious Resurrection, we will participate in the first resurrection - the resurrection to life.
And because we are 'in Christ', we are privileged to be called the, Church of the Firstborn, with a heavenly citizenship and inheritance.
We are not to shrink back into our former, pre-salvation days, but to press on for the high call that is ours in Christ.
We are positioned in Christ, and as members of Christ's Body we are not only identified with His death when we died to sin at salvation, but we are also identified with His resurrected body and eternal life.
Let us anticipate with joy, that wonderful day when we shall see Him as He is and be like Him... for then we will be fully and finally sanctified, spirit, soul, and body - for in Christ we are righteous and made perfect in HIM - praise His holy name.
Peter reminds us of the many precious promises that are ours in Christ, which free us from slavery to sin as we remain in Him and He in us.
Peter knows that such qualities are the birthright of all who are in Christ Jesus, and that if these godly qualities are evident in our lives, we will become fruitful in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Those that are lacking in godly character are described as being spiritually blind and short-sighted, having forgotten all the glories that are ours in Christ Jesus, despite the fact that we have already been purified from our former sins.
How sad when believers who have been saved by grace through faith in the finished work of Christ, forget who they are in Christ.
In so doing, we become spiritually fruitful as we add moral excellence, godly knowledge, and self-control to our faith in Christ.
But through the teachings of Paul, we understand that every believer in Christ is a member of His spiritual Body (which is called the Church), and Jesus Christ is the Head of that Body.
Just as Adam was the first member and federal head of the human race, so Christ is the first member and federal head of the 'new creation in Christ' (which is the Church).
But as members of His Body, we are in Christ, such that His death became our death and His Resurrection became our resurrection.
Because we died in Christ, we are also raised in Him.
His claim to be God offended them, and their devious enquiry was designed trip Him up, but in Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, and they were astonished at His gracious replies.
However glorious it is to be a physical offspring of Adam and a member of a race that was created in the image and likeness of God, it pales into insignificance when we consider that in Christ we are the spiritual sons of God.
Our parentage in Him goes into the realms of eternity past, where the triune God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world: That we should be holy and blameless before Him.
For this reason, it was very important that Jewish Christians in the early Church came to a correct understanding that the old order under Moses had been fulfilled in Christ, and that a new order had been implemented at Pentecost.
As Church-age believers we have already received our promised rest, by faith in Christ.
Let us determine to access all that is ours in Christ and may we remember Paul's warning to the Corinthians: that redeemed saints who live in unbelief become carnal in their outlook; saved, yet as though by fire.
Eternally saved by grace through faith in Christ, and yet living a defeated life in the wilderness of their own fleshly wanderings.
He alone can purify us from sin - by covering us in Christ's righteousness, which only comes through faith in Him.
God alone can declare the guilty sinner righteous - but God will only proclaim a man righteous when they trust in Christ as the propitiation for their sins and saviour of their soul.
It was his passion for his Lord that caused Paul to press on for the upward call in Christ Jesus, until he could say, it is not I that live- but the Spirit of Christ, living in me and working through me, for His greater glory and praise.
We have a blessed hope in Christ, and God in His grace chose to give incredible detail about His message of redemption through His written Word of truth.
This appears to contradict the clear, biblical teaching that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
God made a decision before the world began that all who trusted in Christ for salvation were to be conformed into the image of His Son.
And yet He desires in this brief span of time (between our justification and our glorification), that we work out our own salvation in humility of heart and to His praise and glory so that in the ages to come, He may show forth the incomparable riches of His grace which He has expressed in His kindness towards us, in Christ Jesus.
The truth of the glorious gospel of God and His perfect plan to reconcile man back to Himself, without compromising His holy character, reveals God's perfect yet uncompromised righteousness, and it is all by grace through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.
But foundational faith in Christ's sacrificial death needs to continue into a life that is lived by faith, for as we grow in grace and mature in the faith we move from one degree of faith to another measure of faith.
But when my imperfections are compared with Christ's perfect life, then I realise what a wretched man I am trying to keep God's impossible law when, as a result of Christ's finished work on the Cross, I have been clothed in Christ's perfection – by grace.
And because I am in Christ, the righteousness that He gained was also gained for me.
Believers in Christ are fellow-members of His Body, which is the Church.
Each member of Christ's Body is accountable to the Lord for the way we live, but we also are responsible for the attitudes we adopt, and the actions we take towards our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
However, in this verse it is having a caring concern for a brother in Christ who has become heavily burdened or deeply distressed, with whom the spiritual Christian should be concerned.
Love for God and love for our brothers and sisters in Christ is the fulfilling of the law - but it can only be carried out by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit in the life of a spiritual believer i.e.
The spiritual believer is one who abides in Christ, obeys His commands, honours His name, is growing in grace, and is becoming more Christ-like with every passing day.
Hebrews contains a wealth of spiritual truths to help us in our spiritual growth, but we must never forget that it was originally written to early Jewish Christians who had to come to terms with the fact that 'in Christ' we are no longer under law but under grace.
Born-again believers who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, are warned of the consequences of drifting from the truth of God's Word and the danger of failing to enter God's promised rest.
In this verse we are encouraged, therefore, not to throw away our confidence in Christ which has a great and lasting reward.
In his introductory remarks, Peter scatters before us the manifold wisdom of God, the superabundant blessings that are ours in Christ, the multiplied glories of salvation, and the eternal inheritance which is kept for us in heaven; all of which we receive by His grace, through faith in Christ's sacrificial death, burial, and Resurrection.
He had placed his faith and hope in Christ's sufficient strength to support him through this troublous life and in faith and hope he looked forward to that wonderful day when Christ would fulfil His promise to return to take us to be with Himself, when He will be revealed in all His glory.
God is faithful to bring us to an understanding of our own weakness so that when our faith is tested and tried, we will not rely on ourselves but on His sufficient strength to establish us and develop in us a more secure faith in Christ.
He marvels at the rapidity with which they turned from the glorious gospel of God's grace: By faith alone in Christ's finished work at Calvary, to a different gospel which was not an optional alternative, but a totally false gospel.
They were highly religious people who were in the process of surrendering the liberty they had freely received at salvation, by faith in Christ's once-for-all-offering of Himself, to a self-inflicted bondage to sin and enslavement to the Law.
And we are to live by faith alone in Christ alone as well.
At the point of our salvation, we were made a new creation in Christ.
And may we remember the truth as expressed by James: Knowing that the testing of our faith produces patient endurance, and endurance must do its complete work, so we may grow in grace and become mature and complete in Christ, lacking nothing.
This was not a teaching for the unbeliever, but a warning to those that are born-again, that if we are to be fruitful in our Christian life and honour our Father in heaven, we will abide in Christ and bring forth much fruit.
If a Christian fails to abide in Christ, he will live a defeated life and suffer loss of reward, in the ages to come - saved, yet as though by fire.
But if a Christian obeys Christ's command to abide in Him and He in us, he will bring forth much fruit - 10-fold, 50-fold and maybe 100-fold, and he will hear Jesus say, well-done good and faithful servant.To abide in Christ and to rest in His love is to know, with absolute certainty, that He alone is life’s sufficiency and to act on this knowledge.
There is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus, for He even gives forgiveness and healing to those who commit this sin, both in their pre-salvation and post-salvation life - for if we, who have been justified by faith, confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness - including this one.
Paul is a man who recognises the importance of lifting up other believers in prayer to the Father so that we may be spiritually enlightened and spiritually enabled to come to a deeper understand of who we are in Christ and what He has done for us.
Paul's teaching equips us to live our new life in Christ, to His praise and glory, not only in what we do but in who we are.
He prays that we come to a deeper understanding of what is already ours in Christ.
Paul knew the importance of a spiritual understanding of the blessings we have already received as a free gift of God's grace through faith in Christ Jesus.
The Spirit's work in the world today is to convict the unsaved of sin, righteousness, and judgement so that they might acknowledge and repent of their sin, and trust in Christ as Saviour.
God's knowledge is based on His omniscience wisdom: Those He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed into the image and likeness of our Saviour Jesus Christ, born into the old creation in Adam and then reborn into the new creation in Christ, by faith.
Based on God's uncreated wisdom and His omniscient understanding of everyman's salvation choice, He planned to bestow many unsearchable riches of graces upon on all who would freely trust in Christ as their Redeemer and Lord: And those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed into the image of His dear Son.
At rebirth we were positionally sanctified, we were set apart forever unto God by grace through faith in Christ, we were born again, we were accepted in the Beloved, and declared holy unto God.
Praise God that we are eternally secure, but may we also choose to live godly in Christ Jesus to His praise and glory and for our eternal benefit.
God in this simple verse is stating that ALL who freely choose to trust in Christ as Saviour can have an assurance that they will one day be glorified.
And that will happen when we finally behold His face at the glorious resurrection: For the trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ shall be raised incorruptible.
I really do wonder whether we have even started to grasp the enormity of our position in Christ; the incredible love, the peculiar privilege, and the gracious gift that we have received from our Father in heaven: That we should be called His children.
Not only are we called His children and have been permanently adopted into His family, by grace through faith in Christ, but we are told what we shall be in the future, for the day is coming when we shall see Him as He is and we will become like Him.
We are positioned in Christ, in union with Him, indwelled by the Holy Spirit, and accepted by God the Father in the Beloved, and it is all by grace through faith in Him.
But this we do know; that when the Lord Jesus comes in clouds of great glory, with the shout of the archangel and the trumpet-call of God, the dead in Christ will rise first and then we who are alive and remain will be caught up into the clouds with them.
In our Christian faith, it is salutary to be reminded of what we are apart from God's grace and to recall what we used to be before we were saved by grace through faith in Christ.
We are to remember what we used to be before our salvation, so that we are in a position to contrast it with His gracious gift of salvation, and the precious promises that are eternally ours, in Christ.
Because of this, Gentiles and believing Jews were formed into one new man in Christ, and became God's ministers of reconciliation to a lost and dying world.
We are to REMEMBER that we were once strangers to the covenants of promise, but now through Christ, we are the recipients of all God's promises, which are Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus our Lord.
And we are to REMEMBER that before salvation we had no hope in the future and were without God in the world - but now, we have a blessed hope in Christ and have become children of God, who have the right to call Him, Abba - Father.
As Christians, we can lose out on the promised rest that we have in Christ when we act like petulant children.
We can forgo blessings in this life by not abiding in Christ, and we can forfeit rewards in the life to come, by living a carnal, legalistic life, rather walking in spirit and truth.
But by God's grace, Peter was to tell the men of Israel the next chapter in God's eternal plan of salvation and many repented of their sins and found life in Christ Jesus their Saviour.
For the soul that sins shall die, but the soul that turns from their sins by trusting in Christ Jesus for the remission of sin shall live.
Christ died once for all on the Cross for the Jew, for the Gentile, and for the Church (where there is no Jew or Gentile, for all are one in Christ).
Christ's finished work on Calvary is sufficient and secure for all who trust in Christ as Saviour.
The New Covenant is not one based on the original 'Letter' of the first covenant, but on the 'Spirit' of the second testimony: Not of the 'Letter of the Law', which kills, but of the 'Spirit of God, in Christ' Who gives life to all who believe.
Praise God that we are not called to serve in the old letter of the Law, but in spirit and in truth. Praise God that the Spirit's law of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and of death. Praise God that in Christ our trespasses have been forgiven and that He will remember our sins no more.
He is the down-payment of our full inheritance in Christ, which is being kept by God in trust for us unto the day of redemption, that wonderful day when Christ comes in the clouds of glory to take us to be with Himself in heaven.
Our new, born-again life in Christ is no longer a slave to sin but a servant of righteousness.
It was our old sin nature that was identified with Christ's death, and it needs to be kept nailed to the Cross, but praise God that in Christ we have all we need for life and godliness for the power of sin is broken in our lives.
Our new life in Christ is identified with His resurrected life: Seeing that we have died with Christ (and have received His new resurrected life), we believe that we shall also live with Him.
It is only by grace that we are clothed in Christ's righteousness, and our names are written in the Lamb's book of life because we too believe what the Lord has spoken to us - will be fulfilled.
The 'old creation in Adam', is part of the kingdom of darkness and can do nothing but sin, while the 'new Creation in Christ', has been made a child of the light and has become a member of God's family, and that new nature, that comes from Christ, cannot sin.
Throughout our life on earth, a believer's old sin nature lusts against our new life in Christ and needs to be kept in the place of death.
No matter what difficulties you or I are experiencing in our lives, let us take to heart the truth these gracious words remind us that there is nothing in heaven, on earth, or under the earth that can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus - nothing that will ever cause the Lord to forget you.
Paul knew that one of the best safeguards against false doctrine, empty philosophies, religious legalism, and apostate teaching and is to know the truth, and he is careful to reaffirm the foundational truth of the glorious gospel of grace to remind these believers: In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
And in Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom, all the treasures of knowledge, all the treasures of life, and all the treasures of matter and space in the material and spiritual realm.
In Christ is hidden everything that you and I will ever need, through time and into eternity.
As descendents of Adam, we were born in the 'flesh' with an old sin nature which is at enmity with God, but as Christians, we are born again in Christ.
Paul refers to suffering as a light and momentary affliction, which is achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs all the hardships they inflicted, and God is using all such trials to train us in all godly graces, knowing that suffering produces patient endurance, endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens the confident hope of our salvation in Christ, and His heavenly rewards.
We are encouraged to have this attitude in us which was in Christ Jesus Who, although He existed eternally in the form of God, did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men.
Before being saved by grace through faith in Christ, Paul was a devout Pharisee, who boasted of his moral standard and religiosity.
When we find ourselves in difficulties and dangers, let us call to mind the precious promises that are ours in Christ, knowing that nothing can happen to us that God will not permit for our greater good and that His grace is always sufficient to rescue us from every situation in which He has placed us - for our eternal benefit and for His greater glory.
God had already ordained that Ruth, the Gentile bride and Boaz, the wealthy Israelite and Naomi's relative, would be placed in the ancestral line of the Messiah, as testified in the opening chapter of Matthew: And Salmon fathered Boaz by Rahab; Boaz fathered Obed by Ruth; Obed fathered Jesse and Jesse fathered King David. Both Rahab the prostitute of Jericho and Ruth the penniless Moabitess, were two of the women named in Christ's ancestral line.
Paul wanted them to KNOW it is by faith in Christ that we are beloved of God.
It is by believing in Christ that we are saints, for we have been redeemed by the precious blood of Christ and become the object of His good pleasure and His divine love.
By faith in Christ we are called out of the world to be saints of the most high God.
Grace is bestowed first when we trust in Christ for our salvation, and the peace of God flows from our union with Him.
Having spent three wonderful chapters on our position in Christ and our Christian calling as children of God, Paul exhorts us to walk worthy of that great calling.
He beautifully balances doctrinal truth with the duty and responsibility we have of being in Christ.
Having detailed the wealth of our spiritual blessings, which God has freely bestowed upon all who are in Christ, we are beseeched by Paul to walk worthy of that calling which is honouring to the Lord.
We are urged to live a life that is becoming of one that has been saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, and upon whom our Father in heaven has lavished so much grace and favour, forgiveness, mercy, and love.
And we are called to bear with one another and make allowances for our brothers and sisters in Christ, for in so doing we demonstrate the love of Christ, being lived through us.
Let us leave the self-life nailed to the Cross and live out our new-life in Christ (which we received at salvation), in humility and gentleness, patiently enduring with grace, tolerance, and love.
Someone who has been saved by grace through faith in Christ whose life is not a testimony of the truth (though they are eternally saved and secure in Christ because of their faith in Him), will live a defeated life and dishonour the Lord Who bought them.
Their life will be saved, but they will not receive a reward for living godly in Christ Jesus.
Only the Spirit of God can breathe life into him, which is by faith in Christ.
We have an assurance, because our future is not only recorded in the Word of God and settled in heaven, but we have the indwelling Holy Spirit in our heart as God's guarantee that all that He has promised to those who trust in Christ for salvation, He will fulfil.
When we carry out good works in the power of the Spirit which the Bible calls, the righteous acts of the saints, we are clothed in Christ's righteousness.
Every man or woman who has trusted in the Cross of Christ for the salvation of their soul, becomes part of the Bride the moment they are justified by grace through faith in Christ.
Faith in Christ's work on the Cross is sufficient for each one to be saved by grace and covered in the righteousness of Christ... through time and into eternity.
From that point forward, we are called saints who are to live our life by grace through faith in Christ. We are justified by faith but we are also to be sanctified by faith, as we die to self and live for Christ.
Christ not only died for our sins; to pay the price for our sin, but He died to sin; so that the power of sin might be broken in the lives of all who believe in Christ.
Just as all who are physical descendants of Adam are imputed with Adam's fallen sin nature, so all who are Christ's spiritual children are imputed with Christ's perfect righteousness: For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. As in Adam all are condemned, so in Christ there is no condemnation.
As in Adam we are all sinners, so in Christ we are all saints.
As in Adam we are under the curse of the law and the wages of sin, so in Christ we are not under the curse of the law but under grace.
Christ identified with our sinfulness so that, as the federal Head of God's new creation, believers are identified with His righteousness: For you have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. But we are also identified with His death: You died with Christ. We are identified with His burial: You were buried with Christ. We are identified with His resurrection: You have been raised with Christ.
And because we are positioned in Christ, we are: Seated together with Him in heavenly places.
Our new position in Christ has removed us from all the terrible effects that were ours through birth into Adam's fallen race.
The curse of Adam has been removed because we are in Christ.
And because we are now in Christ, we are to reckon ourselves dead to everything that we used to be: dead to sin, dead to the law, dead to the things that were ours in the first Adam, dead to the power of Satan in our lives, and dead to the entrapments of the original creation.
And we are to reckon ourselves alive in Christ: alive to the new nature that we received at salvation, and alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
However, the old sin nature will do its best to overpower the new nature in Christ, for the flesh lusts against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh.
The old sin nature lusts against our new life in Christ and vice versa, but in Christ we have all we need to keep the old self in the place of death; for His grace is sufficient, His power is made perfect in us as we abide in Him.
Having been renewed in the spirit of our mind, the inner fruit of that new life in Christ should, through God's almighty power, be made manifest by a life that is righteous and holy.
Forgiveness should be a subject to which we should also play close attention, for forgiveness is one of the godly garments with which we have been covered and clothed, and our call to kindness, compassion, and forgiveness rests on the immeasurable forgiveness and mercy that each of us have received in Christ Jesus.
Firstly: All bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, and slander must be removed from you, along with all malice. It is only after these negative emotions have been dealt with, at the foot of the Cross, that we can continue with Paul's next exhortation: Be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ has also forgiven you.
Israel's millennial rest in the land promised to Abraham and his descendants, is one part of their promised sabbath-rest, and the 'rest' that Christians enjoy through faith in Christ's finished work on Calvary, is a down-payment for the full sabbath-rest in which we will one day participate: So there remains a sabbath rest for the people of God, in the eternal ages to come.
When we are positioned in Christ and united with Him by faith, we receive all we need for life and godliness.
When we were saved by grace through faith in Christ, we were transferred from Satan's kingdom into the family of God and accepted into the bosom of the Father.
We all need to remember that formerly we were dead in our sin and estranged from the Father, but by God's grace through faith in Christ, have been made children of God and imputed with Christ's righteousness.
What a joy to have a spirit-filled brother in Christ, lifting-up his fellow believers with such fervent intercessions.
Paul was grateful to God for the eternal hope the Christians at Colossae had in Christ Jesus - a hope that was laid up for them in heaven.
Their close, brotherly relationship, their singular passion for the gospel of grace, their fervent intercessions for their brothers and sisters in Christ, and their deep love of the brotherhood of the saints, appear to be areas that united Paul and Epaphras in their individual ministries, and bonded them together in a spirit of love - in the unity of the faith and in the bond of peace.
Preaching the gospel of Christ, praying in spirit and truth, the breaking of bread, ministering to the needs of others, and uniting in godly fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ, appear to be the priorities of Epaphras, Paul, and their fellow-workers in the gospel.
Paul calls the unbelieving man or woman who is dead in their trespasses and sins and has not accepted the free gift of grace, by faith in Christ's finished work at Calvary: The natural man.
The Spirit is seeking to convict the sinner of sin, and righteousness, and judgement, so that he will turn from his unbelief to faith in Christ and be born anew, but until that happens, the one who is dead in their trespasses and sins is incapable of receiving spiritual truth, spiritual knowledge, spiritual wisdom, and spiritual understanding.
There was the mystery of the Church which is Christ's Body, and the mystery of His secret will: That in the dispensation of the fullness of times God might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him.
When we first believed in Christ, we received a new nature, the nature of Christ.
We were born into newness of life and given a regenerated spirit, a new life in Christ.
Because we are no longer are part of the old life in Adam but the new life in Christ, we should no longer exhibit our original corrupt nature but our new, born-again nature, and this is done, by the renewing of our minds.
It is the God-breathed Scriptures that renew our minds, day by day, and enables our new life in Christ to grow and mature.
We are being called here to live as sons and daughters of God, whereby our lives reflect the kindness, tenderness, and forgiveness of the Father in the same way that God in Christ has forgiven us.
However, instead of being burdened with the many restrictions this earthly 'tent' affords, we will receive a new, glorious body, of flesh and bone; a body, like His glorious body: For indeed, Paul wrote in chapter 5, while we are in this mortal tent (of flesh and blood) we groan and are burdened. But one day: What is mortal will be swallowed up in life, - the new-life in Christ, which we received at salvation.
Praise God that a day is coming when we will be re-clothed in a new body, just as we were reborn into the family of God and became part of a new creation in Christ.
May we come to a deeper understanding of the joys that are ours through faith in Christ, and remember that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
I wonder if any of those foolish men, who rejected the witness and testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ and His heavenly Father, during those days of His earthly sojourn, ever placed their faith in Christ.
Paul has just finished three glorious chapters telling us all about our precious position in Christ and the wonderful privileges that are ours in Him.
He tells us of the riches of God's grace towards us, the mystery of His will to those who are in Christ Jesus, what it means to be a new creation in Him, and how He has broken down the middle wall of partition, giving all who are in Christ direct access into the throne-room of God.
It was to be a time when Jewish and Gentile believers were to be one Body in Christ; a mystery which had been kept hidden from principalities and power, as well as prophets of old.
Paul had already written about this earlier in his epistle, but this second reference to the dispensation of the grace of God, was to emphasise its significance so that the Ephesians, and all who are saved by grace through faith in Christ, would understand and gain greater insight into the mystery of Christ.
Paul was commissioned to explain the beautiful mystery that God in His wisdom had determined before the world, but which he had received by direct revelation from God for us: Which in other generations was not made known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed to His holy apostles and prophets in the Spirit; to be specific, that the Gentiles are fellow heirs and fellow members of the Body, and fellow partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.
Such was the case for Titus when he was working on the Isle of Crete, and Paul is quick to respond with wise advice to his fellow-worker, and offer Christian encouragement to this dearly loved co-labourer in Christ.
Some legalists were mingling the Jewish Law (which had been fulfilled in Christ) with the glorious gospel of grace, in an attempt to place the liberty that Jews and Gentiles now enjoy in Christ's finished work at Calvary, back under bondage to the Law.
Others were grossly perverting that same freedom we ourselves have received by grace through faith in Christ, by turning it into an ungodly license to sin.
Preach the word and stand firm to the truth of the glorious gospel of grace, according to the faith of God's elect, was Paul's advice to his brother in Christ.
Others were involved in internal squabbles, which resulted in disorderly meetings and presented a poor testimony to unbelievers in the city. Pagan courts were being used by Christians to sue a brother in Christ!
Individually and collectively, the Church is the temple of the living God and each one is a living stone that is being built up into God's own spiritual temple, for we are one in Christ and in Him we are being carefully fitted together.
It is in Christ that both groups been formed into one, breaking down the dividing walls of animosity between us and abolishing the enmity which came from the Law.
In Christ we have been made children of God and accepted into His heavenly household.
Glance through many Christian social media sites and you often discover a critical spirit surfacing and a judgmental attitude being fostered, and yet Paul spends much of his time urging brothers and sisters in Christ to live together in godly harmony.
Paul is absolutely clear in all his teachings that the essentials of the gospel of grace and the good news of salvation in Christ must never be compromised: Where the incarnate Word of God died for our sins and rose again the third day.
Because we are in Christ, we have been set free from the law of sin and death: If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
Although we were dead in our sins, we are now alive in Christ.
Because we were taught the mystery of the gospel and believed in Christ Jesus as our Saviour, our position in Christ and our eternal inheritance is secured for us in heaven.
Our suffering becomes a testimony of the hope of salvation we have in Christ Jesus, and the peace that comes through faith in Him.
We have a firm hope in Christ and the expectation of His soon return to take us to be with Himself, and so in this verse, we find Peter offering comfort, encouragement, courage, and instruction, to all who endure suffering for the sake of Christ.
The gospel of grace is an aroma from life to life... from a new, spiritual life in Christ at salvation... to everlasting life with Christ Jesus our Lord - in the eternal ages to come - for those whom He justified He also glorified.
And although his rhetorical question is not answered by Paul himself, we know we are ALL qualified, by grace through faith in Christ.
Christian love seeks to encourage one another towards godly living and spiritual growth, and Paul gives us biblical guidance on what to do when a brother or sister in Christ is caught up in any trespass or sin.
But with the exhortation to gently and lovingly restore a brother in Christ, we are also warned to be careful not to fall into the same temptation ourselves: Watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted, for however mature a believer may be, we are all cautioned to keep watch on ourselves lest we too are tempted to sin.
But the one that is truly spiritual is not concerned with dragging down their brothers or sisters in Christ, but in encouraging, edifying, and restoring the one that has trespassed - in a spirit of gentleness and godly love.
How important, therefore, that we daily examine our walk, our ways, our words, our actions, our attitudes, and our motives, to be sure that we do not fall from grace but live godly in Christ Jesus, being careful not to be tempted ourselves.
This He did so that we could be pronounced righteous before the Father and stand guiltless before the demands of the Law, for there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus.
Instead of rejoicing in Christ's finished work on their behalf, these born-again believers forget they have a new Christlike-life within and work at achieving an unattainable righteousness through their old sin nature.
The Jews proudly relied on their family connection with Abraham and the keeping of the Law for their salvation, but we are not justified by works of the Law but by faith in Christ.
Earlier in his epistle, Paul used a prison warden and a schoolmaster to illustrate that salvation was by faith in Christ and not by works of the Law.
In this verse, he uses a child-minder to contrast the spiritual immaturity of those trying to be justified under the Law with the spiritual maturity of those who trust in Christ for salvation.
In the same way, the one who is not enslaved to keeping the Law, but justified by grace through faith in Christ, is the one who has reached the age of maturity and has received the promise - Christ Jesus our Lord Who gives us victory in this life and great reward in heaven.
And how wonderful and humbling to be given that inheritance immediately the moment we place our trust in Christ.
And may we walk in the freedom that is ours by placing our faith in Christ, becoming an heir to His precious promise.
He wanted his readers to understand that as members of Adam's fallen race we are all part of the OLD creation and condemned to die - but through faith in Christ, we become members of a NEW creation, whereby we will all be made alive, and be resurrected from the dead like Jesus.
He reminded them that they were born into this world in a physical body, but that by faith in Christ, they would receive a new, perfect, heavenly body, like unto His glorious Body.
and give assurance to ALL who would place their faith in Christ, that the resurrection of the body is an indisputable, biblical truth, which we will all experience at God's appointed time.
Our trust in God's Word should be steadfast, and our faith in Christ should be immovable - no matter what trials and tribulations we may be called upon to face.
Praise God that we DO have a sure hope and an eternal inheritance that was laid up for us in heaven, from the moment that we placed our trust in Christ.
Once Paul has hammered home this shocking truth about our sin and the hellish consequences that apply to Jew and Gentile alike, he then starts to give the good news of salvation, which is by grace through faith in Christ's finished work, and this good news is equally efficacious for Jew and Gentile alike: The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The narrow way, which is found by few, is rightly seen as a difficult path which is found by grace through faith in Christ, knowing that He is the only Way to the Father, and He is the only Gate into eternal life and heavenly bliss. The broad way is therefore identified as the road that the majority of the human race will take and is conversely seen as the easy path which leads to destruction and the fires of hell.
But although there is certainly a legitimate application to saved and unsaved people taking the narrow and broad ways respectively, Christ was not teaching about the two destinations of the whole human race (heaven or the lake of fire), but the two alternative routes that Christians are required to choose after they have been justified by grace through faith in Christ.
There is not even the slightest, tiny crumb of condemnation at all those who are in Christ Jesus - those in UNION with Christ - those that have been placed IN Christ at rebirth - those who have been born-again - those that have been sealed by the Spirit - those that have trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour.
This is the crux of the matter: Whoever believes in Him, (whoever is in UNION with Christ - whoever has been placed IN Christ at rebirth - whoever has been born-again - whoever has been sealed by the Spirit - whoever has trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour) are NOT condemned.
In his defence, Paul was relating his life-changing event on the Damascus road which caused Him to renounce his Jewish faith and place his trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
We do not know whether the dignitaries in the law-court became believers that day, or if the Jews who accused Paul came to faith in Christ.
Because of this directive, some like to teach that communal prayer, with other brothers and sisters in Christ, is unbiblical, but this teaching does not prohibit public prayer, but is specifically geared towards our own, individual, private prayer-time - where the child of God enjoys sweet communion with his heavenly Father - as we come to the throne of grace because of our identity with Christ Jesus our Lord.
We started our spiritual journey by grace through faith in Christ, and we are kept throughout our life-journey by the power of God by faith, but we are to exercise that faith in Christ by believing the truth of His Word, by trusting our lives into His hands, by abiding in Him and He in us, and by learning to say: Thy will, not mine be done.
It is a summons to persevere under trial and press on from the elementary stages of faith to a deeper spiritual knowledge, and richer understanding of the high calling of God that is our present possession in Christ Jesus.
At salvation, we were declared righteous by God and covered in Christ's righteousness, and in HIM we have all we need to keep on living a victorious life that honours the Lord.
Truly, a knowledge of our spiritual ignorance is a step towards godly wisdom, and recognising our lack of godly wisdom is a prudent step towards growing in grace, maturing in the faith, and gaining an understanding of our privileged position in Christ and all that He has done for us.God knows that we are weak and frail and He knows that the testing our faith can cause us to complain or murmur or to become unsteady in our Christian walk..
The dead in Christ will be raised incorruptible and the living will be bodily caught up together with them in the clouds.
Our justification (spiritual salvation), sanctification (soul's salvation), and glorification (bodily salvation), is 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Saviour.
It is unbelievers who did not trust in Christ for their salvation who are part of the second resurrection... and they will experience the second death.
Both the dead in Christ and all living believers will participate in the 'first resurrection' when Christ comes in the clouds to take us to our heavenly home.
The Spirit breathes life into the sinner saved by grace through faith in Christ, and removes him from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of Christ.
His promises to Israel stand sure and His promises to the Church are equally firm, for every promise and covenant that has been given to humanity as a whole, to the nation of Israel in particular, and to us who are His Body, the Church, is 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Our position in Christ is eternally secure, and the privileges we have received by faith will never be taken from us, and can never be lost or negated.
May we never wander from the truth that only through faith in Christ's finished work on the Cross, is the wall of separation between us and God removed.
Faith in Christ alone is the reason we are forgiven, because the wrath of God was poured out on Him instead of on us.
Paul made his heart-felt, yet forceful request, to this brother in Christ, extremely courteously.
It is obvious from the tone of his letter, that Paul did not expect his request to be refused, but he also wanted to ensure Philemon was obedient to the high principles and godly practices that are expected of all who are saved by grace through faith in Christ, and are walking in spirit and truth... and so we read, Having confidence in your obedience, I write to you, since I know that you will do even more than what I say.
Both the gospels and the epistles give multiple examples of the call to love one another, as Christ loved us, and to think more highly of our brothers and sisters in Christ, that we do of ourselves - no matter what their station in life.
It would refresh his heart to see faith in action being carried out in this brother in Christ.
This brief, but compassionate epistle, is a living example of the attitude and behaviour that one brother in Christ should foster towards another - as clearly laid out in Scripture.
Despite being his shortest letter, this epistle from Paul highlights the attitude that every one of us should have towards our brothers and sisters in Christ, even when they have wronged us, hurt us, or in any way abused us.
The first is the sweet fragrance of those that are saved by grace through faith in Christ... while the second is the unbeliever who exudes the nauseating, deathly stench of a person who has rejected God's gracious offer of salvation, for we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved... and are among those who are perishing.
It is the born-again child of God who is growing in grace, standing firm in the faith, abiding in Christ, and submitted to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit, that is considered as the fragrance of Christ to God.
How wonderful to realise that in Christ, our ministry and mission is to show forth the fragrance of His love, not only with our lips but in our lives by giving up ourselves to His standard and service.
Our long suffering God Who strives with fallen man has opened a door of salvation, which invites all guilty sinners to look to Christ and live - but it can only be accessed by the Door of grace - through faith in Christ's sacrificial work at Calvary - and that Door is still open today, for Jesus is the Door and Jesus is the Way - and Jesus is the good Shepherd who is still seeking that which is lost.
He has set His Word above His holy name and nothing can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
But while it is still 'today' let us hold fast to the many precious promises of God - which are yes and amen in Christ and trust Him to fulfil all that He has promised on our account.
The permanently indwelling Holy Spirit, Who would Himself baptise all believers into the Body of Christ at salvation, was a further staggering truth the early Church would have to learn, but so too was the unprecedented realisation that Gentile believers in Christ were equally accepted by God as Jewish believers in Christ.
The fact that Gentiles were also given the indwelling Holy Spirit by faith in Christ, was the first step towards a fuller understanding that there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither male not female, neither bond nor free, neither old nor young, neither black nor white, but that we are all one in Christ and accepted in the Beloved, lest anyone should boast.
Trust in the Lord is our portion too and prayer to the Lord is our privilege as well, for we know that in Christ we have a portion and privilege for we are His people and the sheep of His pasture – we are a new creation in Christ and He is our loving Heavenly Father.
We too have that hope in our hearts and with each passing day we are one day closer to that time when the trumpet will sound - the dead in Christ shall be raised first and we that are alive and remain, will be caught up together into the clouds of heaven to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will be with the Lord, forever.
But death is also a gracious tool that God uses to cause men to search for truth and life - which is only found by faith in Christ Jesus our God and Saviour.
As Christians, we are the most blessed people on earth, for in Christ we have become victorious in life - and through Him we have been declared triumphant over death.
Because we are in Christ by faith, we have passed from death to life-eternal and are one with Him.
Despite all the difficulties and dangers that encompassed his life, Paul was able to i) experience in his life... ii) declare with his lips... iii) write in this letter to his Christian brothers and sisters in Corinth that the answer to all our needs and the antidote to all our fears is Christ, but thanks be to God, was Paul's victorious cry when he discovered the truth, thanks be to God, Who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.
When we are encompassed by many sorts of dangers and difficult circumstances, may we be willing and able to give thanks to our heavenly Father in all things - knowing that He always leads us in triumph in Christ and manifests through us a sweet-smelling aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.
At salvation, we were justified by faith in Christ for the forgiveness of our sins and life everlasting.
The process of sanctification starts the moment we are saved by grace through faith in Christ and continues to our life's end.
We are to grow in grace, walk in spirit and truth, mature in the faith, live godly in Christ Jesus, and to live our lives in a way that honours the Lord.
Following his conversion on the road to Damascus, Paul had spent his life in sacrificial service to the Lord for the joy of seeing others come to a secure, trusting faith in Christ.
And praise God that we are not under law but under grace, for we have been saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, and we have been made alive in Him.
Philemon was a wealthy man from Colossae who came to faith in Christ through Paul's ministry and became a beloved friend of the apostle.
Before beginning his appeal for mercy which restated several Christian doctrines on grace, forgiveness, servanthood, and our imputed righteousness by faith in Christ, Paul reminded Philemon of their own, close Christian intimacy and the mutual love and respect they had for one another: For I have come to have much joy and comfort in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you, brother.
Paul was also Philemon's father-in-the-faith, but to cement his petition on behalf of Onesimus, Paul referred to him as 'brother' for by faith we are all one in Christ.
Glory to God in the highest heaven, was the hymn that the angels sang at Christ's birth, and it continues, peace on earth, goodwill to men, or more accurately it should read... goodwill to men of peace - God's blessing on those that have made peace with God, by faith in Christ.
Peace on earth and goodwill to all men is not the song of the angels, and not for the angels to fully understand, for only those who gain peace WITH God through faith in Christ, will receive the peace on earth and peace with God... for which men crave so deeply.
There are times when we, who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, become complacent in our faith and do not give the Lord the praise and glory He justly deserves.
While the dead in Christ will be raised before the Great Tribulation, the Old Testament saints and Tribulation saints will be raised later.
Let us testify of the joy that could be theirs in Christ and warn of the wrath to come and the eternal sorrow that awaits those who refuse to believe in the name of the only begotten Son of God for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting.
While every believer is positionally sanctified, Paul knew that during our earthly walk, every believer is in a process of progressive sanctification - which occurs when we are walking in spirit and truth, abiding in Christ, submitted to the Spirit of God, and learning to grow in grace, through the chastening work of God in our lives.
We are to walk by faith day by day - to trust God's Word and to rest in Christ.
Christians are covered in His righteousness and as members of His Body, we have access to every spiritual blessing because we are in Christ - and one of those promises is God's promised REST.
Similarly, although Christians are saved by grace through faith in Christ, we can forfeit our spiritual rest during our journey through life.
There are about 150 passages in the Word of God that state unequivocally that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ's finished work on the Cross alone, but sadly there are some that cause confusion in the Body of Christ by teaching that without water baptism a man or woman is not saved, and they often cite this verse as evidence.
From the foundation of the world, the shed blood of the Lamb of God was God's demanded purchase price for the salvation of all mankind, and although the waters of baptism are a most beautiful picture of the inner cleansing that results when a person is saved by grace through faith in Christ, if it is a requirement for salvation in addition to Christ finished work at Calvary, it proclaims that His finished work was insufficient to pay the full price for the sin of the whole world.
Baptism is simply an outward and public demonstration of an inner, supernatural work of regeneration by the Holy Spirit, which takes place in the life of a man or woman who trusts in Christ for salvation.
The very moment that a guilty sinner who has recognised his need of salvation, places their faith in Christ as their own sin-substitute, that man or woman is saved.
The instant a guilty sinner who recognises their need of salvation, puts their trust in Christ as their own Kinsman- Redeemer, that man or woman is immediately baptised by the Holy Spirit and is taken out of Satan's domain and placed into the Body of Christ.
But those who trust Christ as Saviour and believe in the only begotten Son of God, are transferred out of Adam and placed 'in Christ'.
All who trust in Christ are no longer identified with the first man Adam, but the second Man Jesus Christ our God and our Saviour.
Let us therefore walk in the light as He is in the light, and may the light of God in Christ shine in our hearts and show forth in our lives so that men may see the light of Christ shining in our lives, as we abide in Him and He in us.
And the Bible tells us we are justified by believing on the finished work of Christ: Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus. It is by faith in the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus alone, that man is justified: This is the work of God, that you believe in Him Whom He has sent.
These words of consolation and succour were to bring reassurance and support, strength, hope, and courage to the disciples and to generations who have trusted in Christ as Saviour: But take heart!
He rejoices that his human spirit has been enlivened by the Holy Spirit and instead of being enslaved to sin, at enmity with God, under eternal condemnation, and without hope in the world, he becomes part of God's new creation in Christ, and is promised joy in the eternal ages to come.
The wisdom of a believer and the weapons of a Christian's warfare, are rooted and grounded in Christ alone, and become increasingly effective as we stand on the promises of God, heed His instructions, and abide in our position in Christ - for He is our wisdom and in Him, we gain the victory.
The very first of the six graces that we should all seek to develop in our lives is love; godly love; a self-sacrificial, deep concern for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
How easy it is to let brotherly love become our watchword with those that are strong in the faith, and how delightful it is to enjoy godly fellowship with those who are walking in spirit and truth, but we are exhorted to love all our brethren in Christ, not only those that are spiritual.
We are to love as Christ loved us; to live as Christ lived and to show forth the love of Christ to all our brothers and sisters in Christ as we minister to them in love, without compromising the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ.
As believers who have escaped the corruption that is in the world by faith in Christ, we have been given exceedingly great and precious promises, through which we may be partakers of Christ's divine nature.
Our strength is to be found in Christ alone.
Having been saved by grace through faith, it is only as we live by grace through faith and earnestly press on to the goal of our high calling in Christ, with diligence, dedication, and discipline, that we are empowered to grow in grace and in moral excellence.
And as we pursue the goal of our calling, it is only as we appropriate what is ours in Christ and zealously apply it to our everyday lives that we grow in our knowledge of Christ, becoming self-controlled, patient, godly, gentle, good, and kind, and Christ-like.
It was faith in Christ and utter dependence on God for which the Lord Jesus prayed and which did indeed stand the test of time, as ultimately Peter's foolish trust in his own limited abilities and confidence in his own human strength, was replaced with an unshakable faith in His Lord and Saviour.
Peter grew into a man that could say with Paul: It is not in my own strength and self-confidence that I trust – but in Christ Who is my all in all.
In Christ, we have the confidence that God will confirm, strengthen, and sustain, each one of His children.
Despite being indwelled by the Holy Spirit of God, positioned in Christ, and the recipients of the many blessings given to all believers, these Corinthian believers chose to live according to their fleshly lusts, and were not walking in spirit and truth.
Nevertheless, in God's grace and mercy, these carnal Christians in Corinth were equally enriched in Christ, in speech and all knowledge.
Although we are guiltless by faith in Christ, we are not sinless: For all have sinned and fall short of His glory.
But through identification with Christ, we are covered in His righteousness: Blameless in Christ.
And we have the permanency of the indwelling Spirit Who has bestowed on us many wondrous privileges that are ours in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Though a few trusted in Christ as the Son of God Who takes away the sin of the world, most followed Him to gain physical healing or to get a free lunch of fish and bread, instead of true spiritual food from the heavenly Man.
For two wonderful chapters, Paul outlines the gospel of God, where believers have been placed in union with Chris, such that Jews and Gentiles together have become one Body in Christ.
And Paul breaks into his own dialogue, in order to give a clearer understanding of what this new revelation means for all who believe in Christ for salvation while emphasising that this mystery was given to him by divine revelation.
We are waiting in eager anticipation for the voice of the angel and the trumpet call of God: And the dead in Christ shall rise first, and we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall ever be with the Lord.
He has promised that nothing will snatch us out of His hand and that we are eternally sealed and secure in Christ.
Peter was warned of the upcoming ordeal, but Job was not forewarned of His trials - and although we know that at times the enemy will seek to sift all of us who are living godly in Christ Jesus, never forget that God not only knows all about it but has also permitted it for a reason.
But every member of the Trinity was involved in Christ's glorious Resurrection: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, were jointly responsible for this wonderful miracle.
This miracle of salvation by grace through faith in Christ is freely available to all, just as it was when Peter stood up on that first day of Pentecost and taught this life-changing truth.
Let us continue to share the good news of the gospel of grace with those that are dead in their sins and living under God's condemnation - for who knows if some may be convicted of their need of redemption and turn from their sinful ways and trust in Christ for the salvation of their soul?
For eight long and intense chapters, Paul takes us step by step from the utter depravity of all mankind and the eternal consequences of sin, which is alienation from God, to the good news of the amazing gospel of grace and the final glorious outcome for all who trust in Christ for the remission of sins.
And in his summation before addressing the past role, present situation, and future position of Israel in God's perfect plan of redemption, Paul closes this section of his epistle to the Roman with the most blessed assurance of our eternal security in Christ.
Despite the many trials and tribulations that all who live godly in Christ Jesus will inevitable have to face, Paul concludes his inspired writing with these wonderful words: For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
May we take to heart all that we read in this glorious book and rejoice that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We are not limited by times or places, but we should ensure that we pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers in helpless dependence on Him – keeping alert and persevering in prayer for all our brothers and sisters in Christ.
How important that as parents, grandparents, siblings, and souls who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, that we share the glorious gospel of grace with young and old alike.
May we not wittingly or unwittingly exclude anyone from coming to a saving faith in Christ Jesus our Lord, by any biases that we may harbour in our hearts.
We too are on our own march towards our heavenly home, but every step we make toward that day when the Lord takes us to be with Himself, should be a day when we live together with our brothers and sisters in Christ in gracious harmony and godly unity.
It replaces the confidence that must be placed in Christ's finished work on the Cross with trust in our own prideful performance for both our initial justification and ongoing sanctification.
Faith is having the assurance that what we hope for in Christ will certainly come to pass.
We are saved by grace through faith in Christ, and we are to walk by faith and not by sight.
Living by faith frequently contrasts the visible unreality of this fake, false, and failing world, with the invisible reality of true, glorious, eternal, heavenly things, that are our promised inheritance, in Christ.
We are positioned in Christ, and identified with Him by the Spirit of God, the moment we trust the Lord Jesus as Saviour.
Once we have been born again and saved by grace through faith in Christ, we are to be established in our faith.
Just as God established Paul in his Christian faith and consecrated him as apostle to the Gentiles, so too we are established in Christ and sanctified - through the power of God within.
Now it is God Who establishes us and confirms us in fellowship with one another in Christ - and it is God who has anointed us and empowered us with the gifts of the Spirit.
Once we are saved, we are to be firmly established in the Word of the Father, established in our new life in Christ and established in the truth of the Spirit.
Because we are saved, we have received spiritual gifts and been given precious promises in the Word of God, which have become ours in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
and Paul, Silvanus, Timothy, and other co-labourers in the gospel, needed to be established in the faith, in the same way that you and I also need to be established - for as Paul wrote, He Who establishes us, with you - in Christ..
It is God Who confirmed Paul's position in Christ, and the same God confirms our own identification with our heavenly Saviour.
God, Himself has guaranteed our ongoing and eternal security, in Christ - and His Word can never be broken.
And remember... God's Word can never be broken, for all His promises are YES and AMEN in Christ Jesus our Lord.
In the first parable of the Sower, Christ identified the 'seed' which fell on different types of ground, as representing the Word of the Kingdom, (the gospel of the kingdom), whereas in this next parable the 'good seed' represents those who believe in Christ and are fruitful, while the 'bad seed' symbolises those who have a form of godliness but do not believe.
He lived the sort of life that should be lived by every man or woman of God, who has placed their trust in Christ, for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
He alone knows the moment the heart of the unbeliever starts to trust in Christ for salvation, but He also knows the heart of the believer, and His rewards for Christians are entirely based on the motive behind the works that we perform.
Some anonymous believer in Christ must have been responsible for teaching the people in Rome about the death, burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of sins for all who believe on His name.
The Father's gracious promises towards His children and the surpassing greatness of His mighty power towards all who believe in Him, is the confident hope that we have in Christ Jesus our Lord, which was accomplished when God raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand on heaven's glorious throne.
Only believers have a living regenerated spirit that can have fellowship with the Father and abide in Christ, for unsaved man remains spiritually dead in trespasses and sins, without God and without hope in the world.
It is as we dwell in Him and abide in Christ that we fellowship with the Father and commune with His Holy Spirit Who bears witnesses with our human spirit and that we are children of God.
how can we fail to believe that He will not keep His many precious promises - which are YES and AMEN in Christ.
The supernatural love which was demonstrated in Christ's life towards His beloved disciples, can equally be manifested in our lives, for Jesus is the Light of the world, Who was sent by the Father to dispel the shadows of darkness.
And we, who are His children, have been assigned to be lights in this darkened, sin-sick world, in Christ's absence.
Ever since his saving encounter with the Lord Jesus on the road to Damascus, Paul started to press toward the high call of God in Christ.
Growing in grace is an ongoing journey and an upward trek for every believer, but like Paul we need to press on for the upward call of God in Christ so that in Him we may lay hold of all that God has prepared for us to do for His glory in our own individual lives.
The Word of God is the most valuable piece of equipment in our possession for it tells us how to live godly in Christ Jesus and how to deal with the difficulties and dangers that strew our path.
Never let us doubt the promises of God's faithfulness to all who are His children, by grace through faith in Christ.
Just as His promises to Israel will all be fulfilled one day, so His precious promises to the Church are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus, our Lord, Who loved the Church so much that He gave Himself up for love of her, and He has promised never to leave us nor forsake us.
And we who have put our trust in Christ are blessed to know His name and to enjoy intimacy with the One Who died for our sins.
But just as God is faithful to His people Israel, we too have an assurance that we, who have been bought with the precious blood of Christ, will never be abandoned nor condemned, for there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus.
He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight - in love, so that in the ages to come, He might show the surpassing riches of His love and grace in kindness toward us in Christ.
It is found in Christ Jesus our heavenly Lord and King - for God, being rich in mercy and love, has raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus.
Although he was sending written directives to the young pastor Timothy on how to shepherd the flock of God that was under his care, we can all take to heart the wise instruction on how to become a man or woman of God, so that we conduct ourselves in a manner that is honouring to the Lord and faithful to our position in Christ.
Indeed, we who have trusted Christ and who have been saved by grace through faith in Him, have much about which to rejoice, despite the sobering truth that in this world all who live godly in Christ Jesus will face various trials and tribulations and may even have to face persecution and death.
How important that our hearts are flooded with the light of His grace and glory so that we have a real understanding of the confident hope that is ours in Christ, knowing that we are the rich and glorious inheritance of Christ Jesus our Lord.
We have been redeemed as slaves from the pit of hell and have been adopted as blessed sons of the most high God with an eternal citizenship secured for us in heaven, in Christ.
Let us rest in the truth of the incomparable, immeasurable, unsurpassing greatness of our omnipotent God and His grace and love towards us, who believe in Christ.
It warns against the dangers of parental favouritism, sibling rivalry, insensitivity towards our brothers and sisters in Christ, and the wisdom of wise speech and godly discernment.
Although the New Covenant was cut in Christ's blood, it has yet to be fully and finally ratified with Israel..
This New Covenant is unconditional and stands on God's WORD - by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone as recorded in the Word of God - alone.
Paul exhorts these believers to live and behave as spiritual men who are abiding in Christ and walking in spirit and truth.
Paul expressed it this way in Romans, although we are many, we are one Body in Christ Jesus, and individually we are members of one another.
The Christian Church is composed of all individuals who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting.
Praise God that we are all ONE in Christ Jesus our Lord and that by grace through faith, we are now Christ's Body - and individually members of it.
They were not chosen to receive salvation for they were already believers in Christ.
Indeed, their position in Christ would enable them to ask whatever they would of the Father, in line with the will and character of Christ, and He would grant it.
Certainly the foundations of Church age doctrine were laid by God's chosen apostles and prophets as recorded in the Scriptures, but all of us who have been born again by grace through faith in Christ are exhorted to abide in Christ and all of us have been given a responsibility of advancing the glorious gospel of God in the place where He has appointed us.
May we abide in Christ and He is us day by day so that in His sufficient strength we may bear much fruit to the praise and glory of God.
It is by grace that the Holy Spirit is in the world today, convicting the sinner of sin, righteousness, and judgement so that by grace through faith in Christ, that sinner may become a saint.
And it is only by His grace that the believer can access His grace, continue in grace, and grow in grace so that we may have the peace of God which passes all understanding guarding our hearts and minds, as we live in Christ Jesus our Lord and His grace and peace is reflected in us.
And it was at Calvary that righteousness and peace kissed each other in Christ, for without righteousness there can be no peace, and without peace there is no righteousness.
We have been called, chosen, justified, and glorified, for we are saved by grace through faith in Christ and are become his chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.
Sometimes the passing enticements of this world seek to blind our eyes to the riches of the glorious inheritance that we have in Christ Jesus our Lord.
It was Paul who rejoiced in the confident hope that we have in Christ Jesus and he longed that others too would come to a real understanding of the incomparable riches of His grace, which is expressed in his kindness towards us in Christ Jesus.
And in this final epistle of encouragement and warning, he trumpeted a call to faithfulness in ministry, courage in the challenges of life, and patient endurance when facing the inevitable hardships that pursue all who live godly in Christ Jesus.
It helps to maintain our hope in Christ and encourages us to love the Lord our God with all our heart and mind and strength and soul - with thanksgiving.
The Lord's Supper encourages all who have been born again by grace through faith in Christ, to look back and reflect with grateful wonder and praise on Christ's immense sacrificial offering of Himself on Calvary's Cross for the sin of the whole world.
When two or three are gathered together in Christ's name, He is there in the very midst of them.
Although we are many in number, we are united together in Christ... in that we all partook of the saving grace of God, by faith, when were born from above.
Paul points out that no-one is exempt from God's condemnation for all have sinned and are in need of a Saviour; all need to be justified by grace, through faith in Christ.
We are to preach the truth, that God purposed to save mankind from their sins, by faith in Christ's finished work on the Cross, which is the one and only means of reconciliation with a God Who is offended by our sin.
The Holy Spirit is in the world quietly and unceasingly convicting every unbeliever of sin, of righteousness, and of judgement, but when trust in Christ's sacrificial work on the Cross is realised and unbelief is replaced with faith, the invisible, indiscernible, unfathomable work of the Holy Spirit results in the invisible, indiscernible, unfathomable mystery of the new birth.
Our new life in Christ cannot be felt or fully explained.
Our new life in Christ is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in the very heart of a believer, by faith.
The gospel of grace is being preached by 'The One New Man In Christ'- which is made up of believing Jews and believing Gentiles, who trust in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
God determined that those who believe were destined for eternal life while those who did not believe were destined for destruction Paul describes such people as, vessels of wrath, prepared for destruction, and Scripture clearly teaches that those who believe will be saved, and receive eternal life, while those who do not believe in Christ, will be damned, and face the eternal Lake of Fire.
However, the Christians in Galatia did not understand the freedom they had in Christ, preferring to revert to the old legalistic way.
Rather, we are under the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus which... by faith in Him, has set us free from the law of sin and of death.
But many believers in that Galatian church found it difficult to move from the pre-Cross legalism of the Mosaic Law, to the post-Cross freedom we have in Christ.
The incredible freedom we received in Christ, released us from the recurring need to offer daily sacrifices to God.
Having been saved through our faith in Christ, ALL our sins, past, present, and future, are forgiven, and we are to put off our old former ways.
But sadly, there are those that abuse the wonderful freedom we have in Christ during this dispensation of the grace of God.
Then, as now, some Christians use the incredible freedom we have in Christ to indulge in worldly ways and carnal activities.
Once we have been saved and set free from slavery to sin, by faith, we become a new creation in Christ.
However, physical death can never take away the eternal, spiritual life of a believer... and those that have died in Christ will one day arise from the grave into life everlasting - for by the sacrifice of Christ's sinless life on the Cross, the power of death has been defeated.
We identify with His life, His death, His resurrection, and His righteousness. Those who trust in Jesus as Saviour are made a new creation in Him and receive a new life in Christ - His death becomes our death, His resurrection becomes our resurrection, and we are clothed in His perfect righteousness.
We who have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation have already been transferred from the old creation in Adam into the new creation in Christ, and have a blessed hope and the promise of a heavenly home.
This is not only dangerous but unscriptural, for only the regenerate are made children of God; only those that are saved by grace through faith in Christ are given the right to become sons of God: Even to those who believe in His name, who were born not of human parentage but of the Spirit of God, by grace, through faith.
Paul taught the Galatian believers: For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
The former made alive in Christ, citizens of heaven and at peace with God, and the latter remaining dead in their sins, prisoners of Satan and at enmity with their Creator.
It is purely the mercy of God that has pronounced us children of God, through faith in Christ.
Our privileged position in Christ has nothing to do with our worth or merit but is only and exclusively is founded on God's grace that He extended towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us so that all who believe on His name may be given the right to become sons of God: Even to those who believe in His name, who were born not of human parentage but of the Spirit of God, by grace through faith in Him.
And Paul explains Who this great God of Abraham is: He is the God Who brings the dead back to life; He is the Lord Who creates things out of nothing; He is the God Who raised Christ from the dead; He is the Lord Who gives those who are dead in trespasses and sins a new life in Christ; He gives eternal life in Him and life more abundantly, by grace through faith.
The Law was not given to save men, but to point them to the Saviour of men and, like Abraham, we are not saved by keeping the works of the Law, but by grace through faith in Christ.
Every sin removes the believer from fellowship with God, but telling Him our transgressions through our only Mediator, the Lord Jesus Christ (which is the right and privilege of all believers in Christ Jesus), returns us immediately into sweet fellowship with the Father.
Peter calls us: Living stones, built up into a spiritual temple, and in Christ we have become a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God, through Jesus Christ.
We have been instructed that in everything, by prayer and supplication, to make our requests known to God, and we are to do it with thanksgiving and praise, so that the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Over and again we are exhorted to pray without ceasing and to give thanks to our heavenly Father in everything... for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning us.
Paul wrote his epistle to the Galatians in order to help the Judaisers and the legalists of his day understand the difference between the freedom we have in Christ... and the restrictive bondage to sin, which comes from the Law.
Paul aimed to differentiate between believers who are set free from bondage to the Law by faith in Christ, and believers who are legalistic and remain enslaved to sin and bound by works of the flesh to the Mosaic Law.
He wanted to demonstrate the great gulf that there is between the freedom we receive, by grace through faith in Christ, and the stifling subjugation that comes from trying to keep the Law.
Paul took the historic figures of Isaac and Ishmael, the two sons of the great patriarch Abraham, and used these two characters to symbolically illustrate the great difference between the Christian’s supernatural freedom in Christ and legalistic bondage to sin and the Law.
Paul symbolically compared Isaac, the supernaturally born child of promise, with Christians who are also supernaturally born of the Spirit. Isaac was used as a symbolic representation of Christians who are heirs of promise by the will of God, through faith in Christ.
Those that are children of the flesh and enslaved by the Law, are not children of promise. The bondwoman and her son were cast out, which foreshadowed the replacement of the Old Covenant with the New Covenant - where the law of sin and death is replaced with the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
Paul was urging the Galatian believers to exercise their freedom in Christ by living under the New Covenant.
It beautifully demonstrates the freedom Christians have in Christ, because we are free-born children of God, and like Isaac, have become children of promise.
And for love of you and me, Christ Jesus became sin so that all who believe on Him would not perish but be clothed in His righteousness and made joint-heirs with Himself so that in the ages to come we might show forth the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
The book of Romans gives a step by step logical sequence to show that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ.
It tells us that there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus (to those that are born again), because they are positioned in Christ, imputed with His righteousness, baptised into the Body of Christ (which is the Church) and accepted in the Beloved.
Justification and redemption is by grace through faith in Christ to Jew and Gentile alike.
Should we not seek to glorify His holy name in all we say and do, for without Him we would have remained dead in our trespasses and separated from God forever, but IN Christ we are imputed with His righteousness, by God's grace through faith in Him.
After the customary greeting to his readers, Peter begins his letter by reminding us of our privileged position in Christ as believers, and emphases the importance of our Christian conduct, in the light of this gracious, God-given advantage we have been given.
He catalogues the divine power that is ours in Christ, for in Him, God has given us all we need that pertains to life and godliness.
He rejoices that we are all eternally secure in Christ and protected by the power of God, through faith, for the salvation of our soul.
While-ever there was breath in his body, the aged apostle Peter would sing forth the praises of Him, Who had brought him, (and all who trust in Christ) out of the deep darkness of sin, death, and hell, into His glorious light and resurrected life.
He considered his ageing body was nothing more than a temporary tent in which to house his eternal soul, until that fast-approaching time when the trumpet shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise from their graves..
however old or young we may be, and let us also consider it to be right that as long as we are in our own earthly dwelling-place, that we seek to stir up our brothers and sisters in Christ, by way of remembering all He is, and all He has done for those that have been saved by grace through faith in HIM.
Religious legalists who could not reconcile the liberty we have through faith in Christ's sacrifice on the Cross, started to infiltrate the early Christian Church.
They did not understand that in so doing, they were placing men and women, who had been saved by grace, back under the curse of the Law and enslaved to a 'works-based' salvation from which they had been freed - by faith in Christ.
Secondly, Paul reminded them that in Christ there is no Jew or Gentile, but one Body of believers where Christ is the Head.
He pointed out that in Christ there was now no distinction between Jewish believers in Christ and Gentile believers in Christ.
Thirdly, Paul explained that because we are members of the Body of Christ and belong to Him, we are in Christ... we are positioned in Him and enjoy spiritual union with Him - and as such we are all considered to be the spiritual descendants of Abraham and heirs of the promise: And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, heirs according to the promise. But what is the promise to which is Paul referring... and Who is the Seed that He mentions in this verse?
We are Abrahams's seed or heirs because we are in Christ - to Whom the promise was made.
Abraham also has spiritual descendants in this Church Age (some from a Jewish background and many from a Gentile background) but all are justified by grace through faith in Christ.
There is now neither Jew nor Gentile in the Christian Church, because we are all ONE in Christ and are privileged to be His spiritual heirs: For if we belong to Christ, then we are Abraham's descendants - Abraham's seed and heirs, according to the promise, by faith in Christ.
Not one of us deserves to be forgiven of our sin, positioned in Christ, and made a new creation in Him.
None of us merit being clothed in Christ's own righteousness, and not one of us deserves the heavenly position, precious promises, spiritual privileges and eternal life that is ours through faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The legalistic traditions of men, foolish philosophies of the world, and false teachings in many churches prevent believers from coming to a true understanding of who they are in Christ, because these teachings reduce the sufficiency of Christ in the mind of the believer.
BUT the truth is laid out in the Scriptures and when you accept the truth from the Word of God - that ALL the essential essence of Deity inhabits the Lord Jesus in His bodily form, and that you have been made complete in Christ as fact, then you have the most wonderful security in God, which allows you to rest in the Lord Jesus.
For you know that in Christ ALL the total fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD, YOU HAVE BEEN MADE COMPLETE.
Christ died FOR our sin, to pay the penalty for sin which positioned us in Christ and baptised us into His Body.
His death became our death and His resurrected life became our new resurrected life in Christ.
Those who place their faith in Him will also rise to newness of life, as part of that new creation in Christ.
But as His spiritual seed, we also rose in Christ when He was resurrected from the grave, thus becoming part of the new creation in Christ and a member of His spiritual Body.
His death unto sin became our death unto sin and His resurrected life became our new resurrected life in Christ so that with Paul we can say: It is not I that lives but Christ that lives in me, so that having been freed from sin and enslaved to God, you derive your benefit, resulting in sanctification, and eternal life.
Believers in Christ will never have to face the great day of God's wrath, nor stand before the Great White Judgement Throne of God, because Christ took the punishment for our sin in our stead, by grace through faith.
We are called to abide in Christ, to rest in His love, to depend upon Him in all situations, and to give Him our concerns and worries no matter what tempestuous circumstances or dangerous situations we discover ourselves to be in.
When we do this, the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Sometimes the truth of what we were before we were saved by grace through faith, and the glory of who we presently are in Christ, can appear to conflict.
We transfer from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light and are accepted in Christ as a child of God.
We change from being dead in our sins and at enmity with God to being saved by grace through faith in Christ, and we are given a new nature as part of our new identity in Him.
And in Christ we have the power to say no to sin (but it is a free-will choice), and we have the power to resist the devil (but it is a free-will choice).
In Christ we receive the power to turn from our former worldly ways, our fleshly actions, and our ungodly pursuits that came from our old sin nature (but it is a free-will choice).
The power to live godly in Christ Jesus comes from Christ Himself, for we received His life in us.
In this world we will have tribulation, but whenever we are afflicted or oppressed, whether through conflicts without or fears within, we are to take comfort in Christ, trust His Word, and fear not, for God will expose every satanic evil plan and will one day judge the world in righteousness.
It was to encourage sinners to turn from their sin and turn to God for the forgiveness of sin - which only comes through faith in Christ - God's perfect sacrifice for sin.
When the Law is correctly understood it is good, for it brings lost sinners to salvation in Christ.
for Salvation comes through faith in Christ Jesus... the one and ONLY sacrifice for sin... the one and ONLY Mediator between God and man.
We have transferred from being IN ADAM to being IN CHRIST.
All that is needed is faith in Christ Jesus for the forgiveness of our sin - to Whom be all praise and glory, not only in this life but in the ages to come.
It is unbelief that questions the Word of God and doubt that casts a shadow over the veracity of God's promises, for they are all yes and amen in Christ.
They were obviously regenerate individuals, for only those that are saved by grace through faith in Christ, can be addressed as members of Christ's Body - which is the Church.
They were not abiding in Christ and walking in spirit and truth, and they were accused by Jesus of being spiritually dead in their Christian life.
They were abiding in the world instead of abiding in Christ.
Not one will be blotted out of His book, because Scripture states, in multiple passages, that it is not what we do that saves us, but believing in Christ and trusting in what HE did on Calvary.
And what a great encouragement it is for us today in these increasingly difficult and dangerous times, where world-wide persecution is escalating out of all proportion, and many of our brothers and sisters in Christ are being slaughtered for their faith.
We live in an evil and Christ-rejecting world, but when the enemy comes in like a flood: when our soul cleaves to the dust of the ground and when our heart is faint and weary, let us call to mind the many precious promises in the Word of God which are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord.
He paid the purchase price for our redemption so that those who believe on His name become God's own purchased possession - for we are in Christ and accepted in the Beloved.
While the first part of Ephesians is an exposition of Scripture where Paul reminds us of the wonderful advantages that are ours in Christ, the last section moves to exhortation where we are instructed in Christian conduct and charged to live as sons of God and joint heirs with Christ.
Though we were born dead in sin and blinded to the truth of the gospel, we have been born from above and made alive in Christ.
Walking in unity of the faith and in the light of His truth is pleasing to God, for we are abiding in Christ and He in us.
For by the first man - Adam, came sin, death, and eternal separation from God, but by the second Man, the Last Adam - Jesus Christ the righteous, came life and light, forgiveness, eternal peace on earth, and goodwill with God for men who believed - for as in Adam all DIE, so also ALL those that are positioned IN Christ, by faith, will be made alive.
But it is only by faith in Christ that this glorious privilege is granted to man, and it is only as we come to know Him more and more that we increasingly glimpse of His great glory and grace.
The epistles of Peter are filled with confidence building facts, placing an emphasis on our security in God's power, detailing the many precious promises we have in Christ, and outlining our permanent possessions in Him.
Every day that God's wrath is delayed is one more day of grace, when Jew and Gentile alike are being convicted of sin, brought to repentance, and receiving salvation through faith in Christ.
It is only God's compassion and mercy that enables sinners to be saved through faith in Christ.
How privileged we are to be God's children who are secure in the blessed hope we have in Christ.
Never let us be tempted to wish our lives away or resent what we perceive as delays in Christ's return.
May we always remember that God's delay is often a demonstration of the riches of His kindness, tolerance, and patience toward carnal Christians as well as lost sinners, leading many to repentance and salvation for the forgiveness of sin and security in Christ.
Let us praise and thank our heavenly Saviour that in Him we have been made citizens of heaven and will one day receive our heavenly inheritance in Christ.
It is not the 'irresistible grace' that is taught by many where God in His sovereignty forces certain people to believe while disallowing others from expressing faith in Christ, as is taught by many reformers.
It is not the dragging of some poor soul into a faith in Christ against his will through God's sovereign power, because we all have a God-given free will which we are required to exercise of our own volition in response to the gospel.
Instead, we who are believers in this dispensation of grace will be raptured into His presence - for a day is coming when the trump of God will sound, the voice of the archangel will shout, the dead in Christ will rise from their graves and we that are alive and remain will be caught up with them, into the air, to be with the Lord forever.
Having been given an assurance of our position in Christ and a reminder of the wonderful resurrection power we have in Him by faith, Paul calls upon us to take up the full armour of God so that we are equipped to resist the satanic plans and purposes of the enemy in the evil day and to stand firm in a world that is spiralling out of control.
There are many components of the Christian's spiritual armoury... and on closer inspection, we discover that each piece is directly linked with our position in Christ.
Every piece of armour is required at all times if we are to be triumphant - for it is only as we yield to God, abide in Christ, and He in us, that we are empowered to resist the enemy and are assured a great spiritual victory.
Paul is calling believers to put on Christ, to abide in Christ and to rest in Him - as He abides in us.
May we be faithful to fulfil the privileged position we have as a member of Christ's spiritual army, and may we never seek to come against the enemy in the power of our own flesh or prideful self... but rather, may we take up our heavenly armour as we pray in the spirit and remain covered in Christ - in Whose name we stand.
Paul's stated purpose in this verse should be the motivation for all of God's children in these increasingly evil days in which we are living, so that in Christ we may encourage one another in the faith and be united together in a godly love of the truth.
But the Bible has set out clear guidelines on how to deal with a situation where a brother or sister in Christ has sinned against us, or caused us some harm or distress, and it is rooted in humility and grace.
May we learn to speak the truth in love to our brothers and sisters in Christ in a godly and biblical way.
For three whole chapters, Paul rehearses all the amazing benefits that God has, in His grace, showered on those that love Him – as the apostle opens to our understanding our position and privileges in Christ, and the inheritance that God has secured for all His blood-bought children.Having taken us to the heady heights of grace upon grace upon much more grace, Paul begins to tell us how we should live as children of God and how we should behave as inheritors of the many benefits and privileges that God has prepared for each of us who have simply trusted the Lord Jesus.Because of our position in Christ we are urged to live our lives in a manner that is befitting our heavenly calling.
Because we have been called out of darkness into His kingdom of light and have been adopted as heirs of God, joint-heirs with Christ, and inheritors of the kingdom of the majesty on high, we are to live and move and have our being in the liberty wherewith Christ and the Spirit has made us free; to walk by faith in Christ and to walk in the ways of God, to His honour and glory.
He fastens the confidence we have in Christ to His finished work at Calvary, which secured our forgiveness of sin, our eternal future, our confident access into the throne-room of grace, and restored fellowship with the Father.
In Paul's final epistle before his death, he wrote to Timothy urging him to be strong in the Lord, to live godly in Christ Jesus, and to hold fast to the faith.
Paul knew that after his departure, Timothy would be one that would need to pick up the gospel-baton of truth and to preach the Word, in season and out of season, and so he exhorted Timothy to press on to his high calling in Christ Jesus and to consider carefully all that Paul had taught him: Consider what I say, Paul cautioned his young protégé, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything, he promised.
We have been given all we need for life and godliness and we need to be ready to appropriate ALL that is ours in Christ.
After we are alive from the dead, walking in spirit and truth, and have appropriated the privileges that are ours in Christ, we can be given the spiritual understanding about which Paul is speaking.
It is not our old sin nature that is given understanding in everything, but our new life in Christ - the new nature we receive when we are born from above.
By faith, we are positioned in Christ and have received His life.
We rejoice that our names are written in the Book of Life, but before we were saved by faith in Christ, we were all sons of disobedience and slaves of sin, who remained under the wrath of God and were headed for a lost eternity.
All who have trusted in Christ for the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting are one with Him, identified with Him, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, for we are part of His Body - not only in this world but also in the ages to come.
Although our old, sin nature will continue to lust against our new life in Christ during our sojourn on earth... nevertheless, we must reckon our OLD self dead to the desires of this world and our NEW life alive to God.
Before we were justified in the eyes of the Lord, by faith alone in Christ alone, we were also participants in the sinful lusts of the flesh and the haughty pride of life.
Every person who has not accepted God's offer of salvation by grace through faith in Christ, will come under His eternal wrath.
They found it hard to believe that their salvation was through faith in Christ - alone and did not depend on strictly following various food laws, as laid out in Jewish tradition.
And he reminds us once again, not to be carried about by strange teachings and to remember our position in Christ, so that our heart is strengthened in the inner man by the grace that we have in Him.
Too many believers, then as now, place too great an importance on the outward show of our Christianity through man-made rites, rituals, rules, and regulations, rather than the important cleansing of the heart by grace through faith in Christ - as we die to our own desires and live each day for Him.
No surprise that we are exhorted to worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness, for even the trees of the forest sing for joy and clap their hands together because the Lord is coming to judge the world in His righteousness and His people in His faithfulness.The Church is His Body, and we are now the holy temple of our faithful Lord, for we were created in Christ as a new creation, sanctified as His peculiar people, set apart as His representatives on earth, and we have been given a glorious song of grace to sing of the One that shows forth the incomparable riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness towards us, in Christ Jesus.
Faith comes by hearing and those who HEAR the truth of the gospel of God, believe in their heart and trust in Christ, will rise into newness of His resurrected life.
They would become part of the new creation, when they were born-again, and this would happen by grace through faith in Christ's death, burial, and Resurrection.
God revealed a timeline of historical events that would culminate in Christ's return in great glory and majesty to set up His millennial kingdom on earth... when He will rule the world in righteousness and justice.
He takes up residence in the body of every born-again believer, the moment we trust in Christ.
It is the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus that presides in our hearts.
We are governed by a higher law - a heavenly law - a limitless law: The Spirit’s law of life in Christ Jesus which set us all free from the limited law of sin and of death, that condemns every sinner.
We are motivated by a law that is not limited by the flesh but one that is empowered by the Spirit of God, in Christ Jesus our Lord.
What incredible assurance to know that we are accepted by God - in Christ and made sons through the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
And by His grace, we have been given the additional gift and guarantee of God's indwelling Holy Spirit Who took up permanent residence within our hearts, the moment that we trusted in Christ for salvation.
There are many that deny the existence of the fires of hell and refuse to believe that eternal separation from God awaits those who refuse to trust in Christ for their salvation, and yet there are many passages that warn of this terrible place of torment, where the worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.
But no matter the reason for a man's enslavement... when a slave was called by the Lord and trusted in Christ's sacrificial death and glorious resurrection for the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting, that man or woman became the Lord's freedman.
Although Christian slaves may have remained under the authority of their human masters, they were never to forget that in Christ they had gained spiritual liberty and eternal freedom... for Christ gave Himself for us to set us free from every wrong.
Paul wanted to get across to his readers the unbelievable freedom that we have in Christ, no matter what difficult circumstance we are in.
He used the images of freedmen and slaves to demonstrate that the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death.
Paul used this passage to remind us that a slave who is called to be in Christ by faith is the freedman of the Lord... while the man that is free must consider himself to be the slave of Christ - for each one of us were bought and paid-for at Calvary and the precious, purchase price was the shed blood of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ - Who loved us and gave Himself for us.
In Christ, there are no distinctions of race, economic standing, or gender.
All are one in Christ: So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
And for all who trust in His name, it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that we are born from above and become a new creation in Christ, which gives us access into the very throne-room of our Father in heaven.
The Sermon on the Mount makes it very clear to both Israel and the Church, that true discipleship demands true righteousness which is not produced by works of the Law but by faith in Christ.
The Lord's extended sermon on the true nature of righteousness, which is produced by faith in Christ, systematically covers every area of concern any of us might face, and the principles of living a godly life in Christ Jesus.
Peter tells us in his epistle, that God's divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness, and in Ephesians we read that God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places, because of our faith in Christ.
They were told the true significance of God's Word and that the only way to overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil, is by faith in Christ and not works of the Law.
Justification by faith in Christ is the one and only way to God... for the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe.
Paul lays out the bottom line that although no one is sinless and no one can keep God's perfect Law, there is an acceptable way to be declared righteous - and it is simply through faith in Christ.
Instead of being under the condemnation of the Law because of our sin, we are free from the curse of the Law and God's condemnation because we have trusted in Christ.
We are justified by God through faith in Christ.
This is a concern that continues to be the cry of many today, for the simple gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Christ, seems to overthrow the legitimacy of God's divine authority that comes through the perfect Law.
He explains that the purpose of the Law was to point us to Christ and is fulfilled when a sinner believes in Christ for the forgiveness of sin.
By His grace, the redemption price was paid in full by Jesus, so that when a sinner recognises their sin and seeks salvation by faith in Christ, the Law has fulfilled its work in the life of that sinner.
The prime purpose of the Law is to expose our sinfulness and point us to faith in Christ's righteousness and when a sinner is saved by grace, the Law has been established in that life.
As believers we have to make a choice: either we allow ourselves to be enslaved by greed and shackled to a materialistic mind-set, or we choose to be set free to the spirit of God in Christ Jesus.
In an act of grace and love, God JUSTIFIED the sinner, declaring him to be righteous, covering all who believe in Christ with the pure righteousness of HIM Who bore the punishment that we so justly deserved.
It was pride that brought terrible destruction on their eternal soul, for they considered they could be justified in God's eyes by their own good works, rather than by faith in Christ.
Pride was also the reason that the Galatian Christians were in danger of 'falling from grace' because they sought to be sanctified by works of the Law rather than by faith in Christ.
Having been justified by grace through faith in Christ, forgiven of their sin, and given eternal life, they tried to keep themselves in God's good books by works of the flesh.
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak - but those that utterly depend on God, abide in Christ and pray in unity with the Holy Spirit are given the strength to overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil - for Christ not only paid the price for our sin but broke the POWER of sin in the lives of all who believe, in this Christian dispensation.
It is only as the love of God is poured into our hearts by faith in Christ, that we are identified as His children, for Jesus is our blessed Hope - and all who have this godly love, joy, peace, and hope in our hearts, are purified.
Although our old sin nature may cause us to fall into sin during our time on earth... nevertheless we praise our heavenly Father that we have a new nature - a new born-again life in Christ which is pure and holy.
It is this new life in Christ that identifies us as children of God.
Only those that are born from above have the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus within... and only they can walk in newness of life and show forth the righteousness of Christ in their daily living.
May we who have been born from above, mature in the faith, walk in spirit and truth, grow in grace, and abide in Christ Jesus our Lord, day by day... so that His life and love, goodness and grace, may pour into our hearts from Him, and stream out in love to others.
It was God's eternal plan that in Christ should all the fullness of the Godhead dwell - and the eternal plan of God was good - it was very good: He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation: by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or rulers, or authorities - all things have been created through Him and for Him.
We must work while it is still day and expect the any-day return of Christ in the clouds - when the trumpet will sound, the dead in Christ will be raised, and we that are alive and remain will be caught up together with them, into the clouds, and so we shall ever be with the Lord.
We are not saved by works of the law or through man's merit - but by grace through faith in Christ.
Paul writes: Circumcision is of no consequence and uncircumcision is not anything... because in Christ there is a new Creation - old things are passed away and all things are become new.
But this is unbiblical, this is a false gospel, and this is Paul's emphasis in his Galatian Epistle that neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, for we are all part of a new creation - in Christ.
The old, fallen creation in Adam and Israel's pre-Cross rites and rituals pointed to CHRIST - Whose sacrifice has paved the way for a new, redeemed creation in Christ.
And to those that believe in His name, He has stored up for us grace upon grace and poured out blessing upon blessing, for we are accepted in the Beloved and eternally secured in Christ.
For He has already blessed us in the heavenlies with every spiritual blessing through time and eternity – in CHRIST.
Although the Corinthian church started out with some severe criticism from Paul concerning their carnal attitude and argumentative ways, we find at the close of his second letter, that Paul is able and willing to applaud their generosity and praise their Christian witness to their brothers and sisters in Christ.
May we choose the good and eschew the evil so that our new, born-again-life in Christ (our new-nature in Him) may be increasingly conformed into the image and likeness of the lovely Lord Jesus - until it is no longer I that live (my old sin-nature in Adam) but Christ (the new-life I have in Him) that lives in me - ever prompting me towards Christ-likeness.
the offering of Christ on the Cross, (once and for ALL) Church age believers, in the dispensation of the grace of God, are under the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, and Paul tells us that, the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
We are saved by grace - though faith in Christ, We are no longer under the Law but under Grace.
Christ DIED to pay the price for our sin, (and our sins) - our inherent SIN and our committed SINS... and those who are in Christ are no longer under God's condemnation, nor are we required to atone for our sin through a sacrificial system, like Israel.
ALL members of the Body are equally beloved of the Lord and all are accepted in the Beloved... by grace through faith in Christ's finished work at Calvary.
Let us be thankful for our great salvation, and may we be willing to fulfil our own unique role in Christ's Body - in the place where He has planted us.
Legalists and law-mongers decry the gospel of grace and accuse those that rejoice in the liberty that we have in Christ's finished work at Calvary, of promoting a dangerous doctrine that leads to a carnal lifestyle and a license to sin. But this is a serious misunderstanding of the gospel of grace and a gross misinterpretation of the apostolic teachings of Paul, who was Christ's chosen apostle to the Gentiles and through whom were given the marvellous mysteries of the Church which is His Body.
Paul taught that this treasured freedom we have in Christ, is ours by grace through faith in Him.
It is this very liberty that we have in Christ's finished work at Calvary, which has released us from our former legalistic yoke of bondage and set us free from the curse of the Law.
The surrendered believer who is walking in spirit and truth, is yielded to the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit Who works through our new life in Christ, and over time we discover an inner discipline at work.
How wonderful to discover this godly liberty we have in Christ Who has set us free from the yoke of bondage by means of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is working in us, day by day, transforming our new life in Christ into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
All things are made by Him, directed by Him, and held together by Him, whether it be the old cursed creation that is soon to pass away or the new creation in Christ.
God, in Christ, was reconciling the world to Himself.
Today, God is ready to use us to be His ministers of reconciliation: Namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.
He had to come as Israel's Messiah first, because God had ordained that salvation would come to the Gentile world, THROUGH the Jews... for Salvation is by faith in Christ alone - faith in JESUS, the King of the Jews.
Paul taught that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ.
Paul knew that we have been given every spiritual blessing in Christ and are the blessed recipients of the riches of God's grace.
He knew that in Christ we have won the victory over sin, Satan, death, and hell.
He knew that in Christ, we are sons of God and eternally secure and yet during our sojourn on earth, we will face many many difficulties, dangers, suffering, and pain: we will be constantly delivered over to death...
'The household of God' refers to all who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, and Paul qualified this by spelling out, in no uncertain terms, what he meant, the household of God is the Church of the living God.
Paul shows us how to abide in Christ, submit to the Spirit of God, trust in His Word, and live the way that God intended His children to live.
The believer who is living God's way is the one who dies to self, lives only to the Lord, and recognises that we are not only saved by grace through faith in Christ... but also understands that we are to live by faith, to walk by grace through faith in Christ, and to cast off all legalistic works of the flesh.
The only way man can have his unrighteousness replaced with the righteousness of God is by being born from above and positioned in Christ.
Salvation can never be gained as a reward, payment or by some other measure of man's worthiness, it is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
May we be willing to tell those who are lost in their sin, that today is the day of salvation for any who place their trust in Christ's finished work on the Cross.
The progression from the fabricated global peace, brought in by the first rider, to worldwide war and the unprecedented slaughter and destruction of vast numbers of humanity, by the second horseman, follows closely the progression of events in Christ's Olivet discourse, only hours before His crucifixion..
It is a time when a multitude, without number, will come to faith in Christ.
He was not one of the multitude who was baptised by John unto repentance early in Christ's ministry.
Paul was given revelation about the dispensation of the grace of God, and to him was revealed the mystery of the Church and the one new man in Christ - which is made up of believing Jews and believing Gentiles; the one new man in Christ where we are all one in Christ Jesus our Lord, and equal members of His mystical Body.
And Paul also gave us a greater understanding of slavery to sin and the freedom we have in Christ.
His goal also included giving godly instruction to those that were saved by grace through faith in Christ, and to remind pastors and teachers to preach the Word of God in season and out of season, and to correct, rebuke, and encourage the flock of God with great patience and careful instruction.
The high moral standard that was required of such elders and overseers of the early Church are equally true today, not only for those that are entrusted with the oversight of a local church assembly, but they should also be the criteria for all God's children who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus.
God has given to all who believe in Christ Jesus, His own abundant Life.
We are not created with the capacity to shine ourselves - only the Light of Christ within our regenerated human spirit (our new born-again life in Christ), can illumine the spirit of man and shed light in a dark world.
The Law gave witness of righteousness but could not provide righteousness, for it is only by grace through faith in Christ alone, that a guilty sinner can be declared righteous.
It is not simply the thinking brain, the imaginative mind, the articulate tongue, or the various senses - it is the inner being of our new nature in Christ.
And it is as we immerse ourselves in His Word, walk in spirit and truth, submit our lives to Him, and seek to do His will, that we discover that we are being rooted and grounded in Christ's supernatural love.
And when we are rooted and grounded in Christ we are rooted and grounded in HIS love.
Love was one of the reasons that blood and water streamed from His wounded side, and being rooted and grounded in CHRIST's love was the new commandment entrusted to the body of believers - who are the church, the temple of the living God... for we have been commanded, Love others as I have loved you.
But the Resurrection also gave each believer a future hope and great confidence, for in Christ the power of sin and death is forever defeated in the lives of all who trust in Him: And abundant grace was upon them all.
May our testimony for the Lord reflect the same confidence in Christ as we boldly proclaim the good news of the death, burial, and Resurrection of our God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Paul secondly reminded them that the message he taught was given to him directly from the Lord, and that God alone was the source and supply of his strength and the One Who always led him into triumph in Christ.
How important to remember that it is not the praise of others that should be our motivation to live godly lives, but a desire to honour our Lord through the life that we live so that we become a sweet aroma to those that are saved by grace through faith in Christ, while having the stench of death to those who resist the convicting work of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
By grace through faith in Christ's redeeming work, we have been made His children, and as such, we have many precious promises from our heavenly Father which are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord.
What wonderful truths are shared about the believers position in Christ and our special relationship to our Heavenly Father.
Our new life in Christ, our born-again nature, is positioned in Him.
One day, we will be glorified in Christ: When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.
What beautiful truths are shared about our new life in Christ, where we discover that we are all members of His Body, united together in Him, free from bondage to sin and the curse of the law, each one with his own distinctive gifts and ministries, but each looking to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
And we are exhorted as those who have been chosen of God and position in Christ to be holy and beloved, set apart for His glory.
We are to put on a heart of compassion and bring forth the spiritual fruit of kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, and we are to bear with one another in love, forgiving each other with grace, just as God in Christ has forgiven us.
And the good works they were doing God Himself had prepared that they should do: IN CHRIST.
We are instructed to abide in Christ, rest in His love, and submit to the work of the Holy Spirit within our heart so that we too may be part of that glorious cloud of witnesses that are being used by God to continue carrying out the acts of Jesus Christ in our lives, to His praise and glory.
In the physical creation that fell, and in the spiritual creation in Christ, the first Word that God speaks into the darkness is LIGHT.
And in the new creation in Christ, it is the same miraculous move of the Spirit that dispels the deep, dark blackness of sin and death, and floods the soul that has lain dead in trespasses and sins, with His wonderful Word of Light.
The grace of God has been extended to everyone in that Christ became the sin-sacrifice for the whole world, and the grace of God becomes our permanent possession the moment we trust in Christ for our salvation.
The strength that is needed for today and the blessed hope we have in the world to come, is a heart that trusts in Christ, and relies on His sufficient grace and mighty strength.
He was the very radiance of God's glory, the exact image of His essence, and the perfect expression of His Father's nature, for the Spirit of God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself - restoring the world into fellowship with Himself.
God was in Christ making peace between us and Himself and through HIM, all who believe on His name have obtained the forgiveness of sin and eternal redemption.
And this is only possible in the life of a believer, who by faith will walk in spirit, truth, and humility of heart, not having a righteousness of our own, which is derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ; the righteousness which comes from God, on the basis of faith.
To do so will ensure that God's incomprehensible peace will protect our hearts and govern our minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We are to discover our joy in the Lord and gladden our hearts by developing an attitude of rejoicing in Him and in the power of His might so that we may press on to the upward goal of our calling in Christ Jesus.
We are warned neither to fret nor to become anxious about anything that life may throw at us, but rather we are strongly exhorted to depend entirely upon the Lord for everything, for His Word is true and His promises are all 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus.
Let us seek to live our Christian life as God intended, with right thinking, right speaking, right acting, and right praying so that the peace of God which transcends all understanding guards our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus.
But because He is rich in mercy and not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance and turn from their sins, He washed away our sins and gave us new life in Christ, by the power of His Holy Spirit, and the one and only 'condition' is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.
We were washed clean the moment we were born again and were made a new creation in Christ by means of the Holy Spirit (Whom He poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Saviour).
It is as we grow in grace, mature in the faith, abide in Christ and He in us, that we are making our sanctification complete.
At the moment of our salvation, we were given all we need for life and godliness, and our sanctification will be finalised at the Rapture of the Church, when the dead in Christ are raised.
And the Lord has promised to be Father to all who trust in Christ for salvation.
God has given to all who are saved, by grace through faith in Christ, many precious promises that are all yes and amen in Him, and He has exalted His Word of truth above His holy name: Therefore dear friends, since we have such promises, we should wash ourselves clean from every impurity of the flesh and spirit, making our sanctification complete in the fear of God.
He trusted God to complete the good work which was started in each of their lives the moment they trusted Christ Jesus for salvation, and it was this deep love and intense yearning towards all that are united together in Christ, that caused Paul to cry out to them all: God is my witness, of how I long for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus.
And Paul's overflowing love, great affection, and constant yearning for all his brothers and sisters in Christ, is demonstrated in his affectionate and encouraging greeting to them all.
The life of Paul and the prayers that he prayed give witness to his own redeemed position in Christ.
When we abide in Christ and willingly submit to the good work that the Holy Spirit started in our life at salvation, then the love of Christ grows in our heart as spiritual fruit and we are enabled by Him to love one another as He loves us.
When the love of Christ is manifest in our heart, we discover a love for others that is not of ourselves and a willingness to forgive and forget, which can only be rooted in Christ's love for us.
It is through faith in Christ that we are called believers in God.
Only in Him can we gain peace with God, be clothed in Christ's righteousness, and discover the peace of God that passes understanding.
He is the first fruits of those who are asleep... and because of our position in Christ, we can shout, victoriously O DEATH where is your sting NOW?
No wonder that Paul was able to confirm that our faith and hope are in God. Our faith in Christ rests on the Word of God for we trust the promises He has given, which are 'YES' and 'AMEN' in Christ.
In that wonderful day, the promise of restoration for the nation of Israel will have arrived, and the unfolding story of God's wonderful redemptive plan will be consummated in Christ's millennial kingdom, when the earth will be filled with the glory of God.
All who are saved during that coming time of Great Tribulation, will find their hope in Christ - Who is likened to refreshing streams of living water.
In this parable, we are urged that men MUST pray at all times and not to lose heart, for it is only the humble heart that is clean before the Lord and who trusts in Christ alone for his needs and necessities, that will maintain constant communion and uninterrupted fellowship which equates to an attitude of unbroken prayer.
And all who have trusted in Christ as Saviour can say with certainty and eternally: Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us, for it is written, 'Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree.'
And doubtless, Paul also longed to rejoice with these fellow believers, about the good news of the glorious gospel of grace and their mutually secure position in Christ.
But Paul knew that nothing could separate him from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, and that no one could pluck him out of God's hands - and he wanted the saints at Rome to know the same truth in their heart, and to encourage these believers to hold fast to the faith, and stand firm on the truth of the gospel of God.
God's plans and purposes for man were not to be thwarted by the sinful rebellion and foolish action of the first man Adam, for God had a greater plan and an eternal purpose for the Son of Man, the last Adam: That through Him all who are made a new creation in Christ will bear God's likeness and receive God's nature, as day by day, by grace through faith in Him, we are being conformed into the image and likeness of Christ our Saviour, the Man from heaven.
As God's children who are saved by grace through faith in Christ, we can walk in spirit and truth OR we can live our life in the lust of the flesh.
As believers, we can allow sin to rule and reign in our mortal body and give in to the sinful desires of our fleshly nature OR we can consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We remain positioned in Christ, accepted in the Beloved, set apart unto God, and united with Him.
And he reminds us that we are positioned in Christ and one with Him, and that God's goal for all his children, is that we become just like Christ.
As God's chosen apostle to the Gentiles, he wanted to warn us to live godly in Christ Jesus, to admonish us to grow in grace, to encourage us to walk in spirit and truth, and to teach us the unsearchable riches of God.
Knowing the devastating results of following after the evils of this world, Peter is encouraging the believers in Christ to refrain from speaking falsities, but rather to seek and pursue after peace.
The Lord Jesus Himself told us that peacemakers are blessed by God and are called His children, but in a fallen world, peace is something that is only found in Christ - and we must seek after it and actively work to maintain it.
They plan for peace and even sign peace treaties, but only believers in Jesus will find true peace, for peace WITH God comes only to those who trust in Christ as Saviour, and the peace OF God is given to those believers who maintain sweet fellowship with the Father.
We are to live and walk and pray in spirit and truth and then the peace of God, which surpasses our human understanding, and will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We have been called, chosen, justified, sanctified, and glorified as His witnesses so that in the coming ages He might show the incomparable riches of his grace expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus - the One that we call Teacher and Lord, Saviour, and Friend.
The more we take the Word of the Lord to heart and trust in the many precious promises that are ours in Christ, the more we are enabled to appropriate these words of comfort in our everyday life.
And as we seize hold of this truth in our heart, the more we discover that the perfect peace of God which passes understanding, will guard our hearts and protect our minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.
And the same warning had to be reiterated by Paul to the carnal Christians at Corinth who, although having been saved by grace through faith in Christ, had not grown in their Christian life.
John encourages the little flock of God to abide in Christ and hold fast to the precious promises of God, but he also delivers a sombre warning against false teachers, legalists, apostates, and heretics.
Praise God that Jesus is the Door through Whom we will pass from death to life, by faith... and that anyone who enters through Him will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture, not only in this age but in the ages to come - for Jesus is the One Who protects us from the evil schemes of the devil, guards us from the dangers of this fallen world system, secures salvation for all who believe, sustains our spiritual health, promises us a place in Christ's heavenly kingdom, and is keeping, for us, an eternal inheritance in the eternal ages to come.
The boundless love of God is such that His promises never fail in Christ, and we can rejoice with exceeding great joy, and say Amen, to the glory of God.
It is for this reason, we also utter AMEN, when we consider the many precious promises, that have been carried out in Christ, on our behalf.
May we never forget that Christ's sacrifice on the Cross, stamped the authority of God on His promises to us, for all the promises of God in Christ are YES, and in Him AMEN - to the glory of God, forever and ever.
Throughout the book of Galatians, the apostle Paul seeks to demonstrate that salvation by grace through faith in Christ is not only the first step in the Christian life, when a sinner is born from above, but that we are also to live our entire Christian life from that point forward, by grace through faith in Christ alone.
The works of the Law are impossible to keep and unattainable for fallen man to achieve, for they are based on man's work and man's merit and not by God's grace through faith in Christ.
It is only through the grace of God that He sent His only begotten Son to pay the full price of our sins so that simply by believing in Him we would be clothed in righteousness of God, based on faith in Christ.
The accomplishment of His Resurrection raises all that believe in Him from spiritual death to a new life in Christ.
Oh, the Cross gave forgiveness of sins, but the Resurrection broke the power of sin and death that reigns in the mortal body of fallen man so that we too may rise to newness of life, in Christ: That I may know this mighty power of Christ's Resurrection.
We are reminded that we serve a sovereign Lord Who will never fail us nor forsake us, for despite Israel's failure, our God is full of grace and mercy towards His people, and we are equally the recipients of His grace and mercy for we are also His children by faith in Christ.
And so God set aside His people, Israel, for a season, and appointed the Christian Church, the one new man in Christ, to be His ministers of reconciliation to the lost and dying world.
God is no respecter of persons and those who believe on the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, have His assurance that they are saved - by God's grace, through faith in Christ.
The last Adam triumphed victoriously, and as God's final representative Man, all who believe on Him for salvation have also triumphed in Him, which renders us alive in Christ, reconciled to God, set free from bondage to sin, self, Satan, death and hell.
Their loved ones who had gone before would also be included in the glory that was to be given to believers at Christ's return: The dead in Christ shall rise first.
And as we give comfort to our brothers and sisters in Christ, we ourselves will also be comforted in our blessed hope.
The incomparable offering of Christ as the sin sacrifice for the world, is similarly of infinitely superior worth than the Old Testament sacrifices of bulls and goats, for in Christ, the God-Man, we have a better sanctuary, a better covenant, and an eternal hope.
The work of the creation may have been completed on the sixth day for we read that God rested on the seventh day, but a far, FAR greater work of the triune Godhead immediately began the moment man sinned in that good and perfect place; and that redemptive work continues today as sinners who are convicted of sin and righteousness and judgement are saved by grace through faith in Christ's finished work on Calvary.
A day when Christ's disciples, who walked with Immanuel on the shores of Galilee, were taught by the Spirit of God: A day when believers in Christ were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
Peter was one of the three disciples that saw the glory of God in Christ on the holy mount.
Having seen this and coming to a depth of understanding of our position in Christ, he rejoices to remind us that all Christians are born for glory: The glory of the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth, for we are one with Him.
Paul did not renounce his Jewish heritage nor spurn his Roman citizenship, but he recognised the insufficiency of the world, its trappings and all that it offers, and learned that in all things Christ is his sufficiency. Paul compared all that he had before his conversion to his new position in Christ, and recognised that although these earthly treasures brought glory to himself, they were insignificant by comparison to all he had in Christ.
Jesus was sent to be the perfect Lamb, slain before the foundation of the earth - through Whose sacrificial blood their scarlet sins could be wiped away, by faith, and become as white as snow: Though your sins are red like crimson, they will be like wool, is God's promise to His people Israel - and His promises are 'YES' and 'AMEN' in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We are to pray without ceasing, rejoice evermore, give thanks in everything, and love our brothers and sisters in Christ, as we watch for the Lord's soon return.
But once saved, the believer also has two choices: Either revert back to the religiosity of the old sin nature and seek to produce a self-righteousness of their own, by producing good works through self-effort which are rejected by God, or they live their new-life in Christ and produce works of Christ-righteousness as He lives in and through them.
Christians can choose to either be controlled by the former self-life which can only produce the unacceptable works of self-righteousness, or they can choose to walk in spirit and truth and be controlled by the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, which will only produce acceptable works of Christ's own righteousness.
May we reckon ourselves dead to the old sinful nature and alive in the new-life in Christ.
The guaranteed outcome of our faith in Christ is the salvation of our spirit, our soul, and our body.
This physical salvation will take place just before the Tribulation period: The dead in Christ will rise first.
At the same time, our faith in Christ secured the salvation of our soul, and we were made a new creation in Christ and given His resurrected life (our new life in Christ), so that instead of following the lust of the flesh we were enabled to walk in newness of life, with the indwelling Holy Spirit as our Comforter and Counsellor, our Guide and Teacher.
But in Christ, Paul reminds us that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world, and although we may be afflicted in every way, we are not crushed, for the Lord is our life and our strength.
A real disciple is one that abides in Christ, takes up his cross and follows Him, rather than ignoring the way of the Cross and following the way of the world.
And we who believe His Word and belong to Christ must be alert, awake, and fine-tune all our spiritual senses, knowing that any day the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
He was to be used to bring people from the dominion of Satan into the family God so that sinners may be sanctified by faith in Christ, receive forgiveness of sins, and a heavenly inheritance.
I am sure all of us who are saved by grace through faith in Christ, have felt a twinge of tears as we recall the valued input of a trusted teacher or godly pastor who no longer are with us... or have gone to be with the Lord.
But for the rest of our life, we are being delivered from the power of the old sin nature... as the old flesh lusts against our new spiritual life and the spirit lusts against the flesh (our new life in Christ is at enmity with our old sin nature).
How can I live godly in Christ Jesus when it seems that every good thing I want to do is tainted by my old sin nature?
We are to KNOW who we are in Christ and what He has done for us.
The Bible tells us that when we are saved by grace through faith in Christ, we are dead to sin and alive to Christ.
But in Christ's economy, when a man tries to 'save' his life here on earth, it means that his life (his soul, his rewards, his honour), will be lost in the next.
We are to guard the gospel truth that has been shed into our hearts - the knowledge of Him Who has brought us out of darkness into His glorious light and Who has taken us from the doors of death and breathed into us the breath of the new-life in Christ.
The most comprehensive and informative treaties on the Rapture of the Christian Church and the physical resurrection of believers who have died in Christ, is found in this fifteenth chapter of Corinthians.
He detailed Christ's own glorious Resurrection from the dead, and meticulously described what will take place when the dead in Christ rise from their graves at the return of the Jesus Christ in the clouds, for His Church.
Paul explains that the physical resurrection of the 'dead in Christ' whose decomposing bodies are lying in the cold, dank earth, are returned to life in a split-second; in a moment of time, which the apostles describe as 'the twinkling of an eye'.
Although physical death is an inevitable consequence of fallen man, the astonishing truth is that not all Christians will die; for at the return of Christ for His Church, the trump of God will sound and the physical bodies of living saints will be changed into immortal bodies, while the decomposing corpses of those who have died in Christ will be raised up with an incorruptible body.
All that God has done, all that He is doing, and all He will continue to do in us and for us, is rooted and grounded in Christ - humanity's great Champion.
In each of his letters, Paul emphasised the crucial importance of understanding that salvation is a free gift of God's grace which is received by faith alone in Christ alone... and from the start of Galatians chapter 3, he defends and restates the important elements of salvation.
By faith in Christ, a lost sinner becomes a saved saint and is justified in the sight of God.
These Judiasers were teaching that salvation depended on doing good works and keeping the Law as well as by faith in Christ.
His work on the Cross is sufficient to justify, sanctify, and glorify ALL who trust in Christ's sacrificial work.
Past salvation, progressive sanctification, and our future glorification is by grace alone - through faith alone in Christ, alone.
The Ephesian church is called to remember the early days of their faith in Christ.
They are accused of following a group called the Nicolaitans who are not only linked to legalistic or libertarian practices, but are often involved in an unbiblical, hierarchal, institutional type of religion, rather than the biblical priesthood of all believers who are united together in Christ, the Head.
We walk in spirit and truth by abiding in Christ.
Walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh, the Scriptures say, for it is by the leading, guidance, and power of the indwelling Spirit that we are enabled to abide in Christ and live for Him - as we put to death the deeds of the flesh.
May we abide in Christ and study to show ourselves approved unto God, not by means of our own righteousness, but by faith in the only begotten Son of God Who died for us so that in Him we might live.
Both are given by the same God-given grace, and through the selfsame faith in Christ, if we will quietly trust in the one and only Jesus Christ, our Lord.
But until we reach our heavenly home, we must march through the suffering, disappointments, trials, and tribulation that this world affords for all its inhabitants, knowing that our hope is in Christ and is established forever.
Both interpretations are in error, for Scripture clearly teaches that we are saved once and for all by grace through faith in Christ.
A second incorrect explanation is that Christians who were saved by grace through faith in Christ are hoodwinked into believing that they must keep certain laws to retain their salvation, either from the Mosaic system or some denominational requirements.
God determined that all who believe on Him would become His children and be covered in Christ's righteousness.
The moment we are saved by grace through faith, we become a completely new creation in Christ - but we must grow into spiritual maturity.
We have been wonderfully set free from the curse of sin and have overcome every satanic stronghold, because of our faith in Christ.
Because of our unmerited position in Christ and born-again relationship to the Father, we too can rejoice that in Him, we have overcome every evil plan and all the wicked strategies of the enemy.
We have overcome them because of our faith in Christ, Who lives inside our mortal frame,for did you not know that our bodies are the Temple of the Living God?
Just as the sinner is to rest in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus for the forgiveness of sins, so the saint is to rest in Christ Jesus for their deliverance from sin.
We are now under grace; forgiven by God; accepted in the Beloved; covered in Christ's righteousness and freed from the power of sin and the curse of the Law because we died and our life is hid with Christ in God.
What blessed folk we are to be freed from the power of sin, and how foolish if we do not appropriate what is ours in Christ.
because Jesus took our sins upon Himself, giving His body to be nailed on the tree so that we, being dead to sin in Christ, might be raised to newness of life in Him.
Paul rejoiced to know that the gospel of Christ was being shed abroad (even though some teachers opposed Paul's ministry and taught about Jesus out of envy and strife), for Paul rejoiced that men and women were being saved by grace through faith in Christ.
But Paul also knew the importance and value of Christian prayer and was himself a wonderful example of a man who was constantly interceding on behalf of his brothers and sisters in Christ.
It pleased God to put Him to death so that His plans and purposes for man individually, humanity collectively, and nature universally, could be redeemed by faith in Christ alone.
He did this so that in the ages to come, He might show forth the incomparable riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus so that all the saints individually and collectively can join with the choirs of heaven to sing forth His praise to the glory of God forevermore.
Being placed into His Body or 'positioned in Christ' brings with it some amazing privileges from the Lord.
We are no longer affected by the curse of sin and death, but are imputed with Christ's righteousness and are given His eternal life as a free gift of God's grace. Being positioned in Christ means that we are identified with Him in every way. All that was achieved by Him at Calvary we have secured in Him and through Him.
However, while we are still living in these fallen bodies, we have been given everything we need for life and godliness, in Christ.
All we have to do is to appropriate what is already ours, by faith in Christ.
This is indeed a blessed hope for everyone who has been born of God and positioned in Christ, for on that day we will be able to say: Death has been swallowed up in victory.
One could contemplate the wealth of truth packed into this single verse of Scripture for a lifetime and only scratch the surface of God's amazing grace towards those who, by faith in Christ, are united with Him.
In Christ we have been made an entirely new race of people, which has removed us from the power of sin and death in our lives, and released us from the eternal condemnation of God's holy law.
One could contemplate the wealth of truth packed into this single verse for a lifetime and only scratch the surface of God's amazing grace towards us, but praise God that in Christ as our representative Man, we are no longer slaves to sin and Satan, and we are no longer slaves to the law, for we died to sin and we died to the Law and our life is hid with Christ in God.
We need to confidently wait for the Lord to act on our behalf, knowing that His promises are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus, and we need to faithfully wait on the Lord with psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, making music to the Lord in our hearts with thanksgiving and praise.
When we are abiding in Christ, our inner heart is empowered, and our courage is enlarged.
In each of his church epistles, Paul pays much attention to instructing believers in our personal consecration, our reasonable service, our spiritual giftings, and our relationship with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
We who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ should conduct ourselves in a manner that brings honour to the Lord.
Just as God had a call on Jeremiah's life, He has a call on the life of all who trust in Christ by faith, and God can use anyone in the furtherance of his redemptive plan if we are willing to submit to Him and be used by Him.
We should press on for the upward call of God in Christ Jesus... and strain to become mature in our own individual lives.
And He has generously bestowed on each of His children, different gifts and talents that are to be used to compliment and equip one another, as we all press on toward the goal for the prize of the high call of God in Christ Jesus.
At salvation, we are positioned IN Christ and seated with Him in heavenly places.
At salvation, we become a new creation IN Christ and He gives us His life, a new born-again life.
In Christ, we receive life and health, daily nourishment and eternal glory.
In Christ, we become citizens of heaven, heirs of God, joint-heirs with Christ, and the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: Christ in you the hope of glory.
In this glorious passage, our eternal security is reiterated, we are assured that there is no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus, and we are told that all things work together for good to those that love God and are the called according to His good purpose.
In this amazing verse of Scripture, we discover that God knew in advance who would believe in Christ, and ordained that the essential nature and character of every believer would be changed, by the power of the Holy Spirit, into the perfect qualities and distinctive beauty of the Lord Jesus Christ.
God foreknew whether you and I would place our trust in the death, burial, and Resurrection of His only begotten Son, and in ages past He preordained that our old sin nature would die to self, and our new life in Christ would be changed into the very likeness of Jesus in His humanity.
He was the very radiance of God's glory, the exact image of His essence, and the perfect expression of His Father's nature, for the Spirit of God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself - restoring the world into fellowship with Himself.
Jesus was the Mediator between God and man, for God was in Christ making peace between the world and Himself: God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. Having restored those who believe on His name, He did not count our trespasses against us, but He committed to us the word of reconciliation.
God, in Christ, was reconciling the world to Himself.
In this glorious chapter, Paul transports us to the pinnacle of who we are in Christ and what His death and Resurrection really means to all who believe on His name.
Because we were baptised into Christ the moment that we trusted Him as Saviour, we moved our position from being in Adam to being IN Christ.
We were IN Christ: His seed - when Christ went to the Cross - and so we were crucified with Him.
We were IN Christ: His seed - when Christ was buried in the tomb - and so we were buried with Him.We were IN Christ: His seed - when Christ was resurrected from the dead - and so we were resurrected with Him.
Because the power of death was broken by Christ it was also broken in our lives too - and in the life of every single man and woman that simply believes in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Once we believed in Him, the power of sin and death was broken giving us the choice to walk in our new godly life in Christ rather that to walk in the old sinful, fleshly life in Adam.
Paul wanted to encourage Timothy and assure him that God is faithful to keep His promises, that the Lord would rescue him from every evil deed and every corrupt happening, and that God would bring him safely to his heavenly kingdom, for in Christ is all the power and all the glory forever and ever, amen.
Our privileges and position in Christ are beyond our comprehension and we have been given all that we need for life and godliness as a free gift of grace; and it is all by faith in Him.
Instead of facing God's justified wrath and eternal indignation, grace and peace has been multiplied to us, by faith in Christ Jesus our Saviour, and in Him we have been forgiven of our many sins and reckoned by our Heavenly Father as righteous.
No wonder Peter encourages us to grow in grace and stand fast in the truth of the gospel of God, for in so doing we strengthen our Christian calling to the point where he is pleased to say that in Christ we secure our entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for in Him we receive His richest supplies, both in this world and forever, to His praise and glory.
The ultimate glory that we have in Christ is a maturing, fruitful, Christ-honouring life.
And all God's promises are 'yes' and 'amen' in Christ Jesus our Lord.
We are privileged to be ministers of this new and better covenant, not a covenant that is bound by the letter of the Law but of the Spirit, for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life, by grace through faith in Christ our Saviour.
Following his severe warning to beware of false teaching traditions and the spiritual dangers enwrapped in the hollow deceptive philosophies of occultic mysticism, Paul reminds us that the entire fullness of God's nature dwells bodily in Christ, and that our union with Him has made us complete, and has brought us into the fullness of God.
Only those who are saved by grace, abiding in Christ, walking in the spirit, and maintaining fellowship with the Father, can bring forth the fruit of righteousness.
We are to identify false prophets by their fruit. Those who walk in truth, rest in Christ, fellowship with the Father, and do His will, produce good fruit.
But all who have trusted in Christ for salvation, should be mindful that there are false prophets and counterfeit pastors in the Christian Church as well.
However, there is only one way to heaven, and that is through faith in Christ.
Having been justified by faith in Christ, he was keen to ensure that these believers progressed towards spiritual maturity - through the lifelong process of sanctification by faith - and in the power of the Spirit.
Today, in this Church age, there is a tendency to intermingle sections of the Mosaic Law, which were given uniquely to Israel, with the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, which was given specifically to the Church.
Despite being in prison for the sake of the gospel of Christ, Paul pens three amazing chapters in Ephesians that outline the incredible privileges and position that Christians have in Christ Jesus our Lord, before instructing us on how to live in this Church age.
In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul describes our heavenly position in Christ and the amazing mystery which remained hidden in ages past, but which was revealed to the Church through his unique ministry.
It is only as we abide in Him and walk godly in Christ Jesus that we are enabled to pray in spirit and truth: And the effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.
We are positionally secure in Christ, but our spiritual rewards and our place in His coming kingdom depends on how we live our Christian life today.
We too have the indwelling Holy Spirit, by faith in Christ, which gives us the opportunity to EITHER... live to the glory of God and receive His promised reward OR... to become carnally minded, lukewarm, fleshly believers, and fail to live to the glory of God.
Faith in Christ is the criteria for becoming a citizen in God's kingdom.
But claiming that baptism in water is necessary for salvation contradicts many Bible passages... all of which insist that salvation is by GRACE alone through FAITH alone in CHRIST alone.
He had to be born of the Spirit and washed in Christ's redeeming blood.
Whatever the real meaning of 'being born of water' is... let us make sure that we fully understand that salvation is by GRACE through FAITH in Christ - ALONE.
born again into the family of God, becomes a new creation in Christ who will enter the kingdom of God.
The message of the Cross continues to cut to the quick of the self-righteous, self-centred, self-confident, self-seeking believer in their impossible attempts at self-sanctification, rather than being Christ-centred, trusting in Christ's-righteousness, and maintaining a confidence in Christ's finished work alone.
Even we (Jews) have believed in Christ Jesus, Peter was admonished, so that we (like all sinners in need of salvation) may be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the Law.
Only faith in Christ, Who fulfilled the works of the Law on our behalf, is able to justify the sinful man or woman.
In those early years of Christianity, many Jews including the apostle Peter, found it difficult to come to terms with the enormous freedom they had in Christ.
In these final days of the Church age, there are many Christians who still find it difficult to come to terms with the enormous freedom that we have in Christ: Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus.
Let us never forget that we are justified by faith in Christ, accepted in Christ, fully justified by His grace, clothed in His righteousness, and redeemed from the curse of the Law through Christ Jesus our Saviour.
While walking with the Lord of glory on His sacrificial journey towards the Cross and the glorious Resurrection, and having been forewarned by Jesus of the future suffering and tribulation both He and all His followers were to face, we discover the disciples squabbling about who was be the most important person in Christ's coming kingdom!
And so, another important lesson to all of us began to be taught, that the world may seek after pride of place, power, and prestige, but in Christ's economy: Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.
Every aspect of salvation is a gracious gift from God and can only be accessed by faith in Christ as Saviour, not of works so that no one is able to boast.
Before the world was created, God planned a way that fallen man could be made perfect; a plan that had ultimate fulfilment in Christ, for our righteousness is in Christ and we are perfected in Him: For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified.
In Christ, we are to become mature, complete, lacking in nothing - we are to reach the goal of our calling - we are to finish the work that God has prepared for us to do - we are to be perfect - in Christ.
Should we not rejoice that God has not only commanded us to be perfect as He is perfect, but in His love and grace He foreordained that through faith in Christ we may be perfect, entire, and lacking nothing, simply by an act of saving faith and an obedient life of sanctifying faith, trusting Him to finish the good work he started in us - in Christ.
Each of us who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ and have become a member of God's family, have some incredible privileges - one of which is fellowship with the Father.
However, we who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ are covered with HIS righteousness - and not a righteousness of our own.
But he also gives an evaluation of those that are saved by grace through faith in Christ; who recognise the message of the Cross as the power of God for salvation, to God's eternal glory and praise.
We are all fallen creatures, and although we praise and thank God that we have been saved by grace through faith in Christ, have been made a new creation in Him, and have been given His resurrected life, our old, fleshly nature lusts against our new-life-in-Christ and our new nature lusts against our old, fleshly, sinful self.
And everyone who calls themselves Christians, all those who are called by His name, are instructed to abstain from every kind of evil but in Christ's strength, to diligently pursue that which is good while relying in utter dependence upon the Lord.
We have been positioned in Christ and exalted together with Him in heavenly places.
We have been seated spiritually in the heavenly realms, in Christ Jesus.
Our physical body may still be living on the earth, but our spiritual position is in the heavenlies, in Christ.
Positionally and eternally, we are complete in Christ, yet we are to grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus during the rest of our time on earth.
We were raised up to newness of life and are complete in Him, we have put on the new man in Christ, and we are seated with Him in heavenly realms, and yet we walk this earth and are charged to keep on being renewed in our minds, and to put off the old self with its evil practices.
While our spiritual POSITION in Christ is assured our physical CONDITION is very different, and so we are to trust God at His Word and reckon all that He has told us in His world is the truth.
There is no contradiction in God's Word, so let us praise God that He raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms, and let us live our lives by faith, with thanksgiving, in a manner that is worthy of our exalted positioned in Christ, and glorifies our Father Who is in heaven.
And the refreshing dew from heaven that is so beautifully promised to revive Israel is equally God's promise to the Church, for we have already been showered with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms, in Christ.
For we were called and chosen from the pit of sin, cleansed and clothed in His robe of righteousness, saved and redeemed, sanctified and glorified, in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
From this time on, the gospel of the Grace of God would be taught by the One New Man in Christ - the Body of Christ - a New Creation, made up of Jew and Gentile believers.
The man or woman who is justified by grace through faith in Christ has been declared righteous by God.
God justifies the ungodly forever when they believe in Christ for salvation, and that faith is credited as righteousness.
Once we are saved by grace through faith in Him, we are clothed in Christ's righteousness and God will never again hold our sin against us, in time and into eternity.
Christians certainly do sin, and sin separates us from fellowship with our Heavenly Father, but although we may be out of fellowship with Him for a season due to our post-salvation sin, He will never hold those sins against us, for we are justified by grace through faith in Christ, once and for all.
We are clothed in His perfect righteousness, not our own, and nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.
The rest which we are to give diligence to enter into, is not our home in heaven, for that is a free gift of grace to all who trust in Christ as Saviour.
The peace of God will guide our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, if we abide in Him, rest in Him, submit to Him, and utterly depend upon Him.
If this was not glorious enough, he tells us the reason for this: So that in the ages to come He might show the boundless riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
The mind-set of a believer is able to be influenced by the old sin nature, which develops into a carnal Christian OR the new-life in Christ, which blossoms into a spiritual believer.
Whatever mind-set develops in the heart of a believer, whether carnal or spiritual, his position in Christ and his eternal life remains secure forever, for it rests upon the faithfulness of God to keep His promises, not upon the unfaithfulness of God's blood-bought children towards their Heavenly Father.
For an unbeliever who is spiritually dead in their sin and has wilfully rejected God's offer of salvation through faith in Christ, the result will be the destruction of both body and soul, while angels who rebelled with Satan are given no offer of salvation and are also utterly destroyed.
Jude's illustrations of apostacy is a serious warning to all who share his faith in Christ.
There is no excuse for the born-again child of God to argue that they do not know the privileges that are ours in Christ.
Paul reminds us, in the first chapters of Colossians, of our privileged position in Christ and encourages us to set our minds on those things that are ours, by grace through faith in Him.
Let us never forget that we are a new creation in Christ, having been given His new, resurrected life when we were justified by faith.
How vital that we clothe ourselves in Christ and live for Him alone, for this is well-pleasing in His sight.
And although obedience to parents is not a ticket to salvation, (for children must trust in Christ Jesus for the forgiveness of sins) - it is the Lord Who ordained that parental obedience in a godly home is the best forum to teach our offspring the important things of life... which will provide them with a long and productive life and a lifelong reverence for the Lord our God.
It is knowing the truth that frees a man from bondage to sin - and when one is set free from the curse of the Law and enslavement to sin, by grace through faith in Christ, one is truly liberated.
This should not have been so, for they were washed, sanctified, and justified by grace through faith in Christ.
All who are truly born-again brothers in Christ are saints of God, and we are all called according to the purpose of God.
All who trust in Christ for salvation are sanctified and set apart unto God for His service, the moment they place their faith in Christ.
And as Paul also taught, we are placed in Christ at the point of salvation: consecrated and sanctified to God at the point of rebirth, positionally sanctified and set apart for Him.
All of us were dead in our trespasses and sins, but by grace through faith in Christ we are washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit.
Let us now live by grace through faith in Christ and continue to walk in spirit and truth so that in the power of the Holy Spirit we may grow in grace and mature in the faith to the glory of God our Father, and our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
The only way to keep His Word is to remain in Christ, living in the power of the Spirit of God Who guides and directs our path and checks and corrects our thoughts.
But when He arrived, Jesus did not fit in with their predetermined expectation, and there was a certain point in Christ's ministry when the leaders of the Jews committed the unforgivable sin - they attributed the Spirit's work through Christ, to Beelzebub.
It was from the point in Christ's ministry where priests and people misunderstood His message and ministry, that the style of His teaching changed from claiming to be Israel's King and proclaiming kingdom principles to the disinterested masses, to preparing the little flock of believers for a different message and ministry, by teaching kingdom mysteries to His committed disciples - through parables.
However, by choosing to trust in God's Word and to live by faith in Christ, we are brought into the family of God, forgiven of our sins, and declared to be righteous in His sight.
And it is all by faith in Christ's perfect sacrifice on the Cross that sins are forgiven and sinners are clothed in Christ's righteousness.
And so, by faith in Christ, we were made children of God - and by faith in Him, we have been promised a glorious inheritance which is kept for us in heaven.
The indwelling Holy Spirit Who proceeds from the Father, was to be sent from God to all believers in Christ's name.
His convicting work is to bring a sinner to a realisation that sin separates them from God, and that only through Christ can they receive forgiveness of sins and life-everlasting, for only by faith in Christ can an unrighteous sinner be declared righteous in the eyes of God.
The Spirit came to convict unbelievers that there is no merit in and of themselves, for it is only by grace through faith in Christ that man can be forgiven of their sins and covered in His cloak of righteousness.
But praise God that our hope in Christ and everyone who has this hope fixed on Jesus, purifies himself, just as Christ is pure.
When we consider the glorious hope and eternal benefits that we have received freely, by grace through faith in Christ, how important it is that we choose to live our lives in spirit and in truth as unto the Lord.
But even though the external virtue and exterior purity of these religious men seemed to be exemplary, it still was not sufficient to grant them a place in Christ's coming kingdom.
There is only one was to achieve righteousness that surpasses the Scribes and Pharisees and that is by being covered in Christ's righteousness.
And the way to be covered in Christ's righteousness is to believe in Him.
Unless we are covered in Christ's righteousness, unless we are saved by grace through faith in Christ, we will never enter the kingdom of God.
We are all enslaved by the fleshly sin nature - for everyone who commits sins is a slave to sin - until and unless we are made free by grace through faith in Christ.
It is only those who are born-again and positioned in Christ who are enabled to live each day by grace through faith in Him - for Jesus not only paid the penalty for our sin but broke the power of sin in the life of all who believe.
Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? But he also found his answer in Christ, Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Christian life is not about 'me, myself and I', but is all about the Lord Jesus Christ and God's purpose and plan in bringing many sons to glory through Him, by means of His sacrificial work at Calvary. In respect to the dispensation of the fullness of times in which we currently live (the Church age), God's purpose and plan is to bring all things into one in Christ: the things which are in heaven and the things which are on earth; all things in Him; to the end that we who were the first to hope in Christ would be to the praise of His glory in this day and age, and also in the ages to come.
The second and last Adam was God incarnate, and the life of God was within Him for He Himself was God: The first man was of the dust of the earth; the second man is of heaven. The second man paid the price for humanity's sin and broke the power of death in all mankind: ..........so in Christ all will be made alive.
Timothy was not Paul's physical offspring, but was either led to faith in Christ Jesus by Paul personally when he visited Lystra, or had been nurtured and discipled by the older apostle.
Peter rejoiced in God's great mercy, knowing that all who trust in Christ for the salvation of their soul through faith in Him, are shielded by the power of God until the coming of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ - Who is ready to be revealed at the last time.
May we abide in Christ, trust His Word, and demonstrate ourselves to be true disciples of the Lord Jesus - for He has promised that we shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free.
James seeks to distinguish between genuine faith and a false, professed faith, but mainly he differentiates between a spiritual Christian and a carnal, fleshly, worldly Christian; between a fruitful believer and an unfruitful believer; between a spiritual man or woman and one who is truly saved by grace through faith in Christ, but is not producing the good works of righteousness which God has prepared for us to do and which God desires from all His children.
Every believer should be growing in grace, maturing in the faith, walking in spirit and truth, and bringing forth the good works of righteousness which God Himself has prepared for us to do, in the power of the Holy Spirit, as we abide in Christ and He in us.
James calls all fleshly, carnal Christians to repent of their ungodly ways and in humility of heart to receive the implanted Word of God and to act on it faithfully, humbly, and wisely, which causes us to live godly in Christ Jesus.
This demonstrates to our brothers and sisters in Christ that we are doers of the Word and not merely hearers only.
May we who have been rooted in Christ by grace through faith when we were saved, seek to be fruitful in our Christian walk, by bearing much fruit to the glory of God, as we abide in Christ and He in us.
He explains how our present suffering and future glory links in with God's sovereign redemptive plan to grant forgiven sinners eternal security and to make us into a new creation in Christ.
Paul begins this section by appealing to his readers by saying: I am telling the truth in Christ.
My conscience testifies with me in the Holy Spirit, that I have great sorrow and unceasing grief in my heart for my kinsmen, according to the flesh. Paul's heart was not only very tender towards his Jewish brethren, but demonstrated incredible concern for his fellow countrymen. His desire was that they come to a knowledge of the truth of the gospel of God, rather than continue to buy into an incorrect understanding of salvation (which is not by keeping the Law, as they said, but by faith in Christ).
Israel's partial blindness caused them to miss their great salvation by faith in Christ, and caused this chosen apostle of God deep distress, great sorrow, and ongoing anguish of heart.
We are part of the new creation in Christ and are, looking for that blessed hope, and glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.
This Blessed Hope, when we are taken to be with Jesus, at the resurrection of the dead - the Rapture of the Church, is a right and a privilege that is given for ALL who are saved by grace through faith in Christ.
Indeed, we are to test the teachings of those that in any way, contradict the Word of God, and we are to be ready to answer anyone who questions our blessed hope in Christ, and the promise of our bodily resurrection.
Christian character and Christian conduct covers a significant chunk of early Church writings and apostolic epistles, and Peter takes time in his letter to reiterate a believer's position in Christ and the privileges we have in Him.
As those that have been saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus, we have been made a new creation in Christ.
Knowing the value of our eternal position in Christ and the extent of our supernatural privileges, how vital that we take note of our responsibility to live godly lives in Christ Jesus.
In Christ, we too can prove the wicked allegations against the goodness of God to be fictitious and false so that like Job we can bring honour to His name and be able to declare: I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; but now my spiritual eye of understanding sees You and praises You.
We are to seek peace and to pursue it, and we are to be sanctified unto God and live godly in Christ Jesus which is the Father's will for all His children.
As God's children, we should be ready to answer anyone who asks us about our faith in Christ and our trust in God.
We should be properly prepared to give an answer for the blessed hope we have in our heart and to share the glorious hope that we have in Christ Jesus our Saviour.
And yet, when he travelled to Jerusalem after three years, we discover in Acts, and elsewhere, that the message Paul was given for the Gentiles and the doctrine he taught to the churches in Galatia, was the same message of the grace of God that the apostles understood, where there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, colour nor nationality, for all are all, one in Christ, and members of His mystic Body.
I am sure they discussed the importance of salvation being a gift of God, through faith in Christ and the uniting of Jewish and Gentile believers in the Body of Christ, and I am sure they came to an understanding that Jewish believers are saved in the same way as Gentiles believers, for we read: We are also saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, in the same way that Gentiles are... without the encumbrances of the Jewish religious system.
It must have been fairly difficult to begin to teach the gospel of the grace of God where we have such liberty in Christ.
We need to know and appropriate all the precious promises that are ours in Christ, for when we delight ourselves in the Lord and offer Him our sacrifice of praise, we reignite our trust in Him - and as our faith increases so fear and depression will be forced to flee away.
Let us present our lives as a living sacrifice, which is holy and acceptable to God... and let us seek to use the privileges that we have been granted by grace, wisely and biblically, through faith in Christ, for His own glory.
It is by abiding in Christ that we are enabled to keep His commands to love as He loved.
As believers, we are not only given the new resurrected life of Christ at rebirth, which must learn to abide in Christ, depend on Him, grow in grace, and mature in the faith, but we also have been given the permanently indwelling Holy Spirit of God to help us in our weaknesses.
He is given to all believers as a pledge of our relationship to the Father, and as a guarantee of our position in Christ and a down-payment of the blessed hope we have in Him.
The one who abides in Christ and does not rely on the self-life, is able to rest in the love of Christ and He in him.
Paul's prayers were filled with thanksgiving for his Christian brothers and sisters at Colossae because of their faith in Christ, their love in spirit and truth for one another, and their heavenly hope in their eternal inheritance; a heritage in Christ's kingdom of light which is kept for us, in heaven.
We too have been forgiven of our sins by grace through faith in Christ's sufficient sacrifice on Calvary's Cross.
The spiritual believer feeds on the Word of God by faith with thanksgiving, and submits to the leading of the Holy Spirit, knowing that: In myself I can do nothing, but in Christ I can do all things, for we live by the faith of the Son of God and not by faith in our own abilities.
He lives his life under the power of the old sin nature rather than the new, born-again life in Christ.
But it is only by relying on the Spirit, as we live our new, born-again life in Christ, that we can properly function.
Let us seek to mature as a believer by faith with thanksgiving, knowing that of ourselves we can do nothing that will please God, but in Christ: We can do all things in His strength, as we abide in Him.
He reminds us that our salvation is an act of God's goodness and grace, and that we are God's workmanship - created in Christ Jesus to do the good works that He has prepared for us to do.
He prays that we all receive spiritual wisdom and revelation concerning our new position in Christ and Paul provides an understanding of our predestined status as sons of God and joint-heirs with Christ.
He reminds us that we who were dead in trespasses and sins have been made alive in Christ, raised up together with Him, and seated with Him in heavenly places.
He reveals to us the mystery of Christ that was hidden from previous generations - that there is neither Jew nor Gentile in the Body of Christ, and Gentiles are fellow-heirs - members of the same spiritual Body, and partners of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.
We are to recognise that our privileges in Christ, are to be translated into practical living, for we are one Body of believers, who are joined together through the power of the Spirit.
Every gift of the Spirit is of equal importance and all Christians can exercise their spiritual gifts and graces to bless their brothers and sisters in Christ, and in so doing are helping to equip the saints for their own work of service and to help build up the body of Christ.
Let us not desire the spiritual gifts and graces bestowed on other brothers and sisters in Christ.
Before the foundation of the world, God formed His plan of redemption, whereby the first creation in Adam (who fell) would be replaced with a new Creation in Christ (Who is our life).
God is long-suffering towards the fallen race of man and is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to faith in Christ Jesus.
It is during this post-Cross period that we who are saved by grace through faith in Christ are commanded to fulfil this sublime instruction to 'love' in the same selfless way that Christ loved us.
John is often called the apostle of love and throughout His Gospel and Epistles, we see him explain how to obey Christ's singular and impossible commandment to the coming Church; how to live as Christ lived, how to love as Christ loved, how to the fulfil the all important instructions that Christ gave to the early Church through His New Testament apostles and prophets, for it is only through the new, born-again life in Christ, which we receive at salvation, through which His love can manifest itself in our lives.
We are to be saved by grace through faith, and then live by grace through faith in Christ (abide in Him and He in us) in order to be able to love as Christ loved and thus fulfil His commands.
We are to abide in Christ: Abide in Me, and I in you.
Reverence for the Lord and trust in His Word is the foundation upon which true wisdom is based, and we in the Church age have discovered that: In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Guidance for godly living can be found throughout these Proverbs and it is attributed to Solomon, but salvation comes by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved.
We are to be ready to give an answer for the faith we have in Christ - for who knows when God will use us as a witness to His Word as a testimony to the truth.
How wise is the one who abides in Christ, rests in His love, prays in spirit and truth, and maintains close communion with God the Father, for the judgements of such a man or woman are sound.
Although this is certainly a serious warning against treating this issue carelessly, or without understanding the tremendous responsibility incurred in teaching God's Word... this verse is also a great encouragement for us all to study the Scriptures daily, to show ourselves approved unto God, be in a position to tell others the good news of the gospel of grace - and to be prepared to give an answer for the hope we have in Christ.
All who receive the Lord Jesus as the Word of God made flesh, are given the right to become children of God, even to those that believe on His name, and there are many who truly believe in Christ as Saviour, many who have trusted Him as their Redeemer, many who have placed faith in the only begotten Son of God for their salvation.
The more we grow in our Christian life, the more we develop in our freedom from the sin nature that keeps us in bondage, and that freedom in Christ sets us free to live our life in spirit and truth.
Let us abide in the Word of God so that we may learn of Christ and grow in grace, for if we truly abide in Christ and He in us we will certainly be His disciples and we will know the truth and the truth will set us free.
Indeed, Paul writes to Timothy: All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.
Suffering and all its aggressive associates pale into blinded insignificance when placed in their correct eternal perspective, for when laid alongside the truth of the gospel and the glory that shines forth from its eternal pages, they are not even worthy to be considered in the same breath as our reality in Christ and our eternal heavenly future.
We are told a multitude of Jews and Gentiles without number will come to faith in Christ during this 70th week of Daniel. Though many will be brutally killed, they will overcome Satan by trusting in the blood of the Lamb and will be rewarded by serving in the Temple of God during the Millennial reign of Christ.
Paul's defence of the gospel in Corinth and elsewhere is not only a wonderful example for pastors and elders to imitate, but a reminder to all of us to take the faith we have in Christ seriously and to examine ourselves regularly, to see if we have slipped from godly behaviour into carnality or are standing firm on the Word of truth.
When writing to the born-again believers in Rome, Paul reminded them We died with Christ, and goes on to tell them that because of this FACT, we are to reckon ourselves to be dead to the principle of sin, and alive unto God, in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Even if we, who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ are faithless - we have an assurance that God remains faithful.
All believers are saved by grace through faith in Christ and that fact will never be denied by our Saviour - for He cannot deny His name, His Word, or the truth.
Everyone who has been born of the Spirit, by faith in Christ, has been forgiven of their sins because Jesus took the punishment for our sake.
We have a hope in Christ that is steadfast and sure, knowing that because we are partakers in Christ's sufferings in this fallen world-system, we will also partake in the consolation that comes from the God of all comforts, to each one of His own.
For we are the Body of Christ and one with Him, and it is by grace through faith in Christ that we are enabled to fulfil every desire for goodness.
As believers in Christ, we are loved with an everlasting love and have been drawn by God with loving-kindness and with great goodness.
But being reckoned righteous in Christ is only one aspect of God's amazing grace, for He has called us into His eternal glory and pledged to perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish us.
But in Christ, we have all we need to stand fast in this evil day against the wiles of the wicked one.
By God's grace, we are enabled to resist him as we abide in Christ, depend on our Heavenly Father, and hold fast to the faith.
Throughout our life the enemy of our soul causes much suffering, pain, persecution, and distress to believers, but the Bible tells us that suffering is part of the Christian course and in Christ we can become victorious, no matter what difficulties and hardships are strewn in our path, for no matter how fierce the trial and how severe the test, the full and final victory is already ours in Christ.
Hell is no longer our final destination, for now our citizenship is in heaven, for we have been called out of darkness into God's eternal glory in Christ - by faith.
He will confirm us in Christ.
Let us praise the Lord for His goodness and grace, for He has called us to His eternal glory in Christ, and He is perfecting, conforming, strengthening, and establishing us in Him with every passing day.
When we are born from above, we receive a new nature from our Heavenly Father, a new life in Christ, and a citizenship in heaven.
When we are born again, we become a new creation in Christ, we are removed from bondage to sin and death, and brought into the glorious freedom of Christ's perfect righteousness.
When we are saved by grace through faith in Him, we are given His resurrected life: And we know that we have passed out of death and into life because we love our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Demas was a fellow-believer and one of Paul's fellow-workers, and yet Demas later deserted the apostle because he loved this present world, more than his life in Christ.
The thanksgiving he expressed for their developing faith was clearly designed to encourage them to maintain their faith in the Lord and press on for the upward call we have in Christ Jesus, and so he began this personalised section by telling them: We give thanks to God always for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers.
We should rejoice in the Lord always and sing praises to Him as long as we live, for we have been saved by grace through faith in Christ - through time and into eternity.
In Him was life. Of Him and through Him and to Him are ALL things, and God is quietly moving His creation to its ultimate goal, where Christ is all in all and we who are born again, are positioned in Christ, and Christ in God.
We are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made and God has placed wisdom in our inwards parts and given us understanding in Christ.
We are saved by grace through faith in Christ and once we are born again, we are to live our Christian life in a manner that is worthy of our position in Him.
We can run to win at the office or at the supermarket, for the promised prize is for all who live godly in Christ Jesus and who conduct their Christian life in spirit and in truth.
At the start of this final section of Paul's letter to the believers he loved so dearly at Philippi, and having encouraged them to live for Christ, to be like Christ, to rejoice in Christ, to continue in Christ, and to remember all that Christ has done for them, he finally calls them to stand fast in Christ.
Paul knew they were eternally secure through faith in Christ, but he wanted to encourage each of these Christians to stand fast and hold firm in their faith.
Following these practical instructions will help every believer to live for Christ, to be like Christ, to rejoice in Christ, to continue in Christ, and to remember all that Christ has done for us.
There was a time when Christians were not a special group of people, but because of our faith in Christ, we have become the people of God and obtained His mercy, grace, love, and forgiveness.
By faith, we have been made alive in Christ and should endeavour to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
It is because of our position in Christ, our heavenly citizenship, and the liberty we enjoy in Him, that Peter exhorts us to conduct ourselves in an honourable fashion among unbelievers so that they may observe our good behaviour and godly attitude and glorify God when He convicts them of their sin and need of salvation.
Similarly, in this modern society where Christians are increasingly maligned by their brothers and sisters in Christ for minor matters, the importance to love the brotherhood cannot be overstated.
Never should we compromise the truth, dilute our faith, or become involved in lawless behaviour, but by prayer and supplication through the guidance of the indwelling Holy Spirit, we should be prepared to give an answer for the hope we have in Christ, no matter what the cost.
May we seek to honour everyone in truth, love our brothers and sisters in Christ, fear the Lord in the beauty of holiness, honour the emperor and those in authority, be on our guard against the enemy, stand firm in the faith, be strong and very courageous, and trust in the Lord with all our heart without leaning on our own limited understanding.
Just as Christ only did those things He heard from the Father, so the Church - which is His mystic Body, is to obey the law of the Spirit of God in Christ Jesus.
Many in that crowd believed and were saved by grace through faith in Christ - but some would not believe and remained dead in their sin and eternally condemned.
May we be ready to witness to those souls that are lost and remain dead in trespasses and sins, so that they TOO may hear the good news of the Gospel of Grace and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and become part of that redeemed multitude that has been saved by grace through faith in Christ.
However, the twists and turns in the story of Joseph give each of us, who are clothed in Christ's righteousness, great confidence that the God of our salvation is able to turn evil to good and honour those that honour Him.
As we read through the thrilling story of Joseph and his brethren, may we bring to mind the incredible privileges we have in Christ - as children of God.
He reminds us that as born again children of God, we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ and have been given all the power we need to live a holy life.
Having presented the godly Christian conduct we should all embrace daily, our unity in the Spirit, and the love we should have for one another, he points out our position in Christ: We are one body and one Spirit.